



Causes of Sino-US Cultural Values DiversityGeographical environmentThe natural environment plays a crucial role in the process of a culture formation. To a large extent, human activities rely on and are limited by the environment. Different geographical location between China and the western world creates different cultural characteristics.There are four major characteristics to Chinese geographical environment: the large land area ranking as the third of all countries in the world, the great population accounting for a quarter of the worlds, the most diverse terrain symbolizing by great mountains and rivers, and the most complex climate varying in all kinds. Therefore China owns inland culture combined with magnificent mountains-image and beautiful water-image, grand unification and colorful specialties.The main features of the natural environment of the western culture, however, are just the opposite. The ocean has become the cradle of Europe, the Americas and the Oceania, as well as Western culture. The Europe is the birthplace of Western culture. There are two major characteristic features of European geographical environment. One is that most of European countries border on the sea. More than four-fifths of European boundary line is bounded by the sea. Another is that the mainland terrain is mainly plain. The European average height is the lowest in the world, and the climate is mild and humid. The rich land had raised various ethnic groups who became powerful and frequently migrating and endlessly fought against others. The Westerners had to combat the natural environment surrounded by the sea and poor living conditions. They were eager to conquer the sea and nature which create the features of expansion, adventure and openness of Western culture. Historical causes of China Cultural ValuesAs one of the four ancient civilizations, agriculture plays an important role in Chinese culture. Ancient Chinese got together to farm on the fertile land and were more likely to believe in collectivism. For very little migration, they tended to live a stable family life. Therefore, Chinese culture was established on the foundation of agricultural family system and treated the parents as the center. Thus, Chinese always combine the individual value with family, collectivity and even nation. From a historical perspective, in the Western Zhou Dynasty, China has established a unified state and produced the initial collectivism –“Every inch of ground across the country belongs to the king. Every general commanding troop s has to serve the king.” Then Emperor Wu in the Han Dynasty carried out a policy of proscribing all non-Confucian schools of thought and espousing Confucianism as the orthodox state ideology, which made Confucianism become the core of Chinese culture. Confucianism advocates that “one must first cultivate oneself and put family in good order before he can govern the country and bring peace to the world” and stresses individual capacity of moralcriterion. People show their individual values by examining themselves in three ways each day, thus resulting in Chinese introversive type of character. Confucianism also emphasizes on “the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues” which establish some strict rules for people’s behavior and obsession of hierarchy in daily life. Therefore, Chinese culture values focus on authority rather than on facts, and on collectivism rather than on individualism, which embodies the thought of great unification in ancient China.Historical Causes of American Culture ValuesAmerican culture came from the ancient Greek and Roman culture. Ancient Greece and Rome had experienced a long history of national migration, which led to the loose kinship of family and the early appearance of interpersonal contractual relationship in European society. After the establishment of Christianity, the religion had had great effects on people’s belief and encouraged people to pay attention to the individual. Many people believed in the credo -- “Every man for himself and God for us”.After the discovery of the American continent, many European people from different countries flooded into it and everyone reserved the equal right. Only did they work hard, some of them would made their “American Dream”come true. They would become millionaires and even presidents finally. As for people’s social status, the racial hierarchy makes very little sense. After the independence of America, the belief of freedom and equality had won the heart and mind of the people. Economic BackgroundEvery value has its own economic background, including American individualism and Chinese collectivism. During the early time of American capitalist economy, the vibrant commodity economy succeeded in the competition with natural economy and occupied the market for almost 100 years. Under the effects of commodity economy, every American had to pursue and expand individual value so as to survive. And then the individualism came. However, Chinese had been bound in lands of the natural economy for several thousands of years. They had lost the chance to self-improve and could not get rid of the circumstances of relying upon collectivism even after the decades of planned economy. Chinese needed to communicate with others and rely on the relationship to improve itself, and they shou ld tie themselves with groups so tightly that they couldn’t be ignored.Ways of ThinkingThe Americans believe in the rationalism and take it as the basic principle to treat their family members and deal with family affairs. The American parents think that the obligations of raising and educating children are equal to their responsibilities forthe society. Since the upbringing children is compulsory, children’caring for their parents in old ages in return seems to be unnecessary. And the old parents are also happy to think that the nursing home should be a fine destination which comes from the American social security system and cultural practices as the unethical practice.However, Chinese place high value of affection. The family education deals with the relationship of family members on the basis of ethics and affection. Taking children as part of their private property, the Chinese parents raise children sympathetically and affectively in every way possible in view of individual face-saving and honor, hoping to gain children’s maintenance when they are in their old age. It implies that the children should care for their parents in return. Now we can easily imagine that Chinese parents “have great ambitions for children”, which has led to educational utilitarianism.。


试论《 新视野大学英语》 学 中的文化导入 教
刘 娜
( 陕西 中 医学 院
中图分类号 : 3 9 H 1 文献标识码 : A
陕西・ 阳 成
724 ) 106
文章编号 :6 2 7 9 ( 0 9)6 1 5 0 1 7 -8 42 0 2 — 4- 2
摘 要
语言 的学>和文化是 密不可分的 ,新视野大学英语》 - - j 《
e n&ysho.来源 : rN t ..0 5Pict nvr t met o1( r c Wod e 12 0 r eo U iesy 2 n n i)
不足年龄进入小学的教育机构 。 针对我国的实际情况 , 由于地区发展的差异 , 困地 区通 常不 贫
多大专院校都在使用此教材。本教 材通过确立主题, 突破了传统的 大学英语教材用语法观察 , 词汇覆盖, 文章 的长短 、 繁简来规范教材 语料选择的框框 。 保持学生学习的兴趣 , 是提高英语 学习的一个动 力 。最新修订版的《 大学英语课程教学要求》 明确规定 :大学英语 “
不但 了解了奥运会 的背景知识 , 也引起 了学生对课文的兴趣。有一 个很有趣的测验是关于奥运会的会徽 , 几乎所有的同学都没有正确 画出五环的标记 , 反而弄得笑料百出, 活跃 了课堂气氛 , 也扩展了知
学 习一种文化。对 于英语专业学生而言 , 英美文化是作为必修课程
加 以学习 的。 而面对非英语专业 的学生 , 教师 只能在教学的各个环 节将文化知识 逐步渗透到教学的各个环节 中, 这样不仅能提高学生 的学习兴趣 , 同时也能扩展知识面 , 加深对词汇 以及文章的印象 。
存在托儿所 、 幼儿园一说 , 以“ r col 所 p sh ” e 可理解为学前班 ; 济 在经 发达 的大城市 , 3 的小孩就 可以接受早 教或者 被称为 “ O 岁 一 亲子 园” 显然 “ u e ” , nr r 更适合这种说法; sy 幼儿园大多是三岁以上的 , 可



生在深入 了解文化 背景 的前提下更好的理解所学内容 。本 文结合近 几年讲授 《 新视 野大 学英语 》 的经历 来探 讨英语教 学 中的相 关文化导
关键 词:大英教 学;文化导入 ;新视野大学英语 中 图分 类 号 :G 2 6 文 献标 识 码 :A 中国学 生在经过初高 中的英语学习以后 ,大部分已具 备了英语语言 能力 ,即掌握 了语 言的三要素 ( 语音 、语法 、词汇 )方面 的基本知识 , 但很多学生的英语交 际能力相对缺乏。因为衡量 一个人的语言交际能力 除了语言能力因素之外 ,另一个重要因素是文化能力。进入大学后在没 有升学压力的情况下便可投入更多时间培养跨文化交际能力 。因此 ,在 大学英语的教学中 ,不仅要让学生掌握语言的外在形式和语法结构 ,更 要加强文化知识的渗透 ,提 高学生英语的综合应用能力 ,适应社会发展
的需Байду номын сангаас要 。

文章 编 号 :1 0 0 6—0 6 (0 1 6— 0 0— 2 2 X 2 1 )0 0 0 0 国家 文 化 相 比 ,突 出英 语 国家 的 某 个 具 有代 表性 的 文化 现 象 。 比如 ,第 二册第一单元 的 Tme o si sAm r a s i —C nc u ei n ,这是一篇关 于美 国人 “ o c 时 间” 观念的文章,即:美 国人是 “ 钟表的奴隶” 。美国人认为 时间是 一 项有限的资源 ,所 以他们试着去爱惜时间且加以管理 。签 于是关于时 间 观念的文章 ,不妨 向学生介 绍一下其 它 国家人 民对对 待时 间的不 同 态 度 :印度人的时间观念淡薄 ,关于世界名剧 《 沙恭达罗》 作者的出生年 代 ,在 印 度 有 两 种 意 见 ,这 两 种 意 见 之 间 ,相 差 了 10 0 0年 。在 他 们 心 目中,差个 10 0 0年又有什么关 系呢?法国人 不喜欢让生 活受钟 表的摆 布,他们有时会说某人行 为 “ 像钟表一样精 确”,实际 上是在 挤兑这 个 人太机械 ,不懂生活。法 国人虽然也知道 “ 时间就是金钱” 的说法 ,但 他们在实际工作和生活 中似乎更喜欢 说 “ 把时 间还给时 间” 或者 “ 明 天天 还 会 亮 ” 德 国人 的遵 纪 守 时 是 世 界 上出 了 名 的 ,在 德 国 ,公 共 汽 。 车也是准时准点的 ,如果司机不按照时刻表行车 ,乘客有权投诉 。在 教 学中能通过对 比几种 文化 的差异来 导人文 化 ,使学 生在 习得语 言 的同 时 ,拓 宽 自己 的文 化 视 野 。 3 .道德情感类型文章 ,此类文 章大多涉及父 母与子 女的关 系 ,如 第一册第二单元的 D e ocr ,讲的是美 国家庭 中父母 与子女之 间的 epC nen “ 代沟 ”问题。在课 堂教学 时,可适 当向学生导 入一些 中西方父母 对待 孩子教育方 面差异性 的文化知识 ,如美 国父母看 中孩子 的独立性 ,从小 对孩子都是 比较 的放任 ,培养孩子的独立性格 ,十八岁孩子就 可以离家 去闯 ;而中国父母 出于对子女的关爱心理 ,从小就关爱有加 ,对 子女从 不吝啬 ,这 和中国的儒家传 统思想有关 ;美 国孩子 自小就与父母 分住 . 容易产生孤独感 ;所 以说 ,在子女的独立性 L,美 国父母做 的要比中 国 的好 ,但也有其弊端 ,中国孩子更重视家庭成 员之间 的关 系 ,长大后也 更孝敬父母 。所以要学其精华去其糟粕。在英语教学 中应进行 双向文化 导人 ,也就是使整个语言教学过程变成是对 目的语和母语 文化不断加深 理 解 和 认 同 的 过程 。 4 .信息技术类型文章 ,此类 文章更多 的是介绍计算 机科学 和通信 技术 。例如第 四册第 四单元 的 T eT l o u i tn eoui ,即 电 h ee mm nc i sR vltn c ao o 信革命 ,介绍了几个 国家 通信技 术 的发展情 况。这类 文章 内容更 新较 快 ,虽说信息技术与生活 息息相关但 又因为身在其 中常常被 我们忽略 , 所 以借课堂教学的机会 ,可就信 息技术发 展 的历 史 向学生进 行 文化导 人 :第一次信 息 技术 革 命 是 语言 的使 用。发 生 在 距今 约 30 0年 ~ 50 50 0年 前 。语 言 的使 用 一 从 猿 进 化 到 人 的重 要 标 志 ;第 二 次 信 息 技 术 00 革命是文字 的创造。大约在公元 前 3 0 5 0年 出现 了文字 ,文 字的创造一 这 是信息第一次打破时间 、空 间的限制 ;第 三次信息 技术 的革命是 印 刷 的发 明。大约在公元 14 0 0年 ,我 国开始 使用活 字印刷技 术 ,欧洲 人 15 4 1年开始使用印刷技术 ;第 四次信息革命 是电报 、电话、广播和电视 的发 明和普及应 用。1 9世纪 中叶 以后 ,随着 电报 、电话 的发 明,电磁 波的发现 ,人类通信领域产生了根本性 的变革 ,实现了金属导线上 的电 脉冲来传递信息 以及通过 电磁波来进行无线通信 ;第五次信息 技术革命 是始于 2 0世纪 6 O年代 ,其标志是 电子计算机的普及应用及计算 机与现 代通信技术 的有机结合 。在英语教学中应进行跨 文化导 入,也 就是使整 个 语 言 教 学 过程 变 成 是 对 目的 语 和 母 语 文 化 不 断 加 深 理 解 和 认 同 的 过 程 ,从而使英语教学与实际应用不致于脱节。 5 .科学教育类型 的文 章 ,此 类大多 为科普性文章 , 目的是让 学生 掌握 自然科学的基本知识 和基本技能 ,学会科学方法 。如第 三册第六 单 元 的 H wt rpr o atq ae o Pe aef E r uk ,即 “ o r h 如何做好防震准 备” ,随着 自然 灾害的频繁发生 ,各国人民的防害减灾 的意识越来越强 ,符种宣传 资料 也很 多,可就某一方面向学生宣传些 自救的方法 , ( 上转第 20页) 7



综合英语课程论文中美跨文化交际研究生英语2013-2014学年第二学期期末论文题目Contrastive Analysis on Intercultural Business Communication between China and America学号__11201300_ 专业_经济学_ 姓名_ __分数:________评语:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2014年 6 月16 日Contrastive Analysis on Intercultural BusinessCommunication between China and America Abstract:Intercultural communication as a social phenomenon, since it was discovered early by some scholars. They have made a deeper research on it. With the continuous development of social progress, communication between different cultural backgrounds counties and regions goes deeper. And the language and culture is a vehicle for communication. This showsthe necessity to the research of cross-cultural communication. And this study has wide and far-reaching significance of theory and practice. This paper analyzes the characteristics of cross-cultural communication, pointed out that the cultural differences between China and the U.S. This paper draws conclusions that the Chinese have the characteristics of collectivism, past orientation, high-context cultures, strong uncertainty avoidance, and high power distance. In contrast, the United States has the features of individualism, future orientation, low-context cultures, weak uncertainty avoidance and small power distance. Based on this, in the Sino-US cross-cultural business communication process, it will need to keep in mind the differences of the characteristics between China and American cultures. Only in this way can we target more efficiently.Keywords: Intercultural Communication; Power Distance; Uncertainty Avoidance; Individualism.摘要:跨文化交际作为一种社会现象,很早以来就被一些学者所发现,并对其进行了深入的研究。

大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture

大学英语跨文化交际chapter 1 Culture

1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective
“Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the di, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values”.
1. Culture Is Learned
Activity: Group Work H a ve yo u l e a r n e d cul tu r e through the above channels? Discuss with your group members and give examples of your own experiences of learning culture.
1. Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective 2. Defining Culture from the Psychological Perspective 3. Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective 4. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective 5. Our Definition of Culture


收稿 1 3期 : 2 0 l 2 —1 2 —2 O
方式 , 从跨文化交际学的角度就很容易理解 , 在跨文 化交 际学中衡量价值观尺度首先是个体主义和集体 主义 。个体主义指的是在某个结构松散的社会网络
作者简介 : 姚建华 ( 1 9 7 0 一) , 女, 辽宁沈 阳人 , 沈 阳药科大学外语部 , 副教授 , 硕士 。研究方 向: 英语教学与文化 。
中, 人们只关心 自己以及他们的小家庭。与“ 我们” ( w e ) 相 比, 人们更强调 “ 我” ( I ) 。每个人都有隐私 权 和先 发表 自己意见 的权 利 。在感 情上个 人独 立 于 组织和制度, 在一个高度个体主义的社会, 交际方式 是更 直接 表达 个人意 见 。将文 章 内容本 身 与跨 文化 交际 知识 融合 在一起 , 让 学生有 获得 理论 的依 据 , 达 到知 其然 并知 其所 以然 的效》 跨文化视角分
析与 讲解
( 一) 价值观 《 新视野大学 英语读 写教程》 第 三册第三单元
S e c i t o n B C u l t u r a l Di f e r e n c e s i n We s t e n r a n d J a p a n e s e
D e c i s i o n— M a k i n g是一篇探讨跨文化交际价值观 的 文章。文章中 “I t o y o u ”, “ y o u t o y o u ”两种谈判
跨文化交际学是一门新兴 的交叉学科 , 它探讨
“ 不 同文化背景的人们之间的交际” 。 波特和萨莫瓦 把影响交际的因素分 为三个 方面 : ( 1 ) 观察事物 的
( 沈阳药科大学 外语部 , 辽宁 沈阳 1 1 0 0 1 6 )



行的各种元素及超现实 主义风格来探讨两代人的代沟问题 。 学 生可以立体地看到不同国家 的风俗习惯 、人文环境 的不同 , 看 到影片 中的母女矛盾 、 误解与爱 , 使 学生能够更好地 理解本课
学生 的人文素质和文化意识。本文 以《 新视野大学英语 》 ( 第二 版) 教材为切入点 , 探讨如何在大学英语教学 中进行文化知识 的 渗透 , 从而优化课 堂教学效果。
新 校 园
X i n X i a o Y u a T I
— —
以 ( ( 杀 斤 视 野大学英
班 炜
( 四川师 范大学成都学院外 国语学院 , 四川
摘 要: 语 言 与 文化 密不 可 分 , 语言既是文化的载体 , 又 是

从词 汇学 习 中输入 文化 知 识
词 汇是语 言中最为活跃 的因素 ,是最 明显的承载文化信 息、 反 映人类社会 文化生活的工具 。人们 的生活环境 、 风俗 习 惯、 历 史背景 、 心理特征 等综合起 来的文化意识使许多词汇 都
生, 培养和提高学生对文化差异的敏感度。在课前 给学 生布置 任务 , 让学生 自己去查找课文 的文化 背景 , 在课 堂上 由学生 来 介绍文化背景知识 ,或把课 文片段改编成小话 剧在课堂上 表 演, 通过创设不同难度 的语言学习和实践情境以达到语言的最 佳学习状态 。例如 : 学习 F i v e F a mo u s S y mb o l s o f A me l  ̄ c a n C u l — t u r e( B o o k 3 , u n i t 4 ) 一 课时 , 课前布置学生 提前查找本 课文化 背 景知识 , 课堂上分组介绍美 国文化 的五大象征文化 背景 , 学生 课 前 做 了充分 的准 备 , 并 将 文 化 背 景 制作 成 P f r r 在 课 堂 上 进 行 演示 , 使他们更好地了解不 同国家的历史文化。通过这一课的 学习, 不仅活跃 了课堂气 氛 , 也激发 了学 生对 中西文化差 异进 行思考 , 增强 了学生的文化意识 , 提高 了交 际能力 , 取得了 良好






关键词:语言与文化英语教学模式文化差异转变策略中图分类号:H319.3;G04文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3791(2021)12(c)-0104-05On the Transformation of English Teaching Mode from thePerspective of Cultural Differences betweenChina and WestLI Wenfang(Dianchi College of Yunnan University,Kunming,Yunnan Province,650228China)Abstract:Language,rooted in culture,is an important carrier of culture.In recent years,culture has been paid more attention to in English teaching.However,due to the influence of exam-oriented education,teachers still attach much more importance to the training of students'English listening,speaking,reading and writing skills instead of the culture of English-speaking countries.Therefore,this paper analyzes the different factors between Chinese and Western cultures,and studies the transformation strategies of English teaching mode under the influence of the dif‐ferences between Chinese and Western cultural factors,in order to better promote the long-term development of English teaching.Key Words:Language and culture;English teaching mode;Culture differences;Transformation strategies语言与文化之间的关系密不可分,语言是文化传承最为关键的工具[1]。








1. 听说模块听说模块注重培养学生的听力和口语交际能力。



2. 读写模块读写模块旨在提高学生的阅读理解能力和写作表达能力。



3. 综合模块综合模块主要涵盖了语法、词汇和语言综合运用。


4. 文化模块文化模块通过介绍英语国家的文化和风俗习惯,增加学生对英语国家的了解。


教学特点-----------《新视野》教材具有以下几个特点:1. 文化视野:教材注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力,教学内容融入了丰富的文化元素,帮助学生更好地理解英语国家的文化背景。

2. 任务导向:教材采用任务型教学模式,通过各种任务和情景模拟,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机,从而提高学生的语言运用能力。

跨文化交际 中美友谊观

跨文化交际  中美友谊观

Differences between Chinese and American on pattern of friendshipPeople from Chinese culture and American culture both need friendship in their lives, which is established in different interactions with others in offices, social activities, schools, communities and so on. However, the meaning of word “friend”, the involvement in the friendship, the maintainance of friendship and the expectations of friends are remarkably distinctive between these two cultures.Chinese has quite clear definition of friend and friendship. They establish friendships with like—minded friends whom they affectively bond to or those who share the similar personalities, otherwise, they can not be real friends but just acquaintances. However, for the America, the meaning of “friend” is board, including everyone from causal acquaintance to a best friend.Chinese involve deeply and affectively in friendship. For one thing, Chinese like enclosing a lot of things to their friends range from age to the conflict with a person, therefore, Chinese share plentiful aspects of their good friends’lives and they are quite familiar with each other. To Chinese people, the more secrets they know about each other, the closer their relationship is. A Chinese may angry with her good friend if she notes that her good friend conceals something from her because she will think she dose not play an important role in her friend’s life. For another thing, the process of establishing friendship is quite the opposite of that of Americans. Chinese are inclined to be reserved and shy when they meet strangers and the relation begins with less intimacy, however, their inner line of defense gradually decrease and they become much closer after they get alone with each other for a period of time. That is not only because they do not take privacy seriously but also because most Chinese prefer to be with others rather than stay alone , which helps their relationship to go deeper. When they want to do something or go somewhere, they will ask their friends to join them. For instance, in colleges , roommates usually go to school together, have meals together, or even go to toilet together during the break( especially among girls), as a result, they have a lot of time to improve their friendships. In contrast, Americanfriendship just “walks on surface”. Americans make friends in different circles. An Americans probably have a lot of friends at any one time, but their friendship is usually linked to specified activities. He may have work friends, leisure activity (like golfing, swimming, shopping playing cards and so forth) friends and neighborhood friends. One’s friend from a certain circle may know little about his other aspects of life. For example, two friends who made have known each other for a long time since they made acquaintance in a football club and tall about football games, football stars and so on, may know little about each other’s family. They tend not to share all aspects of life with their friends. In addition, friendliness is not always an offer of friendship. Americans are initially very friendly and the inner line of defense is very low at the beginning, but it is not easy for them to develop that friendliness into the stage of a good friendship and the level of intimacy does not change a lot over time before reaching the stage of being good friends because Americans put great emphasis on privacy and they are unwilling to reveal their personal information including salary, age, family. That means the topic between two friends who do not know each other for a long time are very superficial and ordinary, for example, they may talk about food, movie or what they enjoy doing during leisure time, which set barriers to deepen the degree of familiarity .If their privacy is violated, their friendship may develop unsmoothly. Another reason is that Americans are very independent. They do not need friends to keep them company all the time and the time they spend together is not so much.As to the maintainance of friendship, people in China hope their friendship to be solid, stable and long—lasting. Owing to nostalgia, Chinese’s national characteristic, Chinese like spending time with old friends instead of new acquaintances and they will not allow the friendship that they cherish a lot to wither and die. Take my father as an example, he moved to downtown from the village where he was born and spent his childhood in his twenties, but he has been going to his hometown frequently to hang out with his buddies with whom he grew up with. Recently, he decided to buy a land to build a house in his hometown, so that he can interact with his friends constantly. Secondly, as interdependent self—organizationplays a predominant role in Chinese society, Chinese insist that friends should regularly have contact and always take care of each other once friendship is established. For them, a true friendship is a relationship that endures through changes and trail in lives. On the contrary, for American, friendship is vulnerable, unstable and short—lived. “Americans view change as a part of life; Americans think it is quite important for progress”, so meeting new friends is well—worth doing for them and they enjoy making friends, but on the other hand , their friendships are usually tied to specific circumstances or activities and will gradually change over the years when circumstance and activities change. Even one’s best friends may change several times as time goes by. Another crucial factor contributes to the vulnerability and unstableness is the high mobility in America. Data released by American government show that seventeen percents of Americans move from a place to another place each year and they move every five years on average. One may be born in one city, and go to school in another .He may finish his middle school education in two or three cities and attend a college far across the country. And when he has entered business, he may possibly move from a job to a job to move up to a higher position and better wages, a phenomenon that prevails across the United States. As we know, friendship, like other human relationships, depends on frequent interaction with the other person. Thus, when one individual move away and do not interact regularly, their friendship is likely to disappear.The expectation of a friend is also different between Chinese and Americans because of different ways of building and maintaining friendship. Chinese friendship involves deep obligations and commitment. One has enormous responsibility for his friends and it is difficult for him to refuse his friends’ requirement. Chinese friends give each other much more concrete help and assistance than Westerners do. They put great emphasis on mutual help and emotional support between friends, for them “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. A typical example is that one will give financial support to his friend who is short of money, which rarely happens among Americans because they think it leads to dependence of one person on the other and it goes against the principle of equality. A phenomenon reflecting that Chinese take friend’sobligation and help for granted is that they do not usually use polite forms when they turn to their friends for help or want their friends to do something for them. Instead of saying “Help me to close the window, please”, they are more likely to say “Close the window”. But for Americans, the duties and obligations of friends are limited. In the United States, one can certainly ask a friend to do something with him such as having dinner together, but he could not expect a friend to recognize and response to his wishes without stating them. Nor could he expect a friend to drop his own business to response to a non—urgent need. In fact, Americans neither impose too much requirements on their friends nor ask their friends for practical help again and again when they are in troubles because they do not want to become their friend’s burden, even though they accept their friends’ help, they do not take what their friends do for them for granted. That is why Americans apologize to their friends for minor inconveniences such as telephoning late at night. Even in close friendship, Americans use polite forms such as “could you…” and “would you mind” The reason behind this is that, equality is an important value for American , so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one is giving more and the other person is dependent on what is given.Virtually, the essence of causes of the difference between Chinese friendship and American friendship the difference between collectivism and individualism Interdependence and low awareness of privacy are both embodiments of collectivism while dependence and high awareness of privacy are those of individualism. When we look into these two different kinds of friendship, we should not be judgemental since they are formed in certain cultures and there is no rank among different cultures.As Chinese students whose major is English, we are likely to meet and interact with Americans or other Westerners. And what has been talked about above may help us to eliminate misunderstanding, confusion and barriers when we get along with Americans and promote intercultural communication and intercultural interaction.。



大学英语教学中跨文化交际理念及其应用跨文化交际作为一种新理念最早出现于1959年美国人类学家爱德华·霍尔代表作《The Silent Language》(《无声语言》)之中。


















课时:2课时教学目标:1. 知识目标:通过学习课文,了解中美文化差异,掌握相关词汇和句型。

2. 能力目标:通过小组讨论和角色扮演,提高学生的思辨能力和跨文化交际能力。

3. 情感目标:培养学生对中华文化的认同感,增强文化自信,树立正确的价值观。

教学重点:1. 中美文化差异的表现形式。

2. 如何在跨文化交际中尊重和理解对方文化。

教学难点:1. 如何引导学生深入思考文化差异背后的原因。

2. 如何将思政元素融入课堂,实现立德树人的教育目标。

教学过程:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍中美文化差异的概念,引导学生思考文化差异在日常生活中的体现。

2. 学生分享自己在中美文化差异方面的观察和感受。

二、课文学习1. 学生阅读课文,了解中美文化差异的具体事例。

2. 教师引导学生分析课文中的文化差异,如饮食、节日、教育、价值观等。

三、小组讨论1. 将学生分成小组,每组选取一个中美文化差异的主题进行深入讨论。

2. 每组派代表分享讨论成果,教师点评并总结。

四、角色扮演1. 教师根据课文内容设计情景,学生分组进行角色扮演。

2. 角色扮演过程中,学生需运用所学词汇和句型,体现中美文化差异。

五、思政元素融入1. 教师结合课文内容,引导学生思考文化差异背后的原因,如历史、社会制度、价值观等。

2. 强调尊重和理解对方文化的重要性,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

六、总结与反思1. 教师总结本节课的学习内容,强调中美文化差异对个人成长的重要性。

2. 学生分享学习心得,反思自己在跨文化交际中存在的不足,并提出改进措施。

教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言、讨论和角色扮演表现。

2. 作业完成情况:检查学生课后作业的完成质量,如总结报告、角色扮演剧本等。

3. 思政元素融入:评价学生在课堂上的思考深度和价值观体现。

教学资源:1. 教材:《新视野大学英语》2. 多媒体课件:展示中美文化差异的相关图片、视频等。

3. 网络资源:收集相关文化差异的案例和资料。





























智库时代·266·智者论道 《新视野大学英语(读写教程)》中国文化输入分析研究刘红辉(湖北工业大学外国语学院,湖北武汉 430068)摘要:《新视野大学英语(读写教程)》是一套供大学英语课程中通用英语课程教学使用教材。


本文依据Byram 的教材文化分类理论,对该教材的文化内容分析和研究,发现该教材涉及中国本土文化内容偏少,并对教材使用者建议采用有效手段加强大学英语课堂中国文化输入。


关键词:教材;文化内容;中国文化中图分类号:C43文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4609(2019)47-0266-002一、引言大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语应用能力,增强跨文化交际意识和交际能力。



































关键词《新视野大学英语读写教程》(第三版)跨文化交际教材解析教材评价中图分类号:H319.39文献标识码:A 0引语跨文化交际是指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。











i b y la e ni t l e d t s ma t a o c,p a ma c a d o e i e e c s a e n t e b o f” w Ho i n r g t t rdf r n e .B s d o h o k o Ne r o i n h f z
《 视 野 大 学英 语 》 N w HoznC lg n— 新 ( e ro oeeE g i l
hh 自2 0 s ) 0 2年沿用 至今 , 已有 7年 之久 。多数 课 文 从 当今流行 且通 俗易 懂 的名 篇美 文 中摘 选 , 中有 其
只要 学生记 住就好 。在 词 汇讲 解 中 , 师应 尽 量 发 教 掘 词语 的文 化 意 义 , 文 化 的角度 来 解 释 同一 词 语 从
Colg g ih”,t i s a ic s e e i o tnc fCh n s d fr i n c lu e ’i to uc le e En ls h se s y d s u s st mp ra eo i e e a o g u tr s n rd — h n e
第 2 卷 第 1 期 5 1
20 0 9年 1 月 1
吉林 工 程 技 术 师 范 学 院 学报
Ju n lo inT a h r n tueo n ier ga dT c n lg o ra f l e c esIsi t fE gn ei n e h oo y Ji t n
WU a Xi o—l u
C lg ol e《 F rg aga e。 nTahr Ist eo n iergad Tcnl y C a gh nmi 3 02. h a e oe nL nu gs mi eces ntu i i t fE gnei n ehoo . h ncu n10 5 C i ) n g n





关于教材文化内容的划分标准,比较全面的是由国际跨文化交际研究的代表人物之一、英国著名教授Michael Byram提出来的。








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跨文化交际学(Intereultural Communication亦称Cross-culturalcommunication),是一门新兴的边缘学科。

EdwardHall在1959年出版的《无声的语言》(The Silent Language)被认为是跨文化交际学的奠基之作。

LarryA,Samovar在Communi—cation Between Cultures一书中指出,跨文化交际指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人们之间进行的交际。































在第二册书第四单元《到国外求学》中提到去美国留学找寄宿家庭是一件难事,而Gloria 却同时找到了两家。

她在介绍自己经验时讲到“I evenwrote aboutmyfourdogs and saidlwenttochurcheverySunday,”如果学生不了解美国人对狗及宗教的特殊感情。





















