第二语言习得入门PPT-Unit 2
Nature of Learning
Learning contains a number of characteristic features (Brown, 1994):
Unit 2 Reviewing Bases of Second Language Acquisition
Unit Preview
Unit topic focus: definition of language different views about language nature of learning misconceptions of learning mystery of first language acquisition
Learning contains a number of characteristic features (Brown, 1994):
1) Learning is acquisition or "getting". 2) Learning is retention of knowledge, information or skill. 3) Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization. 4) Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside or inside the
Pre-learning Tasks
1. Search the internet to get the definitions of language and learning and explain them with examples to your classmates. 2. Reflect on your own experience of learning the mother tongue. 3. How do you understand the act of learning? Is language learning similar to other types of learning? Why ?
Competence and Performance
(second language acquisition)
• • competence • (internal )
superior to prior to
• • performance
Acquisition and Learning
• The distinction between acquisition and learning is formally made by S.Krashen.
• According to Krashen, acquisition refers to subconscious learning in the natural environment that is not influenced by explicit instruction in a second language's rules and system or about errors(1985)
• basic similarity: non-native language • basic distinction:
education,goverment or business(ESL)
geographical context little exposure to native use of the language or few opportunities(EFL)
Competence and Performance
• It is a distinction introduced by Chomsky into linguistic theory but of wider application.
1. What is Second Language Acquisition and Research? 2. Theories of L2 learning
Linguistic Perspectives Psychological Perspectives (behaviorism, cognitive psychology, connectionism, multidimensional model) Interactionist Perspective Sociocultural Perspectives
is a difference between the way language is acquired and
processed and the way other kinds of information are
acquired and processed.
Second Language Acquisition
Second Language Acquisition
1. The Grammar-Translation Method (structuralism) 2. The Audio-Lingual Method (听说法) (structuralism, behaviorism s-r) 3. Communicative Language Teaching (交际法语言教学) (cognitive science, linguistic competent, communicative competent) 4. Content-based, Task-based Approaches (学科性方法)
input, especially for
older acquirers .
In the classroom, we can provide an hour a day of comprehensible input, which is probably much better than the outside can do for the beginner.
Context Clue 3: General knowledge
More often than not, the meaning of many words can be readily guessed if you use your own experience or general knowledge of the subject.
Context Clue 6: Comparison
When we compare things, we see how they are like each other. So comparisons in writing can give you clues to the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Learned competence
(the monitor) Acquired competence Output
"Monitor" can alter the output of the acquired system before or after the utterance is actually spoken or written. It is the acquired system which initiates normal, fluent speech utterances.
二语习得课件Course Outline●Introduction●Language & Learning Theories●L1 Acquisition Theories●L2 Learning Theories●L2 Learner Factors●L2 Learning Research Methods: CA & EA●Computer & L2 LearningSecond Language Acquisition (SLA):An Introductory CourseIntroductionSLA definedPurpose of SLA ResearchDevelopment of SLAScope of SLASLAL2 acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or out side of a classroom, & “SLA” as the study of this.Ellis (2000)Definitions of SLAFirst language acquisitionSecond language acquisitionForeign language learningFour Characteristics for SLAIndependent disciplineInterdisciplinary discipline (交叉学科)Applied scienceEmpirical science (实证)Four Criteria for an independent disciplineOwn object of studyOwn theoriesOwn researchersOwn methodologiesDevelopment of SLAGrowthMaturationFurther developmentScope of SLAEllis? scope of research areaRole of SLA researchmediatorengineer4 areas (Ellis 1994)3 Areas (Wen & Wang 2004)Scope of SLA (Doughty 2003)Acquisition and loss ofsecond/third languages,dialects,foreign languages, lingua francaBy children and adultsNaturalistic/instructedIndividuals/groupsWhy Study SLA? What ?Testing theoriesCatering language-learning needschapter 1.pptSLA: Second Language Acquisitionsla introduction.ppt“Second” vs. “foreign” language acquisitionIn the case of “Second” langu age acquisition, the language plays an institutional & social role in the community—it functions as a recognized means of communication among members who speak some other language as their mother tongue.Second Language AcquisitionFor example, English as a second language is learnt in the US, UK & countries in Africa such as Nigeria (尼日利亚) & Zambia.Second v. foreignIn contrast, “foreign” language learning takes place in settings where the language plays no major role in the community & is primarily learnt only in the classroom. Examples of foreign language learning are English learnt in China,France or Japan.Second Language AcquisitionIn the broad sense, “second”can refer to any language that is learned subsequent to the mother tongue. Thus, it can refer to the learning of a 3rd or 4th language. Also, “second” is not intended to contrast with “foreign”.Whether you are learning a language naturally as a result of living in a country where it is spoken (naturalistic or spontaneous), or learning it in a classroom through instruction(instructed or guided), it is customary to speak generically of “second” language acquisition. ?L2 acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of a cla ssroom, & “Second Language Acquisition” (SLA) as the study of this.S L ASLA took place around the end of the 1960s, developed in the 1970s or even early 1980s. ?SLA is a complex, multifaceted(多方面的)phenomenon & it’s not surprising that it has come to mean different things to different people.Competence v. performanceAccording to Chomsky (1965) Competence consists of the mental representations of linguistic rules that constitute the speaker-hearer’s internal grammar.Performance consists of the use of this grammar in the comprehension & production oflanguage.Communicative C o m p e t e n c e v.p e r f o r m a n c e ?Communicative Competence includes both linguistic & pragmatic knowledge (knowledge the speaker-hearer has of what constitutes appropriate as well as correct language behavior & also of what constitutes effective language behavior in relation to particular communicative goal.Communicative performance ?Communicative performance consists of the actual use of these two types of knowledge in understanding & producing discourse.Usage v. UseAccording to Widdowson (1978):Usage is “that aspect of performance which makes evident the extent to which the language user demonstrates his knowledge of linguistic rules ”.We study usage if we focus attention on the extent to which the learner has mastered the formal properties of the phonological, lexical, & grammatical systems.Usage v. UseUse is that aspect of performance which “makes evident the extent to which the language user demonstrates his ability to use his knowledge of linguistic rules for effectivecommunication”.We study use if we examine how learners convey meaning through the process of constructing discourse.Usage v. Use由威德森提出的一种区分方法,一个语言项目如作为语言系统中的一个成分,其功能成为语言系统中的用法(usage),如果是作为交际系统中的一部分,则其功能成为具体用法(use)。
第二语言习得入门PPTcourse plan
Unit 4 Theorizing Second Language Acquisition 4.1 Universal Grammar 4.2 Interlanguage Theory 4.3 Monitor Theory 4.4 Connectionism 4.5 Construction Grammar 4.6 Acculturation Model 4.7 Sociocultural Theory
Unit 6 Analyzing Learner Language
6.3 Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis 1. What is Learner Corpus 2. Methods of Learner Corpus Research 3. Tools of Learner Corpus Studies 4. Findings and Implications of Corpus-based SLA Research
Unit 1 Introducing Second Language Acquisition
1.1 What is Second Language Acquisition? 1.2 Why is Second Language Acquisition Important? 1.3 Which areas does Second Language Acquisition study? 1.4 How long is the History of Second Language Acquisition?
TOPICS OF UNIT 5 Unit 5 Identifying Individual Learner Differences 5.1 Learning Styles 5.2 Learning Strategies 5.3 Learning Aptitude 5.4 Learning Intelligence 5.5 Learning Motivation 5.6 Learner Personality 5.7 Learning Age
• 作为克拉申语言输入假设的扩展,Michael Long (1981)提出“互动假设”。
• 他认为,单向的语言输入对理解和认识语言输入 的本质及其对SLA发展的影响来说远远不够,需 要高度关注母语者和学习者共同参与的互动过程 。
• 在进行意义沟通时,母语者为学习者提供的语言 输入在语言形式和话语结构和功能上作出了调整 。前者的调整使语言输入符合学习者的语言水平 ;后者的调整通过询问、重复、确认、解释等方 式使语言输入更容易理解。
• Michael Long(1983:126)发现
• 语言形式的调整对为第二语言学习者提供可理解 输入远远不够,母语者在互动时,对“话语结构 ”(interactional structure of conversation) 的调整最多,对提供可理解输入更为重要。
• Michael Long 刻意区分两个概念:“语言输入 调整”(modified input)与“互动调整”( modified interaction)。
• 另一方面,外在的语言输入为学习者提供的仅仅 是关于目的语结构规则的“正面证据”( positive evidence),缺少“反面证据”( negative evidence)。
• 结果: 知道“怎样说”,不知道那些规则“不能 说”。
• 有学者发现:儿童的父母或保姆为儿童提供的都是符合规 则的话语,几乎很少纠正儿童的语法错误,为儿童提供不 合规则的反面证据。
• 学习者们试图从心理语言学的角度来进一步探讨语言习得 环境对语言习得的影响。学者们关注最多的是语言“反馈 ”(feedback)在母语者与第二语言学习者的互动过程 过外在的输入习得的 。
4. 学习者语言偏误的解释
• 对学习者偏误的解释需要对偏误的来源进 行分析,通过分析来建立与第二语言习得 相关的过程。
• 因而,对学习者偏误产生的来源的分析, 是基于偏误产生的过程的分析。
• 通过过程的分析对作为产出结果的偏误进 行解释。基于过程的偏误分析和解释才有 意义。
5. 学习者语言偏误的评价
• 对比分析的两种版本:
• 强势版本:用对照分析方式来预测困难等 级的方法。
• 弱势版本:使用对照分析法来解释可以观 察的到困难。Oller和Ziahosseiny提出细微 差异(subtle differences)版的对照分析假说 理论:“不管在单一或多种语言系统间, 即使他们的差异极为渺小,终究还是会产 生困惑。”
• 事实上,在汉语学习中,学习者的许多困难以及 学习者所犯的许多错误都与汉语和母语之间文化 方面的差异有关。
从“偏误分析”到“中介语” 到“学习 者语言
• Corder (1967 ) “The significance of leaners’ errors”
• Selinker (1972)“Interlanguage
学习者的水平、母语背景、习得的环境 • (3)语料收集的方式: • 自然表达、面谈、诱导、实验;横向与纵向;
2. 学习者语言偏误的鉴别
• 问题之一: “偏误”和“失误”的鉴别问 题
• 鉴别困难的原因: • 把学习者“语言能力”看做是“单质”
(homogeneous)的,因而无法解释学习 者语言偏误中出现的“变异” 现象; • 问题之二:如何区分学习者的“显性偏误” 和“隐性偏误” 。
• 选择。由于不可能对有关的两种语言所有的方面 都进行比较,因此,必须对要比较的某些语言形 式做些选择。
第二语言习得入门PPTUnit 5
5.1.4 Assessing Your Learning Styles
17. I excel at visual arts 18. I excel at sports 19. I'm an avid collector 20. I tend to take notes during verbal discussions/lectures to review later 21. I am verbally articulate and enjoy participating in discusions or classroom debates 22. I easily understand and follow directions on maps 23. I remember best by writing things down several times or drawing pictures and diagrams 24. I need to watch a speaker's facial expressions and body language to fully understand what they mean 25. I frequently use musical jingles to learn things 26. I often talk to myself when alone 27. I would rather listen to music than view a piece of art work 28. I need to actively participate in an activity to learn how to do it 29. I frequently tell jokes, stories and make verbal analogies to demonstrate a point 30. I frequently touch others as a show of friendship (e.g. hugging)
异:了解目标语言的文化背景和语言习惯 交际技巧:掌握有效的沟通技巧,如倾听、表达、肢体语言等 文化适应:尊重并适应目标文化的价值观和习俗 文化交流:积极参与文化交流活动,提高跨文化交际能力
定义与特点:自主学习策略是一种学习者自我管理、自我监控和自我评估的学习方式,具有主动性、 独立性和有效性的特点。
理论观点:强调语言习得过程中社会文化因素的重要性,认为语言是社会文化交流的工具,语言习得是在社会文 化环境中通过与他人互动而实现的
定义:交互理论 是一种二语言习 得理论,强调学 习者通过与目标 语言的母语者进 行交流互动来提 高语言能力。
理论基础:自主学习策略的理论基础包括建构主义学习理论、人本主义学习理论等,强调学习者的 主体性和自主性。
实施步骤:自主学习策略的实施步骤包括制定学习计划、选择学习资源、进行自我监控和评估等, 旨在提高学习者的学习效果和自主学习能力。
优势与局限性:自主学习策略的优势在于能够激发学习者的学习兴趣和动力,提高学习者的自主学习能力和终身学习能力; 其局限性在于需要学习者具备一定的自我管理和自我监控能力,同时也需要教师提供必要的指导和支持。
精读:仔细阅读文章,理解细 节
略读:快速浏览文章,寻找特 定信息
查读:查找特定信息,理解文 章结构
注重语言表达和修辞 手法
第二语言习得入门PPTUnit 7
Qualitative Method Quantitative Method
1. Naturalistic and uncontrolled observation 2. Theoretical 3. Inductive 4. Integrative 5. Descriptive 6. Subjective 7. Process-oriented
7.2.2 Qualitative Study
Procedures for qualitative study:
a) Observation
b) Interview
c) Case Study
7.2.3 Distinction between Qualitative and Quantitative Research
What is Second Language Research?
7.1 What is Second Language Research? Second language research is defined as "a systematic attempt to provide answers to questions of second language learning" (Tuckman 1978). Generally speaking, second language research broadly covers the following six areas (Stern 1983): 1. The language learner and language learning processes; 2. The language teacher and language teaching; 3. The environmental contexts of language teaching and learning; 4. The methodology and organization of language teaching; 5. Language in general and the languages and related cultures and societies; 6. Historical studies of language teaching;
第二语言习得入门PPTUnit 6
2) computerized error analysis
Computer error analysis is a method which has developed from the traditional error analysis (EA) in applied linguistics studies. It avoids many of EA’s problems and is now an important way to analyze L2 learners’ language output. The crucial difference between traditional EA and computer-aided error analysis lies in the fact that the latter allows for the full context to be presented, and does not only look into learners’ errors.
languages or subsystems of
languages in order to determine both the differences and similarities between them.
6.1.2 Hypotheses of CA
1) The strong version "It is possible to contrast the system of one language (the grammar, phonology and lexicon) with the system of a second language in order to predict the difficulties which a speaker of the second language will have in learning the first language, and to construct reading materials to help her learn that language." 2) The weak version This version requires that linguists only use the best linguistic knowledge available to them to account for observed difficulties in second language learning. It does not require the prediction of those difficulties, and conversely, of those learning points which do not create any difficulties.
语言学 二语习得ppt课件
First language; Second language; Foreign language ; Target language
• first language / L1: generally a person’s
mother tongue or the languБайду номын сангаасge acquired first, also known as native language.
1. What is Language Acquisition? 2. Contrastive analysis 3. Error analysis 4. Interlanguage 5. Comprehensible Input and L2 Acquisition 6. Individual factors affecting SLA
• target language: a language which a person
is learning.
• Second Language Acquisition (SLA) • The study of SLA, as an independent field
of inquiry, started in the late 1960’s, and flourished in the 1970’s and 80’s, perhaps as a result of the resurgence of interest in the internal mechanisms of the language teaching and learning process.
In short, language is a unique system of communication, and it is the cornerstone of society.
2.2 Different Views about Language
The primitive view
1) language is an organism: growth and change are of more interest than the static formal rules.
What is Language?
• Language is used for human communication . Language is possessed only by human beings. Animals also have communication systems such as the dance of bees and the bark of dogs. But no system of animal communication is characterized by duality, and few systems of animal communication use discrete arbitrary symbols.
2) The regulatory function is the control of events.
3) The representational function is the use of language to “represent” reality as one sees it.
4) The interactional function serves to ensure social maintenance.
a strong and a weak form of CA
Lado and his followers even provided the degree of differences between two languages. There existed a strong and a weak form of Contrastive Analysis (Wardhaugh 1970). The strong form claims that all L2 errors can be predicated by identifying the differences between the target language and the learner’s L1. The weak form of the hypothesis claims to be diagnostic. (To check where could be erroneous).
Differences in Learning L1 & L2
A child or adult learning a second language is different from a child acquiring a first language in terms of both 1) learner characteristics and 2) learning conditions
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Performance consists of the use of this grammar in the comprehension and production of language.
Communicative competence includes knowledge the speakerhearer has of what is effective as well as correct language behavior and also of what constitutes effective language behavior in relation to particular communicative goals. It includes both linguistic and pragmatic knowledge.
Communicative performance
Consists of the actual use of these two types of knowledge in understanding and producing discourse
The main goal of SLA research is to characterize learners’ underlying knowledge of the L2, to describe and explain their competence. However, learner’s mental knowledge is not open to direct inspection. It can only be inferred by examining samples of their performance.
Usage demonstrates the learner’s knowledge of linguistic rules; use demonstrates the learner’s ability to use his knowledge of linguistic rules for effective communication.
Lecture one
An Introduction to SLA
What is second language acquisition?
A. second VS third language acquisition Many learners are multilingual in the sense that in addition to their first language, they have acquired some competence in more than one non-primary language. However, the “term” second is generally used to refer to any language other than the first language. Any language additional to the native language is called second language.
Different kinds of performance
Usage VS. use The distinction was first proposed by Widdowson(1978). Usage is that aspect of performance which makes evident the extent to which the language user demonstrates his knowledge of linguistic rules We study usage If we focus attention on the extent to which the learner has mastered the formal properties of phonological, lexical, and grammatical systems
Why we study SLA
1. The study itself is fascinating in its own right. Understanding it requires drawing upon knowledge of psychology, linguistics, sociology anthropology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and neurolinguistics.
It is wrong to assume that naturalistic is subconscious and instructed is conscious. SLA deals with both of them The distinction is used in its sociolinguistic sense.
The distinction between the settings may be significant. It is possible that there will be radical differences in both what is leant and how it is learnt. Learning outcome and learning process will be different. How different they will be? SLA is used to cover both types of learning.
Use is that aspect of the performance which makes evident the extent to which the language user demonstrates his ability to use his knowledge of linguistic rules for effective communication. E.g. how learners learn to perform speech acts like request and apologizing. Pragmatic aspects
e. Acquisition VS. learning
Some researchers (Krashen 1981) distinguish between acquisition and learning. Acquisition refers to the subconscious process of picking up a language through exposure. Learning refers to the conscious process of studying it. SLA includes both of them.
B. Second vs. foreign language
In second language acquisition, the language plays an institutional and social role in the community; it functions as a recognized means of communication among members who speak some other language as their mother tongue. E.g. English is learnt in US as a second language. In contrast, foreign language learning takes place in settings where the language plays no major role in the community and is primarily learnt only in the classIt can take place in a naturalistic or an instructed way. The goal of SLA is the description and explanation of the learners’ competence. To this end, the researchers must examine aspects of the learner’s usage of the L2 in actual performance, by collecting and analyzing samples of learner language
d. Competence VS. performance
According to Chomsky(1965), competence consists of the mental representations of linguistic rules that constitute the speaker-hearer’s internal grammar. It is implicit and evident in the intuitions which the speaker-hearer has about the grammaticality of the sentence.
SLA research has been primarily concerned with studying usage, although it is now paying more attention to use. It has become apparent that even if the aim is to find out how learners acquire formal features, it is often necessary to examine how they use these features to express meaning.