
动词---名词1、-er/-or表演 --男演员攀登 --攀登者比赛;竞争 --参赛者;竞争者跳舞 --舞者;舞蹈演员指导 --导演开车 --司机;驾驶员务农 --农名发明 --发明家保存 --饲养员笑 --笑声引领 --领导学习 --学习者听 --听者制造 --制造者经营 --经理拥有 --物主;主人表演 --表演者;演员玩耍 --运动员;播放器报告;报道 --记者统治 --统治者唱歌 --歌手说 --演讲者教 --教师做生意;从事贸易 --商人参观 --游客赢 --获胜者工作 --工人写 --作家2、-ion行动 -- 行为;行动庆祝 -- 庆祝;庆典交流;沟通 -- 交流;沟通比赛 -- 比赛;竞争连接 -- 连接决定;抉择 -- 决定;抉择描述 -- 描述给(某人)指路 -- 方向讨论;商量 -- 讨论;商量教育;教导 -- 教育检查 -- 检查;考试表达 -- 表情;表示;表达方式毕业 -- 毕业想象 -- 想象激励;赋予灵感 -- 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)指导 -- 指示;说明介绍 -- 介绍发明 -- 发明;发明物邀请 -- 邀请污染 -- 污染预测 -- 预测准备 -- 准备发音 -- 发音保护;防护 -- 保护;防护使满意 -- 满意解决 -- 解决办法建议 -- 建议3、-ment达到;完成 -- 成绩;成就同意 -- 同意发展 -- 发展使激励;使兴奋 -- 激动;兴奋改善;提高 -- 改善;提高惩罚 -- 惩罚4、-ing建造;修建 -- 建筑物横过 -- 十字路口结束 -- 结局;结尾感觉 -- 感觉;感情遇见 -- 会议意思是 -- 意义开始 -- 开端发生 -- 发生的事打开 -- 开幕式;落成典礼(用颜料)画;刷油漆 -- 油画说 -- 格言;谚语训练 -- 训练问候 -- 问候找到 -- 发现;发现物滑冰 -- 滑冰给…编写程序 -- 编程耕种 -- 务农5、其他建议 -- 建议选择 -- 选择死 -- 死发现 -- 发现知道 -- 知识按;压 -- 压力服务 -- 服务说 -- 演讲成功 -- 成功重量是;称…的重量 -- 重量名词—形容词1、-y云 -- 多云的乐趣 -- 滑稽有趣的健康 -- 健康的冰 -- 冰冷的运气 -- 幸运的噪音 -- 吵闹的雨 -- 多雨的盐 -- 咸的睡觉 -- 困倦的;瞌睡的雪 -- 多雪的太阳 -- 晴朗的财富 -- 富有的风 -- 多风的游客 -- 吸引很多游客的;为吸引游客设计的2、-ful美;美丽 -- 美丽的;美好的小心 -- 小心的;仔细的;谨慎的伤害;危害 -- 有害的帮助 -- 有帮助的意义 -- 有意义的疼痛 -- 令人疼痛的;令人痛苦的和平;安宁 -- 和平的;宁静的权力;力量 -- 强有力的成功 -- 成功的感谢 -- 感谢的;感激的真相;事实 -- 真实的;如实的用途 -- 有用的惊奇;奇迹 -- 精彩的;绝妙的3、-al中心;中央 -- 中心的;中央的教育 -- 教育的;有教育意义的环境 -- 有关环境的历史 -- (有关)历史的医学;药 -- 医学的;医疗的音乐 -- 音乐的国家;民族 -- 国家的;民族的大自然 -- 自然的人 -- 个人的;私人的物理 -- 身体的传统;惯例 -- 传统的;惯例的4、-ly朋友 -- 友好的爱 -- 可爱的天 -- 每日的;日常的周 -- 每周的5、-ous危险 -- 危险的名声;声誉 -- 著名的;出名的幽默 -- 幽默的;滑稽的6、-ern南方 -- 南方的北方 -- 北方的东方 -- 东方的西方 -- 西方的7、 -less小心 -- 粗心的家 -- 无家可归的意义 -- 毫无意义的用途 -- 无用的8、其他天资、天赋 -- 有才能的;有才干的木;木头 -- 木制的动词----形容词1、-ive行动 -- 积极的;活跃的创造;创建 -- 有创造力的2、-able相信 -- 可信任的安慰 -- 使人舒服的;舒适的享受;欣赏 -- 有乐趣的;令人愉快的重新使用 -- 可重复使用的重视;珍视 -- 有价值的;宝贵的;贵重的3、-ed/-ing使惊奇 --令人大为惊奇的 /感到大为惊奇地使厌烦 --令人厌烦的;无聊的 /厌倦的;烦闷的燃烧 --燃烧的关心 -- 关心人的;体贴他人的(使)拥挤 -- 拥挤的使遭受危险 -- 濒危的使失望 --令人失望的 /感到失望的使尴尬 --令人尴尬/难堪的 /尴尬的;窘迫的使激动 --令人激动/兴奋的 /激动的;兴奋的期待;预料 -- 预期要发生的使着迷 -- 极有吸引力的/迷人的 /着迷的使感兴趣 -- 有趣的 /感兴趣的使感动 -- 感人的 /受感动的放松;休息 -- 令人放松的 /轻松的;自在的使害怕 -- 恐惧的使惊奇 -- 令人惊讶的 /感到惊讶的感动 -- 感人的;动人的 /受感动的理解 -- 善解人意的(使)担心 -- 担心的;焦虑的(使)疲劳 --累人的;引起疲惫的 /疲劳的使狂喜 -- 令人激动的;令人震颤的爱;喜爱 -- 充满爱的想要 --乐意的;自愿的;心甘情愿的污染 -- 受污染的4、过去分词式(使)破;碎;损坏 -- 破损的;残缺的落下;摔倒 -- 倒下的;落下的知道;了解 -- 著名的形容词----名词1、-ty能够 -- 能力积极的 -- 活动有创造力的 -- 创造性;创造力困难的 -- 难题;困难受欢迎的;普遍的 -- 流行;普及安全的 -- 安全;安全性社会的 -- 社会类似的 -- 相似点2、-er外国的 -- 外国人陌生的 -- 陌生人十几岁的;青少年的 -- 青少年3、-ness忙的 -- 商业;生意公平的;公正的 -- 公正性;合理性幸福的;快乐的 -- 幸福;高兴善良的;仁慈的 -- 善良;仁慈悲哀的 -- 悲哀害羞的;腼腆的 -- 害羞4、t-ce重要的 -- 重要性沉默的;不说话的 -- 沉默不同的 -- 差别;差异有耐心的 -- 耐心独立的 -- 独立;独立性缺席;不在 -- 缺席;不在5、-th真正的;真实的 -- 事实;实情温暖的 -- 温暖;暖和6、其他高的 -- 高度热的 -- 热;热量名词---名词1、-er银行 -- 银行家办公室 -- 军官;官员村庄 -- 村民2、-ist艺术 -- 艺术家钢琴 -- 钢琴家科学 -- 科学家旅行;观光 -- 游客小提琴 -- 小提琴手3、-(i)an非洲 -- 非洲人美国 -- 美国人亚洲 --亚洲人澳大利亚 -- 澳大利亚人加拿大 --加拿大人印度 -- 印度人意大利 -- 意大利人俄罗斯 -- 俄罗斯人魔术 -- 魔术师历史 -- 史学工作者4、-ship朋友 -- 友谊;友情关系;联系 -- 关系;联系5、-hood孩子;儿童 -- 童年邻居 -- 街区;街坊动词---副词/形容词a-排在前头 --在前面醒来 -- 醒着的睡觉 -- 睡着的居住;生存 -- 活着的;有活力的形容词---副词-ly生气的 -- 生气地坏的;严重的 -- 严重地美丽的;美好的 -- 美丽地;漂亮地小心的;细致的;慎重的 -- 细致地;小心地;谨慎地便宜的;廉价的 -- 便宜地;低廉地清晰的;清楚的 -- 清晰地;易懂地使人舒服的 -- 舒服地完全的;完整的 -- 彻底地;完整地不同的 -- 不同地直接的 -- 直接地;直率地容易的 -- 容易地精确的;确切的 -- 精确地;确切地最后的;最终的 -- 最后;终于逐渐的 -- 逐渐地高兴的 -- 高兴地健康的 -- 健康地大量的 -- 大量地最后的 -- 最后大声的 -- 大声地幸运的 -- 幸运地主要的 -- 主要地大部分的 -- 主要地不远的 -- 几乎;差不多正常的 -- 通常;正常的有礼貌的 -- 有礼貌地安静的 -- 安静地;轻柔地真的;真实的 -- 真正地近来的 -- 近来;最近安全的;无危险的 -- 安全地严肃的;认真的 -- 严肃地;认真地简单的;易做的 -- 仅仅;只;不过缓慢的 -- 缓慢地成功的 -- 成功地突然的 -- 突然;忽然真正的;真实的 -- 真正地通常的;普通的 -- 通常宽的 -- 广泛地明智的 -- 明智地害羞的;羞怯的;胆怯的 -- 害羞地;羞怯地;胆怯地美好的;友好的 -- 漂亮地;很好地紧张的 -- 神经质地;焦急地;提心吊胆地其他变化改变(动词) -- 交换(动词)勇气(名词) -- 鼓励(动词)越过(动词) -- 穿过;横过(介词)死(动词) -- 死的(形容词)第一(序数词) -- 首先;第一(副词)法国(名词) -- 法语/法国的;法国人的;法语的(名/形容)德国的;德国人(名/形容) -- 德国(名词)包含;包括(动词) -- 包含;包括(介词)国家的;民族的(形容词) -- 国际的(形容词)第二(序数词) -- 第二;其次(副词)谁 --谁的 --谁(宾格)居住;生活(动词) -- 生机勃勃的;色彩鲜艳的(形容词)影响;起作用(动词) -- 影响;作用;效果(名词)表现;举止(动词) -- 行为(名词)反义词1、 dis-能够 -- 丧失能力的有利条件;优点 -- 缺点;不利条件同意;赞成;意见一致 -- 不同意;不一致出现 -- 消失;不见信任 -- 不信任;怀疑遮盖;覆盖 -- 发现诚实的 -- 不诚实的喜欢 -- 不喜欢2、 un-可相信的 -- 难以置信的使人舒适的;舒服的 -- 不舒服的拥挤的 -- 不拥挤的预期要发生的 -- 出乎意料的公平的;合理的 -- 不公正的健康的 -- 不健康的重要的 -- 不重要的幸运地 -- 不幸的通常的;普通的 -- 特别的;不寻常的肯定的;有把握的 -- 不确定的;无把握的3、 im-/in可能的 -- 不可能的有礼貌的 -- 不礼貌的;粗鲁的昂贵的 -- 不昂贵的。

(根据字母排列顺序分类)1. able adj. 能够;有能力的ability n. 能力;才能2. act n. 扮演,表演active adj. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员3. add v. 加上addition n. 加,增加4. age n. 时代,年龄aged adj. 有…之年岁的5. alive adj. 活着的live v. 生活,居住6. America n. 美国,美洲American adj. 美国的;美洲的n. 美国人7. amazing adj. 令人惊讶的amazed adj. 感到惊讶的8. amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusing adj. 引起乐趣的,娱人的9. angry adj. 生气的;愤怒的angrily adv. 生气地;愤怒地10.apologize v. 道歉apology n. 道歉11. appear v. 出现disappear v. 消失12. argue v. 争论argument n. 争论13. art n. 艺术article n. 文章artist n. 艺术家,画家14. automatic adj. 自动的automatically adv. 自动地15. attract v. 吸引attraction n. 吸引;吸引力/物attractive adj. 有吸引力的16. Australia n. 澳大利亚Australian adj. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人17. beautiful adj. 美丽的beautifully adv. 美丽地18. begin (began, begun) v. 开始,着手beginning n. 开始,开端19. black n. 黑色adj. 黑色的blackboard n. 黑板20. Britain n. 不列颠British n. 英国人adj. 英国的21. bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的brightly adv. 明亮地22. build ( built, built ) v. 建造building n. 建筑物,大楼rebuild v. 重建23. business n. 商业,生意businessman n. 商人businesswoman n. 女商人24. Canada n. 加拿大Canadian adj. 加拿大的n. 加拿大人25. certain adj. 一定的,有把握的certainly adv. 一定,无疑,是的,当然26. care v. / n. 小心,关心,照顾careful adj. 小心的,仔细的carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地27. change v. 改变,兑零钱changeable adj. 易变的,可变的exchange v. 交流;交换28. chemical adj. 化学的chemistry n. 化学29. China n. 中国Chinese n. 中国人;汉语adj. 中国的30. choice n. 选择choose (chose, chosen) v. 选择31. city n. 城市citizen n. 市民32. class n. 班级,(一节)课,等级classroom n. 教室classmate n. 同学33. clear adj. 清晰的,明亮的clearly adv. 清晰道,明亮地34. cloud n. 云cloudy adj. 多云的,阴天的35. collect v. 收集,采集collection n. 收集36. custom n. 习惯,风俗customer n. 顾客customs n. 海关37. cycle v. 骑车cyclist n. 骑自行车的人38. daily n. 日报day n. 天,白天daytime n. 白天39. danger n. 危险dangerous adj. 危险的40. dead adj. 死的,无生命的die v. 死death n. 死亡dying a. 垂死的41 decide v. 决定,下定决心decision n. 决心42 develop v. 发展,开发.培养development n. 发展43 difference n. 区别different adj. 不同的,差异的44 difficult adj. 困难的,艰难的difficulty n. 困难45 discuss v. 讨论discussion n. 讨论46 dishonest adj. 不老实honest adj. 诚实的honesty n. 诚实47 dislike v. 不喜欢like v. 喜欢48 drive (drove, driven) v. 驾驶,驱赶driver n. 驾驶员,司机49 easily adv. 容易地easy adj. 容易的50 education n. 教育educational adj. 教育的51 effect n. n. 效果efficient adj. 效率高的;有能力的52 electric adj. 电的electronic adj. 电子的electricity n. 电53 engine n. 发动机engineer n. 工程师54 England n. 英格兰English n. 英国;英国人;英语adj. 英国的;英语的55 enjoy v. 欣赏,享有,喜欢enjoyable adj. 愉快的,欢乐的joy n. 欢乐,高兴56 enter v. 进入,参加entrance n. 进入57 excited adj. 兴奋的exciting adj. 令人兴奋的58 expense n. 花费,费用expensive adj. 昂贵的59 fair adj. 公平的,合理的unfair adj. 不公平的60 say (said, said) v. 说,讲saying n. 谚语,格言61 farm n. 农场,农庄farmer n. 农民,农夫62 favour n. 恩惠favourite adj. 最喜欢的63 female n. 女性;雌性male n. 男性;雄性64 final adj. 最后的,最终的finally adv. 最后,最终65 fire n. 活,火炉,火灾fireman n. 消防队员firework n. 烟火66 fish n. 鱼,鱼肉v. 捕鱼fisherman n. 渔夫67 fly (flew, flown) v. 飞行.乘飞机旅游flight n. 飞行,航班68 follow v. 听从following adj. 下列的69 fool v. 愚弄,欺骗foolish adj. 愚蠢的70 foot (pl. feet) n. 脚,足;英尺football n. 足球71 foreign n. 外国的foreigner adj. 外国人72 forget (forgot, forgot/forgotten) v. 忘记forgetful adj. 健忘的unforgettable adj. 难忘的73 free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的freedom n. 自由74 freeze (froze, frozen) v. 结冰freezing adj. 极冷的frozen adj. 冰冻的75 friend n. 朋友friendly adj. 友好的,朋友般的friendship n. 友谊76 frighten v. 使害怕frightened adj. 受惊吓的frightening adj. 令人害怕的77 fun n. 乐趣,有趣,玩笑funny adj. 滑稽的, 可笑的78 gentle adj. 温柔的gently adv. 温柔地gentleman n. 绅士;先生79 German n. 德国人;德语adj. 德国的Germany n. 德国80 gold n. 黄金golden adj. 金色的81 happy adj. 幸福的;快乐的happily adv. 幸福地;快乐地82 harm n. 有害harmful adj. 有害的harmless adj. 无害的83 headmaster n. 校长headmistress n. 女校长84 heat n. 热度,热量v. 加热hot adj. 热的heater n. 取暖器85 health n. 健康healthy adj. 健康的unhealthy adv. 不健康的86 heavily adv. 沉重地,大量地heavy adj. 重的87 height n. 高度high adj. 高的88 help n. / v. 帮助helpful adj. 有帮助的, 有益的89 historical adj. 历史的,历史上history n. 历史90 home n. 家adv. 在家homeless adj. 无家可归的91 hungrily adv. 饥饿地hungry adj. 饥饿的92 hurry v.& n. 赶紧,急忙hurried adj. 赶紧的,急忙的hurriedly adv. 赶紧,急忙93 ice n. 冰ice cream n. 冰激淋94 ill adj. 有病的;不健康的illness n. 病,疾病95 importance n. 重要性important adj. 重要的96 impossible adj. 不可能的possible adj.可能的possibly adv. 可能地97 improve v. 改善,改进prove v. 证明98 interest n. 兴趣, 趣味interested adj. 感兴趣的interesting adj. 有趣的99 invent v. 发明,创造invention n. 发明,创造inventor n. 发明家100 invitation n. 邀请invite v. 邀请101 Italy n. 意大利Italian n. 意大利人;意大利语adj. 意大利的;意大利语地102 Japan n. 日本Japanese n. 日本人;日语adj. 日本的103 kind adj. 友好n. 种,类kindness n. 仁慈,好意104 know (knew, known) v. 知道, 认识knowledge n. 知识105 law n. 法律lawyer n. 律师106 length n. 长度long adj. 长的107 librarian n. 图书管理员library n. 图书室108 listen v. 听,倾听listener n. 听者,收听者109 locate v. 确定…的地方,把…设置在location n. 位子,场所110 loud adj. 响亮,的,大声的loudly adv.大声地111 love n. 爱,喜欢v. 爱,喜欢lovely adj. 可爱,好看的,美好的112 luck n. 辛运luckily adv. 辛运地,侥幸地lucky adj. 辛运的,吉祥的unlucky adj. 不吉祥的unluckily adv. 不辛地113 main adj. 主要的mainly adv. 主要地114 manage v. 管理,处理,经营manager n. 经理115 medical adj. 医学的,医疗的medicine n. 药116 meet (met, met) v. 碰见,迎接,满足meeting n. 会,集会117 memorize v. 记住memory n. 记忆118 mix v. 混合mixture n. 混合物119 motor n. 马达motorcycle n. 摩托车120 nation n. 民族national adj. 民族的,国家的nationality n. 国籍native adj. 本土的,本国的n. 本地人,本国人121 nature n. 大自然natural adj. 大自然的,自然的122 near prep. 在……附近;靠近adj. 近的;附近的nearby adj.& adv. 附近的nearly adv. 几乎;差不多123 need v. 必须,需要necessary adj. 必要的,必须的unnecessary adj. 不必要的124 neighbour n. 邻居neighbourhood n. 邻接,邻近125 noise n. 声音,噪音noisy adj. 嘈杂的,喧闹的126 mouse n. 老鼠mice n. 老鼠127 once n. 一次one n. 一first num. 第一128 operate v. 施行手术,开刀operation n. 手术129 organization n. 组织,团体,机构organize v. 组织130 office n. 办公室officer n. 官员;办事员official adj. 官方的,官员的n. 官员131 own adj. 自己的v. 拥有n. 属于自己的东西owner n. 拥有者,物主132 paint v. 会,画n. 涂料,颜料painter n. 画家,painting n. 画,油画,水彩画133 passage n. 一节,一段,通道passenger n. 乘客,旅客134 physical adj. 物理的,身体的physics n. 物理学135 please v. (用于祈使语气)请pleasant adj. 令人愉快的pleased adj. 使人高兴的pleasure adj. 愉快,高兴136 pollute v. 污染,弄脏pollution n. 污染137 possible adj. 可能的;可能发生的possibly adv. 可能;也许138 post v. 邮寄postage n. 邮费postcard n. 明信片postman (postmen) n. 邮递员139 power n. 电源,力量,能源v. 提供动力powerful adj. 强大的140 protect v. 保护protection n. 保护,防护141 practice n. 练习,实践practice/practice v. 练习,操练142 professional adj. 职业的,专业的professor n. (大学)教授143 quick adj. 快的,迅速的quickly adv. 快地,迅速地144 rain n. 雨,雨水v. 下雨rainy adj. 有雨的,多雨的145 real adj. 真的,真正的realize v. 认识到,实现really adv. 真正地,确实146 recitation n. 背诵,朗诵recite v. 背诵147 recent adj. 最近的,近来的recently adv. 最近,最新,近来148 record n. 记录,唱片,v. 记录,讲(声音,景象等)录下recorder n. 录音机149 report n.. 报告,汇报,成绩单v. 报告,汇报reporter n. 记者150 retell v. 复述tell ( told, told ) v. 告诉,讲述,吩咐151 review v. 复习revision n. 复习152 robbery n. 抢劫,抢劫案rob v. 抢劫robber n. 强盗153 rule n. 规章,法规ruler n. 尺154 Russia n. 俄国Russian n. 俄国人,俄语adj. 俄国的,俄语的155 sad adj. 悲伤的sadly adj. 难过地,悲伤地156 safe adj. 安全的,平安的safely adv. 安全地,平安地safety n. 安全save v. 搭救,节省,储蓄157 sale n. 卖,出售,销售;廉价出售sell ( sold, sold ) v. 卖;销售158 science n. 科学,自然科学scientist n. 科学家159 second num.. 第二,n. 秒secondary adj. 中等的,第二的160 secret n. 秘密secretary n. 秘书161 serious adj. 严重的seriously adv. 严重地162 serve v. 为…服务service n. 服务,公用事业163 shop n. 商店,店铺shopping n. 购物164 short adj. 短的,矮的shorts n. 短裤165 sight n. 风景点sightseeing n. 观光,游览166 sit (sat, sat) v. 坐seat n. 位子167 sleep (slept, slept) v. 睡觉,睡眠asleep adj. 睡着的sleepy adj. 困乏的168 slow adj. 慢的slowly adv. 慢地167 snow n. 雪v. 下雪snowy adj. 多雪的,下雪的168 soft adj. 软的softly adv. 温柔地169 solution n.解决(方法),解答solve v. 解决,解答170 speak (spoke, spoken) v. 说,讲speaker n. 说话者,演讲者speech n. 说话,讲话171 succeed v. 获得成功,达到目的success n. 成功successful adj. 成功的successfully adv. 成功地172 suggest v. 建议,提议suggestion n. 建议,提议173 sun n. 太阳.阳光sunny adj. 阳光充足的,晴朗的174 surprise n. 惊奇surprised adj. 感到惊奇的175 swim (swam, swum) v. 游泳swimmer n. 游泳者swimming n. 游泳176 teach (taught, taught) v. 教,教学teacher n. 教师,教员177 thank n. 感谢.谢谢thanks n. 感谢,谢谢thankful adj. 感激的178 tooth (teeth) n. 牙齿toothache n. 牙痛179 true adj. 真的,真实的truly adv. 真地.的确truth n. 真理,真相180 tour n. 旅游;观光tourist n. 游客;旅游者181 correct adj.正确的v. 改正uncorrected adj. 未改正的182 unusual adj. 不寻常的,异常的usual adj. 通常的usually adv. 通常183 use v. 使用,运用used adj. 过去常常,过去惯常useful adj. 有用的,有益处的useless adj. 无用的184 visit v. / n. 参观,访问visitor n. 参观者,访问者185 wait v. 等,等候waiter n.侍者,服务员waitress n. 女服务员186 week n. 星期,周weekday n. 周日weekend n. 周末187 weigh v. 称…的重量weight n. 重量188 west n. 西方,西adj. 西方的western adj. 西方的189 who pron. 谁whom pron.谁(宾格)whose pron. 谁的190 wide adj. 宽阔的,广泛的widely adv. 广阔地,广泛地widen v. 拓宽190 wind n. 风windy adj. 有风的,刮风的191 win (won, won) v. 获胜,赢得winner n. 获胜者192 wisdom n. 智慧,才智wise n. 明知的,聪明的193 with prep. 与…一起,用…within prep. 在…范围之内without prep. 没有194 wonder v. 对…感到惊奇,想知道n. 奇迹,奇观wonderful adj. 极好的,精彩的wonderfully adv. 精彩地195 wood n. 木头wooden adj. 木(质)的196 work n. / v. 工作,运转worker n. 工人,工作者197 wound n. 创伤,伤wounded adj. 受伤的198 worry v. 烦恼,担心worried adj. 担心的199 write v.(wrote, written)书写,写信,写作writer n. 作家变形词汇总变形词汇总1. Book Need Life fool Excuse Sound2. Thank thanks thankful3. English englishman england4. Lose lost5. Find finding found6. Please pleased pleasant pleasure unpleasant7. Friend friendly unfriendly friendship8. Plant planting9. Play playful player10. Good goods11. Sport sports12. Interest interested interesting13. Bored boring14. Fun funny15. Difficult difficultly difficulty16. Relax relaxed relaxing17. Collect colletiont18. Like dislike unlike19. Run runner20. Health healthy healthily unhealthy21. List Open Watch People Orange22. Sell sale23. Help helpful24. Bear born birth birthday25. Speak spesking skill spoken english speaker speech26. Art artist27. China chinese28. Music musician musical29. Act actor actress action active activity30. Exciting excited31. Real really32. Learn learner33. New news34. Success succeed successful successfully35. Week weekly weekdays weekend36. Swim swimming swimmer37. Sing singer38. Paint painter painting39. Show shower40. Time times41. Usual usually unususl42. Work words43. Tooth teeth44. Love lover45. Listen listener listening skill46. Write writer47. Science scientist scientific48. Describe description49. Discuss discussion50. Decide decision51. Direct direction52. Teach teacher taught53. Cross crossing across54. Agree agreement disagree55. Begin beginning56. Build building57. Cloud cloudy58. Color colorful59. Comfort comfortable60. Cook cooker61. Crowe crowed62. Danger dangerous endangered63. Drink Water Way64. Enjoy enjoyful65. Expensive inexpensive66. Feel feeling67. Fish fishing68. Follow following69. Glass glasses70. High hight71. Weigh weight72. Hope hopeless hopeful73. Hunger hungery74. Internation international75. Look good ---looking76. Loud loudly77. Most mostly78. Near nearly79. Office officer Order Dream80. Close cosed81. Person personal82. Police policeman policewoman83. Practice practise84. Rain rainy85. Read reader reading86. Sit seat87. Shop shopping88. Sleep sleepy asleep89. Snow snowy90. Sometime sometimes91. South southern92. Special specially93. Suggest suggestion94. Surprise surprised surprising95. Thin Report Stand96. Think thinker t hought97. Tour tourist98. Visit visitor99. Wait waiter waitress100. Weather whether101. Wind windy102. West western103. Young younger104. Achieve achievement105. Advice advise106. Athlete athletic107. Balance balance108. Believe believable109. Call Exercise Cold Opposite110. Camp camping111. Care careful carefully careless carelessness 112. Communicate communication113. Compete competition competitive114. Create creation creative115. Different difference116. Drive driver117. End ending118. Europe european119. Change exchang120. Final finally121. Foot feet122. Foreign foreigner123. Grow growing grown growth 124. Hard hardly125. Ill illness126. Importang importance127. Interview interviewer128. Invite invitation129. Lead leader130. Love lovely131. Luck lucky unlucky lunkily 132. Manage manager management 133. Mean meaning means134. Medicine medical135. Move moving136. Nature natural137. Operate operation138. Perform performer performance 139. Pass pasenger140. Peace peaceful141. Professor professional142. Produce product production 143. Rosolve rosolution144. Safe safety145. Salt salty146. Service serve147. Sterss stressed148. Talent talented149. Thirst thirsty150. Train training151. Travel traveller152. Use used useful153. Piano pianist154. Violin violinist155. Worse worst156. Worry worried157. Paper papers158. Pollute pollution159. My muself160. Predict prediction161. Possible impossible possibly 162. Fly flew flight163. True truth164. Argue argument165. Push pushy166. Free freedom167. Organize organized organization 168. Include including169. Fail failure170. Amaze amazing amamed 171. Mund munder172. Silent silence173. Recent recently174. Strang stranger175. Own owner176. disappoint disappointed177. disppointing disppointment 178. law lawyer179. collect collector collection 180. annoy annoyed181. polite politely impolite182. behave behaviour183. asia asian184. break broke broken185. mouse mice186. advantage disadvantage187. enter enterance188. clear clearly189. win won winner190. choose choice191. attract attraction192. require requirement193. wonder wonderful wonderfully194. india indian195. wake awake196. fear fearful fearless197. when whenever198. cover discover discovery discoverer 199. loud loudly aloud200. pronunciation pronounce201. fair unfair202. develop developing developed development 203. important unportant imporance204. frustrate frustrated frutrating205. die dying dead death206. terrify terrified207. pride proud208. history historical209. energy energetic210. confient confidence convincing 211. permit permission212. knowledge knowledgeable213. shelf shelves214. deep deeply215. burn burnt216. correct correctly correction incorrect 217. neighor neighorhood218. honest dishonest219. noise noisy220. direct director direction \221. miss missing222. main mainly223. taste tasty224. late latest225. translate translater translation226. thrill thriller thrilling227. will willing228. fall fell falls229. home homeless230. able unable disable231. enbarrassed enbarrassing232. beautiful beauty beautifully233. busy business businessman234. face empty guide mistake interest235. complete completement236. educate education educational237. fly flew flying flight238. marry married239. invent inventor invention inventive240. live lively241. nation national242. near nearly nearby243. real realistic244. say saying245. shine shiny246. strong strongly247. suit suitable248. familiar unfamiliar常用不规则名词复数变化表常用不规则名词复数变化表常用不规则名词复数变化表常用不规则名词复数变化表单数复数含义businessman businessmen 商人chairman chairmen 主持人;主席Englishman Englishmen 英国人Frenchman Frenchmen 法国人gentleman gentlemen 先生;绅士man men 男人policeman policemen 警察snowman snowmen 雪人woman women 女人deer deer 鹿Chinese Chinese 中国人Japanese Japanese 日本人Swiss Swiss 瑞士人fish fish/fishes 鱼sheep sheep 绵羊child children 孩子foot feet 脚tooth teeth 牙齿mouse mice 老鼠German Germans 德国人human humans 人类注:people, police, glasses, clothes, trousers, pants等名词本身就是复数。

2020.年3月5日动词变名词1.动词加-er变成名词,如:2.动词加-or 变成名词,如:visit→visitor invent→inventor operate→operator direct→director act→actor3.动词加-tion 变成名词,如:4.动词加-ment变成名词,如:organize—organizationachieve→achievement advertise→advertisement agree→agreement excite→excitement move→movement improve→improvement develop→development treat→treatment5.动词加-ance变成名词。
如:appear→appearance perform→performance enter→entrance6.动词加-ing变成名词。
如:注意动词变名词的特殊形式:形容词与副词的原级、比较级和最高级类1.形容词和副词的比较级、最高级构成(1)单音节词与部分双音节词规则变变化:(2)部分双音节词或以形容词加-ly变成的副词和多音节词,在其前加more, most 变成比较级和最高级。
如:(3)不规则变化:2.原型:as+形容词或副词的原型+as “和……一样……”,not as / so+形容词或副词的原型+as “和……不一样……”。
基数词变序数词类主要掌握好1-12和20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90及21、22、23这几个序数词的形式:注意次数的表达:one-once two-twice three-three time否定前缀人称代词变化类要熟练掌握和运用主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词。
见下面表格:常见的反义词1.动词2.形容词常考的句式结构3.既可以跟动词不定式又可以跟动名词:4. 类型1)表示提建议的2) 特殊疑问词+动词不定式,如:注意:以上几点一般考查动词形式。

中考九年级全册-核心词汇变形归纳(附随堂练习)中考核心词汇变形归纳-九年级全册absent adj.缺席;不在→absence n.缺席,缺乏;没有advantage n.优点;有利条件→ disadvantage (反义词)不利条件;缺点behave v.表现;行为→behaviour n.行为;举止★bank n.银行→banker n.银行家burn v. 着火;燃烧→burnt (过去式/过去分词)believe v.相信;认为→belief n.相信;信仰→believa ble adj.可相信的;可信任的★center n.中心→central adj.中心的;中央的★chemistry n.化学→chemical adj.化学的;与化学有关的chopstick n.筷子→chopsticks (pl.)choose v.选择;挑选→choice n.选择;挑选★→chose (过去式)→chosen(过去分词) custom n.风俗;习俗→customer n.顾客;客户★create v.创造;创建→created (过去式/过去分词)→cr eative adj.有创造力的,创造性的★discover v.发现→discovery n.发现;发觉★direct v.指挥;导演→director n.导演;部门负责人exact adj.精确的→exactly adv.确切地;精确地★energy n.能量→energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的educate v.教育→education n.教育→educational adj.教育的;有教育意义的★express v.表达;表示→expression n.表情;表示;表达方式electricity n.电力;电流→electronic adj.电子的;电子设备的fail v.不及格;失败;未能做到→failure n.失败★glass n.眼镜→glasses(pl.)hero n.英雄;男主角→heroes (pl.)humor n.幽默→humorous adj.有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的harm n.伤害;危害→harmful adj.有害的★→harmless adj.无害的;无恶意的instruct v.指导;命令→instruction n.指示;命令introduce v.介绍→introduction n.介绍★leaf n.叶子;叶→leaves(pl.)live v.活;居住;生活→lively adj.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的★law n.法律→lawyer n.律师lay v.放置;安放;产卵;下蛋→laid (过去式/过去分词)lie v.存在;处于;平躺→lay (过去式)★→lain (过去分词)nation n.国家;民族→national adj.国家的;民族的→international adj.国际的office n.办公室→officer n.军官;官员★→official adj.官方的;正式的punish v.处罚;惩罚→punishment n.处罚;刑罚pronounce v.发音→pronunciation n.发音;读音polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的→politely adv.礼貌地;客气地★→impolite adj.不礼貌的;粗鲁的produce v.生产;制造→product n.产品;制品pain n.疼痛→painful adj.令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的poem n.诗→poet n.诗人regret v.懊悔;感到遗憾→regretted (过去式/过去分词)★ring v.(钟、铃等)鸣;响→rang(过去式)→rung(过去分词)★require v.要求→requirement n.所需的(或所要的)东西suggest v.建议;提议→suggestion n.建议;提议★silent adj.沉默的;不说话的→silence n.沉默;缄默steal v.偷;窃取→stole (过去式)→stolen (过去分词)★sudden adj.突然的→suddenly adv.突然地stick v.粘贴;将……刺入→stuck(过去式/过去分词)shut v.关闭;关上→shut(过去式/过去分词)→shutting(现在分词)total n.& adj.总数,合计;总的→totally adv.完全地;全部地;整个地thirst n.渴;口渴→thirsty adj.渴望的;口渴的translate v.翻译→translation n.翻译→translator n.译员;翻译家value n.价值;重要性→valuable adj.贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的wealth n.财富→wealthy adj.富裕的;富有的wolf n.狼→wolves (pl.)【随堂练习】A篇阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。

九年级英语变形总结知识点一、名词的变形1. 单数变复数:通常在词尾加 -s。
如:book → books;girl → girls。
2. 以 -s、-ss、-sh、-ch、-x结尾的名词,在词尾加 -es。
如:bus → buses;kiss → kisses;brush → brushes;watch → watches;box → boxes。
3. 以辅音字母 + y结尾的名词,将 y 改为 i,再加 -es。
如:baby → babies;city → cities。
4. 以–f或-fe结尾的名词,将 f或 fe改为 v,再加 -es。
如:knife → knives;leaf → leaves。
5. 不规则变形:有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,需要单独记忆。
如:man → men;woman → women;child → children;mouse → mice。
6. 不可数名词:不可数名词没有复数形式,表示一种整体或无法具体数清的东西。
二、动词的变形1. 一般现在时肯定句变化:主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分。
如:I play basketball every day.2. 一般现在时否定句变化:主语 + do not/does not + 动词原形 + 其他成分。
如:I do not play basketball every day.3. 一般现在时疑问句变化:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?如:Do you play basketball every day?4. 一般过去时肯定句变化:主语 + 动词过去式 + 其他成分。
如:She danced at the party last night.5. 一般过去时否定句变化:主语 + did not + 动词原形 + 其他成分。
如:They did not go to the movies yesterday.6. 一般过去时疑问句变化:Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?如:Did you finish your homework?7. 动词进行时:be (am/is/are) + 动词 -ing + 其他成分。

1. -tion结尾。
- communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt](v. 交流) - communication [kəˌmju ːnɪˈkeɪʃn](n. 交流;通讯)- educate [ˈedʒukeɪt](v. 教育) - education [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn](n. 教育)2. -ment结尾。
- develop [dɪˈveləp](v. 发展) - development [dɪˈveləpmənt](n. 发展)- improve [ɪmˈpruːv](v. 提高;改善) - improvement [ɪmˈpruːvmənt](n. 提高;改善)3. -er/or结尾(表示人)- teach [tiːtʃ](v. 教) - teacher [ˈtiːtʃə(r)](n. 教师)- invent [ɪnˈvent](v. 发明) - inventor [ɪnˈventə(r)](n. 发明家)二、形容词变副词。
1. 一般直接加 -ly。
- quick [kwɪk](adj. 快的) - quickly [ˈkwɪkli](adv. 快地)- slow [sləʊ](adj. 慢的) - slowly [ˈsləʊli](adv. 慢地)2. 以辅音字母 + y结尾的形容词,把y变为i再加 -ly。
- happy [ˈhæpi](adj. 高兴的) - happily [ˈhæpɪli](adv. 高兴地)- easy [ˈiːzi](adj. 容易的) - easily [ˈiːzəli](adv. 容易地)3. 特殊变化。
- good [ɡʊd](adj. 好的) - well [wel](adv. 好地)- fast [fɑːst](adj. 快的;adv. 快地),形容词和副词同形。

.;.(根据字母排列顺序分类)1. able adj. 能够;有能力的ability n. 能力;才能2. act n. 扮演,表演active adj. 积极的,主动的activity n. 活动actor n. 男演员actress n. 女演员3. add v. 加上addition n. 加,增加4. age n. 时代,年龄aged adj. 有…之年岁的5. alive adj. 活着的live v. 生活,居住6. America n. 美国,美洲American adj. 美国的;美洲的n. 美国人7. amazing adj. 令人惊讶的amazed adj. 感到惊讶的8. amusement n. 娱乐,消遣amusing adj. 引起乐趣的,娱人的9. angry adj. 生气的;愤怒的angrily adv. 生气地;愤怒地10.apologize v. 道歉apology n. 道歉11. appear v. 出现disappear v. 消失12. arguev. 争论argument n. 争论13. artn. 艺术article n. 文章artist n. 艺术家,画家14. automaticadj. 自动的automatically adv. 自动地15. attractv. 吸引attraction n. 吸引;吸引力/物attractive adj. 有吸引力的16. Australian. 澳大利亚Australian adj. 澳大利亚的n. 澳大利亚人17. beautifuladj. 美丽的beautifully adv. 美丽地18. begin (began, begun) v.开始,着手beginning n. 开始,开端19. blackn. 黑色adj. 黑色的blackboard n. 黑板20. Britainn. 不列颠Britishn. 英国人adj. 英国的21. brightadj. 明亮的,聪明的brightly adv. 明亮地22. build ( built, built )v. 建造building n. 建筑物,大楼rebuild v. 重建23. businessn. 商业,生意businessman n. 商人businesswoman n. 女商人24. Canadan. 加拿大Canadian adj.加拿大的n. 加拿大人25. certain adj.一定的,有把握的certainly adv. 一定,无疑,是的,当然26. carev. / n.小心,关心,照顾careful adj. 小心的,仔细的carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地27. changev. 改变,兑零钱changeable adj. 易变的,可变的exchange v. 交流;交换28. chemicaladj. 化学的chemistry n. 化学29. Chinan. 中国Chinese n. 中国人;汉语adj. 中国的30. choice n. 选择choose (chose, chosen)v. 选择31. cityn. 城市citizen n. 市民32. class n. 班级,(一节)课,等级classroom n. 教室classmate n. 同学33. clearadj. 清晰的,明亮的clearly adv. 清晰道,明亮地34. cloudn. 云。


常用变形词汇importance (n) 重要性—important (adj)重要的terrible (adj)可怕的,糟糕的—terribly (adv)可怕地,糟糕地friend(n)朋友—friendly(adj)朋友的—friendship(n)友谊different(adj)不同的—differently(adv)不同地—difference(n)不同,差异difficult(adj)困难的—difficultly(adv)困难地—difficulty(n)困难invent(v)发明—inventor(n)发明者—invention(n)发明物invite(v)邀请—invitation(n)邀请polite(adj)礼貌的—politely(adv)礼貌地—impolite(adj)不礼貌的help(n/v)帮助—helpful(adj)有帮助的use(v)使用—useful(adj)有用的care(v)关心—careful(adj)小心的,自习的—carefully(adv)小心地quick(adj)快的—quickly(adv)快地luck(n)幸运—lucky(adj)幸运的—luckily(adv)幸运地fortune(n)命运,财产,运气—fortunate(adj)幸运的—fortunately(adv)幸运地—unfortunately(adv)不幸运地happy(adj)快乐的—happily(adv)快乐地—happiness(n)幸福—unhappy(adj)不快乐的health(n)健康—healthy(adj)健康的—healthily(adv)健康地impress(v)使印象深刻,使感动—impressed(adj)印象深刻的,感动的—impression(n)印象express(v)表达—expression(n)表达comfortable(adj)舒服的—comfortably(adv)舒服地—uncomfortable(adj)不舒服的decide(v)决定—decision(n)决定with有,附带,用—without没有succeed(v)成功—success(n)成功—successful(adj)成功的—successfully(adv)成功地interest(n)兴趣—interested(adj)感兴趣的—interesting有意思的(adj)France法国—French法语、法语的、法国的、法国人、法国人的Japan日本—Japanese日语,日语的、日本的、日本人、日本人的America美国、美洲—American美国的,美洲的,美国人Australia澳大利亚—Australian澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人Spain西班牙—Spanish西班牙语,西班牙人,西班牙的Canada加拿大—Canadian加拿大的,加拿大人Russia俄罗斯—Russian俄罗斯人,俄罗斯的Germany德国—German德国人,德语,德国的Asia亚洲—Asian亚洲的Africa非洲—African非洲的Europe欧洲—European欧洲的near在…附近—nearby附近的—nearly几乎across(v)穿过—across(prep)横过one一—first第一—once一次two二—second第二—twice两次late迟到,晚于正常时间—later以后,之后foreign(adj)—foreigner(n)danger(n)—dangerous(adj)—endangered(adj)organize(v)—organized(adj)—organization(n)interview(v/n)—interviewer(n)—interviewee(n)east(n)—eastern(adj)south(n)南方—southern(adj)南方的west西方—western西方的north北方—northern北方的special(adj)特别的,特殊的—especially(adv)特别地collect(v)收集—collection(n)收藏品—collector(n)收藏者annoy(v)使恼怒—annoyed(adj)恼怒的behave(v)行为举止,表现—behavior(n)行为,举止wait(v)等待—waiter(n)服务员—waitress(n)女服务员solve(v)解决—solution(n)解决方法village(n)村庄—villager(n)村民law(n)法律—lawyer(n)律师possible(adj)可能的—possibly(adv)可能地—impossible(adj)不可能的nature(n)自然—natural(adj)自然的—naturally(adv)自然地nation(n)国家—national(adj)国家的loud(adj)大声的—loudly(adv)大声地slow(adj)慢的—slowly(adv)慢地real(adj)真的—really(adj)真地—realize(v)意识到,实现easy(adj)容易的—easily(adv)容易地develop(v)发展—development(n)发展—developing(adj)发展中的—developed(adj)发达的die(v)死—dead(adj)死的—death(n)死亡patient(n)病人(adj)有耐心的—patience耐心sleep(v)—sleepy(adj)—asleep(adj)medicine(n)药物—medical(adj)医药的correct(adj)正确的(v)纠正—incorrect(adj)不正确的—correctly(adv)正确地convenient(adj)方便的—convenience(n)便利—inconvenient(adj)不方便的final(adj)最后的—finally(adv)最终own(adj)自己的—owner(n)物主noise(n)噪音—noisy(adj)有噪音的,喧闹的extreme(adj)极其—extremely(adv)极其地mystery(adj)神秘—mysterious(adj)神秘的honest(adj)诚实的—dishonest(adj)不诚实的—honesty(n)真诚suggest(v)建议,暗示—suggestion(n)建议energy(n)能量,精力—energetic(adj)精力充沛的main(adj)主要的—mainly(adv)主要地agree(v)同意—agreement(n)一致,同意—disagree(v)不同意tour(v)旅游—tourist(n)游客—touristy(adj)游客常去的produce(v)生产—product(n)产品wood(n)木—wooden(adj)木制的—woods(n)森林popular(adj)流行的,受欢迎的—popularity(n)普遍donate(v)捐赠—donation(n)捐赠crowd(v)挤—crowded(adj)拥挤的—uncrowded(adj)不拥挤的,宽敞的please(adv)请—pleased(adj)满意的,愉快的true(adj)真的—truth(n)真实,真相strong(adj)强壮的—strongly(adv)强壮地,强烈地—strength(n)力量high(adj)高的—height(n)高度long(adj)长的—length(n)长度wide(adj)宽的—widely(adv)宽广地,广泛地pollute(v)污染—pollution(n)污染—polluted(adj)被污染的hard(adj)坚硬的,困难的(adv)努力地,猛烈的—hardly几乎不heavy(adj)重的,拥挤的,强烈的—heavily(adv)拥挤地,猛烈地tradition(n)传统—traditional(adj)传统的serious(adj)严肃的,严重的—seriously(adv)严肃地,严重地strict(adj)严格的—strictly(adv)严格地mean(v)意思是—meaning(n)意思—meaningful(adj)有意义的—means(n)工具necessary(adj)必要的—unnecessary(adj)不必要的—necessarily(adv)必要地athlete(n)运动员—athletic(n)活跃的act—action—active—activitywin(v)赢—winner(n)赢家performance(n)表演,表现—perform(v)表演—performer(n)表演者create(v)创造—creation(n)生物—creative(adj)有创造力的usual(adj)通常的—unusual(adj)罕见的—usually(adv)通常地violin(n)小提琴—violinist(n)小提琴手piano(n)钢琴—pianist(n)钢琴手music(n)音乐—musical(adj)音乐的—musician(n)音乐家lead(v)引导,引诱—leader(n)领导description(n)描述—describe(v)描述explain(v)解释—explanation(n)解释attract(v)吸引—attraction(n)吸引人的人或物Written on June 7, 2013 by Orlando An。

人教版九年级全一册词汇表单词变形汇总Unit11.aloud(adv.)---loud(adj./adv.)---loudly(adv.)2.pronunciation(n.)---pronounce(v.)3.patient(n&adj.)---patience(n.)4.expression(n.)---express(v.)5.discover(v.)---discovery(n.)6.physics(n.)---physical(adj.)7.chemistry(n.)---chemical(adj.)8.memorize(v.)---memory(n.)9.ability(n.)---able(adj.)10.create(v.)---creative(adj.)---creation(n.)11.active(adj.)---activity(n.)12.connect(n.)---connection(n.)13.knowledge(n.)---knowledgeable(adj.)14.wisely(adv.)---wise(adj.)---wisdom(n.)Unit21.stranger(n.)---strange(adj.)---strangely(adv.)2.whoever(pron.)---who(pron.)---whom(pron.)3.tradition(n.)---traditional(adj.)4.admire(n.)---admiration(n.)5.dead(adj.)---death(n.)---die(v.)---dying(adj.)6.business(n.)---businessman(n.)---busy(adj.)7.punish(v.)---punishment(n.)8.warmth(n.)---warm(adj.)---warmly(adv.)Unit31.beside(prep)---besides(adv.&prep.)2.normally(adv.)---normal(adj.)3.suggest(v.)---suggestion(n.)4.central(adj.)---center(n.)5.east(n.&adj.&adv.)---eastern(adj.)6.fascinating(adj.)---fascinate(v.)7.inexpensive(adj.)---expensive(adj.)8.uncrowded(adj.)---crowded(adj.)---crown(n.&v.)9.convenient(adj.)---convenience(n.)10.politely(adv.)---polite(adj.)11.direction(n.)---direct(adj.)---directly(adv.)12.correct(adj.&v.)---correctly(adv.)13.polite(adj.)---impolite(adj.)14.speaker(n.)---speak(v.)---speech(n.)15.whom(pron.)---who(pron.)---whose(pron&adj.)16.Italian(adj.&n.)---Italy(n.)Unit41.humorous(adj.)---humor(n.)2.silent(adj.)---silence(n.)3.helpful(adj.)---help(v.&n.)---helpless(adj.)4.interview(v.&n.)---interviewer(n.)n(adj.&n.)---Asia(n.)6.shyness(n.)---shy(adj.)---shyly(adv.)7.require(v.)---requirement(n.)8.European(adj.&n.)---Europe(n.)9.African(adj.&n.)---Africa(n.)10.British(adj.)---Britain(n.)11.absent(adj.)---absence(n.)12.fail(v.)---failure(n.)13.exactly(adv.)---exact(adj.)14.pride(n.)---proud(adj.)---proudly(adv.)15.general(adj.&n.)---generally(adv.)16.introduction(n.)---introduce(v.)Unit51.environmental(adj.)---environment(n.)2.produce(v.)---product(n.)3.widely(adv.)---wide(adj.)---width(n.)4.France(n.)---French(n.)5.Germany(n.)---German(adj.&n.)petitor(n.)---competition(n.)---compete(v.)7.celebration(n.)---celebrate(v.)8.lively(adj.)---live(adj.)---alive(adj.)9.historical(adj.)---history(n.)---historian(n.)plete(v.&adj.)---completely(adv.)Unit61.pleasure(n.)---pleased(adj.)---pleasant(adj.)2.daily(adj.)---day(n.)3.accidental(adj.)---accident(n.)4.ruler(n.)---rule(n.)5.boil(v.)---boiled(adj.)6.national(adj.)---nation(n.)7.trade(v.&n.)---trader(n.)8.popularity(n.)---popular(adj.)9.translate(v.)---translation(n.)---translator(n.)10.sudden(adj.)---suddenly(adv.)11.musical(adj.)---music(n.)---musician(n.)12.salty(adj.)---salt(n.)13.customer(n.)---custom(n.)14.Canadian(adj.&n.)---Canada(n.)15.professional(adj.)---profession(n.)Unit71.safety(n.)---safe(adj.)---safely(adv.)2.badly(adv.)---bad(adj.)3.regret(v.&n.)---regretful(adj.)---regrettable(adj.)cate(v.)---education(n.)---educational(adj.)---educated(adj.)5.manage(v.)---manager(n.)---management(n.)6.society(n.)---social(adj.)7.choice(n.)---choose(v.)Unit81.whose(pron.)---who/whom(pron.)2.attend(v.)---attendance(n.)---attendant(adj.&n.)3.valuable(adj.)---value(v.&n.)4.happening(n.)---happen(v.)5.noise(n.)---noisy(adj.)---noisily(adv.)6.uneasy(adj.)---easy(adj.)---easily(adv.)7.sleepy(adj.)---sleep(v.&n.)---asleep(adj.)8.express(v.)---expression(n.)9.historian(n.)---history(n.)---historical(adj.)10.leader(n.)---lead(v.)11.medical(adj.)---medicine(n.)12.energy(n.)---energetic(adj.)13.burial(n.)---bury(v.)Unit91.Australian(adj.&n.)---Australia(n.)2.smooth(adj.)---smoothly(adv.)3.director(n.)---direct(adj.)4.ending(n.)---end(n.&v.)5.intelligent(adj.)---intelligence(n.)6.sadness(n.)---sad(adj.)---sadly(adv.)7.pain(n.)---painful(adj.)8.reflect(v.)---reflection(n.)9.moving(adj.)---move(v.)---moved(adj.)10.perform(v.)---performer(n.)---performance(n.)11.wound(v.&n.)---wounded(adj.)Unit101.custom(n.)---customer(n.)2.greet(v.)---greeting(n.)3.relaxed(adj.)---relax(v.)---relaxing(adj.)4.value(v.&n.)---valuable(adj.)5.northern(adj.)---north(n.&adj.&adv.)6.eastern(adj.)---east(n.&adj.&adv.)7.worth(adj.)---worthy(adj.&n.)8.basic(adj.)---base(n.&v.)9.teenage(adj.)---teenager(n.)---teen(n.)10.behave(v.)---behavior(n.)11.gradually(adv.)---gradual(adj.)12.suggestion(n.)---suggest(v.)Unit111.drive(v.)---driver(n.)tely(adv.)---late(adj.&adv.)---later(adv.)---latest( adj.)3.friendship(n.)---friend(n.)---friendly(adj.)4.power(n.)---powerful(adj.)5.banker(n.)---bank(n.)6.fame(n.)---famous(adj.)7.examine(v.)---examination(n.)8.wealth(n.)---wealthy(adj.)9.uncomfortable(adj.)---uncomfortably(adv.) ---comfortable(adj.)---comfortably(adv.)10.weight(n.)---weigh(v.)11.agreement(n.)---agree(v.)---disagree(v.) ---disagreement(n.)12.disappoint(v.)---disappointment(n.)---disappointed(adj.)---disappointing(adj.) Unit121.unexpected(adj.)---expected(adj.)---expect(v.)2.worker(n.)---work(n.&v.)3.disbelief(n.)---disbelieve(v.)---believe(v.)4.burn(v.)---burning(adj.)---burned(adj.)5.alive(adj.)---live(adj.)---lively(adj.)6.west(n.&adj.&adv.)---western(adj.)7.fool(n.&v.)---foolish(adj.)8.embarrassed(adj.)---embarrassing(adj.)---embarra ss(v.)9.announce(v.)---announcement(n.)10.discovery(n.)---discover(v.)11.officer(n.)---office(n.)---official(adj.)12.believable(adj.)---unbelievable(adj.)---believe(v.)---belief(n.)13.disappear(v.)---appear(v.)---appearance(n.)Unit131.advantage(n.)---disadvantage(n.)2.wooden(adj.)---wood(n.)3.cruel(adj.)---cruelty(n.)4.harmful(adj.)---harm(n.&v.)---harmless(adj.)5.industry(n.)---industrial(adj.)w(n.)---lawyer(n.)7.scientific(adj.)---scientist(n.)---science(n.)8.reusable(adj.)---usable(adj.)---use(v.&n.)9.inspiration(n.)---inspire(v.)10.creativity(n.)---creative(adj.)---create(v.)---creati on(n.)Unit141.instruction(n.)---instruct(v.)2.graduate(v.&n.)---graduation(n.)3.caring(adj.)---care(v.&n.)---careful(adj.)---careles s(adj.)4.ours(pron.)---our(pron.)---we(pron.)---us(pron.)5.manager(n.)---manage(v.)---management(n.)6.congratulation(n.)---congratulate(v.)7.thankful(adj.)---thank(v.)---thanks(n.)stly(adv.)---last(adj.&adv.)。

中考英语词汇变形一、动词---名词(v.-n.)1.v.+mentachieve (实现)-achievement(成就)agree-agreement(同意)treat-treatment(治疗) encourage-encouragement(鼓励,激励)develop-development(发展)excite-excitement(兴奋)manage(管理,设法做成)-management(管理)improve-improvement(提高,改善)argue-argument(争论。
争执) require-requirement(要求)2.v.+tion(sion,ion)attract-attraction(吸引)celebrate-celebration(庆祝)decide-decision(决定) collect-collection(收集)educate-education(教育)explain-explanation(解释) connect-connection(联系)imagine-imagin ation(想象) direct(指、引)-direction( 方向)require-requirement(要求)graduate-graduation(毕业) discuss-discussion(讨论)impress-impression(印象)creat e-creation(创造)express-expression(表达方式,表情)suggest-suggestion(建议)communicate-communication(交流)invent-invention(发明)introduce-introduction(介绍)congratulate-congratulation(祝贺)pollute-pollution(污染)imagine-imagin ation(想象,想象力)3.v.+anceappear(出现)-appearance(外貌) perform(v.表演)-performance(演出)4.v.+ingfeel-feeling(感受)train-training(培训)say-saying(说法)mean-meaning(意义)end-ending(末尾)hike-hiking(徒步)build-building(建筑物)meet-meeting(会议)begin-beginning(开始)5.v.+er/ordance-dancer design-designer(设计师)visit-_______ (游客)drive-driver own-owner(主人)invent-_______ (发明家)win-_______(赢家)play-player(运动员,演奏者,比赛者,direct-________ (导演)1播放器)report-reporter(记者)wait-______-________(服务员)act-_______-________(演员)6.特殊:choose-_______ (选择)die-death(死亡)marry-marr iage(婚姻)think-thought( )decide-decision(决定)mix-_______ (混合物)weigh-_______ (重量)behave-_______ (行为)press_______ (压力)二、名词-形容词(n.-adj.)1.n.+y:cloud-cloudy(多云,阴天的)sun-sunny(阳光明媚的)anger-_______ (生气的)rain-rainy(下雨天的)snow-snowy(雪天的)hunger-_______ (饥饿的)fog-_______ (有雾的)wind-windy(多风的)taste(n.味道)-______(美味的) wealth-wealthy(有财富的)health-healthy noise-_______ (喧闹的)sleep-sleepy luck-lucky(幸运的)salt(盐)-salty(咸的)2.n.+ly:friend-friendly love-lovely( )day-daily (日常的)week-weekly live-lively( ,)pain-painful(痛苦的)home-homeless(无家可归的)end-endless(无尽的)beauty(美)-beautiful power-powerful(有力量的)cheer-cheerful(愉快的) success-successful thank-thankful wonder-wonderful(精彩的) color-colorful peace-peaceful(平静的,和平的)use-useful-uselesscare-careful(细心的)-careless(粗心的)shame-shameful(羞愧的)-shameless(无耻的)4.n.+alenvironment-environmental(环境的)culture-cultural(文化的) education-educational(有教育意义的)person-personal(个人的)practice-practical(实际的,实用的)nature-natural(自然的) tradition-traditional(传统的)nation-national(国家的)music-musical(音乐的)2magic-magical(有魔力的)5.n.+ern(方向)east-eastern(东方的)west-western(西方的)south-southern(南方的)north-northern(北方的)6.n.+en(材质)wood-wooden(木质的),wool-woolen(羊毛的),gold-golden(金色的,黄金的)7.n.+ablevalue(n.价值v.珍视)-valuable(宝贵的,有价值的)knowledge-knowledg eable(知识渊博的)fashion-fashionable(时髦的)reason(原因)-reasonable(合理的)8.n.+ousdanger-dangerous(危险的),fame(名声)-famous(著名的),humor-humorous(幽默的)9.特殊: energy(能量)-energetic(有能量的)三、动词—形容词(v.—adj.)1.v.+ableenjoy-enjoyable(令人愉悦的)suit-suitable(合适的)avail-available(可获得的)comfort(安慰)-comfortable(舒服的)believe-believable(相信的)-unbelievable(难以置信的)2.v.+ed/ing -ed(人)感到。

中考英语单词变形汇总表 在中考英语中,单词的变形形式经常会出现在各类题型中。
1. 动词变形:1) 时态变形:英语中动词的各种时态变化非常重要。
例如: - 一般现在时:study (第三人称单数形式:studies) - 现在进行时:run (现在分词形式:running)- 过去式:go (过去分词形式:gone)2) 被动语态:被动语态是英语中的重要语法结构。
例如: - 一般过去时的被动语态:write (过去分词形式:written) - 一般现在时的被动语态:eat (过去分词形式:eaten) - 一般将来时的被动语态:clean (过去分词形式:cleaned) 3) 及物与不及物动词:及物动词需要有宾语,而不及物动词不需要宾语。
例如: - 及物动词:write (过去式:wrote);注意其变形形式与被动语态的变形形式不同。
- 不及物动词:run (过去式:ran) 4) 动词的其他变形形式:有些动词存在不规则的变形形式。
例如: - 动词的第三人称单数形式:do (第三人称单数:does) - 动词的现在分词形式:swim (现在分词:swimming)2. 名词变形:1) 复数形式:掌握名词的复数形式是非常重要的。
例如:- 单数形式:book (复数形式:books) - 不规则复数形式:child (复数形式:children) - 以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词:bus (复数形式:buses) 2) 名词所有格:名词所有格用于表示物主关系。
例如: - 单数名词的所有格:girl (所有格形式:girl's) - 复数名词的所有格:girls (所有格形式:girls')3) 连词形式:有些名词可以作为连词使用。
例如: - 时间连词:Sunday (连词形式:on Sunday) - 地点连词:home (连词形式:at home)3. 形容词变形: 1) 比较级与最高级:形容词的比较级和最高级形式对于描写事物的特征非常重要。

初三英语词汇变形汇总1,名词⼈& 物的名字⽐如,coffee, tree, shirt,nose,bus,rainfather,teacher,Lucy⼴义名词定义是表⽰⼈,物,时间,地点和⼀些抽象概念的词artist book summer China idea名词变化规律1,+s,变复数winners,ideas2,+y,ful 变形容词cloudy healthy helpfulShe refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday.Many of my friends are_____(lawyer)It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here.Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA.Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body名词位置1,介词后on the tree, by bus, with a book2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students动词动作的词play, walk, kill, buy时态---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天⼀般过去时⼀般将来时动词变化规律1,第⼀个动词负责时态s,ed2,其它动词变成⾮谓语动词doing,to do(尚未发⽣)She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six. Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him.If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution.Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young.I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party.I am learning how_______(swim).形容词形容⼈or 物的词就是以“的”结尾的单词tall, nice, interesting, far⾼的漂亮的有趣的遥远的形容词的变化规律1,+ly 变副词 quickly, happily, carefully 2,+er 变⽐较级 taller, heavier, longer Sally thinks films are ______ (funny) than stories.He is the ______ (heavy) student in his class.We are studying for the test _____ (careful)_______(lucky), he won the match at last.She walks much ______(fast).形容词喜欢的位置1,名词前,tall boys, a lazy pig2,be之后,主系表,She is lazy. The books are strange.数词顾名思义,就是跟数字有关的词two, third, twice, thirtieth两个第三两倍第三⼗数词的变化规律1,变序数词 one--first two--second2,变倍数词 one--once two--twiceThe______(three)shirt is the nicest of all.Mike goes to see his grandparents _________(one) a week.综合归纳名词1,复数,2,形容词备选+ly friendly 动词1,时态,2,to do / doing 备选+er winner 形容词1,副词,2,er / est 备选importance 数词1,序数词2,倍数词若没有提供单词,则应该填⼊连词,介词,冠词介词 & 冠词后跟名词by plane, at table, on the treea friend, the artist连词后跟句⼦When she arrives,I will go to meet him.I will go to meet him when she arrives.She decided to choose Tom because he is the funniest.形容词,要么在名词前,要么在be后⾯A popular artist hates collecting new stamps.She was pleased at the proper choice.副词后⾯不能加名词She is a slowly girl.She is a slow girl.She is preparing for the dinner careful.She is preparing the dinner carefully.其它词性副词,slowly,healthily,连词,because,when,but,if,after介词,at , on, in, with, for,after冠词,a, an, the代词, 主格,宾格,物主代词,名词性物主代词,反⾝代词I me my mine my selfWe us our ours our selvesYou you your yours your selvesShe her her hers her selfHe him his his him selfIt it its its it selfThey them their theirs them selves 主语宾语物的主⼈名词+代词实战演练1I still remember the first time I left home for one ortwo 61 (night). I was going to a summer camp for a month. When my parents told me about the camp, I was62 (excite), because there were lots of activities there .The whole family drove me to the camp. When we arrived, I saw a lot of kids,63 I didn’t know anyone. I began to feel nervous. They gave me a little card 64 my name on it. Then a girl, who looked 65 (old) than me, came up to me and said,“Hi, Margie! I’m Sara. Our cabin is the Pines.”Finally the time came when my parents said, “Well, Margie, goodbye. Have 66 great time. And don’t worry; we’ll write to 67 often. ”I had an awful feeling. I wanted 68 (cry). But just then another girl of my age came up to me and 69 (say), “Hi, are you Margie? I’m Tammy. I’m in the Pines, too. Come on. Let’s go see the horses.” So off we went and I had a 70 (wonder)month at camp.2One day John took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷) and then __1____(ride ) off to theforest to see how the trees were growing.By afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp (营地), it started _2____( snow). More and more snow fell. Soon they couldn’t __3____(easy) se e the road. John ___4___(know) there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and ___5____(another) went to John's house. But all was white now. Everything was the same.___6___ could he take his friends back to the camp?John had an ___7___. The horses! Let the horses take them back! ButThat would be a long trip in such cold weather!It was ____9____(get) late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped.Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked ___10___. What was that under the trees? It was one of their tents! 3I am studying at Sydney Russel School, a small but _46___(help) school in Australia. All the lessons there _47____(teach) in English. I have five __48___(subject) this term. What a big challenge!Last term, Mr. Brown, my science teacher __49__(ask) us to do a project on trees. Ming and I were in the samegroup.__50__(两者都)of us were from China. We spent several hours __51___(stay)the library every day, reading and surfing the Internet. We even planted two trees __52__ the school garden and took many __53__(照⽚)of them.The most exciting part was the presentation. We introduced many things about trees, for example, the __54___(tall)and oldest tree in the school. Everyone enjoyed the presentation.Learning by ____(do) helps me a lot. I’m sure everything will get better.4Many people like ___1___ (travel) by plane, but I don't like it __2____ an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for __3__(hour )for the plane __4___(take) off and it is often late. You can't open the windows. You can't choose the food.I like traveling by train. I think trains are much __5___(safe). Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch _____6 (other) one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things ___7___ your way. I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey ___8__ you want to, and you don't need __9___(get) to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car.,_10_____you can’t in a train.5He is the man who for many people has been a role model. Now your biggest hero deserves a special day when you can express your thanks and let him know 1. ________ important he is to you.The third Sunday of June-which 2. ________(fall) on June 19 this year-is Father's Day.The idea of Father's Day came from 3. ________American woman called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. Dodd wanted a special day 4. ________(honor)her father. He raised six children by 5. ________after his wife died. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honor loving dads.The first Father's Day 6. ________(celebrate) on June 19,1910. In 1924, US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a 7. ________(nation) Father's Day. Finally, in 1966, President LyndonHere are some ways to show your love and respect:*Send him a greeting card. Fathers prefer cards 9. ________ are not too emotional. So choose one that will make him laugh. *If he has a computer, cover his desktop 10. ________words like "I love you Dad".*A small present, such as a framed photo of your family, can make him feel like a king.6There are moments in life 1.________ you miss someone so much that you just want to pickthem from your dreams and hug them for real!When the door of happiness closes,2.________ opens,but often we look so long at theclosed door 3.________we don't see the one which has been opened for us.Don't go for looks; they can deceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone 4.________ makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be 5.________ you want to be.The 6.________(happy) of people don't 7.________(necessary) have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that 8.________(come) along their way. The brightest future will always be based on a 9.________(forget) past.When you were born,you were crying and everyone 10.________you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.7Confidence(⾃信) is very important in daily life. It 1 (help) to develop a healthy attitude(态度). If people are more confident, they are 2 happier. And they can have more chances to。

九年级unit 1———-—-21.hope n。
→ adj。
充满希望的→adj.无希望的2.luck n. → adj。
幸运地→ adj。
不幸的→adv.不幸地3.tradition n。
→ adj.传统的4.medicine n. → adj。
医学的5.pronounce v。
→ n。
发音6.music n。
→ n.音乐人→ adj。
音乐的7.wonder n. → adj.绝妙的,不可思议的8.enjoy v。
→ a dj.快乐的,愉悦的9.loud adj. →adv。
响亮地,大声地10.patient adj。
耐心地→ adj。
不耐心的→ n。
耐心,耐性→n. 病人11.ability n. → adj.能够的,有能力的→adj.不能的,不会的12.create v。
→ adj。
有创造力的→ n.创造13.wise adj. →adv。
聪明地,明智地→ n。
聪明,才智14.express v.→ n。
表达方式,表达15.know v.→ n。
知识,学问→ adj。
知识渊博的16.crowd v. → adj.拥挤的→adj。
不拥挤的17.strange adj。
→ n.陌生人18.touch v。
→ adj。
令人感动的19.lie v。
→ (过去式)→(过去分词)→(现在分词)y v。
→ (过去式) →(过去分词) →(现在分词)21.punish v。
→ n。
处罚22.warm adj。
温暖地23.end v。
→ n. 结局,结尾24.kind adj。
→ n。
善良九年级unit 3—----41.serve v. → n。
服务2.normal adj。
→adv. 通常地,一般地3.suggest v。
→ n。
建议,提议4.expensive adj. →adv。
不昂贵的5.fascinating adj。
→ v。
使着迷6.convenient adj. → n.方便,便利7.polite adj → adj。

九年级英语词形变换动词变名词1.v+ ment 结尾achieve --- achievement 成就advertise --- advertisement 广告agree --- agreement 同意apartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue --- argument 争吵commit --- commitment 奉献compliment 称赞,恭维develop --- development 发展disgree --- disagreement 不赞同department 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备--- equipment 装备,器材govern 统治--- government 政府manage---management 经营管理2.V+ tion 结尾admit --- admission 承认attract --- attraction 吸引conclude --- conclusion 结论compete --- competition 竞争,比赛discuss --- discussion 讨论educate --- education 教育decide --- decision 决定describe --- deion描写,描绘express ----expression 词语;表达graduate --- graduation 毕业operate --- operation 操作,动手术organize ---organizationimagine --- imagination 想象力introduce ---introduction 介绍instruct --- instruction 指导,介绍invent--- inventor / invention 发明illustrate --- illustration 阐明,举例说明invite --- invitation 邀请inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的pollute --- pollution 污染predict ---prediction 预言pronounce ---pronunciation resolve --- resolution 决心impress --- impression 印象permit --- permission 允许suggest ---suggestion 建议,暗示solve ---solution 解决方法3.V+ ance 结尾allow --- allowance 允许appear --- appearance 外貌,出现perform --- performance 演出exist --- existance 存在4.V+ ing 结尾bathe 洗澡---bathingend 结束--- ending 结尾,结局train 训练---trainingmean ---- meaning 意义say--- saying 谚语remind --- reminding提醒5.V+ 其他beg(乞讨)---beggar 乞丐sit---seat 座位employ- --employer 雇主,老板---employee雇员believe --- belief 信仰behave 行为,举止--- behavior 行为know--- knowledge 知识fly--- flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击--- hit 轰动一时的人或物mix 混合--- mixture 混合物press 按,压--- pressure 压力receive --- receptionist 接待员serve --- service 服务succeed ---success 成功tour 在...旅游,在...作巡回演出直接+地点tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客pursue --- pursuit 追求,从事propose --- proposal 建议withdraw --- withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤退survive --- survival--survivor 幸存者arrive --- arrival到达analyze --- analysis 分析。

中考英语单词变形汇总表1. change* 动词,改变,变化(eg: I change my mind.)* 名词,变化(eg: the changes in the world)* 形容词,改变的(eg: How changeable the weather is!)2. hear* 动词,听见(eg: I hear a bird singing outside.)* 动词,听说(eg: I heard he would come to see you.)* 宾语从句中的动词,认为(eg: I hear he is doing well in the university.)3. everybody* 形容词短语,每人(三者以上)(eg: Everybody here speaks English very well.) * 代词,每个人(两人)(eg: Don't leave everybody alone together.)4. everyone* 代词,每人(两人以上)(eg: Everyone should have a chance to speak.)5. arrive* 动词,到达(eg: We arrived at the station at 7 o'clock.)* 副词,到达地(eg: Can you arrive on time tomorrow?)6. beautiful* 形容词,美丽的(eg: The sunset was beautiful beyond description.)* 副词,很美地(eg: The flowers bloomed beautifully.)7. badly* 副词,坏地;严重地(eg: The disease has badly affected his health.)* 贬义用法,表示态度不好地做某事(eg: He badly argued with his wife.)8. wonderful* 形容词,精彩的;绝妙的(eg: It was a wonderful concert.)* 副词,非常好地;特别地(eg: She danced wonderfuly.)9. carefully* 副词,小心地;仔细地(eg: Please work carefully.)* 修饰动词或整个句子,表示认真、细致地做某事(eg: She carefully read the letter.)10. interest* 名词,兴趣;利息;趣味(eg: I have no interest in cooking.)* 动词,使感兴趣;使生利息(eg: I'm interested in learning a foreign language.)其他常见的中考英语单词变形:过去式、过去分词、名词、形容词、副词等。
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1,名词人&物的名字比如,coffee, tree, shirt,nose,bus,rainfather,teacher,Lucy广义名词定义是表示人,物,时间,地点和一些抽象概念的词artist book summer China idea名词变化规律1,+s,变复数winners,ideas2,+y,ful 变形容词cloudy healthy helpfulShe refused to buy _____ (banana) yesterday.Many of my friends are_____(lawyer)It is too ____(noise), so it’s not ____ (help) to stay here.Yao Ming is a _______(success) player in NBA.Exercise is _______ (health) for the mind and the body名词位置1,介词后on the tree, by bus, with a book2,形容词后 a green tree, a big bus, smart students动词动作的词play, walk, kill, buy时态---------------------------------------------- 昨天今天明天一般过去时一般将来时动词变化规律1,第一个动词负责时态s,ed2,其它动词变成非谓语动词doing,to do(尚未发生)She _____ (enjoy) reading books,but she ___(play) games last year. They ___(finish) ____(walk) at six.Tom ___(plan) ____(exercise),but nobody ____(believe) him.If you give me time, I ________ (find) the solution.Tom made a living by _______(sell)small toys when he was young.I think tomorrow is a good time______(have)the party.I am learning how_______(swim).形容词形容人or 物的词就是以“的”结尾的单词tall, nice, interesting, far高的漂亮的有趣的遥远的形容词的变化规律1,+ly 变副词 quickly, happily, carefully 2,+er 变比较级 taller, heavier, longerSally thinks films are ______ (funny) than stories.He is the ______ (heavy) student in his class.We are studying for the test _____ (careful)_______(lucky), he won the match at last.She walks much ______(fast).形容词喜欢的位置1,名词前,tall boys, a lazy pig2,be之后,主系表,She is lazy. The books are strange.数词顾名思义,就是跟数字有关的词two, third, twice, thirtieth两个第三两倍第三十数词的变化规律1,变序数词 one--first two--second2,变倍数词 one--once two--twiceThe______(three)shirt is the nicest of all.Mike goes to see his grandparents _________(one) a week.综合归纳名词1,复数,2,形容词备选+ly friendly动词1,时态,2,to do / doing 备选+er winner形容词1,副词,2,er / est 备选importance 数词1,序数词2,倍数词若没有提供单词,则应该填入连词,介词,冠词介词&冠词后跟名词by plane, at table, on the treea friend, the artist连词后跟句子When she arrives,I will go to meet him.I will go to meet him when she arrives.She decided to choose Tom because he is the funniest.形容词,要么在名词前,要么在be后面A popular artist hates collecting new stamps.She was pleased at the proper choice.副词后面不能加名词She is a slowly girl.She is a slow girl.She is preparing for the dinner careful.She is preparing the dinner carefully.其它词性副词,slowly,healthily,连词,because,when,but,if,after介词,at , on, in, with, for,after冠词,a, an, the代词, 主格,宾格,物主代词,名词性物主代词,反身代词I me my mine my selfWe us our ours our selvesYou you your yours your selvesShe her her hers her selfHe him his his him selfIt it its its it selfThey them their theirs them selves主语宾语物的主人名词+代词实战演练1I still remember the first time I left home for one ortwo 61 (night). I was going to a summer camp for a month. When my parents told me about the camp, I was62 (excite), because there were lots of activities there .The whole family drove me to the camp. When we arrived, I saw a lot of kids,63 I didn’t know anyone. I began to feel nervous. They gave me a little card 64 my name on it. Then a girl, who looked 65 (old) than me, came up to me and said,“Hi, Margie! I’m Sara. Our cabin is the Pines.”Finally the time came when my parents said, “Well, Margie, goodbye. Have 66 great time. And don’t worry; we’ll write to 67 often. ”I had an awful feeling. I wanted 68 (cry). But just then another girl of my age came up to me and 69 (say), “Hi, are you Margie? I’m Tammy. I’m in the Pines, too. Come on. Let’s go see the horses.” So off we went and I had a 70 (wonder)month at camp.2One day John took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents (帐篷) and then __1____(ride ) off to the forest to see how the trees were growing.By afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp (营地), it started _2____( snow). More and more snow fell. Soon they couldn’t __3____(easy) see the road. John ___4___(know) there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and ___5____(another) went to John's house. But all was white now. Everything was the same.___6___ could he take his friends back to the camp?John had an ___7___. The horses! Let the horses take them back! ButThat would be a long trip in such cold weather!It was ____9____(get) late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped.Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked ___10___. What was that under the trees? It was one of their tents!3I am studying at Sydney Russel School, a small but _46___(help) school in Australia. All the lessons there _47____(teach) in English. I have five __48___(subject) this term. What a big challenge!Last term, Mr. Brown, my science teacher __49__(ask) us to do a project on trees. Ming and I were in the same group.__50__(两者都)of us were from China. We spent several hours __51___(stay)the library every day, reading and surfing the Internet. We even planted two trees __52__ the school garden and took many __53__(照片)of them.The most exciting part was the presentation. We introduced many things about trees, for example, the __54___(tall)and oldest tree in the school. Everyone enjoyed the presentation.Learning by ____(do) helps me a lot. I’m sure everything will get better.4Many people like ___1___ (travel) by plane, but I don't like it __2____ an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for __3__(hour )for the plane __4___(take) off and it is often late. You can't open the windows. You can't choose the food.I like traveling by train. I think trains are much __5___(safe). Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch _____6 (other) one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things ___7___ your way. I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey ___8__ you want to, and you don't need __9___(get) to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car.,_10_____you can’t in a train.5He is the man who for many people has been a role model. Now your biggest hero deserves a special day when you can express your thanks and let him know 1. ________ important he is to you.The third Sunday of June-which 2. ________(fall) on June 19 this year-is Father's Day.The idea of Father's Day came from 3. ________American woman called Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. Dodd wanted a special day 4. ________(honor)her father. He raised six children by 5. ________after his wife died. Dodd thought there needed to be a day to honor loving dads.The first Father's Day 6. ________(celebrate) on June 19,1910. In 1924, US President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a 7. ________(nation) Father's Day. Finally, in 1966, President LyndonHere are some ways to show your love and respect:*Send him a greeting card. Fathers prefer cards 9. ________ are not too emotional. So choose one that will make him laugh.*If he has a computer, cover his desktop 10. ________words like "I love you Dad".*A small present, such as a framed photo of your family, can make him feel like a king.6There are moments in life 1.________ you miss someone so much that you just want to pickthem from your dreams and hug them for real!When the door of happiness closes,2.________ opens,but often we look so long at theclosed door 3.________we don't see the one which has been opened for us.Don't go for looks; they can deceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.Go for someone4.________ makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be 5.________ you wantto be.The 6.________(happy) of people don't 7.________(necessary) have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that 8.________(come) along their way.The brightest future will always be based on a 9.________(forget) past.When you were born,you were crying and everyone 10.________you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around youis crying.7Confidence(自信) is very important in daily life. It 1 (help) to develop a healthy attitude(态度). If people are more confident, they are 2 happier. And they can have more chances to★ Speak loud. When you are not confident, you can’t do well 4 you want to do. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you 5 (clear). It can help you become more confident.★ Play sports. Physical exercise makes you tired but strong. A strong body helps you be full6 confidence.★ Encourage yourself. 7 (write) down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Give ____8_____ (you) praise(表扬) for the good things you have .★ Pick up a hobby. 9 you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a 10can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.8Sometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by 1.________ questions,"Have you got any skills in reading comprehension?"Actually,many of the teachers can't give students 2.________ efficient waytodealWithreading.Anyway,3.________ often simply say,"Read more and practice more,and you 4.______ (get) more experience in reading comprehension." Frankly,these teachers' good 5.________ (suggest)are only helpful to arouse students' interest in reading 6.________ not helpful to deal with the questions inthe examinations of reading comprehension.Personally,I think the skill for reading comprehension should be based 7.________ the knowledge of English writing.Since the English passages are written under some rules or principles,the science of reading and understanding may have a close relationship with writing.Reading comprehension can't be independent from the knowledge of writing.So 8.________ (do) better in reading comprehension,we should learn the knowledge of writing,study 9.________ questions are designed and the relationship 10.________ questions and the reading materials9The UK wants Chinese teachers to help to increase the level of maths in its____61____(school). Chinese students ____62______(have) the highest international test results. There is a huge _____63____(different) in maths levels between the UK and China.A newspaper said: "The children of cleaners in Shanghai do better than _____64_____of UK doctors and lawyers in global maths tests." The UK will hire 60 ____65______Shanghai's best maths teachers to help improve the ability of one million British students.The UK is _____66_____behind many countries in maths. Poor education in maths costs the UK economy $30 billion a year. Britain's education minister went on____67______fact-finding task to China.She said: "We have some excellent maths teachers…but ____68______I saw in Shanghai… strengthened my belief that we can learn from them." She added: "They have a can-do attitude to maths and I want us to _____69_____(match) that." Having better Maths skills mean you can get _____70_____(high) salaries and better jobs。