译林英语6B U5学习任务单

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6B Unit 5 A party 学习任务单




1、儿童节Children’s Day

2、本周日this Sunday

3、举行派对have a party

4、在派对上at the party

5、在Mike家at Mike’s house

6、买一些小吃和饮料buy some snacks and drinks

7、和她的朋友一起玩play with her friends 8、从家里拿来一些水果bring some fruit from home

9、周日上午Sunday morning 10、带着他们的东西到Mike家bring their things to Mike’s house 11、就在那时just then 12、玩玩具play with toys

13、找乐子(做开心的事情)have some fun 14、就在这时just then

15、看窗外look out of the window 16、看着这些可爱的雪look at the lovely snow

17、Bobby’s的班级Bobby’s class 18、弹钢琴play the piano

19、讲故事tell a story 20、演话剧put on a play

21、当一名好学生be a good student 22、穿他的“新衣服”wear his “new clothes”

23. 成为国王be a king 24. 参加西方的派对go to a Western part

25. 带一个礼物take a gift 26. 太早到达arrive too early

27. 迟到几分钟a few minutes late 28. 思考一些派对的游戏think of some party games



1、孩子们准备在学校举行一场派对。The children are going to have a party in the school.

2、苏海准备去买一些零食和饮料去派对。Su Hai is going to buy some snacks and drinks for the party.

3、刘涛准备在聚会上扮演小丑。Liu Tao is going to be a clown at the party.

4、这些气球给你们。Here are some balloons for you.

5、就在那时,学校的铃声响了。聚会开始了。Just then, the school bell rings. The party begins.

6、让我们先做些好玩的事情吧!Let’s have some fun first!


It’s a nice day. What are you going to do? I’m going to have a picnic with my family.


What are Sam and Bob going to do?They’re going to put on the play “The King’s new clothes”.

9、谁准备带些玩具到派对?杨玲。Who’s going to bring some toys to the party? Yang Ling is.

10、海伦什么时候去南京?下个礼拜。When is Helen going to Nanjing? Next week.

11. 派对什么时候开始/结束?它将在上午10点开始/下午4点结束。

When’s the party going to begin / end? It’s going to begin / end at 10 a.m./4 p.m.


Where is Billy going to play the piano? He’s going to play the piano at the party in the school.

13、我们下面要干嘛?听歌还是看卡通片?What are we going to do next, listen to the song or watch cartoons?


Are you going to have some snacks or play games first? Let’s have some fun first. (Let’s play games first.)


Is Wang Bing going to play in the park or watch a film? He’s going to fly a kite with his friends in the park.

16、翻译成中文;When you go to a Western party, you should take a gift. Do not arrive too early. You can be a

few minutes late.



1.关于party中的介词,为了派对for the party,在派对上at the party

2. 本单元中容易混淆的单词:

(1) bring 带来,take 带去,主要以说话地点为中心

(2) 词组have some/a lot of fun = have a good time过得愉快

(3) What about = how about ,……怎么样,*注意about 后的动词+ing

3. arrive on/ at/in

arrive on +时间The letter arrived on Monday morning

arrive at/in +地点

4. Here’s / Here are … for you.

Here’s a balloon for you. / Here are some balloons for you.

This balloon is for you./ These balloons are for you.

5. 语音ow通常有两种读音

/ au/ 如:how, cow, clown, brown, now

/ əu/ 如:window, snow, know, snow, grow

6. 关于begin和start的区别

a.两者都表示开始,start 更口语化。多数情况下用法也相同:start/begin to/doing.


表示“动身”,“出发”如:we must start at once. 我们必须马上出发。

表示“(机器)启动,开办”如:His father wants to start a school.他父亲想创办一所学校。


A. 一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作和事情


1. Tomorrow I _________________(play) the piano at the concert.

2. Betty _____________________ (buy) some books the day after tomorrow.

3. What ____________ you ________________next Sunday? I _____________(fly) a kite.

4. When ____________ you _________________(visit) the farm? Next Saturday.
