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1、shall we see a movie tonight?---see you later wrong

2、what would you like to drink,madam?----can I have a glass of white wine? Right

3\when did you first come to china?---10 year ago. Right

4\do you like your job?---I’m a nurse. Wrong

5\what are you going to do this evening?---I went there with some friends. Wrong

6\--hello.xiaoyan,how was the party?---hi,jack,we had a great time. Right

7\how are you feeling today?---I’d rather stay at home. Wrong

8\hoe old are you ?---yes,I am. Wrong

9\ can I get you something to dringk?---yes,please.a cola for me. Right

10\how cani book a cheap hitel?—if I were you. i’d phone atravel agent. Right

11—Are you ready to order?---yes,I’ll have a chicken salad please right

12\is there a bank near here?---yes,I saw him this morning wrong

13\when did he go to America?---two years ago. Right

14\i went to a fashion show last night.----who took away my book? Wrong

15\have you been to America?---I’ve never been there but I hope to go there in the future. Right

16.Have you ever tried windsurfing?—It’s very kind of you. Wrong

17.—Where did you go in China?—I went there by train. Wrong

18.Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number?—yes,It’s 6825612 right

19.Can I help you?----yes,please.I’d like to reserve a room. Right

20How do you like the film?---It’s very good.I like it. Right


1、today is too busy.let’s disuse it (some time)next week.

2、A:I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. B:oh.not at all.I(have been)here only a


3、His grandfather is very healthy,he (neither)drinks (nor)smokers’

4、As she (was reading)the newspaper.Granny (fell)asleep.

5、The book was rather expensive,but I bought it (anyway.

6、The buses.(whieh)were full of people.couldn’t go very fast.

7、I have no idea who stole his wallet.it (could have been)anyone

8、Mary said she (had been to)all over the world.

9、Mary’s father is pleased (with)her.

10、Y ou’d better have hair (cut)before going to your friend’s wedding

11、He stopped (watching)TV when dinner was ready.

12、Nice weather,(isn’t it)

13、Mike offered to help and so (did)john

14、Mary told little TOM not(to spend)all the money

15、A:have you finished your homework?B:(No.i haven’t)

16、He used to (work)very hard when he was young.

17、He has (just)gone out.

18、We enjoy (swimming)very much.beacause it is good to our health.

19、Marth the sth is (Women’s)day.

20、A concert will be held in the school hall (at)4 PM(on)Tuesday.

21\sally is looking for a new job,she has been bored (with)her job as a secretary.

22\A(have you seen)my glasses?B:yes,I saw them on your bed a minute ago.

23\an application form will be sent to you (on request)

24\i was watching tv (when)the telephone rang.

25\they named the island (after)its discoverer.

26\could you please tell us what kind of work (in which)you have got experience?

27\you can remember what you do if you (keep a diary)

28This morning I had my finger (cut)when I was perparing breakfast.

\29\--thank you for lending me your dictionary.---you’re welcome,but could you (give it back)to me tomorrow?

30\he is a really good man.(isn’t he)’

31\i’m going to buy mary a birthday gift,do you have (anything special)in mind ?

32\my father told me (about)his trip to xin jiang.

33\i’ve always enjoyed(swimming)

34\we used to(ride)bieyles to go to work.

35\don’t (disturb)him.he is writing a letter now.

36\a car hit her when she was walking (across)the road.

37\-- have you typed the letter for me?----(yes,I have)

38 we haven’t seen such a beautiful film (for the past four years)

39\my parents have (never)been to the great wall.

40\shirley (was writing)a book china last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.

41\Tom helped her mother (with)the cooking.

42\I was (on)my (way)to school when I saw the accident.

43\--(who)is at the door?----It must be our new neighbour.Mrs Jones

44\It’s a long way to get there.this is (why)we started so early.

45\--I haven’t eaten all day.---you (must)be very hungry.

46\I don’t want to watch (anything sad)

47\I’m going to (rent)a flat the company I’m working at.

48\Football is so popular that it is played (by)more than 20 million people in more than 140 countries.

49\the boy is wearing a (long baggy)T-shirt

50\they are friends of (mine).please be nice to them..

51、Guilin is (in) the west of China .

52.mr.Amith has (just)gone out to meet an old friend.

53.he loved (playing)basketball when he was young

.54.—(which)one is yours,Julie?----The blue one with white flowers on it.

55.she (went)to town last week.

56.get up!mary.tom has (already)called you there times this morning.

57.(Someone)stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.

58.i don’t know (how)to explain it to her.

59.i (lent)him my bike last weekend .
