【精品文档】索纳塔8使用说明书word版本 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==索纳塔8使用说明书篇一:第八代索纳塔使用技巧索八使用技巧!!!一、一键启动:有些同学反馈不着车不能升降玻璃、不能听音乐,这种理解是错误的,踩刹车按start是点火,不踩刹车就不会点火,而是在几种模式下切换具体为:off-acc-on-off循环,acc档是部分电器通电,可以听音乐,on是整车上电并自检,可以升降车窗、开大灯、开雨刮,此外当遥控出问题的时候可以打开扶手箱,在前壁中间有个插遥控钥匙的地方,该怎么用你知道的二、大灯延时关闭:用门把手的无钥匙进入系统锁车不会关闭大灯,用遥控直接锁车可以关闭大灯,同理开灯也一样三、方向盘锁:熄火后开一下车门会听到类似齿轮组转动的声音,这时稍稍转动方向盘就会自动上锁,点火或切换ACC档时自动解锁方向盘四、kickdown需要超车或急加速时,油门给大点(或底板油),ECU会识别车主意识,提高换档转速并适时降档,也叫kickdown(磨合期慎用),同样道理,如果想省油,转速在201X转左右,加速快/减速慢的情况下,可以稍稍收油,发动机也会升一个档,这样可以用低转速行车,从而达到节油的目地,起步时候也不要猛给油,因为你给的油多,发动机不一定能用的了五、胎压:不喜欢研究技术的同还一般对胎压都不太关注,这里说一下吧,胎压很重要,绝对不亚于发动机和变速箱,一般标准胎压是2.3左右,胎压低带来的问题是摩擦力大费油、啃胎(两边)但舒适性会好,胎压高带来的问题是摩擦力相对减小省油,但也会啃胎(中间),而且易爆胎,舒适性也会降低,过砍过沟会跳,太高或太低都会引起爆胎,所以胎压一定要适中,北方这种天气热天四轮2.5即可,兼顾安全、节油和舒适,冷天四轮2.7即可六、日常检查:副水箱冷却液不能低于L线,玻璃水适时添加即可,冬天要用防冻的,其他时间可以加白水即可,跑长途不能用白水,因为会撞死很多虫子,白水洗不掉的六、日常检查:机油尺,这个一般一个月或1000KM左右查一次即可,但跑长途前一定要查,主要关注两点:1.油位,要在冷车时或熄火半小时后检查,油位要在低限和高限之间,低了限位就是不够,曲轴箱润滑度就会受影响,要及时补加,高了限位就是油多了,会影响曲轴箱运转,比如发动机无力等。

查 • 赠送礼品 • 成交推进
试乘 走向汽车 静态讲解 安全强调
起步 …… 倒车
演示新索纳塔的智能迎宾 功能
•X先生/女士,您看,我们的第八代索纳塔 正在欢迎您呢!索纳塔以仿生学为理念,设 计出智能迎宾功能。您看,它的大灯、后视 镜、门把手都会因主人的到来而产生动作, 表示对您的欢迎!这样一部有灵性的车开出 去,是一件多么有面子的事情!
启动 主动邀约 流程讲解 资格确认 手续办理
向客户讲解试乘试驾的整 体流程安排
注意说明销售顾问先行驾 驶的必要性
“Ⅹ先生/小姐,等一下我们就来进行 试乘试驾,一开始因为您对路线及操作 比较不熟,所以我先开,先安排您的试 乘体验,你也可以感受一下搭乘此车乘 客的感受,并且我会在沿途跟您介绍各 项操作及体验。等换手之后,您就可以 依照您正常的开车方式及习惯来驾驶, 好好的体验一番。” “另外,在试乘试驾活动后,烦请您帮 我们填一下试乘试驾的反馈表,我们才 能够根据您的建议,未来将活动办得越 来越好。”
试乘 静态讲解 安全强调
起步 直线加速
…… 倒车
请客户坐进副驾驶座 请客户挑选喜欢的CD或通
过AUX/USB接口连接 MP3或IPHONE 打开空调并启动双温区调 节模式
•“X先生/女士,我们特意为您准备了三种 风格的CD,您可以选择试听,我们索纳塔 的音响采用世界知名的INFINITY品牌,6 中高音+1中置+1低音炮的设置可以让您在 车里享受原汁原味的音乐。如果您自备 MP3或ipod,也可以通过接口连接,我们 的车子是非常注重时尚和实用的。(应准备 现场感强的音乐和人声音乐。打开音响的主 要目的是让客户感受音响系统的声音还原度 和现场感,并可对发动机提速时产生的噪音 起到一定的掩盖效果) •“您可能发现了,我们的空调面板采用人 形设计,这可以让您更加直观地操纵空调, 双区温度设计可以让您和乘客设定不同温度, 保证舒适性。此外,我们的空调系统还配备 了离子发生器,让您在驾驶过程中拥有氧吧 的体验”(让客户感受按键的阻尼感与便捷 性,同时鼓风机声音亦可掩盖一部分发动机
【最新】索纳塔8使用说明书-精选word文档 (9页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==索纳塔8使用说明书篇一:第八代索纳塔使用技巧索八使用技巧!!!一、一键启动:有些同学反馈不着车不能升降玻璃、不能听音乐,这种理解是错误的,踩刹车按start是点火,不踩刹车就不会点火,而是在几种模式下切换具体为:off-acc-on-off循环,acc档是部分电器通电,可以听音乐,on是整车上电并自检,可以升降车窗、开大灯、开雨刮,此外当遥控出问题的时候可以打开扶手箱,在前壁中间有个插遥控钥匙的地方,该怎么用你知道的二、大灯延时关闭:用门把手的无钥匙进入系统锁车不会关闭大灯,用遥控直接锁车可以关闭大灯,同理开灯也一样三、方向盘锁:熄火后开一下车门会听到类似齿轮组转动的声音,这时稍稍转动方向盘就会自动上锁,点火或切换ACC档时自动解锁方向盘四、kickdown需要超车或急加速时,油门给大点(或底板油),ECU会识别车主意识,提高换档转速并适时降档,也叫kickdown(磨合期慎用),同样道理,如果想省油,转速在201X转左右,加速快/减速慢的情况下,可以稍稍收油,发动机也会升一个档,这样可以用低转速行车,从而达到节油的目地,起步时候也不要猛给油,因为你给的油多,发动机不一定能用的了五、胎压:不喜欢研究技术的同还一般对胎压都不太关注,这里说一下吧,胎压很重要,绝对不亚于发动机和变速箱,一般标准胎压是2.3左右,胎压低带来的问题是摩擦力大费油、啃胎(两边)但舒适性会好,胎压高带来的问题是摩擦力相对减小省油,但也会啃胎(中间),而且易爆胎,舒适性也会降低,过砍过沟会跳,太高或太低都会引起爆胎,所以胎压一定要适中,北方这种天气热天四轮2.5即可,兼顾安全、节油和舒适,冷天四轮2.7即可六、日常检查:副水箱冷却液不能低于L线,玻璃水适时添加即可,冬天要用防冻的,其他时间可以加白水即可,跑长途不能用白水,因为会撞死很多虫子,白水洗不掉的六、日常检查:机油尺,这个一般一个月或1000KM左右查一次即可,但跑长途前一定要查,主要关注两点:1.油位,要在冷车时或熄火半小时后检查,油位要在低限和高限之间,低了限位就是不够,曲轴箱润滑度就会受影响,要及时补加,高了限位就是油多了,会影响曲轴箱运转,比如发动机无力等。

索纳塔八中控使用说明书1. 引言本使用说明书旨在帮助用户了解和正确使用索纳塔八中控系统。
2. 系统概述索纳塔八中控系统是一款先进的车载娱乐和信息管理系统,具有多种功能和便捷的操作方式。
3. 功能特点3.1 娱乐功能索纳塔八中控系统支持多种娱乐功能,包括收听广播、播放音乐、观看视频等。
3.1.1 收听广播用户可以通过调节频率或者选择预设电台来收听广播。
3.1.2 播放音乐用户可以通过连接手机或者其他设备来播放音乐。
3.1.3 观看视频用户可以通过连接外部设备或者使用内置媒体库来观看视频。
3.2 信息管理功能索纳塔八中控系统还提供了丰富的信息管理功能,方便用户获取和处理各种信息。
3.2.1 蓝牙连接用户可以通过蓝牙功能连接手机,实现电话通话、音乐播放等操作。
3.2.2 导航系统索纳塔八中控系统内置了导航软件,用户可以通过输入目的地或者选择已存储的位置来进行导航。
3.2.3 车辆信息显示系统可以显示车辆的实时数据,包括车速、油耗、发动机温度等。
4. 操作指南4.1 系统启动与关闭按下电源按钮启动系统,在屏幕上出现品牌Logo后即可进入主界面。
4.2 触摸屏操作在主界面上滑动手指可切换不同的功能页面。
4.3 语音指令操作系统支持语音指令操作,用户可以通过语音控制来实现一些功能。

维修实例Maintenance Cases栏目编辑:胡凯溶 ******************54·February-CHINA 北京现代第八代索纳塔遥控钥匙失灵◆文/山东 郭信用 李连俊故障现象一辆2011年生产的北京现代第八代索纳塔轿车,累计行驶里程8000km,客户打电话需要救援,反应遥控钥匙失灵。

Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM)2,055 kgTowing capacity Smartstream G2.5 T-GDiDCTBraked1400 kgUnbraked700 kgMaximum towball weight70 kgFuel consumption*Smartstream G2.5 T-GDiDCTCombined (L/100km)8.1Urban (L/100km)11.5Extra Urban (L/100km) 6.1- combined (g/km)188.0CO2Fuel tank volume60L*Source: Australian Design Rule 81/02 static laboratory combined average city and highway cycle test. Real world fuel consumption will vary depending on a combination of driving habits, the condition of the vehicle, and other factors such as road, traffic and weather conditions. ADR 81/02 test results are meant for comparison purposes only.Dimensions N LineExteriorLength4900 mmWidth1860 mmHeight1445 mmWheelbase2840 mmWheel track - front / rear1610 mm / 1617 mmMinimum ground clearance (based on kerb weight) 135 mmInteriorHead room front / rear 975 mm / 950 mmHip room front / rear1386 mm / 1382 mmLeg room front / rear1170 mm / 885 mmShoulder room front / rear 1470 mm / 1425 mmCargo area - VDA510 LWheels & tyres N LineWheel type AlloyWheel dimensions19 x 8.0J +55Tyre dimensions245/40 R19 98Y(Continental PremiumContact™ 6)Spare wheel type Space saverDriving convenience N LineElectronic Parking Brake (EPB) (with auto hold function)●One touch turn signal - 3, 5, or 7 flashes●Rain sensing wipers●Smart Key with push button start●Steering wheel mounted controls - audio, phone, cruise control, LFA , & trip computer●Tilt & telescopic steering column●Driving engagement N LineDrive Mode - 4 settings (Custom, Sport, Sport+ , Normal)●Launch control●Active sound design ●Performance guages on cluster●Shift by Wire Transmission control (SBW)●Paddle shifters●Active safety N LineElectronic Stability Control (ESC) including;Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)●Brake Assist System (BAS)●Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD)●Hill-start Assist Control (HAC)●Traction Control System (TCS)●Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) ●Hyundai SmartSense ™ including;Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA)●Blind-Spot View Monitor (BVM)●Driver Attention Warning (DAW)●Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) - camera and radar type, including:●- Car/Pedestrian/Cyclist detection- City/Urban/Interurban operational speeds - Junction Turning (FCA-JT) functionality High Beam Assist (HBA)● Lane Keeping Assist - Line (LKA-Line / Road Edge)● Lane Following Assist (LFA)● Leading Vehicle Departure Alert (LVDA)● Manual Speed Limit assist (MSLA)● Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)● Smart Cruise control (SCC) with Stop and Go ● Safe Exit Assist (SEA)● Surround View Monitor (SVM)● Other featuresEmergency Stop Signal (ESS)● Park Assist System (PAS) - front and rear (4 sensors, with guidance display)● Rear view camera with dynamic guide lines ● Passive safety N Line AirbagsFront airbags - driver & front passenger ● Side (thorax) airbags - driver & front passenger ● Side curtain airbags - 1st & 2nd rows ● DoorsImpact sensing auto door unlock ● Power Rear door child safety locks ● SeatbeltsPretensioners, load limiters & height adjustable upper mounts on front seat belts ● Seat belt reminder - front & rear seatbelts ● SeatingHeight adjustable front head restraints with tilt function ● Height adjustable rear head restraints● ISOFIX child restraint anchors (rear outboard seats)● Top tether child restraint anchors (rear) - 3 anchors ● Security N Line Security systemActive lock/unlock operation (user configurable)● Anti-theft alarm ● Central locking ● Engine immobiliser ● RemotesSmart Key remote - 2x ● Multimedia system N Line FunctionsApple CarPlay 2 & Android Auto 3 compatibility ● Bluetooth phone connectivity ● Satellite navigation ● Live Traffic Updates● Touch screen - 10.25” display ● SpeakersBose™ premium audio system - 12 speakers with external amplifier ● Audio/media sources AM / FM radio ● Digital radio (DAB+)● Radio Data System (RDS)● USB multimedia input ● Bluetooth audio streaming● Occupant comfort & convenience N Line Upholstery/trimSuede and Nappa Leather 1 appointed seats ● Leather 1 appointed steering wheel●Front seatsDriver’s seat - height adjustable● Driver’s seat - power adjustable - 12 -way (including lumbar support and bolster adjust-ments) ● Driver Seat - Lumbar support (2-way )● Driver Seat - Aircell type Bolster adjustment (2-way) ● Passenger’s seat - power adjustable - 4 -way ● Integrated Memory System (IMS) on driver’s seat and exterior mirrors● Front centre console armrest● Front centre console - 1 x 12V power outlet ● Front centre console - 1x USB multimedia outlet● Front centre console - 1x USB power outlet● Front centre console - wireless charging pad (Qi standard)4● Grip handles - 1x (passenger)● Rear seatsCentre fold down armrest with cupholders● Grip handles - 2x● Rear of centre console - 1 x USB power outlet● Windows/shadesPanoramic glass sunroof - dual panel with tilt and slide front panel and power sunblind● Power windows - front & rear● One touch window up & down function with anti-pinching safety feature - front ● Rear door curtains (manual type)● Power Backlite curtains● Doors/boot/tailgateSmart Boot (hands-free opening)● Vision & sight N Line Interior mirrorElectro-chromatic Mirror (ECM) - auto-dimming ● Exterior mirrorsHeated● Power adjustable ● Power folding with auto fold function● Instrument cluster/driving displaysHead-Up Display (HUD)● Supervision cluster - 12.3” High- Resolution TFT colour LCD with trip computer & digitalspeedometer● Ventilation & heating N Line Air conditioningClimate control - dual zone with auto defog function● Cabin air filter ● Cooling/heating vents - rear centre console● Cooling/heating ducts - rear floor● Front seatsAir ventilated front seats● Heated front seats● Heated rear seats● Other featuresHeated steering wheel● Heated rear windshield● Exterior styling N Line FrontFront grille - N Line dedicated design● Front grille - Glossy Black● SideDoor frame & beltline moulding - chrome ● Exterior door handles - body colour● Mirror caps - Glossy Black● RearDual Twin exhaust tips - chrome ● Interior Styling N Line TreatmentsDark Grey headlining●Dark Chrome finish (door handles)●Dark Chrome finish inserts (air vents, audio and ventilation controls)●Lighting N LineExterior lighting - frontDaytime Running Lights (DRL) - LED ●Headlight functions - automatic dusk sensing with escort and welcome●Headlight type - LED (low/high beam)●Headlight type - projector beam●Positioning lights - LED●Exterior lighting - rearHigh mount stop light (HMSL) - LED●Rear combination lights - LED (bulb indicator and reverse lights)●Exterior lighting - othersCourtesy lights - LED, in front door handles●Safety reflectors - integrated in bumper (rear)●Side repeaters - LED, integrated into side mirrors●Interior lighting - frontFront room lights and map lights - LED●Vanity mirror lights ●Interior lighting - rearRear room lights and map lights (outboard) - LED●Interior lighting - othersCargo area light●Interior light fade-out delay●Storage Solutions N LineFront seatsCentre console - deluxe type ●Cup holders - centre console ●Front seat back pockets●Glovebox compartment●Ticket holders - sunvisors (driver and front passenger)●Rear seatsCoat hooks - 2 x●Cup holders - armrest●Rear seating split folding - 60:40●OthersDoors - map pockets and bottle bulges (front and rear)●Notes:1. Finishes specified as leather may contain elements of genuine leather, polyurethane leather (leather substitute) or man-made materials, or a combination thereof.2. Apple CarPlay requires iPhone 5 or subsequent model (lightning cable) in order to operate.3. Android Auto requires a device with Android 5.0 operating system or subsequent version in order to operate.4. Wireless charging requires a Qi-enabled smartphone or adapter in order to operate.Key:● = Feature is available on trim- = Feature is not available on trim。

二、索纳塔八的操作流程1. 开启车辆首先,确保车辆处于停车状态,将车钥匙插入点火开关,并转动至启动位置。
2. 车辆的启动与熄火启动车辆时,踩下离合器踏板(手动挡),或刹车踏板(自动挡),然后转动钥匙或按下启动按键。
3. 换挡操作在行车过程中,需要不断变换车速时,必须进行换挡操作。
4. 车辆导航系统的使用现代索纳塔八配备了先进的导航系统,便于驾驶员在陌生的道路上快速找到目的地。
5. 定速巡航系统的使用如果长时间行驶或在高速公路上行驶时,可以使用定速巡航系统来保持车速稳定。
6. 倒车辅助系统的使用索纳塔八配备了倒车辅助系统,可以帮助驾驶员更轻松地进行倒车操作。

据悉,第八代索纳塔共有7款车型,分别是2.0GS A T自动时尚版16.69万元,2.0GLS AT自动领先版17.99万元,2.0DLX AT自动尊贵版19.79万元,2.0LUX AT自动至尊版20.39万元,2.0TOP AT自动顶级版23.29万元,2.4DLX A T自动尊贵版22.89万元,2.4TOP AT自动顶级版24.99万元。
基本信息款式名称索纳塔2.0-A/MT-GLS领先版(国Ⅳ)出厂时间2012 车型年款201104 排放标准国Ⅳ车身参数车体形式三厢长/宽/高(mm) 4820/1835/1475前/后轮距(mm) 1591/1591 前/后悬长度(mm) 940/1085轴距(mm) 2795 风阻系数(cd)整备质量(kg) 1460 最大总质量(kg) 1835 油箱容积(l) 70行李箱容积(l) 523 最大行李箱容积(l) 车门数(含后车门) 4 乘员数(含驾驶员) 5 接近角(°) 15.1 离去角(°) 17.8发动机参数发动机重要技术发动机描述 2.0 DOHC 16V θⅡD-CVVT发动机型号G4KD 发动机生产厂家韩国现代汽车公司升功率(kw/l) 60.56 综合油耗(L/100km) 7.9压缩比10.5 缸径(mm) 86 行程(mm) 86 缸盖材料铝合金每缸气门数 4 缸体材料铝合金最大功率(kw(ps)/rpm) 121(167)/6200 最大扭矩(n.m/rpm) 198/4600燃料类型标号无铅汽油93# 燃油供给方式电子传输多点式喷射排气量(ml) 1998 气缸数 4发动机放置方向直列发动机放置位置前置进气方式自然进气冷却系统水冷底盘参数变速器形式6档手自一体排档方式地排驱动方式前驱转向系统机械液压助力前悬架麦弗逊后悬架多连杆前制动通风盘后制动盘式变速器名称整车平台前轮胎规格215/55 R17 后轮胎规格215/55 R17备胎规格215/55 R17 备胎轮毂材料铝合金前轮毂材料铝合金后轮毂材料铝合金驱动轮胎宽度(mm) 215 驱动轮胎扁平比(%) 55驱动轮胎负荷指数驱动轮胎速度级别驱动轮毂直径(英寸) 17 1 1行驶参数最高车速(km/h) 202 0-100km/h加速时间(s)最大爬坡度(%) 安全气囊保修期5年/10万公里100km/h-0制动距离(m)。

The new and improved SONATA is for those who appreciate how something can change over time.Sensuous Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Inspiration (Serenity White Pearl)Keep GrowingDesignThe coupe style adds to the SONATA’s sporty image.Front design (Sensuous Gasoline 2.0 Inspiration l Biophilic Blue Pearl)High-gloss black outside mirror18-inch alloy wheels & pirelli tiresRear design (Sensuous Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Inspiration l Serenity White Pearl)19-inch alloy wheels & pirelli tires (Sensuous Gasoline 1.6 Turbo-exclusive)Single twin tip muffler (Sensuous Gasoline 1.6 Turbo-exclusive)Front designSide seal molding & N Line emblemRear design (Sensuous Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Specifications)19-inch alloy wheels & pirelli tiresN Line Design Edition (Sensuous Gasoline 2.0 / 1.6 Turbo)Inspiration (Greige)SpaceThe efficient use of indoor space enhances the driving experience for the driver and passengers alike.* The screen layout/design of the infotainment system may change with the regular updates.Inspiration (Greige)ConvenienceEquipped with multiple smart mobility features, the SONATA is the pinnacle of driving convenience.Hyundai Digital keyUse your smartphone to lock or unlock the door or start the vehicle. When necessary, the digital key can be shared with others.10.25-inch navigation system (Bluelink, phone projection, Hyundai CarPay)The SONATA is equipped with several driver-friendly functions, including a high-resolution display, voice recognition vehicle control, and Over-The-Air navigation updates.Bluetooth multi connectionYou can link two Bluetooth devices simultaneously and,depending on the circumstances, choose to use only one of them at a time.* Hyundai Digital key NFC can only be used via smart phones programmed with this function.* For compatible smart phone models, please refer to the Hyundai Motor website.Built-in camUse the built-in camera to make video recordings of the environment just ahead of or behind your vehicle. (Videos can also be viewed on a smartphone through an exclusive application.) By linking with an exclusive smart phone application via wireless Wi-Fi or USB cable, the driver can view real-time screens, replay recorded videos, download recorded videos,and link saved time-lapse videos to social media accounts.* To use services after linking with a smart phone, the built-in cam application must be installed on the smart phone.Depending on the smart phone model/make, the built-in cam application may be downloaded from the Google Play Store or the App Store.* When selecting the built-in cam, you can choose H Genuine Accessories built-in cam supplemental battery.Passenger relaxation comfort seatHave a restful ride that feels as if you are in a zero-gravity environment.Hyundai CarPayBy registering the card in the dedicated app, drivers can conveniently pay for gas and parking at affiliated stores.Voice recognition vehicle controlThe voice recognition button, which is located on the steering wheel, can be used to control the car's diverse functions (air conditioner, heater, road navigation, etc.).Remote Smart Parking AssistThis function lets the driver enter and leave a parking space from outside of the car.Blind-spot View MonitorEngaging the turn signal in either direction shows the driver video footage of what’s next to and behind the car in the instrument cluster.Surround View MonitorThis function displays real-time video footage of the vehicle’s immediate surroundings to ensure safe parking.①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨SafetySONATA's top priority is the safety of the driver and passengers.Rear Occupant AlertThe SONATA automatically determines whether there is a passenger in the back seat.An alarm sounds after the ignition is turned off and the driver’s door is opened to remind the driver to check for passengers.9 airbag systemA total of nine airbags, including advanced airbags for front seats, driver’s knee airbags, 1st/2nd row side airbags, androllover-resistant curtain airbags, protect passengers from crashes.Sensuous Gasoline 1.6 Turbo Inspiration (Nocturne Gray Metallic) / Sensuous Gasoline 2.0 Inspiration (Serenity White Pearl)PerformanceOur 3rd-generation platform improves driving stability.160Max.PowerPS/6,500rpm20.0Max.Torquekgf .m/4,800rpm12.7Gas mileagekm/ℓ (6-speed A/T/17-inch, with built-in cam)Smartstream Gasoline 2.0 engine180Max.PowerPS/5,500rpm27.0Max.Torquekgf .m/1,500~4,500rpm13.8Gas mileagekm/ℓ (8-speed A/T/17-inch, without built-in cam)Smartstream Gasoline 1.6 Turbo engineMax.Torquekgf .m/1,650~4,000rpm290Max.PowerPS/5,800rpm43.011.1Gas mileagekm/ℓ (8-speed wet N DCT/19-inch, without built-in cam)Smartstream Gasoline 2.5 Turbo engine152Max.Engine PowerPS/6,000rpm19.2Max.Engine Torquekgf .m/5,000rpm38.0Max.Motor PowerkW205Max.Motor TorqueNm20.1Gas mileagekm/ℓ (6-speed A/T/16-inch, without built-in cam)Smartstream Gasoline 2.0 Hybrid engine / Electric motorThis platform, which realizes an optimum balance of the vehicle’s body, minimizes vibration and noise while driving even at high speeds.3rd-Generation PlatformHyundai SmartSense keeps the driver and passengers safe and protected.Lane Following AssistThis system keeps the car in the center of the lane. When necessary, automatic steering wheel control is activated to prevent the car from drifting outside the lane.Forward Collision-avoidance AssistAn alarm sounds when a risk of collision is detected with a vehicle, pedestrian, or cyclist just in front of your vehicle or a car facing you at an intersection.If necessary, the brakes are activated automatically.Highway Driving AssistHighway Driving Assist controls the distance between vehicles andmaintains the vehicle's position within its lane. * The Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) is a group of functions that help the driver operate the vehicle more safely. Please make sure to drive carefully.* Depending on the environment and driving conditions, the given function may not operate properly. Please refer to the manual for details.* The above specifications are applied differently depending on the trim, powertrain, and options.* The specifications in this brochure include options. For detailed specifications, please refer to the price list for the relevant month.Blind-spot Collision-avoidance AssistAn alarm sounds when a risk of collision is detected with a car approaching from the rear. If necessary, the brakes are activated automatically.Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance AssistAn alarm sounds when a risk of collision is detected with a car approaching from the rear while you are backing out of a parking space.If necessary, the brakes are activated automatically.Safety Exit AssistWhen the car is parked and the electronic child lock is deactivated,an alarm will sound when a risk of collision is detected with a carapproaching from the rear. The door is kept locked from the inside toprevent a collision or crash.Driver Attention Warning / Front vehicle start alarmAnalyses are done of the driver’s driving patterns and/or the locations ofother cars in your lane. If exhaustion or careless driving is detected,a warning is displayed that encourages the driver to take a break.An alarm sounds when, while at a stop, the car in front starts to move forward.Hybrid Inspiration (Nocturne Gray Metallic)HybridThe SONATA Hybrid is a pioneer of sustainable mobility.Combined fuel economy : 20.1km/ℓ (16-inch wheels, without built-in cam)1. Regenerative braking systemThe kinetic energy generated when the vehicle slows down is used to charge the battery, thus improving energy efficiency.2. Hybrid high-voltage & lithium-ion batteryThe battery is mounted under the rear seat, which allows thetrunk’s space to be used more efficiently.3. Permanent magnet electric motorThe high-efficiency motor assists the gasoline engine and is capable of takingthe vehicle to speeds of up to 120km/h in electric vehicle (EV) mode.213BatteryMotorEngine Hybrid systemN Line (Abyss Black Pearl)N LineExperience the specifications that are offered exclusively for the N Line to ensure an exciting, high-performance drive.N Line (Abyss Black Pearl)High-gloss black radiator grille / Air intake in the front (N Line-exclusive)19-inch alloy wheels & pirelli tires / N wheel capN Line-exclusive SpecifiationsActive Sound DesignA different engine sound is produced according to the driving conditions (e.g. engine RPM, torque, speed).Smartstream Gasoline 2.5 Turbo engineThis engine is an advanced next-generation engine that offers high efficiency and 290 horsepower.Launch ControlMinimize acceleration time and achieve maximum performance when accelerating from standstill.N Power ShiftWhen shifting to a higher gear, you will feel as if you are being REVolution MatchingWhen downshifting, this function makes shifts quick and smooth.Sport-tuned chassisHigh-friction brake pads have been installed to improve braking performance.Improved shock absorption between the axle and body allows the vehicle to move in a more stable manner.Smartstream LPG 2.0 engine The SONATA's Smartstream LPG 2.0 engine is a highly-economical option.Smartstream LPG 2.0 Inspiration (Nocturne Gray Metallic)Sensuous Gasoline 2.0 Modern (Curated Silver Metallic)ModernFull LED headlamps (MFR type) / LED Daytime Running Lights 4.2-inch color LCD clusterLED rear combination lamps Manual air conditioning Double-glazed soundproof glass (windshield, 1st row doors)Shift By Wire Circular gas tank (Smartstream LPG 2.0 only)8-inch display audio(6 speakers, radio, MP3, Bluetooth hands-free)16-inch alloy wheels(Hybrid-exclusive)17-inch alloy wheels * Hybrid Modern trim comes standard with dual-zone full automatic air conditioning.Sensuous Gasoline 2.0 Premium Plus (Serenity White Pearl)Premium Plus10.25-inch navigation system(Bluelink, phone projection, Hyundai CarPay)8-way power-adjustable driver's seat,2-way power-adjustable driver's lumbar supportDual-zone full automatic air conditioning(with air cleaning mode, auto defog system)Hi-passSynthetic leather-upholstered crash pad Power windows with pinch protection(front passenger's seat)Ambient mood lighting Rain sensor17-inch alloy wheels18-inch alloy wheels17-inch alloy wheels(Hybrid-exclusive)Sensuous Gasoline 2.0 Inspiration (Nocturne Gray Metallic)InspirationFull LED headlamps (projection type) / LED Daytime Running Lights Head-Up DisplaySolar glass (front)Nappa leather seats BOSE premium sound (12 speakers and external amp)Rear manual door curtain Passenger's seat walk-in deviceMotorized rear seat curtain19-inch alloy wheels (SensuousGasoline 1.6 Turbo-exclusive)18-inch alloy wheels17-inch alloy wheels (Hybrid-exclusive)N Line (Abyss Black Pearl)N LineHigh-gloss black outside mirror 12.3-inch color LCD cluster Dual twin tip muffler Heated rear seats Red stitched steering wheel & Paddle shifters Shift By Wire (N emblem applied)Exclusive bucket seat(front)19-inch alloy wheelsColorsBlack one tone Synthetic leather seatsNavyNatural leather seatsBlack one toneNatural leather seatsDark Gray (with red stitching / N Line-exclusive) Suede + Nappa leather seatsNappa leather seatsSuede Interior colors* Vehicle colors presented here may differ from actual appearance. * Ultimate Red Metallic cannot be paired with a Navy interior.* The above color chart is based on the gasoline, hybrid, N Line, and LPG (commercial) models. Trim names may vary for rented or disability service vehicles. For further information on specifications, please refer to the pricing chart for the respective month.Exterior colorsSeat combination chartCamelNappa leather seatsGreige Nappa leather seats NavyNappa leather seatsCurated Silver Metallic (R9S)Transmission Blue Pearl (NY9)Biophilic Blue Pearl (XB9)Ultimate Red Metallic (R2P)Nocturne Gray Matte ㅣMatte color (T9M)Serenity White Pearl (W6H)Personalize your SONATA with the help of some special items.* The availability of the items shown above depends on the trim level and the options selected. For further information on specifications, please refer to the price chart for the respective month. Luggage matFloor matProtection mat package Lighting package (LED)Door spot lampSun visor lampFoot mood lampLuggage lamp* The SONATA N Line comes standard with monotube rear shock absobers. For sportier handling, Hyundai recommends a firmer shock absorber.* The availability of the items shown above depends on the trim level and the options selected. For further information on specifications, please refer to the price chart for the respective month.Enjoy the appearance and function of N Performance parts,each of which has been applied with Hyundai Motor’s peerless motorsports technologies.Monotube shock absorbers Red lowering springMonoblock brake & 19-inch lightweight wheels package Real carbon wheel cap Monoblock 4-pad caliper & Hybrid disc & Low steel pad 19-inch lightweight black wheels * Available for purchase separately only wheelsN Performance suspensionOverall Height 1,445Wheel Tread, Front 1,610 (1,623)Overall Width1,860Wheel Base2,840Overall Length4,900Wheel Tread, Rear 1,617 (1,630)Unit: mm, Wheel tread measurement made using 245/40R19 tires(( ) is based on SONATA Hybrid 215/55R17 tires)DimensionsSpecifications※ The benefits offered through the warranties above may be subject to change.※ Contact a branch or dealership for details.Maintain a constant speed to drive more efficiently.-The fuel economy described above is based on the standard model and may differ during actual driving depending on road conditions, driving technique, cargo load, vehicle maintenance, and outdoor temperature. -Some of the images presented here include optional specifications, so their appearance may differ from the car you purchase. -The specifications, colors, and sources presented here may be modified to improve vehicle exterior and performance. -The engine performance described above is the “Net Number,” a new measure reflecting exhaust resistance that complies with legislation enforced by Korea’s Ministry of Land and Transport since 1997. It can be marginally lower than “Gross Output Number,” the previous measurement. -Nappa leather/leather seats include some synthetic leather. -Vehicle colors presented here may differ from actual appearance. -A high-performance brake that has been applied with a low steel pad may create noise (due to the nature of the performance functions). This is a normal phenomenon. -Some specifications may vary for rented/handicap vehicles and regular vehicles. -All of the measurements in this brochure apply to the Gasoline/Hybrid/N Line models. Therefore, the specifications and the features of the LPG models might differ. -Hyundai Motor Company is committed to fair trade practices, with the same price and quality of vehicles nationwide. -Use of engine oil or fuel that is of low quality may result in damage to the vehicle. -For more information about the new technologies and specifications described in this brochure, please refer to a user’s manual.*Free of charge for 5 years for first-time Bluelink members after vehicle purchase. Light Service (emergency call, airbag deployment notification, monthly report, traffic data, etc.) is provided free of charge for additional five years. *Certain functions (Digital Key 2, Hyundai CarPay, OTA (Over-The-Air) software updates, and wireless navigation system updates) are provided only to Bluelink members. Provided functions may vary by model.*Over-The-Air software update is available during the Light Service period, and the features available may vary by model. *Inquiries: Bluelink Kakao Talk Customer Service Center (enter 'Bluelink' in Kakao Talk search screen and add as friend)The advanced technology of Hyundai’s Bluelink system helps keep both the driver and the vehicle safe in any situation.Bluelink is always there to keep you safe, regardless of the location or time of day. Experience the unique joy of safe and comfortable driving.Remote controlIn the extremely hot summer or cold winter months, you can link your smartphone to the air conditioner or heater to set and control the temperature inside the vehicle. Enjoy a pleasant driving experience with Bluelink.The Bluelink Center works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If an airbag opens due to an accident, the Center automatically detects your location and takes appropriate actions according to the situation, such as contacting the police, ambulance, insurance company, etc.Safety securityServices include real-time trouble detection while the vehicle is running and regular vehicle inspections on pre-arranged dates. In the event of vehicle trouble, immediate professional consulting is available, and you may conveniently make reservations for repair at the time and location of your choice.Vehicle managementThis function enables the driver to conveniently search for destinations through voice command and suggests optimum routes based on an independent analysis of real-time traffic information. The driver can search a database of upto- date information to find even newly created destinations.NavigationThe features introduced in this brochure may vary from model to model. Please refer to the monthly price table for more detailed features of each model.Hyundai Motor Company ranked first for the ninth consecutive year in 2022 across 2022 KS-QEI(Korea Standard-Quality Excellence Index)Ranked first place in the automobile warranty service category of the Korean Standard-2022 Korea Customer Satisfaction Index (KCSI)Ranked 1st in the sedan sector for SONATA Homepage SONATA N Line HomepageSONATA HybridHomepage。

2012 > G 2.0 DOHC > 发动机机械系统分解1.M/T: 拆卸飞轮。
2.A/T: 拆卸驱动盘。
• 将轴承、连杆和连杆盖放在一起。
• 以正确的顺序排列活塞和连杆总成。
标准轴向间隙: 0.1~0.25mm(0.004~0.010in.)最大轴向间隙: 0.35mm(0.0138in.)A.如果超出公差范围,安装新连杆。
规定扭矩:17.7~21.6Nm(1.8~2.2kgf.m,13.0~15.9lb-ft)+ 88~92°不要转动曲轴。

2011款北京现代索纳塔智能钥匙和按钮起动系统培训手册智能钥匙和按钮起动智能钥匙和按钮起动版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动2主要特性被动门锁闭锁和开锁- 驾驶席或助手席侧车门手柄按钮→非触摸传感器式ESCL 电控转向柱锁选装件- 电机控制转向柱闭锁和开锁被动发动机起动驾驶员注册智能钥匙- 按钮起动发动机踩下制动踏板变速杆位于P 位置- 使用按钮操作点火开关不踩下制动踏板OFF →ACC →IG ON →OFF发动机起动失效保护智能钥匙电池亏电按钮起动系统故障- 把智能钥匙插入到锁筒内并按下起动按钮版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动3系统部件布置起动按钮智能钥匙 ESCL PDM 仪表盘EMS 13锁筒8 9 7 10 1514 外部蜂鸣器411外侧手柄PDM 继电器12智能钥匙3 5 2 6 1 14保险杠天线天线车门手柄1个 3个 2个 RF 接收器智能钥匙 ECM ESC版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动4比较PIC项目常规智能钥匙系统智能钥匙 YF –起动停止按钮MSCL ESCL转向柱锁ESCLMSCL起动钥匙旋钮SSB 智能钥匙锁筒版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动5比较PIC项目智能钥匙 YF–起动停止按钮常规智能钥匙系统智能钥匙发射器PCB 内的发射器ACCIGN 1失效保护起动IGN 2应急起动START继电器PDM版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动6主要功能LFESCLRF接收器智能钥匙ECM按钮版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动7主要功能LFESCLRF接收器智能钥匙ECM按钮版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动8工作程序新功能①智能钥匙ECM 以240 ms 的间隔时间控制车■欢迎灯靠近车辆门手柄天线 LF传送找到智能钥匙位置②拿智能钥匙的用户靠近车辆③智能钥匙接收天线信号 LF 接收并发送至接收器 SRx助手席座椅④接收器 SRx 发送接收的信号至智能钥匙ECM⑤智能钥匙ECM通过接收器 SRx 接收数据后开始工作并发送袖珍灯ON信号至BCMBCM根据信号使袖珍灯ON15秒后熄灭⑥如果用户按下车门手柄闭锁开锁按钮控制LF天线如果智能钥匙认证一次发送开锁信号⑦根据开锁信号终止欢迎灯驾驶席座椅版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动9新功能工作程序①拿智能钥匙的用户控制被动闭锁或远距闭■欢迎灯离开车辆锁使车辆进入警戒状态②智能钥匙ECM根据解除特性检查车内是否存在智能钥匙③通过以3秒的间隔时间控制外部手柄内的LF天线智能钥匙ECM检查携带智能钥匙的驾驶员是否离开车辆④如果驾驶员离开车辆后不能连续找到智能钥匙3次说明驾驶员不在车辆附近⑤停止以3秒的间隔时间查找智能钥匙并进入欢迎灯准备模式LF天线以240 ms 的间隔时间发送信号版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动10起动机ACC IGN1 IGN2继电器盒照明钥匙插入开关智能钥匙车速智能钥匙ESC 硬线时钟锁筒锁筒数据ESCL 电源PDM仪表盘 PDM ESCL 搭铁CAN 开锁开关ESCLESCL网关LED 控制车身CAN开关ONBCM 信号1BCM动力传动系CAN 起动发射器通信起动SJB 按钮SJB 开关ON 按钮信号2制动开关智能钥匙串行通信智能钥匙P 信号 ECM ESCL 起动信号ECM发动机转速信号 LF LF无线通信驱动器天线125Khz智能钥匙发动机串行通信发动机K-线无线电频率ECMECM 96kbps 315433447MhzKWP2000 104kbps钥匙防盗系统串行通信RF 接收器诊断仪诊断仪版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动11两次点火用于初始状态时起动相关部件都处于初始状态智能钥匙智能钥匙ECM PDM ESCL ECMESCL在初始状态始终处于开锁状态当将处于初始状态的智能钥匙插入到智能钥匙锁筒中时可以进行起动和点火开关转换到ON 或ACC位置首次将智能钥匙插入到锁筒中后按动起动按钮一次- PDM 自动执行两次点火→如果ECM 处于初始状态可以两次点火起动ONIG 1OFF1 s1 s 1 s 起动阶段版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动12系统失效保护失效保护模式激活失效保护事项发动机起动按钮开关1 或2 ON 信号故障10 秒内按下发动机起动按钮2 次 - 智能钥匙ECM 使用开关 1 ON 信号- PDM 使用开关2 ON 信号发动机起动时按下发动机起动按钮10 秒以制动开关或档位开关P 位置信号故障上按下发动机起动按钮2 秒以上在档位开关NP除外的位置时发动机OFF行驶状态下紧急情况时关闭发动机在3 秒内按下发动机起动按档位开关在D位置行驶时发动机OFF钮3 次需要起动发动机时将智能钥匙插入到锁筒中因智能钥匙系统故障不能起动发动机时版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动13系统失效保护失效保护模式激活失效保护事项发动机起动按钮开关1 或2 ON 信号故障10 秒内按下发动机起动按钮2 次 - 智能钥匙ECM 使用开关 1 ON 信号- PDM 使用开关2 ON 信号发动机起动时按下发动机起动按钮10 秒以制动开关或档位开关P 位置信号故障上按下发动机起动按钮2 秒以上在档位开关NP除外的位置时发动机OFF行驶状态下紧急情况时关闭发动机在3 秒内按下发动机起动按档位开关在D位置行驶时发动机OFF钮3 次需要起动发动机时将智能钥匙插入到锁筒中因智能钥匙系统故障不能起动发动机时版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容智能钥匙和按钮起动14智能钥匙注册将智能钥匙1插入到钥匙锁筒中 YF 车型的智能钥匙系统同时注册发射器和智能钥匙智能钥匙ECM 开始注册程序输入PIN 代码注册PDM注册ESCL 中和模式用于方便地更换ESCL PDM 和ECM中和SMK系统后可以再次注册智能钥匙智能钥匙1注册完成处于中和状态时不能进行初始起动两次点火智能钥匙ECM PDM ESCL智能钥匙注册完成拔出智能钥匙1将智能钥匙2 插入到锁筒中如果输入错误的PIN 代码3 次在1小时内不能进行注册和中和程序智能钥匙2 注册完成版权2009 所有权利均予保留未经北京现代汽车书面同意禁止以任何方式复制存储或发送此出版物的全部或部分内容。

2019-北京现代索纳塔说明书-范文word版 (11页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==北京现代索纳塔说明书篇一:北京现代索纳塔九的配置详解作为一款韩系中高级车型,索纳塔九外观更动感,更迎合年轻消费者的喜好。

前悬架S弯绕桩测试 前悬架 弯绕桩测试
车辆侧倾严重,很大程度上是由悬架性能决定的镇江京鹏丰田悬架析——前悬架 前悬架 悬架解析
车轮轴承座采用铸铁材 质,并没有像一些中级 车那样通过使用铝制部 件来减少簧下质量,提 升响应特性。单从结构 上来看,这是再常规不 过的设计了。
锐志前悬架——双叉臂式独立悬架 双叉臂式独立悬架 锐志前悬架
新索纳塔---天窗尺寸 新索纳塔 天窗尺寸
天 窗 开 启 方 式
新索纳塔---动力系统 新索纳塔 动力系统
第八代索纳塔装备2.0L和2.4L两个排 和 第八代索纳塔装备 两个排 量的“ 型发动机, 量的“Theta-II”型发动机,动力参数分别 型发动机 为121kW/198Nm和132kW/231Nm,搭配 和 , 6速手自一体变速箱,与稍早上市的起亚 速手自一体变速箱, 速手自一体变速箱 K5完全一样。我想起以前测试过的起亚凯 完全一样。 完全一样 尊2.4L,也是同样参数的动力系统,整备 ,也是同样参数的动力系统, 质量也相差无几,凯尊的实测0-100km/h 质量也相差无几,凯尊的实测 加速成绩为9.01秒,所以第八代索纳塔 加速成绩为 秒 2.4L车型的加速成绩也应该在 秒左右。 车型的加速成绩也应该在9秒左右 车型的加速成绩也应该在 秒左右。
第八代索纳塔车 身尺寸 4820×1835×1475 mm,轴距达到了 2795mm。作为 一款B级车,第八 代索纳塔的定位 将更偏向于家用, 线条更为流畅动 感,外形的创新 设计是第八代索 纳塔最大的亮点 之一。 镇江京鹏丰田
新索纳塔---价格区间 新索纳塔 价格区间
新索纳塔---加速时间 新索纳塔 加速时间
新索纳塔内饰设 计也趋于运动化, 采用了许多主流 中型车的配置, 包括一键启动、 空调通风座椅、 座椅记忆、HID氙 气前大灯、infinity 音响、DVD导航 系统等。

