国际贸易中常用合同中英对照国际贸易中常用合同中英对照1. 背景介绍国际贸易合同是进行跨国贸易的重要文书,主要用于确保交易双方的权益,明确双方的责任和义务。
2. 合同的定义和作用合同是指两个或多个当事人在法律上具有约束力的协议。
3. 常用的国际贸易合同3.1 销售合同(Sales Contract)- 中文:销售合同- 英文: Sales Contract销售合同是进行商品销售交易时最常用的合同之一。
3.2 进口合同(Import Contract)- 中文:进口合同- 英文: Import Contract进口合同是指进口商与出口商之间达成的进口商品的购销合同。
3.3 出口合同(Export Contract)- 中文:出口合同- 英文: Export Contract出口合同是指出口商与进口商之间达成的出口商品的购销合同。
3.4 代理合同(Agency Contract)- 中文:代理合同- 英文: Agency Contract代理合同是指委托人与代理人之间达成的合作协议。
3.5 分销合同(Distribution Agreement)- 中文:分销合同- 英文: Distribution Agreement分销合同是指制造商与经销商之间达成的产品分销协议。
二、合同条款1. 合同名称:中文:国际商品买卖合同英文:International Sales Contract2. 合同双方:卖方:ABC贸易公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Seller: ABC Trading CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country买方:XYZ进出口公司地址:XX街道XX号,XX城市,XX国家英文:Buyer: XYZ Import and Export CompanyAddress: XX Street, No. XX, XX City, XX Country3. 商品描述:中文:商品种类、规格、数量、质量标准等详细描述英文:Detailed description of the goods, including type, specifications, quantity, quality standards, etc.4. 交货方式:中文:卖方负责将商品交付给买方,交货方式为XX(如:海运、空运、陆运等)英文:The seller shall be responsible for delivering the goods to the buyer, using XX method of delivery (e.g. sea freight, air freight, land transportation, etc.).5. 交货地点:中文:商品交付的具体地点英文:Place of delivery for the goods6. 价格与支付方式:中文:商品价格、货币单位、支付方式等详细说明英文:Detailed explanation of the price, currency unit, payment method, etc.7. 检验与验收:中文:商品检验的标准和程序,以及验收的要求英文:Standards and procedures for goods inspection, as well as acceptance requirements8. 运输保险:中文:运输保险的责任承担方和范围英文:Party responsible for transportation insurance and coverage9. 违约责任:中文:违约方需要承担的责任和赔偿方式英文:Liabilities and compensation methods for breach of contract10. 争议解决:中文:合同争议解决的方式,如仲裁、诉讼等英文:Methods of dispute resolution, such as arbitration, litigation, etc.11. 合同生效:中文:合同生效的时间和方式英文:Effective date and method of the contract12. 其他条款:中文:其他双方约定的条款,如合同解除、修订、附加条款等英文:Other terms agreed upon by both parties, such as contract termination, amendment, additional clauses, etc.三、合同签署中文:本合同一式两份,卖方和买方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
This contract is concluded on the 1th day of July 2012 (the “Effective Date”) between(the “Buyer”) and (the “Seller”).(买方)与(卖方)于二零一二年七月一日(生效日期)订立本合同。
1.SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT 合同目的The Seller agrees to sell and deliver Coal in bulk and the Buyer agrees to purchase and accept delivery of Coal in bulk at the terms and conditions set out below:根据下述条款与条件卖方同意售卖和运送散装煤炭而买方同意购买及接受散装煤炭。
2.DEFINITIONS 定义Actual Calorific Value means:实际热值意即the calorific value of the Coal as stated in the final certificate of analysis basis kcal/kg (NAR);载明于最后检验证的煤炭热值Affiliates means:分支机构意即in relation to any company or corporation, a Subsidiary or Holding Company of that company or corporation or any other Subsidiary of that company or corporation or of that Holding Company;Banking Day and Business Day mean:银行工作日和营业日意即any day except a Saturday or Sunday on which banks in the city of New York, New York, USA, are generally open for the conduct of business;Calorific Value (CV)means:热值(CV)意即the calorific value of the Coal expressed in BTU/lb or kcal/kg; Holding Company:控股公司has the meaning given to it in the definition of Subsidiary;INCOTERMS 2010 means:贸易术语2010意即the 2010 edition of the standard trade definitions published by the International Chamber of Commerce;Kcal/kg means:大卡/公斤意即the heating value of coal expressed in kilo-calories per kilogram;Laytime means:装卸时间意即the time allowed for discharging the vessel;Laycan means:受载期意即the agreed days during which the vessel shall arrive at the port of discharge for the commencement of discharge;Metric Ton (MT) means:公吨(MT)意即1 metric ton of 1,000 kilograms or 2204.62 lbs; NAR means:收到的净值Net As Received;Subsidiary means:子公司意即a company or corporation which, in relation to another company or corporation (a “Holding Company”): (a) is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the Holding Company; (b) more than half the issued share capital of which is beneficially owned, directly or indirectly by the Holding Company; or (c) which is a Subsidiary of another Subsidiary of the Holding Company; and for this purpose, a company or corporation shall be treated as being controlled by a Holding Company if the Holding Company is able to direct its affairs and/or to control thecomposition of its board of directors or equivalent body;US$ means:美元$意即the lawful currency of the United States of America.3.QUANTITY 数量One cape-sized shipments of 165,000 Metric Tons +/- 10% in vessel’s option.一艘好望角型船只165,000公吨正负10%。
国际贸易中常用合同中英对照国际贸易中常用合同中英对照1. 引言2. 销售合同(Sales Contract)2.1 合同主体中文:甲方:(销售方名称)乙方:(购货方名称)英文:Party A: (Name of Seller)Party B: (Name of Buyer)2.2 商品描述中文:1. 商品名称:2. 规格型号:3. 数量:4. 单价:5. 总价:6. 交货地点:7. 交货时间:英文:1. Commodity Name:2. Specifications:3. Quantity:4. Unit Price:5. Total Price:6. Delivery Place:7. Delivery Time: 2.3 付款方式中文:1. 付款方式:2. 付款时间:3. 付款金额:4. 付款账户:英文:1. Payment Method:2. Payment Time:3. Payment Amount:4. Payment Account:2.4 交货方式中文:1. 交货方式:2. 运输费用:3. 运输时间:英文:1. Delivery Method:2. Transportation Cost:3. Transportation Time: 2.5 合同履行中文:3. 违约责任:英文:1. Effective Date of Contract:2. Termination Date of Contract:3. Liability for Breach of Contract: 3. 合作协议(Cooperation Agreement)3.1 协议内容中文:1. 合作内容:2. 合作期限:3. 合作方式:4. 合作责任:英文:1. Cooperation Scope:2. Cooperation Duration:3. Cooperation Mode:4. Cooperation Responsibilities:3.2 终止协议中文:1. 解除协议原因:2. 解除协议通知:英文:1. Reasons for Termination:2. Notice of Termination:3. Effective Date of Termination:4. 运输合同(Transportation Contract)4.1 合同主体中文:甲方:(承运方名称)乙方:(托运方名称)英文:Party A: (Name of Carrier)Party B: (Name of Consignor)4.2 运输内容1. 货物名称:2. 货物数量:3. 起运地:4. 目的地:5. 运输方式:6. 运输费用:7. 运输时间:英文:1. Goods Name:2. Quantity of Goods:3. Place of Departure:4. Destination:5. Mode of Transportation:6. Transportation Cost:7. Transportation Time: 4.3 运输保险1. 运输保险责任:2. 运输保险费用:3. 运输保险公司:英文:1. Liability for Transportation Insurance:2. Transportation Insurance Cost:3. Transportation Insurance Company:5.以上是国际贸易中常用合同的中英对照。
英文合同范本及翻译4篇篇1Contract Sample and TranslationThis document serves as a reference guide for a contract sample and its translation from English to Chinese. A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. It is essential to ensure that both parties fully understand the contract before signing it to prevent any potential misunderstandings or disputes in the future.Contract Sample:This agreement is entered into on this [Date] by and between [Party A], with a mailing address of [Address], and [Party B], with a mailing address of [Address], collectively referred to as the "Parties."1. Scope of WorkParty A agrees to provide [Services/Products] to Party B as detailed in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Payment TermsParty B agrees to pay Party A the sum of [Total Amount] for the services/products provided, with [Payment Schedule] as follows:- [Payment 1]: [Amount]- [Payment 2]: [Amount]- [Payment 3]: [Amount]3. Term and TerminationThis agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and continue until [End Date]. Either party may terminate this agreement with a written notice of [Notice Period].4. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to keep the terms of this agreement confidential and not disclose any information to third parties without prior written consent.5. Governing LawThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereby execute this agreement as of the date first written above.[Party A]Signature: _______________________Printed Name: ___________________Date: ________________[Party B]Signature: _______________________Printed Name: ___________________Date: ________________Translation:本协议于[日期]由[甲方]与[乙方]签订,其中[甲方]的通讯地址为[地址],而[乙方]的通讯地址为[地址],合称为“各方”。
常见外贸合同(中英版)5篇篇1合同编号:【编号】甲方(买方):【甲方名称】乙方(卖方):【乙方名称】鉴于甲、乙双方本着公平、公正、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,就甲方向乙方购买商品事宜达成如下协议:一、商品描述及规格(Commodity Description and Specification)甲方购买乙方商品的具体名称、型号、规格、数量、质量等详见附件一《商品清单》。
二、价格与付款(Price and Payment)1. 乙方应按照甲方确认的报价单上的价格向甲方出售商品。
2. 甲方应在收到商品后【具体天数】内完成付款。
3. 若因货币汇率波动导致价格波动,双方应另行协商调整价格。
三、交货与验收(Delivery and Acceptance)1. 乙方应按照合同约定的时间、地点将商品交付给甲方。
2. 甲方应在收到商品后【具体天数】内进行验收,并书面确认验收结果。
3. 如商品存在质量问题,甲方有权拒绝验收或要求退货。
四、运输与保险(Transportation and Insurance)1. 运输方式:【具体方式】。
2. 运输费用由【甲方/乙方】承担。
3. 货物保险由【甲方/乙方】购买,费用由【甲方/乙方】承担。
五、违约责任(Liability for Breach of Contract)1. 若一方未按照合同约定履行义务,应承担违约责任。
2. 若因违约导致合同无法继续履行,守约方有权解除合同。
六、不可抗力(Force Majeure)1. 若因不可抗力导致一方无法履行义务,该方应及时通知对方。
2. 双方应共同协商应对不可抗力的事宜。
七、争议解决(Settlement of Disputes)1. 若双方在合同履行过程中发生争议,应首先友好协商解决。
2. 若协商不成,任何一方均有权向合同签订地法院提起诉讼。
四、合同金额及支付方式1. 合同总金额为(具体金额)______美元(或其他货币)。
2. 支付方式:包括但不限于电汇、信用证、现金等支付方式,详细约定支付时间节点。
3. 税务处理:双方应遵守相关税法规定,各自承担相应税负。
五、权利和义务条款1. 甲方的权利与义务:包括但不限于服务或产品的提供、质量保证、售后服务等。
2. 乙方的权利与义务:包括但不限于支付费用、提供必要资料、反馈等。
外贸常见合同(中英版)7篇篇1Contract for Foreign Trade Common Practice甲方(卖方):___________ (卖方全称及英文名称)乙方(买方):___________ (买方全称及英文名称)根据平等互利原则,经友好协商,双方自愿签署本合同协议。
为明确各自责任与义务,保护双方权益,确保合同履行地合法性和有效性,特制订本合同条款如下:一、合同双方基本信息Article 1: Basic Information of Contracting Parties二、货物描述及规格Article 2: Description and Specification of Goods商品名称:_______ (商品名称英文翻译)Number:(商品编号)规格型号:_______ (规格型号英文翻译)数量:_______ (数量)单价:_______ (单价及货币类型)总价:_______ (总价及货币类型)等详见附件清单。
Total value and detailed specifications as per attached list.三、价格条款及贸易术语解释Article 3: Price Terms and Interpretation of Trade TermsCIF价包含商品本身的成本和运输到买方目的地的成本及保险费,装船港_______(装船港名称)。
The CIF price includes the cost of the goods, cost of transportation to the buyer's destination, and insurance. The port of shipment is _______ (装船港名称). The delivery period is within _______ days after shipment. The price is fixed and will not be adjusted unless agreed by both parties. Any special circumstances that may affect the price, such as tax changes, must be agreed upon by both parties before adjustment.四、交货条款及包装要求Article 4: Delivery Terms and Packaging Requirements货物必须严格按照出口标准进行包装并保证货物安全送达目的地。
英文合同范本及翻译3篇篇一合同编号:_________________甲方(卖方):公司名称:_________________法定代表人:_________________地址:_________________联系电话:_________________乙方(买方):公司名称:_________________法定代表人:_________________地址:_________________联系电话:_________________鉴于:1. 甲方拥有[产品名称]的所有权,并愿意将其出售给乙方。
2. 乙方愿意购买甲方的[产品名称]。
一、产品描述及价格1. 甲方同意向乙方出售[产品名称],数量为[具体数量]。
2. 产品的详细描述及规格见附件[附件编号]。
3. 产品的单价为[具体价格],总价为[总价]。
二、付款方式1. 乙方应在合同签订后的[具体天数]天内,向甲方支付总价的[预付款比例]作为预付款。
2. 乙方应在收到产品后的[具体天数]天内,向甲方支付剩余的款项。
三、交货方式及时间1. 甲方应在合同签订后的[具体天数]天内,将产品交付给乙方。
2. 交货地点为[具体地点]。
四、质量保证1. 甲方保证所提供的产品符合国家相关标准及合同约定的质量要求。
2. 产品的质量保证期为[具体时长]。
五、违约责任1. 若甲方未能按时交货,每逾期一天,应向乙方支付违约金[违约金金额]。
2. 若乙方未能按时付款,每逾期一天,应向甲方支付违约金[违约金金额]。
3. 若产品质量不符合合同约定,乙方有权要求甲方更换或退货,并由甲方承担相应的费用。
六、争议解决1. 本合同的解释和执行均适用[法律适用地]法律。
2. 若双方在合同履行过程中发生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
七、其他条款1. 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
外贸常见合同(中英版)5篇篇1Contract for Foreign Trade Common Practice甲方(甲方公司名):______________乙方(乙方公司名):______________签订日期:______________________一、合同概述与目的本合同旨在对甲、乙双方在对外贸易中的合作关系进行明确规范,保护双方的合法权益,实现共赢。
二、合同双方信息甲方信息(公司全称):________________________ 联系方式:_______________________乙方信息(公司全称):________________________ 联系方式:_______________________三、交易商品与规格商品名称:________________________规格型号:________________________数量及单位:______________________单价及总价:______________________交货期限:______________________包装方式及标准:______________________付款方式及期限:______________________付款方式说明:本合同的付款方式为________(如电汇、信用证等)。
中英文对照双语合同3篇篇1Bilingual ContractThis contract is made on this day of [Date], between [Name of Party A], hereinafter referred to as "Party A", and [Name of Party B], hereinafter referred to as "Party B".1. Object of the contract: The object of this contract is to establish the terms and conditions of the agreement between Party A and Party B regarding [describe the object of the contract].2. Agreement: Both parties agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set forth in this contract. The agreement shall be in effect for a period of [length of the agreement].3. Responsibilities of Party A: Party A agrees to [list the responsibilities of Party A].4. Responsibilities of Party B: Party B agrees to [list the responsibilities of Party B].5. Payment terms: Party A agrees to pay Party B the sum of [amount] on the [date] of each month for the duration of this contract.6. Termination: This contract may be terminated by either party with [length of notice] notice in writing.7. Dispute resolution: Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between the parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration.8. Governing law: This contract shall be governed by the laws of [jurisdiction].9. Entire agreement: This contract constitutes the entire agreement between Party A and Party B and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.Party A: _____________________________Name:Signature:Date:Party B: _____________________________Name:Signature:Date:In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this contract on the date first above written.【中文翻译】双语合同本合同签订日期为[日期],由以下双方签署:[甲方名称],以下简称为“甲方”,和[乙方名称],以下简称为“乙方”。
一.hereby英文释义:by means of , by reason of this中文译词:特此,因此,兹用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。
语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语.例1:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completi on of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manner prescribed by t he Contract.参考译文:业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。
注释:(1)hereby: by reason of this 特此(2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同(3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工(4)therein: in the Works在本工程中(5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价(6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which(7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照(8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款例2:We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correct and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provide document ary proof upon your request.注释:(1)hereby:特此(2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知(3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明(4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中(5)documentary proof:证明文件参考译文:特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,并提供了全部现有的资料和数据,我们同意,应贵方要求出具证明文件。
中英文对照双语合同6篇篇1ContractThis Contract (the “Contract”) is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Party A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address], and [Party B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business at [Address].Recitals[Party A] is in the business of [Description of Business], and [Party B] is in the business of [Description of Business].The Parties desire to enter into a contractual relationship whereby [Party B] will provide [Description of Goods or Services] to [Party A], in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein.Agreement1. Services. [Party B] shall provide [Description of Goods or Services] to [Party A] in a timely and professional manner, inaccordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Term of Contract. The term of this Contract shall commence on [Date] and shall continue until [Date].3. Payment. In consideration for the services provided under this Contract, [Party A] shall pay [Party B] the sum of [Amount] within [Number] days from the date of invoice.4. Confidentiality. Both Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary information shared between them during the term of this Contract.5. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].6. Termination. Either Party may terminate this Contract with [Number] days written notice to the other Party.In Witness Whereof, the Parties have caused this Contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.[Party A] [Party B]By: ______________________ By: ______________________Name: Name:Title: Title:Date: Date:Exhibit ASpecifications[Specifications of Goods or Services]篇2ContractThis agreement is made and entered into on the date of____________________ by and between:Party A: [Name of Party A], with its principal place of business at [Address of Party A], hereinafter referred to as "Party A".Party B: [Name of Party B], with its principal place of business at [Address of Party B], hereinafter referred to as "Party B".WHEREAS, Party A desires to engage the services provided by Party B, and Party B desires to provide said services, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Scope of Services1.1. Party B agrees to provide the following services to Party A: [Description of services].1.2. Party B shall perform the services in a professional and timely manner, according to industry standards.2. Compensation2.1. In consideration of the services provided by Party B, Party A shall pay Party B the sum of [Amount of compensation] upon completion of the services.2.2. Payment shall be made in [Currency] and should be made by [Payment method].3. Term of Agreement3.1. This agreement shall commence on the date of signature and shall continue until the completion of the services, unless terminated earlier by mutual agreement.4. Confidentiality4.1. Both parties agree to keep all information exchanged during the course of this agreement confidential.5. Termination5.1. Either party may terminate this agreement upon written notice to the other party in the event of a material breach of the terms of this agreement.6. Governing Law6.1. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date first above written.Party A: ____________________Party B: ____________________Both parties acknowledge that they have read and understood the terms of this agreement and agree to be bound by them.本合同由以下当事方于____________________的日期签订:甲方:[甲方名称],地址:[甲方地址],下称“甲方”。
英语推销必须具备:房屋租赁英语合同范文The parties to the contract agree as follows:合同双方均同意以下条款如下:1. The Lessor agrees to lease and the Lessee agrees to take on lease unit of shophouses, Room Nos _____, situated at _____Road, Tambon ______, District of _____, Province of _____, with telephone number _____, for a period of ____ years at a monthly rental of ___ Yuan.出租人同意出租,承租人同意租赁坐落于____府____区____乡____路的店房___间,房号为____,电话号码为____,租期为____年,月租金_____元。
2. The Lease period aforementioned in Clause 1 shall be effective as of the date the Lessor completes all details as in Clause 3, and notifies the Lessee in writing within 7 days thereof.在以上第1条款中所规定的租期,从出租人完成第3条款所有规定并在7天内通知承租方后开始生效。
3. The Lessor agrees to complete repair of the shophouse in accordance with the following details:出租人同意按以下具体规定完成该店房的维修工作。
外贸常见合同(中英版)合同编号:XXXXXXXXXX甲方(买方):____________________乙方(卖方):____________________鉴于双方同意按照以下条款和条件进行交易,特此签订本合同协议:一、术语定义及解释(Terms and Definitions)在本合同中,“甲方”指的是买方,“乙方”指的是卖方。
二、货物描述及规格(Description of Goods and Specifications)甲方购买乙方销售的以下货物:____________________(详细货物描述及规格)。
三、数量与价格(Quantity and Price)货物的数量及价格如下:____________________(详细数量及价格表)。
四、交货条件(Terms of Delivery)1. 交货期限:乙方应在合同签署后的XX天内交货。
2. 交货地点:甲方的指定仓库。
3. 运输方式:乙方负责安排运输,确保货物安全送达。
五、付款方式(Terms of Payment)1. 预付款:甲方在合同签订后XX天内支付XX%的预付款。
2. 尾款:甲方在收到货物并确认无误后XX天内支付剩余款项。
3. 支付方式:通过银行转账进行支付。
六、品质保证与检验(Quality Assurance and Inspection)1. 乙方应保证货物的品质符合合同规定。
2. 甲方有权在收货时进行检验,如发现货物与合同不符,有权拒收或要求退货。
八、违约责任(Liability for Breach of Contract)如任何一方违反本合同的任何条款,违约方应承担由此产生的所有责任。
九、不可抗力(Force Majeure)如因不可抗力因素导致合同无法履行,双方应友好协商解决。
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一.hereby英文释义:by means of , by reason of this中文译词:特此,因此,兹用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。
语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语.例1:The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and co mpletion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such other s um as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the time and in the manne r prescribed by the Contract.参考译文:业主特此立约保证在合同规定的期限内,按合同规定的方式向承包人支付合同价,或合同规定的其它应支付的款项,以作为本工程施工、竣工及修补工程中缺陷的报酬。
注释:(1)hereby: by reason of this 特此(2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同(3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工(4)therein: in the Works在本工程中(5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价(6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which(7)under: in accordance with 根据,按照(8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款例2:We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statement is true and correc t and all available information and data have been supplied herein, and that we agree to provi de documentary proof upon your request.注释:(1)hereby:特此(2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知(3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明(4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中(5)documentary proof:证明文件参考译文:特此证明,据我们所知,上述声明内容真实,正确无误,并提供了全部现有的资料和数据,我们同意,应贵方要求出具证明文件。
例3:This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B) on (Date), in (Place), China, on th e principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation.注释:(1)hereby:特此(2)hereinafter referred to as Party A:以下称甲方(3)on the principle of equality and mutual benefit:在平等互利基础上(4)through amicable consultation:通过友好协商参考译文:本合同双方,公司(以下称甲方)与公司(以下称乙方),在平等互利基础上,通过友好协商,于年月日在中国(地点),特签订本合同。
例4:This agreement is hereby made and entered into on (Date), by and between Co. China (he reinafter referred to as Party A) and Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B).注释:(1)this agreement is hereby made and entered into:特此订立本协议在法律文件中表示“订立本协议”可用以下4个动词:sign (make, conclude or enter into) this agree ment, 按照同义词连用的写作特点,可用上述4个动词中的两个来表示)。
(2)hereinafter referred to as Party B:以下简称乙方参考译文:本协议特由中国公司(以下简称甲方)与公司(以下简称乙方)于年月日订立。
二 hereof英文释义: of this中文译词:关于此点;在本文件中用法:在表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的……”时,使用该词。
例如表示本合同条件、条款时,可以说“the terms, conditions and provisions hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Contract”;又如表示本工程的任何部分,可用“any parts hereof”,这里hereof表示“of this Works”。
hereof和thereof的区别:hereof强调“of this”。
例如,上面的“the terms, conditions and provisions thereof”中的thereof表示of the Contract;“any parts thereof”中的thereof表示of the Works。
例1Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not, the owner of the goods shall, without interruption, by day and night, including Sundays and holidays (if required by the ca rrier), supply and take delivery of the goods. Provided that the owner of the goods shall be lia ble for all losses or damages including demurrage incurred in default on the provisions hereof. 注释:(1)Whether the custom of the Port is contrary to this Clause or not:不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,whether… or not:不论……是否(2)the owner of the goods:货方(3)without interruption:无间断地(4)carrier:承运人(5)in default on the provisions hereof:违反本款规定hereof:of this Clause参考译文:不论港口习惯是否与本款规定相反,货方都应昼夜地,包括星期日和假日(如承运人需要),无间断地提供和提取货物。
例2Foreign trade dealers as mentioned in this Law shall, in accordance with the provisions hereof, cover such legal entities and other organization as are engaged in foreign trade dealings.注释:(1)foreign trade dealers:对外贸易经营者(2)as mentioned in this Law:本法所称(3)the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法规定(4)legal entity:法人(5)be engaged in foreign trade dealings:从事对外贸易经营活动参考译文:本法所称对外贸易经营者,是指依照本法规定从事对外贸易经营活动的法人和其他组织。
例3The establishment of a limited liability company or a company limited by shares shall comply with the conditions and provisions of this Law. A company complying with the conditions and provisions hereof may be registered as a limited liability company or a company limited by sha res. Provided that if a company fails to comply with the conditions and provisions hereof, the company in question shall not be registered as a limited liability company or a company limite d by shares.注释:(1)a limited liability company:有限责任公司(2)a company limited by shares:股份有限公司(3)provisions hereof:本法规定hereof: of this Law(4)may be registered as:登记为参考译文:设立有限责任公司、股份有限公司,必须符合本法规定的条件。