International Marketing



International Maketing
国际市场营销学(International Marketing)是教育部确定的“财经类专 业核心课程”之一,也是我校本科层次 市场营销的专业基础课和必修课,必修 课课内学时54。国际市场营销学是市场 营销学的延伸和应用,并构成市场营销 学的分支。
——美国市场营销协会 简单一点:就是企业跨越国境的市场营销活动。
中心,从事国际市场营销活动的国际企业 经营销售管理的科学。
求出发,依据国内外不可控制的环境因素 ,运用企业可控制因素,制定、执行及控 制国际营销计划,实现企业营销目标。
(一)全球网络营销 ——无边界营销
销活动整合在一起,进行一对一的双向互动沟通, 达到
全球化强调的是标准化、统一性和规模经济,当地化强 调的是差异化、适应性
全球化营销以当地化营销为依据、为基础、为手段,当 地化营销以全球化营销为目标。
战略导向: 本国(民族)中心主义 多国中心主义 地区中心主义 全球中心主义
国际市场营销是国内市场营销在应用领域和范围上的 一种扩展和延伸。



Price Product
2. Technology
5. Political- Target
6. Geography and Legal
Market 7
Promotion Place or 2 .Technology
Environmental uncontrollables country market B
3. 政府的支持和鼓励
4. 科技的发展提供了物质前提
5. 学习先进的科学技术和管理经验
1.4 Stages of International Marketing Involvement
In general, firms go through five different phases in going international:
利润 公司营销记录
是 是 是 一般没有 一般没有 一般没有 没有
是 国际贸易统计,导
是 致贸易逆差,营销


1.3 企业走向国际市场的动因
Why Companies Go International? 1. 国内市场需求饱和及市场竞争激烈
2. 国际市场的吸引力
Exchange: Commodities and labor Services 经营环境:复杂的国际环境
Environment: International, with complexity 理论基础:比较利益学说,国际产品生命周期
Theories: Comparable Advantage,



国际市场营销与国际化战略一、国际市场营销国际市场营销(International Marketing)是指企业在跨国经营过程中将本地市场营销经验应用到国际市场,以适应跨境市场营销的环境和要求。


1.1 国际市场营销需要了解的基本知识在国际市场营销的实践中,企业需要了解以下基本知识:(1)跨文化理解:不同的国家、不同的民族、不同的文化背景和语言环境,会对市场营销产生深远的影响。




1.2 国际市场营销的挑战与应对策略国际市场营销的挑战包括语言、文化、法律、信任、品牌形象等方面。





二、国际化战略国际化战略(Internationalization Strategy)是指企业在跨国经营过程中,采用的战略和策略,以适应跨境市场的环境和要求。


2.1 国际化战略的基本内容在国际化战略的实践中,企业需要考虑以下方面:(1)市场选择:企业需要选择具有潜力和优势的目标市场,以适应跨境市场的环境和要求。

商务英语阅读Unit 4 International Marketing

商务英语阅读Unit 4   International Marketing

Reading comprehension
Read the passage quickly then answer the following two questions. 1. What do you think is the biggest challenge for firms touting tablets?
stern chase (在前船后面的)尾追;追击
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL; previously Apple Computer,
Inc.) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macintosh line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Apple software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture, a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite of professional audio and film-industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools; and iOS, a mobile operating system. As of August 2010, the company operates 301 retail stores in ten countries, and an online store where hardware and software products are sold.

International Marketing 国际市场营销 课件

International Marketing  国际市场营销 课件

The existence of lucrative markets in foreign countries Saturated ( 饱 和 的 ) markets in the home country Response to incoming competitive activity
Further reasons for firms becoming involved in international marketing (1)Today, new product development typically requires so much expenditure that in many cases firms intending to introduce new products must adopt an international perspective. (2)The higher turnover derived from international sales might enable a firm to initiate new product research and development that in the long term will give it a competitive edge. (3)Corporate plans can be anchored (v. 抛 锚 、 锚 定 ) against a wider range of (international) opportunities.
亚洲: 欧洲: 非洲: 拉丁美洲: 北美洲: 大洋洲: 南极洲: 大西洋: 太平洋: 印度洋: 北冰洋:
Asia Europe Africa Latin America/South America North America Oceania Antarctica Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean



国际市场营销判断单选名解简答案例1.国际市场营销的定义International marketing:是指对商品和劳务流入一个及以上国家的消费者或用户手中的过程进行计划、定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。


自我参照标准(self-reference criterion,SRC)是指无意识的参照个人的文化价值观、经验和只是,作为决策的依据。





6.可持续发展(sustainable development),即在经济发展的同时,实现“资源的合理利用,利益得以均摊,在经济发展过程中减少对任何环境的危害。




8.文化价值观(cultural values) ,国家之间的文化差异主要表现在四个方面:(1)强调自我的个人主义/集体主义指数(IDV)(2)强调权力的权力距离指数(PDI)(3)强调风险的不确定性回避指数或风险回避指数(UAI)(4)强调自信和成就的男性化/女性化指数(MAS)9.文化知识有两种。



D. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity E. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants
2.(1 )International Marketing(P10)
5) Developing a Global Awareness
To be globally aware is to have: tolerance of cultural differences knowledge of cultures, history, world
market potential, and global economic, social, and political trends
Part Three Research of the international marketing (Chapter 8)
Part Four STP (Chapter12 )
Segmentation Targeting Positioning
Part Five 4Ps
International marketing is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.

商务英语综合教程第三册课件 Unit 2 International Marketing

商务英语综合教程第三册课件  Unit 2   International Marketing
An Integrated Course in Business English
商务英语综合教程 (第三册)
Unit 2 International Marketing (1)
Warm-up Activities Notes of Text Text Analysis Exercises Writing
Company Logo
Unit 2 International Marketing (5)
• 7. kiosks:该词源于土耳其语,原意为路边无人 看管的书报摊,现引申为一种自助的概念:自助服 务机,信息服务亭。提供产品或储存信息及提供媒 体展示的自助式服务设备(self-service devices)。具体来看,这种自助式服务设备整合 了各式软硬件设备,以影片、图片、文字、音乐等 多媒体数据库形成的互动环境,提供各类产品贩售 或是信息服务。
Company Logo
Unit 2 International Marketing (2)
Warm-up Activities
1. Pair work
Explain how companies identify attractive market segments and choose a target marketing strategy.
Company Logo
Unit 2 International Marketing (7)
(1) Are you ready to participate in the mad shopping frenzy that we partake in every year, not only on Black Friday but all holiday season long?



Marketing Promotion
内容简介 Learning Objectives
1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. The scope of the international marketing task
3. The increasing importance of global awareness
风险大, 难度大 Higher Risk and More Difficulties
1.2 国际市场营销与国际贸易
International Marketing & International Trade
国际贸易: 国家之间有形产品与无形服务的交换活动
Exchange of the visible products and invisible services among the nations 国与国之间分工的结果
Outcome of the International Labor Division
What are in common for the both?
Business Purpose: Earning profit 交换对象:商品和劳务
Marketing and International Marketing
Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and wue with others.



国际营销International Marketingis the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.国际营销市场细分International marketing market segmentationEnterprises after entry into a foreign market, due to customer demand is varied in the country, businesses cannot meet all the needs of customers, and can be broken down into a number of markets, meet the needs of one or several markets.After that when the company decides to enter an overseas market, it will find that customer demand on the local market there is still a difference, need to be further subdivided into a number of markets, with a view to selecting one or several markets to target markets.文化culture(1)is the sum of the "value, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and through processes that are learned and shared by a group of people ,then transmitted from generation to generation."(2)Is the human made part of human environment-the sum total of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society营销渠道Marketing channelsMarketing (Marketing channels) refers to the product or service path along the transfer, transfer from participating product or service activities in order to make the product or service is easy to use or consumption of all organizations.销售促进销售促进(英文为:Sales Promotion,简称SP)Sales promotion (English: Sales Promotion, known as SP), also known as a marketing promotion, it is an enterprise using a variety of short-term incentives to encourage consumers and brokers to buy promotional activities, distribution of products and services.1.国内营销与国际营销区别和共同点International marketing is developed on the basis of marketing. As the different branches of marketing, international marketing and domestic marketing of existing linkages, and differentiated.(A)Link1. Based on commonality of international marketing and domestic marketing are based on the principles of economics as a theoretical basis.2. Consistency of concepts in contemporary economic activity, international marketing and domestic marketing concepts are consistent in nature, are "marketing concept" as a guiding principle, to meet consumer demand and user-centric.3. Operation is easy, in management, international marketing and domestic marketing there is often a certain amount of contact. Their business processes, international marketing is an extension of domestic marketing(B) the difference1. International marketing environment has become more complex2. Uncertainties facing the international market moreChanging trend of the market demand for our products, as well as consumer buying motives, consumer psychology, evaluation of products, it is difficult to determine. Enterprises ' difficulty in timely, accurate information about competitors ' reactions, and multinational market research more difficult. Companies are struggling to choose the more suitable advertising media and advertising tools, selection and control of international marketingchannel is more difficult to determine.3. selection of international than domestic marketing more diverse, more difficult.4. International marketing marketing harder2.文化具有哪些特点?文化具有的一些特征。

journal of international marketing文章

journal of international marketing文章

journal of international marketing文章标题:《探索国际市场的趋势与策略:Journal of International Marketing 文章精选解析》国际市场是企业拓展业务、增加竞争力的必经之路。

本文将为您介绍《Journal of International Marketing》期刊中的精选文章,帮助您深入了解国际市场的发展趋势及营销策略。

一、《Journal of International Marketing》简介《Journal of International Marketing》(以下简称JIM)是美国市场营销协会(AMA)旗下的一本国际市场营销领域的顶级学术期刊。

自1994 年创刊以来,JIM 专注于国际市场营销理论与实践的研究,为全球营销学者和从业者提供了丰富的学术资源和实践指导。

二、精选文章解析1.文章标题:《Digital Transformation in Global Marketing: A Framework for Research and Practice》文章简介:本文探讨了数字转型对全球市场营销的影响,并提出一个研究与实践的框架。

内容亮点:- 数字技术对全球市场产生了深远影响,促使企业重新审视其营销策略;- 作者提出了一个包含四个维度的数字转型框架:技术、组织、战略和顾客;- 企业应根据自身情况,制定合适的数字转型策略,以应对国际市场的挑战。

2.文章标题:《The Role of Cultural Intelligence in International Marketing Success》文章简介:本文分析了文化智力在国际市场营销成功中的作用,为企业提供了一种新的营销思路。

内容亮点:- 文化智力是企业在国际市场取得成功的关键因素之一;- 作者提出了文化智力的四个维度:认知、情感、行为和策略;- 企业应重视培养员工的文化智力,以提高国际市场的竞争力。

国际营销英文版 18

国际营销英文版 18

国际营销英文版 18IntroductionInternational marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services in other countries, outside of the company’s domestic market. It requires a deep understanding of the global business environment, cultural differences, and effective marketing strategies to succeed. In this document, we will discuss various aspects of international marketing.Understanding the Global Business EnvironmentTo be successful in international marketing, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the global business environment. This includes understanding the political, economic, legal, and cultural aspects of the countries in which you plan to operate.Political FactorsPolitical factors, such as government regulations and policies, can greatly impact international marketing efforts. For example, trade agreements and tariffs can affect the cost of importing or exporting goods. It is important to stay up-to-date on the political situation in target markets to anticipate potential risks and opportunities.Economic FactorsEconomic factors, such as exchange rates, inflation rates, and GDP growth, also play a significant role in international marketing. These factors can impact the purchasing power ofconsumers and the affordability of products or services. Conducting thorough market research and understanding economic trends is important for successful international marketing campaigns.Legal FactorsLegal factors, such as intellectual property laws, product regulations, and labor laws, vary across countries. It is crucial to understand and comply with local laws and regulations to avoid legal issues that may hamper international marketing efforts.Cultural FactorsCultural factors are perhaps the most important aspect of international marketing. Cultural differences across countries can significantly impact consumer preferences, behavior, and buying habits. Adapting marketing strategies to these cultural nuances is vital for success. This includes considering language differences, customs, traditions, and even holidays and festivals.Developing an International Marketing StrategyDeveloping an effective international marketing strategy involves careful planning and consideration of various factors.Market SegmentationMarket segmentation is the process of dividing a target market into smaller, more specific segments based on similar characteristics or needs. Effective market segmentation allowsmarketers to create tailored marketing strategies that resonate with different customer groups. This approach is especially important in international marketing, considering the diverse mix of cultures, languages, and preferences.Product AdaptationAdapting products or services to suit the needs and preferences of international markets is crucial for success. This may include making modifications to packaging, branding, features, or even creating entirely new products. Conducting market research and understanding customer preferences and expectations is essential for effective product adaptation.Pricing StrategiesPricing strategies need to consider factors such as local market conditions, competition, and local purchasing power. For example, pricing a product the same way in multiple countries may not be effective if the local market can’t afford it. Developing flexible pricing strategies that are tailored to each market is essential for success in international marketing.Promotional StrategiesPromotional strategies in international marketing may differ from those used in domestic markets. It is important to consider cultural differences, local advertising regulations, and the effectiveness of various promotional channels. For example, social media advertising may be more effective in some countries, while traditional print media may still dominate in others.Distribution ChannelsChoosing the right distribution channels is crucial for international marketing success. Factors such as transportation infrastructure, customs regulations, and buyer preferences should be considered when deciding on distribution methods. This may involve partnering with local distributors or setting up direct sales operations in target markets.ConclusionInternational marketing requires a deep understanding of the global business environment, cultural differences, and effective marketing strategies. By considering political, economic, legal, and cultural factors, developing tailored strategies, and adapting products and services to suit international markets, companies can achieve success in their international marketing efforts. It is important to continually monitor and adapt marketing strategies based on market trends and changes in the global business environment to stay competitive in the international arena.Note: This document was written in Markdown format.。

商务英语综合教程(第二版 下册)Unit 13 International Marketing Re

商务英语综合教程(第二版 下册)Unit 13 International Marketing Re
marketing mix: 市场营销组合,即产品、定价、分销渠道、促 销等因素的组合;
marketing strategies: 营销策略
2. International marketing research is necessary in order to decide which foreign markets to enter and the best mode of entry (exporting, licensing, joint ventures, etc.) to each nation. exporting, licensing, joint venture: 出口、许可证以及合资经营,这 些都是进入国际市场的方式。其他进入的方式还包括:使用代理 或分销商、建立国外分支机构或子公司、设立独资企业等 。
4.There is nothing direct to show that he is guilty of the crime. So far all the evidence is only _______.
5.It was very _______ of you to tell her about your pay raise when she has been unemployed since last year.
according to refer to take sth. into consideration regard sb./sth. as rather than tend to do bid conversely artificial restore
1.But________, music may also distract or annoy some workers.



《国际市场营销》(英)教学大纲Subject Outline课程代码:3025021总学时:56学时总学分:3.5学分适用专业:国际经济与贸易专业、经济学专业(本科)一、课程性质、目的、任务:本课程是国际经济与贸易专业、经济学专业本科的学科基础课。










1. 说明:This course examines the impact of economic, cultural, political, legal and other environmental influences on international marketing. Within this context, we will discuss how to identify and analyze worldwide marketing opportunities, and examine product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies. The course is structured to provide ample opportunity for interaction among students, and between students and the instructor. Students are expected to read current periodicals and journals to keep abreast of current international developments. The course will primarily consist of lectures, discussions, presentations, cases, and group projects.主要章节和课时分配Part1. Introduction Time: 4 hoursCH1. Marketing and International MarketingCH2. GlobalizationPart2. Environment of Global Marketing Time: 8 hoursCH3. The Cultural EnvironmentCH4. The Economic EnvironmentCH5. The Legal EnvironmentCH6. The Political EnvironmentPart3. Global Marketing Opportunities & Strategies Time: 20 hours CH7. Marketing Research and Information SystemCH8. Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer BehaviorCH9. Business market & Business buyer behaviorCH10. Market Segmentation, Targeting & PositioningCH11. Market Entry ModePart4. Global Marketing Operations Time: 24 hours CH12. Products and Services StrategiesCH13. Pricing StrategiesCH14. Promotional StrategiesCH15. Distribution Strategies主要教学内容:PART1.INTRODUCTION TIME: 4 hours1. Course introduction:2. An overview:——What’s selling?——What’s marketing?——The primary differences3. International marketing4. Concept & theories of marketing——Market——Marketing strategy——Marketing segmentation——Buyer behavior research——Marketing research and forecast——Marketing management5. History and Development of International marketing——Export marketing strategy——International marketing strategy——Global marketing strategyPART2. ENVIRONMENT OF GLOBAL MARKETINGCH3. CULTURAL FACTORS TIME: 2 hours1. Material force/condition (technology, economy)2. System of society (organization, education, social structure, media)3. Human and universe (religious belief, superstition)4. Aesthetics (painting and calligraphy, plastic arts, folktale, music, drama)5. The language6. Values (the time conception, the attitude to innovation and wealth, an awareness of risk, local customs)CH4. COMMERCIAL CUSTOMS AND PRACTICES TIME: 2 hours1. Culture and commercial customs (Imperative, Adiaphorous, Exclusive)2. Operating structure——Power structure——Management target and ambition3. Operating patternCH5. ECNOMICS ENVIRONMENT TIME: 2 hours1. Scale of market——Demographic environment——Income2. Characteristics of local economy——Natural environment——Infrastructure——CivilizationCH6. POLITICAL AND LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TIME: 2 hours1. Political Environment——The Stable Political Situation——The Successive Policy of Government——Political Risks2.Legal Environment——Mother Country Laws——Host Country Laws——International Conventions and CustomsPART3. GLOBAL MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES& TRATEGIESCH.7 MARKETING RESEARCH &INFORMATION SYSTEM TIME: 2 hours1. Marketing information system——Assessing information——Developing information——Distributing information2. The marketing research process——Defining the problem and research objectives——Developing the research plan——Implementing the research planCH.8 CONSUMER MARKETS &CONSUMER BUYER BEHA VIOR TIME: 4 hours1. Model of Consumer behavior2. Characteristics affecting consumer behavior3. Four types of buying decision behavior4. The buyer decision processCH.9 BUSINESS MARKET &BUSINESS BUYER BEHAVIOR TIME: 2 hours1. Business market2. Business buyer behavior3. International and government marketCH.10 MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGETING & POSITIONING TIME: 4 hours 1.Market Segmentation2.Market Targeting3.PositioningCH.11 MARKET ENTRY MODE TIME: 4 hours1.Export2.Contractual3.Direct InvestmentCASES: TIME: 4 hoursPART4. GLOBAL MARKETING OPERATIONSCH.12 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES STRATEGIES TIME: 4 hours1.Product Classification2.Product Decisions——Branding——Packing3.International Product Policy——Standardization——Modification4.New Product Development Strategy5.International Product Life Cycle StrategyCH.13 PRICING STRATEGIES TIME: 4 hours1.General Pricing Approaches2.The factors influencing priding3.New-product Pricing Strategy4.Product Mix Pricing Strategy5.Product Adjustment Strategy6.Price ChangesCH.14 PROMOTION STRATEGIES TIME: 4 hours1.The Communication Mix TIME: 4 hours2.Steps in Developing Effective Communication3.Setting Total Promotion Budget and Mix4.Advertising5.Sales Promotion6.Public Relations7.Direct MarketingCH.15 DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES TIME: 4 hours1.Nature of Distribution Channels2.Channel Behavior and Organization3.Channel Design Decisions4.Channel Management DecisionsCASE: TIME: 8 hours4.5. 教材:International Marketing Strategy Planning, Marketing Entry &Implementation (3rd edition). By Roger Bebbett, Jim Blythe6. 参考书:1). Principles of Marketing (9th edition). By Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong2). International Marketing (11th edition). By Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham7. 考核方式:1). Class Participation and Assignments: 10%2). Presentation (group): 20%3). Final Exam: 70%。



国际市场营销什么是国际市场营销国际市场营销(International Marketing)是指企业在跨越国际边界的背景下,将产品或服务推向全球市场并满足不同国家和地区的消费者需求的过程。










以下是一些常见的国际市场营销策略:1. 标准化策略标准化策略是指企业在各个国家和地区采用相同的产品、价格、渠道和品牌形象等策略。


2. 本地化策略本地化策略是指企业根据不同国家和地区的需求和特点,调整产品、价格、渠道和品牌形象等策略。


3. 多元化策略多元化策略是指企业根据所处市场的特点,针对不同细分市场制定不同的市场营销策略。


国际市场营销的实施步骤要成功实施国际市场营销,企业需要按照以下步骤进行:1. 市场调研在进入新的国际市场之前,企业首先需要进行充分的市场调研。




国际市场营销学培训讲义(英文版) International Marketing Training HandbookSession 1: Introduction to International Marketing1.1 Definition of International Marketing- Explanation of international marketing and its importance in today's globalized world.- Overview of key concepts, such as globalization, market segmentation, and cultural diversity.1.2 Benefits and Challenges of International Marketing- Discussion on the advantages of expanding into international markets, such as increased sales and new business opportunities. - Identification of common challenges, such as cultural differences, legal and regulatory complexities, and competitive pressures.1.3 International Marketing Strategies- Introduction to different strategies for entering international markets, including exporting, licensing, joint ventures, and direct investment.- Examination of factors influencing strategy selection, such as market potential, risk assessment, and resource allocation. Session 2: Market Research and Analysis2.1 Understanding Global Consumers- Analysis of cultural differences and their impact on consumer behavior.- Identification of global consumer segments and trends to targeteffectively.2.2 Market Research Methods- Overview of primary and secondary research methods for gathering market intelligence.- Explanation of techniques for analyzing market data, such as surveys, focus groups, and data mining.2.3 Assessing Market Potential- Examination of key factors to consider when evaluating market potential, including market size, growth rate, and competition.- Introduction to tools and frameworks for assessing market attractiveness and competitiveness.Session 3: Market Entry Strategies3.1 Exporting and Importing- Discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of exporting and importing.- Explanation of export and import processes, including logistics, documentation, and international trade regulations.3.2 Licensing and Franchising- Overview of licensing and franchising as market entry strategies. - Examination of the benefits, risks, and considerations involved in entering into licensing and franchising agreements.3.3 Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances- Introduction to joint ventures and strategic alliances as collaborative market entry strategies.- Analysis of the advantages, challenges, and factors for successful partnerships.Session 4: Product and Brand Management4.1 Adaptation vs. Standardization- Examination of product and brand adaptation strategies to suit local market preferences.- Discussion on the benefits and risks of standardizing products and brands across international markets.4.2 Product Development and Innovation- Overview of product development processes for international markets.- Introduction to strategies for fostering innovation and staying competitive in global markets.4.3 Branding and Positioning- Explanation of brand building and positioning strategies for global brands.- Examination of the role of culture, communication, and customer perception in successful international branding.Session 5: Communication and Promotion5.1 Integrated Marketing Communications- Introduction to integrated marketing communications (IMC) and its role in international marketing.- Explanation of different promotional tools and channels, such as advertising, public relations, and digital marketing.5.2 Cultural Sensitivity in Communication- Discussion on the importance of cultural sensitivity and adaptation in international communication.- Analysis of successful cross-cultural marketing campaigns and the lessons learned.5.3 Digital Marketing in International Markets- Overview of digital marketing strategies and tactics for reaching global audiences.- Examination of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging digital platforms for international marketing.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topicsin international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs.Session 6: Pricing and Distribution6.1 Pricing Strategies in International Markets- Explanation of factors affecting pricing decisions in international markets, such as currency fluctuations, local market conditions, and competition.- Introduction to pricing strategies, such as cost-based pricing, market-based pricing, and value-based pricing.6.2 Distribution Channels and Logistics- Overview of distribution channel options in international markets, including direct sales, distributors, agents, and e-commerce.- Examination of logistics considerations, such as transportation, warehousing, and customs regulations.6.3 Channel Management and Relationship Building- Discussion on the importance of effective channel management and relationship building with international partners.- Introduction to strategies for selecting, managing, and incentivizing channel partners.Session 7: Legal and Ethical Considerations7.1 International Legal Framework- Overview of international trade laws and regulations, such as tariff and non-tariff barriers, intellectual property protection, and contract laws.- Explanation of the role of international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), in promoting fair trade practices.7.2 Ethical Issues in International Marketing- Analysis of ethical dilemmas and challenges in international marketing, such as cultural sensitivity, advertising standards, and environmental sustainability.- Discussion on the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in international business practices.7.3 Risk Management and Compliance- Introduction to risk management strategies for mitigating legal and ethical risks in international marketing.- Explanation of compliance standards, such as anti-corruption laws and data privacy regulations, that businesses need to adhere to in global markets.Session 8: Market Expansion and Growth8.1 Emerging Markets and Opportunities- Analysis of emerging markets and their potential for business expansion and growth.- Discussion on strategies for entering and succeeding in emerging markets, such as adaptation to local conditions and collaboration with local partners.8.2 International Business Development- Overview of strategies and considerations for expanding and growing international business operations.- Discussion on factors such as market diversification, innovation, and strategic partnerships.8.3 Sustainable International Marketing- Examination of sustainability and responsible business practices in international marketing.- Introduction to concepts such as green marketing, social entrepreneurship, and inclusive business models.Session 9: Cross-Cultural Communication and Negotiation9.1 The Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication- Explanation of the challenges and opportunities presented by cross-cultural communication in international business.- Analysis of cultural dimensions and their impact on communication styles and business practices.9.2 Cross-Cultural Negotiation- Overview of negotiation strategies and techniques in cross-cultural settings.- Examination of cultural norms and practices that influence negotiation processes and outcomes.9.3 Managing Cultural Differences- Discussion on strategies for managing and leveraging cultural differences in international business.- Introduction to intercultural competence skills, such as empathy, adaptability, and cultural intelligence.Session 10: International Marketing Plan10.1 Developing an International Marketing Plan- Step-by-step guide to developing an international marketing plan. - Explanation of key components, such as market analysis, target market selection, marketing objectives, and implementation strategies.10.2 Evaluating and Monitoring International Marketing Performance- Introduction to metrics and tools for evaluating the performance of international marketing activities.- Discussion on the importance of monitoring and adjusting strategies based on market feedback and changing conditions. 10.3 Case Studies and Best Practices in International Marketing- Analysis of real-world case studies and best practices in international marketing.- Examination of successful international marketing campaigns and their underlying strategies and tactics.Note: This training handbook provides an overview of key topics in international marketing and can be customized to suit specific training objectives and participant needs. The content can be expanded upon by incorporating additional case studies, interactive exercises, and group discussions to enhance participant engagement and learning.。

unit2international marketing

unit2international marketing

By contrast:相比之下;相形之下 Britain, by contrast, already has one of the best developed tourist markets in the world. 与之相反的是,英国已经有了在世界上最完美的一个 旅游市场。
Curiosity:n.好奇心,爱打听的癖性; Sophie's curiosity was aroused by the mysterious phone call. 那个神秘的电话引起了索菲的好奇心。
• Visual: • The building makes a tremendous visual impact. • 这栋建筑物给人以极其深刻的视觉印象。 • Virtual:virtual reality • Virtual reality is an environment which is produced by a computer and seems very like reality to the person experiencing it.(虚拟现实)
2. What methods can companies use to enter overseas markets?
1. Indirect export . Exporter use an export agent to deal with buyer in the overseas market. 2. Direct export. Companies handle their own exports. For example by setting up overseas sales offices. 3. Joint ventures. Two companies , for example, an overseas firm and a local one may work together to develop a particular market. 4. Direct investment. The company buys a local firm or sets up its own manufacturing subsidiaries.



international marketing国际市场营销: 指对商品和劳务流入一个以上国家的消费者或用户手中的过程进行计划,定价、促销和引导以便获取利润的活动。

self-reference criterion自我参照标准(SRC):指无意识地参照个人的文化价值观、经验和知识,作为决策的一句。

global awareness全球意识:对文化差异的宽容,了解文化、历史、世界市场潜力,以及全球经济、社会和政治的发展趋势。

1.Manifest Destiny(命定说):从广义上讲,命定说意指上帝选择了美国人来建立模范社会。


2.Roosevelt corollary(罗斯福推论):该推论宣称,美国政府不仅禁止非美洲势力干预拉美事物,而且将保护这一地区,确保拉美国家能履行其国际义务。

3.Monroe doctrine(门罗主义):是美国对外政策的基石,包括三项基本内容:欧洲停止在新世界实行殖民统治;美国不干预欧洲政治;欧洲国家不得干涉西半球国家事务。

sustainable development(可持续发展):即在经济发展的同时,实现"资源的合理利用,利益得以均摊,在经济发展过程中减少对任何环境的危害”,目前已成为许多政府和跨国公司的指导方针。

Cultural sensitivity 文化敏感性:关注文化间的细微差别以便客观的看待一种新的文化,对这种文化进行评估和欣赏。


Linguistic distance 语言距离:语言工作者依据语言形态和发展的相似特点,将全世界的语言分成不同的语系,利用语系关系可以衡量语言距离。

Strategy of cultural congruence 文化适应策略:文化适应策略本质上要求新产品与市场上现有产品相似,即与现有的文化规范尽量一致,从而减少阻力。

Ethnocentrism 民族中心主义:民族中心主义是一种认为自己文化优于他人文化的信条。



1、国际营销定义:International marketing isthe performance of business activitiesdesigned to plan, price, promote, anddirect the flow of a company’s goods.2、The Self-Reference Criterion(自我参照标准) SRC is an unconscious reference toone’s own culture values, experience, andknowledge as a basis for decisions.3、Ethnocentrism(民族中心主义): one’sown culture or company knows best howto do things.4、Rural/urban migration(农村/城市迁移);Population decline and aging(人口下降老龄化)5、Individualism/Collective Index (IDV)个人集体主义, which focuses onself-orientation,refers to the preferencefor behavior that promotes one’sself-interest。

Power Distance Index (PDI)(权力距离),which focuses on authority orientation,measures power inequality betweensuperiors and subordinates within a socialsystem。

Uncertainty Avoidance Index(UAI)不确定性回避which focuses on riskorientation,measures the tolerance ofuncertainty and ambiguity amongmembers of a society。

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4. Thus there is a spectrum of new product development strategies. Firms sometimes customize a product to every market; at other times they offer one standardized product everywhere; and sometimes they compromise and settle in the middle.
2. What kinds of problem do companies face when they go international?
– not understanding local tastes and habits – not understanding the structure of local distribution networks
Unit 1
International Marketing
Think Globally, Act Locally
Teaching arrangement

Warming Reading Viewing Case study Practical writing

What products do you know that are marketed inRight International Mix .doc
Standardize or adapt? Which is better?
Marketing approach
reduced(车辆的)底盘 number of chassis designs
· global integration: 全球一体化 · so much…as…与其说是…不如说是… not It’s not so much a hobby as a career. He is not so much a leader as a guide.
Words & Sentences Analysis
What is international marketing? What is the difference between domestic marketing and international marketing?

Background Information
price— customer cost Marketing mix 销售组合 4Ps
Words & Sentences Analysis
New product development that co-ordinates efforts across national markets leads to better products and services. Such opportunities are not normally available to a company that operates only in one country or is only just entering a new country. 需要跨国进行协调的新产品开发能够改善产品和服务。 这样的机会通常那些只在一个国家内部运营或是刚刚进 入一个新的国家的公司是得不到的。
Text Study
1. 2. 3.
Which P is this article about? To standardize or to adapt, which is better? Find the topic sentence of paras. from 6-8. How to divide the passage into different parts? How to understand the first sentence of para. 1,3,4,5, 6 and the second sentence of para. 2?
3. What methods can companies use to enter overseas markets?
– – – – – Indirect exporting 间接出口 Direct exporting 直接出口 Licensing 许可 Joint ventures 合资 Direct investment 直接投资

Communication---Traditionally promotion has meant sending brand message and offers to customers, using one-way communication. The new way of thinking focuses on opening up opportunities for dialogue, from telling and selling to listening and learning
Background Information

niche market-------------缝隙市场 corner the market--------------垄断 market share------------市场份额 point of sale---------------销售点 Premium------------溢价 retail outlet--------------零售商店
promotion---customer communication
product-- customer value place--customer convenience Which P is this article about?
Changes in marketing Mix from 4 Ps to 4Cs
spectrum: (range)光/声/波谱; 范围,系列,幅度 we should hear views from across the political spectrum. 我们要听取各个政治派别的看法。 customize: (tailor)定制,定做,改制 ~ a product 根据客户具体要求定制;
1. In these days of increasing global integration, the task many international marketers face is not so much market entry as managing the marketing mix in different national markets.
· regardless of: (prep) paying no attention to sth/sb; treating sth/sb as not being important 不管,不顾,不理会 He went ahead and did it, regardless of the consequences.

Product ---design or production Price and place –distribution Promotion--- marketing communication The 4ps determine how a good or service is made and provided , how much it costs, where it is distributed and how it is presented in all company communication
breakfast cereal
ignored research and introduced cereal in France; changed consumption patterns changes flavor to suit local tastes
Words & Sentences Analysis
· preference: a greater interest in or desire for sb/sth than sb/sth else 偏爱;爱好 Many people expressed a strong ~ for the original plan.
Words & Sentences Analysis
International Marketing Mix
Questions for discussion

Work in groups, try to name some famous transnational companies operating in China and their products, do you think the advertisement of the products are the same or different? Why or why not?

Customer ---focus on customers wants and needs versus product Cost --- what it costs a customer to own a product instead of how to price a product ( e. g. car/ considering the repair cost) Convenience---focus how easy it is for customers to acquire the product, rather than how easy for the company to distribute it ( e.g. Coca Cola convince restaurants to offer its products , as well as making them widely available in every type of stores