Intergard 251
A two pack primer, anticorrosive primer/undercoat pigmented with zinc phosphate.Royal Australian Navy Version.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION For use as an anticorrosive primer or as an undercoat on structures, vehicles or ships above water. Can be overcoated with a wide range of topcoats.INTENDED USESKGA902-Red, KGA908-Sand 63% ±2% (ISO 3233:1998)50 - 75 microns dry (79 - 119 microns wet)8.40 m²/litre at 75 microns dft, allow appropriate loss factors Airless Spray, Brush, Conventional Spray, Roller PRODUCT INFORMATIONVolume Solids Typical Film Thickness Theoretical Coverage Method of Application Finish/Sheen Matt Part B (Curing Agent)KGA901Mix Ratio4 volume(s) Part A to 1 volume(s) Part B Flash Point Part A 24°C; Part B 27°C; Mixed 24°CInduction PeriodNot required above 25°C (15 minutes below 25°C)Overcoating Data - see limitationsSubstrate TemperatureColour Drying Information 10°C 15°C 25°C 40°C Touch Dry [ISO 1517:73] 2 hrs 1 hrs 45 mins 30 mins Hard Dry [ISO 9117:90]7 hrs 5 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs Pot Life10 hrs8 hrs6 hrs3 hrsOvercoated By 10°C15°C25°C40°CMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxInterbond 201 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Interbond 501 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Intergard 251 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Intergard 740 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Interseal 670HS 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Interthane 990 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Interthane 987 7 hrs ext 5 hrs ext 3 hrs ext 2 hrs ext Intertuf 2627 hrsext5 hrsext3 hrsext2 hrsextREGULATORY DATA VOCNote: VOC values are typical and are provided for guidance purposes only. These may be subject to variation depending on factors such as differences in colour and normal manufacturing tolerances.390 g/lt as supplied (EPA Method 24)282 g/kg of liquid paint as supplied. EU Solvent Emissions Directive (CouncilDirective 1999/13/EC)When used as part of an approved scheme, this material has the following certification:• APAS - 0154/6 Epoxy Primer for polyurethane finish for steel vehicles & equipment• APAS - 0154/7 Epoxy Primer for polyurethane finish for aluminium vehicles & equipment.CERTIFICATIONConsult your International Paint representative for the system best suited for the surfaces to be protected.SYSTEMS AND COMPATIBILITY Use in accordance with the specification provided.All surfaces to be coated should be clean, dry and free of contamination prior to the application of each coat.High pressure fresh water wash or fresh water wash and scrub as appropriate to remove all dust etc from the surface. Grease and Oil etc should be removed by degreasing or solvent wiping to AS1627.1 - 2003 providing a "water breakfree" surface free of contaminates.SURFACEPREPARATIONSNEWBUILDING/MAJOR REFURBISHMENT (Steel)Intergard 251 should be applied directly to AS1627.4 class 2.5 surface where practical.If a holding primer is required for progressive work Intergard 269 may be used.Keep within the specified overcoating intervals (consult the relevant product data sheet).REPAIR/ONBOARD MAINTENANCE (Steel)The surface should be degreased to AS1627.1 - 2003 and washed with copious amounts of fresh water to form a "water breakfree" surface. Spot abrasive blast to AS1627.4 class 2.5 or power tool cleaned to AS1627.2 class 3. International Paints Hydroblasting Standard HB2M is also acceptable. All edges should be feathered 2-3cm back to a sound edge.Recommended Blast Profile of 50-75 microns.If a holding primer is required for progressive work Intergard 269 may be used.The surface should be dry and free from all contamination prior to the application of the Intergard 251 and should be applied within the specified overcoating intervals.Intergard 251 can be applied over aged or re-oxidised (gingered) areas as long as it is not loosely adhered.Consult your International Paint representative for suitable systems.Material is supplied in 2 containers as a unit. Always mix a complete unit in the proportions supplied.(1) Agitate Base (Part A) with a power agitator.(2) Combine entire contents of Curing Agent (Part B) with Base (Part A) and mix thoroughly with power agitator.Application by brush is recommended for small areas only. Multiple coats may be required to achieve specified film thickness.Application by roller is recommended for small areas only. Multiple coats may be required to achieve specified film thickness.Thinning is not recommended. If thinning is required in exceptional circumstances use International GTA220 (max 5% by volume). Do NOT thin more than allowed by local environmental legislation.International GTA822 or International GTA220 (USA)In the event welding or flame cutting is performed on metal coated with this product, dust and fumes will be emitted which will require the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and adequate local exhaust ventilation.RecommendedTip Range 0.38-0.53 mm (15-21 thou)Total output fluid pressure at spray tip not less than 141 kg/cm² (2010 p.s.i.)Use suitable proprietary equipment. Thinning may be required. If thinning is required multiple coats may be required to achieve minimum specified dry film thickness.APPLICATION MixingAirless SprayConventional Spray Brush Roller Thinner CleanerWeldingConfined Spaces - Forced air ventilation may be required. See relevant Material Safety Data Sheets.Work Stoppages and CleanupDo not allow material to remain in hoses, gun or spray equipment. Thoroughly flush all equipment withInternational GTA822. Once units of paint have been mixed they should not be resealed and it is advised that after prolonged stoppages work recommences with freshly mixed units.Clean all equipment immediately after use with International GTA822. It is good working practice to periodically flush out spray equipment during the course of the working day. Frequency of cleaning will depend upon amount sprayed, temperature and elapsed time, including any delays. Do not exceed pot life limitations.All surplus materials and empty containers should be disposed of in accordance with appropriate regional regulations/legislation.All work involving the application and use of this product should be performed in compliance with all relevant national Health, Safety & Environmental standards and regulations.Prior to use, obtain, consult and follow the Material Safety Data Sheet for this product concerning health and safety information. Read and follow all precautionary notices on the Material Safety Data Sheet and container labels. If you do not fully understand these warnings and instructions or if you can not strictly comply with them, do not use this product. Proper ventilation and protective measures must be provided during application and drying to keep solvent vapour concentrations within safe limits and to protect against toxic or oxygen deficient hazards. Take precautions to avoid skin and eye contact (ie. gloves, goggles, face masks, barrier creams etc.) Actual safety measures are dependant on application methods and work environment.EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS:Australia - Corporate HS&E Dept, Health & Safety advisor 61 (0) 393134555USA/Canada - Medical Advisory Number 1-800-854-6813Europe - Contact (44) 191 4696111. For advice to Doctors & Hospitals only contact (44) 207 6359191R.O.W. - Contact Regional OfficeSAFETYThis product will not cure adequately below 5°C. For maximum performance, the ambient temperatures should be above 10°C. The history and age of the steel can have a significant effect on the paint consumptionOver thickness application should be avoided as this will lead to coating delamination. Not for continuous immersion.Overcoating information is given for guidance only and is subject to regional variation depending upon local climate and environmental conditions. Consult your local International Paint representative for specific recommendations.Apply in good weather. Temperature of the surface to be coated must be at least 3°C above the dew point. Foroptimum application properties bring the material to 21-27°C, unless specifically instructed otherwise, prior to mixing and application. Unmixed material (in closed containers) should be maintained in protected storage in accordance with information given in the STORAGE Section of this data sheet. Technical and application data herein is for the purpose of establishing a general guideline of the coating application procedures. Test performance results were obtained in a controlled laboratory environment and International Paint makes no claim that the exhibited published test results, or any other tests, accurately represent results found in all field environments. As application,environmental and design factors can vary significantly, due care should be exercised in the selection, verification of performance and use of the coating.In the overcoating data section 'ext' = extended overcoating period. Please refer to our Marine Painting Guide - Definitions and Abbreviations available on our website.LIMITATIONSUNIT SIZEUnit SizePart APart BVolPack Vol Pack For availability of other unit sizes consult International Paint20 lt 16 lt 20 lt 4 lt 4 lt 4 lt3.2 lt4 lt0.8 lt 1 ltUNIT SHIPPING WEIGHTUnit Size Unit Weight 20 lt 30.3 Kg 4 lt6.58 KgConsult International Paint.WORLDWIDE AVAILABILITY The information in this data sheet is not intended to be exhaustive; any person using the product for any purpose other than that specificallyrecommended in this data sheet without first obtaining written confirmation from us as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at their own risk. All advice given or statements made about the product (whether in this data sheet or otherwise) is correct to the best of our knowledge but we have no control over the quality or the condition of the substrate or the many factors affecting the use and application of the product. Therefore, unless we specifically agree in writing to do so, we do not accept any liability at all for the performance of the product or for (subject to the maximum extentpermitted by law) any loss or damage arising out of the use of the product. We hereby disclaim any warranties or representations, express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, including, without limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All products suppliedand technical advice given are subject to our Conditions of Sale. You should request a copy of this document and review it carefully. The information contained in this data sheet is liable to modification from time to time in the light of experience and our policy of continuous development. It is the user's responsibility to check with their local International Paint representative that this data sheet is current prior to using the product.IMPORTANT NOTEand product names mentioned in this data sheet are trademarks of, or are licensed to, AkzoNobel.© AkzoNobel, 2009。
TH2515 仪器说明书
Ver 2.1目录Ver 2.0 (2)第1章仪器简介与开箱安装 (8)1.1仪器简介 (8)1.2开箱检查 (8)1.3电源连接 (8)1.4保险丝 (8)1.5环境 (8)1.6使用测试夹具 (9)1.7预热 (9)1.8仪器的其它特性 (9)第2章前面板说明及入门操作 (10)2.1前面板说明 (10)2.2后面板说明 (11)2.3显示区域的定义 (12)2.4按键及其相应的显示页面 (13)2.4.1测量主菜单按键【DISP】 (13)2.4.2系统设置主菜单按键【SETUP】 (13)2.5基本操作 (13)2.6开机 (14)第3章基本操作 (15)3.1<测量显示>页面 (15)3.1.1测试功能 (15)3.1.2测试量程 (16)3.1.3测试速度 (17)3.1.4文件管理 (17)3.1.5其他工具 (17)3.2<比较显示>页面 (18)3.2.1文件管理 (19)3.2.2工具 (19)3.2.3比较 (19)3.2.4比较模式和上下限、百分比误差设置 (19)3.3<档显示>页面 (19)3.4<统计显示>页面 (21)3.4.1边界模式和其相应值的设定 (21)3.4.2统计状态 (21)3.4.3统计分析参数说明 (21)3.4.4工具 (22)3.4.5文件 (22)3.5<测量设置>页面 (22)3.6<TC/Δt设置>页面 (24)3.6.1温度校正(Temperature Correction 简称TC) (25)3.6.2温度转换(temperature conversion 简称t ) (25)3.6.3温度传感器的类型 (26)3.6.4参数设定 (27)3.6.5文件 (27)3.7<档设置>页面 (27)3.7.1文件 (29)3.7.2工具 (29)第4章系统设置和文件管理 (30)4.1系统设置 (30)4.1.1触摸音 (30)4.1.2语言 (30)4.1.3口令 (31)4.1.4总线模式 (31)4.1.5波特率 (32)4.1.6总线地址 (32)4.1.7EOC信号 (32)4.1.8Err.OUT信号 (33)4.1.9电源频率 (34)4.1.10时间和日期设定 (34)4.2<文件管理>功能页面 (34)4.2.1存储/调用功能简介 (34)4.2.2U盘上的文件夹/文件结构 (35)4.2.3DHCP (39)4.2.4IP地址 (40)4.2.5子网掩码 (40)4.2.6网关 (40)4.2.7首选DNS、备用DNS (40)第5章性能指标 (41)5.1测量功能 (41)5.1.1测量参数及符号 (41)5.1.2测量组合 (41)5.1.3等效方式 (41)5.1.4量程 (41)5.1.5触发 (41)5.1.6测试端方式 (41)5.1.7测量中的各种时间的开销 (41)5.1.8平均 (42)5.1.9显示的位数 (42)5.2测试信号 (42)5.2.1量程电流 (42)5.2.2开路输出电压 (42)5.2.3测量显示最大范围 (42)5.3测量准确度 (43)5.3.2温度测量的准确度(Pt500) (44)5.3.3温度测量的准确度(模拟输入) (45)5.3.4温度修正系数K (45)第6章远程控制 (46)6.1RS232C接口说明 (46)6.2GPIB接口说明(选购件) (47)6.2.1GPIB接口功能 (49)6.2.2GPIB 地址 (49)6.2.3GPIB总线功能 (49)6.2.4可编程仪器命令标准(SCPI) (50)6.3LAN远程控制系统 (50)6.3.1通过浏览器访问TH2515 (52)6.3.2通过上位机软件访问TH2515 (52)6.4USBTMC远程控制系统 (53)6.4.1系统配置 (53)6.4.2安装驱动 (53)6.5USBVCOM虚拟串口 (54)6.5.1系统配置 (54)6.5.2安装驱动 (54)第7章RS232命令参考 (55)7.1SCPI系统命令 (55)7.1.1DISPlay子系统命令集 (55)7.1.2FUNCtion 子系统命令集 (56)7.1.3APERture子系统命令集 (61)7.1.4TRIGer子系统命令集 (61)7.1.5FETCh?子系统命令集 (63)7.1.6TEMPerature子系统命令集 (64)7.1.7COMParator子系统命令集 (66)7.1.8BIN子系统命令集 (69)7.1.9STA Tistics子系统命令集 (73)7.1.10IO子系统命令集 (76)7.1.11MEMory子系统命令集 (77)7.1.12SYSTem 子系统命令集 (78)7.1.13SCPI公用命令 (81)7.2MODBUS系统命令 (83)7.2.1MODBUS协议说明 (84)7.2.2公用指令操作说明 (85)7.2.3DISP指令操作说明 (86)7.2.4FUNC指令操作说明 (86)7.2.5APER指令操作说明 (87)7.2.6TRIG指令操作说明 (87)7.2.7FETC指令操作说明 (88)7.2.8TEMP指令操作说明 (88)7.2.10BIN指令操作说明 (90)7.2.11STA T指令操作说明 (93)7.2.12IO指令操作说明 (94)7.2.13SYST指令操作说明 (94)第8章Handler接口使用说明及程序升级方法 (99)第9章包装及保修 (103)9.1标志 (103)9.2包装 (103)9.3运输 (103)9.4贮存 (103)9.5保修 (103)本说明书所描述的可能并非仪器所有内容,同惠公司有权对本产品的性能、功能、内部结构、外观、附件、包装物等进行改进和提高而不作另行说明!由此引起的说明书与仪器不一致的困惑,可通过封面的地址与我公司进行联系。
HG/T 2323-2004
HG/T 2325-2012
HG/T 2325-2004
HG/T 3334-2012
HG/T 3334-1977 HG/T 3339-1979 HG/T 3338-1977 HG/T 3337-1977 HG/T 3336-1977 HG/T 3335-1977
HG/T 2245-2012
HG/T 2245-1991 HG/T 2246-1991
HG/T 2247-2012
HG/T 2247-1991
无机化工产品 气相色谱分析方法通用规则
HG/T 4321-2012
HG/T 3519-2012
2002 型 20000PSI NSCWP,测试压力 30000PSI 红色螺 母,红色零件。
材料 螺母 零件
Ibs kgs
311/16 93.66
AS 22.5 49.60
2202 型 配有氟化橡胶密封环,15000PSI NSCWP,热处理部件 100%经过硬度测试,符合美国腐蚀工程师标准协会 MR-01-75 和美国石油学会 RP-14E 标准。 专门用于酸性气体使用场合。绿色螺母,绿色零件。
SF 13.25 5.9
63/8 161.9 3/8 9.5 43/8 117.5 SF
SF 21.0 9.5
101.6 81/16 204.8 3/8 9.5 51/4 133.4 SF
SF 39.5 17.9
1502 型
推荐用于注水泥、压裂、酸化、测试及堵塞和压井管线,也可用于无压密封连接,采用 对焊 Sch XXH。
注:DIC=可锻铸铁 SC=铸钢 SF=锻钢 AS=合金钢
211/16 68.3 115/16 49.2 SC/SF CDB/SF 1.75 0.8
27/8 73.0 23/8 60.3
2.37 1.1
35/16 84.1 229/32 73.8
5.25 2.4
中华人民共和国国家标准GB T 10125—1997人造气氛腐蚀试验盐雾试验0 引言由于影响金属腐蚀的因素很多,单一的抗盐雾性能不能代替抗其他介质的性能,所以本标准获得的试验结果不能作为被试材料在所有使用环境中抗腐蚀性能的直接指南。
1 范围本标准规定了中性盐雾(NSS),乙酸盐雾(AASS)和铜加速乙酸盐雾(CASS)试验使用的设备,试剂和方法。
2 引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
GB 5213—85 深冲压用冷轧薄钢板和钢带GB 6461—86 金属覆盖层对底材为阴极的覆盖层腐蚀试验后的电镀试样的评级(eqvISO 4540:1980)GB 12335—90 金属覆盖层,对底材呈阳极性的覆盖层腐蚀试验后的试样的评级(eqv ISO8403:1991)GB/T 9798—1997 金属覆盖层镍电沉积层(eqv ISO 1458:1988)ISO 6372-1:1989 镍和镍合金—名词术语和定义—第一部分:材料3 试验溶液3.1 氯化钠溶液配制本试验所用试剂采用化学纯或化学纯以上的试剂。
将氯化钠溶于电导率不超过20μS/cm的蒸馏水或去离子水中,其浓度为50 g/L±5g/L。
PT. Solusi CS Instruments Indonesia ITC Cempaka Mas Office Tower8th Floor, Room 8B, Jl. Letjend Suprapto, Jakarta 10640, Indonesia Tel: +6221 4452 7753 Fax: +6221 4280 3853 Email: Website:
希尔思仪表(深圳)有限公司 深圳办公室 深圳市南山区中山园路1001号 TCL国际E城D3栋11A单元 Tel: +86 (0) 755 8619 3164 Fax: +86 (0) 755 8619 3165 Email: sales@ Website: 上海办公室 上海市中山西路933号虹桥银城1506室 Tel: +86 (0) 21-5111 3860 Fax: +86 (0) 21-5111 3861 Email: sales@ Website: 成都办公室 成都市高新区天府大道北段1480号 高新孵化园1号楼A座301-3室 Tel: +86 (0) 28 6607 0096 Fax: +86 (0) 28 6607 0096 Email: sales@ Website:
Thomas Fischer 希尔思公司创始人和首席执行官(亚洲)
阅读愉快! Thomas Fischer
我们的客户包括亚洲和欧洲行业领先的公司。凭借高质量和高可靠性的产品, 我们赢得了客户的认可。
HJ 2512-2012 环境标志产品技术要求 打印机、传真机及多功能一体机
中华人民共和国国家环境保护标准HJ 2512-2012环境标志产品技术要求打印机、传真机及多功能一体机 Technical requirement for environmental labeling productsPrinters, Fax machines, Multifunction devices本电子版为发布稿。
2012-03-30 发布 2012-06-01 实施 环境保护部发布目次前言 (3)1 适用范围 (4)2 规范性引用文件 (4)3 术语和定义 (4)4 基本要求 (5)5 技术内容 (5)6 检验方法 (9)附录A (规范性附录)“产品环境设计”要求 (10)附录B (规范性附录)塑料零件中禁用的邻苯二甲酸酯 (13)附录C (规范性附录)限制使用的多环芳烃(PAHs) (14)附录D (资料性附录)二氧化碳排放量计算方法 (24)附录E (规范性附录) TVOC、苯和苯乙烯的检验程序 (15)附录F (规范性附录)臭氧的检验程序 (19)附录G (规范性附录)粉尘的检验程序 (21)前 言为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,减少打印机、传真机及多功能一体机产品在生产和使用过程中对环境和人体健康影响,保护环境,制定本标准。
本标准参照德国环境标志基础授予标准(Basic Criteria for Award of the Environmental Label)《附带打印功能的办公设备(打印机、复印机、多功能设备)》(Office Equipment with Printing Function(Printers, Copiers, Multifunction Devices))(RAL-UZ 122, 2009),及日本环境协会环境标志事务局“生态标志种类NO.122”《打印机 Version2.2 2010》对《环境标志产品认证技术要求 打印机、传真机及多功能一体机》(HJ/T 302-2006)进行了修订。
电子计时器 CT-APS.12 延时开关说明书
Electronic timer CT-APS.12OFF-delayed with 1 c/o (SPDT) contactThe CT-APS.12 is an electronic timer from the CT-S range with OFF-delay and 10 time ranges.All electronic timers from the CT-S range areavailable with two different terminal versions. You can choose between the proven screw connection technology (double-chamber cage connection terminals) and the completely tool-free Easy Connect Technology (push-in terminals).Characteristics–Rated control supply voltage 24-48 V DC, 24-240 V AC –OFF-delay timer with auxiliary voltage –10 time ranges (0.05 s - 300 h)–Control input with voltage-related triggering to start timing –Precise adjustment by front-face operating elements –Screw connection technology orEasy Connect Technology available–Housing material for highest fire protection classificationUL 94 V-0–Tool-free mounting and demounting on DIN-rail – 1 c/o (SPDT) contact –Width of 22.5 mm– 2 LEDs for status indication Order Data Electronic TimersType Rated control supply voltage Connection technology Time ranges Order codeCT-APS.12P 24-48 V DC, 24-240 V AC Push-in terminals 0.05 s - 300 h 1SVR 740 180 R3100CT-APS.12S24-48 V DC, 24-240 V ACScrew type terminals0.05 s - 300 h1SVR 730 180 R3100AccessoriesType DescriptionOrder codeADP .01Adapter for screw mounting 1SVR 430 029 R0100MAR.01Marker label1SVR 366 017 R0100COV.11Sealable transparent cover1SVR 730 005 R0100Approvals A UL 508, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14C GL D GOST K CB scheme ECCCKennzeichnungen aCE bC-Tick2C D C 251 037 V 00112 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetConnection technologyMaintenance free Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminalsType designation CT-xxS.yyPApproved screw connection technology with double-chamber cage connection terminals Type designation CT-xxS.yySPush-in terminals–Tool-free connection of rigid and flexible wires withwire end ferrule according to DIN 46228-1-A 4-9, DIN 46228-4-E 4-10Wire size: 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm², (2 x 20 - 16 AWG) –Easy connection of flexible wires without wire endferrule by opening the terminals –No retightening necessary–One operation lever for opening both connectionterminals–For triggering the lever and disconnecting of wiresyou can use the same tool (Screwdriver according to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in))–Constant spring force on terminal point independentof the applied wire type, wire size or ambientconditions (e. g. vibrations or temperature changes) –Opening for testing the electrical contacting –Gas-tightDouble-chamber cage connection terminals–Terminal spaces for different wire sizes:fine-strand with/without wire end ferrule: 1 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 14 AWG), 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 16 AWG) rigid:1 x 0.5-4 mm² (1 x 20 - 12 AWG), 2 x 0.5-2.5 mm² (2 x 20 - 14 AWG)–One screw for opening and closing of both cages –Pozidrive screws for pan- or crosshead screwdriversaccording to DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A 0.8 x 4 mm (0.0315 x 0.157 in), DIN ISO 8764-1 PZ1 ø 4.5 mm (0.177 in)Both the Easy Connect Technology with push-in terminals and screw connection technology with double-chamber cageconnection terminals have the same connection geometry as well as terminal position.2C D C 253 025 F 00112C D C 253 026 F 0011Data sheet | Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 3Functions Operating controlsRotary switch for the preselection of the time range Fine adjustment of the time delay3 Indication of operational statesU: green LED - control supply voltage / timing R: yellow LED - status of output relay4 Marker labelApplicationThe CT-S range timers are designed for use in industrial applications. They operate over an universal range of supplyvoltages and a large time delay range, within compact dimensions. The easy-to-set front-face potentiometers, with direct reading scales, provide accurate time delay adjustment.Operating modeThe CT-APS.12 with 1 c/o contact offers 10 time ranges, from 0.05 s to 300 h, for the adjustment of the time delay. The time delay range is rotary switch selectable. The fine adjustment of the time delay is made via an internal potentiometer, with a direct reading scale, on the front of the unit.Timing is displayed by a flashing green LED labelled U/T.2C D C 251 037 V 0011Function diagramOFF-delay with auxiliary voltageThis function requires continuous control supply voltage for timing.If control input A1-Y1/B1 is closed, the output relay energizes immediately. If control input A1-Y1/B1 is opened, the time delay starts. The green LED flashes during timing. When the selected time delay is complete, the output relay de-energizes and the flashing green LED turns steady.If control input A1-Y1/B1 recloses before the time delay is complete, the time delay is reset and the output relay does not change state. Timing starts again when control input A1-Y1/B1 re-opens.If control supply voltage is interrupted, the output relay de-energizes and the time delay is reset.Electrical connectionWiring instructionsControl input (voltage-related triggering)The control input Y1/B1 is triggered with electric potential against A2. It is possible to use the control supply voltage from terminal A1 or any other voltage within the rated control supply voltage range.4 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetTechnical DataData at T a = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicatedInput circuitsSupply circuit A1‑A2Rated control supply voltage U S24-48 V DC, 24-240 V ACRated control supply voltage U S tolerance24-48 V DC-15...+10 %24-240 V AC-15...+10 %Rated frequency DC n/aAC50/60 HzFrequency range AC47-63 HzTypical current / power consumption24 V DC230 V AC115 V AC24-48 V DC12 mA /on request- / -- / -24-240 V AC- / -50 mA /on request33 mA / on requestPower failure buffering time24 V DC min. 15 ms230 V AC min. 20 msControl circuitControl input, control function A1-Y1/B1start timing externalKind of triggering voltage-related triggeringRestistance to reverse polarity yesPolarized noCapable for switching a parallel load yesMaximum cable length to the control inputs50 m - 100 pF/mMinimum control pulse length20 msControl voltage potential see rated control supply voltage U SCurrent consumption of the control input24 V DC 1.2 mA230 V AC8 mATiming circuitKind of timer Single-function timer OFF-delay with auxiliary voltageTime ranges 0.05 s - 300 h0.05-1 s, 0.15-3 s, 0.5-10 s, 1.5-30 s, 5-100 s,15-300 s, 1.5-30 min, 15-300 min, 1.5-30 h, 15-300 h Recovery time< 80 msRepeat accuracy (constant parameters)Δt <± 0.2 %Accuracy within the rated control supply voltage toleranceΔt < 0.004 %/VAccuracy within the temperature rangeΔt < 0.03 %/°CUser interfaceIndication of operational statesControl supply voltage / timing U/T: green LED V: control supply voltage appliedU/T: green LED W: timingRelay status R: yellow LED V: output relay energizedData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 5Output circuitsKind of output15-16/18Relay, 1 c/o (SPDT) contact Contact material Cd-freeRated operational voltage U e250 VMinimum switching voltage / Minimum switching current12 V / 10 mAMaximum switching voltage / Minimum switching current see ‘Load limit curves’ on page 8 Rated operational current I e (IEC/EN 60947-5-1)AC12 (resistive) at 230 V 4 AAC15 (inductive) at 230 V 3 ADC12 (resistive) at 24 V 4 ADC13 (inductive) at 24 V 2 AAC rating (UL 508)utilization category (ControlCircuit Rating Code)B 300max. rated operational voltage300 V ACmax. continuous thermalcurrent at B 3005 Amax. making / breakingapparent power at B 3003600/360 VAMechanical lifetime30 x 106 switching cycles Electrical lifetime AC12, 230 V, 4 A0.1 x 106 switching cyclesMaximum fuse rating to achieve short-circuit protection (IEC/EN 60947-5-1)n/c contact 6 A fast-acting n/o contact10 A fast-actingGeneral dataElectrical connection6 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetEnvironmental dataAmbient temperature ranges operation-25...+60 °Cstorage-40...+85 °CDamp heat, cyclic (IEC/EN 60068-2-30) 6 x 24 h cycle, 55 °C, 95 % RH Vibration, sinusoidal (IEC/EN 60068-2-6)functioning40 m/s2, 10-58/60-150 Hzresistance60 m/s2, 10-58/60-150 Hz, 20 cycles Vibration, seismic (IEC/EN 60068-3-3)functioning20 m/s²Shock, half-sine (IEC/EN 60068-2-27)functioning100 m/s2, 11 ms, 3 shocks/directionresistance300 m/s2, 11 ms, 3 shocks/direction Isolation dataRated insulation voltage U i input circuit / output circuit500 VRated impulse withstand voltage U imp between allisolated circuits (IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)4 kV; 1.2/50 µsPower-frequency withstand voltage test between all isolated circuits (test voltage)routine test: 2.0 kV; 50 Hz, 1 s type test: 2.5 kV; 50 Hz, 1 minBasic insulation (IEC/EN 61140)input circuit / output circuit500 VProtective separation (IEC/EN 61140; IEC/EN 50178;VDE 0106 part 101 and part 101/A1)input circuit / output circuit250 VPollution degree(IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)3Overvoltage category(IEC/EN 60664-1, VDE 0110)IIIStandards / DirectivesProduct standard IEC 61812-1, EN 61812-1 + A11,DIN VDE 0435 part 2021Low Voltage Directive2006/95/ECEMC Directive2004/108/ECRoHS Directive2002/95/ECElectromagnetic compatibilityInterference immunity to IEC/EN 61000-6-1, IEC/EN 61000-6-2electrostatic discharge IEC/EN 61000-4-2Level 3, 6 kV / 8 kVradiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field IEC/EN 61000-4-3Level 3, 10 V/m (1 GHz) / 3 V/m (2 GHz) /1 V/m (2.7 GHz)electrical fast transient / burst IEC/EN 61000-4-4Level 3, 2 kV / 5 kHzsurge IEC/EN 61000-4-5Level 4, 2 kV A1-A2conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fieldsIEC/EN 61000-4-6Level 3, 10 Vharmonics and interharmonics IEC/EN 61000-4-13Level 3Interference emission IEC/EN 61000-6-3, IEC/EN 61000-6-4high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class Bhigh-frequency conducted IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022Class BData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 7Technical diagramsLoad limit curves8 - Electronic timer CT-APS.12 | Data sheetDimensionsin mm and inchesAccessoriesin mm and inchesFurther documentationDocument title Document type Document numberElectronic Products and Relays Technical catalogue2CDC 110 004 C020xCT-APS, CT-ERS, CT-MVS, CT-SDS Instruction manual1SVC 730 020 M0000You can find the documentation on the internet at /lowvoltage -> Control Products ->Electronic Relays and Controls -> Time RelaysData sheet| Electronic timer CT-APS.12 - 9ABB STOTZ‑KONTAKT GmbHP. O. Box 10 16 8069006 Heidelberg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-0Fax: +49 (0) 6221 7 01-13 25E-mail:*****************.comYou can find the address of your local sales organization on theABB home page/contacts-> Low Voltage Products and Systems Contact usNote:We reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreed particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents – in wholeor in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB AG.Copyright© 2011 ABBAll rights reserved D o c u m e n t n u m b e r 2 C D C 1 1 1 1 1 5 D 0 2 0 1 p r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y ( 0 4 / 2 0 1 1 )。
目次(征求意见稿)2020年1 总则 (5)2 术语 (6)3 臭气污染物浓度 (10)4 臭气源控制策略与方法 (10)4.1 基本规定 (10)4.2 臭气源密闭收集 (10)4.3 臭气源压差控制 (11)4.4 其它 (11)5 设计 (12)5.1 一般规定 (12)5.2 臭气风量 (13)5.3 通风、空调与除尘系统 (14)5.4 生物除臭系统 (17)5.5 离子除臭通风系统 (17)5.6 气流组织 (17)5.7防烟排烟系统 (19)5.8 噪声控制 (19)5.9 风速标准 (20)5.10 设备选型与配置 (20)5.11 风亭、风井、排气筒(排放塔) (21)5.12 监测与控制 (22)6 设备与材料 (25)6.1 一般规定 (25)6.2 除臭设备 (26)I 生物除臭装置 (26)II 离子除臭装置 (28)III 洗涤处理装置 (28)IV 活性炭吸附装置 (28)6.3 材料 (29)7 施工、调试及验收 (31)7.1 施工 (31)7.2 调试 (32)7.3 验收 (33)7.4 安全生产、环境及职业健康安全管理 (33)8 节能 (34)9 建设及运行管理 (35)9.1 建设基本要求 (35)9.2 运行管理基本要求 (35)附录A 周界监控点臭气浓度及臭气(异味)特征污染物浓度限值 (37)附录B 地下污水处理设施工作区内部环境特征污染物及粉尘浓度限值 (38)附录C 地下污水处理设施臭气(异味)污染物排放限值 (39)本标准用词说明 ......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
引用标准名录 ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
表 l 数据表 明:使浓缩絮体下沉的化学药剂有
PM 6 8两 T一 B 3和 H 6 8 一 1 ,使 污泥浓 缩较快 的是 P M 和破乳 数 据 表 明 , A 和 H一 1 种 药 剂 复 配 对含 油 污 泥 A 0m 浓缩 至 剂 P 21 一 0 。在实验中发现 ,对含油污泥只加单一的 有 明显 的浓缩沉 降作用 ,含油污泥 由 7 L 7m ,并测得絮体沉淀物含水约 8 %。随着静 置 8 化学剂 ,存在加药量大 、浓缩污泥体积较大 、作用 1 L
现场 实验表 明 ,污水池 中含水率为 9 % 的污泥经该 装置 处理后 ,脱 出的千化 污泥含水率低于 3 9 0 %。通 过 对 污泥 的焚 烧 实验 ,优 选 出一种 将 含 油 污泥 进 行 无 害化 处 理 的 方 法 。经 检 测 ,采 用这 种 方法处理后 的锅 炉烟 气及炉渣 中有害物质含量均符合 国家规 定的排放标准。 关键 词 含 油 污 泥 处理 橇 装 装置 药剂 浓 缩 沉 降 干 化 焚 烧 无 害化 实验 国内多数联合站的污泥处理流程 ,都有污泥分 离池 、污泥浓缩装置及机械脱水等设备 。污泥分离 池 占地面积大 ,又需配套刮油刮泥机及 地下泵 房等 设备 ,使工艺流程投资高 、现场管理很 不方便 。同 时 ,联合站 的含油污泥处理 为间歇运行 ,设备利用 率低 ,实际应用 中还存在停 留时间长 和分 离效率低 等 问题 。由于现用 的污泥浓缩剂成本偏 高 ,在一定 程度也影响 了其在污泥处理 中的应用 。
} 王 军 ,男 ,16 年 生 ,高级 工 程师 。 19 98 90年 毕业 于华 东工 学 院精 密仪器 专 业 ,获学 士学位 。一直从 事 油 田地面 工程科 研 设计 工作 。通信 地址 :河
南 省南 阳市 河南 油 田设计 院 ,4 3 3 7 2 1
1/1 页
设计1使用状态参考图ຫໍສະໝຸດ 设计2使用状态参考图2
CN 305649231 S
简 要 说 明
1/1 页
1 .本外观设计产品的名称:控制面板(SF-255+278)。 2 .本外观设计产品的用途:本外观设计产品用于对温控器的控制面板。 3 .本外观设计产品的设计要点:在于外观设计产品的形状、图案及其结合。 4 .最能表明设计要点的图片或照片:设计1主视图。 5 .设计1后视图无设计要点,省略设计1后视图;设计1外观设计产品为平面产品,省略 设计1其它视图;设计2后视图无设计要点,省略设计2后视图;设计2外观设计产品为平面产 品 ,省略设计2其它视图 。 6 .指定设计1为基本设计。
代理人 田子荣
(51)LOC(12)Cl . 10-05
(10)授权公告号 CN 305649231 S (45)授权公告日 2020.03.20
( 54 )使用外观设计的产品 名称 控制面板(SF-255+278)
图片或照片 4 幅 简要说明 1 页
CN 305649231 S
CN 305649231 S
( 19 )中华人民 共和国国家知识产权局
( 12 )外观设计专利
(21)申请号 201930213019 .8
(22)申请日 2019 .05 .05
(73)专利权人 刘勇 地址 528400 广东省中山市石岐区城市花 园宝兴阁6号B座602房
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DIN EN 24032
M42,12.9 级 M42,12 级
MA = 6800 Nm μ= 0.14
插图 3
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
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拆下制动头承压板(件号 8)上紧固的螺钉(件号 32)4×M16。 注意:此时油缸内不应通入压力油。
2.4.10 通入压力油。
2.4.11 调整两侧制动头的定位螺母(件号 7),设置松闸间隙“c”。 定位螺母上有四个 13mm 的销孔,插入定位销使螺母定位。 然后将固定螺钉(件号 32)拧入承压板上最近的螺孔(12×30°),并旋紧。
螺 栓 机体端盖
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
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1.3 液压管路的连接
在每个制动器头上各有一个压力油接口 G1/2"、一个放气孔 G1/2"。如果制动器与支架 成套供货,其压力油管路通过支架后侧的三通接头连接到一处。 液压泵站和制动器供油管系都与三通接头连接。
2 安装和调试
2.1 运 输
制动设备应该妥善包装,以确保运输安全。 SHI251/252 系列制动器和其标准支架的总重量约为 800 公斤。 在运输过程中可以使用起吊装置吊起和悬挂制动器。在起吊时应注意保护液压管路。
插图 2
警 告!
已受损或其材料不宜承重时,负载时可能被压碎。 应预先检查起重设备和负载材料,确保使用良好。
1 概述
1.1 结 构
SHI 系列盘式制动器主要用作中型、重型起重机起升机构和缆机驱动机构的安全制动 器,也可用作胶带机等设备的工作制动器,也可能用作夹轨器。
SHI 251
松闸压力 最大工作压力 每侧碟簧组作用力,松闸时 碟簧组弹性系数,每 mm
:105 bar :150 bar :367 kN :约 32.5 kN
如果试车结果与操作手册提供值有误差,制动器不能投入使用。消除各项误差后, 再从头进行试车检验。
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
B 1300 250 01 E-CN Page 11/13 02.2003
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
1 概述
1.1 结 构 1.2 制动器总成与工作原理 1.3 液压管路连接 1.4 泵站与盘式制动器的匹配组合
2 安装与调试
2.1 运 输 2.2 安装前的准备工作 2.3 将制动头装到支架上 2.4 将制动器整体安装到支架上 2.5 盘式制动器与支架之间的形位公差要求 2.6 设定制动力矩 2.7 安装限位开关 2.8 制动器通风
2.3 将制动头安装到支架上
2.3.1 清除安装表面的油污和灰尘,然后用起吊装置将制动头吊装到支架(100)上。 单个制动头的重量约为 280 公斤。
2.3.2 用六个双头螺栓安装制动头,两端用螺母和硬质垫片紧固。 2.3.3 使用力矩扳手将螺栓紧固。 2.3.4 螺栓材料及其性能等级如下:
SHI 251/252
SHI 252
松闸压力 最大工作压力 每侧碟簧组作用力,松闸时 碟簧组弹性系数,每 mm
:140 bar :205 kN :480 kN :约 40 kN
系统最大压力 活塞面积 松闸间隙 最高松闸压力 油缸最大油容量 最长上闸时间 液压油管规格 液压站电磁阀流量 最长松闸时间 液压站泵流量
:205 bar :380 cm2 :(1 - 4)mm :532 kN :0.142 升 :约 0.2 秒 :18 × 2 :100 升/分 :约 0.9 秒 :9 升/分
1.4 液压站与制动器的匹配组合
间歇工作制 ED<5% S < 5 l/h 带手动泵
SHI 201 SHI 202
V2.1B 型 V2.1C 型
连续工作制 ED=100% S < 200 l/h 带手动泵
V3B 型 V3C 型
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
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2.4 将制动器安装到支架上
2.4.1 搬运制动器之前,应先阅读第 2.2 节,了解有关盘式制动器安装前的准备工作。
2.4.2 制动器供货时,制动靴完全缩回到机体内,以便有足够的安装空间。
2.4.3 去除灰尘和防护剂,清洁安装表面。检查安装表面的平整度和制动盘的安装角度。 2.4.4 将制动器置于制动盘两侧,用手旋紧支架底部的安装螺栓(件号 101,第 6 页)。
4.3 定期检查 为确保安全操作,要求进行以下检查:
4. 维 护
4.1 检查摩擦片
应每日检查摩擦片和制动盘。 摩擦片磨损,应根据以下方法重新调整松闸间隙。
4.1.1 摩擦片调整方法
- 通入压力油,制动器松闸。 - 从承压板(件号 8,12 页)上卸下紧固螺钉(件号 32,12 页,4×M16)。 - 调节定位螺母(件号 7,12 页),设定松闸间隙。 - 将紧固螺钉(件号 32,12 页)拧入承压板上的螺纹孔(12×30o),并旋紧。 - 制动器上闸。 - 制动器松闸,再次检查间隙“c”。
“制动器松闸/上闸”指示开关为常开式,制动器松闸时导通,发出信号。 “摩擦片磨损”指示开关为常闭式,持续导通,当摩擦片磨损到最大允许值时触发,使电压
制动器上闸时的活塞位置直接显示摩擦片磨损量的大小。 磨损指示开关触发后,应重新设置松闸间隙“c”,或者更换新的摩擦片(参见第 2.6 节)。 调试时重新调整松闸间隙后,不必重新调整指示开关。
液压站接口端 制动器-液压站连接
高压软管 DN16,P >= 200 bar
一端为固定接头 M26×1.5,另一端为直角弯头 M26×1.5
2.4.12 关闭液压站,制动器上闸。
2.4.13 接通液压站,重新检查松闸间隙“c”。
插图 4
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2.5 制动器与支架之间的形位公差要求
插图 5
2.6 设置制动力矩
调整两侧松闸间隙“c”,可设定制动力矩。松闸间隙“c”可以从 1mm 调整到 4mm,夹紧 力或制动力矩将相应减小。(力矩计算参见尺寸表 M1300 251 01E ) 注意:间隙越大,制动器上闸时间越长。
松闸间隙设定参见第 2.4 节。
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
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2.7 限位开关的安装
制动头可以安装一个“制动器松闸/上闸”指示开关和一个“摩擦片磨损”指示开关。 这两个开关都安装在制动器机体盖上,通过活塞带动摇臂触发。
3 试车
4 维修保养
4.1 检查制动衬垫 4.2 更换制动衬垫 4.3 定期检查 4.4 润 滑 4.5 存 放
5 拆卸制动器
5.1 准备措施 5.2 拆卸制动器 5.3 更换碟簧组
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2 3 4 4
5 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10
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1.2 制动器总成和工作原理
SHI 系列制动器是一种弹簧上闸、液压松闸的盘式制动器。 制动器由一对制动头组成,分别装有碟簧组和油缸。 碟簧组支承在机体端盖里,经由活塞、承压板、螺栓和制动靴使制动衬垫压向制动盘, 产生制动力,实现制动。 制动时产生的切向力直接传递到带导向法兰的机体上,由机体抵消切向力。 通入压力油,制动器松闸。活塞在压力油作用下移动,将制动衬垫从制动盘向后收回, 实现松闸。
盘式制动器安装、调试和维护 SHI 251+252
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2.2 安装前的准备工作
安装制动器之前,应先去除防锈油脂,并清理所有杂质污物。 因为这些残留物会大大降低制动衬垫的摩擦效率。 利用石油醚或三氯乙烯可以清洁制动盘。 必须确保安装现场的清洁。 泵站和制动器之间的供油管路及接头,尤其要注意清洁。
插图 6
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
指示开关 间隙 "c"
Mm 1 2 3 4
间隙 X,mm
约 4.5
约 3.5
约 5.5
约 3.5
约 6.5
约 3.5
约 7.5
约 3.5
表中间隙 X 为摩擦片 0.5mm 的磨损量的对应值。