Raphael 中文参考文档



• The topic of love and the art of rhetoric
• Three speeches:
Lysias' speech First speech of Socrates Second speech of Socrates (Madness; The soul; The madness of love; Discussion of rhetoric and writing)
• he helped others recognize on their own what is real, true, and good (Plato, Meno, Theaetetus)
• Socrates adamantly insisted he was not a teacher (Plato, Apology 33a-b) refused all his life to take money for what he did.
All our information about him is second-hand.
His mother was a midwife; His father was stonemason.
Three primary sources:
a comic playwright of ancient Athens Clouds
• 所谓理念的回忆,是指人的不朽灵魂,在见到尘世的美而回忆起上界里 真正的美。
• 诗人只有在被诗神凭附之后,摆脱了下界一切具体事物的干扰,不再模 仿的时候,他才能通过灵魂对上界的回忆直接把握住真善美,才能吟出 好诗。(Muses, poetry)
The Theory of Recollection


















The Aspern Papers《阿斯彭文稿》电影完整中英文对照剧本

The Aspern Papers《阿斯彭文稿》电影完整中英文对照剧本

当朱丽安娜·博尔德罗As Juliana Bordereau坐在我面前时sat there before me,我的心跳得就好像生命复苏一样快my heart beat as fast as if the miracle of resurrection就好像只为我而发生had taken place solely for my benefit.她的存在似乎包含了他的存在Her presence seemed somehow to contain his,初见她之时我就觉得我离他更近了and I felt nearer to him at that first moment of seeing her比我曾今到达的都近than I ever had before,也比自那以后到达的都近or ever have since.我有一种不可抗拒的欲望I felt an irresistible desire to hold in my own,想握住那只for a moment,杰弗里·阿斯彭曾经紧握过的手the hand that Jeffrey Aspern had pressed.维亚雷焦意大利1822人不能守护自己的神明One doesn't defend one's god.神明本身就是他的防御One's god is in himself a defence.如今杰弗里·阿斯彭Today Jeffrey Aspern在文学的殿堂里光芒四射shines high in the heaven of our literature全世界的人都能看到for all the world to see.他是我们前行道路上的明灯之一He is a part of the light by which we walk.他不仅是他的时代里最有才华的诗人之一He had been not only one of the most brilliant poets of his day, 更是最亲切的人之一but one of the most genial men也是最英俊的人之一and one of the handsomest.他的早逝是他一生中唯一的暗斑His early death had been the only dark spot in his life,除非博尔德罗女士手中的信unless the papers in Miss Bordereau's hands会事与愿违的揭示出其他暗斑should perversely bring out others.他被什么样的激情所损害By what passions had he been ravaged?她又遭受了什么痛苦By what sufferings had she been blanched?阿斯彭文稿我们的房子离中心很远Our house is very far from the centre,但这里的小运河是最美的but the little canal is comme il faut.真的非常好Very respectable.这是威尼斯最美的一角It's the sweetest corner of Venice.我想不出更有魅力的地方了I can imagine nothing more charming.你没有必要说话这么大声There's no need to raise your voice.我完全听得到I can hear you perfectly.请坐在那里Please do sit down over there.现在告诉我你具体想从我这问些什么Do tell me what you might expect from me.这个嘛Well...或许昨天那位热情接待我的女士Perhaps the young lady who so kindly received me yesterday 向您说了花园的事explained to you about the garden.你的花园给了我勇气Your garden gave me the courage促使我进行这次不同寻常拜访to take a step so unconventional.我希望能在这里找到住处I thought I might find lodgings here.爱德华·沙利文先生Mr Edward Sullivan.来这里见博尔德罗女士To see Miss Bordereau.抱歉Excuse me.那个花园The garden.是你的吗Is it yours?花园吗The garden?这里没有东西是我的Nothing here is mine.但这花园肯定是这房子的吧But surely the garden must belong to the house?是的但这栋房子并不属于我Yes, but the house doesn't belong to me.那你能告诉我应该去拜访谁吗Then would you tell me to whom I must address myself? 是这样的You know...我在找一个花园I'm looking for a garden.对于一个男人来说你可能觉得荒谬但It's absurd if you like, for a man, but...没有花我活不下去I can't live without flowers.那下面并没有什么花There are none to speak of down there.培育鲜花需要付出很多It costs too much to cultivate them.必须要有专人照料One has to have a man.那么为什么不能是我呢Why should I not be that man?你可以拥有威尼斯最好的花You shall have the finest flowers in Venice.可我甚至不认识你But I don't know you.我俩互相了解的程度差不多Oh, you know me as much as I know you.甚至你了解的更多你已经知道了我的名字That is to say much more, as you now know my name. 爱德华·沙利文既然你这么喜欢花园If you're so fond of gardens,为什么不找找肥沃的土地why don't you go to terra firma ,比我这里好得多的地方where there are so many far better than mine? 是因为这里的组合It's the combination.花园座落在海中央的这种感觉The idea of a garden in the middle of the sea. 可这并不在海中央It's not in the middle of the sea!我已经很多年It's many years都没有坐过贡多拉了since I have been in one of the gondolas.贡多拉威尼斯特色尖舟是这样的请您放心Well, let me assure you of the pleasure我真的会全力以赴为您服务的at which I would put mine at your service.你是英国人是不是You're English, are you not?如果是的话那我差不多算是乡下人了If you are, I'm almost a countryman.我们不是英国人We're not English.难道你们是美国人You don't mean to say you're an American?我不知道I don't know.曾经是吧Used to be.曾经吗Used to be?已经好多年了It's been so many years...我们现在什么都不是We're... nothing now.我不打算夺走你们任何东西I'm not going to take anything from you.我在写作I have some writing to do.我只希望可以有一段安静的时间I would like some quiet over a period,可能是整个冬天possibly all winter.同时我也需要清新的空气I also need a great deal of open air.我发现了这个如此I find a garden is really...让人无法忘怀的花园indispensable.对于你们来说什么都不会改变Nothing will change for you all...当然除了except, of course,那些花the flowers.对于我们吗For us all?我是说你们整个家庭I mean all your family...不管你们有多少人However many you are.就还有一个人There's only one other...她很老了She's very old.只有一个吗Only one other,在这么大的房子里in all this place?那你肯定有地方可以让我住Surely then you have space to spare.如果能让我租两三间房间If you could let me two, three rooms,那对我是极大的帮助it would greatly assist me.我做不了决定Er... I can't decide anything.你得见我的姨娘You must see my aunt.你说的那个热情接待你的女士The young lady who received you so kindly, as you say,是我的侄女is my niece.她的名字叫缇娜Her name is Tina.她过会进来但我想单独和你聊一会儿She will come in, but I wished to see you alone for a moment. 很高兴能够再次见到您侄女I'll be delighted to see your niece again.缇娜女士很有礼貌Miss Tina was so very courteous to me.她礼仪很好是我把她抚养大的She has very good manners. I bred her up myself. 我想她一定觉得我非常古怪I imagine she must have thought me very odd. 你有多古怪无关紧要It matters little how odd you are.我不关心你是谁I don't care who you are.名字在如今代表不了什么It signifies very little today.那我需要知道什么Am I to understand...?你什么都不用知道There's nothing to understand.认真听就好了Just listen... carefully.你想要You may have多少房间都行as many rooms as you like...前提是你付我足够的钱if you will pay me a great deal of money.我很乐意付钱I will pay with pleasure而且是预付and of course in advance你认为多少合适都可以whatever you think it proper to ask of me.好那就一个月一千法郎Well, then, a thousand francs a month.一千A thousand...我亲爱的女士你我的想想法一致My dear lady, your views perfectly fit my own.明天我就会Tomorrow I shall have the pleasure把三个月的租金交过来of putting three months' rent into your hand.三千Three thousand...三千法郎吗Three thousand francs?你是说法郎还是美元Oh, did you mean francs or dollars?你之前说的是法郎I think francs were what you said.那我觉得真的挺不错Oh... that seems to be very good to me.你知道什么你怎么知道What do you know? How do you know?你对这种事情一向不关心我的天You have always been ignorant of these matters, praise God. 这倒是真的That's quite true.关于钱我什么都不懂I know nothing about money.一点也不懂Nothing at all.我相信你肯定有自己所熟悉的领域You have your own branches of knowledge, I'm sure.其实她小的时候Well, she had a very good English education受到了很好的英语文学教育when she was young.但之后就没学过别的了But she's learned nothing since.那是因为我一直都陪在你身边That's because I've always been with you.至于这嘛But for that...你明天什么时候带钱来What time will you come tomorrow with the money?如果您方便的话我中午来If it suits you, I'll come at noon.可以的It suits me.那明天中午见带上钱I will see you at noon, with the money.我会准时的I'll be punctual.我可以就我们的协议与您握个手吗May I shake your hand on our contract?在我的年代可没有这个习惯I belong to a time when that was not the custom.那你呢女士And you, miss,你愿意和我握手吗will you shake my hand?你肯定能接受现在的习惯吧Surely you accept the custom of our day.你可以把钱兑成黄金带来吗Will you bring the money in gold?兑成黄金吗In gold?家里放这么多的黄金Aren't you a little afraid to keep您不会害怕吗such a sum in gold in the house?我连你都不怕我害怕什么Of whom should I be afraid if I'm not afraid of you?可以Quite.如果您愿意我会带黄金来I'll bring gold if you prefer.是的Yes.我既然问了就说明我愿意I prefer, since I asked.交谈让我疲惫希望你现在可以离开了This conversation has tired me. I want you to go now.奇怪的事情是The strange thing is我发现朱丽安娜·博尔德罗还活着I've discovered Juliana Bordereau is still alive.就好像我发现的是著名的汉密尔顿女士It's as if I've discovered the famous Lady Hamilton is.汉密尔顿夫人英国历史上著名交际花她属于已经快消亡的一代人And she belongs to a generation just as extinct.每个和阿斯彭同代的人都已经去世Every one of Aspern's contemporaries has passed.我得以望进或许阿斯彭也望过的I haven been able to look into a single pair of eyes那双眼睛里that his might have looked into.或是得以接触到他曾经触碰过的那只手Or transmitted contact from an aged hand that his has touched. 在我这么多年的研究中In all my years of research,我遇到过幽灵鬼魂I've encountered phantoms, ghosts,无穷无尽的回声echoes of echoes,当这个信息的来源when the one source of information徘徊进我们的时代时that has lingered on into our time却被我忽视了has been unheeded by me.你为什么不直接用钱去换Why don't you simply offer them a sum of money?这样就有可能直接得到她的信In that way you might obtain her letters还不用度过那么多寝食难安的夜晚without so many sleepless nights.她一定不会为了钱出卖这么宝贵的东西She would never accept money for anything so valuable. 世界已经认可了杰弗里·阿斯彭The world has recognised Jeffrey Aspern,而我对他最为敬仰and I've recognised him most.为了纪念他我所做的比任何人都多I've done more for his memory than anyone else,而我是通过照亮他的生活来做的and I've done it by shinning a light into his life.同时也照亮了你自己And into yours."巴比伦化为尘土以前"Ere Babylon was dust,取自雪莱诗集《解放了的普罗米修斯》琐罗亚斯德法师the Magus Zoroaster,我那死去的孩子my dead child,在园中散步之时见到自己的影像met his own image walking in the garden.那个幻影That apparition,普天之下sole of men,只他一人看见"he saw."是阿斯彭的诗吗One of Aspern's poems?当然是Of course.你太喜欢谜题了那是你的缺点You're too fond of mystery. That's your great fault.你得换一个名字But you'll have to change your name.朱莉安娜尽管可能生活在世俗之外Juliana lives out of the world as much as it's possible to live. 不过她可能听说过阿斯彭先生的编辑Nonetheless, she's probably heard of Mr Aspern's editors. 她可能知道你发表的作品She may know about what you've published,甚至可能读过may even have read it.我考虑过这点I've thought of that.欺骗是我唯一的选择Duplicity is my only course.首先我得接近她First I have to sit down with her,然后再着手于我真正要做的then tackle the main job.要不然就引诱那个侄女Or else seduce the niece.不迷人吗是灰色和粉色的Isn't it charming? It's grey and pink.它并没有过多的衰退It hasn't got an air so much of到令人灰心的感觉decay as of... quiet discouragement.的确要我说Quite, I'll say.尽管可以步行通过Even though you can pass on foot,却几乎没有人想到这样做scarcely anyone thinks of doing so.也许人们害怕姓博尔德罗的女士Perhaps the people are afraid of the Misses Bordereau.她们女巫的名声在外They have the reputation of witches.祝我好运吧Wish me luck.我的运气比我想象的好I've had better fortune than I hoped.告诉我你是如何说服她的Tell me, how did you manage to convince her?是钱说服了她Oh, it was the idea of the money that convinced her. 这是你唯一的论据吗That was your only argument?我还说我觉得她这笔买卖很划算And that I said that I thought she'd get a good deal. 还说我觉得你很富有That I thought you were rich.是什么给了你我很富有的印象And what put that idea into your head?我不知道也许是你说话的方式吧I don't know... The way that you talked.我的天Oh, dear.我得换个说话方式了I think I must talk differently.恐怕我的声音欺骗了你I'm afraid my voice has deceived you.你觉得付的钱太多了吗Do you think it's too much?那取决于我从中获取了多少快乐That depends on the amount of pleasure I get for it. 快乐Pleasure?这栋房子里就没有快乐可言There is no pleasure in this house.所以这就是你姨娘想让我住的房间So, this is where your aunt would like me to be?她说你的房间应该特别一些She said your rooms ought to be very distinct.相对独立明白吧Apart. You know?这样再好不过了That would certainly be best.我不知道这对你会不会有什么影响I don't know if it'll make any difference to you,但钱是给我用的but the money is for me.什么钱Money?你带过来的钱The money you are going to bring.你让我想在这住上三年You'll make me want to stay three years. 好吧那对我来说实在太好了Well, that would be very good for me. 她想让我能拥有点东西She wants me to have something.她害怕她就要死了She fears that she's going to die.我希望没那么快Not soon, I hope.为什么这么说Why do you say that?没那么快Not soon.就好像你在害怕什么It's as if you feared something.没有没有No, no, no, no.我希望她没病得很严重I hope she's not seriously ill.为她着想For her sake.也是为了你着想And for yours.不No.她只是非常累仅此而已She's just very tired. That's all.她对任何事都感到厌倦She's tired of everything.用她的话来说她已经活了太多年了She's lived so many years, she said她觉得试试死亡也是种变化she'd like to try dying for a change.她的朋友们很久之前就都去世了All her friends died long ago要么他们都应该活下来and either they ought to have remained 要么她应该跟他们一起走了or she ought to have gone with them. 这是她的原话That's what she says.但是人们不会因为想死But people don't die就死了对吗when they want, do they?我猜我待在这的这段时间里I guess she won't have much to say她应该没什么想和我聊的to me while I'm here.没有No.没什么好说的我们生活得如此宁静There's nothing to tell. We live such a quiet life.我都不知道时间是怎么一天天流逝的I don't know how the days pass, I...你是个值得信任的人You're very trusting.-值得信任-对- Trusting? - Mm-hm.我想是吧我是一个值得信赖的人I... I suppose that I am a trusting person.我的房间一被安排好As soon as my rooms had been arranged,我就开始探索这个地方I surveyed the place,寻找机会looking for my opportunity.然而你可以穿过一个缺口Yet you can push through a breach但你不能推倒一面已经堵死了的墙but you can't batter down a dead wall.她们就像两个已然被捕的猎物They were like two hunted creatures佯装死亡feigning death.我决定尽可能多得待在花园里I made a point of spending as much time as possible in the garden 为了证明我之前所描述的to justify the picture I had originally我对园艺热爱given of my horticultural passion.我不仅是在花时间还在花费一大笔钱And I not only spent time, but considerable money.我们有很多工作要做跟我来We got a lot of work to do. Come with me.我得保持始终如一I had to be consistent.我要信守承诺让鲜花淹没整个房子Keep my promise that I would smother the house with flowers. 我用我的方式构筑整个工程I had formed this project用鲜花来打通我的路that by flowers I would make my way.我习惯于观察I used to watch,久到我觉得还算合适as long as I thought decent,通往博尔德罗女士的那部分房子的这扇门the door that led to Miss Bordereau's part of the house.看到我的人可能会想A person observing me might have thought我是想在她的房门上施咒语I was trying to cast a spell on her door或是在进行一些奇怪的催眠实验or was attempting some odd experiment in hypnotism.但我不满足于只瞥见她的一点点踪迹But I was not rewarded with a glimpse of the tail of her dress. 就好像她从来没从她的房间一窥外面的世界It was as if she had never peeped out of her apartment.过得了这么单调的未来What store of passionate memories朱莉安娜会有多少激情的回忆had Juliana laid away for the monotonous future?"除了你这个秘密无人知晓"A secret known to none but thee"只有你才知道"and no one else of living things..."她是一名艺术家She was the daughter画家雕刻家的女儿of an artist, a painter, a sculptor于世纪之初离开了美国who had left America when the century was fresh.她一到欧洲Upon her arrival in Europe,身边就围绕着诗人和作家she surrounded herself with poets and writers.这意味着There was an implication她拥有大胆和迷人的特质that she'd had an adventurous and fascinating character.你来了我很高兴I'm so glad you've come!你说得好像你在森林里迷路了一样You speak as if you were lost in the woods.当你离这个迷人的地方只有三英尺的时候How you manage to stay out of this charming place你怎么能忍住不走入其中的when you have only three feet to get into it...还有很多我没发现的It's more than I've been able to discover.告诉我Tell me.你们是怎样做到不出去呼呼新鲜空气How do you manage without air,不出去走走without movement,不和外界有任何联系的呢without any sort of contact from outside?我们睡觉特别早We go to bed very early.比你想象的还早Well... earlier than you'd imagine.你知道吗Do you know...我从来没在这个时间来过这I've never been out here at this time of day.从来没有Never?没来过这样芬芳In this fragrant place,百花繁盛在你鼻尖的地方吗blooming right here under your nose?这里之前没这么漂亮It was never nice till now.其实You know,我必须承认I must confess...我好奇你为什么从来没给我一点迹象I've wondered why you've never given me the slightest sign. 你从来没用任何方式You've never thanked me in any way谢过我为你送去的花for the flowers I've been sending up.我不知道那是给我的I didn't know they were for me.是给你们俩的They were for you both.不然为什么要做出改变呢Why should I make a difference?你为什么想要了解我们Why do you want to know us?这是你姨娘想问的问题Now, that question is your aunt's.不是你想问的It isn't yours.如果你可以容忍的话你是不会问的You wouldn't ask it if you weren't put up to it.她没让我问你这个问题She didn't tell me to ask you it.那么Well...你姨娘觉得像我们这样does your aunt see anything wrong with住在同一屋檐下的两个聪明人the idea of two intelligent people,偶尔交换一下意见聊聊天living under the same roof as we do,有什么问题吗occasionally exchanging a remark?知道吗我们有些相同的喜好You know, we share some of the same tastes.像你一样我也很喜欢威尼斯Like you, I am intensely fond of Venice.我一点也不喜欢威尼斯Oh, I'm not in the least bit fond of Venice.我想离这里远远的I should like to go far away from it.你不喜欢威尼斯吗You don't like Venice?你都没过去过圣马可广场And you wish to go far away from it你却想远离这里when you won't even go to Piazza San Marco?你姨娘老是控制着你吗Has your aunt always held you back so?不今天是她让我出来走走的No. She's the one that told me to come out today.是我自己没想出来It was I that didn't want to come.我不想把她抛下I didn't want to leave her.她不舒服吗Is she unwell?她最近就没怎么舒服过She hasn't been very well recently.有时她一动都不动我都害怕她死了Sometimes she's so motionless that I fear she's dead. 但是她还是坚持每天早上起床But she insists on getting up every morning.坚持着原来的习惯She clings to her old habits好像这样就能让她稳定下来as if it would keep her steady.她决定坐在客厅She makes a point of sitting in the parlour就好像她在等客人as if she was expecting a visitor.-那么她原来经常接待客人是吗-是的- She used to receive visitors, then? - Oh, yes.我们刚到威尼斯时生活过得非常丰富When we first came to Venice we had a brilliant life. 我们参观了每一个宫殿教堂画廊We visited all the palazzi, the churches, the galleries... -你都认识谁-很多人- Who did you know? - Oh, so many.还有很友善的And nice ones. Um...布碧斯骑士和艾特米拉伯爵The Cavaliere Bombicci and the Contessa Altemura. 我们关系都很好We had a very great friendship with her.奇尔顿一家戈尔迪一家还有斯托克斯夫人The Chiltons, the Goldies... Oh, and Mrs Stokes.我很喜欢她Oh, I loved her so much.她已经去世了She's gone now,就像圈子里的大部分人一样as are most people from that circle.现在有点晚了Mm... it's getting late now.你一定要走吗You really have to go?对我必须得走了Yes. I must.我什么时候还能再见你When shall I see you again?我想明天晚上出来走走但是I would like to come out tomorrow night but...但我已经很久都没有随心所欲了Well, I'm so far from doing what I'd like.你做的事可能我会喜欢You might do something I like.我不相信你I don't believe you.为什么为什么不相信我Why? Why don't you believe me?我不知道我I don't know, I...我想是因为我不懂你I suppose it's because I don't understand you.那正是你需要有信心的时候That is just the sort of occasion to have faith.要对我有信心Have faith in me.母亲Mother.你来得正是时候You've arrived just in time来见见我认识的最神秘的男人莫顿·文特先生to meet the most mysterious man I know, Mr Morton Vint. 早上好女士们Good morning, ladies.瓦伦蒂娜你看起来真漂亮而且艾米丽Valentina, you look lovely, and Emily,你看起来就像一朵盛放的花you look like a flower in bloom.我能告诉母亲吗May I tell it to Mother?别介意文特先生Well, don't mind Mr Vint.保守秘密他最在行He's well practised in keeping secrets.-艾米丽就要结婚了-怎么可能- Emily is to be married. - How can this be?上次我见你的时候The last time I saw you,你还和修女待在一起you were with the nuns.我常常在想修女们是不是该I often wonder if the nuns shouldn't多留她几年have kept her a few years more.是谁把你And who might this man be从修道院的枷锁中解救出来的呢that has broken you from the shackles of the convent?是富勒顿大人It's Lord Fullerton.我母亲帮我挑选的Mother chose him for me.像是你母亲的主意It's just like your mother to have such ideas.-伊丽莎白-阿德瑞娜- Elizabeth. - Adriana.-你看起来真漂亮-谢谢- You look stunning. - Oh, thank you.你们两个一定有很多小秘密要聊You two must have many more secrets to exchange.而且莫顿也有些事想要跟我说And Morton has some things he'd like to share with me 我感觉他要等得不耐烦了and I can see he's getting quite impatient to do so.他现在寄宿在博尔德罗女士那里He's lodging with the Misses Bordereau.我好多年都没听过这个名字了I haven't heard that name for years.她侄女怎么样你喜欢她吗How is the niece? How do you like her?莫顿说说Morton, do tell.关于亲爱的缇娜女士你有什么消息吗What news, if any, of your dear Miss Tina?他对那些手稿的兴趣变得越来越固执了His interest in some papers has become quite a fixed idea. 他们拥有的手稿到底有什么价值What papers of value could they possibly have?那正是我想要了解的That is what I'm trying to find out.我是说她们两简直生活在不同的年代I mean, these two are from another age.是的她们的习惯和我们确实不同Yes, their manner has very little to do with ours.所以你对她有进一步的了解吗So, what more have you learned from her?我发现她对事件发生的时间和顺序I've learned that her mind is essentially vague about...是模糊不清的dates and the order in which events occurred.她的故事根本就连不到一起去Her story doesn't quite hang together.我甚至问我自己I've even asked myself她是不是在挖坑等我跳if she's trying to lay a trap for me.你是说为了让你露出马脚吗To make you show your hand, you mean?对Mm-hm.我想也许她对这些I mean, perhaps she doesn't even know手稿的存在一无所知of the existence of these... papers.我给她写过信I wrote to her.你可没跟我说过这事You never told me that.我到达前六个月的时候Six months before I arrived.她回信了吗Did she answer?回了Yes.回了第二封To the second letter.只有六行字She answered in six lines.她说了什么And what did she say?博尔德罗女士说她连一页阿斯彭先生的手稿都没有Miss Bordereau requested that she had none of Mr Aspern's papers. 而且就算她有她也不会And even if she did, she would not在任何场合think of showing them to anybody展示给其他人看on any account whatsoever.可能经过了那些事Maybe after all this她们没留下他的任何东西they don't have any of his things.如果她们直接否定的话你怎么能确定有If they so flatly deny it, how can you be sure?我很确定她有I am sure.有什么证据吗On what evidence?她叫他阿斯彭先生Her calling him "Mr Aspern".我看不出来这能证明什么I don't see what that proves.这证明他们的熟悉程度It proves familiarity,而熟悉就暗示着她会拥有一些纪念品and familiarity implies possession of mementos. 你不会说"拜伦先生"You don't say "Mr Byron"或"莎士比亚先生" 对吧or "Mr Shakespeare", do you?我会吗Would I, any more,如果我有一盒子他写的情书的话if I had a box full of his love letters?会的如果你是他的情人Yes, if you had been his lover并且有人想要得到这些信and someone wanted them.我脑海中的想法是It was part of my idea这里另有一段恋爱关系that there had been another love affair,被不幸打破broken by some tragic rupture.我还以为你不来了I thought you wouldn't come.我是想告诉你I wanted to tell you that...我应该更喜欢花一些I shall like the flowers better因为我认识到它们也是送给我的now that I know they're also for me.你怎么会有怀疑呢How could you have doubted it?需要我送给双倍的花来向你证明吗Shall I send up a double lot of them to prove it to you? 不用麻烦了有这份心就够了Don't go to the trouble, the idea's enough.你晚上也会做研究吗Do you study at night?当你回到房间你会读书和写作吗When you go up to your room, do you read and write? 晚上不灯光会把虫子引进来Not at night. The lamplight brings in the insects.那冬天的晚上你会吗But... in winter do you work at night?我会Yes, I do.我会读很多书但通常不写I read a great deal but I usually don't write.在临睡前我经常读大家的作品Before I go to sleep, I usually read some great poet.十之有九的作者会是Nine out of ten times it's a volume by...杰弗里·阿斯彭Jeffrey Aspern.是吗Oh...我们也读他的书We read him.我们读过他的作品We have read him.他是我最喜欢的诗人He is my poet of poets.我对他最熟悉不过了I know him almost by heart.熟悉这不算什么By heart, oh, that's nothing.我姨娘曾经认识他My aunt used to know him.是拜访者吗As a visitor?。



RapunzelHello boys, girls and teachers. I am Aileen from class E grade there. Today I will tell you an interesting fairy tale. The name is <Rapunzel>.“We wish we had a baby.” A man and his wife pray every day. At last they have a baby. Next to their house, there’s a witch’s garden. She grows lettuce there.The wife wishes: “I really want to eat some lettuce.”“What’s wrong with you?”the man asks. “I want to eat that lettuce Please bring me some,” his wife says. The man jumps into the witch’s garden and brings some lettuce. “This is really good. Will you bring me more?” And he did. “Who stole my lettuce?” the witch yells. “Please forgive me! My wife has a baby. She wished for your lettuce,”he begs. “Ok! But promise me, first. When the baby is born, you must give it to me,” the witch says. “Yes,” the man says. A baby girl is born. “How pretty she is!” They look very happy. Suddenly the witch comes. “I will take your baby! Her name is Rapunzel!”“ Oh, no! Please don’t take her,” they cry.Rapunzel grows to be a pretty girl. One day the witch looks her in a tower. The tower has no doors and no stairs. There is only a tiny window in the tower. When the witch wants to see Rapunzel, the witch calls out; “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” Then the witch climbs up the hair to her.She likes to sing a song. A prince hears her beautiful song. One day the prince sees the witch. He also hears the witch’s spell. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!”He climbs up the hair to her. Soon they fall in love. The prince goes to see Rapunzel every day.One day Rapunzel makes a mistake. “You are heavier than the prince.”“What? The prince?” She cuts Rapunzel’s hair short, and she sends her to the desert. That night the prince comes to see Rapunzel. The witch lets down Rapunzel’s hair. He climbs up. “Rapunzel is not here! You will never see her again!” The witch pushes him out.The prince falls on a bush. It pokes his eyes. He becomes blind. He begins to wander everywhere. One day, the prince hears a beautiful song. He follows the song. Rapunzel is where the song ends. Rapunzel cries. Her tears get into the prince’s eyes. And he can see again. “OH, Rapunzel! It’s you!” They go to the prince’s castle. They live there happily.I hope you could love this story. Thank you!。



对外经济贸易大学远程教育毕业论文毕业论文/设计题目:学号姓名学院远程教育学院指导教师(暂不填写)专业论文成绩完成时间:年月日University of International Business and EconomicsGraduation Thesis / DesignTitleDepartment / School Distance EducationSpecialty(choose one)International Trade / Finance / Law Author of Thesis/DesignStudent ID No.Thesis Advisor(暂不填写)Grade200209Date论文示例一、目录目1一、XXXXXXX …………………………………………………………………2(一)XXXXXXX (3)(二)XXXXXXX (5)(三)XXXXXXX (7)二、XXXXXXX (8)………………………………………………………………………………………………六、XXXXXXX (20)结论 (21)参考文献 (23)附录一 (27)附录二 (28)二、摘要摘游憩如何依据游客的消费行为,进而拟定适当的营销策略,已成为温泉游憩经营管理之重要课题。




本研三、正文版面论文本宽度A4宽度21cm四、正文“东南亚国家联盟”(The Assoication of South-East①《东南亚与东亚》,肖德华等撰,载新浪网,网址:/35.html。

Raphael WIKI百科翻译

Raphael WIKI百科翻译

Raphael (2012 TV series)"拉斐尔自傲于全队。

"—主题曲中对他的性格的介绍Raphael或者Raph 是忍者神龟中的一个肌肉发达却头脑发热的家伙。


他也有柔性的一面,但仅仅是对他的宠物龟spike (虽然,有时他也会这样对待他的兄弟们和splinter老师)。


2012版中的配音为:Sean Astin个性遇事总是按照他自己所想的去做,拉斐尔是全队的骨干(力量型)。

他是一个常挖苦,坚韧的(粗鲁的),有时又很卑微的人;但当他照顾宠物龟spike 时,又表现出已知的柔性的一面。

这也表明他很爱自己的兄弟们, 当然,有时他也会教训一下他们(主要是米开朗基罗Mikey,他是队中年龄最小的)。




在此期间,他们与蛇草(Snakeweed)进行了一场战斗,结果Mikey 因此而受伤。


他告诉Splinter 他需要Leo,他还说“我不介意自己去冒生命危险,但我不希望自己的兄弟也如此。





(偶尔,当Dona提到April 时,Raph和Mikey会发出接吻的声音:-D)能力Raph是他的兄弟中最强大,最坚韧的, 能够更迅速,更容易的去对付更强大的对手。

Raphael中文参考文档 (整理新-by txp)

Raphael中文参考文档 (整理新-by txp)
optional 功能 回调函数。将在动画结束时调用。
动画 宾语 动画对象,请参阅Raphael.animation
Element.animateWith(...)⚓ ➭
Raphaël参考--by txp new create
Animation.delay(延迟) ⚓➭
延迟 数 动画开始和实际动画之间传递的ms数
Animation.repeat(重复)⚓ ➭
重复 数 数字迭代的动画。对于无限动画传递Infinity
Element.hide()⚓ ➭
使元素不可见。请参见Element.show。 返回:对象元素
Element.hover(f_in,F_OUT,[icontext],[ocontext])⚓ ➭
鳍 功能 悬停的处理程序
F_OUT 功能 处理程序悬停
键 串 存储数据的关键

optional 任何 存储的价值
返回:任何值 用法
vari =0, i < 5, i++) {
paper.circle( 10+15*i, 10, 10)



SceneⅠHappy lifeA:Dear,our baby is so cute.B:Absolutely,it’s our baby.You’re so beautiful.A:And you’re so handsome.AB:So she is.B:She has big eyes like yours.A:And she has a small mouth like yours.Look!There’re two small dimples,when she’s smiling.How lovely!B:She’s born to be the most beautiful and intelligent princess in the world!A:So we must give her the best education.B:I have already planned for her.Let’s have a look.Age 1 Learn to walk.2 Learn to speak3 Learn to write4 Learn to sing5 Learn to recite those beautiful poems6Learnhistory,mathmatics,biology,geography,physics,chemistory,culture,all departments of human.7 Learn violin8 Learn piano9 Learn dancing including ballet,jazz,latin dance and so on10 Learn singing including pop belcanto national one and so on.11 Learn drawing including watercolour,sketching,oil painting and so on.12 Learn cooking Chinese food,western food,of curse,Janpanese food and Korean food.13 Learn embroider14 Learn to design and make clothes15 Learn to dress up and make up16 Learn to communicate and get along with the gentlefolks17 Learn to select the most handsome,intelligent,humorous kindhearted,brave,good-mannered to date hers.18 Hold the grandest wedding ceremony for themAB:How a perfect and great life plan!A:Only parents like us can think of it.B:You must be the happiest one in the world.Scene II The witch cameHowever,their happy life didn’t last for long.Oneday when the little girl was wandering outside,she accidentally went into the witch’s park and was deeply fancinated by the beauty of the garden.And she couldn’t resist the seduce of the delicious fruits.Suddenlily the witchappeared.W:Oh,my baby,who are you?A:Er…I’m your neighbour.W:Oh,I know.What are you doing here?A:Er…sorry.W:Oh,relax,don’t be afraid.I like kids very much.Do you want some peach,pears,or apples?A:Er…yes,I want some applesW:OK,I can give you some apples but you have to live here with me.You know I’m quite lonely here.A:No,no.I want to stay with my parents.I don’t want to stay with you.W:Since you’ve come,I won’t let you go.Stay here and accmpany me.W:Hahaha.Noone can beat me and everyone must obey to me,including you(use her magicstick)It’s later and the parents found the little girl still didn’t come back.They looked for her eveywhere but failed.They felt heartbroken and left their home to another distent village.The witch treated the girl badly.Oneday the girl failed to finish the work and the witch came to punish her.W:where’s my clothes?A:Sorry,I didn’t finish it.It’s very difficult to sew.W:What?You didn’t finish it?I need to wear it today.You dare to betray me?A:No,no,I daren’t.I’ll finish the clothes as quickily as possible.W:I provide you with food,water,and place to stay.You are supposed to be loyal to me.If you fail to finish your work again,I’ll kill you.A:Please,please,please forgive me.I’ll do every work you give me.SceneIII Encounter and favourable turnThe couple removed from one place to another, hoping to find their daughter . before long, they were reduced to beggers. However, they still make every effort to look for the girl , in the hope of getting together.One day, when they were walking around in the street, they encountered a young man—a prince of vikency. He listened to their accounts carefully and was deeply touched by their sufferings.C: I am sorry I am terribly sorryP: that is ok . why are you so brisk, Mr and Mrs(Couple cried, wipping their tears):C15 years ago, we lost our cute and lovely daughter . that is the bolt out of the sky for us. Form then on, we had never stopped inquiring of her information.P:I’m sorry to heat that. By the way, you have not found her, right?C:unluckly yes. Young man, we realize that you are a kind and helpful person form your warm-hearted eyes. Could you help us to get our gaughter back?P:since you are in great need of help, I’m ready to give my hand to you two.This is the adress and telephone number of my castle. You can go and stay for my return with you daughterC: thany you, young lord. My god bless you and load you to my daughter.Then the young prince left and road a horse called black beauty, heading for the couple’s hometownScen eIV Conspiracy and WeddingThe Pince went to the town as planned.When he passed by an old castle,he heared melodious songs from the casstle.Girl singingPrince continuedThe girl heard the Prince’s voice,she went to the window,looking around.P:Oh,my god,what a gorgeous girl you are.G:Thank you for your compliment.who are you,gentlemen?P:I’m a prince of Vikensy.In the course of my journey,I came across an old couple.They lost their daughter Apple 15 years ago,I’m looking for her.Girl(surprisingly):What? I’m……I’m the girl you are looking for?P:Really? What a coincidence!Just stay there,I’ll come and get you out of there.The prince climbed up the castle with a rope.G:Oh,my dear prince,you can’t save me because I was cursed by the witch.I can’t go out.(crying)P:What can I do?What can I do?G:I have no idea.P:Listen,my beauty.I’ll come and stay with you everyday.Just remenber you are not alone.From then on,the Prince came everyday.The old witch knew everything.She was jealious of the girl.And she thinked of sth.The next day the witch used her magic to chang herself to the girl and the girl to an old ugly woman.Soon the Prince came and knew nothing about it.P:My girl,this is for you.May you be beautiful and happy everyday.W:Thank you,honey.An angel came here last night,she said the love between us moved god and he relieved the curse for me.P:That’s great.We can leave here now.So they left castle,leaving the real girl there.She cried and sang songs everyday.Girl singsSceneV Final victoryIn the course of escaping,the prince realized that the girl changed somewhat.P:We are free now.Nobody can separate us any longer.How happy we are!W;Yes,we can travel around the world,just you and me.We’ll be together foever.P:At that time,I was deeply moved by your melodious songs.Could you sing that song when we first met?W:Er,er,I’ve forgotten,sorry,but I can sing another …P:Forgotten?How could you do that? Are you the one?Who ‘d share this life with meAre you the one?Who s love is like a flower that needs rainTo wash away the feeling of pain.Don’t you remember?You are not my girl.Who are you?where’smy girl?W:(laugh)Oh,my dear,I love you so much that I don’t want to lose you.But now,It’s yourself who chang my idea.(fighting)Prince escaped and returned to the town to find the girl.She came to the witch’s,finding an old woman.P:Who are you?Do you know the Applegirl?The girl was crying and smiling,looking at the Prince.P:It’s you.Oh,my god,what happened to you?A:The witch found out our plan.She envied me,so she changed me into this old woman.P:What could I do to help you?I believe there’s a way to break her magic.Tell me.I’ll do everything to save you.A:There’s a dragon here.He keeps the pill that can remove the curse.And it’s in his heart.I’m afraid you’ll be in danger if you fight with him.P:Don’t worry.I must try in order to save you.A:You are so brave!The Prince is fighting with the dragon.At last he won the battle and got the pill.P:My girl,you see.I got the pill.You’ll recover soon.A:(accept the pill and eat)I’m so grateful to you.The girl restored her charming appearance soon.They lead a happy life from then.。

M A R CH 2 0 0 8

M A R CH  2 0 0 8

External Market
Market and Analysis, Monitoring and FX currency purchase operations;

Internal and
External short-term issuance planning;
Source: Sound Practices in Government Debt Management, World Bank, 2004.
Ministry of Finance
Current Brazilian Institutional Structure
President Cabinet
External issuance
exchange and repurchase auctions;
Weekly and
External market
analysis and monitoring;
Execution and
Auctioprospecting ; elaboration- to be submitted and Yield Curve design; approved by the Committee; Bond´s Pricing.
New products
monthly reports, including Central Bank and National Treasury Report on Public Debt;
pricing of external operations (issuances and liability management);



龙源期刊网 解压作者:[美]杰米·卡特·卡伦来源:《爱你·健康读本》2016年第09期我向帕特里夏问起健身房的事,那儿为什么空荡荡的。



























作者简介:华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)(1789-1895),美国浪漫主义作家,也是一个纯文学作家,他的写作态度是"writing for pleasure and to produce pleasure"。

欧文的代表作有《见闻札记》(Sketch Book),这是第一部伟大的青少年读物,也是美国本土作家第一部成功的小说。

由于欧文对美国文学的伟大贡献,他获得了“美国文学之父"的光荣称号.这篇短篇小说,《瑞普·凡·温克尔》便是摘自《见闻札记》.Rip Van WinkleA Posthumous Writing of Diedrich KnickerbockerBy Washington Irving(T HE FOLLOWING tale was found among the papers of the late Diedrich Knickerbocker,an old gentleman of New York, who was very curious in the Dutch history of the province,and the manners of the descendants from its primitive settlers。

His historical researches, however, did not lie so much among books as among men; for the former are lamentably scanty on his favorite topics;whereas he found the old burghers,and still more their wives,rich in that legendary lore so invaluable to true history. Whenever,therefore,he happened upon a genuine Dutch family,snugly shut up in its low-roofed farmhouse, under a spreading sycamore,he looked upon it as a little clasped volume of black-letter, and studied it with the zeal of a bookworm。


















Raphael 中文参考文档

Raphael 中文参考文档
1, .5)”
2.4 Element.click(handler) ➭
为元素添加 click 事件的处理程序。
2.5 Element.clone() ➭
对象 给定的元素的一个克隆元素
2.6 Element.data(key, [value]) ➭
cursor 字符串光标的 CSS 类型
cx 数字圆或椭圆的圆心的 x 轴坐标
cy 数字圆或椭圆的圆心的 y 轴坐标
fill 字符串填充。颜色、渐变或图像
fill-opacity 数字填充不透明度
font 字符串文本特性
font-family 字符串字体
font-size 数字字体大小(像素)
拖拽结束事件和拖拽结束处理函数将在指定的环境内调用,或在包含以下元素的 环境内调用:
event 对象 DOM 事件对象
2.9 Element.getBBox(isWithoutTransform) ➭
如果你想得到变换之前的边界,使用 true。默认值为 false。
0%)”) rgba(•••, •••, •••, •••)——红色、绿色、蓝色通道值:(“rgba(200, 100, 0, .5)”)
rgba(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%)——和上面一样,但是用百分比:(“rgba(100%, 175%, 0%, 50%)”)



侣 .
1 !
用 平 的 文 作 水 中 民 苏 化 人 联
! ! I ! l
皿 厄 ` 二 谬 . 刀 `J . , 目
.. 1 诸
J ;l !
主 书 图 在 教 义 高 共 产 育 馆 在 中 论 提

3 〕苏 联 《 苏 共 党史 问 题 〔编 者 按

期刊 载 了
K 3
克鲁 普 斯 卡 娅 于
, ,
全省 除 平 扎 馆964
计 划的
流 动 图书
起 草人 是 谁
个 ( 平 均 每 乡1 4 个 )
34 9655册
全 部 图 书 馆 藏 书

修 养? 党 是 否 严 格 审 查
问题 在 于 如 何 宣 讲 员提 出 : 在开凿

专 家们 是 否 具 备 应 有 的 科 学
了他 们 的 计 划 ?

年 写 的 五 篇 文 稿 提 出 了 图 书馆 事 业 的 迫 切 问 题 文稿 系首 次 发 表
本 刊 拟 分 期 译载

文稿 一

的一封 信
. J 砚 , . “ . 右 ` , . 户 `J . 且 . 言 , . 闷 ; . ` 可 ,
. 讨 l护
1 1 1
! 1
代 一 下 肚 口 材卜 凡 欢 竹 廿 叮 只 桑 华 寸

读 者4 1 6 7 8 人
读 者统 计 得 不 全


, ,
目 前我们 也要 十 分注 意 这种 书 目

以 后 最好
设 立一 些 中型的 分类 推 荐 书 目
还应 当把 各种 手册

每类5 0 一1 0 0种 书
图 书馆 往 往 什 么 书 目 也 不 搞

读者 只 好

到 目 录 卡 片 箱 中 去 翻 寻 或 是 对 图 书 馆 员说 明 他 需 要 什 么 样 的 书 新 版 小 册 子 放 在 开 放 的 书架 上
而 且 要 与 许 多组 织
, .
要 比 以 往 需 要 的 多得 多

请提 供

图书馆 !

现在 需 — 要什 么样 的图书 馆呢
这是 时代 的 呼声
图书 的 构 成 应 该 与 过 去不

图 书 馆 应 该 具 有 更 多 更 多的 群 众 通 俗 读 物

因为 现 在 到 图 书

馆 去 的 读者都 是人 民 大 众 需要 各种参 考手 册 书
当如何 以 社 会 主 义 方 式

如今 却 在 寻 求 那 些 能 说 明 应

去 建设新 生活
如何 组

和 何按 照 新 方 式 工作 的 小 册 子
。 。 “
男女 老 少 都 和 饥 似 渴 地学 习
要 学习 就 要 有 书
现 在需要 图 书馆 的 数 量
ù凡 杯 一 下 胜 户 匕 口 刁 奋 赵 兑 众 l 寸
计 的人 拥 向 书 本
一 批 批 成 百 万 的人 在 学 识 宇



(完整word版)柏拉图hmyPlatoAbstract:This text will tell us some important things of Plato。

At first, we will know the background of Plato’s family, society。

Secondly,we will know animportant historic figure -—Socrates,who influences Plato very much.Plato told us the nature of love and privilege of power,and his thoughtswere described clearly in his work The Republic. Combine those, we will finda real Plato by ours eyes。

Key words:Birth family Socrates Love Philosopher / Kings The Republic Power1。

Birth and familyPlato is born in a prominent aristocratic Athenian family. His father and mother’s names are Aristo and Peritione respectively. His uncle Critias is a famous politician in Athens at that time. As the fourth children, his real name is Aristokle and “Plato” is just a nickname。

There have many views about his nickname。

2019-皮帕资料-推荐word版 (16页)

2019-皮帕资料-推荐word版 (16页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==皮帕资料篇一:Unit 23 Telephones高二下册Unit 23 Telephones电话Lesson 89 1 DialogueSTEVE:Hello.Can I speak to Pippa,please?史蒂夫:喂!请问皮帕在吗?VOICE:There's no Pippa here.This is 8686087。


STEVE:I'm sorry.I think I dialled the wrong number. 史蒂夫:对不起,我想是我拨错了电话号码。

BOB:Hello.鲍勃:喂!STEVE:Hello.Is that Bob?史蒂夫:喂,鲍勃吗?BOB:Yes,it is.鲍勃:是的,我是鲍勃。

STEVE:Hi,this is Steve. Is Pippa there?史蒂夫:嗨,我是史蒂夫,皮帕在吗?BOB:Yes,she is.Would you like a word with her? 鲍勃:是的,她在。


BOB:Hold on.I'll go and get her.鲍勃:别挂上。


STEVE:Pippa. I called to ask you if you'd like to come to a lecture on Thursday evening at the college.It's about the universe. The speaker's supposed to be excellent.史蒂夫:皮帕。



Pronunciation of the –ed ending
If the verb ends in the sound /t/ or /d/ we pronounce the ending /id/
POSITIVE I played You played He played We played You played They played
Did I play? Did you play? Did he play? Did we play? Did you play? Did they play?
the final consonant E.g. stop → stopped Except: verbs ending in -y,-w,-x E.g. snow → snowed, play → played, fix → fixed Verbs of two or more syllables ending in one vowel+ one
consonant also double the final consonant if the stress is on the last syllable. E.g. prefer → preferred Except: travel → travelled, canc精e品l 文→档 cancelled (UK English only)
The verb to be
POSITIVE I was You were He was We were You were They were
Was I? Were you? Was he? Were we? Were you? Were they?



咖啡 谢谢 卡布其诺 摩妮卡的热苹果酒 谢谢 瑞秋为何我的肉桂棒上 有橡皮擦? 这就是原因,对不起 钱德 泰小姐,你今天真漂亮 我能说这件衣服真好看吗? 当然 制片:陶德史帝芬 科先生希望你在下班后 能到他办公室去 如果他是为搞笑备忘录 不是我干的,真的… 导演:亚伦梅尔森 各位,钱德说他有天大好的消息 所以他来的时候我们就… 算了 但一定是好消息 到底怎么了… 今天和平常没什么两样 我在输人数字时 艾尔叫我到他办公室 说他要我当电脑处理的主管 真是太好了 恭喜... 所以我就辞职不干了 为什么? 为什么?因为这只是暂时的工作 钱德,你已在公司五年了 我知道,但接受升职 不就承认这就是我的目的 这那不是能赚更多钱? 我不在乎 我不想成为坐在办公室到午夜 担心”WEENUS”的人 WEENUS? ”我们估计净值使用系统” 这是电脑处理的术语 那个啊 你有何打算? 我也不知道该怎么办 我只知道我不会再待在那儿工作了 我有一份你可以做的工作 我的新按摩客户史蒂芬 他开了一家餐厅
Chandler: Weekly Estimated Net Usage Systems. A processing term. Rachel: (sarcastic) Oh. That WENUS. Joey: So what're you going to do? Chandler: I don't know. That's the thing. I don't know what I want to do. I just know I'm not going to figure it out working there. Phoebe: Oooh! I have something you can do! I have this new massage client... Steve? (pause) Anyway, he's opening up a restaurant and he's looking for a head chef. Monica: (taps Phoebe on her shoulder) Um... hi there. Phoebe: Hi! (turns back to Chandler, then to Monica) Oh, yeah, no, I know. You're a chef. I know, and I thought of you first, but um, Chandler's the one who needs a job right now, so.... Chandler: Yeah... I just don't have that much cheffing experience. Unless it's an all-toast restaurant. Phoebe: (to Monica's tapping) Yeah, yeah! Monica: Well, what kind of food is he looking for? Phoebe: Well, he wants to do some ecclectic, so he's looking for someone பைடு நூலகம்ho can, you know, create the entire menu. Monica: (excited) Oh my God! Phoebe: Yeah, I know! (turns to Chandler) So, what do you think? Chandler: Thanks, Phoebe. But I just don't really see myself in a big white hat. Phoebe: OK. (pause) Oh Monica! Guess what! [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler walks in, wearing a suit.] Chandler: Can you see my nipples through this shirt? Rachel: No. But don't worry, I'm sure they're still there. Phoebe: Where are you going, Mr. Suity-Man? Chandler: Well, I have an appointment to see Dr. Robert Pillman, career counselor a-gogo. (pause) I added the "a-gogo." Rachel: Career counselor? Chandler: Hey, you guys all know what you want to do. Rachel: I don't! Chandler: Hey, you guys in the living room all know what you want to do. You know, you have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream. Ross: Ah, the lesser-known "I don't have a dream" speech. (Monica enters, excited.) Monica: Oh, I love my life, I love my life! Phoebe: Ooh! Brian's Song! Rachel: The meeting with the guy went great? Monica: So great! He showed me where the restaurant's going to be. It's this, it's this cute little place on 10th Street. Not too big, not too small. Just right. Chandler: Was it formerly owned by a blonde woman and some bears? Monica: So anyway, I'm cooking dinner for him Monday night. You know, kind of like an audition. And Phoebe, he really wants you to be here, which will be great for me because then you can 'ooh' and 'ahh' and make yummy noises. Rachel: What are you going to make? Phoebe: (as though Rachel wasn't paying attention) Yummy noises. Rachel: (pause) And Monica, what are you going to make? Monica: I don't know. I don't know. It's just going to be so great! Phoebe: Ooh! I know what you could make! (runs over to join Monica and Rachel in the kitchen) I know! Oh, you should definitely make that thing... you
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0%)”) rgba(•••, •••, •••, •••)——红色、绿色、蓝色通道值:(“rgba(200, 100, 0, .5)”)
rgba(•••%, •••%, •••%, •••%)——和上面一样,但是用百分比:(“rgba(100%, 175%, 0%, 50%)”)
hsb(•••, •••, •••)——色相、饱和度和亮度值:(“hsb(0.5, 0.25, 1)”) hsb(•••%, •••%, •••%) ——和上面一样,但是用百分比 hsba(•••, •••, •••, •••)——和上面一样,但是有透明度 hsl(•••, •••, •••)——基本和 HSB 相同,见 Wikipedia page hsl(•••%, •••%, •••%)——和上面一样,但是用百分比 hsla(•••, •••, •••, •••)——和上面一样,但是有透明度 对于 HSB 及 HSL,你可以指定色相度数:“hsl(240deg, 1, .5)”,或者“hsl(240°,
曲线类型。接受 Raphael.easing_formulas 或 CSS 格式:
cubic‐bezier(XX, XX, XX, XX)

动画对象,见 Raphael.animation
x:数字左上角 x
y:数字左上角 y
x2:数字右下角 x
y2:数字右下角 y
2.10 Element.getPointAtLength(length) ➭
2.2 Element.animateWith(…) ➭
作用与 Element.animate 类似,但保证动画与另一元素的同步播放。
el anim params
对象 对象 对象
要同步的元素 要同步的动画 元素的最终属性,见 Element.attr
1.2 Animation.repeat(repeat) ➭
动画迭代次数。0 为无限
2.1 Element.animate(…) ➭
元素的最终属性,见 Element.attr
1, .5)”
2.4 Element.click(handler) ➭
为元素添加 click 事件的处理程序。
2.5 Element.clone() ➭
对象 给定的元素的一个克隆元素
2.6 Element.data(key, [value]) ➭
拖拽结束事件和拖拽结束处理函数将在指定的环境内调用,或在包含以下元素的 环境内调用:
event 对象 DOM 事件对象
2.9 Element.getBBox(isWithoutTransform) ➭
如果你想得到变换之前的边界,使用 true。默认值为 false。
x 数字鼠标 x 位置
y 数字}鼠标 y 位置
event 对象 DOM 事件对象
移动事件和移动处理函数将在指定的环境内调用,或在包含以下元素的环境内调 用:
dx 数字相对起始点的 x 位移
dy 数字相对起始点的 y 位移
x 数字鼠标 x 位置
y 数字}鼠标 y 位置
event 对象 DOM 事件对象
.data("i", i) .click(function () {
alert(this.data("i")); }); }
2.7 Element.dblclick(handler) ➭
为元素添加 dblclick 事件的处理程序。
2.8 Element.drag(onmove, onstart, onend,
曲线类型。接受 Raphael.easing_formulas 其中之一或 CSS
格式:cubic-bezier(XX, XX, XX, XX)

动画对象,见 Raphael.animation
Raphaël 中文参考——by txp
1.1 Animation.delay(delay) ➭
var anim = Raphael.animation({cx: 10, cy: 20}, 2e3); circle1.animate(anim); // run the given animation immediately circle2.animate(anim.delay(500)); // run the given animation after 500 ms
[mcontext], [scontext], [econtext]) ➭
为元素添加 drag 事件的处理程序。
移动处理函数 onstart
拖拽开始的处理函数 onend
拖拽结束处理函数 mcontext
移动处理函数环境(上下文) scontext
拖拽开始处理函数环境 econtext
stroke-miterlimit 数字
stroke-opacity 数字
stroke-width 数字笔触宽度(像素,默认为 1)
target 字符串与 href 一起使用
text 字符串文本元素的内容。使用\n 换行
text-anchor 字符串[“start”, “middle”, “end”],默认为 “middle”
2.3 Element.attr(…) ➭
attrName 字符串 属性名称
字符串 值

params 或
对象 名称/值对
attrName 或
字符串 属性的名称
对象 Element ,如果传入 attrsName 和 value 或者 params。
stroke 字符串笔触颜色
stroke-dasharray 字符串[“”, “-”, “.”, “-.”, “-..”, “.”, “- ”, “--”,
“- .”, “--.”, “--..”]
stroke-linecap 字符串[“butt”, “square”, “round”]
stroke-linejoin 字符串[“bevel”, “round”, “miter”]
font-weight 字符串字体粗细
height 数字高度
href 字符串 URL。指定时,元素表现为超链接
opacity 数字透明度
path 字符串 SVG 的路径字符串格式
r 数字圆、椭圆或圆角矩形的半径
rx 数字椭圆的横向半径
ry 数字椭圆的垂直半径
src 字符串图像的 URL,只适用于 Element.image 元素
宽: wide、narrow、midium,长:long、short、midium。
clip-rect 字符串剪贴矩形。逗号或空格分隔的值:x,y,宽度和高度
添加或检索与给定的键关联的值。见 Element.removeData
数据的键 value
返回:对象元素 或者,如果该值未指定:
for (var i = 0, i < 5, i++) { paper.circle(10 + 15 * i, 10, 10) .attr({fill: "#000"})