
1. 请简单介绍一下自己。
2. 你为什么选择继续深造研究生学位?回答:我选择继续深造研究生学位是因为我对该领域的研究充满了热情,并且我相信通过研究生学习,我可以进一步提升我的学术水平和研究能力。
3. 你在本科阶段的研究方向是什么?有什么成果?回答:在本科阶段,我主要研究方向是XX领域。
4. 你对我们学校的研究方向有了解吗?回答:我对贵校的研究方向有一定了解。
5. 你对你所申请的导师有了解吗?回答:我对我所申请的导师有一定了解。
6. 你的英语水平如何?是否参加过英语考试?回答:我具备良好的英语水平,并且通过了XX英语考试,获得了XX分的成绩。
7. 你在本科阶段有没有遇到过学术困难?如何解决的?回答:在本科阶段,我曾遇到过一个学术困难,那就是我在一项研究项目中遇到了实验数据分析的困难。

考研复试英语面试常见问题一、你为什么报考本校/本专业?提问方式:1、Why do you choose our university and this major?关键词: university、major、choose英语回答示例:The reason why I choose the journalism major of Wuhan University is very simple: I want to become a professional journalist after three years' study just like my parents did 20 years ago. I am interested in this field because of my parents. I have been keeping the habit of reading newspapers and TV news, analyzing the logicality in words and means of expressions in speaking since I was a child.汉语回答示例:我选择武汉大学的新闻学专业的原因很简单:我想通过三年的学习,成为一名职业的记者,就像我的父母20年前所做的那样。
英语(非跨考)回答示例:I majored in journalism now , spent almost four years to learn thebasic knowledge in this field. During my postgraduate period, I hope to equip myself more practical skills through the three/two-year's study.汉语(非跨考)回答示例:我现在的专业就是新闻学这个专业,花了近四年的时间学习了这个领域的基础知识。

1. 自我介绍问题: Please introduce yourself.2. 为什么选择这个专业?问题: Why did you choose this major?3. 你的研究兴趣是什么?问题: What is your research interest?答案: "My research interest lies in [具体研究方向], especially [具体研究课题]. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to work on a related project, which sparked my passion for this field. I am excited to deepen my understanding and contribute to the existing literature through my master's/PhD research."4. 描述一个你曾经解决过的问题。
问题: Can you describe a problem you've solved?答案: "During my undergraduate studies, I encountered a challenging problem in [课程名称], which was [具体问题]. To solve this problem, I first analyzed the relevant theories and methods, and then applied them to the specific case. After several attempts and consultations with my professor and classmates, I finally found a suitable solution. This experience not only improved my problem-solving skills but also taught me the importance of perseverance and collaboration."5. 描述一个你曾经失败的经历。

考研复试英语面试常见问题20个考研复试英语面试常见问题20个1. Where do you come from?2. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?4. Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.5. Could you tell me something about your family?6. What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?7. Which kind of professor do you like best?8. What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?9. What is your major? How do you like your major?10. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?11. What impressed you most when you were at university?12. What is the best university in your opinion?13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?14. What do you do for a living?15. What are your job prospects?16. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with it?17. What are your spare time interests?18. Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most?19. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries?20. Do you think you will be able to cope with English-demands of your intended study program?考研复试综合面试常见10个高频问题1.自我介绍无论是用英语提问还是用汉语提问,亦或是用哪种方式提问,这个自我介绍是必不可少的,建议老师用英语提问就用英语回答,用汉语提问就用汉语回答。

有可能问到的问题:一、Educational background1.Are you with a job or are you studying?2.What’s your major? Why do you choose it as your major?3.What do you learn from the major?4.What are the main courses/ subjects you should learn?5.What do you like/ dislike of your major?6.Is there anything you don’t like about your studies?7.How do you like your major?8. What do you like most about your studies?9. How do you like your life in the people's university?10. What do you think of the training you got in the university?11.What is your plan after graduation?二、Hometown1.What is the most special building in your hometown?2.What does it look like?3.What is the history of your hometown?4.What are the people like in your hometown?5.What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown?6.Can you describe the street in your hometown?7.Where do you live?8.Whether Chinese people are very rich now?9. Do you like your hometown, and tell me why or why not?10. Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live?11.What is the climate like in your hometown?12. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities?13.What’re the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown?14.What’s your favorite weather in your hometown?三、Spare time & Hobby1.What do people do in their spare time?2.What do you like to do in your spare time? (What’s your hobby? Why?)3.Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?4.Do you like doing these things with a group of friends or by yourself?(Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you're free?)5.How do you spend your weekends?6.Is it dangerous for people to spend too much time on hobbies?坚持将筑成你最后的感动,感动会带给你一路美景127.How did you become interested in your hobby?8.Do you think hobbies are beneficial to social life?(What benefits do hobbies have on a person's life?).9.What’s the interest advantage?10.Why do people like to watch games?11.What is the most important thing at your weekend? Is the weekend of two days enough?12.What's your definition of a hobby?四、Family1. Can you tell me something about your family?What do your family members do for a living?2. What do you and your family like to do together?五、Movie1. Do you like watching films?2. What kind of movies do you like? What type of films do your friends like? / What kind of films does thepeople who as old as you like?3. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre? Which cinema do you often go to?.4. Who’s your favorite film star? Can you describe him/her to me?10. What qualities do you think are important for a successful or good film?There are many good films such as “Gone with the Wind”, “Sound of Music”. I think these films aresuccessful because the noble ideas and tender sentiments are really able to touch the heart of the audience. So for agood film, the plot, the skill of the director, the performance of actors and actress are all important factors. Inaddition to the talent of a director and a movie star, a film’s social message is of great importance, too. Such asmarriage, divorce, children and money, they are always true to life. Besides, I think the script plays a big part of afilm. Without a good script, even if the director, the leading actor and actress are first-rate, the film can’t possiblybe first-rate. If a story is too sha llow, the film stars won’t have any chance to show their talent. Also, people suchas supporting actors and actresses, cameramen and composers are important, too.六、SuccessDescribe the most unforgettable/recent success in your life.You should say: What it is? When and where did you do it? How did you get it? Why it is important foryou?I would like to tell you something about my excellent diploma project. In March this year, I started to preparefor my diploma project. The grade of the diploma project was very important for me to apply for the University ofSydney, so I must try my best to do it well. At that time my buddy and I were practicing in the Great WallSecurities Company of Shenzhen, so our tutor suggested us to develop a System of Internet Stocks Analysis.However, our major was Computer Science and we didn’t know a little about securities, so it was a great attemptand challenge to us. At first I had no confidence, but my parents and my tutor all encouraged me. As is a commonsaying that ”Could you see the rainbow without experiencing the rainstorm?”, I understood that it was necessaryto experience a certain difficulty on the way to success. So I made up my mind to grasp the nettle. Then I went tothe Book Shopping Center, went to the library, and surfed the Internet to collect information. It took me a monthto read a great number of books and some famous softwares, taking the essence and discarding the dregs. Theprocess of developing software was filled with not only difficulty but also delight. We had no experience indeveloping software, so we had to do everything gropingly. During this time, our tutor gave much good advice tous. With her great help and our great effort, we overcame the main difficulty at last. We were very excited and felt坚持将筑成你最后的感动,感动会带给你一路美景13on top of the world. Through hard working for two months, we completed the System of Internet Stocks Analysisin the end. The competitive examination was another difficulty. Four learned professors continually put complexquestions to me. At the beginning, I was quite nervous. But I had profound understanding on my diploma project,so soon I was composed myself and answered every question carefully. Finally the professors were satisfied withsmile. Fortunately my diploma project got a grade of excellent. The process of getting success was veryunforgettable. And I knew that the hard working and the strong will are the most important things to success.(Pig: I would like to tell you something about my excellent thesis. In March this year, I started to prepare formy thesis. The grade of the thesis was very important for me to apply for the University of Sydney, so I must trymy best to do it well. My topic was about the cost of the law, that means to analyze the law through economicmethod. It was a great attempt and challenge to me, because my major was Law and I didn’t know much aboutEconomics. However, as is a common saying that ”Could you see the rainbow without experiencing therainstorm?”, I understood that it was necessary to experience a certain difficulty on the way to success. So I madeup my mind to grasp the nettle. Then I went to the Book Shopping Center, went to the library, and surfed theInternet to collect information. It took me a month to read a great number of books and some famous dissertations,taking the essence and discarding the dregs. When I had a clear idea, I started writing. During this time, my tutorand my mother gave much good advice to me. With their great help, I completed the thesis at last. The competitiveexamination was another difficulty. Three learned professors continually put complex questions to me. At thebeginning, I was quite nervous. But I had profound understanding on my thesis, so soon I was composed myselfand answered every question carefully. Finally the professors were satisfied with smile. Fortunately my thesis gota grade of excellent. The process of getting success was very unforgettable. And I knew that the hard working andthe strong will are the most important things to success.)七、Education / School1.What kind of teaching material do you think is a good one? Is it necessary to improve the teachingmaterial?2. What do you think of the popularity of English in China?I think it's the inevitable. I mean the world is getting closer and closer, so it's inevitable that the world beginsto use a common language. That means you can get a larger range of knowledge if you understand English. If youwant to do well in business you should at least know a little English. Some of the best industries in the future willbe involved in the international trade so if you are good at English you will have more and better opportunities.Therefore the popularity of English in China is really for practical reasons.3. How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges?I think that we should pay more attention to the higher education. That means the government should put agreat deal of money on the improvement of the facilities in the university, and allocate more funds on theacademic research. We should attract better professors to enhance the quality of education. Moreover, I think thereshould be more opportunities for long-distance learning programs from various universities around the world sothat many Chinese can get the benefit of overseas education without traveling so far to other countries.八、Childhood1.What was your favorite story in your childhood?It is an interesting question. Let me see. In my childhood, the story “the wolf is coming ” impressed me. It’sabout a little shepherd who always told a lie that the wolf was coming so at last his sheep were all bitten by thewolf. This story will affect me all my life. It reminds me that we should be honest and reliable.3.What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?I remember that when I was young, one day I went out by myself and got lost. When I was helpless, an old mangave me a favor and sent me home. It impressed me deeply. And I often tell to myself that I should try my best to14help others.九、Festival1.What do you do during the spring festival?I usually spend the time with my parents. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV towelcome the New Year. I also like to try and contact my school friends and see how they're doing and what they'reup to. We give presents each other and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New Year.十、Music1. What role do you think music play in our life?Just as other kinds of art, music has become an indispensable part of human civilization. It brings us withnutritious spiritual food and enriches our leisure life. In addition, music can elicit the imagination of us. And itteaches us how to distinguish beauty from the nature. Listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshedfrom a day’s hard work.E a clean and safe work place.十一、TV programs1.How does the TV set change in China? Compared to ten years ago, and how will it develop? Ten years ago, Chinese TV set’s manufacture mostly depended on foreign technique, so if the people hadenough money they would like to buy imported TV, because Chinese TV was really not so good in quality.However, now Chinese TV set is not only low in price and good in quality, deeply loved by Chinese people, butalso is exported to many foreign countries and gain high evaluation. From this we can see that today themanufacturing technique of Chinese TV set has made great progresses and even formed its own characteristic,such as digital TV set. And I think in the future ten years, web TV will be developed gradually. Internet will bebrought in to the TV, or endow TV the function of Internet, and people can even use TV to get on line.十二、Friend1. what kind of person you dislike?I dislike the person who has the following shortcomings. He often deceives others and speaks of other’s evilsor boasts of his own merits. In addition, he makes more friends with those who can offer help. The friendshipoften breaks up if the friends are of no use to him. I am sick of this kind of person.还有一些例题:(选自iBIT 新托福考试口语试题)1Does TV have the positive or negative effect on the modern society? Choose one and explain why.Idiot boxOverindulgent in watching TV will cause such symptoms like eye irritation, obesity and dizziness. Poor sightWatching TV will have a bad influence on children and younger generations both physically and psychologically.Physically1. Poor sight2. Obesity3. Coach PotatoPsychologicallyIsolationLonenessToo much adult materials like violence and crime152. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Explain why. YesMusic teaches us not only how to sing, but also the rhythm, which is fascinating and useful. Learn how to appreciate the arts, like music, songs, operas and exhibitions and shows.The appreciation of beauty3. Do you think using mobile phone should be banned in some certain place? Explain why. Yes.Places like airport and gas station in case there is anything dangerous happens.Places like classroom, library, music hall, cinema, and theatre. Simply because we will disturb others whenthe places are supposed to be quite.Places like hospital, using mobile phone will disturb the peace and interrupt the patience.4. Which one acts more influence on you, newspaper, TV, or people like your teachers, parents or classmates?Explain why.InfluenceGood characters/personalities/qualitiesLearn a lot from newspaper/TV.5. Do you think government should sponsor to build up museum and theatre? Give reasons and details tosupport your opinion.(A or B)Yes.Building museum and theatre will promote city image.Along with the city image promotion, museum and theatre will contribute to the cultural diversity. Besides, it provides another place for recreation for people to go.Also, it helps teach children to get familiar with diversified culture, like Greek and Roman.No.The government should attach the importance of the development of economy.Not necessary: Accessible and convenient internetTogether with the economical development, people are able to travel to the places like Paris, Rome andGreece to see the places of interest in person and visit the theatre and listen to opera.6. Do you prefer eating at home or eating out, and explain why. (A over B)Eating at home is much better than eating out in the following aspects.A lot cheaper, more nutritious than to eat out, which does good to our health.Good for family, since when we are around table, taking about something happened during the day, it is thehappiest moment in the whole day.However, eating out will provide you with different choices, which means you can have something Italian orChinese.All in all, due to/owing to the reasons that I’ve stated above make me eat at home a lot.7. Do you prefer to study in a big city or a small one, and explain why? (A over B)I would like to study in a big city rather than a small one with the following reasons.Big city-diversified cultureBig city-advanced and developed equipment and study materials.Big city-different friends coming from different cultural backgrounds.8. Do you prefer to live alone or live with a roommate? Explain why.Living alone.More private space that I can do anything I want anytime.I will be more independent, like I can learn how to arrange my life from food to laundry.16Living with a roommate.Learn a lot about how to get along with each other like taking care of other people.Share laughter and sadness with him or her.9. Should the universities and colleges open to every student or just a part of students? Explain why.Yes.Every student has the right to receive higher education to pursue a fancy job and better life, especially tothose who are poor but very intelligent and diligent.It is the obligation of the universities and colleges that open to every student as education is supposed to treatevery human being equal.Making possible that every student can be accessible to the higher education contributes to the developmentof our society, like science and technology, and economy.10. Whether parents should lead their children to watch TV or the children should choose what they wantto watch by themselves. Explain why.Parents should lead their children to watch TV.1. Children are too naïve to tell the difference between good and evil, when they are facing TV which is fullof /flooded with adult materials like violence and crime.2. Children are too young to arrange their timetable. They need the guidance of parents.3. Besides, the current and urgent topic for them is to concentrate on study, too muchTV-watching willdisturb their study and come up with bad marks.11. Should schools open up music class? Explain why.Yes.Enrich the curriculum.Singing a song is fascinating and happy.Enhance the study efficiency (higher efficiency)Music teaches rhythm which does good to our future.Learn to appreciate beauty.12. Do you prefer to study in class or self-taught? Explain why.Study in classClassmates, discussion, debating makes us understand a topic deeply, since if you want to persuade someoneyou have to provide sufficient and enough reasons.Teachers, guiding and helping. Whenever I come across a difficulty I can discuss with my teacher immediately.Self-taughtIn the light of my own interests without the compulsory but quite boring subject.Master more for the study is more direct.13. Is attending colleges easier to be successful in career than not? Explain why.Yes.Attending colleges makes us study more knowledge specially to make sure we understand more about thesociety.More knowledge offers us skills and talents to deal with the problems that may appear in our future.When we are at work, the urgent and important topic we must face is how to solve the problems, and thesolutions to those problems can be settled by not only professional knowledge but also wisdom which will benourished by the knowledge we’ve got from colleges.14. Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities in your spare time? Explain why. Indoor activitiesReading a book,读书题17Listening to music or opera 听音乐题Watching DVDs.Outdoor activities1. Jogging, tennis, basketball, football2. Hang out with friends like going to a bar, restaurant, cafe or karaoke.3. Go shopping4. Enjoy the sunshine, more fresh air, happy with friends15. When people take a journey, some prefer to arrive at the destination fast and directly, others prefer toenjoy the scenery along the road, which one do you prefer? Explain your thoughts with details. Get to the destination directly and fast for the following reasons:Purpose is the destination, we should have a good rest on the journey and save our energy. Arriving at our destination directly is the most efficient way to go, spending too much time on the journey isa kind of waste of time, though there may be some beautiful scenes along the road.16. Do you think it is necessary to keep the old buildings in the city? Why or why not? Explain your ideaswith details.老建筑问题是热点,注意之前写过的地点题中的名胜古迹.19th January: People say that childhood is the best time in one person’s life? Do you agree or disagree withthe statement? Explain your ideas with details and examples.YesNot so much pressure compared with adulthood, we can play around the whole day without worrying aboutthe homework.We are young and naïve, believing anything under the sun is good and beautiful.17. Some get advice from family and friends, others learn it through personal experience, which one do youprefer? Explain your own thoughts with examples and details.Friends and familyAdvice from friends. Friends who are older than us are experienced and they can give some suggestionsderived from their experience. Sometimes, learning from others is wiser than learning from the same mistakesmade by us, since in that case, we can take some precautious methods to prevent anything wrong. FamilySome say, parents are our first teachers. What they’ve said to us and tell us do good to our present and future.We should be all ears to them.As a wise person is to learn something from the mistakes made by others rather than to make them in person.18.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should wear uniform in school? Explain yourown thoughts in details.YesUniform is a symbol of a student.Wearing uniform contributes a lot to the discipline of the students.Wearing uniform gives a student a sense of school belonging and do good to their focus on study.19. Do you think that our life is easier than our grandparents or more difficult? Explain your own thoughtsin details.Not exactlyAlong with the improved living standard, we are facing up with more pressure from our peers and society,which requires us to be equipped with more advanced knowledge and challenges us more.More challenges, more risks and more pressure.。

考研英语复试常考面试问题一、自我认知(一)毕业院校1. Could you give me a brief introduction about your university?2. Where will you graduate? How do you like your university?3. Talk about a person who has impressed you most during university.4. What has impressed you most during university? Tell us an affair. (二)家庭概况1.Could you give me a brief introduction about your hometown?2.Where are you from? Talk about it.3.Could you tell us something about your family?4.How many people are there in your family?5.Who is the most influential one in your family?(三)实践/工作经历1.Have you participated in any professional practices?2.Would you like to talk about your practical experiences?3.Do you have any part-time job experiences?4. Please talk about your job.(四)自我介绍1.We like to know something about you.2.Tell us about yourself3.Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself? (五)兴趣爱好1. How do you spend your spare/free/leisure time?2. What are your hobbies?3. How do you spend your weekends?4. What kinds of sports do you like most?5. What kinds of books do you often read?(六)性格特征1. What kind of person do you think you are?2. What kind of personality/character do you think you have?3. What are your greatest shortcoming?4. What are your merits?二、考研认知(一)考研动机类1. Why do you pursue a further study as a postgraduate?2. Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?3. Why do you choose our university/college?4. Why do you change/shift your major?5. Why do you choose to study......instead of studying your present major?(二)未来规划类1. Could you tell us something about your plans in your postgraduate study?2. Would you please say something about your study life if you succeed in this admission?3. Do you have any plans about your postgraduate life?4. What do you expect to do in your postgraduate study?5. What are the most important rewards you expect in your study?。

英语口语常问话题(一)第一个经常问得话题是考研原因通常我们可以从以下三个方面来回答.1) 兴趣,即强调对所报考的专业怀有极大的兴趣(have significant interest in…)。
如果本科就读的专业与报考的专业一致,则可以说明想继续深造(further education)的愿望。
如果不一致,则要说明报考专业对你的吸引力(…appeals to/attracts me a lot)。
2)优势,即强调研究生相对于本科生在知识、学术方面的优势,如:知识面更广(wider knowledge),学术更专业(more professional),眼界更广阔等(broaden one's horizon).3) 益处,即强调考研对你的未来的积极影响(have a positive effect on…),可以从求职、职业规划、人生经历等方面入手进行说明.可参考的词汇、短语如下:be helpful,contribute to,be beneficial to,be conductive to, be a definite advantage,become a strong point when it comes to…等等.对于那些在职考生或有工作经验的考生来说,考官更倾向于提问他们为什么(放弃工作而)重新学习。
考生可以直言在工作发现某些知识或技能很重要,希望能通过学习在这些方面进行提高(In my work, I found …is rather important。
I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning。
So I choose to go back to school and improve myself。

在考研复试的面试环节中, “你为什么要考研”, “为什么选择本校” , “为什么选择本专业”通常是考官们非常感兴趣的话题。
问题一:你为什么要考研?(why do you choose to further your study instead of going to work after graduation?)关键点:1) 导师们不愿听到的:①不好就业;②为了考公务员;③为了有机会有户口;④父母的意愿2) 导师们希望听到的:①对知识的追求;②职业目标的需要参考模板:Firstly, I have a profound love in my major, _______, which is very practical and useful. Through four years’ study in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve some specific problemsthough I have good academic records in all the subjects. So I decide to further my education and take the postgraduate entrance examination.Secondly, I want to take (专业相关职业)as my life long career so further study in this field is still necessary. In my opinion, I can broaden my horizon and enrich the knowledge in this field through the postgraduate education. It is an indispensable step for my self-development in the future as well.Last but not least, I have a long-lasting love of the atmosphere of campus. It is full of passion and youthful spirit. All the things can inspire me to form some fantastic thoughts and excellent ideas. This kind of atmosphere is very helpful for study.For all the reasons mentioned above, I choose to take part in this entrance exam. I would be very grateful if I could be given the opportunity to study in your university. Thank you.问题二:你为什么选择本校?(why do you choose to further your study in our university?)关键点:1) 导师们不愿听到的:①母校不好;②本校好考;③父母的意愿2) 导师们能够接受的:①城市魅力;②离家远/近;③院校吸引力参考模板:I prefer to study in this university for 3 reasons.First, I love this city. (介绍这个城市独特的魅力). It is also far away from my hometown. In the past 20 years, I have never lived by myself. I would like to take this opportunity to be independent. // it is also very close to my hometown. So I can still be together with my parents and take good care of them. They are growing aged and need my accompany.Second, I should say I love this university very much. When I came here for the first time I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere and the faculty. In addition, your university enjoys a good reputation in this field.I think as one of the most famous (专业) in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichments.问题三:你为什么选择本专业?(why do you choose to majored in… instead of your prior major?)关键点:1) 导师们不愿听到的:①原来专业不好就业②本专业好考,容易学③好考公务员④父母的意愿⑤本专业有机会获得户口2) 导师们愿意听到的:①真心喜欢②氛围熏陶③目标院校的吸引力参考模板:Why do you decided to major in Advertising?I majored in Commercial English at university. During those four years, besides taking all the courses required by my major, I also took Advertising as my minor. I spent a lot of time reading books and newspapers related to advertising. To practice the knowledge I’ve learned from books, I found a part-time job at an advertising company. After a full year’s work, I realized I hadn’t got enough to be a leading one in the field. Moreover, compared with overseas advanced theories and ideas on advertising, our ideas seem a little bit outdated. So I want to learn more about advertising by making use of my language advantage.。

英语复试常见问题及回答常见问题:1. Tell me about yourself.(介绍一下自己)2. Why did you choose our university/school?(你为什么选择我们的大学/学校?)3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?(你的优点和缺点是什么?)4. Can you give me an example of a time when you faced a challenge and how you handled it?(能否给我一个你面临挑战的例子,并且说明你是如何处理的?)5. How will you contribute to our university/school?(你将如何为我们的大学/学校作出贡献?)6. What are your career goals?(你的职业目标是什么?)7. Have you done any research in your field of interest?(你在自己感兴趣的领域做过研究吗?)8. How do you handle stress and pressure?(你如何处理压力和紧张?)9. Are you a team player or do you prefer to work independently?(你是一个团队合作的人还是更喜欢独立工作?)10. Do you have any questions for us?(你有没有对我们的问题?)回答:1. I was born and raised in China. I completed my undergraduate degree in Economics and Finance at XYZ University. During my time in university, I actively participated in various extracurricular activities and internships, which helped me develop stronginterpersonal and leadership skills. After graduation, I worked as a financial analyst at ABC company for two years, where I gained practical knowledge and experience in the field. Now, I am excited to pursue my Master's degree in Business Administration at your prestigious university to further enhance my skills and knowledge in this field.2. I chose your university because it is renowned for its excellent reputation in my field of study. I have done extensive research on different universities and I believe that your university offers a comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty members, and a supportive learning environment. Additionally, the opportunities for research and internships provided by your university align perfectly with my career goals.3. One of my strengths is my strong analytical and problem-solving skills. I am able to break down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks and find innovative solutions. Another strength is my ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines. However, one of my weaknesses is that I tend to be a perfectionist and sometimes spend too much time on one task. I am aware of this weakness and have been actively working on improving my time management skills.4. One example of a challenge I faced was during my internship at XYZ company. I was given the responsibility of leading a team to develop a new marketing strategy for a product. However, we faced various hurdles such as budget constraints and lack of time. I handled this challenge by effectively delegating tasks to team members, prioritizing activities, and seeking help from seniorcolleagues when needed. By leveraging the strengths of each team member and staying focused on the end goal, we were able to successfully complete the project within the given timeframe.5. I believe that I can contribute to your university through my strong academic background, leadership skills, and passion for learning. I am committed to actively participating in student organizations and clubs, utilizing my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact. I also believe that my diverse experiences and perspectives can contribute to a diverse and inclusive campus community.6. My career goal is to become a financial analyst in a multinational corporation. I am interested in analyzing financial data, identifying trends, and making strategic recommendations. I hope to gain a deep understanding of international finance and business practices through my Master's degree and further develop my skills in financial analysis and decision making.7. Yes, I have conducted research in my field of interest during my undergraduate studies. In my senior year, I conducted a research project on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic growth in developing countries. I collected and analyzed data from various sources, conducted statistical analysis, and drew conclusions based on my findings. This experience not only developed my research skills but also deepened my understanding of economic theories and concepts.8. I handle stress and pressure by prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and practicing self-care. I believe that maintaining a healthywork-life balance is crucial for managing stress. I also find that taking short breaks during intense work periods helps me recharge and refocus. Additionally, I find participating in physical activities such as running or practicing yoga to be an effective stress reliever.9. I am comfortable working both independently and in a team. I believe that both collaboration and individual initiative are important for achieving success. In a team setting, I enjoy the opportunity to brainstorm ideas, share perspectives, and learn from others. However, I am also capable of taking ownership of tasks and working independently to meet deadlines and achieve objectives.10. Yes, I have a question. Can you tell me more about the opportunities for internships and research projects available for students in my program? I am particularly interested in gaining practical experience in my field of study and would like to know how the university supports students in finding internships and research opportunities.。

研究生复试英语口语面试问题汇总口试的非专业问题有哪些?主要包括六大类topic,48个小问题:一、Postgraduate1、为什么你选择我们的学校,继续研究?Why do you choose to study at our school/ institute?2、为什么选择新闻传播专业?(xxx专业)为什么你要换专业?(针对跨专业)Why did you choose Journalism and Communication study as your major? Why do you changeyour major?3、为什么考研的原因?Would you please give me some reasons for taking postgraduate exams?4、你为什么选择考研,而不是找工作?Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?5、假如你登科了我们学校,你希望在这里播种什么?What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?6、关于接下来研讨生研究的规划。
What is your plan in the postgraduate study?7、如果有一个出国留学的机会给你,你会怎么做?If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?8、毕业后的职业规划?Do you have a career plan in 5 years?9、假如你此次考研失败了,近期你有什么打算?If you failed this time what will you do in the near future?10、华科和复旦的区别是什么(对于本科好的同学,很有可能问到)Tell me the difference between Huake and Fudan?二、Education & School11、聊聊你的本科专业。

问答1个人兴趣爱好?(What are your interests and hobbies)In my spare time, I like reading books, including foreign classics, world geography and magazines at the forefront of my profession. Also, jogging makes me keep fit physically, and listening to music helps me relieve pressure. I am also enthusiastic about public welfare, helping others and gaining self growth at the same time. I once served as a volunteer in the National Movement and also participated in the volunteer teaching activities.在空闲的时间,我喜欢读书,包括外国名著、世界地理和专业前沿的杂志。
2介绍你的家乡?(Tell me about your hometown)I come from Lankao County, Kaifeng City, and I love my hometown. Jiaoyulu once led the lankao people to plant paulownia trees to resist wind and sand and to fight against floods. Now with the help of the state and the efforts of the people, it is no longer a poor county, and many new electronic factories have been set up, and many picking gardens and agricultural bases have been built. I believe my hometown will be better and better.我来自开封市兰考县,我喜欢我的家乡。

1.原因(reason)选择(choose)Q:Why do you want to choose postgraduate entrance examination?Why do you want to choose logistics engineering and management?Why did you choose our school?A:Thank you for your question.Firstly , I majored in Applied Economy ,which is a comprehensive discipline(subject). I like it ,but I think I need to choose a direction for further study .If I have a chance to be admitted, Iwill concentrate on my study and improve myself.首先,我的专业是应用经济,是一个很综合的学科,我很喜欢这个专业,但我想选择一个方向深入学习.如果我有机会被录取,我将专心学习不断提升自己。
2. 对学校和专业了解Q:Your knowledge of the school and your major?A:First of all, I think ** University is a comprehensive school, I have some friends study here, they also recommend me. My choice of this major stems from my keen interest in (Major), which I believe offers ample opportunities for development and challenges.首先,我认为..大学是一所综合性很强的学校,我有一些朋友在这里读书,他们也很推荐我。

目录一、四个经典范例 (2)二、六大类问题集锦 (4)自我介绍篇 (4)本科院校篇 (7)家乡人文篇 (11)家庭介绍篇 (14)兴趣爱好篇 (17)研究生规划篇 (20)考研复试英语的52种问法一、四个经典范例1、Why do you choose our university?(为什么报考我校?)各位小21们在回答这个问题时,不要太随意。
... University is an open and professional university, which is not only reflected in the excellent resources of teachers and students, but also reflected in the school motto of. What attracts me most is the following three points: First, advanced academic research concepts. Especially … major, recently won … award. Second, excellent teaching system. It develops students' ability of independent thinking and continuous learning. Third, the beautiful environment. It shows that your university is an excellent university with coordinated development of hardware and software facilities. These are three reasons that attracted me to apply for your school. (…大学是一所开放专业的大学,这不仅体现在优秀的师生资源上,更体现在…的校训中。

考研复试常见英语问答汇总(附答案)1.本科期间的科研经历?I’m sorry.i have no experience in scientific research.but i have took part in some forum activities, course training and some other professional reports.i have learned a lot from these activities and also thought about what I will do in the future.(有的话就如实介绍)我当时是被用中文问到了这个问题,当时的回答差不多是:老师这个确实是我本科期间最遗憾的一件事情,如果在研究生阶段我一定更加注重自己这方面能力的提升。
2.What’s your plan in the future/ during graduate student period? 对未来的计划?/研究生期间的规划?(这个问题的问法有很多,比如去到某个充满竞争的城市后,你打算怎样面对这些压力和挑战?或者你打算怎样在这个城市立足?本质上都可以归为“未来规划”方面的问题)有读博士的想法吗?有博士后继续出国学习的意愿吗?博士延毕意愿吗?Thank you for your question.My ambition is to become a doctor. I know that I have a long way to go.If I got the chance to learn Pediatrics here, I will continue to concentrate on my study and research and make good use of the three years here.Of course, I will stick to English learning, and then pass the TOEFI OR IELTS.If possible, I will continue my study for d octor’s degree here.In the future, when I become a qualified doctor, I will contribute my knowledge and experiences to clinical work.That’s all.Thank you for your time.3.What do you think about XXX University? 你觉得XXX怎么样?/(为什么选择XXX?) 为什么报考X导师?Thank you for your question.As we all know, XXX is one of the most famous hospitals in China. It provides excellent facilities and platforms for clinical study and research.The professors in this field here have excellent expertise and enjoy the authority in the world. Personally, I feel I can learn a lot from the experienced professors here. That’s all. Thank you for your time.4. Why do you choose medicine? 为什么学医?Thank you for your question, sir /madam.I was affected by my father to some extent.he is a doctor, too .I heard the story that my dad saved an old people’s life when I was a little girl, I thought it was pretty cool.so I chose the medicine when I entered college.In addition,I am a warm-hearted person. I am always willing to try my best to help others. As an old saying goes, the roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. Being a doctor can help people get rid of the disease and alleviate sufferings.These are the reasons I choose medicine as my major.That’s all. Thank you for your time.5. How do you communicate with patients or patients’ family? 如何与患者沟通?/如何处理医患关系?Thank you for your question.As far as I am concerned, from the point of the doctor, the most important is to be patient. Many patients know little about the medicine. So we should explain with easy-to-understand words when we talk with them. Sometimes, we have to repeat again and again.Well, as for patients, they should trust the doctors rather than listen to the hearsay. As we know, trust is a kind of respect. Transpositional consideration can reduce the doctor-patient contradictions.At the meantime, social media should have a positive effect on the relationship between patients and doctors.That’s all. Thank you for your time.6.Internship实习经历实习对你最大的收获Thank you for your question.I am interning in the 。

考研复试英语问答题一、自我介绍&报考原因1.Tell me a few things about yourself. (简单介绍下自己)2.How do the people around you think of physical geography?(你周围的人是如何评价自然地理的?)3.What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years?(过去的 5 年里,在你的专业领域里你认为最重要的变化是什么?)4.Why do you choose to further your study instead of going to work after graduation?(你为什么要考研而不是就业?)5.Why did you choose our university? (你为什么选择我们学校?)6.Why did you turn professional? Why did you change majors?(你为什么跨专业?)二、未来规划7.What is your plan in the postgraduate study? (你的研究生学习规划是什么?)8.What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute(如果你录取了,你希望在这里收获什么?)9.Which kind of professors do you like best?(你喜欢什么样的导师?)三、本科学习10.Please introduce your university.(请介绍你所在的大学/大学与高中的不同)11.What do you think of your major?(你觉得你的专业怎么样?)12.Please tell me about your study details in your college. (请告诉我你的本科学习情况)13.What have you learned from your research experience / competition experience?(你从你的科研经历/竞赛经历中学到了什么)14.What have you learned from your research experience/competition experience?(你从科研/竞赛经历中学到了什么?)15.What is your favorite subject and why?(你最喜欢哪门课程?为什么呢?)16.Do you think English is important for your future plans?(你觉得英语重要么?为什么?)17.What is your practical (scientific/part-time job) experience?(你的科研/兼职经历?)18.What have you learned from your internship experience?(你从实习经历中学到了什么?)19.Tell me something about your graduation thesis. (聊聊你的毕业论文)四、性格和爱好20.Please describe your character.(你的性格是什么样的)21.What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)22.What are your weaknesses? (你的缺点是什么?)23.What are the difficult things for you?(对你来说困难的事有哪些?)24.Tell me about a bad decision you have ever made.(告诉我你曾做过的一个错误决定。
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在考研复试的面试环节中, “你为什么要考研”, “为什么选择本校” , “为什么选择本专业”通常是考官们非常感兴趣的话题。
问题一:你为什么要考研?(why do you choose to further your study instead of going to work after graduation?)
1) 导师们不愿听到的:
2) 导师们希望听到的:
Firstly, I have a profound love in my major, _______, which is very practical and useful. Through four ye ars’ study in university I find the knowledge I have mastered is not enough to solve some specific problems though I have
good academic records in all the subjects. So I decide to further my education and take the postgraduate entrance examination.
Secondly, I want to take (专业相关职业)as my life long career so further study in this field is still necessary. In my opinion, I can broaden my horizon and enrich the knowledge in this field through the postgraduate education. It is an indispensable step for my self-development in the future as well.
Last but not least, I have a long-lasting love of the atmosphere of campus. It is full of passion and youthful spirit. All the things can inspire me to form some fantastic thoughts and excellent ideas. This kind of atmosphere is very helpful for study.
For all the reasons mentioned above, I choose to take part in this entrance exam. I would be very grateful if I could be given the opportunity to study in your university. Thank you.
问题二:你为什么选择本校?(why do you choose to further your study in our university?)
1) 导师们不愿听到的:
2) 导师们能够接受的:
I prefer to study in this university for 3 reasons.
First, I love this city. (介绍这个城市独特的魅力). It is also far away from my hometown. In the past 20 years, I have never lived by myself. I would like to take this opportunity to be independent. // it is also very close to my hometown. So I can still be together with my parents and take good care of them. They are growing aged and need my accompany.
Second, I should say I love this university very much. When I came here for the first time I was deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere and the faculty. In addition, your university enjoys a good reputation in this field. I think as one of the most famous (专业) in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichments.
问题三:你为什么选择本专业?(why do you choose to majored in… instead of your prior major?)
1) 导师们不愿听到的:
2) 导师们愿意听到的:
参考模板:Why do you decided to major in Advertising?
I majored in Commercial English at university. During those four years, besides taking all the courses required by my major, I also took Advertising as my minor. I spent a lot of time reading books and newspapers related to advertising. To practice the knowledge I’ve learned from books, I found a part-time job at an advertising company. After a full year’s work, I realize d I hadn’t got enough to be a leading one in the field. Moreover, compared with overseas advanced theories and ideas on advertising, our ideas seem a little bit outdated. So I want to learn more about advertising by making use of my language advantage.。