

英语音标及发音规律 -

英语音标及发音规律 -



Monophthongs 单元音(12个)Front vowels 前元音: /i:/,/ɪ/(/i/),/e/,/æ//i:/ 舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高,口形扁平。

e: he 他she 她me 我(宾格)we 我们these这些eve 前夕evening 傍晚fever 发烧Chinese 中国人;汉语theme 主题gene 基因i: police 警察ski 滑雪ee: bee 蜜蜂beef 牛肉fee 费see 看见seed 种子knee 膝盖week 周;星期feel 感觉sheep 绵羊jeep 吉普车sweep 清扫sleep 睡觉sweet 甜的meet 遇见three 三tree 树street 街道cheese 奶酪green 绿色need 需要employee 雇员ea: each 每个beach 海滩peach 桃子reach 到达teach 教eat 吃beat 打;打败cheat 欺骗meat 肉seat 座位leaf 树叶weak 虚弱的speak 说;讲peak 山峰meal 饭seal 海豹sea 大海mean 意思clean 干净的easy 容易的east 东beast 野兽tea 茶pea 豌豆treat 对待;款待read 读cream 奶油ie: believe 相信piece 一片;一张niece 侄女;外甥女field 田野thief 小偷ei: ceiling 天花板ey: key 钥匙;键/ɪ/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。

i: chick 小鸡pick 采;摘sick 生病的tick 滴答声stick 棍子kid 小孩big 大的dig 挖fig 无花果wig 假发pig 猪ill 生病的bill 账单hill 小山will 意愿;将要in 在…里面chin 下巴pin 别针thin 瘦的win 赢is 是this 这个kiss 吻miss 想念;错过pink 粉色think 想ink 墨水it 它hit 打;击fit 健康的;合适的sing 唱歌swim 游泳ship 轮船him 他(宾格)window 窗户e: exam 考试eraser 橡皮eleven 十一expensive 昂贵的excuse 原谅telephone 电话elephant 大象mechanic 机械师u: busy 忙的minute 分钟y: happy 快乐的angry 生气的sunny 晴朗的cloudy 多云的rainy 有雨的bicycle 自行车baby 婴儿city 城市lazy 懒的busy 忙的hungry 饿的thirsty 渴的ey: money 钱monkey 猴子honey 蜂蜜/e/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形中长,发音时声带振动。



英语语音发音部位及方法第一章发音部位一、发音器官二、唇形(口型)(1)双唇紧闭(2)自然开口(3)扁唇:微笑(4)大圆唇:尽量张大口(5)小圆唇:口型渐渐变小第二章元音(Vowel)发音方法一、单元音(Monophthong)1.前元音(4 Front Vowels)1)/i:/——舌尖抵下齿龈,但不要抵得太紧。



(Open your mouth just a little for the sound. Spread your lips into a smile. Push your tongue forward in your mouth. It’s a long sound. Move your tongue up a little as you say it.)2) /I/(/i/)——先发/i:/,在此基础上,嘴角稍微收小一点,开口略大一点,舌尖靠近,但不要紧贴下齿龈,发音时间相对较短。

(Open your mouth just a little more for this sound. Don’t spread your lips into a smile. The sound is shorter, more relaxed than /i:/.)3)/e/(ε)——舌尖抵下齿龈,不要抵得太紧。



(Practice the sound /I/, then open your mouth a little more for this sound. It is a short and relaxed sound.)4)/æ/——舌尖抵下齿龈,双唇尽量向两边张开,嘴角肌肉感到紧张。



(Practice the sound / e /, then open your mouth a little more for this sound.)2.后元音(5 Back Vowels)1)/a:/——松弛自然,口张到最大,不要撅嘴,舌尖离开下齿龈,长元音。


• 中元音:[Central Vowels] [ɜ:] [ə] [ʌ] 舌尖靠下齿,舌中部向硬颚抬起, 舌平放口中, 不抵下齿背;口腔各部分都很自然, 肌肉松弛。 • 发 / ə/ 音时, 牙床半开, 双唇中常,只要 • 一张口就可发出 / ə/ 音, 它是12个单元音中最弱 、最模糊的一个音。
合口双元音 (closing diphthongs) 合口双元音的特点是:发音时口腔动 作从开到合,最终滑动成为一个音;舌 位从低到高;前一个元音清楚而较长 , 后一个则模糊而较短.
集中双元音 ( centring diphthongs ) 与合口双元音最大的不同 点是:最后不能滑动成为一个音, 而只是 从前面的元音向后面的元音集中。
• Listening practice
• 后元音: [Back Vowels] • [ɑ:] [ɒ] [ɔ:] [u ] [u:] [ʌ] 舌尖离开下齿,平放在口中,舌身后缩.舌后部向 软颚抬起, • 圆唇音, 唇依次缩小, 发/ u: / 音时就成了小 • 圆唇了。发 / ɑ : / 音时牙床开得最大, 依次缩 • 小, 到发 / u:/ 音时牙床开得最小。
I.前元音:[Front Vowels] [ i:] [I ] [ e ] [æ] 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,但不同的 前元音舌前部抬起的高度不同.上下齿之间的 距离不同.发 / i:/音时前舌抬得最高, 发/ æ /音时 前舌最低。发/ i: / 音时牙床开得最小, 发/ æ /音 时牙床开得最大。唇的扁平程度和肌肉的紧张 程度也不同。但是 / æ / 虽然不带“:”, 但



前元音中元音和后元音 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-元音分类1:前元音、中元音和后元音根据元音发音过程中舌头在口腔中抬起的部位不同,我们可以把元音分为前元音、中元音和后元音。

(1) Front(前元音)4The front vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the front of the oral cavity, such as:发前元音时,发音部位靠近口腔前部。

例如:1./i:/ 前、高、不圆唇、长元音;2. /i/ 前、半高、不圆唇、短元音;3./e/ 前、半高、不圆唇、短元音;4. /æ/ 前、低、不圆唇、短元音.(2) Central(中元音)2The central vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the center of the vocal cavity, such as:发央元音时,发音部位靠近口腔中ә部。

例如:1./ә/ 中、半高、不圆唇、长元音;2. /ә:/ 中、半低、不圆唇、短元音.(3) Back(后元音)6The back vowels in English are the vowels that are articulated near the rear of the vocal cavity, such as:发后元音时,发音部位靠近口前后部。

例如:1./u/ 后、高、圆唇、短元音;2. /u:/ 后、高、圆唇、长元音;3./ɔ/ 后、低、圆唇、短元音;4./ɔ:/后、半低、圆唇、长元音;5./Λ/后、半低、不圆唇、短元音;6./a:/ 后、低、不圆唇、长元音.单元音和双元音根据元音的构成要素,我们可以把元音分为12个单元音(monophthongs)和8个双元音(Diphthongs)。



each 每个 beach 海滩 teach 教 eat 吃 meat 肉 seat 座位 seal 海豹 sea 大海 easy 容易的 east 东
peach 桃子 reach 到达
beat 打;打败 heat 热量
leaf 树叶
weak 虚弱的
mean 意思 clean 干净的
tea 茶
meal 饭
turn 转身;次序 turkey 火鸡 purple 紫色的
burn 燃烧 nurse 护士 church 教堂
hurt 受伤 purse 钱夹 surf 冲浪
word 单词 world 世界 worm 蠕虫 worse 更糟的
work 工作 worst 最糟的
leg 腿 spell 拼写 well 好 desk 课桌 nest 鸟巢
bell 铃铛 sell 卖 let 让 best 最好的 west 西
feather 羽毛 weather 天气 health 健康 wealth 财富 pleasant 令人愉快的 breakfast 早餐 heavy 重的
boot 靴子 shoot 射击 fool 愚人 stool 凳子 moon 月亮 zoo 动物园
room 房间 broom 扫帚 choose 选择 loose 松的 foolish 愚蠢的 school 学校 cool 凉爽的 wool 羊毛 noon 中午 soon 很快 too 也;太 roof 屋顶
early 早的 earth 地球
earn 挣 search 寻找
learn 学习 pearl 珍珠

front vowels前元音

front vowels前元音

Additional information

Differences between American and British English with the front vowels: /i/ /I/ & /i:/ /i/ * Comparison. The pronunciations of American vowel /i/ and British vowel /i:/ are almost the same. The American vowel /i/ has no long sound symbol “:”, because the length of the vowel is not absolutely the same. The length is varied according to the different situations. It is often longer when it is used at the end of a word or in front of a voiced consonant; while it is usually shorter after a voiceless consonant. (Compare: meal, meat, and me.) So, there is no “:” in American phonetic system. The pronunciations of American vowel /I/ and British vowel /i/ are almost the same.
Sing Together

Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to doe, oh, oh, oh…



英语语音知识【音素phoneme】The phoneme is the smallest unit of speech sound in a language that is capable of conveying a distinction in meaning,音素是构成音节的最小单位或最小的语音片段。

Front vowels(前元音):/i:/, /I/, /e/, /æ/Pure V owels/Monophthongs(单元音) Central vowels(中元音):/ə:/, /ə/V owels(元音) Back vowels(后元音):/ɔ/, /ɔ:/, /u/, /u:/, /ʌ/, /a:/(20) Falling diphthongs(合口双元音):/ei/ , /əu/, ai/, /au/, /ɔi/Diphthongs(双元音)Phoneme Rising diphthongs(集中双元音):/iə/, /ε/, /ə/, /uə/Stops(爆破音):/p/, /b/. /d/, /t/, /k/, /g/Fricatives(摩擦音):/f/, /v/, /θ/, /ð/, /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /h/Consonants(辅音) Affricates(塞擦音):/ts/, /dz/, /tr/, /dr/(28) Lateral(边音):/l/Nasals(鼻音):/m/, /n/, /ŋ/Approximants(半元音):/w/, /r/, /j/语言学知识Morpheme that occur “unattached” are called free morpheme.Inquiry and discovery learning is to involve learners in investing energy and attention in order to discoversomething about the language for themselves.Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is also known ad linguistic relativity.Pragmatic competence requires teacher to help learners to learn the relationship between grammatical formsand function.Phonetics is the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in theworld’s languages.Correct perception of sounds is vital for listening comprehension.Different stress and intonation indicate different meanings.The dialect which is caused by social status is socialect.The famous line “My love is a red, red rose”, stirs up vividly the imagination of a beautiful lady. This is theiconic meaning of “rose”.Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.The reasons for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, languagedevelopment, learning style and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environment are called theallophones of that phoneme.Semantics is generally considered to be the study of meaning in language.。

前元音front vowels

前元音front vowels

5. Tongue twister: Some teachers’ teaching pleases some people but other people feel the same teaching isn’t pleasing. It isn’t easy to please each person but teasing the teacher won’t please the teacher and each teacher needs to be free to teach as he pleases.
4. tongue twister 1) Mary and Sally ran back together to gather the black hat and the black bag. 2) Swan swam over the sea. Swim. Swan, swim. Swan swam back again. Well swum, Awan. 5. little poem I met a little boy, Jack, Who comes from another land, I couldn’t speak his language. But I took him by the hand.
3. Passage My married sister lives in a pretty village. From the window of her cottage she can see the hills, churches and houses. On Sunday, like many English women, she never wastes a minute. She is busy doing her private business.

英语音标 English Vowels and Consonants

英语音标 English Vowels and Consonants
Affricate consonants
Central vowels中元音
Rising diphthongs
Nasal consonants
Lateral consonant
Fricative consonants

1 国际音标48音素 字母读音 词例

1 国际音标48音素 字母读音 词例

英语国际音标(48个音素)I.元音(Vowels)(20个):前元音(Front Vowels)(4个):/i:/ /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/中元音(Central Vowels)(3个):/∧/ /ǝ/ /ɜ:/后元音(Back Vowels)(5个):/ɑ:/ /D/ /ɔ:/ /ʊ/ /u:/合口双元音(Closing Diphthongs)(5个):/eɪ/ /ǝʊ/ /aɪ/ /aʊ/ /ɔɪ/集中双元音(Centering Diphthongs)(3个)/ɪǝ/ /eǝ/ /ʊǝ/ II.辅音(Consonants)(28个):(成对的辅音前为清辅音,红色标出;后为浊辅音;其余的单音为浊辅音。

)爆破音(Plosions)(6个):/P//b/ /t//d // k //g/摩擦音(Fricatives)(13个):/f//v//s//z//θ/ /ð//ʃ//ʒ //l/ /r/ /h/ /w/ / j /破擦音(Affricates)(6个):/ ʧ // ʤ // tr // dr//ʦ//ʣ/鼻音(Nasals)(3个):/m/ /n/ /ŋ/英语26个字母读音A a /eɪ/Bb/b i:/Cc/s i:/ Dd/d i:/ Ee/i:/Ff /e f/Gg/ʤi:/ Hh /eɪʧ/ Ii /aɪ/Jj/ʤeɪ/Kk/k eɪ/Ll/el/Mm/em/ Nn/en/ Oo/ǝʊ/Pp/P i:/Qq/ k ju:/Rr/ɑ:/Ss/e s/Tt/t i:/Uu /ju:/ Vv/v i:/Ww/'dЛb lju:/Xx/e ks /Yy/waɪ /Zz/z i:/(/z e d/)(注意:26个英语字母中,有12个字母是以元音发音开头的,红色标记,这些字母前若要用不定冠词是,只能用an。

a, e , i ,o ,u 这5个字母为元音字母,y 为半元音字母。



英语元音发音要领单元音the pure vowels单元音的发音要领是准确掌握其舌位的前、中、后及高、中、低。


单元音发音的特性:单元音因舌位抬高部位的差异而分成三大类:前元音(the front vowels)、中元音(the central vowels)、后元音(the back vowels)。


(一)前元音1. /♓i:/ 前元音、高元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舌前部抬高,但不接触上齿龈;唇形扁平;口形很小,接近闭合。



2. /✋/ 前元音、高元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舍前部抬高,略低于/♓:/的舌位;唇形扁平;开口比/♓:/略大,接近半闭。

3. /♏/ 前元音、中高元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舍前部抬高,但略低于/✋/的舌位;口形介于半开半合之间,比/✋/的口形略大;唇形扁平。


4. /✌/ 前元音、低元音发音特性:舌尖靠近下齿;舌前部抬高,但其舌位是四个前元音中最低的;开口比/♏/大,是四个前元音中开口最大的音,介于半开和开之间;唇形扁平自然。



(二)后元音5. / :/ 后元音、低元音发音特点:舌端离开下齿,舌后略抬高,舌位较低;唇形自然略成圆形;牙床打开。

中国学生有把/ :/读成“啊”的倾向。


6. / / 后元音、低元音发音特点:舌端离开下齿,舌后抬高,略高于/ :/;双唇自然成圆形,口形略小于/ :/;牙床近于开,但略小于/ :/7. / :/ 后元音、中低元音发音特点:舌端离开下齿,后舌抬高,明显高于/ /;唇形较圆,比/ /更圆;牙床半开,较/ /的开口程度小。





英语26个字母中,有5个元音字母a, e, i, o, u。





a. 元音字母组合:aar, ae, ai, air, aor, ar, are, au, aw, ay, ea, ear, eau, ee, eer, ei, eir, eo, er, ere, eu, eur, ew, ey, ia, iar, ie, ier, iew, io, ior, iou, ir, ire, iu, oa, oar, oe, oi, oir, oo, oor, ore, ou, ough, our, ow, oy, ua, uar, ue, uer, ui, uou, ur, ure, uu, uy, ya, ye, yer, yi, yo, yr, yreb. 辅音字母组合:bb, cc, ch, ck, d, dge, dj, ff, gg, gh, gu, ll, mm, nn, ph, pp, qu, rr, sc, sch, sci, sh, si, ss, tch, ti, th, tt, sh, xc, zzb. 混合字母组合:sion, sure, tion, tureⅡ音素是语音的最小的单位。












例如:[1] 前元音,口型舒展[u:] 后元音,口型收拢前元音舌前部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫前元音。

前元音(Front Vowels)主要有:英式英语:[i:] [i] [e] [1]美式英语:[i] [I] [A] [1]Practice these four sounds in phrases.eat the meat make a wish very wella mad man keep the seat sit downget ready a jazz band three treesbest friend a black bag Peter’s secreta small fish ten men a plastic bagthe Chinese people a bit chilly Teddy Bearhand in hand a piece of cheese bit by bitwet with sweat a happy marriage a friend in needfit as a fiddle best seller on behalf of our class中元音舌中部向硬颚抬起时发出的元音叫中元音。

中元音(Central Vowels)主要有:英式英语:[4:] [4] [8]美式英语:没有[4:],多为[4r];[4]与[8]相同。



26个英语字母音素归类【原创实用版】目录1.26 个英语字母的音素分类概述2.辅音音素的分类3.元音音素的分类4.音素归类的重要性正文英语字母是英语语言的基础,它们构成了英语单词。



下面,我们将对 26 个英语字母的音素归类进行详细分析。



英语中有 21 个辅音音素,它们可以分为以下几类:1.塞音(Stops):发音时,气流被口腔内的某个部位阻碍,然后突然释放。












英语中有 5 个元音音素,它们可以分为以下几类:1.前元音(Front vowels):发音时,舌头位于口腔前部,例如字母“a”、“e”、“i”等。

2.中元音(Central vowels):发音时,舌头位于口腔中部,例如字母“o”、“u”等。

3.后元音(Back vowels):发音时,舌头位于口腔后部,例如字母“ou”、“ie”、“ue”等。


通过对 26 个英语字母的音素归类,我们可以发现它们在发音上的规律,从而提高我们的英语听说能力。






前元音(Front vowels):1. /i/:高前不圆音,如英语的"sheep",读作/iː/。

2. /ɪ/:低前不圆音,如英语的"ship",读作/ʃɪp/。

3. /e/:半开前不圆音,如英语的"red",读作/red/。

4. /ɛ/:开前不圆音,如英语的 "pen",读作/pen/。

5. /æ/:开前不圆短音,如英语的 "cat",读作/kæt/。

央元音(Central vowels):6. /ə/:中央非圆元音,如英语的"about",读作/əˈbaʊt/。

后元音(Back vowels):7. /u/:高后圆元音,如英语的"boot",读作/buːt/。

8. /ʊ/:低后圆元音,如英语的"hood",读作/əʊdz/。

9. /ʌ/:开后不圆元音,如英语的"up",读作/ʌp/。

10. /ɔ/:半开后圆元音,如英语的"law",读作/lɔː/。

11. /ɒ/:开后圆音,如英语的"log",读作/lɒɡ/。

高元音(High vowels):12. /ɪə/:低高前不圆双元音,如英语的"ear",读作/ɪər/。

13. /eɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"day",读作/deɪ/。

14. /aɪ/:高前不圆双元音,如英语的"like",读作/aɪk/。

English Phonetic Symbols 3

English Phonetic Symbols 3

A: Do you know Henry? B: Yes. He is tall. His left hand was hurt in a war. He has a warm heart and often help others.
rat ready read breakfast bread grandmother fruit from Friday sorry marry carry
Do you know today’s date? Do I need extra postage for this? Is there any research on this topic? Do you know today’s date?
Tips: Stress Can I have that pizza with pepperoni? Do I need extra postage for this? Is there any research on this topic? Can I have that pizza with pepperoni?
She begged money on the street. She bagged money on the street. a hand-held camera have breakfast dead matter a left hand
[e] [æ] The pot calls the kettle black. Every bean has its black. Sand is a kind of dead matter. Put your left hand on the desk. Mary and Jack are good friends.
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Test pin/pen Ginny/ Jenny
bill/bell bitter/better chicks/checks
4.4 /æ / 舌尖抵下齿,双唇向两旁平伸,成扁平形,张开 牙床至上下齿之间可以容纳食指和中指的宽度 不要与/a:, e, ۸ /混淆
1. Words
Flag Canal Valley Happened pad pal hammer manager glad van am land catch ladder banner manner rally matter wrapper blacker exactly jacket Saturday Alice
2. Sentences 1) The heavier, the better. 2) Better late than never. 3) East or west, home is best. 4) Fetch the eggs from the nest. 5) Mend the fence when the weather’s better.
2. sentences 1)Have they carried the cash to the bank? 2) The rabbit dashed from the sandy bank. 3)Pack the baggage in the back of the taxi. 4)Sam’s let the cat out of the bag. 5)Pat married a handsome young man and had a happy family.
4. tongue twister 1) Mary and Sally ran back together to gather the black hat and the black bag. 2) Swan swam over the sea. Swim. Swan, swim. Swan swam back again. Well swum, Awan. 5. little poem I met a little boy, Jack, Who comes from another land, I couldn’t speak his language. But I took him by the hand.
Front vowels
英语中一共有四个前元音,发音的共同点是 舌前部以不同程度向硬腭抬起,舌尖抵下齿,唇扁 平。 /i:/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩 擦,双唇成扁平形。 /i:/比汉语’衣’发音长,没有摩擦。
Practice materials
1. Words bee key green clean deal heal meat niece
4. Dialogue Ed:Hi, Ellen! Hi, Fred! Hi, Jenny? Fred: Hi, Ed. Cigarette? Ed: No, thanks. Fred. Ellen: Help yourself to a drink. Jenny: Look on the shelf on your left. Fred: How did you spend you vocation, Ed? Ed: I went to Venice with a friend. Everybody: Well? Ellen: We’re all jealous. Ed: Was it expensive? Ed: Yes. Very. I spent everything I had. Jenny: Don’t you have any money left? Ed: Yes, Jenny. Ten cents.
5. Tongue twister Ted send Fred ten hens yesterday. So Fred’s fresh bread is ready already. 6. Little poem Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Till good is better. And better best.
1. Words
big win shiver miss pig lid limb tin pin pill mirror miller winner list lick pretty win still dinner witty tin kill sinner pity
2. Sentences 1) I think it’ll fit. 2)It’s a pity they missed the outing. 3) A little learning is a dangerous thing. 4) The kitten’s sitting near the river. 5) This is an interesting system.
seat/ sit feel/ fill sheep/ship heel/hill feet/fit
leaves/ lives reason/ risen field/ filled sleep/slip green/grin
4.3 /e/ 舌尖抵下齿, 舌前部稍抬起, 比/i: / 低, 双唇稍 扁 不要和汉语拼音字母e混淆,拼音字母e读“鹅”音
3. passage The man in the black hat bent back the map. “Jack,” he said, “stand back. We’re in a jam. According to this plan, this piece of land is sand. So light the lamp and lend a hand.”
5. Tongue twister: Some teachers’ teaching pleases some people but other people feel the same teaching isn’t pleasing. It isn’t easy to please each person but teasing the teacher won’t please the teacher and each teacher needs to be free to teach as he pleases.
4. Dialogue Mrs. Kim: Hello, Bill. Hello, Lynn. Bill: Hi, Mrs. Kim. Is Jim in? Lynn: Is he coming with us to the film? Mrs. Kim: Oh, Jim’s sick. Bill: Here he is! Hi, Jim. Lynn: Are you sick, Jim? Jim: Is it an interesting film? Lynn: It’s “Billy the kid.” Bill: And it begins in six minutes. Mrs. Kim: Jim, if you are sick… Jim: Quick! Or we’ll miss the beginning of the film.
3. Passage “Believe me,” said Mr. Green to Peter. “You need a cup of tea, I can see.” “I am fine,”said Peter. “It’s just my feet. They seem to have gone to sleep. Please don’t repeat what you have seen to the people upstairs. They’ll bang on the ceiling again. And I have to call the police.” “Agreed. Where is the key? I’ll start the m a c h i n e . ”
4. Dialogue: In a restaurant Peter: What are you having to eat, Lee? Lee: I’ll have a roast beef sandwich. And some tea. Peter: Steve? Would you like a cheese sandwich or a roast beef sandwich. Steve: A cheese sandwich. I don’t eat meat. Waitress: Yes? Peter: We’d like one roast beef sandwich and two cheese sandwiches. Waitress: And would like coffee or tea? Peter: Three teas, please. Steve: Make that two teas. Coffee for me, please. Waitress: (Writing down the order.) One roast beef sandwich… two cheese sandwiches… two teas…one coffee.
3. Passage On Wednesday, the three deaf men went to Reading to bury their dead friend. “Death,” said Ed, “will come again many times. I guess Iter Will you sit still, Bill? I’ll sit as still as a hill. 6. Little poem “Tick” the clocks says, “tick, tick, tick!” What you have to do, do quick. Time is gliding fast away. For the country let us do our bit.