深圳平湖平湖中学2020年期中单元测试一、选择题1.如图所示是某同学从学校到购物中心的手机导航部分截屏,该导航提供了三条可行线路及相关数据,行驶过程中导航曾提示:“前方有测速,限速40公里”,下列说法正确的是()A.三条线路的位移不相等B.“限速40公里”指的是限制汽车的平均速度C.图中显示“14分钟,5公里”分别指时间和路程D.研究汽车在地图上的实时位置时,汽车不可视为质点2.如图所示,在水平力F的作用下,木块A、B保持静止.若木块A与B的接触面是水平的,且F≠0.则关于木块B的受力个数可能是()A.3个或4个B.3个或5个C.4个或5个D.4个或6个3.“探究加速度与力、质量的关系”的实验装置如图所示.实验中,为使小车运动时所受的拉力近似等于盘和重物的总重力,则盘和重物的总质量m与小车的质量M应满足的关系是()A.m远大于M B.m远小于M C.m略大于M D.m略小于M4.如图甲所示,小孩用80 N的水平力推木箱不动,木箱此时受到水平地面的摩擦力大小为F1;如图乙所示,小孩用100 N的水平力恰能推动木箱,此时木箱与水平地面间的摩擦力大小为F2;如图丙所示,小孩把木箱推动了,此时木箱与水平地面间摩擦力大小为F3,若木箱对水平地面的压力大小为200 N,木箱与水平地面间动摩擦因数为0.45,则F1、F2、F3的大小分别为()A .80 N 、80 N 、90 NB .80 N 、80 N 、45 NC .80 N 、100 N 、90 ND .80 N 、100 N 、45 N5.一石块从楼顶自由落下,不计空气阻力,取210m/s g .石块在下落过程中,第4s 末的速度大小为( )A .10m/sB .20m/sC .30m/sD .40m/s 6.如图所示,手沿水平方向将书压在竖直墙壁上,使其保持静止,现增大手对书的压力,则书( )A .将沿墙壁滑动B .受到的最大静摩擦力不变C .对墙壁的压力不变D .受到的静摩擦力不变7.如图所示,一个物体受到1N 、2N 、3N 、4N 四个力作用而处于平衡.现保持1N 、3N 、4N 三个力的方向和大小不变,而将2N 的力绕O 点旋转60°,此时作用在物体上的合力大小为( )A .2 NB .2 NC .13 ND .33 N8.航天员北京时间2013年6月20日上午10点在太空给地面的学生讲课.此次太空授课主要面向中小学生,其中有失重条件下物体运动的特点,及在失重的情况下如何测量物体的质量,第一次在太空中展示如何用牛顿定律测质量;测量的示意图如下图所示,测量的方法为:先把航天员固定在人体支架上,然后另一航天员将其向外拉到一定位置松手(图甲所示),最后支架会在弹簧恒定弹力的作用下拉回到初始位置(图乙所示).假设支架向外伸长的位移为S ,弹簧对支架的作用力为恒力,大小为F ,支架回到初始位置所用时间为t ,则测量者的质量为:A.2FtmS=B.22FtmS=C.24FtmS=D.2FtmS=9.如图所示,物体B叠放在物体A上,A、B的质量均为m,且上、下表面均与斜面平行,它们以共同速度沿倾角为θ的固定斜面C匀速下滑,则()A.A、B间没有静摩擦力B.A受到B的静摩擦力方向沿斜面向上C.A受到斜面的滑动摩擦力大小为2mgsin θD.A与B间的动摩擦因数μ=tan θ10.下列说法正确的是()A.两个物体只要相互接触就一定会产生弹力B.两个物体间的滑动摩擦力总是与物体运动方向相反C.一本书在桌面上静止,书对桌面有压力是因为书发生了弹性形变D.静止在斜面上的物体对斜面的压力等于物体受到的重力11.一辆汽车正在笔直的公路上以72km/h的速度行驶,司机看见红色交通信号灯便踩下刹车.此后汽车开始匀减速运动,设汽车做匀减速直线运动的加速度大小为4m/s2.开始制动后,前6s内汽车行驶的距离是A.40m B.48m C.50m D.80m12.一个物体沿直线运动,从时刻开始,物体的的图象如图所示,图线与纵横坐标轴的交点分别为和,由此可知A.物体的初速度大小为 B.物体做变加速直线运动C.物体做匀速直线运动 D.物体的初速度大小为113.某质点在0~3s 内运动的v -t 图象如图所示,关于质点的运动,下列说法中正确的是( )A .质点在第1s 内的平均速度等于第2s 内的平均速度B .t=3s 时,质点的位移最大C .质点在第2s 内的加速度与第3s 内的加速度大小相等,方向相反D .质点在第2s 内的位移与第3s 内的位移大小相等,方向相反14.一个以初速度v 0沿直线运动的物体,t 秒末速度为v t ,其v-t 如图所示,v 为t 秒内物体运动的平均速度,a 表示物体的加速度.在0~t 秒内,下列说法中正确的是:A .02t v v v +=B .02t v v v +< C .a 逐渐增大 D .有一个时刻的加速度0t v v a t-= 15.物体以20m/s 的速度由坡底冲上一足够长的斜坡,当它返回坡底时的速度大小为16m/s ,已知上坡和下坡两个阶段物体均沿同一直线做匀变速直线运动,但上坡和下坡的加速度不同.则物体上坡、下坡所用的时间之比为( )A .4:5B .5:4C .2:3D .3:216.如图所示,一根轻弹簧的原长为,一端固定,另一端受到水平拉力的作用,长度变为,已知弹簧始终在弹性限度内,则此弹簧的劲度系数为( )A .B .C .D .17.在某驾校的训练场地上,有一段圆弧形坡道,如图所示,若将同一辆车先后停放在a 点和b 点,下述分析和比较正确的是A.车在a点受坡道的合外力大于在b点受的合外力B.车在a点受坡道的摩擦力大于在b点受的摩擦力C.车在a点受到的支持力大于在b点受的支持力D.车在a点受的重力的下滑分力大于在b点受的重力的下滑分力18.如图所示,物体在平行于斜面向上、大小为5N的力F作用下,沿固定的粗糙斜面向上做匀速直线运动,物体与斜面间的滑动摩擦力()A.等于零B.小于5NC.等于5ND.大于5N19.一辆汽车从静止开始由甲地出发,沿平直公路开往乙地.汽车先做匀加速直线运动,接着做匀减速直线运动,开到乙地刚好停止,其v-t图象如上页图所示.那么在0~4s和4~6s两段时间内,下列说法正确的是()A.加速度大小之比为2:1B.位移大小之比为1:2C.平均速度大小之比为2:1D.平均速度大小之比为1:120.以下的计时数据指时间间隔的是:()A.中央电视台新闻联播节目每日19时开播B.某人用15s跑完100mC.我们下午2∶00开始上课D.唐山开往北京的4420次列车于16∶40从唐山站发车二、多选题21.如图所示,质量分别为3m、m的两个可看成质点的小球A、B,中间用一细线连接,小球A由细线系于天花板上的O点,小球B由细线拴接于墙角的C点,初始时刻,细线OA与细线BC垂直,细线OA与竖直方向成37°角,若保持A球位置不动,而将BC线的C 端沿水平方向向左移动一小段距离,已知重力加速度为g,sin37°=0.6,cos37°=0.8,则下列说法正确的是A.移动前,细线OA中的张力大小为3.2mgB.移动过程中,细线OA中的张力保持不变C.移动过程中,细线BC中的张力可能先减小后增大D.移动过程中,细线BC中的张力逐渐增大22.如图所示,质量均为M的物块A、B叠放在光滑水平桌面上,质量为m的物块C用跨过轻质光滑定滑轮的轻绳与B连接,且轻绳与桌面平行,A、B之间的动摩擦因数为μ,设最大静摩擦力等于滑动摩擦力,重力加速度大小为g,下列说法正确的是( )A.物块A运动的最大加速度为gμB.要使物块A、B发生相对滑动,应满足关系1Mmμμ>-C.若物块A、B未发生相对滑动,物块A受到的摩擦力为2Mmg M m+D.轻绳对定滑轮的作用力为2mg23.如图所示,一根粗细和质量分布均匀的细绳,两端各系一个质量都为m的小环,小环套在固定水平杆上,两环静止时,绳子过环与细绳结点P、Q的切线与竖直方向的夹角均为θ,已知绳子的质量也为m,重力加速度大小为g,则两环静止时A.每个环对杆的压力大小为mgB.绳子最低点处的弹力的大小为tan2 mgθC.水平杆对每个环的摩擦力大小为mgtanθD.两环之间的距离增大,杆对环的摩擦力增大24.如图,在斜面上木块A与B的接触面是水平的,绳子呈水平状态,两木块均保持静止。
下列说法正确的是()A.锌属于非金属元素B.锌原子的中子数为30C.锌的相对原子质量为65.38g D.锌原子在化学反应中易失去电子形成Zn2+ 4.碳酸乙烯酯(C3H4O3)可用作锂电池电解液,下列有关碳酸乙烯酯的说法正确的是A.碳酸乙烯酯的相对分子质量为(12×3+1×4+16×3)gB.碳酸乙烯酯中C、H、O三种元素的质量比为12:1:16C.碳酸乙烯酯中C、H、O三种原子的个数比为3:4:3D.碳酸乙烯酯中碳元素的质量分数= ×100%5.化学是在分子、原子的层次上研究物质的性质、组成、结构与变化规律的科学。
下图是某化学反应的微观示意图,下列说法正确的是A.反应前后分子的个数不变B.生成物有三种C.反应前后汞原子和氧原子的个数不变D.是保持氧气化学性质的最小粒子6.下列事实不能作为相应观点的证据的是( )A.尘土飞扬,说明分子是运动的B.电解水得到氢气和氧气,说明分子是可分的C.气体被压缩后体积发生了较大变化,说明气体分子间距较大D.将两个干净平整的铅柱紧压在一起会结合起来,说明分子间存在引力7.以下是实验室制取、收集、干燥、存放气体的装置图,有关说法错误的是A.实验室用双氧水制取氧气,用石灰石和稀盐酸制取二氧化碳均可使用装置②B.实验室收集氧气和二氧化碳均可使用装置③,气体从导管b进入C.实验室干燥氧气和二氧化碳均可使用装置④,气体从导管a进入D.实验室收集的氧气和二氧化碳,均可如图⑤临时存放8.实验室里制取氧气大致可分为下列步骤:①点燃酒灯,加热试管;②检查装置的气密性;③将药品装入试管,用带导管的塞子塞紧试管并固定在铁架台上;④用排水法收集氧气;⑤连接好装置;⑥熄灭酒精灯;⑦将导管从水槽中取出。
1. 如图表示果蝇精原细胞在分裂过程中细胞内染色体数目、核DNA分子含量等指标的变化情况,其中图1中的乙曲线表示减数分裂过程中的染色体数目变化。
下列有关分析正确的是()A.图2中HI段只有1个染色体组B.图3可表示有丝分裂或减数分裂C.图1中EF段和图2中BC段变化的原因不同D.基因重组可发生在图1中的CE段和图3中的jk段2. 甲、乙两图为生物组织的呼吸方式实验装置图,图中植物呼吸作用释放的CO2被NaOH溶液吸收,使容器内气体压强减小,刻度管内的红墨水滴会发生移动。
下列相关分析正确的是()A. 若甲红墨水滴左移,乙红墨水滴不动,则只进行无氧呼吸B. 若甲红墨水滴不动,乙红墨水滴右移,则只进行有氧呼吸C. 若甲红墨水滴右移,乙红墨水滴左移,则既进行有氧呼吸,又进行无氧呼吸D. 若甲红墨水滴左移,乙红墨水滴右移,则既进行有氧呼吸,又进行无氧呼吸3. 普通小麦为六倍体、两性花,自花传粉,小麦糯性对非糯性为隐性。
下列有关叙述错误的是()A. 普通小麦单倍体体细胞中有6个染色体组B. 小麦单倍体胚细胞染色体不能发生联会C. 用低温诱导和用秋水仙素处理的作用相同D. 六倍体小麦的培育原理为染色体数目变异4. 神经系统的疾病与突触的结构与功能密切相关。
肌萎缩侧索硬化症(俗称渐冻人)的发病机理是突触间隙谷氨酸过多,持续作用中起Na+过度内流,最终导致患者的运动神经细胞受损,肌内因失去神经支配而逐渐萎缩,四肢像被冻住一样如图是患者病变部位的有关生理过程,据图分析下列叙述错误的是()A.Ca2+进入突触小体受阻可能会使谷氨酸释放减少B.谷氨酸的释放消耗ATP且使突触后膜面积增大C.突触后膜上NMDA的作用是识别谷氨酸,运输Na+D.运动神经细胞受损可能因为细胞内液渗透压过度升高而受损5. 图1中曲线a、b表示不同物质跨膜运输的方式,下列分析不正确的是()A.酵母菌无氧呼吸产生的酒精可通过a方式排出细胞B.动物细胞在无氧条件下,b方式所消耗的A TP在细胞质基质中合成C.轮藻细胞可通过b方式积累钾离子D.以a方式运输的物质均能通过人工无蛋白质的脂双层膜6. 下列对细胞膜成分和结构探索历程的叙述,正确的是()A.欧文顿通过对细胞膜成分的分析证明了细胞膜上含有脂质B.罗伯特森提出生物膜由脂质-蛋白质-脂质三层构成的假说C.细胞的生长现象不支持细胞膜的静态结构模型D.利用放射性同位素标记法进行人鼠细胞融合实验,证明细胞膜具有流动性7. 陈薇带领科研团队研制的新冠病毒疫苗,在国内第一个获批正式进入临床试验阶段。
2020届深圳市平湖中学高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATop Four MarathonsPortland MarathonThe marathon welcomes 8 000 people every fall. It’s a great event for first-timers because everyone is cheered on with enthusiasm no matter how long it takes to cross the finish line. The time limit for the full marathon is now at a pace of minutes per mile, or 6 hours and 33 minutes, but in the past it had an open time limit. They promise you’ll still receive your medal if you fall behind the pace, but you have to finish using the sidewalks.TCS New York City MarathonAs the world’s biggest marathon, the TCS New York City Marathon attracts over 50,000 people to the Big Apple each November. The time limit is generous eight and a half hours, but participants must move to the sidewalk if they drop below 15-minute mile.The famous course snakes through five boroughs (行政区) of the city and crosses five bridges to end in Central Park.Honolulo MarathonThe marathon attracts over 30,000 participants each December. The race starts on Ala Moana Boulevard in downtown Honolulu and snakes its way along the breathtaking Hawaiian coastline to the finish line in Kapiolani Park. The start time is at 5: 00 am with finish line services officially open until 2: 00 pm. However, the organizers allow everyone to finish and have waiters on hand until 4: 00 pm.Boston MarathonThe marathon is held in May every year. For this event running isn’t allowed as the city streets aren’t closed off. Participants must instead make their way along sidewalks under the guidance of event organizers and city police. The event attracts over 8,000 people who can choose anything from three-mile walk to the full 26.2-mile Boston Marathon route.1.Where is a new marathon runner most likely to receive enthusiastic cheers?A.In Portland.B.In New York.C.In Honolulu.D.In Boston.2.What can we know about TCS New York City Marathon?A.It is extremely popular.B.It has an open time limit.C.It starts and ends in a park.D.It forbids using the sidewalk.3.Which marathon is held the earliest in a year?A.Portland Marathon.B.TCS New York City Marathon.C.Boston Marathon.D.Honolulu Marathon.BThe term "bird brain" is frequently used to describe a person's lack of intelligence and good decision-making ability. However, some scientists believe it should be considered a praise, given that many birds can perform human tasks like producing and using tools, solving problems, and planning for future needs. Now,Griffin, an African Grey parrot, has proved that birds may even possess better visual memories than human adults and children.The study, led by Hrag Pailian, a researcher at Harvard University, had the parrot compete in the game against twenty-one undergraduate students and twenty-one 6 to 8-year-old children. The popular challenge involves hiding a small object under one of three or more upside-down cups, which are moved around. Participants are required to accurately identify the cup under which the object lies. To make the task more challenging, the researchers required participants to track two, three, and four objects at the same time.An analysis of the results showed thatGriffinoutperformed the 6 to 8-year-olds across all levels on average. Even more impressive, the "bird brain" performed as well as, or slightly better than, the 21 Harvard students on 12 of the 14 trials! It was only in the final two tests, which had the most objects and most movement, that the parrot fell behind the adults. However,Griffin's performance was never below that of the children.Griffinwas the candidate of choice because the scientists needed an animal that had a brain functionality similar to that of humans. "The fact that the smart parrot loves to show off his brain power in exchange for a few cashews (腰果) did not hurt either", said Irene Pepperberg, a Harvard lecturer, who has trained Griffin and several other African Grey parrots, has been studying the species for over four decades and is considered a pioneer in the study of bird intelligence.4. Whatwere the participants required to do in the study?A. Identify different kinds of objects.B. Tell where the hidden object lies.C. Track other participants' performance.D. Move around upside-down cups.5. What did the results of the study indicate?A. 6 to 8-year-olds did better thanGriffin.B. Parrots have a better memory than other birds.C. Harvard students have a better visual memory.D.Griffinoutsmarted Harvard students in some trials.6. Why wasGriffinchosen for the experiment?A. It was good at making decisions.B. It was specially trained for experiments.C. It had similar brain functions to human beings.D. It loved to show off his language power for some treats.7. What is the best title for the text?A. "Bird brain" becomes a term for a stupid person.B. Harvard lecturer pioneers in bird intelligence study.C. Parrot outsmarted Harvard students in visual memory test.D. Researchers made new discoveries about human intelligence.CMany of us were delighted to learn that a high school senior Kwasi Enin was accepted to all eight Ivy League universities. To our surprise, he wasn't excited as expected, but appeared extra calm. He announced that he would revisit the universities to find the best suitable in music or medicine. He also wanted to compare their financial aid packages.Kwasi's success story is rare, but his reaction is not. After the admission letters arrive at home, students have 30 days to really think about what kind of school would help them grow as a person, which school would best prepare them for the future, and at which school they would be happiest. And they also have to think about whether they can afford the school they choose.But how to answer the questions about which school is the best suitable university? Some young people are attracted to large universities with great school spirit and a list of offerings. But besides those advantages, many of these universities focus on graduate work and research, with undergraduates taught mostly by part-time instructors. Others are attracted to smaller boarding schools with discussion-based classes. But some of these schools will have much limitation for students who want a high-energy city life experience.Many students today seem to think they should pick the university where they will get the diploma that will help them get the most highly paid job. This is a sad misunderstanding of what a college education should provide.A good college education should prepare them to overcome any difficulty andthrivein society. It helps them to form the habit of creative mind and spirit that will continue to develop far beyond their university years. So when you choose college, you should consider if it is filled with useful learning to help create new spaces for different possibilities of growth.8. What can we know about Kwasi Enin from paragraph 1?A. He was from a very poor family.B. He would choose the top university.C. He was too excited to calm himself at the good news.D. He considered his interests when choosing his university.9. What can you infer from paragraph 2?A. Few students can be admitted to university.B. Many students face the choices like Kwasi.C. Top universities are the first choice for most students.D. American students can afford their university by themselves.10. Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “thrive” in paragraph 4?A. FailB. SucceedC. ResearchD. Work11. What should the best university be like according to the text?A. Very large and have good instructors.B. Small boarding schools with discussion-based classes.C. It will offerthe diploma to get the most highly paid job.D. It will help continue to develop far beyond university years.DWhy do you check social media? Is it to keep up with everything that your friends and family are doing? Is it to find new trendy spots to eat?Regardless of the reason, you may find yourself with different degrees of envy or discomfort after a quick look at your phone. Then you might be suffering from a phenomenon known as “Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). ”While the phenomenon of FOMO can be traced back for centuries, it had never been the issue as it is today, causing widespread discussion and research. This rise in checking social media is naturally connected to the increasing leading position that social media holds over our lives. Every time someone opens their WeChat Moments, Facebook, Twitter... etc. , they are bombarded with the highlight reels of other peoples' lives. A sunnybeach, delicious-looking food, a super cute kitten-they are all uplifting photos, yet they're very likely to bring about more unhappiness than joy. You see, the first thought to come out of your mind may be “Wow, that's so cool/delicious/cute”, but then it takes a hard U-turn. You're thinking: “I wish I were there” or “my life is so boring compared to his/hers.” The more you see, the more likely you are to have these negative feelings.What's worse is the habit many people have of turning to social media in search of happiness when they are feeling down, not realizing that they are just going to end up in a negative cycle of endless disappointment. Montesquieu once said: “If one only wished to be happy, this could be easily accomplished; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than they are.”FOMO will go hand in hand with dissatisfaction and envy. Appreciate what you already have, because someone else out there in the world would gladly give everything to be you.12. What is the purpose of the questions in paragraph 1?A. To introduce the topic of the passage.B. To explain the function of FOMO.C. To describe the features of FOMO.D. To give the reasons for checking social media.13. How might people feel seeing other's perfect life through social media?A. Joyful.B. Admiring.C. Comfortable.D. Envious.14. What can we conclude from Montesquieu's words in paragraph 3?A. We could turn to social media for happiness.B. We couldn't realise our dream without hard work.C. We couldn't harvest happiness through comparison.D. We could live better than others by showing ourselves online.15. What is the author's attitude towards FOMO?A. Indifferent.B. Objective.C. Doubtful.D. Hopeful.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020-2021学年深圳市平湖中学高三英语上学期期中考试试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThere are different types of money-saving apps, such as JD Finance, Yu’E Bao, Ant Financial, and all of them work in different ways. Here are 3 of the best apps that can help you save much money.Capital One ShoppingCapital One Shopping can compare prices automatically as you shop online. As you add items to your cart at an online seller, this app will search the web for better deals and coupon codes(优惠码). You can follow the links to other sellers offering a better price and use the available codes tosave. You can even use this app while shopping at physical shops.ParibusThere’s nothing more upsetting than buying something and then seeing it for sale at a lower price a few days later. Wouldn’t it be nice to get that money back? Now you can. Paribus helps you get money back by tracking your purchases from major stores and discussing refunds. It also helps you get compensated (补偿) for late deliveries and makes sure you don’t leave it too late to return anything you bought.DigitIf you can’t figure out how much you can afford to save, Digit will analyze your spending habits and spare a certain amount to your savings. If the appknows you have spare money to save, then it will be moved automatically, and if you don’t, it will stop, so there’s no risk of being left with no cash for the basics. You can sign up for a free trial for a month, and after that, the monthly service charge is $5.1. If you want your money back, what app will you choose?A. Digit.B. Paribus.C. Yu’E Bao.D. Capital One Shopping.2. What can you do by using Digit?A. Offer the most favorable price.B. Track detailed information of goods.C. Analyze spending habits to save money.D. Compare prices of products while shopping.3. What is the purpose of the text?A. To introduce useful apps for saving money.B. To advertise various products online.C. To improve the power of spending.D. To help to manage spare money.BIt was once a shoreline buried by enough garbage to make it invisible (看不见的), thus, given the unfortunate nickname "toilet bowl" . Now the Philippines' Manila Bay beach is totally different, compared with a few months ago. It happened so suddenly and extremely that it brought tears to the eyes of the local people.The cleanup started on 27 January, when 5, 000 volunteers descended on Manila Bay to remove over 45 tons (公吨) of garbage, marking the beginning of a nation-wide environmental campaign. But some two months before this great movement began, a quiet revolution was already underway.During the first week of December 2018, Brooklyn- based Bounties Network collectedthree tons of garbage from Manila Bay aver two days through a project that paid a small group of people, mostly fishermen, with a digital currency (数字货币) based on the Ethereum system.For the mostly non-bank -using Filipino fishermen, this was a first-ever experience with a digital currency. It's one that proves decisive in enabling poor communities around the world to take up arms in the fight against humanity's waste.There are signs that this recycling-for-digital payment industry may be just about to take off. Earlier in September 2018, Plastic Bank, a Vancouver -based company powered by IBM technology, also started a similar project. They set up a project in Naga, a town in southern Luzon, the country's largest island, building a collection point to let people exchange plastic and recyclable materials for digital payouts through a system.That both these pioneers have chosen the Philippines as their first location is not surprising considering the country's contribution to ocean waste. A Wall Street Journal study in 2015 revealed that the Philippines make the third-largest amount of plastic waste into global oceans.4. Why did people call Manila Bay beach“toilet bowl” ?A. It looked like a huge bowl.B. There were plenty of toilets.C. It was covered by rubbish.D. People loved the toilets here.5. What does the underlined phrase“descended on”in paragraph 2 mean?A. Completely depended on.B. Suddenly arrived at.C. Occasionally decreased to.D. Gradually disappeared from.6. What made poor communities willing to fight against waste?A. The benefits to their homeland.B. The desire to make a difference.C. The chance to escape ocean pollution.D. The experience with a digital currency.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Online system helps endocean pollution.B. Manila Bay beach is suddenly removed.C. Plastic Bank is powerful in recycling waste.D. Philippines make a great amount of waste.CA year ago I received a full scholarship to attend the University of San Francisco. All of my hard work paid off. My mom had spent a lot on my attending a private high school, so I made sure to push myself: I volunteered, took part in various clubs, and graduated with honors. I was so excited to start a new part of my life.Soon enough, the big day came, but it wasn't like what I had thought. The first two weeks were the most difficult days of my entire life. Every night I would cry myself to sleep. I was missing my family, my home and everything in my hometown so much and I didn’t know how to deal with my broken heart.To distract myself, I threw myself into my studies. I also found a ton of jobs. In any free time, I started forcing myself to go to the gym. I wanted to keep every part of my day busy so I wouldn’t think about how lonely I felt. Soon after, I began to control my eating, considering it another solution to my homesickness. But soon there was something wrong with me.Finally, I went to see a doctor. When the doctor told me I had no choice but to take time away from school, I started to fear. How could I stop? School was what I was best at. “I’m not so bad,” I thought in my head. But the result was that I was taken to hospital again a month later and my mother camewoefully. I had to take a semester off from school, and go to the treatment center near my home.If there are girls who are suffering similarly, I hope you know that there is hope and that you should have a positive attitude towards life. Though you may feel alone, there are so many people who can understand your struggle. That’s why I want to share my story.8. Why did the author push herself during high school?A. She wanted to attend the University of San Francisco.B. It cost too much to study in a private school.C. Her parents controlled much of her life.D. Her family put her under pressure,9. What can we know about the author in the first two weeks?A. She couldn't fall asleep because of pressure.B. She couldn't pay attention to her study.C. She couldn't deal with her homesickness.D. She couldn't catch up with others.10. What does the underlined word “woefully” in paragraph 4 mean?A. Sadly.B. Surprisingly.C. Curiously.D. Happily.11. What is the author's purpose in writing this text?A. To look back on her past life.B. To increase her own confidence.C. To express appreciation to her mother.D. To encourage other girls like her to be positive.DA Chinese space mining company has designed a robot that can capture waste material left behind by spacecraft in outer space with a big net.The state-run Xinhua news agency recently reported that the robot launched on the government's Long March 6 rocket along with several satellites. The robot will also investigate deep space to observe small objects in the universe. The 30-kilogram robot, called NEO-01 , was developed by Origin Space. Pounded in 2019 and based in the southern Chinese tech hub(技术中心)Shenzhen, Origin Space has been devoted to exploring and using space resources, according to the company. The company says the robot will lead the way for future technologies capable of mining on asteroids(小行星).The world's first asteroid mining company, Planetary Resources, was established in 2009. Since then, more than 12 businesses around the world have entered the industry, including 3D Systems of the United States and Japan's Astroscale. Astroscale's technology uses magnets (磁铁)to gather up space waste. But a report on the Origin Space website says NEO-01 will use a net to capture waste and then bum it. Thousands of satellites have been launched worldwide. As they are used too long, many end up as waste and put other operating satellites at risk.Su Meng is the founder of Origin Space. He said the company plans to launch many space telescopes and more spacecraft to begin the first for-profit mining of asteroids by 2045. Su added that NEO-01 will serve as a prototype (雏形)of future space mining robots, which can use rich mineral resources on asteroids to support thedevelopment of the space industry.The Xinhua news agency reported that China was increasing efforts to land a spacecraft on a near-Earth asteroid to collectmaterials. China is also speeding up a plan to build a defense system against near-Earth asteroids. The country aims to follow Russia and the United States in becoming a major space power by 2030.12. Which of the following can correctly describe NEO-01?A. It weighs 60 kilograms.B. It was created by Planetary Resources.C. It will be burnt after finishing its mission.D. It is mainly used to catch space waste.13. What can be inferred from the text?A. China will be the most powerful in space by 2030.B. Origin Space will open more mines on asteroids.C. It is those useless satellites that make space waste.D. The robot will look into deep space for more waste.14. What does Su Meng think of NEO-01 ?A. It is promising and rewarding.B. It has benefited the space industry.C. It's a long way to produce it.D. It'll help make money for the company.15. What can be the best title for the text?A. NEO-01 , A Smart Robot Used in SpaceB. A Chinese Robot Can Catch Space WasteC. A New Robot Makes China a SpacePowerD. NEO-01 , the Pioneer of Future Space Robots第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. 如图表示生物体内发生的两个化学反应,下列相关说法中正确的是()A.A TP与ADP间相互转化的能量供应机制只发生在真核细胞内B.ATP分子水解时,图中所示的化学键③最易断裂C. 细胞中吸能反应一般与ATP的合成反应相联系D. 图中酶1和酶2的化学本质相同,但是二者的种类不同2. 某研究小组利用检测气压变化的密闭装置来探究微生物的细胞呼吸,实验设计如下,关闭活栓后,U形管右侧液面高度变化反映瓶中气体体积变化,实验开始时将右管液面高度调至参考点,实验中定时记录右管液面高度相对于参考点的变化(忽略其他原因引起的气体体积变化)。
下列有关说法错误的是()A. 甲组右侧液面高度变化,表示的是微生物细胞呼吸时O2的消耗量B. 乙组右侧液面高度变化,表示的是微生物细胞呼吸时CO2释放量和O2消耗量之间的差值C. 甲组右侧液面升高,乙组右侧液面高度不变,说明微生物可能只进行有氧呼吸D. 甲组右侧液面高度不变,乙组右侧液面高度下降,说明微生物进行乳酸发酵3. 下列叙述正确的是()A.突触小体可完成“电信号→化学信号→电信号”的转换B.兴奋只能以局部电流的形式在多个神经元之间单向传递C.小明头部被重物撞击,眼前产生金星四溅的感觉是非条件反射D.寒冷刺激皮肤引起皮肤血管收缩是非条件反射4. 在减数分裂过程中,遵循分离定律的基因、遵循自由组合的基因、因为交叉而互换的基因分别在()A. 姐妹染色单体上;同一条染色体上;非姐妹染色单体上B. 同源染色体上;非同源染色体上;同源染色体的姐妹染色单体上C. 同源染色体上;非同源染色体上;同源染色体的非姐妹染色单体上D. 姐妹染色单体上;非同源染色体上;非同源染色体的姐妹染色单体上5. 当内环境稳态遭到破坏时,必将引起()A.细胞代谢紊乱B.pH偏离正常范围C.渗透压下降D.酶促反应速率加快6. 关于植物激素的叙述,错误的是()A. 各种植物激素不是孤立地起作用B. 生长素的作用具有两重性C. 乙烯能促进细胞生长D. 细胞分裂素能促进细胞分裂7. 某毒素是由两个亚单位(每个亚单位为一条肽链盘曲折叠而成)组成的一种生物大分子。
2020届深圳市平湖中学高三英语期中试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AYou haven’t truly visited a city until you’ve experienced its nightlife. Watching a big city likeLondongradually turn dark and darker into the night is a beautiful journey of time and light. So how about taking a historical evening walk and touchingsome of the nicest areas in centralLondon? Let’s get started.6:30 pmThe walk starts on theMillenniumBridge. On the bridge, watch the scenic city across the River Thames with the skyscrapers gradually lighting up against the darkening skies.TheMillenniumBridgehas been featured in many London-based films, includingHarry Potter, and the filmGuardians of the Galaxy.7:30 pmIt’s getting dark. A fifteen-minute walk northwest fromSt Paul’s Cathedral takes you to the historic Borough Market. During the evenings, you find a lot of restaurants around the market. This is an excellent time to get your dinner.9:00 pmThe next stop isLondonBridge. This is about 6 minutes’ walk from the Borough Market. As you join other onlookers and mentally go through the nursery school rhyme of “LondonBridgeis Falling Down”, you get lost again in history. Why does the song sayLondonBridgeis falling and who is the fair lady?During theLondoncity fire of 1897,LondonBridgeserved an important role in fire control. It was one of the major structures that prevented the fire from crossing over to the other side ofLondon.11:30 pmLondonnever sleeps; it’s a few minutes to midnight and everywhere is still filled with people moving around. About four minutes away from the Golden Jubilee Bridges isTrafalgar Square, our next stop.12:00 amIt’s been a beautiful evening, hasn’t it?1. Where can you visit aGuardians of the Galaxyfilming location?A. In theSt Paul’s Cathedral.B. On theMillenniumBridge.C. In the Borough Market.D. On the Golden Jubilee Bridges.2. What can be learned about the Borough Market?A. It is far fromLondonBridge.B. It is related to a famous song.C. It is an ideal place for dinner.D. It is a modern open-air market.3. What is the main purpose of the text?A. To showLondon’s color1 ful culture.B. To introduce the scenery inLondon.C. To ask people to do outdoor activities.D. To recommend a night tour inLondon.BMasks that helped save lives during the Covid-19 pandemic(疫情)are proving a deadly risk for wildlife, with birds and sea creatures trapped in many facial coverings in animal habitats.Single-use masks have been found on the ground, waterways and beaches worldwide since countries required(heir use in public places to slow the pandemic's spread. Worn once, the thin protective materials can take hundreds of years to break down. "Face masks aren't going away any time soon-but when we throw them away, these items can harm the environment and the animals who share our planet," Ashley from anima! rights group PETA said.Monkeys have been found playing with used masks in the hills outsideMalaysia's capitalKuala Lumpur. And in an incident inBritain, a seagull was saved inChelmsfordafter its legs got caught in an abandoned mask for a week.However, the biggest influence is in the water. More than 1.5 billion masks made their way into the world's oceans last year, accounting for around 6200 extra tons of ocean plastic pollution, according to environmental group OceansAsia. “Masks and gloves are particularlyproblematicfor sea creatures," says George Leonard, chief scientist from NGO. "When those plastics break down in the environment, they form smaller and smaller particles (颗粒).Those particles then enter the food chain and influence the entire ecosystem,“ he added.Campaigners have urged people to deal with masks properly after using them. OceansAsia has also called on governments to increase punishment for littering and encourage the use of washable masks.4. What bring(s)a great danger to wildlife now?A. Waste masks.B. Covid-19.C. Polluted water.D. Damaged habitats.5. What does the underlined word “problematic”in paragraph 4 mean?A. Important.B. Attractive.C. Common.D. Troubling.6. What can we infer from the text?A. Monkeys learned to wear masks from humans.B. Plastics are less harmful after becoming particles.C. Used masks have a worse effect on sea creatures.D. Waste masks arc the main ocean plastic pollution.7. How should we solve the problem from the last paragraph?A. Keep masks after they' re used.B. Call on governments to stop littering.C. Punish those who wear single-use masks.D. Put used masks in the recycling box.CRemember when your mom told you not to eat too many candy bars or sweets because they can cause tooth decay (蛀牙)? However, it turns out that chocolate can be moresalutaryto your teeth than you might expect. Recent studies show that chocolate can effectively fight against tooth decay, as if we need another excuse to eat chocolate.Chocolate offers protection like fluoride, a main ingredient in most household toothpastes. Not only does chocolate protect our teeth, but it can do so very effectively. Studies show that chocolate has compounds that provide strong protection for teeth. One of the compounds in chocolate, CBH, is shown to protect even more effectively than fluoride.Tooth decay happens when bacteria work to turn sugar into acids in our mouth. This is why eating foods with high sugar content can lead to more tooth decay. The compounds in chocolate, however, are anti-bacteria and can fight against bacteria in your mouth. The CBH compound in particular also works to strengthen tooth enamel (牙釉质), andprotects against tooth decay.Does this mean you can cat as much chocolate as you want without worrying about your teeth? It depends on the types of chocolate that you like. The protective effect of chocolate is most effective when you chew on cocoa beans. Of course, this option is not very appealing to; most people. A more tasty option is to choose dark chocolate with little sugar content, ideally no more than 6 to 8 grams per serving. For other types of chocolate with higher sugar content, the effect will be lessened. However, because of the protective compounds, it is stillbetter for your teeth than other sweets and desserts containing the same amount of sugar.8. The word “salutary” in paragraph 1 means?A. Beneficial.B. Harmful.C. Familiar.D. Useless.9. What can we know about the compound CBH in chocolate?A. It can help chocolate cure tooth decay.B. It can effectively stop teeth from decaying.C. It may protect teeth better than toothpastes do.D. It may soon replace most household toothpastes.10. How does chocolate fight tooth decay?A. By breaking down acids.B. By building up compounds.C. By fixing up tooth enamel.D. By fighting against bacteria.11. What's the main idea of the text?A. Chocolate plays the role of toothpaste.B. Chocolate protects against tooth decay.C. Chocolate is the best choice for teeth protection.D. Chocolate is healthier to teeth than other sweets.DFor our official holidays, like the National Holiday, many people'd like to go on a visit to some places of interest. Yesterday our class had a heated discussion about whether we should travel during holidays.One man's meat is another man's poison.Some students are for it. They think visitors can enjoy a good variety of scenery. Facing glorious(壮丽的) touristattractions, travelers may well broaden their eyes. At the same time, they can keep fit by walking on foot, and taste different delicious food that they can't get in their own hometowns. What's more, travelling can make a contribution to our economy development, mainly to the local economy development. Most travelers need to buy tickets to go to their destinations, thus traffic department will earn money. Travelers also need to sleep and eat, thus local hotels and restaurants also share benefits. Paying admission(门票费) benefits local governments. As for native farmers, they can benefit from selling local specialities to many travelers. In this case, money circulation(货币流通) is speeded up.On the other hand, other students are against it. They believe it's a waste of money. Some famous places of interest are too crowded, while those smaller ones are not worth visiting. Travelling may cause traffic jams hereand there. What's worse, due to travelling here and there, there exist some accidents on the road. Besides, it's known that travelling can also pollute the local environment. In order to reduce air and waste pollution, people should have a rest to the full, reading books or watching TV at home. Recently, many have been afraid of being infected with COVID-19 in particular.As far as I am concerned, travelling is a good choice to spend holidays. And the government should take some measures to solve the existing problems. More policemen should be on duty to deal with accidents in time. Can we make a small change to the period when people don't have to go to work in some provinces? Let's take the example of the National Holiday, if some provinces of our country spend this holiday mainly in late September, with the National Day coming to an end, rather than in earlyOctober, most famous places of interest will not become crowded. At the same time, visitors must obey traffic rules and shouldn't throw rubbish freely here and there. Last but not least, never should we travel when there is a pandemic(大流行病,瘟疫). It's our duty to prevent its spread.12. What does the underlined sentence “One man's meat is another man's poison” in this passage mean?A. Some persons like meat, while others don't.B. Different persons taste meals differently.C. A man mistakes meat for poison.D. Different persons have different opinions on one thing.13. How do travelers contribute to our economy development?A. They buy all kinds of tickets.B. They walk, sleep, eat and meet native farmers.C. They speed up money circulation by spending money on transport, accommodations(膳宿), specialities and admission.D. They only enjoy visiting many glorious tourist attractions.14. Which sentence of the following is not true?A. There's a need for more policemen.B Some provinces can change the date of an official holiday completely.C. Visitors must obey traffic rules and shouldn't throw rubbish freely.D. People should never travel when there is a pandemic.15. What the author's attitude to travel during holidays?A. He doesn't show his opinion.B. He doesn't agree at all.C. He supports unconditionally.D. He supports and makes some suggestions.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年深圳市平湖中学高三英语上学期期中考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACanadais one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Here are 4 attractive places worth your visit.ChurchillChurchill is a town with the nickname "Polar Bear Capital of the World”, where tourists can safely view polar bears from special vehicles in the autumn and winter. Thousands of beluga whales, which move into the warmer waters of theChurchill Riverduring July and August, are a major summer attraction. Churchill is also a destination for bird watchers from late May until August.Niagara FallsNiagara Fallsis a group of three waterfalls, crossing the border betweenCanadaand theUnited States. The largest of the three is Horseshoe Falls, also known asCanadian Falls. Niagara Falls illumination(彩灯)is a must for any visitor! Every night of the year, the three waterfalls are illuminated in color1 s creating an attractive scene that can be viewed from near and far.VancouverVancouverisCanada's third-largest city, always named as one of the top five worldwide cities for its comfortable environment and quality of life.Vancouverhas an active nightlife scene, whether its food and dining, or bars and nightclubs. From mid-June to early July, the Vancouver International Jazz Festival features 300 concerts, including a free opening Downtown Jazz Weekend.OttawaThe capital ofCanadais situated on the banks of theOttawa Riverand has a lot ofEnglish buildings in it. It is a beautiful city which has the Parliament buildings on the banks and English influenced houses and parks around. There are museums and art galleries that will give you a complete knowledge of the English culture there. It is really the heart ofCanada. So if you are a history and art loverOttawais the best choice for your visit inCanada.1. If you want to watch birds, which place will you choose to visit?A. Churchill.B.Niagara Falls.C. Vancouver.D.Ottawa.2. What is the best season for visitingVancouver?A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Autumn.D. Winter.3. What doNiagara FallsandVancouverhave in common?A. They are both famous for natural scenery.B. The best visiting time are both at nights.C. They are both located inCanadaentirely.D. The tickets there are both free at weekends.BIt is a question people have been asking for ages. Is there a way to turn back the aging process?For centuries, people have been looking for a “fountain of youth”. The idea is that if you find a magical fountain, and drink from its waters, you will not age.Researchers in New York did not find an actual fountain of youth, but they may have found a way to turn back the aging process. It appears the answer may be hidden right between your eyes, in an area called the hypothalamus (下丘脑). The hypothalamus is part of your brain. It controls important activities within the body.Researchers at New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that hypothalamus neural (神经的) stem cells also influence how fast aging takes place in the body.What are stem cells(干细胞)? They are simple cells that can develop into specialized cells, like blood or skin cells. Stem cells can also repair damaged tissues and organs.Dongsheng Cai is a professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He was the lead researcher in a study on aging in mice. He and his team reported their findings in the journal Nature, Cai explained when hypothalamus function is in decline, particularly the loss of hypothalamus stem cells, and this protection against the aging development is lost. it eventually leads to aging.Using this information, the researchers began trying to activate, or energize, the hypothalamus laboratory mice. They did this by injecting the animals with stem cells, Later, the researchers examined tissues and tested for changes in behavior. They looked for changes in the strength and coordination (协调) of the animals muscles. They also studied the social behavior and cognitive ability of the mice. The researchers say the results show that the treatment slowed aging in the animals, Cai says injecting middle-aged mice with stem cells from younger mice helped the older animals live longer.But these results were just from studying mice in a laboratory. If the mice can live longer, does that mean people could have longer lives? The next step is to see if the anti-aging effects also work in.4. In Paragraph 2 a “fountain of youth” is mentioned to ________.A. introduce the main topicB. show a hidden secret.C. describe scientists researchD. recommend a way to stay young5. Aging takes place in the body when _______.A. stem cells develop into specialized cellsB. there are important activities within the bodyC. hypothalamus neural stem cells fail to protect against agingD. the hypothalamus fails to repair damaged tissues and organs6. What do we know about the researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine from the text?A. They did experiments to see how stem cells work.B. They studied mice to find their connection with humans.C. They have found a possible way to slow the aging progress.D. They have found no changes in mice s behavior during the experiment7. What will the researchers probably do next?A. They will help some animals live longer.B. They will announce the fountain of youth doesn’t existC. They will develop products to help people live a longer life immediatelyD. They will do research to see if what they have found in mice will apply to humans.C“Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of a little water, the French writer Antoine de Rivarol wrote. This love letter to the cleansing beauty of a good cry is a comforting thought at atime when the continuing stress of the COVID-19 has added heaviness to each of our lives.Scientifically, de Rivarol's poetic image doesn't, if you'll forgive the words used in the poem, hold water. There's limited research on crying, partly because of the difficulty of copying the behavior of real crying in a lab. But even within the previous studies, there's little evidence to suggest that crying provides a physiological cleansing of poisons in people's body.Psychologists believe the relief of a good cry connects with a different emotional process. “It seems that crying occurs just after the peak of the emotional experience, and crying is associated with this return to homeostasis: the process of maintaining a stable psychological state,” said Lauren Bylsma. He also said holdingback tears can have negative physical consequences, including headaches and muscle tension. Such restriction can also limit our experiences of joy, gratitude and other positive emotions if we avoid acknowledging our feelings.For me crying has been easier said than done during the COVID-19. Psychologists say it's normal to feel stopped up by the stresses of the past year. We should find opportunities to release and process our emotions.Watching a tear-jerking movie, having an emotional conversation with a close friend, and writing in a journal are healthy ways toelicita cry. Physical activity like light-footed walking or even dancing can also signal our bodies to release some emotional tightness. We can then open up to the flow of feelings that leave us feeling lighter and refreshed—like a clear sky after a soaking rain.8. What is the weakness of the studies ever clone on crying?A. They were clone in a laboratory setting.B. They cared little about different forms of crying.C. They were always concentrated on people's daily life.D. They showed little about the positive physical effect of crying.9. What is the function of crying according to Lauren Bylsma?A. Curing people of their diseases.B. Keeping emotionally balanced.C. Producing negative mental results.D. Expanding people's experience of joy.10. What does the underlined word “elicit” in the last paragraph mean?A. Produce.B. Postpone.C. Control.D. Repeat.11. What are people advised to do according to the text?A. Learn to hold back their tears wisely.B. Share their emotion with their colleagues.C. Have a good cry when necessary.D. Try to avoid admitting our feelings.DIn the world of Chinese archaeology(考古学), a sign of a dig's importance is the sight of Zhou Mingsheng at work. A field technician who has worked at archaeological sites all aroundChina. Master Zhou iscredited with the gentlest touch in his profession. Born into a farming family, he is a “national-level craftsman” with a talent for using simple tools to get relics(遗物) that wouldcrumblein other hands, says his current boss, Wang Xu, director of an archaeological site at Shuanghuaishu, a Neolithic(新石器时代的) settlement near the Yellow River in the central province of Henan.It is not beauty that attracts visitors to Shuanghuaishu. At 5,300 years old, the settlement is the work of a culture too simple to have left behind many buried treasures. The single most precious find, to date, is a finger-length sculpture of a silkworm. Nor is the setting lovely: an area surrounded by deafening insects, between a highway and two power stations. Rather, the site's importance is historical. For since the birth of Chinese archaeology in the 1920s, it has been inseparable from claims thatChinahas the oldest unbroken civilisation on Earth.Leading archaeologists say that the site has the right combination of location, age and distinctive cultural elements to be the capital of an early Chinese kingdom. That would make it a bridge betweenChina's written history and the era of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to rule over these central plains almost 5,000 years ago, though many foreign scholars doubt his existence. Chinese media call the site proof ofChina's 5,000 years of history.Foreigners complain about a lack of written records, Mr. Wang notes. Perhaps they are missing symbols that will one day be understood, for instance in patterned pottery. Outsiders “can't keep using Western standards to apply to Chinese ruins,” he argues.12. What does the underlined word “crumble” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Break.B. Start.C. Wait.D. Shine.13. Why does Shuanghuaishu attract visitors?A. It has appealing scenery.B. It has various precious treasures.C. It is of great historical significance.D. It is easily accessible.14. What is Mr. Wang's attitude towards foreigners’ view?A. Unconcern.B. Disapproving.C. Supportive.D. Not mentioned.15. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Chinese history amazes the world.B. Chinese archaeology catches on.C. China follows its tradition.D.Chinadigs its past.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年深圳市平湖中学高三英语下学期期中考试试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhen the sun shines brightly, it provides a great chance to get outdoor things done. Like making hay! At least, that is what farmers from the past would say. ―Make hay while the sun shines.This idiom is very old, dating back to Medieval times. Rain would often ruin the process of making hay. So, farmers had no choice but to make hay when the sun was shining.Today, we all use this expression, not just farmers. When conditions are perfect to get something done, we can say, ―It’s a good idea to make hay while the sun shines.In other words, you are taking advantage of a good situation or of good conditions. You are making the most of your opportunities. These all mean ―making hay while the sun shines.And sometimes we use this expression to mean we beat someone to the punch, or we got ahead of someone else. And other times you make hay while the sun shines to make good use of the chance to do something while it lasts. You are being opportunistic – taking advantage of a good opportunity. For example, my friend Ozzy was sick for a week and could not go to work. So, his co-worker Sarah -- who doesn’t like him -- took advantage of his illness and stole his project! Talk about making hay while the sun shines.Sometimes when you make hay while the sun shines you are staying ahead of a problem – like in this example:Hey, do you want to go hiking with me and my friends this weekend? The weather is going to be beautiful! I wish I could. But I have to finish my taxes. It’s the last weekend before they’re due.Oh, that’s too bad.Wait. What about your taxes?My taxes are done. I was off from work a couple of weeks ago and made hay while the sun shined. I got all of it done!I wish I would have taken advantage of my time off last week___1___All I did was lay around thehouse.And that’s all the time we have for these Words and Their Stories. But join us again next week. You can listen while you’re making dinner or riding to work. Yeah, make hay while the sun shines.1.Which of the following best matches ―make hay whilethe sun shines in paragraph 2?A.Sow nothing, reap nothing.B.Sharp tools make good work.C.Strike while the iron is hot.D.One swallow doesn’t make a summer.2.According to the underlined sentence, what feeling does the speaker express?A.AdmirableB.RegretfulC.AnnoyedD.Indifferent3.Where is the passage probably taken from?A.A radio programB.A magazineC.A brochureD.A novelBWhen an animal species is considered endangered, it means that the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has evaluatedit as nearly extinct, which means that a majority of its population has already died off and the rate of birth is lower than the species’death rate. Today, more and more animal and plant species are on the way to extinction because of a variety of major factors that cause a species to become endangered, and as you might expect, humans play a role in quite a few of them — in fact, the biggest threat to endangered animals is human encroachment (侵入) on their habitats.Every species needs a habitat, where an animal finds food, raises its young. Unfortunately, humans destroy animal habitats in a number of different ways: building houses, clearing forests to getlumberand to plant crops, draining rivers to bring water to those crops, and making streets and parking lots.In addition, human development pollutes the environment with all kinds of chemicals, which destroys food sources and shelters for the creatures and plants of that area. As a result, some species die out while others are pushed into areas where they can’t find food and shelters — to make matters worse, when one animal population suffers, it affects many other species in its food web, so more than one species’population is likely to decrease.Habitat destruction is the number one reason for animal endangerment, which is why conservation groups work hard to repair the effects of human developments — many non-profit groups like the Nature Conservancy are taking measures to clean up coastlines and establish nature preserves to prevent further harm to native environments and species around the world.4. A species is considered endangered________.A. when the IUCN has noticed its population changeB. when most of its population has died offC. when the species’ birth rate is close to its death rateD. when the species is losing its habitat5. What does the underlined word “lumber” probably mean?A. Gas.B. Food.C. Chemicals.D. Wood.6. What is being done to protect the endangered species?A. Calling for human development.B. Raising money.C. Establishing nature preserves.D. Educating people.7. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Habitat destruction causes animal endangerment.B. Animals die out due to environment pollution.C. Measures need to be taken to increase species.D. Non-profit groups are making great contributions.CThe outbreak of the novel corona virus pneumonia (NCP) has disrupted the lives and work of nearly every Chinese person. However, a new trend has been on the rise: many have turned themselves into livestreaming users orfollowers.According to Questmobile, a professional big data intelligence services provider in China, the audience for Douyin, Kuaishou and other livestreaming platforms surged to 574 million during the Spring Festival holiday, up 35 percent from 2019.Confined at home, away from their friends and loved ones, people turn to livestreaming to reach out to the world. For them livestreaming can help them share their lives and interest with a global audience, which will give them the sense of being “in the moment”. Even as viewers, they can also engage immediately with livestreamers by commenting and making suggestions.“When I comment on the livestreaming videos, I’m not simply an audience member, but also an active part of the program. That gives me a sense of engagement,” an Internet user named Wang Hao told People’s Daily.Livestreaming is not only for fun, but also a new tool for many businesses. Affected by the pandemic, many businesses had to stop their sales in physical stores. To meet their business goals and survive during these trying times, many chose to livestream to revive their businesses.Joyoung, a leading maker of small kitchen appliances, is a good example. The company not only added a number of broadcasts each day to advertise their products, but also shared the menus that were beneficial to health. “The responses to our livestreaming shows have been well beyond expectations,” Kang Li, who oversees the company’s livestreaming unit, told China daily. “It’s a natural opportunity to truly bond with our followers.”Like it or not, livestreaming is likely to go mainstream in China for both entertainment and business.8. What is the purpose of writing the second paragraph?A. To introduce some popular livestreaming platforms in China.B. To report data on the development of livestreaming in 2019.C. To show that Chinese people spend too much time on livestreaming apps.D. To prove that livestreaming are becoming increasingly popular in China.9. What does Wang Hao think of commenting on livestreaming?A. It is boring to make comments.B. It is the only way to share viewers’ lives.C. It makes people feel involved in the stream.D. It helps livestreamers improve themselves.10. What do paragraphs 5&6 mainly talk about?A. Livestreaming replaced physical stores in many areas.B. Many businesses turned to livestreaming platform for marketing.C. Livestreaming platforms faced challenges during the pandemic.D. Livestreaming platforms made changes to their services.11. How does the author feel about thefuture of livestreaming?A. Positive.B. Uncertain.C. Disappointed.D. Confused.DAbout 12 years ago, Sandy Cambron noticed her mother, Pearl Walker, had become quiet after she moved into a nursing home for patients of Alzheimer's disease inKentucky.“We tried everything — photos, old stories — but nothing worked,” she said. “It was really hard for everyone to see how she had changed.” Then one day whileSandywas in a toy store, she had an idea: Why not givePearla baby doll so she could feel as if she were caring for something again? And why not give one to all the other care center seniors?As soon asSandygavePearlthe doll, her mother's face lit up. “She started talking again and she never went anywhere without that baby,”Sandysaid. “She took 'baby' to the dining room with her and slept with her in her arms every night. When she passed away a year later, we even buried her with that well-loved baby doll.”In the following 10 years, Sandy and her husband, Wayne Cambron, continued to buy dolls and hand them out to the elderly of care centers near their home every New Year. Now Pearl's Memory Babies is anonprofit (非营利) organization that has contributed more than 300 dolls to old people with Alzheimer's disease at nursing homes since February 2018.Last year,Sandyposted New Year’s photos on Facebook, all of which are about seniors reacting to dolls thatshe and Wayne sent to a local nursing home. The post was shared more than 210,000 times overnight. People gave almost $15,000 online. That helped the group buy many dolls.“The dolls offer treatment and comfort,” said Elise Hinchman, who works at a care center inKentucky, "Some seniors cry when they get a doll. And they always rock and talk to their dolls. People with Alzheimer might lose their memories, but they don't lose their ability to love.”12. How did Pearl change after she moved to a nursing home?A. She hardly talked.B. She lost hope in life.C. She felt bored.D. She forgot everything.13. How didPearlreact after receiving the doll?A. She began to cry.B. She was very delighted.C. She played it with a baby.D. She was unconcerned about it.14. What's paragraph 5 mainly about?A. What Sandy did for her mother.B. People's reaction toSandy's post.C. The rising needs for baby dolls.D. HowSandybecame a celebrity.15. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Good News for Alzheimer's PatientsB. How to Remove Alzheimer's DiseaseC. Baby Dolls Cheer up Alzheimer's PatientsD. Daughter Helps Mother Recover Memory第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020届深圳市平湖中学高三英语期中试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt’s the time of year when we start hiking. As you pack, remember to bring your smartphone. Whether you’re going on a short walk or a long trip, there are a handful of apps that can help.MapMyHikeThis app tracks where you're hiking so you have a mapof your route at the end of the hike. It can also track other fitness information like the distance traveled, speed, pace, and even calories burned. You can save the data for your hike, so you can always access the route you look as well as track improvements to your workout. GaiaGPSYou don't always have cellphone service when hiking, but you always want to know where you are. The GaiaGPS app provides that information. Download maps of different parts of the world, and access the GaiaGPS app in the middle of even the most remote trails. The GPS function makes using the maps simple, and the app will also point to areas of interest.Backpacking ChecklistOne of the worst things is being way out on a trail only to discover you left behind something important. That's why checklists are the best. This checklist app helps you build a customized(定制的) list of things to take with you. Organize different lists based on trail lengths or requirements. Track all your essential items by weight and where you can find them.WildObsUsing WildObs, you can record your observations of plants and animals and add them to the database. You can ask the community to help you identify something and keep track of everything you've met, and most importantly, you can become a citizen scientist. By recording what you've seen with this app, you're helping scientists keep track of what's happening to the natural world.1. What can you do with MapMyHike?A. Record your walking speed.B. Design a suitable hiking route.C. Locate popular tourist attractions.D. Store the data of your daily activities.2. What is WildObs intended to do?A. To provide survival skills.B. To lead the way.C. To identify wildlife.D. To help make preparations.3. Which app is most useful before hiking?A. GaiaGPS.B. MapMyHike.C. WildObs.D. Backpacking Checklist.BBe it from the mouths of foreigners who have lived here for a few years or from stories on travel websites, one of the most common qualities that people list about Shanghai is the infectious energy that courses through the city.For some, this energy is defined by the way of life—Shanghai is a city that never sleeps. In the day, the streets arc always bustling with people from all over the world. After all, the city has long been China’s most cosmopolitan city, having been the epicenter of trade and cultural exchange between Chinese and foreigners since the city was forced to open its door to the world in 1843 after the First Opium War (1840-42).Shanghai’s ubiquitous delivery people can be found on the roads even past midnight, rushing from point to point on their trusty electric scooters to satiate the hunger of night owls. Even before the break of dawn, pensioners can be found gathering in parks, ready to kick start their day with a tai chi session.For others, this energy is generated from the friction between the contrasts the city has. Indeed, it does not take long for one to realize that Shanghai's charmlies in it being a binary of old and new.Here, charming neoclassical architecture and art deco structures stand alongside modem buildings with shimmering glass and metal facades, rustic (质朴的)lane houses and shikumen buildings. Humble mom-and-pop shops that look stuck in time can often be found right next tohipdining venues or industrial-chic fashion stores selling designer apparel.One of the best places to get an overview of these surreal contrasts is none other than the tallest building in the city — the Shanghai Tower in Lujiazui. Measuring a dizzying 632 meters in height, this architectural marvel boasts having the world's highest observation deck within a building or structure. It also comes with the world's fastest elevators which would get you from the bottom to the top at 20.5 meters per second.On the other side of the Huangpu River is where you would find the Bund, which is home to magnificent neoclassical buildings. The Bund is to Shanghai what Times Square is to New York or what the Champs-61ysees is to Paris. A trip to Shanghai would not be complete without exploring this iconic waterfront promenade.Autumn is the best time to experience Shanghai on foot, not merely because the weather is conducive forwalking, but because this is when the roads and sidewalks in many areas are blanketed with a layer of color1 ful fallen leaves.4. Why is the example of delivery man mentioned?A. To make a contrast with pensioners’ biological clock.B. To illustrate the vibrant energy of modern Shanghai.C. To highlight the diligence and consideration of delivery man.D. To feature the courier delivery service in full swing.5. Which of the following is TRUE about the contrast of Shanghai?A. The contrast mainly arises from the First Opium War.B. The design of the Shanghai Tower stands for a contrast.C. A marked contrast is shown in the use of building materials.D. The dishes served in mom-and-pop shops represent the outdated flavor.6. The underlined word “hip” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to________.A. photographicB. modestC. peculiarD. stylish7. Which of the following will be most probably discussed following the last paragraph?A. Stunning views of the Shanghai skyline.B. The best places to view the seasonal spectacle.C. The walking path thathugs the Huangpu River.D. Must-try dishes and food items typical of Shanghai.CDragon boating is a team sport that has its root in ancient China. The boats are decorated with a dragon head and tail. In recent years cancer survivor groups have got involved in the sport to help make friends and help rebuild their lives.On a recent Saturday morning, a group of 20 women were on a boat in the Anacostia River in Washington DC. They moved their paddles(船桨)in rhythm to the call of a coach. The women belong to the dragon boat team GoPink! DC, which trains weekly. It also races against other breast cancer survivor teams in dragon boat festivals. As a result, GoPink! DC won medals in this Washington dragon boat festival.Lydia Collins joined five years ago after finding out she had breast cancer. “I was diagnosed with breast cancer.I was demoralized because of my illness - I lost all interest in life and wouldn't even get out of bed to eat. But now I love the team spirit. I just love everything about it. It is like a floating support group on the water.”The paddles are breast cancer survivors and their supporters. Annette Rothemel helped establish(建立)the group in 2006. She is a researcher with the National Institutes of Health as well as a breast cancer survivor. “It is sort of an easy entry sport because on the same boat people at different levels can be doing the same sport.” But Ms Rothemel saysdragon boating can be physically demanding, especially for someone who is sick and getting treatment for cancer.“It’s hard but I think you have to challenge yourself in life. This is something I look forward to. I get to be out here with my sisters and supporters that understand what I’m going through and help motivate me. So it makes me stronger and it makes me feel better,” another cancer survivor Rhonda Hartzel said.Annette Rothemel says the cancer survivors feel a sense of sisterhood and share good times when they paddle together. She says both feelings are treasured by the team.8. What do the underline wordsdemoralizedIn para.3 probably mean?A. depressedB. anxiousC. astonishedD. awkward9. What can we know about Lydia Collims from the text?A. she helps establish Go Pink !DCB. she tries to find a cure for the cancerC. she benefits from the dragon boat raceD. she gives up hope because of her illness10. How can the dragon boat race help the cancer survivorsA. forget their tough experiencesB. recover physically and mentallyC. get rid of the pains of their cancerD. enjoy their rest life without sufferings11. What does the text tell us about Annette Rothemel?A. she is an expert in studying the cause of the cancerB. she helps the cancer survivors in financial difficultiesC. she believes there is a healthful result from the dragon boat raceD. she thinks it unwise for the patient to join in the dragon boat raceDI’ve never been the kind of person to say, “it’s the thought that counts” when it comes to gifts. That was until a couple of weeks ago, when my kids gave me a present thatblew me away.For years now, I’ve been wanting to sell our home, the place where my husband and I raised our kids. But to me, this house is much more than just a building.In the front room, there’s a wall that has hundreds of pencil lines, marking the progress of my children’s growth. Every growth stage is marked in grey, with each child’s name and the date they were measured. Of all the objects and all the memories, it’s this one thing in a home that’s the hardest to leave behind. Friends I know have returned home after work only to discover their wall of heights has been freshly painted over. A new paint job wouldn’t normally be greeted by tears, but erasing that evidence of motherhood hurts more than it should. Our kids grow in so many ways, but the wall is physical evidence of their progress, right there for everyone to see. Over the years, I’ve talked about how much I would hate leaving that wall behind when I moved, even though the last marks were made 10 years ago when my kids stopped growing.So one day, while I was at work, my childrendecided to do something about it.They hired Jacquie Manning, a professional photographer whose work is about capturing (捕捉) the beautiful things in life, from clear lakes and skies to diamonds and ballgowns (舞会礼服).She came to our house while I was at work, and over several hours, took photos of the hundreds of drawings and lines, little grey fingerprints (手印), and old marks. Somehow, she managed to photograph all those years of memories perfectly. Afterwards, she put all the photos together into one image, transforming them into a beautiful history of my family.Three weeks later, my children’s wonderful gift made its way to me—a life-size photo of the pencil lines and fingerprints that represents entire lifetimes of love and growth.12. The underlined phrase in Para. I “blew me away” probably means “________”.A. attracted meB. surprised meC. accepted meD. refused me13. What does the house really mean to the author?A. A house.B. Buildings.C. An object.D. Memories.14. What surprised the friends I know after work?A. Finding the wall repainted.B. Erasing the fingerprints.C. Greeting them by tears.D. Leaving the wall unfinished.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Gift Made with LoveB. Buildings Made by ChildrenC. A Very Wonderful PaintingD. A Family History第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020-2021学年深圳市平湖中学高三英语上学期期中试题及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASwimming Holes in AmericaIn America, these secret swimming holes are hidden and hard to reach but well worth the adventure.Cummins FallsLooking for the best place to escape the summer heat in the heartland of America? For more than 100 years, Cummins Falls, a scenic,75-foot waterfall located in Jackson County, TN, has been a treasure for Tennessee natives. But now, the secret is out! Although it’s a bit tough to get to, once in the park, the mountains and river provide unmatched beauty on your way to taking a swim in Tennessee's eighth-largest waterfall.Sliding RockA popular place to cool off during those hot North Carolina summers, Sliding Rock waterfall is located in the Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County. A flattened rock about 60 feet lies in a nearly 7-foot-deep pool at the bottom, making this natural waterslide a great place to visit with people of all ages.Mooney FallsIt is the tallest water feature in the Grand Canyon, rising 190 feet above the surface. Named after an explorer in the 1800s, Mooney Falls is accessible only by crawling(爬)through 2 underground passages and then climbing down a sheer cliff(峭壁)face with just a couple of chains to hold on to. Although it is tough to get to, the view and the cool alone make it worth the trip.Lihue EstateA private swimming hole at the old Lihue Sugar Farm on Kauai, HI, was changed into an inner-tube water ride by Kauai Backcountry Adventures in 2003 and opened to adults. The waters for this 2.5-mile journey, which come from near the top of Mount Waialeale—one of the wettest spots in the world—are channeled through ditches(沟渠)that were hand-dug by farm workers over a century ago.1. Which hole may be the favourable destination for families?A. Lihue Estate.B. Sliding Rock.C. Mooney Falls.D. Cummins Falls.2. What can we learn about Mooney Falls from the text?A. It wasfound by an explorer.B. It was hand-dug in the 1800s.C. It is dangerous to arrive there.D. It is the tallest fall in the world.3. What is special about Lihue Estate?A. It is man-made.B. It is a private area.C. Its water is from underground.D. It lies on the top of Mount WaialealeBA company called Neuralink has shared a video which appears to show a monkey playing a video game, but what makes the video even stranger is that themonkey is playing the video game with just its mind.Neuralink is a company owned by Elon Musk, which is working to develop devices that could allow people to control things using just their brains. The monkey in the video is called Pager, having special "Link" devices inside his brain. These devices are connected to 2,048 wires which lead to the parts of Pager's brain that control movements of the arms and hands.Scientists taught Pager to play a video game using a banana juice as a reward when he playedthe game correctly. Soon Pager was eager to play well in order to get more smoothie. At first, Pager controlled the video game using a joystick (操纵杆). But as Pager played, his Link devices wirelessly sent out information about the signals his brain was using to control his arms and hands. Neuralink's scientists recorded all of these signals.Then they used computers to match up the signals from Pager's brain to the movements that his hands were actually doing. This was challenging work and the scientists counted on artificial intelligence (AI) to help them decode (解码) Pager's brain signals.The next step was to have a computer make moves in the video game as if Pager had actually moved the joystick. If Pager thought about moving the joystick up, the computer would send an "up"signal to the video game. Thus Pager was able to play the video game using just his brain.When people are paralyzed (瘫痪的), it's often because the brain has lost the ability to send signals to nerves and muscles in certain parts of the body. Neuralink hopes that one day, its system will be ableto send this information in a different way, allowing paralyzed people to use their arms or legs again.4. What does Neuralink aim to do?A. To make monkeys much smarter.B. To solve complex problems with monkeys.C. To create a device linking monkeys and people.D. To make people control things with their brains.5. How does the author introduce the process of the research?A. In order of time.B. By making a comparison.C. By giving examples.D. In order of space.6. What played an important role in the success of the research?A. The joystick.B. Artificial intelligence.C. The video game.D. The banana smoothie.7. Which is the most suitable title of the test?A. Neuralink Posts an Unusual VideoB. Disabled People Have a Bright FutureC. Monkey Plays Video Games with His MindD. Neuralink, a Creative and Competitive CompanyCThose who are concerned that robots are taking over the world can rest easy—for now. Though the androids have proved useful at performing ordinary tasks, they are not ready for the greatest time. At least that appears to be the case atJapan’s Henn-na Hotel chain where over half of the robot staff are being replaced by humans.The first location of the unique hotel opened in July 2015 was atNagasaki’s Huis Ten Bosch Theme Park. The hotel’s owner, Hideo Sawada, promised the hotel to be managed primarily by robots. Guests were greeted and checked-in by a dinosaur robot, while a cute android called Churi, placed inside each room, provided information about attractions. Not surprisingly, the lodging, recognized in 2016 as the world’s first robot-staffed hotel by Guinness World Records, drew in curious visitors from all around the world.But as the years have passed, the hotel’s main draw is becoming less novel and more unsatisfactory. Also as the robots are “aging”, they are costing more to repair. Among the 283 androids being replaced are the chain’s two dinosaur receptionists. In addition to scaring young guests, they are also unable to photocopy guests’ passports, forcing human employees to step in each time. Also out are the cute Churi robots, which annoyed guests by interrupting their conversations. For example, one guest told The Wall Street Journal that Churi mistook his snoring for a command and kept asking him to repeat his request all night.Sawada told The Wall Street Journal, “When you actually use robots you realize there are places where they aren’t needed—or just annoy people.” While Sawada may be cutting back on his use of androids, the recently-opened Smart LYZ Hotel and the Fly Zoo Hotel inChina, are run entirely by robots, with not a human in sight. Whether the employees have more competence than those “hired” by the Henn-na Hotel chain remains to be seen.8. What makesJapan’s Henn-na Hotel unique?A. Its robot employees.B. Its advanced equipment.C. Its convenient location.D. Its successful management.9. What is the author’s purpose with the example in paragraph 3?A. To entertain readers.B. To prove Churi’s drawback.C. To introduce Churi’s functions.D. To persuade people not to book the hotel.10. What does the owner ofJapan’s Henn-na Hotel think of his robot staff now?A. Attractive.B. Costly.C. Pioneering.D. Disappointing.11. What is the best title for the text?A. Robots Are Taking Over the World.B. The Boom of Robots-staffed Hotel.C. Robot Staff Are Fired For No Competence.D. The First Robots-staffed Hotel Won Guinness World Record.DAbout a month after I joined Facebook, I got a call from Lori Goler, a highly regarded senior director of marketing at eBay. She made it clear this was a business call. “I want to apply to work with you at Facebook,” she said. “Instead of recommending myself, I want to ask you: What is your biggest problem, and how can I solve it?”My jaw hit the floor. I had hired thousands of people over the previous decade and no one had ever said anything remotely like that. People usually focus on finding the right role for themselves, with the implication that their skills will help the company. Lori put Facebook’s needs front and center. It was a killer approach. I responded, “Recruiting is my biggest problem. And, yes, you can solve it.”Lori never dreamed she would work in recruiting, but she jumped in. She even agreed to trade earnings for acquiring new skills in a new field. Lori did a great job running recruiting and within months was promoted to her current job, leading People@Facebook.The most common metaphor for careers is a ladder, but this concept no longer applies to most workers. As of 2010, the average American had eleven jobs from the ages of eighteen to forty-six alone. Lori often quotes Pattie Sellers, who came up with a much better metaphor: “Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder.”As Lori describes it, there’s only one way to get to the top of a ladder, but there are many ways to get to the top of a jungle gym. The jungle gym model benefits everyone, but especially women who might be starting careers, switching careers, getting blocked by external barriers, or reentering the workforce after taking time off. Theability to create a unique path with occasional dips, detours (弯路), and even dead ends presents great views of many people, not just those at the top. On a ladder, most climbers are stuck staring at the butt of the person above.12. Why did Lori make the call?A. She helped Facebook to solve the biggest problem.B. She wanted to make a business deal with Facebook.C. She tried to ask for a pay rise in Facebook.D. She wanted to become an employee in Facebook.13. What impressed “I” by Lori?A. Lori was good at running recruiting.B. Lori attached great importance to Facebook’s needs.C. Lori jumped in Facebook with no adequate experience.D. Lori was skilled in marketing at eBay.14. What can we infer from the passage?A. Now all people don’t tend to climb the ladder.B. None on the ladder can enjoy the great views.C. Jungle gyms offer limited exploration for employees.D. A pregnant woman, jobless, benefits little from the jungle gyms.15. What is the best title of the passage?A. It’s a Jungle Gym, Not a Ladder.B. Facebook’s Biggest Problem.C. Applying for a Job in Facebook.D. A Jungle Gym is Better than a Ladder.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020-2021学年深圳市平湖中学高三英语下学期期中考试试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIf you are planning to visit the historic capital city of Scotland, Edinburgh, a travel destination that people crowd to from around the world, and want to attend one Festival while you are there, keep on reading to discover more information.AKA. Imaginate Festival When: 22 May – 2 June 2021Where: Traverse Theater, Assembly RoxyA festival where kids take overEdinburgh. With a whole range of free pop-up performances, take your kids to see some of the most inspiring theatre and dance from a whole range of talented performers.EdinburghInternational Film Festival When: 19 June – 29 June 2021Where: Film House, Festival TheaterOriginally the very best in international film, it was established in 1947. The dynamic programme features everything from documentaries to shorts, along with a range of experimental cinema, in an attractive setting with a spray of red carpet charm.EdinburghArt Festival When: 25 July – 25 August 2021Where: City ArtCenter, The Scottish GalleryWith over 40 exhibitions to attend, the Edinburgh Art Festival is theUK’s largest visual arts event where you can see everything from historical works to contemporary masterpieces.The RoyalEdinburghMilitary Tattoo When: 2 – 24 August 2021Where:EdinburghCastleWith a different theme every year, over 200,000 visitors crowd toEdinburghto see the military bands and the symbolic piper set against the backdrop ofEdinburghCastle.1. Who is the AKA. Imaginate Festival intended for?A. Children.B. Talented performers.C. Parents.D. Dancers.2. What’s special about Edinburgh Art Festival?A. It includes all forms of arts.B. It is about great works in history.C. It is the largest festival in the world.D. It lasts for the longest time.3. Which Festival offers performances by soldiers?A. Edinburgh Art FestivalB. AKA. Imaginate FestivalC. The RoyalEdinburghMilitary TattooD.EdinburghInternational Film FestivalBHumans have found an easy way to tell if others are lying. Recent research shows that the best way so far is being clever at how you ask questions and listen to the answers.Much of this research is based on the idea that telling a lie is simply harder mental work than telling the truth. Making up a story takes more effort than simply recording something that happened. And like a writer, a liar has to keep all the unreal details in his memory and sound believable when he explains them.One method that seems to work is asking them to tell their story in reverse order. This is harder when the story isn't true and makes it easier for you to tell they are lying. An even more basic way that helps is to just ask more questions, especially unexpected ones. Truth-tellers can easily find more to say, but it's a challenge for a liar to come up with something that's not in his prepared story.Researchers suggest that you shouldn't lay all your cards on the table at the start, but only gradually present what proof you have. The liars' stories may not agree with that proof, making it clear that they're lying.So it looks like there are ways to increase the chances of catching a liar; we've just been basing our methods on the wrong stories. Low-tech ways of causing people to make mistakes in conversation seem to work better than any science about eye movement or machines used to recognize a liar. To find a liar, watch less and listen more.4. Why does the author mention the writer?A. To show it's hard to make up lies.B. To show it's hard to recognise a liar.C. To show writers know liars best.D. To show writers are very clever.5. What do we know about liars?A. They often have much to say.B. They often ask many questions.C. They usually prepare a made-up story.D. They usually feel good about themselves.6. What advice is given to help people catch liars?A. Asking them to set their stories down.B. Presenting your proof one by one.C. Telling different stories to them.D. Letting them ask questions.7. Which can be the best title for the text?A. Why People LieB. How to Stop People LyingC. Low-tech Ways to Find a LiarD. LiarsAre Smarter than ThoughtCA company called Neuralink has shared a video where a monkey is playing a video game. That' s fairly unusual, but what makes the video even stranger is that the monkey is playing the video game with just his mind.The monkey in the video is called Pager who has two of Neuralink's special "Link" devices(装置)inside his brain. The devices planted in Pager's brain are connected to 2,048 wires which lead to the parts of Pager's brain that control movements of the arms and hands.Scientists taught Pager to play a video game. At first, Pager controlled the video game using a joystick it, which is a normal gaming controller. But as Pager played, his Link devices wirelessly sent out information about the signals his brain was using to control his arms and hands. Neuralink's scientists recorded all of these signals.Then they used computers to match the signals from Pager's brain to the movements that his hands were actually doing. This was the most difficult work and the scientists counted on artificial intelligence ( AI) to help them decode(解码)Pager's brain signals.The final step was to have a computer make moves inthe video game as if Pager had actually moved the joystick. If Pager thought about moving the joystick up, the computer would send an “up” signal to the video game.At first, the researchers let Pager keep moving the joystick with his hand, even though it was no longer connected to the computer. But soon Pager was able to play the video game using just his brain.Even though Neuralink's work right now focuses on animals and video games, there's a very serious purpose behind it. Neuralink wants to make it possible for humans who have lost the ability to make physical movements to interact with the world around them.8. What are “Link” devices used to do?A. To pick up the arms' and hands' signals.B. To link the computer to the monkey's brain.C. To send out information about the brain's signals.D. To control movements of the arms and hands.9. What challenged scientists most in the study?A. Recording and sending out body signals.B. Training Pager to use the joystick correctly.C. Planting "Link" devices into Pager's brain.D. Matching brain signals to body movements.10. What is Neuralink's real purpose of the study?A. To test artificial intelligence.B. To help those without arms or legs.C. To study how animals play video games.D. To develop more complex video games.11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Video Games for Animals Are Developed.B. Science Proves the Intelligence of Monkeys.C. Monkey Plays Video Games Using His Mind.D. Neuralink Is Leading the World in Technology.DThere is no such thing as a “safe" level of drinking, with increased consumption of alcohol associated with poorer brain health, according to a new study.In an observational study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, researchers from the University of Oxford studied the relationship between the self-reported alcohol intake of some 25,000 people in the UK, and their brain scans. The researchers noted that drinking had an effect on the brain's gray matter-regions in the brain that make up "important bits where information is processed," according to leadauthor Anya Topiwala, a senior clinical researcher at Oxford.“The more people drank, the less the volume of their gray matter,“ Topiwala said via email. "Brain volume reduces with age and more severely with dementia(痴呆症).Smaller brain volume also predicts worse performance on memory testing,“ she explained. "While alcohol only made a small contribution to this(0. 8%), it was a greater contribution than other "modifiable" risk factors," she said, explaining that modifiable risk factors are “ ones you can do something about, in contrast to aging.”The team also investigated whether certain drinking patterns, beverage types and other health conditionsmade a difference to the impact of alcohol on brain health. They found that there was no "safe" level of drinking-meaning that consuming any amount of alcohol was worse than not drinking it. They also found no evidence that the type of drink— such as wine, spirits or beer—affected the harm done to the brain. However, certain characteristics, such as high blood pressure, obesity or binge-drinking, could put people at higher risk, researchers added.The risks of alcohol have long been known:Previous studies have found that there's no amount of liquor, wine or beer that is safe for your overall health. Alcohol was the leading risk factor for disease and premature death in men and women between the ages of 15 and 49 worldwide in 2016, accounting for nearly one in 10 deaths, according to a study published in The Lancet in 2018.“It has been known for decades that heavy drinking is bad for brain health," Sadie Boniface, head of research at the UK's Institute of Alcohol Studies, said via email. "We also shouldn't forget alcohol affects all parts of the body and there are multiple health risks. ”12. What is the function of gray matter?A. Control the mount of alcoholB. Process informationC. Scan the brainD. Predict the performance on memory13. Which is NOT true in the following statements according to the study?A. Drinking alcohol is worse than not drinking.B. With people getting older, brain volume reduces.C. Alcohol was the major risk factor for disease and premature death.D. The less people drink alcohol, the more the volume of their gray matter.14. Which is one of the "modifiable" risk factors?A. SmokingB. AgingC. DeathD. Disease15. What is the main idea of the text?A. The mount of alcohol is not related to people's health.B. People drinking alcohol do harm to their brain health.C. People drinking alcohol lead to dementia.D. Theresa great deal of liquor, wine or beer that is safe for health.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
下列不属于控制无关变量的操作是( )A.验证光合作用能产生淀粉的实验中,首先将实验植物做饥饿处理B.验证温度影响酶活性的实验,先将每一组底物和酶溶液分别放在相同温度下适当时间后再混合C.验证光合作用需要光照的实验中,将叶片的一半用黑纸包住D.绿叶中色素的提取和分离实验中,制备滤纸条时剪去两角2.绿藻被认为是21世纪人类最理想的健康食品,螺旋藻(属蓝细菌)的藻蓝蛋白能提高淋巴细胞活性,增强人体免疫力。
下列关于绿藻和螺旋藻的叙述不正确的是()A. 二者的遗传物质都是DNAB. 绿藻和螺旋藻合成蛋白质的场所都是核糖体C. 电子显微镜下都能观察到核糖体和细胞膜D. 绿藻和螺旋藻的叶绿体都能进行光合作用3.下列有关变异及进化的叙述,正确的是()A. 生物因受环境的影响而产生的变异都是不能遗传的B. 乳酸菌内染色体复制时,可其进化提供选择材料C. 自然界中,某些染色体数目减半的生物具有可育性D. 生物体细胞发生的染色体变异属于不可遗传的变异4.水在生物体内的许多化学反应中充当()A.催化剂B.还原剂C.载体D.溶剂5.下图所示为大分子物质出入细胞的过程。
下列与此有关的叙述错误的是()A.a与b的发生均以膜的流动性为基础B.a与b都要消耗能量C. 细胞在进行b过程的同时膜成分也随之更新D.a与b的发生均以膜的选择透过性性为基础6.某开红花豌豆植株的一条染色体发生缺失且多了一条染色体,研究发现无正常染色体的花粉不育(无活性),在减数分裂时,三条染色体可以随机两两联会,剩余的一条随机移向一极,基因B控制红花,基因b控制白花。
2020-2021学年深圳市平湖中学高三英语上学期期中试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIn his 402nd anniversary year, Shakespeare is still rightly celebrated as a great language master and writer. But he was not the only great master of play writing to die in 1616, and he is certainly not the only writer to have left a lasting influence on theater.While less known worldwide, Tang Xianzu is considered one of Chinas greatest playwrights and is highly spoken of in that country of ancient literary and dramatic traditions.Tang was born in 1550 inLinchuan,Jiangxiprovince. Unlike Shakespeare's large body of plays,poems and sonnets (十四行诗), Tang wrote only four major plays: The Purple Hairpin, Peony Pavilion (《牡丹亭》), A Dream under the Southern bough, and Dream of Handan. The latter three were constructed around a dream narrative, a way through which Tang unlocked the emotional dimension of human desires and ambitions and explored human nature beyond the social and political limits of that time.Similar to Shakespeare, Tang's success rode the wave of a renaissance (复兴) in theater as an artistic practice. As in Shakespeare'sEngland, Tang's works became hugely popular inChinatoo. During Tang'sChina, his plays were enjoyed performed, and changed. Kunqu Opera, a form of musical drama, spread from southernChinato the whole nation and became a symbol of Chinese culture. Combining northern tune and southern music, kunqu Opera was known for its poetic language, music, dance movements and gestures. Tang's works benefited greatly from the popularity of kunqu Opera, and his plays are considered classics of kunqu Opera.While Tang and Shakespeare lived in a world away from each other, there are many things they share in common, such e humanity of their drama, their heroic figures, their love for poetic language, a lasting popularity and the anniversary during which we still celebrate them.1. Why is Shakespeare mentioned in the first paragraph?A. To describe Shakespeare's anniversary.B. To introduce the existence of Tang Xianzu.C. To explain the importance of Shakespeare.D. To suggest the less popularity of Tang Xianzu.2. What's possibly one of the main theme of Tang's works?A. Social reality.B. Female dreams.C. Human emotions.D. Political environment.3. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 4?A. The influence of Kunqu Opera on Tang's works.B. Tang's success in copying Shakespeare's styles.C. The way Kunqu Opera became a symbol of Chinese culture.D. Tang's popularity for his poetic language and music.BWe all use different ways to remember ideas, facts and things we need to store. Remembering is an extremely important part of our learning experience. Information process, storage and recall encourage purposeful learning.But the brain doesn’t store everything we want or need for future use. It makes choices and tends to remember information that forms a memorable pattern. Things you learned recently can be particularly difficult to remember because they haven’t taken root in your mind.“Forgetting allows us to remember what is really important to our survival. We forget much of what we read, watch, and think directly every day.” writes John Medina in his book, Brain Rules.How do you avoid losing 90%of what you’ve learned? An inspiring writer and speaker Zig Ziglar once said: “Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”Repetition has been a remembering skill for ages. When you hear or read something once,you don’t really learn it-at least not well enough to store the new information for long. The right kind of repetition can do wonders for your memory. People learn or remember better by repeating things or getting exposed to information many times. Othersrepeat particular steps or processes deliberately a number of times or even years to become better at certain skills.Daniel Coyle explains in his book, The Little Book of Talent:“...closing the book and writing a summary, even short ones, forces you to figure out the key points, process and organize those ideas so they make sense, and write them on the page. When you pick it back up weeks later, reread all of your notes or highlights to strengthen the ideas even further.”People learn by repeating things. Better learning is a repetition process. Every time we repetitively access something we already know, we increase the memory’s stored value.4. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A. The brain tends to store 90% of the things we learn.B. The fresher the information isthe easier to remember.C. Thinking is more important than remembering in study.D. The brain tends to choose and keep what it thinks important.5. How does the writer prove his opinion?A.By giving examples.B. By listing numbers.C. By borrowing words of experts.D. By providing scientific finding.6. What does Daniel Coyle want to say in his book?A. You can’t pay too much attention to repetition.B. Summarizing is a very effective learning tool.C. Forgetting forces human brain to make choices.D. Regular repetition helps to form good habits.7. Which do you think is the best title of the passage?A. How the Brain WorksB. Reading for MoreC. Fighting Against ForgettingD. Repeat to RememberCIt was five years ago that something unforgettable happened. My wife and I celebrated our 40thwedding anniversary that year. It was a lovely event hosted by our sons for us. My wonderful friends from the past surprised us with gifts and congratulations. Our gift to each other was a driving trip out west. We drove fromOntariointoAlberta, then southward intoGlacierNational ParkinMontana, and continued toYellowstoneNational Park.It was a cold spring day, and theBeartooth Highwayhad opened for the season just days before. Alongside the road, there was still a great amount of snow there. The scenery was so impressive that we made lots of stops to record memories with my camera. At the highest point of the highway, I stopped at a lookout to catch the amazing views, with my wife in the centre of my camera lens.There were not many cars on the road. Sometimes, cars with energetic young tourists passed by. And then we heard a motorcycle in the distance. The driver of the motorcycle, who wore dirty clothes, parked behind our cars. As he approached us, his only words were, “Give me your camera and get over there with your wife.” I must admit I felt nervous that we might be robbed where we just created some beautiful memories. Surprisingly, he just took a picture of us, handed back my camera and rode off before we could express our gratitude. The photo hetook is one of the most valuable and prized of our trip.I learned my lesson somewhere I least expected it. We should never judge a man by his appearance. If the motorcycle driver reads this story and remembers the situation, we would like to say “Thank you” to him.8. According to the passage, what do we know about the trip?A. It was taken by train to the west.B. It was a suggestion from their friends.C. It was in the late autumn five years ago.D. It was a gift for their wedding anniversary.9. Why was the author nervous when the motorcycle driver offered to take a picture?A. He could have lost the camera.B. His wife might not be satisfied with the view there.C. The motorcycle driver would borrow the camera.D. The motorcycle driver might not be good at the taking pictures.10. Which of the following best describes the driver of the motorcycle?A. Kind and straightforward.B. Rich and generous.C. Creative and capable.D. Careful and admirable.11. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage?A. No pains, no gains.B. Seeing is believing.C. Don’t judge a book by its cover.D. The longest journey begins with the first step.DIn order to develop the pandemic-stricken economy, China recovered the street vendors(商贩)in a new nation-wide method known as “street stall economy'', allowing residents to set up open-air shops on the sidewalks or other available public spaces.Street vendors were once an important part ofChina's economy and urban landscape. However, sinceChina's economy took off in the last decade, street vendors have gradually disappeared from the streets and many of them opened shops of their own.Fast forward to today, street vendors have come into our sight again after cities such asChengduand Yantai succeeded in creating hundreds of thousands of jobs by giving street stalls permission to operate.China's techindustry was quick to jump on the street vendor trend, with tech giants including Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan and flocking todish outcheap loans, offer support and payment solutions to millions of owners of newly established small businesses.Ant Financial, Alibaba's fintech arm, promised its mobile wallet app Alipay will give interest-free loans to 30 million vendors, and 70 billion RMB of interest-free credit line to consumers to make purchases everywhere, including street vendors. provided 50 billion RMB worth of quality goods for street vendors, and provided each one of them with a maximum 100,000 RMB interest-free loan to stock up.Tencent's WeChat announced to offer payment solutions, marketing supports and even training for up to 50 million street vendors, with the end goal of digitally transforming them to increase their income.Guangzhoucity partnered with WeChat this month to hold a live streaming shopping festival to improve sales of local produce. In attempts to promote various live streaming platforms, many tech CEOs also made their own live streamed e-commerce debuts(首次亮相)selling goods coming from all over the country.12. What does the underlined part “dish out" in Paragraph 3 mean?A. turn down.B. provide with.C. pay off.D. apply for.13. Compared with and Tencent, what unique measure did Ant Financial take?A. It provides interest-free loans for vendors.B. It offers interest-free credit line to customers.C. It provides quality goods for street vendors.D. It offers marketing support to businessmen.14. What's the purpose of the cooperation between WeChat andGuangzhoucity?A. To volunteer to train street vendors.B. To give away free goods to the poor.C. To promote to develop the local economy.D. To help CEOs make their own streaming platforms.15. What can be the best title for the text?A. Chengdu and Yantai Succeeded in Creating Job OpportunitiesB. "Street Vendor Economy” Greatly Increases People's IncomeC. The Whole Nation Are Involved in a New Economy ModelD.China's Major Tech Companies Are Helping With "Street Vendor Economy”第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2019-2020学年深圳市平湖中学高三英语期中试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt was a weeknight and one of my twin daughters marched into the room, waving a book she'd finished. “Dad, why are books with science in them always about boys?” she asked.I told her that simply wasn't true; there were loads of great science fictions with girls in them. She agreed, but argued that in those stories it was the boys who were doing science, and the girls were justalong for the ride. My other daughter took her sister's side and challenged me to give an example.This left me in a difficult position. I could either go through our library to point out some wonderful examples of female-led science fictions, or just admit they were right and remain in my comfortable chair.I've been asked several times how I came up with the idea forA Problematic Paradoxand my answer is always the same: it came to me in a moment of inspiration. I like that answer because it's simple and makes me seem very creative. The fact that this explanation is not true bothers me from time to time. Here's the truth: the story wasn't my idea. It was my daughters who suggested I write something for them that had a girl doing science.My daughters were at an age when many young women turn away from STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), believing those areas of study unfriendly or out-of-the-norm for girls. I also read about how important role models can be to young people. It's one thing to tell a person they can do something, but seeing someone like them doing that thing can be more powerful.So, I kept two guidelines for the book in mind: First, the story had to be fun for anyone, because it's as important for boys to understand that science is for everyone. Second, I wanted the main character, Nikola, to be imperfect. She should be someone with shortcomings as we all have. I think this not only makes a story more interesting to read, but also helps make it clear that the most extraordinary things can be done by ordinary people.1. What does the underlined phrase “along for the ride” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Entering a bike race.B. Offering vital help.C. Doing unimportant things.D. Playing the leading role.2. What do we know about the bookA Problematic Paradox1?A. Its main character is perfect.B. It is a female-led science fiction.C. It is intended to appeal to girls only.D. Its idea comes from the author's inspiration.3. Which of the following best describes the author's book?A. Serious and abstract.B. Simple and practical.C. Creative and well-organized.D. Inspiring and interesting.BI don’t think I can recall a time whenI wasn’t aware of the beauty of the ocean. Growing up inAustralia, I had the good fortune of having the sea at my side. The first time I went toHalfmoonBay,I suddenly had the feeling of not being able to feel the ground with my feet anymore.For my 10th birthday, my sister and I were taken out to theGreat Barrier Reef. There were fish in different color1 s, caves and layers of coral. They made such an impression on me. When I learned that only one percent ofAustralia’sCoral Seawas protected, I was shocked. Australian marine (海洋的) life is particularly important because the reefs have more marine species than any other country on earth. But sadly, only 45% of the world’s reefs are considered healthy.This statistic is depressing, so it’s important for usto do everything to protect them. The hope that theCoral Searemains a complete ecosystem has led me to take action. I’ve become involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea activity, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world. It would serve as a place where the ocean’s species will all have a safe place forever.Together, Angus and I created a little video and we hope it will inspire people to be part of the movement. Angus also shares many beautiful childhood memories of the ocean as a young boy, who grew up sailing, admiring the beauty of the ocean, and trying to find the secrets of ocean species.4. What can we learn about the author from the underlined sentence inPara. 1?A. He seldom went surfing at the sea.B. He forgot his experiences about the ocean.C. He never went back to his hometown.D. He had a wonderful impression ofHalfmoonBay.5. What is Australian marine life like according to the second paragraph?A. It is escaping from theCoral Seagradually.B. It depends on reefs for living greatly.C. It may be faced with danger.D. It is protected better than that in other oceans.6. What’s the purpose of The Protect Our Coral Sea activity?A. It is intended to contribute to a complete ecosystem.B. It is intended to prevent more marine species being endangered.C. It is intended to set up a large nature reserve for reefs.D. It is intended to raise more teenagers’ environmental awareness.7. Why do Angus and the author create a little video?A. To urge more people to take action toprotect the marine species.B. To inspire more people to explore the secret of the ocean.C. To share their childhood experiences about the ocean.D. To bring back to people their memory of ocean species.CWilliam had worked hard to pass the exams to enter high school. When the term began, however, his father told him that there was no money to pay for his school fees because of the summer drought. Still, William wanted to learn.He made the village library his school. One day, he found a book calledUsing Energy. On the book’s cover was a picture of windmills, tall steel towers with blades (叶片) spinning like giant fans. He learned that wind—something of which his hometown had plenty—could produce electricity.He couldn’t help picturing his own windmill in mind, but collecting the parts and tools he needed would take months. In a junkyard, he dug through piles of used metal, old cars, and worn-out tractors, searching for anything that might help him construct his machine. He made four-foot-long blades from plastic pipe, which he melted over a fire, flattened out, and hardened with bamboo poles.Earning some money, he paid a blacksmith to attach the piston (活塞) to the pedal sprocket (踏板链轮) of an old bicycle frame. This would be the axle (轮轴) of the windmill. When the wind blew, the spinning blades would turn the bicycle wheel and spin a small dynamo (发电机), donated by his friend.When he had collected all the parts, William began putting them together. He fixed the blades to the tractor fan he found, using washers (垫圈) he’d made from bottle caps. Next he pushed the fan onto the piston joint to the bicycle frame. With the help of his two best friends, Williambuilt a 16-foot-tall tower from trunks of trees and lifted the ninety-pound windmill to the top.The big moments eventually came. He climbed up the tower and connected two wires that held a small bulb. As the wind whipped around him, the blades began to turn, slowly at first, then faster and faster. The light bulb flickered (闪烁), then flashed to life. The crowd cheered from below. “Wachitabwina (well done)!”William’s machine now powered his house. And the story of the boy who’d built a power-generating windmill to rescue his family from the drought spread across the Internet.8. After readingUsing Energy, what did William decide to do?A. Make use of wind.B. Enter a high school.C. Build a village library.D. Learn to survive a drought.9. According to Para.3, which of the following word can best describe William?A. Humorous.B. Determined.C. Cooperative.D. Friendly.10. What can you learn about William’s machine?A. It was built by villagers.B. It worked at the first attempt.C. It took him years to complete it.D. It was made from metal materials.11. What is the besttitle for the passage?A. Winds Of HopeB. Ideas Worth SpreadingC. Learning from ExperienceD. Windmills for VillagesDAs I was walking home,a boy seemed to be singing a song in a very low voice,walking infront of me and carrying some of the same high school books I had with me.I caught up to him,and said “Hello”.I could tell he wasstartled,and dropped one of his books.I picked it up and as I handed it to him,he said “Thank you.” in a strange way,like witha strong accent.We soon began walking together and talking.It turns out he was in my science class,and I didn’t even know it!His name was Ahmad,and his family had just moved here this school year.He invited me into his house,and his family treated me like a special guest,which made me feel very welcome.He said hospitality (好客) is very basic to his culture,and strangers were always treated very kindly.His mom brought out some great food,and offered me some tea.Ahmad’s father and two sisters wanted to hearall about me and my family,and my schooling.Ahmad’s whole family had to leave their lifelong home because war had broken out,and it wasn’t safe there anymore.They left with only what they could carry.His family was happy to feel safe,and they got used toAmerican culture quickly.They seemed pleased that Ahmad had brought a friend home to meet them.And as my friendship with Ahmad has continued,I now realize that the world is so much bigger than I thought!I also realize that your friends don’t have to be just like you.Differences make the world go round.12. What does the underlined word “startled” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Excited.B. Moved.C. Surprised.D. Interested.13. Why was the writer treated like a special guest by Ahmad’s family?A. They liked strangers who came to their home for help.B. They wanted to know more information about the writer.C. Strangers were always treated very kindly in their culture.D. The writer was an American and knew much about their culture.14. Where does the writer probably come from?A. Canada.B. America.C. China.D. Australia.15. What can we learn from the passage?A. People from different countries can be good friends.B. Friends need different cultures and different accents.C. Your friends should have a lot of things the same with you.D. You can’t make friends with people from other countries.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2020年深圳市龙岗中学七年级(上)期中数学试卷题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分一、选择题(本大题共12小题,共36.0分) 1. -12的绝对值是( )A. −2B. −12C. 12D. 22. 数轴上,到-3对应点距离为5个单位长度的数是( )A. −8或1B. 8C. −8或2D. 23. 2007年中国月球探测工程的“嫦娥一号”卫星将发射升空飞向月球.已知地球距离月球表面约为384 000千米,那么这个距离用科学记数法(保留三个有效数字)表示应为( )A. 3.84×104千米B. 3.84×105千米C. 3.84×106千米D. 38.4×104千米4.城市 北京 武汉 广州 哈尔滨 平均气温/℃-4.63.813.1-19.4北京武汉广州 D. 哈尔滨 5. 下列计算正确的是( )A. −2÷(−12)=1 B. −12−13=−16C. −1+2=−3D. (−23) 3=−827 6. 下列各等式不一定成立的是( )A. 0−a =−aB. 1×a =aC. (−a)2=a 2D. 0÷a =07. 下列说法正确的是( )A. 平方是它本身的数只有0B. 立方是它本身的数只有±1C. 绝对值是它本身的数是正数D. 倒数是它本身的数是±1 8. 下列各式中,其中两项是同类项的是( )A. a 2b 和a 2cB. 2mn 和2mnpC. 0.2pq 和0.3pqD. 3a 3b 和2ab 3 9. 下列各式正确的是( )A. a −(b −c +d)=a −b −c +dB. a −2(b −c +d)=a −2b +2c +dC. a −(b −c +d)=a −b +c +dD. a −(b −c +d)=a −b +c −d 10. a 的平方的7倍减去3的差,应写成( )A. 7a 2−3B. 7(a 2−3)C. (7a)2−3D. a 2(7−3)11. 若要使得如图中平面展开图折叠成正方体后,相对面上的数互为相反数,则a +b +c 的值是( ) A. −2 B. 2 C. 4 D. 3 12. 若|a +1|+(b -2016)2=0,那么a b 的值是( )A. 1B. −1C. 2016D. 1或−113.如果盈利15万元记作+15万元,那么亏损3万元记作______ .14.若-23a2b m与4a n b是同类项,则m+n= ______ .15.按照如图计算转换机计算,输出结果为______ .16.观察下列图形,它们是按一定规律排列的,依照此规律,第16个图形共有______ 个★.三、计算题(本大题共3小题,共29.0分)17.计算题.(1)20-17-(-7)(2)3×(-2)-(-28)÷7(3)(19−16−118)×36(4)-23+3×(-1)2010-(-2)2.18.计算题.(1)-4x2y-8xy2+2x2y-3xy2(2)(7y-3z)-(8y-5z)19.如图,一个边长为a的正方形内画了一个圆,其直径也是a(1)用代数式表示图中阴影部分的面积.(2)当a=8,π取3时,阴影部分的面积是多少?20. 求代数式的值:4x 2+3xy -x 2-9,其中x =2,y =-3.21. 如图,这是一个由小立方块塔成的几何体的俯视图,小正方形中的数字表示该位置的小立方块的个数.请你画出它的主视图与左视图.22. “十•一”黄金周期间,九寨沟在7天假期中每天接待游客的人数变化如下表(正日期10月1日10月2日 10月3日 10月4日 10月5日 10月6日 10月7日 人数变化(万人) +1.6+0.8+0.4-0.4-0.8+0.2-1.4(2)七天内游客人数最大的是10月______ 日;(3)若9月30日游客人数为3万人,门票每人220元.请求出黄金周期间九寨沟门票总收入是多少万元?23. 请观察下列算式,找出规律并填空11×2=1−12,12×3=12−13,13×4=13−14,14×5=14−15 (1)则第10个算式是______ = ______ ,(2)第n 个算式是______ = ______ ,根据以上规律解答下题: (3)11×2+12×3+13×4+…+199×100.答案和解析1.【答案】C【解析】解:|-|=.故选:C.计算绝对值要根据绝对值的定义求解.第一步列出绝对值的表达式;第二步根据绝对值定义去掉这个绝对值的符号.此题考查了绝对值的性质,属于基础题,解答本题的关键是掌握负数的绝对值是它的相反数.2.【答案】C【解析】解:数轴上,到-3对应点距离为5个单位长度的数是:-3-5=-8或-3+5=2.故选:C.数轴上,到-3对应点距离为5个单位长度的数表示的点有可能在-3对应点的左边,也有可能在-3对应点的右边,据此求解即可.此题主要考查了数轴的特征和应用,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是熟记数轴上两点之间的距离的求法.3.【答案】B【解析】解:384000=3.84×105.故选B.确定a×10n(1≤|a|<10,n为整数)中n的值是易错点,由于384 000有6位,所以可以确定n=6-1=5.所以384000=3.84×105.一个近似数的有效数字是从左边第一个不是0的数字起,后面所有的数字都是这个数的有效数字.把一个数M记成a×10n(1≤|a|<10,n为整数)的形式,这种记数的方法叫做科学记数法.规律:(1)当|a|≥1时,n的值为a的整数位数减1;(2)当|a|<1时,n的值是第一个不是0的数字前0的个数,包括整数位上的0.4.【答案】D【解析】解:因为-19.4<-4.6<3.8<13.1,所以气温最低的城市是哈尔滨.故选:D.四个城市中,求气温最低的城市,即求这四个数中的最小数.根据有理数大小比较的方法可知结果.本题考查了有理数的大小比较在实际生活中的应用,体现了数学的应用价值.将实际问题转化为数学问题是解决问题的关键.5.【答案】D【解析】解A、原式=-2×(-2)=4,错误;B、原式=-,错误;C、原式=1,错误;D、原式=-,正确,故选D原式各项计算得到结果,即可作出判断.此题考查了有理数的混合运算,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.6.【答案】D【解析】解:A、原式=0+(-a)=-a,不符合题意;B、原式=a,不符合题意;C、原式=a2,不符合题意;D、当a=0时,原式没有意义,不一定成立,符合题意,故选D各项计算得到结果,即可作出判断.此题考查了有理数的混合运算,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.7.【答案】D【解析】解:A、平方是它本身的数有0和1,故本选项错误;B、立方是它本身的数有±1、0,故本选项错误;C、绝对值是它本身的数是正数和0,故本选项错误;D、正确.故选D.根据平方、绝对值、立方和倒数的有关概念分析,注意考虑特殊的数:0、±1.此题主要考查有理数的乘方、绝对值、倒数的有关概念,正确理解概念是关键.8.【答案】C【解析】解:0.2pq和0.3pq是同类项,故选(C)根据同类项的概念即可判断本题考查同类项的概念,属于基础题型.9.【答案】D【解析】解:A、原式=a-b+c-d,故本选项错误;B、原式=a-2b+2c-2d,故本选项错误;C、原式=a-b+c-d,故本选项错误;D、原式=a-b+c-d,故本选项正确;故选:D.根据去括号法则对四个选项逐一进行分析,要注意括号前面的符号,以选用合适的法则.本题考查去括号的方法:去括号时,运用乘法的分配律,先把括号前的数字与括号里各项相乘,再运用括号前是“+”,去括号后,括号里的各项都不改变符号;括号前是“-”,去括号后,括号里的各项都改变符号.运用这一法则去掉括号.10.【答案】A【解析】解:依题意得:7a2-3.故选:A.先计算a的平方的7倍,然后减去3.本题考查了列代数式.解决本题的关键是根据题意找出运算顺序,再根据题意列式.11.【答案】B【解析】解:这是一个正方体的平面展开图,共有六个面,其中面“2”与面“b”相对,面“-1”与面“a”相对,面“-3”与面“c”相对.∵相对面上的数互为相反数,∴a=1,b=-2,c=3,∴a+b+c=2.故选B.利用正方体及其表面展开图的特点解题.本题考查了正方体相对两个面上的文字,解答本题的关键在于注意正方体的空间图形,从相对面入手,分析及解答问题.12.【答案】A【解析】解:由题意得,a+1=0,b-2016=0,解得,a=-1,b=2016,则a b=1,故选:A.根据非负数的性质列出算式,求出a、b的值,根据乘方法则计算即可.本题考查的是非负数的性质,掌握当几个非负数相加和为0时,则其中的每一项都必须等于0是解题的关键.13.【答案】-3万元【解析】解:“正”和“负”相对,如果盈利15万元记作+15万元,那么亏损3万元记作-3万元.故答案为:-3万元.在一对具有相反意义的量中,先规定其中一个为正,则另一个就用负表示.本题考查了正数和负数,解题关键是理解“正”和“负”的相对性,确定一对具有相反意义的量.14.【答案】3【解析】解:由同类项的定义可知n=2,m=1,则m+n=3.故答案为:3.由同类项的定义可先求得m和n的值,从而求出它们的和.本题考查同类项的定义,注意同类项定义中的两个“相同”:相同字母的指数相同,是易混点,因此成了中考的常考点.15.【答案】32【解析】解:根据题意得:[(-3+3)×2-3]÷(-2)=,故答案为:把-3输入计算转换机中计算即可得到结果.此题考查了有理数的混合运算,弄清计算转换机中的运算是解本题的关键.16.【答案】49【解析】解:观察图形会发现,第一个图形的五角星数为:1×3+1;第二个图形的五角星数为:2×3+1;第三个图形的五角星数为:3×3+1;第四个图形的五角星数为:4×3+1;则第16个图形的五角星数为:16×3+1=49个五角星.对于找规律的题目首先应找出哪些部分发生了变化,是按照什么规律变化的. 本题是一道找规律的题目,这类题型在中考中经常出现. 17.【答案】解:(1)原式=20-17+7=10;(2)原式=-6+4=-2; (3)原式=4-6-2=-4; (4)原式=-8+3-4=-9. 【解析】(1)原式利用减法法则变形,计算即可得到结果; (2)原式先计算乘除运算,再计算加减运算即可得到结果; (3)原式利用乘法分配律计算即可得到结果;(4)原式先计算乘方运算,再计算乘法运算,最后算加减运算即可得到结果. 此题考查了有理数的混合运算,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键. 18.【答案】解:(1)原式=-2x 2y -11xy 2;(2)原式=7y -3z -8y +5z =-y +2z . 【解析】(1)原式合并同类项即可得到结果; (2)原式去括号合并即可得到结果.此题考查了整式的加减,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键. 19.【答案】解:(1)根据题意得:S 阴影=S 正方形-S 圆=a 2-(12a )2π=a 2-14πa 2;(2)当a =8,π=3时,S 阴影=64-48=16. 【解析】(1)由正方形面积减去圆面积表示出阴影部分面积即可; (2)把各自的值代入计算即可求出值.此题考查了代数式求值,以及列代数式,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.20.【答案】解:原式=3x 2+3xy -9,当x =2,y =-3时,原式=3×4+3×2×(-3)-9=-15.【解析】本题是代数式求值问题中一类常见的问题,题目中的未知数的值都已知,所以可以直接将它们代入原式求解即可.本题是代数式求值中最为直接的一类,求解时直接代入求解即可.21.【答案】解:如图所示:【解析】主视图有3列,每列小正方形数目分别为3,2,4;左视图有3列,每列小正方形数目分别为2,3,4.依此画出图形即可求解.本题考查实物体的三视图.在画图时一定要将物体的边缘、棱、顶点都体现出来,看得见的轮廓线都画成实线,看不见的画成虚线,不能漏掉.本题画几何体的三视图时应注意小正方形的数目及位置.22.【答案】a+2.4;3【解析】解:(1)若9月30日的游客人数为a万人,则10月2日的游客人数为a+2.4万人;故答案为:a+2.4.(2)七天内游客人数最大的是10月3日;故答案为:3.(3)[(3+1.6)+(3+1.60+0.8)+(3+1.60+0.8+0.4)+(3+1.60+0.8+0.4-0.4)+(3+1.60+0.8+0.4-0.4-0.8)+(3+1.60+0.8+0.4-0.4-0.8+0.2)+(3+1.60+0.8+0.4-0.4-0.8+0.2-1.4)]×220=(4.6+5.4+5.8+5.4+4.6+4.8+3.4)×220=34×220=7480(万元).答:黄金周期间九寨沟门票总收入是7480万元.第11页,共11页 (1)10月2日的游客人数为a+1.6+0.8.(2)分别用a 的代数式表示七天内游客人数,再找出最多的人数,以及对应的日期即可.(3)先求出七天游客人数再乘以220元,即可得黄金周期间该公园门票的收入. 本题考查正数和负数的知识,解题关键是要读懂题目,根据题目给出的条件,列式计算.23.【答案】110×11;110−111;1n(n+1);1n -1n+1【解析】 解:(1)由规律得:第10个算式为=;(2)第n 个算式为=;(3)原式=1+…=1=. 故答案为:;;;.(1)根据规律可得第10个算式为=; (2)根据规律可得第n 个算式为=; (3)根据运算规律可得结果.本题主要考查了数字的变化规律,发现规律,运用规律是解答此题的关键.。
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八下数学 期中测试卷
1、已知一个等腰三角形的两内角的度数之比为1:4,则这个等腰三角形顶角的度数为( )
A 、20°
B 、120°
C 、20°或120°
D 、36°
2、如图,木工师傅把边长90cm 的正三角形木板,锯出一个最大的正六边形的木板来,
这个正六边形DEFGHK 的边长为( )
A 、34cm
B 、32cm
C 、30cm
D 、28cm
3、如图,在等边三角形ABC 中,D 是AC 边上的中点,延长BC 到点E ,是CE =CD ,
则∠E 的度数为( )
A 、15°
B 、20°
C 、30°
D 、40°
4、如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠B =90°,DE 是AC 的垂直平分线,交AC 于点D ,
交BC 于点E ,已知∠BAE =10°,则∠C 的度数为( )
A 、30°
B 、40°
C 、50°
D 、60°
93x x 的整数解共有( )
A 、1个
B 、2个
C 、3个
D 、4个
6、已知点P (3-m ,m -1)在第二象限,则m 的取值范围在数轴上表示正确的是( )
A 、
B 、
C 、
D 、
7、不等式223127-<+-x x 的负整数解有( ) A 、1个 B 、2个 C 、3个 D 、4个
8、如图,直线y 1=x+m 与y 2=k x -1相交于点P (-1,1),则关于x 的不等式x+m>k x -1的解集是( )
A 、x ≥1
B 、x>-1
C 、x ≤-1
D 、x<-1
第8题 第9题 第10题
9、已知△ABC 在平面直角坐标系中的位置如图所示,将△ABC 向右平移6个单位,则平移后点A 的坐标是( )
A 、(-2,1)
B 、(2,-1)
C 、(-2,-1)
D 、(2,1)
10、如图,若正六边形ABCDEF 绕着中心点O 旋转α度后得到的图形与原来图形重合,则α的最小值为( )
A 、120°
B 、90°
C 、45°
D 、60°
11、如图,在△ABC 中,∠CAB =70°,在同一平面内,将△ABC 绕着点A 旋转到△AB ′ C ′ 的位置,使得CC ′∥AB ,则∠BAB ′等于( )
A 、40°
B 、35°
C 、34°
D 、32°
可作这样的格点正方形有( )
A 、4个
B 、3个
C 、2个
D 、1个
13、如图,在等腰△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠A =36°,BD ⊥AC 于点D ,则∠CBD = .
第13题 第14题 第16题
14、如图,∠ABC =50°,AD 垂直平方BC 于点D ,∠ABC 的平方线BE 交AD 于点E ,连接EC ,则∠AEC 的度数为 .
15、直线b x y +=2经过点)5,3(,则关于x 的不等式02≥+b x 的解集是 .
16、如图,直线与x 轴、y 轴分别交于A 、B 两点,把△AOB 绕点A 顺时针旋转90°后,得到△AO ′B ′,则点B ′的坐标为 .
17、(5分)已知不等式1625+<-x x 的最小正整数解是方程62
ax x 的解,求a 的值。
(1)分别写出甲、乙两厂的收费甲y (元)、乙y (元)与印刷数量x (本)的关系式;
19、(8分)如图,P 是正方形ABCD 内一点,AP =2,将△APB 绕点A 按顺时针方向旋转60°得到△AP ′B ′。
(1)作出旋转后的图形; (2)连接PP ′,求△APP ′的周长和面积。
20、(8分)如图①点A 、B 、C 、D 在同一直线上,AB =CD ,作CE ⊥AD ,BF ⊥AD ,且AE =DF 。
(1)证明:EF 平分线段BC ;
(2)若△BFD 沿AD 方向平移得到图②时,其他条件不变,(1)中的结论是否仍成立?请说明理由。
图① 图②
21、(8分)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠C =90°,AD 平分∠CAB ,DE ⊥AB 于点E ,若AC =6,BC =8,CD =3。
(1)求DE 的长; (2)求△ADB 的面积。
22、(9分)如图,在Rt △ABC 中,∠ACB =90°,D 是BC 延长线上的一点,线段BD 的垂直平方线EG 交AB 于点E ,交BD 于点G 。
(1)当∠B =30°时,AE 和EF 有什么关系?请说明理由;
(2)当点D 在BC 延长线上(CD<BC )运动时,点E 是否在线段AF 的垂直平分线上?
23、(9分)如图,在等腰△ABC 中,CH 是底边AB 上的高,P 是线段CH 上不与端点重合的任意一点,连接AP ,并延长交BC 于点E ,连接BP ,并延长交AC 于点F 。
(1)求证:∠CAE =∠CBF ; (2)求证:AE =BF ;
(3)以线段AE 、BF 和AB 为边构成一个新的三角形ABG (点E 与点F 重合于点G ),记△ABC 和△ABG 的面积分别为ABC ∆S 和ABG ∆S ,如果有点P 能使ABC ∆S =ABG ∆S ,求∠ACB 的取值范围。