1. 伽利略的研究方法对于科学研究具有重大的启蒙作用,至今仍具有重要意义。
下列哪个是伽利略探究物体下落规律的过程()A. 猜想—问题—合理外推—数学推理—实验验证—得出结论B. 问题—猜想—实验验证—数学推理—合理外推—得出结论C. 问题—猜想—数学推理—实验验证—合理外推—得出结论D. 猜想—问题—合理外推—实验验证—数学推理—得出结论【答案】C【解析】【详解】首先由问题提出猜想,然后数学推理,再进行实验验证,去掉次要因素进行合理外推,最后得出结论。
2. 某同学乘坐出租车回家,自己乘坐的出租车在路边停住,看到车外相邻并排同向行驶的另一出租车时,感觉自己在后退。
下列分析正确的是()A. 该同学选择的参考系是自己乘坐的出租车B. 另一出租车在向前行驶C. 若出租车行驶时速度计示数为30 km/h,这是出租车的平均速度D. 若出租车计价器显示行驶了5km,这5km一定是出租车运动过程的位移大小【答案】B【解析】【详解】AB.自己乘坐的出租车在路边停住,看到车外相邻并排同向行驶的另一出租车时,感觉自己在后退。
A 错误,B 正确;C .出租车行驶时速度计示数为30 km/h ,这是出租车的瞬时速度大小,C 错误;D .出租车计价器显示行驶了5km ,这5km 是出租车运动的路程,只有当出租车做单方向直线运动时才表示位移大小,D 错误。
关于 的不等式 解集包含 ,令 ,
,解得 ,
故选: .
A. , B. ,
C. , D. ,
举反例即可判断选项A、C,解方程 即可判断选项B、D.
(1)求 ;
(2)若 ,求实数 的取值范围.
【答案】(1) ;(2) .
【详解】解:( 时,满足 ,即 ,解得 .
【详解】对于A选项,函数 为奇函数,且该函数在定义域上不单调,A选项中的函数不合乎要求;
对于B选项,函数 为奇函数,且该函数在定义域上为减函数,B选项中的函数合乎要求;
对于C选项,当 时, ,则 ,
当 时, ,则 ,
又 ,所以,函数 为奇函数,
当 时,函数 单调递减;当 时,函数 单调递减.
由于函数 在 上连续,所以,函数 在 上为减函数,C选项中的函数合乎要求;
对于 :根据函数的图象, 的定义域为 ,值域为 ,故 错误;
当大齿轮匀速转动时()A.A、B、C的线速度v A>v B>v CB.A、B、C的角速度ωC>ωB=ωAC.A、B、C的运动周期T C>T B>T AD.A、B、C的向心加速度a C>a B>a A4.(3分)高速公路某弯道处,该段公路宽度为16m,内外侧的高度差为2m(无侧滑趋势)。
该车道的转弯半径为()A.500m B.720m C.700m D.520m5.(3分)光滑水平面上有一质量为1kg的物体,在五个恒定的水平共点力的作用下处于平衡状态。
)1、分子是保持物质化学性质的最小微粒.首先提出分子概念的科学家是( )A、阿伏伽德罗B、道尔顿C、卢瑟福D、汤姆生2、下面四个实验现象中,能够说明分子在不停地运动的是 ( )3、初春培育水稻秧苗时,为了不使秧苗受冻,下列做法中正确的是 ( ) A.早晨多排水,傍晚多灌水 B.早晨多灌水,傍晚多排水C.早晨和傍晚都要多灌水 D.早晨和傍晚都不要灌水4、做功和热传递在改变物体的内能上是等效的,下图不属于做功改变物体内能的是()5、如图所示的滑动变阻器的四种接法中,当滑片P 向右移动时使电路的电阻变小的接法是( )6、关于热机的效率,下列说法正确的是()A、蒸汽机的效率通常高于喷气发动机;B、热机的效率一定小于100%;C、汽车排放的尾气,是城市环境污染的重要来源。
7、如图所示,在探究并联电路中的电流关系时,小明同学用电流表测出A.B.C三处的电流分别为IA =0.5A,IB=0.3A,IC=0.2A,在表格中记录数据后,下一步首先应该做的是:()A.整理器材,结束实验;B.换用不同规格的小灯泡,再测出几组电流值C.分析数据,得出结论;D.换用电流表的另一量程,再测出一组电流值8、在一本用电常识的书中,列出了使用白炽电灯的常见故障与检修,其中一项故障现象如下:从电路的组成来看,上述故障现象可以概括成一个原因:()A、开路;B、通路;C、短路;D、以上都不对。
高一物理上学期期中试题(含解析)一、单选题(本大题共8小题,共25.0分)1.在下述问题中,能够把研究对象看作质点的是A. 计算“和谐号”动车通过南京长江大桥所用时间B. 比较“摩拜”与“ofo”共享单车的车轮半径大小C. 利用“北斗”导航系统确定远洋海轮在大海中的位置D. 研究“蛟龙600”水陆两栖飞机水面高速滑行的机翼姿态【答案】C【解析】【分析】当物体的形状、大小对所研究的问题没有影响时,我们就可以把它看成质点,根据把物体看成质点的条件来判断即可正确解答本题。
【详解】和谐号列车的长度相对于桥梁的长度不能忽略,此时列车不能看成质点,故A 错误;比较摩拜与“ofo”共享单车车轮半径大小时,车轮的大小不可以忽略,故不可以把车轮当做质点,故B错误;“北斗”系统给远洋海轮导航时,只需要确定远洋海轮在地图上的位置,可以把远洋海轮看成质点,故C 正确;研究“蛟龙600”水陆两栖飞机水面高速滑行的机翼姿态时不能看做质点,看做质点就不能看机翼姿态了,故D错误。
2.下列对于运动基本概念的描述正确的是A. 顺丰速运“无人机快递”完成一次快件投递回到出发点,此运动过程的路程为零B. 微信支付交易记录中有一单的转账时间为“2018100119:49:34”,这里的时间指时刻C. “复兴号”列车在京沪高铁线运行最高时速可达350公里,这里的时速指平均速率D. 常熟市三环高架启用的“区间测速”系统,测的是汽车沿高架绕行的平均速度【答案】B【解析】【分析】掌握位移和路程的区别,明确时间和时刻的主要区别;知道平均速率等于路程与时间的比值;会区分平均速度和平均速率。
1.以下说法正确的是( )A.经典力学理论普遍适用,大到天体,小到微观粒子B.相对论与量子力学否定了经典力学理论C.在经典力学中,物体的质量随运动状态而改变D.经典力学理论具有一定的局限性2.如图所示,在灭火抢救过程中,消防队员有时要借助消防车上的梯子爬到高处进行救人或灭火作业。
为了节省救援时间,消防队员沿梯子匀加速向上运动的同时消防车匀速后退,则关于消防队员的运动,下列说法正确的是()A.消防队员做匀加速直线运动B.消防队员做匀变速曲线运动C.消防队员做变加速曲线运动D.消防队员水平方向的速度保持不变3.火星和木星沿各自的椭圆轨道绕太阳运行,根据开普勒行星运动定律可知()A.太阳位于木星运行轨道的中心B.火星和木星绕太阳运行速度的大小始终相等C.火星与木星公转周期之比的平方等于它们轨道半长轴之比的立方D.相同时间内,火星与太阳连线扫过的面积等于木星与太阳连线扫过的面积4.五一假期,张勇戴着耳机在河边听音乐,看见河中央处有一漂流物A(可视为质点)顺流而下,有人在岸上用长竹竿打捞,张勇发现后,立即在B点跳入河中,刚好在B点正前方的C处拦截到漂流物,如图所示,河宽d=60 m,水流速度v1=4 m/s,BC连线垂直河岸,AC平行河岸且距离L=40 m。
高二物注意事项: 1 .答题前,考生先将自己的学校、姓名、班级、座号、考号填涂在相应位置。
2 .选择题答案必须使用2B 铅笔(按填涂样例)正确填涂;非选择题答案必须使 用0.5毫米黑色签字笔书写,绘图时,可用2B 铅笔作答,字体工整、笔迹清楚。
3 .请按照题号在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草 稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。
在每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一项是符合题目要求的。
1 .我国是全球第一快递大国。
快递在运输易碎物品时,经常用泡沫塑料做填充物,这 是为了减小在搬运过程中A.物品受到的冲量B.物品的动量C.物品的动量变化量D.物品的动量变化率2 .四个定值电阻连成如图所示的电路。
此、R c 的规格为“6V6W”,A 八时的规格为“6V12W”。
将该电路接在输出电压的恒压电源上,贝IJA.乙的功率最大,为6W用 Rs r-1=3—1 R D B. % 的功率最小,为 0. 67WI -H =H 4 I-[=^~ C.七的功率最小,为L33WD. %的功率最大,为12W卜 U (> 3.甲、乙两物体质量分别为叫和“2,两物体碰撞前后运动的位移随时间变化的人一 图像如图所示,则在碰撞前 作A.乙的动能大吟 ___________ B.甲的动能大IZ C.乙的动量大 ----------- ;UcD.甲的动量大 4 .已知通电长宜导线产生的磁场中某点的磁感应强度与电流强度/成正比,与该点到直 导试卷类型:A2020. 11线的距离「成反比。
处在4c的中点,电流方向如图,此时笈处的磁感应强度为零, 则下列说法正确的是A.27. = A I /B.@ =Z2C..4导线所受的磁场力向左D.若移走。
A. 运动的物体不可能受静摩擦力
B. 静止的物体可能受到滑动摩擦力
C. 静摩擦力方向一定与相对运动的趋势方向相反
D. 滑动摩擦力一定是物体运动的阻力
10. 如图所示,一小滑块沿足够长的斜面以初速度v向上做匀减速直线运动,依次经A,B,C,D到达最高点E,已知AB=BD=6m,BC=1m,滑块从A到C和从C到D所用的时间都是2s。设滑块经C时的速度为vC,则( )
A. m/s
B. 滑块上滑过程中加速度的大小为0.5m/s2
C. DE=9m
D. 从C到E所用时间为6s
11. 某汽车刹车后直至停止的位移—速度关系满足 ,其中x与v的单位分别是m和m/s。下列判断正确的是( )
A. 汽车刹车时的初速度为9m/s
B. 加速度大小为4m/s2
C. 汽车刹车后第7s初的速度大小为3m/s
A. 40mB. 80mC. 120mD. 160m
8. 以从塔顶由静止释放小球A的时刻为计时零点, 时刻又在与小球A等高的位置处,由静止释放小球B.若两小球都只受重力作用,设小球B下落时间为t,在两小球落地前,两小球间的高度差为 ,则 图线为( )
A. B.
C. D.
D. 胡克首先借助实验研究和逻辑推理得出自由落体运动规律
5. 一架飞机水平匀速飞行,飞机上掉下一个小铁球,若不计空气阻力和风力,小铁球离开飞机直至落地的过程中,下列说法正确的是( )
AAffordable Beach V acation in CorfuCorfu an island off the coast of Greece, offers visitors sunkissed shores with clear water and lots of beaches.Finding the Perfect BeachOur first pick is Sidari Beach. It’s a blue flag beach perfect for couples looking for a more private feel, as it’s far from bigger tourist destinations. Issos Beach makes for the perfect pl ace for watching the sunset. Dassia Bay has a bit more water sports. Paleokastritsa is an amazing West Coast village with six beaches on offer, including Rovinia Beach.Getting around CorfuCorfu offers bike rentals and bus service as a cheaper alternative (替代) to taxis. The best time to visit Corfu is during the “shoulder season” in April/May. The weather isn’t as warm as the high seasons but it remains perfect. It is not crowded in this period, but you still need to book ahead of schedule as Corfu stays popular throughout the year.Eating Out For LessThere are a lot of well-priced restaurants but street food is also a big winner. Some popular choices are Souvlakia and Pita Gyros. There are also many cheeses special to Greece, including Tirokafteri and Ladotyri. Corfu also has many unbelievable desserts (甜食). Stazei Meli is a tourist favourite to give them a try.1. Which place is probably the best choice for couples?A. Sidari Beach.B. Dassia Bay.C. Issos Beach.D. Rovinia Beach.2. What are tourists required to do to visit Corfu?A. Rent a bike.B. Book in advance.C. Wear warm clothes.D. Set off in April/May.3. What do we know about Stazei Meli?A. It cooks popular dishes.B. It severs well-priced food.C. It produces special cheese.D. It sells amazing desserts.BAs the oldest of three children, I never had any hand-me-downs to wear like other poor kids. Instead, Mom got my wardrobe (行头) from neighborhood mothers. Imagine the fun other kids had when they saw me wearing their used clothing.Perhaps my biggest challenge came from Charlie. As far as I was concerned, Charlie’s main fun was to make fun of me. During those years, I slowly learned to hate. I hated Charlie, but I also hated myself for not being able to change my situation.But situations do change. That opportunity came after high school when I joined the Navy. The Navy made me a social equal for the first time in my life, and the GI Bill gave me a college education. Hard work and a few lucky career (职业) choices finally lifted me into the middle class.I found myself living the American Dream.One beautiful summer afternoon, my friend and I celebrated Friday in Jackson’s Steak House. For the first time in almost twenty years, I saw Charlie. Not only did I see him, but he spoke to me.I could tell he didn’t recognize me, but I surely recognized my childhood tormentor (摧残者). His words were short, but I’ll never forget them. He said, “Sir, what kind of dressing would you like with your salad?”The tables h ad turned. Charlie was calling me “Sir.” While hundreds of improper ideas raced through my mind, I could only give a two-word reply: “Blue cheese.” As much as I wanted to taste the sweet taste of revenge (复仇), I refused to do it. I wouldn’t put another per son through what I had gone through as a child. It was time to put childish things behind me and make use of the new opportunity that life had given me. I left him a good tip and I didn’t say one word about recognizing him.4. Where did the author usually get his clothes as a kid?A. His mum bought them for him.B. They were from other families.C. Other poor kids collected them for himD. They were handed down by his brothers.5. Which word best describes the author’s childhood?A. Painful.B. Funny.C. Strange.D. Lucky.6. What job did Charlie probably do?A. A hairdresser.B. A waiter.C. A soldier.D. A cook.7. What is the best title of the passage?A. Live your own American Dream.B. Best memories in childhood.C. Don’t hate but love your enemy.D. Growing up and letting goCWhen my kids, ages 11 and 8, race through the back door after school, often the first thing out of their mouths is: “Mom! Can we play Prodigy?” After a quick thinking of how much screen time they’ve already had for the week and ho w much peace and quiet I need to finish my work, I accept. After all, Prodigy is a role-playing video game that encourages kids to practice math facts. It’s educational. Right?Though video games are increasingly making their way into classrooms, scientists say the facts are lacking (缺乏) on whether they can actually improve learning.Some of the first evidence (证据) that gaming may train the brain came from first-person shooter games. It was first found by C. Shawn Green, an undergraduate studying at the University of Rochester in New York. He gave his friends a test of visual (视觉的) attention, and their scores were amazing. He and his research adviser, Daphne Bavelier, thought there must have been a problem in the test. But when Bavelier took the test, her scores were normal. The difference wasthat Green’s friends had all been devoting more than 10 hours per week to Team Fortress Classic, a first-person shooter game.In other studies, researchers found that gamers who trained on Tetris were better at moving two-dimensional (空间的) shapes than those who played a control game. Students who played two hours of All You Can E. T. improved their focus-shifting skills compared with students who played a word search game. Not surprisingly, the skills that games can improve are the ones that players end up practicing over and over during the course of play.The next step is to figure out how these findings may translate to the classroom. Although this research is still developing, I’m sure about my own kids’ ever-increasing requests for screen time—especially when they beg to play games designed to help them master math.8. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To lead in the topic.B. To explain what Prodigy is.C. To introduce the author’s family.D. To prove the importance of video games.9. What does the underlined word “they” in the second paragraph refer to?A. Video games.B. Classrooms.C. Scientists.D. Facts.10. Who did the best in the test of visual attention?A. Mr Green.B. Mrs. Bavelier.C. Green’s friends.D. A graduate.11. Why can those playing Tetris do well in turning two-dimensional shapes?A. Tetris is only a control gameB. They focus on shifting skills.C. They practise the relative skills many times.D. The skills needed are similar to those in word search games.DGool sbee, now a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, said the rising number of Americans out of work forever paints a troubling picture about the recovery (恢复).“If we are on path to only be two-thirds recovered,” Goolsbee wrote, “and then have millions of businesses closed down and the jobs there lost fast, there will be years for us to try to get back onto the path we were on before.”And those everlasting job losses will influence the economy. People out of work may cutback spending or even stop it. They are at risk of falling behind on car payments, credit card bills and bank loan (贷款). Those risks are magnified by the fact that the government has so far failed to provide additional economic recovery policies (政策) — even though the US economy is in great need of them.“Good insurance (保险) policies for people out of work have helped them pay the loan much more easily,” Principal’s Shah wrote, “but with everl asting job losses clearly rising and still no sign of an additional economic recovery package, the trouble will become more widespread and obvious.”The hope is that those recognized as jobless at present will in the end get a job somewhere else. Even though some restaurants, shops and small businesses have shut down, new companies are opening each day here and there. But there is a time limit at play because the time of continuously out of job influences the chances of getting another job. “The longer you’re out of the job market,” said PNC’s Faucher, “the more difficult it becomes to find a new one.” Many Americans who had a job loss or had a too long vacation without any payment are eagerly looking forward to another job.12. What does the underlined word “magnified” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Reduced.B. Enlarged.C. Avoided.D. Unchanged.13. What’s Shah’s attitude towards the government’s present economy policies?A. Supportive.B. Confused.C. Disappointed.D. Uninterested.14. What can we learn about the Americans out of work?A. Losing jobs gets them out of the job marketB. They have more opportunities to have vacations.C. They successfully get offers from new companies.D. Losing jobs for long makes it harder to find a new one.15. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. The jobless usually spend less.B. Insurance companies offer necessary loans.C. More job losses suggest a dark economy future.D. The economy recovery depends on the government.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
人教版高一物理必修二期中复习:平抛的相遇问题 斜抛 类平抛 实际应用问题
平抛的相遇问题斜抛类平抛实际应用问题平抛的相遇1.(北京市铁路第二中学2019-2020学年高一(下)5月期中物理试题)6. 如图所示,在同一竖直平面内,小球a、b从高度不同的两点分别以初速度v a和v b沿水平向抛出,经过时间t a和t b后落到与两抛出点水平距.离相等的P点。
若不计空气阻力,下列关系正确的是()A. t a>t b,v a<v bB. t a>t b,v a>v bC t a<t b,v a<v b D. t a<t b,v a>v b2.(黑龙江省海林市朝鲜族中学2019-2020学年高一(下)期中线上考试物理试题)2.在同一水平直线上的两位置分别沿同方向抛出两小球A和B,其运动轨迹如图所示,不计空气阻力.要使两球在空中相遇,则必须()A. 先抛出A球B. 先抛出B球C. 同时抛出两球D. B球的初速度大于A球的初速度3.(江苏省淮安市淮阴区南陈集中学2019-2020学年高一(下)期中模拟物理试题)13. 如图所示,从同一条竖直线上两个不同点P、Q分别向右平抛两个小球,平抛的初速度分别为v1,v2,结果它们同时落到水平面上的M点处(不考虑空气阻力)。
下列说法中正确的是()A. P先抛出的B. Q先抛出的C. v1>v2D. v1<v24.(江苏省马坝高级中学2019-2020学年高一(下)期中物理试题)4.如图所示在同一地点的不同高度处以相同方向水平抛出甲乙两小球.已知两球在空中某处相遇,则甲乙两球()A. 同时抛出,抛出时乙速度较大B. 同时抛出,抛出时甲速度较大C. 甲先抛出,抛出时乙速度较大D. 甲先抛出,抛出时甲速度较大5.(安徽省淮北市第一中学2019-2020学年高一(下)期中物理试题)2.如图所示,从同一条竖直线上两个不同点P、Q分别向右平抛两个小球,平抛的初速度分别为v1、v2,结果它们同时落到水平面上的M点处(不考虑空气阻力)。
下列说法中正确的是()A. 一定是P先抛出的,并且v1<v2B. 一定是P先抛出的,并且v1=v2C. 一定是Q先抛出的,并且v1>v2D. 一定是Q先抛出的,并且v1=v26.(浙江省浙北G2(湖州中学、嘉兴一中)2019-2020学年高一(下)期中物理试题)11. 如图所示,三个质量相等的小球A、B、C从图示位置分别以相同的速度v0水平向左抛出,最终都能到达坐标原点O。
2020-2021学年山东省潍坊市寿光一中高一(下)期中英语试卷一、选词填空-句子(本大题共9小题,共9.0分)1.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)The plane crash o ______ (发生)when the pilot shutdown the wrong engine.2.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)About 3,000 housing units are under c ______ (建设)in the city.3.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)Past three d ______ (十年)have witnessed thedevelopment of the computer.4.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)When we are under stress, our bodies t ______ (倾向)to tense up.5.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)I am g ______ (感激的)for the assistance your staffhave provided.6.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)The c ______ (最主要的)reason for this is that peopleare living longer.7.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)The c ______ (习俗)of naming women after flowersis becoming less common.8.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)She finished her letter,and read it through with s ______(满意) .9.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)The software e ______ (使能够)you to access theInternet in seconds.二、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共37.5分)(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)ABest Family Vacations in CanadaWhen looking for the ideal destination for your next family vacation abroad, consider Canada for its wide range of multi-generational entertainment. Use this list to plan your next trip north, and vote below for your first-choice destination before you head out.Niagara Falls The maid of the mist boat tour may leave you fully wet, but it won't wet your spirit on your trip. When you're not admiring the falls, enjoy the blossoms at the Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens. Or, visit the Aquarium (水族馆)of Niagara, which has more than 1,500 species of aquatic animals.Prince Edward Island The background for the "Anne of Green Gables" stories, Prince Edward Island offers a variety of outdoor experiences-from sandy beaches to water sports like kayaking to exploring one of eight lighthouses. Plus, PEI is a quick flight from almost anywhere on the east coast.Whistler Kids will love hitting the slopes(斜坡)on Whistler and Blackcomb mountains nearby Vancouver. Whistler also features educational activities, such as the Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre, for families who want to gain some learning while on vacation.Vancouver You'll find most of Vancouver's kid-centered attractions in Granville Island and Stanley Park. The nearly 1,000-acre park has the Vancouver Aquarium, plus four playgrounds, and a mini-train. For a more exciting rush, walk across the450-foot-long Capilano Suspension Bridge.10.How may a visitor feel during the boat tour at Niagara Falls______A. Disappointed.B. Excited.C. Scared.D. Surprised.11.Which destination may a water sports lover choose______A. Niagara Falls.B. Prince Edward Island.C. Whistler.D. Vancouver.12.What do Whistler and Vancouver have in common?______A. They are famous for bridges.B. People can visit cultural centres.C. Aquariums are the main attraction.D. They have attractions for children.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)BWhen I was a teenager,I knew nothing about mental health. If you talked about "safe spaces",I'd think that you meant a bank. What's more, I didn't care about mental health. Why would I As Dad used to say, "If it isn't broken, don't fix it!"But unfortunately my mental health did "break". I was diagnosed (诊断)as seriously clinically anorexic (厌食的)at age 23. I had immediate treatment in hospital, which lasted two and a half years. People always wonder what helped me recover and the key was simple:comedy (喜剧).I'm a professional stand-up comic. Comedy began as my hobby and has progressed into a job. The word "comedy" is believed to come from the Ancient Greek kōmos meaning "to reveal",whose job is to reveal, explain and understand things. This was something I turned to when I was in recovery from anorexia. I'd never been able to explain what going on inside my head;trying to explain what's going on in your mind is like trying to explain a color to someone who's blind. So humour became a way of understanding things and then a way of explaining them. Dr Dieter Declercq, Lecturer in Film at the University of Kent, believes "Humor can change our opinions on a difficult situation". However, he adds carefully that "We should avoid judgments like all humour is good for you." In his new book Satire, Comedy and Mental Health, he looks at how comedy can be used as a mental health method. Enjoyed with others, it is important for good mental health and recovery.Stand-up comedy was important to my recovery. I know I'm not alone in that. So I want to pay that forward and show other people your mental health doesn't have to be "broken" before you can "fix it".13.How did the author treat the issue of mental health as a teenager______A. She took it seriously.B. She was confident of it.C. She hated talking about it.D. She paid no attention to it.14.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 3?______A. Explain how comedy helps.B. Share what she went through.C. State where comedy comes from.D. Show why comedy is a common hobby.15.What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to______A. Comedy.B. Film.C. A difficult situation.D. The new book.16.In which section of a magazine is this text probably from?______A. Health & Life.B. Man & Nature.C. Science & Technology.D. Society & Opinion.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)CWhat is talent?Are you born with it?Or does it seem to develop over time?Before I start, I'd like to say that one thing everyone agrees on is that the most skilled musicians have worked hard to get there.While it's true that a few of us had enough "talent" to avoid extra practice to do just as well as those who did, those who worked hard easily beat us. It is, in fact, very likely that if some of us "talented ones" had actually been practicing and improving our skill, we would have achieved a whole different level.Another aspect of talent seems to be heart and passion (酷爱). The people I see who are the most talented musicians are crazy about music. They eat, breathe, and live music and they make an extraordinary effort to make it part of their lives. As Remus Badea said, desire for the musician-to-be is significant for them to be successful. This desire is easily found in those considered to be talented. When you want and love something so bad, it drives you and your entire character can be shaped around it. Such determined passion seems to produce incredible skill and talent.The third aspect(方面)of talent is having talent around you. When surrounded by talented musicians, it only seems natural that you start to catch up to their level Take a look at almost any group of musicians in history. The more talented people in the group the more talented the group is as a whole. A great example of this is the relationship between audio producer and artist. The artist turns up to the studio with their song,and as they work through recording it, the audio producer will often suggest various changes to the song to make it better.17.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?______A. Pride goes before a fall.B. It's never too old to learn.C. Practice contributes to talent.D. Talent determines achievements.18.What is the key to success according to Remus Badea______A. Passion.B. Character.C. Skill.D. Talent.19.Why is the example mentioned in the last paragraph?______A. To introduce what real talents are.B. To explain how a song is composed.C. To prove talents need team spirit.D. To show the benefits of being with talents.20.What might the author probably agree with______A. Music has no limits.B. Musicians are born with talent.C. Music favors the talented.D. Musicians are created, not born.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)DThe use of AI (artificial intelligence)is becoming more common in many branches of industry and online shopping. Traditional lines of work, such as goods transport and driving, are developing in a similar direction although mainly out of public view. Scientists at the University of Göttingen have now investigated how efficient (高效的)the use of AI can be in the commercial management of trucks."Digital applications-as well as machine leaning, a kind of AI-are increasingly applied to operations and courses in the transport area," explains Professor Matthias Klumpp from the Faculty of Economics. "The question in the commercial area, however, is whether or not this contributes to achieving goals."To answer this question, the researchers compared the work efficiency of truck drivers with their main use of AI applications. Looking at trade delivery by truck, they studied three groups:the first drove completely following human decision-making models;the second used a combination of human and machine;and the third depended completely on fully automated decisions.The researchers found that an intelligent combination of human work and decision-making abilities with AI applications promises the highest transport and driving efficiency. "On average, the second group achieved the most efficient transport trips, with the fewest interventions (干预)and off-course from the best path." one researcher said, "Clearly, neithera completely human decision-making structure nor a fully automated driving system can promise to meet current goods transport requirements." The scientists therefore summarized that despite the progress of AI in the field of transportation by truck, human experience and decision-making abilities will still be necessary in the longer term. However, the challenge is that a wide range of training and qualification (资格)needs will come along by working with AI applications, especially for simple goods transport activities.21.What does Matthias Klumpp focus on?______A. The efficiency of AI.B. The advantages of AI.C. The problems caused by AI.D. The wide applications of AI.22.How did the researchers get the finding______A. By providing examples.B. By making comparisons.C. By using different trucks.D. By listing three experiments.23.What can we know from the last paragraph?______A. AI is better at making decisions.B. A balance is needed between human and AI.C. Human will soon be replaced by AI in driving.D. AI applications meet the current requirements.24.What is the best title for the text______A. The future of transportB. Artificial intelligence as a co-driverC. Artificial intelligence-a better choice in drivingD. The strengths of artificial intelligence in transport三、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共12.5分)(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)Due to its faraway location in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand was one of the last countries to be discovered by humans. Although most of the current population are European descendants, it was the minority group known as the Maori who were the first to settle there. (1)______ .Maori arts are very popular with tourists. The Waka is a traditional canoe (独木舟)that has been skillfully carved out of a tree trunk, with beautiful carvings added to show tribal (部落的)history and culture.(2)______ . Visitors to Maori historic buildings can also see beautifully carved wooden architecture. In addition, there are countless smaller objects and masks that were made to honour ancestors or legends.(3)______ . It is made famous by New Zealand's national rugby union team,who often perform it before games. The kapa haka is a traditional dance performed for celebrations, special guests, and battle ceremonies. The performance includes different dances and songs that make up a whole.Traditional tattoos(文身),known as "moko",are also a strong visual part of Maori culture. They are most often done in circle forms across a man's face, and on the chin (下巴)and lips of a woman. They represent a person's social class, and are also believed to increase attractiveness. (4)______ . It is often part of a ceremony to signal a person has passed an important milestone.There is so much more for visitors to discover about Maori culture. (5)______ :a multicultural country that is forever developing in new and interesting ways.A. Receiving moko is seen as a great honourB. Maoris, whether young or old, are all dance loversC. However, New Zealand is also known for its diverse culturesD. It is an important part of what makes New Zealand a modern countryE. A large war canoe could be up to 40 metres long and hold up to 80 peopleF. Another well-known part of Maori culture is the traditional kapa haka danceG. Today, both past and present Maori culture can be found all over the country25. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G26. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G27. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G28. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G29. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G四、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)The pandemic didn't allow Debra Ferrell, from Roanoke, Virginia, to gather with her whole family for her birthday. (1)______ ,she celebrated theday by(2)______ -with 53 gifts from her heart."This period is one of the(3)______ times in my history, so I (4)______ why not make other people smile," said Ferrell. She went on social media and asked people for (5)______ on acts of kindness that she could (6)______ for others during her birth month, one for every year that she's been (7)______ .The requests for her Oct, 4 birthday arrived from across the U. S:Parents who hoped for words of(8)______ for their kids on their first year of virtual school. A woman who wished for a gift basket for her doctor. A friend of a family in Minnesota that(9)______ their 4-year-old to cancer, who wanted them to feel that they were not (10)______ .For them, Ferrell found a memorial wind chime (风铃)with a (11)______ that says, "When you (12)______ the wind, I am with you.""(13)______ others is just one of my favorite things to do," said Ferrell. "I just feel that if we live our life trying to make other people (14)______ ,I'm the one who gets the (15)______ out of it."30. A. Anyhow B. Instead C. Moreover D. Indeed31. A. making up B. holding on C. giving back D. going away32. A. happiest B. ideal C. hardest D. original33. A. surveyed B. claimed C. complained D. figured34. A. gifts B. targets C. responses D. suggestions35. A. perform B. collect C. seek D. ask36. A. alive B. awkward C. energetic D. annoyed37. A. comment B. warming C. blessing D. encouragement38. A. lost B. left C. devoted D. applied39. A. sad B. alone C. wrong D. confused40. A. video B. note C. notice D. journal41. A. hear B. feel C. see D. observe42. A. Looking after B. Running after C. Caring for D. Calling for43. A. rest B. smile C. crazy D. nervous44. A. tiniest B. least C. worst D. most五、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)45.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)The Chinatown in San Francisco is a very populartourist draw. The climate is mild all year round (1)______ (mean)it is always agood time to visit.Historically, Chinese migrants settled there as a residential area, which turned (2)______ a centre for Chinese culture. The(3)______ (major)of residents are still ethnic Chinese, most of (4)______ do not speak English fluently. This gives visitors (5)______ real taste of China.Most of the Chinatown (6)______ (rebuild)after the earthquake in 1906,with lots of Chinese architecture (7)______ (include)intentionally. To name but a few, the Tin How temple and Bank of Canton. Apart from the famous sites, visitors can spend hours exploring the interesting smells and sounds of China as well. What's more, a wide range of(8)______ (souvenir)and clothing can be found in stores. However, what attracts visitors most is the Chinese food, which(9)______ (suit)everyone's taste.As an important part of the diverse culture of the USA,Chinatown allows visitors who have never been to China(10)______ (experience)traditional Chinese culture first hand.六、单词拼写-单句(本大题共1小题,共1.0分)46.(2018·广东省佛山市·期中考试)Jack knew______ (绝对地) nothing about the business when he joined the firm.七、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共35.0分)47.(2021·山东省潍坊市·期中考试)假定你是李华,你校正在组织以"我的榜样"为主题的英语演讲比赛。
山东省潍坊市2020-2021学年高二下学期期中考试数学试题 含答案
1.若函数 f ( x) = x2 + sin x ,则 f (0) = ( )
A. −1
2.正项等比数列an 中, a1 a3 = 4 , a5 = 16 ,则公比为( )
B. −2
3.已知函数 f ( x) = x + 4 ,则 y = f ( x) 的极小值点是( )
lg 3 0.48)(第一空 2 分,第二空 3 分)
四、解答题:本大题共 6 小题,共 70 分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(10 分)
在① bn
1 an+1 log2
;② bn
;③ bn
an ,这三个条件中任选一个,补充在下面问
16.某公司为一个高科技项目投入启动资金 2000 万元,已知每年可获利 20%,但由于竞争激烈,每年年底需 从利润中取出 200 万元资金进行科研、技术改造,方能保持原有利润的增长率,则第三年年初该项目的资金为
______万元,该公司经过______年该项目的资金可以达到或超过翻一番(即原来的 2 倍)的目标. ( lg 2 0.30 ,
潍坊市2020-2021学年高一上学期期中考试 地理试题(含答案)
据此完成5 ~6题。
据此完成7 ~8题。
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D.蓄电池将化学能转变成电能时,静电力做的功比一节干电池 电动势为 的大
4.将一内阻是2kΩ电压表的量程由0~3V扩大到0-15V,需要给它( )
A.串联 电阻B.并联 电阻C.并联 电阻D.串联 电阻
5.家电待机耗电问题常常被市民所忽视。据有关部门测量,电视机待机一天的耗电量在0.2度左右。据统计潍坊市的常住人口900多万人,以家庭户300万户,用电器平均每天待机20小时计,参考下表数据,估算每年潍坊市家庭用电器待机耗电总量约为( )
3.铅蓄电池的电动势为2V,这表示( )
8.如图所示,图线1表示的导体的电阻为R1,图线2表示的导体的电阻为R2,则下列说法正确的是( )
A. B. C. D.
10.如图所示,a、b、c、d是竖直平面内圆上的四个点,连线ab、cd均过圆心O且相互垂直,在圆心处固定一点电荷。现施加一方向与ab平行的匀强电场(图中未画出),则下列说法正确的是( )
1.下列图片显示的技术中,属于防范静电危害的是( )
A. 静电复印B. 静电喷涂
C. 静电除尘D. 避雷针
102310A. 度B. 度C. 度D. 度
6.如图所示为大型电子地磅电路图,电源电动势为E,内阻为r.不称重物时,滑片P在A端;称重物时,在压力作用下使滑片P下滑,滑动变阻器接入电路的阻值发生变化,通过电流表的示数即可显示被称物体的重量值.在P滑动过程中,弹簧始终未超出弹性限度.则闭合开关S后,下列说法不正确的是( )