



射频识别RFID中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译Shrouds of TimeThe history of RFIDIntroductionMany things are hidden in the shrouds of time. The task of tracing history and genealogy is arduous and challenging, but, ultimately, rewarding. Our past can open doors to our future. Whether we realize it or not, RFID (radio frequency identification) is an integral part of our life. RFID increases productivity and convenience. RFID is used for hundreds, if not thousands, of applications such as preventing theft of automobiles, collecting tolls without stopping, managing traffic, gaining entrance to buildings, automating parking, controlling access of vehicles to gated communities, corporate campuses and airports, dispensing goods, providing ski lift access, tracking library books, buying hamburgers, and the growing opportunity to track a wealth of assets in supply chain management.One can trace the ancestry of RFID back to the beginning of time. Science and religion agree that in the first few moments of creation there was electromagnetic energy. "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light" (Genesis 1). Before light, everything was formless and empty. Before anything else, there was electromagnetic energy.Scientific thinking summarizes the universe was created in an instant with a Big Bang. Scientists deduce all the four fundamental forces - gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces - were unified. The first form in the universe was electromagnetic energy. During the first fewseconds or so of the universe, protons, neutrons and electrons began formation when photons (the quantum element of electromagnetic energy) collided converting energy into mass. The electromagnetic remnant of the Big Bang survives today as a background microwave hiss.Why is this important, you might wonder? This energy is the source of RFID. It would take more than 14 billion years or so before we came along, discovered how toharness electromagnetic energy in the radio region, and to apply this knowledge to the development of RFID.The Chinese were probably the first to observe and use magnetic fields in the form of lodestones in the first century BC. Scientific understanding progressed very slowly after that until about the 1600s. From the 1600s to 1800s was an explosion of observational knowledge of electricity, magnetism and optics accompanied by a growing base of mathematically related observations. And, one of the early and well known pioneers of electricity in the 18th Century was Benjamin Franklin.The 1800s marked the beginning of the fundamental understanding of electromagnetic energy. Michael Faraday, a noted English experimentalist, proposed in 1846 that both light and radio waves are part of electromagnetic energy. In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, published his theory on electromagnetic fields and concluded that electric and magnetic energy travel in transverse waves that propagate at a speed equal to that of light. Soon after in 1887, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, German physicist, confirmed Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and produced and studied electromagnetic waves (radio waves), which he showed are long transverse waves that travel at the speed of light and can be reflected, refracted, and polarizedlike light. Hertz is credited as the first to transmit and receive radio waves, and his demonstrations were followed quickly by Aleksandr Popov in Russia.In 1896, Guglielmo Marconi demonstrated the successful transmission of radiotelegraphy across the Atlantic, and the world would never be the same. The radio waves of Hertz, Popov and Marconi were made by spark gap which were suited for telegraphy or dots and dashes.20th CenturyIn 1906, Ernst F. W. Alexanderson demonstrated the first continuous wave (CW) radio generation and transmission of radio signals. This achievement signals the beginning of modern radio communication, where all aspects of radio waves are controlled.In the early 20th century, approximately 1922, was considered the birth of radar. The work in radar during World War II was as significant a technical development as the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and was critical to the success of the Allies. Radar sends out radio waves for detecting andlocating an object by the reflection of the radio waves. This reflection can determine the position and speed of an object. Radar's significance was quicklyunderstood by the military, so many of the early developments were shrouded in secrecy.Since RFID is the combination of radio broadcast technology and radar, it is not unexpected that the convergence of these two radio disciplines and the thoughts of RFID occurred on the heels of the development of radar.Genesis of an IdeaThere is an old adage that success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. The development of technology is messy. The potential for an infinite number of things is present, yet the broader human choices determine how technology evolves. There's no clear, text book perfect, or logical progression, and often developments ahead of their time are not recognized until later, if ever. So it was with the development of RFID.An early, if not the first, work exploring RFID is the landmark paper by Harry Stockman, "Communication by Means of Reflected Power", Proceedings of the IRE, pp1196-1204, October 1948. Stockman stated then that "Evidently, considerable research and development work has to be done before the remaining basic problems in reflected-power communication are solved, and before the field of useful applications is explored."Thirty years would pass before Harry's vision would begin to reach fruition. Other developments were needed: the transistor, the integrated circuit, the microprocessor, development of communication networks, changes in ways of doing business. No small task. Like many things, timing is everything, and the success of RFID would have to wait a while.A lot has happened in the 53 years since Harry Stockman's work. The 1950s were an era of exploration of RFID techniques following technical developments in radio and radar in the 1930s and 1940s. Several technologies related to RFID were being explored such as the long-range transponder systems of "identification, friend or foe" (IFF) for aircraft. Developments of the 1950s include such works as F. L. Vernon's, "Application of the mic rowave homodyne", and D.B. Harris’, "Radio transmission systems with modulatable passive responder". The wheels of RFID development were turning.The 1960's through the 1980s: RFID Becomes RealityThe 1960s were the prelude to the RFID explosion of the 1970s. R. F. Harrington studied the electromagnetic theory related to RFID in his papers "Field measurements using active scatterers" and "Theory of loaded scatterers" in 1963-1964. Inventorswere busy with RFID related inventions such as Robert Richardson's "Remotely activated radio frequency powered devices" in 1963, Otto Rittenback's "Communication by radar beams" in 1969, J. H. V ogelman's "Passive data transmission techniques utilizing radar beams" in 1968 and J. P. Vinding's "Interrogator-responder identification system" in 1967.Commercial activities were beginning in the 1960s. Sensormatic and Checkpoint were founded in the late 1960s. These companies, with others such as Knogo, developed electronic article surveillance (EAS) equipment to counter theft. These types of systems are often use ‘1-bit’ tags –only the presence or absence of a tag could be detected, but the tags could be made inexpensively and provided effective anti-theft measures. These types of systems used either microwave or inductive technology. EAS is arguably the first and most widespread commercial use of RFID.In the 1970s developers, inventors, companies, academic institutions, and government laboratories were actively working on RFID, and notable advances were being realized at research laboratories and academic institutions such as Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Northwestern University, and the Microwave Institute Foundation in Sweden among others. An early and important development was the Los Alamos work that was presented by Alfred Koelle, Steven Depp and Robert Freyman"Short-range radio-telemetry for electronic identification using modulated backscatter" in 1975.Large companies were also developing RFID technology, such as Raytheon's "Raytag" in 1973. RCA and Fairchild were active in their pursuits with Richard Klensch of RCA developing an "Electronic identification system" in 1975 and F. Sterzer of RCA developing an "Electronic license plate for motor vehicles" in 1977. Thomas Meyers and Ashley Leigh of Fairchild also developed a "Passive encoding microwave transponder" in 1978.The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey were also testing systems built by General Electric, Westinghouse, Philips and Glenayre. Results were favorable, but the first commercially successful transportation application of RFID, electronic toll collection, was not yet ready for prime time.The 1970's were characterized primarily by developmental work. Intended applications were for animal tracking, vehicle tracking, and factory automation. Examples of animal tagging efforts were the microwave systems at Los Alamos and the inductive systems in Europe. Interest in animal tagging was high in Europe. AlfaLaval, Nedap, and others were developing RFID systems.Transportation efforts included work at Los Alamos and by the International Bridge Turnpike and Tunnel Association (IBTTA) and the United States Federal Highway Administration. The latter two sponsored a conference in 1973 which concluded there was no national interest in developing a standard for electronic vehicle identification. This is an important decision since it would permit a variety of systems to develop, which was good, because RFID technology was in its infancy.About this time new companies began to surface, such asIdentronix, a spin-off from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and others of the Los Alamos team, myself being one of them, founded Amtech (later acquired by Intermec and recently sold to TransCore) in the 80s. By now, the number of companies, individuals and institutions working on RFID began to multiply. A positive sign. The potential for RFID was becoming obvious.The 1980s became the decade for full implementation of RFID technology, though interests developed somewhat differently in various parts of the world. The greatest interests in the United States were for transportation, personnel access, and to a lesser extent, for animals. In Europe, the greatest interests were for short-range systems for animals, industrial and business applications, though toll roads in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Norway were equipped with RFID.In the Americas, the Association of American Railroads and the Container Handling Cooperative Program were active with RFID initiatives. Tests of RFID for collecting tolls had been going on for many years, and the first commercial application began in Europe in 1987 in Norway and was followed quickly in the United States by the Dallas North Turnpike in 1989. Also during this time, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began commercial operation of RFID for buses going through the Lincoln Tunnel. RFID was finding a home with electronic toll collection, and new players were arriving daily.The 1990'sThe 1990's were a significant decade for RFID since it saw the wide scale deployment of electronic toll collection in the United States. Important deployments included several innovations in electronic tolling. The world's first open highway electronic tolling system opened in Oklahoma in 1991, where vehicles couldpass toll collection points at highway speeds, unimpeded by a toll plaza or barriers and with video cameras for enforcement. The world's first combined toll collection and trafficmanagement system was installed in the Houston area by the Harris County T oll Road Authority in 1992. Also a first was the system installed on the Kansas turnpike using a system based on the Title 21 standard with readers that could also operate with the tags of their neighbor to the south, Oklahoma. The Georgia 400 would follow, upgrading their equipment with readers that could communicate with the new Title 21 tags as well as the existing tags. In fact, these two installations were the first to implement a multi-protocol capability in electronic toll collection applications.In the Northeastern United States, seven regional toll agencies formed the E-Z Pass Interagency Group (IAG) in 1990 to develop a regionally compatible electronic toll collection system. This system is the model for using a single tag and single billing account per vehicle to access highways of several toll authorities.Interest was also keen for RFID applications in Europe during the 1990s. Both Microwave and inductive technologies were finding use for toll collection, access control and a wide variety of other applications in commerce.A new effort underway was the development of the Texas Instruments (TI) TIRIS system, used in many automobiles for control of the starting of the vehicle engine. The Tiris system (and others such as from Mikron - now a part of Philips) developed new applications for dispensing fuel, gaming chips, ski passes, vehicle access, and many other applications.Additional companies in Europe were becoming active in the RFID race as well with developments including Microdesign, CGA,Alcatel, Bosch and the Philips spin-offs of Combitech, Baumer and Tagmaster. A pan-European standard was needed for tolling applications in Europe, and many of these companies (and others) were at work on the CEN standard for electronic tolling.Tolling and rail applications were also appearing in many countries including Australia, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, South Africa, and Europe.With the success of electronic toll collection, other advancements followed such as the first multiple use of tags across different business segments. Now, a single tag (with dual or single billing accounts) could be used for electronic toll collection, parking lot access and fare collection, gated community access, and campus access. In the Dallas - Ft. Worth metroplex, a world's first was achieved when a single TollTag? on a vehicle could be used to pay tolls on the North Dallas Tollway, for access and parking payment at the Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (one of the world'sbusiest airports), the nearby Love Field, and several downtown parking garages, as well as access to gated communities and business campuses.Research and development didn't slow down during the 1990s since new technological developments would expand the functionality of RFID. For the first time, useful microwave Schottky diodes were fabricated on a regular CMOS integrated circuit. This development permitted the construction of microwave RFID tags that contained only a single integrated circuit, a capability previously limited to inductively-coupled RFID transponders. Companies active in this pursuit were IBM (the technology later acquired by Intermec) Micron, and Single ChipSystems (SCS).With the growing interest of RFID into the item management work and the opportunity for RFID to work along side bar code, it becomes difficult in the later part of this decade to count the number of companies who enter the marketplace. Many have come and gone, many are still here, many have merged, and there are many new players ... it seems almost daily!Back to the future: The 21st CenturyExciting times await those of us committed to the pursuit of advancements in RFID. Its impact is lauded regularly in mainstream media, with the use of RFID slated to become even more ubiquitous. The growing interest in telematics and mobile commerce will bring RFID even closer to the consumer. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated spectrum in the 5.9 GHz band for a vast expansion of intelligent transportation systems with many new applications and services proposed. But, the equipment required to accommodate these new applications and services will necessitate more RFID advancements.As we create our future, and it is bright, let us remember, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). We have a great many developments to look forward to, history continues to teach us that.时间护罩RFID的历史介绍许多东西都藏在整流罩的时间,追踪历史和过去的任务是艰巨而富有挑战性的,但是最终都会得到奖励。



中英文资料外文翻译文献外文资料AbstractWireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a hot research topic recently. Great benefit can be gained through the deployment of the WSN over a wide range ofapplications, covering the domains of commercial, military as well as residential. In this project, we design a counting system which tracks people who pass through a detecting zone as well as the corresponding moving directions. Such a system can be deployed in traffic control, resource management, and human flow control. Our design is based on our self-made cost-effective Infrared Sensing Module board which co-operates with a WSN. The design of our system includes Infrared Sensing Module design, sensor clustering, node communication, system architecture and deployment. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the system performance which demonstrates the efficiency of our Moving Object Counting system.Keywords:Infrared radiation,Wireless Sensor Node1.1 Introduction to InfraredInfrared radiation is a part of the electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength lying between visible light and radio waves. Infrared have be widely used nowadaysincluding data communications, night vision, object tracking and so on. People commonly use infrared in data communication, since it is easily generated and only suffers little from electromagnetic interference. Take the TV remote control as an example, which can be found in everyone's home. The infrared remote control systems use infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to send out an IR (infrared) signal when the button is pushed. A different pattern of pulses indicates the corresponding button being pushed. To allow the control of multiple appliances such as a TV, VCR, and cable box, without interference, systems generally have a preamble and an address to synchronize the receiver and identify the source and location of the infrared signal. To encode the data, systems generally vary the width of the pulses (pulse-width modulation) or the width of the spaces between the pulses (pulse space modulation). Another popular system, bi-phase encoding, uses signal transitions to convey information. Each pulse is actually a burst of IR at the carrier frequency.A 'high' means a burst of IR energy at the carrier frequency and a 'low'represents an absence of IR energy. There is no encoding standard. However, while a great many home entertainment devices use their own proprietary encoding schemes, some quasi-standards do exist. These include RC-5, RC-6, and REC-80. In addition, many manufacturers, such as NEC, have also established their own standards.Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become a hot research topic recently. Great benefit can be gained through the deployment of the WSN over a wide range ofapplications, covering the domains of commercial, military as well as residential. In this project, we design a counting system which tracks people who pass through a detecting zone as well as the corresponding moving directions. Such a system can be deployed in traffic control, resource management, and human flow control. Our design is based on our self-made cost-effective Infrared Sensing Module board which co-operates with a WSN. The design of our system includes Infrared Sensing Module design, sensor clustering, node communication, system architecture and deployment. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate the system performance which demonstrates the efficiency of our Moving Object Counting system.1.2 Wireless sensor networkWireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network which consists of a vast number of autonomous sensor nodes using sensors tomonitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, acoustics, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at different locations. Each node in a sensor network is typically equipped with a wireless communications device, a small microcontroller, one or more sensors, and an energy source, usually a battery. The size of a single sensor node can be as large as a shoebox and can be as small as the size of a grain of dust, depending on different applications. The cost of sensor nodes is similarly variable, ranging from hundreds of dollars to a few cents, depending on the size of the sensor network and the complexity requirement of the individual sensor nodes. The size and cost are constrained by sensor nodes, therefore, have result in corresponding limitations on available inputs such as energy, memory, computational speed and bandwidth. The development of wireless sensor networks (WSN) was originally motivated by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. Due to the advancement in micro-electronic mechanical system technology (MEMS), embedded microprocessors, and wireless networking, the WSN can be benefited in many civilian application areas, including habitat monitoring, healthcare applications, and home automation.1.3 Types of Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless sensor network nodes are typically less complex than general-purpose operating systems both because of the specialrequirements of sensor network applications and the resource constraints in sensor network hardware platforms. The operating system does not need to include support for user interfaces. Furthermore, the resource constraints in terms of memory and memory mapping hardware support make mechanisms such as virtual memory either unnecessary or impossible to implement. TinyOS [TinyOS] is possibly the first operating system specifically designed for wireless sensor networks. Unlike most other operating systems, TinyOS is based on an event-driven programming model instead of multithreading. TinyOS programs are composed into event handlers and tasks with run to completion-semantics. When an external event occurs, such as an incoming data packet or a sensor reading, TinyOS calls the appropriate event handler to handle the event. The TinyOS system and programs are both written in a special programming language called nesC [nesC] which is an extension to the C programming language. NesC is designed to detect race conditions between tasks and event handlers. There are also operating systems that allow programming in C. Examples of such operating systems include Contiki [Contiki], and MANTIS. Contiki is designed to support loading modules over the network and supports run-time loading of standard ELF files. The Contiki kernel is event-driven, like TinyOS, but the system supports multithreading on a per-application basis. Unlike the event-driven Contiki kernel, the MANTIS kernel is based on preemptivemultithreading. With preemptive multithreading, applications do not need to explicitly yield the microprocessor to other processes.1.4 Introduction to Wireless Sensor NodeA sensor node, also known as a mote, is a node in a wireless sensor network that is capable of performing processing, gathering sensory information and communicating with other connected nodes in the network. Sensor node should be in small size, consuming extremely low energy, autonomous and operate unattended, and adaptive to the environment. As wireless sensor nodes are micro-electronic sensor device, they can only be equipped with a limited power source. The main components of a sensor node include sensors, microcontroller, transceiver, and power source. Sensors are hardware devices that can produce measurable response to a change in a physical condition such as light density and sound density. The continuous analog signal collected by the sensors is digitized by Analog-to-Digital converter. The digitized signal is then passed to controllers for further processing. Most of the theoretical work on WSNs considers Passive and Omni directional sensors. Passive and Omni directional sensors sense the data without actually manipulating the environment with active probing, while no notion of “direction” involved in these measurements. Commonly people deploy sensor for detecting heat (e.g. thermal sensor), light (e.g. infrared sensor), ultra sound (e.g. ultrasonic sensor), or electromagnetism (e.g. magneticsensor). In practice, a sensor node can equip with more than one sensor. Microcontroller performs tasks, processes data and controls the operations of other components in the sensor node. The sensor node is responsible for the signal processing upon the detection of the physical events as needed or on demand. It handles the interruption from the transceiver. In addition, it deals with the internal behavior, such as application-specific computation.The function of both transmitter and receiver are combined into a single device know as transceivers that are used in sensor nodes. Transceivers allow a sensor node to exchange information between the neighboring sensors and the sink node (a central receiver). The operational states of a transceiver are Transmit, Receive, Idle and Sleep. Power is stored either in the batteries or the capacitors. Batteries are the main source of power supply for the sensor nodes. Two types of batteries used are chargeable and non-rechargeable. They are also classified according to electrochemical material used for electrode such as NiCd(nickel-cadmium), NiZn(nickel-zinc), Nimh(nickel metal hydride), and Lithium-Ion. Current sensors are developed which are able to renew their energy from solar to vibration energy. Two major power saving policies used areDynamic Power Management (DPM) and Dynamic V oltage Scaling (DVS). DPM takes care of shutting down parts of sensor node which arenot currently used or active. DVS scheme varies the power levels depending on the non-deterministic workload. By varying the voltage along with the frequency, it is possible to obtain quadratic reduction in power consumption.1.5 ChallengesThe major challenges in the design and implementation of the wireless sensor network are mainly the energy limitation, hardware limitation and the area of coverage. Energy is the scarcest resource of WSN nodes, and it determines the lifetime of WSNs. WSNs are meant to be deployed in large numbers in various environments, including remote and hostile regions, with ad-hoc communications as key. For this reason, algorithms and protocols need to be lifetime maximization, robustness and fault tolerance and self-configuration. The challenge in hardware is to produce low cost and tiny sensor nodes. With respect to these objectives, current sensor nodes usually have limited computational capability and memory space. Consequently, the application software and algorithms in WSN should be well-optimized and condensed. In order to maximize the coverage area with a high stability and robustness of each signal node, multi-hop communication with low power consumption is preferred. Furthermore, to deal with the large network size, the designed protocol for a large scale WSN must be distributed.1.6 Research IssuesResearchers are interested in various areas of wireless sensor network, which include the design, implementation, and operation. These include hardware, software and middleware, which means primitives between the software and the hardware. As the WSNs are generally deployed in the resources-constrained environments with battery operated node, the researchers are mainly focus on the issues of energy optimization, coverage areas improvement, errors reduction, sensor network application, data security, sensor node mobility, and data packet routing algorithm among the sensors. In literature, a large group of researchers devoted a great amount of effort in the WSN. They focused in various areas, including physical property, sensor training, security through intelligent node cooperation, medium access, sensor coverage with random and deterministic placement, object locating and tracking, sensor location determination, addressing, energy efficient broadcasting and active scheduling, energy conserved routing, connectivity, data dissemination and gathering, sensor centric quality of routing, topology control and maintenance, etc.中文译文移动目标点数与红外传感器网络摘要无线传感器网络(WSN)已成为最近的一个研究热点。



射频识别(RFID)技术简介RFID是Radio Frequency Identification的缩写,即射频识别,俗称电子标签。





1 RFID的基本组成部分最基本的RFID系统由三部分组成:a)标签:由耦合元件及芯片组成,每个标签具有唯一的电子编码,附着在物体上标识目标对象;b)阅读器:读取(有时还可以写入)标签信息的设备,可设计为手持式或固定式;c)天线:在标签和读取器间传递射频信号。

2 RFID技术的基本工作原理RFID技术的基本工作原理并不复杂:标签进入磁场后,接收解读器发出的射频信号,凭借感应电流所获得的能量发送出存储在芯片中的产品信息(Passive Tag,无源标签或被动标签),或者主动发送某一频率的信号(Active Tag,有源标签或主动标签);解读器读取信息并解码后,送至中央信息系统进行有关数据处理。

3 RFID技术的发展现状及其应用据Sanford C. Bernstein公司的零售业分析师估计,通过采用RFID,沃尔玛每年可以节省83.5亿美元,其中大部分是因为不需要人工查看进货的条码而节省的劳动力成本。




提交日期2010 年 5月22 日
关键词:射频识别技术,RFID ,发展现状
随着经济的高速发展和科技的进步,尤其是数字化、网络化进程的加快,一门集计算机技术、光学技术、网络技术、无线电技术、通信技术为一体的高新数据采集新技术———无线射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification,简称RFID),自20世纪80年代中期开始应用。


[1]李南 RFID无线射频识别技术应用探析。

射频识别技术手册(第二版) 外文翻译

射频识别技术手册(第二版) 外文翻译

毕业论文(设计)文献翻译本翻译源自于:RFID Handbook (Second Edition)毕业设计名称:电力系统高速数据采集系统设计外文翻译名称:射频识别技术手册(第二版)学生姓名:翁学娇院 (系):电子信息学院专业班级:电气10803指导教师 :唐桃波辅导教师:唐桃波时间:2012年2月至2012年6月射频识别技术手册:基于非接触式智能卡和识别的原理和应用 第二版Klaus Finkenzeller版权 2003 John Wiley& Sons 有限公司国际标准图书编号:0—470—84402—75。

频率范围和无线电许可条例 5。

1 频率范围因为射频识别系统产生和辐射电磁波,他们已被列为合法的无线电系统.其他功能的无线服务在任何情况下都不能受到射频识别操作系统的干扰和损害。

尤其重要的是要确保RFID 系统不会干扰附近的广播和电视,移动无线电服务(警察、保安服务、工业),航海和航空无线电服务和移动电话。



实际可用的射频频率f : :80 60 40 2025 2500.01 30000VLF 0.1 3000 LF 1 300 MF 10 30 HF 100 3 VHF 1000 0.3 UHF 10000 0.03 SHF 100000 0.003 EHF: MHZm 6.78 13.56 27.125 40 66 433 868 915 2450 5800 MHZ 24GHZ H, dB μA/m/10 m(< 30 MHz) BC, LW-/MW-NavigationSW (Com., BC, Mobile, Marine...)FM Radio, Mobile Radio, TVMicrowave Link, SAT-TVNon-ITUITU, not fully deployed 100-135kHz 13.56MHz 2.45GHz图5.1 用于射频识别系统范围内的频率范围为135千赫一下的超长范围通过短波以及超短波到微波范围,包括最高频率24千兆赫。



机器视觉 | MACHINE VISION | <S B及数据的交互。

射频电子标签通过射频场获得能置,射频 读写器将时钟信号传输给标签,标签响应射频读写器的命 令,将数据通过射频电子标签的射频模块输送给射频读写 器,或将来自射频模块的数据输送到射频电子标签的存储 器存储。


1引亩射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification , RFID )通过射频电子标签(或称应答器)装置来实现数据的存储 和远程数据检索,并通过射频电子标签和射频读写器(或 称RFID 读写器)之间的无线通信完成对对象的自动识别, 从而进行远程识别、监控和跟踪各种对象。

随着工业信息 化的发展和人们对食品安全生产的日益关注,在自动灌装 生产线系统中的灌装生产环节,运用射频识别技术,通过 对灌装瓶上射频电子标签的读写操作,可完成精准生产, 实现对灌装产品的溯源操作,对提高精益生产、提高灌装 产品可靠性和安全性具有重要意义。

读写器电源时钟------►------►数据输^读写模块瀠据输出2 RFID 棚无线射频识别系统可以只由射频电子标签和射频读 写器组成,无线射频识别技术主要是基于射频读写器和射 频电子标签间能置和数据等信息的通信技术。

射频读写器 和射频电子标签之间存在能量的传递、时钟信号的获取以图1射频识别系统的结构框图2.1 RFID 标签从纯技术的角度来看,射频识别技术的核心在射频 电子标签,射频读写器是根据射频电子标签的设计而设计 的。

射频电子标签或应答器是射频识别系统的核心部分,无线射频识别技术(RFID )简述Application Research of Radio Frequency Identification (R FID ) in Automatic Filling Production Line齐鲁工业大学(山东院)电气工程与自动化学院段华伟Duan Huawei摘要:无线射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification, R F ID )技术是一种自动iRSII 技术,为 实现自动灌装生产中,灌装产品的精准生产,实现对生产信息的采集与控制,通过RFID 系统,对灌 装瓶上外置的射频电子标签的读写操作,完成数据的采集与控制,经实际系统运行,能够完成产品追 踪溯源、订单生产等一系列生产任务,有效地提高了灌装生产的透明度和安全性。






















RFID基础知识RFID是射频识别技术的英文(Radio Frequency Identification)的缩写,射频识别技术是20世纪90年代开始兴起并逐渐走向成熟的一种自动识别技术,射频识别技术是一项利用射频信号通过空间耦合(交变磁场或电磁场)实现无接触信息传递并通过所传递的信息达到识别目的的技术。





内蒙古工业大学本科毕业论文摘要RFID 作为自动识别技术的杰出代表,具有识别距离远、环境适应性强、数据存储量大、可同时识别多个物体等诸多优势, 已被广泛应用于工业、零售、物流、交通等多个领域。

本文介绍了RFID技术的组成部分、工作原理,研究了RFID 技术以其自身的特点和优势,分析RFID 技术目前在国内外的发展应用状况和技术存在的问题,并研究分析了 RFID标签在的印刷制作中的技术、工艺要点与发展趋势。

本文重点分析研究 RFID 技术在交通领域、零售业领域、信息管理领域的应用,通过用VB设计车辆通过 ETC时 RFID系统工作的模拟过程的程序,展示 RFID在为我们生活带来的多种功能。

最后对 RFID 技术的应用功能等进行总结,对其未来的发展趋势以及将对社会经济发展产生的积极影响进行了展望和预测,更加明确RFID 技术应用和发展的方向及其广阔的市场前景。

关键字: RFID技术;交通; ETC;印刷;图书馆AbstractBeing an excellent representative of automatic identification technology, RFID has a recognition distance, strong environment adaptability, large data storage capacity, can identify multiple objects at the same time, and many other advantages, is widely used in industrial, retail, logistics, transportation and other fields. This paper introduces the component and working principle of RFID technology, RFID technology is studied, withits own characteristics and advantages, analyses the development and application of RFID technology at present, both at home and abroad and the problems of technology. Research analysis of the RFID tag in the printing production technology, technology and development trend. This paper mainly analysis and research of RFID technology in the field of transportation, retailing field, application in the field of information management. Using Visual Basic to design the vehicle through the ETC of RFID system simulation program, display of RFID in life from a variety of functions for us. Finally summarizes on the application of RFID technology, etc, for its future development trend, and will have a positive impact on social and economic development is discussed and forecast, the more clear the RFID technology application and broad market prospect and development direction.Key words: RFID technology; Library; The ETC; The traffic; Printing第一章RFID 技术简介 (4)1.1RFID 定义及其分类 (4)1.2RFID 系统构成与工作过程 (6)1.3RFID 技术特点 (7)1.4RFID 技术发展现状 (9)1.4.1国内发展现状 (9)1.4.2国外发展现状 (10)1.4.3RFID 技术存在的问题 (10)1.5RFID 标签的制作 (11)1.5.1天线印制 (11)1.5.2表面印制 (12)第二章 RFID 技术的应用 (14)2.1交通领域 (14)2.1.1高速公路应用 (14)2.1.2铁路 (19)2.1.3城市交通(补充) (20)2.2零售业领域——沃尔玛 (20)2.3RFID 在图书馆的应用 (22)2.3.1图书馆应用 RFID 优势 (23)2.3.2图书馆应用 RFID 存在的问题 (24)2.4医疗领域 (24)2.4.1体温监测 (24)2.4.2 安全用药 (25)2.4.3病人动向追踪 (25)2.4.4医疗废弃物管理 (25)2.4.5新生儿安全管理 (26)第三章 RFID 技术及应用发展趋势 (27)3.1系统技术趋势 (27)3.1.1RFID 标签趋势 (27)3.1.2高频化 (27)3.1.3 网络化 (28)3.1.4 多能化 (28)3.1.5 数据处理能力更强 (28)3.2 市场应用趋势 (29)3.2.1 市场产值更高 (29)第四章展望与总结 (30)参考文献 (33)第一章RFID 技术简介RFID 是 Radio Frequency Identification的缩写,即射频识别技术,是自动识别技术的一种,通过无线射频方式进行非接触双向数据通信,对目标加以识别并获取相关数据。



英文文献Radio Frequency Identification Technology I ntroductionRFID is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification, called electronics label .RFID recognition is a non-contact automatic identification technology, rf signal through its automatic target recognition and access to relevant data, identify work without manual intervention, it can work in various environments. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and can identify multiple tags, the operation is fast and convenient.Accenture laboratory's chief scientist sir alex ferguson feels RFID is a breakthrough technology: "first, can identify a very specific objects, rather like the code that can identify class objects; second, the use of rf, can read data through external materials, and bar code must rely on laser to read information; third, can also read on to multiple objects, and bar code can only read one by one. In addition, store of information is also very big."The basic component of RFIDThe most basic RFID system consists of three parts:Tag:Tag consists of components and chips, each Tag has only electronic coding, adhere to the object for identifying target;Reader:read (sometimes also can write) label information equipment,it can be designed for portable or fixed;Antenna: Transmit radio frequency signals between in the label and reader.The basic principle of RFID technologyThe basic principle of RFID technology is not complex: Label into the field, Receive radio frequency signals from reader collision, with all the energy stored in a chip of the product information (passive tag, there is no source label or labels), Or actively to send a frequency signals (active tag and to label or labels);to read information and understanding of the decoder after the central information systems tocarry out the relevant data processing.Development of RFID technologySanford Bernstein cristiano, according to analysts estimate the retailing company, by adopting the RFID, wal-mart can save $8.35 billion each year, mostly because of the purchase of artificial view does not need to save the cost of labor code. Although some analysts think $8 billion in the digital too optimistic, but undoubtedly, RFID help solve the problem: the two biggest retail commodities and loss (broken by theft and supply chain was unsettled and loss of products),now a wal-mart, stealing a loss is almost 20 billion dollars, if a legitimate business turnover can achieve this number, can in American 1,000 enterprise's list of top first 694. Research organizations estimate, This RFID technology can help to reduce the level of 25% reduction and stock.RFID technology’s typical applicationLogistics and supply managementManufacturing and assemblyAirline baggage handlingMail/express parcelA document tracking/library managementAnimal identity tagsMovementAccess control/electronic ticketsAutomatic charge. RoadExplanation of termsmicro wave: wavelength of 0.1-100 centimeters or frequency in 1-100GHz electromagnetic wave.radiation frequency: usually microwave.electronic tags: stored data object code identification tag, also called rf CARDS.passive tags: without power and internal by receiving microwave energy work.active tags: by internal batteries work labels.micro wave antenna: used for launching and receive a signal.read device: Used to read the labels in electronic data.programming device: for electronic data written to the label or labels for the stored data.beam bracketing: refers to the antenna beam range of microwave irradiation range launch power.tag capacity: The label of programming can be written in the number of digits or logical.A - Biz -automatic identification technology application case frameASN - senior freight noticeBIS - commercial information systemDA - shipment notificationEAN --European articles coding EPCTM - electronic productsONS - objects name resolution servicesPML - entity markup languageUCC - unity coding committeeUML - unified modeling languageWorking workflow of RFID systemsThe system of basic workflow is: reader through the antenna send certain frequencies of rf signals, when the rf card to enter the antenna working area induced current, rf cards gain energy to be activated, rf cards will own coding information through the card built-in transmitting antenna send out, System receiving aerial from rf card from the carrier signal, the antenna of a regulator to the reader, the reader to receive a signal and demodulates and decodes to the system to deal with the relevant ;the main system based on logic, determine the legality of smart cards, in different settings make the appropriate treatment and control signals control and direction ofmovement. in the coupling between inductors and electromagnetic way (), communication process (FDX, HDX, SEQ)、From rf card to the reader of data transmission of the load method (modulation, reverse scattering, high time harmonics) and frequency, from the contact method transmission a fundamental difference, but all the reader in principle, and the decision of the design structures are very similar. all the reader is a simple matter of high frequency and control unit two basic module. high frequency interface includes both transmitters and receivers, its functions include: to produce high -frequency transmit power to start and provide rf card energy. To launch signal used to send data to rf CARDS, Receive and demodulation of high frequency signals from rf CARDS. Different rfid system with some difference frequency interface design, the system frequency inductive coupling interface diagram shown.Chart A1 RFID system of workflowReaders of the control unit features include: communicate with the application software, Application software and to execute the order of radio frequencies ; control and communication from the principle of the lord - (); signal of the decoding. to some specific systems are the collision, the algorithm to rf card reader, and to the transfer of data encryption and decryption, as well as on radio frequencies and the reader's authentication for an additional function.The rfid system is a key and distance of the parameters. At present, the price of long -distance rfid system is very expensive, thus to improve their reading for distance quartzoscillator modulat or output stage amplifier an tband passamplifier outputstage TXDRXDof the method is very important. Influence factors of distance and RF card reader, including antenna working frequency of RF output power, reader's reception sensitivity, RF card power, antenna and the resonant circuit Q value, antenna, RF card reader and the direction of the coupling, and RF card itself of energy and send information energy etc. Most of the system of writing is read and write different, read the distance is about 40% to 80%.SummaryRFID technology USES radio-frequency mode in the reader and rf card no contact between the bidirectional data transmission, in order to achieve target recognition and data exchange. And the tradition of code, magnetic and IC card, compared with non-contact, rf card reading speed, wear, not by environmental impact, long life, easy to use and has the characteristics of anti-collision function, can handle more CARDS. Abroad, rfid technology has been widely used in industrial automation, commercial automation, transportation control, etc.附录B 汉语翻译射频识别技术简介RFID是Radio Frequency Identification的缩写,即射频识别,俗称电子标签。







本文比较了RFID 与传统条码,然后提供了一个简短的关于目前RFID 应用情况的调查报告。

关键词:无线射频识别技术应用物流一、简介无线射频识别(RFID )是一种识别技术。

与RFID 技术的前身——条码技术相比,RFID 技术具有很多的优点。

但由于其成本高,RFID 技术至今未能广泛应用到各行各业。

RFID 技术因其无需视线扫描而具有无可比拟的先进性,它能够降低劳动力水平,提高知名度并改善库存管理。

RFID 技术的普及提供了一项人或物体定位及追踪的解决方案。

RFID 定位与跟踪系统根据独特的识别标签、阅读器与物体标签间射频通信的信号强度确定物体的空间位置,主要适用于室内,而GPS 系统是不适合应用于室内的。

RFID 技术是一项基于“无线电频率”的非接触式的自动识别技术,自动识别静态或动态的人和对象。

RFID 标签是一个特殊的微芯片,植入商品中,可以跟踪和管理物理对象,是物流管理信息化和跟踪信息化的重要手段。

RFID 的系统组成部分包括:(1)标签(应答器):对象植入待确定。


正如图1-1,RFID 的工作原理图1-1 RFID 的工作原理与计算机通讯阅读器电磁波(操作指令和新的数据)标签发出的ID代码和数据二、目前RFID技术的研究重点由于RFID技术日趋成熟且RFID标签价格下降,RFID越来越受到工业界和学术界的关注。




中英文对照外文翻译Shrouds of TimeThe history of RFIDIntroductionMany things are hidden in the shrouds of time. The task of tracing history and genealogy is arduous and challenging, but, ultimately, rewarding. Our past can open doors to our future. Whether we realize it or not, RFID (radio frequency identification) is an integral part of our life. RFID increases productivity and convenience. RFID is used for hundreds, if not thousands, of applications such as preventing theft of automobiles, collecting tolls without stopping, managing traffic, gaining entrance to buildings, automating parking, controlling access of vehicles to gated communities, corporate campuses and airports, dispensing goods, providing ski lift access, tracking library books, buying hamburgers, and the growing opportunity to track a wealth of assets in supply chain management.One can trace the ancestry of RFID back to the beginning of time. Science and religion agree that in the first few moments of creation there was electromagnetic energy. "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light" (Genesis 1). Before light, everything was formless and empty. Before anything else, there was electromagnetic energy.Scientific thinking summarizes the universe was created in an instant with a Big Bang. Scientists deduce all the four fundamental forces - gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces - were unified. The first form in the universe was electromagnetic energy. During the first few seconds or so of the universe, protons, neutrons and electrons began formation when photons (the quantum element of electromagnetic energy) collided converting energy into mass. The electromagnetic remnant of the Big Bang survives today as a background microwave hiss.Why is this important, you might wonder? This energy is the source of RFID. It would take more than 14 billion years or so before we came along, discovered how toharness electromagnetic energy in the radio region, and to apply this knowledge to the development of RFID.The Chinese were probably the first to observe and use magnetic fields in the form of lodestones in the first century BC. Scientific understanding progressed very slowly after that until about the 1600s. From the 1600s to 1800s was an explosion of observational knowledge of electricity, magnetism and optics accompanied by a growing base of mathematically related observations. And, one of the early and well known pioneers of electricity in the 18th Century was Benjamin Franklin.The 1800s marked the beginning of the fundamental understanding of electromagnetic energy. Michael Faraday, a noted English experimentalist, proposed in 1846 that both light and radio waves are part of electromagnetic energy. In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist, published his theory on electromagnetic fields and concluded that electric and magnetic energy travel in transverse waves that propagate at a speed equal to that of light. Soon after in 1887, Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, German physicist, confirmed Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and produced and studied electromagnetic waves (radio waves), which he showed are long transverse waves that travel at the speed of light and can be reflected, refracted, and polarized like light. Hertz is credited as the first to transmit and receive radio waves, and his demonstrations were followed quickly by Aleksandr Popov in Russia.In 1896, Guglielmo Marconi demonstrated the successful transmission of radiotelegraphy across the Atlantic, and the world would never be the same. The radio waves of Hertz, Popov and Marconi were made by spark gap which were suited for telegraphy or dots and dashes.20th CenturyIn 1906, Ernst F. W. Alexanderson demonstrated the first continuous wave (CW) radio generation and transmission of radio signals. This achievement signals the beginning of modern radio communication, where all aspects of radio waves are controlled.In the early 20th century, approximately 1922, was considered the birth of radar. The work in radar during World War II was as significant a technical development as the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and was critical to the success of the Allies. Radar sends out radio waves for detecting andlocating an object by the reflection of the radio waves. This reflection can determine the position and speed of an object. Radar's significance was quicklyunderstood by the military, so many of the early developments were shrouded in secrecy.Since RFID is the combination of radio broadcast technology and radar, it is not unexpected that the convergence of these two radio disciplines and the thoughts of RFID occurred on the heels of the development of radar.Genesis of an IdeaThere is an old adage that success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. The development of technology is messy. The potential for an infinite number of things is present, yet the broader human choices determine how technology evolves. There's no clear, text book perfect, or logical progression, and often developments ahead of their time are not recognized until later, if ever. So it was with the development of RFID.An early, if not the first, work exploring RFID is the landmark paper by Harry Stockman, "Communication by Means of Reflected Power", Proceedings of the IRE, pp1196-1204, October 1948. Stockman stated then that "Evidently, considerable research and development work has to be done before the remaining basic problems in reflected-power communication are solved, and before the field of useful applications is explored."Thirty years would pass before Harry's vision would begin to reach fruition. Other developments were needed: the transistor, the integrated circuit, the microprocessor, development of communication networks, changes in ways of doing business. No small task. Like many things, timing is everything, and the success of RFID would have to wait a while.A lot has happened in the 53 years since Harry Stockman's work. The 1950s were an era of exploration of RFID techniques following technical developments in radio and radar in the 1930s and 1940s. Several technologies related to RFID were being explored such as the long-range transponder systems of "identification, friend or foe" (IFF) for aircraft. Developments of the 1950s include such works as F. L. Vernon's, "Application of the mic rowave homodyne", and D.B. Harris’, "Radio transmission systems with modulatable passive responder". The wheels of RFID development were turning.The 1960's through the 1980s: RFID Becomes RealityThe 1960s were the prelude to the RFID explosion of the 1970s. R. F. Harrington studied the electromagnetic theory related to RFID in his papers "Field measurements using active scatterers" and "Theory of loaded scatterers" in 1963-1964. Inventorswere busy with RFID related inventions such as Robert Richardson's "Remotely activated radio frequency powered devices" in 1963, Otto Rittenback's "Communication by radar beams" in 1969, J. H. V ogelman's "Passive data transmission techniques utilizing radar beams" in 1968 and J. P. Vinding's "Interrogator-responder identification system" in 1967.Commercial activities were beginning in the 1960s. Sensormatic and Checkpoint were founded in the late 1960s. These companies, with others such as Knogo, developed electronic article surveillance (EAS) equipment to counter theft. These types of systems are often use ‘1-bit’ tags –only the presence or absence of a tag could be detected, but the tags could be made inexpensively and provided effective anti-theft measures. These types of systems used either microwave or inductive technology. EAS is arguably the first and most widespread commercial use of RFID.In the 1970s developers, inventors, companies, academic institutions, and government laboratories were actively working on RFID, and notable advances were being realized at research laboratories and academic institutions such as Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Northwestern University, and the Microwave Institute Foundation in Sweden among others. An early and important development was the Los Alamos work that was presented by Alfred Koelle, Steven Depp and Robert Freyman "Short-range radio-telemetry for electronic identification using modulated backscatter" in 1975.Large companies were also developing RFID technology, such as Raytheon's "Raytag" in 1973. RCA and Fairchild were active in their pursuits with Richard Klensch of RCA developing an "Electronic identification system" in 1975 and F. Sterzer of RCA developing an "Electronic license plate for motor vehicles" in 1977. Thomas Meyers and Ashley Leigh of Fairchild also developed a "Passive encoding microwave transponder" in 1978.The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey were also testing systems built by General Electric, Westinghouse, Philips and Glenayre. Results were favorable, but the first commercially successful transportation application of RFID, electronic toll collection, was not yet ready for prime time.The 1970's were characterized primarily by developmental work. Intended applications were for animal tracking, vehicle tracking, and factory automation. Examples of animal tagging efforts were the microwave systems at Los Alamos and the inductive systems in Europe. Interest in animal tagging was high in Europe. AlfaLaval, Nedap, and others were developing RFID systems.Transportation efforts included work at Los Alamos and by the International Bridge Turnpike and Tunnel Association (IBTTA) and the United States Federal Highway Administration. The latter two sponsored a conference in 1973 which concluded there was no national interest in developing a standard for electronic vehicle identification. This is an important decision since it would permit a variety of systems to develop, which was good, because RFID technology was in its infancy.About this time new companies began to surface, such as Identronix, a spin-off from the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, and others of the Los Alamos team, myself being one of them, founded Amtech (later acquired by Intermec and recently sold to TransCore) in the 80s. By now, the number of companies, individuals and institutions working on RFID began to multiply. A positive sign. The potential for RFID was becoming obvious.The 1980s became the decade for full implementation of RFID technology, though interests developed somewhat differently in various parts of the world. The greatest interests in the United States were for transportation, personnel access, and to a lesser extent, for animals. In Europe, the greatest interests were for short-range systems for animals, industrial and business applications, though toll roads in Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Norway were equipped with RFID.In the Americas, the Association of American Railroads and the Container Handling Cooperative Program were active with RFID initiatives. Tests of RFID for collecting tolls had been going on for many years, and the first commercial application began in Europe in 1987 in Norway and was followed quickly in the United States by the Dallas North Turnpike in 1989. Also during this time, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey began commercial operation of RFID for buses going through the Lincoln Tunnel. RFID was finding a home with electronic toll collection, and new players were arriving daily.The 1990'sThe 1990's were a significant decade for RFID since it saw the wide scale deployment of electronic toll collection in the United States. Important deployments included several innovations in electronic tolling. The world's first open highway electronic tolling system opened in Oklahoma in 1991, where vehicles could pass toll collection points at highway speeds, unimpeded by a toll plaza or barriers and with video cameras for enforcement. The world's first combined toll collection and trafficmanagement system was installed in the Houston area by the Harris County Toll Road Authority in 1992. Also a first was the system installed on the Kansas turnpike using a system based on the Title 21 standard with readers that could also operate with the tags of their neighbor to the south, Oklahoma. The Georgia 400 would follow, upgrading their equipment with readers that could communicate with the new Title 21 tags as well as the existing tags. In fact, these two installations were the first to implement a multi-protocol capability in electronic toll collection applications.In the Northeastern United States, seven regional toll agencies formed the E-Z Pass Interagency Group (IAG) in 1990 to develop a regionally compatible electronic toll collection system. This system is the model for using a single tag and single billing account per vehicle to access highways of several toll authorities.Interest was also keen for RFID applications in Europe during the 1990s. Both Microwave and inductive technologies were finding use for toll collection, access control and a wide variety of other applications in commerce.A new effort underway was the development of the Texas Instruments (TI) TIRIS system, used in many automobiles for control of the starting of the vehicle engine. The Tiris system (and others such as from Mikron - now a part of Philips) developed new applications for dispensing fuel, gaming chips, ski passes, vehicle access, and many other applications.Additional companies in Europe were becoming active in the RFID race as well with developments including Microdesign, CGA, Alcatel, Bosch and the Philips spin-offs of Combitech, Baumer and Tagmaster. A pan-European standard was needed for tolling applications in Europe, and many of these companies (and others) were at work on the CEN standard for electronic tolling.Tolling and rail applications were also appearing in many countries including Australia, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, South Africa, and Europe.With the success of electronic toll collection, other advancements followed such as the first multiple use of tags across different business segments. Now, a single tag (with dual or single billing accounts) could be used for electronic toll collection, parking lot access and fare collection, gated community access, and campus access. In the Dallas - Ft. Worth metroplex, a world's first was achieved when a single TollTag® on a vehicle could be used to pay tolls on the North Dallas Tollway, for access and parking payment at the Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport (one of the world'sbusiest airports), the nearby Love Field, and several downtown parking garages, as well as access to gated communities and business campuses.Research and development didn't slow down during the 1990s since new technological developments would expand the functionality of RFID. For the first time, useful microwave Schottky diodes were fabricated on a regular CMOS integrated circuit. This development permitted the construction of microwave RFID tags that contained only a single integrated circuit, a capability previously limited to inductively-coupled RFID transponders. Companies active in this pursuit were IBM (the technology later acquired by Intermec) Micron, and Single Chip Systems (SCS).With the growing interest of RFID into the item management work and the opportunity for RFID to work along side bar code, it becomes difficult in the later part of this decade to count the number of companies who enter the marketplace. Many have come and gone, many are still here, many have merged, and there are many new players ... it seems almost daily!Back to the future: The 21st CenturyExciting times await those of us committed to the pursuit of advancements in RFID. Its impact is lauded regularly in mainstream media, with the use of RFID slated to become even more ubiquitous. The growing interest in telematics and mobile commerce will bring RFID even closer to the consumer. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated spectrum in the 5.9 GHz band for a vast expansion of intelligent transportation systems with many new applications and services proposed. But, the equipment required to accommodate these new applications and services will necessitate more RFID advancements.As we create our future, and it is bright, let us remember, "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" (Ralph Waldo Emerson). We have a great many developments to look forward to, history continues to teach us that.时间护罩RFID的历史介绍许多东西都藏在整流罩的时间,追踪历史和过去的任务是艰巨而富有挑战性的,但是最终都会得到奖励。



2 无线射频系统(RFID)的原理及安全性分析
2.1 RFID系统概述 RFID系统一般由三部分组成[3]: 标签(Tag):它是RFID的核心部件,主要包括用于收 发信息的藕合元件和一块微控制芯片组成,芯片内存 有唯一的电子编码; 阅读器(Reader):用来对标签进行读写操作的设备; 天线(Antenna):传递射频信号必需的收发装置。
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(3) Chien和Chen于2007年提出了一个符合EPC Class 1 Generation 2 的 RFID双向认证协议[18]
(4) Tassos Dimitriou等人提出的安全与效率兼得的协议
6 小结
虽然RFID技术在各行各业中有良好的应用前景,但如果不能很好 地解决隐私、追踪等安全问题,这种应用前景难以变成现实的产 业,因此,对RFID安全协议进行研究具有比较重要的意义。 本文首先对RFID系统进行了大致的描述,包括RFID系统的结构 及其原理,并针对在RFID系统上存在的一些隐私与安全隐患做了 细致分析,指出了在RFID系统上采用安全措施的必要性。同时从 多个角度阐述了一些RFID安全机制,重点介绍了基于密码技术的 RFID协议,文中又可分为基于杂凑的安全协议和其他密码学机制 的安全协议,并对文中提到的每一个协议给出了详细的通信流程, 分析了这些协议的缺陷。 随着RFID技术成本的降低和技术的成熟,人们将会越来越重视 RFID的安全性问题。我们相信,在不久的将来,RFID安全与隐私 问题一定能得到进一步完善的解决,同时RFID技术也一定会全面 普及。

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外文翻译译文标题:射频识别(RFID)趋势的调查报告原文标题:A Survey Paper on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Trends学院:机械与动力工程学院班级:机制本13--3班姓名:hezijie学号:321304010315指导老师:lidajie图1:无源RFID标签([维基RFID],图2:一个简单的RFID系统库。











[信息周刊]和[Radar Golf]实际应用了RFID定位。


由活动球员携带阅读器,这个阅读器可以通过液晶显示屏或音频反馈来显示球的位置,它的检测范围为30 - 100英尺。













图1 RFID系统的工作原理框图
2 无线射频识别技术发展的意义







山东理工大学毕业设计(外文翻译材料)学院:电气与电子工程学院专业:电子信息科学与技术学生姓名:指导教师:An Introduction to RFID TechnologyIn recent years, radio frequency identification technology has moved from obscurity into mainstream applications that help speed the handling of manufactured goods and materials. RFID enables a distance, and unlike earlier bar-code technology (see the sidebar), it does so without requiring a line of RFID tags (see figure 1) support a larger set of unique IDs than bar codes and can incorporate additional data such as manufacturer, product type, and even measure environmental factors such as temperature. Furthermore, RFID systems can discern many different tags located in the same general area without human assistance.So why has it taken over 50 years for this technology to become mainstream? The primary reason is cost. For electronic identification technologies to compete with the rock-bottom pricing of printed symbols, they must either be equally low-cost or provide enough added value for an organization to recover the cost elsewhere. RFID isn’t as cheap as traditional labeling technologies, but it does offer added value and is now at a critical price point that could enable its large-scale adoption for managing consumer retail goods. Here I introduce the principles of RFID, discuss its primary technologies and applications, and review the challenges organizations will face in deploying this technology.RFID principlesMany types of RFID exist, but at the highest level, we can divide RFID devices into two classes: active and passive. Active tags require a power source—they’re either connected to a powered infrastructure or use energy stored in an integrated battery. In the latter case, a tag’s lifetime islimited by the stored energy, balanced against the number of read operations the device must undergo. One example of an active tag is the transponder attached to an aircraft that identifies its national origin.Passive RFID is of interest because the ta gs don’t require batteries or maintenance. The tags also have an indefinite operational life and are small enough to fit into a practical adhesive label. A passive tag consists of three parts: an antenna, a semi- conductor chip attached to the antenna,and some form of encapsulation.The tag reader is responsible forpowering and communicating with a tag. The tag antenna captures energy and transfers the tag’s ID (the tag’s chip coordinates thisprocess). The encapsulation maintains the tag’s integrity and protects the antenna and chip from environmental conditions or reagents. The encapsulation could be a small glass vial (see figure 2a) or a laminar plastic substrate with adhesive on one side to enable easy attachment to goods (see figure2b).Two fundamentally different RFID design approaches exist for transferring power from the reader to the tag: magnetic induction and electromagnetic (EM) wave capture. These two designs take advantage of the EM properties associated with an RF antenna—the near field and the far field. Both can transfer enough power to a remote tag to sustain its operation—typically between 10 _W and 1 mW, depending on the tag type. (For comparison, the nominal power an Intel XScale processor consumes is approximately 500 mW, and an Intel Pentium 4 consumes up to 50 W.) Through various modulation techniques, near- and far-field-based signals can also transmit and receive data.Near-field RFIDFaraday’s principle of magnetic induction is the basis of near-field coupling between a reader and tag. A reader passes a large alternating current through a reading coil, resulting in an alternating magnetic field in its locality. If you place a tag that incorporates a smaller coil (see figure 3) in this field, an alternating voltage will appear across it. If this voltage is rectified and coupled to a capacitor, a reservoir of charge accumulates, which you can then use to power the tag chip.Tags that use near-field coupling send data back to the reader using load modulation. Because any current drawn from the tag coil will give rise to its own small magnetic field—which will oppose the reader’s field—the reader coil can detect this as a small increase in current flowing through it. This current is proportional to the load applied to the tag’s coil (hence load modulation).This is the same principle used in power transformers found in most homes today—although usually a transformer’s primary and secondary coil are wound closely together to ensure efficient power transfer. However, as the magnetic field extends beyond the primary coil, a secondary coil can still acquire some of the energy at a distance, similar to a reader and a tag. Thus, if the tag’s electronics applies a load to its own antenna coil and varies it over time, a signal can be encoded as tiny variations in the magnetic field strength representing the tag’s ID. The reader can then recover this signal by monitoring the change in current through the reader coil. Avariety of modulation encodings are possible depending on the number of ID bits required, the data transfer rate, and additional redundancy bits placed in the code to remove errors resulting from noise in the communication channel.Near-field coupling is the moststraightforward approach for implementing a passive RFID system. This is why it was the first approach taken and has resulted in many subsequent standards, such as ISO 15693 and 14443, and a variety of proprietary , near-field communication has some physical limitations.The range for which we can use magneticinduction approxi mates to c/2πf,where c is a constant (the speed of light)and f is the frequency. Thus, as the frequency of operation increases, the distance over which near-field coupling can operate decreases.A further limitation is the energy available for induction as a function of distance from theFar-field RFIDRFID tags based on far-field emissions capture EM waves propagating from a dipole antenna attached to the reader. A smaller dipole antenna in the tag receives this energy as an alternating potential difference that appears across the arms of the dipole.A diode can rectify this potential and link it to a capacitor, which will result in an accumulation of energy in order to power its electronics. However, unlike the inductive designs, the tags are beyond the range of the reader’s near field, and information can’t be transmitted back to the reader using load modulation. The technique designers use for commercial far-field RFID tags is back scattering. If they design an antenna with precise dimensions, it can be tuned to a particular frequency and absorb most of the energy that reaches it at that frequency. However, if an impedance mismatch occurs at this frequency, the antenna will reflect back some of the energy (as tiny waves) toward the reader which can then detect the energy using a sensitive radio receiver. By changing the antenna’s impedance over time, the tag can reflect back more or less of the incoming signal in a pattern that encodes the tag’s ID.In practice, you can detune a tag’santenna for th is purpose by placing a transistor across its dipole and then turning it partially on and off. As a rough design guide, tags that use far-field principles operate at greater than 100 MHz typically in the ultra high-frequency (UHF) band (such as GHz); below this frequency is the domain of RFID based on near-field coupling.A far-field system’s range is limited by the amount of energy that reaches the tagfrom the reader and by how sensitive the reader’s radio receiver is to the reflected signal. The actual return signal is very small, because it’s the result of two attenuations, each based on an inverse square law—the first attenuation occurs as EM waves radiate from the reader to the tag, and the second when reflected waves travel back from the tag to the reader. Thus the returning energy is 1/r4(again, r is the separation of the tag and reader).Fortunately, thanks to Moore’s law and the shrinking feature size of semiconductor manufacturing, the energy required to power a tag at a given frequency continues to decrease (currently as low as a few microwatts). So, with modern semiconductors, we can design tags that can be read at increasingly greater distances than were possible a few years ago. Furthermore, inexpensive radio receivers have been developed with improved sensitivity so they can now detect signals, for a reasonable cost, with power levels on the order of –100 dBm in the band. A typical far-field reader can successfully interrogate tags 3m away, and some RFID companies claim their products have read ranges ofup to 6m .EPCglobal’s work was key to promoting the design of UHF tags (see which has been the basis of RFID trials at both Wal-Mart and Tesco (see the sidebar for more information about the trials). EPCglobal was originally the MIT Auto-ID Center, a nonprofit organization set up by the MIT Media Lab. The center later divided into Auto-ID labs, still part of MIT, and EPCglobal, a commercial company. This company has defined an extensible range of tag standards, but its Class-1 Generation-196-bit tag is the one receiving the most attention of late. This tag can label over 50 quadrillion (50 -1015) items, making it possible to uniquely label every manufactured item for the foreseeable future—not just using generic product codes. This isn’t neces sary for basic inventory control, but it has implications for tracing manufacturing faults and stolen goods and for detecting forgery.Adopting a standard: The Near-Field Communication Forum An important recent development opens up new possibilities for more widespread RFID applications. Since 2002, Philips has pioneered an open standard through EMCA International,resulting in the Near-Field Communication Forum The forum sets out to integrate active signaling between mobile devices using nearfield coupling, and it uses an approach that is compatible with reading existing passive RFID products. The new NFC standard aims to provide a mechanism by whichwireless mobile devices can communicate with peer devices in the immediate locality (up to 20 cm), rather than rely on the discovery mechanisms of popular short-range radio standards, such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, have unpredictable propagation characteristics and might form associations with devices that aren’t local.The NFC standard aims to streamline the discovery process by passing wireless Media Access Control addresses and channel-encryption keys between radios through a near-field coupling side channel,which, when limited to 20 cm, lets users enforce their own physical security for encryption key exchange. The forum deliberately designed the NFC standard to be compatible with ISO 15693 RFID tags operating in the also allows mobile devices to read this already popular tag standard and to be compatible with the FeliCa and Mifaresmart card standards, widely used in Japan.A complication for broad adoption of the NFC standard is that state-of-the-art EPCglobal RFID tags are based on farfield farfieldcommunication techniques, working at UHF frequencies. Unfortunately,NFC and EPCglobal standards are fundamentally incompatible.Reading colocated tagsOne commercial objective of RFID systems is to read, and charge for, all tagged goods in a standard supermarket shopping cart as it is pushed through an instrumented checkout aisle. Such a system would speed up the checkout process and reduce operational costs.Even if the RF reading environment for an RFID tag is ideal, it’s still an engineering challenge to support multiple colocated tags. Consider two tags situated next to each other and equidistant from the reader. On hearing the reader’s signal, both would acquire enough power to turn on and transmit a response back to the reader, resulting in a collision. Thedata from both tags would be superimposed and garbled.In CSMA (carrier sense multiple access)-based communication networks,such as Ethernet, this is an old problem that an anticollision protocol can resolve. In its simplest form, the protocol inserts a random delay between the beginning of the interrogation signal and the tag’s response. But a collision might still occur, so the reader must initiate several rounds of interrogation until it hears all the tags in that area with high number of rounds used, number of tags present, and duration of each tag reply can be used to calculate the probability of all tags being modifying thenumber of rounds, we can adjust the probability to suit typical operation conditions. We can further enhance this protocol by preventing tags that have already been heard by the reader from responding on the next round until the current interrogation cycle ends.Using another anticollision approach,the EPCglobal class-1 standard implements an algorithm based on a Query Tree protocol. The reader starts an interrogation cycle by asking which of the ID space’s top branches (modeled as a binary tree) contain tags. The algorithm recursively repeats for each subtree branch, but if a particular subtree doesn’t generate a reply, the reader won’t consider any of its branches and subtrees in the remaining search space. In other words, that branch is pruned from the binary tree. After a short time, all tags present will respond to the reader in depth-first-search order. EPCglobal systems using this anticollision algorithm can potentially read 500 colocated tagsper second.Enabling a distributed memory revolutionAnother distinguishing feature of modern RFID is that tags can contain far more information than a simple ID They can incorporate additional readonly or read-write memory, which a reader can then further interact with.Read-only memory might contain additional product details that don’t need to be read every time a tag is interrogated but are available when required. For example, the tag memory might contain a batch code, so if some products are found to be faulty, the code can help find other items with the same defects.Tag memory can also be used to enable tags to store self-describing information. Although a tag’s unique ID can be used to recover its records in an online database, communication with the database might not always be possible. For example, if a package is misdirected during transportation, the receiving organization might not be able to determine its correct destination. Additional destination information written into the tag would obviate the need and cost of a fully networked tracking system.Other RFID applications take advantage of read-write memory available in some tag types. Although the size of these memories is currently small—typically 200 to 8,000 bits—it’s likely to grow in the future and be used in creative tags could lead to a distributed memory capability embedded in our locations in a city were tagged with RFID,4 a reader could write messages directly into the tag. This might be used for historical data or for updates about nearby services.Additionally, tags in commercial products could contain ownership history. For example, a tag attached to secondhand consumer goods might tell you about the previous owners and when and where theproduct changed hands. This is similar to the providence documentation that often accompanies antiques of value;using RFID to extend this kind of tracking to everyday items could provide consumers with greater confidence in their secondhand purchases.Time stamps can also be stored in RFID memory alongside other data that has been written there. For example, if two writes occur sequentially but separated in time, the second write must have occurred after the first write. If a reader were trying to forge the writing time of the second write, the first write at least constrains when the forgery has occurred to after the first time , passive RFID doesn’t have the continuous power needed to support an onboard clock, so time stamps couldn’t be derived from the tag itself. However, the readers—powered from the infrastructure or from batteries in a handheld unit—could contain an electronic clock and write time stamps alongside other data written into the tag.RFID that incorporates sensingOne of the most intriguing aspects of modern RFID tags is that they can convey information that extends beyond data stored in an internal memory and include data that onboard sensors created Commercial versions of RFID technology can already ensure that critical environmental parameters haven’t been exceeded. For example, if you drop a package on the floor, the impact might have damaged the enclosed product.A passive force sensor can supply a single bit of information that can be returned along with an RFID tag’s ID, alerting the system about the problem.Another application of RFID sensing is in relation to perishable goods. Typically,items such as meat, fruit, and dairy products shouldn’t exceed a critical temperature during transportation or they won’t be safe for consumption. An RFID temperature sensor could both identify goods and ensure they remain within a safe temperature range.Antitamper product packaging is another application domain for RFID sensing. Most modern consumable products are protected by a packaging technology that clearly shows customers if the product has been tampered with. A simple binary switch (sensor) can be incorporated into an RFID tag, perhaps a thin loop of wireextending from the tag through the packaging and back to the tag. If tampering occurs, the wire breaks and shows up as a tamper bit when the tag is read during checkout. In this way,a store can ensure that it only purveys tamper-free , at each point in the supply chain, you can check individual products for tamper activity,making it easier to find the culprits.Privacy concernsRFID has received much attention in recent years as journalists, technologists,and privacy advocates have debated the ethics of its use. Privacy advocates are concerned that even though many of the corporations considering RFID use for inventory tracking have honorable intentions, without due care, the technology might be unwittingly used to create undesirable outcomes for many customers.The inherent problem is that radiobased technologies interact through invisible communication channels, so we don’t know when communication is occurring. Consider a clothing store that labels its garments with RFID tags. From the store’s perspective, this improvesinventory stock checks, because employees can quickly catalog the contents of various racks and bins, even when customers have mixed up the clothes. Also,employees can perform fast periodic stock checks to detect thefts, which isn’t usually an easy task.However, if the store fails to remove a tag at the point of purchase, it’s possible to track customers every time they wearthe tagged clothing. Vendors—including vendors other than the original seller—could learn where the customer shops to better target the person with direct-marketingtechniques. Even more troubling, a criminal might track consumers, judging their wealth based on purchases, possibly targeting them for theft.Although the potential for RFID misuse is high, undesirable scenarios can be turned into potentially useful ones. For example, if clothes were tagged, washing machine manufacturers could integrate RFID readers into the doors of their machines, making them aware of all items selected for washing. The machines could then choose the appropriate washing cycle and possibly warn you about incompatible garments that might result in color runs.The current focus, however, remains on the potential for misuse. A growing cloud of public and media concern forced Benetton, a well-known clothing store,to hastily retreat after it announced plans to use RFID tags in its Concern also surfacedwhen the US government announced plans to put RFID tags into passports to make them easier to check at borders and harder to forge. Privacyadvocates argued that covert readers might steal the information, enabling identity The passport scheme is still going forward, but the government is modifying its implementation to address public concerns. EPCglobal has addressed some of these concerns by designing a kill switch in their tags that lets vendors permanently disable a tag at the point of sale Vendors then wouldn’t have to remove the tag itself, which might be woven into a garment and (deliberately) difficult to remove. Of course, concerns still exist that vendors might become complacent and that not all stores would be vigilant about disabling the tags. An insidious number of tags could still become part of our daily activities, which could later be exploited for criminal purposes.RSA’s proposed solution is the concept of a blocker tag8—a modified RFID tag that takes advantage of EPCglobal’s anticollision protocol. The blocker tag responds to each interrogation such that it appears that all possible tag IDs arepresent, so the reader has no idea what tags are actually nearby. Perhaps having simple countermeasures to prevent tag misuse is exactly what we need to overcome privacy concerns.Remaining challengesThree main issues are holding back RFID’s widespread adoption, the first of which is cost. Although RFID tags are now potentially available at prices as low as 13 cents each, this is still much more expensive than printed labels. (As of September 2005, Alien Technologies could supply RFID tags for cents each in quantities of1 million.)Market analysts can’t agree on the price tipping point—will it be a 10-cent,5-cent, or 1-cent tag? Consider a 50-cent candy bar—if you replace a bar code (which costs nothing because you can print it on the wrapper) with a 10-cent RFID tag, then you might not have any remaining profit. Consequently, RFID tags are likely to have their first deployments with high-profit items. Of course, when adoption does take hold, it could rapidly accelerate as mass production drives down prices.Another important issue is design. We still need to engineer tags and readers so that they guarantee highly reliable solutions must be resilient to all tag orientations, packaging materials, and checkout configurations found in typical stores. Improved tag antenna design can solve some of these issues. Tag readers can also be designed toexhibit antenna diversity by multiplexing their signals between several antenna modules mounted in orthogonal orientations, or by coordinating multiple readers. In the latter case, we must avoid the reader collision problem, 9 as interrogation signals will interfere with each other. A strict time division scheme would allow multiple readers to be deployed.The final issue is acceptance. The press and civil libertarians have raised some genuine concerns, so it’s important that we proceed cautiously to incorporate safeguards that address the potential for RFID misuse. In 2003, Simson Garfinkel proposed “An RFID Bill of Rights,”10 which laid down a set of guidelines that retailers should adhere to in order to protect citizens’ rights. Currently, no laws regulate tag use, and legislation might be required to assure the public. In the meantime,early adopters such as Wal-Mart nd Tesco could help defuse concerns by publicly adopting a similar proposal.Despite these challenges, RFID continues to make inroads into inventory control systems,and it’s only a matter of time before the component costs fall low enough to make RFID an attractive economic proposition. Furthermore, extensive engineering efforts are under way to overcome current technical limitations and to build accurate and reliable tagreading systems. We might also start to see economic pressure from the larger distributors to modify product packaging and its associated materials to more effectively integrate RFID. Finally, at this delicate stage, while major corporations are trialing the technology, media reaction and outspoken privacy groups can influence the rules by which we use the technology. Given that legislation is now in place among most of the developed countries to protect our personal information held in computers at banks and other organizations, there is no reason,why RFID data manag ement can’t acquire a similar code of conduct.RFID’s potential benefits are large,and we’re sure to see many novel applications in the future—some of which we can’t even begin to imagine.射频识别技术简介RFID技术最近几年来,无线电频率识别技术已在物流治理方面的应用已慢慢成为主流。



无线射频识别技术论文(2)无线射频识别技术论文篇二无线射频识别技术在医院临床的应用[摘要] 简单介绍无线射频识别技术系统工作原理、组成、分类和技术标准,针对当前医院信息化、数字化建设和发展的需求,介绍无线射频识别技术在医院临床的应用和发展趋势。

[关键词] 无线射频识别技术;医院临床;应用[中图分类号] R197[文献标识码] B[文章编号] 1673-7210(2010)02(b)-147-02无线射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)是一种新兴的、非接触式的自动识别技术,它通过射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取数据信息,利用射频方式进行非接触双向通信,以达到识别,无须人工干预、自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,可在任何恶劣环境中工作,并可同时识别多个目标对象。



1 RFID系统组成RFID系统一般可分为硬件组件和软件组件两个部分。






射频识别技术手册(第2版) 外文翻译

射频识别技术手册(第2版) 外文翻译

毕业论文(设计)文献翻译本翻译源自于:RFID Handbook (Second Edition)毕业设计名称:电力系统高速数据采集系统设计外文翻译名称:射频识别技术手册(第二版)学生姓名:翁学娇院(系):电子信息学院专业班级:电气10803指导教师:唐桃波辅导教师:唐桃波时间:2012年2月至2012年6月射频识别技术手册:基于非接触式智能卡和识别的原理和应用 第二版Klaus Finkenzeller版权 2003 John Wiley& Sons 有限公司国际标准图书编号:0-470-84402-75.频率范围和无线电许可条例5.1 频率范围因为射频识别系统产生和辐射电磁波,他们已被列为合法的无线电系统。


尤其重要的是要确保RFID 系统不会干扰附近的广播和电视,移动无线电服务(警察、保安服务、工业),航海和航空无线电服务和移动电话。

对射频识别系统来讲,运动保健方面需要的其他无线电服务明显制约了适宜范围内的可操作频(图 5.1).出于这个原因,它通常是唯一可以使用的频率范围,已经有人预定了专供工业,科学和医学中的应用。


实际可用的射频频率f :图5.1 用于射频识别系统范围内的频率范围为135千赫一下的超长范围通过短波以及超短波到微波范围,包括最高频率24千兆赫。

在上述的135千赫的范围内,可用的ISM 频段是全球首选。

:图5.2 百万应答机单元中的不同频率范围的转发器的全球市场估计分布除了ISM 频率,整个频率范围内低于135千赫(在北美、南美和日本:低于400千赫)也是可用的,因为在这个范围内,它是可能与高磁场的优势联合工作的,特别是操作时电感耦合的射频识别系统。

对射频识别系统来说最重要的频率范围是0-135千赫,ISM 的是6.78左右(在德国不适用),13.56兆赫,27.125兆赫,40.68兆赫,433.92兆赫,869.0兆赫,915.0兆赫(不是在欧洲),2.45兆赫,5.8兆赫和24.125兆赫。



外文文献Current RFID TechnologyThis section describes out of which parts RFID tags consist of, how they work in principle, and what types of tags do exist. It focuses on how tags are powered and what frequency ranges is used. The section concludes by covering a few important standards.RFID transponders (tags) consist in general of: Micro chip, Antenna, Case, Battery (for active tags only)The size of the chip depends mostly on the Antenna. Its size and form is dependent on the frequency the tag is using. The size of a tag also depends on its area of use. It can range from less than a millimeter for implants to the size of a book in container logistic. In addition to the micro chip, some tags also have rewritable memory attached where the tag can store updates between reading cycles or new data like serial numbers.A RFID tag is shown in figure 1. The antenna is clearly visible. As said before the antenna has the largest impact of the size of the tag. The microchip is visible in the center of the tag, and since this is a passive tag it does not have an internal power sourceIn principle an RFID tag works as follows: the reading unit generates an electro-magnetic field which induces a current into the tag's antenna. The current is used to power the chip. In passive tags the current also charges a condenser which assures uninterrupted power for the chip. In active tags a battery replaces the condenser. The difference between active and passive tags is explained shortly. Once activated the tag receives commands from the reading unit and replies by sending its serial number or the requested information. In general the tag does not have enough energy to create its own electro-magnetic field, instead it uses back scattering to modulate (reflect/absorb) the field sent by the reading unit. Because most fluids absorb electro-magnetic fields and most metal reflect those fields the reading of tagsin presence of those materials is complicated.During a reading cycle, the reader has to continuously power the tag. The created field is called continuous wave, and because the strength of the field decreases with the square of the distance the readers have to use a rather large power. That field overpowers any response a tag could give, so therefore tags reply on side-channels which are located directly below and above the frequency of the continuous wave. 1. Energy SourcesWe distinguish 3 types of RFID tags in relation to power or energy: Passive, Semi-passive, Active Passive tags do not have an internal power source, and they therefore rely on the power induced by the reader. This means that the reader has to keep up its field until the transaction is completed. Because of the lack of a battery, these tags are the smallest and cheapest tags available; however it also restricts its reading range to a range between 2mm and a few meters. As an added benefit those tags are also suitable to be produced by printing. Furthermore their lifespan is unlimited since they do not depend on an internal power source.The second type of tags is semi-passive tags. Those tags have an internal power source that keeps the micro chip powered at all times. There are many advantages: Because the chip is always powered it can respond faster tore quests, therefore increasing the number of tags that can be queried per second which is important to some applications. Furthermore, since the antenna is not required for collecting power it can be optimized for back scattering and therefore increasing the reading range. And last but not least, since the tag does not use any energy from the field the back scattered signal is stronger, increasing the range even further. Because of the last two reasons, a semi-active tag has usually a range larger than a passive tag.The third type of tags is active tags. Like semi-active tags they contain an internal power source but they use the energy supplied for both, to power the micro chip and to generate a signal on the antenna. Active tags that send signals without being queried are called beacons. An active tag's range can be tens of meters, making it ideal for locating objects or serving as landmark points. The lifetime is up to 5 years.2. Frequency BandsRFID tags fall into three regions in respect to frequency: Low frequency (LF, 30- 500kHz), High frequency (HF.10-15MHz), Ultra high frequency (UHF, 850- 950MHz, 2.4-2.5GHz, 5.8GHz)Low frequency tags are cheaper than any of the higher frequency tags. They are fast enough for most applications, however for larger amounts of data the time a tag has to stay in a readers range will increase. Another advantage is that low frequency tags are least affected by the presence of fluids or metal. The disadvantage of such tags is their short reading range. The most common frequencies used for low frequency tags are 125-134.2 kHz and 140-148.5 kHz.High frequency tags have higher transmission rates and ranges but also cost more than LF tags. Smart tags are the most common member of this group and they work at 13.56MHz. UHF tags have the highest range of all tags. It ranges from 3-6 meters for passive tags and 30+ meters for active tags. In addition the transmission rate is also very high, which allows to read a single tag in a very short time. This feature is important where tagged entities are moving with a high speed and remain only for a short time in a readers range. UHF tags are also more expensive than any other tag and are severely affected by fluids and metal. Those properties make UHF mostly useful in automated toll collection systems. Typical frequencies are 868MHz (Europe), 915MHz (USA), 950MHz (Japan), and 2.45GHz.Frequencies for LF and HF tags are license exempt and can be used worldwide; however frequencies for UHF tags differ from country to country and require a permit.3. StandardsThe wide range of possible applications requires many different types of tags, often with conflicting goals (e.g. low cost vs. security). That is reflected in the number of standards. A short list of RFID standards follows: ISO11784, ISO11785, ISO14223, ISO10536, ISO14443, ISO15693, ISO18000. Note that this list is not exhaustive. Since the RFID technology is not directly Internet related it is not surprising that there are no RFCs available. There cent hype around RFID technology has resulted in an explosion in patents. Currently there are over 1800 RFID related patents issued (from1976 to 2001) and over 5700 patents describing RFID systems or applications are backlogged.4. RFID SystemsA RFID reader and a few tags are in general of little use. The retrieval of a serial number does not provide much information to the user nor does it help to keep track of items in a production chain. The real power of RFID comes in combination with a backend that stores additional information such as descriptions for products and where and when a certain tag was scanned. In general a RFID system has a structure as depicted in figure 2. RFID readers scan tags, and then forward the information to the backend. The backend in general consists of a database and a well defined application interface. When the backend receives new information, it adds it to the database and if needed performs some computation on related fields. The application retrieves data from the backend. In many cases, the application is collocated with the reader itself. An example is the checkout point in a supermarket (Note that the given example uses barcodes instead of RFID tags since they are more common; however, the system would behave in exactly the same way if tags were used). When the reader scans the barcode, the application uses the derived identifier to look up the current price. In addition, the backend also provides discount information for qualifying products. The backend also decreases the number of available products of that kind and notifies the manager if the amount falls below a certain threshold.This section describes how RFID tags work in general, what types of tags exist and how they differ. The three frequency ranges that RFID tags typically use are LF, HF, and UHF. Also the difference between passive, semi-passive, and active tags was explained and their advantages and disadvantages were compared. The section concluded by looking at different standards and showed the great interest of the industry by counting the number of issued and backlogged patents [US Patent Office].翻译:当前的RFID技术该节描述的是RFID标签由哪些部分组成、工作原理和确实存在的标签类型,关注标签的供电方式和使用频率范围。

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本文比较了RFID 与传统条码,然后提供了一个简短的关于目前RFID应用情况的调查报告。











正如图1-1,RFID的工作原理图1-1 RFID的工作原理二、目前RFID技术的研究重点由于RFID技术日趋成熟且RFID标签价格下降,RFID越来越受到工业界和学术界的关注。







如今,Zebra 开展RFID业务。













美国食品和药品管理局国际部已经开始推动RFID 技术的发展,沃尔玛就是一个成功的例子。









中国政府也意识到了RFID产业价值,并制定自己的RFID 标准。










富士通首次开发的64 KB内存RFID标签访问速度高、存储量大,已经成功应用于航空业。


最近一年,微软发布了BizTalk Server,这种服务器将RFID技术与微软的产品应用集成。

由于RFID系统成为日常生活的重要部分,敏感且私人信息都可能存储在RFID 标签中。
























美国服饰在其旗下的八个商店运用RFID 系统。


日本服装制造商Sankei 在制造过程利用RFID系统跟踪服装并促进网上销售。







当顾客就近选取商品或向自己的购物车放入商品时,先前部署的RFID 阅读器将汇总这些变化。











五、参考文献[1] Kuo shien Huang and Shun ruing Tang,RFID Application Strategy and Deployment in Bike RentingSystem,International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology,PP.660-663,Feb,2008[2] Landt J.The history of RFID,Potentials,V ol 24,No.4,PP.8.11,Nov.2[3] Michael K.and MeCathie L.,The Pros and Cons of RFID in Supply Chain Management.InternationalConference on Mobile Business,PP.623.629,July 2005.[4]Allen Nogee, Tags and Chip:Changing the World for Less Then The Pricc of A Cup Of Coffee,In-Stat/MDE,PP.14,December,2004原文:A Brief Survey on Current RFID ApplicationsAbstractRFID can automatically identify multi-target and moving target in non-contact method. there are an increasing number of retailers,banks,traffic managements,exhibitions and logistic providers practicing this new technology to their products and services.Therefore,it brings both opportunities and challenges to RFID researchers.This article briefly introduced component, principle and characteristic of the RFID technology..In this paper we compared RFID and the traditional bar code,and then provide a brief survey on RFID applications .Keywords: RFID Application Logistic1. IntroductionRadio frequency identification (RFID) is a new identification technology. RFID has a greater number of benefits than its predecessor, the bar code. It is not universally adopted in many industries due to its high cost hitherto. However, RFID is unmatched advanced because it does not require sight scanning, it acts to reduce labor levels, enhances" visibility, and improves inventory management.The popularization of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) provides a solution of the location/ tracing of human or objects. RFID location and tracing system,measures the space location of object based on unique identification tag and signal intensity of RF communication between reader and tag in object, mainly apply to indoor location, which GPS system is not suitable for .RFID, a non-contact automatic identification technology based on “Radio Frequency”, automatically identify static/moving object/human. RFID tag, a special microchip, implanted in commodity, can trace and manage physical object, is an important means of logistics management informatization and tracing informatization .The component of RFID system including:(1) Tag (transponder): implanted in object to be identified.(2) Reader: can read or write/read, according to the structure and technology. As figure 1, RFID work principle.2. Current Research Focuses of RFIDWith the growing maturity of RFID technology and the drop in price of RFID tags,RFID attracts increasing interests from both industry and academic.By attaching RFID tags on objects,one could keep track on and manage those objects.This technology gradually replaces current widely adopted barcode systems.2. 1.RFID Tag and Bar codeBar code is widely adopted for goods and object identification.One could find bar code on every packaged item in supermarkets. Zebra Company is one of the leading bar code providers and provides on-demand specialty digital printing and automatic identification solutions in more than 100 countries around the world.About twenty years ago, the company mainly produced the standard labels. Now Zebra also moves to RFID business.From the application point of view, bar code and RFID share a similar market, especially in retail aspect. Will RFID replace bar code?From conceptual point of view, RFID tag and bar code are also similar.Both of them target to facilitate goods management by providing an easy to fetch identification code.There are two major differences between them,barcode is read-only and must be in line-of-sight from the reader .Comparing with bar code.RFID is able to transmit data by radio frequency and alter data stored on the RFID tag chip.This long range and non-contact operation allows automation to reduce man power requirement.The most important advancement of RFID over barcode is that it allows identification of individual item from a group of same type products.RFID also provides real-time traceability environment for individual item through all process in the supply chain.Owing to these features, RFID reduces the cost for warehouse, distribution and inventory.This directly brings more profit to companies and improves customer service remarkably.2.2. Development of RFID StandardEnterprises gradually realize the great business opportunities created by RFID products and services.Major developments of RFID technologies are located at USA,Japan,Korea and China.For examples, Wal-Mart,the international department of the United States,the United States Food and Drug Administration have promoted the development of RFID.A successful example is Wal-Mart.They replaced some barcodes by RFID products which saved US$6.7 billion barcode cost,US$0.6 billion storage cost and US$0.57 billion missing and theft cost.However, RFID does not have a single global standard yet.USA is developing its RFID standard for both hardware and application areas.The RFID standard of European mainly follows the USA standard.Japan has strong research and product lines on intelligent communication and home appliances.Japanese proposed the UID standard which is adopted in Japan homeland only.Japanese Ministry of Economy ,Trade and Industry(METI) is pushing for the development and applications of RFID in Japan.The two major missions of METI are to reduce the cost of RFID tags and to promote the Japanese standard to worldwide.Korea focuses their RFID research and development on automation and home appliances’ intelligent.The China government also realizes the industrial value of RFID and is formulating its own RFID standard.China is considered as the “world factory” because of its large scale and wide range of industry. Therefore, China has the potential to develop its own standard. In comparison to aforementioned countries, although China is late in starting its RFID industry, it grows up rapidly and is gradually becoming very competitive in worldwide. Several companies,e.g. Invengo,in China are making progress on the development of their own brands of RFID products.2.3.Current RFID Technology DevelopmentHardware components are common to all RFID applications while different software leads to different RFID application, Major issues in RFID hardwareinclude product miniaturization,cost reduction, large production,etc.Some companies,such as German Siemens, speeded up the development of RFID chips to enrich their products and to meet users’needs.The integration density of current UHF RFID chips has been greatly increased.The new Generation 2(Gen.2) RFID tags quickly replace old generation tags and have a dominant share on the RFID application market. Fujitsu developed the first RFID tag with 64 KB memory which has been successfully adopted in aviation industry owing to its high access speed and large storage.The price of RFID readers are monotonically decreasing while the capacities of RFID readers are enhancing, in recent year, Microsoft issued the BizTalk Server which integrates the RFID with Microsoft product application.As RFID systems becoming an important part of everyday life, sensitive and private information may be stored in RFID tag. This security threat becomes more serious and puts a severe limitation to the promotion and deployment of RFID applications.However, owing to the limitation of space and cost of a RFID tag, RFID tag usually does not equip with high power security mechanism.RFID tags are frangible to attack .Without appropriate security , anyone could read,alter and delete data on the RFID tags with a RFID reader/writer.Moreover, RFID tags are easy to clone. This is a big threat to access control system.Now,a number of security measures are available for applications.For example.The ISO standard 15693 for data authentication is adopted in bank card authorizations and building access control systems.However,all security measures have some shortcoming and it has become a hot research topic in RFID.3.Major RFID ApplicationsRFID applications focus on logistic,toll system,ticket, healthcare,security and identification systems.3.1 LogisticOne of the most famous RFID applications is supply chain management. RFID tags are attached to goods. Items or parts in the supply chain and all items are tracked by RFID readers from manufacture to point of sales. Megatrux ,a top l00 logistics company in the world, has applied Motorola RFID plan to its supply chain management. Their customer services have been improved while the costs have been reduced greatly.RFID also has a great value in product delivery. We could track the handing process and current location of the product from pick up to delivery with RFID tag attached on it. It helps to relieve incorrect delivery owing to human mistakes. It does not require one to one line of sight reading which is required for barcode. This reduce the time and cost of reading tags for a large batch of goods.The Australia Post begun processing RFID-tagged envelops in domestic mail service in 2005.Federal Express runs a pilot test on the application of RFID technology to track packages temperature,location,humidity levels and delivery status.In apparel industry ,RFID is applied in manufacturing, distribution and retail.RFID system provides inventory visibility and enhances customer shopping experience.The RFID system is able to know which clothes being picked up by customers most frequently and to provide customized advertisement on picked clothes according to the RFID tags.American Apparel applied RFID system to eight of their stores.it helps to save about 60-80 hours per week in labor .Japanese apparel manufacturer Sankei utilizes a RFID system in clothing manufacturing to track clothes during the manufacturing process and facilitate online sales.3.2 RetailIn retail industry, RFID are usually used to collect customer data.By trackingthose data, one may have a real time visibility on the stocks of products. However, the data could be further utilized to provide more useful information and assist in decision making.For example,in a supermarket,every customer is given an interaction device when entering the supermarket.With the device,they can input personal information(age, gender, occupation, etc) and intended shopping list.Then,the device returns the customer a suggested shopping route,advertisement on related products and discount information.RFID readers deployed will collect those changes when the customers get close to a selected shelf or put some goods in their shopping carts. The application software will then analyze the information to make new suggestions to customers.Data collected for a day could be studied to enhance the validity of suggestion and provide better customer services. Data mining and other machine learning techniques could also be adopted to discover hidden customer behaviors,shopping habits ,association rules among products and favored items.4.ConclusionsRFID technology has a lot of advantages,such as simultaneous collection of large quantities of data with high accuracy, non-contact, etc.RFID technology has an increasing influence to our lives and gradually replaces bar code in supermarket and logistic management.Most of current RFID applications are for access control and goods location tracking.In fact,RFID provides the function of individual goods identification and online changeable data storage.We should make a better utility to these additional functions. Therefore, we expect that the next generation of RFID applications should incorporate intelligent.Intelligent RFID applications could bring in new research and commercial opportunities. Moreover, it helps to further reduce costs,enhance customer services and could provide insight for updating business models.REFERENCES[1] Kuo shien Huang and Shun ruing Tang,RFID Application Strategy and Deployment in Bike RentingSystem,International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology,PP.660-663,Feb,2008[2] Landt J.The history of RFID,Potentials,V ol 24,No.4,PP.8.11,Nov.2[3] Michael K.and MeCathie L.,The Pros and Cons of RFID in Supply Chain Management.InternationalConference on Mobile Business,PP.623.629,uly 2005.[4]Allen Nogee, Tags and Chip:Changing the World for Less Then The Pricc of A Cup Of Coffee,In-Stat/MDE,PP.14,December,2004谢谢下载!。
