
During installing and using the device, please follow local electrical safety regulations strictly. Please use power supply in the safe voltage range of our product. Make sure if the power supply is correct before running the device. Please install an easy-to-use breaker during installation and wiring in case it is necessary to make an emergency break. Please prevent the power cord from being trampled or pressed especially the plug, socket and the connecting part led out from the device. Please connect cables of power, alarm, audio and RS-485 with the power off. Hot-line wiring is not allowed.
四、登录客户端 最低配置和系统环境
Ÿ 处理器:3.3GHz酷睿®i3系列及以上或相同性能的其他处理器 Ÿ RAM内存:4GB及以上 Ÿ 操作系统:WindowsXP操作系统或更高版本 Ÿ 浏览器:IE7.0及以上版本,Firefox,Google Chrome(41及以下版本) Ÿ DirectX:9.0c

前言 II
请严格遵守当地各项电气安全标准。 请使用满足 SELV(安全超低电压)要求的电源。 请在安装配线时装入易于使用的断电设备。 请在设备运行前检查供电电源是否正确。 请保护电源软线免受踩踏或紧压,特别是插头、电源插座和从装置引出的接点处。 使用环境要求 请勿将设备对准强光(如灯光照明、阳光等)聚焦。 请在允许的湿度和温度范围内运输、使用和存储设备。 请勿将任何液体流入设备。 请勿阻挡设备附近的通风。 请勿重压、剧烈振动或浸泡设备。 请在运送设备时以出厂时的包装或同等品质的材质进行包装。 建议配合防雷器使用本设备,提升防雷效果。 建议将设备上的接地孔接地,提高设备可靠性。 操作与保养要求 请勿私自拆卸本设备。 请勿直接碰触到感光器件 CCD 或 CMOS,可用吹风机除去镜头表面的灰尘或污垢。 请使用柔软的干布或用干净的软布蘸取少量中性清洁剂清洁本设备。 请勿直接碰触及擦拭半球球罩表面。
版本 V1.3.1
更新内容 新增 600 万卡口摄像机。
表示有高度潜在危险,如果不能避免,会导致人员伤亡或严重 伤害。
表示有中度或低度潜在危险,如果不能避免,可能导致人员轻 微或中等伤害。
表示有潜在风险,如果忽视这些文本,可能导致设备损坏、数 据丢失、设备性能降低或不可预知的结果。
5 设置................................................................................................................................................ 14
安全技术2020 S21 COMFORT Line IOR-208 8路网络视频录像机用户手册说明书

COMFORT LineIOR-208Order No. 18.9140COMFORT Line 8-channel network video recorder• Video compression for recordings: H.264, H.265• Bandwidth: 60 Mbps• Linux operating system for maximum operating reliability• Automatic camera identification due to UPnP protocol • Supports PTZ cameras• Synchronised audio and video recordings • 4 different user access levels can be set up • Mobile Client for iPhone, iPad, Android • Smart Home Ready• E-MAP for indicating camera positions • Dual streaming for bandwidth management• Log system for logging status of the system, camera and access• Digital PTZ and multi-window display• Intelligent search function, search for distant or foreign objects, general movements, loss of focus, concealed camera• Data export possible as image file (BMP, JPG), video file (ASF, AVI) or backup file (DAT)• Automatic backup via FTPIOR-204Order No. 18.9130COMFORT Line 4-channel network video recorder• Video compression for recordings: H.264, H.265• Bandwidth: 40 Mbps• Linux operating system for maximum operating reliability• Automatic camera identification due to UPnP protocol • Supports PTZ cameras• Synchronised audio and video recordings • 4 different user access levels can be set up • Mobile Client for iPhone, iPad, Android • Smart Home Ready• E-MAP for indicating camera positions • Dual streaming for bandwidth management• Log system for logging status of the system, camera and access• Digital PTZ and multi-window display• Intelligent search function, search for distant and foreign objects, general movements, loss of focus, concealed camera• Data export possible as image file (BMP, JPG), video file (ASF, AVI) or backup file (DAT)• Automatic backup via FTPModelIOR-208IOR-204Video inputs 8 IP-based video channels, 8 x RJ45, LAN with PoE 4 IP-based video channels, 4 x RJ45, LAN with PoE Video outputs HDMI™, VGA HDMI™, VGA Audio inputs 11Audio outputs 11Resolution3840 x 2160 pixels max.3840 x 2160 pixels max.Video compression H.264, H.265H.264, H.265Recording120 images/s max.120 images/s max.Menu adjustments on-screen menu (OSD)on-screen menu (OSD)Recording mode alarm, motion-triggered, continuous recording, digital input, manual, timer alarm, motion-triggered, continuous recording, digital input, manual, timer Alarm inputs 84Alarm outputs 11Interfaces1 x RJ45 (10/100 Mbps) 3 x USB 2.01 x RJ45 (10/100 Mbps) 3 x USB 2.0Hard disks optional, up to 1 x SATA II, 8 TB max.optional, up to 1 x SATA II, 8 TB max.Power supplyvia encl. power supply via encl. power supply Admiss. ambient temp. 0-40 °C0-40 °CDimensions 300 x 53 x 227 mm 300 x 53 x 227 mm Weight 900 g 750 g。

目录/Contents前言 (1)说明 (2)产品简介 (4)设备外观 (5)外观 (5)设备接口 (7)IPC112 (7)IPC110 (9)线缆连接 (9)IPC112 (9)IPC110 (10)IPC212 (11)IPC211 (11)安装及配置 (12)安装环境 (12)安装方法 (12)开始使用 (16)系统配置要求 (16)初始配置 (16)使用客户端IPCC TRL (17)产品功能 (19)视频浏览 (19)云台控制 (19)图像调节 (19)告警联动 (21)移动侦测 (21)并口告警 (22)图像遮蔽 (22)抓拍管理 (23)录像管理 (23)升级管理 (24)常见故障分析 (25)不能登录客户端 (25)登录IPCC TRL后不能正常浏览监控画面 (26)PC设备不能正常注册到NVR或KDM监控平台 (28)性能指标 (32)IPC112 (32)IPC110 (33)IPC212 (34)IPC211 (35)术语表 (36)PREFACE (1)IMPORTANT NOTES (2)INTRODUCTION (4)PRODUCT VIEWS (5)O VERVIEW (5)I NTERFACE &CONNECTOR (7)C ONNECT PERIPHERALS (9)INSTALLATION (12)G ENERAL E NVIRONMENT (12)M OUNTING (12)USING NETWORK CAMERA (16)S YSTEM R EQUIREMENT (16)F IRST C ONFIGURATION (16)U SING THE C LIENT -IPCC TRL (18)PRODUCT FEATURE (19)L IVE V IDEO (19)PTZ C ONTROL (19)A DJUSTING THE CAMERA AND IMAGE (19)A LARM T RIGGER (23)Motion Detection (23)Local Alarm Port (23)I MAGE S HIELD (24)SNAPSHOT MANAGEMENT (24)RECORD MANAGEMENT (25)UPDATE (26)TROUBLESHOOTING (27)C AN NOT ACCESS CLIENT (27)C AN NOT VIEW VIDEO STREAMING ON IPCC TRL (28)IPC CAN NOT BE REGISTERED WITH NVR OR KDM PLATFORM (31)SPECIFICATIONS (33)IPC112 (33)IPC110 (34)IPC212 (35)IPC211 (36)GLOSSARY (37)前言读者对象●工程安装人员●监控产品操作人员适用型号IPC112/IPC110/IPC212/IPC211相关手册《高清网络摄像机快速使用指南》《NVR管理员指南》我们尽最大努力来保证本手册信息的正确性,如因升级等原因发生信息修改,恕不另行通知。

目录1引言 (3)1.1编写目的 (3)1.2使用范围 (3)2产品介绍 (3)2.1产品简介 (3)2.2产品技术规格 (3)3设备说明 (4)3.1运行环境 (4)3.2支持解码设备 (4)4产品使用 (4)4.1装箱清单 (4)4.2产品安装考前须知 (4)4.3连接示意图 (6)4.4设置解码器 (6)搜索解码器 (6)添加解码器 (8)解码器参数设置 (9)设备列表设置 (11)4.4.5系统参数配置 (14)轮巡设置 (14)云台控制 (15)播放任务列表 (16)系统日志查询 (17)版本查询 (17)4.5使用软件DecManage升级 (18)1引言1.1编写目的本手册为商务人员及最终用户了解产品性能、设计方案、合理使用产品而编制。

JL YSetup_3.3.8.0支持的操作系统为Windows XP/Windows 7。
JL YSetup_win8_3.3.8.0支持的操作系统为Windows 8安装软件前建议请先退出360杀毒软件、诺顿杀毒软件等其他杀毒软件,然后再进行安装,或安装过程出现病毒提示时选择信任。
如果电脑没有提示发现新硬件,请依次进入“开始”-“控制面板”-“系统”-“硬件”-“设备管理器”,在设备列表中选择黄色问号的“Amba Simple Class”设备,然后点击鼠标右键,在右键菜单中选择“更新驱动程序”,再选择“自动安装软件”,电脑将自动完成驱动程序部分的安装。
网络摄像机 安装指导书

目录1概述···························································································································· 1-1 2设备安装······················································································································ 2-12.2 安装光模块················································································································2-22.2.1 枪机················································································································2-22.2.2 球机················································································································2-32.3 壁装 ························································································································2-32.3.1 支架和安装附件·································································································2-32.3.2 球机壁装··········································································································2-42.3.3 枪机壁装··········································································································2-52.4 吊装 ························································································································2-72.4.1 支架和安装附件·································································································2-72.4.2 球机吊装··········································································································2-82.5 角装 ······················································································································ 2-102.5.1 支架和安装附件······························································································· 2-102.5.2 球机角装········································································································ 2-102.6 立杆式安装·············································································································· 2-122.6.1 球机杆装········································································································ 2-122.7 柱式安装················································································································· 2-132.7.1 支架和安装附件······························································································· 2-132.7.2 球机柱装········································································································ 2-14 3与外接设备连接············································································································· 3-13.1 电缆和转接头·············································································································3-13.1.1 常用电缆和转接头······························································································3-13.1.2 其它安装要求····································································································3-23.2 电缆选型···················································································································3-23.2.1 视频线·············································································································3-23.2.2 音频线·············································································································3-33.2.3 电源线·············································································································3-43.2.4 RS485串口线 ···································································································3-43.2.5 告警线·············································································································3-53.2.6 网线················································································································3-53.2.7 光纤················································································································3-53.2.8 接地线·············································································································3-5i3.3 电缆连接(设备侧)····································································································3-53.3.1 使用RS485的云台控制模式连接云台·····································································3-53.3.2 使用RS485的透明通道模式连接第三方设备····························································3-63.3.3 连接告警输入/输出设备 ·······················································································3-7 4设备防雷和接地要求······································································································· 4-14.1 室外防护罩················································································································4-14.2 设备防雷···················································································································4-14.2.1 直击雷的外部防护······························································································4-14.2.2 传输线路的防护·································································································4-24.2.3 防雷器的内部防护······························································································4-24.2.4 接地要求··········································································································4-4 5常见问题······················································································································ 5-15.1 如何进行后焦调节·······································································································5-15.2 在Windows 7客户端上首次登录时,未提示安装控件·························································5-1ii。

网络摄像机第一次使用,把摄像机和路由器之间用网线连接好,摄像机自带的光盘里面,软件打开,打开查找器工具(此工具使用于局域网内查找和修改摄像机的IP和端口),高级模式进入(要确保电脑和摄像机要在一个路由器下面,这样查找器才可以查找到摄像机的IP地址和端口),摄像机出厂的IP地址是192.168.1.126,端口是81,查找器右下角的内部访问地址后面的打开按钮,直接点打开按钮即可,(第一次使用的时候,会提示您安装一个小的视频安装软件,下载完后,刷新浏览器就可以直接观看监控画面)第一:摄像机无线设置:首先进路由器里面,以TP-LINK的路由器为例,(路由器的IP地址,登陆的用户名和密码,一般路由器下面有贴)地址是http://左侧的无线参数点开,基本设置如下图所示:广州市汉之升电子路由器的无线设置按照这个设置(使用无线时把无线路由器的信道(也叫频段)改为1-11以内(手动设置)不要用12或13信道,无线的SSID 用字母和数字的组合,不要用汉字或特殊符号!此外,无线加密也手动指定成某种加密的方式,不要用自动选择之类的(比如手动指定为WPA2-PSK、AES模式)!这样,通过有线连接摄像机打开网页后,搜索无线信号就能正常搜索到了!搜索到无线路由器后,选中自己的无线路由器并输入相应的无线密码,然后拔掉网线,再用查找器查找一下,如果可以查找到无线设置完成)广州市汉之升电子下面看摄像机无线设置,打开查找器,从高级模式进入,如下图:内部访问地址,后面的打开按钮打开摄像机,进入到摄像机的观看界面如下图所示:广州市汉之升电子广州市汉之升电子点击设置按钮,,选择网络设置---无线局域网设置打开,出现下面的界面广州市汉之升电子使用无线局域网打勾,搜索2-3次,选择列表中自己的路由器线相对应的SSID号,网络类型选择infra,广州市汉之升电子广州市汉之升电子 安全模式和路由器保持一致,加密类型和路由器一致,密码和路由器的无线密码保持一致,例如下图:点击设置,摄像机会重启30秒,重启完拔掉网线,就可以无不用接网线了。

1.3.6 DH-ITACD-004A车检器
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PRES存在时间拨码开关 4位拨码开关组合为1个通道 SENS设置该通道灵敏度 RESET复位开关 灵敏度设置档位指示 FAULT电源状态指示 DETECT检测状态指示
6 7 8
车检器 信号检测器 施奈德继电器
N 1 N
序号 1 2 设备名称 高清像机 型号 DH-ITC523系列 数量 1 1 (C接口) 备注
(大华)高清定焦16mm OPT-11C16M-MP 镜头 大华LED频闪灯 智能交通终端管理设备 DH-ITALE-070AA-TF DH-ITSE0800-G线电缆插座
黄:爆闪触发信号EX+ 蓝:爆闪触发信号EX绿:频闪触发信号ST+ 灰:频闪触发信号ST橙:频闪同步输出SO+ 棕:频闪同步输出SO红:RS485_A 白:RS485_B 黑:GND
特殊字段 3:KODAK CCD
G=通用型线圈或雷达触发用摄像机 V=视频检测 R=前端识别 GV=线圈或雷达+视频检测 GR=线圈或雷达+前端识别 GVR=线圈或雷达+视频检测+前端识别 C= 卡口用抓拍摄像机 CVR=卡口用抓拍摄像机+前端识别+视频检测 CE=卡口型电警抓拍摄像机 CER=卡口型电警抓拍摄像机+前端识别 CEV=卡口型电警抓拍摄像机+视频检测 CEVR=卡口型电警抓拍摄像机+前端识别+视频检测

2 / 706.如果设备工作不正常,请联系购买设备的商店或最近的服务中心,不要以任何方式拆卸或修改设备。

智能交通高清网络摄像机操作手册智能交通高清网络摄像机•操作手册版权所有© 杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司。

网络摄像机安装使用说明书网络摄像机安装使用说明书Page 1 of 11目录第1章软件的安装............................................................................................................ (2)第2章网络摄像机使用说明............................................................................................................ ....................... 3 网络摄像机安装使用说明书Page 2 of 11第1章软件的安装运行“MultiViewer.exe”安装程序操作如下第一步选择语言中文、英文可选如图1-1所示图1-1 图1-2 第二步点击“下一步”出现如图1-2所示第三步选择安装目录如图1-3所示第四步继续选择“下一步”出现如图1-4、1-5所示图1-3 图1-4 图1-5 图1-6 第五步点击“安装”安装完成后将会出现如图1-6所示第六步点击“结束”安装完毕。
网络摄像机安装使用说明书Page 3 of 11 第2章Multiviewer流媒体多画面使用说明1 多画面分割是软件是在一台电脑上同时显示不同的多画面用来显示网络摄像机的图像用户根据网络摄像机的IP地址来设置不同和参数从而进行多画面的分割观看。
2 本地、远程分割器的配置第一步安装分割器软件直接将分割器软件放在桌面由用户自己来命名第二步双击分割器软件如图1-1所示图1-1 图1-2 第三步见红线处双击“Multiviewer”多画面分割器出现用户名、密码对话框其用户名是“admin”密码是“123456”点击“确定”如图1-2所示第四步点击“确定”出现如图1-3所示图1-3 图1-4 第五步选择“登陆系统”将会出现“用户名”“密码”用户名是“admin”密码是“123456”如图1-4所示图1-5 图1-6 网络摄像机安装使用说明书Page 4 of 11 第六步选择“用户管理”并双击将出现管理界面有“用户名”“用户组”“用户描述”见红线处admin/ 管理员/管理本地用户允许对系统进行配置在这三处点击“右键”将会出现“密码修改”、“用户名修改”、“更改用户组”可以对这三项来修改具有很高的安全性由用户根据需要来设定同时在空白处单击右键出现一个添加“用户”有“用户名”“密码”“密码确认”“帐号描述”也可由用户自己来根据需要来设定有“管理员”与“一般用户”可供选择用户可添加更多的用户来管理在“管理员和一般用户”中管理员可以控制所要监控的对象一般用户只能观看不能控制如图1-51-6所示第七步选择“视频配置”有“录像保存目录全局”指定一个保存位置它可以将整个图像保存下来“编号”是对所要配置网络摄像机IP地址顺序的排列有148路可填写由于电脑的CPU处理能力有限它只能同时播放16路“视频域名”是网络摄像机或网络球机的IP地址“视频端口”是网络摄像机或网络球机的视频端口“发布点名称”是文本文件填写live.asf“工作模式”有“视频开”“视频关”可供选择“WEB端口”“录像设置”“描述”详见后面详细说明如图1-7所示图1-7 图1-8 在“录像保存时间全局”时有“1天”“7天”“20天”“30天”由用户自己来选取在“循环播放间隔”有“不循环”“1分钟”“2分钟”“4分钟”“8分钟”可选根据用户自己的需要来设定。
高清网络摄像机 HD IP Camera 快速安装指南说明书

1 Screw off the connector lid
Magnetic chuck 2
There are magnetic chucks at the chassis of the camera. When installing the camera, just stick them to the mounting surface.
本保修卡适用于您购买的本公司系列产品。 1. 免费保修期一年(仅限中国大陆地区,中国大陆以外地区请参考英文说明)。 2. 凡保修期内,由于本产品自身引起的故障,请与公司售后服务部联系。 3. 保修时我们将使用您的保修卡信息,请认真填写。 4. 以下情况,属于有偿保修范围:
- 人为原因造成的设备故障 - 因使用环境不符合本产品要求造成的故障 - 因不可抗力造成的产品损坏 - 无保修卡 - 已过保修期
HD IP Camera
快速安装指南 Quick Start Guide
一、前言 感谢您购买我司产品,如对本公司产品有疑问或需要,请随时和我们联系。我们尽最大努力来保证 本手册信息的正确性,如因升级等原因发生信息修改,恕不另行通知。 获取最新文档请联系产品供应商。 二、安全说明 此手册的目的是确保用户正确使用本产品,以避免危险或财产损失。在使用产品之前,请认真阅读 此手册并妥善保存以备日后参考。如果用户因没有按照以下安全说明,致使设备不能正常使用或损 坏等情况,责任由用户承担。
2.Safety Instruction
These instructions are intended to ensure that the user can use the product correctly to avoid danger or property loss. Please read this Guide carefully before using the product, and keep it properly for future reference. If the product cannot work normally or is damaged because the user does not follow the safety instructions, we shall not assume any responsibility.

1E n g l i s hKeep the Network Camera away from water. If the Network Camera becomes wet, power off immediately.Refer to your user's manual for the operating temperature.Power off the Network Camera as soon as smoke or unusual odors are detected.Do not place the Network Camera around heat sources, such as a television or oven.Keep the Network Camera away from direct sunlight.Do not place the Network Camerain high humidity environments.2Do not place the Network Camera on unsteady surfaces.Do not touch the Network Camera during a lightning storm.Do not disassemble the Network Camera.Do not drop the Network Camera.Do not insert sharp or tiny objectsinto the Network Camera.3E n g l i shCamera Stand CS-mount LensIP7161Warranty CardPower AdapterQuick Installation GuideSoftware CD1Package ContentsL-type Hex Key Wrench4Power Cord SocketRJ45 SocketButtonGeneral I/O Terminal BlockMicrophone In Front PanelBack PanelLens2Physical DescriptionBuilt-in MicrophoneLight SensorStatus LED SD/SDHC Card Slot Lens5E n g l i s h1. Mount the lens by turning it clockwise onto the camera mount until it stops. If necessary, turn the lens counterclockwise slowly until it gets the best attitude.2. Connect the lens cable plug to the camera connector.3Mounting the Lens to the CameraGeneral Connection (without PoE)1. If you have external devices such as sensors and alarms, connect them to the general I/O terminal block.2. Connect the camera to a switch via Ethernet cable.3. Connect the power cable from the Network Camera to a power outlet.1234Network DeploymentEthernet Switch1: Power +12V 2: Digital output 3: Digital input 4: Ground 5: AC 24V 6: AC 24V 7: RS485+8: RS485-6Power over Ethernet (PoE)When using a non-PoE switchUse a PoE power injector (optional) to connect between the Network Camera anda non-PoE switch.When using a PoE-enabled switchThe Network Camera is PoE-compliant, allowing transmission of power and data via a single Ethernet cable. Follow the below illustration to connect the Network Camera to a PoE-enabled switch via Ethernet cable.PoE SwitchNon-PoE SwitchPoE Power Injector(optional)7E n g l i s hMAC:0002D17302025Assigning IP Address1. Install "Installation Wizard 2" from the Software Utility directory on the software CD.2. The program will conduct an analysis of your network environment. After your network is analyzed, please click on the "Next" button to continue the program.3. The program will search for VIVOTEK Video Receivers, Video Servers, and Network Cameras on the same LAN.4. After searching, the main installer window will pop up. Click on the MAC that matches the one labeled on the bottom of your device to connect to the Network Camera via Internet Explorer.8Ready to Use61. Access the Network Camera from the LAN.2. Retrieve live video through a web browser or recording software.3. Unscrew the zoom controller to adjust the zoom factor. Upon completion, tighten the zoom controller.4. Unscrew the focus controller to adjust the focus range. Upon completion, tighten the focus controller.9E n g l i s hFine-tune the Camera Focus7Please follow the steps below to fi ne-tune the camera focus:1. Use the supplied L-type hex key wrench to loosen the ring screw; the adjustment ring will become rotatable.2. Rotate the adjustment ring to fi ne-tune the distance between the sensor and the lens; the IR-cut fi lter and image sensor will move forwards or backwards as the illustration shows below.3. When fi nished, tighten the ring screw to fi x the adjustment ring.c。

图 1 WEB 视频监视界面 ................................................................................................................................ - 2 图 2 监视通道示意图...................................................................................................................................... - 3 图 3 显示实时抓拍图片示意图 ..................................................................................................................... - 4 图 4 视频监视窗口示意图 ............................................................................................................................. - 4 图 5 查找录像文件对话框示意图 .................................................................................................................. - 5 图 6 回放进度条示意图 .................................................................................................................................. - 5 图 7 系统菜单示意图...................................................................................................................................... - 6 图 8 监视窗口切换示意图 .............................................................................................................................. - 6 图 9 预览窗口示意图...................................................................................................................................... - 6 图 10 图像配置窗口示意图 ............................................................................................................................ - 6 图 11 其他配置窗口示意图 ............................................................................................................................ - 7 图 12 抓图命名配置窗口示意图 .................................................................................................................... - 7 图 13 版本信息示意图 ................................................................................................................................... - 8 图 14 硬盘信息显示示意图 ........................................................................................................................... - 9 图 15 日志信息示意图 ................................................................................................................................... - 9 图 16 系统设置-普通设置示意图................................................................................................................. - 10 图 17 夏令时-日期设置示意图.....................................................................................................................- 11 图 18 夏令时-星期设置示意图.....................................................................................................................- 11 图 19 系统设置-编码设置示意图................................................................................................................ - 12 图 20 水印设置示意图 ................................................................................................................................. - 12 图 21 区域画质设置示意图 .......................................................................................................................... - 13 图 22 系统设置-串口设置示意图................................................................................................................. - 14 图 23 系统设置-网络设置示意图................................................................................................................. - 15 图 24 系统设置-邮件设置示意图................................................................................................................. - 16 图 25 系统设置-多 DDNS 设置示意图........................................................................................................ - 17 图 26 系统设置-NAS 设置示意图................................................................................................................ - 18 -

中选中设备,点击 ,在弹出的界面中设置235)登录成功后,下载并安装视频插件。
【说明】如果直接通过Web 端首次登录未激活的设备,可在登录界面设置管理员的密码激活设备 ( 如图5 )。
登录前需要先将PC 机设置为与设备在同一网段。
4. 图像调节和镜头调整进入客户端后可以直接浏览图像,界面如图。
调整设备方向,在Web 客户端上进行参数调整,直到浏览画面达到预定要求。
图 4图53 ) 点击 ,在弹出的界面中配置网络参数 。
静态分配IP 地址时,请选择自定义地址,填写以太网参数。
修改参数配置,需要填写管理员用户用户名(admin )及激活设备时所设置的密码。
完成IP 配置后,设备将自动重启,重启时间约为60秒。
4 ) 在IPCSearch 中双击设备或点击 ,输入用户名和密码 ( 如图4 ),登录Web 客户端。
线缆识别线序1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10RS485_ARS485_BAUDIO_IN 1AUDIO_IN 2AUDIO_OUTAUDIO_GNDALARM_INALARM_IN_GNDALARM_OUT 1AALARM_OUT 1BRS485串口ARS485串口B音频输入1音频输入2音频输出音频接地告警输入告警输入接地告警输出1,两个端子不分正负黄绿粉红白黑/白浅绿灰红蓝紫标签标示颜色组别 注释一组一组一组附 线缆识别图 61) When use the device for the first time, run the IPCSearch in the attached CD and set camera IP address and gateway. If the network provides DHCP service, DHCP server will assign IP for the camera automatically.2) Select the device and click “Batch processing”. In the popup interface, set admin user’s password and the claim e-mail address to find back the password. Click “Active” and wait for rebooting.Picture 33. L ogin client[Note]:Some models support PoE (Power on Ethernet). Only have to connect RJ45 connector to PoE switch and no other power supply is needed.The tail connector is subject to the actual model. Picture 2 shows the model with most complete connections.Please refer to the appendix for wire connection.System for client installation:Processor: 3.3 GHz CORE®i3 series or other equivalent processorsRAM Memory: 4GB or aboveOperating System: Windows XP or newer versionBrowser: IE7.0 and newer version, Firefox, Google Chrome (41 and lower)DirectX :9.0c[Note]: This Guide will take Windows XP as example to explain client login steps.4. Live view and lens adjustmentAfter login, user can view live video directly, as the picture shows.[Note]: Interface of different models may differ. Please refer to the help file for detailed explanation.Adjust camera direction, configure camera parameters in web client until the live view meets requirement.Picture 4Picture 53) Click “Modify Params” and set the network parameters. When configure a static IP for the camera, please check “Custom device address (Close DHCP)” and fill the Ethernet parameter. During the modification, the user name (admin) and the password set before activation should be entered. After configuration, the camera will reboot automatically and this takes 60s.4) Double click the device in IPCSearch or click “Login”. Enter user name and password (as Picture 4 shows) to login the web client.5) After login, download and install the plug-in.[Note]: If login the nonactivated camera by web client, you can set admin user’s password on the logininterface to activate the device (as in Picture 5). Before setting, set the PC and the device in the same LAN.Picture 6Kedacom Two (2) Year Limited Hardware WarrantyWHAT IS COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY?Kedacom warrants the Kedacom-branded hardware product and accessories contained in the original packaging (hereinafter referred to as "Kedacom Product") against defects in materials and workmanship when used normally in accordance with Kedacom's published guidelines for a period of TWO (2) YEARS from the date of original retail purchase in areas other than mainland China by the end-user purchaser (hereinafter referred to as "Warranty Period"). For the Kedacom Product purchased in mainland China, see the simplified Chinese version of this warranty for details. Kedacom's published guidelines include but are not limited to information contained in technical specifications, user guides, and service communications.The preceding applies unless otherwise agreed in the contract.WHAT IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY?This warranty does not apply to any non-Kedacom branded hardware products or any software, even if packaged or sold with Kedacom hardware. Manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers, other than Kedacom, may provide their own warranties to you but Kedacom, in so far as permitted by law, provides their products "AS IS". Software distributed by Kedacom with or without the Kedacom brand (including, but not limited to system software) is not covered by this warranty. Please refer to the licensing agreement accompanying the software for details of your rights with respect to its use. Kedacom does not warrant that the operation of the Kedacom Product will be uninterrupted or error-free. Kedacom is not responsible for damage arising from failures to follow instructions relating to the Kedacom Product's use.This warranty does not apply: (a) to consumable parts, such as batteries, unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents, and broken plastic on ports; (c) to damage caused by use with another product; (d) to damage caused by acts outside the control of Kedacom, including without limitation acts of God, accidents, abuse, misuse, fire, storms, earthquakes, flood, or other external cause; (e) to damage caused by exposure of the product to heat, bright light, sun, liquids, sand, or other contaminants; (f) to damage caused by operating the Kedacom Product outside Kedacom's published guidelines; (g) to damage caused by service (including upgrades and expansions) performed by anyone other than a representative of Kedacom, Kedacom employee, or authorized Kedacom agent; (h) to an Kedacom Product that has been modified to alter functionality or capability without the written permission of Kedacom; (i) to defects caused by normal wear and tear or otherwise due to the normal aging of the Kedacom Product, or (j) if any serial number has been removed or defaced from the Kedacom Product.YOUR RESPONSIBILITIESIf your Kedacom product is capable of storing data and other information, you should make periodic backup copies of the information contained on the storage media to protect the contents and as a precaution against possible operational failures.Before receiving warranty service, Kedacom or its authorized agents may require that you furnish proof of purchase details, respond to questions designed to assist with diagnosing potential issues, and follow Kedacom's procedures for obtaining warranty service. Before submitting your Kedacom Product for warranty service, you should maintain a separate backup copy of the contents of its storage media, remove all personal information that you want to protect, and disable all security passwords.During warranty service, it is possible that the contents of the Kedacom product's storage media will be lost, replaced or reformatted. In such an event, Kedacom and its authorized agents are not responsible for any loss of data or other information contained on the storage media or any other part of the Kedacom product serviced.Following warranty service, your Kedacom Product or a replacement product will be returned to you as your Kedacom Product was configured when originally purchased, subject to applicable updates. You will be responsible for reinstalling all other data and information. Recovery and reinstallation of other data and information are not covered under this warranty.WHAT WILL KEDACOM DO IF THE WARRANTY IS BREACHED?If during the Warranty Period, you submit a valid claim to Kedacom or an authorized Kedacom agent, Kedacom will, at its option, (i) repair the Kedacom Product using new or previously used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability, or (ii) exchange the Kedacom Product for a refund of your purchase price.A Kedacom replacement part or product, including a user-installable Kedacom part that has been installed in accordance with instructions provided by Kedacom, assumes the remaining warranty of the Kedacom Product or ninety (90) days from the date of replacement or repair, whichever provides longer coverage for you. When a product or part is replaced or a refund provided, any replacement item becomes your property and the replaced or refunded item becomes Kedacom's property.Kedacom reserves the right to refund the purchase price as its exclusive warranty remedy.HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE?To seek warranty service, please contact a local authorized Kedacom agent. When contacting the agent via telephone, other charges may apply depending on your location.User InformationComplete the form below and keep for ready reference.User Name:Address:Postal Code:Tel:Mobile:Fax:E-Mail:Product Name:Product Model:Date of Purchase:。

3. 声明
3.1 产品请以实物为准,说明书仅供参考。 3.2 产品实时更新,如有升级恕不另行通知。产品部分功能在产品更新前后允许存在细微差异。 3.3 最新程序及补充说明文档敬请与公司客服部联系。 3.4 如在使用摄像机时发生任何问题,请及时与供应商或公司客服部联系。 3.5 我们已尽量保证说明书中内容的完整与准确,但由于真实环境不稳定等原因,部分数据的实际值可能
b) 请在安装配线中组入易于使用的断电设备。 c) 摄像机运行之前,请检查供电电源是否正确。 d) 请保护电源软线免受踩踏或紧压,特别是在插头、电源插座和从装置引出的接点处。
1.2 使用环境要求
a) 请避免将设备对准强光(如灯光照明、阳光等)聚焦,否则容易引起过亮或拉光现象(这并非设备故 障),也将影响感光器件 CCD(或 CMOS)的寿命。
2.2.1 带 F 型镜头摄像机 .......................................................................................................................... - 4 2.2.2 带 C、CS 型镜头摄像机 ................................................................................................................. - 5 -
4.2 镜头拆卸.................................................................................................................................................. - 13 4.2.1 F 型镜头拆卸 .................................................................................................................................. - 13 4.2.2 高清摄像机 C、CS 型镜头拆卸 ................................................................................................... - 13 -

Network Traffic Camera • User ManualNetwork Traffic Camera (for Checkpoint and Intersection Violation System)Quick Start Guide© 2020 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.This Manual is the property of Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. or its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “Hikvision”), and it cannot be reproduced, changed, translated, or distributed, partially or wholly, by any means, without the prior written permission of Hikvision. Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, Hikvision does not make any warranties, guarantees or representations, express or implied, regarding to the Manual, any information contained herein.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website (https:///en/).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarks Acknowledgement●and other Hikvision’s trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions.●Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners.LEGAL DISCLAIMER●TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITHITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS”.HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.●YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKVISIONSHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INSPECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS;HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.●YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELYRESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.●IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATER PREVAILS.Regulatory InformationFCC InformationPlease take attention that changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.FCC compliance: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. FCC ConditionsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference.2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EU Conformity StatementThis product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" and comply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU.2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points. For more information see: 2006/66/EC (battery directive): This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling, return the battery to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more information see: Industry Canada ICES-003 ComplianceThis device meets the CAN ICES-3 (A)/NMB-3(A) standards requirements.Symbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.Safety InstructionsTABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1 Introduction (6)Overview (6)Key Feature (6)System Requirement (6)Appearance and Interfaces (7)Appearance (7)Interfaces (7)Chapter 2 Construction Solution (9)Construction Solution I (9)Construction Solution II (9)Chapter 3 Installation (11)Install Lens (11)Insert TF card (11)Insert Guard Shield (11)Install Camera on Horizontal Pole (12)Chapter 4 Network Connection (14)Wire over LAN (14)Activate the Camera (15)Activate via SADP Software (15)Activate via Web Browser (17)Login (18)Chapter 1 IntroductionOverviewIntegrated with video collection, smart encoding compression, and network transmission, network traffic camera can capture pictures and recognize vehicle features, such as license plate number, vehicle type, vehicle color, and vehicle brand. It is widely used in highway safety checkpoint, city safety checkpoint, and intersections.Key Feature●Supports H.265/H.264.●Multiple application modes, e.g., checkpoint single I/O, checkpoint vehicle detector, RS-485radar, mixed-traffic lane, and video analysis E-police.●Supports violation detection, e.g., driving on the lane line, red light running, wrong-waydriving, prohibition violation, etc., which can effectively prevent violations.●Supports dual shutters, enabling the camera to capture while video monitoring.●Supports flash light control according to brightness condition and time schedule, enabling thecamera to capture while IO output.●Supports multiple supplement light types, e.g., strobe, burst, etc.●Supports violation image composition, forming full evidence for enforcement.Functions may vary with different models. Please refer to actual product.System Requirement●Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP SP1 and above version/Vista/Win 7/Win 10/Server2003/Server 2008 32bits.●CPU: 1.0 GHz or higher.●RAM: 1 G or higher.●Display: 1024 × 768 resolution or higher.●Web Browser: Internet Explorer 8.0 and above version, Mozilla Firefox 5.0 and above version.Appearance and InterfacesAppearanceAuto Iris Interface LensAppearanceInterfacesThe interfaces are mainly located on the rear panel.Rear PanelRear Panel InterfaceInterface DescriptionLAN1/LAN2 10/100/1000 M Ethernet interfaceTF TF card slotPWR Power indicatorGroundRTG RS-232 interface for debugging and temperature shield control viatransparent channel.D1-D3 RS-485 interface, for transferring RS-485 input information (such asradar, vehicle detector, etc.).SYNC Synchronization inputT1 Input triggerF1-F7 Flash light trigger outputUSB USB interface12VDC 12 VDC power inputThe USB interface can only be connected to USB flash drive. It is not allowed to charge other devices or connect other loads.Chapter 2 Construction SolutionConstruction Solution IThe following construction takes example of 3 MP camera in the scene of bidirectional 4 lanes without speed detection. Pole Height: 6 m 3.75 m 26 mFlash Light 3Network Traffic Camera 2Lane 2Lane 1Lane 3Lane 45 m 5 m 26 m Flash Light 4Flash Light 2Network Traffic Camera 1Flash Light 1Construction Solution for 3 MP Camera● The pole height is 6 m. We recommend that captured position should be 26 m or abovehorizontal distance from the camera to meet LPR requirement.● Flash light is built in the guard shield for light supplement of multiple lanes, improving licenseplate capture and recognition rate.● The camera will capture multiple pictures continuously. To guarantee the second picturequality, the picture bottom in captured position should be 18 to 20 m horizontal distance from the pole.Construction Solution IIThe following construction takes example of 9 MP camera in the scene of bidirectional 6 lanes with radar speed detection.Trigger Position5 m5m 3.m 5 m3.75 m3.75 m3.75 m Lane 3Pole Height: 6 mNetwork Traffic Camera 126 mFlash Light 326 mRadar 35 m3.75 m3.75 m 3.75 m5 mLane 2Lane 1Flash Light 2Radar 2Radar 1Flash Light 1Flash Light 4Radar 4Radar 5Radar 6Flash Light 5Flash Light 6Pole Height: 6 mNetwork Traffic Camera 2Lane 4Lane 5Lane 6Trigger PositionConstruction Solution for 9 MP Camera● The pole height is 6 m. We recommend that captured position should be 26 m or abovehorizontal distance from the camera to meet LPR requirement. ● Flash light is built in the guard shield for light supplement of multiple lanes, improving licenseplate capture and recognition rate. ● The camera will capture multiple pictures continuously. To guarantee the second picturequality, the picture bottom in captured position should be 18 to 20 m horizontal distance from the pole.Radar is used for speed detection.Chapter 3 InstallationInstall LensPull out the sensor protective cover. Install the lens, and rotate it 90 clockwise until it is fixed.Connect the lens cable plug to the auto iris interface.If the camera only supports manual iris, skip step 2.Insert TF cardInstall the TF card according to arrow direction as shown in the Figure 3-1.If you want to take out the TF card, press it inwards lightly to pop it up.TF CardInstall TF CardInsert Guard ShieldPull upward the buckle, and take hook off the guard shield cover. Open the guard shield.Guard ShieldBuckleOpen Guard ShieldTake off the bottom plate from the guard shield, and fix the camera on it by included screws.Fix Camera on Bottom PlateFix the guard shield cover on the camera.Connect the cable with the camera, and thread the cable through the hole in bottom.Connect Camera with CableInstall Camera on Horizontal PoleCardan joint consists of 2 parts. Upper part includes 2 screw holes, and lower part is connected with hoop.Install the hoop.1)Loosen the hoop screws and open the hoop.2)Pull the hoop ring, and shrink the hoop to the thickness of the horizontal pole.3)Install the hoop bracket on the horizontal pole.Install HoopAlign the screw holes at the bottom of the cardan joint with the hoop, screw in, and tighten the screws, to install the cardan joint on the hoop.Install Cardan JointFix the whole camera with sun shield on the horizontal pole with the cardan joint.Fix Camera on Horizontal PoleChapter 4 Network Connection●You shall acknowledge that the use of the product with Internet access might be undernetwork security risks. For avoidance of any network attacks and information leakage,please strengthen your own protection. If the product does not work properly, pleasecontact with your dealer or the nearest service center.●To ensure the network security of the camera, we recommend you to have the cameraassessed and maintained termly. You can contact us if you need such service.Before you start:To view and configure the camera via a LAN, you need to connect the camera in the same subnet with your computer, and install the SADP to search and change the IP address of the camera.Wire over LANThe following figures show the two ways of cable connection between a camera and a computer.●Directly connect the camera to the computer with a network cable.●Set camera over the LAN via a switch or a router.Network CableNetwork Traffic CameraComputerDirect ConnectionSwitchComputerNetwork Traffic CameraConnection via a Switch or a RouterActivate the CameraYou are required to activate the camera first by setting a strong password for it before you can use it. Multiple activation methods are supported. Here we take example of activation via web browser and SADP.Refer to the user manual of client software for the activation via client software.Activate via SADP SoftwareSADP software is used for detecting the online device, activating the camera, and resetting the password.Get the SADP software from the official website, and install the SADP according to the prompts.Run the SADP software to search the online devices.Check the device status from the device list, and select the inactive device.SADP InterfaceCreate a password, and confirm it.Click Activate to activate the device.STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED– We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.Change the device IP address to the same subnet with your computer by either modifying theIP address manually or checking Enable DHCP.Modify Network ParametersInput the password and click Modify to activate your IP address modification.Activate via Web BrowserPower on the camera, and connect the camera to the network.Input the IP address into the address bar of the web browser, and press Enter to enter the activation interface.Activation Interface (Web)Create a password.STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED– We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (using a minimum of 8 characters, including upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.Confirm the password.Click OK to save the password and enter the live view interface.LoginYou can log in to the camera via web browser.Open the web browser.In the browser address bar, enter the IP address of the camera, and press the Enter key to enter the login interface.Enter User Name and Password.Click Login.LoginInstall the plug-in before viewing the live video and operating the camera. Follow theinstallation prompts to install the plug-in.You may have to close the web browser to install the plug-in. Please reopen the web browser and log in again after installing the plug-in.0403022000122UD18302B。

打开护罩安装镜头(1) 用十字螺丝刀松开定位螺丝。
(2) 移开适当空间,拧上镜头(需自行选配),拧紧定位螺丝。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
1.2.4 接口连接图
图1-5 接口连线图
物理接口 LAN 网络接口 电源(DC12V) 外部触发输入 (T1 T2 T3 T4 GND) 补光灯同步触发 输出 (F1+ F2+ F3+)
表1-4 模块说明
连接说明 10M/100M/1000M 自适应标准以太网口 RESET:暂不用,保留 通过网络抓拍机内的光电耦合器接收外部 触发输入信号
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
1.2.3 -K 型后面板说明
图1-4 后面板说明示意图
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6
表1-3 编号解释
描述 10M/100M/1000M 自适应标准以太网口 RESET:暂不用,保留 USB2.0 接口 USB2.0 接口 SD 卡插槽 VIDEO OUT:模拟视频输出接口,支持 CVBS 或 SDI 输 出
图1-14 护罩固定上支架 7. 最终效果图,如图 1-15 所示。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
图1-15 安装完成
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
1.3.2 II 型摄像机安装
请使用正规厂家提供的电源适配器,电源适配器具体要求参见设备 参数表。
为减少火灾或电击危险,请勿让本产品受到雨淋或受潮。 应该在建筑物安装配线中组入易于使用的断电设备。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
有关在天花板上安装设备的指示:安装后,请确保该连接至少可承 受向下 50 牛顿(N)的拉力。
注意类文字,表示对用户的提醒,提醒用户一 些重要的操作或者防范潜在的伤害和财产损失 危险。 警告类文字,表示提醒用户防范潜在的死亡或 者严重伤装使用过程中,必须严格遵守国家和使用地区的各项电气安 全规程。
如果设备工作不正常,请联系购买设备的商店或最近的服务中心, 不要以任何方式拆卸或修改设备。(对未经认可的修改或维修导致 的问题,本公司不承担任何责任)。
请不要使物体摔落到设备上或大力振动设备,使设备远离存在磁场 干扰的地点。避免将设备安装到表面振动或容易受到冲击的地方 (忽视此项可能会损坏设备)。
自动光圈镜头插座接口类型为阴式方四孔型,其各个针定义如图 1-2 所示。直流驱动自动光圈接口使用四针,即阻尼正、阻尼负、驱动正、 驱动负。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
图1-2 自动光圈接口座示意图
1.2.2 后面板说明
图1-3 后面板说明示意图
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
表1-2 编号解释
USB 接口 视频输出 (VIDEO OUT)
连接说明 开关量输出:补光灯同步信号 OC 门输出 (负极)(光耦隔离 2500VAC) 电平量输出:GND 用于传输 RS-485 控制信息 (主要作为雷达、车检器等输入) 用于串口调试和透明通道
插入 SD/SDHC 卡用于本地存储,支持最大 32G SD/SDHC 卡 用于接入 USB 存储设备 连接监视器视频电缆,标准 BNC 接口
本手册中内容仅为用户提供参考指导作用,不保证与实物完全一致, 请以实物为准。
本手册中提到的部件、组件和附件仅作说明之用,不代表购买机型 的配置,详细配置请以装箱清单为准。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
本节内容的目的是确保用户通过本手册能够正确使用产品,以避免操 作中的危险或财产损失。在使用此产品之前,请认真阅读安装手册并 妥善保存以备日后参考。
避免安装在剧烈震动的环境下。 如果设备工作不正常,请联系购买设备的商店或最近的服务中心,请不
要以任何方式拆卸或修改设备。未经许可的修改或维修所导致的问题, 责任自负。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
1.2 面板说明
1.2.1 侧面板说明
图1-1 侧面板说明图
表1-1 接口说明
序号 1 2
描述 自动光圈镜头插座 镜头接口(CS 型)
请勿直接触碰整机散热部件,以免烫伤。 激光束可能烧毁图像传感器,在激光装置被使用的情况下,请您一
定注意不要让图像传感器的表面暴露于激光束之下。 使用时不可让水或任何液体流入摄像机。 请不要在极热、极冷、多尘或者高湿度的环境下使用设备,具体温、
湿度要求参见设备的参数表。 避免对准强光(如灯光照明、太阳光等处)聚焦,否则容易引起过
图1-6 外部触发输入信号电路
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
图1-7 补光灯同步触发输出电路 1(开关量)
图1-8 补光灯同步触发输出电路 2(5V 信号量)
1.3 典型工程安装说明
1.3.1 I 型摄像机安装
镜头必须是质量小于 1kg 的 CS 装配型。镜头安装平面的突出部分必须小于 5mm。当使用 C 装配镜头时,请使用 C 装配转接器。
− 具有读懂本手册内容的能力。
− 使用适合安装地点和安装方式的安全升降设备。 − 升降设备具有达到安装位置的足够的举升高度。 − 升降设备具有良好的安全性能。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
前言 .................................................................................................... II 第 1 章 产品安装 ................................................................................ 1
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
对安装和维修人员的素质要求 具有从事 CCTV 系统安装、维修的资格证书或经历,并有从事相 关工作(如高空作业等)的资格,此外还必须具有如下的知识和操 作技能。
− 具有 CCTV 系统及组成部分的基础知识和安装技能。 − 具有低压布线和低压电子线路接线的基础知识和操作
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
1. 取出护罩中的固定底板,用螺丝将网络抓拍机固定于底板上,如图 1-9 所示。
图1-9 固定摄像机 2. 将底板和网络抓拍机固定在护罩内,如图 1-10 所示。
图1-10 摄像机装入护罩 3. 调节镜头焦距并进行聚焦,将相应的连接线与网络抓拍机接好并从
护罩的底部孔位处穿出,如图 1-11 所示。
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
第1章 产品安装
1.1 注意事项
拆开包装盒时请仔细检查,确认其中的物品完整。 安装前请仔细阅读本章内容。 安装时请务必关闭所有相关设备电源。 检查电源电压,防止出现由于电压不匹配导致器件损坏。 请勿在超标的潮湿或高温环境下使用,请保持通风良好,注意防雨淋;
开关量输出:补光灯同步信号 OC 门输出 (正极)(光耦隔离 2500VAC)
电平量输出:补光灯同步信号 5V TTL 电平 输出
智能交通高清网络摄像机 安装手册
物理接口 补光灯同步触发 输出 (F1- F2- F3-) RS-485(D+, D-)
RS-232(RXD, TXD) SD 卡插槽
亮或拉光现象(这并非摄像机故障),也将影响图像传感器寿命。 避免热量积蓄,保持摄像机周边通风流畅。 请勿直接触碰到图像传感器,若有必要清洁,请将干净布用酒精稍
微湿润,轻轻拭去尘污;当摄像机不使用时,请将防尘盖加上,以 保护图像传感器。 请妥善保存摄像机的全部原包装材料,以便出现问题时,使用包装 材料将智能球包装好,寄到代理商或返回厂家处理。非原包装材料 导致的运输途中的意外损坏,由使用者承担责任。
1.1 注意事项 ......................................................................................... 1 1.2 面板说明 ......................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 侧面板说明............................................................................... 2 1.2.2 后面板说明............................................................................... 3 1.2.3 -K 型后面板说明........................................................................ 5 1.2.4 接口连接图............................................................................... 7 1.3 典型工程安装说明........................................................................... 9 1.3.1 I 型摄像机安装 .......................................................................... 9 1.3.2 II 型摄像机安装 ....................................................................... 14 附录 1 术语表 ....................................................................................18 附录 2 维护说明.................................................................................21