Walt Whitman 惠特曼 英文 (课堂PPT)


Walt Whitman 惠特曼 英文 (课堂PPT)

Walt Whitman 惠特曼 英文 (课堂PPT)

I think I could turn and live a while with the animals... 我想我可以和这些动物们一起住一段时间 they are so placid and self-contained, 它们是如此的温和,自给自足 I stand and look at them sometimes half the day long. 有时候我可以大半天站着观察它们 They do not sweat and whine about their condition , 他们不出汗,也不抱怨生存条件 They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins. 晚上他们也不躺下休息,而是为他们的罪过而哭泣
• 9 editions and last edition includes more than 400 poems
• written in a new kind of versification called free verse.
• Celebrates the ideals of equality, democracy, the dignity, self-reliant spirit and joy of common people
Literary Significance
• His innovations in diction and versification, his frankness about sex, his inclusion of the commonplace and the ugly and his censure of the weakness of the American democratic practice – all have paved his way to a share of immortality in American literature.

Walt Whitman_ppt

Walt Whitman_ppt

Franklin Evans (1842) --《富兰克林· 埃文斯》 Leaves Of Grass (1855) --《草叶集》 Drum-Taps (1865) Memoranda During the War Specimen Days(1882) --《典型的日子》
Combination of soul and body, bold sex description, transcendentalism
Major themes

Self: both individual and universal National culture, American society Equality ,freedom and democracy Sing for the ordinary people Independence of American literature Combination of body and soul
America starts to seek its national culture 1855, the biggest and the most advanced publishing industry Authors made efforts to build American literature It has been credited as “representing the core of Whitman‟s poetic vision.”
American literature
books and actions be free and brave

1th week whitman & dickenson 英美文学课件

1th week whitman & dickenson  英美文学课件

He was born in l8l9 into a working-class family and grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Son of a carpenter, Whitman left his schooling for good at eleven, and became an office boy. Later on he changed several jobs, one of which was in the printing office of a newspaper, which would be of great help in his literary career.
Poetic theory
• Whitman wrote in the preface to the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass, "The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as affectionately as he has absorbed it." • He believed there was a vital, symbiotic relationship between the poet and society. This connection was emphasized especially in "Song of Myself" by using an all-powerful first-person narration. • As an American epic, it deviated from the historic use of an elevated hero and instead assumed the identity of the common people. • Leaves of Grass also responded to the impact that recent urbanization in the United States had on the masses.


(2) He advocates the realization of the individual value. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass sing of the "en-masse" and the self as well. (3) Pursuit of love and happiness is approved of repeatedly and affectionately in his lines. Sexual love, a rather taboo topic of the time, is displayed candidly as something adorable. The individual person and his desires must be respected.
Whitman's democratic ideals
Whitman's democratic ideas govern his poetrywriting. In his famous poetry, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism (the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are most important) are all that concerned him. Whitman brings the hard-working farmers and laborers into American literature, attack the slavery system and racial discrimination.

Walt Whitman 沃尔特·惠特曼 英美文学 ppt课件

Walt Whitman  沃尔特·惠特曼 英美文学  ppt课件

• Edited a newspaper, the LongIslander, in Huntington
• Back to New York City to work as a printer and journalist
• Experienced various jobs
• Began writing a new kind of poetry
Whitman's democratic ideals& individualism
America’s first “poet of democracy”
Whitman's democratic ideas govern his poetry-writing.
In his famous poetry, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism (the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are most important) are all that concerned him.
2. Individual value
3. Pursuit of love and happiness
4. Sexual love The individual person and his desires must be respected.
America’s first “poet of democracy”
• At four, family moved to Brooklyn, New York


His Leaves of Grass has always been considered a monumental work. It commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals.
• Edited a newspaper, the LongIslander, in Huntington
• Back to New York City to work as a printer and journalist
• Experienced various jobs
• Began writing a new kind of poetry
• filled with optimistic expectation and enthusiasm about new things and new epoch.
1. The whole hard-working people The burgeoning life of cities. The fast growth of industry and wealth in cities
2. Individual value
3. Pursuit of love and happiness
4. Sexual love
5. The individual person and his desires must be respected.
America’s first “poet of democracy”
Excerpt from Song of



Whitman 2016
Whitman & President Abraham Lincoln
O Captain! My Captain!
O Captain! My Captain!
• O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done, • The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won, • The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, • While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: • But O heart! heart! heart! • O the bleeding drops of red, • Where on the deck my Captain lies, • Fallen cold and dead.
•The Modern Man I sing.(我歌唱现代的人类。)
Free verse
• 1. What is the significance of singing about one's self? • It is an exaltation of the individual spirit, which is typical of
• Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
O Captain! My Captain!
---contrast description


a collection of poems written mainly in free verse
is noble for its frank delight in and praise of the senses
most of the poems are about man and nature,praise the nature and the individaul human's role therein
Walt Whitman
Wang Ruixian 2014.12.13
Major Works
Writing Features
Whitman • Position
A poet, an essayist , A journalist, a humanist A giant of American letters The father of free verse One of the great innovators
Continued to revise and expand his Leaves of Grass, and it went through 9 editions altogether.
1873, suffered a paralytic stroke. died on March 26, 1892.
He announced and instructed a complete new age.


New York. Had five years of schooling and a good deal of "loafing"
and reading. Tried at a various of jobs and picked up a first-hand
knowledge of life and people in the new world. Worked as an office boy, a printer's apprentice,
is noble for its frank delight in and praise of the senses
most of the poems are about man and nature,praise the nature and the individaul human's role therein
schoolmaster, printer, editor (of eight successive newspapers ), and journalist.xperience
1848, traveled to New Orleans and saw much of the Mississippi heartlands.
Major Works
Whitman • Works
Leaves of Grass《草叶集》
nine editions,from 95 pages,12 poems to 400 pages,401 poems
the first American genuine epic poems
a collection of poems written mainly in free verse



Leaves of Grass: Subjects and Style
Whitman's great subject was America, but he wrote on an expansive variety of smaller subjects to accomplish the task of capturing the essence of this country.
ves of Grass
On July 4, 2005, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of what is possibly the greatest book of American poetry ever written. in 1855, Walt Whitman published his first edition of Leaves of Grass, a slim volume consisting of twelve untitled poems and a preface.
Some of his many subjects included slavery, democracy, the various occupations and types of work, the American landscape, the sea, the natural world, the Civil War, education, aging, death and immortality, poverty, romantic love, spirituality, and social change.
Leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman诗歌赏析PPT课件

Walt Whitman诗歌赏析PPT课件
I observe a famine at sea--I observe the sailors casting lots who shall be kill'd, to preserve the lives of the rest; I see that over the sea, the sailors in starvation are drawing lots to decide which of them should be killed to provide food for the survival of the others.
“I Sit and Look out” shows the poet’s attitudes towards pains and evils in the world.
I Sit and Look Out
------ Walt Whitman
山西师范大学 外国语学院 英语一班 史晓娟 1114010118
I sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame; I sit here and look out at all the sorrows of human world, and look at all the oppression and shame of this world.
I see the workings of battle, pestilence, tyranny--I see martyrs and prisoners; I see in the human world, some are fighting against the others; some are suffering from the deadly disease; some are cruelly ruling the people; some are sacrificing their lives for their belief; some had committed crime and had been imprisoned.



惠特曼简介:华尔特· 惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)美 国浪漫主义最伟大的诗人,生于美国长岛一个海滨小村庄。 父亲当时是个无地的农民。惠特曼5岁那年全家迁移到布鲁 克林,父亲在那儿做木工,承建房屋,惠特曼在那儿开始上 小学。由于生活穷困,惠特曼只读了5年小学。他当过信差, 学过排字,后来当过乡村教师和编辑。这段生活经历使他广 泛地接触人民,接触大自然,对后来的诗歌创作产生了极大 的影响。1841年以后,他又回到了纽约,开始当印刷工人, 不久就改当记者,并开始写作。几年以后,他成了一家较有 名望的报纸《鹫鹰报》的主笔,不断撰写反对奴隶制,反对 雇主剥削的论文和短评。40年代未他加入了“自由土地党”, 反对美国的蓄奴制,主张土地改革。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

1848年西欧各国爆发了革命,对惠特曼影响很大。他在报纸 上发表文章沤歌欧洲革命,并写了不少诗来表达自己的心境, 其中包括《欧洲》、《法兰西》、《近代的岁月》等等。 1850年起他脱离新闻界,重操他父亲的旧业——当木匠和建 筑师。这期间,他创作了他的代表作诗集《草叶集》 (1855)。 1861年美国南北战争爆发。内战结束后他自费 发表了反映内战的诗篇《桴鼓集》(1865)。几个月后他又出 版了一本续集,其中有悼念林肯的名篇《最近紫丁香在庭院 里开放的时候》,《哦,船长!我的船长》等等。
当时正在蓬勃发展的美国。诗集通过“自我” 感受和“自我”形象,热情歌颂了资本主义 上升时期的美国。

这首诗内涵深广,气象恢宏。表面上好似诗人仅在 凸显自己,实际上诗人在借用“自己”二字,表现 一个大“我”,即改造大自然、开放新大陆、建设 新大陆的美国广大劳动群众,歌颂的是19世纪美国 的民主代表,张扬的是自由、开放的个性。因而诗 中的“自己”被赋予了两重性,一是具体的我,二 是象征性的群体的“我”,“自己”是一个综合形 象。诗人置身于劳动者之中,诗中的“自己”,也 是美国式“新人”的形象。



➢ Whitman struggled to support himself through most of his life. In Washington he lived on a clerk’s salary and modest royalties(稿酬), and spent any excess money, including gifts to friends, buying supplies for the patients he nursed.
香在庭院里开放的时候 • I hear America Singing 我听见美国在歌唱
(1) Leaves of Grass
➢ A collection of Whitman’s poems, his lifelong achievement.
➢ Consisting of 12 poems when first published in 1855. Nine editions and last edition includes more than 400 poems.
➢ He carried on a sort of experiment on the form of poetry by choosing free verse as his medium of expression, allowing him to express freely his ideas in colloquial English, regardless of the prevailing principles of rhymes or meter.



in American literature
Whitman • Position
A part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism
He believed the American poets would create both new forms and new subject matter for poetry.
我赞美我自己,歌唱我自己, 我所讲的一切,将对你们也一样适合, 因为属于我的每一个原子,也同样属于你。 我闲游,邀请我的灵魂一起, 我俯首下视,悠闲地观察一片夏天的草叶。
—— Song of myself
My tongue, every atom of my blood,
Form’d from this soil, this air,
Major Works
Whitman • Works
Leaves of Grass《草叶集》
nine editions,from 95 pages,12 poems to 400 pages,401 poems
the first American genuine epic poems
Worked as an office boy, a printer's apprentice, schoolmaster, printer, editor (of eight successive newspapers ), and journalist.
Whitman • Life Experience



Walt Whitman’s Major Works
Leaves of Grass is a collection of poetry.
There are 12 poems in the first version in 1855 and 401 poems in the last version in 1891 and 1892.
• Whitman is among the most influential poets in America, often called the father of free verse .
• Whitman was honored on a Famous Americans Series in 1940.
• Whitman released a second edition of the book in 1856, containing thirty-three poems, a letter from Emerson praising the first edition, and a long open letter by Whitman in response.
• In 1855, Whitman took out a copyright on the first edition of Leaves of Grass, which consisted of twelve untitled poems and a preface.
Walt Whitman’s Life
• Whitman is today claimed as one of the few truly great American men of letters.
Walt Whitman’s Life

whitman PPT

whitman   PPT

Life Experience

born in 1819, on the West Hills of Long Island, New York. His father was a farmer, also a carpenter and builder. His mother, was barely literate, but gave him unconditional love. Whitman only attended school for five or six years, then he dropped out and worked as a printer. Later, he worked as a teacher, run a weekly papers in his native town, worked as an editor. His learning largely came from his self-study and wide reading.
Poems Appreciation
Song of Myself
Who does“myself”refer to ? B. How do you understand the line “I loafe and invite my soul?” C. What does “a spear of summer grass” symbolize?
B. How do you understand the line “I loafe and invite my soul?” This line indicates a separation of the body and the soul, the physical and the spiritual. The union of the body and the soul will not be achieved unless the self is awakened.


America’s first “poet of democracy”
Whitman's democratic ideas govern his poetry-writing.
In his famous poetry, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism (the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are most important) are all that concerned him.
• In Song of Myself, Whitman believed that two people could be “twain yet one”, their paths could be different, and yet they could achieve a kind of transcendent contact.
有个世界是意识到了的,而且对我说来是最大的世界, 那便是我自己, 无论今天我能得到,或者要在千百万年之后我才能得到我应得的一切, 我现在就愉快的接受,或同样愉快的等待。
我的立足点是同花岗岩连着的, 我嘲笑你们所谓的消亡, 我深知时间是多么宽广。
31 我相信一片草叶的意义不亚于星星每日的工程, 一只蝼蚁、一粒沙,一个鹪鹩蛋,都是同样地完美,
2. Individual value
3. Pursuit of love and happiness
4. Sexual love The individual person and his desires must be respected.
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• The father of free verse
• Born in to a workingclass family
• poor&semiliterate(半文 盲)parents, only 5-6 years formal education ,self-educated.
• Work as an office boy ,printing worker, school teacher, freelance writer.
words or phrases at the beginning of the line, in the middle or at the end)
E.g. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to
world) • Pursuit of love and happiness
Features of Whitman’s poetry
1. The use of a certain pronoun “I” 2. Two principles • Parallelism or a rhyme of thought • Phonetic recurrence ( the repetition of
filth;” Whittier throw and England.
it into fire.)
Major Themes in His Poetry
• Equality of things and beings • Divinity of everything • Multiplicity of nature • Self-reliant spirit • Death, beauty of death • Expansion of America • Brotherhood and social solidarity (unity of nations in the
Memoranda During the War《战争回忆录》
Specimen Days (1882)《典型的日子》
Major works
• Leaves of Grass 草叶集 • Drum-Taps 桴鼓集
• Song of Myself 自我之歌 • I sit and look out 坐观世间 • O captain, my caption • When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d 最近紫丁香在庭
• Supporting slavery abolishing
• Severed as volunteer nurse during civil war
• Unmarried all his life 4
Whitman’s Poetry
Franklin Evans (1842) 《弗兰克林 • 埃文斯》
• Grass—the most common thing with the greatest vitality, as a common of rising American
The title “Leaves of Grass”
1. A symbol of Whitman’s poems 2. A manifestation of Whitman’s democratic ideas 3. A symbol of new Americans with their American spirit
院开放的时候 • I hear American singings
Leaves of Grass
Where there is earth, where there is water, there is grass.
Leaves of Grass
• First published in 1855 with only 12 poems
Walt Whitman (1819 –1892)
主讲:17 制作:16
• an American poet, essayist, journalist, e transition between Transcendentalism and Realism
• (“noxious weeds;” • With appearance of the
“ p o e t r y o f 5th edition, Whitman
barbarism;” “a b e g a n r e c e i v e d
m a s s o f s t u p i d recognition in America
• 9 editions and last edition includes more than 400 poems
• written in a new kind of versification called free verse.
• Celebrates the ideals of equality, democracy, the dignity, self-reliant spirit and joy of common people
Reception of Leaves of Grass
• R e c e i v e d h a r s h • Welcomed by Emerson / criticism because of “the most extraordinary breaking the poetic piece of wit and wisdom convention and its that an American has yet sexuality and exotic contributed.” and vulgar language