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下面为大家带来红与黑英语原文段落,欢迎大家阅读!红与黑英语原文段落1:Presently Julien saw them, each leaning upon his axe and deliberatingtogether. After watching them for some time, Julien, seeing that he couldmake out nothing of their discussion, went and took his place on the farside of the saw, so as not to be taken by surprise. He wanted time to consider this sudden announcement which was altering his destiny, but felthimself to be incapable of prudence; his imagination was wholly takenup with forming pictures of what he would see in M. de Renal's finehouse.红与黑英语原文段落2:This horror of feeding with the servants was not natural to Julien; hewould, in seeking his fortune, have done other things far more disagreeable. He derived this repugnance from Rousseau's Confessions. It was theone book that helped his imagination to form any idea of the world. Thecollection of reports of the Grand Army and the Memorial de Sainte-Helenecompleted his Koran. He would have gone to the stake for those threebooks. Never did he believe in any other. Remembering a saying of theold Surgeon-Major, he regarded all the other books in the world as liars,written by rogues in order to obtain advancement.红与黑英语原文段落3:Verrieres is sheltered on the north by a high mountain, a spur of theJura. The jagged peaks of the Verra put on a mantle of snow in the firstcold days of October. A torrent which

comes tearing down from themountain passes through Verrieres before emptying its waters into theDoubs, and supplies power to a great number of sawmills; this is an extremely simple industry, and procures a certain degree of comfort for themajority of the inhabitants, who are of the peasant rather than of the burgess class. It is not, however, the sawmills that have made this little townrich. It is to the manufacture of printed calicoes, known as Mulhousestuffs, that it owes the general prosperity which, since the fall of Napoleon, has led to the refacing of almost all the houses in Verrieres.
