约翰 斯坦贝克 介绍 John Steinbeck
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His major works
• 1937- Of Mice And Men is a short novel, written almost like a play with six chapters, each of which represents a scene. It tells of the tragic friendship between a migrant farm worker and his enormously strong, feeble-minded friend whom he is finally forced to kill, as an act of kindness, to save him from a worse death at the hands of his oppressors.
17.我读了阿尔福雷德诺贝尔的生平,书中将他叙 述成一个孤独的人,一个充满思考的人。他完善 了炸药的力量,使之既有美好的创造性,又有摧 毁性的邪恶力量――可是这力量本身无法选择, 不受良心和判断的左右。
18.诺贝尔目睹了对他的发明血腥残忍的误用。他 或许已经预见他毕生研究的最后结果—极端的暴 力,终极的毁灭。有人说他变得厌世,但我不相 信。我认为他努力想发明对这力量的控制—如同 一个安全阀。我相信他最后发现了,这只存在于 人类的思想和精神之中。对我而言,诺贝尔的思 想已经清楚地在这些奖项里体现了。
• 14.当今全世界的恐惧,起源于我们对现实 世界中某些危险因素突飞猛进的掌控。 • 15.诚然,对其他层面的理解还没有跟上技 术的进步,但人们不会就此推定他们永不 能并驾齐驱。实际上,这也是作家的责任。 • 16.人类漫长而自豪的历史中,一直坚定地 抵御自然中的敌人,甚至曾经面对过几乎 确定的失败和灭绝的危险,如今我们若在 可能是人类最伟大的胜利的前夜离开战场, 便是真的懦弱而愚不可及。
• 23.危险或是荣耀,毕竟最终还是在人类自己手中 选择。人类是否可以到达完美的境界?考验正在 眼前。 24.获得了上帝般的伟力,我们必须从我们的自身 寻找那我们曾向神祈求的责任感和智慧。 • 25.人类自身已经成为我们最大的危险,和我们唯 一的希望。 • 26.所以今天,我们可以这样理解使徒圣约翰的话: “末世”有道,道就是“人”,道“与人同在”。 注:使徒圣约翰的原话是: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God“ (John 1:1). 太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。
• In 1962, Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his lifetime work, but primarily for the great works he produced in the 1930’s. • He died in New York, in 1968.
• 8.人类经历过一段灰色而荒颓的混乱年代。我伟 大的先驱者,福克纳曾在这里演讲,提起过这个 年代的悲剧,是长久弥漫全世界的肉体恐惧使人 们再无法感受到心灵,以致似乎只有人的内心和 人类自身的冲突才是值得描写的。 • 9.福克纳比其他人都更清楚地了解人类的力量, 以及人类的弱点。他了解,对人们的恐惧的体会 和解析,是作家们之所以存在的一个重要原因。 10.这并不是新的想法。作家的古老使命并没有 改变。 • 11.他将揭示我们许多沉重的错误和失败,同时 也要挖掘我们暗黑而危险的梦境中,可以有助于 人类进步的一丝光亮。
• 12.此外,作家还应当宣扬和赞颂人类心 灵和精神已经证明的伟大能力――面对 失败的勇气、无畏的精神、同情和爱。 在对自身弱点和绝望的无止境的对抗中, 我们仍有着希望和进步作为我们的鲜明 旗帜。 • 13.我认为,一个作家如不热忱地相信人 类有自我提高可完美的能力,不配献身 于文学,也不配立足于文学界之中。
• 19.诺贝尔奖是为了人类世界中知识的累积和 传递;为了理解和交流――这正是文学的作 用。诺贝尔奖也是为了展示和平的能力--这 是奖项所有意义中最为崇高的。 • 20.他死后不到五十年,自然科学的门被打开 了。人们被赋予了沉重得可怕的选择。 • 21.我们篡取了过去以为只有上帝才拥有的力 量。 • 22.人们恐惧,没有准备。我们臆想我们已经 可以主宰整个世界、所有生灵的生死。
Acceptance Speech(III)
• 1. 我感谢瑞士科学院给予我的作品此最高的荣 耀。2. 我心中自问是否我比那些我所尊敬、景 仰的作家们更值得诺贝尔奖,但自己得到这个 奖项,我的自豪和喜悦是勿庸置疑的。 3. 依照惯例,获奖者将就文学的本质和发展方 向,发表学术性演说或个人的感想。可是,我 觉得在这特别的时刻,我们不妨思考文学创作 者的最高职责和义务。 4. 在诺贝尔奖的巨大威望的感召下,我不想像 只抱歉的老鼠一样说些感激的话,而是为我职 业的骄傲,为多年来献身于此的伟大而优秀的 人们,像只雄狮般呼吼!
His life
His life
• With his three older sisters, they were a family who enjoyed books, so Steinbeck did well at school. • He attended a university in California on and off for five years, studying literature and taking courses in writing.
• 5.文学的传播,不是靠着评论界苍白贫乏 的说教者在他们空空如也的教堂里哼哼着 他们的连祷文,也不是隐士们的游戏,不 是吹牛的文学苦行者们无病呻吟的绝望。 6.文学和语言一样古老。它由人们的需要 而生,人类对它的依赖与日益增。 7.吟唱诗人,行吟诗人和作家们并不是离 群索居,隔离世外的。文学的功能、职责 和任务,从一开始就为我们的种族所注定 了。
• He wrote sympathetically about poor, oppressed California farmers, migrants, laborers, and the unemployed, making their lives and sorrows very understandable to his readers. • His influence was very wide in arousing public sympathy for the subjects of his novels.
John Steinbeck(1902-1968)
-- the spokesman for the oppressed
• He was born in Salinas, California, in a long valley between two mountain ranges, which he used as the setting for many of his stories. • His father was a well-to-do flour miller who also served as a country official, and his mother was a school teacher.
Major Works
• In 1937, he wrote Of Mice and Men, a short novel which established his reputation among literary critics as a major American writer. • In 1939, he wrote his masterpiece, The Grapes Of Wrath. This book was turned into an unforgettable film, which is still considered a great classic.
Major Works
• 1939- The Grapes Of Wrath is Steinbeck’s masterpiece. It is the story of a family from Oklahoma who are evicted from their small farm when they cannot pay their debts. They set out as migrants for California, to start a new life. Cruel police and employers mistreat them, some of them die, but the family somehow survives by all helping one another.
His style and point of view
• Steinbeck’s best writing was produced by outrage at the injustices of society and by his admiration for the strong spirit of the poor. • During the Depression years, his fiction combined warm humor, regionalism, and violence with a realistic technique which produced a unique kind of social protest.
Major Works
• His post-war novel The Pearl (1947) reflected his bitter feelings against those greedy elements of society which made the war possible.