目前已经出现了许多大型结构分析通用软件,最早的 是美国国家宇航局(NASA)在1956年委托美国计算科学 公司和贝尔航空系统公司开发的ANASTRAN有限元分析 系统,该系统发展到现在已有几十个版本。此外,比较知 名的有限元分析软件还有德国的ASKA,英国PAFEC,法 国AYATUS,美国ABAUS、ADNA、ANSYS、BERSAF E、BOSOR、COSMOS、ELAS、MARC、STARNYNE 等。下面仅介绍几种当前比较流行的有限元软件。 (1) ANSYS。 ANSYS是融结构、流体、电场、磁 场和声场分析于一体的大型通用有限元分析软件。其主要 特点是具有较好的前处理功能,如几何建模、网络划分、
电磁场分析、声场分析、压电分析以及多物理场的耦分 析,可以模拟多物理介质的相互作用,具有灵敏度分析 及优化分析能力;后处理的计算结果有多种显示和表达 能力。ANSYS软件系统主要包括ANSYS/Mutiphysics 多物理场仿真分析工具、LS-DYNA显示瞬态动力分析 工具、Design Space设计前期CAD集成工具、Design Xploere多目标快速优化工具和FE-SAFE结构疲劳耐久 性分析等。ANSYS已在工业界得到较广泛的认可和应 用。
(Finite Element Analysis , FEA)
有限元法是求解数理方程的一种数值计算方法,是将 弹性理论、计算数学和计算机软件有机结合在一起的一种 数值分析技术,是解决工程实际问题的一种有力的数值计 算工具。 目前,有限单元法在许多科学技术领域和实际工程问 题中得到了广泛的与应用,如,机械制造、材料加工、航 空航天、土木建筑、电子电气、国防军工、石油化工、船 舶、铁路、汽车和能源等,并受到了普遍的重视。 现有的商业化软件已经成功应用于固体力学、流体力 学、热传导、电磁学、声学和生物学等领域,能够求解由 杆、梁、板、壳和块体等单元构成的弹性、弹塑性或塑性 问题,求解各类场分布问题,求解水流管道、电路、润滑、 噪声以及固体、流体、温度间的相互作用等问题。
有限元分析中英文对照资料The finite element analysisFinite element method, the solving area is regarded as made up of many small in the node connected unit (a domain), the model gives the fundamental equation of sharding (sub-domain) approximation solution, due to the unit (a domain) can be divided into various shapes and sizes of different size, so it can well adapt to the complex geometry, complex material properties and complicated boundary conditions Finite element model: is it real system idealized mathematical abstractions. Is composed of some simple shapes of unit, unit connection through the node, and under a certain load.Finite element analysis: is the use of mathematical approximation method for real physical systems (geometry and loading conditions were simulated. And by using simple and interacting elements, namely unit, can use a limited number of unknown variables to approaching infinite unknown quantity of the real system.Linear elastic finite element method is a ideal elastic body as the research object, considering the deformation based on small deformation assumption of. In this kindof problem, the stress and strain of the material is linear relationship, meet the generalized hooke's law; Stress and strain is linear, linear elastic problem boils down to solving linear equations, so only need less computation time. If the efficient method of solving algebraic equations can also help reduce the duration of finite element analysis.Linear elastic finite element generally includes linear elastic statics analysis and linear elastic dynamics analysis from two aspects. The difference between the nonlinear problem and linear elastic problems:1) nonlinear equation is nonlinear, and iteratively solving of general;2) the nonlinear problem can't use superposition principle;3) nonlinear problem is not there is always solution, sometimes even no solution. Finite element to solve the nonlinear problem can be divided into the following three categories:1) material nonlinear problems of stress and strain is nonlinear, but the stress and strain is very small, a linear relationship between strain and displacement at this time, this kind of problem belongs to the material nonlinear problems. Due to theoretically also cannot provide the constitutive relation can be accepted, so, general nonlinear relations between stress and strain of the material based on the test data, sometimes, to simulate the nonlinear material properties available mathematical model though these models always have their limitations. More important material nonlinear problems in engineering practice are: nonlinear elastic (including piecewise linear elastic, elastic-plastic and viscoplastic, creep, etc.2) geometric nonlinear geometric nonlinear problems are caused due to the nonlinear relationship between displacement. When the object the displacement is larger, the strain and displacement relationship is nonlinear relationship. Research on this kind of problemIs assumes that the material of stress and strain is linear relationship. It consists of a large displacement problem of large strain and large displacement little strain. Such as the structure of the elastic buckling problem belongs to the large displacement little strain, rubber parts forming process for large strain.3) nonlinear boundary problem in the processing, problems such as sealing, the impact of the role of contact and friction can not be ignored, belongs to the highly nonlinear contact boundary. At ordinary times some contact problems, such as gear, stamping forming, rolling, rubber shock absorber, interference fit assembly, etc., when a structure and another structure or external boundary contact usually want to consider nonlinear boundary conditions. The actual nonlinear may appear at the same time these two or three kinds of nonlinear problems.Finite element theoretical basisFinite element method is based on variational principle and the weighted residual method, and the basic solving thought is the computational domain is divided into a finite number of non-overlapping unit, within each cell, select some appropriate nodes as solving the interpolation function, the differential equation of the variables in the rewritten by the variable or its derivative selected interpolation node value and the function of linear expression, with the aid of variational principle or weighted residual method, the discrete solution of differential equation. Using different forms of weight function and interpolation function, constitute different finite element methods. 1. The weighted residual method and the weighted residual method of weighted residual method of weighted residual method: refers to the weighted function is zero using make allowance for approximate solution of the differential equation method is called the weighted residual method. Is a kind of directly from the solution of differential equation and boundary conditions, to seek the approximate solution of boundary value problems of mathematical methods. Weighted residual method is to solve the differential equation of the approximate solution of a kind of effective method. Hybrid method for the trial function selected is the most convenient, but under the condition of the same precision, the workload is the largest. For internal method and the boundary method basis function must be made in advance to meet certain conditions, the analysis of complex structures tend to have certain difficulty, but the trial function is established, the workload is small. No matter what method is used, when set up trial function should be paid attention to are the following:(1) trial function should be composed of a subset of the complete function set. Have been using the trial function has the power series and trigonometric series, spline functions, beisaier, chebyshev, Legendre polynomial, and so on.(2) the trial function should have until than to eliminate surplus weighted integral expression of the highest derivative low first order derivative continuity.(3) the trial function should be special solution with analytical solution of the problem or problems associated with it. If computing problems with symmetry, should make full use of it. Obviously, any independent complete set of functions can be used as weight function. According to the weight function of the different options fordifferent weighted allowance calculation method, mainly include: collocation method, subdomain method, least square method, moment method and galerkin method. The galerkin method has the highest accuracy.Principle of virtual work: balance equations and geometric equations of the equivalent integral form of "weak" virtual work principles include principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, is the floorboard of the principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress theory. They can be considered with some control equation of equivalent integral "weak" form. Principle of virtual work: get form any balanced force system in any state of deformation coordinate condition on the virtual work is equal to zero, namely the system of virtual work force and internal force of the sum of virtual work is equal to zero. The virtual displacement principle is the equilibrium equation and force boundary conditions of the equivalent integral form of "weak"; Virtual stress principle is geometric equation and displacement boundary condition of the equivalent integral form of "weak". Mechanical meaning of the virtual displacement principle: if the force system is balanced, they on the virtual displacement and virtual strain by the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the force system in the virtual displacement (strain) and virtual and is equal to zero for the work, they must balance equation. Virtual displacement principle formulated the system of force balance, therefore, necessary and sufficient conditions. In general, the virtual displacement principle can not only suitable for linear elastic problems, and can be used in the nonlinear elastic and elastic-plastic nonlinear problem.Virtual mechanical meaning of stress principle: if the displacement is coordinated, the virtual stress and virtual boundary constraint counterforce in which they are the sumof the work is zero. On the other hand, if the virtual force system in which they are and is zero for the work, they must be meet the coordination. Virtual stress in principle, therefore, necessary and sufficient condition for the expression of displacement coordination. Virtual stress principle can be applied to different linear elastic and nonlinear elastic mechanics problem. But it must be pointed out that both principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, rely on their geometric equation and equilibrium equation is based on the theory of small deformation, they cannot be directly applied to mechanical problems based on large deformation theory. 3,,,,, the minimum total potential energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the minimum strain energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the potential energy function in the object on the external load will cause deformation, the deformation force during the work done in the form of elastic energy stored in the object, is the strain energy.The convergence of the finite element method, the convergence of the finite element method refers to when the grid gradually encryption, the finite element solution sequence converges to the exact solution; Or when the cell size is fixed, the more freedom degree each unit, the finite element solutions tend to be more precise solution. Convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element includes the following four aspects: 1) within the unit, the displacement function must be continuous. Polynomial is single-valued continuous function, sochoose polynomial as displacement function, to ensure continuity within the unit. 2) within the unit, the displacement function must include often strain. Total can be broken down into each unit of the state of strain does not depend on different locations within the cell strain and strain is decided by the point location of variables. When the size of the units is enough hours, unit of each point in the strain tend to be equal, unit deformation is uniform, so often strain becomes the main part of the strain. To reflect the state of strain unit, the unit must include the displacement functions often strain. 3) within the unit, the displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. Under normal circumstances, the cell for a bit of deformation displacement and displacement of rigid body displacement including two parts. Deformation displacement is associated with the changes in the object shape and volume, thus producing strain; The rigid body displacement changing the object position, don't change the shape and volume of the object, namely the rigid body displacement is not deformation displacement. Spatial displacement of an object includes three translational and three rotational displacement, a total of six rigid body displacements. Due to a unit involved in the other unit, other units do rigid body displacement deformation occurs will drive unit, thus, to simulate real displacement of a unit, assume that the element displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. 4) the displacement function must be coordinated in public boundary of the adjacent cell. For general unit of coordination is refers to the adjacent cell in public node have the same displacement, but also have the same displacement along the edge of the unit, that is to say, to ensure that the unit does not occur from cracking and invade the overlap each other. To do this requires the function on the common boundary can be determined by the public node function value only. For general unit and coordination to ensure the continuity of the displacement of adjacent cell boundaries. However, between the plate and shell of the adjacent cell, also requires a displacement of the first derivative continuous, only in this way, to guarantee the strain energy of the structure is bounded. On the whole, coordination refers to the public on the border between neighboring units satisfy the continuity conditions. The first three, also called completeness conditions, meet the conditions of complete unit is complete unit; Article 4 is coordination requirements, meet the coordination unit coordination unit; Otherwise known as the coordinating units. Completeness requirement is necessary for convergence, all four meet, constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence. In practical application, to make the selected displacement functions all meet the requirements of completeness and harmony, it is difficult in some cases can relax the requirement for coordination. It should be pointed out that, sometimes the coordination unit than its corresponding coordination unit, its reason lies in the nature of the approximate solution. Assumed displacement function is equivalent to put the unit under constraint conditions, the unit deformation subject to the constraints, this just some alternative structure compared to the real structure. But the approximate structure due to allow cell separation, overlap, become soft, the stiffness of the unit or formed (such as round degree between continuous plate unit in the unit, and corner is discontinuous, just to pin point) for the coordination unit, the error of these two effects have the possibility of cancellation, so sometimes use thecoordination unit will get very good results. In engineering practice, the coordination of yuan must pass to use "small pieces after test". Average units or nodes average processing method of stress stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress of the unit average or node average treatment method is the simplest method is to take stress results adjacent cell or surrounding nodes, the average value of stress.1. Take an average of 2 adjacent unit stress. Take around nodes, the average value of stressThe basic steps of finite element method to solve the problemThe structural discretization structure discretization structure discretization structure discretization to discretization of the whole structure, will be divided into several units, through the node connected to each other between the units; 2. The stiffness matrix of each unit and each element stiffness matrix and the element stiffness matrix and the stiffness matrix of each unit (3) integrated global stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix integrated overall stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write a general equation 4. Introduction of supporting conditions, the displacement of each node 5. Calculate the stress and strain in the unit to get the stress and strain of each cell and the cell of the stress and strain and the stress and strain of each cell.For the finite element method, the basic ideas and steps can be summarized as: (1) to establish integral equation, according to the principle of variational allowance and the weight function or equation principle of orthogonalization, establishment and integral expression of differential equations is equivalent to the initial-boundary value problem, this is the starting point of the finite element method. Unit (2) the area subdivision, according to the solution of the shape of the area and the physical characteristics of practical problems, cut area is divided into a number of mutual connection, overlap of unit. Regional unit is divided into finite element method of the preparation, this part of the workload is bigger, in addition to the cell and node number and determine the relationship between each other, also said the node coordinates, at the same time also need to list the natural boundary and essential boundary node number and the corresponding boundary value. (3) determine the unit basis function, according to the unit and the approximate solution of node number in precision requirement, choose meet certain interpolation condition basis function interpolation function as a unit. Basis function in the finite element method is selected in the unit, due to the geometry of each unit has a rule in the selection of basis function can follow certain rules. (4) the unit will be analysis: to solve the function of each unit with unit basis functions to approximate the linear combination of expression; Then approximate function generation into the integral equation, and the unit area integral, can be obtained with undetermined coefficient (i.e., cell parameter value) of each node in the algebraic equations, known as the finite element equation.(5) the overall synthesis: after the finite element equation, the area of all elements inthe finite element equation according to certain principles of accumulation, the formation of general finite element equations. (6) boundary condition processing: general boundary conditions there are three kinds of form, divided into the essential boundary conditions (dirichlet boundary condition) and natural boundary conditions (Riemann boundary conditions) and mixed boundary conditions (cauchy boundary conditions). Often in the integral expression for natural boundary conditions, can be automatically satisfied. For essential boundary conditions and mixed boundary conditions, should be in a certain method to modify general finite element equations satisfies. Solving finite element equations (7) : based on the general finite element equations of boundary conditions are fixed, are all closed equations of the unknown quantity, and adopt appropriate numerical calculation method, the function value of each node can be obtained.有限元分析有限元法求解区域是由许多小的节点连接单元(域),该模型给出了切分的基本方程(子域名)的近似解,由于单位(域)可以分为不同的形状和大小不同的尺寸,所以它能很好的适应复杂的几何形状、材料特性和边界条件复杂,复杂有限元模型:它是真实系统的理想化的数学抽象。
有限元模型由一些简单形状的单元组成,单元之间通过节点连 接,并承受一定载荷。
ANSYS培训教程 – 版本 5.5 – XJTU MSSV(001128)
节点和单元 (续)
每个单元的特性是通过一些线性方程式来描述的。 作为一个整体,单元形成了整体结构的数学模型。 尽管梯子的有限元模型低于100个方程(即“自由度”
• 可利用最小势能原理建立结构的节点载荷和节点位移之间的关系 式,即结构的平衡方程
[k][ ] [ p]
ANSYS培训教程 – 版本 5.5 – XJTU MSSV(001128)
• 将线性代数方程组 [k][ ] [ p] 代入边界条件后,经
• 将连续的结构离散成有限个单元,并在每一单元中设定有限个节 点,将连续体看作只在节点处相连接的一组单元的集合体。
• 选定场函数的节点值作为基本未知量,并在每一单元中假设一近 似差值函数已表示单元中场函数的分布规律。
• 利用力学中的某种变分原理去建立用以求节点未知量的有限单元 法方程,将一个连续域中有限自由度问题化为离散域中有限自由 度问题。
ANSYS培训教程 – 版本 5.5 – XJTU MSSV(001128)
Lesson Objectives
ANSYS培训教程 – 版本 5.5 – XJTU MSSV(001128)
1. ..... 2. ..... 3. .....
Mises stress, MPa
1600 1 1400 1200 1000 800
一. 有限单元法的基本原理
有限单元法(The Finite Element Method)简称有限元 (FEM),它是利用电子计算机进行的一种数值分析方法。它在工 程技术领域中的应用十分广泛,几乎所有的弹塑性结构静力学和动 力学问题都可用它求得满意的数值结果。
法求解任意连续体时,应把连续的求解区域分割成有限个单元,并在每个单 元上指定有限个结点,假设一个简单的函数(称插值函数)近似地表示其位 移分布规律,再利用弹塑性理论中的变分原理或其他方法,建立单元结点的 力和位移之间的力学特性关系,得到一组以结点位移为未知量的代数方程组, 从而求解结点的位移分量. 进而利用插值函数确定单元集合体上的场函数。 由位移求出应变, 由应变求出应力.
ABAQUS是一个模块存贮计算的解题程序。方程是按块处 理的,输入数据分成许多模块,各种复杂的分析都可以通过不 同的模块的组合来处理,因此,它可以求解很大的有限元系统。
ABAQUS/CAE 模块: 用于分析对象的建模,特性及约束条件
1. ABAQUS/CAE前处理模块:
它不仅能解决结构力学问题,而且能够模拟热传导,辐射 和声音传播。它能解决一大批工程实际中所遇到的结构分析问 题,对固体,结构及结构-流体系统做静、动位移和应力进行 线性和非线性分析。
工程有限元分析英文课件:Shape Functions for 3D Elements
![工程有限元分析英文课件:Shape Functions for 3D Elements](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/606bce20a26925c52dc5bf34.png)
f1(i) (L1, L2 , L3, L4 ) f1(i) (L1i , L2i , L3i , L4i )
in which, f1(i) (L1, L2, L3, L4 ) denotes the left side of the equation for
one plane that pass through the remote nodes of node i, i.e.,
Volume CAonoardlyisnisatoefsT(Nhraeteu–r体aDl积iCm坐oe标onrs(d自ioin然naa坐lteP标sro))blems
To develop the shape functions for a tetrahedron element, we make
Analysis of Three – Dimensional Problems
Corresponding to node 1
f (1)
L2 ,
L3, L4 )
Considering that L11 1, L21 L31 L41 0 , thus
AVnoalluysmiseoCf Tohorredein–aDteims ensional Problems
To get a2,b2, c2 and d2 we permute the indices(下标序列 改变) but must determine the proper sign(正确的符号) by
外文翻译 对于有限元分析的介绍
![外文翻译 对于有限元分析的介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ef338605fad6195f312ba6da.png)
本科生毕业设计 (论文)
注:1. 指导教师对译文进行评阅时应注意以下几个方面:①翻译的外文文献与毕业设计(论文)的主题是否高度相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献;②翻译的外文文献字数是否达到规定数量(3 000字以上);③译文语言是否准确、通顺、具有参考价值。
2. 外文原文应以附件的方式置于译文之后。
共 5 页第11 页。
Introduction to Finite Element Method
One of the main reasons for the popularity of the FE method in
different fields of engineering is that once a well known commercial FEM software package(软件包)(such as ABAQUS, CATIA, ANSYS, NASTRAN and so on)is established, it can be
The finite element method was first developed in 1956 for the analysis of aircraft structures. Thereafter, within the past decades, the potentialities of the method for the solution of different types of applied science and engineering problems were recognized.
small, interconnected subregions
called finite elements ( 单 元 )
which are so small that the shape
Chinese Idiom: Practice makes progress. Review leads to deeper understanding.
How can we achieve “understanding”?
(1)based on knowledge (2)processed by thinking
(2)MSC/NASTRAN。 MSC/NASTRAN是在原NAST RAN基础上进行大量改进后的系统软件,主要包括MS C.Patran并行框架式有限元前后处理及分析系统、 MS C.GS-Mesher快速有限元网格、 MSC.MARC非线性有 限元软件等。其中MSC.MARC具有较强的结构分析能
5.在产品制造或工程施工前预先发现潜在的问题; 6. 模拟各种试验方案,减少试验时间和经费; 7. 进行机械事故分析,查找事故原因。
知量时称为混合法。 位移法易于实现计算自动化,所以,在有限单元法
有限单元法基本思想的提出,可以追溯到Courantl在1 943年的工作,他第一次尝试应用定义在三角形区域上的 分片连续函数和最小位能原理相结合,来求解St·Venant 扭转问题。相继一些应用数学家、物理学家和工程师由于 各种原因都涉足过有限单元的概念。
(1) 概念清楚,容易理解。可以在不同的专业背景和水平 上建立起对该方法的理解。从使用的观点来讲,每个人的 理论基础不同,理解的深度也可以不同,既可以通过直观的 物理意义来学习,也可以从严格的力学概念和数学概念推 导。
网 格 划 分
模 型 检 查
边 界 条 有限元模型 件 计算 定 义
节 点 数 据
单 元 数 据
节 坐 坐 位 节 单 点 标 标 移 点 元 参 参 编 考 考 总 编 值 系 系 数 号 号 代 代 码 码
单 元 节 点 编 号
单 元 材 料 特 性 码
有限元模型由一些简单形状的单元组成,单元之间通 过节点连接,并承受一定载荷。
网格疏密 ( relative density)对结果影响
Elements: 132 Max.stress: 300.60MPa
Elements: 84 Max.stress: 296.36MPa
如果你要对一个物理系统进行有限元分析,就是这样 一个问题的答案:“利用FEA我想研究结构哪些方面的情 况?”
结构分析 热分析 磁分析 流体分析 …… 耦合分析
.实体运动,承受压力,或实体间存在接触 .施加热、高温或存在温度变化 .恒定的磁场或磁场 .电流(直流或交流) .气(液)体的运动,或受限制的气体/液体 .以上各种情况的耦合
单 元 物 理 特 性 值 码
单 元 截 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 特 性
相 关 几 何 数 据
位 移 约 束 数 据
载 荷 条 件 数 据
热 边 界 条 件 数 据 码
其 它 边 界 条 件 数 据 码
Example of modeling
Calculation: stress, deformation,reaction
The finite element analysisFinite element method, the solving area is regarded as made up of many small in the node connected unit (a domain), the model gives the fundamental equation of sharding (sub-domain) approximation solution, due to the unit (a domain) can be divided into various shapes and sizes of different size, so it can well adapt to the complex geometry, complex material properties and complicated boundary conditionsFinite element model: is it real system idealized mathematical abstractions. Is composed of some simple shapes of unit, unit connection through the node, and under a certain load.Finite element analysis: is the use of mathematical approximation method for real physical systems (geometry and loading conditions were simulated. And by using simple and interacting elements, namely unit, can use a limited number of unknown variables to approaching infinite unknown quantity of the real system.Linear elastic finite element method is a ideal elastic body as the research object, considering the deformation based on small deformation assumption of. In this kind of problem, the stress and strain of the material is linear relationship, meet the generalized hooke's law; Stress and strain is linear, linear elastic problem boils down to solving linear equations, so only need less computation time. If the efficient method of solving algebraic equations can also help reduce the duration of finite element analysis.Linear elastic finite element generally includes linear elastic statics analysis and linear elastic dynamics analysis from two aspects. The difference between the nonlinear problem and linear elastic problems:1) nonlinear equation is nonlinear, and iteratively solving of general;2) the nonlinear problem can't use superposition principle;3) nonlinear problem is not there is always solution, sometimes even no solution. Finite element to solve the nonlinear problem can be divided into the following three categories:1) material nonlinear problems of stress and strain is nonlinear, but the stress and strain is very small, a linear relationship between strain and displacement at this time, this kind of problem belongs to the material nonlinear problems. Due to theoretically also cannot provide the constitutive relation can be accepted, so, general nonlinear relations between stress and strain of the material based on the test data, sometimes, to simulate the nonlinear material properties available mathematical model though these models always have their limitations. More important material nonlinear problems in engineering practice are: nonlinear elastic (including piecewise linear elastic, elastic-plastic and viscoplastic, creep, etc.2) geometric nonlinear geometric nonlinear problems are caused due to the nonlinear relationship between displacement. When the object the displacement is larger, the strain and displacement relationship is nonlinear relationship. Research on this kind of problemIs assumes that the material of stress and strain is linear relationship. It consists of a large displacement problem of large strain and large displacement little strain. Such as the structure of the elastic buckling problem belongs to the large displacement little strain, rubber parts forming process for large strain.3) nonlinear boundary problem in the processing, problems such as sealing, the impact of the role of contact and friction can not be ignored, belongs to the highly nonlinear contact boundary.At ordinary times some contact problems, such as gear, stamping forming, rolling, rubber shock absorber, interference fit assembly, etc., when a structure and another structure or external boundary contact usually want to consider nonlinear boundary conditions. The actual nonlinear may appear at the same time these two or three kinds of nonlinear problems.Finite element theoretical basisFinite element method is based on variational principle and the weighted residual method, and the basic solving thought is the computational domain is divided into a finite number of non-overlapping unit, within each cell, select some appropriate nodes as solving the interpolation function, the differential equation of the variables in the rewritten by the variable or its derivative selected interpolation node value and the function of linear expression, with the aid of variational principle or weighted residual method, the discrete solution of differential equation. Using different forms of weight function and interpolation function, constitute different finite element methods. 1. The weighted residual method and the weighted residual method of weighted residual method of weighted residual method: refers to the weighted function is zero using make allowance for approximate solution of the differential equation method is called the weighted residual method. Is a kind of directly from the solution of differential equation and boundary conditions, to seek the approximate solution of boundary value problems of mathematical methods. Weighted residual method is to solve the differential equation of the approximate solution of a kind of effective method.Hybrid method for the trial function selected is the most convenient, but under the condition of the same precision, the workload is the largest. For internal method and the boundary method basis function must be made in advance to meet certain conditions, the analysis of complex structures tend to have certain difficulty, but the trial function is established, the workload is small. No matter what method is used, when set up trial function should be paid attention to are the following:(1) trial function should be composed of a subset of the complete function set. Have been using the trial function has the power series and trigonometric series, spline functions, beisaier, chebyshev, Legendre polynomial, and so on.(2) the trial function should have until than to eliminate surplus weighted integral expression of the highest derivative low first order derivative continuity.(3) the trial function should be special solution with analytical solution of the problem or problems associated with it. If computing problems with symmetry, should make full use of it. Obviously, any independent complete set of functions can be used as weight function. According to the weight function of the different options for different weighted allowance calculation method, mainly include: collocation method, subdomain method, least square method, moment method and galerkin method. The galerkin method has the highest accuracy.Principle of virtual work: balance equations and geometric equations of the equivalent integral form of "weak" virtual work principles include principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, is the floorboard of the principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress theory. They can be considered with some control equation of equivalent integral "weak" form. Principle of virtual work: get form any balanced force system in any state of deformation coordinate condition on the virtual work is equal to zero, namely the system of virtual work force and internal force ofthe sum of virtual work is equal to zero. The virtual displacement principle is the equilibrium equation and force boundary conditions of the equivalent integral form of "weak"; Virtual stress principle is geometric equation and displacement boundary condition of the equivalent integral form of "weak". Mechanical meaning of the virtual displacement principle: if the force system is balanced, they on the virtual displacement and virtual strain by the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the force system in the virtual displacement (strain) and virtual and is equal to zero for the work, they must balance equation. Virtual displacement principle formulated the system of force balance, therefore, necessary and sufficient conditions. In general, the virtual displacement principle can not only suitable for linear elastic problems, and can be used in the nonlinear elastic and elastic-plastic nonlinear problem.Virtual mechanical meaning of stress principle: if the displacement is coordinated, the virtual stress and virtual boundary constraint counterforce in which they are the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the virtual force system in which they are and is zero for the work, they must be meet the coordination. Virtual stress in principle, therefore, necessary and sufficient condition for the expression of displacement coordination. Virtual stress principle can be applied to different linear elastic and nonlinear elastic mechanics problem. But it must be pointed out that both principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, rely on their geometric equation and equilibrium equation is based on the theory of small deformation, they cannot be directly applied to mechanical problems based on large deformation theory. 3,,,,, the minimum total potential energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the minimum strain energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the potential energy function in the object on the external load will cause deformation, the deformation force during the work done in the form of elastic energy stored in the object, is the strain energy.The convergence of the finite element method, the convergence of the finite element method refers to when the grid gradually encryption, the finite element solution sequence converges to the exact solution; Or when the cell size is fixed, the more freedom degree each unit, the finite element solutions tend to be more precise solution. Convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element includes the following four aspects: 1) within the unit, the displacement function must be continuous. Polynomial is single-valued continuous function, so choose polynomial as displacement function, to ensure continuity within the unit. 2) within the unit, the displacement function must include often strain. Total can be broken down into each unit of the state of strain does not depend on different locations within the cell strain and strain is decided by the point location of variables. When the size of the units is enough hours, unit of each point in the strain tend to be equal, unit deformation is uniform, so often strain becomes the main part of the strain. To reflect the state of strain unit, the unit must include the displacement functions often strain. 3) within the unit, the displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. Under normal circumstances, the cell for a bit of deformation displacement and displacement of rigid body displacement including two parts. Deformation displacement is associated with the changes in the object shape and volume, thus producing strain; The rigid body displacement changing the object position, don't change the shape and volume of the object, namely the rigid body displacement is not deformation displacement. Spatial displacement of an object includes three translational and three rotational displacement, a total of six rigid body displacements. Due to a unit involved in the other unit, other units do rigid body displacement deformation occurs willdrive unit, thus, to simulate real displacement of a unit, assume that the element displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. 4) the displacement function must be coordinated in public boundary of the adjacent cell. For general unit of coordination is refers to the adjacent cell in public node have the same displacement, but also have the same displacement along the edge of the unit, that is to say, to ensure that the unit does not occur from cracking and invade the overlap each other. To do this requires the function on the common boundary can be determined by the public node function value only. For general unit and coordination to ensure the continuity of the displacement of adjacent cell boundaries. However, between the plate and shell of the adjacent cell, also requires a displacement of the first derivative continuous, only in this way, to guarantee the strain energy of the structure is bounded. On the whole, coordination refers to the public on the border between neighboring units satisfy the continuity conditions. The first three, also called completeness conditions, meet the conditions of complete unit is complete unit; Article 4 is coordination requirements, meet the coordination unit coordination unit; Otherwise known as the coordinating units. Completeness requirement is necessary for convergence, all four meet, constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence. In practical application, to make the selected displacement functions all meet the requirements of completeness and harmony, it is difficult in some cases can relax the requirement for coordination. It should be pointed out that, sometimes the coordination unit than its corresponding coordination unit, its reason lies in the nature of the approximate solution. Assumed displacement function is equivalent to put the unit under constraint conditions, the unit deformation subject to the constraints, this just some alternative structure compared to the real structure. But the approximate structure due to allow cell separation, overlap, become soft, the stiffness of the unit or formed (such as round degree between continuous plate unit in the unit, and corner is discontinuous, just to pin point) for the coordination unit, the error of these two effects have the possibility of cancellation, so sometimes use the coordination unit will get very good results. In engineering practice, the coordination of yuan must pass to use "small pieces after test". Average units or nodes average processing method of stress stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress of the unit average or node average treatment method is the simplest method is to take stress results adjacent cell or surrounding nodes, the average value of stress.1. Take an average of 2 adjacent unit stress. Take around nodes, the average value of stressThe basic steps of finite element method to solve the problemThe structural discretization structure discretization structure discretization structure discretization to discretization of the whole structure, will be divided into several units, through the node connected to each other between the units; 2. The stiffness matrix of each unit and each element stiffness matrix and the element stiffness matrix and the stiffness matrix of each unit (3) integrated global stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix integrated overall stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write a general equation 4. Introduction of supporting conditions, the displacement of each node 5. Calculate the stress and strain in the unit to get the stress and strain of each cell and the cell of the stress and strain and the stress and strain of each cell.For the finite element method, the basic ideas and steps can be summarized as: (1) to establishintegral equation, according to the principle of variational allowance and the weight function or equation principle of orthogonalization, establishment and integral expression of differential equations is equivalent to the initial-boundary value problem, this is the starting point of the finite element method. Unit (2) the area subdivision, according to the solution of the shape of the area and the physical characteristics of practical problems, cut area is divided into a number of mutual connection, overlap of unit. Regional unit is divided into finite element method of the preparation, this part of the workload is bigger, in addition to the cell and node number and determine the relationship between each other, also said the node coordinates, at the same time also need to list the natural boundary and essential boundary node number and the corresponding boundary value.(3) determine the unit basis function, according to the unit and the approximate solution of node number in precision requirement, choose meet certain interpolation condition basis function interpolation function as a unit. Basis function in the finite element method is selected in the unit, due to the geometry of each unit has a rule in the selection of basis function can follow certain rules. (4) the unit will be analysis: to solve the function of each unit with unit basis functions to approximate the linear combination of expression; Then approximate function generation into the integral equation, and the unit area integral, can be obtained with undetermined coefficient (i.e., cell parameter value) of each node in the algebraic equations, known as the finite element equation.(5) the overall synthesis: after the finite element equation, the area of all elements in the finite element equation according to certain principles of accumulation, the formation of general finite element equations. (6) boundary condition processing: general boundary conditions there are three kinds of form, divided into the essential boundary conditions (dirichlet boundary condition) and natural boundary conditions (Riemann boundary conditions) and mixed boundary conditions (cauchy boundary conditions). Often in the integral expression for natural boundary conditions, can be automatically satisfied. For essential boundary conditions and mixed boundary conditions, should be in a certain method to modify general finite element equations satisfies. Solving finite element equations (7) : based on the general finite element equations of boundary conditions are fixed, are all closed equations of the unknown quantity, and adopt appropriate numerical calculation method, the function value of each node can be obtained.有限元分析有限元法求解区域是由许多小的节点连接单元(域),该模型给出了切分的基本方程(子域名)的近似解,由于单位(域)可以分为不同的形状和大小不同的尺寸,所以它能很好的适应复杂的几何形状、材料特性和边界条件复杂,复杂有限元模型:它是真实系统的理想化的数学抽象。
有限元分析方法范文有限元分析(finite element analysis,FEA)是一种广泛应用于工程领域中的数值分析方法。
有限元分析法范文有限元分析法(Finite Element Analysis,FEA)是一种工程分析方法,用于解决复杂结构受力、变形等问题。
1. 有限元分析简介有限元分析(Finite Element Analysis, FEA)是一种数学模拟分析方法。
2. 有限元分析在船舶强度计算中的应用在船舶结构设计中,强度计算是至关重要的一部分。
3. 有限元分析在船舶设计优化中的应用有限元分析可以为船舶结构优化提供依据。
4. 有限元分析在船舶结构安全性评估中的应用船舶结构的安全性评估是船舶设计中不可避免的一个环节。
工程有限元分析英文课件:Lagrange polynomials (拉格朗日多项式)
![工程有限元分析英文课件:Lagrange polynomials (拉格朗日多项式)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f0227541fad6195f302ba634.png)
L12 (
)L10 ()
1 2
2 )(1)
Product of Lagrange polynomial
( )
1 2
(1 ),
L12 ( ) (1 2 )
Or use the Inspective Construction
Formulation of Isoparametric Finite Element Matrices
Formulation of Isoparametric Finite Element Matrices
Shape Functions for Corner Nodes (角节点)
②Shape Functions for Corner Nodes
The construction of the shape function for a corner node is
Formulation of Isoparametric Finite Element Matrices
3.2.2 Lagrange polynomials (拉格朗日多项式)
The Lagrange interpolation polynomial in a single coordinate system (-1≤ ≤1) with (n 1) nodes is
It can be seen that Lni ( ) is an nth degree polynomial as it is
given by the product of n linear factors.
机器人机构优化设计有限元分析中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述FEM Optimization for Robot StructureAbstractIn optimal design for robot structures, design models need to he modified and computed repeatedly. Because modifying usually can not automatically be run, it consumes a lot of time. This paper gives a method that uses APDL language of ANSYS 5.5 software to generate an optimal control program, which mike optimal procedure run automatically and optimal efficiency be improved.1)IntroductionIndustrial robot is a kind of machine, which is controlled by computers. Because efficiency and maneuverability are higher than traditional machines, industrial robot is used extensively in industry. For the sake of efficiency and maneuverability, reducing mass and increasing stiffness is more important than traditional machines, in structure design of industrial robot.A lot of methods are used in optimization design of structure. Finite element method is a much effective method. In general, modeling and modifying are manual, which is feasible when model is simple. When model is complicated, optimization time is longer. In the longer optimization time, calculation time is usually very little, a majority of time is used for modeling and modifying. It is key of improving efficiency of structure optimization how to reduce modeling and modifying time.APDL language is an interactive development tool, which is based on ANSYS and is offered to program users. APDL language has typical function of some large computer languages. For example, parameter definition similar to constant and variable definition, branch and loop control, and macro call similar to function and subroutine call, etc. Besides these, it possesses powerful capability of mathematical calculation. The capability of mathematical calculation includes arithmetic calculation, comparison, rounding, and trigonometric function, exponential function and hyperbola function of standard FORTRAN language, etc. By means of APDL language, the data can be read and then calculated, which is in database of ANSYS program, and running process of ANSYS program can be controlled.Fig. 1 shows the main framework of a parallel robot with three bars. When the length of three bars are changed, conjunct end of three bars can follow a given track, where robot hand is installed. Core of top beam is triangle, owing to three bars used in the design, which is showed in Fig.2. Use of three bars makes top beam nonsymmetrical along the plane that is defined by two columns. According to a qualitative analysis from Fig.1, Stiffness values along z-axis are different at three joint locations on the top beam and stiffness at the location between bar 1 and top beam is lowest, which is confirmed by computing results of finite element, too. According to design goal, stiffness difference at three joint locations must he within a given tolerance. In consistent of stiffness will have influence on the motion accuracy of the manipulator under high load, so it is necessary to find the accurate location of top beam along x-axis.To the questions presented above, the general solution is to change the location of the top beam many times, compare the results and eventually find a proper position, The model will be modified according to the last calculating result each time. It is difficult to avoid mistakes if the iterative process is controlled manually and the iterative time is too long. The outer wall and inner rib shapes of the top beam will be changed after the model is modified. To find the appropriate location of top beam, the model needs to be modified repetitiously.Fig. 1 Solution of Original DesignThis paper gives an optimization solution to the position optimization question of the top beam by APDL language of ANSYS program. After the analysis model first founded, the optimization control program can be formed by means of modeling instruction in the log file. The later iterative optimization process can be finished by the optimization control program and do not need manual control. The time spent in modifying the model can be decreased to the ignorable extent. The efficiency of the optimization process is greatly improved.2)Construction of model for analysisThe structure shown in Fig. 1 consists of three parts: two columns, one beam and three driving bars. The columns and beam are joined by the bolts on the first horizontal rib located on top of the columns as shown in Fig.1. Because the driving bars are substituted by equivalentforces on the joint positions, their structure is ignored in the model.The core of the top beam is three joints and a hole with special purpose, which can not be changed. The other parts of the beam may be changed if needed. For the convenience of modeling, the core of the beam is formed into one component. In the process of optimization, only the core position of beam along x axis is changed, that is to say, shape of beam core is not changed. It should be noticed that, in the rest of beam, only shape is changed but the topology is not changed and which can automatically be performed by the control program.Fig.1, six bolts join the beam and two columns. The joint surface can not bear the pull stress in the non-bolt joint positions, in which it is better to set contact elements. When the model includes contact elements, nonlinear iterative calculation will be needed in the process of solution and the computing time will quickly increase. The trial computing result not including contact element shows that the outside of beam bears pulling stress and the inner of beam bears the press stress. Considering the primary analysis object is the joint position stiffness between the top beam and the three driving bars, contact elements may not used, hut constructs the geometry model of joint surface as Fig.2 showing. The upper surface and the undersurface share one key point in bolt-joint positions and the upper surface and the under surface separately possess own key points in no bolt positions. When meshed, one node will be created at shared key point, where columns and beam are joined, and two nodes will be created at non shared key point, where column and beam are separated. On right surface of left column and left surface of right column, according to trial computing result, the structure bears press stress. Therefore, the columns and beam will share all key points, not but at bolts. This can not only omit contact element but also show the characteristic of bolt joining. The joining between the bottoms of the columns and the base are treated as full constraint. Because the main aim of analysis is the stiffness of the top beam, it can be assumed that the joint positions hear the same as load between beam and the three driving bars. The structure is the thin wall cast and simulated by shell element . The thickness of the outside wall of the structure and the rib are not equal, so two groups of real constant should he set. For the convenience of modeling, the two columns are alsoset into another component. The components can create an assembly. In this way, the joint positions between the beam core and columns could he easily selected, in the modifying the model and modifying process can automatically be performed. Analysis model is showed Fig.1. Because model and load are symmetric, computing model is only half. So the total of elements is decreased to 8927 and the total of nodes is decreased to 4341. All elements are triangle.3.)Optimization solutionThe optimization process is essentially a computing and modifying process. The original design is used as initial condition of the iterative process. The ending condition of the process is that stiffness differences of the joint locations between three driving bars and top beam are less than given tolerance or iterative times exceed expected value. Considering the speciality of the question, it is foreseen that the location is existent where stiffness values are equal. If iterative is not convergent, the cause cannot be otherwise than inappropriate displacement increment or deficient iterative times. In order to make the iterative process convergent quickly and efficiently, this paper uses the bisection searching method changing step length to modify the top beam displacement. This method is a little complex but the requirement on the initial condition is relatively mild.The flow chart of optimization as follows:1. Read the beam model data in initial position from backup file;2. Modify the position of beam;3. Solve;4. Read the deform of nodes where beam and three bars are joined;5. Check whether the convergent conditions are satisfied, if not, then continue to modify the beam displacement and return to 3, otherwise, exit the iteration procedure.6. Save the results and then exit.The program's primary control codes and their function commentaries are given in it, of which the detailed modeling instructions are omitted. For the convenience of comparing with the control flow, the necessary notes are added.the flag of the batch file in ANSYSBATCH RESUME, robbak.db, 0read original data from the backupfile robbak,.db/PREP7 enter preprocessordelete the joint part between beam core and columnsmove the core of the beam by one :step lengthapply load and constraint on the geometry meshing thejoint position between beam core and columns FINISH exit the preprocessorISOLU enter solverSOLVE solveFINISH exit the solverPOST1 enter the postprocessor*GET ,front,NODE,2013,U,Z read the deformation of first joint node on beam*GET,back,NODE, 1441 ,U,Z read the deformation of second joint node on beam intoparameter hacklastdif-1 the absolute of initial difference between front and hacklast timeflag=- 1 the feasibility flag of the optimizationstep=0.05 the initial displacement from initial position to the currentposition*D0,1,1,10,1 the iteration procedure begin, the cycle variable is I andits value range is 1-10 and step length is 1dif=abs(front-back) the absolute of the difference between front and hack inthe current result*IF,dif,LE,l .OE-6,THEN check whether the absolute difference dif satisfies therequest or noflag=l yes, set flag equal to 1*EXIT exit the iterative calculation*ELSEIF,dif,GE,lastdif,THEN check whether the dif value becomes great or not flag=2yes, set flag 2 modify step length by bisection methodperform the next iterative calculation, use the lastposition as the current position and modified last steplength as the current step lengthELSE if the absolute of difference value is not less thanexpected value and become small gradually, continue tomove top beam read the initial condition from back upfile enter the preprocessorMEN, ,P51X, , , step,, , ,1 move the core of the beam by one step length modify thejoint positions between beam core and column applyload and constraint meshingFINISH exit preprocessorISOLU enter solverSOLVE solveFINISH exit the solver/POST1 exit the postprocessor*GET,front,NODE,201 3,U,Z read the deformation of first joint node to parameter front *GET,back,NODE, 144 1,U,Z read the deformation of second joint node to parameter back lastdif-dif update the value of last dif*ENDIF the end of the if-else*ENDDO the end of the DO cycleMost of the control program above is copied from log file, which is long. The total of lines is up to about 1000 lines. Many codes such as modeling and post-process codes are used repeatedly. To make the program construct clear, these instructions can he made into macros, which are called by main program. This can efficiently reduce the length of the main program. In addition, modeling instructions from log file includes lots of special instructions that are only used under graphic mode but useless under hatch mode. Deleting and modifying these instructions when under batch mode in ANSYS can reduce the length of the file, too.In the program above, the deformation at given position is read from node deformation. In meshing, in order to avoid generating had elements, triangle mesh is used. In optimization, the shape of joint position between columns and beam continually is changed. This makes total of elements different after meshing each time and then element numbering different, too. Data read from database according to node numbering might not he data to want. Therefore, beam core first needs to he meshed, then saved. When read next time, its numbering is the same as last time.Evaluating whether the final result is a feasible result or not needs to check the flag value. If only the flag value is I, the result is feasible, otherwise the most proper position is not found. The total displacement of top beam is saved in parameter step. If the result is feasible, the step value is the distance from initial position to the most proper position. The sum of iterative is saved in parameter 1. According to the final value of I, feasibility of analysis result and correctness of initial condition can he evaluated.4)Optimization resultsThe sum of iterative in optimization is seven, and it takes about 2 hour and 37 minutes to find optimal position. Fig.3 shows the deformation contour of the half-construct. In Fig.3, the deformations in three joints between beam and the three driving bars is the same as level, and the corresponding deformation range is between -0.133E-04 and -0.1 15E-O4m, the requirement of the same stiffness is reached. At this time, the position of beam core along x-axis as shown in Fig. 1 has moved -0.71E-01m compared with the original designed positionBecause the speed of computer reading instruction is much faster than modifying model manually, the time modifying model can be ignored. The time necessary foroptimization mostly depends on the time of solution. Compared with the optimization procedure manually modifying model, the efficiency is improved and mistake operating in modeling is avoided.5)ConclusionThe analyzing result reveals that the optimization method given in this paper is effective and reaches the expected goal. The first advantage of this method is that manual mistakes do not easily occur in optimization procedure. Secondly, it is pretty universal and the control codes given in this paper may he transplanted to use in similar structure optimization design without large modification. The disadvantage is that the topology structure of the optimization object can not be changed. The more the workload of modifying the model, the more the advantages of this method are shown. In addition, the topology optimization function provided in ANSYS is usedto solve the optimization problem that needs to change the topology structure.The better optimization results can he achieved if the method in this paper combined with it.中文译文:机器人机构优化设计有限元分析摘要机器人结构最优化设计,设计模型需要反复的修正和计算。
工程有限元分析英文课件:Constitutive Relations
![工程有限元分析英文课件:Constitutive Relations](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6f11828b3186bceb18e8bb34.png)
Here,S and C are called the compliance matrix(柔度矩阵)
and stiffness matrix, respectively. It is clear that
C S 1
Finite Element Analysis for Plates and Shells
Fig. 6.19 Positive rotation(正向旋转) of principal material
axes(材料主轴) from x – y axes
Finite Element Analysis for Plates and Shells
Transformation relations for stress and strain are defined from the tensor theory for second rank tensors(二阶张量). We observe that strains do transform with the same transformation as stresses if the tensor definition of shear strain is used(which is equivalent to dividing the engineering shear strain by two).
0 0
0 0
3 12
23 0 0 0 0 0 S66 23
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The finite element analysisFinite element method, the solving area is regarded as made up of many small in the node connected unit (a domain), the model gives the fundamental equation of sharding (sub-domain) approximation solution, due to the unit (a domain) can be divided into various shapes and sizes of different size, so it can well adapt to the complex geometry, complex material properties and complicated boundary conditionsFinite element model: is it real system idealized mathematical abstractions. Is composed of some simple shapes of unit, unit connection through the node, and under a certain load.Finite element analysis: is the use of mathematical approximation method for real physical systems (geometry and loading conditions were simulated. And by using simple and interacting elements, namely unit, can use a limited number of unknown variables to approaching infinite unknown quantity of the real system.Linear elastic finite element method is a ideal elastic body as the research object, considering the deformation based on small deformation assumption of. In this kind of problem, the stress and strain of the material is linear relationship, meet the generalized hooke's law; Stress and strain is linear, linear elastic problem boils down to solving linear equations, so only need less computation time. If the efficient method of solving algebraic equations can also help reduce the duration of finite element analysis.Linear elastic finite element generally includes linear elastic statics analysis and linear elastic dynamics analysis from two aspects. The difference between the nonlinear problem and linear elastic problems:1) nonlinear equation is nonlinear, and iteratively solving of general;2) the nonlinear problem can't use superposition principle;3) nonlinear problem is not there is always solution, sometimeseven no solution. Finite element to solve the nonlinear problem can be divided into the following three categories:1) material nonlinear problems of stress and strain is nonlinear,but the stress and strain is very small, a linear relationship between strain and displacement at this time, this kind of problem belongs tothe material nonlinear problems. Due to theoretically also cannotprovide the constitutive relation can be accepted, so, general nonlinear relations between stress and strain of the material based on the test data, sometimes, to simulate the nonlinear material properties available mathematical model though these models always have their limitations. More important material nonlinear problems in engineering practice are: nonlinear elastic (including piecewise linear elastic, elastic-plasticand viscoplastic, creep, etc.2) geometric nonlinear geometric nonlinear problems are caused dueto the nonlinear relationship between displacement. When the object the displacement is larger, the strain and displacement relationship is nonlinear relationship. Research on this kind of problemIs assumes that the material of stress and strain is linear relationship. It consists of a large displacement problem of largestrain and large displacement little strain. Such as the structure ofthe elastic buckling problem belongs to the large displacement little strain, rubber parts forming process for large strain.3) nonlinear boundary problem in the processing, problems such as sealing, the impact of the role of contact and friction can not be ignored, belongs to the highly nonlinear contact boundary.At ordinary times some contact problems, such as gear, stamping forming, rolling, rubber shock absorber, interference fit assembly, etc., when a structure and another structure or external boundary contact usually want to consider nonlinear boundary conditions. The actual nonlinear may appear at the same time these two or three kinds of nonlinear problems.Finite element theoretical basisFinite element method is based on variational principle and the weighted residual method, and the basic solving thought is the computational domain is divided into a finite number of non-overlapping unit, within each cell, select some appropriate nodes as solving the interpolation function, the differential equation of the variables inthe rewritten by the variable or its derivative selected interpolation node value and the function of linear expression, with the aid of variational principle or weighted residual method, the discrete solution of differential equation. Using different forms of weight function and interpolation function, constitute different finite element methods. 1. The weighted residual method and the weighted residual method ofweighted residual method of weighted residual method: refers to the weighted function is zero using make allowance for approximate solution of the differential equation method is called the weighted residual method. Is a kind of directly from the solution of differential equation and boundary conditions, to seek the approximate solution of boundary value problems of mathematical methods. Weighted residual method is to solve the differential equation of the approximate solution of a kind of effective method.Hybrid method for the trial function selected is the most convenient, but under the condition of the same precision, the workload is the largest. For internal method and the boundary method basis function must be made in advance to meet certain conditions, the analysis of complex structures tend to have certain difficulty, but the trial function is established, the workload is small. No matter what method is used, when set up trial function should be paid attention to are the following:(1) trial function should be composed of a subset of the complete function set. Have been using the trial function has the power series and trigonometric series, spline functions, beisaier, chebyshev, Legendre polynomial, and so on.(2) the trial function should have until than to eliminate surplus weighted integral expression of the highest derivative low first order derivative continuity.(3) the trial function should be special solution with analytical solution of the problem or problems associated with it. If computing problems with symmetry, should make full use of it. Obviously, anyindependent complete set of functions can be used as weight function. According to the weight function of the different options for different weighted allowance calculation method, mainly include: collocation method, subdomain method, least square method, moment method andgalerkin method. The galerkin method has the highest accuracy.Principle of virtual work: balance equations and geometricequations of the equivalent integral form of "weak" virtual work principles include principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, is the floorboard of the principle of virtual displacementand virtual stress theory. They can be considered with some control equation of equivalent integral "weak" form. Principle of virtual work: get form any balanced force system in any state of deformationcoordinate condition on the virtual work is equal to zero, namely the system of virtual work force and internal force ofthe sum of virtual work is equal to zero. The virtual displacement principle is the equilibrium equation and force boundary conditions of the equivalent integral form of "weak"; Virtual stress principle is geometric equation and displacement boundary condition of the equivalent integral form of "weak". Mechanical meaning of the virtual displacement principle: if the force system is balanced, they on the virtual displacement and virtual strain by the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the force system in the virtual displacement (strain) and virtual and is equal to zero for the work, they must balance equation. Virtual displacement principle formulated the system of force balance, therefore, necessary and sufficient conditions. In general, the virtual displacement principle can not only suitable for linear elastic problems,and can be used in the nonlinear elastic and elastic-plastic nonlinear problem.Virtual mechanical meaning of stress principle: if the displacement is coordinated, the virtual stress and virtual boundary constraint counterforce in which they are the sum of the work is zero. On the other hand, if the virtual force system in which they are and is zero for the work, they must be meet the coordination. Virtual stress in principle, therefore, necessary and sufficient condition for the expression of displacement coordination. Virtual stress principle can be applied to different linear elastic and nonlinear elastic mechanics problem. But it must be pointed out that both principle of virtual displacement and virtual stress principle, rely on their geometric equation and equilibrium equation is based on the theory of small deformation, they cannot be directly applied to mechanical problems based on large deformation theory. 3,,,,, the minimum total potential energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the minimum strain energy method of minimum total potential energy method, the potential energy function in the object on the external load will cause deformation, the deformation force during the work done in the form of elastic energy stored in the object, is the strain energy.The convergence of the finite element method, the convergence of the finite element method refers to when the grid gradually encryption, the finite element solution sequence converges to the exact solution; Or when the cell size is fixed, the more freedom degree each unit, thefinite element solutions tend to be more precise solution. Convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finite element finite element convergence condition of the convergence condition of the finiteelement finite element includes the following four aspects: 1) within the unit, the displacement function must be continuous. Polynomial is single-valued continuous function, so choose polynomial as displacement function, to ensure continuity within the unit. 2) within the unit, the displacement function must include often strain. Total can be broken down into each unit of the state of strain does not depend on different locations within the cell strain and strain is decided by the point location of variables. When the size of the units is enough hours, unit of each point in the strain tend to be equal, unit deformation is uniform, so often strain becomes the main part of the strain. To reflect the state of strain unit, the unit must include the displacement functions often strain. 3) within the unit, the displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. Under normal circumstances, the cell for a bit of deformation displacement and displacement of rigid body displacement including two parts. Deformation displacement is associated with the changes in the object shape and volume, thus producing strain; The rigid body displacement changing the object position, don't change the shape and volume of the object, namely the rigid body displacement is not deformation displacement. Spatial displacement of an object includes three translational and three rotational displacement, a total of six rigid body displacements. Due to a unit involved in the other unit, other units do rigid body displacement deformation occurs willdrive unit, thus, to simulate real displacement of a unit, assume that the element displacement function must include the rigid body displacement. 4) the displacement function must be coordinated in public boundary of the adjacent cell. For general unit of coordination isrefers to the adjacent cell in public node have the same displacement,but also have the same displacement along the edge of the unit, that is to say, to ensure that the unit does not occur from cracking and invade the overlap each other. To do this requires the function on the common boundary can be determined by the public node function value only. For general unit and coordination to ensure the continuity of the displacement of adjacent cell boundaries. However, between the plate and shell of the adjacent cell, also requires a displacement of the first derivative continuous, only in this way, to guarantee the strain energy of the structure is bounded. On the whole, coordination refers to the public on the border between neighboring units satisfy the continuity conditions. The first three, also called completeness conditions, meet the conditions of complete unit is complete unit; Article 4 is coordination requirements, meet the coordination unit coordination unit; Otherwise known as the coordinating units. Completeness requirement is necessary for convergence, all four meet, constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for convergence. In practical application, to make the selected displacement functions all meet the requirements of completeness and harmony, it is difficult in some cases can relax the requirement for coordination. It should be pointed out that, sometimes the coordination unit than its corresponding coordination unit, its reason lies in the nature of the approximate solution. Assumed displacement function is equivalent to put the unit under constraint conditions, the unit deformation subject to the constraints, this just some alternative structure compared to the real structure. But the approximate structure due to allow cell separation, overlap, become soft, the stiffness of the unit or formed (such as round degree between continuous plate unit in the unit, and corner is discontinuous, just to pin point) for the coordination unit, the error of these two effectshave the possibility of cancellation, so sometimes use the coordination unit will get very good results. In engineering practice, the coordination of yuan must pass to use "small pieces after test". Average units or nodes average processing method of stress stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress average units or nodes average processing method of stress of the unit average or node average treatment method is the simplest method is to take stress results adjacent cell or surrounding nodes, the average value of stress.1. Take an average of 2 adjacent unit stress. Take around nodes, the average value of stressThe basic steps of finite element method to solve the problemThe structural discretization structure discretization structure discretization structure discretization to discretization of the whole structure, will be divided into several units, through the node connected to each other between the units; 2. The stiffness matrix of each unit and each element stiffness matrix and the element stiffness matrix and the stiffness matrix of each unit (3) integrated global stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix integrated overall stiffness matrix integrated total stiffness matrix and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write out the general balance equations and write a general equation4. Introduction of supporting conditions, the displacement of each node5. Calculate the stress and strain in the unit to get the stress and strain of each cell and the cell of the stress and strain and the stress and strain of each cell.For the finite element method, the basic ideas and steps can be summarized as: (1) to establishintegral equation, according to the principle of variational allowance and the weight function or equation principle of orthogonalization, establishment and integral expression of differential equations is equivalent to the initial-boundary value problem, this is the starting point of the finite element method. Unit (2) the area subdivision, according to the solution of the shape of the area and the physical characteristics of practical problems, cut area is divided into a number of mutual connection, overlap of unit. Regional unit is divided into finite element method of the preparation, this part of the workload is bigger, in addition to the cell and node number and determine the relationship between each other, also said the node coordinates, at the same time also need to list the natural boundary and essential boundary node number and the corresponding boundary value.(3) determine the unit basis function, according to the unit and the approximate solution of node number in precision requirement, choose meet certain interpolation condition basis function interpolation function as a unit. Basis function in the finite element method is selected in the unit, due to the geometry of each unit has a rule in the selection of basis function can follow certain rules. (4) the unit will be analysis: to solve the function of each unit with unit basis functions to approximate the linear combination of expression; Then approximate function generation into the integral equation, and the unit area integral, can be obtained with undetermined coefficient (i.e., cell parameter value) of each node in the algebraic equations, known as the finite element equation.(5) the overall synthesis: after the finite element equation, the area of all elements in the finite element equation according to certain principles of accumulation, the formation of general finite element equations. (6) boundary condition processing: general boundaryconditions there are three kinds of form, divided into the essential boundary conditions (dirichlet boundary condition) and natural boundary conditions (Riemann boundary conditions) and mixed boundary conditions (cauchy boundary conditions). Often in the integral expression fornatural boundary conditions, can be automatically satisfied. Foressential boundary conditions and mixed boundary conditions, should bein a certain method to modify general finite element equations satisfies. Solving finite element equations (7) : based on the general finite element equations of boundary conditions are fixed, are all closed equations of the unknown quantity, and adopt appropriate numerical calculation method, the function value of each node can be obtained.。