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Unique advantages:
1. Livestock and poultry are antibiot ic-specific and will not give humanity cross-resistance problem. 2. Additive small amount of long-term low-dose in the diet, growth-promoting effect was superior to Most other antibiot ics. 3. Add in the feed quickly absorbed by the oral, the general 2-3 hours after the highest plasma concentration; organization widely distributed, to maintain an effective inhibitory concentration of long hours and excretion is also complete. 4. Mycoplasma disease in livestock and poultry are the preferred drugs. 5. Antimicrobial broad spectrum, with the exception of Mycoplasma have effects outside of Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium, Pasteurella multocida, Treponema also has a strong role, at the same time it must have also coccidiosis role. 5. Tylosin phosphate stable molecular structure, biolog ical activity and can make use of high feed industry are antibiot ic additives star.
Tylosin Tylosin (Tylosin), also known as Thai farmers, METALOR vancomycin, are the United States in 1959 from Streptomyces fradiae (Streptomyces fradiae) of culture medium to obtain a macrolide antibiot ic. Tylosin as a white crystalline plate, micro-dissolve in water, was alkaline. Products have tartrate, phosphate, hydrochloride, sulfate and lactate, soluble in water. Its aqueous solution at 25 ℃, pH5.5 ~ 7.5 hours to save 3 months, but if the aqueous solution containing iron, copper and other metal ions will lead to failure of the goods.
Tylosin phosphate tylosin phosphate are forms, are designed to feed a macrolide antibiot ic, and its molecular formula for C46H77NO17H3PO4, a molecular weight of 1014.11. As the feed industry in the country three types of new antibiot ics and new veterinary drug, it has its uses 【Products】
泰乐菌 素 (Tylosin) ,亦称 泰 农、 泰 乐霉 素 ,是 美 国于 1959 年从弗 氏 链霉 菌 (Streptomyces fradiae)的培养液中获得的一种大环内酯类抗生素。泰乐菌素为一种白色板状 结晶,微溶于水,呈碱性。产品有酒石酸盐、磷酸盐、盐酸盐、硫酸盐及乳酸盐,易溶于水 。 其水溶液在 25℃、pH5.5~7.5 时可保存 3 个月,但是若水溶液中含有铁、铜等金属离子时, 会使本品失效。
酒石酸泰乐菌素 分子式为(C46H77 NO17 )2C4H6O5 , 分子量为 1982.3。 为白色或淡黄色粉末,易溶于水(600mg/ml)。 因其肠道吸收好,体内扩散快,血药浓度高,在临床上多用于治疗药物使用。其临床应 用方法较多,如片剂口服、粉剂饮水、肌肉注射、皮下注射、混饲给药、喷雾药浴等。酒石 酸泰乐菌素在临床上主要用于治疗和预防由支原体、金黄葡萄球菌、化脓杆菌、肺炎双球菌 、 丹毒杆菌、副嗜血杆菌、脑膜炎奈瑟氏菌、巴氏杆菌、螺旋体、球虫等病原体引起的各种呼 吸道、肠道、生殖道和运动系统感染。如:家禽慢性呼吸道病、鸡传染性鼻炎、禽气囊炎、 传染性窦炎、输卵管炎、猪气喘病、萎缩性鼻炎、猪红痢、胃肠炎、猪丹毒、支原体关节炎 、 畜禽顽固性腹泻、坏死性肠炎、子宫内膜炎、家畜外生殖器化脓性感染、山羊胸膜肺炎、母 羊流产、肉牛肝脓肿、牛羊腐蹄病等症。还用于种禽场进行种蛋注射、浸蛋等支原体净化。 并且对预防和治疗畜禽在暴发病毒性疾病时支原体的继发感染有很好疗效,是世界公认治疗 和预防畜禽支原体感染的首选药物,效果优于红霉素、北里霉素和泰妙菌素。
1. 是畜禽专用抗生素,不会给人类带来交叉耐药性问题。 2.添加剂量小,可长期低剂量在饲料中添加,促生长作用明显优于 其它大多数抗生素。 3.添加在饲料中经口服吸收快,一般经 2-3 小时即可达到最高血药浓度;组织内分布广 , 保持有效抑菌浓度时间长,排泄也彻底。 4.是畜禽支原体病的首选药物。 5.抗菌谱广,除对支原体有特效外,对葡萄球菌、链球菌、棒状杆菌、分支杆菌、巴氏 杆菌、螺旋体等也有较强作用,同时它对球虫病也有一定作用。 5.磷酸泰乐菌素分子结构稳定,生物学活性和可利用度高,是饲料工业中抗生素类添加 剂的新星。 Tylosin Tartrate Formula (C46H77NO17) 2C4H6O5, Molecular weight of 1982.3. White or light yellow powder, soluble in water (600mg/ml). Because of its good intestinal absorption, in vivo proliferation of quick, high plasma concentration in clinical use of drugs for the treatment of many. More of its clinical application, such as oral tablets, powder water, intramuscular, subcutaneous injection, administration of mixed feeding, spray, such as medicated bath. Tylosin tartrate on mainly used in clinical treatment and prevention by the mycoplasma, Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic bacteria, Streptococcus pneumoniae, erysipelas bacillus, Haemophilus deputy, Neisseria meningitidis, Pasteurella multocida, Treponema , coccidia and other pathogens causing a variety of respiratory, intestinal tract, reproductive tract infections and exercise. Such as: chronic respiratory disease of poultry, chickens, infectious coryza, fowl airbag inflammation, infectious sinusitis, salpingitis, swine enzoot ic pneumonia, atrophic rhinitis, swine dysentery Hung, gastroenteritis, swine erysipelas, mycoplasma arthritis, livestock and poultry intractable diarrhea, necrotizing enterocolitis, endometritis, animal genitalia pyogenic infection, goats pleuropneumonia, sheep abortion, beef liver abscess, hoof rot disease of cattle and sheep 等症 . Breeder field is also used egg injection, eggs Baptist Mycoplasma purification. And the prevention and treatment of livestock and poultry outbreaks of viral diseases at the time of secondary infection of mycoplasma has very good efficacy, are recognized worldwide as the treatment and prevention of animal mycoplasma infection drug of first choice, the effect is superior to erythromycin, North Lane mycophenolate Su-and Tiamulin.
Tylosin phosphate Product Category: Pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediate goods used in the prevention and treatment of atrophic rhinitis Pig, curved rod of diarrhea, cattle put money in suppurative liver abscess caused by bacteria and chicken chronic respiratory disease of pigs chicken there is weight gain and improved feed conversion effect
磷酸泰乐菌素是泰乐菌素的 磷酸盐形式 ,是专门用 于饲料添加 的一种大环 内酯类抗生 素,其分子式为 C46H77NO17H3PO4,分子量为 1014.11。作为饲料工业中的新型抗生素和 国家三类新兽药,它有其【产品用途】
磷酸泰乐菌素产品类别: 医药原料和中间体 本品用于防治猪的萎缩性鼻炎,弯杆性下痢, 肉牛的化脓放钱菌引起的肝脓疡及鸡的慢性呼吸道病,对猪鸡有增重和改善饲料报酬的效应