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详细规范院Detail specification for CLN21
伟华电子 薄膜电容器的标准、结构和术语
GB/T14004-1992 GB/T 14005-1992
电子设备用固定电容器 第 6 部分院分规范 金属化聚碳酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 6: Sectional specification Fixed metallized polycarbonate film dielectric d.c. capacitors 电子设备用固定电容器 第 6 部分 空白详细规范 金属化聚碳酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器 评定水平 E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment-Part 6: Blank detail specification-Fixed metallized polycarbonate film dielectric d.c. capacitors assessment level E
详细规范院Detail specification for CBB111袁CBB112袁CBB13袁CBB71A/B袁CBB11
GB/T 14472 渊IEC 60384-14冤
GB/T 14473 渊IEC 60384-14-1冤
第 14 部分院分规范院抑制电源电磁干扰用固定电容器 Part 14院Sectional specification院Fixed capacitors for electromagnetie interference suppression and connection to the supply main 第 14 部分院空白详细规范院抑制电源电磁干扰用固定电容器 Part 14院Blank detail specification院Fixed capacitors for electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply main
详细规范院Detail specifiation for MKP62袁MKP62+R,MKP61R袁MKP63,MKP65袁
GB 10190 渊IEC 60384-16冤
GB 10191 渊IEC 60384-16-1冤
第 16 部分院分规范院金属化聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 16院Sectional specification院Fixed metallized polypropylene film D.C.capacitor 第 16 部分院空白详细规范院金属化聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 16院Blank detail specification院Fixed metallized polypropylene film D.C.capacitor
详细规范院Detail specifiation for MKP21,CBB21袁CBB20袁CBB72A/B
GB/T 14579 渊IEC 60384-17冤
GB/T 14580 渊IEC 60384-17-1冤
第 17 部分院分规范院金属化聚丙烯膜介质交流和脉冲固定电容器 Part 17院Sectional specification院Fixed metallized polypropylene film A.C.and pulse capacitor 第 17 部分院空白详细规范院金属化聚丙烯膜介质交流和脉冲固定电容器 Part 17院Blank detail specification院Fixed metallized polypropylene film A.C.and pulse capacitor
Generic specification specifies the terminology袁inspection procedures and test methods applied in sectional and detail specifications遥 Sectional specification is classified according to the specific dielectric material and construction of capacitor袁 it prescribes preferred rating and characteristics and to select from generic specification the appropriate quality assessment ptocedures袁tests and measuring methods and to give general performance requirements for this type of capacitor.Blank detail specification is a supplementary documents to the sectional and contains requirements for style袁layout and minimum contents of detail specifications.
Following please find the corresponding specification listic for plastic film capacitors.
GB 2693 渊IEC 60384-1冤
GB 7332 渊IEC 6ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ384-2 )
GB/T 12747.1 (IEC 60831-1)
GB 3667 (IEC 60252-1) GB/T 17702 (IEC 61071)
详细规范院Detail specification for CBS20/CBS21 标称电压 1kV 及以下交流电力系统用自愈式并联电容器 第 1 部分:总则要性能尧试验和定额要安全要求要安装和运行导则 Shunt Power Capacitors of the Self-Healing Type for A.C. Systems Having a Rated Voltage up to and Including 1 000 V. 详细规范院Detail specification for BSMJ,ASMJ 第 1 部分院交流电动机电容器 Part 1院AC motor capacitor 详细规范院Detail specification for CBB61袁CBB65,CBB60 第 1 部分院电力电子电容器 Part 1院Power electronic capacitors 详细规范院Detail specification for CBB69,MKP81A/B,MKP83A,MKP83B,MKP82
CL21袁CBB 21
CB B13,CB B71A/B
详细规范院Detail specification for CL233X,CL233,CL21X,CL21,CL25,CL20
GB 6346 渊IEC 60384-11冤
GB 6347 渊IEC 60384-11-1冤
第 11 部分院分规范院金属箔式聚酯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 11院Sectional specification院Fixed poiyester film metal foil D.C.capacitor 第 11 部分院空白详细规范院金属箔式聚酯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 11院Blank detail specification院Fixed polyester film metal foil D.C. capacitor
详细规范院Detail specification for CBB81袁MKP82,MKP84
渊IEC 60384-19冤
第 19 部分院分规范院金属化聚萘乙酯膜介质表面安装直流固定电容器 Part 19院Sectional specification院Fixed metallized polyethylene naphtalate film dielectric surface mounted D.C.capacitor
详细规范院Detail specification for CL11袁CH11
GB 10188 渊IEC 60384-13冤
GB 10189 渊IEC 60384-13-1冤
第 13 部分院分规范院金属箔式聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 Par 13院Sectional specification院Fixed polypropyiene film metal foil D.C.capacitor 第 13 部分院空白详细规范院金属箔式聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 13院Blank detail specification 院Fixed polypropyiene film metal foil D.C.capacitor
薄膜电容器的基本结构渊Film capacitor basic construction冤院
电容器结构示意图渊Different capacitor basic construction冤
CL233X,CL233,CL21X,CL21, CL20,CBB20,CBS20,CBS21 CLN21,
CL 11袁CH 11 CB B11
The standard system of fixed plastic film capacitor for use in electronic equipment includes the foundational standard袁generic specification袁sectional specification袁blank detail specification and detail specification袁or manufacturer specification.That is袁a manufacturer specification is derived from blank detail specification according to the basic requirements of generic and section specifications.
薄膜电容器的标准、结构和术语 伟华电子
电子设备用固定电容器的标准体系是由基础标准袁 总规 范袁分规范袁空白详细规范袁以及详细规范渊 即企业标准冤 组成遥 或者说袁企业标准是按总规范和分规范的基础要求袁填写空白 详细规范而成遥
总规范规定了分规范和详细规范中使用的标准术语尧检验 程序和试验方法遥 分规范是按电容器的介质和结构分类的袁它 是对该类电容器规定优先额定值和特性袁并从总规范中先择适 当的质量评定程序尧试验和测量方法袁以及给出一般性能要求遥 空白详细规范是分规范的一种补充文件袁 他规定了详细的格 式尧编排和最基本的要求遥
GB 7333 渊IEC 60384-2-1冤
第 1 部分院总规范 Part 1院 Generic specification 第 2 部分院分规范院金属化聚酯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 2:Sectional specification: Fixed metallized polyester film D.C.capacitor 第 2 部分院空白详细规范院金属化聚酯膜介质直流固定电容器 Part 2院Blank detail specification院Fixed metallized polyester film D.C.capacitor