

研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)课文全翻译

研究生英语阅读教程(提高级 第三版)课文全翻译

课文全文参考译文第一课漏油经济:低估风险戴维伦哈特[1] 回想起来,模式似乎很清楚。

早在“深水地平线”钻机自爆前的很多年,BP 石油公司为了省钱甘冒安全的风险就已经声名狼藉。

2005 年得克萨斯州炼油厂爆炸中有15 名工人丧生。



就连乔·巴顿,对全球变暖持怀疑态度、来自得克萨斯州的共和党众议员,都谴责BP 管理人员“对安全和环境问题表现得漠不关心”。

[2] 这种冷漠大部分源于对利润的过度追求,不管出现什么情况。


BP 的管理人员在估计似乎不太可能发生但一旦发生就会带来巨大损失的事件真正会发生的可能性时,犯了一个可怕的错误。

[3] 也许理解这一点最简单的方法就是思考一下BP 高管们如今的想法。

显然,考虑到清理费用和对BP 声誉的影响,高管们真希望可以回到过去,多花些钱让“深水地平线”更安全。


[4] 尽管针对BP 高管的所有批评可能都是他们应得的,但是他们绝不是唯一艰难应对这种低概率、高成本事件的人。








[5] 同样,不久以前,本·伯南克和艾伦·格林斯潘也喜欢称全国房地产市场没有泡沫,因为以前从未有过泡沫。













( 湖 流 域 管 理局 水利 发 展 研 究 中 心 ,上 海 太 203 ) 044

要 :欧盟水框 架指令 (F ) W D 是近 几十年 来欧盟在 水资源领域颁布 的最重要 指令 。简要分析 了欧盟水框 架指令
产生 的背景及过程, 概 述 了指令主要 内容及法律效力 ,分析 了其在 流域 管理 、规 划、价格 激励 、信 息咨询等 方面 的主要特点 ,并结合现代水 资源管理 的特点 ,提 出几点 建议 。 关键词:水框 架指令;水资 源保护;欧盟 ;初议

水 利 水 文 自 动 化
2 0 ,4 0 9 ()
员国将本着使全流域 区全部 实现 既定的环境 目标为原 则,争取 与相关的非会员 国协调达成一致 。
2 2 流域 管理 规划 .
《 欧盟水框 架指令》非常重视流域管理规 划 ,要
求 为每个 流域 制定管理规划 ,并要求 管理规划 最迟应 在 指令生效之 日起 9a内予 以公布 ,1 5a内进 行复查 和 更新,此后,每隔 6a 进行 1 次复查和更新 。
就框架政策 、质 量标准 、排放标准 、监测及分析方法 等进行 阐述 ,体系 图如 图 1 示。 所
13 欧盟水框 架 指令 的法 律效 力 .
在欧盟 层面上 , 有法律 、 法规 、 指令和建议等 。 相 同点是都 具有 法律 效力 , 经 颁布 必须执 行 ; 同点 一 不 是法律和 法规 直接 按照其 文本 的内容 执行, 而指令和





他表示,欧盟把自然灾害救助划归“发展与人道主义援助总司”负责,欧盟为其编列的年度总预算为5亿欧元,该司负有与欧委会对外关系总司(DG Reles)、东扩总司(DG Enlargement)、环境总司(DG Environenmant)及发展援助办公室(AIDCO)密切协调的责任。













响应和恢复力指数RMIDM估 算过程示意图
指权 标重
应急行动组织与协 调
DM 1 w1
应急响应计划和预 警系统的实施
DM 2 w2
设备、工具和设施 的捐赠
DM 3 w3
内部机构响应的模 拟、升级与测试
DM 4 w4
第三节 灾害风险管理指标系统
五、研究结果及表达:Excel图 六、结论:
1.通过对风险的描述,指标系统强调了干预的 必要性; 2.通过恰当的度量风险,进而可以以此确定发 展过程中的优先次序,并采取行动降低或控 制;
第一节 灾害风险指数系统
2)脆弱性指标: 环境属性和质量:
森林和林地的覆盖率 人为原因引起的土壤退化
第一节 灾害风险指数系统
2)脆弱性指标: 人口:
人口增长 城市增长 人口密度 老年抚养比
第一节 灾害风险指数系统
2)脆弱性指标: 健康和卫生:
拥有获得改善供水条件的人口比例 (总数、城市、农村)
第一节 灾害风险指数系统
5)脆弱性指标的筛选和计算: 两个假设: 一是一个风险可以用过去灾害死亡人数表示 二是风险遵循:
K C ( P h E x p ) a V1a1 V 2a 2 V p ap K: 致 灾 因 子 导 致 死 亡 率 C: 常 数 P h E x p: 物 理 暴 露 量 V i: 是 社 会 经 济 参 数 a i : 是 V i的 指 数
• 补充 DDI
• 分子:每年预期损失或纯保费,等同于一个地区 用来应对发生灾害可能造成损失年均投资或存款 额
• 分母:每年资金花费,每年投资预算中,用来支 付应对可能发生灾害的资金百分比
第三节 灾害风险管理指标系统






它们1OJ C 112, 30.4.2004, 第25页。

2.欧洲议会2004年4月20日意见(OJ C 104 E, 30.4.2004,第319页),理事会2004年11月29日共同立场(OJ C 38 E, 15.2.2005, 第45页),欧洲议会2005年4月13日立场和理事会2005年5月23日决定。






(4)能效的提高 — 连同供选方案之一,使电力的最终用途更为有效— 被认为对共同体达到控制温室气体排放目标做出了实质性贡献。




此指令 可以被认为在实践 中提供 了三个级别的控制 , 披露信息 的义务。其中, 被动信息” . “ 是指永久性提供 即公众可以要求获得的信息; 积极信息” “ 指 较大的数量则对应于较多的控制 。 如果一家公司的危 的信息 , 如通过分发 险物质在数量上低于此指令规定的下限 , 则不受此指 需要经营者或 主管部 门主动提供 的信息 ,
能 令约束 , 但会受到非特定于重大事故灾害的其他法律 源 所规定的健康 、安全和环境条款的约束 。如果公司的 安 危险物 质在数量上高于 此指令规定 的下限但 低于上 全 限 ,则 受 “ 层”要 求 的 约 束 。如 果 公 司 的危 险物 质 低
要 求 的 约束 。
宣传单或宣传册 ,告知在事故发生时应采取的行动。 8 事故报告 .
能 源 安
指令 进行 了两次修订 。 两次修订 的 目的都是 为了扩

( eeo 指令 》 出 台 的历 史 背景 大 ( vs S 指令的适用 范围, 其强调对危险 尤 物质的 仓储要予
以 约束 。
第二次世界大战后 , 随着工业化进程 的不断加快 和化工厂规模 的不断扩大 , 危险物质灾害事故的发生 明显增加。 9 4 6 在意大利北部城市S vs 塞 17 年 月, eeo(
必须定期通过实践 ,检测 内部和外部应急预案 。
6 土地使用规划 .
性指导意见) 督查指导意见》 ) 、《 。
以上指导文件和问题与解答不具备法律效力。 但
它们对 经营者和政府执行部门都提供 了重要的指 指令 中的这项规定反映了从博帕尔事故 中吸取的 是 , 教训 , 即在立法过程中应考虑土地使用规划对重大事 导 ,因为它们考虑 了所有成员国的一致意见。 故灾害的影 响。成 员国有 义务通 过控制新企业 的选









• 以上10类计量器具通过生产厂家的合格声 明代替首次检定。
• 在该指令出台前,在德国首次检定是由计 量部门以及国家授权站进行的,
• 国家授权站从事电能表、燃气表、水表和 热量表的检定,
• 现在则以合格评定程序取代了首次检定, 规定了在实施合格评定程序时,由生产厂 家选择的指定部门参与协作。
• 名称、 • 电能表、
• 9、附件D1模块:被指定部门进行评估和监 督质量管理体系(生产),
• 10、附件E1模块:被指定部门进行评估和 监督质量管理体系(产品),
• 11、附件F1模块:由被指定部门进行产品 检验(可能的情况下:采取抽检),
• 12、附件G模块:由被指定部门对每件产品 检验,
• 13、附件H模块:被指定部门进行评估和监 督全面质量管理体系(QMS),

Verkörp. Längenmaße Ausschankmaße
R30 R138


MI-009 长度、面积、多维测量仪器



TC 8 / SC 3
TC 9 / SC 2
TC 7 / SC 4 TC 7 / SC 1
• 目的: • 商品、服务、人员和资金 的自由流通,
• 欧洲议会和欧盟委员会于2004年3月31日批 准了关于欧盟计量器具指令2004/22(MID ) 欧盟计量器具指令(Measuring Instruments Directive MID ) ,
• 自2006年10月30日在欧盟各成员国使用, 在此之前,还出台了非自动衡器指令,














DIRECTIVESDIRECTIVE2007/60/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof23October2007on the assessment and management of flood risks(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Article175(1)thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(1),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251of the Treaty(2),Whereas:(1)Floods have the potential to cause fatalities,displacementof people and damage to the environment,to severelycompromise economic development and to underminethe economic activities of the Community.(2)Floods are natural phenomena which cannot beprevented.However,some human activities(such asincreasing human settlements and economic assets infloodplains and the reduction of the natural waterretention by land use)and climate change contribute toan increase in the likelihood and adverse impacts of floodevents.(3)It is feasible and desirable to reduce the risk of adverseconsequences,especially for human health and life,theenvironment,cultural heritage,economic activity andinfrastructure associated with floods.However,measuresto reduce these risks should,as far as possible,becoordinated throughout a river basin if they are to beeffective.(4)Directive2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and ofthe Council of23October2000establishing aframework for Community action in the field of waterpolicy(3)requires river basin management plans to bedeveloped for each river basin district in order toachieve good ecological and chemical status,and it willcontribute to mitigating the effects of floods.However,reducing the risk of floods is not one of the principalobjectives of that Directive,nor does it take into accountthe future changes in the risk of flooding as a result ofclimate change.(5)The Commission Communication of12July2004to theEuropean Parliament,the Council,the EuropeanEconomic and Social Committee and the Committee ofthe Regions‘Flood risk management—Floodprevention,protection and mitigation’sets out itsanalysis and approach to managing flood risks atCommunity level,and states that concerted and coor-dinated action at Community level would bring consid-erable added value and improve the overall level of floodprotection.(6)Effective flood prevention and mitigation requires,inaddition to coordination between Member States,coop-eration with third countries.This is in line with Directive2000/60/EC and international principles of flood riskmanagement as developed notably under the UnitedNations Convention on the protection and use of trans-boundary water courses and international lakes,approvedby Council Decision95/308/EC(4),and any succeedingagreements on its application.(7)Council Decision2001/792/EC,Euratom of23October2001establishing a Community mechanism to facilitatereinforced cooperation in civil protection assistance inter-ventions(5)mobilises support and assistance fromMember States in the event of major emergencies,including floods.Civil protection can provide adequateresponse to affected populations and improve prepa-redness and resilience.(1)OJ C195,18.8.2006,p.37.(2)Opinion of the European Parliament of13June2006(OJ C300E,9.12.2006,p.123).Council Common Position of23November2006(OJ C311E,19.12.2006,p.10)and Position of the European Parliament of25April2007.Council Decision of 18September2007.(3)OJ L327,22.12.2000,p. 1.Directive as amended by DecisionNo2455/2001/EC(OJ L331,15.12.2001,p.1).(4)OJ L186,5.8.1995,p.42.(5)OJ L297,15.11.2001,p.7.(8)Under Council Regulation(EC)No2012/2002of11November2002establishing the European Union Soli-darity Fund(1)it is possible to grant rapid financialassistance in the event of a major disaster to help thepeople,natural zones,regions and countries concernedto return to conditions that are as normal as possible.However the Fund may only intervene for emergencyoperations,and not for the phases preceding anemergency.(9)In developing policies referring to water and land usesMember States and the Community should consider thepotential impacts that such policies might have on floodrisks and the management of flood risks.(10)Throughout the Community different types of floodsoccur,such as river floods,flash floods,urban floodsand floods from the sea in coastal areas.The damagecaused by flood events may also vary across thecountries and regions of the Community.Hence,objectives regarding the management of flood risksshould be determined by the Member States themselvesand should be based on local and regional circumstances.(11)Flood risks in certain areas within the Community couldbe considered not to be significant,for example in thinlypopulated or unpopulated areas or in areas with limitedeconomic assets or ecological value.In each river basindistrict or unit of management the flood risks and needfor further action—such as the evaluation of floodmitigation potential—should be assessed.(12)In order to have available an effective tool for infor-mation,as well as a valuable basis for priority settingand further technical,financial and political decisionsregarding flood risk management,it is necessary toprovide for the establishing of flood hazard maps andflood risk maps showing the potential adverse conse-quences associated with different flood scenarios,including information on potential sources of environ-mental pollution as a consequence of floods.In thiscontext,Member States should assess activities thathave the effect of increasing flood risks.(13)With a view to avoiding and reducing the adverseimpacts of floods in the area concerned it is appropriateto provide for flood risk management plans.The causesand consequences of flood events vary across thecountries and regions of the Community.Flood riskmanagement plans should therefore take into accountthe particular characteristics of the areas they cover andprovide for tailored solutions according to the needs andpriorities of those areas,whilst ensuring relevant coordi-nation within river basin districts and promoting theachievement of environmental objectives laid down inCommunity legislation.In particular,Member Statesshould refrain from taking measures or engaging inactions which significantly increase the risk of floodingin other Member States,unless these measures have beencoordinated and an agreed solution has been foundamong the Member States concerned.(14)Flood risk management plans should focus onprevention,protection and preparedness.With a viewto giving rivers more space,they should considerwhere possible the maintenance and/or restoration offloodplains,as well as measures to prevent and reducedamage to human health,the environment,culturalheritage and economic activity.The elements of floodrisk management plans should be periodically reviewedand if necessary updated,taking into account the likelyimpacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods.(15)The solidarity principle is very important in the contextof flood risk management.In the light of it MemberStates should be encouraged to seek a fair sharing ofresponsibilities,when measures are jointly decided forthe common benefit,as regards flood risk managementalong water courses.(16)To prevent duplication of work,Member States shouldbe entitled to use existing preliminary flood riskassessments,flood hazard and risk maps and flood riskmanagement plans for the purposes of achieving theobjectives and satisfying the requirements of thisDirective.(17)Development of river basin management plans underDirective2000/60/EC and of flood risk managementplans under this Directive are elements of integratedriver basin management.The two processes shouldtherefore use the mutual potential for commonsynergies and benefits,having regard to the environ-mental objectives of Directive2000/60/EC,ensuring effi-ciency and wise use of resources while recognising thatthe competent authorities and management units mightbe different under this Directive and Directive2000/60/EC.(18)Member States should base their assessments,maps andplans on appropriate‘best practice’and‘best availabletechnologies’not entailing excessive costs in the fieldof flood risk management.(1)OJ L311,14.11.2002,p.3.(19)In cases of multi-purpose use of bodies of water fordifferent forms of sustainable human activities(e.g.flood risk management,ecology,inland navigation orhydropower)and the impacts of such use on thebodies of water,Directive2000/60/EC provides for aclear and transparent process for addressing such usesand impacts,including possible exemptions from theobjectives of‘good status’or of‘non-deterioration’inArticle4thereof.Directive2000/60/EC provides forcost recovery in Article9.(20)The measures necessary for the implementation of thisDirective should be adopted in accordance with CouncilDecision1999/468/EC of28June1999laying down theprocedures for the exercise of implementing powersconferred on the Commission(1).(21)In particular,the Commission should be empowered toadapt the Annex to scientific and technical progress.Since those measures are of general scope and aredesigned to amend non-essential elements of thisDirective,they must be adopted in accordance with theregulatory procedure with scrutiny provided for in Article5a of Decision1999/468/EC.(22)This Directive respects the fundamental rights andobserves the principles recognised in particular by theCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.In particular,it seeks to promote the integration intoCommunity policies of a high level of environmentalprotection in accordance with the principle of sustainabledevelopment as laid down in Article37of the Charter ofFundamental Rights of the European Union.(23)Since the objective of this Directive,namely the estab-lishment of a framework for measures to reduce the risksof flood damage,cannot be sufficiently achieved by theMember States and can by reason of scale and effects ofactions be better achieved at Community level,theCommunity may adopt measures,in accordance withthe principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article5ofthe Treaty.In accordance with the principle of propor-tionality,as set out in that Article,this Directive does notgo beyond what is necessary in order to achieve thatobjective.(24)In accordance with the principles of proportionality andsubsidiarity and the Protocol on the application of theprinciples of subsidiarity and proportionality attached tothe Treaty,and in view of existing capabilities of MemberStates,considerable flexibility should be left to the localand regional levels,in particular as regards organisationand responsibility of authorities.(25)In accordance with point34of the InterinstitutionalAgreement on better law-making(2),Member States areencouraged to draw up,for themselves and in the interestof the Community,their own tables illustrating,as far aspossible,the correlation between this Directive and thetransposition measures,and to make them public,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:CHAPTER IGENERAL PROVISIONSArticle1The purpose of this Directive is to establish a framework for the assessment and management of flood risks,aiming at the reduction of the adverse consequences for human health,the environment,cultural heritage and economic activity associated with floods in the Community.Article2For the purpose of this Directive,in addition to the definitions of‘river’,‘river basin’,‘sub-basin’and‘river basin district’as set out in Article2of Directive2000/60/EC,the following defi-nitions shall apply:1.‘flood’means the temporary covering by water of land notnormally covered by water.This shall include floods from rivers,mountain torrents,Mediterranean ephemeral water courses,and floods from the sea in coastal areas,and may exclude floods from sewerage systems;2.‘flood risk’means the combination of the probability of aflood event and of the potential adverse consequences for human health,the environment,cultural heritage and economic activity associated with a flood event.Article31.For the purposes of this Directive Member States shall make use of the arrangements made under Article3(1),(2), (3),(5)and(6)of Directive2000/60/EC.2.However,for the implementation of this Directive, Member States may:(a)appoint competent authorities different from those iden-tified pursuant to Article3(2)of Directive2000/60/EC;(b)identify certain coastal areas or individual river basins andassign them to a unit of management different from those assigned pursuant to Article3(1)of Directive2000/60/EC.(1)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.Decision as amended by Decision2006/512/EC(OJ L200,22.7.2006,p.11).(2)OJ C321,31.12.2003,p.1.In these cases,Member States shall,by26May2010,commu-nicate to the Commission the information referred to in Annex I to Directive2000/60/EC.For this purpose,any reference to competent authorities and river basin districts shall be taken as references to the competent authorities and unit of management referred to in this Article.Member States shall inform the Commission of any changes in the information provided pursuant to this paragraph within three months of the change coming into effect.CHAPTER IIPRELIMINARY FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENTArticle41.Member States shall,for each river basin district,or unit of management referred to in Article3(2)(b),or the portion of an international river basin district lying within their territory, undertake a preliminary flood risk assessment in accordance with paragraph2of this Article.2.Based on available or readily derivable information,such as records and studies on long term developments,in particular impacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods,a preli-minary flood risk assessment shall be undertaken to provide an assessment of potential risks.The assessment shall include at least the following:(a)maps of the river basin district at the appropriate scaleincluding the borders of the river basins,sub-basins and, where existing,coastal areas,showing topography and land use;(b)a description of the floods which have occurred in the pastand which had significant adverse impacts on human health, the environment,cultural heritage and economic activity and for which the likelihood of similar future events is still relevant,including their flood extent and conveyance routes and an assessment of the adverse impacts they have entailed;(c)a description of the significant floods which have occurredin the past,where significant adverse consequences of similar future events might be envisaged;and,depending on the specific needs of Member States,it shall include:(d)an assessment of the potential adverse consequences offuture floods for human health,the environment,cultural heritage and economic activity,taking into account as far as possible issues such as the topography,the position of watercourses and their general hydrological and geo-morphological characteristics,including floodplains asnatural retention areas,the effectiveness of existing man-made flood defence infrastructures,the position of populated areas,areas of economic activity and long-term developments including impacts of climate change on the occurrence of floods.3.In the case of international river basin districts,or units of management referred to in Article3(2)(b)which are shared with other Member States,Member States shall ensure that exchange of relevant information takes place between the competent authorities concerned.4.Member States shall complete the preliminary flood risk assessment by22December2011.Article51.On the basis of a preliminary flood risk assessment as referred to in Article4,Member States shall,for each river basin district,or unit of management referred to in Article 3(2)(b),or portion of an international river basin district lying within their territory,identify those areas for which they conclude that potential significant flood risks exist or might be considered likely to occur.2.The identification under paragraph1of areas belonging to an international river basin district,or to a unit of management referred to in Article3(2)(b)shared with another Member State, shall be coordinated between the Member States concerned.CHAPTER IIIFLOOD HAZARD MAPS AND FLOOD RISK MAPSArticle61.Member States shall,at the level of the river basin district, or unit of management referred to in Article3(2)(b),prepare flood hazard maps and flood risk maps,at the most appropriate scale for the areas identified under Article5(1).2.The preparation of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps for areas identified under Article5which are shared with other Member States shall be subject to prior exchange of information between the Member States concerned.3.Flood hazard maps shall cover the geographical areas which could be flooded according to the following scenarios:(a)floods with a low probability,or extreme event scenarios;(b)floods with a medium probability(likely return period≥100years);(c)floods with a high probability,where appropriate.4.For each scenario referred to in paragraph3the following elements shall be shown:(a)the flood extent;(b)water depths or water level,as appropriate;(c)where appropriate,the flow velocity or the relevant waterflow.5.Flood risk maps shall show the potential adverse conse-quences associated with flood scenarios referred to in paragraph 3and expressed in terms of the following:(a)the indicative number of inhabitants potentially affected;(b)type of economic activity of the area potentially affected;(c)installations as referred to in Annex I to Council Directive96/61/EC of24September1996concerning integrated pollution prevention and control(1)which might cause acci-dental pollution in case of flooding and potentially affected protected areas identified in Annex IV(1)(i),(iii)and(v)to Directive2000/60/EC;(d)other information which the Member State considers usefulsuch as the indication of areas where floods with a high content of transported sediments and debris floods can occur and information on other significant sources of pollution.6.Member States may decide that,for coastal areas where an adequate level of protection is in place,the preparation of flood hazard maps shall be limited to the scenario referred to in paragraph3(a).7.Member States may decide that,for areas where flooding is from groundwater sources,the preparation of flood hazard maps shall be limited to the scenario referred to in para-graph3(a).8.Member States shall ensure that the flood hazard maps and flood risk maps are completed by22December2013.CHAPTER IVFLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT PLANSArticle71.On the basis of the maps referred to in Article6,Member States shall establish flood risk management plans coordinated at the level of the river basin district,or unit of management referred to in Article3(2)(b),for the areas identified under Article5(1)and the areas covered by Article13(1)(b)in accordance with paragraphs2and3of this Article.2.Member States shall establish appropriate objectives for the management of flood risks for the areas identified under Article5(1)and the areas covered by Article13(1)(b),focusing on the reduction of potential adverse consequences of flooding for human health,the environment,cultural heritage and economic activity,and,if considered appropriate,on non-structural initiatives and/or on the reduction of the likelihood of flooding.3.Flood risk management plans shall include measures for achieving the objectives established in accordance with paragraph2and shall include the components set out in Part A of the Annex.Flood risk management plans shall take into account relevant aspects such as costs and benefits,flood extent and flood conveyance routes and areas which have the potential to retain flood water,such as natural floodplains,the environ-mental objectives of Article4of Directive2000/60/EC,soil and water management,spatial planning,land use,nature conservation,navigation and port infrastructure.Flood risk management plans shall address all aspects of flood risk management focusing on prevention,protection,prepa-redness,including flood forecasts and early warning systems and taking into account the characteristics of the particular river basin or sub-basin.Flood risk management plans may also include the promotion of sustainable land use practices, improvement of water retention as well as the controlled flooding of certain areas in the case of a flood event.4.In the interests of solidarity,flood risk management plans established in one Member State shall not include measures which,by their extent and impact,significantly increase flood risks upstream or downstream of other countries in the same river basin or sub-basin,unless these measures have been coor-dinated and an agreed solution has been found among the Member States concerned in the framework of Article8.5.Member States shall ensure that flood risk management plans are completed and published by22December2015.Article81.For river basin districts,or units of management referred to in Article3(2)(b),which fall entirely within their territory, Member States shall ensure that one single flood risk management plan,or a set of flood risk management plans coordinated at the level of the river basin district,is produced.(1)OJ L257,10.10.1996,p.26.Directive as last amended by Regu-lation(EC)No166/2006of the European Parliament and of the Council(OJ L33,4.2.2006,p.1).2.Where an international river basin district,or unit of management referred to in Article3(2)(b),falls entirely within the Community,Member States shall ensure coordination with the aim of producing one single international flood risk management plan,or a set of flood risk management plans coordinated at the level of the international river basin district.Where such plans are not produced,Member States shall produce flood risk management plans covering at least the parts of the international river basin district falling within their territory,as far as possible coordinated at the level of the international river basin district.3.Where an international river basin district,or unit of management referred to in Article3(2)(b),extends beyond the boundaries of the Community,Member States shall endeavour to produce one single international flood risk management plan or a set of flood risk management plans coordinated at the level of the international river basin district;where this is not possible,paragraph2shall apply for the parts of the interna-tional river basin falling within their territory.4.The flood risk management plans referred to in para-graphs2and3shall be supplemented,where considered appro-priate by countries sharing a sub-basin,by more detailed flood risk management plans coordinated at the level of the interna-tional sub-basins.5.Where a Member State identifies an issue which has an impact on the management of flood risks of its water and that issue cannot be resolved by that Member State,it may report the issue to the Commission and any other Member State concerned and may make recommendations as to how the issue should be resolved.The Commission shall respond to any report or recommen-dations from Member States within a period of six months.CHAPTER VCOORDINATION WITH DIRECTIVE2000/60/EC,PUBLIC INFORMATION AND CONSULTATIONArticle9Member States shall take appropriate steps to coordinate the application of this Directive and that of Directive2000/60/EC focusing on opportunities for improving efficiency,information exchange and for achieving common synergies and benefits having regard to the environmental objectives laid down in Article4of Directive2000/60/EC.In particular:1.the development of the first flood hazard maps and floodrisk maps and their subsequent reviews as referred to in Articles6and14of this Directive shall be carried out in such a way that the information they contain is consistent with relevant information presented according to Directive 2000/60/EC.They shall be coordinated with,and may be integrated into,the reviews provided for in Article5(2)of Directive2000/60/EC;2.the development of the first flood risk management plansand their subsequent reviews as referred to in Articles7and 14of this Directive shall be carried out in coordination with, and may be integrated into,the reviews of the river basin management plans provided for in Article13(7)of Directive 2000/60/EC;3.the active involvement of all interested parties under Article10of this Directive shall be coordinated,as appropriate,with the active involvement of interested parties under Article14 of Directive2000/60/EC.Article101.In accordance with applicable Community legislation, Member States shall make available to the public the preli-minary flood risk assessment,the flood hazard maps,the flood risk maps and the flood risk management plans.2.Member States shall encourage active involvement of interested parties in the production,review and updating of the flood risk management plans referred to in Chapter IV.CHAPTER VIIMPLEMENTING MEASURES AND AMENDMENTSArticle111.The Commission may,in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article12(2),adopt technical formats for the purpose of processing and transmission of data, including statistical and cartographic data,to the Commission. The technical formats should be adopted at least two years before the dates indicated respectively in Articles4(4),6(8) and7(5),taking into account existing standards as well as formats developed under relevant Community acts.2.The Commission may,taking into account the periods for review and updating,adapt the Annex to scientific and technical progress.These measures,designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive,shall be adopted in accordance with the regu-latory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article12(3).Article121.The Commission shall be assisted by the committee estab-lished under Article21of Directive2000/60/EC.2.Where reference is made to this paragraph,Articles5and 7of Decision1999/468/EC shall apply,having regard to the provisions of Article8thereof.The period laid down in Article5(6)of Decision1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.3.Where reference is made to this paragraph,Article5a(1) to(4)and Article7of Decision1999/468/EC shall apply, having regard to the provisions of Article8thereof.CHAPTER VIITRANSITIONAL MEASURESArticle131.Member States may decide not to undertake the preli-minary flood risk assessment referred to in Article4for those river basins,sub-basins or coastal areas where they have either:(a)already undertaken a risk assessment to conclude,before22December2010,that a potential significant flood risk exists or might be considered likely to occur leading to the iden-tification of the area among those referred to in Article5(1) or(b)decided,before22December2010,to prepare flood hazardmaps and flood risk maps and to establish flood risk management plans in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Directive.2.Member States may decide to make use of flood hazard maps and flood risk maps finalised before22December2010, if such maps provide a level of information equivalent to the requirements of Article6.3.Member States may decide to make use of flood risk management plans finalised before22December2010, provided the content of these plans is equivalent to the requirements set out in Article7.4.Paragraphs1,2and3shall apply without prejudice to Article14.CHAPTER VIIIREVIEWS,REPORTS AND FINAL PROVISIONSArticle141.The preliminary flood risk assessment,or the assessment and decisions referred to in Article13(1),shall be reviewed,and if necessary updated,by22December2018and every six years thereafter.2.The flood hazard maps and the flood risk maps shall be reviewed,and if necessary updated,by22December2019and every six years thereafter.3.The flood risk management plan(s)shall be reviewed,and if necessary updated,including the components set out in part B of the Annex,by22December2021and every six years thereafter.4.The likely impact of climate change on the occurrence of floods shall be taken into account in the reviews referred to in paragraphs1and3.Article151.Member States shall make available the preliminary flood risk assessment,the flood hazard maps,the flood risk maps and flood risk management plans referred to in Articles4,6and7, as well as their review and,where applicable,their updates to the Commission within three months after the dates indicated respectively in Articles4(4),6(8),7(5)and14.2.Member States shall inform the Commission of the decisions taken in accordance with Article13(1),(2)and(3) and make available the relevant information thereon by the dates indicated respectively in Articles4(4),6(8)and7(5).Article16The Commission shall,by22December2018,and every six years thereafter,submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report on the implementation of this Directive.The impact of climate change shall be taken into account in drawing up this report.Article171.Member States shall bring into force the laws,regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before26November2009.They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.When they are adopted by Member States,these measures shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication.The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.2.Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.Article18This Directive shall enter into force on the20th day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article19This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Strasbourg,23October2007.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentH.-G.PÖTTERINGFor the CouncilThe PresidentM.LOBO ANTUNES。



NYPE'93中文对照)租约代号:“NYPE 93”波罗的海国际航运公会推荐美国国家船舶经纪人与代理人协会联合会定期租船合同纽约土产交易所格式美国船舶经纪人与代理人协会发行1913年11月6日制定,经1921年10月20日,1931年8月6日,1946年10月3日,1981年6月12日,1993年9月14日修订本租船合同于 ------ 年---- 月----- 日由下述 ------- 船舶的所有人----- 与承租人------ 签订。

船舶说明船名: ----- ;船旗:-------- ;于------ 年建造;登记港----- ;登记号----- ;船舶在 ---- 入级,船级为----- ;按夏季干舷高度,船舶海水吃水为 ----- --,载重量(货物和燃料,包括不超过 ------ 长吨*/ 公吨*的淡水和物料)为--------- 长吨*/ 公吨*;散装容积为 -------- 立方英尺;包装容积为 --------- 立方英尺;船舶吨位为-------总吨/总登记吨;在良好天气条件下,风力达到包括最大风力蒲福-------- 级,船舶满载航行时船速大约------- 节,消耗大约----- 长吨*/ 公吨*的------ (燃油)。



2.交船船舶在---- (地点)置于承租人控制之下。



出租人应在 ---- 天之前向承租人递交预计交付船舶的日期的通知。

3.交船/还船检验除另有约定外,在交船和还船前,双方当事人应自负费用指定各自的验船师,分别在船舶到达第一个装货港/ 最后一个卸货港之前进行交船/还船联合检验,以确定船上所存的燃油量和船舶状态。



在某些类别机动车辆及其挂车的制 动装置方面协调统一各成员国法律 的理事会指令
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the braking devices of certain categories of motor vehicles and their trailers
将于2014.11.1取 消,由Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 及ECE R79替代
98/90/EC 2001/31/EC
在机动车辆及其挂车车门方面协调 统一各成员国法律的理事会指令
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the doors of motor vehicles and their trailers
将于2014.11.1取 消,由Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 及ECE R10替代
序 号
基础指令号、 修改单或其他指令对该基础指 法规号 令的补充修改 2005/83/EC 2006/28/EC 2009/19/EC 78/632/EEC 2000/4/EC
将于2014.11.1取 消,由Regulation (EC) No 661/2009 及ECE R13、ECE R13H替代
有关车辆的无线电干扰(电磁兼容 性)1972年6月20日的理事会指令 72/245/EEC
Council Directive 72/245/EEC of 20 June 1972 relating to the radio interference (electromagnetic compatibility) of vehicles

EUP指令2005-32-EC (中文版)

EUP指令2005-32-EC (中文版)













1OJ C112,30.4,第25页2欧洲议会2004年4月20日意见(OJC 104 E,30.4.2004, 第319页),理事会2004年11月29日共同立场(OJ C 38 E,15.2.2005, 第45页),欧洲议会2005年4月13日立场及委员会2005年5月23日决议。






















2005[1].7.17EC 中英文

2005[1].7.17EC 中英文

COMMISSION DECISIONof 13 October 2005amending for the purposes of adapting to the technical progress the Annex to Directive 2002/95/ECof the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment(notified under document number C(2005) 3754)(Text with EEA relevance)(2005/717/EC)欧盟委员会于2005年10月13日为了适应技术发展,针对指令2002/95/EC附录关于欧盟议会和欧盟理事会在电气电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质进行修改的决定。

THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (1), and in particular Article 5(1)(b) thereof, Whereas:欧洲共同体委员会,注意到成立欧洲共同体的条约,注意到欧洲议会和欧盟理事会2003年1月27日第2002/95/EC 号关于在电气电子设备(1)中限制使用某些有害物质指令,特别是其中第5(1)(b)条,鉴于:(1) Under Directive 2002/95/EC the Commission is required to evaluate certain hazardous substances prohibited pursuant to Article 4(1) of that Directive.(1)欧盟委员会按照第2002/95/EC号指令,需要对在此指令中的第4(1)条所禁止的某些有害物质进行评估。




























1.入侵报警管理与入侵响应系统IDAM&IRS中的自适应报警聚合 [J], 穆成坡;黄
2.地震监测的新近应用:准备、报警和响应系统 [J], W.Peck;郑重;等
评 [J], 王源扩
4.日本洪水预报警及报雷达测雨系统 [J], 曹超雄
5.基于径流形成原理的若干洪水预报理论述评 [J], 芮孝芳







2010年是130 a以来全球最温暖的一年,欧洲也多次发生特大洪水,如法国的德拉吉尼昂(Draguignan)地区,以及多瑙河、奥德河和维斯图拉河等流域。

通过对近10 a发生的洪水进行分析,结果表明,某些洪水可能是气候变化的信号。










2.实施本指令不应损害对包装物现有的质量要求,诸如有关包装产品的安全、健康保护和卫生等要求,或损害现行运输要求,或损害欧洲联盟理事会1991年12月12日关于有害废弃物的91/689/EEC 指令要求。



“包装物”只包括:(a) 销售包装物或初次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成某个向最终使用者或消费者提供的销售单元的包装物;(b) 组合的包装物或二次包装物,即被认为是在采购地点构成一组一定数量的销售单元的包装物,不管这些销售单元是以这种方式向最终使用者或消费者销售的还是仅仅作为补充销售地点货架的一种方式;从产品上拿掉这类包装物并不影响该产品的特性;(c) 运输包装物或三次包装物,即被认为是为了便于搬运和运输若干销售单元或组合的包装物,以防止在搬运和运输过程中遭到物理损坏的包装物。



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歐盟洪災風險管理與評估指令簡介與全文翻譯國家災害防救科技中心蕭代基、李欣輯、郭彥廉、楊惠萱、范裕康、黃成甲、廖楷民、李洋寧背景 在 1998 和 2004 年間, 歐洲遭受超過 100 場洪水侵襲,造成約 700 人死亡、50 萬人的 受傷的災情,經濟損失亦超過至少 250 億歐元。

因此為了減少洪災損失及因應未來全 球暖化而加劇的威脅,歐盟會員國開始討論如何透過積極的管理來降低未來洪災的危 害。

但由於歐洲的大多數河流是流經多個國家,所以管理洪水的問題必須有整體性的考 量,再加上洪災對於各國所帶來的經濟衝擊也不同,因此唯有透過各會員國的協調並制 定共同的管理辦法,方能有效的管控及減少洪水的可能帶來的影響。


有鑒於此,各會員國在擬 定方針之前,廣泛接受各界的建議,從各地區的政府部門、各國水文學和地質學方面的 專家,甚至到和災害相關的保險業都是訪談的對象。

在經過多方討論之後,終於在 2007 年 10 月 23 日的歐洲議會中通過洪水風險管理與評估的指令 2007/60/EC。

指令摘要 訂定此指令的目在於管理並且降低洪水的危害,並藉由繪製洪災風險地圖的方式,減少 未來洪水對於歐盟各國之人命、健康、環境、財產和經濟活動的損失。

指令涵蓋所有可 能的洪災類型,包括河水泛濫、海水溢堤或倒灌造成的洪災、甚至其他可能的災害原因 也一併考量,例如都市的洪水和下水道洪水。

此指令中提及之防災措施主要包括初步洪 災風險評估、洪災風險地圖的繪製以及訂定洪災管理計畫三部份。

初步洪災風險評估 會員國必須在 2011 年 12 月 22 日以前為領土內的每個流域或者次流域進行一次最新的 洪水風險評估。

這評估工作包括重新確定領土內流域之邊界位置、蒐集過去發生過的洪 水災情資料、評估未來洪水可能發生的機率和影響的結果等。

根據此評估結果,會員國 必須將每個流域根據其發生洪災的風險大小予以分類 這評估及分類的結果必須於 2018 。

年 12 月 22 日以前公佈,並且每 6 年檢視更新一次。

1洪災風險地圖的繪製 會員國必須將位於洪水潛勢區中的人口、重要設施、環境等項目確實的繪製於風險地區 中,並且以高、中、低三種風險的分類方式表示洪水可能發生機率。

此風險地圖繪製的 結果必須於 2013 年 12 月 22 日以前公佈,並且每 6 年檢視一次。

洪災管理計畫 會員國對於境內的每條流域必須訂定洪災風險管理的計畫,並設定適當的保護標準,以 確保可以達到管理效果。

管理的計畫必須集中在降低災害可能發生的機率及潛在的損 失,且必須包含某些必要的內容,包括保護的標準、施行計畫、洪災風險地圖、後續的 管理計畫、及後續所要進行的評估工作。

洪水風險地圖和管理計畫要符合相關指令,特 別是流域特性、集水區的管理計畫、公眾協商和訊息傳遞的部份。

若流域的範圍含跨多個國家時,請相關的會員國盡量提出一份簡單且操作性高的管理計 畫,便於和他國合作。

同時,各國的洪水管理計畫除非已和鄰國協調且獲得同意,不然 不得在增加鄰國洪災風險的情況下施行管理計畫。

全部相關的成員都必須以適當方式參 與整體的管理計畫。

這些管理計畫必須於 2015 年 12 月 22 日以前完成並且公佈,往後 每 6 年必須檢視一次。

參考資料來源 http://europa.eu/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l28174.htm2歐盟洪災風險管理與評估指令全文翻譯指令 歐洲議會和理事會 2007/60/EC 2007 年 10 月 23 日 洪災風險管理與評估 (本文與歐洲經濟區的適切性) 歐洲議會和歐盟理事會, 考慮到歐洲共同體條約,特別是第 175 條第 1 項之規定, 考慮到執委會的提案, 考慮到歐洲經濟與社會委員會的意見, 按照第 251 條規定之程序進行, 鑑於: (1) 洪災會造成死亡、人們流離失所和環境的損害,嚴重地損害經濟發展和破壞 共同體的經濟活動。

(2) 洪 災 是 無 法 避 免 的 自 然 現 象 。

然 而 , 有 些 人 類 活 動 ( 如 在 洪 水 平 原 (floodplains)上增加人類居住區和經濟資產,及因土地的使用使得自然水源 保留區減少)和氣候變遷的影響,增加洪水帶來的威脅性。

(3) 某些減災措施是可以被採用的,特別是那些與人類健康和生活、環境、文化 遺產、經濟活動和洪災有關的基礎設施。

然而,這些欲減少風險的措施,應 該盡可能地以整個流域為單位進行規劃。

(4) 2000/60/EC指令是歐洲議會和理事會,在 2000 年 10 月 23 日建立的水政策 共同行動架構,要求每一條河川制訂河川流域管理計畫,以維特良好的生態 和化學狀態,並且緩解洪災的影響。

但是,減少洪災風險不是這個指令的主 要目標,且此指令也未考慮到氣候變遷對未來洪災風險所造成的影響。

(5) 2004 年 7 月 12 日執委會與歐洲議會、理事會、歐洲經濟與社會委員會,以 及區域委員會進行交流對談時,針對“洪災風險管理-洪災預防、保護和減 緩"等議題進行討論,並在共同體的思維之下,討論洪災風險分析和管理方 法,此次交流對於洪災風險管理有極大助益,並提高整體的防洪水準。

(6) 有效的洪災預防和減緩,除了需要會員國之間的協調,且要與第三國合作。

這與 2000/60/EC指令,洪災風險管理的國際原則以及國際條例,特別是聯合 國公約下所發展(於 95/308/EC理事會中批准)和其接替協議,對於保護、使3用跨界水源區和國際湖泊的概念是一致的。

(7) 根據理事會決議的 2001/792/EC,歐洲原子能組織於 2001 年 10 月 23 日建 立一個共同機制,以民間保護救助的方式加強彼此的合作;緊急重大事故 (如 洪災)發生時,會員國應動員進行支援和救助措施。

民間組識能對受災居民 提供即時援助,藉此改善備災與抗災的能力。

(8) 依據 2002 年 11 月 11 日歐盟理事會規章(Council Regulation(EC)) No 2012/2002 設立歐盟團結基金(European Union Solidarity Fund),在大規 模災害發生後迅速提供財務援助,協助人們、自然帶、區域及國家回復正常。


(9) 會員國及歐盟發展水資源與土地利用政策時,皆應考慮該政策對於洪災風險 及洪災風險管理的潛在衝擊。

(10) 洪災發生有不同類型,如河川氾濫、暴雨洪災、都市洪災以及海岸區域 海水氾濫等,其所帶來的損害也不盡相同,因此洪災管理的目標應該由會員 國根據地方及區域特性自行擬定。

(11)洪災在歐盟某些區域可能不被重視,如人口密度極低或無人居住,或是那些 經濟資產及生態價值不高的區域。

每條河川流域或管理單位,於洪災管理與 採取進一步行動前都應該要進行評估,如洪災減輕可能性之評估。

(12)進行洪災管理時,為了擁有可行且有效的資訊工具、排定優先順序的價值基 礎,以及作進一步的技術、財務與政治決策,必須建置洪災潛勢地圖與洪災 風險地圖,以顯示不同洪災情境的潛在災損,包含環境污染(如洪災)潛在 來源的資訊。


(13)為了避免且降低洪災對洪災潛勢地區的負面衝擊,須制訂洪災風險管理計 畫。

組成歐盟的國家與區域,水災成因及其衝擊都不盡相同,因此洪災風險 管理計畫之制訂,應根據基本需要、優先順序及考量地區特性,以制訂合適 的解決方案;同時確保流域內各行政區之協調,促使達成歐盟法規的環境目 標。

尤其各會員國應該限制那些會導致其他會員國增加洪災風險的措施或行 動,除非這些措施已經過相關會員國間協調並同意施行。

(14) 洪災風險管理計畫應該著重於預防、保護與整備。

為了使河川能有更多的 空間,計畫應該盡可能維持與恢復洪水平原,以及減低對人類健康、環境、 文化資產與經濟活動的損害。

在進行必要的更新時,應考量氣候變遷對於洪 災發生的可能影響,因此洪災風險管理計畫的內容需要定期檢討。

(15) 一致性是洪災風險管理上非常重要的原則。

依據此原則,當水路沿線的洪 災風險管理措施是為了會員國共同利益時,會員國應公平地分攤責任。

4(16) 為了避免工作重複,並達成管理目的與符合本指令要求,會員國應有使用 現有的初步洪災風險評估、洪災潛勢與風險地圖、洪災風險管理計畫的權力。

(17)河川流域整合性管理,是根據 2000/60/EC 發展的河川流域管理計畫,及本 指令發展的洪災風險管理計畫所構成。

這兩個程序必須是為了公眾合作與利 益使用共有的潛力,同時考量指令 2000/60/EC 的環境目標,並體認到本指令 及指令 2000/60/EC 的權責或管理單位可能並非同一個的前提下,確保有效率 且明智的使用資源。

(18) 會員國應在不負擔超額成本的前提下,以最佳作業方法和最佳可行技術進 行各自的評估、地圖與計畫等洪災風險管理。

(19)假使人類以不同形式的活動(如洪災風險管理、生態學、內陸航運、水力發 電)對水資源進行多重目的使用,以及這些使用方式對水資源造成影響,指令 2000/60/EC 提供清楚、明白的步驟,指出這些使用方式與衝擊何在?如第 4 條提到對於其他優良的及未惡化的情況提供可能的免稅,指令 2000/60/EC 第 9 條則提供損失復原的依據。

(20)執行本指令的必要措施應被採納,以符合議會在 1999 年 6 月 28 日通過的 (1999/468/EC)決議授予執委會執行權力的執行程序。

(21)特別地,執委會應被授權使附錄能適應科技發展;由於這些措施屬於非專業 性領域,且用來修訂本指令一些非基本(non-essential)要素,這些措施依據 1999/468/EC 決議第 5a 條的監督管理程序被採納。

(22)本指令重視基本權利,尤其是 「歐盟基本權利憲章」 所認可的原則。

特別地, 本指令試圖能整合一個符合歐盟基本權利憲章第 37 條永續發展原則的高標 準環境保護的共同體政策。

(23)本指令目標就是為了降低洪災損失風險而建立的一個架構,即使各會員國因 規模因素與行動成效而無法有效達成目標,仍可在共同體層次,依據條約第 5 條陳述的次要原則而採用某些方法。

如同該條所示,根據比例原則,本指 令不會為了達成目標而損害會員國權利。

(24)依照條約附帶的比例與輔助原則,以及適用的議定書(Protocol),並考慮到 會員國的能力、給予地方與區域層級較大彈性,特別是管理單位的組織與職 責。

(25)依據跨組織協定第 34 點,會員國被鼓勵去制訂符合自身及共同體利益的法 律,盡可能地以表或目錄說明本指令與變更措施的關係,使之得以公開。
