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专题限时集训(十四) 完形填空之记叙文(Ⅰ)


(2018·日照市校际联考)One small mistake changed Sonia's life.Now she is 1 and tries not to miss any opportunities that come to her way.

One day,Sonia walked 2 a little boy,who wanted to buy crayons (彩色

蜡笔),but he couldn't 3 them.He looked sad when he saw the money in Sonia's hand. 4 she didn't realize he was in 5 of help at all.Sonia ignored him and 6 on her way home.

After reaching home,she told everything to her brother Gur.Gur told Sonia that God had given you a (n) 7 to help a boy,but you 8 it.There's a possibility that God was 9 you;maybe today would have become your big day of your life.Hearing Gur's words,Sonia 10 back to the shop to find the boy but time never 11 for anyone.Sonia got disappointed and returned home,continuously 12 at herself.Why didn't it come into her mind what Gur had 13 ?“Chances are everywhere,and all you need to do is 14 them because they don't always show up,” said Gur.Now what Sonia has missed is a chance that she can only 15 .

On that day Sonia learnt the biggest 16 in her life.Actually not only Sonia,but many of us ignore the chance of helping in 17 ways because we always run after bigger ones.However,big opportunities do come but not every day.Therefore,18 small ones so that you can't miss big ones.Sonia also 19 to wait for big opportunities,but now she knows that with small opportunities she can make big 20 in her life.



1.A.attentive B.optimistic

C.enthusiastic D.fortunate

A[根据空后的“and tries not to miss any opportunities that come to her way”

可知,Sonia现在很专注,尽力不去错过任何她遇到的机会。attentive“专心的”;optimistic“乐观的”;enthusiastic“热情的”;fortunate“幸运的”。] 2.A. through B.by

C.over D.up


3.A.arrange B.afford

C.offer D.gain

B[根据“who wanted to buy crayons(彩色蜡笔)”及下文可知,小男孩想买彩色蜡笔,但是买不起。arrange“安排”;afford“买得起”;offer“主动提供”;gain“获得,

4.A.Thus B.Besides

C.But D.And


5.A.favor B.honor

C.need D.search

C[参见上题解析。in favor of“支持”;in honor of“为了纪念”;in need of“需要”;in search of“寻找”。]

6.A.remained B.hurried

C.hesitated D.continued


7.A.direction B.duty

C.urge D.opportunity

D[根据文意可知,此处指上帝给了你一个机会去帮助小男孩,但是你却错过了。direction“方向”;duty“责任”;urge“强烈的欲望”;opportunity“机会”。] 8.A.doubted B.missed

C.passed D.mistook


9.A.punishing B.saving

C.testing D.refusing


10.A.stepped B.moved

C.jumped D.rushed

D[Sonia听到哥哥的话后有所意识,故应用“跑回去”来突出她此时急于弥补错过的机会的心情。step“踩,迈步”;move“移动”;jump“跳跃”;rush“急速移动”。] 11.A.longs B.answers

C.allows D.waits

D[根据“to find the boy”及“Sonia got disappointed”可知,Sonia没有找到小男孩,因此此处表示时间不等(waits)人。下文中的“wait for big opportunities”也是提示。long“渴望”;answer“回答”;allow“允许”。]

12.A.angry B.hard

C.surprised D.crazy

A[由上文可知,Sonia第一次忽略了小男孩而没有帮他,再次回去也没有找到他,所以生自己的气。be angry at sb.“生某人的气”。]

13.A.considered B.ordered

C.realized D.learnt

