how to improve the resistance and retention form?
• pin • groove
• box • dovetail
• MOD inlays may increase the risk of cusp fracture and are generally not recommended .
• Extensive onlays,required where caries or existing restorations extend beyond the facial or lingual line angles,are contraindicated unless pins are used to supplement retention and resistance.
1. MO/DO inlay
2. MOD onlay
• The MO inlay preparation.
• A,An occlusal outline is prepared following the central groove and extended proximally.B,Gingival extension undermines the marginal ridge while removing caries.C,Unsupported enamel is removed,and the walls of the proximal box are defined.D,An occlusal bevel or chamfer completes the preparation.E,Occlusal view of the completed preparation.
口腔专业英语教学大纲课程基本信息课程名称(中、英文):口腔专业英语 Stomatological Technical English课程号(代码):、(7年制)(5年制)课程类别:专业课学时:64(七年制)32(五年制)学分:4(七年制)2(五年制)内容学习内容包括口腔内科学(牙体牙髓病学、牙周病学、粘膜病学)、口腔修复学、口腔颌面外科学专业词汇及用法。
Teaching Outline for Professional EnglishFor Operative dentistry/Endodontics /periodontics/Oral Medicine口腔内科学专业英语教学大纲For the Students of Five-Year and Seven Year Classes of the West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan UniversityDept. of conservative dentistry, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔内科教研室2005年6月2006年9月修订一、教学目的及要求:Objective of the course is to train the students in reading, translating,apprehending and writing of professional English in the field of Cariology,Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.The students will be required pre-reading the text, listening the teachers’lecture and complete assigned homework. After each lesson, the students should be able to thoroughly understanding the context, remembering the related professional terms, bring forward questions and answer by their own. based on the text.The teachers’desire is to teach not only the professional knowledge, but also theprofessional English skills as a tool of catching up international modern advancesin the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine for thestudents of the West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University. 二、教学内容(各章节主要内容、学时分配及重点、难点)The course will be delivered in 12 units of lectures, each in 2 hours. Lesson 1. Clinical Features Of Dental CariesTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the characteristic features of dental cariesRecognize the characteristic features of root surface caries and occlusal caries.Be familiar macroscopic features and Surface features of the clinical ‘white spot’ lesionLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:dental caries n. 龋 white spot lesion 白恶班损害facet-area n. 面,面区 dental floss 牙线brown spot lesion棕褐色的,褐色班损害 remineralization 再矿化interproximal a. 邻面 perikymata n 釉面横纹discoloration n. 变色 fissure caries 沟裂,沟裂龋focus n. 病灶 groove-fossa system 窝沟系统Lesson 2. Stages And Steps In Cavity PreparationTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the proper stages and steps in cavity preparation.Recognize the initial stage and the final stage of cavity preparation Be familiar with the concept of outline form, initial depth, resistance form, retention form, convenience form, final procedures.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:cavity preparation 制备,洞型制备,预备 outline form 外形,洞缘形resistance form 抗力形 retention form 固位形convenience form 便利形 varnishing n. 上洞漆conditioning 指修复前的一些准备工作 cavosurface angle 洞缘角air syringe 喷枪、注射机,气枪 cling 附着microleakage 微漏Lesson 3. Amalgam RestorationsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept of AmalgamRecognize Class 1 and 2 preparations and insertion techniques for dental amalgam.Be familiar with advantages and disadvantages of dental amalgamLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:amalgam n. 汞合金 faciolingual a. 面舌的,颊舌的resin fissure sealant树脂窝沟封闭剂 marginal ridge a. 边缘嵴mesiodistally adv. 近远中向地 etchant n. 刻蚀剂slot restoration 开槽性修复 round bur 钻针,球钻handpiece n. 牙科用手机Lesson 4 . Initial Endodontic Treatment ProblemsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of reversible pulpitis, irreversible pulpitis, acute periapical inflammation.Recognize three categories of endodontic treatment problemsBe familiar with symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of chronic periapical inflammation.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:r eversible pulpitis 可复性牙髓炎 analgesic n. 止痛药sequela n. 后遗症 irreversible pulpitis 不可复性牙髓炎broach 髓针 pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术formocresol n. 甲醛甲酚 ubperiosteal adj. 骨膜下的intraseptal adj. 间隔内的 interligamentary adj. 韧带内的exudates 渗出物,渗出液 radiolucency 射线透射性Lesson 5. Rationale and Application of Endodontic TherapyTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand root canal preparation, obturation of the root canal.Recognize surgical procedures.Be familiar with the definition of rationaleLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:rationale n 基本原理,理论基础 sepsis n. 脓毒症apicoectomy n. 根尖切断术 file n. 锉reamer n. 扩大针 obturation 封闭gutta percha 牙胶 root perforation根管穿孔curettage n. 刮除术 root resection 根尖切除术hemisection n. 半切术Lesson 6. Nonsurgical Treatment for Endodontic EmergenciesTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the diagnosis for Endodontic EmergenciesRecognize the electric pulp test, thermal tests, percussion and palpationBe familiar with a philosophy of EndodonticsLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:chief complaint 主诉 electric pulp test 牙髓电活力测试neuralgia n. 神经痛 hydrodynamic theory 流体动力学说thermal test 温度诊 percussion n. 叩诊palpation n. 扪诊 periosteum n. 骨膜purulent adj. 化脓的Lesson7 . Examination of the PeriodontiumTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept , and concent of periodontal examination .the examinatin og the gingiva and periodontal pocketsRecognize How to determin the activity of periodontal diseaseBe familiar with the determination of the attachment lossLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the textinto Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictationof some sentences chosen from the text to exercise abilityof comprehending and writing in English if the course timeallowed.Terms should be taken into mind:Periodontium 牙周组织 supragingival plaque 龈上菌斑stipple 点彩 periodontal pocket 牙周袋supraybony 骨上的 infrabony 骨下的bleeding on probing 探诊出血 juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎mucogingival junction 膜龈联合 gingival sulcus 龈沟Notes1)give rise to 导致,造成2).penetrate into 插入3)confuse with 把与混淆Lesson 8. Clinical Features of GingivitisTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:1Understand what changes will occur when gingiva was inflamed. How do you describe the manifestation of gingivitis. What are the color changesin the gingivitis.Recognize the reasons coused the changes of clinical features of gingivitisBe familiar with the classification of gingivitis,the definition of recessionLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in Englishif the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:gingivitis 牙龈炎 acute gingivitis 急性牙龈炎 subacute gingivitis 亚急性牙龈炎 recurrent gingivitis 复发性龈炎 chronic gingivitis 慢性牙龈炎 localized gingivitis 局限性牙龈炎generalized ginginvitis 广泛性牙龈炎marginal gingivitis 边缘性龈炎 papillary gingivitis 龈乳头炎 diffuse gingivitis 弥散性牙龈炎 gingival bleeding 牙龈出血 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急性坏死溃疡性龈炎herpetic gingivostomatitis 疱疹性龈口炎pigmentation 色素沉着edematous 水肿的 recession 退缩Self-study:the eiology of the clinical changes of histopathologic changes in gingival consistencyLesson 9. Supragingival Scaling TechniqueTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:characteristic of supragingival scaling and subgingival instruments of supragingival scaling 、subgingival scaling and root planning.Recognize ultrasonic scaling techniqueBe familiar with how to ues the instrumants of the supragingival scalingand subgingival scaling,the evaluation of scaling androot planing.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in Englishif the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:supragingival scaling 龈上洁治术subgingival scaling 龈下洁治术root planing 根面平整 sickle 镰形器 curette 匙形器 hoe 锄形器 chisel 凿 modified pen grasp 改良握笔式 finger rest 支点 overlapping 叠瓦式的Lesson 10. Aphthous ulcersTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept ,clinical feature and types of recurrent aphthous ulcers Recognize the synonyms , etiology, course and treatment principle of recurrent aphthous ulcers.Be familiar with the triggering factors ,the associated diseases, histopathology and laboratory diagnosis ,differential diagnosis of recurrent aphthous ulcers.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:Disease terms: aphthae(口疮,小溃疡), crohn’s disease(克罗恩病,局限性肠炎), herpangina(疱疹性咽峡炎), Behcet’s disease(?白塞氏病),herpes simplex virus(单纯疱疹病毒), sialometaplasia(涎腺化生),fixed drug eruption(固定性药疹),cold sore(感冒疮),lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病),dermatoses(皮肤病),canker sore 口腔溃疡,papule(丘疹)。
口腔学英文课件:The post and core
• laboratory testing has confirmed that parallel-sided posts are more retentive than tapered posts and that threaded posts are the most retentive .
• Thus, it is easier to achieve a satisfactory margin for post and then for crown.
• An added benefit is that it is possible to fabricate a replacement crown, if necessary, without the need for post removal.
Anterior teeth
• Post retention is affected by the preparation geometry post length, post diameter, post surface texture, and the kiting agent.
Preparation geometry
• premolar post and core
• RCT,Preparation→glass fiber posts →resin coห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e
• A cast post and core needs to be slightly undersized compared with the canal to achieve optimal internal seating, whereas the crown needs to be slightly larger to achieve optimal seating .
口腔专业英语教学大纲课程基本信息课程名称(中、英文):口腔专业英语 Stomatological Technical English课程号(代码):、(7年制)(5年制)课程类别:专业课学时:64(七年制)32(五年制)学分:4(七年制)2(五年制)内容学习内容包括口腔内科学(牙体牙髓病学、牙周病学、粘膜病学)、口腔修复学、口腔颌面外科学专业词汇及用法。
Teaching Outline for Professional EnglishFor Operative dentistry/Endodontics /periodontics/Oral Medicine口腔内科学专业英语教学大纲For the Students of Five-Year and Seven Year Classes of the West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan UniversityDept. of conservative dentistry, West China College of Stomatology of Sichuan University四川大学华西口腔医学院口腔内科教研室2005年6月2006年9月修订一、教学目的及要求:Objective of the course is to train the students in reading, translating, apprehending and writing of professional English in the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine.The students will be required pre-reading the text, listening the teachers’lecture and complete assigned homework. After each lesson, the students should be able to thoroughly understanding the context, remembering the related professional terms, bring forward questions and answer by their own. based on the text.The teachers’desire is to teach not only the professional knowledge, but also the professional English skills as a tool of catching up international modern advances in the field of Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Medicine for the students of the West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University. 二、教学内容(各章节主要内容、学时分配及重点、难点)The course will be delivered in 12 units of lectures, each in 2 hours. Lesson 1. Clinical Features Of Dental CariesTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the characteristic features of dental cariesRecognize the characteristic features of root surface caries and occlusal caries.Be familiar macroscopic features and Surface features of the clinical ‘white spot’ lesionLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosenfrom the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:dental caries n. 龋 white spot lesion 白恶班损害facet-area n. 面,面区 dental floss 牙线brown spot lesion棕褐色的,褐色班损害 remineralization 再矿化interproximal a. 邻面 perikymata n 釉面横纹discoloration n. 变色 fissure caries 沟裂,沟裂龋focus n. 病灶 groove-fossa system 窝沟系统Lesson 2. Stages And Steps In Cavity Preparation Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the proper stages and steps in cavity preparation.Recognize the initial stage and the final stage of cavity preparation Be familiar with the concept of outline form, initial depth, resistance form, retention form, convenience form, final procedures.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:cavity preparation 制备,洞型制备,预备 outline form 外形,洞缘形resistance form 抗力形 retention form 固位形convenience form 便利形 varnishing n. 上洞漆conditioning 指修复前的一些准备工作 cavosurface angle 洞缘角air syringe 喷枪、注射机,气枪 cling 附着microleakage 微漏Lesson 3. Amalgam RestorationsTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept of AmalgamRecognize Class 1 and 2 preparations and insertion techniques for dental amalgam.Be familiar with advantages and disadvantages of dental amalgamLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:amalgam n. 汞合金 faciolingual a. 面舌的,颊舌的resin fissure sealant树脂窝沟封闭剂 marginal ridge a. 边缘嵴mesiodistally adv. 近远中向地 etchant n. 刻蚀剂slot restoration 开槽性修复 round bur 钻针,球钻handpiece n. 牙科用手机Lesson 4 . Initial Endodontic Treatment Problems Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of reversible pulpitis, irreversible pulpitis, acute periapical inflammation.Recognize three categories of endodontic treatment problemsBe familiar with symptoms, clinical signs, prognosis and treatment of chronic periapical inflammation.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:r eversible pulpitis 可复性牙髓炎 analgesic n. 止痛药sequela n. 后遗症 irreversible pulpitis 不可复性牙髓炎broach 髓针 pulpotomy n. 牙髓切断术formocresol n. 甲醛甲酚 ubperiosteal adj. 骨膜下的intraseptal adj. 间隔内的 interligamentary adj. 韧带内的exudates 渗出物,渗出液 radiolucency 射线透射性Lesson 5. Rationale and Application of Endodontic Therapy Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand root canal preparation, obturation of the root canal.Recognize surgical procedures.Be familiar with the definition of rationaleLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:rationale n 基本原理,理论基础 sepsis n. 脓毒症apicoectomy n. 根尖切断术 file n. 锉reamer n. 扩大针 obturation 封闭gutta percha 牙胶 root perforation根管穿孔curettage n. 刮除术 root resection 根尖切除术hemisection n. 半切术Lesson 6. Nonsurgical Treatment for Endodontic Emergencies Teaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand the diagnosis for Endodontic EmergenciesRecognize the electric pulp test, thermal tests, percussion and palpationBe familiar with a philosophy of EndodonticsLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:chief complaint 主诉 electric pulp test 牙髓电活力测试neuralgia n. 神经痛 hydrodynamic theory 流体动力学说thermal test 温度诊 percussion n. 叩诊palpation n. 扪诊 periosteum n. 骨膜purulent adj. 化脓的Lesson7 . Examination of the PeriodontiumTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept , and concent of periodontal examination .the examinatin og the gingiva and periodontal pocketsRecognize How to determin the activity of periodontal diseaseBe familiar with the determination of the attachment lossLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the textinto Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictationof some sentences chosen from the text to exercise abilityof comprehending and writing in English if the course timeallowed.Terms should be taken into mind:Periodontium 牙周组织 supragingival plaque 龈上菌斑stipple 点彩 periodontal pocket 牙周袋supraybony 骨上的 infrabony 骨下的bleeding on probing 探诊出血 juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎mucogingival junction 膜龈联合 gingival sulcus 龈沟Notes1)give rise to 导致,造成2).penetrate into 插入3)confuse with 把与混淆Lesson 8. Clinical Features of GingivitisTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:1Understand what changes will occur when gingiva was inflamed. How do you describe the manifestation of gingivitis. What are the color changes in the gingivitis.Recognize the reasons coused the changes of clinical features of gingivitis Be familiar with the classification of gingivitis,the definition of recessionLanguage Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in Englishif the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:gingivitis 牙龈炎 acute gingivitis 急性牙龈炎 subacute gingivitis 亚急性牙龈炎 recurrent gingivitis 复发性龈炎 chronic gingivitis 慢性牙龈炎 localized gingivitis 局限性牙龈炎generalized ginginvitis 广泛性牙龈炎marginal gingivitis 边缘性龈炎 papillary gingivitis 龈乳头炎 diffuse gingivitis 弥散性牙龈炎 gingival bleeding 牙龈出血 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急性坏死溃疡性龈炎herpetic gingivostomatitis 疱疹性龈口炎pigmentation 色素沉着edematous 水肿的 recession 退缩Self-study:the eiology of the clinical changes of histopathologic changes in gingival consistencyLesson 9. Supragingival Scaling TechniqueTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:characteristic of supragingival scaling and subgingival instruments of supragingival scaling 、subgingival scaling and root planning.Recognize ultrasonic scaling techniqueBe familiar with how to ues the instrumants of the supragingival scalingand subgingival scaling,the evaluation of scaling androot planing.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosenfrom the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:supragingival scaling 龈上洁治术subgingival scaling 龈下洁治术root planing 根面平整 sickle 镰形器 curette 匙形器 hoe 锄形器 chisel 凿 modified pen grasp 改良握笔式 finger rest 支点 overlapping 叠瓦式的Lesson 10. Aphthous ulcersTeaching hours: 2.By the end of this chapter, the students will be able to:Understand concept ,clinical feature and types of recurrent aphthous ulcers Recognize the synonyms , etiology, course and treatment principle of recurrent aphthous ulcers.Be familiar with the triggering factors ,the associated diseases, histopathology and laboratory diagnosis ,differential diagnosis of recurrent aphthous ulcers.Language Training:From language learning point of view, the student are required reading the text fluently, translating the text into Chinese correctly and vice versa, completing dictation of some sentences chosen from the text to exercise ability of comprehending and writing in English if the course time allowed.Terms should be taken into mind:Disease terms: aphthae(口疮,小溃疡), crohn’s disease(克罗恩病,局限性肠炎), herpangina(疱疹性咽峡炎), Behcet’s disease( 白塞氏病),herpes simplex virus(单纯疱疹病毒), sialometaplasia(涎腺化生),fixed drug eruption(固定性药疹),cold sore(感冒疮),lymphadenopathy(淋巴结病),dermatoses(皮肤病),canker sore 口腔溃疡,papule(丘疹)。
牙科牙科专业小英语教程课件本文由佟岩东贡献牙科专业小英语颊面腭面远中面切端前牙侧切牙后牙第一双尖牙磨牙第二磨牙覆牙合缺失牙颜色金属牙合面缓冲(离开) 工作模参考模分开烤瓷桥胶托类全口腔胶托半口胶托局部胶托钢丝卡环个别托盘胶托修理衬垫胶托加网钢托类钢托舌杆连续卡环舌板半口胶托马蹄形Buccal 舌面 Lingual Palatal 近中面 Mesial Distal 牙合面 Oeclusal Incisal 颈部Neck Anterior 中切牙 Central Latral 尖牙 Canine/cuspid Posterior 双尖牙 Pre-MolarFirst Prc-Molar 第二双尖牙 Second Pre-Molar Molar 第一磨牙 First Molar Second Molar 智慧牙 Wisdom Over Bite 覆盖 Over Jet Pontic 牙模Model Shade 形态 Shape/AnatomyMetal Occlusal 金属舌面 Metal Backing Relief 牙合架 Articulator Master Model 对牙合模 Opposite Model Study Model 连接模 Splint/Joint/Connect Separate 烤瓷冠 CMCCMBFull / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F Full Upper or Lower Acrylic Denture Partial AcrylicDenture ,P/-or -/p S.S.Wire Clasp 钢丝牙合支托 S.S. Rest Special Tray,S/T 蜡堤 BiteBlock Repair 软胶 Soft Lining Reline 弹性义齿 Flexible Denture / Valplast Add Mesh Cobalt-Chrome Centure/Vatallium Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD 腭板 Lingual BarPalatal Plate 牙合支托 Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp Occlusal Rest 上半口网状钢Lingual Plate Full Upper Mesh 钢托上加钢牙 Full Upper or Lower Denture Dummy 前后杆 Horse Shoe Double Bar / Ant .&; Post .Bar烤瓷类贵金属烤瓷半贵金属烤瓷非贵金属烤瓷Porcelain on Precious Alloy Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious)Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious)玛利兰桥桩核瓷贴面全瓷冠瓷边涂金粉金属边桩连冠透明的Maryland Bridge 嵌体 Inlay Post 高嵌体 Onlay Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain 假牙龈/牙肉 Gum Porcelain Full Ceramic Crown(In-ceram) PorcelainMargin/Porcelain ShoulderGold Plating 金属冠 Full Metal Crown Metal Margin 种植牙 ImplantPost Crown/Down Crown 通透性的 Transparent Translucent 不透明的 Opacity 在论坛发现的——摘自《口腔临床英语会话集》一( At the registration挂号 1. What canI do for you? 2. What is wrong with you? 3. Do you want to see a dentist? 4. Whichspeciality do you want to register with? 您要挂哪个科的号, 5. Do you want to have your tooth pulled ( tooth filled )? 您要拔牙补牙吗, 6. For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙,镶牙,还是洁牙, 7. Is this your first visit to this dental clinic? 8. May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please?请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。
Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great pleasure to stand before you today to discuss a topic that is often overlooked but plays acrucial role in our overall health and well-being: dental health.As we all know, the mouth is the gateway to our digestive system, and maintaining its health is essential for a healthy life. However, despite its importance, dental care is often neglected by many people. Today, I would like to highlight the significance of dental health and emphasize the role it plays in our lives.Firstly, let's talk about the physical aspect of dental health. A healthy mouth not only ensures that we can chew and speak properly but also prevents various dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene practices can significantly reduce the risk of these issues.Tooth decay is a common dental problem that can lead to severe pain and infection if left untreated. It occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the enamel, the outer layer of the tooth. By brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash, we can eliminate the bacteria and prevent tooth decay.Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is another significant dental issue. It affects the gums and bone that support the teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and even impact our overall health. Regular dental cleanings and proper oral care can help prevent and manage gum disease.Now, let's move on to the psychological aspect of dental health. A healthy smile can boost our confidence and self-esteem. On the other hand, dental problems can lead to social anxiety, difficulty in eating, and communication issues. By maintaining good dental health, we can ensure that our smile remains bright and attractive.Moreover, dental health is closely linked to our overall well-being. Research has shown that poor oral health can increase the risk of various systemic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, andrespiratory infections. By taking care of our teeth and gums, we can reduce the risk of these conditions and live a healthier life.So, how can we maintain good dental health? Here are a few tips:1. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove food particles and plaque.2. Floss daily to remove food debris and plaque from between your teeth and under the gumline.3. Use mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath.4. Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional cleanings.5. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to promote strong teeth and gums.6. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, as they cancontribute to dental problems.In conclusion, dental health is a vital aspect of our overall well-being. By taking care of our teeth and gums, we can prevent dental problems, maintain a healthy smile, and reduce the risk of systemic diseases. Let us not underestimate the importance of dental health and make it apriority in our daily lives.Thank you for your attention, and I hope that this speech has made you more aware of the significance of dental health. Remember, a healthy mouth is a gateway to a healthy life.Thank you.。
Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand before you today and share some insights about the dental profession. As a dentist, I have witnessed the transformation of smiles and the improvement oforal health over the years. Today, I would like to discuss the importance of dental care, the challenges we face, and the future of our profession.Firstly, let's talk about the importance of dental care. Oral health is closely linked to overall health, and maintaining good oral hygiene can prevent various systemic diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dental caries (tooth decay) is the most common chronic disease worldwide. Moreover, periodontal disease, which affects the gums and supporting structures of the teeth, can lead to tooth loss and other health problems.As dental professionals, we have a responsibility to educate ourpatients about the importance of regular dental visits, proper brushing and flossing techniques, and a balanced diet. By providing comprehensive dental care, we can help our patients achieve a healthy smile and improve their quality of life.Now, let's address the challenges we face in the dental profession. The rising cost of dental education and equipment, along with increasing competition from alternative treatment options, has made it difficultfor new dentists to establish their practices. Additionally, the lack of dental insurance coverage in many countries has limited access to dental care for millions of people.Furthermore, the rapid advancement of technology has created both opportunities and challenges. While new dental materials and techniques have improved treatment outcomes, they also require dentists to continuously update their knowledge and skills. This continuous learning process can be overwhelming, especially for young dentists just starting their careers.Despite these challenges, the future of our profession looks promising. Here are a few reasons why:1. Growing awareness of oral health: As people become more conscious of the importance of oral health, the demand for dental services is expected to increase.2. Technological advancements: New dental technologies, such as 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and telemedicine, will revolutionize the way we practice dentistry.3. Collaboration between dental professionals: By working together with other healthcare providers, we can provide more comprehensive and integrated dental care.4. Public health initiatives: Governments and non-governmental organizations are increasingly investing in public health initiatives to improve oral health in underserved populations.In conclusion, the dental profession plays a crucial role in promoting oral health and overall well-being. As dental professionals, we must continue to adapt to the changing landscape of our field, embrace new technologies, and work together to provide the best possible care for our patients.Let us remember that a healthy smile is not just a reflection of good oral health; it is also a symbol of confidence, happiness, and social well-being. Thank you for your attention, and I hope you find this discussion insightful.Thank you.。
Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great pleasure to stand before you today to discuss a topic that is often overlooked but of paramount importance to our overall well-being – oral health. As the saying goes, "a healthy mouth is a reflection of a healthy body." In this speech, I will delve into the significance of maintaining good oral hygiene, the common dental problems we face, and the steps we can take to achieve and maintain a healthy smile.Introduction: The Significance of Oral HealthOur mouth is the gateway to our body, and what happens in our mouth can have a profound impact on our overall health. Poor oral health has been linked to various systemic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the importance of oral health and take proactive measures to ensure a healthy smile.1. The Basics of Oral HygieneTo maintain good oral health, we must start with the basics of oral hygiene. Here are some essential practices:- Brushing: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Use a soft-bristled brush and make sure to cover all surfaces of your teeth, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces.- Flossing: Flossing removes food particles and plaque from between your teeth and under the gumline, areas where a toothbrush cannot reach. Itis recommended to floss at least once a day.- Using Mouthwash: Fluoride mouthwashes can help prevent tooth decay and reduce plaque. Use mouthwash after brushing and flossing.- Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and check-ups. Dentists can identify and treat dental problems early, preventing them from becoming more severe.2. Common Dental ProblemsSeveral dental problems can affect our oral health if not addressed promptly. Here are some of the most common ones:- Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is the most common dental problem and is caused by the acids produced by bacteria in our mouth. To prevent tooth decay, maintain good oral hygiene and limit sugary foods and drinks.- Gum Disease: Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. It can lead to tooth loss if not treated. Brushing and flossing regularly, as well as visiting the dentist, can help prevent gum disease.- Bad Breath: Bad breath, or halitosis, can be caused by poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, or underlying health conditions. Good oral hygiene, regular dental visits, and staying hydrated can help reduce bad breath.- Teeth Grinding: Bruxism, or teeth grinding, can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and damaged teeth. If you suspect you grind your teeth, consult with your dentist for a mouthguard or other treatments.3. Steps to Achieve and Maintain a Healthy SmileTo achieve and maintain a healthy smile, follow these steps:- Establish a Routine: Create a daily oral hygiene routine and stick to it. Brush and floss regularly, and use mouthwash as recommended.- Eat a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can promote healthy teeth and gums. Avoid excessive sugar and acidic foods.- Limit Caffeine and Alcohol: Both caffeine and alcohol can contribute to dry mouth, which can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.- Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help maintain saliva production, which is essential for oral health.- Avoid Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: Smoking and chewing tobacco are significant risk factors for oral cancer, gum disease, and tooth loss.- Seek Professional Help: If you experience dental pain or discomfort, visit your dentist promptly. Early intervention can prevent more severe dental problems.Conclusion: The Road to a Healthy SmileIn conclusion, maintaining good oral health is not only essential for a beautiful smile but also for our overall well-being. By following the basic principles of oral hygiene, being aware of common dental problems, and taking proactive steps to prevent them, we can achieve and maintain a healthy smile that will last a lifetime.Thank you for your attention, and I hope this speech has provided you with valuable insights into the importance of oral health. Let us all take the necessary steps to ensure a bright and healthy future for our smiles.Thank you.。
口腔医学英语讲义医学课件xx年xx月xx日contents •口腔医学概述•口腔解剖与生理•口腔常见疾病•口腔医学诊疗技术•口腔保健与护理•未来口腔医学发展趋势目录01口腔医学概述1口腔医学的定义与特点23口腔医学是一门研究口腔疾病和口腔保健的医学专业。
口腔学英文课件:Dental Ceramics
Restoration effect
4. Alumina-based glass-infiltrated ceramic
Production process
The partially sintered alumina grinding
Porous core crown glass-infiltrated
under room temperature
All-ceramic making systems 3M ESPE Lava system Dentsply Cercon system Noble Biocare Procera system Kavo Everest system
Mechanical property comparing with other ceramics
Properties of porcelain-fused-tometal materials
1. Both strength of metal and beautiful of porcelain 2. Realistic color, appearance and stable 3. Smooth surface, strong wearability 4. Not easily deformed 5. Certain corrosion resistance 6. Permanent restoration
- Ceramic denture teeth 成品义齿瓷牙
Porcelain-fusedto-metal materials
Porcelain materials refer to the ceramic materials that use to make porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations (crown and bridge). It is ceramic-metal system that the low fusing porcelain powder fused to metal crown.
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口腔专业英语UNIT-1dental plaque 牙菌斑S.sanguis 血链球菌S.mitis 轻链球菌S.mutans 变形链球菌aerobic 好氧的,氧气的;依靠氧气的anaerobic 没有空气而能生活得,厌氧的1.In contrast to mucosal surface,the surface of teeth are not constantly renewed by shedding ofcolonized epithelial cells.较之粘膜,牙面不能稳定地通过上皮脱落而更新。
2. Selective manner in which bacteria attach to the tooth surface is thought to reflect the fact thatbacteria on their surface contain a recognition system which enables components on the bacteria surface (adhesions) to blind to complementary molecules (receptors) in the pellicle. 细菌附着与牙面的选择性方式反映了这一事实,即细菌表面具有识别系统,该系统能使细菌表面的附着器与获得性膜中的互补手提分子结合。
UNIT-2ecology 生态学;个体生态学ecosystem 生态系统(学)mutanism 突变的S.sanguis 血链球菌S.mutans 变形链球菌1.Colonization is a complex process, as it involves not only interaction between bacteria andtheir environment but aslo bacterial interactions.定植是一个复杂的过程,它不仅包括细菌和环境间的相互作用,也包括细菌之间的相互作用。
2.Tooth eruption has a major impact on the composition of oral flora.This is to be expected, asteeth provide new types of surfaces and new microenvironments.牙齿的萌出对口腔菌群组成有重要影响。
UNIT-3saliva 唾液parotid 耳旁的;腮腺的lingual 舌的,语言的,舌侧的buccal 颊的,颊侧的labial 唇的,唇侧的palatine 腭的edentulous 无牙sulculus 小沟mastication 咀嚼chew 嚼,咀嚼temporomandibular joint (TMJ) 颞下颌关节streptococci 链球菌fungus (复fungi) 真菌,霉菌1.The salivary amylase activity of differenr individuals varies but a weak action iscompensated for by the strong action of pancreatic amylase in the duodenum.不同个体间唾液淀粉酶的活性不同,但是较弱的活性可由十二指肠中强活性的胰淀粉酶补偿。
UNIT-4enamel 釉质dentinal tubules 牙骨质小管amelocemental junction 釉牙骨质界dentine 牙本质cementum 牙骨质odontoblast 成牙本质细胞alveolar bone 牙槽骨alveolar crest 牙槽嵴junctional epithelium 结合上皮1.The tooth bud undergoes peripheral proliferartion into the mesenchyme, leaving a centralmensenchyme-filled depression, to form the tooth cap which consistants of the samecomponents as the tooth bud.牙蕾的周边区上皮向外胚间充质中生长,基底部凹陷,状如帽子,凹陷内充满外胚间充质细胞,帽状期上皮与蕾状期相同。
2.Dentine consists of mineralized tissue (chiefly hydroxyapatite) in which microscopictubules are found extending from the pulp to very close to, or even through, theamelodentinal junction.牙本质由矿化组织(以羟基磷灰石为主)构成,镜下见有小管自牙髓贯穿全层到达或穿过釉牙本质界。
UNIT-5dentine permeability 牙本质渗透性remineralization再矿化groove窝沟slot (固定)沟undercut retention 倒凹固位cariogenic 致龋的1.Fissure sealants, sa an effective way to prevent fissure caries, are supported by manycontrolled clinical studies and should be used as a preventive measure in patients withmoderate or high caries risk.许多临床对照研究证明窝沟封闭剂是一种有效的预防沟裂龋的方法,并作为预防性措施应用中度或者高度龋易感性的患者。
UNIT-6percuss 叩诊,敲palpate 触诊lamina dura 硬板attrition 磨损abrasion 磨耗metamorphosis 变形pulpitis 牙髓炎microleakage 微渗漏pulp polyp 牙髓息肉matiscation 咀嚼fistula 瘘管abscess 脓肿osteosclerosis 骨硬化1.Rather,its purposes are to suggest in the broadest possible interpretation whether pulp oseither healthy or unhealty and to help the clinical determine whether it should beremoved, based on clinical experience.更确切地说,提出临床分类的目的是尽可能地解释牙髓是否健康,同时基于临床经验,以帮助医生决定牙髓是否需要摘除。
2.For this reason only complete cleansing, shaping, and obturation of the root canal willeliminiate the source of the periapical disease and create a microenviroment in whichthese periapical lesion can remineralize.因此,只有彻底冲洗,预备和充填根管,才会杜绝根尖周疾病的来源,并创造一个能促进根尖周病损再矿化的微环境。
UNIT7obturate 闭塞amalgam 汞合金gutta-percha 牙胶stopping 充填剂bleach 漂白rosin 松香irritant 刺激的However , it is only through a cognizant “problem-solving” approach to root canal treatment ,that quality assurance can be continually demonstrated in the obturation of the root canal system.但是,只有通过认知性的,以解决问题为中心的根管治疗方法才能自始自终地保证根管填充的质量。
UNIT 8pulpotomy 牙髓切断术maxillary 上颌骨mandibular下颌骨radiolucent 射线透射的pulpectomy 牙髓摘除术dental floss 牙线periodontium 牙周组织hypodontia 牙发育不全dysplasia 发育异常(1)The specificity of induction reflects the particular combinations of signaling molecules their cognate cell surface receptors , various intracellular signal pathways , and a large number of transcriptional factors that regulate gene expression.诱导的特异性表现在信号分子、同源性细胞表面受体、各种细胞内信号路径及其调控基因表达的大量转录因子的特殊联合作用上。
(2)In addition to changes in pulp size and shape with aging ,external stimuli also exert an effect . Caries , attrition , abrasion , erosion , impact trauma , and clinical procedure are some of the major irrritants that may cause formation of irritation dentin.牙髓的体积与形状除了随年龄变化之外,外界的刺激也对它产生影响。
UNIT 9endodontic 牙髓学percussion 叩诊palpation 触诊probing 探诊pathosis 病态manifestation 临床表现medical history 病历,病史vital sign 生命体征chief complain 主诉pulp capping 盖髓metamorphosis 变态,变形,变质radiograph X射线照片cement 粘固粉recurrent caries 继发龋full-crown restoration 全冠修复orthodontic 牙科正畸的,正畸学temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节occlusal 咬合的sinus tract 窦道deciduous teeth 乳牙pulpless tooth 无髓牙premonition 预告,预感(1)A complete medical history should contain , as a baseline , the vital sighs ; give early warning of unsuspected general disease ; and define risks to the health of the staff as well as identify the risks of treatment to the patient.一份完整的病历应该包括作为基础的生命体征;对尚未被怀疑的全身性疾病提出早期警告;并且确定影响健康的危险因素以及者患接受治疗的危险因素。