





一、计算机与互联网技术(Computing and Internet Technologies)1. Algorithm(算法)- A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem.2. Artificial intelligence(人工智能)- The simulation of intelligent behavior in computers.3. Database(数据库)- An organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically.4. Encryption(加密)- The process of converting information intoa secret code to prevent unauthorized access.5. Firewall(防火墙)- A network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic.6. HTML(超文本标记语言)- The standard language for creating web pages and web applications.7. Network(网络)- A group of interconnected devices that can share resources and communicate with each other.8. Operating system(操作系统)- The software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.9. Software(软件)- The programs and operating information used by a computer.10. Virus(病毒)- A type of malicious software that can replicate itself and infect computer systems.二、通讯技术(Communication Technologies)1. Broadband(宽带)- A high-speed internet connection that can transmit large amounts of data simultaneously.2. Cellular network(移动通信网络)- A wireless network that allows mobile devices to connect to the internet.3. GPS(全球定位系统)- A navigation system that uses satellites to determine the precise location of a device or user.4. Modem(调制解调器)- A device that modulates and demodulates analog signals to enable digital data transmission over telephone or cable lines.5. Satellite(卫星)- An object that orbits around a planet or star and is used for communication or navigation purposes.6. Telecommunication(电信)- The transmission of information over long distances using electronic devices.7. Video conference(视频会议)- A communication session between two or more participants in different locations, conducted through video and audio transmissions.8. VoIP(网络电话)- Voice over Internet Protocol, a technology that allows voice communication over the internet.三、机器和设备(Machines and Devices)1. 3D printer(3D打印机)- A device that creates three-dimensional objects by adding layers of material.2. Drone(无人机)- An unmanned aerial vehicle that can be controlled remotely or autonomously.3. Robot(机器人)- A programmable machine that can perform tasks automatically or with human guidance.4. Sensor(传感器)- A device that detects and responds to physical inputs, such as light, heat, or motion.5. Smartphone(智能手机)- A mobile phone with advanced features and connectivity to the internet.6. Virtual reality(虚拟现实)- A computer-generated simulation that immerses the user in a virtual environment.7. Wearable device(可穿戴设备)- A technology device that can be worn on the body, such as a smartwatch or fitness tracker.8. X-ray machine(X射线机器)- A device that uses electromagnetic radiation to produce images of the internal structure of an object or body.四、能源与环境技术(Energy and Environmental Technologies)1. Biofuel(生物燃料)- Fuel derived from renewable biological sources, such as plant biomass or animal waste.2. Carbon footprint(碳足迹)- The amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, measured in units of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent.3. Renewable energy(可再生能源)- Energy derived from natural resources that are replenished, such as sunlight, wind, or water.4. Solar panel(太阳能电池板)- A device that converts sunlight into electricity.5. Sustainable(可持续发展的)- Describes practices and technologies that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.6. Waste management(废物管理)- The collection, transportation, and disposal of waste materials in an environmentally responsible manner.7. Wind turbine(风力发电机)- A device that converts wind energy into electricity.总结:通过学习科技英语词汇,我们可以更好地理解和应用科技知识,与他人进行有效的沟通和交流。







一、专业词汇1. 英语专业词汇的学习英语专业词汇是学科英语的基础,学生首先要掌握专业领域内最基本的词汇,并能够看懂专业文献中的术语。


2. 词组和惯用语的学习在学科英语中,很多专业领域都有自己独特的词组和惯用语,学生需要掌握这些词组和惯用语的用法,能够在实际的专业交流和写作中运用自如。

3. 词汇的应用学生要学会如何将所学的专业词汇应用到实际的写作、口语和阅读中,能够准确地理解和表达专业概念。

二、学科文献阅读1. 学科文献的特点不同学科的学术文献有着不同的特点,学生需要了解学科文献的结构特点、表达方式、逻辑关系等,才能够正确理解文献内容。

2. 阅读策略学生需要学会运用不同的阅读策略,比如预览、略读、精读等,更好地理解学科文献的内容。

3. 文献摘要和评论学生需要学会进行文献摘要和评论,能够准确地概括文献的主要内容,并对文献进行深入的思考和分析。

三、专业写作1. 专业写作的基本要求学科英语中的专业写作要求严谨、准确、清晰,学生需要遵循学术写作的规范和格式,如论文的结构、段落的组织、用词的准确性等。

2. 科技论文写作科技论文是学科英语中的重要写作形式,学生需要学会撰写学术论文的摘要、引言、正文、结论等部分,同时还要学会使用科技论文的标准格式和文献引用格式。

3. 专业报告和演讲在学科英语课程中,学生还需要学会进行专业报告和演讲,能够通过口头表达将自己的专业知识和观点传递给他人。

四、专业口语1. 专业会话在学科英语课程中,学生需要掌握一定的专业会话能力,比如能够进行专业交流和讨论,能够进行专业问答等。


第三 , 科 技 英 语 学 习 的句 法 部 分 , 涉 及 方 面 也 比较 多 。 大 多 数 外行 会 认 为科 技英 语 的翻 译 只 是 逻 辑 分 析 ,其 实科 技 英 语 的 翻译不仅仅如此 , 它 也 有 多 方 面 的要 求 。科 技 英 语翻 译 中也 要 有 美 学取 向, 即在翻译 中对语言进行恰如其分的润饰 , 还 有虚实互 化现象 , 取词义 、 引伸义、 化虚为实等 。 其 次, 再 浅 谈一 点科 技 英 语 的 写作 心 得 。 我们很 多科 技人 员对于 中文 的写作 是非常熟练的 ,可是当 需要把科研 成果对 国际发 布或参加 国际会 议进行英语 交流 时, 满 脑子的知识却无法 张 口。这种现象 即使在 今天 信息交流很发 达 的 时代 也 经 常 发 生 。 写 作英 文 论 文 , 切记不可先写中文再翻译成英文 , 一 定 要 养 成用英文思维、 用 英 文 下 笔 的 习惯 。特 别 是 发 表 在 外文 杂 志 上 的
在世 界越 来 越 全 球 化 的今 天 ,任 何 一 个 国家 想 要 在 科 学 技 术上不落人后 , 就必须 时刻与学术前沿 同步, 而英语作为一种在世 界得到广泛应用的语言, 用于对别国学术信 息的获取 、 交流有着举 足轻重的作用。所以, 科技英语的学习有着十分重要的作用 。 科技英语 ( E n g l i s h f o r S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y , 缩写为 E S T ) 主要是指科学家、 技术人员、 工程师等交换或交流其专业意见、 发明 创造 、 信息、 数据、 实验报告或实验过程 中所使用的语言。在文体上 应 该精确 、 简明、 严谨, 内容上 经 常包 括数 学 公式 、 图表 等 , 措辞 上常 使用典型的句式及大量的的专业或半专业术语[ 1 1 。 科技英语 的本科教学对巩 固基础英语教学、 加强和完善专业 英语教学、 提高学生实际语言运用能力有着重大的现实意义 。实 际 上 对 未 来 从 事 科 学 研 究 的 人 员 来 说 , 它 比 基 础 英 语 的 针 对 性 和使用性更强。科技英语在使用范围、 表达方 式、 修辞性能 、 词意 和词源方面有与基础英语不 同的 自身特点 。科技英语语体朴实 无华 , 以交待清楚事实 为 目的 , 重视交待逻辑关 系, 篇章结构紧 凑严密 , 表达简洁、 清晰 , 强调客观性 , 科技英语教材 的内容一般 都涉及多种学科, 词汇量大, 且具有各学科专业特色 。 首先, 先谈一下关于科技英语 中“ 翻译 ” 的心得 。 对于我们在高校从事科学技术专业工作 的教师来说 ,做科 研 要 参 考 很 多前 辈 或 前 人 经 验 ,特 别 是 对 于 国外 经 验 的索 取 很 重要 , 这 就 涉 及 到 英 语 的 翻译 问题 。科 技 文献 的 英译 汉 , 虽然 不 像 翻 译 文 学 小说 那 样 , 要 译 出感 情 色 彩 , 但 要 求 表 达 原 文 的 确切 含 义是 必须 的 。 从语 法 角 度 来 看 , 只要熟练分析句子 , 按 原 文 忠 实译 出 , 似 乎不 难 做 到 。可 是 在 实 际 翻译 过 程 中却 常 出 差错 。有 时语 句 不 顺 , 有 时逻 辑 不 通 , 甚 至 是 非 颠倒 , 铸 成大 错 圆 。 第一 , 科技英语 的翻译不仅仅是专业单词意义 的记忆。比如 单词p r o p e r t y , 平 时 翻 译 的 意 思 为“ 财产 , 所有 权 ” 之意 , 但 在 科 技 英 语 的文 章 里 却 ‘ 属性 , 性质 ” 第二 , 科 技 术 语 的形 成和 扩 展 非 常 多 样 。从 非科 技 英 语 转 化 为科技英语 , 通过 构词法 、 词组构成法 创造科技术语 , 而 且 伴 随 着 科学技术的不断更新与进步 , 新 的科技术语也在不断 出现 , 因 此 仅仅 学 习掌 握 科 技 英 语 的词 汇 部 分 就 不容 易 。


Eg1. Different topics will require the use of different information sources, but there are a number of reference tools that every student should be able to use with ease.
The method used in our study is known as…
语 The technique we applied is referred to as…

The procedure they followed can be briefly described as… The approach adopted extensively is called…
(4)正文 body 正文是科技文章的主体,是科学分析和实验论证的过程 反映,经常使用各种图表、公式论证作者的观点。
表:Table; 图:Figure/Diagram/Graph/view/Flow Diagram/Chart/Frame Figure; 公式、算式、方程式:Formula/Equation; 如图A所示,如表B所示:As it is shown in Fig. A,
特 Detailed information has been acquired by the authors using…
征 The research has recorded valuable data using the newly-developed
This is a working theory which is based on the idea that…



高考英语科技文章词汇2020.7 【写在前面的话】备考高考英语阅读理解科技报道类型文章,需要熟练掌握科技主题文章行文特点与词汇习惯。


subject 研究对象sample (抽查的)样本,样品;(化验的)取样,样本;样品,货样model 型号business model 商业模式computer modelling 使用计算机建立模型,以解释事理Companies intentionally discontinue support for older models.model sth. on/after sth.to make sth. so that it looks, works, etc. like sth. else 模仿;仿照The country's parliament is modelled on the British system.这个国家的议会是模仿英国的体制建立的。

patternA UK expert said that could explain different patterns in flu pandemics. individual differences 个体差异version 版本latest versionthe control 控制组(对照组)layer: 层several layers of materialspresent 给present…with…suggest: show, indicatecontext:背景dose: 一剂,一服; 一份; 一次; 一点;例如:one dose of penicillinHIV-negative HIV病毒检测结果为阴性,说明没有感染HIV。

HIV-positive 病毒检测结果为阳性an alternative toanti-anti-theft; anti-air systemcollect: 取出collect objects accidentally taken inpresentation: 演示disorder: a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning 失调;紊乱;不适;疾病The doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder.severe mental disorder 严重心理疾病rate:1.[C] 速度;进度a measurement of the speed at which sth. happensMost people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.大多数人步行的平均速度为每小时5公里。

科技英语翻译总结(刘文东 亲自整理)

科技英语翻译总结(刘文东 亲自整理)
The translation of English for science and technology.
————edited by Liu Wendong Time:2012-12-3 13:03:54
’s do some translation first. (Take out a sheet of scratch paper, please.) 一、 Now let let’
第 1 页 共 10 页
the superiority (优势)of A to B the relationship of A to B the attraction(引力)of A for B the susceptibility (磁化系数)of A to B the sensitivity (敏感性)of A to B the applicability (适用性)of A to B the perpendicularity (正交性)of A to B the immunity (免疫力)of A to [from] B the familiarity (熟悉、亲密)of A with B 2. The “noun” comes from an intransitive(不及物的) verb, in which case “A” is the logical subject of the logical action expressed by the “noun.” Translation pattern: “A。 。 。B 的~” 例:This curve shows the dependence of the output on [upon] the input. 译:该曲线画出了输出对于输入的依赖关系。 例:图 1 画出了电流随阻抗的变化情况。 译:Fig. 1 shows the variation of current with impedance (as a function of impedance)(the graph of current against impedance.)(versus[vs.] impedance.) the passage (走廊、通路)of A through B the motion of A round [around] B the departure of A from B the deviation of A from B 偏离 the reaction of A to B the interaction of A with B 3.A special case: the increase/reduction (decrease)[rise (fall)] in [of] A with B 译:“A 随 B 的~” 4.The “noun” comes from a transitive verb, in which case “A” is the logical object of the action expressed by the “noun.” ” is put into a transitive verb so that the “V-O ” pattern is Translation technique: The “noun noun” V-O” used. 例:In solving the problem, the resolution of this force into x- and y-components is necessary. 译:在解这个题的时候,需要把这个力分解为 x 分量 y 分量。 例:Gradually, the usefulness of microprocessors as central processing unit was realized. 译:人们逐渐地实现了把微分处理器用作中央处理器。 a comparison of A with B the transformation of A into [to] B the use of A as B the exposure of A to B the separation of A from [into] B the protection of A from B the isolation of A from B the transfer of A to B the conversion of A to [into] B 三、what 从句 what 从句属于名词性从句,它可以作主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句。what 在引导 名词性从句时被称为连接代词,它在从句中充当句子成分。 (1)what 在从句中表示疑问词的含义,把它翻译成“什么”,“何”,“哪个”,“哪些”,“多大”等。 例:What particular properties this kind of particle has had not been found out. 译:尚没有发现这种粒子有什么样的特殊性质。



科技英语翻译重点句子总结1、P23 【例1】时态翻译The waster radiation is revolutionizing X-ray science, enabling researchers to see things on an atomic level with eyes that are a million times more powerful than ever before.这种歧视为废物的辐射使X射线科学发生了一场革命:它使科研工作者能用眼睛看到原子级的东西,这一放大率比以往提高了100万倍。

2、P24 【例3】虚拟语气If the reaction took hours, and not seconds, the fuel costs would be prohibitive.如果这一反应要花费数小时,而不是几秒钟,燃料费就太高了。

3、P24 【例6】虚拟语气Moving parts of a machine would wear much more rapidly without being oiled.机器的运动部件如果不加油就会磨损的非常快。

4、P24 【例7】祈使句Keep the batteries in dry places, and electricity may not be made to leak away.(如果)把蓄电池放在干燥的地方,就不会漏电。

5、P25 【例12】被动语态In other words mineral substances which are found on earth must be extracted by digging, boring holes, artificial explosions, or similar operations which make them available to us.换言之,矿物就是存在于地球上,但须经过挖掘、钻孔、人工爆破或类似作业才能获得的物质。



科技英语翻译中篇第一章科技英语翻译常用技巧1.Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the later.气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。

2.The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。

3.The flowing of current first in one direction, and then in another makes an alternatingcurrent.电流先向一个方向流动,然后又向另一个方向流动构成交流电。

4.If we were ignorant of the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to studynuclear physics.我们如果不知道原子的结构,就不可能研究核子物理学。

5.Both of the substances are not soluble in water.这两种物质都不溶于水。

6.Whenever one body touches another, heat always passes by the conduction from thewarmer to the colder.当一个物体接触到另一个物体时,热量总是从较热的物体传导到较冷的物体。

7.All of this proves that we must have a profound study of properties of protein.所有这一切证明,我们必须深入的研究蛋白质的特性。

8.The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the development ofscience and technology.电子计算机的广泛应用对科学和技术的发展有极大的影响。



Unit onemilitary军事的,军用的geometry几何学trigonometry三角学algebra代数学variable quantity变量proposition命题postulate假设.假定electromagnetism电磁学Unit TwoVirtualization虚拟Unit Threeconfiguration配置topology拓扑学interoperability互操作性Unit fouranalog electronics 模拟电子技术transistor双极型晶体管amplification放大semiconductor半导体current 电流bipolar 双极型emitter(E) (晶体管的)发射极base(B) (晶体管的)基极collector(C) (晶体管的)集电极switch 开关voltage 电压gain 增益saturated饱和的load 负载grid(G)(MOS管的)栅极drain(D)(MOS管的)漏极source(S)(MOS管的)源极enhancement MOS transistor增强型金属氧化物半导体(MOS)晶体管MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) exhausted MOS transistor耗尽型金属氧化物半导体(MOS)晶体管bias circuit 偏置电路operational amplifier circuit运算放大电路rectification整流regulation稳压DC power supply 直流电源mother board主板,母板wafer 晶片integrated circuit(IC) 集成电路package 封装pin 引脚stripboard 条形焊接板breadboard 面包板anti—clockwise 逆时针方向notch凹槽solder 焊接heat sink 散热片chip holder 芯片插座screwdriver 螺丝起子Unit Fivedigital logic circuit 数字逻辑电路high level 高电平low level 低电平rectangular wave方波digital electronics 数字电子技术decimal 十进制binary 二进制octal 八进制hexadecimal十六进制algebra 代数学variable 变量gate门电路combinational logic circuit组合逻辑电路encoder 编码器decoder 译码器data selector 数据选择器numeric comparator 数值比较器parity checker奇偶校验器output expression 输出方程flip-flop 触发器sequential logic circuits时序逻辑电路register 寄存器counter 计数器driving equation 驱动方程state equation 状态方程sequential chart 时序图civil 民用的military 军用的D-FF(D-flip-flop) D触发器trigger 触发positive edge 上升沿asynchronously异步地simultaneously同步地frequency division 分频arbitrary任意的cascade 级联Unit Seveninformation 信息waveform 波形pulse 脉冲amplitude 振幅,幅度phase 相位,位相modulation 调制,调整,调节demodulation 解调detection 检测carrier 载波trapezoidal梯形的envelope 包络index 指数over-modulation 过调制baseband 基带analog 模拟sample 取样digitize 使(数据)数字化(黑体要求拼写其余要求面熟----WZQ)Unit Two Passage AComputer Problem SolvingThe hardware of虽然一部计算机的硬件能够被使用,但是没有组成电脑软件的程序就不能做任何事情. It’s crucial to understanding how software works in a modern computing system.。



科技英语作文总结In the realm of English composition, technology has become an indispensable subject that not only shapes our daily livesbut also influences the way we communicate and learn. As we delve into the topic of technology in our essays, we uncover several key areas that are essential to explore.1. The Evolution of Technology:The first aspect to consider is the historical development of technology. From the invention of the wheel to the digital age, each technological leap has transformed society in profound ways. Essays can trace these developments,highlighting the milestones that have shaped our modern world.2. Impact on Communication:The advent of the internet and social media hasrevolutionized how we interact. English compositions can discuss the positive and negative impacts of these platformson interpersonal communication, including the rise of digital literacy and the potential for misinformation.3. Technological Advancements in Education:Education has been significantly impacted by technology.Online learning platforms, digital textbooks, and virtual classrooms are now commonplace. Essays can analyze how these tools have changed the learning process, the benefits of remote education, and the challenges it presents.4. Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work:Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in technology. English compositions can speculate on the future of work in the age of AI, discussing how automation might change job markets, the skills needed for the workforce of tomorrow, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI.5. Environmental Implications:Technology's environmental footprint is a critical issue. Essays can examine the role of technology in bothcontributing to and mitigating climate change, exploring renewable energy sources, and the sustainable practices adopted by tech companies.6. Privacy and Security:With the rise of technology comes the issue of privacy and security. English compositions can delve into the challenges of maintaining privacy in a digital age, the importance of cybersecurity, and the measures taken by governments and corporations to protect user data.7. The Digital Divide:The digital divide is a global issue where access to technology is unequal. Essays can discuss the social and economic implications of this divide, the efforts to bridge the gap, and the role of technology in promoting global equality.8. Technological Innovations in Healthcare:Healthcare has been greatly enhanced by technology, from telemedicine to advanced prosthetics. English compositionscan explore how these innovations have improved patient care, the ethical considerations of medical technology, and the future of healthcare.9. The Role of Technology in Creativity:Technology has also played a significant role in the arts, from digital art to music production software. Essays can discuss how technology has expanded creative possibilities and the impact on traditional art forms.10. The Ethical Debates Surrounding Technology:Finally, English compositions can engage with the ethical debates surrounding technology, such as the implications of surveillance, the responsibility of tech companies, and the balance between innovation and regulation.In conclusion, technology is a multifaceted subject that offers a wealth of topics for English composition. By examining these areas, students can develop a nuanced understanding of the role technology plays in our world and the implications for the future.。



在了解了科技英语词汇的构词特点后, 相信大家对科技词汇有了更深的了解,下 面就让我们了解一下科技词汇的一些翻技 巧。
二、科技英语词汇的 翻译技巧
1 、针对不同领域,合理翻译 2、词类的转换 3、词义的引申、具体及省略 4、词汇的增减法 5、词汇的反义法 6、词汇的分译法 7、词汇的释义法
反译法:就是正话反说以及反话正说。 We are almost home, we will be there in no time. 我们快到家了,马上就要到了。 He lived in an insecure building. 他住在一座危楼中。
分译法:为了使译文合乎译入语的表达习 惯而将原文中个别的词分解开来单独译出。 Imagine that you step into a shopping mall and a spy immediately begins tracking you every move. 想象一下:当你步入商厦,一个间谍立即 尾随而来,监视你的一举一动。
词根 +派生词缀 (前缀和后缀 )
词根是派生词的基础 ,同一词根加不同 的派生词缀可以表示不同的意义 ,还可以表 示不同的词性 。
EG: 前缀 anti - (反、抗、防 )加在词根前可构 成 anti - smog (防烟雾 ) , anti - body (抗体 ) 等; 前缀 micro - (微观、微 )加在词根前可构 成 microeconomics (微观学 ) ,microwave(微 波 )等 ; 后缀 - logy (表示某种学科 )加在词根后可 构成 futurology (未来学 ) , ecology (生态 学 ) , anthropology (人类学 )等。



科技英语知识点总结Artificial Intelligence (AI)Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the most talked-about and influential technologies in recent years. AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. This can be achieved through processes such as natural language processing, reasoning, problem-solving, and machine learning.One of the most significant advancements in AI is the development of deep learning algorithms, which have revolutionized the field of machine learning. Deep learning algorithms are capable of learning from large amounts of data and identifying patterns and insights that were previously undetectable. This has led to breakthroughs in a wide range of applications, including image and voice recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics.Another important area of AI is the development of autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars and drones. These systems use AI and machine learning to navigate and make decisions without human intervention, and they have the potential to revolutionize transportation and logistics in the near future.The use of AI in healthcare is also a rapidly growing area of research, with applications ranging from disease diagnosis and treatment recommendations to drug discovery and personalized medicine. AI has the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs, making it a key focus for researchers and industry leaders alike.BiotechnologyBiotechnology is another field that has seen rapid advancements in recent years, with numerous breakthroughs in areas such as gene editing, synthetic biology, and regenerative medicine. These developments have the potential to transform healthcare, food production, and environmental sustainability.One of the most significant breakthroughs in biotechnology is the development of CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing technology that allows scientists to make precise changes to the DNA of living organisms. This has opened up new possibilities for treating genetic disorders, curing diseases, and engineering crops with improved traits.In the field of synthetic biology, researchers are working to create new biological systems and organisms with novel functions. This has the potential to revolutionize the production of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and biofuels, and it could lead to the development of entirely new materials and products.Regenerative medicine is another area of biotechnology that is advancing rapidly, with the goal of replacing or regenerating damaged tissues and organs. Scientists are makingprogress in the development of techniques such as tissue engineering, stem cell therapy, and organ transplantation, which could have a profound impact on the treatment of diseases and injuries in the future.RoboticsRobotics is a field that has evolved significantly in recent years, with advancements in areas such as humanoid robots, exoskeletons, and collaborative robots (cobots). These technologies have the potential to change the way we live and work, by performing tasks that are dangerous, tedious, or beyond the capabilities of humans.One of the most significant advancements in robotics is the development of humanoid robots that can perform complex tasks in unstructured environments. These robots are designed to mimic human movements and behaviors, and they have applications in areas such as healthcare, disaster response, and manufacturing.Exoskeletons are another important area of research in robotics, with the potential to enhance human physical abilities and improve quality of life for individuals with mobility impairments. These wearable robotic devices can assist with walking, lifting heavy objects, and performing other tasks that require strength and endurance.Collaborative robots, or cobots, are a new generation of robots that can work alongside humans in a safe and efficient manner. These robots are designed to be flexible, easy to program, and adaptable to different tasks, making them well-suited for applications in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare.Internet of Things (IoT)The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interconnected devices that can communicate, collect data, and perform tasks without human intervention. This technology has the potential to transform industries such as agriculture, energy, transportation, and healthcare, by enabling the collection and analysis of large amounts of data from sensors and devices. One of the key advancements in IoT is the development of smart cities, which use IoT technologies to improve efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life for residents. Smart cities may include features such as smart traffic management, energy-efficient buildings, and connected healthcare systems, all of which can lead to significant improvements in urban living.Another important area of IoT is the development of connected healthcare devices, such as wearable fitness trackers, remote monitoring systems, and smart medical devices. These technologies have the potential to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and enable more personalized and proactive approaches to healthcare.The use of IoT in agriculture is also a rapidly growing area of research, with applications such as precision farming, smart irrigation systems, and remote monitoring of crops andlivestock. These technologies can help farmers to improve productivity, conserve resources, and optimize the management of their operations.CybersecurityCybersecurity is a critical area of focus in today's interconnected world, with the proliferation of cyber threats and attacks posing significant risks to individuals, businesses, and governments. Key knowledge points in cybersecurity include the understanding of common cyber threats, best practices for securing devices and networks, and the importance of data privacy and protection.One of the most important aspects of cybersecurity is the need to protect against a wide range of cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Understanding these threats and how they can be prevented and mitigated is essential for individuals and organizations to protect themselves from the potential consequences.Another key knowledge point in cybersecurity is the importance of securing devices and networks against unauthorized access and exploitation. This includes implementing strong passwords, using encryption, keeping software and firmware up to date, and using security controls such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems.Data privacy and protection are also critical aspects of cybersecurity, with the need to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, disclosure, and misuse. This includes understanding regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and ensuring compliance with these and other relevant laws and standards.Ethical and Social ImplicationsAs science and technology continue to advance, it is important to consider the ethical and social implications of these advancements, and to ensure that they are used in ways that are beneficial and responsible for individuals, societies, and the environment.One of the key knowledge points in this area is the understanding of ethical considerations in the development and use of technologies, such as AI, biotechnology, robotics, and IoT. This includes considerations such as transparency, fairness, accountability, and the potential impacts on individuals and communities.Another important aspect of ethical and social implications is the need to think critically about the potential consequences of technological advancements and to consider how they may affect different groups of people, including those who may be vulnerable or marginalized. This includes understanding issues such as privacy, equity, accessibility, and the potential for unintended consequences.In addition to ethical considerations, it is important to consider the social and environmental impacts of technology, including issues such as sustainability, resourceconservation, and the potential for technologies to have positive or negative effects on the natural world and the global ecosystem.Future PredictionsLooking ahead, there are several key trends and predictions for the future of science and technology that are important to be aware of, including the continued growth of AI and machine learning, the increasing convergence of technologies, and the potential for new breakthroughs in areas such as quantum computing and nanotechnology.One of the key predictions for the future is the continued growth and expansion of AI and machine learning technologies, with the potential for further breakthroughs in areas such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, and natural language processing. These advancements have the potential to transform numerous industries and applications, including healthcare, finance, and transportation.The convergence of technologies is another important trend to watch, with the potential for new synergies and collaborations between different fields such as AI, biotechnology, robotics, and IoT. This convergence has the potential to unlock new possibilities and create new opportunities for innovation and discovery.Finally, there is significant potential for new breakthroughs in areas such as quantum computing, nanotechnology, and materials science, which could lead to significant advancements in computing power, materials design, energy storage, and other critical areas of research and development.In conclusion, the field of science and technology is constantly evolving, with new advancements and breakthroughs occurring at a rapid pace. By staying informed about the latest developments and trends in areas such as AI, biotechnology, robotics, IoT, cybersecurity, and ethical and social implications, individuals and organizations can remain competitive and informed in today's fast-paced world.The future of science and technology holds promise for exciting new discoveries and innovations, and by staying ahead of the curve, individuals can ensure that they are well-positioned to take advantage of these opportunities and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and progress in the years to come.。


=progmm+叫tomatic(能自动编制程序的),air- veyor=air+conveyor(空气传送机),WTO=
line,t11e moVement of
large volumes of ga∞s over旷eat
姐ti—dazzle rnj啪r(防眩镜),粕ti—oxjdaIlt(抗氧
成mic眦conolllics(微观经济学),Inicmwave(微 波)等;前缀眦cm一(大、宏观)加在词根前可构 成m战r∞conomics(宏观经济学),mcms咖ctu陀
t00tllpick(牙签),们id min(酸雨),cold

of tlle newly—built
合成法,即将两个或两个以上的旧词组合成 一个新词,如:spLashdown(溅落),fhu—out(放射 性尘埃),salt—f0肿er(卤素),moonwalk(月面行 走),pul眈一∞aler(脉冲定标器)。在英语发展过 程中。用合成法构成的复合词为科技英语提供了 大量的新词汇。复合词的使用是现代英语中一 种比较简练的表现手段,采用复合词来表达可以



科技英语期末总结范文Introduction:Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives. From smartphones to smart homes, technology has advanced rapidly over the years, bringing great convenience and efficiency to our lives. This summary aims to provide an overview of the key technological advancements in various fields and their impact on society. Additionally, it will explore the challenges and benefits that technology brings to our lives and discuss its role in shaping the future.1. Telecommunications:The telecommunications industry has revolutionized the way we communicate. With the advent of the internet, smartphones, and social media platforms, distance is no longer a barrier to communication. The rapid development of 5G technology has further enhanced the speed and accessibility of internet connections, allowing for faster data transfer and more efficient communication. This advancement has greatly benefited businesses, education, and healthcare sectors, and has improved global connectivity.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI):AI has emerged as a powerful technology with applications in various fields. Machine learning algorithms have enabled AI systems to learn from data and make predictions or take actions independently. AI has found immense use in the healthcare industry, where it has helped diagnose and treat diseases, increasing efficiency and accuracy. In the education sector, AI-powered systems offer personalized learning experiences to students, tailoring education to individual needs. While AI brings many benefits, it also raises concerns about privacy, ethics, and job displacement.3. Internet of Things (IoT):The IoT refers to the interconnection of everyday objects via the internet, enabling them to send and receive data. This connectivity has resulted in the creation of smart homes, smart cities, and even smart industries. Smart homes allow individuals to control various aspects such as lighting, temperature, and security remotely through smartphone apps. Smart cities use IoT-enabled devices to manage traffic, waste, and energy consumption, resulting in more sustainable and efficient urban living. However, the proliferation of IoT devices also poses cybersecurity risks that need to be addressed.4. Big Data and Analytics:The digital age has brought an enormous amount of data being generated every second. Big data refers to the huge volumes of structured and unstructured data that organizations collect. Analytics tools and techniques help analyze this data to gain valuable insights for decision-making. Big data analytics has significant applications in business operations,marketing, healthcare, and research. The ability to make data-driven decisions has revolutionized these industries, leading to optimization, cost reduction, and enhanced customer experiences.5. Renewable Energy:Technological advancements have also played a crucial role in the development and utilization of renewable energy sources. Solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric power plants have become more efficient and accessible, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. These advancements have led to a cleaner and more sustainable energy landscape, contributing to the fight against climate change. Additionally, energy storage technologies, such as batteries and fuel cells, have improved, making renewable energy sources more reliable and viable.Conclusion:Technology continues to shape our lives and society at an unprecedented rate. The advancements in telecommunications, AI, IoT, big data, and renewable energy have brought numerous benefits, such as improved communication, personalized experiences, efficient resource management, and reduced environmental impact. However, along with these benefits come challenges that need to be addressed, including privacy concerns, cybersecurity threats, and ethical implications. As we move forward, it is crucial to find a balance between harnessing the potential of technology and mitigating the associated risks. Only then can we fully embrace the transformative power of technology and create a better future for all.。



关于科技影响教育的英语作文总结1. How has technology impacted education?Technology has had a significant impact on education in recent years. It has revolutionized the way in which students learn and teachers teach. Some ways in which technology has impacted education include:a. Access to information: Students now have access to a wealth of information through the internet, which has made research and learning easier.b. Remote learning: Technology has made it possible for students to learn remotely, which is especially important during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.c. Personalized learning: Technology has made itpossible for teachers to personalize learning forindividual students based on their strengths and weaknesses.d. Collaboration: Technology has made it easier for students to collaborate with each other and with teachers through various online tools.2. What are the advantages of using technology in education?There are several advantages of using technology in education:a. Improved access to information: Technology has madeit easier for students to access information and learn at their own pace.b. Personalized learning: Technology has made it possible for teachers to personalize learning forindividual students, which can lead to better academic outcomes.c. Increased engagement: Technology can make learning more engaging and interactive, which can help students stay motivated and interested in learning.d. Enhanced collaboration: Technology has made it easier for students to collaborate with each other and with teachers, which can lead to deeper learning.3. What are the disadvantages of using technology in education?There are also some disadvantages of using technology in education:a. Distraction: Technology can be a distraction for students, especially when it is used inappropriately.b. Dependence on technology: Students may become too dependent on technology and may not develop importantskills like critical thinking and problem-solving.c. Inequity: Not all students may have equal access to technology, which can create inequities in learning outcomes.d. Privacy concerns: There are also concerns about privacy and security when using technology in education.4. How can technology be used effectively in education?To use technology effectively in education, it is important to:a. Set clear goals: Teachers and students should have clear goals for how technology will be used in the classroom.b. Provide training: Teachers and students should be trained on how to use technology effectively.c. Use appropriate tools: Teachers should choose appropriate tools that align with their learning objectives and students’ needs.d. Monitor use: Teachers should monitor students’ useof technology to ensure that it is being used appropriately and productively.5. What does the future of technology in education look like?The future of technology in education looks promising. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative tools and resources that will enhance the learning experience. Some trends to watch for in the future include:a. Artificial intelligence: AI can be used to personalize learning and provide real-time feedback to students.b. Virtual and augmented reality: These technologies can provide immersive learning experiences that can enhance students’ understanding of complex concepts.c. Gamification: Game-based learning can make learning more engaging and fun for students.d. Mobile learning: Mobile devices can provide anytime, anywhere learning opportunities for students.。



国外科技归纳总结英语Technology Advancements and Innovations in Foreign CountriesIntroduction:Technology is constantly evolving, and advancements in various industries have revolutionized the way we live and work. In this article, we will explore some of the key technological developments and innovations in foreign countries. From robotics to renewable energy, these advancements are shaping the future and have far-reaching impacts globally.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):Artificial Intelligence has gained significant momentum in recent years. Foreign countries such as the United States, China, and Japan have made remarkable progress in AI research and implementation. AI is being utilized in various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and transportation.- In the healthcare industry, AI algorithms are used to analyze medical records and diagnose diseases accurately. This technology has improved patient outcomes and reduced medical errors.- Financial institutions employ AI for fraud detection, risk assessment, and trading analysis. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data in real time, enabling precise decision-making.- Autonomous vehicles are another example of AI application. Self-driving cars are being tested and deployed in several countries, with the aim of improving road safety and efficiency.2. Renewable Energy:Renewable energy sources have gained significant attention as countries strive to reduce their carbon footprint and combat climate change. Several foreign countries have made substantial progress in this field.- Germany is a global leader in renewable energy, particularly in wind and solar power. The country has invested heavily in renewable infrastructure and is on track to achieve its goal of 80% renewable energy by 2050.- Denmark is also at the forefront of renewable energy, with wind turbines producing a significant portion of the country's electricity. The Danish government has set ambitious targets to transition towards a carbon-neutral society.- China, although known for its reliance on coal, has shown dedication to renewable energy. The country is the world's largest producer of solar panels and has made substantial investments in wind power.3. Biotechnology:Foreign countries have made significant strides in biotechnology, improving healthcare and agricultural practices.- The United States is a leader in biotechnology research and innovation. From developing advanced pharmaceuticals to genetically modified crops, the U.S. remains at the forefront of the biotech industry.- Switzerland is known for its advancements in biotech manufacturing and research. The country is home to several biotech companies that focus on developing groundbreaking therapies and medical devices.- Singapore has rapidly emerged as a biotech hub in Asia. The government has implemented favorable policies to attract biotech companies and foster innovation in this field.4. Space Exploration:Space exploration has always been a fascinating domain, and foreign countries have made significant advancements in this area.- The United States' National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) remains a pioneer in space exploration. Mars rovers, satellite missions, and the International Space Station (ISS) are some of the notable achievements by NASA.- Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, has a long history of manned space missions. The agency launched the first human into space and has continued to contribute to space exploration.5. Internet of Things (IoT):The Internet of Things refers to the network of interconnected devices that communicate and share information with each other. Many foreign countries have integrated IoT into various sectors.- South Korea is a global leader in IoT implementation. The country has developed smart cities, where technology is used to optimize resource utilization, improve mobility, and enhance the quality of life for its citizens.- The Netherlands has embraced IoT in agriculture, creating a concept known as "smart farming." IoT devices are used to monitor crops, irrigationsystems, and livestock, increasing efficiency and productivity in the agricultural sector.Conclusion:Foreign countries have made significant advancements and innovations in various technological fields. From AI and renewable energy to biotechnology and space exploration, these developments have transformed industries and improved lives. It is essential for countries worldwide to collaborate and learn from each other's successes to continue pushing the boundaries of technological advancements and shape a better future for all.。



科技英语工作总结Title: A Summary of Work in Technology English。

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the ability to effectively communicate in English is becoming increasingly important in the workplace. In this article, I will summarize the key points from my recent work in technology English and highlight the significance of this skill in today's professional environment.First and foremost, my work in technology English has allowed me to effectively communicate with colleagues and clients from around the world. Whether it's discussing complex technical concepts, presenting project updates, or negotiating business deals, the ability to communicate clearly and confidently in English has been essential to my success in the technology industry.Furthermore, my proficiency in technology English has enabled me to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the field. By reading technical documents, research papers, and industry news in English, I have been able to expand my knowledge and expertise, ultimately making me a more valuable asset to my team and organization.In addition, my work in technology English has also opened up new opportunities for collaboration and networking. I have been able to participate in international conferences, webinars, and workshops, where I have connected with professionals from diverse backgrounds and gained valuable insights into different perspectives and approaches to technology.Moreover, my ability to write and communicate effectively in English has been crucial in creating documentation, reports, and presentations for my projects. Clear and concise communication is essential in ensuring that my ideas and findings are effectively conveyed to my colleagues and stakeholders, ultimately contributing to the success of my projects.In conclusion, my work in technology English has been instrumental in enhancing my communication skills, expanding my knowledge, and creating new opportunities forcollaboration and networking. In today's globalized and technology-driven workplace, the ability to communicate effectively in English is a valuable asset that can significantly impact one's professional success. I am committed to further developing my skills in technology English and leveraging them to achieve even greater success in my career.。



科技英语期末总结报告IntroductionThe rapid advancement of technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of our lives. From communication to transportation, from healthcare to entertainment, technology has revolutionized the way we live and work. In this final summary report, we will discuss the key technological advancements and their implications in various fields.1. Communication Technology1.1 Internet and World Wide WebThe Internet and World Wide Web have transformed communication by enabling instant connectivity and information sharing on a global scale. With the advent of social media platforms and messaging apps, individuals can now communicate with each other anytime, anywhere. This has revolutionized the way we interact and share information with one another.1.2 Mobile TechnologyMobile technology has further enhanced communication by giving individuals the ability to connect on the go. Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, providing not only communication but also navigation, entertainment, and access to various applications. The rise of mobile technology has also paved the way for mobile banking, e-commerce, and mobile healthcare, among others.2. Transportation Technology2.1 Autonomous VehiclesThe development of autonomous vehicles promises to revolutionize transportation by increasing safety and efficiency on the roads. Autonomous vehicles are equipped with advanced sensors and artificial intelligence that enable them to navigate and make decisions without human intervention. The widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles has the potential to reduce accidents, traffic congestion, and carbon emissions.2.2 Electric VehiclesThe rise of electric vehicles (EVs) has the potential to transform transportation in terms of sustainability and reduced dependence on fossil fuels. EVs are powered by electricity and emit zero tailpipe emissions. The development of advanced battery technology has increased the range of EVs, making them more practical for everyday use. The adoption of electric vehicles can contribute to reducing air pollution and combating climate change.3. Healthcare Technology3.1 TelemedicineTelemedicine has emerged as a vital technology, especially in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine enables remote diagnosis and treatment of patients through the use of video conferencing and other communication technologies. It allows individuals to access healthcare services from the comfort of their homes, reducing the burden on healthcare systems and improving access to care, especially in rural and remote areas.3.2 Artificial Intelligence in HealthcareArtificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform healthcare by improving diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes. AI algorithms can analyze large sets of medical data to identify patterns and make predictions. This can help healthcare professionals make more accurate diagnoses, develop personalized treatment plans, and detect diseases at an early stage. AI-powered wearable devices can monitor patients' health in real-time, providing valuable insights to both patients and healthcare providers.4. Entertainment Technology4.1 Virtual Reality and Augmented RealityVirtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies have revolutionized the entertainment industry by creating immersive and interactive experiences. VR allows users to enter a completely virtual environment, while AR overlays digital content onto the real world. These technologies have applications not only in gaming but also in education, tourism, design, and training. They have the potential to transform the way we experience and interact with digital content.4.2 Streaming ServicesThe rise of streaming services has changed the way we consume entertainment content. Platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ provide on-demand access to a wide range of movies, TV shows, and documentaries. This has disrupted traditional broadcasting and cable TV models, giving consumers more control over what they watch and when they watch it. Streaming services have also enabled the production and distribution of original content, providing opportunities for new and diverse voices in the industry.ConclusionIn conclusion, technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, from communication to transportation, healthcare to entertainment. The advancements discussed in this report have the potential to make our lives easier, more efficient, and more connected. However, along with the benefits come challenges such as privacy concerns, cybersecurity threats, and ethical considerations. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential to ensure its responsible and ethical use for the betterment of society.。



科技英语期末总结怎么写Artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving fields of technology. This semester, we delved into the fundamental concepts of AI, such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing. We explored how AI is being applied in different sectors, such as healthcare, finance, and transportation. One significant development we studied was the use of AI in diagnosing diseases. AI algorithms can analyze medical images and detect abnormalities more accurately and rapidly than human doctors. This has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine and improve patient outcomes. Robotics has also made significant advancements this semester. We learned about the various types of robots, including industrial robots, service robots, and autonomous vehicles. One remarkable innovation in robotics is the ability of robots to collaborate with humans in a safe manner. This has led to the emergence of cobots, which are designed to work alongside humans on assembly lines. The integration of robots in workplace environments has the potential to increase productivity and efficiency, while reducing the risk of accidents.The Internet of Things (IoT) has continued to expand its reach and impact. We discussed how IoT devices are interconnected and communicate with each other through the internet. This connectivity allows for smart homes, smart cities, and smart industries. With the help of IoT, we can remotely control and monitor our devices, appliances, and even entire infrastructure systems. However, the proliferation of IoT devices also raises concerns about privacy and security. We explored the challenges and potential solutions for securing IoT networks from cyber threats.Virtual reality (VR) has gained considerable popularity and has found its applications in gaming, education, and training simulations. We learned about the technology behind VR, including headsets, motion sensors, and haptic feedback. VR has the potential to transform the way we learn, allowing for immersive experiences that enhance engagement and understanding. The field of VR is still evolving, and we are excited to see the future developments and applications it will bring.Finally, cybersecurity has become increasingly prominent as our reliance on technology grows. We studied the various types of cyber threats, such as malware, phishing, and ransomware. We also explored the strategies and tools employed to protect against these threats, such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems. The importance of cybersecurity cannot be understated, as a single breach can have far-reaching consequences for individuals, businesses, and even nations.In conclusion, this semester has provided us with a comprehensive overview of the advancements and challenges in the field of technology. We have explored the exciting developments in artificial intelligence, robotics, internet of things, virtual reality, and cybersecurity. These advancements have the potential to reshape our world and improve our lives in countless ways. However, it is also important to consider the ethical and societalimplications of these technologies. As we move forward, it is crucial to strike a balance between innovation and responsible deployment of technology for the benefit of humanity.。

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科技英语复习总结单项选择单词:meteorites 流星、陨星radiation 辐射primitive 原始microbe 微生物ultraviolet radiation 紫外线penetrate 渗透、刺入、穿透biospheres 生物圈extrabiology 天体生物学organism 微生物Martian 与火星有关的Spectral signature 光谱分析Laser 激光Mercury 水星Venus 金星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Iron 铁质Orbit 环绕Parent star 恒星Inhabit、habitable、habitat翻译:火星表面下可能有一个更好的微生物的避难所,液态水可能是永久性的,危险的太阳紫外线不会穿透。

Probably a better haven for microbes is beneath the Martian surface, wher e liquid water may be permanent and where the Sun’s dangerous ultraviol et radiation does not penetrate.第一单元:A. Translate the following expressions intoChinese:1. mutual gain game and mutual harm game 互赢博弈和互败博弈2. sequential-move game 连续策略博弈3. simultaneous-move game 联立策略博弈4. linear reasoning 直线推理5. circular reasoning 循环推理6. Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡7. dominant strategy 支配性策略8. optimal result 最优化结果9. breakdown of cooperation 合作分裂10. strategy of brinkmanship 边缘化策略B. Translate the following expressions intoEnglish:1. 完全博弈pure conflict2. 竞争与合作competition and cooperation3. 策略性相互作用strategic interdependence4. 囚徒困境prisoners’ dilemma5. 长远性损失long-run loss6. 针锋相对策略tit-for-tat strategy7. 混合性策略mixing one’s moves8. (网球)斜线球或底线球hita passing shot cross-court or down the line9. 垄断性市场monopoly market10. 均衡份额equilibrium sharesIII. Sentence Translation:A. Translate the following English sentencesinto Chinese: (Pay attention to the underlined part)1. The essence of a game is the interdependence of player strategies. There are two distinct types of strategic interdependence: sequential and simultaneous.博弈的实质是博弈者采取策略之间的相互依赖性。


2. When we say that an outcome is an equilibrium, there is no presumption that each person's privately best choice will lead to a collectively optimal result.当我们把博弈的结果表述为一种均衡的时候,并不是基于以下的假设:即博弈的每个参与者的个人最佳策略将会带来共同的最优化结果。

3. In some situations of conflict, any systematic action will be discovered and exploited by the rival. Therefore, it is important to keep the rival guessing by mixing one's moves. Typical examples arise in sports—whether to run or to pass in a particular situation in football, or whether to hit a passing shot cross-court or down the line in tennis.在一些博弈的冲突中,任何条理化和计划性的行为都会被对手发现并加以利用。



4. brinkmanship "is the tactic of deliberately letting the situation get somewhat out of hand, just because its being out of hand may be intolerable to the other party and force his accommodation."边缘政策“是一种故意使局势变的有些无法控制的策略,正是这种无法控制性可能会使另一方无法接受而选择妥协。

”5.When one player knows something that others do not, sometimes he is anxious to conceal this information (one's hand in poker), and at other times he wants to reveal it credibly (a company's commitment to quality). In both cases the general principle is that actions speak louder than words.当博弈的一方了解其他人所不掌握的信息时,他会急于隐瞒这一信息(比如牌局中所拿到的牌),在其他一些情况下,他还会想令人信服的公开某些信息(比如某一公司对质量的承诺)。


第五单元:A. Translate the following expressions intoChinese:1. the existing technology 现有的技术2. voice commands 语音命令3. cellular network蜂窝网络4. slot for added memory附加存储卡用槽5. have computerlikefeatures具有电脑功能6. a built-in digitalcamera内置式数码相机7. set up temporary offices建立临时办公室8. word processing power 文字处理能力9. qwerty keyboard 标准键盘10. location-based services定位服务B. Translatethe following expressions into English:1. 闪存容量flashy memory2. 手机观察家们mobile-phone watchers3. 投影键盘projection keyboard4. 个人电脑的捍卫者defenders of the PC5. 语音识别系统speech-recognition system6. “双铰”式设计“dual hinge” design7. 按钮式拨号式键盘the touch-tone pad8. 手机迷a phone guy9. 豪华大屏显the luxuriously large screen10. 智能手机the sophisticated / smart phonesIII. SentenceTranslationA. Translatethe following English sentences into Chinese.1.As our phones get smarter, smaller and faster and enable users to connect at high speeds to the Internet, an obvious question arises: is the mobile handset turning into the next computer?电话变得越来越智能、小型、快速,并且能够让用户高速地连接到因特网,一个显而易见的问题就出现了:移动手持设备将成为下一代的计算机吗?2. There are also smart phones on the way with video cameras, GPS antennas and access to local Wi-Fi hotspots, the superfast wireless networks often found in offices, airports and cafes.还有一些正在开发中的智能电话,他们将带有摄像机、GPS天线以及本地Wi-Fi (一种常在办公室、机场和本地咖啡馆能找到的超高速无限网络)热点链接的入口。

3. With this capability, phones will soon be able to provide precise driving directions, serve up discounts for stores as you walk by them and expand dating services like the one Christoph in Frankfurt enjoyed.有了这项功能,手机很快就能提供诸如精确的行车向导、走过店铺时店铺的打折信息以及开展约会等服务。
