新编剑桥商务英语unit 3

branch out
Archer says there is now a growth in the number of younger companies that are trying to launch new franchises. „An incredible number of individuals are coming in at a younger age with lower capital, getting a return and investing in bigger ventures.‟ If the initial fee can be raised it‟s an ideal opportunity to stretch those entrepreneurial wings. Back
Module 3
3.1Business topic: Starting a business
3.2 Business skills: Leaving and taking messages
3.1 Business topic: Starting a business

branch out growth fee
But it’s vital to know what you’re getting into. Franchising is ‘the granting of a licence by one person (the franchior) to another (the franchisee) which entitles the franchisee to trade under the trademark or trade name of the franchisor and to make use of an entire package.
Module 3
3.1Business topic: Starting a business
3.2 Business skills: Leaving and
taking messages
3.1 Business topic: Starting a business
Vocabulary: Types of business Reading: We wanna hold your hand
Tags that can end misery of lost luggage
Globalbagtag was (0) set up six years ago by husband-and-wife team Chris and Alison Truelove on their return from a holiday in Australia. The couple decided to(1)________ , which sells secure tags which travelers attach to their luggage. They started to (2)___________ £9.95 per tag in the first year, followed by a 2.95 subscription (3)_____________ for the following years. Customers activate the tag online with their home address on an online database. If luggage is lost, the person who finds it can log on to the Globalbagtag website and report the missing items.

Would you please confirm by fax so that we can make arrangements accordingly.
These are new products from our plant.
When you do take time off, don’t take your work home with you.
vt. 更新
n. 建筑,建筑物 除了……之外
Construction Apart from
adj. 较小的,次要的
vi. 进行,继续下去
New Words & Expressions
n. 全景,全景画 panorama
management team
Heads of corporate and investment banking would knock on the doors of any finance director who would listen.

新编剑桥商务英语(初级)词汇(第三版)1.1worldofwork工作领域businessn.工商企业;商行;商业techniquen.技巧,技能cross-culturaladj.跨文化的presentationn.口头报告,陈述,叙述publicspeaking演说,演讲consultantn.顾问consultancyn.咨询公司runvt.开办(课程/讲习班)one-to-one一对一的accreditedadj.公认的motivationaladj.激发积极性的,clientn.客户entertainingadj.有趣的,使人愉快的,professionaladj.专业的,职业的involvevt.包含、需要、使成为必要部分responsibilityn.责任,所负责的事情beresponsibleforsb./sth.对某人/某事负责titlen.头衔,职称samplen.样品试用产品accountn.账目,账户correspondencen.(来往的)信件badgen.徽章identifyvt.发现,确定workshopn.研讨会,讲习班cateringservice餐饮服务mDmanagingdirector的缩写,总经理,执行董事gadgetn.小巧的器械,小玩意儿interioradj.车内产品,内部装饰memon.备忘录,便条,便笺electricalappliances电器,(家用)电器shipvt.运送powerpoint电子版幻灯片bonusn.奖金cataloguen.产品目录positiveadj.积极乐观的presencen.仪态,风度,风采diaryn.记事簿Athensn.雅典(希腊首都)Doyoulikeyourjob?Doyouoftentravelabroad?howareyou?…nottoobad,thanks.Iworkforacompanythat…Iworkas…whatdoesyourjobinvolve?myjobinvolvesdoing…whatdoyoudo?Idealwith whoisyourmD?Iambasedin….1.2personalandprofessionaldetails个人和职业详细情况divisionn.分理处,部门profilen.传略;人物简介;概况questionnairen.问卷,调查表interviewn.采访;面试musicalinstrument乐器destinationn.目的地follow-upquestions后续问题,补充问题swapvt.交换electronicsn.电子学;电子器件variedadj.多变化的,各不相同的confectionaryadj.糖果的,有关甜食制造的allocatevt.分配,分派candidaten.候选人criterionn.标准,准则pl.(复数)criteriaInc.adj.Incorporated的缩写,股份有限的supervisevt.主管,监管,管理coordinatevt.使协调scubadiving水肺潜水marathonn.马拉松赛跑financeassistant财务助理auditvt.审计master’sdegree硕士学位judon.柔道chronicFatiguesyndrome慢性疲劳综合症ambitiousadj.雄心勃勃的journalismn.新闻学,新闻业breedvt.饲养terriern.小猎狗chewinggum口香糖galleryn.画廊,美术馆formatn.形式,格式sARs--severeAcuteRespiratorysyndrome严重急性呼吸道综合征,俗称非典型肺炎,简称非典efficiencyn.效率profitn.利润mentorn.良师益友makecontributionto为……做贡献personalproblem个人(私人)问题setanexampleto树立榜样bebasedin在……总部raisemoney募捐master’sdegreeinbusinessadministration:mbA工商硕士chronicFatiguesyndrome慢性疲劳综合症beinchargeof负责best-selling 畅销thinkofanewidea想出新点子2.1workinprogress工程进展beinprogress在进行中,在运行中projectn.项目,工程gardenvi.&vt.种植或修整花园,从事园艺工作updatevt.更新constructionn.建筑,建筑物Apartfrom除了……之外minoradj.较小的,次要的proceedvi.进行,继续下去panoraman.全景,全景画managementteam管理团队takeshape成形aheadofschedule提前于预订计划financialreport财务报告tempn.临时雇员helpout帮助(某人)解决困难giveapresentationof对……做陈述launchvt.开始,开办,推出;发射photocopyvt.&n.影印,复印branchn.分部,分店,分公司projectormanager项目经理subcontractorn.转包商periodoftransition过渡期permanentjob永久性工作temporaryemploymentagency临时就业中介机构tryout测试,试用takematernityleave休产假optionn.选择,可选择的办法careerfield职业领域existingskills现有的技能supervisorn.主管,监督人temoraryjob 临时工作askforapayrise要求涨工资meetone’starget完成指标,完成定额sackvt.解雇administrationwork行政管理工作brazil巴西Lisbon里斯本(葡萄牙首都)belem贝伦(巴西东北部港口城市)Fortaleza福塔雷萨(巴西东北部港口城市)Valencia巴伦西亚(西班牙港口城市)montpellier蒙彼利埃(法国南部城市)2.2makingarrangements日程安排makearrangements做安排,做准备plantn.工厂,车间vt.种植taketimeoff抽出时间,休假,休息financedirector财务经理confirmvt.确认,确定receptionn.接待,接待处tradefair交易会,展销会presentvt.介绍,引见;出席potentialclient潜在客户qualityinspector质检人员jobapplicant求职者festivaln.节日self-employedadj.个体的,自己经营的acceptaninvitation接受邀请specialreception特别招待会anniversaryn.周年纪念日venuen.会场,会议地点attendancen.出席,出席人数prague布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都)morpeth莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡)helsinki赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)buenosAires布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)Toronto多伦多(加拿大主要城市)sydney悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府)3.1companybiography公司简介biographyn.形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记fastfoodrestaurant快餐店transformvt.转换、改变、改造globalbusiness跨国企业originaladj.最初的,原始的,起源的franchisen.&vt.特许经销权,给……以特许featuren.&vt.是……的特色,以……为特色Frenchfries炸薯条softdrinkn.软饮料;汽水milkshaken.奶昔purchasevt.买,购买multimixern.多用混合器(机)exclusivedistributor独家批发商(代理商)openvi.&vt.开设,开办,开张expandvi.&vt.扩大,扩张corporationn.公司cosmeticn.化妆品inspirevt.激发,启示,使生灵感philosophyn.哲学revolutionaryadj.革命的rawmaterial原材料suppliern.供应者,厂商ethicaladj.伦理的;道德的travelagency 旅行社contractn.&vt.订合同,合同、契约takedeliveryof收货,提取货物mergevi.&vt.合并fleet舰队budgetairline低价航空公司gopublic上市,公开发售股票businesspartner生意伙伴,商业伙伴entrepreneurialadj.企业家的freelancern.自由职业者;自由撰稿人millinonaire网络百万富翁celebrityn.名人entrepreneurn.企业家Kuwaitcity科威特城(科威特首都)sanbernardino圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)Illinois伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)3.2companyperformance公司业绩performancen.业绩,成绩;性能distributevt.配送,分发,分送recordprofit历史最高利润vegetariann.素食者,素食的最后,小编希望文章对您有所帮助,如果有不周到的地方请多谅解,更多相关的文章正在创作中,希望您定期关注。
新编剑桥商务英语初级 Module 3.1

In Brent’s living room Late flights and late hotel bookings France, Germany and Sweden 1,400 In 2000 In 2003
• is an online travel agency and e-tailer • specialists in flights, hotels, cars and holidays at the last minute • for great value deals go to
Module 3.1 Business Topic
Company Biography
3.1 Company biography
The past simple Presenting your company
The man behind McDonald’s
• • • •
the best place to book your cheap flights online low cost flights across European destinations be bound to pick up a deal that fits your budget bargain flights to Spain, France, Germany, Italy and more
Limited Corporation (1) 投资者只以出资额为限,承担企业责任,即有限责 任 股份制公司 (2)融资能力强,资本可以很多 (3)股权转让容易
Presenting your company

Grammar:The present simple 一般现在时
1.稳定的、经久不变的情形 (Permanent situations)
2. 习惯动作或经常性的动作 (Habits and frequency of activities)
3. 作息时刻 (与时间短语连用) (Timetables with a time expression)
Expressions on Job
Do you like your job?
Do you often travel abroad ? How are you?
…Not too bad, thanks. I work for a company that… I work as… What does your job involve ?
ship vt. 运送
New words and Expressions
power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 presence n. 仪态,风度,风采 diary n. 记事簿 Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都)
New words and Expressions
title n. 头衔,职称 sample n. 样品 试用产品 account n. 账目,账户 correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章 identify vt. 发现,确定 workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班
Chief Accountant 总会计师
邮电版新剑桥商务英语(初级)Unit 3

Structure of a job ad 1 slogan ( headlines) 2 brief introduction to the company 3 job or position ( responsibilities) 4 requirement 5 working conditions 6 contact means
The qualifications or requirements usually includes: 1 personal qualities(个人素质) 2 secretarial skills and public relation skills( 秘书公关能力) 3 language proficiency( 语言能力) 4 computer literacy(电脑知识) 5 occupational experience(工作经验) 6 others(其它)
The difficult and important points
Describe job titles, company structures and job responsibility; Drafting job ads; Make and answer telephone; Leave and take telephone message.
1 Using elliptical sentences( 省略句) Eg: University degree Fluent in English 2 Using phrases Eg: 20 to 30 years old To understand the local dialects. 3 Using abbreviations Eg: IBM= International Business Machines Corporation) PR /Co. /add
邮电版新剑桥商务英语(初级)Unit 3

Teaching Objectives
This unit aims to strengthen students’ abilities in: Talking about company organization Drafting an advertisement for a vacancy Talking about jobs and their responsibilities, and Asking to speak to someone and leaving a message. Grammar points: Present simple Present progressive
sales representative recruitment officer export clerk technician plant Manager chief accountant personnel manager
销售代表 招聘官 出口部职员 技师、技术员 工厂/车间经理 首席会计师 人事经理
Training officer
Pay clerk
Expressions used to describe company structures
The head of be responsible to be in charge of Be accountable to for Be divided into Consist of
Unit content
3.1 Company structure 3.2 Describing responsibility 3.3 Leaving a message
剑桥商务英语(初级)课件:BEC Unit3

New Words & Expressions
• contract n. & vt. 订合同,合同、契约 • take delivery of 收货, 提取货物 • merge vi. & vt. 合并 • fleet 舰队 • budget airline 低价航空公司 budget 廉价的 • go public 上市,公开发售股票 • entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的 • entrepreneur n. 企业家
Reading: The Man behind McDonald’s 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人
• IN 1954, TWO BROTHERS ran a small, but busy, restaurant in San Bernardino, California.
• The restaurant featured a limited menu that included: hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks and milkshakes. The milkshakes were very popular and the restaurant had purchased ten special “Multi-mixer” milkshake makers. Each one could mix five milkshakes at a time.
• Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owners of the restaurant. He saw how they prepared the food using equipment that they had invented. The service in the restaurant was fast and the prices were inexpensive.

新编 剑桥(jiàn qiáo)商务英
语 初级 (第三版)
By Clyde (陈功)
新编剑桥(jiàn qiáo)商务英语初级 (第三版)
在1955年四月,雷的第一家麦当劳特许经营(jīngyíng)餐厅 在伊利诺斯州的勒斯普拉斯开张。 5. Today, McDonald's Corporation has over
31,000 resturants in over 100 countries.
Key Sentences
在1955年四月,雷的第一家麦当劳特许经营餐厅(cāntīn 在伊利诺斯州的勒斯普拉斯开张。 5. Today, McDonald's Corporation has over
31,000 resturants in over 100 countries.
Key Sentences
3. Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owner of the resturant.
4. In April 1955, Ray opened his first franchised McDonald's resturant in Des Plaines, Illinois.
Key Sentences
3. Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owner of the resturant.

商务英语初级3.1-3.2The man behind McDonalds'sDo you like fast food? When was the last time you went to a fast food restaurant? What do you like about fast food restaurants? What do you dislike?Where is the place of the original McDonald's restaurant? What was on the original McDonald's menu? What are the names of the owners of the original McDonald's? Who developed the McDonald's franchise? How many McDonald's resturants here are today?Time: Since 1954 Figure: Ray Kroc , Richard ,Maurice Place: San Bernardinofeature ['fi:t ] n. 特色milkshake ['m lk ek] n. 奶昔Multimixer 通用混合器illionois 伊利诺伊州Des Plaines 德斯普兰斯(美国一城市) franchise ['fr nt aiz] vt. 给。
以特许(或特权); Kuwait City 科威特城(科威特首都)Exercise 3 Answer: A C B CFor the affirmative formaRegular verbs end with -ed: talk-talked,play-played, stop-stopped,prefer-preferred study-studied,travel-travelled Irregular verbs: speak-spoke,tell-toldTo talk about actions that hapened in the past. The time is specified, or understood from the context.To talk about past states.Ask each other these questions.Then look at the text again to check your answer. How much do you remeber about McDonald's?a.Where was the original restaurant owned by the McDonald brothers? b.What didi it sell? c.Was it expensive?d.When did Ray Kroc open the first McDonald franchise?e.How much money did they take on the first day?f.How much did Ray Kroc pay the brothers for the business?g.When did the Kuwait City restaurant open?h.Was the Kuwait City restaurant a success?Write three things you know about each of these companies.The body shop:They sell people care products (eg soaps,shampoo,make-up). Their products are made from natural products and are not tested on animals.They started in the UK. They have shops all over the world.Easyjet:They offer low-cost flights.The tickets are very cheap. They don't give you free drinks on board. You have to pay for the drinks.:You can buy a holiday online and get very good prices. Their website is user-friendly. You can book a flight or a hotel with afew clicks.Exercise 2 Answer: The body shop 1.visited; 2.began;3.opened;4.were;5.bought;6.paidExercise 3Answer: Easyjet 1.didn't own; 3.didn't have; 5.sold;7.took; 2.didn't sell; 4.was; 6.began; 8.becameExercise 4Answer: 1.Where did Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox start the cmpany? 2.What did the website sell? 3.Which countries did the company expand into? 4.How many employees did they have after six years? 5.When did the company go public?6.When did Martha leave the company?Exercise 5Answer: 1.In Brent's living room.te flights and late hotel bookings. 3.France, Germany and Sweden. 4.1,400; 5.In 2022年; 6.In 2022年Exercise 6:Answer: 1-7: O M M O M M OA. Complete the form of exercise 7 a. According to the forma, give a spoken presentation about your company. b.Present your company to your new partner,and complete the second part of the form while you listen to the presentation. B. Write a short paragraph(60-80 words) about your company. C.Exchange your paragraphs andcompare them.What companies do? Work: Write the names of as many companies you can think of in one minute. Compare with your partner.And then, use the words of exercise 2 to describe the activities of your companies.。

新编剑桥商务英语(初级)(第三版)词汇整理浓缩版(精选五篇)第一篇:新编剑桥商务英语(初级)(第三版) 词汇整理浓缩版新编剑桥商务英语(初级)词汇(第三版)1.1 World of work 工作领域businessn.工商企业;商行;商业technique n.技巧,技能cross-cultural adj.跨文化的 presentation n.口头报告,陈述,叙述public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n.顾问 consultancy n.咨询公司run vt.开办(课程/ 讲习班)one-to-one一对一的accredited adj.公认的motivational adj.激发积极性的,client n.客户entertaining adj.有趣的,使人愉快的,professionaladj.专业的,职业的 involve vt.包含、需要、使成为必要部分responsibility n.责任,所负责的事情be responsible for sb./ sth.对某人/某事负责title n.头衔,职称 sample n.样品试用产品 account n.账目,账户correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章identify vt.发现,确定workshop n.研讨会,讲习班catering service 餐饮服务MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事gadget n.小巧的器械,小玩意儿interior adj.车内产品,内部装饰 memo n.备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电器ship vt.运送power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n.奖金 catalogue n.产品目录positive adj.积极乐观的 presence n.仪态,风度,风采 diary n.记事簿Athens n.雅典(希腊首都)Do you like your job? Do you oftentravel abroad ? How are you?…Not too bad, thanks.I work for a company that… I work as…What does your job involve ? My jobinvolves doing… What do you do ? I deal withWho is your MD? I am based in ….1.2 Personal and professional details个人和职业详细情况 division n.分理处,部门 profile n.传略;人物简介;概况questionnaire n.问卷,调查表interview n.采访;面试musical instrument乐器 destination n.目的地follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题 swap vt.交换electronics n.电子学;电子器件 varied adj.多变化的,各不相同的confectionary adj.糖果的,有关甜食制造的allocate vt.分配,分派 candidate n.候选人criterion n.标准,准则pl.(复数)criteriaInc.adj.Incorporated 的缩写,股份有限的supervisevt.主管,监管,管理 coordinatevt.使协调 scuba diving 水肺潜水 marathon n.马拉松赛跑 finance assistant财务助理 auditvt.审计master’s degree 硕士学位 judo n.柔道Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的 journalism n.新闻学,新闻业/ 4breed vt.饲养 terrier n.小猎狗chewing gum 口香糖 gallery n.画廊,美术馆 format n.形式,格式SARS--Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征,俗称非典型肺炎,简称非典efficiency n.效率profit n.利润mentor n.良师益友make contribution to 为……做贡献 personal problem 个人(私人)问题 set an example to 树立榜样 be based in 在……总部 raise money 募捐Master’s degree in business administration: MBA工商硕士Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症be in charge of 负责 best-selling 畅销think of a new idea 想出新点子2.1 Work in progress 工程进展Be in progress在进行中,在运行中project n.项目,工程 Garden vi.& vt.种植或修整花园,从事园艺工作Update vt.更新Construction n.建筑,建筑物Apart from除了……之外Minor adj.较小的,次要的Proceed vi.进行,继续下去panorama n.全景,全景画 management team 管理团队 take shape 成形ahead of schedule 提前于预订计划financial report 财务报告temp n.临时雇员help out 帮助(某人)解决困难 give a presentation of对……做陈述 launch vt.开始,开办,推出;发射 photocopy vt.& n.影印,复印 branch n.分部,分店,分公司 projector manager 项目经理subcontractor n.转包商 period of transition 过渡期 permanent job 永久性工作 temporary employment agency 临时就业中介机构try out 测试,试用 take maternity leave 休产假 option n.选择,可选择的办法career field 职业领域existing skills 现有的技能supervisor n.主管,监督人 temorary job 临时工作 ask for a pay rise 要求涨工资meet one’s target 完成指标,完成定额sack vt.解雇administration work 行政管理工作 Brazil 巴西Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)Belem 贝伦(巴西东北部港口城市)Fortaleza 福塔雷萨(巴西东北部港口城市)Valencia 巴伦西亚(西班牙港口城市)Montpellier蒙彼利埃(法国南部城市)2.2 Making arrangements 日程安排make arrangements 做安排,做准备 plant n.工厂,车间 vt.种植take time off 抽出时间,休假,休息finance director 财务经理confirm vt.确认,确定 reception n.接待,接待处 trade fair 交易会,展销会present vt.介绍,引见;出席potential client 潜在客户quality inspector 质检人员 job applicant 求职者 festival n.节日self-employed adj.个体的,自己经营的accept an invitation 接受邀请special reception 特别招待会anniversary n.周年纪念日venue n.会场,会议地点 attendance n.出席,出席人数Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都)Morpeth 莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡)Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)Toronto 多伦多(加拿大主要城市)Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府)3.1 Company biography 公司简介biography n.形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记fast food restaurant 快餐店transform vt.转换、改变、改造global business 跨国企业original adj.最初的,原始的,起源的franchise n.& vt.特许经销权,给……以特许feature n.& vt.是……的特色,以……为特色 French fries 炸薯条softdrink n.软饮料;汽水 milkshake n.奶昔 purchase vt.买,购买multimixer n.多用混合器(机)exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商)open vi.& vt.开设,开办,开张expand vi.& vt.扩大,扩张corporation n.公司 cosmetic n.化妆品inspire vt.激发,启示,使生灵感philosophy n.哲学revolutionary adj.革命的 raw material 原材料 supplier n.供应者,厂商 ethical adj.伦理的;道德的 travel agency 旅行社contract n.& vt.订合同,合同、契约 take delivery of收货,提取货物 merge vi.& vt.合并 fleet 舰队budget airline 低价航空公司go public 上市,公开发售股票business partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴/ 4entrepreneurialadj.企业家的freelancer n.自由职业者;自由撰稿人 millinonaire 网络百万富翁celebrity n.名人entrepreneur n.企业家Kuwait City 科威特城(科威特首都)San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)Illinois 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)3.2 Company performance 公司业绩performance n.业绩,成绩;性能 distribute vt.配送,分发,分送 record profit 历史最高利润 vegetarian n.素食者,素食的 organic adj.使用有机肥料的 ingredient n.配料,成分 nutritious adj.有营养的improve one’s image 改善形象 banquet n.宴会manufacturer n.制造业者,厂商guarantee vt.& n.保证,担保,担保人symbol n.象征,符号,记号innovative adj.创新的,革新的sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车component n.成分optical instrument 光学仪器validationn.(可靠性)检测certify vt.证明,保证 application n.应用,运用assurance n.保证,担保,确信,断言founder n.创始人,奠基人 turnover n.营业额 dramatically adv.戏剧地 advertise vt.做广告,登广告 annual report 年终报告,年终终结 share price 股票价格proactive adj.积极的,主动的dedicatedadj.专注的,献身的uniqueadj.唯一的,独特的accessn.接近(进入)的机会,接近(进入)的权利;入口 consolidatevt.巩固 brochuren.小册子in this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节maximumn.最大量,最大限度,极大4.1 International business 国际商务importn.vi.& vt.进口 exportn.vi.& vt.出口 competitor n.竞争对手wholesalern.批发商warehousen.仓库audio product 音响产品ban n.& vt.禁令fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机commissioner n.委员spokeswomann.女发言人 huge losses 巨大损失 resignn.vi.& vt.辞职 garment n.服装(成衣)clothing blockade 服装封锁 in favour of 支持、赞成disastrousadj.损失惨重的,灾难的import control 进口控制 import quotas 进口配额compromisen.妥协,折中,让步stock exchange 证券交易所appeal to sb.对……有吸引力availableadj.有空的,能得到的dossiern.档案,卷宗flatadj.没电的,平面的embarrassingadj.令人尴尬的 in-house magazine 内部杂志 participantn.参加者stressfuladj.有压力的,紧迫的moderatorn.会议主持人press the mute button 按下静音键reflect on 有损声誉,招来非议teleconferencen.远程电话会议producern.生产商wholesalern.批发商customern.顾客retailern.零售商warehousen.仓库consumern.消费者competitorn.竞争对手customsn.海关portn.港口clothingn.服装4.2 Business communications 商务沟通printer cartridges 打印墨盒descriptionn.种类;性质;描述pass the message on to 把留言给…… complaintn.投诉 cancelvt.取消extension number 分机号码pharmaceuticalsn.医药用品budgetn.预算plasma screen TV 等离子电视freight forwarder 货运商distributorn.发行人,销售商 containern.集装箱production manager 生产经理,厂长Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)5.1 Career choices职业选择stock broker 股票经纪人London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所bank account 银行帐户 bankruptadj.破产的 a modest life简朴的生活 accommodationn.住处,膳宿 get started 开始source of income 收入来源 oliven.橄榄 farm products 农产品business contact 生意场的熟人/关系deal in 经营make enquiries 询问 record shop 音像店 human resource 人力资源 HR manager 人力资源经理photography exhibition 摄影展accountancy job 会计工作 passionn.热情,激情 competitiveadj 竞争的 give up sth.all together 完全放弃……professional photographer 职业摄影师portraitn.肖像,人像studion.照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室/ 4Birmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市)Luxembourg 卢森堡(西欧国家)resign from the job 辞职farmhousen.农舍bed and breakfast accommodation 只提供床铺与早餐的住宿reorganisevt.重新组织,重新安排source of income 收入来源as though 仿佛,好像 the best of luck 好运5.2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划design office 设计室 book cover 书的封面printern.印刷商,印刷工;打印机quotationn.报价in full colour 用彩色 in black and white 用黑白 a full progress report 详细的进展报告refer to 参考,查阅,查看 book fair 书展,书市 a series of 一系列Italian意大利人,意大利语;意大利的coincidencen.巧合,巧事moven.行动,步骤;措施;方法;vi.移动consolidate one’s strong position 巩固某人的强势地位removal company 搬运公司 stationeryn.文具,信纸 keep sb.up-to-date 使某人信息灵通 utilityn.公用事业,公用事业设备 bank loan 银行贷款paperwork 日常文书工作loan application 贷款申请additiven.添加剂flavourn.味道,风味,香味 on a small scale 小规模Cafén.小餐馆,咖啡馆snack bar 小吃店,快餐柜outletn.直销店;市场;销路strawberryn.草莓 pearn.梨 mangon.芒果/ 4take on 雇佣meet demand 满足需求 health club 健身俱乐部6.2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排ticket, crew, security/ safety inspectionbe in business 做生意 Poland 波兰(中欧国家)Hungary 匈牙利(中欧国家)Spain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)Portugal葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家)Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中南部城市)5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Threepostern.海报,招贴 office equipment 办公设备prefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房 pharmaceutical company 制药公司previousadj.以前的,在先的 disastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌reach the highest level 达到最高水平rise/ increase/ improve /ascend/ go up/ move up/ mount up 上升 soar 飙升fall/ drop/ decrease/ decline/ descend/ go down下降stay stable/ steady/ the same 保持平稳level off 持平 recover 反弹peak up 达到顶峰,最高点dramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地considerably 相当大地obviously明显地gradually渐渐地sharply 急剧地,明显地 slightly 轻微地 a little bit 一点儿6.1 Business travel商务旅行aircraft, check-in, delay, journey, land, luggage, passenger, passport, pilot, take off, travel, trip, air traffic controller, baggage handler,check-in baggage, carry-on bag, boarding pass, board, business/ economy/ first class, flightattendant/ stewardship/air-hostess/ stewardess, identity card, return/ singleManchester 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部港口城市)Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市)Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口)London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐机场Lyon里昂(法国城市)第二篇:整本书词汇新编剑桥商务英语(初级)(第三版)-词汇整理浓缩版consultant n.顾问consultancy n.咨询公司 accredited adj.公认的involve vt.包含、需要、使成为必要部分 correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章workshop n.研讨会,讲习班 catering service 餐饮服务gadget n.小巧的器械,小玩意儿interior adj.车内产品,内部装饰memo n.备忘录,便条,便笺presence n.仪态,风度,风采division n.分理处,部门profile n.传略;人物简介;概况 destination n.目的地 swap vt.交换confectionary adj.糖果的,有关甜食制造的allocate vt.分配,分派 candidate n.候选人criterion n.标准,准则pl.(复数)criteria supervise vt.主管,监管,管理coordinate vt.使协调 marathon n.马拉松赛跑 finance assistant 财务助理 audit vt.审计 judo n.柔道journalism n.新闻学,新闻业 breed vt.饲养 terrier n.小猎狗chewing gum 口香糖 format n.形式,格式mentor n.良师益友 be based in 在……总部Minor adj.较小的,次要的Proceed vi.进行,继续下去panorama n.全景,全景画 financial 财务launch vt.开始,开办,推出;发射branch n.分部,分店,分公司 projector manager 项目经理 subcontractor n.转包商 period of transition 过渡期 permanent job 永久性工作 take maternity leave 休产假 career field 职业领域 existing skills 现有的技能 supervisor n.主管,监督人 temorary job 临时工作meet one’s target 完成指标,完成定额 sack vt.解雇administration work 行政管理工作 plant n.工厂,车间 vt.种植finance director 财务经理trade fair 交易会,展销会quality inspector 质检人员 job applicant 求职者special reception 特别招待会 venue n.会场,会议地点franchise n.& vt.特许经销权,给……以特许feature n.& vt.是……的特色,以……为特色exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商)cosmetic n.化妆品/ 4supplier n.供应者,厂商 ethical adj.伦理的;道德的contract n.& vt.订合同,合同、契约 take delivery of 收货,提取货物 merge vi.& vt.合并 fleet 舰队budget airline 低价航空公司entrepreneurial adj.企业家的celebrity n.名人entrepreneur n.企业家performance n.业绩,成绩;性能 vegetarian n.素食者,素食的organic adj.使用有机肥料的 ingredient n.配料,成分 nutritious adj.有营养的 banquet n.宴会manufacturer n.制造业者,厂商guarantee vt.& n.保证,担保,担保人 innovative adj.创新的,革新的 sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车 component n.成分optical instrument 光学仪器validation n.(可靠性)检测certify vt.证明,保证assurance n.保证,担保,确信,断言 turnover n.营业额dedicated adj.专注的,献身的 consolidate vt.巩固 brochure n.小册子in this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节/ 44.1 International business 国际商务import n.vi.& vt.进口export n.vi.& vt.出口competitor n.竞争对手wholesaler n.批发商warehouse n.仓库 audio product 音响产品 ban n.& vt.禁令fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机 commissioner n.委员spokeswoman n.女发言人 huge losses 巨大损失 resign n.vi.& vt.辞职garment n.服装(成衣)clothing blockade 服装封锁in favour of 支持、赞成disastrous adj.损失惨重的,灾难的import control 进口控制import quotas 进口配额compromise n.妥协,折中,让步stock exchange 证券交易所appeal to sb.对……有吸引力available adj.有空的,能得到的 dossier n.档案,卷宗 flat adj.没电的,平面的 embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的 in-house magazine 内部杂志 participant n.参加者stressful adj.有压力的,紧迫的 moderator n.会议主持人press the mute button 按下静音键 reflect on 有损声誉,招来非议 teleconference n.远程电话会议 producer n.生产商wholesaler n.批发商customer n.顾客retailer n.零售商warehouse n.仓库consumer n.消费者competitor n.竞争对手customs n.海关port n.港口clothing n.服装4.2 Business communications 商务沟通 printer cartridges 打印墨盒description n.种类;性质;描述 pass the message on to 把留言给…… complaint n.投诉 cancel vt.取消extension number 分机号码pharmaceuticals n.医药用品budget n.预算plasma screen TV 等离子电视 freight forwarder 货运商distributor n.发行人,销售商 container n.集装箱production manager 生产经理,厂长Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)5.1 Career choices 职业选择/ 4stock broker 股票经纪人London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所 bank account 银行帐户 bankrupt adj.破产的 a modest life 简朴的生活accommodation n.住处,膳宿 get started 开始source of income 收入来源 olive n.橄榄farm products 农产品business contact 生意场的熟人/关系 deal in 经营make enquiries 询问 record shop 音像店human resource 人力资源HR manager 人力资源经理photography exhibition 摄影展 accountancy job 会计工作 passion n.热情,激情 competitive adj 竞争的give up sth.all together 完全放弃…… professional photographer 职业摄影师 portrait n.肖像,人像studio n.照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室Birmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市)Luxembourg 卢森堡(西欧国家)resign from the job 辞职 farmhouse n.农舍bed and breakfast accommodation 只提供床铺与早餐的住宿reorganise vt.重新组织,重新安排source of income 收入来源 as though 仿佛,好像 the best ofluck 好运5.2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划 design office 设计室book cover 书的封面printer n.印刷商,印刷工;打印机quotation n.报价in full colour 用彩色in black and white 用黑白a full progress report 详细的进展报告 refer to 参考,查阅,查看 book fair 书展,书市 a series of 一系列Italian 意大利人,意大利语;意大利的coincidence n.巧合,巧事move n.行动,步骤;措施;方法;vi.移动cons olidate one’s strong position 巩固某人的强势地位removal company 搬运公司 stationery n.文具,信纸keep sb.up-to-date 使某人信息灵通 utility n.公用事业,公用事业设备 bank loan 银行贷款paperwork 日常文书工作 loan application 贷款申请 additive n.添加剂flavour n.味道,风味,香味 on a small scale 小规模Cafén.小餐馆,咖啡馆 snack bar 小吃店,快餐柜outlet n.直销店;市场;销路strawberry n.草莓pear n.梨mango n.芒果 take on 雇佣meet demand 满足需求 health club 健身俱乐部 be in business 做生意Poland 波兰(中欧国家)Hungary 匈牙利(中欧国家)Spain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)Portugal 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家)Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中南部城市)5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Three poster n.海报,招贴office equipment 办公设备prefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房 pharmaceutical company 制药公司 previous adj.以前的,在先的 disastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌reach the highest level 达到最高水平rise/ increase/ improve /ascend/ go up/ move up/ mount up 上升 soar 飙升fall/ drop/ decrease/ decline/ descend/ go down下降/ 4stay stable/ steady/ the same 保持平稳 level off 持平 recover 反弹peak up 达到顶峰,最高点dramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地considerably 相当大地obviously 明显地 gradually 渐渐地sharply 急剧地,明显地 slightly 轻微地 a little bit 一点儿6.1 Business travel 商务旅行aircraft, check-in, delay, journey, land,luggage, passenger, passport, pilot, take off, travel, trip, air traffic controller, baggage handler,check-in baggage, carry-on bag,boarding pass, board, business/ economy/ first class, flight attendant/ stewardship/air-hostess/ stewardess, identity card, return/ single ticket, crew, security/ safety inspection6.2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排 Manchester 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部港口城市)Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市)Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口)London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场 Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐机场Lyon 里昂(法国城市)第三篇:剑桥商务英语初级完整(词汇)《新编剑桥商务英语初级学生用书》-Vocabulary Unit 1a Jobdescription frozen::adj.冷冻的,冷藏的;pharmaceutical:adj.制药的;vaccine:n.疫苗,菌苗; authority:n.权利,行政管理机构;recruit:v.招收,招聘(新成员)output:n.产量;balance sheet:决算表,平衡表;short-list:被列入初选名单;packing:n.包装,包装材料; newsletter:n.(公司、学会等刊印的)业务通讯;qualified:adj.合格的,称职的; publicity:n.宣传、宣扬;court:n.(三面有房屋的)短街;work as an accountantresponsible for checkingcompanies’ account involve giving financial advicedeal with questions/problemgive adviceprovide a service interview an applicantattend meetingkeep a recordorganize a conference give a presentationattend training sessionkeep a diaryorganize holidayUnit 1b Working conditions efficiently:adv.效率高的;bonus:n.奖金;performance:n.进行,施行;consult:v.咨询,请教; sales performance:销售情况;overtime:n.超时工作,加班;bread down:坏掉,损坏,出毛病;presentation:n.表现、呈现,描述;overall:n.工作服;regulation:n.章程,规则;due:预定的,约定的;term:n.条款,条件;commence:v.开始,着手;inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事line manager:部门经理in operation:工作中,生效,实施中arrange…..with:与(同)…一起协商安排consult sb.about sth:向谁请教,咨询,与….商量at the current overtime rate:按现行的加班工资标准Unit 2a Company history joint venture:合资企业take over:接收,接管subsidiary:n.子公司roll off:驶离 globalization:全球化AG:agent general 总经理turnover:n.营业额,销售比率bn:n.& adj.十亿shareholder:股东stake:n.股份merchandise:n.商品,货物MNE:multinational enterprise:跨国企业brochure:n.小册子 a public limited company:一家上市有限公司Unit 2b Company activities total investment:总投资diagram:n.图标,示意图;van:n.带蓬小型货车,客货两用车 assembly plant:装配厂extract:n.摘录,选段grant:n。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)同步辅导 第三版

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商务英语精读 (剑桥商务英语)Module 3.1

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of business organizations
Advantage Disadvantage
Sole trader Partnership Franchise
3.1 Starting a business
Type of business
❖ solo trader ❖ 独立法人,独立经销店
❖ means that you own the business, and any profits from the business belongs to you.
2. entrepreneurial [.ɔntrəprə'njuriəl] adj. 企业家的, 企业性质的 entrepreneurial spirit 企业家精神,进取精神 3. franchise ['fræntʃaɪz] n. 连锁店,特许经销权,特许经营 franchisor [fræntʃaɪ‘zɔː(r)] n.授予特许者; 授权 人,授权商 franchisee [ˌfræntʃaɪ'ziː] n. (公司的分店,零售店或联号商店的)特许经营者,加盟 者
Language focus in Reading 2
4. voila [vi'əʊlə ] int. ❖ (法)那就是,瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹词) ❖ Mix the ingredient, chill, and voila a light, tasty
dessert. ▪ 把材料拌在一起,冰凉,瞧!那就是一道清淡可口的甜点。

《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版)教案教材:《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》(第三版)Rolf Cook and Mara Pedretti with Helen Stephenson编著, 经济科学出版社, 2008年10月《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)》课程单元教学设计一、教案头单元标题:1.1 World of Work & 1.3 BEC Preliminary Exam授课对象:学时:3 上课地点:教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标1. To be able to make personalbusiness card.2. To be able to write personal andprofessional profiles.3. To be able to use present simpleand adverbs and expressions offrequency in working environment.1.To know the objectives of this courseand BEC Preliminary Exam2.To name different job titles.3.To grasp the usage of present simpleand adverbs and expressions offrequency.能力训练任务及案例Task 1Reading: Show students the BEC Preliminary Exam instructions and let them finish the questions on the format of the exam.Task 2 Reading and discussion: Training and workshopsTask 3 Listening: What does your job involveTask 4 Grammar: The present simple & adverbs and expressions of frequency Task 5: Speaking: Work-life balance教学组织在BEC的教学中,主要采取分组教学的方法,将班里的学生分为六组,每组四人,每组都是一个公司,全班共六个公司,学生既是班里的成员,也是公司的员工.采取组组竞争和提问个人的方式,既让锻炼学生的团队精神,又能突显个人的能力。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)unit three.1A

New Words & Expressions
• • • • • • • • softdrink n. 软饮料;汽水 milkshake n. 奶昔 purchase vt. 买,购买 multimixer n. 多用混合器(机) exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商) open vi. & vt. 开设,开办,开张 expand vi. & vt. 扩大,扩张 corporation n. 公司
Reading: The Man behind McDonald’s 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人
• Text Structure Analysis
Time 1954 owner Richard and Maurice McDonald Ray Krok scale small place San Bernardino, California Des Plaines, Illinois Fast food Hamburgers, french fries, soft drinks and milshakes.
Fill in the blankets
• 1. If you __________(finish) reading the novel before I leave, please give it back to me. • 2.This kind of cars __________(sell) well. • 3.Good medicine __________(taste) bitter • 4. All eyes _____________(focus) on the fat unsmiling lady when she entered the hall.

1 / 4新编剑桥商务英语(初级)词汇(第三版)1.1World of work 工作领域business n. 工商企业;商行;商业technique n. 技巧,技能cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述public speaking 演说,演讲consultant n. 顾问consultancy n. 咨询公司run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲习班)one-to -one 一对一的accredited adj. 公认的motivational adj. 激发积极性的,client n. 客户entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的,professional adj. 专业的,职业的involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要部分responsibility n. 责任,责任,所负责的事情所负责的事情be responsible for sb./ sth. 对某人/某事负责title n. 头衔,职称sample n. 样品试用产品account n. 账目,账户correspondence n.(来往的)信件(来往的)信件badge n.徽章徽章identify vt. 发现,确定workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班catering service 餐饮服务MD managing director 的缩写,总经的缩写,总经理,执行董事gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电器ship vt. 运送power point 电子版幻灯片bonus n. 奖金catalogue n. 产品目录positive adj. 积极乐观的presence n. 仪态,风度,风采diary n. 记事簿Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都)Do you like your job? Do you often travel abroad ? How are you? …Not too bad, thanks. I work for a company that…I work as…What does your job involve ? My job involves doi ng…What do you do ? I deal with Who is your MD? I am based in ….1.2Personal and professional details个人和职业详细情况division n. 分理处,部门profile n. 传略;人物简介;概况questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表interview n. 采访;面试musical instrument 乐器destination n. 目的地follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题swap vt. 交换electronics n. 电子学;电子器件varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造的allocate vt. 分配,分派candidate n. 候选人criterion n. 标准,准则pl.(复数)criteria Inc. adj. Incorporated 的缩写,的缩写,股份有限的supervise vt. 主管,监管,管理coordinate vt. 使协调scuba diving 水肺潜水marathon n. 马拉松赛跑finance assistant 财务助理audit vt. 审计master’s degree 硕士学位judo n.柔道柔道Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳慢性疲劳综合症ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的journalism n. 新闻学,新闻业breed vt. 饲养terrier n. 小猎狗chewing gum 口香糖gallery n. 画廊,美术馆format n. 形式,格式SARS--Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征,俗称非典型肺炎,简称非典efficiency n. 效率profit n. 利润mentor n. 良师益友make contribution to 为……做贡献为……做贡献personal problem 个人(私人)问题set an example to 树立榜样be based in 在……总部在……总部raise money 募捐Master’s degree in business administration: MBA工商硕士Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳慢性疲劳综合症be in charge of 负责best-selling 畅销think of a new idea 想出新点子2.1 Work in progress 工程进展Be in progress 在进行中,在运行中project n. 项目,工程Garden vi.& vt.种植或修整花园,从事园艺工作Update vt. 更新Construction n. 建筑,建筑物Apart from 除了……之外Minor adj. 较小的,次要的Proceed vi. 进行,继续下去panorama n. 全景,全景画management team 管理团队take shape 成形ahead of schedule 提前于预订计划提前于预订计划financial report 财务报告temp n. 临时雇员help out 帮助(某人)解决困难give a presentation of 对……做陈述launch vt. 开始,开办,推出;发射photocopy vt. & n. 影印,复印branch n. 分部,分店,分公司projector manager 项目经理2 / 4subcontractor n. 转包商转包商period of transition 过渡期过渡期过渡期permanent job 永久性工作永久性工作temporary employment agency 临时就业中介机构就业中介机构try out 测试,试用测试,试用take maternity leave 休产假休产假休产假option n. 选择,可选择的办法选择,可选择的办法career field 职业领域职业领域existing skills 现有的技能现有的技能supervisor n. 主管,监督人主管,监督人temorary job 临时工作临时工作ask for a pay rise 要求涨工资要求涨工资meet one’s target 完成指标,完成指标,完成定完成定额sack vt. 解雇解雇administration work 行政管理工作行政管理工作 Brazil 巴西巴西Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)里斯本(葡萄牙首都) Belem 贝伦贝伦 (巴西东北部港口城市)Fortaleza 福塔雷萨福塔雷萨 (巴西东北部港口城市)口城市)V alencia 巴伦西亚巴伦西亚 (西班牙港口城市)市)Montpellier 蒙彼利埃蒙彼利埃 (法国南部城市)市)2.2 Making arrangements 日程安排make arrangements 做安排,做准备做安排,做准备 plant n. 工厂,车间工厂,车间 vt. 种植种植take time off 抽出时间,休假,休息抽出时间,休假,休息抽出时间,休假,休息 finance director 财务经理财务经理confirm vt. 确认,确定确认,确定reception n. 接待,接待处接待,接待处trade fair 交易会,展销会交易会,展销会present vt. 介绍,引见;出席介绍,引见;出席potential client 潜在客户潜在客户quality inspector 质检人员质检人员job applicant 求职者求职者festival n. 节日节日self-employed adj. 个体的,个体的,自己经营自己经营的accept an invitation 接受邀请接受邀请接受邀请special reception 特别招待会特别招待会anniversary n. 周年纪念日周年纪念日venue n. 会场,会议地点会场,会议地点attendance n. 出席,出席人数出席,出席人数Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都)Morpeth 莫派斯莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰(位于英国诺森伯兰郡)郡)Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷首都)根廷首都)Toronto 多伦多多伦多 (加拿大主要城市)Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府)城市,新南威尔士州首府)3.1 Company biography 公司简介biography n. 形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记载;传记fast food restaurant 快餐店快餐店快餐店transform vt. 转换、改变、改造转换、改变、改造global business 跨国企业跨国企业original adj. 最初的,原始的,起源的franchise n. & vt. 特许经销权,特许经销权,给……以特许给……以特许feature n. & vt. 是……的特色,是……的特色,以……为特色以……为特色French fries 炸薯条炸薯条softdrink n. 软饮料;汽水软饮料;汽水milkshake n. 奶昔奶昔purchase vt. 买,购买买,购买multimixer n. 多用混合器(机)多用混合器(机)exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商)理商)open vi. & vt. 开设,开办,开张开设,开办,开张expand vi. & vt. 扩大,扩张扩大,扩张corporation n. 公司公司cosmetic n. 化妆品化妆品inspire vt. 激发,启示,激发,启示, 使生灵感使生灵感philosophy n. 哲学哲学revolutionary adj. 革命的革命的raw material 原材料原材料supplier n. 供应者,厂商供应者,厂商ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的伦理的;道德的travel agency 旅行社旅行社contract n. & vt. 订合同,合同、契约订合同,合同、契约take delivery of 收货,收货, 提取货物提取货物merge vi. & vt. 合并合并fleet 舰队舰队budget airline 低价航空公司低价航空公司go public 上市,公开发售股票上市,公开发售股票business partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴商业伙伴entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的企业家的freelancer n. 自由职业者;自由撰稿人 millinonaire 网络百万富翁网络百万富翁celebrity n. 名人名人entrepreneur n. 企业家企业家Kuwait City 科威特城(科威特首都)San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)Illinois 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)3.2 Company performance 公司业绩performance n. 业绩,成绩;性能业绩,成绩;性能distribute vt. 配送,分发,分送配送,分发,分送record profit 历史最高利润历史最高利润vegetarian n. 素食者,素食的素食者,素食的organic adj. 使用有机肥料的使用有机肥料的ingredient n. 配料,成分配料,成分nutritious adj. 有营养的有营养的improve one’s image 改善形象改善形象banquet n. 宴会宴会manufacturer n. 制造业者,厂商制造业者,厂商guarantee vt. & n. 保证,担保,担保人symbol n. 象征,符号,记号象征,符号,记号innovative adj. 创新的,革新的创新的,革新的sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车运动型多用途车运动型多用途车component n. 成分成分optical instrument 光学仪器光学仪器validation n. (可靠性)检测(可靠性)检测certify vt. 证明,保证证明,保证application n. 应用,运用应用,运用assurance n. 保证,担保,确信,断言founder n. 创始人,奠基人创始人,奠基人turnover n. 营业额营业额dramatically adv. 戏剧地戏剧地advertise vt. 做广告,登广告做广告,登广告annual report 年终报告,年终终结年终报告,年终终结share price 股票价格股票价格proactive adj. 积极的,主动的积极的,主动的dedicated adj. 专注的,献身的专注的,献身的unique adj. 唯一的,独特的唯一的,独特的access n. 接近(进入)的机会,接近(进入)的权利;入口近(进入)的权利;入口consolidate vt. 巩固巩固brochure n. 小册子小册子3 / 4in this respect 在这个方面,在这个方面,在这个细节maximum n. 最大量,最大限度,极大4.1 International business 国际商务import n. vi. & vt. 进口进口export n. vi. & vt. 出口出口competitor n. 竞争对手竞争对手wholesaler n. 批发商批发商warehouse n. 仓库仓库audio product 音响产品音响产品ban n. & vt. 禁令禁令fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机服装行业危机服装行业危机 commissioner n. 委员委员spokeswoman n. 女发言人女发言人huge losses 巨大损失巨大损失resign n. vi. & vt. 辞职辞职garment n. 服装(成衣)服装(成衣)clothing blockade 服装封锁服装封锁in favour of 支持、赞成支持、赞成disastrous adj. 损失惨重的,灾难的灾难的 import control 进口控制进口控制import quotas 进口配额进口配额compromise n. 妥协,折中,让步妥协,折中,让步 stock exchange 证券交易所证券交易所appeal to sb. 对……有吸引力对……有吸引力对……有吸引力available adj. 有空的,能得到的有空的,能得到的 dossier n. 档案,卷宗档案,卷宗flat adj. 没电的,平面的没电的,平面的embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的令人尴尬的 in-house magazine 内部杂志内部杂志participant n. 参加者参加者stressful adj. 有压力的,紧迫的有压力的,紧迫的 moderator n. 会议主持人会议主持人press the mute button 按下静音键按下静音键 reflect on 有损声誉,招来非议有损声誉,招来非议 teleconference n. 远程电话会议远程电话会议 producer n. 生产商生产商wholesaler n. 批发商批发商customer n. 顾客顾客retailer n. 零售商零售商warehouse n. 仓库仓库consumer n. 消费者消费者competitor n. 竞争对手竞争对手customs n. 海关海关port n. 港口港口clothing n. 服装服装4.2 Business communications 商务沟通printer cartridges 打印墨盒打印墨盒description n. 种类;性质;描述种类;性质;描述pass the message on to 把留言给……把留言给……complaint n. 投诉投诉cancel vt. 取消取消extension number 分机号码分机号码pharmaceuticals n. 医药用品医药用品budget n. 预算预算plasma screen TV 等离子电视等离子电视等离子电视freight forwarder 货运商货运商distributor n. 发行人,销售商发行人,销售商container n. 集装箱集装箱production manager 生产经理,厂长生产经理,厂长Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)马德里(西班牙首都)5.1 Career choices 职业选择s tock broker 股票经纪人股票经纪人London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交伦敦证券交易所易所bank account 银行帐户银行帐户bankrupt adj. 破产的破产的a modest life 简朴的生活简朴的生活accommodation n. 住处,膳宿住处,膳宿get started 开始开始source of income 收入来源收入来源收入来源olive n. 橄榄橄榄farm products 农产品农产品business contact 生意场的熟人/关系关系deal in 经营经营make enquiries 询问询问record shop 音像店音像店human resource 人力资源人力资源HR manager 人力资源经理人力资源经理photography exhibition 摄影展摄影展accountancy job 会计工作会计工作passion n. 热情,激情热情,激情competitive adj 竞争的竞争的give up sth. all together 完全放弃……弃……professional photographer 职业摄影师portrait n. 肖像,人像肖像,人像studio n. 照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室演播室Birmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市)市)Luxembourg 卢森堡卢森堡 (西欧国家)(西欧国家)resign from the job 辞职辞职farmhouse n. 农舍农舍bed and breakfast accommodation 只提供床铺与早餐的住宿提供床铺与早餐的住宿reorganise vt. 重新组织,重新安排重新组织,重新安排source of income 收入来源收入来源收入来源as though 仿佛,好像仿佛,好像the best of luck 好运好运5.2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划design office 设计室设计室book cover 书的封面书的封面printer n. 印刷商,印刷工;打印机印刷商,印刷工;打印机quotation n. 报价报价in full colour 用彩色用彩色用彩色in black and white 用黑白用黑白a full progress report 详细的进展报告refer to 参考,查阅,查看参考,查阅,查看book fair 书展,书市书展,书市a series of 一系列一系列一系列Italian 意大利人,意大利语;意大利的利的coincidence n. 巧合,巧事巧合,巧事move n. 行动,步骤;措施;方法; vi. 移动移动consolidate one’s strong position 巩固某人的强势地位固某人的强势地位removal company 搬运公司搬运公司stationery n. 文具,信纸文具,信纸keep sb. up-to-date 使某人信息灵通使某人信息灵通使某人信息灵通utility n. 公用事业,公用事业设备公用事业,公用事业设备bank loan 银行贷款银行贷款paperwork 日常文书工作日常文书工作loan application 贷款申请贷款申请additive n. 添加剂添加剂flavour n. 味道,风味,香味味道,风味,香味on a small scale 小规模小规模Cafén. 小餐馆,咖啡馆小餐馆,咖啡馆snack bar 小吃店,快餐柜小吃店,快餐柜outlet n. 直销店;市场;销路直销店;市场;销路strawberry n. 草莓草莓pear n. 梨mango n. 芒果芒果4 / 4take on 雇佣雇佣meet demand 满足需求满足需求health club 健身俱乐部健身俱乐部be in business 做生意做生意做生意Poland 波兰(中欧国家)波兰(中欧国家)Hungary 匈牙利(中欧国家)匈牙利(中欧国家)Spain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)西班牙(欧洲南部国家)Portugal 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家)斯洛伐克(中欧国家) Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中南部城市)伐克中南部城市)5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Threeposter n. 海报,招贴海报,招贴office equipment 办公设备办公设备prefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房预制营房,活动房 pharmaceutical company 制药公司制药公司 previous adj. 以前的,在先的以前的,在先的disastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌损失惨重的一跌reach the highest level 达到最高水平达到最高水平 rise/ increase/ improve /ascend/ go up/ move up/ mount up 上升上升soar 飙升飙升fall/ drop/ decrease/ decline/ descend/ go down下降下降stay stable/ steady/ the same 保持平稳level off 持平持平recover 反弹反弹peak up 达到顶峰,最高点达到顶峰,最高点dramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地喜剧地,引人注目地 considerably 相当大地相当大地obviously 明显地明显地gradually 渐渐地渐渐地sharply 急剧地,明显地急剧地,明显地slightly 轻微地轻微地a little bit 一点儿一点儿一点儿6.1 Business travel 商务旅行aircraft, check-in, delay, journey, land, luggage, passenger, passport, pilot, take off, travel, trip, air traffic controller, baggage handler,check-in baggage, carry-on bag, boarding pass, board, business/ economy/ first class, flight attendant/ stewardship/air-hostess/ stewardess, identity card, return/ single ticket, crew, security/ safety inspection 6.2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排Manchester 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部港口城市)港口城市)Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市)格拉斯哥(英国城市) Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口)口)London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思伦敦希思罗机场罗机场Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐机场戴高乐机场Lyon 里昂(法国城市)里昂(法国城市)。

新编剑桥商务英语(初级)第三版新编剑桥商务英语Success with BECBEC-The New Business English Certificates Course 2022年.09新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲课程编号Course Number: 课程名称Course Name:商务英语课程教材Textbook:新编剑桥商务英语(第三版)经济科学出版社学时学分Studying Hour Credit: 48/3 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲一、课程描述Course Description: 《商务英语》是为MBA学员开设的一门英语必修课程,旨在把国际商务活动和系统的英语语言知识以及技能培养密切结合在一起,培养适应经济全球化的高级工商管理人才。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲二、课程教学基本目标Course Objective: 1. 能听懂一般商务活动中的电话、产品展示、谈判、会议发言等,能基本把握言语者的态度和意图。
2. 能用基本正确的英语进行一般商务活动,如社交活动、展示产品和业务谈判,筹备商务会议,或作会议发言。
3. 能为读懂主要英语报刊、杂志有关商务活动的一般性报道和评论文章打好基础。
4. 能草拟或翻译一般性商务材料,包括公函、公务报告、简历和填写表格等。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲三、教学内容__SM Business topic 1.1 World of work P6 Reading: training and workshops Listening: What does your job involve? Grammar: The present simple Adverbs and expressions of fequency Speaking: Work-life balance Business skills 1.2 Personal and professional details P10 Vocabulary: Meeting people Writing: Personal and professional profiles Vocabulary: job and work Reading: Employee of the Year Award Exam spotlight 1.3 BEC Preliminary Exam Format; Reading Test Format P141新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲M 2 Business topic 2.1 Work in progress P16 Listening: New projects Grammar: The present continuous Reading: Temping is learning Speaking: Temporary jobs Vocabulary: Hiring and firing Business skills Exam spotlight 2.2 Making 2.3 Writing arrangements P20 Test Format Listening: Arranging P24 ameeting‘ Writin g: Confirming a meeting Grammar: Prepositions of time: at, in, on Writing: Accepting an invitation新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲M 3 Business topic 3.1 Companybiography P26 Reading: The man behind McDonald S Grammar: The past simple Reading: Company profiles Speaking: Presenting yourcompany Business skills 3.2 Company performance P30 Vocabulary: What companies do Writing: Press release Listening: Company structure Vocabulary: Production, sales and share prices Reading: An agency built on proactive processes Exam spotlight 3.3 Listening Test Format; Listening Test: Part One P34新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲M Business topic Business skills Exam spotlight44.1 International business P36 Reading: Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban Listening: Views on import controls Speaking: Imported goods Grammar: Modal verbs: can/could/should Reading: business 2 business: global communication4.2 Business communications P40 Speaking: On the phone Writing: Dealing with complaints Grammar: will for offers and promises Listening: Telephone messages4.3 Speaking Test Format; Speaking Test: Part One P44新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲M 5 Business topic 5.1 Career choices P46 Reading: Escaping the rat race Vocabulary: Money expressions Grammar: The present perfect Listening: Career changes Business skills 5.2 Achievements and plans P50 Reading: In-company communication Writing: Progress reports Reading: Talking about results Grammar: going to Listening: Negotiating a bank loan Exam spotlight 5.3 Reading Test:Parts One to Three P54新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲M 6 Business topic 6.1 Business travel P56 Listening: Flight problems Grammar: Reported speech Reading: No card, no ticket Business skills 6.2 Travel arrangements P60 Vocabulary: Hotel amenities Writing: Booking enquiries Listening: At the hotel Listening: Arranging business travel Speaking: Making a booking Writing: Changes to flight details Exam spotlight 6.3 Writing Test: Part One P64 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲四、教学安排Course Arrangements: 本学期计划学习6个单元,每个单元包括3个部分,共48个学时。

2.2 Making arrangements 3.2 Company performance 4.2 Business communications 5.2 Achievements and plans 6.2 Travel arrangement 7.2 Orders and contracts 8.2 Problems and solutions
1.1 Listen to the five workshop participants introducing themselves. Complete the badge with the correct job title for each person. J&C J&C
What does your job involve?
Five people from different companies are attending a J&C workshop on public speaking. Match their job titles (1-5) with their responsibilities (A-E). Write the correct letter A-E for each job. D Chief financial officer (CFO) ___________ E Personal assistant (PA) __________
I deal with employees’ problems.
The present simple
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Key Sentences
3. Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owner of the resturant. 4. In April 1955, Ray opened his first franchised McDonald's resturant in Des Plaines, Illinois. 在1955年四月,雷的第一家麦当劳特许经营餐厅 在伊利诺斯州的勒斯普拉斯开张。 5. Today, McDonald's Corporation has over 31,000 resturants in over 100 countries.
Key Sentences
6. The milkshake were very popular and the restaurant had purchased ten special "Multimixer" milkshake makers. 奶昔非常受欢迎,餐馆购买了10个特别的“多 功能搅拌器”制作奶昔。 4. On its first day, there were 15,000 people lining up to eat at the resturant. 在它第一天开业,有一万五千人排队等候在 餐厅吃。
初级 (第三版)
By Clyde (陈功)
长 沙 南 方 职 业 学 院
Module Three
练习在听力和阅读过程中抓住语篇大意和 寻找相关信息 学写公司简介
词语准备词语Βιβλιοθήκη 备专有名词译文参考
provides online direct sales _________________________
designs, develops, manufactures and sells personal computers, Lenovo _________________________ tablet computers, smartphones, software and smart televisions.
Key Sentences
1. In 1954, Two brothers ran a small, but busy, restaurant in San Bernardino, California. 两兄弟在加州...经营了一间小但很繁忙的餐馆。 2. The resturant featured a limited menu that included: hamburgers, french fries, soft drinks and milkshake. 这家餐馆的特色是食品少单精,菜单包括: 汉堡,炸薯条,饮料和奶昔。
Key Sentences
3. Ray talked to Richard and Maurice(Mac) McDonald, the owner of the resturant. 4. In April 1955, Ray opened his first franchised McDonald's resturant in Des Plaines, Illinois. 在1955年四月,雷的第一家麦当劳特许经营餐厅 在伊利诺斯州的勒斯普拉斯开张。 5. Today, McDonald's Corporation has over 31,000 resturants in over 100 countries.
publishs and markets films. H. Brothers _________________________
sells western fastfood KFC _________________________ and manges fastfood restaurant.