16.天津外国语大学语言学考研真题及参考答案(2013)天津外国语大学2013年语言学考研真题考试科目:英语语言文学Questions in this section are set for applicants to the MA program of English Linguistics.1. Multiple Choice: (30 points)Directions: For each item, there are four choices of answers. Select the only ONE which best completes the statement. Write the number of the question, horizontally five in each line, and your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.1. Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present at the moment of communication. Thus we say it has the property of ______.A. arbitrarinessB. displacementC. creativityD. duality【答案】B2. The ______ function of language enables our language to talk about itself.A. performativeB. emotiveC. phaticD. metalingual【答案】D3. Which segment in the following does not share one or more phonetic features with the other segments?A. [m]B. [l]C. [w]D. [s]【答案】A4. Which is the description of the consonant[b]?A. voiceless bilabial stopB. voiced bilabial stopC. voiceless alveolar fricativeD. voiced alveolar fricative【答案】B5. When preceding/p/, the negative prefix in- changes to im- through a processcalled ______.A. dissimilationB. bilabializationC. assimilationD. none of the above【答案】A6. The number of morphemes in the word girls is ______.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four【答案】B7. Which of the following is an endocentric compound?A. runawayB. playboyC. self-controlD. breakthrough【答案】C8. Which of the following is not a bound root morpheme?A. -putB. -ceiveC. -mitD. -tain【答案】A9 . The word televise is created through the process of ______.A. blendingB. inventionC. back-formationD. borrowing【答案】C10. The grammatical category which is used in the analysis of word classes toidentify the syntactic relationship between words in a sentence is ______.A. caseB. agreementC. tenseD. aspect【答案】A11. Which pair of antonyms does not belong to gradable antonyms?A. good, badB. hit, missC. long, shortD. small, big【答案】B12. The indirect theory to meaning proposed by Ogden and Richards holds that therelation between a word and a thing is mediated by ______.A. referenceB. conceptC. controlD. dependency【答案】B13. The following figures were very influential in the field of linguistics in the firsttwo decades of the twentieth century except ______.A. SaussureB. BloomfieldC. ChomskyD. Firth【答案】C14. The principal and most obvious contrast between the last two centuries hasbeen the rapid rise of ______ linguistics, as opposed to ______ linguistics.A. descriptive, historicalB. structural, generativeC. functional, formalistD. structural, historical【答案】A15. The Prague school was a group of Czech and other scholars, whose maininterest lay in ______ theory.A. phoneticB. phonologicalC. semanticD. syntactic【答案】B16. ______ usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associatedwith the use of language.A. Cognitive linguisticsB. Corpus linguisticsC. PsycholinguisticsD. Neuro-linguistics。
天津外国语大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:基础俄语+汉语(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上)(考试时间180分钟总分150分)I. Выберитеподходящийвариант. (20 баллов)1.______ сиделамолодаяженщина.Это ______ секретарьдиректора.A) Наприемной,былаB) Вприемной,былC) Вприемном,былD) Наприемном,была2.Вегоболезнинезаметно ______ улучшения.A) никапляB) некапляC) некаплиD) никапли3.Онбледнелвсебольшеибольшеичувствовал,что ______ начинаетзнобить.A) онB) унегоC) егоD) ему4.Хитро______ глаза,дедушка______: -- Попробуйте,товарищлейтенант.A) прищурив,протянулсяB) прищурил,протянувC) прищурив,протянулD) прищурил,протянувшись5.Уменязаболелаголова,ияушел _____.A) изинтересногоспектакляB) отинтересногоспектакляC) синтересногоспектакляD) наинтересныйспектакль6.Мыдолжнывыполнить ______.A) свойдолгпередРодинойB) свойдолгкРодинеC) своидолгипередРодинойD) своидолгикРодине7.Учебнаяпрограммапоэтомупредметурассчитана _______.A) 40 часовB) на 40 часахC) на 40 часовD) в 40 часов8.Ксожалению,янеимею_______удовлетворить _______.A) возможность,вашейпросьбыB) возможность,вашейпросьбойC) возможности,вашупросьбуD) возможности,вашейпросьбе9.______ уменявремя,работа ______ законченамесяцназад.A) Будь,законченаB) Будь,былабыC) Будьте,законченаD) Будьте,былабы10.Сколькони ______, ______ неоткрою.A) стучи,незачтоB) постучи,низачтоC) постучи,незачтоD) стучи,низачто11.Беспокоясь, ______ Танянезабылаовстрече,Юраещеразпозвонилей.A) такB) чтоC) какбыD) очем12.Сейчаснедостаточнохолодно, ______ можнобылоходитьнаулицевшубе.А)чтобыВ)какС)чтоD) когда13.______ продолжитьпутешествиедальше,вамнеобходимотдых.А)ПередтемкакВ)ВтовремякакС)ПомеретогокакD) Дотехпоркак14.Москварастет,строитсяименяется _______ глазах.A) вB) наC) оD) за15.Детичастофантазируют, _______ всякиестранныевещи.А)выдумываютВ)раздумываютС)думаютD) обдумывают16.Приправильномвоспитаниитрудныйхарактермальчикаможноеще_______.А)исправитьВ)починитьС)поправитьсяD) отремонтировать17.Специалисты_______ подробныерекомендациидлястроительстванасеверныхтерриторияхстраны.А)разработалиВ)обработалиС)поработалиD) заработали18.НиколайКонстантинович _______, когдауслышалправдуоденьгах.А)развелрукамиВ)глазамнеповерилС)ушамнеповерилD) похлопалушами19.Наэтойработеонсовсемдошел.(подберитеблизкийпосмыслувариант)A) Сэтойработойоннесправился.B) Наэтойработеондостигвершин.C) Наэтойработеонполностьюобесселил.D) Наэтойработеонсошелсума.20.Мненеданостатьхудожником.(подберитеблизкийпосмыслувариант)A) Мненезапрещаютстатьмузыкантом.B) Мненеобязательностатьмузыкантом.C) Уменянетспособностейкмузыке.D) Мненеразрешилистатьмузыкантом.II. Прочитайтетекстипоставьтесловавскобкахвнужнойформе(употребитепредлоги,гденужно). (20 баллов)Иностранцыуверяют,чтоурусскихсовершеноособаяпсихологияотношения(1. зло). Вотличие(2. американец),который,(3. столкнуться,зло), окружаетего(4. красныефлажки)ипотомдержитсяотнеговбезопасномдалекеилисразузвонит(5. полиция), русский,видязло,неизбегаетего,а,наоборот,можетнырнутьвнегодосамогодна,покане(6. утонуть). Упитьсязлом,котороебудтобыоченьэротично,активнопризываетмолодежьписательЭ.Лимонов,ныне(7. нашедшийсебявполитике).Русскиеникогданеделалитайныизсвоихнедостатковидажеоткрыто(8. спорить,то), какиеизнихглавныеикакиевторостепенные.Малотого,можетбыть,какниодиндругойнарод,онинетолькоостроиточноподмечают,осознаютификсируютсвоинелучшиечертыислабости,ноибеспощадноибезжалостновыставляютихнавсеобщееобозрениевсвоемфольклоре,влитературеиискусстве.ПисательМихаилСалтыков-Щедрин,вкнигахкоторогонашлиотражениетипичныерусскиенравы,считал(9. неприятнаянациональнаячертарусскогочеловека)то,чтоонвечно(10. что-тонедоволен), всегда(11. что-то,жаловаться),кем-тообижен.АнтонЧеховотмечалнеумениерусскогочеловекадовестидело(12. логическийконец), акцентировалвниманиенаегонепрактичности,вподтверждениечегоприводилсвойственную(13. русские)привычкутратитьпоследниеденьги(14. всякиевыкрутасы)иабсолютноненужныевещи,когданеудовлетворенынасущныепотребности.ПисалЧеховиотом,чторусскийчеловеклюбитвспоминать,нонежить.Длянегохарактерножить(15. ненастоящее,атолькопрошлоеилибудущее).(16. Оглядываться)назад,онищеттамнравственноеутешение,черпаетвдохновениеистимулыдляжизнедеятельности,аустремляясьвмечтахвбудущее,(17. преисполняться,надежда),чтовсеещевпередиинедостигнутоепрежде(дастсявруки).Романтизациятого,чтобыло,инеукротимаяверавсветлое,хорошеебудущеелегкопревращаютсявнастоящийкульти(18. трансформироваться,социальныеутопииимифы).Постоянноеучительствопротиворечивосочетаетсяврусских(19. глубокиесомнения,правильностьтого),(20. что)ониучатипризывают.III. Прочитайтетекстивыполнитепослетекстовыезадания.(40 баллов)ИзвыступленияВладимираПутинанаРоссийскомлитературномсобрании«...Впервые,наверное,вовсякомслучае,собралисьвместеписатели,педагоги,переводчики,издатели,библиотекари,художники – словом,все,ктоимеетпрямоеотношениеккниге,ктакомупоистиневсеобъемлющемуявлению,каклитература.Оченьважно,чтоприехалиспециалистыииздругихстран,специалистыпорусскойсловесности,буквальносовсегомира.Яхочуобратитьсякзалу,каудитории.Давайтемыихотдельнопоприветствуемискажемспасибозаинтерес,которыйонипроявиликнашейработе.Этоинашисоотечественники,идрузьяизближнегоитакназываемогодальнегозарубежья.Всехнасобъединяетнетольколюбовькрусскомулитературномунаследию,ноиглубокоепониманиееговоспитательной,эстетическойинравственнойценности,еговеликоевлияниенаразвитиемировойцивилизацииимировойкультуры.①Уверен,втакойпрофессиональной,неравнодушной,безусловно,аудиториимысможемдатьобъективнуюоценкунынешнемусостояниюотечественнойлитературы,непредвзятоиоткровеннообсудитьнакопившиесяпроблемы,обозначитьзадачинаперспективу.Главнаяиобщаятревога– этосегодняшнеепадениеинтересаккниге,особенносредимолодежи.②Нашастрана,некогдасамаячитающаявмире,уженеможетпретендоватьнаэтопочетноезвание.Постатистике,российскиеграждане – наверное,выинакруглыхстолахужеобэтомговорили – отводятчтениюкнигвсреднемлишь 9 минутвсутки,причемотмечаетсятенденцияксокращениюиэтих 9 минут.Такуюситуациюпринятосчитатьследствиембурногоразвитияцифровыхтехнологийиутратыкнигойсвоегостатусаведущегоносителяинформацииизнаний.Людираньшенаходилиответынаинтересующиеихвопросыименновкниге,сейчасестьидругиевозможности,араньшепрактическипочтитолькотамучилисьмыслить,анализировать,чувствоватьи,конечноже,правильноговорить,посколькуименновлитературномтекстеживетисоздаетсяязык.Отом,чтокнигапересталаигратьважнуюрольвжизниобщества,свидетельствуетипадениеуровняобщейкультуры,ссожалениемобэтомдолженсказать,смещение,искажениеценностныхориентировискудостьсовременногоразговорногоязыка.Классическаялитературнаяречьилибогатейшийнародныйколоритсегоднявоспринимаютсяподчаскакисключение,апренебрежениеправиламиродногоязыкастановитсянормой – ксожалению,втомчислеивсредствахмассовойинформации,ивкиноиндустрии.Безусловно,русскийязыкслишкомвелик,славаБогу,чтобыеготрадицииможнобылоразрушить.③Но,повторю,мывсечащесталкиваемсяисбезграмотностью,испримитивизмом.Многиемолодыелюдиструдоммогутвнятноформулироватьдажесвоимысли.Ситуацию,конечноже,нужноисправлять,вовсякомслучаенужнопопытатьсяэтосделать,ивпервуюочередьпересмотревпрограммыпреподаваниялитературыирусскогоязыка,особенновстаршихклассах.Сегодняэтимпредметамотведеномаловремени,несоразмерноихзначимости.Однако,простоприбавивколичествоуроковвнеделю,толькоэтимпроблему,конечно,нерешить.Огромнуюрольиграютличностьпедагога,еготалант,способностьмобилизовать,мотивироватьдетейкизучениюбогатстварусскогоязыка.НедавновМосквепрошелучредительныйсъездОбщероссийскойассоциацииучителейрусскогоязыкаилитературы.Рассчитываем,чтоеедеятельностьбудетспособствоватьвозрождениюпрестижапедагогов-словесниковипоможетсамимпреподавателямдонестидоучениковвеликуюзначимостьрусскогоязыка,еговлияниенаобретениеимисвоейидентичности,культурыречи,общения.Иещеоченьважнаятема.РусскийязыквсегдаигралдлямногонациональногонародаРоссиимогучуюобъединяющуюроль,формировалобщекультурныйигуманитарныйконтекстстраны.Издесьуместновспомнить,чтоименноблагодарярусскомуязыкувесьмирузналЧингизаАйтматова,ЮрияРытхэу,АлесяАдамовичаиРасулаГамзатова.Этатрадициянедолжнаисчезнуть.Она,ссожалениемтожеобэтомдолженсказать,исчезает – ксожалению.ВРоссиинемалояркихмолодыхавторов,работающихнасвоихродных,национальныхязыках.Вихтворчествеотраженасамобытностьикрасотанашеймногонациональнойстраны.Инамсегоднянужноподключитькпроцессупереводанарусскийязыклучшиелитературныесилы.Прививатьвкускчтению,кхорошейлитературе,конечноже,нужносраннихлет– инетолькочерезпровереннуювременемклассику.Нужно,чтобыюныечитателиузнавалииновыеимена,новыхгероев.ИименнодляподдержкисовременныхавторовучрежденапремияПрезидентаРоссийскойФедерациивобластилитературыиискусствазапроизведениядлядетейиюношества.Онаначнетвручатьсясбудущего2014 года,который,каквызнаете,объявленГодомкультурыи,безусловно,будетвключатьвсебяцелыйрядмероприятий,связанныхсрусскойсловесностью.Вчастности,однойизинициативстанетприданиегосударственногостатусанациональнойпрограммеподдержкичтения.Полагаю,стоитподуматьинадтем,чтобыобъявить 2015 годвРоссииГодомлитературы.Конечно,всовременноммиреможетвозникнутьвопрос:а,вообще,зачемэтоделать,рынокитаквсеотрегулирует?④Но,наверное,этотасфера,которуюрынокужточнонеотрегулирует,вовсякомслучаедолжнымобразом.Конечно,раскрученныекнигииавторымогутисамипробитьсебедорогу,нонадопризнать,чтоэтодалеконевсегдаудаетсякачественнойдетскойлитературе,академическимизданиям,собраниямсочиненийнашихклассиков.Государстводолжноподдерживатьлитературуещеипотому,чтоименновнейвсегдаставитсясамыйпрочный,самыйточныйдиагнозсостояниюобществаиобозначаютсяегоболевыеточки.Иещеодинважныйаспект.Такой,чтоназывается,литературнойстраны,какРоссия,вмире,пожалуй,нет,несмотрянатепроблемы,окоторыхясказал,иизвестноеснижениеинтересаккниге.Нодажееслиснижениеинтересакчтению,ккнигамявляетсяобщемировойтенденцией,мыневправесэтимсмириться.Именномы,безпреувеличения,несемответственностьпередвсейцивилизациейзасохранениерусскойлитературы,заеесбережение,ееколоссальныйгуманистическийпотенциал.⑤Нашазадача– привлечьособоевниманиеобществакотечественнойлитературе,сделатьрусскуюлитературу,русскийязыкмощнымфакторомидейноговлиянияРоссиивмире.Приэтомвнутристранымыдолжныформироватьсреду,вкоторойобразованность,эрудиция,знаниелитературнойклассикиисовременнойлитературыстанутправиломхорошеготона.И,конечноже,важносконцентрироватьусилиянарешенииважнейшихпроблемлитературнойсферы.Этосозданиеусловийдлятворчестваписателейивозрождениятрадицийлитературнойкритики,разработкасбалансированнойиздательскойполитикииактивноеиспользованиевозможностейбиблиотек,литературныхмузеев,мемориальныхдомовписателей.Намвцеломнужнадолгосрочная,продуманнаясистемамерподдержкиотечественнойлитературы... »Заданияктексту1.Переведитевыделенныепредложениянакитайскийязык.(20 баллов)2.Ответьтенавопросы. (20 баллов)1)КакиепроблемыбылизатронутыввыступлениипрезидентаРоссии?2)Какразрешитьсуществующиевлитературномпроцессепроблемы?3)Какнаучитьребенкаполучатьудовольствие,радостьотчтенияхорошейкниги?4)Чтонеобходимо,повашемумнению,сделатьдлятого,чтобыкомпьютерневытеснилпечатнуюкнигуизобиходасовременногоподростка?IV. Напишитесочинение ( неменьше 180 слов) (30 баллов).Тема:«Еслибыябылмэром...»汉语部分一、指出习近平讲话所引用的下列古诗文的作者或者出处:(单项选择,共9分)1、志合者不以山海为远。
2013年天津外国语大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷(总分:78.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题(总题数:30,分数:60.00)1.Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present at the moment of communication. Thus we say it has the property of______.(分数:2.00)A.arbitrarinessB.displacementC.creativityD.duality2.The______function of language enables our language to talk about itself.(分数:2.00)A.performativeB.emotiveC.phaticD.metalingual3.Which segment in the following does not share one or more phonetic features with the other segments?(分数:2.00)A.[m]B.[l]C.[w]D.[s]4.Which is the description of the consonant[b]?(分数:2.00)A.voiceless bilabial stopB.voiced bilabial stopC.voiceless alveolar fricativeD.voiced alveolar fricative5.When preceding /p/, the negative prefix in-changes to im-through a process called ______(分数:2.00)A.dissimilationB.bilabializationC.assimilationD.none of the above6.The number of morphemes in the word girls is______.(分数:2.00)A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four7.Which of the following is an endocentric compound?(分数:2.00)A.runawayB.playboyC.self-controlD.breakthrough8.Which of the following is not a bound root morpheme?(分数:2.00)A.-putB.-ceiveC.-mitD.-tain9.The word televise is created through the process of______.(分数:2.00)A.blendingB.inventionC.back-formationD.borrowing10.The grammatical category which is used in the analysis of word classes to identify the syntactic relationship between words in a sentence is ______.(分数:2.00)A.caseB.agreementC.tenseD.aspect11.Which pair of antonyms does not belong to gradable antonyms?(分数:2.00)A.good, badB.hit, missC.long, shortD.small, big12.The indirect theory to meaning proposed by Ogden and Richards holds that the relation betweena word and a thing is mediated by______.(分数:2.00)A.referenceB.conceptC.controlD.dependency13.The following figures were very influential in the field of linguistics in the first two decades of the twentieth century except ______.(分数:2.00)A.SaussureB.BloomfieldC.ChomskyD.Firth14.The principal and most obvious contrast between the last two centuries has been the rapid rise of______ linguistics, as opposed to ______ linguistics.(分数:2.00)A.descriptive, historicalB.structural, generativeC.functional, formalistD.structural, historical15.The Prague school was a group of Czech and other scholars, whose main interest lays in ______ theory.(分数:2.00)A.phoneticB.phonologicalC.semanticD.syntactic16.______usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with the use of language.(分数:2.00)A.Cognitive linguisticsB.Corpus linguisticsC.PsycholinguisticsD.Neuro-linguistics17.Which of the following terms is included in psycholinguistics?(分数:2.00)A.Register.nguage acquisition.C.Metaphor.D.Interlanguage.18.Logic and Conversation was written by______.(分数:2.00)A.H. E GriceB.William JamesC.Stephen LevinsonD.John Austin19.______ involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is construed in terms of the other.(分数:2.00)A.SimileB.MetaphorC.AlliterationD.Metonymy20.Modern linguistics began from ______, who is often described as "father of modern linguistics".(分数:2.00)A.ChomskyB.HallidayC.BloomfieldD.Saussure21.As an interdisciplinary study of language use, ______ attempts to show the relationship between language and society.(分数:2.00)A.semanticsB.pragmaticsC.sociolinguisticsD.psycholinguistics22.Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with what he calls a(an)______.(分数:2.00)nguage Acquisition DeviceB.Generative GrammarC.Innateness HypothesisD.Universal Grammar23.According to the conversational maxim of______suggested by Grice, one should speak truthfully.(分数:2.00)A.quantityB.qualityC.relevanceD.Manner24.______is a cognitive operation whereby elements of two or more "mental spaces" are integrated via projecting into a new, blended space which has its unique structure.(分数:2.00)A.The Referential TheoryB.Speech Act TheoryC.The Classical TheoryD.Blending Theory25.______ is a theory of linguistic analysis which refers to an analysis of utterances (or texts)in term of the information they contain.(分数:2.00)A.Functional Sentence PerspectiveB.X-bar TheoryC.The Standard TheoryD.The Referential Theory26.Which of the following is not related to Chomsky?(分数:2.00)A.The Generative Grammar.B.The Standard Theory.C.The Systemic-Functional Theory.D.The Classical Theory.27.Which of the following is not the principle of Speech Act Theory?(分数:2.00)A.Illocutionary act.B.Locutionary act.C.Perlocutionary act.D.Prelocutionary act.28.It is a commonplace in linguistics to say that ______ was the era of the comparative and historical study of language.(分数:2.00)A.the 18th centuryB.the 19th centuryC.the 17 th centuryD.the 20 th century29.Three of the following scholars are regarded as the best known ones in the linguistic science of the early nineteenth century except______.(分数:2.00)A.F. BoppB.R. RaskC.J. GrimmD.K. Verner30.The major linguistic controversy in the last quarter of the 19th century was concerned with what is now referred to as ______.(分数:2.00)A.the prosodic phonologyB.the systemic grammarC.the neogrammarianD.the Generative Grammar二、名词解释(总题数:5,分数:10.00)31.Distinctive Feature(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 32.Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 33.Immediate Constituent Analysis(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 34.Relevance Theory(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 35.Contrastive Analysis(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________三、写作题(总题数:4,分数:8.00)36.Judge which of the following sentences are grammatically ill-formed or well-formed and give your reasons why they are acceptable or unacceptable.(100 - 150 words)He said a few words to the press.He said to the press.He said to the press a few words.He said a few words.He said a few words the press.He said the press a few words.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 37.One way of formalizing, or making absolutely precise, the sense-relations that hold among lexemes is by means of Componential Analysis, that is, to find a minimal pair between every two2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________38.Austin"s first shot at his Speech Act Theory is his claim that there are two types of sentences; PERFORMATIVES and CONSTATIVES. Please state what they are and illustrate them with examples.(100 - 150 words).(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 39.Speculative grammar includes Thomas Aquinas"s inquiry based on Priscian"s grammar and Donapus" grammar, Petrus Helias" philosophical and logical explanation of Priscian"s grammar and Roger Bacon"s universal account of language under the surface of diversity. Please give your comments on their work and give your own ideas of the universality and diversity of human languages.(100 - 150 words)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。
2013年天津外国语大学801英语语言文学(计算机辅助语言学习方向)考研真题科目名称:英语语言文学I. Chinese-English Summary Translation (40 points)Directions: Write a summary of the following essay in about 200 English words.作为文化事件的“于丹被轰”肖鹰作为一个被媒体和市场联手打造的文化符号,“国学超女于丹”这两年来多少有些沉寂。
翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试天津外国语大学2013年真题(总分100,考试时间90分钟)Ⅰ.Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET1. One purpose of the conferences was to foster a dialogue between opposing sides in the arms race, and the speakers often included scientists and government officials in charge of the unclear arms programs in their own countries.A. startB. bring upC. developD. involve2. Modern infomercials usually relied on celebrity endorsement rather than high-pressure salesmen to lent credibility to their products.A. mobilityB. trustC. capabilityD. loyalty3. An epidemic of Ebola virus in Africa prompted increased awareness of the potential dangers of so-called hot viruses, which cause deadly and virtually untreatable diseases in humans and other animals.A. almostB. mostlyC. totallyD. completely4. In Saudi Arabia, a monarchy where conservative Islam prevails and no modified system of law exists, women"s mobility is strongly curtailed.A. strengthenedB. improvedC. liftedD. reduced5. The contemporary botanical garden has many urgent tasks, the conservation of plant resources being paramount.A. tolerableB. deplorableC. extremeD. supreme6. Also of concern was the fact that many consumers lacked sufficient information and awareness to protect themselves in the marketplace and to make knowledgeable buying choices.A. diligentB. intelligentC. remarkableD. understandable7. Many countries had already removed the distinction between widows and widowers as regards eligibility for survivors" benefits, and some were extending protection to other single parents.A. indicationB. referenceC. differenceD. relationship8. The soft economy did not slow the inexorable growth of TV and radio outlets in the U. S.A. impossible to stopB. likely to increaseC. impossible to happenD. unreasonably low9. Where do **e from? For years astronomers have postulated a comet storehouse beyond the orbit of Pluto.A. simulatedB. assumedC. stimulatedD. assimilated10. A favorably moist rainy season through late July deteriorated during August and September across the eastern Sahel, leaving below-normal seasonal rainfall amounts in most areas.A. courageouslyB. probablyC. advantageouslyD. terribly11. Disagreement continued on ways to meet the undertaking to reduce carbon dioxide emissions given in the UN Convention on Climate Change.A. productionB. reproductionC. deductionD. seduction12. Another exceptionally tough trading year for the world airline industry saw passenger numbers rise an average of 5.7% but the profit made per seat—the yield—decline as wild discounting took place in vicious fare wars.A. victoriousB. vigorousC. tolerantD. violent13. During the past few years archaeologist William Kelso delved into contemporary accounts of the settlement and searched for telltale postholes and palisades in the sandy soil.A. descriptionB. accuracyC. acquisitionD. destination14. With advances in xerography and desktop publishing, the fanzines became slicker and more visually appealing.A. movingB. availableC. attractiveD. destructive15. Greenpeace spokes-people attributed the cutbacks to a drop in annual fund-raising.A. subjugatedB. allocatedC. safeguardedD. regarded16. In Paris a record 81 international designers unveiled spring/summer collections, which resulted in fashion confusion.A. underlinedB. uncoveredC. undetectedD. presented17. The British newspaper industry continued to consolidate, with larger chains buying smaller ones rather than individual newspapers.A. constituteB. strengthenC. contaminateD. lengthen18. The ultimate verdict on welfare reform, however, would not be in for years. In some high-poverty areas, efforts were hampered both by politics and by a lack of jobs and funds for support services.A. hinderedB. tamperedC. doubledD. interfered19. Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola moved into categories they had previously ignored, after seeing their potential cultivated by others. Bottled and canned tea experienced a renaissance.A. survivalB. approvalC. disapprovalD. revival20. The other cause of unemployment is deep in the modem structure of the welfare state. This places on the employer a substantial labor cost in addition to wages, the provision of pension and health benefits in particular but other costs as well.A. considerateB. considerableC. subsequentD. successiveⅡ. In each of the following sentences, there are four underlined parts, marked with A, B, C and D. Identify the part that is grammatically incorrect. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. Trends in new product development in the U. S. (largely) mirrored those in Europe, (with) low-fat introduction continuing, (although) at a (reducing) rate.A. largelyB. withC. althoughD. reducing2. The major international auction houses (posted) annual earnings that pointed to a (healthy) art market, though (the one) not as robust as (that of) the frenetic 1980s.A. postedB. healthyC. the oneD. that of3. (Like) a motion picture, which presents (moving) images on a flat surface, a cyberspatial environment would convey realistic (detail) in three dimensions and (to) all five senses.A. LikeB. movingC. detailD. to4. The rules laid the foundation for a major (restructuring) in gas pipeline operations by requiring pipelines to charge (separately) for each of their services and by making them available (on equal basis) to anyone (desiring) to use them.A. restructuringB. separatelyC. on equal basisD. desiring5. Dissatisfaction (with) the economic relationships (of) industrialized and less industrialized countries led to proposals (for) environmental (trade-offs).A. withB. ofC. forD. trade-offs6. Overall, the question of treatment was (unlikely) to be settled quickly. There was no doubt (that) some stones, especially sapphires (from) Montana, (were permanent improved) by heating.A. unlikelyB. thatC. fromD. were permanent improved7. In China discoveries (from) more than 100 sites (along with) the Yangtze River showed that rice (cultivation) began 11,500 years ago (rather than) 8,000.A. fromB. along withC. cultivationD. rather than8. Demand (of) new equipment rose (as) business improved. Unlike Airbus, Boeing had already been operating (at full capacity) and could not immediately (meet demand).A. ofB. asC. at full capacityD. meet demand9. The strong U. S. dollar continued to attract North American visitors to (overseas) destinations, (while) the long-delayed Japanese economic recovery and setbacks in Southeast Asian economies (caused) the Asia-Pacific region to (under-perform).A. overseasB. whileC. causedD. under-perform10. Curriculum reforms in India took a more (nationalistic) turn (as) a (growing) number of foundation-sponsored private schools supplemented the government syllabus (by) studies of Indian culture, music, philosophy, and Sanskrit language.A. nationalisticB. asC. growingD. byⅢ. Below each of the following four passages you will find questions or incomplete statements about the passage. Each statement or question is followed by lettered words or expressions. Select the word or expression that most **pletes or answers each question in accordance with the meaning of the passage. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET**mon gifts, necessity makes pertinence and beauty every day, and one is glad when an imperative leaves him no option: since if the man at the door has no shoes, you have not to consider whether you could procure him a paint-box. And it is always pleasing to see a man eat bread, or drink water, in the house or out of doors, so it is always a great satisfaction to supply these first wants. Necessity does everything well. In our condition or universal dependence it seem heroic to let the petitioner be the judge of his necessity, and to give all that is asked, though at great inconvenience. If it be a fantastic desire, it is better to leave to others the office of punishing him. I can think of many parts I should prefer playing to that of the Furies(复仇三女神). Next to things of necessity, the rule for a gift, which one of my friends prescribed, is that we might convey to some person that which properly belonged to his character, and was easily associated with him in thought. But our tokens of compliment and love are for the most part barbarous. Rings and other jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only gift is a portion of yourself. You must bleed for me. Therefore the poet brings him poem; the shepherd, his lamb; the farmer, corn; the miner, a gem; the sailor, coral and shells; the girl, a handkerchief of her own sewing. This is right and pleasing, for it restores society in so far to the primary basis, when a man"s biography is conveyed in his gift, and every man"s wealth is an index of his merit. But it is a cold lifeless business when you go to the shops to buy me something which does not represent your life and talent, but a goldsmith"s. This is fit for kings, and rich men who represent kings, and a false state of property, to make presents of gold and silver stuffs, as a kind of symbolical sin-offering, or payment of blackmail.1. According to the author, what is the best gift to the man at the door who has no shoes?A. a paint-boxB. flowersC. foodstuffD. shoes2. Among the following behaviors, which may be not treated as being heroic when we are faced with the petitioner?A. To fulfill his primary needs when you are not available for those requirementsB. To grant him whatever is requestedC. Always being pleasing to supply his first wantsD. To let him have a fantastic desire3. Does the author agree to play the role of the Furies when someone has an unattainable desire?A. Yes, he doesB. NoC. He has no idea about thatD. It depends on the situation the author is involved in4. The italicized word "apologies" refer to ______.A. an expression of regretB. defenseC. a poor exampleD. equivalent5. According to the rule for a gift, what should a painter bring as a gift?A. his painting brushB. his paint-boxC. his pictureD. his paint bucketBeing told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of a talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth something didactic, instructive, or something in the nature of good advice. Very well, I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one"s tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. First, then, I will say to you, my young friends and I say it beseechingly—Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don"t they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring that superstition than you can by acting on your own better judgment.Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others. If a person offends you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do not resort to extreme measures; simply watch your chance and hit him with a brick. That will be sufficient. If you shall find that he had not intended any offense, come out frankly and confess yourself in the wrong when you struck him; acknowledge it like a man and say you didn"t mean to. Yes, always avoid violence; in this age of charity and kindliness, the time has gone by for such things. Leave dynamite tothe low and unrefined.6. According to the passage, why do people have to listen to some instructive advice when they were young?A. Because these advice are given by the elderly who have plenty of experienceB. Because these didactic advice are suitable to youthC. Because they should always obey the elderlyD. Because the youth would retain the impressive words and never treat them with obliviousness7. What is the author"s suggestion concerning the parents" words?A. Their words are merely superstitionB. Their words may help you accomplish more in your lifeC. Their words could prevent you from making your own judgmentD. Their words may offend you8. The italicized word "humoring" means ______.A. putting into a good moodB. making concessions toC. entertainingD. having the power to evoke laughter9. Among the following kinds of response, which is not the proper behaviour when you are offended by others?A. To grasp a proper chance and make a counterattackB. To decide whether the offender"s behavior is performed with purpose or notC. Always being reluctant to strike backD. To resort to a furious return for the offense10. The italicized term "the low and unrefined" means ______.A. the lower classB. the barbarianC. people lacking cultivationD. the poorMost gulls don"t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flights how to get from shore to food and back again. For most gulls, it is not flying that matter, but eating. For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered, but flight: More than anything else, Jonathan Livingston Seagull loved to fly. This kind of thinking, he found, is not the way to make oneself popular with other birds. Even his parents were dismayed as Jonathan spent whole days alone, making hundreds of low-level glides, experimenting."Why, Jon, why?" his mother asked. "Why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon? Why can"t you leave low flying to the pelicans (鹈鹕), the albatross (信天翁)? Why don"t you eat? Son, you"re bone and feathers!""I don"t mind being bone and feathers, mom. I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can"t, that"s all. I just want to know.""See here, Jonathan," said his father, not unkindly. "Winter isn"t far away. Boats will be few, and surface fish will be swimming deep. If you must study, —then study food, and how to get it. This flying business is all very well, but you can"t eat a glide. You know. Don"t you forget that the reasons you fly is to eat. "Jonathan nodded obediently. For the next few days he tried to behave like the other gulls: he really tried, screeching and fighting with the flock around the piers(码头) and fishing boats, diving on scraps of fish and bread. But he couldn"t make it work.It"s all so pointless, he thought, deliberately, dropping a hard-won anchovy (鳀类鱼) to a hungry old gull chasing him. "I could be spending all this time learning to fly. There"s so much to learn!" ..."Why aren"t there more of us here? Why, where I came from there were...""...thousands and thousands of gulls. I know." Sullivan shook his head. "The only answer I can see, Jonathan, is that you are pretty well a one-in-a-million bird. Most of us came along ever so slowly. We went from one world into another that was almost exactly like it, forgetting right away where we **e from not caring where we were headed, living for the moment. Do you have any idea how many lives we must have gone through before we even got the first idea that there is more to life than eating, or fighting, or power in the flock? A thousand lives, Jon, ten thousand! And then another hundred lives until we began to learn that there is such a thing as perfection, and another hundred again to get the idea that our purpose for living is to find that perfection and show it forth"11. Which of the following choices is not the difference between most seagulls and Jonathan Livingston Seagull?A. Most seagulls just learned how to get food through flightB. Jonathan Livingston Seagull enjoyed flying businessC. For most seagulls, the final destination of flying was not to be starvedD. To fly and to eat were **mon goals of most seagulls12. What was other seagulls" attitude toward Jonathan"s devotion into flight?A. They wanted to learn from Jonathan Livingston Seagull in practicing flight skillsB. His parents encouraged Jonathan Livingston Seagull to improve his techniquesC. They felt shameful when they saw the low flying by Jonathan Livingston SeagullD. They could not understand why Jonathan Livingston Seagull spent energy and time experimenting slides13. Which of the following choices is NOT Jonathan"s father"s advice when he saw Jonathan gliding?A. He reminded Jonathan of the reason why seagulls flyB. He sternly forced Jonathan to learn to get foodC. He told Jonathan that gliding is invalid to get food for seagullsD. He didn"t deny the advantages of flying business14. Did Sullivan agree with Jonathan"s practice?A. Yes, he didB. No, he didn"tC. He had no idea about thatD. He was uncertain about that15. According to Sullivan, what was one"s life goal?A. To learn about the existence of perfectionB. To struggle to obtain perfectionC. To pursue perfection and manifest it in yourselfD. To go through difficulties and know more about lifePsychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead. One"s thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy; one"s own past is a gradually increasing weight. It is easy to think to oneself that one"s emotions used to be more vivid than they are and one"s mind more keen. If this is true it should be forgotten, and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous. I do not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one"s interest should be contemplative and, if possible, philanthropic, but not unduly emotional. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult.I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interest involvingappropriate activities. It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful, and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive. It is no use telling grownup children not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe you, and because mistakes are an essential part of education. And you must realize that you must not expect that they will enjoy **pany.Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. But I think for an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. The best way to **e it—so at least it seems to me—is to make your interest gradually more impersonal, until bit by bit the wails of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like river—small at first, gradually grows, wider, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who in old age can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be **e.I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do and content in the thought that what was possible has been done.16. Which of the following choices is not the danger to be avoided in old age?A. Being mired in memoriesB. Showing lamentation about the pastC. Having no interests in personal benefitsD. Being dependent upon the next generation17. According to the passage, why do human beings always show their undue care for their children?A. Human beings are creatures of emotionB. Human beings don"t treat their children as a burdenC. Human beings" early stage of growth is a little longerD. Human beings are not callous animals18. According to the passage, what role does experience play in one"s life?A. Experience may prevent children from making mistakes or going astrayB. Experience may keep you in appropriate activities and ensure **fortable in remaining yearsC. Experience may produce profound knowledge and ensure a successful old ageD. Experience may find itself wasted on dead man19. In what manner will the youth consider the elderly?A. They will always find **panionship of the elderly ungratefulB. They look up to the elderly and admire the elderlyC. **panionship of persons of their own age is an onerous burdenD. They always ask for material services from their parents20. Which of the following choices is not the proper way that the man in old age should treat his life?A. To **e the fear of deathB. He isn"t satisfied with what he has done on his deathbedC. His life is only a trivial part of the universal lifeD. He wants to have a rest as he grows olderⅣ. Directions: The following excerpt is taken from China Daily. The primary purpose of this passage is intended to provide a source of inspiration for writing rather than tempt you into copying the same thing in **position.1. To vigorously promote fairness in education. Hu Jintao, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, said in his report to the 18th National Congress that educational resources will focus on rural and remote areas poor families and non-Ham ethnic groups.Hu said that efforts will also be made to promote equal education for the children of migrant workers and to increase financial aid to poverty-stricken families for their children"s education. The central government has been making efforts in this direction over the past decade. But what has been done is far from enough to bridge the gap between the quality of education in urban and rural areas. That is why Hu"s report particularly mentioned the shift in focus to the underdeveloped and disadvantaged areas.Despite the free nine-**pulsory education for all rural students there is still a long way to go before students in rural areas will be able to receive education of a similar quality to that enjoyed by their urban counterparts. The teaching facilities and incomes of teachers in rural areas, poverty-stricken areas in particular, leave a lot to be **pared with their urban counterparts.Rural students who receive free university education are required to return to teach in rural schools for a certain period of time before they leave for other jobs, but preferential policies are needed to encourage good teachers to teach in rural areas and financial aid is needed to improve the physical condition of students.Write an argumentative essay of about 400 words on the following topicEqual Education for Rural Students and Their Urban Counterparts。
育明教育中国考研专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育官方网站: 1育明教育天津分校2015年天津地区15所高校考研辅导必备天津分校地址南京路新天地大厦2007专注考研专业课辅导8年天津地区专业课辅导第一品牌天津分校赵老师与大家分享资料育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。
2013年天津外国语大学翻译硕士055107法语笔译考研参考书专业课考研真题考录比复试线全日制专业学位硕士研究生入学考试专业目录招生专业学位类别专业学位类别招生规模考试科目翻译硕士0551055101英语笔译28101政治211翻译硕士英语357英语翻译基础448汉语写作与百科知识055102英语口译15055105日语笔12101政治育明教育中国考研专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育官方网站:2译213翻译硕士日语359日语翻译基础448汉语写作与百科知识055106日语口译18055103俄语笔译10政治212翻译硕士俄语358俄语翻译基础448汉语写作与百科知识055104俄语口译6055107法语笔译6101政治214翻译硕士法语360法语翻译基础448汉语写作与百科知识055109德语笔译4政治215翻译硕士德语361德语翻译基础448汉语写作与百科知识055110德语口译2055111朝鲜语笔译8101政治216翻译硕士韩语362韩语翻译基础448汉语写作与百科知识055112朝鲜语口译6考研政治每年平均分在4,50分,不是很高,政治取得高分除了靠记忆力还要有一定的育明教育中国考研专业课辅导第一品牌育明教育官方网站: 3技巧,今天我就考研政治中的一些答题技巧,来和同学们分享一下。
2013年天津外国语大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷(总分54,考试时间90分钟)1. 单项选择题1. The majority of Robert Burns" poems were written in the ______dialect.A. ScottishB. WelshC. IrishD. Celtic2. Which of the following novels is written in epistolary style? ______A. Moll FlandersB. Tom JonesC. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, GentlemanD. Pamela, Or Virtue Rewarded3. Which of the following poems could be employed to explain Wordsworth"s theory of poetry writing as "a spontaneous overflow of powerful emotion" "recollected in tranquility"? ______A. I wandered lonely as a cloudB. Ode on a Grecian UrnC. The Rime of the Ancient MarinerD. To Autumn4. Direct psychoanalysis could not possibly be found in the works of______.A. Edgar Allan PoeB. Washington IrvingC. Henry JamesD. Ernest Hemingway5. Compared with the writings of Mark Twain"s, Henry James"s fiction is noted for their______.A. frontier vernacularB. rich colloquialismC. refined elegant languageD. vulgarly descriptive words6. Which of the following plays is highly autobiographic? ______A. A Streetcar Named DesireB. Death of a SalesmanC. Long Day"s Journey into NightD. The Hairy Ape7. ______doesn"t directly employ sexual impotence to symbolize spiritual poverty in his works.A. Ernest HemingwayB. T. S. EliotC. Walt WhitmanD. Edward Albee2. 填空题1. The human defect of______mainly causes the tragedy of Macbeth.2. In John Milton"s______, Satan seems to embody the human fight for freedom and against control in life.3. "Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is?" The speaker is______.4. Heroic couplet is one of the traditional verse forms in English poetry. ______is believed to be the first English poet to have adopted this form in his poems.5. Great Expectations is a novel of Bildungsroman, or a novel of______.6. Determinism is a theme in Joseph Conrad"s ______.7. "Art for art"s sake" finds a fluent expression in Oscar Wilde"s only novel ______, but is disapproved of by______, the author of Pygmalion.8. Ulysses is a highly symbolic novel, which bears a striking resemblance to Homer"s ______.9. " Let us go then, you and IWhen the evening is spread out against the skyLike a patient etherized upon a table..."These lines are taken from a poem entitled______.10. "Young Goodman Brown" is intended to reveal that______exists in the hearts of all human beings.11. "The universe is composed of Nature and the soul... Spirit is present everywhere. " This is the voice out of the book______, which pushed American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism.12. Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goalDust thou art, to dust returnestWas not spoken of the soul.These lines are taken from a poem entitled______.13. ______tore the mask of gentility to pieces and wrote about the helplessness of man, his insignificance in a cold world, and his lack of dignity in face of the crushing forces of environment and heredity.14. The Compsons, the Sartorises, and the Sutpens are representative southern aristocratic families in ______"s novels, and they are all portrayed as prisoners of the past, who cannot reconcile with the fall of the south after______.15. In The Woman Warrior,______rewrites the legend of Chinese heroine to express her desire to become a woman warrior in a racist and sexist society.16. " A moist young moon hung above the mist of a neighboring meadow. " In the sentence from Conclusive Evidence, Vladimir Nabokov uses the figure of speech called ______.3. 分析题1. Many writers seem to believe in the therapeutic and revitalizing power of nature. Illustrate the image of nature and its impact on human beings in a specific novel, play, poem or short story by an American or British writer/playwright/poet.2. At the end of Tess" story, Hardy wrote that " " Justice " was done, and the President of the Immortals(in Aeschylean phrase)had ended his sport with Tess. " How do you understand this sentence? In what sense is Tess" story tragic?3. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, the readers see a clear change of Hemingway"s former individualistic attitude shown as in The Sun Also Rises to a fresh faith of social destinies of men.Illustrate this point on the basis of these two novels.4. The ship(or the boat, or the like)has been a key symbol in western literature. W. H. Auden holds that there are mainly two views of a ship: as a vessel isolated in the ocean, thus a microcosm of society; and as a vehicle of escape from the shore, thus an image of freedom. Elaborate on the symbolic meaning of the ship/boat, or a boarded floating object in one American or British novel.。
天津外国语大学考研翻译硕士英语真题2011Part 1: Vocabulary and Grammar. (20 POINTS)01.I have discovered a new dimension to running: extreme marathons boasting the kind ofexperiences only possible in China.A. bragging about C. delaying sth. for reasonsB. having sth. as a pride D. producing the effect of02.When a child meets a swindling tutor, the parents will lose money while the child will loseprecious opportunities to move forward.A. being intentional C. being meanB. being fraud D. being restless3.On a drab street lined with low-rise shops and restaurants, Dandelion Middle School is hardly noticeable.A. rising lowlyB. busyC. noisyD. flat04.In total, more than 13,000 people have been evacuated to higher ground, and three temporarysettlement centers, with government-installed tents, were set up on August 9.A. withdrawnB. alleviatedC. holleredD. changed05.Chen warned against the possibility of home prices rebounding when low interest rates areadopted to mitigate inflation.A. plunging intoB. bouncing backC. striking upD. withdrawing06.China has boosted its buying of Japanese government bonds this year, snapping up a net $6billion of mostly short-term notes between January and April, double the record amount loggedfor all of 2005, said the Ministry of Finance of Japan.A. taking upB. smashing upC. snatching upD. pinching up7.An up-to-date guidebook, on-line resources, and personal contacts are where to get the lowdown on what goes where, when it goes and how reliable it is.A. whole truthB. protectionC. warningD. property8.The recent leadership adjustment in the Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea was one of the world‟s most attention-grabbing affairs.A. energy-consuming C. attention-digressingB. worshiping as sacred D. eye-catching09. To increase performance and win against Morgan Stanley, Chen decided to forgea short-lived alliance between Yongle and Dazhong Electronics, which brought Yongle to the brink of insolvency.A. constituteB. confrontC. formD. remit10.But for me, none of this matched the experience of simply meandering around Pingyao‟sunheralded back streets.A. hiking afar C. moving aimlesslyB. jogging slowly D. escorting carefully11. Trapped miners dramatically emerged after 69 days of underground imprisonment.A. hindered C. acceleratedB. came up to the surface D. joined to the crowd12.China is the third country in the world to build rockets carrying manned spacecraft.A. manufactured C. man-madeB. having human crew D. affiliated to13.The three referees were detained in March, pushing the credibility of Chinese referees to anall-time low.A. kept in custody C. shut in prisonB. arrested D. under investigation14.Chang-e 2 will eventually be maneuvered into an orbit just 15 km above the Moon.A. placedB. manipulatedC. movedD. emitted15.When we talk about giving universities greater autonomy to recruit students, people may beconcerned about possible fraud and preferential treatment enjoyed by students from wealthy orpowerful families.A. deliberate deception C. merciful rescueB. authoritative control D. intentional disguise16.This generates three potential English literacy challenges that separate Chinese students fromforeign instructors.A. producesB. radiatesC. makesD. shapes17.This cultural perspective disorients foreign teachers, who misperceive their students as passive and withdrawn.A. perceivesB. conceivesC. misunderstandD. processes18. Some esoteric fonts used by today's artists emulate monks who copied medieval manuscripts byhand.A. complicatedB. mysteriousC. gibberishD. cursive19.The application of 3G is on the upswing in China; however, the era of 4G has also begun.A. pokeB. dwindleC. soarD. rise20.Tower C of Office Park, a dazzling new office building in Beijing‟s Central Business District,has been widely praised in the market for its superior quality and pleasant amenities after it was unveiled to the market at a press conference held in March 2010.A. convenienceB. regularityC. sightD. outlookPart 2: Error Correction. (10 POINTS)01. The miserable fate of Enron‟s employees will be a landmark in business history, one of those events that everyone agrees must never allow to happen again.02. Basically, computerized data processing is much the same as done by hand or by electromechanical methods.03. The potential profit, and the ease on which they can be made from insider trading, market manipulation, conflict-of-interest transactions and many other illegal or unethical activities are too great and too pervasive to be ignored.4.I lost my sight when I was four years old. It occurred to me the other day that I might not come to love life as I do if I hadn‟t been blind.05. American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistake prominence for uniqueness.6.One argument is used to support the idea that employment will continue to be the dominant form of work, and that employment will become available for all who want it, is that working time will continue to fall.7.This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.08. His vocabulary, in particular, both that which he uses actively and that which he recognizes, increasing in size as he grows older as a result of education and experience.9.Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years, the peanut is said to have introduced to North America by early explorers.10.Researchers have found subtle neurological differences between the brains of men and women either in physical structure and in the way they function.Part 3: Reading Comprehension. (40 POINTS)Passage AChinese firms are going global for the usual reasons: to acquire raw materials, get technical know-how and gain access to foreign markets. But they are under the guidance of a state that many countries consider a strategic competitor, not an ally. As our briefing explains, it often appoints executives, directs deals and finances them through state banks. Once bought, natural-resource firms can become captive suppliers of the Middle Kingdom. Some believe China Inc can be more sinister than that: for example, America thinks that Chinese telecoms-equipment firms pose a threat to its national security.That would be a mistake. China is miles away from posing this kind of threat: most of its firms are only just finding their feet abroad. Even in natural resources, where it has been most active in dealmaking, it is not close to controlling enough supply to rig the market for most commodities. Nor is China‟s system as monolithic as foreigners often assume. State companies compete at home and their decision-making is consensual rather than dictatorial. When abroad they may have mixedmotives, and some sectors—defence and strategic infrastructure, for instance—are too sensitive to allow them in. But such areas are relatively few.What if Chinese state-owned companies run their acquisitions for politics, not profit? So long as other firms could satisfy consumers' needs, it would not matter. Chinese companies could safely be allowed to own energy firms, for instance, in a competitive market where customers could turn to other suppliers. And if Chinese firms throw subsidised capital around the world, that‟s fine. America and Europe could use the money. The danger that cheap Chinese capital might undermine rivals can be better dealt with by beefing up competition law than by keeping investment out.Not all Chinese companies are state-directed. Some are largely independent and mainly interested in profits. Often these firms are making the running abroad. Take Volvo‟s new owner,Geely. Volvo should now be able to sell more cars in China; without the deal its future was bleak. Chinese firms can bring new energy and capital to flagging companies around the world; butinfluence will not just flow one way. To succeed abroad, Chinese companies will have to adapt. That means hiring local managers, investing in local research and placating local concerns—for example by listing subsidiaries locally. Indian and Brazilian firms have an advantage abroad thanks to their private-sector DNA and more open cultures. That has not been lost on Chinese managers.01. In face of China's economic expansion abroad, the author of this article is ____.A. OptimisticB. PessimisticC. NeutralD. Noncommittal2.According to the article, the reason why China cannot control the market for most commodities in energy sector is ____.A.China does not have enough moneyB.Chinese companies are reluctant to cooperate with foreign firmsC.China is in initial stage of investing abroadD.Chinese companies are state-owned03.What is Volvo‟s immediate benefit after Geely becomes its new owner?A. Sales go up. C. Workers have a salary hike.B. Future becomes unpredictable. D. Unemployment goes down.04.“So long as other firms could satisfy consumers‟ needs, it would not matter.” This implies that____.A. Chinese cannot control the marketC. Consumers do not like Chinese companiesB. The market is not competitive D. Indian companies are more powerful05.It is suggested that Chinese firms should do the following if they want to succeed abroad ____.A. Stick to public ownership C. Invest more moneyB. Make changes to suit local conditions D. Have more decision making powerPassage BWhy we age is the subject of vigorous debate. The classical view is that aging happens because of random wear and tear. A newer view holds that aging is more orderly and genetically driven.Proponents of this view point out that animals of similar species and exposure to wear and tear have markedly different life span. The Canada goose has a longevity of 23.5 years; the emperor goose only 6.3 years. Perhaps animals are like plants, with lives that are to a large extent, internally governed. Certain species of bamboo, for instance, form a dense stand that grows and flourishes for a hundred years, flowers all at once, and then dies.The idea that living things shut down and not just wear down has received substantial support in the past decade. Researchers working with the now famous worm C. elegans (two of the last five Nobel Prizes in medicine went to scientist doing work on the little nematode) were able to produce worms that live more than twice as long and age more slowly by altering a single gene. Scientists have since come up with single-gene alterations that increase the life spans of Drosophila fruit flies, mice and yeast. These findings notwithstanding, scientists do not believe that our life spans are actually programmed into us. After all, for most of our hundred-thousand-year existence—all but the past couple of hundred years—the average life span of human beings has been thirty years or less. Research suggests that subjects of the Roman Empire had an average life expectancy of twenty-eighty years. Today the average life span in developed countries is almost eighty years. If human life spans depend on our genetics, then medicine has got the upper hand. We are, in a way, freaks living well beyond our appointed time. So when we study aging, what we are trying to understand is not so much in a natural process as an unnatural one. Inheritance has surprisingly little influence on longevity. James Vaupel, of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, inRostock, Germany, noted that only six percent of how long you‟ll live, compared with the average, is explained by your parents‟ longevity; by contrast, up to ninety percent of how tall you are, compared with the average, is explained by your parents' height. Even genetically identical twins vary widely in life span: the typical gap is more than fifteen years.1.The main idea of this piece is ____.A.How long one lives depends on one‟s parentsB.How long one lives is related to one‟s genesC.How long one lives depends on many factorsD.How long one lives can be statistically determined2.The example of goose's life span shows that ____.A.Canada goose lives longer than emperor gooseB.Emperor goose has a very short life spanC.Canada goose and emperor goose belong to the same specieD.Different kinds of the same specie may have different life span3.What, as the author mentions in this article, is genetically determined?A. life expectancyB. heightC. voiceD. look04. It can be assumed that people in the past several hundreds of years ____.A. live less than 30 year on averageB. live more than 60 years on averageC. live exactly 30 years on averageD. live at least 30 year on average5.While twins have many things in common, only one feature is mentioned in this article. What is it?A. Twins look alike.B. Twins are almost identical in height.C.Twins usually have different length of life span.D.Twins usually have the same temperament.Passage CMany reasons have been adduced for the rise of the Leica. There is the hectic progress of the illustrated press, avid for photographs to fill its columns; there is the increased mobility, spending power, and leisure time of the middle class, who wished to preserve a record of these novel blessing, if not for posterity, then at least for show. Yet the great inventions, more often than not, are triggered less by vast historical movements than by the pressures of individual change—or in Leica‟s case, by asthma. Every Leica employee who drives down Oscar-Barnack-Strasse is reminded of corporate glory, for it was Banack, a former engineer at Carl Zeiss, the famous lens makers in Jena, who designed the Leica I. He was an amateur photographer, and the camera had first occurred to him, as if in a vision, in 1905, twenty years before it actually went on sale: “Back then I took pictures using a camera that tool 13 by 18 plates, with six double -plate holders and a large leather case similar to a salesman's sample case. This was quite a load to haul around when I set off each Sunday through the Thuringer Wald, while I struggled up the hillsides (bearing in mind that I suffer from asthma) an idea came to me. Couldn't this be done differently?”Five years later, Barnack was invited to work for Ernst Leitz, a rival optical company, in Watzlar. (The company stayed there until 1988, when it was sold, and the cameradivision, renamed Leica, shifted to Solms, fifteen minutes away.) By 1913-14, he had developed what became known as the ur-Leica; a tough, squat rectangular metal box, not much bigger than a spectacles case, with rounded corners and a retractable brass lens. You could tuck it into a jacket pocket, wander around the Thuringer woods all weekend, and never gasp for breath The extraordinary fact is that, if you were to place it next to today‟s Leica MP, the similarities would far outweigh the differences; stand a young man beside his own great-grand father and you get the same effect.Barnack took a picture on August 2, 1914, using the new device. Reproduced in AlessandroPasi‟s comprehensive study Leica: Witness to a Century (2004), it shows a helmeted soldier turning away from a column on which he has just plastered the imperial order for mobilization. This was the first hint of the role that would fall to Leica above all other cameras: to be there in history‟s face. Not until the end of the hostilities did Barnack resume work on the Leica, as it came to be called. (His own choice of name was Lilliput, but wiser counsels prevail.) Whenever you buy a 35-milimeter camera, you pay homage to Barnack.11. Leica most probably is ____.A. brand name of a cameraB. the name of a factoryC. the brand name of filmD. the name of a man12.Leica was invented thanks to ____.A.There appear more magazines with picturesB.People have more money to spareC. People are able to live in different placesD. The inventor suffers from asthma13.The “illustrated press” appearing in this article most probably refers to ____.A.Newspapers and magazines with many picturesB.Illustrious person under pressure of workC.Explanation telling people how to relieve from pressureD.Books telling people how to operate the press14.“His own choice of name was Lilliput, but wiser counsels prevail.” This sentence means ____.A.The product is named LilliputB.The product‟s name is neither Lilliput nor LeicaC.The product is named LeicaD.“Leica” is abandoned for a better name for the product15.“Stand a young man beside his own great-grand father and you get the same effect.” This metaphor is cited to show that ____.A. Leica MP and Leica I look alikeB. Leica MP is more advancedC.Leica I enjoyed a long history than Leica MPD.Leica MP enjoys more respect than Leica IPassage D“Essay end up in books,”—like this one—“but they start their lives in magazines,” wrote Susan Sontag in her introduction to The Best American Essays 1992. That‟s what I see first, year and year: the magazines.Hundreds of them. Some so slick they slip from my hands and slide off each other when I try to construct neat piles. Some of the satiny arid scented fashion magazines display so much commercialized fetishism—high-gloss models brought to erotic ecstasy by luxurious handbags—that I feel, as I dutifully flip through the clingy pages searching for content, I must be a creature from a different planet, a terribly deprived and disadvantaged one. Still, that doesn‟t prevent me from sniffing the perfume ads along the way, and for an intoxicating moment sample a world where reading and writing essays seems not just a marginal occupation, but decidedly déclassé.The Best American Essays features a selection of the year's outstanding essays, essays of literary achievement that show an awareness of craft and forcefulness of thought. Hundreds of essays are gathered annually from a wide assortment of national and regional publications. These essays are then screened, and approximately one hundred are turned over to a distinguished guest editor, who may add a few personal discoveries and who makes the final selections. The list of Notable Essays appearing in the back of the book is drawn from the final comprehensive list that includes not only all the essays submitted to the guest editor but also many that were not submitted.To qualify for the volume, the essay must be a work of respectable literary quality, intended as a fully developed, independent essay on a subject of general interest (not specialized scholarship), originally written in English (or translated by the author) forpublication in an American periodical during the calendar year. Today‟s essay is a highly flexible and shifting form, however, so these criteria are not carved in stone.Magazine editors who want to be sure their contributions will be considered each year should submit issues or subscriptions to: Robert Atwan, Serial Editor, The Best American Essays. P.O. Box 220, Redville, MA 02137. Writers and editors are welcome to submit published essays from any American periodical for consideration; unpublished work does not qualify for the series and cannot be reviewed or evaluated. Please note: all submissions must be directly from the publication and not in manuscript or printout format. Editors of online magazines and literary bloggers should not assume that appropriate work will be seen; they are invited to submit printed copies of the essays (with full citations) to the address above.16.“Essays end up in books,”—like this one—“but they start their lives in magazines,” This sentence means ____.A.Essays end their life in booksB.Essays are first published in magazines and then in the book formC.Essays in magazines can gain a larger readershipD.Essays play their ceaselessly active and important role in books17.“These criteria are not carved in stone”. It can be safely assumed according to the article that this sentence means.A.These criteria are written in booksB.These criteria are fixed and remain unchangedC.These criteria are flexible and always changeD.These criteria are authorized and powerful18.How are the best essays selected?A. Selected by a group of specialistsB. Selected by three or four readersC.Selected by American readers and Canadian readersD.Selected first by the serial editor, and then finalized by the guest editor19.The phrase “personal discoveries” most probably means ____.A.Treasures accidentally found by a personB.Lost things finally recovered by someoneC.Essays the guest editor wants to include in the bookD.Essays readers like very much20.Part of the serial editor's address reads “MA 02137”. Here MA is the abbreviation of a US state. It is ____.A. MarylandB. MichiganC. MassachusettsD. MississippiPart 4: Writing. (30 POINTS)The following excerpt is taken from one English newspaper. The primary purpose of this passage is intended to provide a source of inspiration for writing rather than tempt you into copying the same thing in your composition. Write an argumentative essay of about 400 words on the following topic: What Gratitude Means to Me.The gifts or blessings of life are always there but. if we are not aware of them, they don‟t do much for us. That is where gratefulness comes in. Gratefulness makes us aware of the gift and makes us happy. As long as we take things for granted theydon‟t make us happy. Gratefulness is the key to happiness. Practicing gratitude is so central to my spirituality. That‟s why I am now working on a website that is called www. gratefulness. org. It is an interactive website that helps people to discover and cultivate gratefulness and to change society. There are a thousand ways to do that. We even have a new feature of lighting a candle in cyberspace. This is not a gimmick, but it is a 21st century ritual You click on the candlewick to light it and it will burn for twenty-four hours and get smaller as it burns. You can send a message to someone telling them you lit a candle for them. This provides a gratefulness ritual you can do right where you are, and we are very poor on ritual in our time. Rituals are very important to human beings; they keep us alive.11。
天津外国语大学翻硕英汉互译真题The Internet of Things 物联网Economic turnaround 经济好转Stamp duty 印花税Sub-prime crisis 次贷危机Real economy 实体经济CPI消费物价指数UNESCO联合国教科文组织Ecocide生态灭绝Property bubble房地产泡沫Down payment首付YouTube互联网视频共享网站Conglomerate联合企业IDD国际直拨电话DJ流行音乐播音员Side event边会Hard news重要新闻Government watchdog政府监督Carbon footprint碳足迹Twitter推特Funemployment失业乐活借词loanword全球暖化global warming经济不景气the economic recession经济适用房affordable housing节能减排energy saving and emission reduction面向基层toward grassroots反腐倡廉promote clean government and combat corruption法治国家a country under the rule of law生态文明ecological civilization误译misinterpret非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage执政为民assume power for people生态移民ecological migrants对等词equivalence word民意测验opinion roll年度风云人物the man of the year抢占科技制高点seize the technological high ground举报电话informants's hot-line telephone保障“米袋子”“菜篮子”安全protection of the "rice-bag""basket"security 推进政务公开promote government affairs openness。
天津外国语大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:俄语翻译基础(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上)(考试时间180分钟总分150分)I. Переведитеследующиеаббревиатуры,выраженияилитерминынакитайскийязык. (15 баллов)1.СНГ2.МЧС3.РИА4.ВТО5.ВВС6.саммитРоссия-ЕС7.сдатьчемоданвбагаж8.переговорыопоставкахнефти9.Золотойвекрусскойлитературы10.собственноеимясуществительное11.Штаб-квартираИнститутовКонфуция12.вступитьвсилусодняподписания13.создатьвсеблагоприятныеусловия14.вернутьлюбителяИнтернетавреальнуюжизнь15.производитьплатеживсвободноконвертируемойвалютеII. Переведитеследующиевыраженияилитерминынарусскийязык. (15 баллов)1.京剧2.反恐3.人文科学4.交通事故5.环境保护6.进出口公司7.吸引外资8.新丝绸之路9.列入议事日程10.天津滨海新区11.中国古代四大发明12.全国人民代表大会13.给老师发电子邮件14.在网上下载流行歌曲15.中华人民共和国外交部III. Переведитеследующиетекстынакитайскийязык. (60 баллов)1. Гражданаминостранныхгосударств,заисключениемстран,подписавшихсоглашениеобезвизовомрежиме,длявъезданатерриториюРоссийскойФедерациитребуетсявиза.Иностранныегражданемогутоформитьроссийскуювизувстранепостоянногопроживания.Существуетобщийпорядокоформлениявизиосновнойсписокдокументов,которыйможетбытьдополнентемилиинымпредставительствомРФзарубежом.ВслучаевъездавРоссийскуюФедерациюнасроксвыше 90 днейприподачедокументовнеобходимопредоставитьсертификатоботсутствииузаявителяВИЧ-инфекции.2. ПрезидентРФВладимирПутинпровелсовещание,посвященноепредстоящимцеремониямоткрытияизакрытияОлимпийскихиПаралимпийскихигр2014 года.Вобсуждениипринялиучастиевице-премьерДмитрийКозакиглаваоргкомитета"Сочи-2014"ДмитрийЧернышенко.ПередэтимПутиносмотрелцентральныйстадион,гдепройдутцеремонииоткрытияизакрытия.Шестиэтажныйстадионрассчитанна40 тысяччеловекиимеетобщуюплощадь142 тысячквадратныхметров.ПослеокончанияИгрэтотстадионстанетместомпроведенияматчейнациональнойсборнойРФпофутболу,тренировочнымспортивнымцентром,атакжебудетслужитьдляпроведениямассовыхразвлекательныхмероприятийишоу.3. МинистерствокультурыКНР,именуемоевдальнейшем«Китайскаясторона»,иМинистерствокультурыРФ,именуемоевдальнейшем«Российскаясторона»,исходяизтого,чтоVI съездКоммунистическойпартииКитая,проходившийв1928 г.вМоскве,являетсяважнымсобытиемвисторииКПКисовременногоКитая,атакжесчитаетсяценнымисторическимнаследиемРоссии,решая,чтозащита,реставрация(修复)иэксплуатациязданий,вкоторыхпроходилиданныйсъезд,имеютважноезначениедляукреплениядружбымеждународамиКитаяиРоссии,заключилинастоящееСоглашениеонижеследующем:4. ПравительствоРФсвоимраспоряжениемутвердилосоставСоветапорусскомуязыку.Еговозглавилавице-премьерОльгаГолодец,сообщаетпресс-службакабинетаминистров.КполномочиямСоветаотнесенырассмотрениеключевыхвопросоввобластигосударственнойподдержкииразвитиярусскогоязыкаивыработкапредложенийпосовершенствованиюгосударственнойполитикивуказаннойсфере.ВсоставСоветавключеныруководителиипредставителифедеральныхоргановисполнительнойизаконодательнойвласти,субъектовРФ,учрежденийкультуры,образовательныхорганизаций,средствмассовойинформации."СозданиеСоветапозволитобеспечитькоординациюдеятельностивсехзаинтересованныхсторонввопросахсодействияизучениюираспространениюрусскогоязыка",– отмечаетсявдокументе.5. Вчетвертомчасуутразолотыеоблакаплывутпараллельносгоризонтом,каклегкийплатокложасьнаплечиозера.Далековнебеапельсиновыеоблакапостепенностановятсябагровыми(深红色的). Озероинебокакбудтосоединилисьводноцелое.Апельсиновоесолнцепостепенновыплываетизозера.Вэтовремястоитполнаятишина.Авнейтаитсябурноевеселье.Водномгновениесолнцесовсемподнялосьнадозером,какярко,возбужденноигордо.IV. Переведитеследующиетекстынарусскийязык. (60 баллов) 1.李克强表示,相信中国的改革开放和发展将为中俄合作提供新的机遇。
[考研类试卷]2013年天津外国语大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷一、选择题1 The skies were <u>void</u> of smog, but a light sea mist blanketed the bay in a trippy, wobbly haze.(A)free(B)full(C)empty(D)depleted2 By the time I get to the office 10 minutes later, I've already risked being hit by a car several times. Italy and China are very similar in this respect. Traffic lights have more of an <u>ornamental</u> function than a practical one.(A)boycott(B)extraordinary(C)decorative(D)legal3 As it is in the <u>vicinity</u> of the embassy area, the district where the complex is located is a major residential location for foreigners and foreign companies.(A)similar area(B)unknown place(C)main street(D)neighborhood4 Not long ago, Zheng Yuanjie, a famous author of children's literature, openly expressed his opposition to China's class council system in his micro-blog, arguing that this system will exert a negative impact on children's personality development,<u>triggering</u> discussions on whether the current class council system should be cancelled.(A)igniting(B)resulting(C)enclosing(D)inviting5 In 2012, Chinese enterprises will be confronted with <u>unprecedented</u> challenges, said the Report of Chinese Enterprise Development, issued by the Development Research Center of the State Council on January 8.(A)serious(B)worsening(C)exceeding(D)unparalleled6 The policy <u>incurred</u> queries from the public. Many said that establishing a link between employment rate and college courses is reasonable because colleges have the responsibility to provide useful human resources to promote social development, but deciding a major's fate based solely on that rate, however, is not.(A)caused(B)demanded(C)eliminated(D)associated7 Anyone who has any understanding of China will agree that we will be able to achievea soft landing, supported by <u>buoyant</u> domestic demand.(A)dwindling(B)emerging(C)floating(D)thriving8 Twenty-nine Chinese nationals <u>abducted</u> by local rebels in Sudan were successfully rescued by the Sudanese army and arrived at the Chinese Embassy to Kenya that day.(A)seized(B)freed(C)exploited(D)moderated9 In China, antibiotics are commonly referred to by another name—medicine to<u>diminish</u> inflammation, which has contributed a lot to the spread of antibiotics.(A)curtail(B)level(C)dwindle(D)shrink10 Because Apple products are released much later in China than in other countries, many Apple fans turn to <u>smugglers</u> to satisfy demand.(A)black-market(B)howlers(C)contrabandist(D)dealers11 We see some tactical differences in the region. But on the whole, the United States and China have either commonality or <u>complementarily</u> of interests.(A)consensus(B)mismatch(C)parts that make a good combination(D)needs of both two parties12 Rather a cursory skim of its text reveals that it is in fact a surrogacy<u>intermediary</u> website.(A)go-between(B)express service(C)information emission(D)transformation13 Despite a widespread tendency to romanticize Van Gogh's ill health, modern critics see an artist deeply frustrated by the inactivity and incoherence brought about by his <u>bouts</u> of illness.(A)attacks(B)hoarding(C)recovery(D)vulnerability14 Many people claiming to have been forcibly treated for nonexistent mental illnesses are <u>institutionalized</u> by family members.(A)internalized(B)sent to an institution(C)hospitalized(D)ignored15 From <u>harping</u> on the trade deficit to a discussion of whether it is proper for the candidates to have investments in China, the word "China" came up 22 times—always negatively—in the second debate, and 35 times in the finale between Obama and Romney.(A)talking tediously(B)arguing fiercely(C)relating forcibly(D)debating vigorously16 His work is said to bear a strong resemblance to the 1982 Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The Nobel Committee in Sweden praised Mo's "<u>hallucinatory</u> realism, " which blends aspects of " fold tales, history and the contemporary, " and said that his works reminded people of Marquez's and William Faulkner's works.(A)cruel(B)sheer(C)phantasmal(D)homicide17 Walking toward the house, a small woman saw me and ran out to <u>usher</u> me the rest of the distance—about 10 feet to the chair. She ran inside, brought out a cup, threw in some tea leaves, repeating the words "Longjing cha" several times and then added hot water.(A)push(B)escort(C)press(D)take18 While Chinese observers recommend sticking to the principle of a peaceful resolution, they warn that if Japan takes further provocative acts, the bilateral relationship could<u>spin</u> out of control.(A)swirl(B)jump(C)disperse(D)scatter19 One solution to improve the poor <u>drainage</u> system in Beijing is to gradually upgrade the underground conduits and design standards, but it is not a job that will be completed soon.(A)accelerating(B)outpouring(C)storing(D)drawing off20 The piranha is not the only <u>alien</u> species that has appeared in China. Although it remains unnecessary for swimmers in Liuzhou to worry about piranha attacks, other alien species have long plagued economies and ecosystems.(A)vicious(B)invading(C)foreign(D)ancient21 The A<u>most easiest</u> process for mining gold is panning, which B<u>involves using</u> a C<u>circular</u> dish with a small pocket D<u>at the bottom</u>.22 In the United States, A<u>both</u> the federal and state governments have lawsB<u>designed</u> to guard consumers C<u>against</u> deceptive D<u>advertise</u>.23 Anthropologists A<u>agree</u> that our B<u>primitive ancestors</u> who inhabited the tropics C<u>probably have</u> natural protection D<u>against</u> the sun.24 A principle of A<u>manager</u> is to ensure that every B<u>action</u> orC<u>decision</u> achieves a carefully D<u>planned</u> goal.25 A<u>Researchers</u> at the university B<u>are investigating</u> a series of indicators that C<u>could</u> help D<u>themselves</u> to predict earthquakes.26 A A<u>common</u> use B<u>with</u> gold in the nineteenth century was C<u>asa standard</u> for the D<u>value</u> of money.27 How many people A<u>realize that</u> agriculture is a B<u>source</u> of rawC<u>materials</u> for clothing and D<u>to shelter</u>?28 A<u>Principal</u> known for B<u>his</u> C<u>dictionary</u>, Noah Webster was also the first D<u>epidemiologist</u> in the country.29 Window treatment, furniture arrangement and color A<u>combine</u> B<u>all contribute</u> to the C<u>overall</u> impression of D<u>a room</u>.30 A patent A<u>gives</u> inventors B<u>exclusive</u> rights to their inventions for a C<u>fix</u> period D<u>of time</u>.二、选词填空30 Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well on all your schoolwork—everything from taking tests to researching a paper. But【K1】u______, most schools don't have classes that teach you how to take【K2】n______. So here are some tips.Write down【K3】k______facts. If you have a teacher who writes notes on the board, that's a bonus; You can【K4】c______them down. If not, write down the most important 【K5】p______ from class. Does your history【K6】t______mention the date of a key Civil War battle? Does your English teacher give examples of Shakespeare's use of dramatic irony? Does your math teacher go over a particular formula? Write it down!It can take some experimenting to【K7】f______ out what information is helpful, so keep trying and don't give up.【K8】D______teachers do things differently. For example, some teachers may mention lots of dates and facts in class but only write the key ones on the【K9】b______. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat a certain date or piece of information. That's a【K10】c______that it's probably important. After a while, you'll get to know a teacher's style.31 【K1】32 【K2】33 【K3】34 【K4】35 【K5】36 【K6】37 【K7】38 【K8】39 【K9】40 【K10】40 A growing number of companies are finding that small-group discussions allow them to develop healthier ways to think about work. People at all【K11】l______of corporate structure are starting groups that meet weekly or【K12】m______to talk oyer ways to make workplaces【K13】m ethical and just.Several factors must be present for small-group【K14】d______ to be successful. First, it is important to put together the right【K15】g______. Groups work best when they consist of people who have【K16】s______ duties, responsibilities, and missions. This does not mean, however, that everyone in the group must think in lockstep.All【K17】p______should agree on the group's purpose. Finding the right subject matter is essential. There are several【K18】w______to fuel the discussion; by using the company's mission statement, by finding readings on work and ethics by experts in the topic, or by analyzing specific workplace incidents that have affected the company or others like it.Finally, the dynamics of the group should be balanced, and the discussion leader must not be allowed to overwhelm the conversation or the agenda. Groups work【K19】b______ when the same person is not always in charge. It is better to【K20】r______ the leadership for each meeting and let that leader choose the material for discussion.41 【K11】42 【K12】43 【K13】44 【K14】45 【K15】46 【K16】47 【K17】48 【K18】49 【K19】50 【K20】三、阅读理解50 About myopia—if you have it, be happy. As shown by numerous scientific studies, nearsighted men and women boast a higher average intelligence than their nonmyopic cohorts. The precise mechanism of this association remains unknown, but it is tempting to postulate an effect of myopia on early childhood development. Most nearsighted kids wander around undiagnosed for years, and during this formative period—unable to see the baseballs, Frisbees, and rocks thrown at them by their playmates—they spend a lot of time indoors. The nonathletic myopias who take up reading to while away the hours get high scores on the SATs, while those who take up eating tweak our claustrophobia by overflowing the adjacent seat on airplanes. Myopia also exerts a compelling influence on career choice: the great majority of my fellow ophthalmologists wear either contact lenses or thick myopic spectacles. Pathology breeds preoccupations.However beautiful the human eye, it serves a more important purpose than romantic allure. Forty percent of the brain is devoted to vision, which provides us with more information than our other four senses combined. Our optic nerves transmit millions of impulses to the brain every second, impulses that specify the location, color and intensity of light for all the points in our visual space. Better yet, thanks to a mysterious algorithm that fuses the slightly disparate images from each of our eyes, our visual cortex, via a neurological miracle known as depth perception, shows us the world in three dimensions. An impressive feat since a video camera, arguably the benchmark of modern technology, can muster only two dimensions.Certain ocular tissue stands on the pinnacle of evolution. How does nature, so crude in claw and fang, create a surface that brings light into a pinpoint focus? This surface must be perfectly curved, perfectly transparent, perfectly smooth. It must be—water! Which is to say, the cornea owes its optical perfection to a tear film whose dissolved salts, lipids, and proteins maintain a flawless wetted surface. A man who has no tears stands on the brink of blindness. Worse yet, that man will writhe in agony: a dry cornea, thanks to the most exquisite pain threshold in the human body, responds to each blink with a tormenting jolt. Dry eye victims compare the sensation to that caused by rubbing the eyeball with shards of glass.51 Myopia is blessing in disguise because(A)shortsighted people earn more.(B)shortsighted people read more.(C)shortsighted people live longer.(D)shortsighted people eat more.52 "Pathology breeds preoccupations" most probably means, by analogy,(A)eye doctors choose their career because they like their career.(B)surgeons choose their career because they suffer from injury.(C)gynaecologists choose their career because she is a woman.(D)ear, nose and throat doctors choose their career because they wish to have a beautiful voice.53 To ensure the eyes function normally, the most important thing is to(A)read less to let the eyes have a rest.(B)see the doctor when there is something wrong with the eye.(C)not to focus on an object over a long time.(D)need water to moisten the cornea.54 The sentence "However beautiful the human eye, it serves a more important purpose than romantic allure" can be best interpreted as(A)But the human eye is beautiful, it...(B)Although human eye is beautiful, it...(C)No matter how beautiful the human eye is, it...(D)Despite the fact that the human eye is beautiful, it...55 Which organ receives the most information, according to the author?(A)Ears.(B)Tongue.(C)Hands.(D)Eyes.55 That evening at the academician's dormitory, I went out onto my balcony and lit a cigarette. A few minutes later, the door of the adjacent balcony opened. The balconies were extremely close, the railings separated by a mere ten inches of black space. An elderly woman stepped outside and stood very still, gazing sternly into the distance, apparently pursuing her own thoughts about Tolstoy. Abruptly she turned to me. "Would you be so kind as to give me a light?" she asked.I fished a matchbook from my pocket, lit a match, cupped my hand around it, and held it over her balcony. She leaned over, ignited a Kent Light, and began puffing away. I decided to take advantage of this moment of human contact to ask for shampoo.(There wasn't any in our bathrooms, and mine was lost somewhere with my suitcase.)But when I mentioned shampoo, some strong emotion flickered across the old woman's face. Fear? Annoyance? Hatred? I consoled myself that I was providing her an opportunity to practice resignation of the soul." Just a minute, " said my neighbor resignedly, as if she had read my thoughts. She set down her cigarette in a glass ashtray. The thread of smoke climbed up into the windless night. I ducked into my room to find a shampoo receptacle, choosing a ceramic mug with a picture of the historic white gates of Yasnaya Polyana. Under the picture was a quotation from L. N. Tolstoy, about how he was unable to imagine a Russia with no Yasnaya Polyana.I held the mug over the narrow chasm, and my neighbor poured in some sudsy water from a small bottle. 1 realized then that she was sharing with me literally her last drops of shampoo, which she had mixed with water in order to make them last longer. I thankedher as warmly as I knew how. She responded with a dignified nod. We stood a moment in silence."Do you have any cats and dogs?" she asked finally."No, " I said. "And you?"" In Moscow, I have a marvelous cat. "56 "I fished a matchbook from my pocket". Here the matchbook is(A)a book.(B)a match schedule.(C)a box contains matches.(D)a description of matches.57 The passage indicates that the hotel room the author lives in is probably(A)expensive.(B)spacious.(C)elegant.(D)high about the ground.58 It can be gathered from the passage that the hotel does not provide its customer with (A)food.(B)drinking water.(C)bathroom.(D)shampoo.59 The author might not have asked for help from her hotel neighbor in the following situation;(A)She had her luggage at hand.(B)She had taken a bath at home.(C)She believed that her neighbor had enough shampoo.(D)She knew that her neighbor did not have enough shampoo.60 "I thanked her as warmly as I knew how, " means that I am grateful to my hotel neighbor so I(A)thanked her most warmly.(B)did it in Russia as Russians do.(C)did what I should in this situation.(D)asked her about her pets at home.60 London keeps its eyes on this far corner of the empire. Two British diplomats preside— colonial figures hardly cut from the same cloth as the old viceroys of India or governors of Nigeria or Hong Kong. The senior man is usually on the verge of retirement, having enjoyed rather too little distinction in his career, or else sporting a stated fascination with bird watching, since there is a local and much-celebrated albatross. His assistant is invariably an eager youngster—on this occasion an ambitious young woman who was leaving after six months for a long-sought and career-boosting posting outside Kandahar. There is usually rather little for the pair to do; the only signed order currently posted on the island's official notice board refers to power cut due for two hours the following Tuesday.Once in a long while, there is crisis. The event for which Tristan perhaps best remembered was the eruption of its volcano in 1961, and the evacuation of the entire population. The 264 islanders— the population size has remained very stable for the last half century—were brought to England and put up in a disused army barracks in Hampshire. But the supposed delights of Western civilization— cars, elevators, cinemas, none of which the islanders had ever seen before—did not seduce them into staying: two years later all but fourteen went home. They built their ruined town and settled back to their uncomplicated routines of fishing for lobsters and knitting ganzeys. The DailyMirror of the time said, admiringly, that by doing so the islanders had delivered on all smug Britons a much-deserved and contemptuous slap.I first went to the island in 1983 , then again a little later. I was welcomed, though warily: the self-reliance of the islanders is matched by a fierce devotion to self-protection and privacy. They knew I was a writer; they warned me that anything I might publish would be read and analyzed for years to come. And though nothing untoward occurred when I was visiting(my time ashore I spent fully impressed with the idea of leaving only footprints and taking only snapshots)it was shortly after that second trip that I quite inadvertently committed the indiscretion which resulted in my lifetime prohibition.At first blush it all sounds to have been innocent indeed. It stems from a somewhat bizarre British government decision, taken during World War II, to reclassify some of its more remote island possessions as ships. Tristan was transmuted into HMS Atlantic Isle, and its role was to patrol(from its rock-hewn state of immobility)for any German U-boats that might be lurking in the southern Atlantic. To compound the fantasy, a small party of sailors was posted there to man the ship—one of them a young and apparently romantically minded lieutenant and litterateur manque named Derrick Booty.61 The administrators of the island are(A)able and powerful.(B)well educated and full of vitality.(C)old and inexperienced.(D)busy and working hard.62 The word "power" can mean different things. In this passage in the phrase "power cut" , power definitely means(A)administrative power.(B)muscle.(C)brain power.(D)electricity.63 The island inhabitants like(A)modern civilization in London.(B)pristine life at home.(C)volcano on the island.(D)warships visiting the island.64 It can be gathered from this piece that the British government regarded the island Tristan as if it were a(n)(A)warship.(B)frontier.(C)fishing ground.(D)netting factory.65 In the phrase "to patrol(from its rock-hewn state of immobility)for any German U-boats", "rock-hewn state of immobility" is another way of referring to(A)HMS Atlantic Isle.(B)Tristan Island.(C)U-boat.(D)Atlantic Ocean.65 The drive took us back past Casablanca, with its smoking chimneys and thicket of apartment buildings, and then to El Jadida, a whitewashed resort town on a flat spread of pinkish beach, where we stayed the night. Thursday morning was warm and clear, the light pouring over wide fields of corn and wheat. In several fields, donkeys and mules were already at work, pulling irrigation machines and plows, leaning into their harnesses. Carts hurtled alongside us on the shoulder of the road, loaded with entire families andnearly toppling loads of bulging burlap bags, boxes, and miscellany, heading in the direction of the souk, the donkey or mule or horse moving snappily as if the sound of the car traffic was egging them on. By the time we arrived, just after 7 a. m. , the fairground was already mobbed. We had no trouble parking, because there were only a handful of cars and another handful of trucks, but the rest of the parking area was cluttered with wagons and carts and scores of donkeys and mules—a few hundred of them at least, dozing, nibbling on the scraps of grass, swaying in place, hobbled by a bit of plastic twine tired around their ankles. These weren't for sale—they were transportation, and they were parked while their owners were shopping.A roar floated over the fairground; it was the combined chatter of hundreds of buyers and sellers haggling, and the smack and thump of boxes being opened and sacks being slapped down to be filled, and vendors hollering for attention and a blast of Moroccan music playing out of an unattended laptop computer that was hooked to man-sized speakers, beneath a tent of fabric cut from a Nokia cell-phone billboard. We walked in through a section of the souk where vendors sat behind mountains of dried beans in baskets four feet wide, and past stalls selling fried fish and kebabs, the greasy smoky air trapped in the tents, and then we arrived at the donkey area. At the entrance were rows and rows of vendors selling donkey and mule supplies. A young man, deep furrows in his face, was selling bits made of rusty iron—his inventory, hundreds of bits, was in a stack three feet high. Beside him, a family sat on a blanket surrounded by harnesses made of tan and orange and white nylon webbing, and every member of the family, including the children, was stitching new harnesses while they waited to sell the ones they had already made. The next row had a dozen stalls, all offering donkey saddles—V-shaped wooden forms that sit on the animal's back and support the cart shafts. The saddles were made out of old chair legs and scrap lumber, the corners nailed together with squares cut from old tin cans; they were rough-looking but sturdy, and they had thick padding where they would rest on the animal's skin.66 It can be assumed that the donkey in Casablanca serves as(A)draught animal and means of transportation.(B)pet and plaything.(C)human companion and soul comforter.(D)symbol for hard work.67 There are more unused parking spaces for(A)cars and trucks.(B)donkeys and mules.(C)motor cars and bikes.(D)police cars and patrol cars.68 The market place at the time described by this article is(A)quiet and peaceful.(B)noisy and packed.(C)festive and attractive.(D)repulsing and unwelcome.69 In the phrase "V-shaped wooden forms that sit on the animal's back" , the word "animal" refers to(A)all kinds of living creatures as a noun.(B)a particular donkey as to avoid repetition.(C)the donkey in general as elegant variation.(D)some pet we like as an vivid description.70 It can be an educated guess from the context that the word souk most probably means (A)fairground festival.(B)parking space.(C)family gathering.(D)market.四、英译汉71 Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your Chinese version on the ANSWER SHEET.' If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. ' —Nelson MandelaBecoming bilingual opens up a whole new world—a world of different people, of different cultures, of different emotions. Learning a second language has many cognitive benefits. For example, learning a new language has been shown to delay Alzheimer's, boost brainpower, reduce cognitive biases, and even increase concentration and the ability to tune out distractions. Your ability to build better habits will improve by learning a new language.But, more so than cognitive effects, the ability to speak a second language has a ton of social benefits which won't be discussed here. The coolest thing about learning your second language is that it makes learning a third, fourth, or fifth language much easier. Once you know the techniques, you'll be able to apply the same grammatical patterns and language techniques in every new language you learn.。
天津外国语大学2014年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:俄语语言文学(注意:答案必须写在答题纸上)(考试时间180分钟总分150分)I. 选择正确答案. (45 分)1.Предложение__________ содержитглагол-сказуемое,выражающеезначение«результат».A) ОнаискалаадресэлектроннойпочтысвоейподругивРоссии.B) Яуговорилмоегодругакупитьновуюкомпьютернуюпрограмму.C) Ониубеждалидиректорафирмыповыситьимзарплату.D) Дедушкалюбитумыватьсяхолоднойводой.2.Предложение__________ являетсяпридаточнымпредложениемцели.A) Онабросилашколу,чтобынайтихорошуюработу.B) Янежелаютратитьвремяилиденьгинапокупкудуховиодежды.C) Обеспечивсемью,мойотецрешилуйтииздомаистатьрыбаком.D) Онавсегданервничает,когдаейнадоехатьнатаксинавокзал.3.__________ представляетсобойпредложение,содержащеесуществительноеединственногочисла,используемоепосле«много».A) Многодомовисчезаетсулицнашегогорода.B) Прошломноголетпослетого,какмыснимрасстались.C) Недавнобыллеснойпожар.Погибломногодеревьев.D) Когдадетиполучаютвсемьемногосвободы– этохорошоилиплохо?4.Впредложении __________ употребляетсяконструкциясдательнымпадежом.A) Ксчастью,унасскоробудутканикулы.B) Какхорошо,оннаконец-тозакончилсвоюскучнуюлекцию.C) Яслышал,будтоМишапоступилработатьначасовойзавод.D) Полезнолидляпереводчиковизучатьграмматику?5.Слово__________ являетсясуществительныммножественногочисла.A) аудитория B) озеро C) времена D) фото6.В__________ предложенииупотребляетсяглаголдвижениявпереносномзначении.A) Метроужезакрыто,троллейбусынеходят.B) Емунеповезлонаэкзамене,вопросыбылислишкомтрудные.C) МойдядяведётменянаэкскурсиюпоПетропавловскойкрепости.D) Ученикнаписалновыесловаиотошёлотдоски.7.В__________ предложениипричастиевыступаетвролисуществительного.A) Ячувствуюсебятакимуставшим!B) Произведения,исполняемыемузыкантами,оченьоригинальны.C) Студенты,приехавшиеизМосквы,живутвнашемобщежитии.D) Навойневсегдабываетмногопогибших.8.Предложение__________ содержитдеепричастиенесовершенноговида.A) Читаятекст,мыподчёркиваемнезнакомыеслова.B) Увидевменя,онвежливопоздоровался.C) Написавписьмо,онпошёлнапочту.D) Экскурсия,организованнаянашимфакультетом,былапростозамечательной.9.Слово __________ непринадлежитктематическойгруппе«Посуда».A) стакан B) тарелка C) коньяк D) чашка10.Впредложении__________ употребляетсяприлагательноевпревосходнойстепени.A) Онтакхорошочувствуетсебя,чтоегоможновыписатьизбольницы.B) Песнюонипелитактихо,чтобынаулиценебылослышно.C) Январьявляетсяхолоднейшиммесяцемвгоду.D) Мымоглиотправитьсянародинунатридняраньшенамеченногосрока.11.__________ являетсянеопределённо-личнымпредложением.A) Еслибыонненазвалсебя,мыбынеузналиего.B) Алёша,тебяпросятктелефону.C) Вслучаенеобходимостипозвонитемне.D) Уменянадушесталолегчеотсочувствиятоварищей.12.Слово __________ имееттужеоснову,чтоиглагол«посещать».A) посёлок B) посещение C) посылка D) посуда13.Впредложении__________употребляетсяконструкция,содержащаяприлагательноеилинаречиевсравнительнойстепени.A) Меньшеговори – большеделай.B) Былооченьтемно,имыструдомнаходилидорогу.C) Погодавтотвечербылаобыкновенной.D) Последождявоздухсталчистымисвежим.14.__________ представляетсобойпредложение,содержащееглаголвповелительномнаклонениивомножественномчисле.A) Онсобиралсяуйти,ноегозадержалидела.B) Работайтесамостоятельно,ненадейтесьнапомощьсостороны.C) Этолекарствонужноприниматьчерезчаспослееды.D) Емусделалиоперациючерезнеделюпослеэкзаменов.15.Слово __________ выражаетположительнуюоценку.A) ленивый B) злой C) добрый D) хитрый16. ОснователемМосквыбыл .A) ИванГрозныйB) ЮрийДолгорукийC) ДмитрийДонскойD) АлександрНевский17. СамыевысокиегорыРоссии – этогоры.A) КавказскиеB) УральскиеC) КарпатскиеD) Алтайские18. ГраницаРоссиис – самаяпротяженная.A) КитаемB) МонголиейC) КазахстаномD) Украиной19. ВРоссии _______ – этосимволума.A) петухB) орёлC) соваD) лиса20. Фразеологизм «Встатьслевойноги» обозначает .A) бытьвдурномнастроенииB) бытьвхорошемнастроенииC)приниматьсязаделоD) отвечатьзадело21. Древниекитайцыписалинабамбуковойдоске,арусские .A) набумагеB) наберёстеC) накамняхD) деревяннойдоске22. ОтмечаяНовыйгод,русские,какправило,неготовятособыхновогоднихблюд,нонастолеобязательно .A)должнабытьводка B) должнобытьшампанскоеC)должнобытьпиво D) должнобытьвино23. «Чторусскомуздорово,тосмерть. (русскаяпословица)A) врагуB) фашистуC) немцуD) японцу24. Идейнымлидеромпередвижничествабыл .A) И.Н.КрамскойB) В.Г.ПеровC) И.Е.РепинD) И.К.Айвазовский25. Основоположникомрусскойклассическоймузыкисчитаетсякомпозитор .A) П.И.ЧайковскийB) М.И.ГлинкаC) Н.Г.РубинштейнD) С.В.Рахманинов26. Режиссёрфильма«Ирониясудьбы,илиСлёгкимпаром!»,«Служебныйроман»и«Вокзалдлядвоих» -- это .A) Э.РязановB) ГайдайЛ.C) ДанелияГ.D) МихалковН.27. СредисоветскихлидеровбыллауреатомНобелевскойпремиимира.A) Н.Хрущёв B) Л.БрежневC) ЮАндропов D) М.Горбачёв28. XXII зимниеОлимпийскиеигры 2014 пройдут _______ .A) вЛондоне B) вПарижеC) вЕкатеринбурге D) вСочи29. КогдаРусскиеприглашаютдрузейвгости,онипредполагают,чтогостипридут .A)немногораньшеназначенноговремениB)немногопозженазначенноговремениC)ровновназначенноевремяD)вудобноедлясебявремя30. РоссияиКитайобъявили2014-й .A) ГодомрусскогоязыкавКитаеB) ГодомкитайскоготуризмавРоссииC) ГодомрусскойкультурыВКитаеD) ГодомкитайскогоязыкавРоссии31. Поэма«Мцыри»принадлежитперу _______ .A) А.С.Пушкина B) М.Ю.ЛермонтоваC) Л.Н.Толстого D) Н.В.Гоголя32. Основнойтемойповести«Станционныйсмотритель»является_______ .A) «лишнийчеловек» B) «маленькийчеловек»C) «новыелюди» D) «доброизло»33. Роман«БратьяКарамазовы»-- этопоследнееграндиозноепроизведение _______ .A) И.С.Тургенева B) Л.Н.ТолстогоC) Ф.М.Достоевского D) Н.В.Гоголя34. «Капитанскаядочка» -- этопроизведение _______ .A) А.С.Пушкина B) Н.В.ГоголяC) М.Ю.Лермонтова D) И.С.Тургенева35. Авторомромана«АннаКаренина»является _______ .A) И.С.Тургенев B) Н.В.ГогольC) Л.Н.Толстой D) М.Ю.Лермонтов36. ПомещикЧичиков — главныйгеройромана _______ .A) «Капитанскаядочка» B) «Мёртвыедуши»C) «Миргород» D) «Геройнашеговремени»37. АлександрБлокотноситсякчислу _______ .A) символистов B) реалистовC) акмеистов D) футуристов38. Авторомочерковогосборника«Запискиохотника»является _______ .A) И.С.Тургенев B) Н.В.ГогольC) Л.Н.Толстой D) М.Ю.Лермонтов39. _______ изследующихпроизведенийнепринадлежитперуЛьваТолстого.A) «АннаКаренина» B) «Войнаимир»C) «Идиот» D) «Отрочество»40. «Белыеночи» -- этоповесть_______ .A) Н.В.Гоголя B) А.П.ЧеховаC) Л.Н.Толстого D) Ф.М.Достоевского41. Средиследующихпроизведений_______ непринадлежитперуАнтонаЧехова.A) «Хамелеон» B) «СмертьЧиновника»B) «Домсмезонином» D) «Послебала»42. Роман«МастериМаргарита»являетсявершиннымпроизведением_______ .A) М.Горького B) М.А.ШолоховаC) М.А.Булгакова D) И.А.Бунина43. Авторомромана«АрхипелагГУЛАГ»является _______ .A) М.А.Булгаков B) А.И.СолженицынC) В.Г.Распутин D) М.А.Шолохов44. Повесть«Живиипомни»написал _______ в 1975 году.A) А.Н.Толстой B) В.Г.РаспутинC) М.А.Булгаков D) М.А.Шолохов45. Средиследующихписателей_______ неполучилНобелевскуюпремиювобластилитературы.A) Б.Л.Пастернак B) М.А.ШолоховC) Л.Н.Толстой D) И.А.БунинII. 按要求完成下列各题(用俄语)。
天津外国语大学2013攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷考试科目:英语翻译基础(试题加答案)1.Directions: Translate the following words and expressions into the respective target language. There are altogether 40 items in this part,, 20 in Englih and 20 in Chinese, with one point for each.(40’)1.Affluenza 富贵病2.back translation 回译3.brain drain 人才流失4.Buzzword 热词munication studies 传播学6.Cultural default 文化缺省7.Davos Forum 达沃斯论坛8.Dream team 梦之队9.Eurozone 欧元区10.IMF 国际货币资金组织11.NEET 啃老族book 上网本13.OPEC 石油输出国家组织14.Reuters 路透社15.Sit-in 室内静坐抗议16.Skopos theory 目的论17.SOHO 在家上班族18.Subtitling 配字幕19.Think tank 智囊团20.Webzine 网路杂志21.钓鱼岛Diaoyu Island22.对外传播overseas publicity23.翻译专业资格(水平)考试CATTI24.峰会summit25.公示语public signs26.宏观调控macro-economic control27.开放包容openness and tolerance28.孔子课堂Confucius Class29.绿色增长green development30.民心工程pro-people projects31.十八大the 18th CPC Nationl Congress32.团购group purchase33.务实合作practical cooperation34.协同创新collaborative innovation35.月光族moonlight clan36.战略性新兴产业emerging industries of strategic importance37.政府采购government procurement38.政客politoco39.中小企业medium-sized and small enterprises40.中央文献party literature of the central。