



大学中英文成绩单模板范文到了大学,你看到的成绩单是否是中英文版本的呢?下面是给大家带来大学中英文成绩单模板,供大家参阅!北京信息科技大学学生中英文成绩单Beijing Information Science & Technology(BISTU) University Report Card 姓名:Name:学年学期/School Year学号:Student ID:学院:School:专业:Specialty:课程名称/Courses班级:Class:学分/Credits 学制:年Years:Schooling Length:成绩/Scores绩点/Points学年学期/School Year课程名称/Courses学分/Credits成绩/Scores绩点/Points毕业应取得总学分(Total Credits Required for Graduatior)/ 已获得总学分(Total Credits Earned)其中包括(including)必修课(Required)专业选修课(Specialized Elective)公共选修课(Common.Elective)实践课(Practical Course)必修课平均学分绩点(GPA of equired Course)此成绩单仅供出国使用This report is only for going abroad 北京信息科技大学教务处Academic Administration of BISTU 打印日期(PRINT DATE):吉林大学中英文本科成绩单模板Key Comprehensive University Directly Under The Ministry of Education of The People’s Republic of China本科生成绩单Academic Transcript of Undergraduate 姓名:Name:院系:Dept.:学制:Periods of Schooling:学号:专业:入学及毕业时间:吉林大学学生成绩表注释:1. 考试成绩采用优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五级记分或百分制记分。



Spring Term
Credit Grade Credit Grade
Note: Two grading system are used in the University: most courses are graded A(90-100), B(80-89), C(70-79), D(60-69), F(59 or less). A few non-major Courses and elective may be graded P(Pass) or F(Failure).
Subject of Course
Nanjing University Transcript of Academic Records
Graduate Student`s Name
From Sept. --- July
(1st year)
Fall Term
Spring Term
Credit Grade Credit Grade
免修: Exemption 硕士英语: English course for Master Candidates 博士英语: English course for Ph.D. Candidates 科学社会主义理论与实践: Theory & Practice of Scientific Socialism 现代科学技术革命与马克思主义: Modern Scientific and Technological Revolution & Marxism 马克思主义与当代西方社会思潮: Marxism & Thought in Contemporary Western Society 自然辩证法: Dialectics of Nature 马列原著选读: Readings on Original Works by Marx & Lenin


Course Academic Writing Second-Foreign Language (Japanese) 3 Foreign Trade Correspondence Graduation Practice (Foreign Language ) Basics of Computer Applications 2 ——————————— Planned Total Credits Total Credits 171
Planned Compulsory Credits 130.5
Student ID No.
Gender Major Enrollment Date Graduation Date
Length of Program
4 years
College of Foreign Language English08-1 Bachelor of Arts
Excellent Compulsory 82 90 83 96 91 Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Optional Compulsory
Hunan Agricultural University 2014-12-3
**** Agricultural University Student’s Academic Records
Name Department Class First Bchelor Degree
Course Grammar 1 Advanced Listening 1 PE 4 Oral English 4 Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Three Represents Comprehensive English Ⅱ (2) Flower Cultivation Topic Computer Grade 1 Examination Survey of English-speaking Countries Second-Foreign Language (Japanese) I Fundamentals of Translation Employment Guidance Translation practice Second-Foreign Language (Japanese) 2 Cross-cultural Communication Advanced English 2 Internship Credit 1.5 2 1 2 6 4 1.5 0 2 3 3.5 1 2 4 2 3.5 4 36 60 60 20 40 70 40 60 120

4、大学成绩单 (中英文)

4、大学成绩单 (中英文)

成绩 学时
1996-1997 学年第一学期

成绩 学时 学分
1996-1997 学年第二学期

成绩 学时 学分
1997-1998 学年第一学期

成绩 学时 学分
1997-1998 学年第二学期

成绩 学时 学分
1998-1999 学年第一学期

成绩 学时 学分
1998-1999 学年第二学期
Remark: Dept.Head
Spring Term, 1999
Spring Term, 2000
Section of Teaching Affairs
1995-1996 学年第一学期

成绩 学时 学分
1995-1996 学年第二学期
Chinese Political Sci.
Mathematics Physics
Chemistry Biology
Title of Thesis:
Course Titles
Grade Cr.Hrs

成绩 学时 学分
1999-2000 学年第一学期
1999-2000 学年第二学期

成绩 学时 学分 论文题目:
备注: 系主任:




3、读书活动Extra-curricular Reading暑期社会实践Summer Work Placements学年论文End-of-year Dissertation专业实习Professional Practice其余课程自行翻译,考核成绩与学分积点互换关系表在“教务处网


Student’s Academic Record of Nanjing University of Finance & Economics
Class:Student ID:Name:Gender:
Department’s Seal: Director’s Signature: Date of Issue(Y/M/D):。



UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC RECORD OF ANHUI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYSchool: School of Mechanical EngineeringMajor: Mechanical Design Manufacture and AutomationClass: MDMA 13-2Date of Entrance: 11/09/2013Date of Graduation: 01/07/2017Identity Card No.:XXXXXXXXPhotoCourse Credit Category Score Course Credit Category Score 1st Semester of 2013-2014Situation and Policy III 0.0 PC 85 Mental Health Education of College Students 1.0 PC 90 Problem Solving Strategies of Calculus 2.0 PO 60 College English I 4.0 PC 91 Electrical and Electronic Training 3.5 Inter 91Student ID: XXX Name: XXX Grade: 2013 Length of Schooling: 4 years Level: Undergraduate Advanced Mathematics I -1 5.5 PC 94 Metalworking Practice I 2.0 Practice 88 Introduction of Computer Technology 2.5 PC 91 Electrical Technology and Electrical Engineering 3.5 Practice 85 Military Theory 1.0 PC 92 Engineering Chemistry 2.0 MC 91 Basketball 2.0 PC 86 Theoretical Mechanics II 4.0 MC 89 Moral Education and Basics of Law 3.0 PC 79 2nd Semester of 2014-2015Situation and Policy I 0.0 PC 90 College English IV 4.0 PC 80Credits (MC) Major Compulsoiy: 34 (MO) Major Optional: 27.5 (PO) Public Optional: 27.5 (Core) Major core course: 13.5 (PC) Public Compulsory: 76.5 (Practice) Practice course: 36 (Inter) Interdisciplinary optional: 6 Outline of Modern Chinese History 2.0 PC 91 An Introduction to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics II 3.0 PC 95 Descriptive Geometry and Mechanical Graphing I 4.0 MC 92 Situation and Policy IV 0.() PC 89 2nd Semester of 2013-2014Program Design of Multimedia Interactive Art 2.0 PO 83 The C Programming Language 3.5 PC 87 The Life of Law 1.0 PO 98 Career Planning 1.0 PC 90 Auto CAD 1.5 MO 89 College Physics I 4.0 PC 82 Curriculum Design of Principle of Mechanics 2.0 Practice 92 Experiment of College Physics I 1.5 PC 80 Mechanics of Materials II 4.5 MC 83 College English II 4.0 PC 83 Principle of Mechanics 3.5 MC 94 Advanced Mathematics I -2 6.0 PC 100 Numerical Methods 2.0 MC 94 Basketball 2.0 PC 89 I s* Semester of 2015-2016Basic Principles of Marxism 3.0 PC 82 Tennis 2.0 PC 84Seal of School of MechanicalEngineering31/01/2018 Situation and Policy 11 0.0 PC 76 Situation and Policy V 0.() PC 88 Practice of Engineering Drawing 1.() Practice 94 European Integration 1.() PO 99.76 Descriptive Geometry and Mechanical Graphing II 2.5 MC 95 Appreciation and Design of Ancient Chinese Architecture 1.() PO 100 l s, Semester of 2014-2015An Introduction to Coal Mining 1.5 MO 81 College Physics II-l 3.0 PC 96 Mechanical Digital Design Technology 2.0 MO 82Seal of Office of Academic Affairs31/01/2018 Experiment of College Physics II 1.5 PC 73 Fluid Mechanics I 2.5 MO 91 College English III 4.0 PC 81 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmission III 2.0 MO 91 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3.0 PC 85 Application of Creativity 1.5 MO 84 An Introduction to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics I 3.0 PC 87 Comprehensive Experiment of Mechanical Basis 1.0 Practice 80 Linear Algebra 2.0 PC 94 Curriculum Design of Mechanical Designing 3.() Practice 85UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC RECORD OF ANHUI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Date of Graduation: 01/07/2017Identity Card No.: XXXXXXXXXPhotoCourse Credit Category Score Course Credit Category Score Fundamental Theory of Material Molding 2.0 Core 78 Mining Machinery I 2.5MO 88 Engineering Materials I 2.5 MC 90 Mold Design 2.0 MO 84 Inlerchangeabilily and Technical Measurement 2.5 MC 81 Modern Integrated Manufacturing System 2.0 MO 66Student ID: XXX Name: XXX Grade: 2013 Length of Schooling: 4 years Level: Undergraduate Mechanical Designing 3.5 MC 78 Hydraulic Transmission System 2.0 MO 82 2nd Semester of 2015-2016Mechanical Designing of Professional Course 4.0 MO 86 Employment Guidance 1.0 PC 87Basketball 2.0 PC 81Situation and Policy VI 2.0 PC 87 2nd Semester of 2016-2017Contemporary Chinese Govcrnnicnt and Politics 1.() PO 99 Graduation Project 14.0 85Credits (MC) Major Compulsory: 34 (MO) Major Optional: 27.5 (PO) Public Optional: 27.5 (Core) Major core course: 13.5 (PC) Public Compulsory: 76.5 (Practice) Practice course: 36(Inter) Interdisciplinary optional: 6 Classical Tang Poems and Chinese Cultural Tradition 1.0 PO 99 Graduation Practice 2.0 90 Fine Relics and Chinese Civilization 1.0 PO 99Measurement Technology 2.5 Inter 92Introduction to Control Engineering II 2.0 MO 87Production Practice 3.0 Practice 92Technology of Mechanical Manufacture 2.5 Core 94Automation of Mechanical Manufacture Equipments 2.5 Core 83Cutting Principle and Tool Design 2.5 Core 95Numerical Control Technology II 2.0 Core 87Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2.0 Core 74Basis of Thermodynamics and Heat Transmission 2.5 MC 93Seal of School of MechanicalEngineering 31/01/2018I s* Semester of 2016-2017Logic and Critical Thinking 2.0 PO 98.6 Engineering Mathematics Software (MATLAB) 1.5 MO 91 Professional English tor Mechanical Engineering 1.5 MO 95 Precision and Special Processing 1.5 MO 86Seal of Office of Academic Affairs31/01/2018 Scientific and Technological Literature Retrieval 1.5 MO 80Title of Graduation Project (Thesis): Design of New Multifunctional Sickbed Grade of Graduation Project (Thesis): 85 Credit Requirement of the ProgramGPA: 3.74Average Score: 87.39Transfer Information:School: School of Mechanical EngineeringMajor: Mechanical Design Manufacture and Automation Class: MDMA 13-2Date of Entrance: 11 /09/2013。



ZHOUKOU NORMAL UNIVERSITYStudent Academic Transcript of RecordsName: XXXXXX Gender: Male Student No.: XXXXXXXXXXX Admission Date: September 2010 Department :College of Life Sciences and Agronomy Major: Biological Engineering Education System:4 years Course Type Credit Score Piont Course Type Credit Score Piont2010 Fall (average scores:82.55) College English Ⅳ C 4.0 85.00 12.00 Cultivation of Thought &Morality & Legal Basis C 3.0 77.00 6.00 Contemporary Film and Television Review PE 2.0 85.00 6.00 College English I C 4.0 77.00 8.00 Engineering Drawing C 3.0 83.00 9.00 Physical Education I C 1.0 91.00 3.00 Microbiological Experiment C 1.0 93.00 3.00 Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry C 3.0 85.00 9.00 Principles of Chemical Engineering C 4.0 82.00 12.00 Inorganic Experiment C 1.0 87.00 3.00 Principle of Microorganism C 3.0 83.00 9.00 General Biology C 3.0 74.00 6.00 Enzyme Engineering O 3.0 68.00 6.00 Linear Algebra C 2.0 77.00 4.00 Biostatistics O 3.0 70.00 6.00 General Biology Experiment C 1.0 92.00 1.00 2012 Fall (average scores:82.86)2011 Spring (average scores:87.63) Cell Biology C 3.0 89.00 9.00 College English Ⅱ C 4.0 79.00 8.00 Molecular Biology C 4.0 71.00 8.00 Computer Basis I Computer Practice C 1.0 91.00 3.00 Cell Biology Experiments C 1.0 91.00 3.00 Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History C 2.0 89.00 6.00 Bioengineering Analysis and Testing O 3.0 70.00 6.00 Physical EducationⅡ C 1.0 93.00 3.00 Bio-pharmaceutical Technology O 2.0 85.00 6.00 Inorganic Chemistry C 4.0 80.00 12.00 Biological Engineering and Factory Design O 3.0 95.00 9.00 General Biology C 3.0 83.00 9.00 Genetic Engineering O 2.0 79.00 4.00 Advanced MathematicsⅡ C 2.5 89.00 7.50 2013 Spring (average scores:84.29)Organic Chemistry Experiment C 0.5 97.00 1.50 Diploma Project (Biological Engineering) C 2.69 2011 Fall (average scores:82.32) Downstream Biotechnology C 4.0 83 12.00 Computer ⅢComputer Practice C 3.0 60.00 6.00 Biological Technique O 3.0 81 9.00 MAO Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of SocialismC 6.0 89.00 18.00 Downstream Biotechnology Experiment C 1.0 85 3.00 with Chinese CharacteristicsCollege English Ⅲ(Listening) C 2.0 72.00 4.00 Zymurgy O 3.0 85 9.00 Physical EducationⅢPE 1.0 96.00 3.00 Bioengineering Equipment O 3.0 81 9.00 Dance Appreciating PE 2.0 80.00 6.00 Fermentation Engineering Experiment O 1.0 88 3.00 Physical Education (Wushu Majors) O 1.0 96.00 3.00 Bioinformatics O 2.0 87 6.00 College Physics C 4.0 85.00 12.00 Integrated Biochemical Experiments PE 1.0 92 3.00 Advanced Mathematics O 2.0 74.00 4.00Biochemistry C 7.0 81.00 21.00 Note:Biochemistry Experiment C 2.0 86.00 6.00 C=compulsory coursePsychological Physiology and Health of College Students O 2.0 97.00 6.00 O=optional course2012 Spring (average scores:80.57) PE=public elective courseRemarks: Full score for examination is 100.Checked by Department (Seal) Checked by Official Seal of Academic Affairs Office (Seal)`````Print Date 2014/02/24 `````。


Term 1 of ****-****
Indoor Environment and Health
Term 2 of ****-****
Logistics System Simulation
Term 2 of ****-****
College P.E. (IV)
Term 3 of ****-****
Practice of Logistics Management Basis
Term 2 of ****-****
Management Information System
Term 1 of ****-****
Career Guidance for College Students
Term 1 of ****-****
Transportation Practice
Term 1 of ****-****
College P.E. (III)
Term 2 of ****-****
Operation Management
Term 1 of ****-****
International Finance
Term 2 of ****-****
Term 1 of ****-****
International Logistics
Term 2 of ****-****



Oral English 英语口语
English Pronunciation & Intonation for
Communication 英语语音
English Extensive Reading 英语阅读
English Listening 英语视听
必修RC 4
必修RC English Grammer 英语语法
学分 成绩 类别 学分 成绩 类别 Credit Score Type Credit Score Type
必修RC 2
Advanced English 高级英语
必修RC 4
Theories and Practice in Translation (
Written Translation )翻译理论与实践
必修RE English Testing in Practice 英语测试实践
实践Pra Sports Dance 体育舞蹈
实践Pra Visual Art Appreciation 视听艺术欣赏
公选PE 公选PE
3 2 1 1.5
必修RE 选修Ele 公选PE 公选PE
第 1 页,共 2 页
姓名 Name 学 院 School
张学梓 Zhang Xuezi 外国语学院 School of Foreign Studies
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