后元音back vowels精品PPT课件

/i/ a big ship bi shi si sti six sticks bi bit by bit bi a silver lid si li three wishes wi little by little li A little learning is a dangerous thing. li learni thi His six-year-old sister is as fit as a fiddle. si yearsi fi fi Silly Billy slipped into the ditch. Bi sli di
/ɑ:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /u/ /u:/ ɑ ɔ ɔ There are five back vowels: /ɑ:/ /ɔ/ /ɔ:/ /u/ /u:/ ɑ ɔ ɔ For all of them the tip of tongue is withdrawn towards the soft palate, lip-rounding plays an important part in producing all the back vowels except for /ɑ:/ ɑ
cop want cough because lock hot clock novel what was watch quality trough sausage Austria Australia
Phrases & Sentences
clocks and watches cotton socks borrow a novel wash the mop cost a lot watch that small fox John has got a pot of hot water. Lots and lots of clocks and watches has gone wrong. The robber’s name is Robert.

E.g. map hat bad back man hand
3. /ɔ:/ /ɒ/
/ɔ:/ : 长元音,舌尖离开下齿;舌后部抬得比/ɒ/略高。 双唇也收得更圆更小,并需用力向前突出。
E.g. al: small talk hall
E.g. lake game snake say lay eight /əu/ : 双元音,由/ə/和/u/两个单元音组成。与字母O 的发音相同。
E.g. go those hello zero goat boat
/ai/ : 双元音,先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。与字母I发 音相同。
E.g. high buy
3. /iə/ /eə/ /uə/
/iə/ :
E.g. eer: beer deer
ea: idea
/eə/ : ear: ear dear near ere: here
由/e/向/ə/滑动,舌身稍向后 缩,口型由半开变 为扁平。
E.g. ear: pear bear
4. 辅音+元音+辅音+元音
/’ti:tʃə/ /’ tʃainə/
5. 元音+辅音
/æm/ am /iz/ is /it/ it
元音是构成音节的主体。英语中一个音节可以只 是一个元音,也可以是一个元音和若干个辅音构 成。一般来说,一个元音就代表一个音节。
音标组合里, /l/ /m/ /n/ 与它前面的辅音也可以 构成一个音节,称为成音节:/tl/ /bl/ /kl/ /sn/ /vn/
Unit 6 Vowels - Back Vowels

lower than for /u:/. Move your tongue
slightly more forward. Your lips should
be less rounded. (舌头后缩, 但舌头隆
得比/u:/音低,双唇成微圆形. 极为短促
的气流从口腔冲出, 微振声带发音.)
Distinction between /u:/&/u/ (page 61 / 238)
Exercise -/u:/ & /u/ Focused
two tooth toot Sue soon who do moon noon loose lose choose food blue school
Choose a pair of blue shoes.
good book put push
æ :ɒ
Tongue positions for back vowels (rounded):
uu uu:: ɔɔ::
۸۸ :ɒ
Defining characteristic of Back Vowels
Back vowels have their name because the sound resonates at the back of the mouth. To do this, the tongue is positioned far back in the mouth without creating a constriction.
for /u/ is not as back as that for
/u:/ (发/u:/音时, 舌头隆起部位比/u/ 更接近舌根.)

warm ɔː
draw drɔː
August autumn
ɔː'gʌst ɔːtəmFra bibliotekshort
The short boy behind the door saw four balls on the board in the store.
should /ʃʊd/
You should put a foot on the wood.
好脚站在木头上,见到老k发短/ʊ/ (Good foot stood on the wood)
who /hu:/ food /fu:d/
juice /dʒu:s/ fruit
group /gru:p/ ruler /ru:lə(r)/ blue /'blu:/
a tooth for a tooth a group of a blue ruler
yes yo- yo yesterday
/j/ /ju:/
舌尖和舌端两侧轻触 下齿,舌后部靠前部 分稍抬起,双唇向两 旁平神,开口较大。
come ʌ
trouble /'trʌbl/ 麻烦 touch ʌ blood /blʌd/ 血液 flood /flʌd/ 洪水
come up 出现;发生 touch blood

▪ B: Bruce, you must choose for me. ▪ A: You wouldn’t like the black ones, would
you? ▪ B: No, they look gloomy. ▪ A:How about the blue ones? ▪ B:But this blue is too bright for me. ▪ A:Well, it’s really too difficult to choose
on my leg. ▪ A: Were you taken to the emergency room? ▪ B:Well, a person helped me get there. Then
the doctors and nurses were certainly concerned. So I survived. ▪ A: You were really lucky, weren’t you?
shoes for you.
▪ / :/ ▪ saw law more draw storm tall ▪/ / ▪ on job cost shock got song ▪ door doll talk top jaw job ▪ wore wash fall frost port pot
▪ First come, first served. ▪ The early bird catches the worm. ▪ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. ▪ Birds of a feather flock together.
后元音back vowels

6. It will do lot of harm to the heart. 7. Mark is only whistling in the dark. 8. The dog keeps barking in the dark. 9. After class Mark will go to the garden. 10. He is driving very fast the catch the last train.
6. You must pull out the decayed tooth. 7. Have you read the book “Roots”? 8. It’s very rude of you to treat that group like that. 9. He bought some fruit for the group. 10. He told the dentist that he had a loose tooth.
9. a lofty job 10. go to see a doctor 11. have a lot of hobbies 12. at the bottom of the society 13. eat a hot dog 14. at the bus stop 15. at the top of the mountain 16. do tip-top (干得很棒)
Phrases and sentences on dog
13. a bookish scholar 14. reach womanhood 15. sugary fruit 16. pull through (度过危机) 17. a bit crooked (走了形的) 18. walk through the woods

eg: girl(女孩)
first(第一) work(工作)
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
eg: sort(种类) talk(谈话) ball(球,舞会)
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
[ɔ:] 发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor
a: water aw: draw strawberry al: ball wall or: horse corn fork or short oor: floor door
[ə: ]
• her first fur bird shirt • sir serve third hurt
• river factor success sister zebra
• desert scissors leisure correct
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
back vowels

/ ɔ: / is a long, half-open, rounded back vowel.
Organic Formation 1. Open the mouth a little less than for /ɔ/. 2. Round the lips more energetically than for /ɔ/. 3. Raise the back of the tongue between “halfopen” and “half-close” position. Hold the tongue tenser and higher than for /ɔ/.
Phrases & Sentences
have a look a cook-book foot the bill (付账) by hook or by crook (不择手段地) book a room put the hood on the hook(把头巾挂在钩上) brook no distortion (事实不容歪曲)
/a:/ 和/ æ /发音口腔部位的异同
舌 双唇 牙床 平躺在口腔内,后 舌靠前部分用力 中性形 近乎全开
/æ /
舌尖抵下齿,舌位中下 位 开口 近乎全开
长度 肌肉
长 放松
短 紧张
/a:/ Bark Cart park barn psalm harm /æ / duck cut luck bun sum hum
• [ʊ ]
是短元音,舌端离开下齿,舌后部向软腭抬 起;双唇圆而小,稍向前突出;极为短促 的气流从口腔中冲出,振动声带,发出此 音。 • e.g.: good(好的) could(能够) should(应该)
后元音back vowels

短元音。发音时,舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌 尖离开下齿。双唇收圆,稍突出。
1. words
good look put book hook hood foot wood could push bookish booking footsy looker sugar sugary took crooked wool
9. the dog barking in the dark 10. make the mark 11.first-class management 12. do harm to the heart 13. very hard to start the car 14. come into the market 15. marble-hearted 16. for the most part
1. words
farm fast
far cart
car smart
park card
last bark hard heart
large parcel pardon pass class mark dark
2. phrases
1. managing a large farm 2. far from being smart 3. the last bus to town 4. a very hard job 5. in the National Park 6. the car running very fast 7. a very smart fellow 8. get home before dark
3. sentences
back vowels

Read the following words
• • • • war quart talk salt chalk bald halt false walk all ball call small tall fall hall cord horse born torn corn sword lord • before board roar • before more bore snore shore
Read the following words
• • • • put pull full sugar butcher book good took wood room woman wolf could should would
• [u:] 后元音5.mp4 p58 • 音标特征:后元音 高音 圆唇 长元音 • 发音要领:双唇成圆形,收得较[ u ]更圆 更小,双唇向前突出,牙床近于半合。舌 后部抬高,舌尖不触下齿,发长音[u: ]。 • 注意长度,不要发的太短,口腔肌肉要始 终保持紧张状态,自然而有力。 • 发音组合:oo o ou u ue • 代表单词:food fool boom cool hoop pool shoot tomb group blue rule truth • P60 p61
Read the following words
• • • • • four court your pour door floor law saw jaw lawn dawn yawn fault cause daughter sauce bougp47 • 音标特征:后元音 低音 圆唇 短元音 • 发音要领:口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩 ,先发[ɔ:]音,然后将舌身稍稍后缩,双唇 稍稍收圆(不要突出),即可发[ɒ ]。 • 发音组合:o • 代表单词:ox on not cop rot hot lot • 音标对比:[ɔ:] sort tort short • [ɒ] dog nod shop • P49 p50

英语语音基础知识讲座Lecture on English Pronunciation and Intonation国际音标INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC SYMBOLS(48)元音: (V owels)1. 前元音: (Front V owels)[ i:] [ I ][ e] [æ ]2. 后元音: (Back V owels)[ ɑ:][ ɒ] [ ɔ: ] [ ʊ][ u:] [ Λ]3. 中元音(Central V owels)[з: ] [ ə ]4. 双元音(Dipthongs)[eI ] [ əʊ] [ aI ] [ aʊ][ ɔI ] [ Iə ] [ ʊə ] [ eə ]辅音: (Consonants)1. 爆破音: (Plosive Consanates)[ p ] [ b ] [ t] [ d] [ k ] [ ɡ]2. 鼻音: (Nasal Consonants)[m ] [n ] [ŋ ]3. 舌侧音: (Lateral Consonants)[ l ] ( [ ł] )4. 摩擦音: (Fricative Consonants)[ f ] [ v ] [ θ] [ ð ] [ s ] [ z][∫][ ʒ] [ r] [ h ]5. 破擦音: (Afficate Consonants)[ ʧ] [ dʒ] [ ts ] [ dz ] [ tr ] [ dr ]6. 半元音: (Semi-V owels)[ w ] [ j]NOTICEA: 气流从肺部发出, 在口腔中不受到发音器官(如唇、齿、舌、喉、鼻等) 的阻碍, 所发的音叫元音。
B: 气流从肺部发出, 在口腔中受到发音器官(如唇、齿、舌、喉、鼻等) 的阻碍, 所发的音叫辅音。
C: 发音时, 声带振动的是浊音(元音都是浊音), 声带不振动的叫清音。
28个辅音中, 清辅音11个, 浊辅音17个。

early bird Thursday work thirsty person perfect search
A: He always arrives work early. B: But he wasn’t early this morning. A: You weren’t early either.
And don’t be late.
sky kite write bicycle
white lie high tide eye for eye silent night
A: It’s a fine day today. The sun is shining brightly.
爆破音 / p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/
磨檫音/f/, /v/, /∫/, /3 /, /θ /,/δ /, /s/, /z/, /h/, /r/ , /tʃ/, /d3/, /tr/, /dr/ ,/ts/, /dz/
鼻音 /m/, /n/, /ŋ/
舌边音 /l/ 半元音 /w/, /j/
Weary 疲 乏 mountaineer
A: Let’s have some beer here.
B: What a good idea!
A: What shall we do after having beer?
B: We shall go to the theatre.
A: Is she milking the cow? B: Yes, she is. A: Is the cow in he house? B: No. She is on the dairy farm.

例词: boy toy Boil noise
单元音 /i:/
舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,嘴角向两边 张开,流露出微笑的表情,适当拉长发音。与 字母 E 发音相同。 注意:“:”是长音符号,长元音往往比它相应的短元 音长两倍以上。 发音组合: e ee ea
例词: /i:/ he she me we TV evening these be P.E.
舌头置于口腔底部,口腔完全张开,但是不成 圆形。然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩。
例词: cock
shop job box
长元音。口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身平放后缩, 舌尖离开下齿, 下巴收低一点,轻松发音。与“啊”发音有点 像。
例词: last father class after basketball ; are car card garden star guitar March party art
元音/ e /
发音组合: e ea a
例词:pen pencil bed let leg well ten set tennis lesson next Wednesday February second test very sell egg get desk welcome yes seven red spell
口形由开到合,牙齿由全开过度到全闭。 i uy
/aI/-- /ai/
例词:find library hi fine kite
write tidy bicycle white nice five nine rice price China mine like right time science Friday buy guy ; why my bye

/dz/ 和/ts/发音相似,舌尖先抵住上齿龈,堵住气流, 使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,但声带需振动。 e.g. reads goods needs
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
5. /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /ʃ/ 双唇收圆,并稍微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌尖接近上齿 龈送气,声带不振动。 e.g. flash shine fashion shop
为了规范事业单位聘用关系,建立和 完善适 应社会 主义市 场经济 体制的 事业单 位工作 人员聘 用制度 ,保障 用人单 位和职 工的合 法权益
4. /s/ /z/
/s/ 双唇微微张开,舌端靠近齿龈,舌头自然放松,气流 从齿间送出,但声带不振动。 e.g. best zest sun
/z/ /z/口形与/s/ ,双唇微微张开,舌端靠近齿龈, 舌头自然放松,气流从齿间送出,但声带需振动。 e.g. zero zoo jazz music
1. /p/ /b/
/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让气流冲出口腔,发 出爆破音,但声带不振动。
e.g. top pepper pick up
/b/ /b/和/p/发音相似,双唇紧闭,然后快速张开,让 气流冲出口腔,发出爆破音,但声带需振动。
e.g. Big Ben 英国大本钟 beautiful butterfly
Unit06 Vowels:Back Vowels

Unit 6Lesson Plan(With Notes for Teachers)Back VowelsDate: Oct. 21-25Class: Classes 1, 2 & 3, Grade 2002Subject: English Pronunciation for CommunicationPurpose:The students will learn back vowels in English.Objectives: Students will be able to:1.Define - in their own words a definition for back vowels;pare –based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare them with othervowels;3.Practice – imitate the sounds and do practice.Resources/Materials:1.Textbook: Wang, Guizhen, An English Pronunciation Course, Higher Education Press,Beijing, 2000;2.Handouts: illustration of the phonemes in focus;3.Recordings of native speakersActivities and Procedures:1.Stimulating: Begin by asking the class to find out how much the students know about whatthey are required to learn. Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the students to think about the issue and have the desire to find out the answers themselves.2.Display examples by playing the recording of the native speakers showing the typicalpronunciation in English.3.Ask the students to listen to the tapes to make a good discrimination of the sounds in focus.4.Have the students imitate the sound in focus.5.Have the students share what they have learned by reading out the practice materials in pairs.6.Have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of English and tryto get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation.7.Have the students practice the guided conversation. Ask them to pay special attention to thesounds in focus in speech.8.Highlight the language function in the conversation in the practice.9.Have several pairs of the students present their conversation in the class.ment on the students’ performance by highlighting the achievement of the students andthe efforts they need for the improvement.11.Ask the students to do more practice after class and get ready for presentation during the nextsession.Notes for TeachersBack VowelsIn this unit, we will learn the back vowels in English.There are six back vowels in English. The back vowels are produced by shifting the body of the tongue back from its central position. The tip of the tongue remains at the level of the lower teeth. The front and back vowels have several features in common as well as some differences. Unlike the front vowels that are made with a fairly neutral lip posture, four of the back vowels are rounded. The back vowels may also be subdivided into those that are high (/u:/ and /☺/), mid (/ :/ and /ɒ/), and low (/ :/ and /✈/). The following is the description of the six English back vowels./u:/ and /☺//u:/ and /☺/ are both high, back, rounded vowels. The /u:/ marks the highest boundary for the back vowels, as /i:/ does for the front vowels. Therefore, the tongue is retracted from its rest position and raised toward the soft palate. This vowel is quite common in the languages of the world and appears without problem in most Chinese learners. Along with /u:/, /☺/ completes the vowels in the high back space on the vowels chart. Its corresponding front vowel is /✋/. When making the sound, the tongue is retracted as for /u:/ but not elevated to the same extent. In addition, the /☺/ vowel is not made with as much tension in the root of the tongue as /u:/. The same tense/lax contrast is also seen for /i:/ and /✋/. This sound is not found very frequently as a phoneme in the languages of the world, certainly not in Chinese Putonghua. In English, it is not very common despite the fact that it appears in some frequently used words, such as should, good, and book. /u:/ occurs at all the three positions of a word while /☺/ occurs only in the middle position of a word, like book and hook. To ensure correct pronunciation, it is important to make the following distinction between /u:/ and /☺/:1./u:/ is the highest back vowel, so the raised part of the tongue for /u:/ is higher than that for /☺/;2.the part of the tongue raised for /☺/ is not as back as that for /u:/;3./u:/ has quite strong lip rounding while the lips are only slightly rounded for /☺/./ :/ & /ɒ// :/ is a mid-back vowel. For its production, the tongue is retracted and almost flat in the mouth. The vowel is almost fully back and has quite strong lip-rounding. /ɒ/ is a low vowel. The lips are slightly rounded. /ɒ/ is a difficult vowel for the Chinese learners. Many of them use a shortened version of / :/ as its substitution. To ensure correct pronunciation, it is important to make the following distinction between these two vowels:1./ɒ/ is a low vowel while / :/ is a mid vowel, so the mouth is more open for /ɒ/,2./ :/ has quite strong lip rounding while the lips are only slightly rounded for /ɒ/./ :/ & /✈/The / :/ is made by lowering and flattening the tongue in the oral cavity. It is a low vowel, but not as back as other back vowels in English. /✈/ is quite different from other vowels in thisgroup in that it is more like a central vowel than a back vowel (see the vowel chart). /✈/ is made with the tongue in the approximate middle of the mouth, perhaps shifted back slightly. It is lower than the other central vowels /з:/ and /✈/. The lip position is neutral. It is important for the learners to make a clear distinction between / :/ and /✈/ in their pronunciation.元音: 后元音在这个单元里,我们将学习英语的后元音。

boy boil noise coin
a spoilt boy a noisy toy an annoying voice Joyce's boyfriend
5.前音清楚,后音模糊 双元音中的第一个元音发音清楚响亮, 向第二个音滑动时,在尚未到达第二个元音的发音部位时滑 动即可停止,不必把第二个音象单独发音时念得那么 清楚。 这一点非常重要。常听到一些同学把/ai/念成“阿姨”,就是 因为把/i/ 念得太清楚了,甚至跑过了头,越境而入/i:/的领域 了。
Phonetic symbols
{ { 单元音
前元音 /i:/, /ɪ/, /e/, /æ/ 中元音 /ɜ:/, /ǝ/, /ʌ/ 后元音 /u:/, /ʊ/, /ɔ:/, /ɒ/, /ɑ:/
双元音 /eɪ/, /aɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ǝʊ/, /aʊ/, /ɪǝ/, /eǝ/, /ʊǝ/
A: He always arrives work early. B: But he wasn’t early this morning. A: You weren’t early either.
teacher picture breakfast welcome
a glass of water a quarter to seven brothers and sisters a book about China

• 破擦音:
ch, tch
• (清) /tʃ//tr/str源自/ts/j,g,dge
• (浊) /dʒ/
[ɑː] - 发音要点
• 舌身平放于口腔内 • 口腔上下垂直打开 • 不要读成中文的“啊
[ɑː] - 拼读规则
/ɑː/ : a ar al /ɔ:/ : or oor our ar al /ɒ/ : o /u:/ : o oo u /ʊ/ : u ou
饮水槽 上议院
[ɒ] - 发音要点
•牙床近于开,唇形自然收圆 •发音短促有力
[ɒ] - 拼读规则
• 单词中的o常读作[ɒ]。在美音中,这个音 变成[ɑː]
• • o — hot
god box
[hɒt] [hɑːt]
[gɒd] [gɑːd]
[bɒks] [bɑːks]
热的 上帝 盒子
[u:] - 发音要点
•舌尖离开下齿,舌身后部抬起后缩 •嘴唇紧绷呈圆形,向前凸出 •发音有过程感
[u:] - 拼读规则
• 字母组合oo、o、u常发后元音[u:]
• oo — •o — •u —
boot [bu:t] 靴子
do [du:] 做
blue [blu:] 蓝色
food [fu:d] 食物
move [mu:v] 移动
push [pʊʃ] 推动
foot [fʊt] 脚
book [bʊk] 书籍
Read and point
back vowels

/α:/ and / ɒ /.
The sound is made with open jaws and slight open lip-rounding, the back of the tongue is kept very low and far back.
/ ʊ /letters or combined letters: u o
oo ou
put sugar bull push butcher wolf woman bosom good stood wood foot book cook hook look took could should would
Phrases & Sentences
clocks and watches cotton socks
borrow a novel
wash the mop
cost a lot
watch that small fox
It’s not the story of “The Fox and the Cock”.losemoonthroughspoon
Phrases & Sentences
food and soup
blue boots
choose a good school at noon in June
Stoop by a cool pool useful tools
That news is too good to be true.
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2. phrases
1. have a look 2. a cook-book 3. foot the bill (付账) 4. by hook or by crook (不择手段地) 5. put the hood on the hook(把头巾挂在钩上) 6. book a room
13. a bookish scholar 14. reach womanhood 15. sugary fruit 16. pull through (度过危机) 17. a bit crooked (走了形的) 18. walk through the woods
3. sentences
6. He pushed the car and it refused to move. 7. He understood what the woman wanted. 8. The woman took a look at the angry
英语中共有5个后元音, /a:, u, u:, ɔ, ɔ:/
不抵下齿,/u, u:, ɔ, ɔ :/ 圆唇,/a:/不圆唇。
6.1 /a:/
舌身平放后缩,舌尖离开下齿,口张大,不圆唇。 汉语拼音的(a), 发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌中部抬起。
last/mask name/cake snake/father gather/matter clash/flash fast/family
vast/spade fame/date fashion/master smash/crash class/dash
6.2 /u/
17. a sharp turn to the left 18. a vast sum of money 19. pass the buck (推卸责任) 20. have the last laugh
3. sentences
1. The farm is far from the park 2. Please park the car in the car park. 3. It’s very hard to start the car. 4. The farmer is managing a very large farm. 5. What she has done is far from the mark.
6. It will do lot of harm to the heart. 7. Mark is only whistling in the dark. 8. The dog keeps barking in the dark. 9. After class Mark will go to the garden. 10. He is driving very fast the catch the last
7. brook no distortion (事实不容歪曲) 8. look out 9. have a look at the room 10. play footsy (搞秘密交易) 11. put in some sugar 12. dead wood (朽木)
1. Please put the book where it belongs. 2. The table is made of very good wood. 3. I know you could but you wouldn’t do it. 4. You could and you should cook the food. 5. The cook took some sugar and put it in the
back vowels
12 vowels
根据发音时舌的活动范围分: Front vowels: /i:/, /i/, /e/, / æ /
Back vowels: /a:/, /u/, /u:/, / ɔ /, / ɔ :/
Central vowels: /ə/, / ə :/, /۸/
Five back vowels
9. the dog barking in the dark 10. make the mark 11.first-class management 12. do harm to the heart 13. very hard to start the car 14. come into the market 15. marble-hearted 16. for the most part
farm far car park last bark fast cart smart card hard heart
large parcel pardon pass class mark dark
2. phrases
1. managing a large farm 2. far from being smart 3. the last bus to town 4. a very hard job 5. in the National Park 6. the car running very fast 7. a very smart fellow 8. get home before dark
短元音。发音时,舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌 尖离开下齿。双唇收圆,稍突出。
1. words
good look put book hook hood foot wood could push bookish booking footsy looker sugar sugary took crooked wool