工程材料科学与设计 答案




材料科学:材料科学与工程考试卷及答案(最新版) 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、多项选择题 各种纤维在拉伸断裂前不发生任何屈服,但在SEM 下观察到( )A 、Kevlar 纤维呈韧性断裂,有径缩及断面减小。

B 、碳纤维呈韧性断裂,有断面收缩。

C 、玻璃纤维呈韧性断裂,有断面收缩。

D 、碳纤维、玻璃纤维呈脆性断裂,无断面收缩。

本题答案: 2、填空题 退火有三种方法完全退火、( )退火和( )退火。

本题答案: 3、判断题 螺杆加料段第一个螺槽的容积与均化段最后一个螺槽容积之比称为压缩比。

本题答案: 4、多项选择题 MMC 制备工艺中,固态法与液态法相比( )A 、增强材料与基体浸润性要求可以降低。

B 、增强材料在基体中分布更均匀。

C 、增强材料仅局限于长纤维。

D 、增强材料/基体界面反应更剧烈(如果存在界面反应时)。

本题答案: 5、问答题姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------试写出少量MgO掺杂到Al2O3中和少量YF3掺杂到CaF2中的缺陷方程。







材料科学:材料科学与工程考试题及答案(最新版) 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、判断题 MMC 具有比其基体金属或合金更高的比强度和比模量。

本题答案: 2、单项选择题 形成临界晶核时体积自由能的减少只能补偿表面能的( )。

A.1/3 B.2/3 C.3/4 D.1/2 本题答案: 3、填空题 在通常的加工条件下,聚合物形变主要由高弹形变和粘性形变所组成。

从形变性质来看包括( )和( )两种成分,只是由于加工条件不同而存在着两种成分的相对差异。

本题答案: 4、填空题 铁路旅客运输服务质量是指铁路旅客运输服务l 本题答案: 9、问答题 当锌向铜内扩散时,已知在x 点处锌的含量为2.51017个锌原子/cm3,300℃时每分钟每mm2要扩散60个锌原子,求与x 点相距2mm 处锌原子的浓度。

(已知锌在铜内的扩散体系中D0=0.3410-14m2/s ;Q=4.5kcal /mol ) 本题答案:姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------10、填空题材料力学性能的硬度表征:布氏硬度、()、维氏硬度等。





《材料科学与工程基础》题集大题一:选择题1.下列哪一项是材料的基本属性?A. 密度B. 颜色C. 形状D. 体积2.材料的力学性能主要包括哪一项?A. 导电性B. 耐腐蚀性C. 强度D. 透明度3.下列哪一项不是金属材料的常见类型?A. 钢铁B. 铝合金C. 陶瓷D. 铜合金4.材料的硬度是指其抵抗什么的能力?A. 拉伸B. 压缩C. 弯曲D. 刻划5.下列哪一项是热塑性材料的特性?A. 在加热后不能变形B. 在加热后可以永久变形C. 在冷却后可以恢复原形D. 在任何温度下都不易变形6.材料的韧性是指其在受力时什么的能力?A. 易碎B. 易弯曲C. 吸收能量而不破裂D. 迅速恢复原形7.下列哪一项是陶瓷材料的主要成分?A. 金属B. 塑料C. 无机非金属D. 有机物8.复合材料是由哪两种或多种材料组合而成的?A. 同一种材料的不同形态B. 不同性质的材料C. 相同性质的材料D. 任意两种材料9.下列哪一项不是高分子材料的特性?A. 高强度B. 高韧性C. 低密度D. 低耐温性10.材料的疲劳是指其在什么条件下性能逐渐降低的现象?A. 持续受力B. 持续加热C. 持续冷却D. 持续暴露在潮湿环境中大题二:填空题1.材料的密度是指单位体积内材料的______。














材料科学与工程基础第二章课后习题答案1. 介绍材料科学和工程学的基本概念和发展历程材料科学和工程学是研究材料的组成、结构、性质以及应用的学科。





2. 分析材料的结构和性能之间的关系材料的结构和性能之间存在着密切的关系。







3. 论述材料的性能与应用之间的关系材料的性能决定了材料的应用范围。






4. 解释与定义材料的特性及其测量方法材料的特性是指材料所具有的特定性质或行为。









材料科学与工程基础 - 第二章 - 课后习题答案2.1 选择题1.D2.B3.C4.A5.D2.2 填空题1.结构、性质、性能、制备、应用2.金属、陶瓷、聚合物3.晶体4.金属材料、陶瓷材料、聚合物材料、复合材料5.原子、分子2.3 简答题1.材料科学与工程的基础概念和特点有:–材料科学:研究材料的结构、性质、制备和性能等方面的科学。




















1.“Materials science"involves investigating the relationships that exist between the structures and properties of materials. In contrast, "Materials engineering" involves, on the basis of these structur e-property correlations, designing or engineering the structure of a material to produce a predeter mined set of properties.“材料科学”涉及研究材料的结构和性能之间的关系。


2.Virtually all important Properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical, and deteriorative实际上,固体材料的所有重要性质都可以分为六类:机械、电气、热、磁、光学和腐蚀性。

3.In addition to structure and properties, two other important components are involved in the scien ce and engineering of materials- namely“processing”and“performance”.除了结构和性能之外,材料科学和工程还涉及另外两个重要的组成部分,即“加工”和“性能”。



顾宜《材料科学与工程基础》课后题答案第一章:引言1.1 材料科学与工程基础的重要性材料科学与工程基础是现代工程领域不可或缺的一门基础课程。




1.2 材料科学与工程基础的学习目标材料科学与工程基础的学习目标如下: - 理解材料的基本概念和分类方法; - 掌握材料制备、表征和性能分析的基本技术; - 理解不同材料的特性和应用; - 开发解决材料工程问题的能力。

第二章:晶体结构与晶体缺陷2.1 晶体的结构晶体是由原子、离子或分子按照一定的排列方式组成的长程有序固体结构。


2.2 晶体的缺陷晶体的缺陷指的是在晶体结构中存在的不完整或不规则的区域。





第三章:物理性能与力学性能3.1 物理性能物理性能是指材料的一些基本物理特性,如密度、热导率、电导率等。


3.2 力学性能力学性能是指材料在力学作用下的表现。



第四章:金属材料4.1 金属的结构与特性金属是指电子云密度较大、以金属键连接的材料。


4.2 金属的物理性能与力学性能金属材料具有良好的导电性、导热性和延展性,对磨损和腐蚀有较好的抵抗能力。


第五章:陶瓷材料与玻璃材料5.1 陶瓷材料的分类与特性陶瓷材料是以非金属元素为主要成分的材料,分为晶体陶瓷和非晶态陶瓷两大类。
















Materials science材料科学Stone age石器时代Naked eye肉眼Bronze age铜器时代Optical property光学性能Integrated circuit集成电路Mechanical strength机械强度Thermal conductivity导热“Materials science” involves investigating the relationships that exist between the structures and properties of materials. In contrast ,”materials engineering “is ,on the basis of there structure property correlations ,designing or engineering the structure of a material that produce a predetermined set of properties。


从功能方面来说,材料科学家的作用是发展或合成新的材料V irtually all important properties of solid materials may be grouped into six different categories: mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical ,and deteriorative。


In addition to structure and properties , two other important components are involved in the sciences and engineering of materials , namely“processing”and“performance”.除了组织性能之外,另外两个重要的性质也包括在材料科学和工程之中,即“加工”和“特性”The more familiar an engineer or scientist is with the various characteristics and structure-property relationship,as well as processing techniques of material,the more proficient and confident he or she will be to make judicious materials choices based on these criteria。




A.十二烷B.丙烯C.苯酚D.酚醛树脂本题答案:D3、单选 CaTiO3在高温时为()晶系。

















1. 金属材料实验。



2. 聚合物材料实验。



3. 复合材料实验。




通过本次实验,我们得出了以下结论:1. 不同工程材料具有不同的性能特点,适用于不同的工程领域。

2. 金属材料具有较高的强度和硬度,适用于对强度要求较高的工程领域。

3. 聚合物材料具有较高的冲击强度和韧性,适用于对冲击负荷较大的工程应用中。

4. 复合材料具有较低的热膨胀系数,适用于高温环境下的工程应用。


根据以上实验结论,我们提出以下建议:1. 在工程设计中,应根据实际需求选择合适的材料,以确保工程质量和安全性。

2. 在材料的使用过程中,应注意合理控制温度和冲击负荷,以避免材料性能的失效。

3. 在工程实践中,应加强对不同材料性能的了解和研究,以不断提高工程材料的应用效率和性能。





[1] 王明. 工程材料学[M]. 北京,高等教育出版社, 2018.[2] 张涛. 材料力学与工程应用[M]. 北京,科学出版社, 2017.[3] 李华. 工程材料实验指南[M]. 上海,上海科学技术出版社, 2019.以上就是本次工程材料实验的报告答案,希望对大家有所帮助。



材料科学:材料科学与工程考试答案(最新版) 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、单项选择题 ZnO 晶胞中含有( )个分子。

A.2 B.3 C.4 D.6 本题答案: 2、名词解释 双降点 本题答案: 3、名词解释 三角形规则 本题答案: 4、填空题 根据Al2O3陶瓷瓷坯中主晶相的不同,可将Al2O3陶瓷分为( )、( )、( )等。

本题答案: 5、名词解释 热弹性马氏体 本题答案: 6、判断题 VC 悬浮聚合在VC 沸点以上温度于密闭反应皿中进行用观察釜内的压力降就可姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------判断聚合反应的进程和终点。






















材料科学:材料科学与工程考试题及答案(最新版) 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、问答题 简述复合材料的界面结合类型。

本题答案: 2、判断题 一般来说,材料的硬度越高,强度也越高。

本题答案: 3、问答题 简述陶瓷基复合材料的特点。

本题答案: 4、填空题 烧结的推动力是( ),它可凭下列方式推动物质的迁移:蒸发-凝聚传质,扩散传质,流动传质,溶解-沉淀传质。

本题答案: 5、问答题 相变过程的推动力 本题答案: 6、名词解释 稳态扩散 本题答案: 7、判断题 矿渣中玻璃体的含量越多,矿渣的活性越好。

姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------本题答案:8、问答题简述影响熔体粘度的因素?本题答案:9、问答题试就(a)推动力来源;(b)推动力大小;(c)在陶瓷系统的重要性来区别初次再结晶,晶粒长大和二次再全结晶。








材料科学:材料科学与工程考试题及答案 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、单项选择题 晶体的表面能与所显露的那个晶面有关,密排的晶面表面能( )。

A.最低 B.最高 C.适中 D.不确定 本题答案: 2、判断题 电子由于具有粒子性和波动性,因此存在隧道效应。

本题答案: 3、问答题 叙述鲍林二规则内容,并举例说明应用。

本题答案: 4、判断题 纯颗粒增强复合材料承受的载荷由基体和增强颗粒共同承担。

本题答案: 5、问答题 要使聚合物在加工中通过拉伸获得取向结构,应在该聚合物的什么温度下拉伸? 本题答案: 6、填空题 在变价金属化合物催化剂中,通常是( )化合物具有催化活性。

(填“高价姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------态”或“低价态”)本题答案:7、单项选择题自由基聚合反应是借助光、热、辐射能、引发剂等作用,使单分子活化为活性自由基,以下哪一种最常用?()A、光B、热C、辐射能D、引发剂本题答案:8、单项选择题在书写晶体结构缺陷符号时,上标’’表示带()个电荷。



















A.3B.4C.5D.6本题答案:C14、多选 a-Al2O3晶体具有()特性。










2-6.按照杂化轨道理论,说明下列的键合形式:(1)CO2的分⼦键合(2)甲烷CH4的分⼦键合(3)⼄烯C2H4的分⼦键合(4)⽔H2O的分⼦键合(5)苯环的分⼦键合(6)羰基中C、O间的原⼦键合2-7.影响离⼦化合物和共价化合物配位数的因素有那些?2-8.试解释表2-3-1中,原⼦键型与物性的关系?2-9.0℃时,⽔和冰的密度分别是1.0005 g/cm3和0.95g/cm3,如何解释这⼀现象?2-10.当CN=6时,K+离⼦的半径为0.133nm(a)当CN=4时,半径是多少?(b)CN=8时,半径是多少?2-11.(a)利⽤附录的资料算出⼀个⾦原⼦的质量?(b)每mm3的⾦有多少个原⼦?(c)根据⾦的密度,某颗含有1021个原⼦的⾦粒,体积是多少?(d)假设⾦原⼦是球形(r Au=0.1441nm),并忽略⾦原⼦之间的空隙,则1021个原⼦占多少体积?(e)这些⾦原⼦体积占总体积的多少百分⽐?2-12.⼀个CaO的⽴⽅体晶胞含有4个Ca2+离⼦和4个O2-离⼦,每边的边长是0.478nm,则CaO的密度是多少?2-13.硬球模式⼴泛的适⽤于⾦属原⼦和离⼦,但是为何不适⽤于分⼦?2-14.计算(a)⾯⼼⽴⽅⾦属的原⼦致密度;(b)⾯⼼⽴⽅化合物NaCl的离⼦致密度(离⼦半径r Na+=0.097,r Cl-=0.181);(C)由计算结果,可以引出什么结论?2-15.铁的单位晶胞为⽴⽅体,晶格常数a=0.287nm,请由铁的密度算出每个单位晶胞所含的原⼦个数。



材料工程基础复习题及答案一、选择题1. 材料科学与工程研究的核心是什么?A. 材料的合成B. 材料的性能C. 材料的加工D. 材料的结构与性能关系2. 金属材料的强度主要取决于以下哪个因素?A. 原子间结合力B. 晶格类型C. 晶粒大小D. 杂质含量3. 下列哪种材料属于高分子材料?A. 钢B. 玻璃C. 塑料D. 陶瓷4. 陶瓷材料通常具有哪些特性?A. 高强度、高韧性B. 耐高温、耐腐蚀C. 良好的导电性D. 良好的导热性5. 复合材料通常由哪些部分组成?A. 基体和增强体B. 金属和非金属C. 有机和无机D. 以上都是二、填空题6. 材料的力学性能主要包括______、______、______和硬度等。

7. 金属材料的塑性变形主要通过______和______两种机制实现。

8. 玻璃的主要成分是______,而陶瓷的主要成分是______。

9. 复合材料的______性能通常优于单一材料。

10. 材料的疲劳是指材料在______作用下逐渐发生损伤和断裂的现象。

三、简答题11. 简述材料的热处理工艺有哪些类型,并说明它们的主要作用。

12. 什么是材料的疲劳寿命?影响疲劳寿命的主要因素有哪些?13. 描述金属材料的腐蚀机理,并简述如何防止金属腐蚀。

14. 阐述高分子材料的加工方法及其应用领域。

15. 复合材料在现代工业中的应用有哪些优势?四、计算题16. 已知某金属材料的屈服强度为300 MPa,抗拉强度为400 MPa,试计算其弹性模量(假设弹性模量为210 GPa)。

17. 假设有一块长1米,宽0.5米,厚0.02米的钢板,其密度为7850 kg/m³,求该钢板的质量。

五、论述题18. 论述材料的微观结构如何影响其宏观性能,并给出一个具体的例子。

19. 讨论材料的可持续性在现代材料工程中的重要性,并提出实现材料可持续性的方法。

参考答案:1. D2. A3. C4. B5. A6. 弹性模量、屈服强度、抗拉强度7. 滑移、孪生8. 硅酸盐、氧化物9. 综合性10. 循环载荷11. 退火、正火、淬火、回火,分别用于降低硬度、细化晶粒、提高硬度和韧性、消除内应力。



材料科学:材料科学与工程考试考试题(最新版) 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、判断题 将纳米材料作为反应前驱物具有活性高、反应活化能低、所得产品性能独特的优势。

本题答案: 2、填空题 在Na2O -SiO2熔体中加入Al2O3(Na2O/Al2O3 本题答案: 3、判断题 聚合物成型加工松弛时间与温度无关。

本题答案: 4、问答题 (a )烧结MgO 时加入少量FeO ,在氢气氛和氧分压低时都不能促进烧结,只有在氧分压高的气氛下才促进烧结;(b )烧结Al2O3时,氢气易促进致密化而氮气妨碍致密化。


本题答案: 5、名词解释 自由体积 本题答案: 6、问答题 单向排布长纤维陶瓷基复合材料是如何达到增韧目的的? 本题答案:姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------7、名词解释点阵畸变本题答案:8、填空题在固体介质中,做无规则布朗运动的大量质点的扩散系数取决于质点的()和迁移自由程r平方的乘积。





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Problems - Chapter 5 1. FIND: Calculate the stress on a tensioned fiber.GIVEN: The fiber diameter is 25 micrometers. The elongational load is 25 g. ASSUMPTIONS: The engineering stress is requested.DATA: Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/sec 2. A Newton is a kg-m/sec 2. A Pascal is a N/m 2. A MPa is 106 Pa.SOLUTION: Stress is force per unit area. The cross-sectional area is πR 2 = 1963.5 square micrometers. The force is 25 g (kg/1000g)(9.8 m/sec 2) = 0.245 N. Thus, the stress isσ = F/A =02451960100125262..N umum m MPa⨯☞☟☝✋ ☺=COMMENTS: You must learn to do these sorts of problems, including the conversions. 2. GIVEN: FCC Cu with a o = 0.362nmREQUIRED: A) Lowest energy Burgers vector, B) Length in terms of radius of Cu atom, C) Family of planesSOLUTION: We note that the Burgers vector is the shortest vector that connects crystallographically equivalent positions. A diagram of the structure is shown below:FCC structure with (111) shownWe note that atoms lying along face diagonals touch and are crystallographically equivalent. Therefore, the shortest vector connecting equivalent positions is ½ face diagonal. For example,one such vector is10]1[ 2a o as shown in (111).A. The length of this vector is0.256nm = 20.362= 2a= 4a+ 4a o 2o 2oB. By inspection, the size of the vector is 2 Cu atom radii.C. Slip occurs in the most densely packed plane which is of the type {111}. These are thesmoothest planes and contain the smallest Burgers vector. This means that the dislocations move easily and the energy is low.3. GIVEN:∣b∣ = 0.288nm in AgREQUIRED: Find lattice parameterSOLUTION: Recall the Ag is FCC. For FCC structures the Burgers vector is ½ a facediagonal as shown. We see that4. A. FCC structureThe (111) plane is shown in a unit cell with all atoms shown. Atoms touch along face diagonals. The (111) plane is the most closely packed, and the vectors shown connect equivalent atomic position. Thus 10]1[ 21= b etc. Then in general >110< 2a= bB. For NaC1We see that the shortest vector connecting equivalent positions is 10]1[ 2aas shown. Thisdirection lies in both the {100} and {110} planes and both are possible slip planes. However {110} are the planes most frequently observed as the slip planes. This is because repulsive interionic forces are minimized on these planes during dislocation motion. Thus we expect 1/2<110> Burgers vectors and {110} slip planes.5.GIVEN:Mo crystal0.272nm = ba o = 0.314nmREQUIRED: Determine the crystal structure.If Mo were FCC, then 0.222nm = 20.314= b __but |b| = 0.272 ⇒ Mo is not FCC.Assuming Mo is BCC, then 0.272nm.= 0.314 X 23 = b __Thus the Burgers vector isconsistent with Mo being BCC.6.FIND: Is the fracture surface in ionic solids rough or smooth?SOLUTION: Cleavages surfaces of ionic materials are generally smooth. Once a crack is started, it easily propagates in a straight line in a specific crystallographic direction on a specificcrystallographic plane. Ceramic fracture surfaces are rough when failure proceeds through the noncrystalline boundaries between small crystals.7. GIVEN: BCC Cr with |b| = 0.25nmREQUIRED: Find lattice parameter aASSUME: >111< 2a= b for BCC structureSOLUTION:2a 3= 4a+ 4a+ 4a= b 222__from the formula for the magnitude of a vector:8. GIVEN: Normal stress of 123 MPa applied to BCC Fe in [110] directionREQUIRED: Resolved shear in [101] on (010)SOLUTION: Recall that the resolved shear stress is given by:τ = σ cos θ cos φ (1)where θ = angle between slip direction and tensile axis; φ = angle between normal to slip plane and tensile axisThus MPa 43.5 = 2121 123 = ⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛τ9. GIVEN: Stress in [123] direction of BCC crystalREQUIRED: Find the stress needed to promote slip if τcR = 800 psi. The slip plane is (11_0) and slip direction is [111]. SOLUTION: Recall τ = σ cos θ cos φ (1)θ = [123] [111][123] ⋅ [111] = ∣[123]∣ ∣[111]∣cos θφ = [123] [11_0][123] ⋅ [11_0] = ∣[123]∣ ∣[11_0]∣cos φ10.Burgers vectors lie in the closest packed directions since the distance between equivalentcrystallographic positions is shortest in the close-packed directions. This means that the energy associated with the dislocation will be minimum for such dislocations since the energy is proportional to the square of the Burgers vector.11. Close packed planes are slip planes since these are the smoothest planes (on an atomic level) and would then be expected to have the lowest critical resolved shear stress.12.GIVEN: Dislocation lies on (11_1) parallel to intersection of (11_1) and (111) with Burgers vector parallel to [1_1_0]. Structure is FCC.REQUIRED: A) Burgers vector of dislocation and, B) Character of dislocation.SOLUTION: A) Since the structure is FCC, the Burgers vector is parallel to <110> and has magnitude. 2a For a Burgers vector parallel to [1_1_0] the scalar multiplier must be a/2. Thus b _ = a/2 [1_1_0]. B) We must determine the line direction of the dislocation. From the diagramwe see that the BV and line direction are at 60o which means the dislocation is mixed.13. GIVEN: Dislocation reaction below:REQUIRED: Show it is vectorially correct and energetically proper. SOLUTION: [100] a =] 111[ 2a+[111] 2aThe sum of the x, y & z components on the LHS must be equal to the corresponding component on the right hand side.x component (LHS) = x component (RHS)y component (LHS) = y component (RHS)z component (LHS) = z component (RHS)Energy: The reaction is energetically favorable if | b 1 | 2 + | b 2 | 2 > | b 3| 3Thus the reaction is favorable since a > a 43+ a 4322214. GIVEN: Dislocation in FCCParallel to [1_01] i.e. t_ = [1_01]REQUIRED: Character and slip planeSOLUTION: Character is found by angle between b_ and t_. Note b_ t_∙ = -1 + 0 + 1 = 0. Thus b__t_. Since b__t_the dislocation is pure edge.To find the slip plane we note that the cross produce of t_ & b_gives a vector that is normal to the plane in which t_ & b_lie. This vector so formed has the same indices as the plane since we have a fundamentally cubic structure.We see from the diagram that these vectors lie on (010).Thus, we have the plane (01_0) which is the same as the (010) plane. This does not move by glide since planes of the kind {100} are not slip planes for the FCC structure.15.FCC metals are more ductile than BCC or HCP because: 1) there is no easy mechanism for nucleation of microcracks in FCC as there is for BCC and HCP; 2) the stresses for plastic deformation are lower in FCC due to the (generally) smoother planes. This means that the microcracks that form in BCC & HCP will have high stresses tending to make them propagate. 16.For a simple cubic system, the lowest energy Burgers vectors are of the type <001> since this is the shortest distance connecting equivalent atomic positions. This means that the energy is lowest since the strain energy is proportional to the square of the Burgers vector. 17.GIVEN:At. wt. 0 = 16At. wt. Mg = 24.32 Same structure as NaCl ρ = 3.65 g/cm 3REQUIRED: Find length of Burgers Vector in MgOSOLUTION: The structure of MgO is shown schematically below along with the shortestBurgers vector. To solve the problem we first note that we require the lattice parameter a o . We can take a sub-section of the unit cell (cross-hatched cube) whose edge is 2a o unitslong.We can calculate the total mass of this cube and the volume and calculate the density. Since the mass is known and the density is known, the volume may be calculated from which a o may beextracted.and ½ Mg ++ ions in our cube. Thus a10 x 3.35 x 8= 8/ a 10 x 2.02) + (1.33= 3.653o-233o-2318.GIVEN: Critical resolved shear stress (0.34MPa), slip system (111)[1_10], and tensile axis [101]REQUIRED: Applied stress at which crystal begins to deform and crystal structure. SOLUTION: (A)The situation is shown belowτcrss = σ cos θ ⋅ cos φθ = angle between tensile axis and slip directionθ = angle between tensile axis and normal to slip planeφ = [111] [101] θ = [101] [1_01][111] ⋅ [101] = ∣[111]∣ ∣[101]∣cos φ [101] ⋅ [110] = ∣[101]∣ ∣[110]∣cos θ(B): To have a {111}<110> slip system, the material must have an FCC structure.19. GIVEN:τcrss = 55.2 MPa, (111)[1_01] slip system, [112] tensile axisREQUIRED: Find the highest normal stress that can be applied before dislocation motion in the [10 1_] direction.SOLUTION: The situation is shown below. Essentially the problem reduces to finding the value of the tensile stress when the critical resolved shear is reached.τcrss = σ cosθ⋅ cosφθ = [112] [1_01] φ = [112] {111}B. Would have exactly the same stress for a BCC metal (φ & θ would be interchanged).20. GIVEN:σ at yield = 3.5 MPa; (111) [11_0] slip system [11_1] tensile axisREQUIRED: Compute τcrssSOLUTION:τcrss = σcosθcosφθ = [11_1] [11_0] φ = [11_1] [111]21. Item Edge ScrewLinear defect? Yes YesElastic Distortion? Yes YesGlide? Yes YesClimb? Yes NoCross-slip? No YesBurgers Vector (BV) ⊥ to line // to lineUnique slip plane? Yes NoOffset // to BV // to BVMotion // to BV ⊥ to BV22. GIVEN: BCC metal with τcrss = 7MPa [001] tensile axis.REQUIRED: (a) Slip system that will be activated and (b) normal stress for plasticdeformation.SOLUTION: Recall that for BCC metals the usual slip system is <111> {110}. Deformation occurs on the plane and direction for which cos θ⋅cos φ is a maximum since this will have the maximum resolved shear stress. The situation is shown below.(Note that the slip directions are shown shortened in this view)Possible slip systems are listed below:sketch (also [11_1] on (011)) (also [1_11] on (01_1)) (also [1_1_1] on (101)) similar to planes shown in sketch. Also [111] on (1_01)We see by inspection that the resolved shear due to a tensile force in [001] will all be the same. The resolved shear on all other {110}<111> systems is zero.B. To compute the normal stress at the onset of plastic deformation we will consider (011) [1_1_1]τcrss = σcos θcos φ = 7θ = [001] [1_1_1]; cos φ = [001] [011]Note if we considered (101) [1_1_1] we would haveand we would obtain exactly the same answer.23. GIVEN: Yielding occurs at normal stress of σ = 170 MPa in [100] direction. Dislocationmoves on (101) in [111_] direction.REQUIRED:τcrss and crystal structuresSOLUTION: Assume an edge dislocation. τcrss = σcos⋅cosφθ = [100] [111_] φ = [100] [101]The - sign means that the slip direction is opposite to the motion of the dislocation. Essentially, we have a negative edge dislocation on (101) as shown below:The edge dislocation moves in [111_] direction but the offset is in [1_1_1] direction.The slip plane and slip direction are representative of BCC structures.24. GIVEN: (1_10)[111] slip system. [123] tensile axisτcrss = 800 psi for BCC crystal τcrss = 80 psi for FCC crystal withσFCC = 457 psi [123] tensile axis and (111)[11_0] system.REQUIRED: Normal stress at yield for BCC metalSOLUTION: The simplest way to solve this problem is to note cos θ⋅cos φ is the same for the BCC and FCC crystal with the meaning of φ and θ interchanged. Let M = cos θ⋅cos φ. (1) (2)(3)25.Here crystallographically equivalent positions join ions at cube corners (b v = a o ), face diagonals )a 2 = b (o v , cube diagonals )a 3 = b (o vThe most densely packed plane is the (110) in which we haveThe shortest vector that will reproduce all elements of the structure is a o . Thus b = a<100> COMMENT: We note that this is not sufficient for general deformation (e.g. a tensile axis ofthe type <100> produces zero shear on the 1<100> Burgers vectors. We expect then a<110> Burgers vectors as well.26. GIVEN:σ = 1.7 MPa [100] tensile axis (111)[101] slip systemsREQUIRED:τcrss, and crystal structure. Also find flaw in problem statement.SOLUTION: Since the slip system is of the type {111}<110> the structure is FCC. Theproblem is misstated since the Burgers vector must lie on the slip plane and [101] does not lieon (111). The slip direction would more appropriately be [101_]. Thus the slip system is(111)[101_] as shown below.27.⊥ = edge dislocation x = start of Burgers circuitb = Burgers vector y = end of Burgers circuit28. FIND: Show energy/area = force/length, that is, surface energy is surface tension in liquids.DATA: The units of energy are J = W/s or N-m. The units of force are N.SOLUTION: Energy/area = J/m2 =N-m/m2 = N/m = force/length29. GIVEN: Two grain sizes, 10μm and 40μmREQUIRED: A) ASTM GS# for both processes, B) Grain boundary area.SOLUTION: Assume that the grains are in the form of cubes for ease of calculation. TheASTM GS# is defined through the equation: n = 2N-1 where n = # grains/in2 at 100X.N=ASTM GS#To solve the problem we first convert the grain size to in. where D = length of cube edge in μm.At 100X linear magnification, the sides of the smaller grains will be:The area of each grain at 100X will beSimilarly the area of the 40μm grains at 100X isFor the 10μm dia grain, the # of grains per in 2 (at box) is645.16 = 10x 1.5501= n3-100X10μgrains/in 2at 100X Similarly 40.31 = 10x 24.811= n 3-100X 40μgrains/in 2at 100X For the 10μm grain size:B. In computing the total g.s. area we will assume 1 in 3 of materials. Since there are 6 facescube and the area of each face is shared by 2 cubes, each cube has an area of 3x Area of face. G.B. Area =d / 3 = d 3 x d 123⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡GB Area (10μ gs) = 3/3.937 x 10-4 = 7620in 2/in 3 GB Area (40μ gs) = 3/15.75 x 10-4 = 1905in 2/in 330.GIVEN:σys = 200MPa at GS#4 = 300MPa at GS#6REQUIRED: σys at GS#9SOLUTION: Recall σys = σo + kd -1/2(1)for low carbon steel.If d = grain size (assume cubes) load = grain diameter at 100X(2)(3)16.82 = d11/24For ASTM GS# 4:For ASTM GS#6:23.78 = d11/24(5) Substituting (4) and (5) into (1) we have200 - σo + k(16.82) (6) 300 = σo + k(23.78) (7)Subtracting (6) from (7):100 = k(23.78 - 16.82)∴k = 14.37Substituting this value of κ into (6) yields 200 = σo + 14.37 x 16.82σo = -41.70 (this is not physically realistic since σo relates to the lattice friction stress which should not be negative)For ASTM GS#9Thus σys = σo + 14.37 x 40 = 41.70 + 574 = 533MPa31.GIVEN: ∣b ∣ = 0.25μm for BCC metal tilt boundary has angular difference of 2.5o REQUIRED: Dislocation density in tilt boundary wall SOLUTION: The physical situation is shown below:If b = Burgers vector, D = spacing between edge dislocation# of dislocations in boundary for a 1cm high boundary isD1(where D is in cm)32.33.FIND: Show D = b / θ.GIVEN: b is the magnitude of the Burger's vector; D is the spacing between dislocations, and θ is the tilt angle.SKETCH: See Fig. 5.3-4.SOLUTION: We can see the geometry more clearly using the following sketch:bFrom the Figure we can immediately write that tan/θ22=b D . Since the tan of a small angle is the angle itself:θ22=b D /, so that D = b / θ, as is written in the margin.34. FIND: How can you detect a cluster of voids or a cluster of precipitates in a material?SOLUTION: This can be a difficult challenge indeed. If the total void volume is large, then the density of the sample will be lower than that of dense material. The same is true for clusters ofprecipitate; however, usually the density difference between host and precipitate is not as greatas between host and air, so the technique does not work as well. Another possible technique is microscopy. Samples can be prepared for microscopy, perhaps by polishing and etching andthe defects observed using optical or electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction can also be used. With a random spacing of void or precipitate there is then an average spacing. SometimesBragg's law can be used to calculate the spacing if an intensity maximum is observed. Note that the angle of the maximum will be very small.COMMENTS: There are many other potential techniques that can potentially be used. Theyall rely on some property difference - magnetic, electrical, optical, or whatever.35. FIND: How can you ascertain whether a material contains both crystalline and noncrystallineregions?GIVEN: Recall that the density (and other properties) of crystalline material is greater than that of noncrystalline material of the same compositionSOLUTION: There are three methods in common usage to establish crystallinity polymers.These methods apply to all materials.1. Density. Measure the density of your sample and compare it to the density of noncrystallineand crystalline samples of the same composition.2. Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Heat your sample in a calorimeter. Samples that arecrystalline will absorb heat at the melting temperature and show a "melting endotherm". Somenoncrystalline samples (such as amorphous metals) will crystallize in the calorimeter and show a huge release of heat prior to melting. This is a "crystallization exotherm".3. X-ray diffraction. Crystalline materials show well-defined peaks.COMMENTS: Knowing whether a material is crystalline or noncrystalline is a commonchallenge to polymers scientists. We often need to quantify the fraction or percent crystallinity.Can you suggest a method for each of the 3 techniques outlined?36. FIND: State examples of materials' applications that require the material to behave in a purelyelastic manner.SOLUTION: There are many such possible examples. Since plastic deformation isnonrecoverable deformation, any application that requires repeated stressing and dimensional stability is a good example. Here are some examples:1. Springs in automobiles - leaf and coil springs2. A diving board3. Trusses in a bridge4. The walls in a building5. A bicycle frame6. Piano wire7. Airplane wings37. As the dislocation density ↑, there are more dislocation/dislocation interactions and the strengthgoes up. At the same time, the degree of “damage” also increases and the ductility decreases.38. If the point defect concentration ↑, the strength will go up as well. This is because the defectsmay migrate to edge dislocations where they cause jogs on the dislocations. A joggeddislocation is much harder to move and may itself require the generation of point defects tomove. In addition the point defects may collapse to form dislocation loops which also impede the motion of other dislocations making the materials stronger. If the defects are interstitials,they may migrate to areas around the dislocations in which the system energy is reduced. For the dislocation to move away from the interstitial an increase in the system energy is requiredwhich means the stress to move the dislocation must increase. If the point defect is asubstitutional atom, similar considerations apply. However, the magnitude of the energyreduction is less because of the less severe distortion. Thus the strength increase is not as high as for intersitital.39. As d↓σys↑ since this means the path over which a dislocation moves ↓. This means that thestress will have to increase to either nucleate or unlock dislocations in adjacent grains. Therelationship quantifying this behavior is the Hall-Petch equation: σys = σo + kd-1/240. The strength may increase as a result of:1. decreasing grain size - should not be too (see previous questions) temperature dependent.2. Adding impurities (e.g. C in Fe). The impurities “lock” the dislocation by associating withthe dislocation to lower the system energy. This will be very temperature dependent for dilute concentrations of impurities as the impurities will diffuse away at high temperatures.3. Adding precipitates - blocks the motion of dislocations through either having a differentcrystal structure or a large strain field. Since the precipitates are usually large compared to the atomistic dimension, strong temperature dependence is not expected.4. Cold work - increase quantity of dislocations.41. GIVEN: = 1012/cm 2 for low C steelREQUIRED: concentration of C atoms (at %) to lock all dislocationsSOLUTION: Recalling the At. weight of Fe is 55.85 and the density is about 7.8 gm/cm 3 we may write10 x 6.02 55.857.8 = N 23Fc(assume 1C atom for every Fe atom along dislocations)42. FIND: Why can you not bend the bar of tin?GIVEN: The bar has been well annealed, so the initial dislocation density is low. You are required to re-bend the bar after cold working.SOLUTION: The deformation has increased the dislocation density and the bar now requires much more stress, or force, to deform it. You are not necessarily a weakling, but you have been taken. Re-anneal the bar and bend it back or use brute force.COMMENTS: It is often difficult to bend a metal back to its original shape and this is just one of many possible reasons that depend on the metal and its thermo-mechanical。
