






二、实验原理TTL集成电路的输入端和输出端均为三极管结构,所以称作三极管、三极管逻辑电路(Transistor -Transistor Logic 简称TTL电路。

54 系列的TTL电路和74 系列的TTL电路具有完全相同的电路结构和电气性能参数。

所不同的是54 系列比74 系列的工作温度范围更宽,电源允许的范围也更大。

74 系列的工作环境温度规定为0—700C,电源电压工作范围为5V±5%V,而54 系列工作环境温度规定为-55—±1250C,电源电压工作范围为5V±10%V。

54H 与74H,54S 与74S 以及54LS 与74LS 系列的区别也仅在于工作环境温度与电源电压工作范围不同,就像54 系列和74 系列的区别那样。

在不同系列的TTL 器件中,只要器件型号的后几位数码一样,则它们的逻辑功能、外形尺寸、引脚排列就完全相同。

TTL 集成电路由于工作速度高、输出幅度较大、种类多、不易损坏而使用较广,特别对我们进行实验论证,选用TTL 电路比较合适。

因此,本实训教材大多采用74LS(或74系列TTL 集成电路,它的电源电压工作范围为5V±5%V,逻辑高电平为“1”时≥2.4V,低电平为“0”时≤0.4V。

它们的逻辑表达式分别为:图1.1 分别是本次实验所用基本逻辑门电路的逻辑符号图。

图1.1 TTL 基本逻辑门电路与门的逻辑功能为“有0 则0,全1 则1”;或门的逻辑功能为“有1则1,全0 则0”;非门的逻辑功能为输出与输入相反;与非门的逻辑功能为“有0 则1,全1 则0”;或非门的逻辑功能为“有1 则0,全0 则1”;异或门的逻辑功能为“不同则1,相同则0”。

三、实验设备1、硬件:计算机2、软件:Multisim四、实验内容及实验步骤1、基本集成门逻辑电路测试 (1测试与门逻辑功能74LS08是四个2输入端与门集成电路(见附录1,请按下图搭建电路,再检测与门的逻辑功能,结果填入下表中。



multisim教程实验指导书第⼀章第⼀章 Multisim7基本操作1.1 Multisim7基本操作图1-11.1.2 ⽂件基本操作与Windows 常⽤的⽂件操作⼀样,Multisim7中也有:New--新建⽂件、Open--打开⽂件、Save--保存⽂件、Save As--另存⽂件、Print--打印⽂件、Print Setup--打印设置和Exit--退出等相关的⽂件操作。

以上这些操作可以在菜单栏File ⼦菜单下选择命令,也可以应⽤快捷键或⼯具栏的图标进⾏快捷操作。

1.1.3 元器件基本操作常⽤的元器件编辑功能有:90 Clockwise--顺时针旋转90?、90 CounterCW--逆时针旋转90?、Flip Horizontal--⽔平翻转、Flip Vertical--垂直翻转、Component Properties--元件属性等。

这些操作可以在菜单栏Edit ⼦菜单下选择命令,或⽤Edit ⼦菜单右边显⽰的快捷键进⾏快捷操作,也可以选中元器件后右击⿏标选择相应命令。

例对三极管操作如图1-2所⽰:图1-21.1.4 ⽂本基本编辑对⽂字注释⽅式有两种:直接在电路⼯作区输⼊⽂字或者在⽂本描述框输⼊⽂字,两种操作⽅式有所不同。

1. 电路⼯作区输⼊⽂字单击Place / Text 命令或使⽤Ctrl+T 快捷操作,然后⽤⿏标单击需要输⼊⽂字的位置,输⼊需要的⽂字。

⽤⿏标指向⽂字块,单击⿏标右键,在弹出的菜单中选择Color 命令,选择需要的颜⾊。


2. ⽂本描述框输⼊⽂字利⽤⽂本描述框输⼊⽂字不占⽤电路窗⼝,可以对电路的功能、实⽤说明等进⾏详细的说明,可以根据需要修改⽂字的⼤⼩和字体。

单击View/ Circuit Description Box 命令或使⽤快捷操作Ctrl+D ,打开电路⽂本描述框,如图1-3所⽰,在其中输⼊需要说明的⽂字,可以保存和打印输⼊的⽂本。









(必做)(二)1. 设计一个路灯的控制电路,要求在四个不同的路口都能独立地控制路灯的亮灭。


在Quartus Ⅱ环境下实现设计,完成对波形的仿真,并将设计下载到实验箱并进行功能验证。

(必做)要求:用四个按键开关作为四个输入变量;用一个LED 彩灯(发光二极管)来显示输出的状态,“灯亮”表示输出为“高电平”,“灯灭”表示输出为“低电平”。

2. 设计一个保密锁电路,保密锁上有三个键钮A 、B 、C 。

要求当三个键钮同时按下时,或A 、B 两个同时按下时,或按下A 、B 中的任一键钮时,锁就能被打开;而当不符合上列组合状态时,将使电铃发出报警响声。



在Quartus Ⅱ环境下实现设计,完成对波形的仿真,并将设计下载到实验箱并进行功能验证。

(选做)(注:取A 、B 、C 三个键钮状态为输入变量,开锁信号和报警信号为输出变量,分别用F 1用F 2表示。






二、实验原理TTL集成电路的输入端和输出端均为三极管结构,所以称作三极管、三极管逻辑电路(Transistor -Transistor Logic )简称TTL电路。

54 系列的TTL电路和74 系列的TTL电路具有完全相同的电路结构和电气性能参数。

所不同的是54 系列比74 系列的工作温度范围更宽,电源允许的范围也更大。

74 系列的工作环境温度规定为0—700C,电源电压工作范围为5V±5%V,而54 系列工作环境温度规定为-55—±1250C,电源电压工作范围为5V±10%V。

54H 与74H,54S 与74S 以及54LS 与74LS 系列的区别也仅在于工作环境温度与电源电压工作范围不同,就像54 系列和74 系列的区别那样。

在不同系列的TTL 器件中,只要器件型号的后几位数码一样,则它们的逻辑功能、外形尺寸、引脚排列就完全相同。

TTL 集成电路由于工作速度高、输出幅度较大、种类多、不易损坏而使用较广,特别对我们进行实验论证,选用TTL 电路比较合适。

因此,本实训教材大多采用74LS(或74)系列TTL 集成电路,它的电源电压工作范围为5V±5%V,逻辑高电平为“1”时≥2.4V,低电平为“0”时≤0.4V。

它们的逻辑表达式分别为:图1.1 分别是本次实验所用基本逻辑门电路的逻辑符号图。

图1.1 TTL 基本逻辑门电路与门的逻辑功能为“有0 则0,全1 则1”;或门的逻辑功能为“有1则1,全0 则0”;非门的逻辑功能为输出与输入相反;与非门的逻辑功能为“有0 则1,全1 则0”;或非门的逻辑功能为“有1 则0,全0 则1”;异或门的逻辑功能为“不同则1,相同则0”。

三、实验设备1、硬件:计算机2、软件:Multisim四、实验内容及实验步骤1、基本集成门逻辑电路测试 (1)测试与门逻辑功能74LS08是四个2输入端与门集成电路(见附录1),请按下图搭建电路,再检测与门的逻辑功能,结果填入下表中。



实验八 基于Quartus Ⅱ的原理图设计一、实验目的1、掌握Quartus II 集成开发环境软件原理图输入的设计流程;2、掌握74390的工作原理,学会通过Quartus II 建立原理图设计小型数字电路;3、掌握对设计进行编译、仿真的方法。

二、实验原理运用Quartus Ⅱ的原理图设计方法设计如图1-1 所示的两位十进制计数器,并对1-1 所示的十进制计数器进行功能仿真,最后生成一个独立元件。

图 1-1 两位十进制计数器原理图74390 是一个两位双计数器,其真值表见表 1-1 。

图 1-1 中的 74390 连接成两个独立的十进制计数器,计数脉冲 CLK 和使能信号 ENB 通过与门进入 74390 计数器“1”端的时钟输入 1CLK ,当 ENB 为“1”时允许计数,当 ENB 为“0”时禁止计数。

计数器 1 的 4 位输出 q[3]、q[2]、q[1]和 q[0]并行总线表示方式即 q[3..0],由 q[1]和 q[2]通过反相器取反后与 q[0]和 q[3]通过四输入的与门构成进位信号,即当计数到 9(1001)时输出进位信号 COUNT0; COUNT0 信号进入第二个计数器的 2CLKA 端进行计数,第二个计数器的 4 位输出信号q[7]、 q[6]、 q[5]和 q[4] 并行总线表示方式即 q[7..4],由 q[5]和 q[6]通过反相器取反后与 q[4]和 q[7] 连同 COUNT0 通过 6 输入的与门构成总的进位信号COUNT1,即当计数到99(10011001)时输出进位信号 COUNT1 。

0 0 1 0 1 50 0 1 1 0 60 0 1 1 1 70 1 0 0 0 80 1 0 0 1 9注 A:对于 BCD(十进)计数,输出 QA 连到输入 B 计数;注 B:对于 5—2 进制计数,输出 QD 连到输入 A 计数。

三、实验设备1、硬件:计算机2、软件:Quartus Ⅱ软件四、实验内容及实验步骤1.工程项目的建立(1)新建一个文件夹作为工程项目的目录一般要求不同的设计项目最好放在不同的文件夹,而同一工程的所有文件都必须放在同以文件夹中,所有文件夹和工程文件的名称都是英文字母,不要用中文,比如E:\EDA\Sample。



对于上述零状态响应、零输入响应和全响应的过程,uC (t)和iC (t)的波形只有用长余辉 示波器才能直接显示出来,普通示波器难于观察。
如用方波信号源激励,RC 电路的方波响应,在电路的时间常数远小于方波周期时,前
半周期激励作用时的响应就是零状态响应,得到电容充电曲线;而后半周期激励为 0,相当
容量大小就代表时间常数的大小。如图 3 所示给出了电容容量较小时, C = 100μF 时,电
4.2 二阶电路的过渡过程 1 创建电路:从元器件库中选择电压源、电阻、电容、电感、单刀双掷开关和虚拟示波器, 创建二阶电路如图 4 所示。

图 1 串联谐振电路 2、电路的幅频特性:单击运行(RUN)按钮,双击频率特性仪XBP1 图标,在Mode选项组 中单击Magnitude(幅频特性)按钮,可得到该电路的幅频特性,如图 2 所示。从图中所知, 电路在谐振频率f0处有个增益极大值,而在其他频段增益大大下降。需要说明的是,电路的 谐振频率只与电路的结构和元件参数有关,与外加电源的频率无关。本处电路所选的电源频 率为 1kHz,若选择其他频率,幅频特性不变。
图 3 电容容量较小时的充放电波形
说明: 1 当开关停留在触点 1 时,电源一直给电容充电,电容充到最大值 12V,如图 2 中电容充放 电波形的开始阶段。 2 仿真时,电路的参数大小选择要合理,电路的过渡过程快慢与时间常数大小有关,时间常 数越大,则过渡过程越慢;时间常数越小,则过渡过程越快。电路中其他参数不变时,电容



实验1 Multisim数字逻辑转换实验一、实验目的1、通过实验学习使用逻辑转换仪化简逻辑函数的方法。










图1-1 逻辑转换仪四、实验内容1、逻辑函数的化简在表达式输入框中输入需化简的逻辑函数,并点击逻辑表达式转换成真值表功能按钮,并将转化结果记录在表1-1中。

逻辑函数如下:R=AB’CD’+A’E+BE’+CD’E表1-1 逻辑函数转换成成指标结果使用真值表转换成化简后逻辑表达式功能,并记录化简结果。


2、逻辑图的分析图1-2 逻辑图分析连接图1、实验逻辑图如图1-2,在Multisim数字器件库中,找到74LS138D和74LS10D,按图连接。



数字电路实验M u l t i s i m仿真HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】实验一逻辑门电路一、与非门逻辑功能的测试74LS20(双四输入与非门)仿真结果二、门)三、与或非门逻辑功能的测试四、现路;一、分析半加器的逻辑功能二.74LS138接成四线-十六线译码器 00000001011110001111(2)用一片74LS153接成两位四选一数据选择器; (3)用一片74LS153一片74LS00和接成一位全加器(1)设计一个有A 、B 、C 三位代码输入的密码锁(假设密码是011),当输入密码正确时,锁被打开(Y 1=1),如果密码不符,电路发出报警信号(Y 2=1)。


还可以用门电路搭建实验三 触发器及触发器之间的转换1. D 触发器逻辑功能的测试(上升沿)2. JK 触发器功能测试(下降沿)Q=0Q=0略3. 思考题:(1)(2)(3)略实验四寄存器与计数器1.右移寄存器(74ls74 为上升沿有效)位异步二进制加法,减法计数器(74LS112 下降沿有效)也可以不加数码显示管3.设计性试验(1)74LS160设计7进制计数器(74LS160 是上升沿有效,且异步清零,同步置数)若采用异步清零:若采用同步置数:(2)74LS160设计7进制计数器略(3)24进制83进制注意:用74LS160与74LS197、74LS191是完全不一样的实验五 555定时器及其应用1.施密特触发器输入电压从零开始增加:输入电压从5V开始减小:2.单稳态触发器3.多谢振荡。



实验3.2 与非门逻辑功能测试及组成其它门电路一、实验目的:1.熟悉THD-1型(或Dais-2B型)数电实验箱的使用方法。

2. 了解基本门电路逻辑功能测试方法。


二、实验准备:1. 集成逻辑门有许多种,如:与门、或门、非门、与非门、或非门、与或非门、异或门、OC门、TS门等等。



例如,要实现或门Y=A+B,A ,可用三个与非门连根据摩根定律,或门的逻辑函数表达式可以写成:Y=B接实现。


2. 集成电路与非门简介:74LS00是“TTL系列”中的与非门,CD4011是“CMOS系列”中的与非门。







CMOS电路的主要优点是:(1). 功耗低,其静态工作电流在10-9A数量级,是目前所有数字集成电路中最低的,而TTL器件的功耗则大得多。




目录实验1: 基本逻辑门电路 (2)EDA设计实验的基本步骤和注意事项 (4)实验2: 译码器及其应用 (10)实验3 触发器、移位寄存器的设计和应用 (15)实验4: 计数器 (18)实验5: 数字系统的设计 (19)实验报告格式和内容 (20)实验1: 基本逻辑门电路一、实验目的1: 掌握各种门电路的逻辑功能及测试方法。

2: 学习用与非门组成其它逻辑门电路。

二、实验用的仪器、仪表TEC —5实验箱 74LS00二输入四与非门 三态门74LS125三、实验原理与非门的逻辑功能是: 当输入端中有一个或一个以上低电平时, 输出端为高电平。

只有当输入端全为高电平时, 输出端才为低电平(即有“0”得“1”, 全“1”出“0”)。


它与普通的逻辑门电路不同, 它的输出状态除了高、低电平两种状态(均为低阻状态)外, 还有第三种状态,即高阻态。

处于高阻态时, 电路与负载之间相当于开路。



四、实验内容 1: 测试二输入与非门的逻辑功能与非门的输入端接逻辑开关电平, 输出端接发光二极管。

按表1-2所示测试与非门, 并将测试结果填入表中。

B A F •= 表1-1AB2: 学习用二输入与非门构成其他逻辑电路的方法, 并测试。

与门逻辑功能实现:根据布尔代数的理论, ,所以用2个与非门即可实现与门逻辑功能。

输入A 、B 接逻辑开关, 输出端接发光二极管。

参考表1-1, 设计表格, 并将测试结果填入表中。

或门逻辑功能实现:根据布尔代数的理论, ,所以用3个与非门即可实现或门逻辑功能。

输入A 、B 接逻辑开关, 输出端接发光二极管。

参考表1-1, 设计表格, 并将测试结果填入表中。

异或门逻辑功能实现:根据布尔代数的理论, ,根跟据此异或逻辑表达式经过变换, 逻辑图如下, 请自行验证此逻辑图的正确性, 同时思考如果直接据逻辑表达式画逻辑图, 效果如何, 近而体会变换的作用。



DIGITAL LOGIC CIRCUIT MODELING AND SIMULATION WITH MULTISIMMultisim is a schematic capture and simulation program for analog, digital and mixed analog/digital circuits, and is one component of the National Instruments “Circuit Design Suite”.The basic steps in modeling and analysis of a digital logic circuit are:1.Open Multisim and create a “design”.2.Draw a schematic diagram of the circuit (components and interconnections).3.Design digital test patterns to be applied to the circuit inputs to stimulate the circuit and connect signal sourcesto the circuit inputs to produce these patterns.4.Connect the circuit outputs to one or more indicators to display the response of the circuit to the test patterns.5.Run the simulation and examine the results, copying and pasting Multisim windows into lab reports and otherdocuments as needed.6.Save the design.Step 1. Open Multisim and create a designThis creates a blank design called “Design1”, as illustrated in Figure 1. Save the file with the desired design name via menu bar File>Save As to use the standard Windows Save dialog.A previously saved design can be opened via File>Open. In the dialog window, navigate to the directory in which the design is stored, select the file, and click the Open button.Figure 1. Blank design with default name “Design 1.”Step 2. Draw a schematic diagram of the circuitPlace ComponentsA schematic diagram comprises one or more circuit components, interconnected by wires. Optionally, signal “sources” may be connected to the circuit inputs, and “indicators” to the circuit outputs. Each component is selected from the Multisim library and placed on the drawing sheet in the Circuit Window (also called the Workspace). The Multisim library is organized into “groups” of related components (Transistors, Diodes, Misc Digital, TTL, etc.). Each group comprises one or more “families”, within which the components are implemented with a common technology. For designing and simulating digital logic circuits in this course, “Misc Digital” (TIL family only) is used.The “Misc Digital” group has three families of components, of which family “TIL” contains models of generic logic gates, flip-flops, and modular functions. These components are technology-independent, which means that they have only nominal circuit delays and power dissipation, unrelated to any particular technology. Generic components can be used to test the basic functionality of a design, whereas realistic timing information requires the use of technology-specific part models, such as those in the TTL group.To place a component on the drawing sheet, select it via the Component Browser, which is opened via the component toolbar or the menu bar. From the menu bar, select Place>Component to open the Component Browser window, illustrated in Figure 2. You can also open this window by clicking on the Misc Digital icon in the component toolbar. On the left side of the window, select “Master Database”, group “Misc Digital”, and family “TIL”. The component panel in the center lists all components in the selected family. Scroll down to and click on the desired gate (NAND2 Figure 3); its symbol and description are displayed on the right side of the window. Then click the OK button. The selected gate will be shown on the drawing sheet next to the cursor; move the cursor to position the gate at the desired location, and then click to fix the position of the component. The component can later be moved to a different location, deleted, rotated, etc. by right clicking on the component and selecting the desired action. You may also select these operations via the menu bar Edit menu.Figure 2. Component Browser: Misc Digital TIL family NAND2 gate component selected.Figure 3. A third NAND2 gate is about to be placed on the drawing sheet.Figure 4 shows the schematic diagram with four placed components. Note that each placed gate has a “designator” (U2, U3, U4, U5), which can be used when referring to that gate. You can change a designator by right clicking on the component, selecting Properties, and entering the desired name on the Label tab.Figure 4. Schematic diagram with all placed components.Drawing WiresWires are drawn between component pins to interconnect them. Moving the cursor over a component pin changes the pointer to a crosshair, at which time you may click to initiate a wire from that pin. This causes a wire to appear, connected to the pin and the cursor. Move the cursor to the corresponding pin of the second component (the wire follows the cursor) and click to terminate the wire on that pin. If you do not like the path selected for the wire, you may click at a point on the drawing sheet to fix the wire to that point and then you can move the cursor to continue the wire from that point. You may also initiate or terminate a wire by clicking in the middle of a wire segment, creating a “junction” at that point. This is necessary when a wire is to be fanned out to more than one component input. A partially-wired circuit, including one junction point, is illustrated in Figure 5.Figure 5. Partially wired circuit, with one junction point.Step 3. Generating test input patterns.To drive circuit simulations, Multisim provides several types of “sources” and “instruments” to generate and apply patterns of logic values to digital circuit inputs. Sources are placed on the schematic sheet and connected to circuit inputs in the same way as circuit components, selecting them from the “Digital_Sources” family of the “Sources” group in the component browser. Note that there is a Place Source shortcut icon in the tool bar.There are three basic digital sources:1.DIGITAL_CONSTANT – this is a box with a constant logic 1 or 0 output, and would be used where the logic valueis not to be changed during simulation. To change the output value, right click on the box, select Properties, select the desired value on the Value tab, and click the OK button.2.INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT – this is a clickable box that can be connected to a circuit input. Clicking onthe box toggles its output between 0 and 1. This can be used to interactively change a circuit input duringsimulation.3.DIGITAL_CLOCK – this is a box that produces a repeating pulse train (square waveform), oscillating between 0and 1 at a specified frequency. To set the frequency and duty cycle, right click on the box, select Properties,select the desired frequency and duty cycle value on the Value tab, and click the OK button.Figure 6 shows the circuit of Figure 5 with an INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT connected to each input. Note that the initial state of each is logic 0. Since this circuit has only three inputs, all 8 input patterns can be produced (to generate a truth table for the circuit) by manually toggling the inputs.Figure 6. INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT sources connected to circuit inputs.Step 4. Connect circuit outputs to indicatorsTo facilitate studying the digital circuit output(s), Multisim provides a variety of “indicators”. For digital simulation, the most useful are digital “probes”, hex displays, and the Logic Analyzer instrument. A probe, illustrated in Figure 7, displays a single digital value as ON or OFF (the probe is “illuminated” indicating an ON condition). The PROBE family of the Indicators group includes a generic PROBE_DIG and several PROBE_DIG_color indicators (color = BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, RED, YELLOW). The probe in Figure 7 is PROBE_DIG_BLUE. This circuit can be verified by manually changing the three INTERACTIVE_DIGITAL_CONSTANT inputs to each of the 8 possible combinations, and recording the probe value for each combination to create a truth table.Figure 7. DIGITAL_PROBE_BLUE connected to circuit output.Step 5. Run the simulationA simulation is initiated by pressing the Run (green arrow) button in the toolbar or via the menu bar via Simulate>Run. You may simulate the circuit by clicking on the keys to change the input values and observe the output changes through the LED indicator.You may capture any window and paste it into a Word or other document for generating reports. An individual window is captured by pressing the ALT and Print Screen keys concurrently. You may then “paste” the captured window into a document via the editing features of that document. To capture a circuit diagram in the main window, the simplest method is via the menu bar Tools>Capture Screen Area. This produces a rectangle whose corners can be stretched to include the screen area to be captured; the “copy” icon on the top left corner is pressed to copy the area, which may then be pasted into a document.Step 6. Save the design and close MultisimThe simplest way to save a design is to click the Save icon in the Design Toolbar on the left side of the window, directly above the design name. Alternatively, you may use the standard menu bar File>Save.Multisim is exited as any other Windows program.-This document is a modified and short version of /department/ee/elec2210/.Appendix: Creating subcircuits and hierarchical blocks (from NI Multisim manual)Complete the following steps to place a new subcircuit:1. Select Place»New subcircuit. The Subcircuit Name dialog box appears.2. Enter the name you wish to use for the subcircuit, for example, “PowerSupply” andclick OK. Your cursor changes to a “ghost” image of the subcircuit indicating that thesubcircuit is ready to be placed.3. Click in the desired location to place the subcircuit.4. Double-click on the new subcircuit and select Open subsheet from the Label tab ofthe Hierarchical Block/Subcircuit dialog box that displays. An empty design sheetappears.5. Place and wire components as desired in the new subcircuit.6. Select Place»Connectors»Hierarchical connector, and place and wire the connector asdesired. Repeat for all required hierarchical connectors.When you attach a hierarchical connector to a wire, the net name for the wire that you connect it to does not change if it has a Preferred net name (user-assigned via the NetProperties dialog box). If the net name on the wire is auto-named, it changes to match theconnector.7. Select the sheet that contains the subcircuit from the Hierarchy tab of the DesignToolbox.OrSelect View»Parent sheet.This command moves you up to the next sheet in the hierarchy. If you have multiple nested circuits and are viewing, for example, a subcircuit within a subcircuit, you will notmove to the top of the hierarchy.The symbol for the subcircuit that appears includes pins for the number of connectors thatyou added.8. Wire the hierarchical connectors into the main circuit.Complete the following steps to place another instance of the same subcircuit:1. Select the desired subcircuit and select Edit»Copy.2. Select Edit»Paste to place a copy of the subcircuit on the workspace.。



第7章 数字电子技术Multisim仿真实验
(1) 设计要求:设计一个火灾报警控制电路。该报警系 统设有烟感、温感和紫外线感三种不同类型的火灾探测器。 为了防止误报警,只有当其中两种或两种以上的探测器发出 火灾探测信号时,报警系统才产生控制信号。
(2) 探测器发出的火灾探测信号有两种可能:一种是高 电平(1),表示有火灾报警;一种是低电平(0),表示无火灾 报警。设A、B、C分别表示烟感、温感和紫外线感三种探 测器的探测信号,为报警电路的输入信号;设Y为报警电路 的输出。在逻辑转换仪面板上根据设计要求列出真值表,如 图7-8所示。
第7章 数字电子技术Multisim仿真实验
2.实验原理 译码是编码的逆过程。译码器就是将输入的二进制代码 翻译成输出端的高、低电平信号。3线-8线译码器74LS138有 3个代码输入端和8个信号输出端。此外还有G1、G2A、G2B使 能控制端,只有当G1 = 1、G2A = 0、G2B = 0时,译码器才 能正常工作。 7段LED数码管俗称数码管,其工作原理是将要显示的十 进制数分成7段,每段为一个发光二极管,利用不同发光段 的组合来显示不同的数字。74LS48是显示译码器,可驱动共 阴极的7段LED数码管。
第7章 数字电子技术Multisim仿真实验
4.实验步骤 (1) 按图7-12连接电路。双击字信号发生器图标,打开 字信号发生器面板,按图7-14所示的内容设置字信号发生器 的各项内容。 (2) 打开仿真开关,不断单击字信号发生器面板上的单 步输出Step按钮,观察输出信号与输入代码的对应关系,并 记录下来。 (3) 按图7-13连接电路。双击字信号发生器图标,打开 字信号发生器面板,按图7-15所示的内容设置字信号发生器 的各项内容。
第7章 数字电子技术Multisim仿真实验


















Multisim 数字电路仿真实验(计数器)

Multisim 数字电路仿真实验(计数器)

Multisim 数字电路仿真实验1.实验目的用Multisim 的仿真软件对数字电路进行仿真研究。

2.实验内容实验19.1 交通灯报警电路仿真交通灯故障报警电路工作要求如下:红、黄、绿三种颜色的指示灯在下列情况下属正常工作,即单独的红灯指示、黄灯指示、绿灯指示及黄、绿灯同时指示,而其他情况下均属于故障状态。


设字母R、Y、G 分别表示红、黄、绿三个交通灯,高电平表示灯亮,低电平表示灯灭。

字母Z 表示报警灯,高电平表示报警。

则真值表如表19.1 所示。

逻辑表达式为:Z = R Y G + RG + RY若用与非门实现,则表达式可化为:Z = R Y G ⋅RG ⋅RYMultisim 仿真设计图如图19.1 所示:图19.1 的电路图中分别用开关A、B、C 模拟控制红、黄、绿灯的亮暗,开关接向高电平时表示灯亮,接向低电平时表示灯灭。

用发光二极管LED1 的亮暗模拟报警灯的亮暗。

另外用了一个5V直流电源、一个7400 四2 输入与非门、一个7404 六反相器、一个7420 双4 输入与非门、一个500欧姆电阻。

图19.1 交通灯报警电路原理图在仿真实验中可以看出,当开关A、B、C 中只有一个拨向高电平,以及B、C 同时拨向高电平而A 拨向低电平时报警灯不亮,其余情况下报警灯均亮。

实验19.2 数字频率计电路仿真数字频率计电路的工作要求如下:能测出某一未知数字信号的频率,并用数码管显示测量结果。

如果用2 位数码管,则测量的最大频率是99Hz。

数字频率计电路Multisim 仿真设计图如图19.2 所示。

其电路结构是:用二片74LS90(U1 和U2)组成BCD 码100 进制计数器,二个数码管U3 和U4 分别显示十位数和个位数。

四D 触发器74LS175(U5)与三输入与非门7410(U6B)组成可自启动的环形计数器,产生闸门控制信号和计数器清0 信号。

信号发生器XFG1 产生频率为1Hz、占空比为50%的连续脉冲信号,信号发生器XFG2 产生频率为1-99Hz(人为设置)、占空比为50%的连续脉冲信号作为被测脉冲。



模拟电子技术实验(Multisim)指导书宁波大学信息科学与工程学院二OO六年三月目 录Multisim7简介 (1)第一章Multisim 7基本操作 (2)1.1 Multisim 7基本操作 (2)1.1.1 基本界面 (2)1.1.2 文件基本操作 (2)1.1.3 元器件基本操作 (2)1.1.4 文本基本编辑 (3)1.1.5 图纸标题栏编辑 (3)1.2 Multisim 7电路创建 (5)1.2.1 电路图设置 (5)1.2.2元器件操作 (6)1.2.3 导线操作 (10)1.2.4子电路创建 (11)1.3 电路打印 (11)1.3.1打印电路图 (11)1.3.2打印报告 (12)第二章仪器仪表的使用 (15)2.1 数字万用表(Multimeter) (15)2.2 函数发生器(Function Generator) (16)2.3 瓦特表(Wattmeter) (17)2.4 双通道示波器(Oscilloscope) (17)2.5 四通道示波器(4 Channel (19)2.6 波特图仪(Bode Plotter) (19)2.7 频率计(Frequency couter) (20)2.8 字信号发生器(Word Generator) (21)2.9 逻辑分析仪(Logic Analyzer) (23)2.10 逻辑转换仪(Logic Converter) (25)2.11 IV分析仪(IV Analyzer) (26)2.12 失真度分析仪(Distortion Analyzer) (27)第三章Multisim7的仿真分析方法 (29)3.1 Multisim7分析的基本方法 (29)3.1.1 仿真分析的一般步骤 (29)3.1.2 仿真分析的翻页标签 (29)3.1.3 仿真分析的结果 (31)3.2 Multisim7的分析命令介绍 (38)3.2.1 直流工作点分析(DC Operating Point) (38)3.2.2 交流分析(AC Operating Point) (38)3.2.3瞬态分析(Transient Analysis) (39)3.2.4傅立叶分析(Fourier Analysis) (40)3.2.5 失真分析(Distortion Analysis) (41)3.2.6 直流扫描分析(DC Sweep) (42)3.2.7参数扫描分析(Parameter Sweep Analysis) (43)3.2.8温度扫描分析(Temperature Sweep Analysis) (44)3.2.9蒙特卡罗分析(Monte Carlo Analysis) (45)3.2.10批处理分析(Batched Analysis) (46)3.2.11用户自定义分析(User defined Analysis) (46)第四章 Multisim7实验 (47)一、实验准备 (47)二、实验规则 (47)三、实验报告 (48)实验一 Multisim7的基本操作及晶体管特性测试 (49)实验二 组合电路逻辑关系和竞争冒险现象的研究 (51)实验三 多谐振荡器和计数器的设计 (53)实验四小型数字系统设计——十字路口交通灯控制电路的设计 (55)实验五 Multisim分析方法与单元电路的研究 (57)一、单管共射放大电路 (57)二、场效应管放大电路 (59)三、差分放大电路 (61)实验六 小型模拟系统设计——函数信号发生器的设计 (63)Multisim7简介Multisim7是加拿大Interactive Image Technologies公司于2003年推出的电子仿真软件,是Multisim2001的升级版,是目前电子仿真软件中比较实用和广泛流行的一款。



(M u l t i s i m数电仿真)计数、译码和显示电路实验3.11 计数、译码和显示电路一、实验目的:1. 掌握二进制加减计数器的工作原理。

2. 熟悉中规模集成计数器及译码驱动器的逻辑功能和使用方法。

二、实验准备:1.计数:计数是一种最简单、最基本的逻辑运算,计数器的种类繁多,如按计数器目前,各种类型的计数器已有专门的集成电路,例如CD4017,它是一片十进制计数/分频器,该器件具有10个译码输出端,每个译码输出通常处于低电平,且在时钟脉冲由低到高的转换过程中依次进入高电平,每个输出在高电平维持10个时钟周期中的1个时钟周期,输出10进入低电平后,进位输出由低转到高,并能与时钟允许端连成N 级。


表3.11.1:图图3.11.2另外一种可预计的十进制加减可逆计数器CD4510,用途也非常广,其引脚排列如图3.11.3所示,其中,E P 为预计计数使能端,in C 为进位输入端,1P ~4P 为预计的输入端,out C 为进位输出端,U /D 为加减控制端,R 为复位端,CD4510输入、输出间的逻辑功能如表3.11.2所示。


2. 译码与显示:十进制计数器的输出经译码后驱动数码管,可以显示0~9十个数字,CD4511是BCD~7段译码驱动集成电路,其引脚排列如图3.11.4所示。

LT 为试灯输入,BI 为消隐输入,LE 为锁定允许输入,A 、B 、C 、D 为BCD 码输入,a~g 为七段译码。



图3.11.4图3.11.5表3.11.3:三、计算机仿真实验内容:1. 计数10的电路:(1).单击电子仿真软件Multisim7基本界面左侧左列真实元件工具条“CMOS”按钮,从弹出的对话框“Family”栏中选“CMOS_10V”,再在“Component”栏中选取4093BD和4017BD各一只,如图3.11.6所示,将它们放置在电子平台上。





实验一:简单门电路实验1. 题目描述设计一个两输入门电路,使用Multisim软件验证其功能。

2. 答案在Multisim软件中,选择“逻辑门”部分。




3. 实验过程1.打开Multisim软件。








4. 实验结果在两个输入开关的状态均为1(ON)时,输出指示灯也将亮起。

实验二:组合逻辑电路实验1. 题目描述设计一个组合逻辑电路,使用Multisim软件验证其功能。

2. 答案在Multisim软件中,选择“逻辑门”部分。




3. 实验过程1.打开Multisim软件。








数字逻辑 Multisim使用简介

数字逻辑 Multisim使用简介

Multisim 2001 使用简介Multisim是Interactive Image Technologies (Electronics Workbench)公司推出的以Windows 为基础的仿真工具,适用于板级的模拟/数字电路板的设计工作。






启动Multisim 2001后,将出现如图1所示的界面。







1. FileFile菜单中包含了对文件和项目的基本操作以及打印等命令。







Lab 5: Experimentations with MultisimThe goal of this laboratory is to learn some useful features of the Multisim simulation software and to highlight some differences between the computations as they are done in class and the results of Multisim simulations and benchtop experiments.We use a guided discovery approach, in which we do pencil-and-paper computations of the circuit outputs to gain a basic understanding of how these circuits work. In the lab, we will build the circuits in Multisim first, to examine how they behave in simulation and identify some differences between the computations and the simulations. Last, we build the circuits on the benchtop with hardware to further understand how the real circuits differ from the simulated systems.Prelab:In exercise 1, you will work with the circuit below:Multisim has a generic blue LED which turns on when the LED current is 5 mA. In the lab, you will work with the blue LED you used in a previous lab (reference C503B-BCN). For the pre-lab:1) Determine the setting of the potentiometer that sets the LED current to 10 mA. What arevoltages A, B, and C for this setting of the potentiometer.2) Determine the setting of the potentiometer for which the current exceeds the maximumcurrent of one of the Zener diodes. Which Zener diode reaches its maximum current first when the potentiometer resistance is decreased.In exercise 2, you will work with the circuit shown below:1000ΩKey=A Blue LEDC503B-BCNACBThe waveform generator is used to represent an ac voltage source. The frequency is set to 60 Hz and the amplitude of the sine wave is set to 10 V, peak. The DF06MA diode bridge is of the same family as the DF02 and DF04 diode bridges you used in a previous lab.For the prelab, estimate the dc (i.e. mean) load voltage, dc load current, dc diode current, and peak-to-peak ripple voltage.Based on the data sheet, what range of dc diode drop do you expect to see given the expected diode current?Determine the ripple voltage when the capacitance is changed to 4.7 µF, 2.2 µF, and 1 µF. Do you believe these values to be correct? Explain your argument.In exercise 3, you work with an operational amplifier used to build a non-inverting amplifier. The amplifier receives its input from the function generator and displays its output on the oscilloscope. The circuit is shown below.Determine the gain of the amplifier and the peak-to-peak load voltage when the waveform generator settings are f = 100 Hz, amplitude = 50 mV peak. Determine the peak load current when the input amplitude is 50 mV peak. Estimate the peak load current when the load resistance is 10kΩ, 1 kΩ, 100 Ω, 10 Ω. Recall the actual op-amp device needs to be powered and in the diagram above, V+ = 12 V and V- = -12 V.You will turn-in a draft of your answers as prelab for this assignment. Show drawings of all the circuits and the results of all the analyses/calculations you did for the prelab.Lab room experimentation:Part 1: DC diode circuitA.Developing a circuit for simulationStart Multisim.Build the circuit shown in the first pre-lab exercise. Place one of the two Zener diodes on the sheet. Highlight the diode and press CTRL-R to rotate the diode by 90 degrees clockwise.The “In Use List” drop down menu in the top toolbar can be used to retrieve components you already place on the sheet to replicate them. Select the diode you previously placed and drop it on the sheet. Then, right click and select “replace component” to access the available Zener diodes in the data base. Replace with the other Zener diode.Place all the other components from the pre-lab circuit on the sheet. Wire all the components together to build the circuit from the pre-lab.Net names can be changed and used to document your design. Double-click on the wire between the potentiometer and the diodes. Set the preferred net name to “Input_voltage” then press “ok”.Labels can be set to document the design. Double click on the blue LED and set the label to “Blue LED”.Text and drawings help further illustrate and document the design. Select “Place – Text” and type in the reference of the blue LED: C503B-BCN next to the LED. Place a Letter A next to the wire between the LED and the top Zener. Select “Place – Graphics” to draw a line between the letter A and the junction between the LED and the top Zener. Right click on the wire and select “Arrow” to create a pointing arrow between the letter A and the net. Repeat to label the other nets that join the different diodes to each other. Save your design.B.Configure MultisimThen, you explore options to configure the appearance of the display. You will set the sheet Properties parameters which affect the interface for the design of the current circuit.Select Options»Sheet Properties.Click the Sheet visibility tab. In the Component section, enable/disable the options such as Labels, RefDes, and Values and preview the result by selecting “Apply” at the bottom of the tab. Configure to have the labels and values enabled. (Labels are made of text you choose yourself to document your design. RefDes are selected by Multisim and reflect the type of component: D for diode, R for resistor, … and the order in which these components are placed on the sheet).In the Net names subsection, you can choose if you want to have net (nodes) names shown for all nets, hide all, or a net-specific setting (recommended). For this exercise, select Show all. Note that net 0 is reserved for the ground reference in all circuits.In the Colors tab you can change the colors used in the workspace. The default is a pre-configured White Background option. Change the menu option to (black & white) and select “apply”. Then switch to “Custom”. Set the Components with model to blue, wires to green, and text to red. Select “Apply”. Set to a color pattern you are comfortable with and select “Apply” again.Click the Workspace tab. In this tab you can turn on or off the grid, page bounds, and the page border. You can also change the sheet size and units. Experiment with turning the grid on and off.Click the Wiring tab. Set the Wire width to 2. Then Click OK to exit the Sheet Properties.Then, you explore options to configure Multisim more generally.Select Options»Global Preferences.Select the Paths tab and set the Design default path to the desktop folder on your computer (use … at the end of the present path to reconfigure). Select “Apply”.Select the Simulation tab and set the background color for the graphs and instruments to White. Select “Apply”.Select the Save tab. If you want to have a Security Copy created every time you save the circuit; you can also configure an Auto-backup that will save the circuit at every interval you specify. You can also Save simulation data with instruments, which allows you to specify how much data will be saved with the instruments included in your schematic. Only check the “Auto-backup” tab and select “Apply”.Select the Components tab. In this tab you can select how the Component Browser behaves every time you place a component and what Symbol standard to use.Select the General tab. You can customize the behavior of many tasks in this tab such as selecting components, using the mouse-wheel, and most importantly, Wiring.Click OK to close the Global Preferences dialog. Note that the “Sheet properties” apply to the design file you are working with and are saved with the file itself. “Global preferences” apply to every design project you are working with, and are not saved with the file, these preferences are saved in a User Configuration file.C.Running the simulationPress on the green arrow in the top toolbar to start the simulation. Press A and shift-A to vary the resistance of the potentiometer.For what value of the resistance does the LED light up?Place a voltage probe between the LED and the 1N5235B Zener. The default probe displays parameters for the peak-to-peak, rms, and instantaneous voltage, as well as frequency which are irrelevant here since we are working with a dc circuit.Double click on the probe and on the appearance tab, set the font to 12 to make the display more readable. Then, select apply. On the parameters tab, select “custom”, then “show” to place a check mark only next to V(dc). Then press “OK”.Place a current probe on the sheet and configure it to show only I(dc). Then press “OK”.Adjust the potentiometer so that the LED current is 10 mA (You will need to stop the simulation and modify the potentiometer value so that the incremental change in resistance is 0.1%). Compare the value you obtained from the simulation with the computations from the pre-lab.Move the probe to measure the voltage at points A, B, and C. Compare with the computations you did for the prelab.Stop the simulation. Place a vertical ammeter in your circuit (from the indicator toolbar). Run the simulation again. Note that the probe is much more convenient than the ammeter because it can be configured and moved while the simulation is running. The ammeter can simulate a more realistic device than the probe because its internal resistance can be modified.D.Assembling the hardware and measuring the voltages and currentsAssemble on the protoboard the same circuit as that used in the pre-lab and in the Multisim simulation.For the potentiometer, the 3 leads must be inserted as is without any bend in the protoboard. Then build the circuit by extending wires between the “wiper” and one end lead of the potentiometer.In your circuit, include the ammeter from virtual bench. Set the maximum current on the virtual bench power supply to 20 mA. (Why do we take this precaution?)Power up the circuit and adjust the potentiometer position to set the circuit current to 10 mA. Measure the voltages at the nodes in the circuit that correspond to points A, B, and C in the drawing and simulation.Turn off the power. Disconnect the wires that extend from the potentiometer to the other elements of the circuit and measure with the ohmmeter the resistance of the potentiometer.Part 2: Filtered rectifier circuitA.Develop the filtered rectifier circuit in MultisimOn a new sheet, assemble the filtered rectifier circuit from the pre-lab. Use a 10 µF capacitor and the DF06 diode bridge.Two channel oscilloscopeFrom the instrument toolbar on the right, place the waveform generator on the circuit. Wire the positive terminal and the center (COM) terminal to the ac pins of the diode bridge.Double click on the function generator symbol to open its front panel. Configure to generate a sine wave with a 60 Hz frequency and a 10 V peak amplitude. The front panel for all instruments is a floating window, which means you can leave it open and continue working with your circuit or run the simulation. The settings of the instrument can be changed while the simulation is running. When you close the window, the last configuration settings remain applied to the instrument.Place a two-channel oscilloscope and wire channel A to the load terminal. Double click on the wire and change the net color (I used red). When the simulation runs, the oscilloscope trace color matches that of the net.Run the simulation. Configure the oscilloscope time base and channel A (try 2 V/div, Ypos = -3). Use the cursors to estimate on the display the dc voltage.Change the channel A setting to AC to only see the oscillatory portion of the waveform. Change the channel A settings to see the AC waveform fill the display. Use the cursors to estimate the peak to peak ripple. (You may stop the simulation to “freeze” the waveform).Press the “save” button on the oscilloscope. Select a file name and for the file type, select “.lvm”. Save the file on the desktop. Open the file with Excel. Below the preamble, you will see time values (X) and the trace 1 values (Channel A) organized in two columns. Create an X-Y graph to display a few cycles of the waveform.Return to Multisim. Place a voltage probe at the location of the load and configure the probe to display the dc voltage, the peak-to-peak voltage (i.e. the ripple), and the frequency. Run the simulation and compare to the readings on the scope display. Use a current probe to measure the dc load voltage.Modify the circuit to set the capacitor value to 4.7 µF, 2.2 µF, and 1 µF. Measure with the probe or on the oscilloscope the dc voltage and the ripple. Compare your simulations with the results of the prelab.B.Assembling the hardware and measuring the dc output voltage and ripple voltageAssemble on the protoboard the filtered diode rectifier from the pre-lab and Multisim simulations. Use a DF02 or DF04 diode bridge.Use the waveform generator from the virtual bench device to power up your bridge circuit. Use the oscilloscope probe to measure the load voltage.Turn on the virtual bench and tabulate the dc voltage and peak-to-peak ac voltage (i.e. the ripple voltage) for 4 or 5 values of the capacitance between 22 µF and 1 µF (depending on availability of parts in the lab). Estimate the dc load current.Part 3: Op-amp amplifierA. Develop the op-amp amplifier in MultisimOn a new sheet, assemble the op-amp amplifier circuit shown below. Use a LM 741 H op-amp. To power the device, connect two 12 V dc supplies as shown on the diagram. Wire the middle point to ground.From the menu, select “place – connector – on page connector”. Drop the connector on the sheet. Name the connector V+ and attach to the positive side of the top +12 V supply. Repeat with asecond “on page connector”. Name the connector V- and attach to the negative side of the bottom +12 V supply.Wire the op-amp with its 100 k Ω feedback resistor, 1 k Ω input resistor, and 10 k Ω load resistor. Select “place connector – on page connector” one more time. After the connector is dropped on the sheet, select to associate it to V+, then wire the connector to pin 7 of the op-amp. Repeat and use another connector associated to V- for pin 4 of the op-amp. Using connectors in this way minimizes the long wires connected to the power supplies of complex circuits.Run the simulation with the waveform generator set to a frequency of 100 Hz, 1000 Hz, 10,000 Hz, 100,000 Hz. What do you observe for the amplitude of the output waveform?Double click on the net at the output of the op-amp and note the net number. Set the preferred net name to “output”. To capture the effect of frequency on the amplifier gain in one shot, we can usethe analysis capability of Multisim. On the menu bar, select “simulate – analyses and simulations – ac sweep”.Configure the frequency parameters to range from 1 Hz to 1,000,000 Hz with 100 points per decade.Click on the output tab. Among the variables in the circuit, select V(output) and add it to the variables for analysis. Press “run”. Multisim displays a plot of the amplitude and phase of the output voltage as a function of frequency. Select “Cursor – show cursor” on the menu.Use the cursor to measure the amplitude (y) of the output voltage at multiple frequencies between 100 Hz and 100 KHz. On the top menu, select “Export to Excel” to export the frequency response of the op-amp amplifier. Save the excel sheet.While sweeping in frequency and measuring the amplifier output would be relative straightforward to do on the bench, other types of simulations are more difficult to do with real devices.Replace the waveform generator at the input with a DC power supply set to deliver a voltage of 50 mV. On the menu bar, select “simulate – analyses and simulations – parameter sweep” to change the value of the load resistor between 1 Ω and 1000 Ω. Configure the sweep to “device parameter”. Device type to “resistor”. The resistor is the DefRes of the load (R3 in the image below). Configure the sweep to go from 1 Ω to 1 kΩ in 101 points and to display the “DC operating point”.Run the simulation. The graph shows the voltage output amplitude for an input of 50 mV. The output voltage increases when the resistance increases to about 200 ohms and then stabilizes to the expected value of ~ 5 V. Export the data to Excel. Note that the resistance for which the output plateaus. Use the Excel sheet to compute the output current of the op-amp. What do you notice in the relation between load resistance and output current?B.Develop the op-amp amplifier on the benchtopBuild the op-amp amplifier circuit on your protoboard with a 10 kΩ load. Use a 741 op-amp powered with +/- 12 volt supplies from the virtual bench device.Connect the input of the op-amp amplifier to the waveform generator. Connect the input and the output of the amplifier to the two channels of the oscilloscope.Set the input voltage amplitude to a value you select knowing the amplifier gain and the power supply voltages of the op-amp (the output cannot get out of the range of the supply voltages). Measure the amplitude of the output voltage when the input frequency is varied between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Take at least 10 measurements. Compute the amplifier gain for the frequencies you tested.Set the frequency at 10 kHz. Change the feedback resistor so the gain of the amplifier is 2, 11, 101, 1001. Adjust the input voltage amplitude as necessary. Measure the amplitude of the output voltage for the different gains.Report:Each work group will submit a report due one week after the laboratory experiment which should include the following sections:1.For the first circuit, report your calculations from the prelab, the results of the simulations,and the results of the experimentation (including screenshots of the Multisim andvirtualbench displays). Tabulate these results to highlight the comparison and perform anerror analysis to compare the pencil-and-paper computations and the Multisim simulations to the experimental measurements. Discuss the differences and sources of error.2.For the second circuit, report your calculations from the prelab, the results of thesimulations, and the results of the experimentation (including screenshots of the Multisimand virtualbench displays). Tabulate these results to highlight the comparison and perform an error analysis to compare the pencil-and-paper computations and the Multisimsimulations to the experimental measurements. Discuss the differences and sources oferror.3.For the third circuit, report your calculations from the prelab, the results of the simulations,and the results of the experimentation (including screenshots of the Multisim andvirtualbench displays). Tabulate and plot the results to show the effect of the inputfrequency and load resistance on the amplifier gain (from the simulations) and the effect of the input frequency and amplifier anticipated gain (1+Rf/Ri) on the actual gain measured as Vout/Vin at 10 kHz. Discuss these results to highlight the comparison and perform an error analysis to compare the pencil-and-paper computations, the Multisim simulations to theexperimental measurements. Discuss the differences and sources of error.。







Sheet size:设置电路图页面大小。

Zoom level:设置缩放比例。


从工具栏取用:直接在工具栏中选择TTL按钮打开74LS类器件的Component Browser窗口选取,窗口中包含的字段有Database name(元器件数据库),Component Family(元器件类型列表),Component Name List (元器件名细表),Manufacture Names(生产厂家),Model Level-ID(模型层次)等内容。

从菜单取用:通过Place/ Place Component命令打开Component Browser窗口。




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