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Unit 5 It must belong to Carlar.



Learning goals:

1. Review the Grammar Focus in P35.

2. Talk about Linda’s backpack lost. She asked Anna to help her deduce Where it is. using drop, symphony, optometrist, appointment, crucial, make up, final, anxious, worried, owner, Oxford University …it might be…, It’s crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam. Learn to make inferences by sequencing and deducing. Step I Review

Show a book on the screen.

T: Whose book is this?

S1: It must be Wu Tingting’s. Hemingway is her favorite author.

T: Practice like this in pairs with can’t ,might.


StepII Preview

Look atP38, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.

1. 我试着给你电话,但你妈妈说你还在眼镜验光师那里。

2. 我准备这次考试很关键,因为它站期末考试的30%。

3. 她因为测验很焦虑。

1. I tried to call you but your mom said you were still at your optometrist appointment.

2.It’s crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.

3. She’s worried because of the test.


StepIII Warming up and leading in T: Linda has lost her backpack. She can’t find it anywhere. She wrote a letter to ask her friends Anna. Do you want to know the letter?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s come to P36 3a.


StepIV Groupwork

Let the Ss work in groups to number the parts in order.

Check the answers together.



StepV Read and learn

1.Ask the students to read and translate.

2. Listen to the tape and repeat.

3.Retell the passage of 3a


Inquiry into knowledge by translation

一、I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.

1.drop 用作动词,意为“”,过去式和过去分词为“”如:My pen (掉出) of my pocket.

2. might 为情态动词,意为“”,表示“”。后面接“”,如:

My parents might (come) later.



1.落下,掉下;dropped; dropped out


二、It’s crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30%of the final exam.

1. crucial 为形容词,意为“”。be crucial to/for sth 意为“”如:.


2. final 为形容词,意为“”。副词为“”。如:


Answers: 1.关键的,至关重要的; 对……是关键的, 对……是至关重要的;Making friends is crucial to students 2. 最后的,最终的;finally; What is the final design?

Step VI Pairwork

Talk about the words you don’t understand. Use “can’t” , “must”, “could” or “might”.

A: Wha t do you think “anxious” means?

B: Well, it can mean “happy”.

A: It might mean “worried”.

B: Oh, yes. She’s worried because of her test.

Step VII Pairwork

Look at the things in the backpack below. Make guesses about the owner of the backpack. Write your ideas in the chart of P36. Then talk about your ideas.

Step X.当堂检测


1.Don’t be w about your son. He isn’t a child anymore.

2. He made a f decision.
