一生够用英语口语核心句10000 一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 1-1:喊醒催促起床一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 1-2:起床事宜一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 1-3:谈论起床一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 2-1:催促劝说去睡觉一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 2-2:准备睡觉一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 2-3:谈论睡觉一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 3-1:租房寒暄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 3-2:租房要求一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 3-3:介绍房屋一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 3-4:租房费用一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 4-1:买房寒暄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 4-2:咨询和介绍房况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 4-3:房价及付款一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 4-4:讨论买房一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 5-1:房屋装修中一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 5-2:谈论装修一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 6-1:搬家计划生够用英语口语核心句型10000 6-2:找人帮忙或帮人搬家一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 6-3:办理搬家手续一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 6-4:谈论搬家一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 7-1:饮食保健一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 7-2:生活习惯与健康一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 7-3:定期检查身体一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 7-4:谈论养生保健一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 8-1:防盗一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 8-2:防火一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 8-3:防电一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 9-1:修理水龙头一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 9-2:修理电器一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 9-3:处理电力故障一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 10-1:收入来源一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 10-2:收入状况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 10-3:谈论赚钱一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 11-1:家庭消费状况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 11-2:节省开支一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 11-3:谈论花销一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 12-1:人寿保险一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 12-2:养老保险一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 12-3:失业保险一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 12-4:医疗保险一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 13-1:购买股票一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 13-2:股票收益一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 13-3:了解股市知识一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 13-4:谈论股票和股市一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 14-1:投资计划一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 14-2:投资现状一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 14-3:投资观念和策略一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 14-4:投资结果一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 15-1:积极的金钱观念一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 15-2:消极的金钱观念一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 15-3:客观评价金钱一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 16-1:资金紧张一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 16-2:计算花销一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 16-3:资金管理计划一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 16-4:学习资金管理策略一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 17-1:同学之间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 17-2:师生之间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 17-3:教师用语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 17-4:学生用语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 18-1:参加课外活动一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 18-2:课外活动的好与坏一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 18-3: 参加课外活动的态度一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 19-1:考试前一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 19-2:考试后一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 19-3:考试杂谈一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 20-1:外语课程一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 20-2:学习方法探讨一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 20-3:学习态度一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 20-4:学习现状一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 21-1:高考一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 21-2:升学考试结果一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 21-3:谈论升学一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 22-1:论文要求一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 22-2:论文进展一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 22-3:论文评价一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 23-1:想参加培训班的原因一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 23-2:参加培训班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 23-3:培训日程安排一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 23-4:培训后一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 24-1:邀请家长一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 24-2:家长会上一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 24-3:家长会的意义一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 25-1:参加典礼一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 25-2:毕业祝愿及感触一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 26-1:问路寒暄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 26-2:询问路线一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 26-3:询问交通方式一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 27-1:询问站牌和车次一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 27-2:上公交车时一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 27-3:在公交车上一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 28-1:出租车司机话语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 28-2:乘出租车人话语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 29-1:租车一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 29-2:检查车况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 29-3:谈论租车一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 30-1:上火车前询问一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 30-2:检票上车一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 30-3:在火车上一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 31-1:预定船票一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 31-2:登船一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 31-3:在船上一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 32-1:空姐服务话语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 32-2:空姐机上紧急情况话语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 32-3:杌上乘客要求服务话语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 33-1:堵车状况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 33-2:堵车原因一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 33-3:缓解堵车状况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 33-4:谈论路况及堵车一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 34-1: 发生交通事故一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 34-2:谈论肇事司机一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 35-1:假期来临一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 35-2:去旅游一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 35-3:旅行方式一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 36-1:旅行社一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 36-2:线路咨询一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 36-3:报团一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 36-4:旅行费用一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 37-1:为旅行做准备一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 37-2:收拾行李一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 38-1:时刻表一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 38-2:起飞时间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 38-3:晚点一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 39-1:托运行李一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 39-2:行李超重一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 39-3:取回行李一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 40-1:自然美景一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 40-2:文物古迹一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 40-3:特色小吃一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 40-4:当地文化一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 41-1:时差一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 41-2:晕车/晕机/晕船一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 41-3:照看行李一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 42-1:预订机票一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 42-2:航班已满一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 42-3:关于票价一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 42-4:取票付款一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 43-1:改签票一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 43-2:退票一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 44-1:过关前一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 44-2:出示证件和报关表一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 44-3:安全检查一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 44-4:海关工作一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 45-1:询问登机相关事宜一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 45-2:登机手续办理一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 45-3:登机安检一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 45-4:登机一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 46-1:购物时间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 46-2:和谁一起去购物一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 46-3:在哪里购物一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 47-1:列购物清单一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 47-2:商议购物清单内容一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 48-1:存包一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 48-2:购物车和购物篮一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 48-3:询问购买专区一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 49-1:促销员向顾客问好寒暄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 49-2:顾客选购商品一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 49-3:售货员推销商品一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 50-1:试穿前一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 50-2:试穿后一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 51-1:询问价钱一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 51-2:要求优惠或折扣一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 51-3:讨价还价后成交一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 52-1:提出要结账一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 52-2:结账进行中一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 52-3:结账后的要求一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 53-1:申请办理会员卡一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 53-2:购物时用会员卡一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 53-3:谈论会员卡一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 54-1:获得优惠券一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 54-2:购物时用优惠券一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 54-3:谈论优惠券一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 55-1:询问是否送货上门一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 55-2:确认送货信息一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 55-3:提供送货上门服务一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 56-1:咨询退换货服务一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 56-2:退换货一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 57-1:购买时询问保修和售后服务一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 57-2:在售后服务处一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 58-1:打招呼一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 59-1:让我来做个介绍一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 59-2:认识您是我的荣幸一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 59-3:我们握个手吧一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 59-4:结识新交一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 60-1:道别一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 61-1:保持联系一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 61-2:有事请联系我一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 61-3:联系方式一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 61-4:失去联系一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 62-1:吵架伤和气一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 62-2:相骂无好言一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 63-1:我向你道歉一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 63-2:我原谅你一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 63-3:找们和好了一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 64-1:邀约一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 64-2:答复一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 64-3:安排约会一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 65-1:致谢一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 66-1:家是温暖的一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 66-2:爱需要表达一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 66-3:母爱深沉一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 67-1:关于友情的描述一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 67-2:有关友情的格言一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 68-1:求助一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 69-1:看上某人一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 69-2:能和我约会吗?一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 70-1:表白一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 71-1:我们分手吧一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 71-2:他/她抛弃了我一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 71-3:失恋的痛苦一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 72-1:我是真的爱你一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 72-2:爱情是什么?一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 72-3:单恋与初恋一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 72-4:爱情谚语一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 73-1:你愿意嫁给我吗?一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 73-2:我们订婚了一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 74-1:相信一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 74-2:怀疑一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 75-1:同情一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 75-2:安慰一生够用英语口语核心句型10000句76-2:必须一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 77-1:告诫一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 77-2:制止一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 78-1:后悔一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 78-2:犹豫一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 79-1:讨厌一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 79-2:欣赏一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 80-1:失望一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 80-2:绝望一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 81-1:赞扬一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 81-2:责备一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 82-1:高兴一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 82-2:悲伤一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 83-1:寂寞一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 83-2:忧郁一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 84-1:我们跳舞吧一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 84-2:你会跳舞吗?一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 84-3:能和我跳支舞吗?一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 84-4:舞蹈的类别一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 85-2:玩牌一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 85-1:下棋一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 86-2:祝酒词一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 87-1:我们去KTV吧一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 87-2:点唱歌曲一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 87-3:唱歌跑调一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 87-4:唱得很好一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 88-1:在电影院一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 88-2:电影介绍一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 88-3:电影评价一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 88-4:我最喜欢的电影一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 89-1:我爱看电视一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 89-2:电视剧一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 89-3:电视广告一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 89-4:其他电视节目一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 90-1:我爱听音乐一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 90-2:音乐使人陶醉一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 90-3:音乐评论一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 91-1:我爱绘画一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 91-2:绘画流派一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 91-3:绘画收藏一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 92-1:我们去散步吧一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 92-2:散步的时间、方式和地点一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 92-3:散步的好处一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 93-1:练习跑步一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 93-2:我喜欢跑步一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 93-3:坚持跑步一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 93-4:跑步的益处一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 94-1:篮球一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 94-2:足球一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 94-3:其他球类一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 95-1:我爱骑自行车一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 95-2:骑自行车兜风一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 95-3:骑自行车的好处一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 95-4:学骑自行车一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 96-1:求职意向一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 96-2:职位信息一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 96-3:询问职缺一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 96-4:投递简历一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 97-1:询问面试资格一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 97-2:得到面试机会一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 97-3:预约面试一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 97-4:为面试做准备一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-1:开场白一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-2:工作经验一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-3:能力一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-4:教育背景一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-5:性格特征一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-6:家庭情况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-7:职业规划一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-8:申请本工作的理由一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 98-9:放弃原工作的理由一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 99-1:询问面试结果一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 99-2:录取面试者一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 99-3:拒绝面试者一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 99-4:议论面试结果一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 100-1:新人报到一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 100-2:相互介绍一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 100-3:会见上司一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 100-4:寒暄问候一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 100-5:熟悉工作环境一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 101-1:试用期规定一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 101-2:入职转正一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 101-3:签订劳动协议一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 102-1:相互帮助一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 102-2:产生矛盾一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 102-3:安慰同事一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 102-5:一起搭车回家一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 103-1:上班早到和准时一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 103-2:上班迟到时一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 103-3:出勤打卡一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 103-4:下班时间到一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 103-5:讨论上下班交通工具一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 103-6:关注时间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 104-1:向上司请假一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 104-2:说明事由一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 104-3:准假一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 104-4:请上司安排休假一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 105-1:工作繁忙一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 105-2:表示要加班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 105-3:领导要求加班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 105-4:询问是否要加班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 105-5:提醒注意休息一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 105-6:议论加班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 106-1:代班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 106-2:换班一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 106-3:调休一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 107-1:出差安排一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 107-3:议论出差一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 108-1:奖金一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 108-2:假期一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 108-3:其他福利一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 109-1:申请调任一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 109-2:告知调任一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 109-3:议论调任一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 110-1:申请升职一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 110-2:祝贺升职一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 110-3:议论升职一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 111-1:请求加薪一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 111-2:询问工资期望值一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 111-3:加薪态度一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 111-4:谈论工资和加薪一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 112-1:向上司提出辞职一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 112-2:表示感到意外一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 112-3:感谢公司的培养一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 112-4:议论辞职一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 113-1:你被解雇了一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 113-2:被解雇及原由一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 113-3:议论解雇一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 114-2:调查问卷问题一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 114-3:调查结果分析一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 115-1:展会前准备一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 115-2:产品展销一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 115-3:讨论展会一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 116-1:营销活动前集思广益一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 116-2:促销产品一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 116-3:营销活动收益一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 116-4:营销策略心得一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 117-1:考虑寻找代理商一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 117-2:与代理商商谈一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 117-3:代理条件及承诺一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 118-1:预约请求一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 118-2:安排约会一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 118-3:约定时间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 118-4:答应预约一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 118-5:拒绝会面预约一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 118-6:更改约会时间或取消约会一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 119-1:机场迎接一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 119-2:会客寒暄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 119-3:安排洽谈时间一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 120-1:欢迎来参观公司一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 120-2:介绍公司情况一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 120-3:带领参观工厂一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 120-4:参观后的感受一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 121-1:客户观摩产品问题一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 121-2:产品介绍一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 121-3:客户对产品评价一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 122-1:宴请客户一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 122-2:餐馆用餐一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 122-3:饭局礼仪一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 123-1:询问观光意向一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 123-2:路途寒暄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 123-3:陪同观光游玩一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 124-1:告知要离开一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 124-2:挽留和提出送别一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 124-3:临别表示感谢一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 124-4:送别客户说再见一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 125-1:咨询挂号事宜一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 125-2:挂号付费一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 126-1:询问病症一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 126-2:医生诊断病情一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 126-3:诊断结果一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 126-4:医生开方和建议一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 127-1:买药一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 127-2:吃药一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 127-3:谈论药一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 128-1:咨询看病一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 128-2:咨询病情一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 128-3:咨询服药及治疗一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 128-4:咨询疾病禁忌一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 129-1:紧急情况突发一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 129-2:紧急情况咨询一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 129-3:紧急情况应对一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 130-1:需要动手术一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 130-2:手术安排和注意事项一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 130-3:手术进行时一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 130-4:谈论手术一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 131-1:需要住院一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 131-2:住院安排及注意事项一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 131-3:谈论住院一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 132-1:医生探病一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 132-2:亲人朋友探病一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 132-3:闲谈病房生活一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 133-1:询问出院事宜一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 133-2:医院安排及注意事项一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 133-3:谈论出院一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 134-1:购买邮票意愿一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 134-2:购买邮票事宜一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 135-1:购买明信片意愿一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 135-2:购买明信片事宜一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 136-1:寄信意愿一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 136-2:寄信咨询及解答一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 137-1:邮包裹意愿一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 137-2:邮包裹咨询一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 137-3:包裹超重一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 137-4:邮包裹疑问解答及相关指导一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 138-1:办理邮政储蓄业务一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 138-2:谈论邮政储蓄一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 139-1:物流意愿一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 139-2:物流咨询一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 139-3:物流疑问解答及相关指导一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 139-4:了解物流业务一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 140-1:洗衣店一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 141-1:洗澡一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 141-2:按摩一生够用英语口语核心句型10000 141-3:温泉洗浴。
常用英语口语1000句1.how are you doing?(你好吗?)2.i’m doing great.(我过得很好。
)3.what’s up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)4.nothing special.(没什么特别的。
)5.hi. long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。
)6.so far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。
)7.things couldn’t be better.(一切顺利。
)8.how about yourself?(你自己呢?)9.today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。
)10.are you making progress?(有进展吗?)11.may i have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)12.i’ve heard so much about you.(久仰大名。
)13.i hope you’re enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。
)14.let’s get together again.(改天再聚聚。
)15.that’s a great idea!(好主意!)16.please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。
)17.i’m glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。
)18.don’t forget us.(别忘了我们。
)19.keep in touch.(保持联系。
)20.i had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。
)21.have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。
)22.same to you.(彼此彼此。
)23.nice talking to you.(很高兴与你聊天。
)24.take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。
1. How are you?2. What's up?3. Nice to meet you.4. How's it going?5. Can I help you?6. I'm fine, thanks.7. How about you?8. What do you do?9. Where are you from?10. What's your name?11. How old are you?12. Where do you live?13. Do you speak English?14. I don't understand.15. Could you repeat that, please?16. Sorry, I didn't catch that.17. Excuse me, what did you say?18. Can you speak more slowly?19. What's the time?20. How do you spell that?21. Where is the nearest bank?22. Could you show me on the map?23. How much does it cost?24. Do you accept credit cards?25. Where can I find a pharmacy?26. What's the weather like today?27. Can I try it on?28. What's the best way to get there?29. Is there an ATM nearby?30. Could you recommend a good restaurant?31. I'm lost. Can you help me?32. Can I have the bill, please?33. Do you have any recommendations?34. Can I have a glass of water, please?35. I need a doctor.36. Where's the nearest hospital?37. Can you fix this for me?38. I'd like to book a table for two.39. Is this seat taken?40. What time does the show start?41. Can I have a menu, please?42. What's your phone number?43. Can I have your email address?44. I'm sorry.45. Thank you.46. You're welcome.47. Excuse me.48. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.49. No problem.50. Have a nice day.51. Goodbye.52. See you later.53. Take care.54. I'm tired.55. I'm hungry.56. I'm thirsty.57. I'm cold.58. I'm hot.59. I'm bored.60. I'm excited.61. That's interesting.62. That's amazing.63. I love it.64. I hate it.65. I'm sorry to hear that.66. Congratulations.67. Good luck.68. What's your favorite color?69. What's your favorite food?70. What's your favorite movie?71. What's your favorite book?72. What do you like to do in your free time?73. What's your hobby?74. What's your dream job?75. What's your favorite sport?76. How was your weekend?77. How was your day?78. What's your plan for tomorrow?79. What's your plan for the weekend?80. I had a great time.81. I'm looking forward to it.82. Are you free next weekend?83. Sorry, I can't make it.84. Let's make a plan.85. Can we reschedule?86. Can you give me a ride?87. Can I borrow your pen?88. Can you do me a favor?89. Can I ask you a question?90. Can you help me with this?91. I don't know.92. I'm not sure.93. It's possible.94. It's impossible.95. I think so.96. I don't think so.97. I agree.98. I disagree.99. That's a good idea.100. That's a bad idea.101. I'm sorry, but I can't help you. 102. I'm afraid not.103. I can't believe it.104. Really?105. Are you serious?106. That's funny.107. Don't worry.108. Take your time.109. Good idea.110. That's right.111. That's wrong.112. I can't wait.113. I'm so excited.114. I'm so happy for you. 115. I'm so sorry to hear that. 116. That's not fair.117. It's none of your business. 118. Mind your own business. 119. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. 120. It's not a big deal.121. Never mind.122. Let's forget about it. 123. It's all good.124. That's fantastic.125. That's awful.126. I'm sorry, I have to go now. 127. I'll see you soon.128. Take care of yourself. 129. Have a safe trip.130. I miss you.131. I love you.132. I'm proud of you. 133. You're the best.134. You're a genius.135. You're amazing.136. You're beautiful.137. You're handsome. 138. You're so kind.139. You're so funny.140. You're so smart.141. You're so talented. 142. You're so lucky.143. You're so brave.144. You're so strong. 145. You're so thoughtful. 146. You're so generous. 147. You're so helpful. 148. You're so understanding.149. You're so patient.150. You're so polite.这些句子是英语口语中最常用的,可以帮您在各种日常场景下更加流利地进行英语对话。
常用英语口语900句基本对话嗨,你好!Hi, how are you? 我很好,你呢?I’m good, and you? 我也很好,谢谢!I’m good too, thank you! 你会说英语吗?Do you speak English? 是的,我会一点点英语。
Yes, I can speak a little English. 你从哪里来?Where are you from? 我来自中国。
I am from China. 你会说汉语吗?Can you speak Chinese? 不是很流利,但是我会说一点汉语。
I am not very fluent, but I can speak a little Chinese. 那太棒了!That’s great!请问,你会说法语吗?Excuse me, do you speak French? 不好意思,我不会说法语。
Sorry, I cannot speak French. 请问,这里有什么特别推荐的美食吗?Excuse me, is there any special recommended food here? 当然,这里的烤鱼很有名。
Of course, the grilled fish here is very famous. 听起来不错,我想试试。
Sounds good, I would like to try it. 你今天有什么计划?What are your plans for today? 我打算去购物和看电影。
I plan to go shopping and watch a movie. 一起去吗?Do you want to go together? 太好了,我很乐意!That would be great, I would love to! 这是我的电话号码,你可以打给我。
Here is my phone number, you can call me. 谢谢,我会联系你的。
Greetings and Introductions1. Hello! / Hi! –你好!2. How are you? –你好吗?3. I'm fine, thank you. And you? –我很好,谢谢!你呢?4. Nice to meet you. –很高兴见到你。
5. What's your name? –你叫什么名字?6. My name is [name]. –我叫[name]。
7. Where are you from? –你来自哪里?8. I'm from [country]. –我来自[国家]。
Basic Conversation9. How's it going? –近来如何?10. What's up? –有什么新鲜事?11. Can I help you? –我能帮你吗?12. I need some help. –我需要帮忙。
13. Excuse me. –对不起。
14. I'm sorry. –对不起。
15. Thank you. –谢谢。
16. You're welcome. –不客气。
17. I don't know. –我不知道。
18. Maybe. –可能吧。
19. Definitely. –当然。
20. I understand. –我明白。
Daily Life21. What time is it? –几点了?22. I'm hungry. –我饿了。
23. What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner? –今天早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么?24. Can I have the menu, please? –请给我菜单。
话题1:建议Making Suggestions(英汉对照) 1.How about 6 o'clock this evening?晚上6点钟可以吗?2.How about we set up a meeting at 8:30?8点半开会可以吗?3.How about a visit to Beijing this winter holi-day?今年寒假去北京玩,如何?4.You are hungry. Why not a cake?你饿了。
为何不吃蛋糕呢?5.Why not look at the hairstyle book?先看看这本发型的书吧。
6.I don't have any idea of how to study here.我不知道在这里怎么学习。
7.What would you suggest?你建议该怎么做呢?8.What time did he suggest?他建议在什么时候会面?9.It's cold. Will you close the window,please?天冷,请把窗子关上,好吗?10.I'd like to hear your ideas about the job.我想听听您对这工作的建议。
11.Will you please come to have dinner with me?跟我一起吃饭,好吗?12.Won't you have more coffee?再喝点咖啡,好吗?13.Can you give me some suggestions?能给我提些建议吗?14.Do you have any suggestion in mind?你有什么建议吗?15.Would you lend me your pen a minute?愿意把钢笔借我用一会吗?16.Would you be good enough to do it for me?请您帮我一下,好吗?17.Shall I get some chalks for you, Joe?乔,我给你拿粉笔来,好吗?18.Shall we begin the meeting now?我们现在开始开会,好吗?19.May I make suggestions?我可以提个建议吗?20.Let's meet at the entrance,shall we?我们在入口处见,好吗?21.Let's have some coffee,shaU we?让我们喝点咖啡,好吗?22.Let me give you some advice.让我给你提几个建议吧。
1.问候与告别:1.How are you? 你好吗?2.Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢。
你呢?3.See you later. 一会儿见。
4.Goodbye. 再见。
2.表达感谢与道歉:1.Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
2.I'm sorry to hear that. 听到那件事我很难过。
3.Excuse me, could you help me? 打扰一下,你能帮我吗?3.谈论日常活动:1.What did you do today? 你今天做了什么?2.I went to the park with my family. 我和家人去了公园。
3.What are you doing this weekend? 你这个周末打算做什么?4.表达观点与情感:1.I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。
2.I don't think so. 我不这么认为。
3.I'm feeling happy today. 我今天很高兴。
5.询问与回答:1.Could you tell me where the nearest post office is? 你能告诉我最近的邮局在哪里吗?2.It's just around the corner. 就在拐角处。
3.What time does the movie start? 电影什么时候开始?6.建议与邀请:1.Why don't we go for a walk? 我们为什么不去散步呢?2.That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来是个好主意。
3.Would you like to join us for dinner? 你愿意和我们一起吃晚饭吗?7.谈论工作与学习:1.How's work been? 工作怎么样?2.It's been busy, but good. 很忙,但还不错。
Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。
You ask for it! 活该!You don't say! 真想不到!Get out of here! 滚出去!How come…怎么回事,怎么搞的。
Don't mention it. 没关系,别客气。
It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起!thousand times no! 绝对办不到!Who knows! 天晓得!Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。
Don't let me down. 别让我失望。
It is urgent. 有急事。
Can I have this. 可以给我这个吗?It doesn't take much of you time. 这不花你好多时间。
Drop it! 停止!Bottle it! 闭嘴!There is nobody by that name working here.这里没有这个人。
Easy does it. 慢慢来。
Don't push me. 别逼我。
Come on! 快点,振作起来!What is the fuss?吵什么?Still up?还没睡呀?It doesn't make any differences. 没关系。
It is a deal!一言为定!Take a seat! 请坐!Here ye! 说得对!It can be a killer. 这是个伤脑筋的问题。
Don't take ill of me. 别生我气。
It's up in the air. 尚未确定。
I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。
Right over there. 就在那里。
Get an eyeful. 看个够。
Here we are! 我们到了!I lost my way. 我迷路了Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家问好。
常用英语口语1000句1. 打招呼和介绍1.Hello! - 你好!2.Hi! - 嗨!3.How are you doing? - 你好吗?4.What’s up? - 有什么新鲜事吗?5.Nice to meet you. - 很高兴认识你。
6.My name is [name]. - 我叫[name]。
7.Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?8.I’m from [country]. - 我来自[国家]。
9.What do you do for a living? - 你的职业是什么?10.I’m a [occupation]. - 我是一名[职业]。
2. 礼貌用语11.Please. - 请。
12.Thank you. - 谢谢。
13.You’re welcome. - 不客气。
14.Excuse me. - 对不起。
15.I’m sorry. - 很抱歉。
16.May I help you? - 我可以帮助你吗?17.Excuse me, where is the restroom? - 请问,洗手间在哪里?18.Can you please repeat that? - 你能请再说一遍吗?19.Could you please speak more slowly? - 你能请慢一点说吗?20.I beg your pardon? - 您说什么?3. 问候和告别21.Good morning. - 早上好。
22.Good afternoon. - 下午好。
23.Good evening. - 晚上好。
24.Good night. - 晚安。
25.Have a good day! - 祝你有个愉快的一天!26.Take care. - 保重。
27.See you later. - 再见。
28.Goodbye. - 再见。
29.See you soon. - 很快见到你。
一生够用英语口语核心句型10000One Lifetime's Worth of Key English Speaking Patterns (10,000)Learning English can be an exciting and rewarding experience, especially when you master essential speaking patterns that can be used in various situations. In this guide, we will explore 10,000 core English speaking patterns that can help you express yourself effectively and confidently. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, incorporating these patterns into your daily conversations will enhance your communication skills and boost your fluency in English.1. Greetings and Introductions- Hello, nice to meet you.- How are you doing today?- What's your name?- Where are you from?2. Making Requests- Could you please pass me the salt?- Would you mind opening the window?- Can you help me with this problem?- I was wondering if you could lend me some money.3. Describing People and Things- She has long curly hair.- The dress she is wearing is beautiful.- The table is made of wood.- He is tall and slim.4. Expressing Preferences- I prefer tea over coffee.- I'd rather stay home than go out.- I like watching movies on weekends.- I enjoy reading books in my free time.5. Giving Directions- Go straight ahead and then turn left.- Take the second street on the right.- It's on your left-hand side.- The restaurant is next to the bank.6. Talking about the Weather- It's raining heavily outside.- The sun is shining brightly today.- It's quite cold this morning.- There will be a thunderstorm later.7. Expressing Opinions- In my opinion, the movie was excellent.- I believe that exercise is important for health.- Personally, I think the decision was wrong.- I feel that we should visit the museum.8. Asking for Help- Can you give me a hand with this heavy box?- I'm struggling with this math problem. Can you assist me? - Could you please help me find my lost keys?- I need some advice. Can you guide me?9. Making Suggestions- Why don't we go for a walk in the park?- Let's have dinner at that new restaurant.- How about watching a movie tonight?- We could take a trip to the beach this weekend.10. Talking about Daily Routine- I wake up at 6 AM every morning.- After breakfast, I go for a run.- I have lunch at noon.- In the evening, I watch TV before going to bed.11. Expressing Emotions- I'm so happy to see you!- I'm feeling a bit sad today.- I'm really excited about my new job.- I'm extremely disappointed with the outcome.12. Discussing Future Plans- I plan to travel to Europe next year.- I am thinking of starting my own business.- I hope to learn a new language.- I want to pursue a career in architecture.13. Talking about Past Experiences- Last summer, I went backpacking in Asia.- When I was a child, I used to play soccer with my friends. - I studied abroad for a year in Spain.- I visited Paris two years ago.14. Giving Instructions- First, preheat the oven to 350°F.- Then, mix the ingredients in a bowl.- Next, pour the batter into the baking pan.- Finally, bake for 30 minutes.15. Apologizing- I'm sorry for being late.- I apologize for my mistake.- Please forgive me for my behavior.- I regret what I said earlier.16. Making Comparisons- She is taller than her sister.- This book is more interesting than the last one. - The red car is faster than the blue one.- My room is smaller than yours.17. Agreeing and Disagreeing- I completely agree with you.- I see your point, but I disagree.- That's a valid point, but I have a different opinion. - I'm afraid I can't agree with you on that.18. Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty- I am sure he will be at the party.- There is no doubt that she is talented.- I think he might come to the meeting.- I'm not entirely certain about the details.19. Talking about Hobbies- My hobbies include painting and gardening.- I love playing the guitar in my spare time.- I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.- Photography is my favorite hobby.20. Asking for Clarification- Can you please repeat that?- I didn't catch what you said. Can you clarify?- Could you explain that again in simpler terms?- I'm not sure I understand. Can you elaborate?In conclusion, mastering these 10,000 core English speaking patterns will improve your communication skills and help you engage in conversations with confidence. Practice using these patterns in your everyday interactions and watch as your fluency in English grows. Remember, consistency is key to becoming proficient in any language, so keep practicing and never give up on your language learning journey. Good luck!。
英语口语10000句1-1:喊醒催促起床1.lt's time for you to get up.你该起床了。
2.Hey, Jack, it's time to wake up and get out of bed. 嘿,杰克,醒一醒,该起床啦。
3.Get up and have breakfast.起床吃早饭吧!4.You'd better get up, or you'll be late.你最好现在就起床,否则要迟到了。
5.Rise and shine!起床!6.The early bird gets the worm.早起的鸟才会有虫吃。
7.Get the children up.叫孩子们起床。
8.John,are vou up?约翰,起床了没有?9.I should arouse Lily from sleep.我还要叫莉莉起床。
10.It starts to dawn, and you have to get up now.破晓了,你必须起床了。
1-2:起床事宜1.Do I have to get up now?我现在一定得起床吗?2.You must put on more clothes.你必须多穿衣服。
3.I can't find my stocking.我找不着长筒袜了。
4.Please get your dress in the wardrobe.请在衣柜里找你要换的衣物。
5.Please dress the baby, Mike.迈克,请给孩子穿衣。
6.Don't forget to fold up your quilt.不要忘记叠被子。
7.Don't forget to make your bed.别忘了铺床。
8.You take an unconscionable time to get dressed.你穿衣服用的时间未免太长了!9.Don't overclothe the child——she will be too hot.别给那孩子穿衣过多——她会太热。
以下是一些常见情境中需要使用到的口语句子:1. 问候与介绍- Hello! / Hi! 你好!- How are you? 你好吗?- What's your name? 你叫什么名字?- Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!- This is my friend, Mary. 这是我的朋友玛丽。
- Can I introduce myself? 我可以自我介绍吗?2. 交际礼仪- Excuse me. 对不起。
- Sorry. 抱歉。
- Thank you! 谢谢你!- You're welcome! 不客气!- Please. 请。
- May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?3. 表达个人观点- In my opinion, ... 在我看来,…- I believe that ... 我相信…- From my point of view, ... 从我的角度来看,…- I think that ... 我认为…- It seems to me that ... 在我看来…- I agree. 我同意。
4. 询问与回答- What time is it? 现在几点了?- How old are you? 你多大了?- Where are you from? 你来自哪里?- Are you married? 你结婚了吗?- Can you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?- What do you like to do in your free time? 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?5. 购物与点餐- How much does it cost? 这个多少钱?- Can I try it on? 我可以试穿吗?- What's the special today? 今天的特色菜是什么?- Could I have the menu, please? 能给我菜单吗?- Is it spicy? 辣吗?- I'd like a coffee, please. 请给我一杯咖啡。
1000句最常用英语口语1. i see.我明白了。
I see2. i quit! 我不干了!I quit3. let go! 放手!Let go4. me too.我也是。
Me too5. my god! 天哪!6. no way! 不行!No way7. come on.来吧(赶快)Come on8. hold on.等一等。
Hold on9. i agree。
I agree10. not bad.还不错。
Not bad11. not yet.还没。
12. see you.再见。
13. shut up! 闭嘴!14. so long.再见。
15. why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. allow me.让我来。
17. be quiet! 安静点!18. cheer up! 振作起来!19. good job! 做得好!20. have fun! 玩得开心!21. how much? 多少钱?22. i'm full.我饱了。
23. i'm home.我回来了。
24. i'm lost.我迷路了。
25. my treat.我请客。
26. so do i.我也一样。
27. this way。
28. after you.您先。
29. bless you! 祝福你!30. follow me.跟我来。
31. forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. good luck! 祝好运!33. i decline! 我拒绝!34. i promise.我保证。
35. of course! 当然了!36. slow down! 慢点!37. take care! 保重!38. they hurt. (伤口)疼。
39. try again.再试试。
40. watch out! 当心。
41. what's up? 有什么事吗?42. be careful! 注意!43. bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. don't move! 不许动!45. guess what? 猜猜看?46. i doubt it 我怀疑。
1000句必会英语口语2.How are you?3.How's it going?4.What's new?5.How have you been?6.What have you been up to?7.What have you been doing?9.What's going on?10.How's life?11.Long time no see.12.It's nice to see you again.13.It's been a while.14.It's good to see you.15.It's been too long.16.Good to hear from you.17.It's been ages.18.I haven't seen you for ages.19.It's been forever.20.What a surprise!21.How's it going?22.How have you been?23.What's been up?24.What have you been up to?25.What have you been doing lately?26.What have you been up to lately?27.What have you been doing?28.How've you been?29.What have you been up to?30.What have you been up to recently?31.How have you been doing?32.What have you been doing recently?33.What have you been working on?34.How have you been keeping?35.What have you been up to lately?36.What's new with you?37.What have you been up to since then?38.What have you been doing since we last spoke?39.What have you been up to since we last met?40.What's been going on since we last talked?41.Where have you been?42.What have you been up to lately?43.Where have you been lately?44.What have you been doing lately?45.Where have you been lately?46.What have you been up to the last few days?47.What have you been doing the past few days?48.What have you been up to the last few weeks?49.What have you been up to the last few months?50.What have you been up to the last few years?51.How have you been getting on?52.What have you been doing in your free time?53.What have you been doing since I last saw you?54.What have you been up to since we last talked?55.How has life been treating you?56.What have you been up to the past few days?57.What have you been doing since I last talked to you?58.What have you been doing with yourself lately?59.What have you been up to since we last met?60.What have you been up to since we last spoke?61.How are things?62.How's everything?63.What's going on with you?64.What's going on?65.What's new in your life?67.What's been going on?69.What's been going on in your life?71.How have things been?72.What have you been up to lately?73.What have you been doing lately?74.How have things been going?75.What have you been doing lately?76.What have you been up to lately?77.What have you been up to recently?78.What have you been up to the last few days?79.What have you been doing the past few days?80.What have you been doing lately?81.What's up with you?82.What's new with you?83.What's new in your life?84.What's been going on with you?86.What have you been doing with yourself lately?87.How have you been occupying yourself lately?88.What have you been up to recently?89.What have you been up to the last few days?90.What have you been doing the past few days?91.How have you been?92.How have you been doing?93.How have you been lately?94.How have things been going for you?95.How have things been lately?96.How have you been getting on?97.How have you been holding up?98.How have you been getting along?99.How have you been doing lately?100.How have you been doing since we last spoke?。
日常英语口语10000句1. Greetings and Introductions- Hello, how are you?- Nice to meet you.- What's your name?- Where are you from?- How old are you?- How is your day going?- Good morning/afternoon/evening!- Have a nice day!2. Asking for and Giving Directions- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest bus stop? - Where is the nearest subway station?- Is there a pharmacy around here?- Can you show me the way to the museum?- Go straight and then turn left/right.- It's just around the corner.- You can't miss it.- Thank you for your help!3. Ordering Food and Drinks- Can I see the menu, please?- What's the special today?- I'll have a cheeseburger with fries, please. - Could I get a glass of water, please?- Can I pay with a credit card?- Do you have any vegetarian options?- Could you bring the bill, please?- The food was delicious. Thank you!4. Shopping and Bargaining- How much does this shirt cost?- Is there any discount for this item?- Can I try it on?- Do you have a larger/smaller size?- I'll take two, please.- Can you lower the price a bit?- Could I get a receipt, please?- It was a pleasure doing business with you.5. Making Appointments and Plans- Are you available tomorrow?- Let's meet at 5 o'clock.- What time works best for you?- Shall we go to the movies on Saturday?- Can we reschedule our meeting?- I'll meet you at the café near the park.- See you then!- Sorry, I can't make it. Can we meet another time?6. Talking about the Weather- What's the weather like today?- It's really hot/cold outside.- I think it's going to rain.- The sun is shining.- Be careful, it's slippery.- Did you bring an umbrella?- I hope it gets warmer soon.- I love this weather!7. Describing People and Appearance- He has blue eyes and blonde hair.- She is tall and slim.- They're wearing casual clothes.- He has a beard and mustache.- She's got a beautiful smile.- He looks very friendly.- They have a strong accent.- I like your new haircut.8. Expressing Likes and Dislikes- I love chocolate.- I enjoy playing tennis.- He hates crowded places.- She doesn’t like spicy food.- They're not into sports.- We're big fans of that band.- I'm not really interested in politics. - What's your favorite movie?9. Talking about Daily Activities- I woke up at 7 this morning.- After breakfast, I went to work.- I have a meeting at 10 am.- She's going to the gym later.- They're studying for exams.- We usually have dinner around 7.- He watches TV before going to bed.- I'll be busy all day tomorrow.10. Expressing Emotions- I'm so excited about my vacation.- He is really happy with his new job.- She's feeling sad after the breakup.- They're extremely proud of their achievement.- I'm sorry for your loss.- He looks nervous before the presentation.- We are grateful for your help.- Don't worry, everything will be fine.Note: This is just a simplified example of 10 common topics in daily English conversations. The actual number of English sentences that can be used in various situations and contexts is innumerable.。
英语口语表达900句常用问候和介绍1. 你好!- Hello!2. 你好吗?- How are you?3. 我很好,谢谢!- I'm fine, thank you!4. 请问你叫什么名字?- What's your name, please?5. 我叫[Name]。
- My name is [Name].6. 很高兴认识你。
- Nice to meet you.7. 请问你来自哪里?- Where are you from?8. 我来自中国。
- I'm from China.9. 你会说英语吗?- Do you speak English?10. 是的,我会说一点英语。
- Yes, I can speak a little English. 日常交流11. 你在做什么?- What are you doing?12. 我在研究英语。
- I'm studying English.13. 今天天气怎么样?- How's the weather today?14. 天气很好。
- The weather is nice.15. 你喜欢哪种运动?- What kind of sports do you like?16. 我喜欢篮球。
- I like basketball.17. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?- What's your favorite food?18. 我最喜欢吃披萨。
- My favorite food is pizza.19. 你喜欢看电影吗?- Do you like watching movies?20. 是的,我喜欢。
- Yes, I do.问路和交通21. 请问去邮局怎么走?- Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?22. 一直往前走,然后左转。
- Go straight ahead and then turn left.23. 附近有地铁站吗?- Is there a subway station nearby?24. 对不起,我迷路了。
M:Have you signed up to join the company`s Christmas party ?公司的圣诞晚会你要参加吗?F:Sure I have. Will you join?当然去.你呢?M:I will. You know, as a newcomer, I think it might be a good opportunity to get to know people from the other departments of our company in a more relaxed atmosphere.我也去.你知道我是个新人.去一个比较放松的场合能结识一些别的部门的同事.F:You are right. Our company`s Christmas party has always been an amazing occasion for everybody to relax and get to know each other better. It is also a time to make new friends and do some networking.没错.我们公司的圣诞晚会是一个大家放松和相互了解的好机会.还能认识一些新朋友.积累人脉.M:I hope it is not a very formal one when the boss is there.老板在.不会太正式吧.F:No, it will not be formal at all. It is a fun time, you will love the game show. Please dress ually there is an overabundance of drinks. So be careful with that!不.一点也不正式.很有趣.你一定会喜欢游戏环节的.穿得休闲点.有很多喝的.别喝醉了.M:Don`t worry! I can handle that. And I know if the boss is there, even it is an informal evening, it does not make a good impression to get totally drunk in front of him.别担心.不会的.我知道即使是个非正式场合.当着老板的面喝得烂醉也会给他极其恶劣的印象.1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. I’m John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. 这班飞机将晚点两个小时。
The fligh will be two hours late.
2. 两张去纽约的头等舱机票?
Two first class tickets to New York?
3. 您需要枕头吗?
Would you like a pillow?
4. 您想喝点无糖咖啡吗?
Would you like some white coffee?
5. 停车场是不是一直往前?
Is the car park straight on?
Please be sure to take all of your belongings.
7. 8号登机口怎么走?
Which way to the gate 8?
8. 请帮我订一个头等舱吧。
Please book me a first class seat on the flight.
9. 我有点儿头晕。
I feel a little dizzy.
1O. 只有免税商店买得到吗?
Is this only available from the duty-free shop?
11. 请把它放在您的座位下面。
Please put it under your seat.
12. 我把汽车停在停车场了。
I parked the car in the car park.
13. 欢迎您乘坐本次航班。
Welcome you on board this plane.
14. 是去纽约的登机口吗?
Is this the right gate for the New York flight?
15. 由于有雾飞机晚点了。
The plane is late owing to fog.
16. 我想把我的座调到头等舱。
I want to upgrade my seat to first class.
17. 我要知道接机的大巴号码。
I would know the Bus number for pick up.
18. 我想要木瓜汁。
I want some papaw juice.
19. 飞机晚点了,我一直在机场。
The plane was late. I was waiting at the airport.
20. 在机场餐厅为您安排午餐。
We will offer you lunch in airport restaurant.
21. 飞往悉尼的123次航班正在五号登机口登机。
Flight 123 to Sydney is now boarding at Gate 5.
22. 机场免税商店里的酒比较便宜。
The alcohol in the duty free shop at the airport is cheaper.
23. 我应该在哪个柜台办理行李托运?
Which counter should I go to have my luggage checked?
24. 你们有多少件行李需要安检?
How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in?
25. 所有旅客现在请到登机口登机。
All passengers should proceed to the gate now to board the plane.
passenger(旅客)counter(柜台)airport(机场)check in(安检)the duty-free shop(免费商店)straight on(一直往前)dizzy(头晕)