



They are sitting on a solitary stone with meditating something. In the nature of the silence and in the faint moonlight, it seems as if the world has no body. At night, they revel in the wonderful and very broad-minded word. Only two hearts in love can appreciate the secret and haze of the earth.

世界上有这么一种庄重的人物,以不笑为原则,用严肃的面具掩盖着他们的卑鄙,这位生客却不象他们那样使人望而生畏。不但不使人望而生畏,而且他那种随随便便的样子,十分潇洒又可爱的样子,显得他是一位好好先生,对一切东西都晓得从好的一方面去看待。There is a kind of solemn man in the world, being not to laugh as the principle, with a solemn mask to cover their abjection and this stranger did not like them who make people terrify. Not only this, but his casualness and handsomeness and loveliness make him look like a kind of man who tries not to offend anybody on everything and know to look at things from a good one.


10月24日英语作业(期中复习练习1) 姓名__________班级___________家长签字________ 一、找出不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. father nurse brother ( ) 2. big small bright ( ) 3. desk chocolate chair ( ) 4. chocolate sweet sweater ( ) 5. bell sweater coat ( ) 6.tiger panda pear ( )7. rice boat bread ( )8. cow coat cat 二、根据所给中文写出英文。 1.牛奶_________ 2.面包________________ 3.外套__________ 4.巧克力__________________ 5.狮子___________ 6.猴子_______________ 7.春天____________8.秋天_____________ 9.穿上__________________10.脱下_______________ 三、从B栏中选出A栏相对应的英文选项,把序号写在提前括号内。()1、你喜欢什么? A. It's hot. Take off your coat. ()2、这件毛衣是送给你的。 B.What’s your father?. ()3、你爸爸是做什么的? C.Do you like pies? ()4、你喜欢吃馅饼吗? D.What do you like? ()5、天热,脱下你的外套吧。 E.The sweater is for you. 四、从B栏中选出A栏相对应的回答,把序号写在括号内。 期中复习练习系列 1


二年级小学生英语寒假作业怎么布置 【导语】寒假不仅仅是这个学期结束了,总算能好好放松了,还有下个学期,虽然不会马上到来。应该在假期拿出部分时间,学习巩固学过的知识,不要一个假期把脑袋过空了,只会在开学时得付出更多。以下是整理的相关资料,希望您过个愉快的假期。一、作业布置要有针对性。作业设计要突出重点、难点,有利于实施英语教学目标,要有意识地设计和布置相关内容,使作业目标明确,让学生能联系生活实际创设情境,符合学生所学知识的能力水平。从而使每个学生都能体会到成功的喜悦,激发学生做作业的动机。例如二年级英语My Family这一单元的教学,就可以让学生在课后扮演家庭成员,几个人一组自愿结合,扮演不同角色编写对话,在课堂进行角色表演。通过这种口头、笔头训练学生熟练掌握了所要掌握的句型。二、作业布置要有趣味性。“兴趣是的老师”,也是学好任何一门功课的首要条件。因此布置作业时不能总是让学生抄单词写句子,这样会使他们感到枯燥乏味。因此,教师要尽量使作业类型多样化,内容新颖,生动有趣,只有这样才能唤起学生的好奇心和求知欲,从而激发他们的学习兴趣,使其积极主动地进行学习。例如:在教学二年级英语课Happy birthday 这一课时,让学生结合自己过生日时的具体情况进行讨论:有没有生日聚会( Birthday party),有没有生日礼物(Birthday presents),有没有生日蛋糕和蜡烛(Birthday cake and candles)。学生讨论非常激烈。讨论过后让学生画一画生日蛋糕和礼物。并让其家人过生日时唱一首“Happy birthday”,这样学生在不知不觉中运用了新知。三、作业


Unit 1 Looks 【教学目标】 1.确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用。 2.需要掌握的词汇:tall, short, young, looks, old 3.学习使用本课重点句型: (1)Let's have a talk. (2)My father is short. (3)Is he strong ? 4.鼓励学生大胆发言及表达。 5.培养学生对英文学科的兴趣。 6.增强学生听说读写译的能力。 【教学重点】 在学习了单词的基础上,以单词为载体,进行主要句型的学习,并了解其中的语法现象,根据具体情境,学会交流对话,侧重句型语法学习,交际意向和课外拓展为重点。 【教学难点】 学生处于小学阶段,对英语有了初步了解,词汇储备较少,对于学生的要求难点是在会读,会说的基础上,能掌握一些基本单词的拼写和造句,了解一定的语法内涵,与人进行简单沟通交流。 【教学方法】 1.音频,情景教学法。 2.Pair-work两人小组活动,Group-work小组活动,多媒体辅助教学。【教学准备】 课件、图片素材、音频文件、教学道具。 【教学过程】 Step 1.Greeting. 教师和学生之间,进行喜好讨论,例如:外貌特征。

Step 2.Warm-up/Leading. 教师通过多媒体教学课件,播放和本次主题有关的图片。 (1)你如何向别人介绍自己的特征 (2)自主探究:Is he tall? Is she tall? Step 3.Presentation. 1.Words Learning. (1)老师放映课件,用中文询问同学看到了什么?同学们会看到课件上呈现的图画。 (2)教师拿出单词卡片,进入重点新词汇学习环节,向同学展示图片,结合PPT上放映的内容,带领同学学习一些新单词。 2.Pronunciation Part. (1)老师介绍本课重点单词读音及重点音标,带领同学大声朗读。 (2)然后老师带领同学进行拓展学习,介绍一些该音标构成的其他单词。 3.Vocabulary Part. 教师教授重点词汇:looks, look at, strong, old 4.Listening Part. 请听课文内容,并回答课文内的相关问题! (1)Is he strong? 5.Reading Part. (1)教师立足于课本,引导学生学习课本上的课文。 (2)教师向同学解释课文内容,并让学生反复听读,学习模仿。 教师:“Listen to the tape, and read aloud these sentences!”。 Step 4.Summary. 学生自我总结今天上课所学内容。 【课堂练习】 1.原文填空。 Let' _____have a tall. My father is_____. Yes, he is_____. Is she old? 2.互译


二年级下册快乐英语二单元第一课教学设计 Unit 2 clothes (1) Let’s listen and say 学习目标 一、语言要素 (一)词汇 shirt jacket skirt sweater coat (二)语言目标 1、快乐掌握单词:shirt jacket skirt sweater coat 2、快乐的掌握句型:Do you like my new dress? Yes ,I do (三)话题呈现:Let’s listen and say (四)任务设计:Let’s listen and say 二、能力目标:让学生在真实的语言环境中,通过听、说、读、演,小组学习,合作学习等一系列方法,能够快乐学习单词:shirt jacket skirt sweater coat .快乐地学习句型:Do you like my new dress? Yes ,I do 三、情感目标:在本课中重点培养学生喜欢自己的服装。 四、教学重点:shirt jacket skirt sweater coat 五、教学难点:本课的教学难点是:Do you like my new dress? Yes ,I do 六、教具:课件单词图片单词卡片,服装,课文录音。 七、学具:学生自备的单词卡片。衣服 八、教法学法:本课重点运用情境教学法,合作学习法,游戏法。 教学过程 一、热身:老师进了教室和学生用英语打招呼,学生和老师一起唱Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. Good morning, good morning, good morning children. ,歌曲,使学生迅速进入到学习英语氛围中。


小学二年级英语下册暑假作业练习 一、选择题 1.I can see a big bird.It’s ______orange. A.an B.a C./ 2.What colour _____ your pencils? Red. A.is B.are C.ha*e 3.Is it hard? No, it’s____. A.hard B.soft C.rough 4._____are they? They are yellow kites. A.What B.What colour C.How many 5.Boop…Boop… I can hear a ____. A.*an B.bus C.car

6.Look at the ________ .They are black and white. A.tigers B.bears C.zebras 7.______ you like hopping? Yes. A.Can B.Do C.Are 8.What do you like doing? I like ______ a bicycle. A.ride B.riding C.skipping 9.What do you like _______? Fish. A.doing B.eat C.eating 10.I like eating _________ . A.a banana B.bananas C.banana 11.Can I help you? ________ . A.Thank you

B.A toy bear, please C.OK.Here you are. 12.Do you like monkeys? No, I _______ . A.can’t B.isn’t C.do n’t 13.They are white.They ha*e red eyes.They are _______. A.raadfdsit B.pigs C.raadfdsits 二、阅读理解 Sam and Ming are in the park. They can see many boys and girls in the park. Look at the boys. They like running and skating. They can run fast and skate well. The girls don’t like skating. They like singing and dancing. They are happy. 答案 1. Sam and Ming are in the______. A. park B. classroom. 2. They _______see the boys.


2014―2015学年度第一学期二年级英语阶段练习样卷 I 、口试 (60% ) II 、听力理解 (35% ) A. 里写序号。 3% B. 看图,听录音,判断,与录音内容 相符的打“ √” ,不符的打“×”。 3% 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) C. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将 其序号写在括号内。 4% ( ) 1. A. triangle B. rectangle C. square ( ) 2. A. diamond B. heart C. shape ( ) 3. A. blocks B. marker C. truck ( ) 4. A. eye B. ear C. face D. 看图听录音,与图一致用圆圈圈√, 不一致圈×。 4% 1. Look at my toy digger. √ × What √ × ---- It ’s a heart. draw two circles. √ × 4. This is our music room. √ × E .听录音,根据问句选择答语,在正确答案的括号内划“√” 5% 1.What shape is it? A. It ’s a gym.( ) B. It ’s a triangle.( ) 2.Do you have a robot? A. Yes, I can. ( ) B. Yes, I do. ( ) 3.Look at my toy truck. A. Wow, nice!( ) B. Aha? Aha? ( ) 4.Let ’s play together. A. Great! ( ) B. Yes, I do. ( ) 5.This way, please. A. OK! ( ) B. Thank you. ( ) F. 听录音,选择正确的单词,将其序 号写在括号内。 5% ( ) 1.This is our ______. A. school B. classroom ( ) 2. Let ’s go to our ______. A. gym B. library ( ) 3. Welcome to our ______.


格兰特船长的儿女 在那儿,他们俩坐在一块孤立的石头上,沉思着,在大自然的沉寂中,在淡淡的月光下,仿佛世界上再也没有别的人;夜幕降临,他们俩陶醉在这神奇和胸襟开朗的境界里。只有两颗相爱的心灵才能领略到大地上的这种秘密和朦胧。 They are sitting on a solitary stone with meditating something. In the nature of the silence and in the faint moonlight, it seems as if the world has no body. At night, they revel in the wonderful and very broad-minded word. Only two hearts in love can appreciate the secret and haze of the earth. 世界上有这么一种庄重的人物,以不笑为原则,用严肃的面具掩盖着他们的卑鄙,这位生客却不象他们那样使人望而生畏。不但不使人望而生畏,而且他那种随随便便的样子,十分潇洒又可爱的样子,显得他是一位好好先生,对一切东西都晓得从好的一方面去看待。There is a kind of solemn man in the world, being not to laugh as the principle, with a solemn mask to cover their abjection and this stranger did not like them who make people terrify. Not only this, but his casualness and handsomeness and loveliness make him look like a kind of man who tries not to offend anybody on everything and know to look at things from a good one.


第1页,共4页 第2页,共4页 密 封 线 学校 班级 姓名 学号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 2013—2014(二)二年级英语教师教学质量自我检测 听力部分(70分) Ⅰ.听录音,写出你所听到字母的大小写形式。(5分) Ⅱ. 看图,听录音,并用数字1、2、3、4、5标出每组图朗读的顺序。(5分) (一) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (二) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅲ.听录音,根据所听录音,选出正确的单词,将序号填入图下括号内。(2.5分) A .short B.strong C.old D.tall E.young ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Ⅳ.看图,听录音并连线。(10分) (一) Tianjin Nanjing Hong Kong Lanzhou Beijing (二) Ⅴ.听录音,选出你所听到的字母组合或单词。(2.5分) ( )1. A, dngbt B, lsyae C, jiopf ( )2. A, AEFPR B, XODGW C, HKMRT ( )3. A, beRSZ B, beoKJ C, BEFNY ( )4. A, skirt B, shirt C, sweater ( )5. A, kitten B, kitchen C, living room Ⅵ.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分) ( )1. A, Do you like my dress? B, Do you like my new dress? ( )2. A, Let ’s fly kites together. B, Let ’s go out and play. ( )3. A, Her skirt is red. B, His shirt is black. ( )4. A, My father is tall. B, My father is strong. ( )5. A, Look at my ship. B, Look at my taxi. Ⅶ.情景交际,根据所给情景听录音,在正确答案后的括号内打“√”。(5分) 1.你想告诉别人你的爸爸很强壮,你应说: A ( ) B ( ) 2.你想知道Peter 怎样去上学?你可以这样问: A ( ) B ( ) 3.你想让同学们一起和你说话,你用英语这样说: A ( ) B ( ) 4.你们班上一位女同学在学习上有困难,你告诉老师说:A ( ) B ( ) 5.你问妈妈:今天的天气怎么样?应问: A ( ) B ( ) Ⅷ.根据所听录音给下列句子标号。(5分) ( )How ’s the weather? ( )Do you like my new sweater? ( )Come to the kitchen. ( )A very nice study. ( )Welcome to my home. Dalian Hongkong


二年级小学生寒假英语作业例题精选 I. Copy the following (正确抄写字母和单词) M R U G K f e b d j biscuit hats ice glo*es juice II. Look and circle (圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母)10% 1.D( a q d ) 2. i ( I L T ) 3. F ( n f m ) 4. r ( R V S ) 5. E ( a b e) III. Read and choose (圈出不同类的词)10% 1. noodles glo*es dress scarf 2. orange cake banana peach 3. pencil ruadfdser ruler pizza 4. bed bus car train 5. red socks green yellow IV. 选择. ( ) 1.当小朋友想下公共汽车时,会说: A.Get in the car B.Get off the bus ( ) 2.小红想吃热狗时,小红对服务员阿姨说: A.May I ha*e a hot dog B.May I ha*e a pizza ( ) 3.老师问你住在哪里,你回答老师 A.I li*e in Hefei. B.Ha*e some soup ( ) 4.你和小朋友说:“我喜欢跑步”

A.I like to swim B.I like to run ( ) 5.当你过马路时看见红灯,你会说: A.Red light,stop B.Green light,Go 网络搜集整理,仅供参考


教学内容(课题) Unit 1 Toys (1) 授课日期 教学目标熟练掌握单词:A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 教学 重点熟练掌握单词A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks 教学 难点能够在日常生活中用How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 等来表达问候媒体手段使用Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计二次备课Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins. P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up : Sing songs: A,B,C Chant: One two three four, come in plsase and close the door Five six seven eight go to school and don’t be late. Nine ten nine ten learn English again and again. Step 3 New class presentation: Revision: Arrange a game. to practice How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. (拓展fantastic!) Show the words cards Read after the teacher Make a chant: I have a toy truck, it’s a nice toy truck. I have a ….. , it’s a nice . Practice by themselves Have a match Let’s the children run to the blackboard point the picture. and say: I have a … it’s a nice …. Sing a song to end the class Step 4. Homework To review the words 板书设计Unit 1 Toys Lesson 1


新蕾快乐英语二年级上册教案 Unit 1 Toys Lesson 1 教学目标: 熟练掌握单词:A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 教学重点: 熟练掌握单词A toy truck , a toy jeep, a toy digger, a robot, building blocks 教学难点: 能够在日常生活中用How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. 等来表达问候 媒体手段使用:Words cards, recorder, steaker. 教学过程设计 Step1 Greeting : T: Class begins. P: Stand up and sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning teacher. T: Sing: Good morning, good morning, good morning children. P: Good morning teacher. T: Good morning children. P: Sit down, plsase Step 2.Warm up :

Sing songs: A,B,C Chant: One two three four, come in plsase and close the door Five six seven eight go to school and don’t be late. Nine ten nine ten learn English again and again. Step 3 New class presentation: Revision: Arrange a game. to practice How are you? I am fine, thank you. Just so so. (拓展fantastic!) Show the words cards Read after the teacher Make a chant: I have a toy truck, it’s a nice toy truck. I have a ….. , it’s a nice . Practice by themselves Have a match Let’s the children run to the blackboard point the picture. and say: I have a … it’s a nice …. Sing a song to end the class


B.Try to drink some water.D.What can I do?F. Sorry!Am I loud? A.Are you okay?C.Do you need help?E.No big deal.A.Keep your hands to yourself. B.Watch out for open doors. C.Get in line. https://www.360docs.net/doc/1c16107038.html,e “excuse me”. 1.听录音,勾出你所听到的字母或单词。(1).Rr ()Ii ()(2).Gg ()Jj () (3).p ()q ()(4).excuse ()walk()(5).table()water()(6).doctor( ) lunch() 2.听录音,勾出你所听到的短语或句子。(1).lower your voice ()clean the desk ()(2).get in line ( )wait your turn ()(3).use “excuse me”()walk on the right () (4).watch out ( )always walk () 3.根据图片内容选出与其对应的句子,并将序号填写在话泡中。 4.读一读下列句子,根据语境,把相对应的句子序号填在横线上。 (1)----Excuse me,can you keep it down?(2).---------------Any help is great.(3)----(4).----Thanks for telling me. ----Yeah,just some hiccups.--------------------------------(5)----(6).--------You can try to put your head down. ----Okay.Thanks. 5.观察下列图片,选择合适的行为,并将序号填写在对应的方框中。 A.I should drink some water. B.I should hold my breath. C.I should use a paper bag. D.I should ask a doctor for help.


小学二年级英语寒假作业习题整理 【导语】英语的学习在假期仍然可以通过各种各样的方式来学习,阅读、听英语歌并学唱、看纯英文对白影视剧、与外国人交谈等等,方式多种多样且非常灵活,而WTT在这里为您准备了英语假期习题,帮助您英语在考试这方面的提高。 1. are how Alice you __________________________ ① ② ③ ④ 2. am who I _________________________ ① ② ③ 3. am yes Fang I Miss _________________________ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 1。① do ② see ③ what ④ you __________________________________________________________2。① a ② see ③ I ④ bird __________________________________________________________3。① can ② you ③ what ④ see __________________________________________________________4。① is ② she ③ who _________________________________________________________5。① mother ② is ③ my ④ she __________________________________________________________6。① s weets ② the ③ like ④ I __________________________________________________________7。① I ② two ③ see ④ butterflies

unit4 新蕾快乐英语二年级下册教案word版本

新蕾快乐英语二年级下册教案 Unit4 vehicles Lesson1 let’s go by plane 教学目标 1. 知识目标: The students should be teached to learn these words: by taxi, by bus, by plane, by bike, by ship. They are required to be able to speak, write and use these new words. 2.能力目标: The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English. 3. 情感目标: the teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning. in other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boreing job. 过程与方法 The teacher shoule make full use of CAI and all kinds of tools to make the English classes vivid and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enable students to master the new knowledge. 教学重点 The learning of the new words. 教学难点 It’s difficult for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. 教学工具 课件,单词卡片,自行车等等。 教学过程 Step1 warm-up 1.greeting 2.sing a song Step2 new class presentation 2. 3. 4.new words learning 2. 3. 4.show students the bike say:this is my bike. 我今天是骑我的bike来的。你们也 可以说我是by bike来的 出示自行车图片及词组by bike。


二年级(上)作业单月日 班级____________ 姓名__________学号________ 一、竖式计算 36 + 28 100-41 45 + 55-69 27 + 18 + 25 二、、巧算: 19+27=20+()=() 41-25=()-30=() 23+38=()+()=() 67-48=()-()=() 三、列式计算 1、33与27的和是多少? 2、45与54相差多少? 四、选择题: 1、8与一个数的和是8,这个数是()。 A、1 B、16 C、0 D、8 2、下列计算结果不是46的算式是()。 A、18+28 B、50-4 C、66-20 D、24+42 3、如果:○-9=15,△-8=15,比较○和△的大小。正确的是()。 A、○>△ B、○<△ C、○=△ 五、应用题: (1)小胖有25支笔,小巧比小胖多12支,小巧有几支? (2)小胖做了34道数学题,比小巧少做6道,小巧做几道? 六、动脑筋: 1、想一想,画一画: 用12根火柴棒搭成一个田字形:Array (1)拿去两根火柴棒,变成两个正方形。 (2)移动三根火柴棒,变成三个正方形。

二年级(上)作业单 月 日 班级____________ 姓名__________学号________ 一、先估后算: 82-48 67+24 估算:_________ 估算:__________ 计算:__________ 计算:______________ 二、巧算: 28+39=( )+( )=( ) 56-18=( )-( )=( ) 三、看图列式计算。 1、 36 57 ( ) 2、 开走了20辆车 还剩 24辆 原来有?辆车 3、男生有18人 女生比男生多几人? 女生有36人 四、动脑筋: 1、小芳家到学校有2条路,学校到公园有3条路,那么小芳从家经过学校到公园一共有( )种不同的走法。 2、阅览室里有10盏电灯都亮着。休息时,小胖随手关掉了6盏,这时候,阅览室里还有( )盏电灯。 ( )+ ( ) = ( ) ( )+ ( ) = ( ) ( ) - ( ) = ( ) ( ) - ( ) = ( ) 算式:______________( ) 答:______________________ 算式:_____________( ) 答:______________________


小学二年级英语暑假作业题 【篇一】 一、选择题 1.I can see a big bird.It’s ______orange. A.an B.a C./ 2.What colour _____ your pencils? Red. A.is B.are C.have 3.Is it hard? No, it’s____. A.hard B.soft C.rough 4._____are they? They are yellow kites. A.What B.What colour C.How many 5.Boop…Boop… I can hear a ____. A.van

B.bus C.car 6.Look at the ________ .They are black and white. A.tigers B.bears C.zebras 7.______ you like hopping? Yes. A.Can B.Do C.Are 8.What do you like doing? I like ______ a bicycle. A.ride B.riding C.skipping 9.What do you like _______? Fish. A.doing B.eat C.eating 10.I like eating _________ . 二、阅读理解 Sam and Ming are in the park. They can see many boys and girls in the park. Look at the boys. They like running and skating. They can run fast and skate well.


名师精编优秀教案 3.教师自制的单词卡 新蕾快乐英语二年级上册教案.一张画有教室的大图4 Unit 4 My Classroom 第一课时 一、教学目标 1.能听懂、会说:What's in the classroom? Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。 2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light, 3.能听懂并能按照指令做事情。 二、教学重点 学习What's in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, board, light。 三、教学难点 1.window一词注意w的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。 2.在回答坜慨?环椠?桴?汣獡牳潯?时,注意单词复数的读音。 四、教具准备 1.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 4 Let's learn/A] 2.教材相配套的教学录音带 五、教学过程: (一)热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision) 1.教师播放第一册Recycle 1单元中得?慨瑮愠摮映湩層部分,学生跟着录音一起说。 2.教师出示与chant内容相符的图片,问:坜慨?环椠?桴?楰瑣牵?让学生进行回答。Picture一词由这里引出。 3.复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon, pen等单词。4.引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:What's in the bag? What's in the pencil-case ? 5.在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:How many pencils/pens…? 使学生能用复数进行回答。如:What's in the pencil-case? A ruler, two pencils… (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.教师把一张画有教室的大图贴到黑板上,说:This is a classroom. What's in the classroom?


小学二年级英语寒假作业答案大全 第一天第2页 Read and Write: 1. I like playing football. 2. I like playing the piano. 3. I like playing with toys. 4. I like to play with a dog. 5. I like to draw pictures. 6. I like to go to the Great Wall. 第二天第4页 1. my 2. I 3. mine 4. your 5. mine 6. my 7. yours 8. They 9. He 第三天第6页 1. I often study in the classroom. 2. I often draw pictures in the art room. 3. I often have dinner in the dining room. 4. I often read books in the library. 5. I often have sports in the sports center. 第四天第8页 1. can 2.does 3.Can 4.What 5.wants to 6. Can 第五天第10页 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 第六天第12页 1. Father doesn’t read newspaper everyday. 2. He doesn’t like reading comic books. 3. Does Tom clean the floor for his mum? 4. Does Bob like doing maths? 第七天第14页 1. There is a boat on the river. 2. There are some children playing soccer on the playground. 3. There are two cats sleeping in the shoes. 4. There are not pretty ducks walking in the garden. 5. There is not a boy sleeping in the classroom. 第八天第16页


Unit1 Looks I’m tall (第一课时) 教学目标 1. 知识目标: The students should be taught to learn these words: tall, short. They are required to be able to speak and use these new words. 2.能力目标: The students are required to be able to speak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should do as much as he/she can to encourage the students to speak English. 3. 情感目标: The teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themselves much while they are learning ; in other words, learning English should be a fun, not a boring job. 教学重点 The new words: tall, short 教学难点 Enable students to speak and use these new words freely. 教学方法 The teacher should make full use of CAI and all kinds of tools to make the English classes vivid and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enable students to
