HC110911004 HCNA-Storage BSSN 第四章 华为存储产品与解决方案V1.0
华为云分布式缓存服务(DCS) 1.10.0 用户指南说明书
![华为云分布式缓存服务(DCS) 1.10.0 用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1bb93c18f6ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cba1a8d83.png)
分布式缓存服务(DCS) 1.10.0用户指南文档版本01发布日期2023-03-30版权所有 © 华为云计算技术有限公司 2023。
华为云计算技术有限公司地址:贵州省贵安新区黔中大道交兴功路华为云数据中心邮编:550029网址:https:///目录1 快速入门 (1)1.1 创建实例 (1)1.1.1 创建前准备 (1)1.1.2 准备实例依赖资源 (2)1.1.3 创建Redis实例 (3)1.2 查看实例信息 (5)2 用户指南 (8)2.1 登录分布式缓存服务 (8)2.2 实例日常操作 (8)2.2.1 变更规格 (8)2.2.2 重启实例 (11)2.2.3 删除实例 (12)2.2.4 主备切换 (13)2.2.5 清空实例数据 (14)2.2.6 导出实例列表 (15)2.2.7 命令重命名 (15)2.3 实例配置管理 (16)2.3.1 配置管理说明 (16)2.3.2 修改实例配置参数 (16)2.3.3 修改实例安全组 (24)2.3.4 查看实例后台任务 (24)2.3.5 查看Redis 3.0 Proxy集群实例的数据存储统计信息 (25)2.3.6 管理分片与副本 (26)2.3.7 管理实例白名单 (27)2.3.8 查询Redis实例慢查询 (28)2.3.9 查询Redis实例运行日志 (29)2.4 实例备份恢复管理 (30)2.4.1 备份与恢复说明 (30)2.4.2 设置自动备份策略 (32)2.4.3 手动备份实例 (33)2.4.4 实例恢复 (34)2.4.5 下载实例备份文件 (35)2.5 使用DCS迁移数据 (36)2.5.2 备份文件导入方式 (37) 备份文件导入方式-OBS桶 (38) 备份文件导入方式-Redis实例 (40)2.5.3 在线迁移方式 (41)2.6 密码管理 (45)2.6.1 关于实例连接密码的说明 (45)2.6.2 修改缓存实例密码 (46)2.6.3 重置缓存实例密码 (47)2.6.4 修改Redis实例的访问方式 (48)2.7 用户Redis切换DCS Redis操作指导 (49)2.7.1 概述 (49)2.7.2 创建DCS Redis实例 (50)2.7.3 迁移用户Redis数据 (50) 备份文件导入方式-OBS桶 (50) 在线迁移方式 (51) 约束条件 (51) 在线迁移实施步骤 (51)2.7.4 数据完整性校验 (53)2.7.5 切换访问DCS Redis (53)2.7.6 业务功能验证 (54)2.8 参数模板 (54)2.8.1 查看参数模板信息 (54)2.8.2 创建自定义参数模板 (60)2.8.3 修改自定义参数模板 (66)2.8.4 删除自定义参数模板 (73)2.9 监控 (74)2.9.1 支持的监控指标 (74)2.9.2 查看监控指标 (95)3 最佳实践 (96)3.1 使用DCS实现热点资源顺序访问 (96)3.2 使用Redis实现排行榜功能 (101)3.3 Redis使用规范 (103)3.4 Redis客户端重试指南 (110)3.5 使用主备切换功能验证应用是否实现自动重连 (113)4 常见问题 (115)4.1 实例类型/版本 (115)4.1.1 版本差异 (115)4.1.2 如何查询Redis实例的原生版本 (116)4.1.3 DCS Redis 4.0支持的新特性说明 (116)4.1.4 DCS Redis 5.0支持的新特性说明 (120)4.2 客户端和网络连接 (125)4.2.2 DCS实例支持弹性IP访问吗? (126)4.2.3 DCS实例是否支持跨VPC访问? (126)4.2.4 客户Http的Server端关闭导致Redis访问失败 (127)4.2.5 客户端出现概率性超时错误 (127)4.2.6 使用Jedis连接池报错如何处理? (127)4.2.7 客户端访问Redis实例出现“ERR unknown command”的原因是什么? (129)4.2.8 如何使用Redis-desktop-manager访问Redis实例? (129)4.2.9 使用SpringCloud时出现ERR Unsupported CONFIG subcommand怎么办? (130)4.2.10 Redis实例连接失败的原因排查 (131)4.2.11 连接池选择及Jedis连接池参数配置建议 (131)4.2.12 使用Redis实例的发布订阅(pubsub)有哪些注意事项? (134)4.3 Redis使用 (134)4.3.1 Redis实例CPU使用率达到100%的原因 (134)4.3.2 Redis实例能否修改VPC和子网? (134)4.3.3 Redis 4.0/5.0实例为什么没有安全组信息? (134)4.3.4 Redis实例支持的单个Key和Value数据大小是否有限制? (134)4.3.5 Redis集群可以读取每个节点的IP地址吗? (135)4.3.6 创建缓存实例,为什么可使用内存比实例规格少一些? (135)4.3.7 Redis实例是否支持多DB方式? (135)4.3.8 Redis集群实例是否支持原生集群? (135)4.3.9 Redis实例是否支持配置哨兵模式? (135)4.3.10 Redis默认的数据逐出策略是什么? (135)4.3.11 使用redis-exporter出错怎么办? (136)4.3.12 Redis3.0 Proxy集群不支持redisson分布式锁的原因 (136)4.3.13 实例是否支持自定义或修改端口? (136)4.3.14 实例是否支持修改访问地址? (137)4.3.15 DCS实例是否支持跨可用区部署? (137)4.3.16 集群实例启动时间过长是什么原因? (137)4.3.17 客户使用Redis版本和DCS Redis版本不同是否存在兼容问题? (137)4.3.18 DCS Redis有没有后台管理软件? (137)4.3.19 Redis实例经常内存满了但是key不多的原因 (137)4.3.20 DCS缓存实例的数据被删除之后,能否找回? (138)4.3.21 访问Redis返回“Error in execution” (138)4.3.22 Redis key丢失是什么原因 (138)4.3.23 重启实例后缓存数据会保留吗? (138)4.4 Redis命令 (138)4.4.1 如何清空Redis数据? (139)4.4.2 高危命令如何重命名? (139)4.4.3 是否支持pipeline命令? (139)4.4.4 Redis是否支持INCR/EXPIRE等命令? (139)4.4.5 Redis命令执行失败的可能原因 (140)4.4.7 Redis命令执行是否有超时时间?超时了会出现什么结果? (141)4.5 扩容缩容与实例升级 (141)4.5.1 Redis实例是否支持版本升级?如Redis4.0升级到Redis5.0? (141)4.5.2 DCS实例规格变更是否需要关闭或重启实例? (141)4.5.3 DCS实例规格变更的业务影响 (141)4.5.4 Redis实例变更失败的原因 (142)4.6 监控告警 (143)4.6.1 如何查看Redis实例的实时并发连接数和最大连接数 (143)4.6.2 Redis命令是否支持审计? (143)4.6.3 Redis监控数据异常处理方法 (143)4.6.4 为什么实例实际可用内存比申请规格小而且已使用内存不为0? (143)4.6.5 监控数据出现实例已使用内存略大于实例可使用内存是什么原因? (144)4.6.6 为什么带宽使用率指标会超过100% (144)4.6.7 监控指标中存在已拒绝连接数是什么原因? (144)4.7 数据备份/导出/迁移 (145)4.7.1 如何导出Redis实例数据? (145)4.7.2 是否支持控制台导出RDB格式的Redis备份文件? (145)4.7.3 迁移过程中为什么进程总是被kill? (145)4.7.4 Redis在线数据迁移是迁移整个实例数据么? (146)4.7.5 DCS支持数据持久化吗?开启持久化有什么影响? (146)4.7.6 AOF文件在什么情况下会被重写 (146)4.7.7 使用Rump在线迁移 (147)4.8 主备倒换 (148)4.8.1 发生主备倒换的原因有哪些? (148)4.8.2 主备倒换的业务影响 (148)4.8.3 主备实例发生主备倒换后是否需要客户端切换IP? (148)4.8.4 Redis主备同步机制怎样? (148)5 错误码 (150)5.1 111400111 实例重启中,请稍后重试 (150)5.2 111400113 实例正在规格变更中,请稍后重试 (150)5.3 111403002 租户只有只读权限,无法操作DCS (150)5.4 DCS.2007 您的权限不足 (151)5.5 dcs.08.0002 操作超时 (151)5.6 111403003 角色没有操作权限,无法执行此操作 (151)5.7 111400010 实例名称不合法,请以字母,中文,或数字开头,且只能包含中文、字母、数字、下划线或者中划线,长度为4-64 (152)5.8 111400096 当前实例正在备份中,请稍后再试 (152)5.9 111400011 实例描述长度必须为0~1024 (152)5.10 111400017 实例正在执行后台任务 (153)5.11 111400020 子网的DHCP必须开启 (153)5.12 111400019 密码复杂度不符合要求 (153)5.13 DCS.4026 实例的当前状态不支持此操作 (154)5.14 111400027 当前节点不支持该操作 (154)5.15 111400035 租户实例配额不足 (154)5.16 111400039 请求调整配额超出限制范围 (155)5.17 111400036 租户内存配额不足 (155)5.18 111400042 可用区不存在。
浪潮存储NAS 4.0 用户指南说明书
![浪潮存储NAS 4.0 用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6fde1a67a4e9856a561252d380eb6294dc882270.png)
q q q用户指南产品限制文件存储NAS目前只支持NFSv3和NFSv4两种协议,后续将逐步提供Samba等更多协议的支持。
HUAWEI华为 MatePad 10
![HUAWEI华为 MatePad 10](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/66b20848f56527d3240c844769eae009581ba2ca.png)
强制重启:长按电源键 10 秒以上,可强制重启。
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华为 OceanStor Dorado 5000 6000 全闪存存储系统产品介绍说明书
![华为 OceanStor Dorado 5000 6000 全闪存存储系统产品介绍说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a2c7c218e418964bcf84b9d528ea81c758f52e2a.png)
Huawei OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000are mid-range storage systems in the OceanStor Dorado all-flash series,and are designed to provide excellent data service experience for enterprises.Both products are equipped with innovative hardware platform,intelligent FlashLink®algorithms,and an end-to-end (E2E)NVMe architecture,ensuring the storage systems deliver a 30%higher performance than the previous generation,and achieve the latency down to just 0.05ms.The intelligent algorithms are built into the storage system to make storage more intelligent during the application operations.Furthermore,the five-level reliability design ensures the continuity of core business.Excelling in scenarios such as OLTP/OLAP databases,server virtualization,VDI,and resource consolidation,OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000all-flash systems are smart choices for medium and large enterprises,and have already been widely adopted in the finance,government,healthcare,education,energy,and manufacturing fields.The storage systems are ready to maximize your return on investment (ROI)and benefit diverse industries.OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000All-Flash Storage Systems 30%higher performance than theprevious generation E2E NVMe for 0.05ms of ultra-low latencyFlashLink®intelligent algorithmsSCM intelligent cache acceleration for 60%lower latencyDistributed file system with 30%higher performanceLeading Performance withInnovative Hardware✓The intelligent multi-protocol interface module hosts the protocol parsing previously performed by the general-purpose CPU, expediting the front-end access performance by 20%.✓The computing platform offers industry-leading performance with 25% higher computing power than the industry average.✓The intelligent accelerator module analyzes and understands I/O rules of multiple application models based 3-layer intelligent management:•365-day capacity trends prediction •60-day performance bottleneck prediction •14-day disk fault prediction •Immediate solutions for 93%ofproblemsSAN&NAS convergence,storage and computing convergence,and cross-gen device convergence for efficient resource utilizationFlashEver:No data migration over 10years for 3-gen systems Efficient O&M with IntelligentEdge-Cloud SynergyComponent reliability :Wear leveling and anti-wear levelingArchitecture and product reliability :0data loss in the event of failures of controllers,disk enclosures,or three disksSolution and cloud reliability :The industry's only A-A solution for SAN and NAS,geo-redundant 3DC solution,and gateway-free cloud backup Always-On Applications with5-Layer ReliabilityProduct Features Ever Fast Performance with Innovative Hardware Innovative hardware platform: The hardware platform of Huawei storage enables E2E data acceleration, improving the system performance by 30% compared to the previousgeneration.on machine learning frameworks to implement intelligentprefetching of memory space. This improves the read cache hit ratio by 50%.✓SmartCache+ SCM intelligent multi-tier caching identify whether or not the data is hot and uses different media tostore it, reducing the latency by 60% in OLTP (100% reads) scenarios.✓The intelligent SSD hosts the core Flash Translation Layer (FTL) algorithm, accelerating data access in SSDs andreducing the write latency by half.✓The intelligent hardware has a built-in Huawei storage fault library that accelerates component fault location anddiagnosis, and shortens the fault recovery time from 2hours to just 10 minutes.Intelligent algorithms: Most flash vendors lack E2E innate capabilities to ensure full performance from their SSDs. OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000 runs industry-leading FlashLink® intelligent algorithms based on self-developed controllers, disk enclosures, and operating systems.✓Many-core balancing algorithm: Taps into the many-core computing power of a controller to maximize the dataprocessing capability.✓Service splitting algorithm: Offloads reconstruction services from the controller enclosure to the smart SSD enclosure to ease the load pressure of the controller enclosure for moreefficient I/O processing.✓Cache acceleration algorithm: Accelerates batch processing with the intelligent module to bring intelligence to storagesystems during application operations.The data layout between SSDs and controllers is coordinated synchronously.✓Large-block sequential write algorithm: Aggregates multiple discrete data blocks into a unified big data blockfor disk flushing, reducing write amplification and ensuringstable performance.✓Independent metadata partitioning algorithm: Effectively controls the performance compromise caused by garbagecollection for stable performance.✓I/O priority adjustment algorithm: Ensures that read and write I/Os are always prioritized, shortening the accesslatency.FlashLink® intelligent algorithms give full play to all flash memory and help Huawei OceanStor Dorado achieve unparalleled performance for a smoother service experience.E2E NVMe architecture for full series: All-flash storage has been widely adopted by enterprises to upgrade existing ITsystems, but always-on service models continue to push IT system performance boundaries to a new level. Conventional SAS-based all-flash storage cannot break the bottleneck of 0.5 ms latency. NVMe all-flash storage, on the other hand, is a future-proof architecture that implements direct communication between the CPU and SSDs, shortening the transmission path. In addition, the quantity of concurrencies is increased by 65,536 times, and the protocol interaction is reduced from four times to two, which doubles the write request processing. Huawei is a pioneer in adopting end-to-end NVMe architecture across the entire series. OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000 all-flash systems use the industry-leading 32 Gb FC-NVMe/100 Gb RoCE protocols at the front end and adopt Huawei-developed link-layer protocols to implement failover within seconds and plug-and-play, thus improving the reliability and O&M. It also uses a 100 Gb RDMA protocol at the back end for E2E data acceleration. This enables latency as low as 0.05 ms and 10x faster transmission than SAS all-flash storage. Globally shared distributed file system: The OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000 all-flash storage systems support the NAS function and use the globally shared distributed file systems to ensure ever-fast NAS performance. To make full use of computing power, the many-core processors in a controller process services concurrently. In addition, intelligent data prefetching and layout further shorten the access latency, achieving over 30% higher NAS performance than the industry benchmark.Linear increase of performance and capacity: Unpredictable business growth requires storage to provide simple linear increases in performance as more capacity is added to keep up with ever-changing business needs. OceanStor Dorado5000/6000 support the scale-out up to 16 controllers, and IOPS increases linearly as the quantity of controller enclosures increases, matching the performance needs of the future business development.Efficient O&M with Intelligent Edge-Cloud Synergy Extreme convergence: Huawei OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000 all-flash storage systems provide multiple functions to meet diversified service requirements, improve storage resource utilization, and effectively reduce the TCO. The storage systems provide both SAN and NAS services and support parallel access, ensuring the optimal path for dual-service access. Built-in containers support storage and compute convergence, reducing IT construction costs, eliminating the latency between servers and storage, and improving performance. The convergence of cross-generation devices allows data to flow freely, simplifying O&M and reducing IT purchasing costs.On and off-cloud synergy: Huawei OceanStor Dorado5000/6000 all-flash systems combine general-purpose cloud intelligence with customized edge intelligence over a built-inintelligent hardware platform, providing incremental training and deep learning for a personalized customer experience. The eService intelligent O&M and management platform collects and analyzes over 190,000 device patterns on the live network in real time, extracts general rules, and enhances basic O&M. Intelligence throughout service lifecycle: Intelligent management covers resource planning, provisioning, system tuning, risk prediction, and fault location, and enables 60-day and 14-day predictions of performance bottleneck and disk faults respectively, and immediate solutions for 93% of problems detected.FlashEver: The intelligent flexible architecture implements component-based upgrades without the need for data migration within 10 years. Users can enjoy latest-generation software and hardware capabilities without investing again in the related storage software features.Always-On Applications with 5-Layer Reliability Industries such as finance, manufacturing, and carriers are upgrading to intelligent service systems to meet the strategy of sustainable development. This will likely lead to diverse services and data types that require better IT architecture. Huawei OceanStor Dorado all-flash storage is an ideal choice for customers who need robust IT systems that consolidate multiple types of services for stable, always on services. It ensures end-to-end reliability at all levels, from component, architecture, product, solution, all the way to cloud, supporting data consolidation scenarios with 99.9999% availability. Benchmark-Setting 5-Layer ReliabilityComponent –SSDs: Reliability has always been a top concern in the development of SSDs, and Huawei SSDs are a prime example of this. Leveraging global wear-leveling technology, Huawei SSDs can balance their loads for a longer lifespan of each SSD. In addition, Huawei's patented anti-wear leveling technology prevents simultaneous multi-SSD failures and improves the reliability of the entire system.Architecture –fully interconnected design: Huawei OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000 adopt the intelligent matrix architecture (multi-controller) within a fully symmetric active-active (A-A) design to eliminate single points of failure and achieve high system availability. Application servers can access LUNs through any controller, instead of just a single controller. Multiple controllers share workload pressure using the load balancing algorithm. If a controller fails, other controllers take over services smoothly without any service interruption. Product –enhanced hardware and software: Product design is a systematic process. Before a stable storage system is commercially released, it must ensure that it meets the demands from both software and hardware, and can faultlesslyhost key enterprise applications. The OceanStor Dorado5000/6000 are equipped with hardware that adopts a fully redundant architecture and supports dual-port NVMe and hot swap, preventing single points of failure. The innovative 9.5 mm palm-sized SSDs and biplanar orthogonal backplane design provide 44% higher capacity density and 25% improved heat dissipation capability, and ensure stable operations of 2U 36-slot SSD enclosures. The smart SSD enclosure is the first ever to feature built-in intelligent hardware that offloads reconstruction from the controller to the smart SSD enclosure. Backed up by RAID-TP technology, the smart SSD enclosure can tolerate simultaneous failures of three SSDs and reconstruct 1 TB of data within 25 minutes. In addition, the storage systems offer comprehensive enterprise-grade features, such as 3-second periodic snapshots, that set a new standard for storage product reliability.Solution –gateway-free active-active solution: Flash storage is designed for enterprise applications that require zero data loss or zero application interruption. OceanStor Dorado5000/6000 use a gateway-free A-A solution for SAN and NAS to prevent node failures, simplify deployment, and improve system reliability. In addition, the A-A solution implements A-A mirroring for load balancing and cross-site takeover without service interruption, ensuring that core applications are not affected by system breakdown. The all-flash systems provide the industry's only A-A solution for NAS, ensuring efficient, reliable NAS performance. They also offer the industry's firstall-IP active-active solution for SAN, which uses long-distance RoCE transmission to improve performance by 50% compared with traditional IP solutions. In addition, the solution can be smoothly upgraded to the geo-redundant 3DC solution for high-level data protection.Cloud –gateway-free cloud DR*: Traditional backup solutions are slow, expensive, and the backup data cannot be directly used. Huawei OceanStor Dorado 5000/6000 systems provide a converged data management solution. It improves the backup frequency 30-fold using industry-leading I/O-level backup technology, and allows backup copies to be directly used for development and testing. The disaster recovery (DR) and backup are integrated in the storage array, slashing TCO of DR construction by 50%. Working with HUAWEI CLOUD and Huawei jointly-operated clouds, the solution achieves gateway-free DR and DR in minutes on the cloud.Technical SpecificationsModel OceanStor Dorado 5000 OceanStor Dorado 6000 Hardware SpecificationsMaximum Number ofControllers3232Maximum Cache (DualControllers, Expanding withthe Number of Controllers)256 GB-8 TB 1 TB-16 TBSupported Storage Protocols FC, iSCSI, NFS*, CIFS*Front-End Port Types8/16/32 Gbit/s FC/FC-NVMe*, 10/25/40/100 GbE, 25/100 Gb NVMe over RoCE*Back-End Port Types SAS 3.0/ 100 Gb RDMAMaximum Number of Hot-Swappable I/O Modules perController Enclosure12Maximum Number of Front-End Ports per ControllerEnclosure48Maximum Number of SSDs3,2004,800SSDs 1.92 TB/3.84 TB/7.68 TB palm-sized NVMe SSD,960 GB/1.92 TB/3.84 TB/7.68 TB/15.36 TB SASSSDSCM Supported800 GB SCM*Software SpecificationsSupported RAID Levels RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID 10*, and RAID-TP (tolerates simultaneous failures of 3 SSDs)Number of LUNs16,38432,768Value-Added Features SmartDedupe, SmartVirtualization, SmartCompression, SmartMigration, SmartThin,SmartQoS(SAN&NAS), HyperSnap(SAN&NAS), HyperReplication(SAN&NAS),HyperClone(SAN&NAS), HyperMetro(SAN&NAS), HyperCDP(SAN&NAS), CloudBackup*,SmartTier*, SmartCache*, SmartQuota(NAS)*, SmartMulti-Tenant(NAS)*, SmartContainer* Storage ManagementSoftwareDeviceManager UltraPath eServicePhysical SpecificationsPower Supply SAS SSD enclosure: 100V–240V AC±10%,192V–288V DC,-48V to -60V DCController enclosure/Smart SAS diskenclosure/Smart NVMe SSD enclosure: 200V–240V AC±10%, 100–240V AC±10%,192V–288V DC, 260V–400V DC,-48V to -60V DC SAS SSD enclosure: 100V–240V AC±10%, 192V–288V DC, -48V to -60V DC Controller enclosure/Smart SAS SSD enclosure/Smart NVMe SSD enclosure: 200V–240V AC±10%, 192V–288V DC, 260V–400V DC,-48V to -60V DCTechnical SpecificationsModel OceanStor Dorado 5000 OceanStor Dorado 6000 Physical SpecificationsDimensions (H x W x D)SAS controller enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447mm ×820 mmNVMe controller enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447mm ×920 mmSAS SSD enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447 mm ×410 mmSmart SAS SSD enclosure: 86.1 mm x 447mm x 520 mmNVMe SSD enclosure: 86.1 mm x 447 mm x620 mmSAS controller enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447mm ×820 mmNVMe controller enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447mm ×920 mmSAS SSD enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447 mm ×410 mmSmart SAS SSD enclosure: 86.1 mm ×447mm ×520 mmNVMe SSD enclosure: 86.1 mm x 447 mm x620 mmWeight SAS controller enclosure: ≤ 45 kgNVMe controller enclosure: ≤ 50 kgSAS SSD enclosure: ≤ 20 kgSmart SAS SSD enclosure: ≤ 30 kgSmart NVMe SSD enclosure: ≤ 35 kg SAS controller enclosure: ≤ 45 kg NVMe controller enclosure: ≤ 50 kg SAS SSD enclosure: ≤ 20 kgSmart SAS SSD enclosure: ≤ 30 kg Smart NVMe SSD enclosure: ≤ 35 kgOperating Temperature–60 m to +1800 m altitude: 5°C to 35°C (bay) or 40°C (enclosure)1800 m to 3000 m altitude: The max. temperature threshold decreases by 1°C for everyaltitude increase of 220 mOperating Humidity10% RH to 90% RHCopyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissions, HUAWEI, and are trademarks or registered trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Other trademarks, product, service and company names mentioned are the property of their respective holders.Disclaimer THE CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAWS, NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE IN RELATION TOTHE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY OR CONTENTS OF THIS MANUAL.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO CASE SHALL HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSTPROFITS, BUSINESS, REVENUE, DATA, GOODWILL OR ANTICIPATED SAVINGS ARISING OUT OF, OR INCONNECTION WITH, THE USE OF THIS MANUAL.Tel: + S h e n z h en 518129,P.R.C h i n aBantian Longgang DistrictHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTD.To learn more about Huawei storage, please contact your local Huawei officeor visit the Huawei Enterprise website: .Huawei Enterprise APPHuawei IT。
IP SAN/NAS 存储产品 快速使用手册(Version 1.0)杭州海康威视数字技术有限公司地址:浙江省杭州市马塍路36号电话:86(571)-88075998传真:86(571)-88805843网址:目录一.产品简介 (1)1. 产品概述 (1)2. 产品主要功能 (1)二. 硬件安装 (1)1. 硬件子系统 (1)2. 开机和关机 (5)三. 设定海康威视IP SAN/NAS的访问IP (6)四.RAID创建和使用 (9)1. 登陆RAID管理子系统 (9)2. 物理磁盘的扫描和阵列的创建 (10)3. 阵列创建 (10)4. 阵列重构 (12)5. 将阵列空间添加到虚拟存储池 (13)五.DVR存储空间使用说明 (14)1. DVR存储空间分配 (15)2. DVR端配置 (18)六. 建立对海康威视IP SAN/NAS存储系统iSCSI的连接 (19)1. 创建iSCSI卷 (19)2. 开启iSCSI服务 (19)3. 建立iSCSI连接 (20)4. 映射为客户端主机本地盘 (24)5. 格式化iSCSI网络盘 (25)七. 建立对海康威视IP SAN/NAS 的NAS连接 (26)1. 新建NAS网络盘 (26)2. 建立NAS网络盘连接 (30)八. 常见疑问解答 (33)九. 备注 (35)一.产品简介1. 产品概述本系列产品是专为安防领域设计的视音频数据IP网络存储设备。
采用专业嵌入式存储操作系统,提供NAS和IP SAN存储功能。
2. 产品主要功能1.NAS文件级数据存储功能2.IP SAN数据块级数据存储功能3.RAID0、1、5、JBOD等级别的数据冗余功能4.网络绑定及负载均衡功能5.其中型号为DS-A9xxRE的存储设备支持硬盘热插拔功能6.设备运行状态的声光、email报警功能7.设备运行状态、操作记录的日志保存和查询功能二. 硬件安装1.硬件子系统海康威视网络存储设备包括硬件子系统和软件子系统两部分,它们的安装可以独立进行,不需要按照固定的顺序去实施。
/ES/Sistema inteligente dealmacenamiento de energía en string100% de profundidad de descarga (DoD)Optimización de energía a nivel de móduloOptimización de la energíaSegura y confiableCelda de litio-ferrofosfato (LFP)Compatible con ambos inversores monofásicos y trifásicosresidencialesCompatibilidad perfectaPuesta en marcha rápidaDetección automáticamente en la APPFácil instalaciónMódulo de potencia de 12 kg Módulo de batería de 50 kgDiseño modular de 5kWh Escalable de 5 a 30 kWhInversión flexibleMódulo de poteniaMódulo de batería(Optimizador de energía incluido)/ES/Especificaciones técnicasLUNA2000-5-S0LUNA2000-10-S0LUNA2000-15-S0CaracterísticasMódulo de potenciaLUNA2000-5KW-C0Número de módulos de potencia 1Módulo de batería LUNA2000-5-E0Energía por módulo de batería 5 kWhNúmero de módulos de batería123Energía útil de la batería1 5 kWh 10 kWh 15 kWh Potencia máxima de salida 2.5 kW 5 kW5 kW Potencia pico de salida3.5 kW, 10 s7 kW, 10 s 7 kW, 10 sTensión nominal (sistema monofásico)360 V Rango de tension de operación (sistema monofásico)350 –560 VTensión nominal (sistema trifásico)600 V Rango de tension de operación (Sistema trifásico)600 –980 VComunicaciónDisplay Indicador del estado SOC, indicador LED ComunicaciónRS485 / CAN (solo para funcionamiento en paralelo)Especificaciones generalesDimensiones (Ancho x Profundo x Alto)670 * 150 * 600 mm(26.4 * 5.9 * 23.6 inch)670 * 150 * 960 mm (26.4 * 5.9 * 37.8 inch)670 * 150 * 1320 mm (26.4 * 5.9 * 60.0 inch)Peso (Kit de herramientas para soporte de suelo incluido)63.8 kg (140.7 lb)113.8 kg (250.9 lb)163.8 kg (361.1 lb)Dimensión del módulo de potencia (AxDxA)670 * 150 * 240 mm (26.4 * 5.9 * 9.4 inch)Peso del módulo de potencia12 kg (26.5 lb)Dimensión del módulo de batería (AxDxA)670 * 150 * 360 mm (26.4 * 5.9 * 14.0 inch)Peso del módulo de batería 50 kg (110.2 lb)2InstalaciónSoporte de suelo (estándar), montaje en pared (opcional)Rango de temperature en operación -20℃~+ 55℃(-4℉~131℉) 3Altitud de operación 0 -4,000 m (13,123 ft.) (Derating por encima de 2,000 m)Medio ambiente Exterior 4(*Consulte el manual de usuario para las condiciones de instalación)Humedad relativa 5%~95%VentilaciónConvección naturalGrado de protección IP 66Emisión de sonidos <29 dBTecnología de célula Litio-ferrofosfato(LiFePO4)Garantía 10 años3EscalabilidadMax. 2 sistemas funcionando en paraleloCompatibilidad con inversoresSUN2000-2/3/3.68/4/4.6/5/6KTL-L1,SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M0 5, SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M1Cumplimiento de normas (más disponibles a pedido)CertificadosCE, RCM, CEC, VDE2510-50, IEC62619, IEC 60730, UN38.3Pedido y pieza entregableProduct ordering model 6LUNA2000-5KW-C0, LUNA2000-5-E0, LUNA2000 Wall Mounting BracketLUNA2000-5/10/15-S0Especificaciones técnicas*1. condiciones del est: profundidad del 100% de la descarga (DoD), carga y descarga de la tarifa 0.2C 25°C, en el comienzo de la vida. Si no se instalan módulos fotovoltaicos o el sistema no ha detectado la luz solar durante al menos 24 horas, el final mínimo de descarga SOC es 15%.*2. El peso del módulo de la batería está sujeto al producto real, con una tolerancia del ±3%.*3. Consulte la carta de garantía de la batería para la aplicación condicional.*4. La instalación inadecuada del sistema de almacenamiento puede comprometer la garantía del producto y la seguridad de la operación. Por favor, siga el manual del usuario durante la instalación, uso y mantenimiento del sistema de almacenamiento.*5. Póngase en contacto con el ingeniero local para la compatibilidad entre el SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M0 con el LUNA2000.*6. El Sistema de almacenamiento se solicitaráy enviarápara módulos de potencia y módulos de batería por sepraddo con sus respectivas cantidades .。
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华为 存储
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华为 家庭存储 快速指南
![华为 家庭存储 快速指南](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/57fe82ed48649b6648d7c1c708a1284ac85005e9.png)
快速指南首次配置二. 手机端安装智慧生活 App在手机可以正常上网的情况下,扫描二维码,或在应用市 场搜索华为智慧生活,下载安装 App。
安装完成后,打开 App,请注册或登录华为帐号。
三. 配置在智慧生活 App 首页点击华为家庭存储,根据界面提示完成配置。
扫码查看产品配置视频方式一:手机在亮屏解锁状态下,打开 NFC 开关,碰一碰华为家庭存储的 NFC 感应区域,根据手机屏幕提示完成操作,即可完成配置。
1手机连接网络(与华为家庭存储在同一局域网),打开智慧生活 App,输入华为帐号及密码。
12认识设备电源开关键:短按一下,设备开机;长按 3 秒以上,指示灯白色闪烁后松开,设备关机;长按 15 秒以上,指示灯红色闪烁后松开,设备恢复出厂设置硬盘架把手451 号盘位5.12 号盘位5.26硬盘防拆锁7USB 3.0:连接移动硬盘或 U 盘等 USB 接口的外部存储设备,用于传输数据电源接口2.5GE 接口:2500兆网口,推荐连接路由器以获取更高的访问速率。
此时,电脑等设备可连接 GE 接口上网8GE 接口:千兆网口,电脑等设备可连接此接口上网911指纹键:用于指纹保密柜验证110白色常亮红色常亮白色闪烁指示灯整机系统状态正常整机系统状态异常与路由器网口未连接或无法连接到网络指纹验证失败:指示灯红色显示后恢复到白色常亮 硬盘故障系统升级或关机过程中红色闪烁恢复出厂设置过程中若您购买的是无盘版本,请在首次配置前购买硬盘并按照第 6 页“硬盘安装”步骤进行操作。
一. 连线如果指示灯始终显示红色,请参考第 10 页“常见问题 1”进行故障排除。
华为HiSecEngine Eudemon1000E-F系列AI防火墙产品简介说明书
![华为HiSecEngine Eudemon1000E-F系列AI防火墙产品简介说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e953c3ca88271fe910ef12d2af90242a895aba5.png)
HiSecEngine Eudemon1000E-F Series AI FirewallsOverviewThe Eudemon1000E-F is a new series firewall developed by Huawei to meet the needs of carriers, enterprises, and next-generation data centers. It combines industry-leading security technologies such as access control, intrusion prevention (IPS), antivirus (AV), URL filtering, anti-spam, and data loss prevention with rich security, robust processing and carrier-class reliability. Inheriting the Eudemon series' outstanding firewall, VPN, and routing features, it helps you build a fast, efficient, and secure network.Product HighlightsComprehensive and Integrated Protection⚫Integrates the traditional firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, antivirus, data leak prevention, bandwidth management, URL filtering, and online behavior management functions all in one device.⚫Implements refined bandwidth management based on applications and websites, preferentially forwards key services, and ensures bandwidth for key services.⚫Comes with an antivirus content-based detection engine (CDE) powered by intelligence technologies that helps detect unknown threats, and provides in-depth data analysis to gain insight into threat activities and quickly detect malicious files, effectively improving the threatdetection rate.Easy Security Management⚫Rapidly deploys security policies using scenario-specific templates.⚫Complies with the minimum permission control principle and automatically generates policy tuning suggestions based on network traffic and application risks.⚫Analyzes the policy matching ratio and discovers redundant and invalid policies to remove policies and simplify policy management.⚫Supports Huawei SecoManager to achieve a unified configuration, management and maintenance of all devices.High Performance⚫Uses the network processing platform, improving forwarding performance significantly.⚫Enables pattern matching and accelerates encryption/decryption, improving the performance for processing IPS, antivirus, and IPSec services. High Port Density⚫The device has multiple types of interfaces, such as 100G,40G, 10G, and 1G interfaces. Services can be flexibly expanded without extra interface cards.Note: The interface types supported by different models vary. For details, see the specification table.DeploymentExternal Threat Prevention⚫Coming along with the abundant Internet resources are threats such as DDoS attacks, maliciousintrusions, and viruses.⚫The capabilities of supporting large numbers of concurrent connections and new connections persecond help to combat the numerous DDoS attacks.Empowered by advanced IPS and antivirustechnologies as well as vulnerability-based andreal-time updated signature database, theEudemon1000E-F series implements near-zerofalse positives and negatives and a detection ratio of higher than 99%; defends against diversifiedthreats from the Internet, and ensures the security of the intranet . Network Isolation and VPN Interconnection⚫Network areas are not clearly divided, access control is insufficient, and the data transmittedbetween mobile employees or branches and theheadquarters is likely to be intercepted or tampered with.⚫Delivers high throughput to avoid bottleneck at network borders, supports security zones to clearly divide networks, offers flexible packet filteringpolicies to accurately control communication, and encapsulates and checks packets of VPN users to ensure the security of data communication.HackerMalwareInternetEudemonDatacenterBranchInternetHeadquartersUserIPSec VPNSSL VPNEudemonHardwareSoftware FeaturesFeature DescriptionIntegrated protection Integrates firewall, VPN, intrusion prevention, antivirus, data leak prevention, bandwidth management, anti-DDoS, URL filtering, and anti-spam functions. Provides a global configuration view, and manages policies in a unified manner.Application identification and control Identifies over 6000 applications and supports the access control granularity down to application functions. The firewall combines application identification with intrusion detection, antivirus, and data filtering, improving detection performance and accuracy.Intrusion prevention and web protection Accurately detects and defends against vulnerability-specific attacks based on up-to-date threat information. The firewall can defend against web-specific attacks, including SQL injection and XSS attacks.Antivirus Supports intelligent antivirus engine that helps detect hundreds of millions of virus variants.Bandwidth management Manages per-user and per-IP bandwidth in addition to identifying service applications to ensure the network access experience of key services and users. Control methods include limiting the maximum bandwidth, ensuring the minimumbandwidth, and changing application forwarding priorities.Eudemon1000E-F15/F25Eudemon1000E-F35/F55/F85Eudemon1000E-F125Eudemon1000E-F205Feature DescriptionURL filtering Supports remote query for URL categories. The URL category database contains over 140 million URL categories. URL category query servers are deployed globally to offer high-speed, low-latency category query services and meet the regulatory requirements of different countries and regions. URL category filtering can implement URL access control for users or groups based on information such as users or groups, time ranges, and security zones, accurately managing users' online behaviors.Intelligent uplink selection Supports service-specific PBR and intelligent uplink selection based on multiple load balancing algorithms (for example, based on bandwidth ratio and link health status) in multi-egress scenarios.VPN encryption Supports multiple highly available VPN features, such as IPSec VPN, SSL VPN, and GRE, as well as multiple encryption algorithms, such as DES, 3DES, AES, and SHA.Anti-DDoS Defends against more than 10+types of common DDoS attacks, including SYN flood and UDP flood attacks.Security virtualization Supports virtualization of multiple types of security services, including firewall, intrusion prevention, antivirus, and VPN. Users can separately conduct personal management on the same physical device.Security policy management Controls traffic based on the 5-tuples, security zone, application, and time range, and implements integrated content security detection.Uses predefined templates for common attack defense scenarios to rapidly deploy security policies, reducing learning costs.Diversified reports Provides visualized and multi-dimensional report display by user, application, content, time, traffic, threat, and URL.Routing Supports multiple types of routing protocols and features, such as RIP, OSPF, BGP, IS-IS, RIPng, OSPFv3, BGP4+, and IPv6 IS-IS.Deployment and reliability Supports transparent, routing, and hybrid working modes and high availability (HA), including the Active/Active and Active/Standby modes.SpecificationPerformance and Capability Eudemon1000E-F15Eudemon1000E-F25 IPv4 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/64-byte, UDP)15/15/15 Gbit/s25/25/25 Gbit/s IPv6 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/84-byte, UDP)15/15/15 Gbit/s25/2525 Gbit/s Firewall Throughput(Packet per Second)22.5 Mpps37.5 M pps Firewall Latency (64-byte, UDP)18 µs18 µsFW + SA* Throughput28Gbps12Gbps NGFW Throughput36Gbps10Gbps NGFW Throughput(Enterprise Mix)4 4.6Gbps 4.6Gbps Threat Protection Throughput (Enterprise Mix)54Gbps4Gbps Concurrent Sessions (HTTP1.1)110,000,00010,000,000 New Sessions/Second (HTTP1.1)1250,000250,000 IPSec VPN Throughput1 (AES-256 + SHA256, 1420-byte)10 Gbit/s15 Gbit/s Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (GW to GW)15,00015,000 Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (Client to GW)15,00015,000SSL VPN Throughput6 1 Gbit/s 1.5 Gbit/s Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Default/Maximum)100/2000100/2000 Security Policies (Maximum)40,00040,000 Virtual Firewalls 10001000URL Filtering: Categories More than 130URL Filtering: URLs Can access a database of over 120 million URLs in the cloudAutomated Threat Feed and IPS Signature Updates Yes, an industry-leading security center from Huawei (/sec/web/index.do)Centralized Management Centralized configuration, logging, monitoring, and reporting is performed by Huawei SecoManagerVLANs (Max)4094VLANIF Interfaces (Max)1000High Availability Configurations Active/Active, Active/StandbyPerformance and CapabilityNote:1. Performance is tested under ideal conditions based on RFC2544, 3511. The actual result may vary with deployment environments.2. SA performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.3. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.4. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.5. The threat protection throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, IPS,and AV enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.6. SSL VPN throughput is measured using TLS v1.2 with AES128-SHA.*SA: Service Awareness.Hardware Specification Eudemon1000E-F15Eudemon1000E-F25 Dimensions (H x W x D) mm43.6 x 442 x 420Form Factor/Height1UFixed Interface8*GE COMBO + 4*GE(RJ45) + 4*GE(SFP)+ 6*10GE(SFP+)USB Port 1 x USB 3.0 portsWeight (Empty Configuration) 6.3 kgLocal Storage Optional, 1 * 2.5 inch 240G SSD storage, or 1 * 2.5 inch 1TB HDD storage Maximum Power Consumption222WAC Power Supply AC:100V to 240V, 50/60Hz DC: -48V to 60VPower Supplies Dual AC or dual DC power suppliesOperating Environment (Temperature/Humidity)Temperature: 0°C to 45°C (without optional HDD);5°C to 40°C (with optional HDD)Humidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingNon-operating Environment Temperature: –40°C to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingOperating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Non-operating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Noise Maximum value < 72 DbaHardware SpecificationSpecificationPerformance and Capability Eudemon1000E-F35Eudemon1000E-F55Eudemon1000E-F85IPv4 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/64-byte, UDP)35/35/35 Gbit/s50/50/40 Gbit/s80/80/40 Gbit/s IPv6 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/84-byte, UDP)35/35/25 Gbit/s50/50/25 Gbit/s80/80/25 Gbit/s Firewall Throughput(Packet per Second)52.5 Mpps60 Mpps60 M pps Firewall Latency (64-byte, UDP)18 µs18 µs18 µsFW + SA* Throughput218Gbps25Gbps25Gbps NGFW Throughput312Gbps18Gbps18Gbps NGFW Throughput (Enterprise Mix)48Gbps8Gbps8Gbps Threat Protection Throughput (Enterprise Mix)57Gbps7Gbps7Gbps Concurrent Sessions (HTTP1.1)120,000,00020,000,00025,000,000 New Sessions/Second (HTTP1.1)1500,000500,000750,000 IPSec VPN Throughput1 (AES-256 + SHA256, 1420-byte)20 Gbit/s30 Gbit/s30Gbit/s Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (GW to GW)200002000020000 Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (Client to GW)200002000020000 SSL VPN Throughput6 3 Gbit/s 3 Gbit/s 5 Gbit/s Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Default/Maximum)50005000100/5000 Security Policies (Maximum)60,00060,00060000 Virtual Firewalls 100010001000 URL Filtering: Categories More than 130URL Filtering: URLs Can access a database of over 120 million URLs in the cloudAutomated Threat Feed and IPS Signature Updates Yes, an industry-leading security center from Huawei (/sec/web/index.do)Centralized Management Centralized configuration, logging, monitoring, and reporting is performed by Huawei SecoManagerVLANs (Max)4094VLANIF Interfaces (Max)1000High Availability Configurations Active/Active, Active/Standby Performance and CapabilityHardware SpecificationEudemon1000E-F35Eudemon1000E-F55Eudemon1000E-F85Dimensions (H x W x D) mm43.6 x 442 x 420Form Factor/Height1UFixed Interface 8*GE COMBO + 4*GE(RJ45)+ 10*10GE(SFP+)USB Port 1 x USB 3.0 portsWeight (Empty Configuration)7.3 kgLocal Storage Optional, 1 * 2.5 inch 240G SSD storage, or 1 * 2.5 inch 1TB HDD storage Maximum Power Consumption242WAC Power Supply AC:100V to 240V, 50/60Hz DC: -48V to 60VPower SuppliesDual AC or dual DC power suppliesOperating Environment (Temperature/Humidity)Temperature: 0°C to 45°C (without optional HDD); 5°C to 40°C (with optional HDD)Humidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingNon-operating Environment Temperature: –40°C to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingOperating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD)Non-operating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD)Noise Maximum value < 72 DbaHardware SpecificationNote :1. Performance is tested under ideal conditions based on RFC2544, 3511. The actual result may vary with deployment environments.2. SA performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.3. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.4. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.5. The threat protection throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, IPS, and AV enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.6. SSL VPN throughput is measured using TLS v1.2 with AES128-SHA.*SA: Service Awareness.SpecificationPerformance and Capability Eudemon1000E-F125Eudemon1000E-F205 IPv4 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/64-byte, UDP)160/160/80 Gbit/s240/240/120 Gbit/s IPv6 Firewall Throughput1(1518/512/84-byte, UDP)160/120/50 Gbit/s240/200/75 Gbit/s Firewall Throughput(Packet per Second)120 M pps180 M pps Firewall Latency (64-byte, UDP)35 µs35 µsFW + SA* Throughput250Gbps75Gbps NGFW Throughput336Gbps54Gbps NGFW Throughput(Enterprise Mix)416Gbps24Gbps Threat Protection Throughput (Enterprise Mix)514Gbps21Gbps Concurrent Sessions (HTTP1.1)150,000,00075,000,000New Sessions/Second (HTTP1.1)11,500,0002,250,000 IPSec VPN Throughput1 (AES-256 + SHA256, 1420-byte)45Gbit/s65Git/s Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (GW to GW)4000060000 Maximum IPSec VPN Tunnels (Client to GW)4000060000SSL VPN Throughput610 Gbit/s12 Gbit/s Concurrent SSL VPN Users (Default/Maximum)100/10000100/15000 Security Policies (Maximum)6000060000Virtual Firewalls 10001000URL Filtering: Categories More than 130URL Filtering: URLs Can access a database of over 120 million URLs in the cloudAutomated Threat Feed and IPS Signature Updates Yes, an industry-leading security center from Huawei (/sec/web/index.do)Centralized Management Centralized configuration, logging, monitoring, and reporting is performed by Huawei SecoManagerVLANs (Max)4094VLANIF Interfaces (Max)1000High Availability Configurations Active/Active, Active/StandbyPerformance and CapabilityNote:1. Performance is tested under ideal conditions based on RFC2544, 3511. The actual result may vary with deployment environments.2. SA performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.3. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using 100 KB HTTP files.4. NGFW throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, and IPS enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.5. The threat protection throughput is measured with Firewall, SA, IPS, and AV enabled; the performance is measured using the Enterprise Mix Traffic Model.6. SSL VPN throughput is measured using TLS v1.2 with AES128-SHA.*SA: Service Awareness.Hardware Specification Eudemon1000E-F125Eudemon1000E-F205 Dimensions (H x W x D) mm43.6 x 442 x 600Form Factor/Height1UFixed Interface 2*100GE(QSFP28) + 2*40G(QSFP+)+8*25(ZSFP+) + 20*GE(SFP+)14*100GE(QSFP28) +16*25GE(ZSFP+) + 8*GE(SFP+)2USB Port 1 x USB 3.0 portsWeight (Empty Configuration) 6.3 kgLocal Storage Optional, 1 * 2.5 inch 240G SSD storage, or 1 * 2.5 inch 1TB HDD storage Maximum Power Consumption222WAC Power Supply AC:100V to 240V, 50/60Hz DC: -48V to 60VPower Supplies Dual AC or dual DC power suppliesOperating Environment (Temperature/Humidity)Temperature: 0°C to 45°C (without optional HDD);5°C to 40°C (with optional HDD)Humidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingNon-operating Environment Temperature: –40°C to +70°CHumidity: 5% to 95% (without optional HDD), non-condensing; 5% to 95% (with optional HDD), non-condensingOperating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Non-operating Altitude (Maximum)5,000 meters (without optional HDD); 3,000 meters (with optional HDD) Noise Maximum value < 72 DbaHardware SpecificationNote:1. Some 100GE interfaces and 25GE interfaces of Eudemon1000E-F125 are mutually exclusive.2. Some 100GE interfaces and 25GE interfaces of Eudemon1000E-F205 are mutually exclusive.Order InformationProductEudemon1000E-F15-AC Eudemon1000E-F15 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F15-DC Eudemon1000E-F15 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F25-AC Eudemon1000E-F25 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F25-DC Eudemon1000E-F25 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 6*10GE SFP+, 1 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F35-AC Eudemon1000E-F35 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F35-DC Eudemon1000E-F35 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F55-AC Eudemon1000E-F55 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F55-DC Eudemon1000E-F55 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F85-AC Eudemon1000E-F85 AC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 AC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F85-DC Eudemon1000E-F85 DC Host (8*GE COMBO + 4*GE RJ45 + 4*GE SFP + 10*10GE SFP+, 2 DC power supply) Eudemon1000E-F125-AC Eudemon1000E-F125 AC Host (2*QSFP28 + 2*QSFP+ + 8*ZSFP+ + 20*SFP+, 2 AC power supplies) Eudemon1000E-F125-DC Eudemon1000E-F125 DC Host (2*QSFP28 + 2*QSFP+ + 8*ZSFP+ + 20*SFP+, 2 DC power supplies) Eudemon1000E-F205-AC Eudemon1000E-F205 AC Host (4*QSFP28 + 16*ZSFP+ + 8*SFP+, 2 AC power supplies)Eudemon1000E-F205-DC Eudemon1000E-F205 DC Host (4*QSFP28 + 16*ZSFP+ + 8*SFP+, 2 DC power supplies)SSL VPN LicenseLIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-100Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(100 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-200Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(200 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-500Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(500 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-1000Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(1000 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-2000Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(2000 Users)LIC-E1KF-SSLVPN-5000Quantity of SSL VPN Concurrent Users(5000 Users)VSYS LicenseLIC-E1KF--VSYS-10Quantity of Virtual Firewall (10 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-20Quantity of Virtual Firewall (20 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-50Quantity of Virtual Firewall (50 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-100Quantity of Virtual Firewall (100 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-200Quantity of Virtual Firewall (200 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-500Quantity of Virtual Firewall (500 Vsys)LIC-E1KF--VSYS-1000Quantity of Virtual Firewall (1000 Vsys)Threat Protection LicenseLIC-E1KE-Fxx-IPS-1YIPS Update Service Subscribe 12 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-IPS-3YIPS Update Service Subscribe 36 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-AV-1YAV Update Service Subscribe 12 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-AV-3YAV Update Service Subscribe 36 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-URL-1YURL Remote Query Service Subscribe 12MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-URL-3YURL Remote Query Service Subscribe 36MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-TP-1Y-OVSThreat Protection Subscription 12 MonthsLIC-E1KE-Fxx-TP-3Y-OVSThreat Protection Subscription 36 MonthsLIC-E1KE-F-CONTENTContent Security Group FunctionAbout This PublicationThis publication is for reference only and shall not constitute any commitments or guarantees. All trademarks, pictures, logos, and brands mentioned in this document are the property of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. or a third party.For more information, visit /en/products/enterprise-networking/security. Copyright©2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129, People's Republic of ChinaWebsite: Tel: 4008302118Page 7。
黑胜黑胜 NAS 110 网络附着存储设备说明文件说明书
![黑胜黑胜 NAS 110 网络附着存储设备说明文件说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f6ac7fa7951ea76e58fafab069dc5022aaea46e5.png)
The BlackArmor® NAS 110 server is a network attached storage solution designed to provide centralized storage,data backup and media streaming for up to 10 PCs. Help protect important data with automatic full-systembackup, SafetyDrill+™ bare metal recovery software and powerful hardware-based encryption.Highlights• D esigned to provide centralized storage and data backup for up to 10 PCs.• Protect network connected PCs with incremental and full-system, automatic backup.*• Secure files with powerful hardware-based encryption.• Functions as an FTP server, enabling remote file access.• Stream media to DLNA® compliant devices and computers running iTunes® software.• O neTouch® backup button duplicates files from storage devices such as digital cameras and USB drivesconnected to the front USB port.• Includes a reliable Seagate® hard drive.• Connect external drives, share a printer or utilize an uninterrupted power supply with the two USB 2.0 ports.• Event email notification.• 3-year limited warranty.Copyright © 2009 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Wave logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries.BlackArmor, SafetyDrill+, and Global Access are either trademarks or a registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarksor registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to hard drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’soperating system may use a different standard of measurement and report a lower capacity. In addition, some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions, and thus will not be available for data storage.Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. The export or re-export of hardware or software containing encryption may be regulated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureauof Industry and Security (for more information go to ) DS1695.1-0909Visit for more information about these and other Seagate retail products.Perfect for when you need to:• S tore and access files from acentral, secure location.• A ccess and manage filesremotely.• S tream media to DLNAcompliant devices orcomputers running iTunes®software.• A utomatically perform full-system backups on networkconnect PCs.• S ecure files with hardware-based encryption.• S hare a USB printer withnetwork connected PCs andMacs.Interface 10/100/1000 Ethernet, USB 2.0Capacities1TB, 2TBProduct Dimensions Horiz x Vert x Depth - 2.40”x 6.90” x 5.80” (61.00mm x 176.00mm x 147.00mm)Weight: 2.71lbs (1.22kg)Retail Packaging Specs Box dimensions: Horiz x Vert x Depth – 9.29” x 9.02” x 3.66” (235.97mm x 229.11mm x 92.96mm)Box weight: 3.64lbs (1.65kg)Master carton dimensions: Horiz x Vert x Depth – 11.50” x 10.08” x 9.41” (292.1mm x 256.03mm x 239.01mm)Master carton weight: 11.98lbs (5.43kg)Master carton quantity: 3Master cartons per pallet: 64Pallet dimensions: Horiz x Vert x Depth – 48.00” x 48.43” x 40” (1,219.2mm x 1,230.12mm x 1,016mm)Pallet weight: 812.00lbs (368.32kg)Pallet layers: 4Technical Specifications ConnectivityNetwork ProtocolsNetwork AuthenticationFile Sharing ProtocolsVolume ManagementDisk ManagementBackup ManagementEvent ManagementMedia StreamingDownload ServerRemote Access• 1 internal SATA II port• 2 USB 2.0 host portsCIFS NFS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Bonjour®Microsoft Windows® Server Active DirectoryCIFS, NFS, HTTPS, FTP• Share management• Volume level encryption• Multi-volume management• SMART status monitor• L ocal backup(USB device to NAS, NAS to USB device)• Network NAS to NAS backupEvent email notification• iTunes® server• DLNA® compliant digital media serverDownloader (HTTP and FTP)Seagate Global Access™ service• 1 RJ45 Ethernet port (Gigabit)• Share/folder-level access control list (ACL) support• Quotas setting• Drive standby mode• C lient system backup, Bare Metal Restore(full-system recovery) over network• OneTouch® USB storage device backupSoftware Requirements PC On Network• Pentium® III, 500MHz equivalent processor or higher• Microsoft Windows® XP or Microsoft Vista® OS• I nternet Explorer® 6.0 browser or later, or Firefox™ 2.Xbrowser or later (for management interface and web access)• 256MB RAMMac On Network• Mac OS® X 10.4.11 OS or later• Apple® Safari® 3.1 browser or laterSystem Requirements• Local area network (LAN)• Internet connection (for system updates and web access)• W ired or wireless router with an available 10/100/1000Ethernet port• USB printer or USB disk drive (optional)Inside the Box • BlackArmor NAS 110 storage server• 2M – RJ45 cable• AC power cord• Quick Start Guide• CD-ROM with– BlackArmor® Discovery Software for Windows® OS– BlackArmor® Discovery Software for Mac® OS– B lackArmor® Backup Software for Windows OS(5 licenses*)– Online registration link– Warranty information card*Additional licenses available for purchase at Connectivity• O ne Ethernet port for localnetwork connection, web-based management and remoteaccess.• T wo USB 2.0 ports for externaldrives, printers and uninterruptedpower supplies (UPS).• One internal SATA II port.* Includes data backup software licenses for 5 PCs. Additional licenses available for purchase at .Full-system ProtectionSoftware plays an important role in helping to protect your valuable data and with BlackArmor, you can expect nothing less than the best. To help protect all the files on your PC, our software package provides automatic, incremental and full-system backup. In the event of PC hardware failure, you can utilize the SafetyDrill+™ bare metal restore feature to recover your entire system, including the operating system, programs and settings. Furthermore, the included software also allows you to secure your files with powerful 256-bit encryption.You’re in ControlIn addition to the included backup software, the web-based management interface and BlackArmor ® Discovery tool software are also straightforward to use. The BlackArmor Discovery tool software allows you to get up and running quickly by displaying all of the BlackArmor NAS products connected to your network. From the discovery tool, with a single click, you can view or map shared volumes to your computer, access the web-based user interface or back up the PC you are working from. The BlackArmor NAS 110 storage server can also be managed remotely with DDNS, which can be configured from the web-based management interface.The BlackArmor NAS 110 storage server can function as an FTP server, allowing remote access to files. Using the web-based management interface, you can designate user access manually or integrate with Microsoft ® Active Directory.Moreover, the BlackArmor NAS 110 storage server canstream media files to DLNA ® compliant devices or computers running iTunes ® software, allowing you to centralize media and display content simultaneously on multiple devices.Designed to provide centralized storage and data backup.ExpansionThe one rear-mounted USB 2.0 port allows you to connect an external USB hard drive for additional storage, easily share a USB printer with your network connected computers or connect an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) to safeguard from power failure.OneTouch ® BackupThe OneTouch backup button duplicates files from USB storage devices such as drives and digital cameras connected to the front-mounted USB port.。
华为 备咖存储(ST310-S1)快速入门
![华为 备咖存储(ST310-S1)快速入门](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ee686fe66e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374ce6.png)
快 速 入 门包装盒中包含以下物品,快来认识它们吧。
快速入门华为备咖存储2. 认识华为备咖存储1. 包装清单底部绕有数据线3. 连接手机使用华为备咖存储搭配华为Mate 20系列手机,将给您带来像充电一般简单的备份体验。
场景一:连接电源和手机(推荐)场景二:连接手机连接具有USB Type C 端口的电脑连接具有USB Type A 端口的电脑连接电源可在使用华为备咖存储的同时为手机充电。
4. 连接电脑使用指示灯电源接口数据线端口1数据端口数据线端口2充电器:请使用华为手机5V2A、5V4.5A、9V2A的充电器。
充电线:请使用华为手机USB Type C端口的充电线。
在华为备咖存储页面,开启 自动备份 开关。
勾选您需要备份的数据,点击 确定。
点击 自动备份时间。
选择您需要的定时备份时间段,或连接即备份(推荐),点击 确定。
点击手机提示弹框(首次连接时自动弹出)中的 去设置,或下拉手机状态栏,点击 去设置。
您也可以打开手机 设置,点击 系统 > 备份和恢复 > 外部存储 > 华为备咖存储,打开华为备咖存储 。点击备份记录。
点击 开始备份。
备份完成后,点击 完成 即可。
恢复数据备份记录1.2.点击 新建备份。
2.3.点击 恢复。
3.华为备咖存储中的图片和视频,您可以在手机 图库 > 相册 > 华为备咖存储 里查看。
请使用数据线的USB Type A 端口连接电脑,USB Type C 端口连接华为备咖存储的数据端口。
HC1109102_HCNA-Storage V2_BSSN_第二章 存储与应用环境
![HC1109102_HCNA-Storage V2_BSSN_第二章 存储与应用环境](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/52b298ee941ea76e58fa0464.png)
在主机侧需要存储连接的设备主要有FC HBA卡,iSCSI HBA卡,以太网卡,需在主机侧安装的存储连接软件包括:initiator启动器,open-iscsi,多路径软件等。
HCNA-StorageNumber: H13-611Passing Score: 800Time Limit: 120 minFile Version: 1.0Exam AQUESTION 1硬盘预拷贝技术的主要特点是(选择3个答案)A. 硬盘错误统计超过设定的阀值后,立即将数据从疑似故障盘中迁移到热备盘B. 降低重构事件发生的概率C. 提高系统的可靠性D. 会导致系统性能的降低Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 2以下有关RAID 0的描述中,错误的是:A. RAID 0是无差错控制的条带化阵列B. RAID 0 的容量是各成员盘的容量之和C. RAID 0 至少要使用3块成员盘——最少2块盘D. RAID 0的数据是并行的写入到每个成员盘中Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 3文件存储是块存储之上构建文件系统,采用目录-目录-- 文件的方式组织数据,不容易管理A. TrueB. False ——文件存储是在块存储之上构建了文件系统,采用目录--目录--文件的方式组织数据,更容易管理;Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 4以下关于DAS和SAN的区别,描述不正确的是A. SAN使用FC或者iscsi协议,具有更好的可扩展性B. DAS和SAN均为外置存储,都非常易于实现存储资源共享——SAN不是外置存储的概念C. DAS主要应用于对外存储容量要求不高,服务器数量很少的中小型局域网D. SAN主要应用于关键数据库、集中存储、海量存储、备份、容灾等中高端存储应用环境Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 5以下文件系统中,属于windows ,文件系统由(选择3个答案)A. FAT16B. FAT32C. NTFSD. NPS ——非文件系统Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 6华为T系列V100R005存储阵列设备中,需要导入license才能使用的功能有(选择3个答案)A. 虚拟快照B. LUN映射——此为存储基本功能,不需要licenseC. 远程复制D. 分裂镜像Correct Answer: ACDSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 7针对存储阵列控制器或硬盘框上额级联模块描述正确的是(选择2个答案)A. 硬盘框的级联模块用于实现硬盘框与控制框或硬盘框与硬盘框的通信B. 控制器上硬盘级联模块分为PRI级联模块和EXP级联模块——只有PRI和EXP级联端口的说法C. 级联模块PRI必须与级联端口EXP之间进行连接D. 华为存储阵列设备中通常来用的级联端口为FC端口——级联通过mini SAS线来级联控制器和硬盘框,PRI和EXP端口,非FC端口Correct Answer: ACSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 8在redhat linux 5操作系统中,如果要将dev目录下的sdb5挂载到mnt目录下的sdb5,可以采用的命令是A. cat /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5B. in /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5C. mount /deb/sdb5/ mnt/sdb5 ——标准的Linux mount命令D. df /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 9在主机内部应用环境中,一个数据读写IO一定会经过以下哪些环节(选择2个答案)A. FC HBA卡B. IO总线C. 网卡D. 存储介质Correct Answer: BD ——HBA卡、网卡只是IO通道的一部分Section: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 10在华为T系列V100R005存储阵列中,通过ISM管理平台可以将一个启动器添加给多个主机【一个启动器只能添加给一个主机】A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 11在iSCSI通信中,Initiator 和target 建立连接后,initiator在操作系统中作为主设备控制整个工作过程——target才是主控端,initiator只是作为客户端连接工具A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 12在由3块磁盘组成的RAID 5中,如果在同一分条中写入两块数据成员盘中的数据分别是101 10110.11010011,则校验盘应写入01100101 ——RAID5校验码采用与计算,相同为0,不同为1【101 10110 和11010011进行与运算,结果正好为011 001 01】A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: ASection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 13SCSI设备在经过总线仲裁获取了总线使用权后,利用SCSI体系结构传输层定义的协议在总线上选择目标设备,随后向该目标设备发送诸如读写命令——【SCSI传输流程是?】——SCSI互联网层完成SCSI设备对总线的连接以及发送方和目标方的选择等功能;另外发送命令应为发送方,非SCSI设备A. TrueB. FalseCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 14RAID 组的工作状态中,不包括哪种状态A. RAID 组正常工作B. RAID 组降低C. RAID 组失效D. RAID 组重建——重建已经不属于工作状态了Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 15在对象存储系统中,有关对象的描述错误的是A. 对象是对象存储的基本单位B. 对象包含了对象的数据本身,还包含了对象数据的属性C. 对象不维护自己的属性——数据对象都需要维护自己的属性D. 采用对象技术使数据分布更加灵活Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 16根据对系统的保护程度可将容灾分为(选择3个答案)A. 业务级容灾B. 应用级容灾C. 数据级容灾D. 异地容灾——异地容灾只是属于容灾的一种方式Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 17NAS引擎的作用包括(选择3个答案)A. 提供文件共享接口B. 提供与存储连接接口C. 提供NAS软件运行的硬件平台D. 提供大容量存储空间——这是存储的作用,非NAS独有Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 18数据存储过程中,IO流程顺序正确的是A. 操作系统> 上层业务应用> 文件系统> 设备驱动> 存储设备B. 上层业务应用> 操作系统> 文件系统> 设备驱动> 存储设备——数据存储时正常流程描述C. 操作系统> 上层业务应用> 设备驱动> 文件系统> 存储设备D. 上层业务应用> 操作系统> 设备驱动> 文件系统> 存储设备Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 19存储系统操作分级管理主要包括4个级别,分别为level 0 1 2 3 ,导致系统复位系统重启系统offline的操作属于哪一级A. level 0B. level 1C. level 2D. level 3 ——重启已经达以事故级别,已经造成了损失Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 20以下查看redhat liunx 5操作系统版本的方法正确的是A. show versionB. find versionC. cat versionD. uname –a ——可以正常显示系统内核版本,32或64位等信息,实际上无法查看系统版本Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 21在传统的计算机存储系统中,存储工作通常由计算机内置的硬盘来完成,针对传统的内置存储描述,以下描述正确的是(选择2个答案)A. 数据存储空间可靠性不足B. 存储空间利用率较高——存储阵列的特点C. 存储空间可扩展性好——存储阵列的特点D. 数据分散,不利于信息共享Correct Answer: ADSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 22FC协议栈中的FC-2层定义了(选择2个答案)——FC协议有五层,其中FC-0定义承载介质类型,FC-1定义帧编码解码方式,FC-2定义分帧和流控机制,FC3定义通用服务,FC4定义上层协议到FC的映射A. 编码标准FC-1B. 解码标准FC-1C. 流控FC-2D. 服务质量FC-2Correct Answer: CDSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 23在IP-SAN组网中,下列哪个设备通常作为iSCSI启动器A. 主机服务器——iSCSI启动器部署于主机上,通过initator客户端工具配置连接iSCSI存储的相应信息B. iSCSI磁盘阵列C. iSCSI磁带库D. 以太网交换机Correct Answer: ASection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 24iFCP协议具有以下哪几个特点(选择3个答案)A. iFCP协议为TCP/IP网络上的光纤通道设备提供光纤通信服务,实现端到端的IP连接B. iFCP协议位于TCP/IP协议和FC协议之间,可以起到连接着两种协议的网络的作用C. iFCP协议中FC设备的24位fabric地址被映射到一个唯一的IP地址上D. iFCP通过FC的底层传输层FC-2实现FC在IP网络上可靠传输——iFCP代替了FC的的底层传输层(FC-2),它使用TCP/IP在IP网络上进行可靠传输【注意是替代FC-2,不是通过FC-2传输】Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 25以下关于IPMI的描述,错误的是A. IPMI是一个开放的标准,用户需要为使用该标准而支付额外的费用——不需要支付费用B. IPMI是为了管理给予intel架构中所使用的外围设备而采用的一种工业标标准C. IPMI的标准由英特尔、惠普、NEC 、美国戴尔电脑和supermicr等公司定制D. 用户可以利用IPMI监视服务器的健康特性,如温度、电压、风扇工作状态、电源状态等。
海康威视 HC、HCS、HC+、HF、MD 系列板卡 说明书
![海康威视 HC、HCS、HC+、HF、MD 系列板卡 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/57059fafdd3383c4bb4cd26c.png)
目录第一章产品简介 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2产品性能 (3)第二章产品安装 (4)2.1 注意事项 (4)2.2 驱动程序安装、删除、更新 (5)2.2.1 没有安装过海康威视HC系列板卡驱动的计算机 (5)2.2.2 已经安装过海康威视HC系列板卡驱动的计算机 (8)2.2.3 成功安装驱动 (8)2.2.4驱动程序更新与删除 (10)2.3 SDK及DEMO软件安装 (11)2.4 媒体播放器插件 (11)第三章技术参数 (15)3.1产品技术参数 (15)3.2所有类型编码卡编码参数介绍 (15)第四章产品应用与开发支持 (17)第五章常见问题解答 (18)第一章产品简介1.1概述1、DS-4000HC、DS-4000HC+、DS-4000HF系列压缩板卡是海康威视第三代视音频压缩卡,采用H.264视频压缩标准,使用高性能的DSP处理器实现音视频压缩编码。
此系列产品包括DS-4004HC、DS-4008HC、DS-4016HCS、DS-4004HC+、DS-4008HC+、DS-4004HF DS-4008HF等型号。
Wangcheng Jiang President of IoT Solution HuaweiJointly Build a Flourishing Ecosystem and Achieve Large-scale Commercialization of IoTJiang WangchengPresident of IoT Solution, HuaweiSmart Home Gateway EC-IoTHuawei LiteOS 3T+1M Security ArchitectureOceanConnect IoT PlatformChipset ( Boudica | Balong )T-Box•IoT platform, V2X Server, and IoT cloudservices •Cellular wireless networks, EC-IoT, Smart Home Gateway•IoT chips and OS, T-Box•Co-development of the IoT ecosystem with partners to meet IoT requirementsWhat we don’t do:What we do:IoT Cloud Services | V2X ServerPublic utilitiesIndustry 4.0Smart HomeConnected VehicleNB-IoT/eMTC/5G /eLTE/C-V2X Huawei IoT Focuses on ICT to Enable Industry’s Digital Transformation•Applications•IoT Devices •IoT Device reselling •E2E integrationShanghai Smart LightingYingtan Smart CitySinopec Jiujiang Smart Factory Schindler IoEE PSA Connected CarYintan Smart Waterofo Bicycle Sharing More…Haier Intelligent Air ConditionerConnected CowsZhejiang Smart Fire DetectorExtensive Project Experiences Promote Large-scale IoT CommercializationShenzhen Smart GasDevice development: simple, fast, and cost-effectiveChallenges: High workforce requirements for complex interworking between devices and module/platform; poor antenna performance; high device power consumption; no support for multiple frequency bands of different operatorsO&M: high efficiencyChallenges: Difficult to locate faults; no support for remote upgrade; spare parts require customizationInstallation acceptance: simple installation and specified standardsChallenges: Unpredictable battery life; no acceptance standard; no process for network access licenseExtensive Experience to Build a More Convenient, Secure, and Efficient IoTIntegration verification: high performance and reliabilityChallenges: No support for in-time command delivery; traffic models differ among industries; unexpected problems after devices connect to networksOne meter’s journey ...Service development: sustainable growthChallenges: security, industry standard, ecosystem, could Service ...Boudica 120MCUBoudica 150(Powered by Huawei LiteOS)Large-scale shipments of Boudica 150 by 2018 Q2Single-chip solutionDual-chip solution $1-2PowerconsumptionDevelopment cycle months weeks50%•Boudica 120: Bring industry forward 6 months earlier•Boudica 150: Reduce development cost and shorten development cycleCostDevice Development: Boudica 150 Reduce Development Cost and Shorten Development CycleDevice Development: Optimized RF Antenna Design Improves Network PerformanceThe following antennas can be selected: 1/4-wavelength monopole antennas designed based on metal-rod or metal-plate, monopole antennas with built-in PCB carrier, and spring antennas Glue stick antennas are recommended for optimumradiation performance in scenarios whereenvironmental requirements are low and internalantennas are not required.Internal antennas are recommended for instruments thathave been enhanced by adding IoT applications. PCBand FPC antennas are typical applications, where FPCantennas feature more flexible layouts.Cost, layout, and electrical performance are important to antenna design and selection schemes.NB-IoT BSAntennasCombiner78 dB (Fixed)(22-86 dB)Path Loss (100-164 dB)Complex Stimulation Environment ofWater Meter Installation OscilloscopeVAM8864Spectrum AnalyzerE2E function problemsSystem stability problemsWater ApplicationApplication InterconnectionTest Test of the Spuriousness and Power Consumption of Signal EmissionAlarms of low water pressure or battery voltage are reported occasionally only.Packet loss of modules occasionally occurs.….The reported cycle is inconsistent with the pre-set cycle.The data is not reported again upon reporting failure.….In the OpenLab test result of Shenzhen Smart Water, 58 problems are discovered, among which 43 are caused by water meters, taking a percentage of 74%.Meter measurement problemsMeter do not report traffic.The reported data is inconsistent with that of the actual period.….Integration Verification: E2E Pre-integration Verification Ensures the Large-scale Commercial Use of ServicesIntegration Verification: The Scenario-based Technical Proposals Are Released to Enhance Verification Efficiency•Reduce the number and frequency of message exchange.•Optimize the device PCB layout to improve the sending and receiving performance of devices.•Install the devices in places with better signals.•Use the PSM mode instead of power-off mode.•Have the last message carry the RAI indicator when it is sent.•Device working mode: The PSM is used by default, followed by eDRX and DRX.•Downlink services (e.g. metering): The PSM is recommended when no requirement is performed on the executions delay of downlink commands or messages.•Downlink services (e.g. appliances): For services initiated by the platform such as the remote control or parameter configuration and query services, the eDRX or DRX modes can be selected.Optimized Network SuggestionsOptimized Power Saving SuggestionsTechnical proposals on parking, street lights, smart water, gas meter, white goods have been released.Installation Acceptance: The Scenario-Based Acceptance Test Standard Is Made to Ensure Service QualityBasic test cases●Device connection (registration/connection)●Data reporting (signal strength/battery voltage)●Network time synchronization ●Security (HTTPS and DTLS+)●Maintainability (local/remote upgrade)●Reliability (cell reselection/restoration)10+ scenario-based acceptance test cases are used to enhance the service KPI on the live network.The reporting success rate is poor (about 90%).The success rate reaches 99.5% after the association of water meter vendors, Shenzhen Water Group, and China Telecom.Smart lock LightingSharing bicycle Water meteringParking Livestock farming Fire detector Manhole Cover Fire Hydrant Post box Air conditionerGas meteringO&M: FOTA Enables the Remote Application UpgradeNB-IoT Base Station APP Server Generation Tool of Differential PackagesDifferential PackageLWM2M ClientIoT Core NetworkIoT PlatformDeviceDTLS+ secure upgrade channel Network capability-based upgrade control•The security of the upgrade package during downloading is ensured using the DTLS secure upgrade channel.•The size of the upgrade package is greatly reduced usingdifferentiation. In this way, the bandwidth requirement isdecreased, which shortens the upgrade duration.•The IoT platform performsconcurrent control on the device upgrade tasks in the same NB-IoT cell, which ensures that the upgrade tasks do not block NB-IoT services.LWM2M ServerFlexible upgrade policyDTLS+ secure upgradechannelDifferential upgradeService Development: Huawei “3T+1M” Security Framework Safeguards IoT BusinessDefend @ Device•Configurable Defense •Device & Cloud CollaborationAssurance @ Pipe•Massive Reliable Access•Anti-attack and DispatchAnalysis @ Cloud•Malicious Detection & Isolation•Platform and Data Protection3T echnology工具& Procedure Security status awarenessSecurity inspection tools Development guides Security test services …1M anagement•Huawei advocates security standards•Huawei promotes security policy and regulation formulation Device Security Design Guide Device Security Test Acceptance GuideService Development: Continual Contributions to Standards and Industry DevelopmentIndustry AlliancesStandards OrganizationsPlatformApplicationNetworkChipsetNB-IoTIndustryConnected VehicleSmart HomeNB-IoT Forum20+ Industry Standards and Specifications•NB-IoT Smart Water White Paper, NB-IoT Smart Gas White Paper, NB-IoT Smart Lighting Standard, Industrial Internet Platform White Paper, IoT Security White Paper, Edge Computing Reference Architecture …•DTLS+, Ready for IETF standard•OMA LwM2M technical specificationsProposals No.1, 1008 proposals to 3GPPAcceptance No.1, 208 proposals were adopted to 3GPP standard•Two “No.1” in NB-IoT StandardLearning ExperienceTechnicalCooperationBusinessSuccessDeveloper Community OpenLab Hosting ServiceDesign ReferenceTerminal Development Guides Application Development Guides Develop ToolsOffline Trainings Munich,Paris,DüsseldorfJoint innovation, development,integration testsPartner certificationThird-parties’ product andsolution showcaseCo-marketingHuawei IoT Ecosystem Program for European PartnersComprehensive Support for Easy Invocation and Fast DevelopmentOffline Trainings/ict/en/site-iotDeveloper CommunityGetting StartedRead & LearnBeginnersTrial userGood PerceptionProduct Introduction Solution Introduction White PaperAPI ReferenceAPI ExplorerCode LabRemote LabDevCenterForumSDKJuneGermany HannoverAugust Britain Oct.Spain/PortugalNov.France ParisDec.HollandMayGermany DusseldorfUAEThailandMexicoChinaKoreaItalySpainGermanyFranceVodafoneTelefonicaTelecom Italia3 Operator-Huawei OpenLabsHuawei SupportMunich3 Huawei OpenLabsParisDüsseldorfOpenLab for Joint Innovation,Integration Testing and CertificationDesign reference for chipsetTest method for chipset Scenario technology proposal E2E development guidanceDemonstration and IntegrationTechnical CertificationIoT Hosting Service Accelerates Large-scale Commercial DeploymentIaaSBig data analysisand EIIoT HubDevice cloud servicesSecurity kitsEnablement suitesOceanConnect IoT PaaSIoT Hosting ServiceC o n n e c t C a rL i v e s t o c kL o g i s t i c sE n v i r o n m e n tS t r e e t l i g h t sG a s m e t e r i n gW a t e r M e t e r i n gP a r k i n gD o o r l o c k sS h a r i n g b i c y c l eW h i t e g o o d sDeveloping new services more efficiently and cost-effectivelyRapidly building solutions to explore global marketsPartnerCustomerHuawei offers more convenient, secure, and efficient IoT solutions, and joins hands with partners to create and share value by commercializing large-scale IoT.。
华为USN9810 V900R011产品概述
![华为USN9810 V900R011产品概述](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d6d44e581c758f5f61f67c2.png)
华为USN9810产品概述(V900R011)华为技术有限公司2022年4月目录1 产品定位和特点 (1)1.1 产品定位 (1)1.2 产品特点 (3)2 产品架构 (6)2.1 概述 (6)2.2 硬件结构 (6)2.3 软件结构 (10)3 操作和维护 (13)4 技术指标 (17)4.1 性能指标 (17)4.2 物理接口 (17)4.3 时钟指标 (18)4.4 工程参数 (20)4.5 EMC指标 (21)4.6 环境要求 (21)4.7 可靠性指标 (28)1 产品定位和特点1.1 产品定位USN9810是华为公司自主研发的统一服务节点,可同时应用于2.5G GPRS(GeneralPacket Radio Service)系统、3G UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)系统和EPC系统。
华为USN9810是一款支持以SGSN(Serving GPRS Support Node)、MME(MobilityManagement Entity)多种网元功能形态出现的产品,在业务功能上USN9810支持SGSN、MME的任意组合,在操作维护上支持按USN9810统一来进行维护。
图1-1华为L TE/EPC解决方案应用的网络环境BTS(Base Transceiver Station)):基站BSC(Base Station Controller):基站控制器NodeB:3G基站RNC:无线网络控制器SGSN:统一业务节点HSS(Home Subscriber Server):归属用户服务器eNodeB:演进的NodeB MME:移动性管理实体Serving GW:服务网关PDN GW:PDN网关HS-GW:HRPD 服务网关PDSN(Packet Data Serving Node):分组数据服务节点PCRF(Policy Control and Charging RuleFunction):策略控制和计费规则功能Serving GW也称为S-GW,全文统一使用S-GW进行介绍。
华为云市场智能云网产品操作手册2021/3/29目录1. 修订目录 (2)2. 范围 (2)3. 应用介绍 (2)4. 相关术语与缩略语解释 (2)5. 产品的主要功能概述 (3)6. 功能使用说明 (3)6.1.1. 整体架构 (3)7. 应用常见问题 (4)7.1.1.光联通信将与客户一起解决服务问题,但前提是: (4)7.1.2.故障报告 (5)7.1.3.故障报告程序 (5)7.1.4.光联通信的平均恢复时间(MTTR,Mean Time to Restoration) (5)7.1.5 (6)7.1.6 (6)7.1.7.主动网络监测 (6)1.修订目录本文档是智能云网产品在华为云市场平台操作手册。
4.相关术语与缩略语解释◆SI: Service Integrator,系统集成商◆WAN: Wide Area Network,广域网◆MPLS: Multi-Protocol Label Switching,多协议标记交换◆CLI: Command Line Interface,命令行接口◆CPE:Customer Premises Equipment,客户端设备◆ISP:Internet Service Provider,服务提供商◆SLA: Service Level Agreement,服务水平协议5.产品的主要功能概述针对企业网络当前面临的专线成本昂贵、业务体验难保障、业务部署慢和运维困难的问题,华为云网解决方案为企业提供分支与分支、分支与数据中心、分支与云之间提供全场景随需互联,并通过应用级智能选路与智能加速、智能运维,构建更好的业务体验,重塑企业专线全流程的业务体验。
6.功能使用说明6.1.1. 整体架构6.1.1.1. 模块功能介绍网络联接层分支、总部和公有云/ 私有云之间通过高性价比的CPE、vCPE 等设备,采用Overlay 技术,按需构建基于Internet、传统专线等任意链路的全网络联接。
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OceanStor S12300
OceanStor S2600 OceanStor S5300 OceanStor S5500 OceanStor S5600 OceanStor S5000T
虚拟化网管 VIS6000
稳定可靠 可持续运营 方便扩展
国家发改委 劳动社会保障系统 灾备中心建设
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 3
云 应 用
Cloud Storage Access
Cloud Storage System 基于对象存储、虚拟化资源池 弹性扩展、Scale-out架构 自动管理、快速部署
S2300 S2600
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 6
1. 华为存储产品全景图
2. SAN存储产品与应用
3. 存储服务器产品与应用 4. NAS产品功能与应用 5. 备份容灾产品与应用 6. 云存储系统与应用
Virtual Intelligent Storage
Huawei Symantec Data Protection 集成BE和WSS
Virtual Tape Library
Virtual Tape Library 集群架构 高扩展
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 5
New S5500T
New S5600T
New S5800T
Page 14
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 4
边缘业务 数据业务
国土资源信息系统 电子政务门户网站 内网OA邮件系统 OceanStor S6800T OceanStor S6800E OceanStor S12100 云存储 NAS N8000 虚拟化网管 VIS6000
IPTV 视频监控 集中备份
Page 22
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 23
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 15
Page 16
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
D120S 磁盘框 框ID:2 PRI PRI EXP D120S 磁盘框 框ID:1 PRI PRI EXP S2600 控制框 框ID:0 EXP EXP
4U 24盘位 Active-Active 冗余双控制器 端到端全FC架构
高性能:64位多核架构, 支持SSD硬盘
低功耗:智能调速风扇,支持直流电源 高可靠:磁盘预拷贝,一体化UPS,高级数据保护
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 8
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
1 3 5
系统插框 控制器 风扇模块
2 4
磁盘模块 电源模块
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
2U 12盘位 单或双存储控制器 提供FC、SAS、iSCSI及FC+iSCSI等各种类型的主机端 口 最多可扩展至8框共96盘 在同一磁盘框内支持SAS和SATA混插
继承上一代产品特性,稳定可靠 专门面向中低端用户开发,简单易用 低成本、低功耗设计,并应用各种节能技术,经济实惠
Host 接口模块
Host 接口模块
串口RJ45 管理网口 磁盘框 接口
维/管 接口
SAS 控制器
SAS 控制器
维/管 接口
串口RJ45 管理网口 磁盘框 接口
SAS Expander 控制器 A
SAS Expander 控制器 B
Cloud Storage Service Engine 资源虚拟化、统一管理 跨地域数据管理和调度 多租户、计费、SLA
Data Center Storage
• 2 块硬盘
• 12 块硬盘
低TCO、低PUE 快速部署、模块化交付
应 用 存 储
Page 24
面向中高端存储市场 满足大型数据库(OLTP、OLAP)、高性能计算、集中存储、备份、 容灾、数据迁移等不同业务应用的需求,有效保证用户业务安全性
采用最新的pangea硬件平台 S5500T:盘控一体(2U控制框) S5600T/S5800T/S6800T:盘控分离(4U独立机头),ActiveActive 冗余双控制器
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 13
第四章 华为存储产品与 解决方案
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
掌握SAN存储S2600/S5000/S5000T产品功能、硬件、接口、组 网及典型应用 掌握T3000存储服务器产品功能、硬件、接口、组网及典型应用 了解NAS集群产品N8000、数据保护产品VTL/HDP和虚拟化存 储VIS6000 了解云存储产品基本知识 最终掌握SAN存储产品基本功能,硬件与网络部署能力
2-8 控 支持 2400 块硬盘
2~16 节点 ~ 15360 块硬盘
软 件
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
数据保护 操作系统快速恢复
一体化设计 管理简便维护
网 络 存 储
S2600T/S5000T/6800T Dorado 2100 S8000 N8000
2U 支持96块硬盘
双控 支持120~ 1080块硬盘
双控 支持204~ 1440 块硬盘
Copyright © 2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Page 20
配置交流电源—风扇模块的控制框(8Gb FC主机端口)后视图 重点分清楚哪个是管理网口, 哪些是主机端口,哪些是串口. 通过超级终端管理阵列需要