Syntax 语言学之句法学
Chapter Four Syntax 句法学一、定义1. syntax句法学:Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences.句法学是一门研究语言的规则,这些规则控制句子的形成。
〔把单词凑在一起形成句子〕二、知识点4.2 Category 范畴Syntactic category 句法类型: Words can be grouped together into a relatively small number of classes, called Syntactic category. 单词可以被组成数量相对较小的类别,称为句法类型。
This classification reflects a variety of factors, (1) including the type of meaning that words express, (2) the type of affies that they take, (3) and the type of structures in which they can occur.这种分类反映出各种不同的因素:〔1〕包括单词所表达的意义的类别,〔2〕它们所带词缀的类别,〔3〕它们所能出现的结构的类别。
word level category词层面类型〔对于句法学而言最核心的类型〕1. Major lexical categories 主要词汇类型〔词性〕:名、动、形、副词N, V, Adj, Adv〔open开放性词类,can add new words〕P43图〔在句子构成中起重要作用〕1〕主要词类又称开放词类,可以不断地出现新词。
在英语,它们主要有四类:名词〔N〕: student linguistics lecture动词〔V〕: like red go形容词〔adj〕: tall lovely red副词〔adv〕: loudly constantly hardP134中2. Minor lexical categories 次要词汇类型〔词性〕:限定、程度、量词、助动、介、代、连、叹Det, Deg, Qual, Aux, Prep, Pron, Conj, Int 〔close封闭性词类, words are fixed不添加新词〕P43图2〕次要词类又称闭合词类。
句法学是语言学研究的重要组成部分 ,它对于理解语言的本质、演变和功 能具有重要意义。
句法学的研究成果有助于我们深入了 解语言的表达方式和意义生成机制, 对于语言教学、翻译、自然语言处理 等领域也有着重要的应用价值。
短语结构规则是句法学中的基础规则,是构建句子 和理解句子的关键。
转换规则是指将一种句子结构转换为另 一种句子结构的规则。
转换规则包括被动转换、主动转换、疑问转 换等,通过转换规则可以将一个句子转换为 另一个等义的句子。
转换规则在语言学中具有重要的意 义,可以帮助我们理解不同句子之 间的结构和语义关系。
目录 Contents
• 句法学概述 • 句法结构 • 句法规则与理论 • 句法现象与问题 • 句法应用与实践
句法学是语言学的一个分支,主要研 究句子结构的规律和规则。它致力于 揭示不同语言中句子的构造特点和组 织原则,并探究句子成分之间的关系 和变化。
基于句法学的康复训练方法能够针对性 地帮助患者纠正语言障碍,提高其语言 表达能力。
通过评估患者的句法结构,能够对其 语言康复效果进行客观的评估和反馈。
不同社会群体的语言使用习惯和句法结构存在差异,社会 语言学和方言研究关注这些差异及其社会文化背景。
生成语法理论认为,人类语言具有一种天生的语 法能力,能够根据一系列的规则和参数生成合乎 语法的句子。
英语语言学 句法学
Functional Approach declarative (陈述句), interrogative (疑问句), imperative (祈使句), exclamatory (感叹句).
3.3 IC Analysis (直接成分分析法):
Constituent (构成成分)
immediate constituent(直接成分) ultimate constituent (最终成分)
The movement of an auxiliary verb to the sentence-initial position, such as be, have, do, will, can, and should.
eg. John will buy a present. Will John buy a present?
IC Analysis refers to divide the sentence up into immediate constituents by using binary cutting until obtaining its ultimate constituents.
(把句子按其组成部分/成分用两进制切分法/二 分法一直划到最小的语法单位-又称最终成分 -词素。)
The XP rule
The X stands for the head of N,A,V and P.
The X bar theory(X杠理论)
The coordinate rule
3.Sentence (句子)
3.1 The sentence rule
Normally a sentence consists of at least a subject and its predicate
a. The boy ky the ball kicked the.
c. * The ball kicked the boy.
用"生成学派"特指由美国语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基 创立的一种语言学理论。这一理论自从1957年提 出以后经历了许多次改变。转换 (transformational)部分,是理论中的新部分, 包含转换规则。这些规则把短语结构部分生成的 深层结构转变成表层结构。那时乔姆斯基认为主 动句和被动句、陈述句和疑问句、肯定句和否定 句都是从同一个深层结构派生出来的。只是相关 的转换操作有所不同。
数(number),主要是名词和代词的范畴。 如:a book(一本书);some books(一些书);I(我), we(我们);he(他),they(他们)。
性(gender),主要也是名词和代词的范畴。 英语中,性的差别是自 然的,由动物本身的生理性别决定。 如:actor(男演员),actress(女演员);hero(男英雄), heroine(女英雄)。
句法(syntax)这个单词,来自希腊语,由两个语素 构成:﹛syn﹜和﹛tax﹜。﹛syn﹜的意思是"一起、共 同",﹛tax﹜的意思是"安排、排列",因此syntax本来 是"排列在一起"或"组合"的意思。在语言学上,它是指研 究语言中词组合成句子的支配规则,或者简单地说,是研 究句子的构造。因为通常认为句子是语言中最大的语法单 位,所以句法长期以来是语法研究的核心。不同的语言学 理论首先体现在对句子结构的不同处理上。
格(case)范畴在拉丁语语法里是很显著的。 英语里,代词有三种格:主格(如I,he,she),宾格(如 me, him,her)和属格(如my,his,her)。但是名词只有两种格:普 通格(如John,boys)和属格(如John's,boys'),由词的形态 区分,属格有附加语素﹛'s﹜。名词的主格和宾格的区别表现在语序 上,在动词之前的是主格,在动词之后的是宾格。
chapter 4句法学 (Syntax)
2. do insertion
S NP Infl N birds Pst VP V fly
N birds
Infl do
N birds e
V fly
3. Wh movement
1.yes-no question
S NP Det N Infl will VP V
Head movement
the movement of a word from the head position in one phrase into the head position in another
N you
V speak
NP t
4. relative clause (P62) Constraints on transformations 1.inversion can move an aux from the infl to
the nearest c position, but not to a more distant C position. element may be removed from a coordinate structure
句法学:研究组词造句的规则或规律。 他很喜欢吃肉。 肉他很喜欢吃。 *吃肉很他喜欢。 形态学 (词) 句法学 (句子) 篇章分析 (篇章)
语言学 4 Syntax
Transformational Generative Grammar (TG)
• Avram Noam Chomsky, (the most influential linguist in 20th century, born on December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, political activist, author, and lecturer. • Chomsky is well known in the academic and scientific community as one of the fathers of modern linguistics. Since the 1960s, he has become known more widely as a political dissident, an anarchist, and a libertarian socialist intellectual. • In the 1950s, Chomsky began developing his theory of generative grammar, which has undergone numerous revisions and has had a profound influence on linguistics. His approach to the study of language emphasizes "an innate set of linguistic principles shared by all humans" known as universal grammar.
Syntax(句法学)%26Semantics(语义)(第五章,第七章)Syntax1.Syntax(句法)is a branch of linguistics that studies howwords are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.2.IC analysis(直接成分分析) is a new approach of sentencestudy that cuts a sentence into two (or more) segments. This kind of pure segmentation is simply dividing a sentence into its constituent elements without even knowing what they really are.3.The term “category”(范畴)in some approaches refers toclasses and functions in its narrow sense, e.g., noun, verb, subject, predicate, noun phrase, verb phrase, etc. More specifically it refers to the defining properties of these general units: the categories of the noun, for example, include number, gender, case and countability; and of the verb, for example, tense, aspect, voice, etc.Semantics1. Semantics(语义学)----the study of language meaning. Meaning is central to the study of communication.2. Word meaningSense and reference are both concerned with the study ofword meaning. They are two related but different aspects of meaning.Sense(意义)---- is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form. It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract.Reference(指称)----what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.3. Major sense relations3.1 SynonymySynonymy(同义词)refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms.3.2 Antonymy (反义)a. Gradable antonyms(可分级反义词)----there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair, e.g. old-young, hot-cold, tall-short, …b. Complementary antonyms(互补反义词)----the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other, e.g. alive-dead, male-female, …c.Relational opposites(关系对⽴反义词)----exhibits thereversal of the relationship between the two items, e.g. husband-wife, father-son, doctor-patient, buy-sell, let-rent, employer-employee, give-receive, above-below, …d. Reversive(可逆性反义词)3.3 Hyponymy (上下关系)Hyponymy (上下关系)----the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.a. Superordinate(上义词): the word which is more general in meaning.b. Hyponyms(下义词): the word which is more specific in meaning.c. Co-hyponyms(同级下义词): hyponyms of the same superordinate.e.g. Superordinate: furnitureHyponyms: bed, table, desk, dresser, wardrobe, sofa, …3.4 Polysemy (⼀词多义)----the same one word may have more than one meaning.3.5 HomonymyHomonymy---- the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form, e.g. different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.Homophone(同⾳异义词)---- when two words are identical insound, e.g. rain-reign, night/knight, …Homogragh(同形异义词)---- when two words are identical in spelling, e.g. tear(n.)-tear(v.), lead(n.)-lead(v.), …Complete homonym---- when two words are identical in both sound and spelling4. Componential analysis(成分分析)---- a way to analyze lexical meaning. The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. For example,Man: [+HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE]Boy: [+HUMAN, -ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE]Woman: [+HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, -MALE]Girl: [+HUMAN, -ADULT, +ANIMATE, -MALE]Pragmatics语⽤学Pragmatics is the study of how speakers of a language usesentences to effect successful communication.Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning, contextualmeaning, how more gets communicated than is said.The originSemanticsContext considered Context unconsideredPragmatics Traditional semanticsSentence and utterance话语The relation: Meaning of a sentence is abstract anddecontextualized while meaning of an utterance isconcrete and context-dependent. The meaning of anutterance is based on a sentence meaning and therealization of the abstract meaning of a sentencein a real situation of communication.Example: My bag is heavy. (utterance meaning: a statement,indirec t or polite request, declining someone’s requestfor help)Cooperative Principles and violation of the conversation maxims合作原则和准则的违反The maxim of quantity 数量准则Make your utterance as informative as required. No more and no less.The maxim of quality 质量准则Do not say what you believe to be false and do not saywhat you lack evidence for.The maxim of relation 关系准则Be relevantThe maxim of manner ⽅式准则Avoid obscurity, ambiguity. Be brief and orderly Violation of the maxims and revealing conversation implicature 会话含义The use of the terms principle and maxim does not meanthat the CP and its maxims will be followed by everybody all the time. People do violate them and tell lies. In fact, the significance CP lies in the violations.Examples of the violations of the maxims:1) Violation of the Maxim of QuantityA: What are you readingB: A book.A: Do you know where Dr. Townsend livesB: Somewhere in the southern suburbs of the city. (saidwhen it is known to both A and B that B has Dr. Townsend’s address)2)Violation of the Maxim of QualityA: Would you like to come to our party tonightB: I’m afraid I’m not feeling so well today.(said when it is known to both A and B thatB is feeling perfectly well)3) Violation of the Maxim of RelationA: What time is itB: Well, the paper’s already come.A: The hostess is an awful bore. Don’t you thinkB: The roses in the garden are beautiful, aren’t theyA: What do you think of the lectureB: He’s a good cook.4) Violation of the Maxim of MannerA: Let’s stop and get something to eat.B: Okay, but not M-c-D-o-n-a-l-d-s.A: What did your sister buy at Sears yesterdayB: She bought a red dress, she bought a green dress, and she bought a blue dress.。
Chapter 4 Syntax 句法学1.W hat is Syntax?Syntax studies the sentence structure of language. The term syntax came originally from Greek. It literally meant arrangement. It means that sentences are structured according to a particular arrangement of words. Well-arranged sentences are considered grammatical sentences. Grammatical sentences are formed following a set of syntactic rules.句法学研究语言的句子结构。
2. Syntax as a system of rules 句法是规则系统Syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences. A sentence is considered grammatical when it is in agreement with the grammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers. Universally found in the grammars f all human languages, syntactic rules comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker known as linguistic competence.The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.句法是一个由一套数量有限的抽象规则组成的系统,句子由单词组合而成。
戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 4 Syntax句法学
戴炜栋语言学-Chapter 4 Syntax句法学●4.1 What is syntax?●Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentencesand the rules that govern the formation of sentences.●4.2 Categories范畴●关于所有人类语言中的词,有一个基本事实,即它们能被组成数量上相对较小的类别,称为句法范畴 A fundamental fact about words in all human languages is that they can be grouped together into a relatively small number of classes, called syntacticcategories.●Word-level categories●主要词汇范畴 (作中心词)major lexical categories(N,V,A,P)●次要词汇范畴(作标志语)minor lexical categories(determiner限定词,degreewords程度词, qualifier修饰词, auxiliary助动词, conjunction连词)●Phrase categories AND their structures●主要包括head, specifier和complement(中心语,标志语,补足语)●4.3 phrase structure rule●XP rule●并列规则coordination rule●X→X* Con X这个短语范畴,由n个X加conjunction连词再加一个x构成X为“一个任何结构层面的范畴”比如词,短语,句子●1,,在连词前可以加无限并列的成分;2.任何层面的范畴都可以并列;3.并列的必须是同一范畴;4.并列短语的范畴与其构成成分的范畴一致(也就是n和np可并列,因为都在名词的范畴下)●4.4 Phrase elements●标志语Specifiers●位于中心词左边●补充语complement●位于中心词右边●一些概念●次范畴化subcategorization●修正的xp规则:XP→(标志语)X(补语*)x后可以有多个补语●补语化成分(complementizers,缩写为Cs):引导句子补语的词叫做补语化成风●补语从句(complement clause):补语化成分引导的句子叫做补语从句●补语短语(complement phrase,缩写为CP ) 也就是类似于补语从句●主句(matrix clause)补语短语所在的结构称为主句●修饰语modifier●扩展的XP规则:[XP→(标志语)X(补语*)(修饰语)]●修饰语位置:中心词之前或之后。
1.2.1 number, gender, case
• Number is mostly a category of the noun and
pronoun, e.g. a book, some books.
• Gender is also mostly a category of the noun
1.4 Phrasal categories and their stuctures
• NP名词短语: a tall man, the student • VP动词短语: read a book, walk in the park • PP介词短语: in the park, after dark • AP形容词短语: quite rude, very anxious
Phrase stucture rule
The XP rule
The X stands for the head of N,A,V and P.
• specifier modifier X
cute X
in that tree
The X bar theory(X杠理论)
句法学:研究组词造句的规则或规律。 他很喜欢吃肉。 肉他很喜欢吃。 *吃肉很他喜欢。 形态学 (词) 句法学 (句子) 篇章分析 (篇章)
What is syntax?
• Syntax: {syn} ,{tax} • {syn} means “together” • {tax} means “to arrange” • A branch of linguistics that studies how
普通语言学 6-Syntax
4. 句法分析的最初模式
• 短语结构规则生成基本的句子结构,再 通过转换生成句子。 • 每个句子都有两层结构:深层结构和表 层结构。 • 深层结构是句子的抽象句法表示。 • 表层结构是实际发出的或者听到的句法 结构,它是句法派生的最后阶段。
• 短语结构规则生成深层结构,通过应用 一组转换规则,再形成表层结构。
•节点C, D, F, H, J是终极节 点。
• 用来解释句子是否合乎语法的结构关系 • C-统制:αC-统制β,当且仅当α不统辖β ,而且每一个统辖α的γ也统辖β
怎么确定C-统制?(Radford, 2002)
• 把α和β想象为火车站点
• αC-统制β:乘北向列车从α出发,在第一 个站点下车,换乘(不同线路的)南向 列车到达β。
• Syntactic Structures (1957): 乔姆斯 基革命 • 儿童为什么能够很容易地习得第一语言? • 为什么语言使用者可以说出无限的合乎语 法的句子,并且说出并听懂以前从未说出 和听过的句子?
• 天赋论(innateness hypothesis) • 语言习得机制(LAD)
笛卡尔 洪堡特 索绪尔
• 语言:(有限的成分集合构成的)句子的集合 • 语言能力(competence)与语言运用(performance)
目 的
• 用于描写各种语言的普遍语法(UG) • 思维的本质和机制
1. 经典理论( 1950s)建立了生成语法的概念,以及短语 结构规则和转换的概念。 2. 标准理论( 1960s)确立了与转换相关的深层结构和表 层结构,并且为了限制生成不合形式的句子,在深层结 构中引入了语义成分。 3. 扩展的标准理论( 1970s)提出表层结构决定了语义解 释,并且引入了语迹理论。 4. 管辖和约束理论( 1980s),也称作原则与参数理论, 引入了规则和规范的概念,包括X-语杠理论,θ 理论, 格理论,约束理论,移位理论。 5. 最简方案( 1990s及以后),核心假设是应该用最少的 理论和描写工具对语法进行描写。
Chapter 6 Syntax 句法学6.1 Syntax:definition 定义Syntax is a study of sentences:sentence structure and formation 句法学就是对句子的学习。
Syntax can be defined as the branch of linguistics that studies how the words of a language can be combined to make larger units, such as phrases, clauses and sentences.语法可以被定义为语言学的分支研究语言的词汇如何被合并成更大的单位,比如短语和句子,从句。
It studies the interrelationships between elements of the sentence structure and the rules gov erning the production of sentences. 它研究句子中各种成分之间的关系。
Finite(有限的)number of words and small set of rules can create infinite number of sentences.有限的单词和少量规则能创造无穷尽的句子。
Syntactic knowledge: the intuition of a native speaker about how words are combined to be phrases and and how phrases are combined into sentences. 句法知识:说话者用直觉知道母语词汇如何结合成词组和短语如何组合成的句子。
6.2 Grammar,syntax and morphology 语法、句法学和形态学Grammar :“the knowledge and study of the morphological and syntactic regularities of a natural lang uage. ”It excludes phonetics, phonology, semantics.语法是关于自然语言形态规则和句法规则的知识和研究。
Chapter 4 Syntax (句法学)Syntax is the study of the part of
1. 2.
4. 5.
In terms of the linear order of constituents, English has seven basic clause types: SV—Someone was laughing; Tom is coming. SVO—My sister enjoys parties; I like English. SVC—They became angry; He is clever. SVA—I went to New York; They work hard. SVOO—Mary gave John a book. The old man teaches us chemistry. SVOC—Most people consider the book expensive. We found Jane an honest girl. SVOA—You must put the toy downstairs. She did her homework carelessly.
直接成分分析法把话语一直分到词素, 忽略了词和习语作为词汇单位的整体作 用。如:look…up, bring…in, help…out, look forward to, 三长两短,七上八下, 如果切分到词素,就会忽视习语的整体 意义,从而破坏语义的完整性。
( Have a brief discussion on the exercises on P. 100.)
Construction ( 结 构 ): It is composed of constituents and is able to be segmented. Or: It is a relationship between constituents.
nominative (subject form) accusative 直接受格(direct object form)
dative 间接受格(indirect object form)
genetive属格 (possessive form)
pronouns nominative (I, he, she) genitive(my, his, her) accusative (me, him, her) nouns general (John, boys) genitive ( John's, boys')
to the relation to other constituents, a constituent may serve certain syntactic function in a clause.
verb, object, complement, and
Present: simple/progressive/perfect/perfect progressive Past: simple/progressive/perfect/perfect progressive Future: simple/progressive/perfect/perfect progressive Past Future: simple/future progressive/perfect/perfect progressive
FromGreek: Both
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Syntax as opposed to Morphology.
The traditional apporach.
普通语言学 6-Syntax解析
不定式短语(infinitive phrase)
learn to speak English
终极节点: V, N, I 非终极节点:VP, IP
二分原则(Binary Principle)
• 二项合并
• 非终极节点是二分的
5.2 X-语杠(X-bar)
短语由中心语( head )和右面 的补足语(complement)构成
笛卡尔 洪堡特 索绪尔
• 语言:(有限的成分集合构成的)句子的集合 • 语言能力(competence)与语言运用(performance)
目 的
• 用于描写各种语言的普遍语法(UG) • 思维的本质和机制
1. 经典理论( 1950s)建立了生成语法的概念,以及短语 结构规则和转换的概念。 2. 标准理论( 1960s)确立了与转换相关的深层结构和表 层结构,并且为了限制生成不合形式的句子,在深层结 构中引入了语义成分。 3. 扩展的标准理论( 1970s)提出表层结构决定了语义解 释,并且引入了语迹理论。 4. 管辖和约束理论( 1980s),也称作原则与参数理论, 引入了规则和规范的概念,包括X-语杠理论,θ 理论, 格理论,约束理论,移位理论。 5. 最简方案( 1990s及以后),核心假设是应该用最少的 理论和描写工具对语法进行描写。
• 成分统制(constituent command) • 句法成分之间的关系
• 统辖(dominance):树形图中的等级关 系,从上到下的顺序关系。
•节点E统辖节点F, G, H, J; •节点G统辖节点H和J;
determiners as in NP: the tree, this book qualifiers as in VP: always fail, never surrender degree words as in AP: quite good, very sensitive PP: almost in, quite above
Complements 补语
Complements can be phrases Providing information about entities and locations whose existence is implied by the meaning of the head Attached to the right of the head
Coordination rule 并列规则
Coordinate structures: the structures that are formed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction. Four properties:
Sentence Structure: Syntax
Syntax 句法学
A branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences.
Syntax theories: Transformational syntax
N.: to denote entities and objects e.g., John, Mary, pen, book V.: to designate action, sensation and states e.g., run, hate, exist Adj.: to modify property of nouns e.g., pretty lady
Chapter 4 Syntax句法学
Basic Definitions in Syntax(句法学的基本定义) 4.1 Syntactic relations (句子关系) Syntactic relations refers to the ways in which words, word groups or phrases form sentences, hence three kinds of syntactic relation: positional relations (位 置关系), relations of substitutability (替换 关系) and relations of co- occurrence (同 现关系).
Basic Definitions in Syntax(句法学的基本定义) Definition of syntax (句法学的定义)
Syntax is the study of the part of the human linguistic system that determines how sentences are put together out of words. Syntactic rules in a grammar account for the grammaticality of sentences, and the ordering of words and morphemes. Syntax involves our knowledge of structural ambiguity, our knowledge that sentences may be paraphrases of each other, and our knowledge of the grammatical function of each part of a sentence, that is, of the grammatical relations. It is also concerned with speakers’ ability to produce and understand an infinite set of possible sentences.
Syntax句法学: It is a branch of linguistics hat studies how words are combined to from sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.Syntactic Category:句法范畴It refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. 能在句子起相同作用的词构成相同的句法范畴。
Phrase: (短语):Syntactic units that are built around a certain word category are called phrases, the category of which is determined by the word category around which the phrase is built. 英语句法研究中,最常见的是名词短语(NP)、动词短语(VP)、形容词短语(AP)、和介词短语(PP)Phrase that are formed of more than one word usually contain the following elements : head (中心语) , specifier (标志语), and complement(补足语)Phrase structure rule (短语结构规则):The special type of grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase.Transformation-generative grammar (转换生成语法):又美国语言学家乔姆斯基在1957年提出的语法研究模式,认为所以的语言形式都是由人脑中的一些深层结构通过一系列的转换规则衍生而来的。
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• Passage 16 Grammars of English
• 《英语语法理论及流派》殷钟崃 周光亚 四川大学出版社 1992 • Syntax: Subcategory of the grammar of natural languages: a system of rules which describe how all well-formed sentences of a language can be derived from basic elements ( morphemes, words, part of speech). Also see p193
Hale Waihona Puke Lecture 6Syntax
• Structural grammar // is related with traditional grammar. • Structural grammar // is related // with traditional grammar. • Structural grammar // is related // with // traditional grammar. • Structural // grammar // is related // with // traditional // grammar.
Lecture 6
• leave
Lecture 6
• Questions: • 1) What are the different meanngs of “grammar” and its sense
• • • • • • • • • • • • according to the author? p165 2) Which grammatical theories are popular in the field of linguistic analysis? p166 3) What do yu know about Traditional grammar? 4) There were many people who insist that grammarians’ job is to describe the language people use and not to prescribe. Do you agree? p168 5) What are the significant points in the favor of Traditional grammar as an analytial system? p168 6) In what way is Structural grammar different from Traditional grammar? p171 7) What do you know about Transformational-Generative grammar?