
3 In a broad point of view, logistics
information also contains commodities
trading information and marketing
information means selling and purchasing
1 Part of an organization’s ability to use
logistics as a competitive weapon is based on its ability to adjust logistics performance in real time. This means the ability to monitor customers demands and inventory levels as they occur. A logistics information system which will impact all of the logistics activities must be integrated. Such system also must
7 Logistics information management is not only about dealing with the information about procurement, selling, storage, transportation and other logistics activities, but also every decision making about supplier selection, marketing plan and

1)What is the definition of a supply chain?
A supply chain is a complex logistics system in which raw materials are converted into finished products and then distributed to end users (consumers or companies)
什么是供应链管理? 供应链管理(SCM) 涉及到供应链中对材料流、信息流和资金流
What is the task of the SCM? The task of the SCM is to design, plan, and execute the supply-
活动进行设计、规划和执行,以便能给客户提供理想的服 务水平,并使其获得利润。
Why is supply chain management important? In 2006, US companies spent over $ 1 trillion (10% of GNP) on
supply-related activities (movement, storage, and control of products across the supply chain). Eliminating inefficiencies in supply chains can save companies millions of dollars.
为什么供应链管理是重要的? 在2006年,美国公司在与供应相关联的活动(产品在整个供应

A选择是极少出现的情况,因为从 厂家直接购买的总物流成本 对于个人而言是极其昂贵的 (在上述的情况中,达到了 零售价的2.6倍),虽然其采 购价要比零售价低得多。
Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the time-consuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost.
Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是商品的高效流 动与存储。
“Logistics is that part of the
supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.”
直接到厂家以出厂价(如1.50元/瓶)购买,但要支付额外的 公共汽车费(如5元或更多),总计6.50元,还要另加时间成 本(数小时的巴士乘坐),或者
go to a supermarket and buy it at retail price (e.g. 2.50 Yuan) with minimal time cost
Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the time-consuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost.
Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是商品的高效流 动与存储。
“Logistics is that part of the
supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.”
直接到厂家以出厂价(如1.50元/瓶)购买,但要支付额外的 公共汽车费(如5元或更多),总计6.50元,还要另加时间成 本(数小时的巴士乘坐),或者
go to a supermarket and buy it at retail price (e.g. 2.50 Yuan) with minimal time cost

Text 1 Transportation Mode
【Para 1】What is transportation(什么是运输?) Every firm requires the movement of goods from the point to another point. Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to a point of consumption. It can involve raw materials being brought into the production process or finished goods being shipped to the customer. Transportation is one of the most significant areas of logistics management. Railway, road, waterway, air, and pipeline transportation make up the major modes of transport in modern society. Each mode has its own requirements and features. In the following paragraphs we look at some of the different characteristics of each transport mode.
Text 1 Transportation Mode
【Para 2】Railway Transportation(铁路运输) Rail offers cost-effective transport of large quantities of cargos over long distance. It is especially good for cargoes with high volume and low value, such as coal, timber and grain. Over the past years rail usage has declined as road transport has taken over short haul business and water transport has taken bulk commodities freight. Rail transport is one of the most energy efficient modes of land transport. Environmental and safe consideration also favor rail over road transport.

Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain
飞机在天上飞,供应链来支配,这就是物流; 流水线、各部件,准点到、守时间,这就是物流; 把成本来控制,好利润天天增,这就是物流; 碳足迹要缩减,树环保新观念,这就是物流; 将业务来拓展,让世界心相连,这就是物流; 该去哪就去哪,高科技来实现,这就是物流; 门铃响,响叮铛~响叮铛~响叮铛~这就是物流; 让烦恼都抛遍,全交给UPS,这就是物流。
• 特点:课文短,专业性强,视野广阔。 • 共32个单元,计划学习1-24单元,每个单元用
• 本课程分为形成性考核和终结性考核两部分
• 其中形成性考核占60% 包括:出勤10% 课堂表现10% 作业10% 笔记10% 小组PPT展示20%
• Bells will ring, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, that's logistics.
• There will be no more stress 'cause you've called UPS,
《物流专业英语》 PPT Unit Logistics packaging in

在再生产过程中,包装处于生产过程的末尾和物流过程的 开头,包装既是生产的终点,又是物流的始点。
Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.
Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.

货物出库手续齐全;出库货物数量准 确;装卸规范;按出货单先后发放货物; 出库单据保存归档。
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse
6.It consists of five aspects:the warehouse procedures, the quantity of the goods, load the goods and deposit them in standard, provide the goods according to the shipment list, save and file the bills of document.
• What is important here is this to move the product without any transfer in each process.
• How many types of the unit load size is composed ?
• What about using both the standardized container and pallet in the pool system?
货物出库手续齐全;出库货物数量准 确;装卸规范;按出货单先后发放货物; 出库单据保存归档。
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse
6.It consists of five aspects:the warehouse procedures, the quantity of the goods, load the goods and deposit them in standard, provide the goods according to the shipment list, save and file the bills of document.
• What is important here is this to move the product without any transfer in each process.
• How many types of the unit load size is composed ?
• What about using both the standardized container and pallet in the pool system?

物流操作程序可以有多种形式。没有一种程序适用于所有公司 或产品,但是一般来说,某一产品从接到订单开始到发送 给用户为止,会有一些主要的共同的步骤(见图1)。
The above processes can accordingly be simplified, adjusted or supplemented on the basis of the specific requirements made by the customer or by the manufacturer with regard to packing and transportation modes of the product (as shown in Figure 2). Other factors, such as the sales profit in the whole logistics link also have an impact on the processes.
Step 4 课文学习
➢ 理解课文的意思 ➢ 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 ➢ 学习时间30分钟
➢ 教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进 行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下 难句的语法结构。
The logistics operation process 物流作业程序
Forms of logistics operation process 物流操作程序的形式
shipper 货主,发货人 carrier 承运人
trunk movement 干线运输 all-inclusive services 一条龙
freight-forwarder 货运代理
第二部分 Section 2
Байду номын сангаас本单元核心概念 Core concepts
The above processes can accordingly be simplified, adjusted or supplemented on the basis of the specific requirements made by the customer or by the manufacturer with regard to packing and transportation modes of the product (as shown in Figure 2). Other factors, such as the sales profit in the whole logistics link also have an impact on the processes.
Step 4 课文学习
➢ 理解课文的意思 ➢ 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 ➢ 学习时间30分钟
➢ 教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进 行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下 难句的语法结构。
The logistics operation process 物流作业程序
Forms of logistics operation process 物流操作程序的形式
shipper 货主,发货人 carrier 承运人
trunk movement 干线运输 all-inclusive services 一条龙
freight-forwarder 货运代理
第二部分 Section 2
Байду номын сангаас本单元核心概念 Core concepts

• Logistics English Case Analysis
• Practical Application of Logistics English
Overview of Logistics
The Definition and Importance of Logistics English
Logistics English Courseware Chapter 1
• Overview of Logistics English • Basic Vocabulary of Logistics
English • Common Sentence Patterns
and Expressions in Logistics English
Data elements
order entry, inventory levels, shipping status
Communication tools
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), Radio Frequency Identificatisulting and Education: Professionals in logistics consulting and education using Logistics English to advise clients on best practices, develop training materials, and teach courses on logistics related topics
• Answering about costs: "The estimated cost for transporting these goods is..." or "Here is a detailed cost breakdown for each transportation method."

19.物流资源计划 logistics resource planning (LRP)
20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP)
21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM) 22.快速反映 Quick response (QR)
1.物流战略 logistics strategy 2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy
management 3.仓库管理 warehouse management 4.仓库布局 warehouse layout 5.库存控制 inventory control
31.国际铁路联运 international through railway transport
32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport
33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport 34.班轮运输 liner transport 35.租船运输 shipping by chartering
31.集装化 containerization 32.散装化 containerization 33.直接换装 cross docking 34.配送 distribution 35.共同配送 joint distribution
36.配送中心 distribution center 37.分拣 sorting 38.拣选 order picking 39.集货 goods collection 40.组配 assembly 41.流通加工 distribution processing 42.冷链 cold chain 43.检验 inspection
20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP)
21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM) 22.快速反映 Quick response (QR)
1.物流战略 logistics strategy 2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy
management 3.仓库管理 warehouse management 4.仓库布局 warehouse layout 5.库存控制 inventory control
31.国际铁路联运 international through railway transport
32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport
33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport 34.班轮运输 liner transport 35.租船运输 shipping by chartering
31.集装化 containerization 32.散装化 containerization 33.直接换装 cross docking 34.配送 distribution 35.共同配送 joint distribution
36.配送中心 distribution center 37.分拣 sorting 38.拣选 order picking 39.集货 goods collection 40.组配 assembly 41.流通加工 distribution processing 42.冷链 cold chain 43.检验 inspection

is shipment packing, which features minimization of packaging cost on the basis of meeting the logistics requirements. Therefore optimal balance must be sought between the packaging cost and the loss incurred during goods flow.
某些危险品在储存和中转过程中需要大量的包装,物流经理必 须清楚这些规章中所包含的职责。
Commercial packing and shipment packing 商业包装和运输包装 By purpose, packaging fits into two categories: commercial packing
Packaging fulfills different functions: To protect and preserve a product from physical, chemical and
mechanical damage To facilitate ease of handling To communicate information, eg safety instructions To act as a marketing aid, through appearance and presentation
包装是采用容器、材料及 辅助物等将产品包封的行 为,目的是在物流过程中 保护产品,方便储运,促 进销售。
How do we understand the role of packaging in logistics? 如何理解包装在物流中的地位?
某些危险品在储存和中转过程中需要大量的包装,物流经理必 须清楚这些规章中所包含的职责。
Commercial packing and shipment packing 商业包装和运输包装 By purpose, packaging fits into two categories: commercial packing
Packaging fulfills different functions: To protect and preserve a product from physical, chemical and
mechanical damage To facilitate ease of handling To communicate information, eg safety instructions To act as a marketing aid, through appearance and presentation
包装是采用容器、材料及 辅助物等将产品包封的行 为,目的是在物流过程中 保护产品,方便储运,促 进销售。
How do we understand the role of packaging in logistics? 如何理解包装在物流中的地位?

Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse
4.We need to check the products and facilities regularly, keep the warehouse clean and safe, standardize each operation and gather the information. 定期检查产品(chǎnpǐn)、设备,保持 仓库清洁、安全,各项运作规范、标准, 信息汇总准确、及时。
1. 介绍(jièshào)仓库的现状(位置及规模等 )
2. 介绍(jièshào)仓库的优势(与竞争者相比 )
3. 洽谈合作意向
today's topic : my family
Unit 3 Warehouse Management
Listening training
• Questions
• Where are we standing in the part of Korea logistics industries?
• How can we prepare for saving logistics cost and other assignments of logistics.
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse 2.First indoor operation, then warehouse
management, finally warehouse operation. 首先要进行入库作业(zuòyè),然后是在库 管理,最后是出库操作。
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse
4.We need to check the products and facilities regularly, keep the warehouse clean and safe, standardize each operation and gather the information. 定期检查产品(chǎnpǐn)、设备,保持 仓库清洁、安全,各项运作规范、标准, 信息汇总准确、及时。
1. 介绍(jièshào)仓库的现状(位置及规模等 )
2. 介绍(jièshào)仓库的优势(与竞争者相比 )
3. 洽谈合作意向
today's topic : my family
Unit 3 Warehouse Management
Listening training
• Questions
• Where are we standing in the part of Korea logistics industries?
• How can we prepare for saving logistics cost and other assignments of logistics.
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse 2.First indoor operation, then warehouse
management, finally warehouse operation. 首先要进行入库作业(zuòyè),然后是在库 管理,最后是出库操作。