新视野英语教程(第三版)读写教程1电子教案Unit 6

importance, festival, private,
tradition, century, gather, cheer,
imagine, activity, involve, expert
honor, attempt, determine, favor,
select, hang, exchange, original,
3) Why does Father Christmas put presenother places?
Divide the class into two groups. Ask them to compare Chinese Spring Festival and Christmas from the following
Familiarize the Ss with all the new words and expressions and then ask some students to read the Text paragraph by paragraph.
Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary.

---------------------考试---------------------------学资学习网---------------------押题------------------------------Unit 11.选词填空1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regainedconfidence and began tosucceed in school.2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts arevery deep.3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we werequite scared.4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do,they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose athreat to social stability.7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources anda verybig population.8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support atleast twice its present population.9. Saminherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked thedriving power to take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.2.15选10attain赢得,获得,得到fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于available可获得的可利用的qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加passion强烈的爱好,热爱virtually实际上1 / 19classify分类归类acquire获得,取得,学到fashionable流行的especially特别的sample样品,标本prosperous繁荣的3.选词组open the door to 给···以机会in advance 预先,提前all at once 同时,一下子reap the benefits (of) 得享(某事物)的好处makethe most of最大限度的利用某物over time逐渐地,慢慢地get by过活,活的去stand a chance (of)有(做成某事)的希望remind ... of 使某人想起take pleasure in乐于做某事1. My familygot by on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make the mostof their time on the way to work.3. In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him uptwo weeksin advance.5. In order to reap the benefits of the physical exercise, you have to exerciseregularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6. They all tried to talk all at once , but I couldn't hear anything they said.7. Yellow flowers in the field always remindmeof my childhood in the countryside.8. We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a chance ofwinning the game.9. Research on genes will open the door to exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has made a contribution and I take pleasure in acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such asuccess.2 / 194.翻译苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。

Section B
Section C
Watch the video clip and discuss tcises
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
Text A
42nd St., this famous square
was named for the building
there that formerly belonged
to the New York Times. The building is located in the center of the square.
Warming-up Text A Exercises
Background Information Reading Through
Related knowledge
Sample Reading Useful Terms Exercises
Around the Topic Section A
signs, is known as the “Great White Way”. On New Year’s Eve, close to a million people congregate (聚集)
there to celebrate.
Around the Topic
Section A
Watch & Discuss
Plus Activities
Around the Topic Section A

TEXT AUnder the bombs: 19451945:在炮火攻击下1 Today, when I look back, I'm surprised that I recall the beginning so vividly; it's still clearly fixed in my mind with all its coloring and emotional intensity. It begins with my suddenly noticing 12 distant silver points in the clear brilliant sky filled with an unfamiliar abnormal hum. I'm seven years old, standing in a meadow, and staring at the points barely moving across the sky.如今,当我回首往事,我很惊讶我居然能如此生动地回忆起轰炸开始的情况,那天的色彩和紧张的情绪仍然清晰地印在我的脑海中。
2 Suddenly, nearby, at the edge of the forest, there's the tremendous roar of bombs exploding. From my standpoint, I see gigantic fountains of earth spraying upward. I want to run toward this extraordinary spectacle; it terrorizes and fascinates me. I have not yet grown accustomed to war and can't relate into a single chain of causes and effects these airplanes, the roar of the bombs, the earth radiating out from the forest, and my seemingly inevitable death. Unable to conceive of the danger, I start running toward the forest, in the direction of the falling bombs. But a hand claws at me and tugs me to the ground. "Stay down," I hear my mother's trembling voice, "Don't move!" And I remember that my mother, pressing me to her, is saying something that I don't yet know exists, whose meaning I don't understand: That way is death.突然,就在附近,森林的边缘,我听到有巨大的炸弹爆炸的声音。

Word Study
Video Watching
A. Background Information
Text Reading Extr. & App. Essay Writing Further Dev.
The Republican Party (4) Republicans generally advocate socially and politically conservative policies. For instance, they do not believe in a large federal government. They oppose labor unions. They expect people to take advantage of the fact that they are in a free society and, as such,
Word Study
Video Watching
A. Background Information
Text Reading Extr. & App. Essay Writing Further Dev.
The Republican Party (5) expect them to make wise, responsible decisions for themselves. The strongholds of the Republican Party are referred to as “red states”, which are mainly in the South, the regions of the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains.
新视野第大学英语读写教程2 (第三版) unit 6 课文原文

Door closer, are you?1 The next time you're deciding between rival options, one which is primary and the other which is secondary, ask yourself this question: What would Xiang Yu do?2 Xiang Yu was a Chinese imperial general in the third century BC who took his troops across the Zhang River on a raid into enemyterritory. To his troops' astonishment, he ordered their cooking pots crushed and their sailing ships burned.3 He explained that he was imposing on them a necessity for attaining victory over their opponents. What he said was surelymotivating, but it wasn't really appreciated by many of his loyal soldiers as they watched their vessels go up in flames. Butthe genius of General Xiang Yu's conviction would be validated both on the battlefield and in modern social science research. General Xiang Yu was a rare exception to the norm, a veteran leader who was highly respected for his many conquests and who achieved the summit of success.4 He is featured in Dan Ariely's enlightening new publication, Predictably Irrational, a fascinating investigation of seemingly irrational human behavior, such as the tendency for keeping multiple options open. Most people can't marshal the will for painful choices, not even students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where Dr. Ariely teaches behavioral economics. In an experiment that investigated decision-making, hundreds of students couldn't bear to let their options vanish, even though it was clear they wouldprofit from doing so.5 The experiment revolved around a game that eliminated the excuses we usually have for refusing to let go. In the real world, we can always say, "It's goodto preserve our options." Want a good example? A teenager is exhausted from soccer, ballet, piano, and Chinese lessons, but her parents won't stop any one of them because they might come in handy some day!6 In the experiment sessions, students played a computer game that provided cash behind three doors appearing on the screen. The rule was the more money you earned, the better player you were, given a total of 100 clicks. Every time the students opened a door by clicking on it, they would use up one click but wouldn't get any money. However, each subsequent click on that door would earn afluctuating sum of money, with one door always revealing more money than the others. The important part of the rule was each door switch, though having no cash value, would also use up one of the 100 clicks. Therefore, the winning strategy was to quickly check all the doors and keep clicking on the one with the seemingly highest rewards.7 While playing the game, students noticed a modified visual element: Any door left un-clicked for a short while would shrink in size and vanish. Since they already understood the game, they should have ignored the vanishing doors. Nevertheless, they hurried to click on the lesser doors before they vanished, trying to keep them open. As a result, they wasted so many clicks rushing back to the vanishing doors that they lost money in the end. Why were the students so attached to the lesserdoors? They would probably protestthat they were clinging to the doors to keep future options open, but, according to Dr. Ariely, that isn't the true factor.8 Instead of the excuse to maintain future options open, underneath it all the students' desire was to avoid the immediate, thoughtemporary, pain of watching options close. "Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a big price to avoid the emotion of loss," Dr. Ariely says. In the experiment, the price was easily measured in lost cash. In life, the corresponding costs are often less obvious such as wasted time or missed opportunities.9 "Sometimes these doors are closing too slowly for us to see them vanishing," Dr. Ariely writes. "We may work more hours at our jobs without realizing that the childhood of our sons and daughters is slipping away."10 So, what can be done to restore balance in our lives? One answer, Dr. Ariely says, is to implement more prohibitions on overbooking. We can work to reduce options on our own, delegating tasks to others and even giving away ideas for others to pursue.He points to marriage as an example, "In marriage, we create a situation where we promise ourselves not to keep options open. We close doors and announce to others we've closed doors."11 Since conducting the door experiment, Dr. Ariely says he has made a conscious effort to lessen his load. He urges the rest of us to resign fromcommittees, prune holiday card lists, rethink hobbies and remember the lessons of door closers like Xiang Yu.12 In other words, Dr. Ariely is encouraging us to discard those things that seem to have outward merit in favor of those things that actually enrich our lives. We are naturally prejudiced to believe that more is better, but Dr. Ariely's research providesa dose of reality that strongly suggests otherwise.13 What price do we pay for trying to have more and more in life? What pleasure and satisfaction can be derived from focusing our energy and attention in a more concentrated fashion? Surely, we will have our respective answers.14 Consider these important questions: Will we have more by always increasing options or will we have more with fewer, carefully chosen options? What doors should we close in order to allow the right windows of opportunity and happiness to open?。

Book 3 Unit 6 教材总结Text A一、单词New wordshumn.[sing.] a low continuous noise made by a machine or a lot of people talking 机器的嗡嗡声;(很多人)嗡嗡的说话声All he heard was the ticking of a clock and the hum of the air-conditioning. 他所听到的都是时钟的嘀嗒声和空调的嗡嗡声。
v.make musical sounds with your lips closed 哼(曲子)I've forgotten the words of the song, so I just hum along with the tune. 我忘记了歌词,所以我只好跟着曲调哼哼。
vi.make a low continuous sound 发出连续低沉的声音The bees were humming in the garden. 蜜蜂在花园里嗡嗡地叫。
meadown.[C] a field where grass and wild flowers grow 草地standpointn.[C] a way of considering sth. 立足点;立场;观点As his daughter, I have to put aside my own emotions and look at the problem from my father's standpoint. 作为女儿,我不得不抛开自己的情绪,从我父亲的角度来看问题。
gigantica.extremely large 巨大的;庞大的The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a gigantic whale. 一头巨大的鲸鱼骨架占据了博物馆的底层。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book3-Unit6-SectionA-War and peace

use the key language to talk about the cruelty of war
apply the reading skill – reading for main ideas in paragraphs develop a descriptive essay translate with the skill of free translation conceive the cruelty of war on the common people
Project of the unit
Project forecasting
Project of the unit
Although war seems far away from our lives, it happens in the other corner of the world the very minute we study or play. War affects not only the officers and soldiers in the battlefield but also the common people who are in the rear area. By the end of this unit, you are expected to write a descriptive essay on the following topic: Please get prepared by doing the following activities.
Inspiring your thoughts
2) What does the author think of their flight when he sees that everyone is running away? What does it indicate?

Warming -up
Text A
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
B. Translate the following into Chinese.
Using the Right Word
Warming -up
Text A
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
4. Can you come to the party to c_e_l_eb_r_a_t_e_ Jim’s graduation? 5. It’s a __tr_a_d_i_ti_o_n_ to sing “Jingle Bells” at Christmas. 6. These classes help members learn how to change their eating __h_a_b_i_ts__ . 7. In some way, he ___i_n_v_o_lv_e_d_____ several of his friends in the trouble. 8. In the end, he realized thei_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_ce_ of foreign languages.
One foolish mistake can involve you in a good deal of trouble.
3. 他知道从错误中学习的重要性。(importance)
He knew the importance of learning from mistakes.

disturbance insurance diet sporty circulation qualification pursue basis
Phrases and Expressions
keep... under control 把……保持在可控范围内 contribute to 有助于;促使
Work in pairs and describe to your partner a recent situation that caused you stress and how you felt physically and mentally at the time.
Getting the Message
1. Reducing our stress level in college will improve our power of concentration, our work level and also our marks.
2. Continuous high stress levels lead to things like headaches, high blood pressure, and ultimately also to physical complaints like kidney problems.

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说Book1-Unit6-听力原文Unit 6 Wit and fitListening to the worldSharing Scripts F = Finn Part 1 F: Often it’s hard to find a time to exercise when you have a full-time job. Lots of my friends belong to gyms but I prefer to go running outside to keep fit. How about you? What do you do to keep fit? M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc. Part 2 M1: Uh … I do quite a few things actually. Um, I go to the gym quite regularly. I go for runs. Er, I’m also a little bit involved in the sport of rowing. So, I’m down there quite a bit. I coach, actually coach rowing as well. W1: I have three children, and I work full-time. And I don’t have a lot of time to do any extra organized exercise. W2: Er, the main thing I do is I do practice yoga, that incorporates different positions as well as meditation, and different breathing techniques. M2: Usually, I ride my bike, like I got here. And I go to the gym more or less three to four times a week. And I also watch what I eat. W3: I dance, and I do yoga – and I just try to be as active as possible – enjoy nature also. M3: I try and walk everywhere because, um, I don’t really enjoy running. W4: I have quite a hectic lifestyle as a musician but I do try to keep1/ 18fit – going to the gym, yoga classes, Pilates classes, er, sometimes running, and generally keeping active. W5: I’m a police officer, so I have quite an active job. Um, I can spend 8 or 12 hours doing foot patrol, um, walking round the streets of London so I suppose that keeps me quite fit. Part 3 F: What other things would you like to do to keep fit? M1: I’d love to get involved with some team sports. I really enjoy, sort of, the team aspect of sport. Er, particularly I think I’d like to get into hockey. W1: I’d quite like to learn how to play tennis properly. Er, it’s probably one of the only sports that I’m interested in; it’s something I would watch on TV. M2: I would like to run, but, er … my legs are, are not running legs, so I prefer to cycle. W3: I would like to learn to rock climb. M3: I would actually like to join a rowing club, er, but unfortunately I don’t have time and it is a little bit expensive. W4: I really enjoy getting out of London at the weekend and going sailing. W5: When I was at university, um, I got quite into swing dancing, which is very like jive, 1940s jazz dancing. Er, I’d quite like to take that up again since it’s an easy way of keeping fit, and you meet a lot of people. Part 4 F: Do you do anything that isn’t very healthy?---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------M1: Um, I have a bit of a sweet tooth. Um, I love dessert, and I love to eat, er, sweet things. W4: I definitely drink too much coffee, and I do like chocolate as well. W2: Eating late is really bad for you so I try and avoid that –as much as I can, although it does happen quite regularly. W1: I love chocolate, and I probably eat too much of it. W5: Um, because of my shift work, I eat a lot of fast food, er, especially in the early hours of the morning. W3: Gosh, I don’t know. I’m a vegetarian. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink caffeine. M3: I eat far too many crisps, and chocolate and biscuits. And because I bake, I also eat a lot of cake. Listening Scripts I = Interviewer; W = Woman I: Can you tell us a little about superfoods? W: Well, um, superfoods include tomatoes, broccoli and spinach. I: Hmm. W: These have lots of vitamins, and they are really good for you. I: Right. W: Anyway, they may improve our health, but I don’t think superfoods will be the answer to our eating problems in the future. I: Can you tell us why not? W: Well, the most important thing is to eat healthy food every day. I: Um, right. W: And this is more important than the idea of superfoods. Eating an apple a day is better for you than eating a kilo of spinach one day a week. I: I see. So what you’3/ 18re saying is … I: There’s been a lot of talk about food pills. W: Yes. I: Are they healthier than other types of food? Could they be the food of the future? W: Well, in the past astronauts ate a type of food pill when they were in space. It was dried food and they added water to it. I: Right. W: But I don’t think food pills will replace normal food. I: Right. Why’s that? For health reasons or social reasons? W: Well, cooking and eating together is an important part of family life and it always will be. You sit down together at a table and you eat and talk. It’s a very old tradition, and eating pills isn’t the same. I: Hmm, so we won’t eat only food pills? W: Food pills might become more popular, but no, we won’t eat only food pills in the future. I: Well, that’s interesting because I was reading about … W: In the future we may have special food that can change its flavor. I: Can you give an example? W: For example, imagine you like chocolate ice cream, but your friend likes strawberry. You eat the same ice cream but it will taste different for both of you.---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ I: The same food that tastes different for different people … W: You’ll think it’s chocolate ice cream and your friend will say it’s strawberry. It might happen with drinks, too. You take a bottle of liquid out of the fridge. You press the button which says “coffee” or “lemonade” or “hot chocolate”. You put the bottle in the microwave and the liquid becomes the drink that you choose. I: So it starts off as the same food or drink, but then we change its flavor by pushing a button. W: That’s right. Just by pushing a button. I: So how does it work? W: Well, this is possible because of nanotechnology. The technology might not replace normal drinks and food, but it may become common in the future. I: And nanotechnology is something that’s used in different a reas of science … Viewing Scripts B = Ronnie Barker; C = Ronnie Corbett B: I say, that was, that was really jolly good that was. I must say I really enjoyed that. Thanks very much. C: That’s fine. Fine. B: I say, it’s, it’s a super game, isn’t it? I, I can’t understand why I’ve never tried it before. Absolutely lovely. I loved it. But thanks to you, old boy, of course, from now on, I shall be a dedicated squish player. C: Squash. B: Pardon? C: The game is called “squash”. B: Oh squash, yes, that’s right. I’m sorry. Um …5/ 18who actually won? I mean, I couldn’t quite grasp the scoring mechanism. I mean, did I, did I win? C: Yes, you … yes, you won, you won. B: Oh, that’s good. How many goals did I get? C: Goals?! B: Well, you know, er … thingies, er … whatever … runs …. C: Points! B: … runs … ah, points! C: Points! B: Points, yes. C: Points. B: How many points did I get? C: Well, the score was, if you want to know, game-love, game-love, game-love, game-love. You see? B: Yes. C: You won … four games to love! B: Oh, I see. So, I got four and you got love. C: Yeah. B: I see. But how many is love? C: Love is nothing. B: Oh no, no. That’s not right, I’m sure, because I’m sure you got a goal, earlier on, right at the---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ beginning. C: A point! B: A point, I mean. C: A point, yes, well of course I did. That was when you … B: Oh, I know, I was holding the thing by the wrong end. I must remember, hold the bat by the thin end. C: The racket! B: Racket, I mean. C: The racket! B: Yes. C: This is … this is a ball. B: Yes. C: The gam e is called “squash”. B: Yes. C: Let’s start from basic principles. B: Yes. C: The whole thing is called “squash”. B: Squash. C: This is a ball. B: Yes. C: This is a ... racket when you do that. That’s what that is. That is a racket. B: I see. Will it work now you’ve done that? C: Ah … I don’t much care, to be honest.I mean … I’m not going to be playing squash anymore ever! B: Oh, I say. That’s a pity, because I was hoping we could have another game next week. I mean, I can, I thought, well you know, I thought I might get a bit better. C: A bit better? A bit better?! Look matey, I’m the secretary of this squash club. You know. I, I, I mean, I captain the A-team. You know. I’m one of the best players round here, as a matter of fact. You know, I won the area finals last year, all that sort of thing, you know. You know, I’m good. You know, good. And you come along here, if I may say so. You’ve never played the game before. You’re vastly overweight, if I may say so. You’re very slow on the7/ 18court. You’ve gone out on that court, and you’ve thrashed me. You’ve pounded me into the ground. You pulverized me, in front of my friends, four games to love! Well, how do you do it? B: Beginner’s luck? C: It’s a fluke. That’s what it is, a fluke, matey. It won’t happen again. I’ll tell you what … It won’t happen the next time. B: No, well, there won’t be a next time, will there? Because you’ve broken your rocket. C: My racket! I’ll get a new one. I don’t care. I’ll get a new one. Look, mate. I’ll get a new one, and tomorrow morning, here, 10 o’clock, things will be different! B: Oh no, no. Sorry, old boy. No, not tomorrow. No can do. C: What do you mean, “No can do”? B: I’ve got to go up to a place called Lords tomorrow. I’ve got to play a game called “cracket” or something.Spe aking for communication---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Role-play Scripts Conversation 1 D = Doctor; W = Woman D: Hello. I’m Dr. Andrews. Now, what’s the matter? W: Well, doctor, I feel terrible. I get these headaches and I feel sick. D: Oh. How long have you had this problem? W: A few weeks now. And I can’t sleep at night because my head hurts. D: You can’t sleep? W: That’s right. D: And are you very worried or under pressure at the moment? W: No, I don’t think so. D: Do you have a healthy diet? W: Hmm. Quite healthy. D: Do you drink tea or coffee? W: Yes, I do. D: How much? W: Tea? Er … probably about eight cups, or ten. D: A day? W: Yes. D: I see. And has that changed in the last few weeks? W: Not really. D: OK. Well the first thing is I think you should stop drinking so much tea and coffee. Try to drink just one small cup a day. I’ll give you some painkillers for the headaches. Take two of these three times a day. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, but if your headaches continue … Conversation 2 D = Doctor; M = Man D: Good morn ing. How can I help? M: Well, I’m worried about my foot. D: Your foot? M: Yes. It hurts when I walk. D: I see. Did you do anything to it? Did you have an accident? M: Um. Well, sort of. D: What happened? M: I kicked a wall. D: I see. When did you do that? M: About a week ago. D: OK. Did you go to hospital? M: No. D:9/ 18Can I have a look? M: Yes, of course. D: Where does it hurt? Here? M: Argh. Yes, there.---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ D: Can you move it? M: Yes, a little, but it’s very painful. D: Hmm. I think it might be broken. It’s nothing to worry about, but I think you should go to the hospital for an X-ray. I’ll write you a note and if you just take this … Group discussion Scripts A: Does exercise make you feel relaxed? B: Yes, I think it really does. Sometimes it’s difficult to find time to exercise, but I play football after work on a Monday, and I play tennis at the weekend, and I feel so much better. If I don’t play one week, I feel terrible. So, yes, doing sport makes you feel really good. You feel much better, and more relaxed. A: How much exercise do you do in a week? C: In a week, well I probably do about two or three hours of exercise, maybe more.I go to the gym once or twice, if I have time, and I sometimes go swimming. Oh, and I ride my bike at the weekend, so actually, probably three or four hours a week. More than I thought. Yeah, four hours, that’s OK. A: Do you have a sporting hero? D: Oh yes, Pelé. He’s a hero, not just for me, but probably for all Brazilians. I think he is one of the greatest football players ever. He was such a good athlete, and he had so much talent. He was “King of Football”, and scored more goals for Brazil than anyone else. And he was born very poor. You know he didn’11/ 18t have money for a football so he used to practice kicking a grapefruit, or a sock stuffed with paper. A: How much do you walk a day? E: Oh my goodness. Well, I suppose. I don’t walk very much actually. I … um … I drive, the car everywhere. That’s terrible, isn’t it? Um. Yes, I probably only walk about, about maybe five minutes every day.Further practice in listening Short conversations Scripts Conversation 1 W: Sorry. I have a project to do and I will have to stay at work until 6 o’clock. So I can’t make it to the bar at 5:30. M: OK. Then let’s meet at the cinema 10 minutes before the movie starts. Q: What is the woman going to do with the man in the evening? Conversation 2---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ M: Sally’s been doing yoga for three months to lose weight. But I wonder how she can succeed when she eats like that. W: Oh, poor Sally. She really should watch her diet and try to eat something less fatty. Q: What do we learn about Sally? Conversation 3 W: We use flexible time in our company. That is, early risers can begin work at 7 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m. while late sleepers need not go to work until 10 a.m. but they must work until 6 in the evening. M: That’s cool for a night owl like me. Q: At what time is the man most likely to go to work? Conversation 4 M: You’ve been working so hard. I know you don’t want to rest because you love your job. But remember what people say: Relax or die. W: Thanks for caring so much. But, really, I’m feeling fine. I don’t need time off. Q: What does the woman mean? Conversation 5 W: Do you know John has got straight A’s in the final exams? He’s been taking 6 courses this term and working more than 20 hours a week. M: Good for John! How he can balance work and study so well is really beyond me.13/ 18Q: What does the man mean? Long conversation Scripts M: So Mary, I heard you were thinking about doing a triathlon? W: That’s right. But you know triathlons are tough with the three events: swimming, then cycling and finally running! My sister, Jennifer, did a triathlon last year and loved it! So, I decided to give it a try. M: Good for you! I did my first triathlon back in college six years ago. Now, I do at least one triathlon every year. It keeps me fit and healthy with regular swimming, cycling, and running. So do you have a favorite of the three events? W: Yes! Definitely running. I started running back in high school and loved it! I woke up at six a.m. every morning and then ran three miles. Now that I’m training for the triathlon I’m loving waking up at six a.m. and running again. M: Not me! Running is my worst event! I get bored when I run. I start daydreaming about other things and forget where I’m going! Two times last week I made a wrong turn and almost got lost! W: For me, it’s swimming. Swimming pools are fine –but triathlons … take place in lakes. And … I’m scared that a giant fish will eat me! M: What?! Come on! There aren’t any giant people-eating fish in lakes and even the small fish will be scared away when hundreds of people---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ from the triathlon are swimming there all at the same time! Q1: Why did the woman decide to do a triathlon? Q2: When did the man first do a triathlon? Q3: How does the man feel about running? Q4: Why doesn’t the woman like swimming in the triathlon? Passage 1 Scripts Happiness increases when we experience more positive emotions throughout the day. Fredrickson, a leader in the field of psychology, identifies 10 positive emotions, including joy, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, love and so on. How often we experience these positive emotions compared to negative emotions in a day affects not only our mood, but also our physical health. She has discovered that those who have a 3:1 ratio of positive to negative emotions on a daily basis are happier and healthier. Sadly, most people, even those who consider themselves positive people, are way below that ratio. The good news is you can learn to increase your ratio of being positive, which leads to greater happiness, health and success. Research shows that by increasing positive emotions, we become more creative, perform better at tasks, and have better relationships. The most15/ 18exciting finding is that we now have proof that self-generated positive emotions can improve our physical health. Nevertheless, we don’t want to get rid of all negative feelings. Negative emotions are proper and helpful sometimes. It’s appropriate to feel sad about the loss of a loved one. Anger often pushes us into action to improve a situation or correct a mistake. However, if you find yourself waiting impatiently when the driver in front of you doesn’t instantly notice the light turns green, or if you find yourself scolding your kids for laughing too loud while you are on the phone, you are having negative feelings in your daily life too often. Then you should step back and analyze those feelings, and turn them around. Q1: What is the ratio of positive to negative emotions that can make a person happier? Q2: What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions? Q3: What does the speaker say about negative feelings? Q4: What is the main idea of the passage? Passage 2 Scripts and answers There are many factors that affect a person’s sleep. Stress is the nu mber one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties. Stressful situations include school- or job-related 1) pressures, and serious illness in the family.---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ Usually the sleeping problems 2) disappear when the stressful situations pass. However, if short-term sleeping problems are not managed properly from the beginning, they can last long and thus 3) compromise good health. Unhealthy habits may lead to sleeping problems too. Drinking coffee or 4) alcohol in the afternoon or evening, exercising close to bedtime, following an irregular morning and nighttime schedule, and working or doing other mentally 5) intense activities right before or after getting into bed can interrupt sleep. Traveling also 6) interferes with sleep, especially traveling across several time zones. This can 7) undermine your biological rhythms and cause sleep disorders such as trouble falling asleep and trouble remaining asleep. Environmental factors such as a room that’s too hot or cold, too noisy or too bright can be an obstacle to sound sleep. Other influences to 8) pay attention to are the comfort and size of your bed and the habits of your sleep partner. If you have to sleep beside someone who has different sleeping habits, breathes in a noisy way, or 9) suffers from other sleeping difficulties, it often becomes your problem too! Having a 24/7 lifestyle can also interrupt regular sleep patterns. Industries are working round the clock to be17/ 1810) competitive, so some people have to work at night; with nonstop automatic communication systems, people are communicating day and night. All these make sleeping at regular times difficult.。

Unit 6 Wit and fitListening to the worldSharingScriptsF = FinnPart 1F: Often it’s hard to find a time to exercise when you have a full-time job. Lots of my friends belong to gyms but I prefer to go running outside to keep fit. How about you? What do you doto keep fit?M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.Part 2M1: Uh … I do quite a few things actually. Um, I go to the gym quite regularly. I go for runs. Er, I’m also a little bit involved in the sport of rowing. So, I’m down there quite a bit. I coac h, actually coach rowing as well.W1: I have three children, and I work full-time. And I don’t have a lot of time to do any extra organized exercise.W2: Er, the main thing I do is I do practice yoga, that incorporates different positions as well as meditation, and different breathing techniques.M2: Usually, I ride my bike, like I got here. And I go to the gym more or less three to four times a week. And I also watch what I eat.W3: I dance, and I do yoga – and I just try to be as active as possible – enjoy nature also.M3: I try and walk everywhere because, um, I don’t really enjoy running.W4: I have quite a hectic lifestyle as a musician but I do try to keep fit – going to the gym, yoga classes, Pilates classes, er, sometimes running, and generally keeping active.W5: I’m a police officer, so I have quite an active job. Um, I can spend 8 or 12 hours doing foot patrol, um, walking round the streets of London so I suppose that keeps me quite fit.Part 3F: What other things would you like to do to keep fit?M1: I’d love to get involved with some team sports. I really enjoy, sort of, the team aspect of sport.Er, particularly I think I’d like to get into hockey.W1: I’d quite like to learn how to play tennis properly. Er, it’s probably one of the only sports that I’m interested in; it’s something I would watch on TV.M2: I would like to run, but, er … my legs are, are not running legs, so I prefer to cycle.W3: I would like to learn to rock climb.M3: I would actually like to join a rowing club, er, but unfort unately I don’t have time and it is a little bit expensive.W4: I really enjoy getting out of London at the weekend and going sailing.W5: When I was at university, um, I got quite into swing dancing, which is very like jive, 1940s jazz dancing. Er, I’d quite like to take that up again since it’s an easy way of keeping fit, andyou meet a lot of people.Part 4F: Do you do anything that isn’t very healthy?M1: Um, I have a bit of a sweet tooth. Um, I love dessert, and I love to eat, er, sweet things.W4: I definitely drink too much coffee, and I do like chocolate as well.W2: Eating late is really bad for you so I try and avoid that – as much as I can, although it does happen quite regularly.W1: I love chocolate, and I probably eat too much of it.W5: Um, because of my shift work, I eat a lot of fast food, er, especially in the early hours of the morning.W3: Gosh, I don’t know. I’m a vegetarian. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink caffeine.M3: I eat far too many crisps, and chocolate and biscuits. And because I bake, I also eat a lot of cake.ListeningScriptsI = Interviewer; W = WomanI: Can you tell us a little about superfoods?W: Well, um, superfoods include tomatoes, broccoli and spinach.I: Hmm.W: These have lots of vitamins, and they are really good for you.I: Right.W: Anyway, they may improve our health, but I don’t think superfoods will be the answer to our eating problems in the future.I: Can you tell us why not?W: Well, the most important thing is to eat healthy food every day.I: Um, right.W: And this is more important than the idea of superfoods. Eating an apple a day is better for you than eating a kilo of spinach one day a week.I: I see. So what you’re saying is …I: There’s been a lot of talk about food pills.W: Yes.I: Are they healthier than other types of food? Could they be the food of the future?W: Well, in the past astronauts ate a type of food pill when they were in space. It was dried food and they added water to it.I: Right.W: But I don’t think food pills will repla ce normal food.I: Right. Why’s that? For health reasons or social reasons?W: Well, cooking and eating together is an important part of family life and it always will be. You sit down together at a table and you eat and talk. It’s a very old tradition, and eating pills isn’tthe same.I: Hmm, so we won’t eat only food pills?W: Food pills might become more popular, but no, we won’t eat only food pills in the future.I: Well, that’s interesting because I was reading about …W: In the future we may have special food that can change its flavor.I: Can you give an example?W: For example, imagine you like chocolate ice cream, but your friend likes strawberry. You eat the same ice cream but it will taste different for both of you.I: The same food that tastes di fferent for different people …W: You’ll think it’s chocolate ice cream and your friend will say it’s strawberry. It might happen with drinks, too. You take a bottle of liquid out of the fridge. You press the button which says “coffee” or “lemonade” or “hot chocolate”. You put the bottle in the microwave and the liquid becomes the drink that you choose.I: So it starts off as the same food or drink, but then we change its flavor by pushing a button. W: That’s right. Just by pushing a button.I: So how does it work?W: Well, this is possible because of nanotechnology. The technology might not replace normal drinks and food, but it may become common in the future.I: And nanotechnology is something that’s used in different areas of science …ViewingScriptsB = Ronnie Barker;C = Ronnie CorbettB: I say, that was, that was really jolly good that was. I must say I really enjoyed that. Thanks very much.C: That’s fine. Fine.B: I say, it’s, it’s a super game, isn’t it? I, I can’t understand why I’ve never tried i t before. Absolutely lovely. I loved it. But thanks to you, old boy, of course, from now on, I shall be a dedicated squish player.C: Squash.B: Pardon?C: The game is called “squash”.B: Oh squash, yes, that’s right. I’m sorry. Um … who actually won? I mean, I couldn’t quite grasp the scoring mechanism. I mean, did I, did I win?C: Yes, you … yes, you won, you won.B: Oh, that’s good. How many goals did I get?C: Goals?!B: Well, you know, er … thingies, er … whatever … runs ….C: Points!B: … runs … ah, p oints!C: Points!B: Points, yes.C: Points.B: How many points did I get?C: Well, the score was, if you want to know, game-love, game-love, game-love, game-love. You see?B: Yes.C: You won … four games to love!B: Oh, I see. So, I got four and you got love.C: Yeah.B: I see. But how many is love?C: Love is nothing.B: Oh no, no. That’s not right, I’m sure, because I’m sure you got a goal, earlier on, right at theC: A point!B: A point, I mean.C: A point, yes, well of course I did. That was when you …B: Oh, I know, I was holding the thing by the wrong end. I must remember, hold the bat by the thin end.C: The racket!B: Racket, I mean.C: The racket!B: Yes.C: This is … this is a ball.B: Yes.C: The game is called “squash”.B: Yes.C: Let’s start from basic principles.B: Yes.C: The whole thing is called “squash”.B: Squash.C: This is a ball.B: Yes.C: This is a ... racket when you do that. That’s what that is. That is a racket.B: I see. Will it work now you’ve done that?C: Ah … I don’t much care, to be honest. I mean … I’m not going to be playing squash anymore ever!B: Oh, I say. That’s a pity, because I was hoping we could have another game next week. I mean, I can, I thought, well you know, I thought I might get a bit better.C: A bit better? A bit better?! Look matey, I’m the secretary of this squash club. You know. I, I, I mean, I captain the A-team. You know. I’m one of the best players round here, as a matter of fact. You know, I won the area finals last year, all that sort of t hing, you know. You know, I’m good. You know, good. And you come along here, if I may say so. You’ve never played the game before. You’re vastly overweight, if I may say so. You’re very slow on the court. You’ve gone out on that court, and you’ve thrashed me. You’ve pounded me into the ground. You pulverized me, in front of my friends, four games to love! Well, how do you do it?B: Beginner’s luck?C: It’s a fluke. That’s what it is, a fluke, matey. It won’t happen again. I’ll tell you what … It won’t happe n the next time.B: No, well, there won’t be a next time, will there? Because you’ve broken your rocket.C: My racket! I’ll get a new one. I don’t care. I’ll get a new one. Look, mate. I’ll get a new one, and tomorrow morning, here, 10 o’clock, things will be different!B: Oh no, no. Sorry, old boy. No, not tomorrow. No can do.C: What do you mean, “No can do”?B: I’ve got to go up to a place called Lords tomorrow. I’ve got to play a game called “cracket” or something.Speaking for communicationScriptsConversation 1D = Doctor; W = WomanD: Hello. I’m Dr. Andrews. Now, what’s the matter?W: Well, doctor, I feel terrible. I get these headaches and I feel sick.D: Oh. How long have you had this problem?W: A few weeks now. And I can’t sleep at nigh t because my head hurts.D: You can’t sleep?W: That’s right.D: And are you very worried or under pressure at the moment?W: No, I don’t think so.D: Do you have a healthy diet?W: Hmm. Quite healthy.D: Do you drink tea or coffee?W: Yes, I do.D: How much?W: Tea? Er … probably about eight cups, or ten.D: A day?W: Yes.D: I see. And has that changed in the last few weeks?W: Not really.D: OK. Well the first thing is I think you should stop drinking so much tea and coffee. Try to drink just one small c up a day. I’ll give you some painkillers for the headaches. Take two of these three times a day. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about, but if your headaches continue …Conversation 2D = Doctor; M = ManD: Good morning. How can I help?M: Well, I’m w orried about my foot.D: Your foot?M: Yes. It hurts when I walk.D: I see. Did you do anything to it? Did you have an accident?M: Um. Well, sort of.D: What happened?M: I kicked a wall.D: I see. When did you do that?M: About a week ago.D: OK. Did you go to hospital?M: No.D: Can I have a look?M: Yes, of course.D: Where does it hurt? Here?M: Argh. Yes, there.D: Can you move it?M: Yes, a little, but it’s very painful.D: Hmm. I think it might be broken. It’s nothing to worry about, but I think you should go to the hospital for an X-ray. I’ll write you a note and if you just take this …Group discussionScriptsA: Does exercise make you feel relaxed?B: Yes, I think it really does. Sometimes it’s difficult to find time to exercise, but I play footba ll after work on a Monday, and I play tennis at the weekend, and I feel so much better. If I don’t play one week, I feel terrible. So, yes, doing sport makes you feel really good. You feel much better, and more relaxed.A: How much exercise do you do in a week?C: In a week, well I probably do about two or three hours of exercise, maybe more. I go to the gym once or twice, if I have time, and I sometimes go swimming. Oh, and I ride my bike at the weekend, so actually, probably three or four hours a week. More than I thought. Yeah, four hours, that’s OK.A: Do you have a sporting hero?D: Oh yes, Pelé. He’s a hero, not just for me, but probably for all Brazilians. I think he is one of the greatest football players ever. He was such a good athlete, and he had so much talent. Hewas “King of Football”, and scored more goals for Brazil than anyone else. And he was bornvery poor. You know he didn’t have money for a football so he used to practice kicking a grapefruit, or a sock stuffed with paper.A: How much do you walk a day?E: Oh my goodness. Well, I suppose. I don’t walk very much actually. I … um … I drive, the car everywhere. That’s terrible, isn’t it? Um. Yes, I probably only walk about, about maybe five minutes every day.Further practice in listeningShort conversationsScriptsConversation 1W: Sorry. I have a project to do and I will have to stay at work until 6 o’clock. So I can’t make it to the bar at 5:30.M: OK. Then let’s meet at the cinema 10 minutes before the movie starts. Q: What is the woman going to do with the man in the evening? Conversation 2M: Sally’s been doing yoga for three months to lose weight. But I wonder how she can succeed when she eats like that.W: Oh, poor Sally. She really should watch her diet and try to eat something less fatty.Q: What do we learn about Sally?Conversation 3W: We use flexible time in our company. That is, early risers can begin work at 7 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m. while late sleepers need not go to work until 10 a.m. but they must work until 6 in the evening.M: That’s cool for a night owl like me.Q: At what time is the man most likely to go to work?Conversation 4M: You’ve been working so hard. I know you don’t want to rest because you love your job. But remember what people say: Relax or die.W: Thanks for caring so much. But, really, I’m feeling fine. I don’t need time off.Q: What does the woman mean?Conversation 5W: Do you know John has got straight A’s in the final exams? He’s been taking 6 courses this term and working more than 20 hours a week.M: Good for John! How he can balance work and study so well is really beyond me.Q: What does the man mean?Long conversationScriptsM: So Mary, I heard you were thinking about doing a triathlon?W: That’s right. But you know triathlons are tough with the t hree events: swimming, then cycling and finally running! My sister, Jennifer, did a triathlon last year and loved it! So, I decided to give it a try.M: Good for you! I did my first triathlon back in college six years ago. Now, I do at least one triathlon every year. It keeps me fit and healthy with regular swimming, cycling, and running. So do you have a favorite of the three events?W: Yes! Definitely running. I started running back in high school and loved it! I woke up at six a.m. every morning and then ran three miles. Now that I’m training for the triathlon I’m loving waking up at six a.m. and running again.M: Not me! Running is my worst event! I get bored when I run. I start daydreaming about other things and forget where I’m going! Two times last week I made a wrong turn and almost got lost!W: For me, it’s swimming. Swimming pools are fine –but triathlons … take place in lakes. And … I’m scared that a giant fish will eat me!M: What?! Come on! There aren’t any giant people-eating fish in lakes and even the small fish will be scared away when hundreds of peoplefrom the triathlon are swimming there all at the same time!Q1: Why did the woman decide to do a triathlon?Q2: When did the man first do a triathlon?Q3: How does the man feel about running?Q4: Why doesn’t the woman like swimming in the triathlon?Passage 1ScriptsHappiness increases when we experience more positive emotions throughout the day.Fredrickson, a leader in the field of psychology, identifies 10 positive emotions, including joy, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, love and so on. How often we experience these positive emotions compared to negative emotions in a day affects not only our mood, but also our physical health. She has discovered that those who have a 3:1 ratio of positive to negative emotions on a daily basis are happier and healthier.Sadly, most people, even those who consider themselves positive people, are way below that ratio. The good news is you can learn to increase your ratio of being positive, which leads to greater happiness, health and success.Research shows that by increasing positive emotions, we become more creative, perform better at tasks, and have better relationships. The mostexciting finding is that we now have proof that self-generated positive emotions can improve our physical health.Nevertheless, we don’t want to get rid of all negative feelings. Negative emotions are proper and helpful sometimes. It’s appropriate to feel sad about the loss of a loved one. Anger often pushes us into action to improve a situation or correct a mistake. However, if you find yourself waiting impatiently when the driver in front of you doesn’t instantly notice the light turns green, or if you find yourself scolding your kids for laughing too loud while you are on the phone, youare having negative feelings in your daily life too often. Then you should step back and analyze those feelings, and turn them around.Q1: What is the ratio of positive to negative emotions that can make a person happier?Q2: What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions?Q3: What does the speaker say about negative feelings?Q4: What is the main idea of the passage?Passage 2Scripts and answersThere are many factors that affect a person’s sleep. Stress is the nu mber one cause of short-term sleeping difficulties. Stressful situations include school- or job-related 1) pressures, and serious illness in the family.Usually the sleeping problems 2) disappear when the stressful situations pass. However, if short-term sleeping problems are not managed properly from the beginning, they can last long and thus 3) compromise good health.Unhealthy habits may lead to sleeping problems too. Drinking coffee or 4) alcohol in the afternoon or evening, exercising close to bedtime, following an irregular morning and nighttime schedule, and working or doing other mentally 5) intense activities right before or after gettinginto bed can interrupt sleep. Traveling also 6) interferes with sleep, especially traveling across several time zones. This can 7) undermine your biological rhythms and cause sleep disorders such as trouble falling asleep and trouble remaining asleep. Environmental factors such as a room that’s too hot or cold, too noisy or too bright can be anobstacle to sound sleep. Other influences to 8) pay attention to are the comfort and size of your bed and the habits of your sleep partner. If you have to sleep beside someone who has different sleeping habits, breathes in a noisy way, or 9) suffers from other sleeping difficulties, it often becomes your problem too! Having a 24/7 lifestyle can also interrupt regular sleep patterns. Industries are working round the clock to be 10) competitive, so some people have to work at night; with nonstop automatic communication systems, people are communicating day and night. All these make sleeping at regular times difficult.。

Unit6DirectionNew Year’s Day has always been the time when people look ahead and hope for the luck they want. Long ago, in many cultures, people thought they could affect the luck they would have in the coming year by what they did or ate on the first day of the year. For that reason, it has become common for people to spend the New Year’s Day with their family members. Even today people still believe that anything in the shape of ring is good luck, and that if the first visitor on New Year’s Day is a tall dark-haired man, it will bring good luck to the rest of the year.even.1)[C](宗教节日或假日的)前夜,前夕He went to bed on Christmas Eve very early.In the United States, many people go to New Year’s Eve parties.2)(重大事件发生的)前夕,前一刻He could hardly go to sleep on the eve of his visit to China.She felt nervous on the eve of her examination.celebration n. 庆祝,庆祝会She was persuaded to come to the annual celebration party.The party was in celebration of their parents’ golden wedding anniversary.celebrate v. 庆祝,举行(仪式,庆典)They celebrated his 80th birthday yesterday.It has become a custom among them to celebrate the birthday with a party.ancientadj. 1)古代的The story took place in ancient Greece.The ancient Romans conquered many countries.2)古老的,旧的In Rome, we visited some ancient temples.measurevt.测量Time is measured by the hour, minute and second.n.[C] 措施,方法We must take measures right away.The shop took some new measures to attract more customers.unitedadj. 1)(政治上的)联合,联盟The matter was referred to the United Nations.This book deals with life in the United States.2)一致的,团结的They are a very united family.We can surely overcome these difficulties as long as we are closely untied.western 西方(国家、世界)的,西部的Self-esteem is important in Western culture for two reasons.importance n. 重要,重大,重要性We shouldn’t ignore the importance of agriculture in a country.Governments now realize the importance of environmental protection.give importance to重视We should give much importance to English learning.festivaln. 1)(尤指宗教的)节日Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节Spring Festival春节Lantern Festival 元宵节(Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节)Dragon Boat Festival 端午节2)(定期在某地举行的)节庆,活动the Edinburgh Festival爱丁堡艺术节A Chinese film won an award at the Italian Film Festival last year.bring in把….带进来;引入They brought in different customs and cultures.他们带来了不同的风俗和文化。
新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit6-Section A-Under the bombs 1945

Listen to a short passage about “Iraq war takes its toll on children” and fill in the missing information. The U.N. Children's Fund says children in Kurdistan in northern Iraq thriving and the situation in are___________ southern Iraq has become more stable. It says security has improved in Baghdad and the surrounding areas surge so-called since the troop ________began in February.
Listen to a short passage about “Iraq war takes its toll on children”and fill in the missing information. UNICEF says Iraqi children frequently were caught in the ______________________in crossfire of conflict 2007. It reports hundreds of children lost their lives or were injured by violence ___________and many more had their main family wage earner ___________or kidnapped killed. displaced More than one million people are _________in Iraq. About one half of them are children. Lisa Schlein for VOA news Geneva.

3. Do you agree with the view that men carry more weight in life than women?
The importance of equality in the home.
3. What makes men and women equal in the home? The pattern of sharing in tasks and decisions.
4. How will children be benefited if they grow up in a family in which men and women are equal?
aware of?
3. What makes men and women equal in the home? Tips
4. How will children be benefited if themen and women are equal?
4 6 UNIT Gender equality
Section A The weight men carry
To talk about gender equality To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the essay writing skill
1. What is the traditional view about the gender role of women?

教学方法与手 段
Unit 6, Section A: To work or not to work- That is the question
Teaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities
Step 1. Greetings Greet the whole class warmly. Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading Let them talk to each other about the following questions: 1. Why do some students like to take part-time jobs? 2. What problems will students face with when they take part-time jobs? 3. What suggestions will you put forward toward students planning to work part-time? Step 3. Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure. Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part1 (para.1) Research methods Part 2 (para2-4)Research findings Part 3 (Para.5-8) Explanations for the negative effects Part 4 (Para.9) Conclusion of the research

Unit 6 Key to ExerciseSection ALanguage focusWords in use31 indicate2 conventional3 assess4 decrease5 alter6 has undermined7 compromise8 controversial 9 resolved 10 abandonWord building4-ionrepresentationformationoccupysolutionpersuasiontransmission-ityproductivityoriginalityflexiblesecuritysimplicityprosperity51 solution2 transmission3 prosperity4 formation5 flexible6 occupied7 originality 8 productivity 9 simplicity10 persuasion 11 representation 12 securityBanked cloze61 J2 C3 H4 D5 M6 G7 I8 A9 E 10 N Expressions in use71 cutting back on2 interfere with3 take a toll on4 at risk of5 dropped out6 in turn7 contribute to 8 are accustomed to 9 held on to10 in other wordsStructured Writing9There are several reasons why people get fired from their jobs. First, people may lose their jobs if they have some dishonest behaviors, such as cheating in their job supplications or telling lies in work. Second, employees may be fired sue to poor attendance. No bosslikes an employee who is often late for or absent from work. Third, people having difficulty getting along with their co-workers are also likely to be fired because they may cause conflicts in the workplace. Therefore, to be a good employee, it is important to be honest, punctual, and cooperative.Translation10间隔年指的是学生休假不去上学而去旅行或工作等的一段时间,但不一定是一年。
新视野大学英语(第三版)Book 4:Unit 6 The Weight Men Carry

key words
gender equality 性别平等 destiny 命运 martyr 烈士 patriotism 爱国主义 symmetrical 对称的 mediator 调解者 lightweight 轻松的 alien 陌生的 sexism 性别歧视 emancipate 解放
key words
Task 1 Who carry more burdens, men or women? opinions---evidence (from your personal experiences)
Questions for group discussion
Task 2 What fields of work are mentioned? What do people in different fields do respectively? What happened to them?(Or what did they suffer from?)
Questions for group discussion
Task 3 What are the similarities of the workers from different classes? Why did the author present so many questions in P5? Make each question a complete sentence.
The Republican Party
The Democratic Party
The Democratic Party is the oldest existing political party in the United States. During the Second Party System (from 1832 to the mid-1850s) under From 1860 to 1932 in the era Presidents Andrew Jackson, Martin of the Civil War to the Great Van Buren and James K. Polk, the Democrats usually bested the Depression, the opposing Republican Party, organized opposition Whig Party by narrow margins. Both parties worked hard to build in the mid-1850s from the ruins of the Whig Party and grassroots organizations and maximize the turnout of voters, which often reached 80 some other smaller splinter percent or 90 percent. Both parties used groups, was dominant in patronage extensively to finance their presidential politics. The operations, which included emerging big Democrats elected only two city political machines as well as national Presidents to four terms of networks of newspapers. The Democratic office for 72 years: Grover Cleveland (in 1884 and 1892) Party was a proponent for slave-owners and Woodrow Wilson (in 1912 across the country, urban workers and caucasian immigrants. and 1916)

Listening to the world
5 Watch Part 4 and fill in the blanks.
4 Why is it hard for him to make plans sometimes?
Listening to the world
6 Work in pairs and discuss the question. 3 What are the pros and cons of the work of salesperson? • The pros of being a salesperson include flexibility, potentially unlimited income and opportunities to meet many different people. While the cons include
Listening to the world
3 What’s the worst thing about his job?
Answer: _Th_e__w_o_r_s_t _th_i_n_g_a_b_o_u_t_h_i_s _jo_b__is_ _th_e__(l_o_n_g_) _h_o_u_r_s _h_e_w__o_rk_s_.____ C
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Plus Activities
Who will bring good luck to the rest of the year? 2) The first visitor who is a tall dark-haired man .
Around the Topic Section A
Section B
Section C
Leading in
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrase concerning holidays.
• On New Year’s Eve, people fire__fi_r_e_c_r_a_c_k_e_r_s__.
Warming-up Text A Exercises
Background Information
Reading Through
Related knowledge
Sample Reading Useful Terms Exercises
Around the Topic Section A
Unit 6
Celebration of Holidays
Book One
Unit 6
Celebration of Holidays
Around the
Exploring the Topic Plus Activities
What does a thing in the shape of a ring mean? It means 3) good luck .
Leading in
Around the Topic Section A
Section B
Section C
Match the holidays in the left column with the dates in the right, and then make sentences with the matching.
Text A
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
New York City
It is the largest city in the United States and one of
the largest in the world, situated on New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River. It comprises (由······组成) five boroughs (行政区): Manhattan (曼哈顿区) (New York co.), the heart of the city, an island; the Bronx (布 朗克斯区) (Bronx co.), on the mainland, northeast of
Section B
Section C
Exploring the Topic
Plus Activities
We all love holidays! No matter how old we get, we all get excited about special days in our culture. Food, family, friends, and fireworks are all big parts of enjoying these times. But why wait for a special day to celebrate? Come on—let the fun begin now!
Leading in
Around the Topic Section A
Exploring the Topic
Section B
Section C
Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a short talk about bringing good luck to the New Year. While listening, try to complete the following chart with the information you hear.
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
Section A: Happy New Year
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
Text A
New York City Times Square
Exploring the Topic
• On New Year’s Eve, people fire firecrackers to
drive away _e_v_i_l _s_p_i_ri_t_s____.
• On New Year’s Eve in New York city, thousands of people gather in Times Square to welcome
Plus Activities
Around the Topic Section A
Section B
Section C
Leading in
What could affect people’s luck in the coming year? 1) What they did or ate on the first day of the year.
Exploring the Topic
Column A
•New Year’s Day •Labor Day •Youths’ Day •Children’s Day •Christmas
Matching game
Column B
4 May 1 June 1 January 25 December 1 May