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教案Knowledge goals:

Enable Ss to learn some important language points: aid; fall ill; get injured; etc、Ability aims: Get Ss to know about some first aids in our daily life、 Reading skills: scanning and skimmingEmotional aims: Get Ss to know some basic first aids for burnsTeaching methods:

self-studies Group work for discussing and summing up PracticingTeaching aids: Projector and normal teaching toolsTeaching procedures:环节教师活动学生活动设计意图

Step1出示目标Show goals of this text with multi-mediaAsk Ss to think them carefullyEnable Ss to know the aims of this lessonStep2学案导学Give out a quiz to Ss and ask them to finish it,then check togetherchoose the right answer to know the situation of Ss with this quizStep3成果展示Group work and discussShow your answers in your groupShare your ideas with your partnersStep4疑难点拨Analyse text with Ss and draw a conclusionRead the text carefully and sum up types and treatments of burnsskills for doing reading comprehensionStep5当堂训练Organize Ss to finish ExxCommunication answers with each

otherconsolidate common sense of first aidStep6整理反思assinment, and complete notesTake notesImprove reading skillsFirst aid----Reading 学案授课人: 杨阳I、 Skim for general idea and then number them from1 to

5、__ The three types of burns__ What to do if someone gets burned__ The functions of the skin __ The symptoms of burns __ How we get burnsII、 Scanning each part and answer the following questions

1、What can skin do for our body ?

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________

2、 You can get burnt by :

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________

3、 How many types of burns are there? What are

they?____________________________________________________ ________

4、 Characteristics of burns

_________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ______First aid----Reading 练案Read the text again to see whether the following sentences are true or not、

1、Our skin has three layers、 T

2、 We will never get burned by the sun、 F

3、 Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain、F

4、 Third degree burns are the most serious and painful、 F

5、 Put cool water on any burns to cool them、 T

6、Don’t rub the burns、 T

7、It’s better that you put some butter or oil on burns、 F
