CHECK POINT操作手册文档v1.0




密级:文档编号:项目代号:中国移动Checkpoint防火墙安全配置手册Version *.*中国移动通信有限公司二零零四年十一月拟制: 审核: 批准: 会签: 标准化:Firewall 版本控制分发控制目录1 综述 (5)2 Checkpoint的几种典型配置 (6)2.1 checkpoint 初始化配置过程: (6)2.2 Checkpoint Firewall-1 GUI安装 (13)2.3 Checkpoint NG的对象定义和策略配置 (18)3 Checkpoint防火墙自身加固 (34)1综述本配置手册介绍了Checkpoint防火墙的几种典型的配置场景,以加强防火墙对网络的安全防护作用。



2Checkpoint的几种典型配置2.1 checkpoint 初始化配置过程:在安装完Checkpoint软件之后,需要在命令行使用cpconfig命令来完成Checkpoint的配置。

如下图所示,SSH连接到防火墙,在命令行中输入以下命令:IP350[admin]# cpconfigWelcome to Check Point Configuration Program=================================================Please read the following license agreement.Hit 'ENTER' to continue...(显示Checkpoint License版权信息,敲回车继续,敲q可直接跳过该License提示信息)Do you accept all the terms of this license agreement (y/n) ?y(输入y同意该版权声明)Which Module would you like to install ?-------------------------------------------(1) VPN-1 & FireWall-1 Enterprise Primary Management and Enforcement Module(2) VPN-1 & FireWall-1 Enforcement Module(3) VPN-1 & FireWall-1 Enterprise Primary ManagementCheckpoint Firewall-1/VPN-1支持多种安装模式,Firewall-1/VPN-1主要包括三个模块:GUI:用户看到的图形化界面,用于配置安全策略,上面并不存储任何防火墙安全策略和对象,安装于一台PC机上;Management:存储为防火墙定义的各种安全策略和对象;Enforcement Module:起过滤数据包作用的过滤模块,它只与Managerment通信,其上的安全策略由管理模块下载;以上三个选项中如果Management与Enforcement Module安装于同一台设备上,则选择(1),如果Management与Enforcement Module分别安装于不同的设备上,则选择(2)或(3)。

Check Point教程

Check Point教程

Check point防火墙基本操作手册CheckPoint(中国)TEL:(86)10 8419 3348 FAX:(86)10 8419 3399©2010 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.Classification:目录目录 (2)防火墙架构 (3)防火墙的Web管理 (3)配置IP: (4)配置DNS和Host: (5)配置路由: (5)通过防火墙的管理客户端管理 (5)添加防火墙 (7)添加策略步骤 (10)IP节点添加 (10)添加网段 (11)IPS的配置 (13)更新IPS库 (14)新建IPS动作库 (14)应用控制 (16)更新数据库 (16)添加应用控制策略 (17)App Wike (18)自定义添加应用 (18)QOS配置 (20)Qos策略的添加 (20)日志工具的使用 (20)筛选日志 (21)临时拦截可以连接 (22)©2010 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.Classification:©2010 Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved.Classification:防火墙架构Check point 防火墙的管理是通过一个三层架构来实现的。

首先我们可以在任意的机器上安装防火墙客户端控制台,然后利用控制台的图形化界面登录check point 的管理服务器,定义出各个网络对象,定义企业各条策略,最后下发到防火墙执行模块。

具体实现过程见图示:防火墙的Web 管理首先打开Web 管理界面,出现登录界面:登陆后的界面设备的Web界面只能配置设备的IP地址,网关,DNS和路由。




checkpoint⽤户⼿册Check Point UTM-1⽤户⼿册第⼀章使⽤向导 (3)⼀、从配置UTM开始 (3)1、登陆UTM (3)2、配置⽹卡 (3)3、配置路由 (4)4、配置主机名 (5)5、调整时间 (5)⼆、步骤1-配置之前......⼀些有⽤的术语 (6)三、步骤2-安装和配置 (7)四、步骤3-第⼀次登录到SmartCenter服务器 (8)五、步骤4-在安全策略定义之前 (10)六、步骤5-为安全策略定义规则 (15)七、步骤6-来源和⽬的 (16)第⼆章策略管理 (16)⼀、有效的策略管理⼯具需要 (17)⼆、CheckPoint管理策略的解决⽅案 (17)1、策略管理概况 (17)2、策略集 (18)3、规则分节标题 (20)4、查询和排列规则以及对象 (20)三、策略管理需要注意的问题 (21)四、策略管理配置 (21)第三章SmartView Tracker (24)⼀、跟踪的需求 (25)⼆、CheckPoint对跟踪的解决⽅案 (25)1、跟踪概况 (25)2、SmartView Tracker (26)3、过滤 (27)4、查询 (28)5、通过⽇志切换维护⽇志⽂件 (28)6.通过循环⽇志来管理⽇志空间 (28)7、⽇志导出功能 (29)8、本地⽇志 (29)9、使⽤⽇志服务器记录⽇志 (29)10、⾼级跟踪操作 (29)三、跟踪需要考虑的问题 (30)四、跟踪配置 (31)1、基本跟踪配置 (31)2、SmartView的查看选项 (31)3、配置过滤器 (32)4、配置查询 (32)5、维护 (33)6、本地⽇志 (34)7、使⽤⽇志服务器 (34)8、⾃定义命令 (35)9、阻断⼊侵 (36)10、配置报警命令 (36)第⼀章使⽤向导⼀、从配置UTM开始1、登陆UTM2、配置⽹卡3、配置路由4、配置主机名5、调整时间⼆、步骤1-配置之前……⼀些有⽤的术语这⾥介绍⼀些有助于理解本章内容的相关信息。



CheckPoint防火操作手册1 配置主机对象定义防火墙策略时,如需对I P 地址进行安全策略控制则需首先配置这个对象,下面介绍主机对象配置步骤,在“Network Objects”图标处,选择“Nodes”属性上点击右键,选择“Node”,点击“Host”选项,定义主机对象的名称,IP Address属性,同时可按照该主机的重要性定义颜色,配置完成后点击OK,主机对象创建完成。

2 配置网段对象定义防火墙策略时,如需对网段进行安全策略控制则需首先配置这个网络对象,配置步骤如下,在防火墙“Network”属性上点击右键,选择“Network”,选项,定义网段名称,比如DMZ,Internal,建议根据网段所处位置定义,配置网段地址和子网掩码,如有必要可以添加注释(Comment),配置完成后点击确认。

3 配置网络组对象如果需要针对单个I P 地址、IP 地址范围或者整个网段进行安全策略控制,可以将这些对象添加到网络组,如下在防火墙“Group”属性上点击右键,选择“Simple Group”选项,成后点击O K 即可4 配置地址范围对象除了配置I P 地址,网段,也可以指定地址范围(IP range),地址范围对象配置步骤是,如下在防火墙“Network”属性上点击右键,选择去掉“Do not show empty folders”选项,让I P Range 配置属性显示出来。

配置“Address Rage”,选择“Address Ranges”,如下图输入地址名称、起始IP地址与结束IP地址,完成后点击OK即可。

5 配置服务对象5.1 配置T CP 服务对象Check Point 防火墙内置了预定义的近千种服务,包括T CP、UDP、RPC、ICMP 等各种类型服务,通常在定义防火墙安全策略时,大多数服务已经识别并内置,因此无需额外添加,但也有很多企业自有开发程序使用特殊端口需要自行定义,下面介绍如何自定义服务,如下图所示,点击第二个模块标签,即S ervices,已经预定义多种类型服务,用户根据需要自定义新的服务类型,下面举例定义T CP 类型服务,右键点击“TCP”,选择“New TCP如下图,可以点以单个TCP服务端口服务对象,如果是一段端口,可以定义端口范围以上举例新建T CP 协议的端口服务,如需定义U DP 协议或其他协议类型按照同样流程操作即可。

Checkpoint 1 登录指南说明书

Checkpoint 1 登录指南说明书

Logging in to Checkpointunch your browser and enter the Checkpoint address in the browser location bar:The Checkpoint Login screen appears.NOTE:Bookmark this page or add it to your Favorites so you will not have to retypethe URL every time you want to access Checkpoint.2.Enter your User Name and Password,and then click Login.The Checkpoint screen that appears depends on the Login and Search Practice Areasettings in the General Settings Options.NOTE:You can use your user name and password to open only one Checkpointsession at a time.Select the Save Name/Password check box to save your logininformation.You will not be prompted to enter your User Name and Password onfuture Checkpoint sessions.Ending a Session RemotelyCheckpoint does not permit multiple logins with the same User ID.If you are loggedinto Checkpoint on another machine or browser and attempt to login,Checkpoint will provide an option for you to close the original session and continue the login process.©2021Thomson Reuters. All Rights Reserved.W-329800U SING THE H OME S CREENCheckpoint -Quick Reference -2Using the Home ScreenThe Home screen provides quick links to Checkpoint tools and documents,access to current news of interest to Checkpoint subscribers,updates related to Checkpoint features and content,and easy access to training and support.You can change the contentandcustomize the features as needed.Choose from several Home screen views that organize content by practice area.Eachview's layout and content can be modified to match your preferences.Create your ownview consisting of selected content panes.My Quick Links provides quick access to frequently used areas of Checkpoint.You can tailor My Quick Links to your specific needs by modifying the list to reflect your areas of interest and frequent use.The Support &Product Training links make it easy to access instructor-led and self-study product training,user guides and other reference materials,support and trainingU SING THE H OME S CREENCheckpoint -Quick Reference -3news,support contact information and Checkpoint user options.Keep up-to-date with news and product developments.Consult Today's Headlines forlinks to current news.Review New in My Subscription to learn about new features and enhancements specific to your version of Checkpoint.Use Home screen features to display the results of Scheduled Searches ,ongoingcitation tracking (Track It)and proposed legislation being followed (Follow It).Enter your keyword in the Quick Search box and click Search to perform a keywordsearch.You can perform a keyword search in two ways:Intuitive Search recognizesquestions,common phrases,connectors,or citations,and interprets your queryaccordingly to retrieve the most relevant results,including relevant variations.Terms &Connectors will limit your search to the exact words you typed,without any variations.The search AutoComplete feature will suggest keywords as you type in the field.You can also perform a Quick Search on a predefined source set you create by selecting from the Choose Source Set drop-down list.U SING THE S EARCH S CREENCheckpoint -Quick Reference -4Using the Search ScreenThe Search screen provides a launch point from which to perform keyword searches on selected sources in several practice e the left navigation bar to access customized search templates andtoolsbased on the practice area.Select a practice area to use sources and search tools specific to an area of research.Practice areas include Federal ,State &Local ,Estate Planning ,Pension &Benefits ,International Tax ,International Trade ,Payroll ,and Accting,Audit &Corp Finance .To perform a keyword search enter search terms,select the sources to search,andthen click the Search icon.You can perform a keyword search in two ways:IntuitiveSearch recognizes questions,common phrases,connectors,or citations,and interprets your query accordingly to retrieve the most relevant results,including relevant variations.Terms &Connectors will limit your search to the exact words you typed,without anyU SING S EARCH C ONNECTORSCheckpoint -Quick Reference -5variations.The search AutoComplete feature will suggest keywords as you type in thefield.Open the Thesaurus/Query Tool to enhance your keywords with such features as aspell checker,a thesaurus of alternative terms,a list of connector symbols,andpreviously used keyword combinations.Select a search template to perform a search by filling in requested information.Forexample,use Find by Citation to request a code section from an official documentation source.Using Search ConnectorsUsing Connectors in Intuitive SearchIf the Terms &Connectors search method is selected,the AND,SPACE,or &connectors can all be used to require more than one term in each of the documents of your search results.However,if Intuitive Search is left as the default search method,Checkpoint will read the word "AND"and any SPACE as it would any other word used in your query.Although the most relevant documents are likely to have all words used,you may get results that have only most of the words.U SING S EARCH C ONNECTORSAlso,when using the Intuitive Search method,the use of quotations to search for a phrase will find the most relevant documents that include the exact phrase and relevant variations that contain the keywords within3words of one another.Checkpoint-Quick Reference-6U SING THE D OCUMENT S CREENCheckpoint -Quick Reference -7Using the Document ScreenThe Document screen provides the format for viewing and managing Checkpoint documents,with various tools and features for navigating,saving,printing,sharing,exporting,adding notes,and flagging the content.You can also highlight document text and savethehighlighted text as a note.Within a document,you can use the Context Panel on the right to take advantage ofadditional navigation and features.The available tabs listed in the Context Panel willdepend on the document displayed and how you arrived at that document (by Keyword or Table of Contents).Document tools include Print,Export,E-mail,Save,Open in New Window,Selected Text Option,Show Permalinks,Full Screen,Document Display Options,Flag this document,Add Note,and Reset view.Use the Navigate by field and arrow buttons to advance to the next Best result orDocument found by your search,the next document listed in the Table of Contents ,or the next occurrence of a Keyword .Keyword occurrences appear with yellow highlighting throughout the open document.Use the top line and side line link buttons that appear across the top of a document orembedded within the document to link to related documents in the Links section of the Context Panel .U SING THE T ABLE OF C ONTENTS S CREENCheckpoint -Quick Reference -8Using the Table of Contents ScreenThe Table of Contents screen,accessed from the menu bar on Checkpoint,provides access to all of the sources available to you through your subscription.Content is organized hierarchically into broad practice area categories.You can drilldown through levels of content to find individual documents.Click the "+"symbol next to a title to view its contents,or click the title name toU SING THE N EWS S CREENCheckpoint -Quick Reference -9Using the News ScreenThe News screen provides the latest news updates in the areas of tax,audit,accounting,trade,corporate finance,and employee benefits.Most of the news services provide access to earlier editions and e-mail delivery options.Headlines,summaries,or opening paragraphs are generally provided for each news article.In some news sources,the headline is a link to the full article.In others,a"document"symbol at the end of the paragraph links you to the full article.Select from news sources included in your Checkpoint subscription.Available newssources may include (depending on your subscription)Checkpoint Daily Updates ,L EGENDCheckpoint -Quick Reference -10News &Insight ,Accounting & Compliance Alert ,PPC's Daily Update ,IBFD Tax News Service ,Willis Towers Watson ,EBIA Weekly ,AAEI International Trade Alert ,TR Global Indirect Tax Update ,and EY Tax News .Click a date on the Date drop-down list,if available,to access earlier editions.Document tools let you print,export,e-mail,and manage the news content.Advance to a section of the news update by selecting the section title from the Outline on the left navigation bar.Click Set Display/E-mail Preferences and arrange to receive any of your subscribed news updates by e-mail.Options include receiving a Daily Update version or a Weekly Update (or Complete Newsletter)version offered on a less frequent schedule.This option is not available for all news sources.Click Checkpoint Weekly Updates to view all articlesfrom (depending on yoursubscription)the Federal Tax,State &Local Tax,Estate Planning,Pension &Benefits,and Payroll Updates for the most recently completed week (Monday through Friday).LegendL EGENDCheckpoint-Quick Reference-11。



Full Disk Encryption安装手册Checkpoint Endpoint R73CheckPoint(中国)TEL:(86)10 8419 3348FAX:(86)10 8419 3399文档修订记录文档说明此文档是由以色列捷邦安全软件科技公司于2010年05月制定的内部文档。




目录一、环境要求 (4)二、安装步骤 (4)2.1服务器安装 (4)2.2FDE客户端安装步骤 (19)一、环境要求以下介绍安装Endpoint R73 FDE所需的环境要求:1.安装在域环境中进行。

2.准备一台win2000或win2003server,配置如下:操作系统中文版(英文版均可):Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with Service Pack 1 and 2Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 1 and 2Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition with Service Pack 1 and 2Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition with Service Pack 1 and 2Windows Server 2000系统硬件单CPU,2G内存,4G交换空间,CPU可以是下列中的一种:Intel® Xeon® processor (Dual Core)Intel® Core™ Duo processor T2600 - T2300Intel® Pentium® processor Extreme Edition 965 (Dual Core)Intel® Pentium® D processor 960 (Dual Core)I ntel® Pentium® 4 processor with Hyper-Threading TechnologyDual-Core AMD Opteron ProcessorAMD Opteron ProcessorAMD Athlon 64 FX ProcessorAMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core3.Server的Fremwork必须为.NET2.0以上版本4.Server 必须加入域5.准备安装光盘:Check_Point_R73_server_for_Windows.isoCheck_Point_R73_client_for_Windows.iso二、安装步骤以下介绍FDE的服务器安装步骤以及客户端的安装步骤2.1服务器安装1.首先将FDE Server加入本地域,右键桌面我的电脑图标,选择属性,进入计算机名栏如下图所示:这时的DNS需要使用本地的DNS服务器)点击确定按钮输入域管理员帐号与密码,点确定按钮,重启服务器,使用域管理员权限登录服务器。

Check Point UTM-1 2050实施文档_V1.0

Check Point UTM-1 2050实施文档_V1.0

Check Point UTM-1 2050实施文档Matthew.Lee2014-5目录第一章、网络拓扑及相关网络信息的确定 (2)第二章、系统初始化 (3)第三章、管理控制台Smartconsole的安装及基本操作 (7)第四章、Check Point的策略管理设置 (17)第五章、NAT设置 (19)第六章、SmartDefense配置 (22)第七章、LDAP的配置 (26)第八章、MSN上网认证配置。




二、Check Point产品初始化1、待系统重启后,进入到引导菜单,我们选择Start in normal mode。





7、选择n,开始时间与日期的设置8、选择n,开始下一步配置,可通过TFTP从第三方服务器上进行远程安装(忽略此选项,我们从光盘进行本地安装)9、在命令行模式输入CPconfig,选择3进入GUI Clients管理,10、选择可以管理Checkpoint UTM-1 2050的GUI Clients,并按ctrl+D结束。

11、至此完成Check Point产品的初始化,reboot系统后就可开始相关配置了。

11.CheckPoint 防火墙管理中心高可用性操作手册

11.CheckPoint 防火墙管理中心高可用性操作手册

C h e c k P o i n t防火墙管理中心高可用性操作手册广州中软信息技术有限公司目录1. 管理中心高可用性概述 (3)2. 管理中心高可用性解决方案 (4)2.1. 备份管理中心服务器 (4)2.2. 管理中心高可用性部署 (5)2.3. 管理中心备份信息 (6)2.4. 管理中心同步模式 (6)2.5. 管理中心同步状态 (7)2.6. 改变管理中心状态 (8)2.7. 高可用性注意事项 (8)3. 管理中心高可用性配置 (10)3.1. 安装与同步备份管理中心 (10)3.2. 改变管理中心状态 (12)3.3. 管理中心同步方式 (13)1.管理中心高可用性概述CheckPoint管理中心SmartCenter由几个独立的数据库组成,分别存储了用户定义的网络对象、用户对象以及安全策略等信息。





2.管理中心高可用性解决方案2.1. 备份管理中心服务器实现管理中心的高可用性,那么活动的管理中心服务器就总有一个或多个的备份管理中心服务器处于备份状态,准备随时从活动的管理中心服务器接替管理中心的任务。

备份的管理中心服务器必须和活动的管理中心服务器具有相同的操作系统(例如:Windows NT、Window 2000),操作系统的版本可以不相同。




1. CheckPoint架构 (2)2. 设置系统配置 (2)2.1 设置IP地址 (2)2.2 设置路由 (3)2.3 配置备份 (4)2.4 下载SmartConsole(GUI Client) (6)2.5 命令行(Console/SSH)登陆专家模式 (6)3. 配置防火墙策略 (6)3.1 安装SmartConsole,登录策略配置管理 (7)3.2 创建对象 (7)3.2.1 创建主机对象 (7)3.2.2 创建网络对象 (8)3.2.3 创建组对象 (9)3.3 创建策略 (10)3.3.1 策略分组 (13)3.4 创建地址转换(NAT) (14)3.4.1 自动地址转换(Static) (15)3.4.2 自动地址转换(Hide) (15)3.4.3 手动地址转换 (16)3.5 Install Policy (18)4. 用户识别及控制 (18)4.1 启用用户识别及控制 (18)4.2 创建AD Query策略 (22)4.3 创建Browser-Based Authentication策略 (24)5. 创建应用及网址(URL)控制策略 (25)5.1 启用应用或网址(URL)控制功能 (25)5.2 创建应用及网址(URL)对象 (25)5.3 创建应用及网址(URL)组对象 (27)5.4 创建应用及网址(URL)控制策略 (29)6. 创建防数据泄露(DLP)策略 (31)6.1 启用防数据泄露(DLP)功能 (31)6.2 创建防数据泄露(DLP)对象 (31)6.2.1 创建防数据泄露(DLP)网络对象 (31)6.2.2 创建防数据泄露(DLP)分析内容对象 (31)6.2.3 创建防数据泄露(DLP)分析内容组对象 (31)6.3 创建防数据泄露(DLP)控制策略 (31)7. 生成报表(SmartReporter) (31)7.1 启用报表功能 (32)7.2 生成报表前参数调整 (32)7.3 生成报表 (35)8. 事件分析(SmartEvent) (36)8.1 启用事件分析功能 (36)8.2 查看事件分析 (37)1. CheckPoint 架构CheckPoint 分为三层架构,GUI 客户端(SmartConsole )是一个可视化的管理配置客户端,用于连接到管理服务器(SmartCenter ),管理服务器(SmartCenter )是一个集中管理平台,用于管理所有设备,将策略分发给执行点(Firewall )去执行,并收集所有执行点(Firewall )的日志用于集中管理查看,执行点(Firewall )具体执行策略,进行网络访问控制2. 设置系统配置设备的基本配置需要在WEB 下进行,如IP 、路由、DNS 、主机名、备份及恢复、时间日期、管理员账户,默认web 管理页面的连接地址为https://,如果已更改过IP ,将192.168.1.1替换为更改后的IP2.1 设置IP 地址例:设置LAN2口的IP 为10.0.255.2登录web 后选择Network Connections直接点击LAN2管理服务器 SmartCenterGUI ClientSmartConsole 执行点Firewall填入IP地址和掩码,点击Apply2.2设置路由例:设置默认路由为10.0.255.1登录web后选择Network→Routing点击New→Default Route,(如果设置普通路由,点击Route)填入默认路由,点击Apply2.3配置备份此备份包括系统配置和CheckPoint策略等所有配置例:将配置备份出来保存选择Applicance→Backup and Restore选择Backup→Start Backup输入备份的文件名,点击Apply(由于日志可能会较大,增加备份文件的大小,可考虑去掉Include Check Point Products log files in the backup前面的勾)选择Yes等待备份文件打包当弹出下载文件提示后,将文件保存至本地2.4下载SmartConsole(GUI Client)选择Product Configuration Download SmartConsole选择Start Download2.5命令行(Console/SSH)登陆专家模式登陆命令行(Console/SSH)默认模式下仅支持部分操作及命令,如需要执行更高权限的命令或操作时需登陆专家模式在命令行中输入expert回车,根据提示输入密码即可登陆,默认密码同web、console、SSH登陆密码相同# expertEnter expert password:You are in expert mode now.3.配置防火墙策略CheckPoint防火墙的策略执行顺序为自上而下执行,当满足某一条策略时将会执行该策略设定的操作,并且不再匹配后面的策略***如果策略中包含用户对象,即使匹配该策略,仍然会继续匹配后面的策略,只有当后面的策略没有匹配或者后面的策略中匹配的操作是drop时才会执行之前包含用户的策略通常CheckPoint策略配置的顺序依次为防火墙的管理策略、VPN策略、服务器(DMZ)策略、内网上网策略、全部Drop策略创建CheckPoint防火墙策略的步骤为创建对象、创建策略并在策略中引用对象、Install Policy***CheckPoint中配置的更改必须Install Policy之后才会生效3.1安装SmartConsole,登录策略配置管理直接运行下载的SmartConsole安装包进行安装,安装完成后登陆SmartDashboard例:打开策略管理运行SmartDashboard输入用户名、密码以及SmartCenter(管理服务器)的IP地址,点击OK登陆3.2创建对象CheckPoint配置策略的基本步骤为创建需要的对象、创建策略、在策略中引用对象、Install Policy3.2.1创建主机对象例:创建IP为192.168.10.1的对象选择Nodes→Node→Host在Name处输入对象名(字母开头),在IP Address处输入对象的IP地址,如192.168.10.1,点击OK3.2.2创建网络对象例:创建网段为192.168.10.0,掩码为255.255.255.0的对象选择Networks Network…输入网段对象名,网段,掩码(由于是中文版系统的关系,部分字样可能显示不全),点击OK3.2.3创建组对象如果有多个对象需要在策略中引用,方便起见可将这些对象添加到一个组中,直接在策略中引用该组即可例:将网段192.168.10.0和192.168.11.0添加到一个组对象中选择Groups→Groups→Simple Group…输入组对象的名字,将网段对象192.168.10.0和192.168.11.0在左侧Not in Group窗口中双击移入到右侧的In Group窗口中,点击OK3.3创建策略创建策略前需根据需求先确定创建的位置例:在第6条和第7条之间创建1条允许192.168.10.0网段访问任何地方任何端口的策略,并记录日志选中第7条策略,单击右键,选择Add Rule Above添加后会出现一条默认策略,需要做的就是在这条策略上引用对象在Source对应的一栏中,右键点击Any,选择Network Object…找到192.168.10.0这个网段的对象后选中,并点击OK由于是访问任何地址的任何端口,所以在Destination、VPN、Service栏中保持Any不变在Action栏中点击右键选择Accept在Track栏中点击右键选择Log,这样凡是被这条策略匹配的连接都会记录下日志,用于在SmartView Tracker中查看完成后的策略如下图3.3.1策略分组当策略数目较多时,为了方便配置和查找,通常会对策略进行分组例:将7、8、9三条日志分为一个组选中第7条策略,点击右键,选择Add Section Title Above输入名字后点击OK如下图所示,7、8、9三条策略就分在一个组中了,点击前面的+-号可以打开或缩进3.4创建地址转换(NAT)在CheckPoint中地址转换分为自动和手动两种,其中自动又分为Static NAT和Hide NAT Static NATStatic是指将内部网络的私有IP地址转换为公有IP地址,IP地址对是一对一的,是一成不变的,某个私有IP地址只转换为某个公有IP地址。

Check Point Security Compliance说明书

Check Point Security Compliance说明书

“Check Point Security Compliance makes it easy for us to apply the best practices we need to meet our HIPAA requirements. It not only provides great protection, but it also demonstrates our commitment to security, which can make a huge difference if our organization is audited.”COMPLIANCEYOUR AUTOMATED TRUSTED ADVISORBoost your security level across your entire Check Point environment with a dynamic solution thatcontinuously monitors your security infrastructure, gateways, technologies, policies, and configuration settings all in real time.INCREASE SECURITYAVOID HUMAN ERRORCOMPLY WITH REGULATIONSSecurity ComplianceKey Features and Benefits⏹ 300+ Check Point Security Best Practices optimizingconfiguration settings ensuring businesses stay secure ⏹ Monitor policy changes in real time, providing instant alerts and remediation tips ⏹ Translates thousands of complex regulatory requirements intoactionable Security Best PracticesTOP TIER VIEWSSecurity Overview Security by ModuleRegulation Details Integrated with SmartEventSecurity Violations ReportingSECURITY BEST PRACTICESCheck Point Compliance examines your environment’s security gateways, software modules, policies, and configuration settings in real-time. With over 300 Security Best Practices, Compliance detects poor configurations and provides instant remediation tips to ensure your business stays secure. Compliance enables your security teams to reach the full potential of all of their Check Point products by recommending adjustments to security configurations in order to meet regulatory and Security Best Practices in place.NEW GAIA USER BEST PRACTICESCreate best practices by running scripts over GAiA OS on the gateways.REGULATIONS & GDPRCheck Point Compliance provides best practices that are mapped to industry-known regulations with clear requirements and recommendations laid out. Easily categorize by protections in place, or by severity of the security violation.Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will require a focus on how privacy and data protection are addressed in the handling of information, but also on related areas such as awareness, incident management and achieving “data protection by design”. Though GDPR is not a security-based regulation, there are aspects related to data protection and the security of an enterprise. Hence, Check Point family of technologies and products can be of a benefit to such enterprises when designing the data protection guidelines of the organization based on the data protection policy. Check Point Compliance contains several GDPR requirements that can be covered easily by configuring Check Point products accordingly.SPOTLIGHTSecurity Compliance With continuous monitoring, avoid human errors and lower the complexity of managing cyber security with the ability to go from view to action. Create overviews and reports in real-time and manage it all through a single pane of glass. Automated Trusted Advisor Check Point Compliance governsmultiple software technologieswithin the Check Point protectionsuite and can provide a wide viewof your compliance level. You can even activate SmartEvent for enhanced reporting capabilities.Security BestPracticesFilter security bestpractices by softwaremodule. You can viewthe relevant objectsthe best practiceapplies to as well asthe relevantregulatoryrequirements. Takeaction immediately orschedule the action tooccur at a later date.Creating a Best Practice Fine tune and monitor what’s important to you. Easily optimize your security best practices or create and enforce your own best practices company-wide. Regulatory Compliance You can see your security level in accordance to direct regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, ISO 27001 and many more.ORDERING COMPLIANCE# of Managed Gateways SKU Smart-1 Appliances Bundled with Compliance1ApplianceCompliance + SmartEvent for Smart-1 Compliance and SmartEvent Annual subscription is included with every new Smart-1 appliance purchase. Extend your license with the annual subscription SKUs below 5 - 10 Smart-1 600-S CPAP-NGSM600S-BASECPAP-NGSM600S-PLUS25 - 50 Smart-1 600-M CPAP-NGSM600M-BASECPAP-NGSM600M-PLUS75 - 150 Smart-1 6000-L CPAP-NGSM6000L-BASECPAP-NGSM6000L-PLUS200 - 400 Smart-1 6000-XL CPAP-NGSM6000XL-BASEMGMTCPAP-NGSM6000XL-BASECPAP-NGSM6000XL-PLUSMGMTCPAP-NGSM6000XL-PLUSOpen Server Bundled with Compliance1Compliance + SmartEvent for Open ServerEvery Open Server license includes SmartEvent and Compliance for the 1st year. Extend your license with the annual subscription SKUs below 5 CPSM-NGSM510 CPSM-NGSM1025 CPSM-NGSM25CPSM-NGSM25-MD5 50 CPSM-NGSM50CPSM-NGSM50-MD5 150 CPSM-NGSM150CPSM-NGSM150-MD5Compliance Annual Subscription1Compliance Compliance + SmartEventCompliance and SmartEvent subscription bundle for single domain environments 5 CPSB-COMP-5-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-5-1Y 10 CPSB-COMP-10-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-10-1Y 25 CPSB-COMP-25-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-25-1Y 50 CPSB-COMP-50-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-50-1Y 75 CPSB-COMP-75-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-75-1Y 150 CPSB-COMP-150-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-150-1Y 200 CPSB-COMP-200-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-200-1Y 400 CPSB-COMP-400-1Y CPSB-EVS-COMP-400-1Y 50+ Extension2CPSB-COMP-EXT-50-1Y2CPSB-COMP-EXT-50-1Y21 E xtend your 1 Year Compliance + Smart-1 license by 1 Year. 2Y and 3Y licenses are also available in the online product catalog. SmartEvent annual EVS license (such as CPSB-EVS-10-1Y) - can be used only on top of the new NGSM license (CPAP-NGSMXXX or C PSM-NGSMXXX).2 50+ SKU can be used on top of 150 GW licenses.ORDERING COMPLIANCE (continued)# of Managed Gateways SKU Compliance for Multi-Domain EnvironmentCompliance subscription extension*For Multi-Domain environments: SmartEvent runs on a dedicated server 25 CPSB-COMP-MDM25GW-1Y 50 CPSB-COMP-MDM50GW-1Y 150 CPSB-COMP-MDM150GW-1Y 250 CPSB-COMP-MDM250GW-1Y 500 CPSB-COMP-MDM500GW-1Y 1000 CPSB-COMP-MDM1000GW-1YCONTACT US North America - +1-866-488-6691 | International - +44-125-333-5558 | 。



机架式2U服务器后视图:左边为冗余电源系统,上、下分 别安装二个超薄服务器专用电源,组成电源冗余系统,以 防不测。后置面板中间提供了标准的I/O接口:1个键盘, 1个鼠标,2个USB,显卡D-SUB接口、COM接口以及二 个(Intel千兆网卡+ Marvell千兆网)千兆以太网接口。右边 则是一排扩展档板。
OA server
rule by Webserver in
rule by webserver out web server local net
rule by lan to DMZ
rule by deny all
any traffic
出现界面 告之系统安装程序将要进行 将格式化硬盘 选择OK 继续
格 式 化 进 行 中 系 统 文 件 安 装 中
安装结束 选择OK 重启系统
系统重启后出现界面 Start in normal mode 正常模式启动
Start in maintenance mode 维护模式启动
Start in debug mode 排错模式启动
出现选择系统界面 选择二 进行安装
一 SecurePlatform 二 SecurePlatform Pro
选择Keyboard的语言种类 选择US OK继续安装
是可用WEB设置配置 端口设置 443
如果开启VPN-1的远程 则设置另一端口 这个根据自己的 具体需要 我们选择使用 端口设置为500 选择OK
选择是否需要从TFTP服务器上 获取文件 如果需要 选择1 进行IP等设置 如果不需要 输入 n继续



Checkpoint安全网关至中神通UTMWALL的功能迁移手册更多产品迁移说明:Check Point安全设备是集成硬件设备,预安装基本软件刀片,形成一种综合、即用Appliances的安全网关解决方案。

软件刀片是独立灵活的安全模块,可以用于选择建立自定义Check Point安全网关所需的功能。

Check Point的虚拟化安全网关和虚拟环境提供全面的安全解决方案。

武汉中神通信息技术有限公司历经15年的开发和用户使用形成了中神通UTMWALL®系列产品,有硬件整机、OS软件、虚拟化云网关等三种产品形式,OS由50多个不断增长的功能APP、32种内置日志和5种特征库组成,每个APP都有配套的在线帮助、任务向导、视频演示和状态统计,可以担当安全网关、防火墙、UTM、NGFW等角色,胜任局域网接入、服务器接入、远程VPN 接入、流控审计、行为管理、安全防护等重任,具备稳定、易用、全面、节能、自主性高、扩展性好、性价比优的特点,是云计算时代的网络安全产品。

以下是两者之间的功能对比迁移表:Checkpoint安全网关R77页码中神通UTMWALL v1.8功能项页码功能项Gaia Administration Guide R771. Gaia Overview 9A功能简介82. Introduction to the WebUI 10A功能简介814 1.1 系统概要/仪表盘17 3. System InformationOverview17A功能简介8 4. Introduction to theCommand Line Interface5. Network Management28 3网络设置67 Network Interfaces 283网络设置67 Interface Link Status29 1.5 网卡状态25 Physical Interfaces29 3.1 网卡设置67 Aliases32 3.1 网卡设置67 VLAN Interfaces 32 3.3 VLAN7235 3.2 链路聚合70 Bond Interfaces (LinkAggregation)Bridge Interfaces41 3.4 网桥设置74 Loopback Interfaces43 5.1 地址对象Localhost_ip935.1 地址对象IPSEC PPP10 IPSEC VPN9.1 PPTP总体设置相关功能的在线帮助4.1 ARP服务4.3 DHCP服务3.7 DNS解析3.6 路由设置暂无,下一版本目标4.5 Netflow探针系统内置2.5 本地时间暂无,Checkpoint自有协议4.6 SNMP服务5.2 时间对象2.1 许可证2.4 菜单界面2.4 菜单界面1.14 系统日志Ipv6暂无,下一版本目标1.14 系统日志B快速安装指南2.2 初始设置管理主机3.6 路由设置5.7 总控策略策略路由8用户认证8.2 用户8.3 用户组8.2 用户8.1 认证方法8.3 用户组2.2 初始设置管理主机3.5 双机热备<见下>2.1 许可证2.1 许可证2.6 配置管理或克隆存储器B快速安装指南1.1 系统概要/仪表盘2.6 配置管理B快速安装指南2.7 升级管理5.7 总控策略五、远程接入篇11.1 SSL接入11.2 SSLVPN总体设置5.7 总控策略8.3 用户组6.2 特殊应用功能设置6.4 WEB审计过滤6.9 WEB代理过滤规则6.6 DNS&URL库<见下>1.8 流量统计6.24 防病毒引擎6.10 WEB内容过滤6.14 防病毒例外6.16 POP3代理过滤6.17 SMTP代理过滤6.26 防垃圾邮件引擎6.16 POP3代理过滤6.17 SMTP代理过滤2.3 任务向导DLP系统内置5.6 NAT策略参考文件:1. Gaia Administration Guide R772.Firewall Administration Guide R773. 中神通UTMWALL网关管理员手册。



Check point FDE 基本安装步骤第一章服务器端安装FDE的安装CD 内包含很多插件,我们可以根据自己需要选择安装。




四,配置域用户访问如果内网是域用户,需要在此填入域账号密码等第二章部署客户端安装一,登陆:management console注:console 需要电脑安装.net framework 2.0版本最低运行条件要求二,配置客户端(一)登陆名、密码是先前设好的管理员账号密码。
















第三章客户端安装文件生成1)服务器端共享文件夹内生成的目录2)把生成后缀名为iip的文件,拷贝到install 安装目录,3)打开CD 目录找到下图文件,并打开1_pointsec for PC把此目录内的文件全部复制到服务器共享文件安装目录内install第四章客户端安装1)从网上邻居、命令行访问服务器端IP 及共享文件夹注:如果登录共享服务器需要账号密码,需勾选记住密码,否则客户端生成文件推送到服务器失败。

Check point 防火墙基本操作手册

Check point 防火墙基本操作手册

Check point 防火墙基本操作手册For NGX Release了解check point 防火墙架构Check point 防火墙的管理是通过一个三层架构来实现的。

首先我们可以在任意的机器上安装防火墙客户端控制台,然后利用控制台的图形化界面登录check point 的管理服务器,定义出各个网络对象,定义企业各条策略,最后下发到防火墙执行模块。

具体实现过程见图示:防火墙的管理首先打开控制台软件,出现登录界面:SmartDashboard是配置防火墙策略和对象的一个控制软件,我们定义对象和规则时就利用他来实现,SmartUpdate是用于添License时要用到的一个控制软件,SmartView Tracker是查看日志时用到的客户端软件。


点击ok 登录到配置界面。

第一个选项Demo Mode 是查看防火墙的演示界面。

点击Demo Mode 选择下拉列表框中的Advance选项可以查看Check point 公司定义的各项配置演示。

Cetificate(证书)选项是替代管理员用户名和密码验证的一种选择,这个证书有管理服务器生成,用户自己保存在本地,需要用它验证时点击旁边的小方块,添加这个证书,然后选择管理服务器地址,然后点击ok 登录。

最下面的Read Only 选项是以只读方式登录防火墙。









Checkpoint防火墙命令行维护手册制订模版:NGX-R65版本号:V1.0目录一、基本配置命令 (1)1.1 SYSCONFIG (1)1.2 CPCONFIG (2)1.3 CPSTOP (3)1.4 CPSTART (3)1.5 EXPERT (3)1.6 IDLE (4)1.7 WEBUI (4)1.8 脚本添加路由 (4)二、查看系统状态 (1)2.1 TOP (1)2.2 DF –H (2)2.3 FREE (2)三、HA相关命令 (1)3.1 CPHAPROB STAT (1)3.2 CPHAPROB –A IF (1)3.3 CPHACONF SET_CCP BROADCAST (1)3.4 CPHAPROB LIST (2)3.5 CPHASTART/CPHASTOP (3)3.6 FW CTL PSTAT (3)四、常用维护命令 (1)4.1 VER (1)4.2 FW VER (1)4.3 查看防火墙UTM/POWER版本 (1)4.4 查看防火墙硬件型号 (1)4.5 LICENSE查看和添加 (1)4.6 IFCONFIG/IFCONFIG –A (1)4.7 MII-TOOL (1)4.8 ETHTOOL (1)4.9 CPSTAT FW (2)4.10 会话数查看 (1)五、日志查看命令 (1)5.1 FW LOG (1)5.2 FW LSLOGS (1)5.3 FW LSLOGS –E (1)5.4 FW LOGSWITCH (1)5.5 导出日志文件 (2)六、防火墙的备份和恢复 (1)6.1 备份防火墙 (1)6.2 在IE中备份 (1)6.3 在防火墙上备份 (2)6.4 恢复防火墙 (2)一、基本配置命令1.1sysconfig可以对系统进行配置和修改,比如主机名修改,DNS配置修改,以及路由的配置等,另外还可以配置DHCP功能,以及产品的安装等等如上图所示,在命令提示符输入:sysconfig,将会出现下图所列一些选项,在Your choice后面输入你想配置的选项前的数字,然后按回车可以看到,依次的选项为主机名,域名,域名服务,时间和日期,网络连接,路由,DHCP 服务配置,DHCP中继配置,产品安装,产品配置等例如我们选择5,为防火墙新增一个接口IP地址然后选择2,进行连接配置,也就是配置IP地址选择1进行IP地址配置更改如上图所示按照提示配置IP地址和子网掩码进行其他配置也如同上述操作,选择对应的编号然后按照提示进行配置1.2cpconfig可以对checkpoint防火墙进行相关的配置,如下图所示,也是按照列表的形式列出,分别是license,snmp,PKCS#11令牌,随机池,SIC,禁用cluster,禁用安全加速,产品自动启动常用的选项一般为SIC的配置,cluster功能模块的启用等;选择7是开启cluster功能模块;选择5是设置SIC。



Checkpoint 笔记2012/12/11目录1实验拓扑1.2实验网卡桥接1.3 DynamipsGUI来制作1.4实验平台与教程2 checkpoint 初始化与配置…….2.1 smartConsole2.2 chekcpoint理论基础2.2.1 Policy packet2.2.2 Policy design2.2.3完全卸载安全策略2.2.4 cp 的implied Rules 隐含的策略2.2.5 Checkpoint NAT种类2.2.6 Checkpoint 认证方式2.2.7 Vpn3 Checkpoint 实验手册3.1 Remote access vpn 实验3.2 Site to site vpn 实验3.3 Context filter 实验3.4用户认证实验3.4.1 user auth3.4.2 session auth3.4.3 client auth3.5 NAT实验3.5.1 Hide nat动态配置方法:3.5.2手动配置Hide nat3.5.3静态转换动态配置3.5.4静态转换手动的配置3.5.5端口转换3.6 开启Smartportal 实验1、实验拓扑:1.2实验网卡桥接1.3通过DynamipsGUI来制作桥接的三台虚拟路由器生成BA T文件就可以了。

1.4实验平台与教程Checkpoint 防火墙图形化界面配置Checkpoint IoS: CheckPoint_NGX_R65_Suite_SPLAT_Linux30.ISO 视频教程: 秦柯CheckPoint防火墙.isz虚拟机安装vmware 9需要通过web进去初始化,初始化完成后,会应该默认的deny 策略。

(只支持IE浏览器)二、checkpoint 初始化与配置基本的信息都可以通过web去做修改和查看。

全功能版的授权只有15天,如果15天后想继续使用,只能够重装checkpoint 系统,授权是跟网卡绑在一起,暂时还没有找到办法去破解。

Check Point + RestorePoint说明书

Check Point + RestorePoint说明书

CHECK POINT + RESTOREPOINTOUTAGE PREVENTION, COMPLIANCEAND CHANGE MANAGEMENTINSIGHTS Network outages can be enormously disruptive, impacting daily operations, profitability and business reputation. Human error, individual network device failure and increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals, as well as the highly complex and dynamic nature of modern infrastructures, mean that network integrity is under increasing pressure. To overcome these challenges, customers need a centralized and automated means of managing network devices. By centralizing labor intensive tasks such as network configuration backup and compliance checks, customers can gain complete visibility of their network’s health and be ready to recover from an outage, minimizing downtime and associated costs. RESTOREPOINT SOLUTION Restorepoint is a network and security automation platform, which provides protection, compliance and remote management for multi- vendor network infrastructures. It incorporates three key elements: multi- vendor configuration backup, compliance analysis and change automation, delivering a united, automated, fully compliant, documented and backed-up network infrastructure. Most companies still rely on traditional scripting techniques or manual process to manage the backup, storage and documentation of their network. This requires considerable time and expertise to maintain, often resulting in extendeddowntime because companies aren’t aware their processesare out of date or not functioning correctly. With Restorepoint’ssimple one-click recovery process, customers can protect theirnetwork from extended outages and restore normal service inseconds.Restorepoint’s compliance engine provides customers withcontinual visibility of compliance status by automaticallydetecting changes in configuration, and assessing a device’scompliance without intrusive network scans.BenefitsIncreases security,availability andcompliance for multi-vendor networks Reduces networkmanagement time andcosts Automates configurationbackup for all CheckPoint platformsSecures access tosensitive networkconfigurationinformation withencryption and role-based administration Provides 1-Clickrecovery followinghardware failures or badchangesSimplifies passwordchange management Performs software /firmware updates forCheck Point platformsBy leveraging the configuration data already held in stored configuration backups against a customer’s compliance policies, customers can be alerted when a device violates their policy or no longer meets approved baselines. Restorepoint can also be used to track network inventory using the in-built asset management database instead of cumbersome spreadsheets.Network management costs can be further reduced by using Restorepoint to automate bulk changes, or to provision new devices using configuration templates. Users can easily send commands or push more complex changes to multiple devices, or schedule future changes to be run at a later date or on a repeating schedule.OUR JOINT SOLUTIONBy partnering with the leading provider of network security solutions, Restorepoint has full support for all Check Point solutions. Restorepoint provides automated backup, recovery, compliance management, and change and software management for all Check Point platforms.Through our technology partnership, Check Point and Restorepoint help organizations increase security, compliance and availability whilst saving many hours of administration time per week. Organizations are able to eliminate complex and often unreliable scripted operations, and gain centralised visibility of all vendor platforms and asset information including Check Point certificate keys (CK), license information, product model, serial numbers, software versions, hotfixes and more.ABOUT CHECK POINTCheck Point Software Technologies () is a leading provider of cyber security solutions to governments and corporate enterprises globally. Its solutions protect customers from cyber-attacks with an industry leading catch rate of malware, ransomware and other types of attacks. Check Point offers a multilevel security architecture that defends enterprises’ cloud, network and mobile device held information, plus the most comprehensive and intuitive one point of control security management system. Check Point protects over 100,000 organizations of all sizes.ABOUT RESTOREPOINTRestorepoint’s mission is to help organizations reduce cost and improve security by automating time-consuming and often complex processes across multi-vendor technologies. Restorepoint’s solutions help customers around the world reduce risk, simplify management, and continually demonstrate that they meet their security and compliance requirements.。

Check Point Joint Support说明书

Check Point Joint Support说明书

Check Po Support (support t support pexpert to backed btechnical Collabo ∙ s ∙ G C ∙A t s ∙A ∙ ∙C A Collabo ∙W y ∙ y ∙ ∙ S a ∙ S s ∙Q d CSP part ∙C ∙CCSP pa ∙∙∙A ∙A ∙oint Collabora (CES) delivers through a colla partner who ha ols and resou by Check Point assistance ce rative Suppo 1st line suppor support partne Global backlin Check Point 2Advanced acc thousands of t solutions and Access to the upgrades and Prioritized rou issues that de immediate atte Committed Se Agreements w rative Suppo Work with a lo provider who u your needsMaximize the your Check Po Proactively pre before they be Strategically p and fixes Submit, view a service reques Quickly search proven solutio documentation tners provide s CanadaUnited States.artners provide EuropeMiddle East Africa Asia Mexicotive Enterprise s local, person aborativeas access to o rces and ist global enters.ort Featuresrt from a localer ne support from 24x7x365 cess to technical guideslatest hot fixe major release ting for severe mand ention ervice Level with Check Poi ort Benefitsocal supportunderstands value for all oint products event threats ecome problem plan upgrades and update yo sts online h thousands o ons and nsupport in.e support in:enal our m s, es e ntms our of C m n p e e r c k t B v sO C C r sY f a d sO tY d cH A S P s y t r Y c t CHEC CO EN Choosing the maximum secu needs become productivity an experts who sp experts need t resources—24 code level, if n knowledgebase times and costs Bottom line, yo visibility and a satisfaction so Overview Check Point Co Certified Collab resources of Ch secure. 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  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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●Smart Dashboard (3)
●SmartView Tracker (7)
●SmartView monitor (9)
●Checkpoint网关gateway模式 (11)
●PPPOE拨号 (16)
●checkpoint桥接bridge模式 (19)
●ISP双链路接入配置 (21)
●NAT地址转换 (28)
●SSL VPN (31)
●Site-to-site 预共享密码vpn (38)
●Site-to-site 证书vpn (cp270与edge/safe@office) (42)
●RemoteAccess vpn (48)
●IPS (52)
Smart Dashboard
1.登录smart center
1.Smartview tracker 登录
●SmartView monitor
1.登录smartview monitor
Traffic---Top services
Traffic---Top Interfaces
Traffic---Top soures
双击inside192.168.200.0,到NAT,将add automatic address translation打上钩,确定
运行install policies
[Expert@cp]# mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0 (重启设备后,这条命令会丢失,需要在启动脚本里增加)
[Expert@cp]# vi $CPDIR/tmp/.CPprofile.csh (在脚本里增加此命令)
在最后增加一行内容是mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0


1)登陆Checkpoint web界面配置接口ip地址
Isp-1 分配到External 接口192.168.1.221 Isp-2 分配到Lan1接口192.168.10.2
Internal接口192.168.20.1 是内网网关
isp-1 线路的网关
isp-2 线路的网关
5)Topology—isp Redundancy,把support isp Redundancy选择上
在Redundancy mode中选择负载均衡模式,还是主次模式 在ISP Links in order of priority 中Add建立isp-1线路
Add 建立isp-2线路
SSL VPN 1)网管对象
SSL VPN需要使用443端口确认此端口没有被checkpoint使用。

如果此端口被使用,进入超级终端使用下列命令更换端口:webui enable <port number> (webui enable 444)

只有启动了visitor模式,才能启动SSL VPN 启动SSL VPN
3.使用SSL VPN访问
使用SSL VPN的客户端机器需要安装相应的ActiveX/Java控件,使用IE登录后会有相应安装提示,安装即可。



Site-to-site 预共享密码vpn 1.定义vpn对象Interoperable device
2.定义site-to-site vpn community
Site-to-site 证书vpn (cp270与
1.分别在cp 270和UTM-1 edge上建立网段并做NAT,确保两台pc能正常接入


2.在cp 270上建立VPN对象:
方框中的内容两者用逗号隔开为 CN=vpnedge VPN Certificate, O=cp270..c9eq8u
Satellite gateways分支网关选EDGE:
端) 网段是192.168.10.0即可,尝试VPN连接。

RemoteAccess vpn
1.配置checkpoint的remoteAcces vpn 属性
2.RemoteAccess---office mode
4.定义remote vpn communities。
