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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Findings

2.1 Current Organizational Structure

2.1.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures

2.1.2 Span of Control

2.1.3 Departmentalization

2.1.4 Communication Patterns

2.1.5 the Chain of Command

2.2 Future Organizational Structure

2.2.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures

2.2.2 Span of Control

2.2.3 Departmentalization

2.2.4 Communication Patterns

2.2.5 Chain of Demand

2.3 Contingency Approach that help determine the Future structure

2.3.1 Task

2.3.2 Technology

2.3.4 Size

2.4 Relationships

2.4.1 Line Relationship

2.4.2 Functional Relationship

2.4.3 Staff Relationship

2.4.4 Lateral Relationship

2.5 Authority, Responsibility and Delegation

3.0 Conclusion

4.0 Reference

1.0 Introduction

This report has mainly analysis the Tasty Company, which is a food company. According to the contingency approach, there is a need to re-structures the internal structure. It is also to identify the line, staff, functional and lateral relationships. In the report, I will explain the current and recommended structure of the company, and the authority, responsibility and delegation to line management relationships in the proposed structure.

2.0 Findings

2.1 Current Organizational Structure

2.1.1 the Characteristic of Hierarchical Structures

This is the kind of structure that has a very specific line of command. The approvals and orders in this kind of structure come from top to bottom in a line. This kind of structure is suitable for the beginning of the Tasty Company.

This is the sort of structure that allows for easy decision-making and is also very informal in nature. They have fewer departments, which makes the entire organization become decentralized one so the authority and responsibility could be defined clearly Tasty Company with this structure can be bureaucratic and respond slowly to change the customer needs and the market within which the organisation operates. Communication across various sections can be poor especially horizontal communication.Departments can make decisions which benefit them rather than the business as a whole especially if there is Inter-departmental rivalry

2.1.2 Span of Control

Span of control is simply the number of subordinates that an executive supervises.

The number of employees that a manager can manage must be determined by every organization. Wide spans have the advantage of supervisors having to delegate and ensure clear policies are laid down. As for Tasty Company, the span of control of the firm is narrow, a president control five managers. Usually, managers are easily to delegate and make sure policies are carried out.

The high cost due to the numerous levels, supervisors may get too involved in the work of subordinates and undue delay may be caused. The possible loss of control by the supervisors and the need for high-quality managers as their workload tends to be so high that bottlenecks may occur.

2.1.3 Departmentalization

The assignment of jobs to departments is called departmentalization, and it represents one of the core aspects of the horizontal division of labour. The methods of departmentation include Functional, product, matrix, geographic, customer and hybrid. And the definition of function departmentation is that employees with closely related skills and responsibilities are assigned to the same department.

This method is easy and logical to measure and evaluate the employees’ performance and decide usually efficiency and effective. Second, it can enhance the communication between managers and employees and enhance the career ladders and training opportunities. It follows the principle of specialisation, and economies result by having similar tasks grouped under one area.

Functions may not be so important as the area covered by Tasty may be widespread and another grouping may be better..

Such specialisation may invoke narrowness of outlook. And there may be conflicts between local functional goals and the needs of the whole organisation. A classic example is conflicts between operations staff and marketing staff where operations might want to standardise to get efficiency and marketing might want more variety to meet what they believe are customers’ need.

Management positions need people of wide experience and this is not readily available in a rigid functional departmentation system that affords poor training
