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1. An ___________(最新的) survey shows that students have fewer and fewer sleeping hours.

2. Usually TV programmes are _____________ (录制) first and sent out later.

3. All the TV stations _____________(shown on TV, in the newspapers) that event one by one.

4. I think it is ___________(foolish) of some teenagers to be crazy about pop stars.

5. He won’t to go for the dinner ___________ he is invited.

1. Christopher Nolan is one of my favourite __________(导演). His Batman movies are really wonderful.

2. My phone has something wrong with sending text ___________(信息).

3. My son can’t understand the ____________(conversations in a book, play, or film) in the film Frozen, but the pictures and the music make him interested.

4. Since the work is __________(finished), we can have a good rest now.

5. The lights are on day and night and I think that is really a _________ of energy.

1. The football match had to be ___________(取消) because of the heavy rain.

2. Our hometown is trying her best to develop her agriculture and __________(工业).

3. ---We are _________ (think about)visiting Kunming for our next vacation. There are many places of interest there.

--- That’s a good idea.

4. I’m sorry I have just ___________(indentify incorrectly) Lucy for her twin sister.

5. ---Lily and I plan to go to the old people’s home this weekend. What about you?

--- If you don’t go there, __________ will I.

1. Mozart is one of the __________(空前的) greatest musicians in the world.

2. Our club has such good ____________(讲故事的人 ) that we can catch more attention.

3. His ___________(last) novel about the village was made into a film.

4. Nowadays many people are interested in _____________( one type of film about cowboys , horses etc.)

5. I can’t describe how excited I’m feeling right now. It’s ___________ my ability of expressing myself.

1. Sometimes most of us are ____________(或许) angry with our friends, parents or teachers.

2. Jenny would like to order a ___________(单个的) room on the Internet.

3. Two men were killed and six people were ___________( hurt sb. with a knife or gun) in the attack.

4. They used to be our ___________(someone who hates you or speak and act against you), but now they are our friends.

5. ---What do you think of Lucy?

--- To tell the _________, I don’t like her at all. She is too dishonest.

1. The witness contacted the detective and ___________(举报)the suspect.

2. The strong men used to be soldiers and ___________(守卫) our country day and night on the sea.

3. Some people ___________(think or believe something is possible) that the plane was hijacked (劫持) when it went missing.

4. Practice is the ____________(there are no others in the same) way to learn a language well.

5. Oh, dear! I left my mobile phone ___________ in the library. I have to go and look for at it once!

1. With the opening of the two-child policy, the ____________(人口)of China will become larger.

2. Three ___________(四分之一) of the area is covered with water.

3. Great Britain is behind Japan in developing modern ____________( scientific knowledge used in a practical ways in industry).

4. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the __________(something that fills you with surprise) of the world.

5. ---Can I park my car here?
