throne of England unification. England become one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
• Elizabeth pirates attacked Spanish ships and stole their cargo.
• Elizabeth refused Philip II to marry when she became Queen
• Francis Drake’s raid on the Spanish fleet in Cadiz caused Philip to speed up his plans. So Philip II sent his Armada to invade England in 1587. The English had been preparing for this since Mary’s death in 1587.But only less than half the Spanish fleet left the port .The Spanish galleons were large and difficult to manuever in comparison to the smaller and faster English ships. The Armada was unable to land on the English shore because of the size of their ships .The soldiers couldn’t come on land. But the use of land troops was an important part of Philip’s plan .The English also used fireboats to destroy the Armada .A fireboat is a unmanned ship which is covered in tar to sail into the opposing fleet. The fireboats were also loaded with explosives and gunpowder. The fireboats were so effective that the Armada was almost destroyed .Only 67 ships returned to Spain .Overnight England became one of strongest country in Europe
• Elizabeth pirates attacked Spanish ships and stole their cargo.
• Elizabeth refused Philip II to marry when she became Queen
• Francis Drake’s raid on the Spanish fleet in Cadiz caused Philip to speed up his plans. So Philip II sent his Armada to invade England in 1587. The English had been preparing for this since Mary’s death in 1587.But only less than half the Spanish fleet left the port .The Spanish galleons were large and difficult to manuever in comparison to the smaller and faster English ships. The Armada was unable to land on the English shore because of the size of their ships .The soldiers couldn’t come on land. But the use of land troops was an important part of Philip’s plan .The English also used fireboats to destroy the Armada .A fireboat is a unmanned ship which is covered in tar to sail into the opposing fleet. The fireboats were also loaded with explosives and gunpowder. The fireboats were so effective that the Armada was almost destroyed .Only 67 ships returned to Spain .Overnight England became one of strongest country in Europe
The Lady Elizabeth in about 1546, by an unknown artist
Elizabeth was born at Greenwich Palace and was named after both her grandmothers, Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Howard. She was the second child of Henry VIII of England born in wedlock to survive infancy. Her mother was Henry's second wife,Anneiress presumptive to the throne of England. Her older half-sister, Mary, had lost her position as a legitimate heir when Henry annulled his marriage to Mary's mother, Catherine of Aragon, to marry Anne, with the intent to sire a male heir and ensure the Tudor succession. Elizabeth was baptised on 10 September; Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, the Marquess of Exeter, the Duchess of Norfolk and the Dowager Marchioness of Dorset stood as her godparents.
When she was young, she was unmarried. She has never refused or agreed with others’ pursuing. She took advantage of her unmarried indentity to deal with those crowns like Spanish﹑Roman Empire﹑France and Sweden without sincerity who chased her one after another , and to keep the right balance in the continent, especially between France and Spanish, for obtaining the maximal benefits of England. She considered herself to be married to England;calling her people “my husbands”.
Elizabeth was born at Greenwich Palace and was named after both her grandmothers, Elizabeth of York and Elizabeth Howard. She was the second child of Henry VIII of England born in wedlock to survive infancy. Her mother was Henry's second wife,Anneiress presumptive to the throne of England. Her older half-sister, Mary, had lost her position as a legitimate heir when Henry annulled his marriage to Mary's mother, Catherine of Aragon, to marry Anne, with the intent to sire a male heir and ensure the Tudor succession. Elizabeth was baptised on 10 September; Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, the Marquess of Exeter, the Duchess of Norfolk and the Dowager Marchioness of Dorset stood as her godparents.
When she was young, she was unmarried. She has never refused or agreed with others’ pursuing. She took advantage of her unmarried indentity to deal with those crowns like Spanish﹑Roman Empire﹑France and Sweden without sincerity who chased her one after another , and to keep the right balance in the continent, especially between France and Spanish, for obtaining the maximal benefits of England. She considered herself to be married to England;calling her people “my husbands”.
Elizabeth was a carefree small princess in the first three year.
In January 1536, Elizabeth's status was down a lot because of Boleyn’s death. In June 1536, the parliament declared to cancel her throne from qualification.
After the death of Boleyn, Henry viii successively took four wives, but only had one son, Edward. In 1547, Henry viii died, the son became the king.
1547 ,Edward acceded ,only in six years. The new king had a weak body, and suffering from tuberculosis. Therefore, the replacement of the throne was just a question of time.
She took a cautious attitude when dealing with the relationship with parliament.
She was very thrifty, but she was very positive to the prosperity of country, she relied on businessmen and pirates to increase the income of royal family.
The United Queendom
By 蔡娉婷 黄丽庭 卢亭均
玛丽一世 Mary I Elizabeth I
伊莉莎白一世 玛丽二世 Mary
Anne of Great Bri tain
Alexandrina Victo ria
伊莉莎白二世Fra bibliotek玛 丽 二 世 与丈夫 ( 也是她 的堂哥 ) 威廉三世联合统治英格兰 、 苏格兰、爱尔兰的领地。史上称通 常他们的联合统治为 " 威廉与玛丽时 代 " 。然而,玛丽二世因感染天花, 不久就去世。
Anne of Great Britain
Queen Anne ascended the thrones of England,Scoland and Ireland on 8 March 1702.In 1707,under the Act of Union(联合法),two of her realms[relm领域],the Kingdoms of England and Scotland,united as a single sovereign[sɒvrɪn 具有 主权的]state:the united Kingdom of great Britain.
历史上的维多利亚女 王
英国电影 《年轻的维多利亚》
Elizabeth II
Elizabeth II is the Queen of the 53 member states in the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦) . She is Head of the Commonwealth and Supreme (至高无上的) Governor of the Church of England(英国国教会).Elizabeth has held many titles and honorary(荣誉的)military positions throughout the Commonwealth, is Sovereign of many orders in her own countries, and has received honours and awards from around the world. 伊丽莎白二世是英联邦 53个成员国的女王,英联邦的首领, 英国国教会的最高统治者。伊丽莎白拥有的头衔和享有盛誉的 军事阵地遍布整个英联邦。即使作为一位在自己国家手握大权 的君主,她还获得过世界级的荣誉与奖励。
自幼在皇宫内接受教育, 主修宪法史和法律。她在 历史、语言和音乐方面有 造诣,能流利地讲法语、 西班牙语和德语。第二次 世界大战后期参加英国本 土辅助部队,接受驾驶和 维修摩托车的训练。19 47年7月9日,她与远 房表兄、希腊和丹麦亲王 菲利普· 蒙巴顿中尉(现为 爱丁堡公爵,菲利普亲王) 订婚,同年11月20日 结婚。
这场战争和四个世纪后美国在越南战争的 处境相差不多。爱尔兰反抗者使用游击战 的手段来消磨和挫败来镇压他们的、装备 良好和有训练的英格兰士兵。对英格兰来 说,这场战争尤其昂贵,英军受到多次巨 大损失,最后英军不得不采用焦土政策; 假如有爱尔兰人被怀疑参加反抗,他就全 家被杀,英军烧毁田野,破坏农庄,制造 了一场空前的人为大饥荒。
在宗教问题上,伊丽莎白虽然以铁腕统治, 但同时相对于她在大陆上的对手来说,她 给予她的指挥官和顾问们更大的自由。
英格兰是在1562年加入跨大西洋的贩卖奴隶 的活动的,当时约翰· 霍金斯爵士开始了高 利润的偷卖奴隶活动,他从几内亚或其他 非洲港口获得他的人类商品,然后将他的 俘虏运到西印度的西班牙奴隶市场上出卖。 一开始伊丽莎白女王责备霍金斯参加这样 不道德的贸易,但当霍金斯向她显示他的 事业的利润后,她很快就改变了她的见解, 她不仅包庇霍金斯的贸易,而且直接从中 得利,甚至为他提供船只和人员。
英国历史上有两个时期被认为是英国的黄 金时期,一个是 16世纪伊丽莎白女王在位 时期 (1558— 1603),那是英国资本主义开 始发展的时期;另一个就是 19世纪维多利 亚女王在位时期 (1837— 1901),那是英国 资本主义发展的鼎盛时期。
2002年,在由BBC主持的民众公选的“最伟大的100名英国人”中,伊丽 莎白名列第七,超过了英国各地各代所其他君王
背景:伊丽莎白时期的英格兰的经济很不稳定(负债累累) 对策: 1.实行重商主义政策: 保护和发展本国毛纺织业和其他新兴工场手工业。 特别鼓励造船和航海业,鼓励建立各类海外贸易公司, 扩大英国呢绒等商品的海外市场。 继续鼓励圈地运动,颁布迫害失地农民的血腥立法、 徒工法和济贫法等。 2.在1562年加入跨大西洋的贩卖奴隶活动 (几内亚、非洲→西班牙) 支持约翰· 霍金斯爵士(使这个贸易合法化) 3.伊丽莎白不得不出售国有地面以及官职 4.英国海盗
小组成员: 赵敏、陈恒悦 夏玥、覃雪梅
伊 丽 莎 白 亚 历 山 德 拉 玛 丽 温 莎
· · ·
伊丽莎白· 都铎
英国都铎王朝第二任(1509—1547), 也是爱尔兰领主。 与当时的罗马天主教会反目,推行宗教改 革,英国脱离了罗马天主教会体系,建立 以国王为最高统治者的英国 国教会,圣公 会。使英国王室的权力因此达到顶峰。
1533年1月与亨利八世秘密结婚,5 月被宣布为合法妻子。成为其第二 个王后。 3个月后亨利八世对她的热情消退, 直到1533年9月生下伊丽莎白后才稍 和缓。 但两人关系在1536年1月安妮· 博林 流产时恶化。 1536年5月2日被捕入狱,关进伦敦 塔; 5月19日以通奸罪被斩首。
信新教的表外甥女—— 简· 格雷(15岁)来接替他。 简· 格雷夫人只做了九天女 王,就被她家翁的同党推翻, 并被其后上台的玛丽一世处 死。 简· 格雷
在位时间:1553年7月19日~1558年11月17日她去世时 都铎王朝的第四任君主 极其虔诚的天主教徒,努力把英国从新教恢复到罗马天主教。为 此,她曾处决了差不多三百个反对者。 她逼迫伊丽莎白改信天主教。伊丽莎白表面上虽然昄依,但内心 仍然是一个新教徒。玛丽对此非常不满。她把伊丽莎白被关入伦 敦塔,打算处死。
military affairs Elizabeth encouraged piracy toward Spanish and involved the war of independence of Netherlands fighting against Spanish. This enraged Spanish king Philip II, so he started a war with England. At that time, Spanish was the empire of the sea and called himself Spanish Armada. There is a great disparity between two sides. Then unexpectedly, the England defeated Spanish Armada. After this, the Spanish had a sharp decline and the sea overlord status was replaced by England.
Fourth In 1985,a research shows that Elizabeth has no ability to bear. They think have a sick named complete androgen insensitivity syndrome(雄激素完全 不敏感综合征) .This makes her cannot live as a normal woman.
policy English religion conflict was very fiercely during the 44 years that Elizabeth ruled. In the first two years ,Elizabeth released the highest authority method (Supremacy Act) and a single Act in 1558, providing the king also is the top leader of the church of England.
1.下列关于英国资产阶级革命发生背景的论述,错误的一项是 (
C.英国国王推行封建专制 D.议会军队力量强大
( D)
讨论:有人说:现实中有历史的影子, 请从今天英国政治生活的某个场景找一下 英国资产阶级革命的影子。
今天英国国家元首是女王。英国内阁首 相和各部大臣到王宫觐见国王,前往王宫 的小轿车只能到王宫外面,随即换乘17世 纪的古老马车才能进入王宫。赶马车的人 是17世纪的打扮,王宫的侍者、卫兵也是 古代装束,使人以为是回到了中世纪。这 是英国资产阶级革命保留“君主”、实行 “君主立宪制”在现实中的反映。
,但资本主义最终战胜封建势力是不可阻挡 的历史趋势。
不能 征税 不能 在和平时期维持常备军 不能 随意废除法律 不能 停止法律的执行
君主立宪制(Constitutional Monarchy)
1688年,议会赶走 了斯图亚特王朝的詹姆 士二世,邀请詹姆士二 世的女儿玛丽和她的丈 夫荷兰执政威廉继承英 国王位。这是一场不流 血的政变,史称“光荣 革命”。
1.下列关于英国资产阶级革命发生背景的论述,错误的一项是 (
C.英国国王推行封建专制 D.议会军队力量强大
( D)
讨论:有人说:现实中有历史的影子, 请从今天英国政治生活的某个场景找一下 英国资产阶级革命的影子。
今天英国国家元首是女王。英国内阁首 相和各部大臣到王宫觐见国王,前往王宫 的小轿车只能到王宫外面,随即换乘17世 纪的古老马车才能进入王宫。赶马车的人 是17世纪的打扮,王宫的侍者、卫兵也是 古代装束,使人以为是回到了中世纪。这 是英国资产阶级革命保留“君主”、实行 “君主立宪制”在现实中的反映。
,但资本主义最终战胜封建势力是不可阻挡 的历史趋势。
不能 征税 不能 在和平时期维持常备军 不能 随意废除法律 不能 停止法律的执行
君主立宪制(Constitutional Monarchy)
1688年,议会赶走 了斯图亚特王朝的詹姆 士二世,邀请詹姆士二 世的女儿玛丽和她的丈 夫荷兰执政威廉继承英 国王位。这是一场不流 血的政变,史称“光荣 革命”。
throne of England unification. England become one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
Economy: took a series of important
measures to develop the capitalist commercial economy( slave trade)
Culture :British culture In this period reached a peak.
The first signs of a new literary movement had appeared at the end of the second decade of Elizaby's Euphues and Edmund Spenser's The Shepheardes Calender in 1578.
②1558 :Elizabeth became a heir.
③ In 1558 Mary was died without children, so Elizabeth became her legal heir.
③ January 15, 1559 :
• Elizabeth was crowned queen at Westminster Abbey
Main experience:
① 1554 :was shut in the London tower by Marry.
② Mary is a devout Catholic, she persecute Elizabeth converted to Catholicism, on the surface Elizabeth was a Catholic, but in her heart, she still a protestant. Mary is very fed up about it, so Elizabeth was shut in the London tower.
Economy: took a series of important
measures to develop the capitalist commercial economy( slave trade)
Culture :British culture In this period reached a peak.
The first signs of a new literary movement had appeared at the end of the second decade of Elizaby's Euphues and Edmund Spenser's The Shepheardes Calender in 1578.
②1558 :Elizabeth became a heir.
③ In 1558 Mary was died without children, so Elizabeth became her legal heir.
③ January 15, 1559 :
• Elizabeth was crowned queen at Westminster Abbey
Main experience:
① 1554 :was shut in the London tower by Marry.
② Mary is a devout Catholic, she persecute Elizabeth converted to Catholicism, on the surface Elizabeth was a Catholic, but in her heart, she still a protestant. Mary is very fed up about it, so Elizabeth was shut in the London tower.
伊丽莎白一世 ppt介绍
Spain Armada
The Spanish Armada (literally "Great and Most Fortunate Navy" or "Invincible Fleet") was the Spanish fleet that sailed against England under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1588, with the intention of overthrowing Elizabeth I of England and putting an end to her involvement in the Spanish Netherlands and in privateering in the Atlantic and Pacific
Elizabeth Ⅰ
“The Virgin Queen, Gloriana, &Good Queen Bess”
(1533 – 1603)
Tudor dynasty (1485-1603)
1 2
• 为人谨慎 • 受到良好的教育 • 掌握六门语言—— 英语 法语 西班牙语 意大利语 拉丁语 希腊语 • 节俭爱财 经商投资
1547 King Edward VI
Life line
1555 Freed 1585 War with Spain 1603 Died
Marriage question
As she grew older, Elizabeth became famous for her virginity, and a cult grew up around her which was celebrated in the portraits, pageants and literature of the day.
she was born a princess, but her mother, Anne Boleyn, was executed three years after her birth, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate.
Her brother, Edward VI, cut her out of the succession. His will, however, was set aside, and in 1558 Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister, the Catholic Mary, during whose reign she had been imprisoned for nearly a year on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth I
"I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman,but I have the heart and stomach
of a king, and of a king of England"
伊丽莎白一世积极推动英国的海 外贸易,通过设立贸易壁垒、与 外国进行贸易谈判等手段,保护
她对英国的财政进行了改革,通 过增加税收、减少政府开支等手
为了促进经济发展,伊丽莎白一 世鼓励私人投资,为投资者提供
伊丽莎白一世采取了相对宽容的宗教 政策,允许不同宗教信仰的存在,并 尊重个人的信仰自由。
尽管她并未完全废除宗教迫害,但在 她的统治下,宗教迫害得到了很大的 限制,减少了因宗教信仰而受到迫害 的人数。
她确立了英国国教,即圣公会,作为 英国的官方宗教,并强调了国王在国 教中的领导地位。
伊丽莎白一世时期,英国文学和艺术 取得了巨大的成就。她的统治促进了 欧洲文化交流,使得英国文化在欧洲 大陆产生了广泛时期的英国积极参与全球贸易,开拓了新的市场和资源。这一时 期,英国成为了世界贸易的中心之一,对全球经济的发展产生了重要影响。
伊丽莎白一世对艺术和建筑领域产生了深远的影响,她支持建筑师和艺术家,推动了英 国文艺复兴建筑的发展。
在伊丽莎白一世的统治下,英国文艺复兴建筑风格逐渐形成并走向成熟。女王支持许多 杰出的建筑师和艺术家,如克里斯托弗·雷恩和弗朗西斯·德雷克等。他们的作品不仅美 化了英国的城市和宫殿,也展现了英国文艺复兴时期的独特风格。此外,伊丽莎白一世
伊丽莎白出生于1533年, 是英王亨利八世与其第二 任妻子安妮·博林的女儿。
在成为女王之前,伊丽莎 白接受了严格的上等教育 ,包括语言、文学、音乐 和艺术等方面的学习。
(大一上英美概况)伊丽莎白一世Elizabeth I
评 价
• 现代欧洲历史学家和传记作者对都铎时代的评价更加 写实和客观。从军事上来看伊丽莎白的英格兰并不很 成功。虽然西班牙无敌舰队被击败,但这只不过是一 场从1585年至1604年持续近20年的战争的 开始。 • 伊丽莎白给她的继承人留下了一个困难的、不稳定的 国家。尤其在经济和宗教上许多问题没有解决。她最 主要的贡献在于她关心她的臣民,捍卫了她的统治, 使用了好的顾问。她的统治帮助英格兰避免了经济上 的危机和宗教战争。
the end. thanks for watching
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
都铎王朝(Tudor dynasty),是1485至1603年间统治 英格兰王国和其属土的王朝。历时118年,共经历了五 代君主。始于亨利七世1485年入主英格兰、威尔士和 爱尔兰,结束于1603年伊丽莎白一世的去世。虽然历 时不长,但都铎王朝处于英国从封建社会向资本主义 社会转型这样一个关键时代,因而其实施的各项政策 也极具时代特色. 都铎王朝实行的重商主义政策,对英国社会的各个方 面都产生了极大的影响。
1558年玛丽无子而亡, 伊丽莎白成了她的合法 继承人。英国国会重申 了亨利八世国王规定伊 丽莎白作为继承人的安 排。 伊丽莎白于1559年 1月15日在威斯敏斯 特教堂被加冕为女王, 当时她的地位很不稳定。 她加冕的日子是当时英 国著名的数学家和占星 士约翰· 迪伊挑选的,据 说它特别吉利。
伊丽莎白一世Elizabeth I
概 况
• 伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I,1533年9月7日--1603年3 月24日),于1558年11月17日至1603年3月24日任英格 兰王国和爱尔兰女王,是都铎王朝的第五位也是最后 一位君主。她终身未嫁,因被称为“童贞女王”。她 即位时不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过 近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大的国 家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌 现出了诸如莎士比亚、弗朗西斯· 培根这样的著名人物。 英国在北美的殖民地亦在此期间开始确立。在英国历 史上在位时被称为“伊丽莎白时期”,亦称为“黄金 时代”。
In the Elizabethan age, the most striking thing was the unusual relationship of the Queen with the pirates .She supported the pirates, on one hand, was to increase the national treasury by the pirates plunder, on the other hand was to against Spain.
With qualified succession to the throne:
Henry VIII 's daughter Mary
Henry VIII 's daughter Elizabeth
Henry VIII 's niece Jenny.
According to the throne from habit, Mary should be first selection throne.
Her father complained that why she was not a boy. After all Elizabeth was Henry VIII and Boleyn’s product of legal marriage, therefore, she was determined for the legal heir of the crown.
Elizabeth was a carefree small princess in the first three year.
In January 1536, Elizabeth's status was down a lot because of Boleyn’s death. In June 1536, the parliament declared to cancel her throne from qualification.
With qualified succession to the throne:
Henry VIII 's daughter Mary
Henry VIII 's daughter Elizabeth
Henry VIII 's niece Jenny.
According to the throne from habit, Mary should be first selection throne.
Her father complained that why she was not a boy. After all Elizabeth was Henry VIII and Boleyn’s product of legal marriage, therefore, she was determined for the legal heir of the crown.
Elizabeth was a carefree small princess in the first three year.
In January 1536, Elizabeth's status was down a lot because of Boleyn’s death. In June 1536, the parliament declared to cancel her throne from qualification.
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Main experience:
① 1554 :was shut in the London tower by Marry.
② Mary is a devout Catholic, she persecute Elizabeth converted to Catholicism, on the surface Elizabeth was a Catholic, but in her heart, she still a protestant. Mary is very fed up about it, so Elizabeth was shut in the London tower.
• the period in British history is called "Elizabethan period", also called the "golden era".
• Born: Elizabeth was born in Greenwich in
Henry VIII
Edward VI
Mary I
Elizabeth I
④1588: The defeat of the “Spanish Armada
• Elizabeth was aiding the Netherlands with troops , and she helped them to fight against the Spanish rule
⑤ March 24.1603: after 44 years of rule ,she died.
• Status (who she is) • Main experience • Contributions • Feature
• Elizabeth pirates attacked Spanish ships and stole their cargo.
• Elizabeth refused Philip II to marry when she became Queen
• Francis Drake’s raid on the Spanish fleet in Cadiz caused Philip to speed up his plans. So Philip II sent his Armada to invade England in 1587. The English had been preparing for this since Mary’s death in 1587.But only less than half the Spanish fleet left the port .The Spanish galleons were large and difficult to manuever in comparison to the smaller and faster English ships. The Armada was unable to land on the English shore because of the size of their ships .The soldiers couldn’t come on land. But the use of land troops was an important part of Philip’s plan .The English also used fireboats to destroy the Armada .A fireboat is a unmanned ship which is covered in tar to sail into the opposing fleet. The fireboats were also loaded with explosives and gunpowder. The fireboats were so effective that the Armada was almost destroyed .Only 67 ships returned to Spain .Overnight England became one of strongest country in Europe
Unification: managed to remain at the
throne of England unification. England become one of the most powerful countries in Europe.
• Parents: Henry viii and his second
Queen Anne
The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
• Status (who she is) • Main experience(无敌舰队) • Contributions • Feature
The queen married England-Elizabeth I
• Status (who she is) • Main experience • Contributions • Feature
• in November 17.1558 to March 24 .1603 as a queen of England and Irish
②1558 :Elizabeth became a heir.
③ In 1558 Mary was diedecame her legal heir.
③ January 15, 1559 :
• Elizabeth was crowned queen at Westminster Abbey