• • • • • • • • •
排比antithesis A legendary Star. A Timeless Classic. My Fair Lady The CORDIA: Shaped by the wind; born for the road. The Milk Chocolate melts in your month… not in your hand. 头韵alliteration Choosy mothers choose Jiff. 尾韵rhyme Compact impact Fresh up with Seven-Up.
• 疑问句 • Is your data piling up? 您的资料是否堆积 如山? • Have you driven a Ford lately? 您最近开过 福特车吗? • Are you going grey too early? 您的乌发是 否过早变白? • How can something so small be so smart? 体积虽小,功效惊人?
• 不论是夏季或是秋季展销会都吸引了英国 和国际上的高水准的2万家客户,他们踊跃 前来参观,是因为了解“顶尖”展销会将 为他们提供新颖有趣的产品。对客户来说, 这是一个重要的能使他们在竞争中处于领 先地位的展销会。 • 你舍得放弃这个展示自己的绝好机会吗?
• 古往今来,香脆可口的开心果以其令人难忘的口 味作为坚果中的 深受人们喜爱。如今,新奇士牌 开心果诚邀您亲身体验新鲜一流的加利福利亚开 心果。它们生长在我们自家的果园,在树上成熟 并自然开裂,从而以最佳状态获得新奇士的特有 风味。新鲜带壳的新奇士牌开心果,是您选择的 最佳美味。 • 无论何时何地,新奇士牌开心果是您健康、美味 的伙伴。
“当寒风刺骨而您又想吃点儿什么的时候, 请嚼嚼全营养坚果”。
a… a… a .
第五:▶补偿译法 大多数的广告双关语 都能通过侧重译法译出。但是有时双关 语的一层意义译出后,另外一层意义也 很重要,但却无法同时译出,这时,可 采用一些补偿手段加以弥补。对于广告 来说,这些补偿手段主要指承载广告的 媒体,如电视的图像、广播的声音及报 纸的版式设计等 。
例子: . .
译文:酒是功成名就的标志。黑色标志 使您更显尊贵。
译文: .
A a.
2.3 语法双关
语法双关是指由于语法方面的问题产生的双关,如省略结构、 某词或词组具有两种以上语法功能等。
1柯达:串起生活每一刻 2山叶钢琴:学琴的孩子不会变坏 3麦氏咖啡:好东西要与好朋友分享 4人头马:人头马一开,好事自然来 5鹿牌威士忌:自在,则无所不在 6德芙巧克力:牛奶香浓,丝般感受 7可口可乐:永远的可口可乐,独一无二好味道 8、禁止抽烟,连皇冠牌也不例外 ——推销皇冠牌香烟广告词 9、没有加进什么不过提出水分 ——推销奶粉广告词 10、车到山前必有路有路必有丰田车 ——推销丰田汽车广告词
2. 双关语运用
语音双关; 语义双关; 语法双关; 成语、俗语双关 。 在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的
基础上,有契合译法、分别表义法、套译法、 侧重译法和补偿译法等具体技巧 。
2.1 相近的词构成的”
具有风趣、幽默、俏皮、滑稽的语言风格,能增强广告的说 服力和感染力,从而给消费者留下深刻的印象。
理解原文:在翻译中英广告语之前,首先要深入理解原文的含义和意图 ,以便准确传达其核心信息。
保持简洁:翻译中英广告语时,应尽量保持语言的简洁和明了,避免使 用冗长或复杂的词语或句子。
• 尊重文化差异:在翻译中英广告语时,应尊重文化差异 ,避免因文化冲突而引起的误解或不满。
避免使用生僻词汇和复杂 的语句结构,以简洁明了 的表达方式吸引受众。
选用具有情感色彩的词汇 ,引发目标受众的情感共 鸣。
利用比喻手法将产品特点 与受众熟悉的形象联系起 来,增强记忆。
将产品拟人化,赋予其人 性化的特点,拉近与受众 的距离。
使用对偶句式,突出广告 语的视觉效果,增强吸引 力。
了解目标受众的文 化和价值观
使用符合目标受众 的语言风格和表达 方式
考虑目标受众的审 美偏好
保持原文的创意和表现形式 尊重原文的语言风格和修辞手法
选择与品牌和产品相关的 关键词,确保准确传达广 告意图。
文化背景:中英广告语在文化背景上有很大的差异,中 国广告语更注重情感和传统文化的融入,而英语广告语 更注重个性和创新的表达。
中英广告语都注重言简意赅,力求用简短的词语或句子 传达产品或服务的核心价值。
语言风格:中英广告语在语言风格上有所不同,中文广 告语更注重韵律和音节的和谐,而英语广告语更注重流 畅和自然的表达。
企业文化用语英文翻译实用标准文本Introduction:Corporate culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape the behavior and working environment within an organization. It plays a crucial role in defining the identity and guiding the actions of a company. In order to effectively communicate the essence of an organization's culture to an international audience, it is important to provide accurate and practical translations of commonly used corporate culture phrases from Chinese to English. This standard text aims to provide a comprehensive translation of such phrases, ensuring clarity and consistency in conveying the intended meaning.1. Mission and Vision:- Chinese Phrase: 使命与愿景- English Translation: Mission and Vision- Explanation: This phrase refers to the organization's overall purpose and long-term aspirations. It encompasses the core values, goals, and direction of the company.2. Core Values:- Chinese Phrase: 核心价值观- English Translation: Core Values- Explanation: Core values represent the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide the behavior and decision-making within the organization. These values reflect the company's ethics, culture, and identity.3. Teamwork:- Chinese Phrase: 团队合作- English Translation: Teamwork- Explanation: Teamwork emphasizes the collaborative efforts of individuals working together towards a common goal. It highlights the importance of cooperation, communication, and mutual support within the organization.4. Integrity:- Chinese Phrase: 诚信- English Translation: Integrity- Explanation: Integrity refers to the adherence to moral and ethical principles, honesty, and trustworthiness in all aspects of business conduct. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining high ethical standards and building trust with stakeholders.5. Innovation:- Chinese Phrase: 创新- English Translation: Innovation- Explanation: Innovation represents the ability to generate new ideas, improve processes, and develop creative solutions. It encourages a culture of continuous improvement, adaptability, and forward-thinking within the organization.6. Customer-centric:- Chinese Phrase: 以客户为中心- English Translation: Customer-centric- Explanation: Being customer-centric means placing the needs, preferences, and satisfaction of customers at the forefront of all business activities. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting customer expectations to achieve long-term success.7. Employee Development:- Chinese Phrase: 员工发展- English Translation: Employee Development- Explanation: Employee development refers to the continuous learning, training, and professional growth opportunities provided to employees. It highlights the organization's commitment to nurturing talent, enhancing skills, and promoting career advancement.8. Work-Life Balance:- Chinese Phrase: 工作与生活平衡- English Translation: Work-Life Balance- Explanation: Work-Life Balance emphasizes the importance of maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between work responsibilities and personal life. It promotes employee well-being, productivity, and satisfaction.9. Social Responsibility:- Chinese Phrase: 社会责任- English Translation: Social Responsibility- Explanation: Social Responsibility refers to the ethical and moral obligations of the organization towards society, the environment, and stakeholders. It emphasizes the commitment to sustainable practices, community engagement, and positive contributions to society.10. Continuous Improvement:- Chinese Phrase: 持续改进- English Translation: Continuous Improvement- Explanation: Continuous Improvement emphasizes the ongoing efforts to enhance processes, products, and services. It encourages a culture of innovation, learning, and adaptability to drive organizational growth and success.Conclusion:This standard text provides an accurate and practical translation of commonly used corporate culture phrases from Chinese to English. By effectively conveying the essence of these phrases, organizations can communicate their values, beliefs, and practices to an international audience, fostering a shared understanding and promoting a strong corporate culture.。
Mission Statement To make the world more open and connected.
Strategic Hiring The hiring process is easily reflective of the values and greatly adds
corporate culture at Facebook. Every new hire has to meet the criteria set through the company values. Ensuring that each new employee fully understands the goals and direction of the business. CEO Sheryl Sandberg makes it clear that much of the culture that Facebook has, comes from the quality of employees that have been hired.
Part I 翻译任务
An insight into the Corporate Culture at Facebook
Many pegging the great corporate culture as the reason Facebook has risen as high and fast as it has.
Office Layout
The corporate culture at Facebook is empowering and inspiring to all who stroll through the doors. Aiming to have a “frictionless” work space, Facebook has everyone working together on big, white, communal desks.Even Zuckerberg doesn’t have an office. Instead, opting to work alongside the other employees in the“bull-pen” like workspace. Potentially having an intern work alongside the CEO is incredibly
广告翻译需要准确传达核心信息、调整文化元素、适应受众口味、保持广告 的神秘感、使用恰当的情感和调调。
广告翻译需要准确传递核心信息、调整文化元素、适应受众口味、保持广告 的神秘感、使用恰当的情感和调调。
常见的广告翻译错误包括直译问题、文化误解、语义错意、异化和归化问题 等。
成功的广告翻译案例包括可口可乐的“开心就喝可乐”、苹果的“Think Different” 和NIKE的“Just Do It”。
《广告翻译ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ件》PPT课件
本课件介绍广告翻译的定义、重要性、挑战、技巧、常见错误和成功案例, 并总结要点。
local adaptation Pert-Plus,Rejoice,飘柔 Google “谷歌” 可口可乐: 美国本土“Can’t beat the real thing” 日本“I feel Coke” 香港“Coca Cola Is It”
中国内地 “Enjoy Coca Cola”尽情享受可口可 乐
60 countries. Here ar编e辑t版hpept numbers:
Employees: more than 120,000
2003 revenues: $21.5 billion
Ranked 80th on the Fortune 500
EDS公司为国际上最富经验的外包服务公司, 该公司通过其低成本、高质量的服务模式,为 客户提供超级回报。EDS的核心业务组合包括 信息技术、外包服务业务流程,以及信息技术 转化服务。EDS旗下的A.T. Kearney公司,是全 球领先的高价值管理顾问公司之一。公司为世 界上60个国家的知名大企业和政府机构提供服 务。以下是公司的几组数字:
购买后于保质期内如发现任何缺点,请将本产品及 购买时间、地点、商号、改进意见,一并寄回本 厂更换新品。谢谢!
原译文:If any problem found within the period of quality guarantee, it can be replaced with a new one from the factory by stating the date, location of purchase, item code and suggestion. Thank you.
企业文化用语英文翻译标准文本一、理念体系部分1、 追求全球技术领先,实现宗申精良制造;We pursue global leadership in technology and lean manufacturing.2、 实现个人、企业、社会的和谐发展;We value the harmony among the individual, business and society.3、 求真务实,科学创新;Our business is driven by integrity and innovation.4、敬业、拼搏、创新;Devotion, Profession and Innovation5、生产组织最优化、制造价值最大化;Optimize the organization of production;Maximize the value of manufacturing.6、终结组装旧模式、开启制造新时代Terminate the old mode of assembling, initiate a new era of manufacturing.7、制造理念Manufacture philosophy精良制造,制造精品;Lean manufacturing makes excellent products.8.国际合作 精良制造International cooperation brings lean manufacturing9、把好质量每一道关;Quality comes from the care of details.10、要经营企业、先经营团队Before managing your business, manage your people first.11、质量铸就品牌、服务赢得市场Brand is created by quality, market is gained by service.12 心存壮志建百年企业、脚踏实地树一流品牌心存壮志建百年企业、脚踏实地树一流品牌Make a centennial Zongshen and world-class brands.13、过程定成败,结果论英雄;Success is achieved in the process but a winner is judged by results.14、细节决定成败,过程决定结果。
企业文化中英文对照外文翻译文献企业文化中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)The Corporate Culture Rebuilding of E-business With the development of large-scale e-business, The E-commerce culture comes into being. It is an enterprise that produces a new value. The new integration of internal resources of the enterprises, which reduces transaction costs and improves efficiency. And it can short the cycle of production, and get many other benefits. Also it challenges on the existing corporate culture. The rise of e-commerce is a means of rapid development of technology that leads business models change. The survival of traditional economic activities, the means of operation and the management mechanisms have changed completely. The traditional corporate culture also faces a big strike.First, the Contribution to the Enterprise Value of Corporate CultureCultural phenomenon is a symbol of civilized country and a major witness of the nation. Broader culture includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and every person as a member of the social to obtain ability and habit, including the complex whole. The survival and development of the enterprise plays an important role as a "sub culture" of the corporate culture. Corporate culture is the product of a market economy and commodity economy, embodying the objective laws of market economy. It reflects the company's competitive practices, competitive spirit and overall image. The enterprise culture is the company's management philosophy, enterprises face in whichthe social and business environment in the long-term production of business activities. And it gets all employees accept and agree to honor, which fights for a set of informal rules of success. It shows a kind of management philosophy and business practice to achieve through what kind of target. It is an important part of economic management. Corporate culture means a company's value, and these values become a norm of behavior of employees’ activities.How to increase profits, reduce costs and expenses is the origin of the corporate culture. Its meaning is how to enable enterprises to effectively integrate resources in order to achieve external flexibility and realize sustainable development in the competition. Corporate culture for the enterprises to develop cultural managementindicates a clear direction. The foreign competition environment for building highly adaptable and responding quickly to change is the final purpose of enterprise culture, according to environmental behavior capacities, which in fact is the company, owned by the external competitive environment by the needs of internal resources the ability to integrate and use. Corporate culture should promote the formation of the capacity of the system and maintain a good system. Many Chinese companies, for example, Haier, Lenovo, and so on, the secret of enterprise success is to develop a set of corporate and business philosophy that forms its own unique corporate culture.1, the corporate culture reflects the company's image and spirit. Establishing a good corporate image needs support of Modern business, from leadership to staff quality, from product quality to management facilities, from the environment to the product development, infiltrating cultural factors, and allreflecting the corporate image. Good corporate image (the "goodwill") is an intangible wealth and assets to display the "brand effect", which wins the social and public support, in line with modern public relations and marketing theory. From the modern management theory, it reflects the spirit of enterprise groups and the ideal goal, showing the direction of development of enterprises and business purposes. It is on behalf of the company's future prospects; so that every member company can voluntarily contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, from the enterprises in the fierce competition in technology press "beautiful and fragrant flowers."2, the corporate culture as in the business as a new management theory to play an extremely rebuilding role.First, creating a environment for flexible coordination of business operations, the corporate social systems as a subsystem, continuously with the surrounding environment material, energy and information exchange, social environment is relatively more objective. And enterprises need to adapt to environmental changes, researching the laws and requirements of environmental change, a clear tendency of economic development compatible with the social needs and potential demand, which improve the enterprise's various weaknesses and adjust to business strategy, creating a new corporate culture, and environment interaction to achieve dynamic balance that creates a cycle of market environment, promoting the restructuring of joint-stock company into the future state of healthy function.Second, it is conducive to the formation of the values of their all operation. The development of corporate culture as the underlying motivation, its values is the core of corporate culture.And it is a business organization and the basic concepts and beliefs. For enterprises, the core task is how the market to survive and provide consumers with appropriate products and services. The core mission of business does not automatically guarantee a corporate member with a common objective. Values established by the company code of conduct for employees defined in an extremely successful and the objective pursuit.Third, it helps to improve the all quality and foster corporation. The composition of the corporate culture includes ideology, culture, technology, culture, management culture, quality culture and entertainment culture. On the one hand, the culture of integration promotes the improvement of the quality of the entire staff. Because the influence of a common culture, the formation of a common awareness and behavior-oriented preserves and maintains the unity, cooperation, the harmony between employee relations, the objective to strengthen the unity, the overall development of the performance.3, the business culture is a kind of meaning. It is different from the surrounding environment of the enterprise as a system. Its internal mechanisms of the coordinated operation of the corporate culture can not be separated. On the one hand, a direct effect on corporate culture, employee code of conduct, professional ethics and clip point, nurture and develop the corporate culture, which improves the cohesion and solidarity, increasing employee’s satisfaction, sense of identity and belonging. On the other hand, the corporate culture of the major decisions of business, the company's long-term goals and strategies as well as the implementation of rules and regulations have not be underestimated.Second, the Building of Corporate Culture, the Need forChangeIn the 21st century, the enterprise culture of Chinese business faces multiple challenges: the arrival of knowledge economy, the corporate culture, the question ofhow to enhance the value of knowledge, knowledge workers how to deal with new issues; market-oriented reform, making the planned economy era the formation of corporate culture and old ways, old routines often fail; and the rise of network technology, but also for the birth of a new corporate culture provides a weapon. Sentence: mechanism changed, times have changed, technology has changed, so many companies are faced with reshaping corporate culture. Gerstner saved Big Blue, the first is to explicitly change the corporate culture of IBM's basic values, the creation of IBM's culture, which is "strive to win (Win)" "fast execution (Execute)" and "team spirit (Team) ". Gerstner said, " as IBM's leaders, of course you need to lead the planning and specific projects, but your responsibilities also include leading the staff, the establishment of work teams, and the creation of high-performance corporate culture." GE Jack Welch, former CEO also said: "Our vitality curve is able to function effectively, because we spent a decade in our enterprise to establish a performance culture."From our point of view of corporate culture development status, can only say that the end is still in a relatively level, the "corporate culture strategy" did not receive due attention, the cultivation of corporate culture, lack of guidance systems theory, corporate culture, most of the traditional culture in the enterprise the epitome of such enterprises often lack vitality, dead, suffering from a lack of excellent sense, may be severe centrifugal serious. Overall there are more defects in our corporate culturephenomenon with error, our corporate culture common errors are:1, the phenomenon of cultural obscurantism. Such phenomenon is common in those autocratic leaders or operational problems of the enterprise. Performance of the leaders of the extreme stress on certain cultural values, education and means to promote radical. It is because the causes of most of the leaders hope to achieve within the enterprise.2, no cultural phenomenon. Usually presents companies have a very strict system and the various rules and regulations. The system provides for employees to do and not do, but there is no clear cultural ideas and values advocate, neglect of education and training of employees. Such phenomena generate up to industrial manufacturingcompanies, most of the causes of quality is not high because the leaders themselves, or lack of understanding of corporate culture. Or want to cover up some kind of cult of the individual facts. Such enterprises are usually easy to produce leaders of the blind worship or silent on the situation.3, the ideal culture phenomenon. It is common in those with young people as the main force of the emerging entrepreneurial companies. Manifestations of these companies will make some unrealistic ambitions and cultural ideals, its advocacy of the concept will be a kind of beyond the enterprise to transform the world's sense of mission. "Great and empty," the slogan of the people beyond the reach; grand, lofty goals often lack a unified real objective basis. Most of the causes of such phenomena is that leaders have too lofty ideals and the lack of work basket for fruits of the spirit. Performance of the majority of such employees are passionate emotion, but may have overlooked the immediatesituation and today what to do evil.In addition, many corporate culture inhibits the human personality, in the enterprise is only concerned about people's "collective", denied the people's imagination and creativity, produced under the concept of small-scale production of "collectivism", it is difficult to form business cohesion.Now the competition is intense, and survival of the fittest as the new rules of the game, our company's corporate culture than the United States, Japan has lagged behind many, if not catch up now, defeat in the competition will be inevitable. Therefore, the new corporate culture and change the shape of a project is China's enterprises not wait for new topics.Third, the age of electronic commerce to shape and change our corporate culture, the idea of1, analysis of internal and external factors, refined culture and a culture of innovation speedIn the era of e-commerce business to choose what kind of a core value is to create the most important issue of corporate culture. Information economy is the "speed economy", the speed has become a tool to improve competitiveness. The emergence of the Internet makes the world changes faster and faster, can be described by leapsand bounds. Internet-based e-commerce can thus quickly understand market information, quickly and easily collect customer needs, extensive product information, complete the online transactions in real-time settlement, a large number of business activities can be instantaneous, the production efficiency has been greatly to improve. In short, information technology and network technology makes extensive use of e-commerce enterprises to enter the market, the threshold can begreatly reduced. Now the world is talking about innovation, because in today's economic environment, the only constant rule is everything is changing. In this regard, any organization or business if you do not always change and innovation, it is impossible to maintain their competitive advantage. "No innovation, on the death", innovation has become a corporate existence and development of important, and that only through its own innovation and certainty in order to deal with the uncertainty of rapid change. In the information context, the role of innovation has been an unprecedented strengthening, and sublimated into a social theme. In the age of electronic commerce, innovation has become the source of the vitality of enterprises, the traditional production scale, cost advantages and other factors will not decide the future, companies only through continuous innovation to survival and development. Conservative and conservative, is simply not in the fierce market competition based on the enterprise in the future in order to have a place in the global competition, we must break through the traditional idea of imprisonment and mindset, bold innovation, firmly grasp the ever-changing business opportunities.2, new ideas, to shape employee behavior.Shaping the behavior of employees is a corporate culture an important part. For those who play the leading role in e-commerce companies, the most is neither a shortage of raw materials, nor money; neither the technology nor the emerging markets, but lack of talent. The twinkling of an eye and talent for the future to plug the wings of imagination. ? McKinsey & Company, president of the United States Ed Michaels said: "is not difficult to raise funds, a smart business strategy can be imitated.Technology half-life has been shortened for many of today's companies, talent is the primary competitive advantage factor. " Today, managers realize that in today'seconomic globalization, e-commerce and network speed of the global market, ownership of talent from the established elite business decisions quickly is critical. E-commerce businesses depend on employees' ingenuity and initiative to make closer to consumers, the decision to market faster response.E-commerce, focusing on service, but electronic means. E-commerce can also be said of electronic services, the Internet to the service of humanity, the core service is not technology, but the corporate culture, quality of the staff; Internet economy is the service economy, rather than the technical and economic, the network platform for consumer transactions, environment is not a merchandise display; manufacturers not simply suppliers or vendors, but service providers, who have better service than anyone else, who earn more money.In the new e-commerce environment, the most successful companies in the past only to give new employees to enjoy the respect of customers: their equality through the creation of an elite management system to meet the employees engaged in meaningful work and the desire to create wealth. They generously reward employees for good performance, not just cash, but also allow them to have ownership of enterprises, 3, the leader personally, keep valuesIn decision-making behavior in e-commerce businesses, innovation is very important. First, the organizational structure to be from the original pyramid, top-down, hierarchical control structure of the network to the new organizational structure transformation. Second, the management focus from capitalmanagement to knowledge management. Knowledge management is the use of collective wisdom to improve responsiveness and innovation. Third, the new management ideas and methods are emerging. In the information age and network conditions, the new economy and created many new management ideas and management methods, such as flexible manufacturing, distributed manufacturing, agile manufacturing, business process reengineering, learning organizations, manufacturing resource planning and other new ideas and new methods .The founder of e-business and business operations will encounter variousunexpected difficulties and frustrations: such as financial risk, trading risk, and increasingly competitive market, if subjected to any eventuality, no toughness will completely collapse. Therefore, entrepreneurs should be afraid of failure, afraid of setbacks and indomitable courage, devotion to the cause should be, afraid of risk, risk-taking spirit.电子商务企业文化重建随着网络时代电子商务大规模发展,电子商务企业文化随之产生,它在一个企业产生一种新的价值观,使企业内部资源得到从新整合,在为企业降低交易成本,提高效率,缩短生产周期等诸多好处的同时,也对已有的企业文化发起了挑战。
能熟练地将公司简介翻译成英语。 掌握公司简介相关知识和翻译技巧。 熟练掌握商务广告的基本知识和翻译技巧。
Section A Work Task 工作任务
Section A Work Task 工作任务
主要任务如下: 了解与本公司简介有关的企业信息 分析上述公司简介在词汇、句型、语篇等方
面的语言特点 查阅有关语言辞典、翻译工具书以及网络资
源,解决翻译难点 分析本公司简介所使用的翻译技巧和方法 完成译文
Section A Work Task 工作任务
加盟海尔的新员工都将接受入职培训。国际贸 易专业毕业生张宇在入职培训时接到的第一 份任务就是将公司简介翻译成英文。
Section A Work Task 工作任务
海尔集团是世界第四大白色家电制造商,也是中国的 电子信息百强企业之首。旗下拥有240多家法人单位,在 全球30多个国家建立本土化的设计中心、制造基地和贸易 公司,全球员工总数超过5万人,重点发展科技、工业、 贸易、金融服务四大支柱产业。
To build an outstanding, profitable, highly valuable business based on people, relationships, and integrity, with a clear focus and a passionate drive toward the best that can be done to deliver products that advance therapy, improve health and enrich lives!
企业文化用语英文翻译标准文本————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ企业文化用语英文翻译标准文本一、理念体系部分1、追求全球技术领先,实现宗申精良制造;Wepursuegloballeadershipintechnology and lean manufacturi ng.2、实现个人、企业、社会的和谐发展;We valuetheharmonyamong the individual,business and society.3、求真务实,科学创新;Our business is driven by integrity andinnovation.4、敬业、拼搏、创新;Devotion, Profession and Innovation5、生产组织最优化、制造价值最大化;Optimize theorganization ofproduction;Maximizethevalue of manufacturing.6、终结组装旧模式、开启制造新时代Terminate the old mode ofassembling, initiate a newera ofmanufacturing.7、制造理念Manufacture philosophy精良制造,制造精品;Lean manufacturing makes excellentproducts.8.国际合作精良制造International cooperation brings leanmanufacturing9、把好质量每一道关;Quality comes from the care ofdetails.10、要经营企业、先经营团队Before managing your business, manageyour people first.11、质量铸就品牌、服务赢得市场Brand is created by quality, market isgained by service.12心存壮志建百年企业、脚踏实地树一流品牌Makea centennial Zongshen andworld-class brands.13、过程定成败,结果论英雄;Success is achievedintheprocess butawinneris judged by results.14、细节决定成败,过程决定结果。
corporate culture翻译
![corporate culture翻译](
corporate culture翻译Corporate culture(企业文化)是一家公司或组织内部的基本概念、思想观念、价值观念、行为准则和目标,以及整体遵循的规范。
广告语的翻译培训课件PPT(共 57张)
![广告语的翻译培训课件PPT(共 57张)](
3. 广告类别(Categories of Ads)
商品广告(product advertisement) 服务广告(service advertisement) 公司广告(corporation advertisement) 公益广告(public-welfare advertisement)
1)Everything you’ve heard is true. 真材料,真感受,真服务。 2)He who hesitates is lost. 机不可失,时不再来。 3)In touch with tomorrow. 与明天共进。(东芝)
4) Life is discovery. And we have directions to get you there. (Wondemess)
1. Lexical features: common and simple words.
1) I love this game. 2) Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 3) I’m lov’in it. (我就喜欢。) 4) I chocolate you.
2. 广告语的魅力
吸引力 (attractive --- catch the reader’s attention) 创造力 (creative --- project an image) 说服力 (persuasive --- urge the reader to act) 影响力 (impressive --- produce an impact)
4. 广告策划的6M原则(6M Principles)
Market 市场 Message 信息 Media 媒体 Motion 活动 Measurement 评估 Money 广告投入的
《广告翻译》大纲及教案一、课程简介1. 课程目标:让学生掌握广告翻译的基本原则和技巧。
2. 适用对象:本课程适用于有一定英语基础,对广告翻译感兴趣的学生。
3. 教学方法:采用讲授、案例分析、小组讨论、实践操作等教学方法。
二、教学内容1. 广告翻译的基本原则:忠实于原文,保持广告的原意和风格。
2. 广告翻译的技巧:词汇选择:根据广告的目的和语境选择合适的词汇。
三、教学安排1. 第一周:广告翻译的基本原则和技巧讲解。
2. 第二周:案例分析,分析经典广告翻译案例,讲解其中的翻译策略。
3. 第三周:小组讨论,学生分组讨论广告翻译中的实际问题,分享讨论成果。
4. 第四周:实践操作,学生分组进行广告翻译实践,老师点评并指导。
四、教学评估1. 平时成绩:包括课堂参与度、作业完成情况等,占总成绩的30%。
2. 案例分析报告:学生在第二周完成后提交案例分析报告,占总成绩的30%。
3. 广告翻译实践:学生在第四周完成后提交翻译作品,占总成绩的40%。
五、参考教材1. 《广告翻译》,作者:,出版社:北京出版社,出版日期:2024年。
2. 《广告翻译实务》,作者:,出版社:上海出版社,出版日期:2024年。
六、教学活动1. 课堂讨论:组织学生就广告翻译的案例进行深入的讨论,鼓励他们提出自己的观点和见解。
2. 小组合作:将学生分成小组,让他们共同完成一项广告翻译任务,培养他们的团队合作能力。
3. 角色扮演:让学生扮演广告翻译人员,模拟实际工作场景,提高他们的实践能力。
七、教学资源1. 网络资源:利用互联网为学生提供丰富的广告翻译素材,让他们了解更多相关知识。
2. 案例库:收集各类广告翻译案例,为学生提供实践参考。
正文内容:1. 企业文化翻译的重要性1.1 提升企业形象1.2 促进跨文化交流1.3 增强员工凝聚力1.4 拓展国际市场1.5 传递企业核心价值观2. 企业文化翻译的挑战2.1 语言和文化差异2.2 行业特定术语2.3 文化隐喻和象征2.4 社会和法律背景2.5 文化敏感性3. 企业文化翻译的方法3.1 专业翻译团队3.2 适应目标文化3.3 采用文化本土化策略3.4 确保信息准确性3.5 定期更新和审校4. 企业文化翻译的实施4.1 制定翻译策略和计划4.2 与翻译团队密切合作4.3 确保翻译质量4.4 进行文化适应性测试4.5 持续改进和反馈5. 总结:综上所述,企业文化翻译对于跨国企业来说具有重要意义。
第六章 汉语广告口号及广告文案的英译
![第六章 汉语广告口号及广告文案的英译](
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Section C Combination and Division 合译分译
分译,即“分译法”,也称“断句译法”。 英语或汉语中有一些既长又复杂的句子, 如果坚持按原句结构翻译,会使译文生硬、 难懂。为了使译文符合译文语言的表达习 惯,译者需要使用断句译法,把长句断开, 分成几个意群来翻译。
8.驰名商标 famous brand
9.营业额 revenue
Section A Work Task 工作任务
旗下拥有240多家法人单位,在全球30 多个国家建立本土化的设计中心、制造基 地和贸易公司,全球员工总数超过5万人, 重点发展科技、工业、贸易、金融服务四 大支柱产业。
分析上述公司简介在词汇、句型、语篇等方 面的语言特点
查阅有关语言辞典、翻译工具书以及网络资 源,解决翻译难点
Section A Work Task 工作任务
Translation of Company Profiles and Business Advertisements
能熟练地将公司简介翻译成英语。 掌握公司简介相关知识和翻译技巧。 熟练掌握商务广告的基本知识和翻译技巧。
5.多元化战略 strategy of diversification
6.首席执行官 CEO(Chief Executive Officer)
Section A Work Task 工作任务
7.全球化品牌战略阶段 the period of global brand building
And, a firm dedication to personal growth and
Section B Linking – up 知识链接
1.了解与本公司简介有关的企业信息 2.分析上述公司简介在词汇、句型、语篇等方 面的语言特点
Section B Linking – up eline
6.infectious 有传染性的,易传染的,有 感染力的
Section B Linking – up 知识链接
Section A Work Task 工作任务
加盟海尔的新员工都将接受入职培训。国际贸 易专业毕业生张宇在入职培训时接到的第一 份任务就是将公司简介翻译成英文。
Section A Work Task 工作任务
海尔集团是世界第四大白色家电制造商,也是中国的 电子信息百强企业之首。旗下拥有240多家法人单位,在 全球30多个国家建立本土化的设计中心、制造基地和贸易 公司,全球员工总数超过5万人,重点发展科技、工业、 贸易、金融服务四大支柱产业。
7.degenerative 8.San Diego 9.Integrity
退步的,变质的,退化的 圣地亚哥 正直,诚实,完整,完 全,完整性
Section C Combination and Division 合译分译
合译,即合译法,是指把原文两个或两个 以上的句子翻译成一个句子。英汉互译时, 这种译法常常出现在汉译英过程中。因为 一般汉语句子比较简短,而英语句子较长。
Section B Linking – up 知识链接
MIGENIX values doing the best that can be done in all situations. Everything done by the company will adhere to the following core values:
例2 【原文】 That region was the most identifiable
trouble spot. 【译文】 那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得
Section C Combination and Division 合译分译
例3 【原文】
Section C Combination and Division 合译分译
例1 【原文】 这本书已经翻译成英文了。 【译文】 This book has already been
translated into English.
Section C Combination and Division 合译分译
Section A Work Task 工作任务
海尔集团在首席执行官张瑞敏确立的名牌 战略指导下,先后实施名牌战略、多元化 战略和国际化战略。
Section A Work Task 工作任务
海尔集团在首席执行官张瑞敏确立的名牌战略指导下, 先后实施名牌战略、多元化战略和国际化战略。2005年12 月26日,海尔集团在创建21周年之际宣布进入第四个战略 阶段——全球化品牌战略阶段。
MIGENIX is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada with US operations in San Diego, California.
Section B Linking – up 知识链接
例2 【原文】
He was very clean. His mind was open.
【译文】 他为人单纯而坦率。
Section C Combination and Division 合译分译
例3 【原文】
There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the South.
A commitment to integrity, honesty, and ethics in all that we do.
People and relationships, both personal and professional, are a top priority.
With complete trust, fairness, and respect for each person on our team and everyone we touch.
(一)公司简介的概念和格式 公司简介,顾名思义,即是简明、扼要地
介绍公司或企业主要情况的一种商务文体。 它主要有两种格式:篇章式公司简介和名 片式公司简介。
Section A Work Task 工作任务
(二)公司简介的结构 1.公司名称(简介标题) 2.公司性质(企业性质) 3.公司产品(经营范围) 4.公司广告(商业宣传) 5.公司地址及联系方式
Section B Linking – up 知识链接
From English to Chinese 公司简介英译汉
新疆九州通医药有限公司市场部经理通 过互联网获得国外一份公司简介,请其商 务助理将它译成汉语,以便了解其产品等 业务信息,建立并拓展业务联系。
Section B Linking – up 知识链接
MIGENIX is committed to advancing therapy, improving health, and enriching life by developing and commercializing drugs for the prevention and treatment of major medical diseases and certain conditions. With its expertise and experience in product development, the Company is focused on advancing its pipeline of product candidates in the areas of infectious and degenerative diseases.
He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation. 【译文】