



剑桥雅思9真题+解析-Test1口语Part1What games are popular in your country? [Why?]你们国家流行什么游戏?(为什么?)名师点题剑9口语,而近期的雅“游戏”话题是近期考试的热点话题。

它在已有的题库中多出现在Part I,而近期的雅,比如要求考生描述儿童时期玩过的一款游戏(A game you思口语考试多将其放在Part 2,比如要求考生描述儿童时期玩过的一款游戏()等。

对于这个话题,回答思路既可“天女散花”,即列举在played a lot in childhood一个国家内受不同群体欢迎的游戏,亦可“孤注一掷”,即将答案具体化,将回答的重点落实到具体的某项游戏上,再给以适当的细节描述。

高分示例1It varies. For our young generation, there is only one name for games that we are crazy about, which is the computer games, either single-user version or concurrentversion. For the eider generation, like my grandpa, they have a lot of folk games to play, such as shuttlecock, diabolo and jumping rope. As for the reason why such kind of situation appears, personally I think it has much to do with the changes of times and technology.高分示例2I would say the most popular game is Plants Vs. Zombies. When it comes to the reasonof popularity, I would like to summarize the following two points: firstly, this game is easy to learn; secondly, through conquering the zombies in the game, peoplecan obtain a sense of satisfaction, which is urgently needed to push people forward.高分示例3Based on my own experience and observation from the peers around, I have to admitthat computer games are enjoying an increasing popularity. Various kinds of computergames crop into people's attention, adventure games, role-playing games and racinggames so on and so forth. Why people are fascinated with those games? I think theyjust want to find a way to relieve the pressure brought by study or work.亮点表达be crazy about对……痴迷concurrent version网络版adventure games冒险类游戏racing games竞技类游戏single-user version单机版Plant Vs. Zombies植物大战僵尸role-playing games角色扮演类游戏Do you play any games?[Why/Why not?]你玩儿游戏吗?(为什么?)名师点题剑9口语对于此类问题,开门见山是最好不过的选择。




在Part 1部分,就有关于童年喋喋不休的小问题,比如说童年时的你是一个什么样的小孩,和哪个亲戚最亲近,童年时学过什么等,到Part 2的cue card中,又肆无忌惮地上演童年时的游戏,童年的一次旅行,童年的儿歌,童年的一个玩具,最后在Part 3部分又挑战性地讨论儿童教育,儿童成长受玩具、科技等的影响,种种的困惑全是围绕童年展开的。

不管如何,对于即将要参加雅思口语考试的烤鸭们来说,这些问题是大家需要提高警惕的,roll up sleeves and get down to prepare. 对于广大的中国烤鸭们来说,童年是一个值得回忆但是回忆不起来的时期,没有充分的准备或者没有有效的指导,想很好地完成任务或者得到高分是很难的。

在这里,笔者想对A T oy这个话题进行解析、说明以及补充,给大家提供一些有效的思路和及时的帮助。

为了避免答非所问,或者因不按要求来说明而丢分,在具体分析和说明之前,我们还是首先要了解一下cue card要求的范围和内容。

Describe a toy you used to play with in your childhood.You should say:What it wasHow often you played with itWhat you did with itAnd explain why you enjoyed playing with it.也许是受到兴趣相投的父母以及学校教育的影响,烤鸭们当下的想法神奇地如出一辙,没有新意,很难得到考官的赏识。

笔者丰富的实际教学经验告诉我,80%的烤鸭们想到的都是T eddy Bear或者Transformer. 这里要描述娃娃或者变形金刚、遥控车等并不是不可以,但是要考虑到喜欢这种玩具的原因,显然这样的主题会让考生的思路非常窄,而且说出来的观点或者词汇都会很肤浅、简单。



2019年1-3月雅思口语part1新题:toys和ShoppingIELTS Speaking Part 1: 'shopping' topic以下是超级学长老师汇总的2019年1-3月雅思口语Part1的新题关于toys和shopping,例文都是老师的答案,超级学长的老师再次提醒各位考生,一定要保持答案直接,简短和准确。

1) Who does most of the shopping in your household?There isn't one person who does most of the shopping. I'd say it's a shared responsibility because we tend to go shopping together as a family.2) What kind of shopping do you like doing?I quite like shopping for presents for people's birthdays or for Christmas. My favourite type of shop would have to be a bookshop.3) Is shopping a popular activity in your country?Yes, it's very popular. Saturday is the busiest shopping day, and lots of people treat shopping as a kind of leisure activity, rather than something practical. 4) What types of shops do teenagers like best in your country?I'm not an expert on teenage behaviour, but I guess they like buying clothes, music, gadgets... that kind of thing.IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'toys' topic1) Did you play with toys when you were a child?Yes, of course. I loved playing with toys when I was a child; I think all children do.2) What kinds of toys did you like?As far as I remember, I mostly played with toy cars, planes and action figures from films or cartoons. I also liked building things with Lego.3) In your country, do boys and girls play with the same types of toys?Not really. I think boys like the kinds of toys that I mentioned before, whereas girls play with dolls. My niece, for example, doesn't like toy cars; she prefers dressing dolls in different outfits.4) Do you think that toys help children to learn?Yes, I do. All toys encourage children to use their imagination and creativity. Even with simple toys, children imagine situations and invent games and rules.。








一、影响类题目概述影响类题目是指题目中出现“effect”“affect”等关键词的题目,如:What are the effects of playing indoor games on children。








例如,雅思口语Part1中有这样一题——What are the effects of music on people’s life and work, 这就是显性影响类的典型问题。








Part 1中考童年喜欢的动物,食物,收藏品,颜色等等。

Part 2中有考过 a friend in your childhood, a childhood game。

目前高频考题a toy you liked in your childhood; a song you liked in your childhood。

PART 2Describe a toy that was important to you in your childhood.You should say:when you got this toyhow you got this toy (or, who gave you this toy)how often you played with itand explain why it was important to you.补充词汇水枪water gun 弹弓 catapult木枪 wooden gun 洋娃娃doll玩具小汽车toy car 迷你四驱车 mini (four by four) 泰迪熊 teddy bear 积木 building blocks跳绳skipping rope 毛绒玩具 stuffed toy七巧板Chinese puzzle 魔方 magic cube变形金刚transformer 充气玩具 air-filled toy参考范文The toy that was important to me in my childhood was a teddy bear which was mailed to me by my aunt from German on my 6th birthday. From then on, the teddy bear became my best friend. I loved talking to her whenever I was happy or not before I went to sleep.Unlike other kinds of stuffed toys, this teddy bear wears a beautiful wine coat with golden buttons. When she stands, she is looking at you. It seems that she can understand everything. Being alone at home, I played with her and sang songs to her. Sometimes, I invited several friends in our neighbourhood to play house in my home. At that time, the teddy bear was our princess owning a big country. All of us were her loyal servants.Today, I am no longer a little girl, but I still keep this precious teddy bear. As long as I see her, I will be cheered up. It reminds me of my beautiful childhood.同学们描述玩具的话题,一定要注意时态哦!想想自己从小玩的最多的玩具,有感而发,那么会更真实。






雅思口语新题:Describe a toy you had in your childhood 儿时玩具You should say:What it wasWhere it came from/how you first got the toyWhen did you have the toyAnd explain why you liked or disliked it雅思口语范文:Teddy bear 泰迪熊(注意她是如何描述的外貌的,特别是后面描述泰迪熊的鼻子本来有一层绒布,这么多年都被磨掉了,都是特别真实的细节,很容易打动人。


)A very important toy in my childhood is a teddy bear. He’s brown, and he has black nose, two slightly brown, slightly black eyes, depending on what angle the light is. It has no tail because it fell off. I got this bear when I was two years old, apparently from my parents but I was too young to remember. I know that I had it since I can remember, but I honestly just can’t remember where I got it from, but I’m pretty sure it was from my mom and dad. It’s very important to me because from when I can remember, this teddy bear slept with me every night. I was always holding it and it was on my bed all my time. so from the age of four or five I can remember, all my secret I will tell this teddy bear and any time I was sad, I would hold it and cry. When I was laughing or something, I would tell him a joke, just the way the children do with their toys. I still have this teddy bear now. His nose used to have this soft velvet, but when I was little when I felt upset, I will rub my nose on his nose, so all the velvet had been rubbed away by years of love, so now he has a cold hard shiny nos e. But he still sits next to me on the bed table all the time. I’ve had him for longer than I like to remember, it is very important for me, cause it was the first toy I remember having and I had been with me pretty much my whole life. So I honestly say I love this teddy bear.相关话题:雅思口语话题1、(雅思口语part3)Are there any new toys today that did not exist when you were a child?雅思口语范文:A lot. I think things like video games and computer games, I would say they are toys because you play with them, but there weren’t such kind of things when I was young.I think there is a lot of new dolls. When I was little there were barbie dolls. But now there are like millions different barbie dolls, and there are weird ones. They are like this that my sister used to play with lik e a monster high and there’s barbie dolls dressed like vampires, mummies and things like that. I think it’s very weird and I prefer pretty barbies with blonde hair and high heels.I also think there are ones like technology based toys. Robotic dolls that kids play with these days, that kind of stuff, I didn’t have that ones when I was a kid. Maybe remote control cars, but there’s the extent of it.雅思口语话题2、Do you think computer games are good for children?雅思口语范文:Not always. I think there are some computer games that are very good for children. My younger brother and sisters used to have homework which is to play a computer game called mathletes. Primary students were given usernames and passwords, and they log onto the computer or a website. You progress the game by completing math questions and math tasks. It’s an educational game.It helps you to exercise the brain.But there are also other games which I think are rubbish, not educational. not beneficial to children at all. For example, games like shooting games. they doesn’t exercise anything except your reflexes. But you can do better by going outside and throwing a ball.I am more traditional in this sense.更多1月雅思考试口语新题,欢迎访问新通外语广州雅思培训进行了解:/。











下面我们来看看具体的话题分析:A toy in your childhood 从话题来看,童年玩具必然是实物,摸得着看得到的物品,所以是具体类物品。

Describe a toy in your childhood.You should say:Where, when and from whom you got itWhat the toy looked like something special about this toyAnd explain why you think this toy was special.对于这类话题的素材积累,莫过于物品特征词汇和一些具体特征描述的句子,但是要根据具体的某个话题进行积累。

范文如下:Among all the toys I got in my childhood, my favorite one is the transformer which I got from my parents.On my 10th birthday, my parents bought me a transformer(变形金刚) as a birthday present. When I opened the gift box, I was really surprised by what I was seeing in front of me. It was an awesome transformer that 丨 had dreamed about for ages. The moment I saw this transformer, I fell in love with it. It was pretty huge and looked like a hip yellow car, and it could be shifted from a car to a robot action figure and back again. The transformer had a really nice color and finish. And it came with a nice handgun(手枪) as a weapon and different aessories. It was super cool! And with the transformer, there was a card from my parents saying, “Sweetie, you mean everything in theworld to us and you are forever the apple of our eyes. Happy Birthday! Love Mum and Dad. I am telling you, although I was pretty young at that time, those words impressed me a lot.Even today, I still have this toy. It has been over ten years since 1 got it. I love it not only because of the toy itself, but also the sentimental value it has to me. The value is irreplaceable.这些标黄的词汇和句式其实都是很好的,因为物品类词汇本身在描述上就会比较难,所以多做积累是应该的,而就是的多样性就需要考生平时多下功夫,而且还有学以致用。



雅思口语toy范文Part 1: Introduction to a Toy.Well, I'm going to talk about my favorite toy when I was a kid the yo yo.You know, the yo yo is this really cool little thing. It's made up of two round parts connected by a long string. It's usually made of plastic or wood. I remember the first time I saw a yo yo. It was like magic. The wayit could go down and then come back up into your hand just by a flick of the wrist was amazing.Part 2: The Experience with the Toy.When I got my first yo yo, I couldn't wait to start playing with it. I spent hours and hours trying to learn different tricks. There was this basic "sleep" trick. You had to let the yo yo spin at the bottom of the string for as long as possible. It took me ages to get it right. I would stand in the living room, concentrating really hard, and my parents would be like, "What on earth are you doing?" But I didn't care. I was so into my yo yo.And then there were more advanced tricks like "walk the dog", where you let the yo yo roll on the floor like a little doggie while still attached to the string. Oh, and "around the world", where you swing the yo yo in a big circle all the way around your body. I used to practice these tricks over and over again until I could do them smoothly.It was also a great toy to play with friends. We would have yo yo competitions, seeing who could do the most tricks or who could keep theiryo yo "sleeping" the longest. It was really competitive but also a lot of fun.Part 3: Significance of the Toy.The yo yo wasn't just a toy. It was like a little challenge. It taught me patience because it took so long to master those tricks. And it also improved my hand eye coordination. I mean, you had to be really precise with your wrist movements to get the yo yo to do what you wanted.Even now, when I see a yo yo, it brings back all those great childhood memories. It's like a little piece of my past that still makes me smile. I think toys like the yo yo are important for kids. They give kids something to focus on, something to be creative with, and a way to have fun without just sitting in front of a screen all day.。



玩具英语作文雅思口语答案Toys play an important role in the development of children. They not only provide entertainment, but also help children learn and grow. In this essay, I will discuss the impact of toys on children's development and the importance of choosing the right toys for children.Firstly, toys can stimulate children's imagination and creativity. When children play with toys, they use their imagination to create different scenarios and stories. This helps them develop creativity and problem-solving skills. For example, building blocks can help children learn about shapes and sizes, and encourage them to think critically about how to construct different structures.Secondly, toys can help children develop social and emotional skills. When children play with toys, they often engage in role-playing and pretend play, which can help them learn about social interactions and emotions. For example, playing with dolls can help children understandempathy and develop their communication skills.Additionally, toys can also help children develop fine and gross motor skills. For example, playing with puzzles and building blocks can help children develop hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. Outdoor toys such as balls and bicycles can help children develop their gross motor skills and improve their physical fitness.However, it is important to choose the right toys for children. Parents should consider the age and developmental stage of their children when choosing toys. It is also important to consider the safety of the toys and ensurethat they are made from non-toxic materials. Furthermore, parents should encourage a balance between traditional and electronic toys, as too much screen time can have negative effects on children's development.In conclusion, toys play a crucial role in children's development. They can stimulate children's imagination, help them develop social and emotional skills, and improve their fine and gross motor skills. However, it is importantfor parents to choose the right toys for their children and encourage a balance between traditional and electronic toys. By doing so, parents can help their children learn and grow through play.。

toys i like best英语作文

toys i like best英语作文

English Essay: Toys I Like BestAs a child, I have been fascinated by a wide range of toys, from action figures to puzzles and everything in between. However, there is one particular toy that has always captured my heart and imagination more than any other: LEGO bricks.LEGO bricks are not just ordinary toys; they are a creative outlet that allows me to build anything I can imagine. Whether it's a spaceship, a castle, or a miniature replica of my favorite movie scene, LEGO bricks give me the freedom to express my creativity and bring my ideas to life.One of the things I love most about LEGO bricks is their versatility. With a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, I can create endless combinations and designs. This allows me to constantly challenge myself and push the boundaries of my imagination.Moreover, LEGO bricks are a great way to develop problem-solving skills. When building complex structures, I often have to troubleshoot and find innovative solutions to keep my creation standing. This not only sharpens my critical thinking but also encourages me to think outside the box.Lastly, LEGO bricks are a source of endless fun and entertainment. Whether I'm playing alone or with friends, we can always find new ways to enjoy and explore the endless possibilities of LEGO bricks.In conclusion, LEGO bricks are my favorite toys because they foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and provide hours of entertainment. They are a timeless toy that continues to captivate my imagination and bring joy to my childhood.中文翻译我最喜欢的玩具作为一个孩子,我对各种各样的玩具都着迷过,从动作玩偶到拼图,再到介于两者之间的所有东西。



英语学习资料:雅思口语part1全解析--ToysToys1. What toys did you like to play when you were a child?I can never get tired of playing Barbie dolls/Transformers when I was a child. Since I was the only child in my family, my parents were never stingy with buying me these toys. Playing with this kind of toy can always bring me a sense of happiness. Plus, dolls/Transformers were more like my childhood friends because I used to believe that they can understand anything I said.2. Do you think you learned anything from playing with toys?Absolutely! I think I can learn different things from playing with different toys. For example, when I played with Barbie dolls, I learned how to take care of them and dressed them properly. But when I played Lego with my childhood friends, we can participate in building petition which taught me the value of teamwork and patience.3. If you had to choose a toy for a child, what toy would you give them?It depends. I mean, if I had to choose a toy for a girl, I think I would probably go with a whole set of Barbie dolls. I think every little girl has the dream of dressing up their favourite dolls. For boy I guess a set of Lego brick could be a nice choice. Lego is the most popular toy in the world an even some *** s are still crazy about it. I used to have one when I was a child but unfortunately I gave my collection to my best friend on his birthday. But boy do I miss playing with Lego now.。



雅思口语Part1答案:Toys玩具雅思口语Part1相对比较生活化,不需要太难的词汇及语法,重在考察同学们的英语沟通方式~下面小编给大家带来雅思口语Part1答案:Toys玩具,来参考一下吧!雅思口语Part1答案:Toys玩具1. What toys did you like to play with when you were a child?I had some transformers that I played with for hours when I was little. And I gave them to my cousins as I got older.我小时候有很多变形金刚,经常玩上个把小时。


2. Do you think you learned anything from playing with toys?Yes, I do. By playing with toys, I acquired the ability of being creative and learned how to think outside the box.通过玩玩具,我变得有创造力而且还学会解放思想,跳出固有思维模式去思考。

3. Did you like to play with those toys alone or with other children?I’d love to play with toys alone, because I didn’t like to be disturbed by other children. Moreover, playing all alone helped me develop my independence as well as imagination.我喜欢自己玩玩具,因为我不喜欢被其他小孩干扰。




雅思口语范文之儿时玩具雅思口语描述一个童年玩具篇一:Describe a toy that you received when you were a child.儿时玩具You should say:What the toy wasWho gave it to youHow you used itAnd explain how you felt when you got this toy.I have a set of Lego building blocks with 120 pieces in a variety of colors, which are made of special plastic. The pieces could be assembled to create models of almost anything imaginable. Istill remember that I did build cars, castles and even working robots with those Lego bricks. Actually, it’s a birthday present from my uncle on my 6th birthday. I guess he bought it in Americasince he went on a business trip to New York before my birthday and also there were no Lego shops here in China at that time. For my age, it was really a unique toy for children and I hadn’tseen it before. It was so eye-catching and wonderfully made.You can imagine how excited I was and how much I liked it. I was the first of my friends to get one, and I think they were all really envious. Honestly, I always invited my friends to join mewhen I was trying some different models for fun. The set was produced by the LEGO Group, a privately-held company based in Denmark, and interestingly, "LEGO" can be loosely interpreted as "Iput together" or "I assemble" in Latin.The idea of using plastic pieces originated from the traditional wooden blocks, as the wooden blocks could only be stacked upon one another. My set of building blocks was an up-to-date onewith hollow tubes on the underside, which could be stuck with a better locking ability. It was not until 1958 that the modern-day brick design was developed. Nowadays, the products are stillimproving and developing with more fresh ideas and market demands, they even created Lego play sets with movie characters.雅思口语描述一个童年玩具篇二:Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.You should say:What it wasWho gave it to youHow often you played itAnd explain why it was special to you.我推荐大家选一种电影中人物角色的模型,原因是:它可以和电影类型话题,人物类型话题相结合,因为你喜欢该模型的原因也可以被作为喜欢电影与喜欢一个电影或书籍中角色的原因,如此这般,我们在备考时就可以套用一种内容适用于诸多话题了,这是事半功倍的一种做法。

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1. What toys did you like to play with when you were a child?
I had some transformers that I played with for hours when I was little. And I gave them to my cousins as I got older.


2. Do you think you learned anything from playing with toys?
Yes, I do. By playing with toys, I acquired the ability of being creative and learned how to think outside the box.

3. Did you like to play with those toys alone or with other children?
I’d love to play with toys alone, because I didn’t
like to be disturbed by other children. Moreover, playing all alone helped me develop my independence as well as imagination.


4. If you had children, what toy would you give them?
A construction toy! It is any toy that can be combined with each other in order to form more complex structures.
They provide an educational experience, as a child learns
hand eye coordination, balance, and simple physics in order
to make things that won't fall apart.



5. Is there any difference between the boys’ toys and girls’ toys?
Boys mostly prefer vehicles, machinery and construction toys while girls have a tendency to buy toys which have a feminine touch like beauty, nurturing and care taking toys. Part of it can be blamed on socialising patterns but there
are some biological reasons too.

