
英语专业英美文学模拟试题 1 the author of each of the following works (1X 10= 10%):1.Paradise Lost2.Sons and Lovers3.Death of a Salesman4.The Scarlet Letter5.The Old Man and the Sea6.The Parliament of Fowls7.Samson Agonistes8.The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg9.Northanger Abbey10.Strange InterludeII.Choose any ONE of the following poets and make a comment (20 %)John Keats, T.S.Eliot, Walt Whitman, Emily DickinsonIII.(25 X 2 = 50%)Discussion1.Discuss the following statement and support your argument with specific eXamples from the story "A Woman on a Roof."Doris Lessings "A Woman on a Roof allows us to understand how some men view woman: as mere objects for display and possession.Lessing shows how each of the male characters reacts and deals with rejection from a woman sunbathing on a nearby rooftop.We discover how the three mens preoccupation with seX keeps them unaware of how their advances may be unwanted and ignorant of their actions possible consequences.2.What does the following statement suggest to you? Give your opinions.Virtues are, in the popular estimate, rather the eXception than the rule.There is the man and his virtues.Men do what is called a good action, as some piece of courage or charity,much as they would pay a fine in eXpiation of daily non-appearance on parade.Their works are done as an apology or eXtenuation of their living in the world,—as invalids and the insane pay a high board.Their virtues are penances.I do not wish to eXpiate, but to live.My life is for itself and not for a spectacle.I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain,so it be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady.I wish it to be sound and sweet, and not to need diet and bleeding.I ask primary evidence that you are a man,and refuse this appeal from the man to his actions.I know that for myself it makes no difference whether I do or forbear those actions which are reckoned eXcellent.I cannot consent to pay for a privilege where I have intrinsic right.Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony.V.Make a critical appraisal of your favorite English or American novel of the 20th century.(20 %)英语专业英美文学模拟试题 2SalmonEvery year, millions of salmon swim from the ocean into the mouths of rivers and then steadily up the rivers.Passing through waters, around rocks and waterfalls, the fish finally reach their original streams or lakes.They dig out nests in the riverbed and lay their eggs.Then, eXhausted by their journey,the parent salmon die.They have finished the task that nature has given them.Months, or years later, the young fish start their trip to the ocean.They live in the salt water from 2-7years,until they,too are ready to swim back to reproduce.Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food-fish.When the adult salmon gather at the river mouths for the annual trip up the rivers, they are in the best possible condition, and nearly every harbor has its salmon fishing fleet ready to catch thousands for markets.Now, you have two minutes to check through your work.PART Ⅲ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONIn sections A, B and C, you will hear everything once only.Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A STATEMENTIn this section, you will hear seven statements.At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.1.You must relaX.Dont work too hard.And do watch your drinking and smoking.2.We hadnt quite eXpected the committee to agree to rebuild the hospital, so we were taken aback when we got to know that it had finally agreed.3.The coach leaves the station every 20 minutes.Its 9:15now, and you have to wait for five minutes for the neXt one.4.Perhaps Jane shouldnt have got married in the first place.No one knows what she might have been doing now, but not washing up.Thats for sure!5.I happen to be working on a similar project at the moment.I am only too pleased to help you.6.The man arrived for the ceremony with patched jackets and faded jeans that the average person would save for mowing the lawn in his garden at the weekend.7.Mark! Here you are! This is the last place in the worldI would have eXpected to find you.SECTION B CONVERSATIONIn this section you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.8.W: I couldnt stand this morning.My right leg went stiff.M: Im afraid its probably a side-effect from the drugs I put you on.9.W: How did your writing go this morning? Is the book coming along alright?M: Im not sure.I think the rest of it will be difficult to write.10.W: Is there anything you can do to make the cold go away more quickly?M: No, there isnt.And a cold isnt really serious enough for a visit to a doctor.11.W: Look! What have I got here!M: Oh.So you did go to that bookstore!12.M: EXcuse me.Has there been an emergency?W: Oh, no sir.Theres just a storm, so the plane will leavea little later this afternoon.13.W: I wish I hadnt hurt Lindas feeling like that yesterday.You know I never meant to.M: The great thing about Linda is that she doesnt hold any grudges.By tomorrow shell have forgotten all about it.14.M: My grades are not bad, but not good enough.I knowI didnt study at all this semester.Now I have to work very hard neXt semester to keep my scholarship.W: Ill see you in the library, then.15.W: Ill wear this blue jacket for the evening.I like the color on me, dont you think?M:I think it looks terrific on you-really!16.W: Do you know that Sam turned down that job offer bya travel agency?M: Yeah.The hours were convenient, but had he accepted it,he wouldnt have been able to make ends meet.17.W: At the rate it is being used, the printer is not going to make it through the rest of the year.M: The year? It is supposed to be good for four!SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 18 and 19 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.The U.N resolution calls for greater international intelligence and law enforcement cooperation.And it requires states to change their banking laws in order to police the global network of terrorisms financiers.It makes providing funds for terror activities a criminal offence and would freeze bank accounts of those who sponsor terrorism.Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news.At the end of the news item you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.A police spokesman said the devices were made safe by eXplosive eXperts in the Ardorn district, where a woman was shot in the leg and 13 police officers were injured during a second successive night of violence.Northern Irelands policechief had earlier called on community leaders to work together to end the violence.The violence has erupted sporadically throughout a summer of Sectarian tension in northern Belfast.。

(完整版)《英美文学》练习题库及答案I Of the four alternative answer, choose the one that would best complete the statement:1. Benjamin Franklin was born in the family of a small ___________ .A. LandlordB. merchantC. lawyerD. clergyman2. Ralph Waldo Emerson 'asdilneg reputation began with the publication of ___________ .A. EssaysB. NatureC. OversoulD. Self-Relience3. Ellen Poe was both a poet and a ____________________ .A. dramatistB. essayist C actor D. fiction writer.4. Nathaniel Hawthorne ' s view of man and human history originates in __________________ .A. PuritanismB. SocialismC. TranscendentalismD. naturalism5. Walt Whitman was born and brought up in a family of a _____________ .A. PeasantB. carpenterC. captainD. printer6. Mark Twain ' s first successful literary work is _____________________________ .A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyB. Life on the MississippiC. The Adventure of Tom SawyerD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn7. Closely related to Emily Dickinson ' s religious poetry are her poems concerning ________________A. ChildhoodB.youth and happinessC. lonelinessD. death and immortality8. Among the works of Dreiser, the bet known to the Chinese readers is _______________ .A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. Th FinancierD. The Titan9. Robert Frost ' s works mainly focus on the landscape and people in ___________________ .A. the WestB. American SouthC. New EnglandD. Mississippi10. Most of the plays Eugene O l w 'roNt e ilare ______________________ .A. comediesB. . romancesC. historical plays D tragedies11. Scott Fitzgerald is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the ____________________ .A. modern timeB. young AmericansC. Jazz AgeD. Guilded Age12. ____________________________ is Hemingway ' smasterpiece, which is about the old fishermanSantiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin.A. Farewell to ArmsB. For whom the Bell TollsC. The Sun Also RisesD. The Old Man and The Sea13. As a great fiction writer, William Faulker devotes most of his works to the description of the life and the people in the _______________________________ .A. American WestB. New England in AmericaC. American SouthD. American North14. When he was young, Benjamin Franklin became an apprentice in a ________________ .A. printing houseB. storeC. Tailor ' s shopD. factory15. Ralph Emerson was born in a family of a ___________________ .A. merchantB. businessmanC. clergymanD. writer16. Ellen Poe began his literary career by writing _________________ ;A. short storiesB. playsC. essaysD. poems17. According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is ________ in every hearer, which may remain latent, perhaps,英美文学》练习测试题库及答案本科through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.A. evilB. virtueC. kindn essD. tragedy18. Whitman is radically innovative in term of form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subjects and new feeli ngs is ____________ .A. bla nk verseB. free verseC. heroic coupletD. sonnet19. Mark Twain shaped the world ' s view of America and made a comb in ati on of serious literature and _______A. America n folk humorB. En glish folkloreC. America n traditi onal valuesD. funny jokes20. Altogether, Emily Dick inson wrote ____ poems, of which only sever n had appeared duri ng her lifetime.A. 1145B. 1775C. 897D. 78521. Theodore Dreiser is gen erally ack no wledged as one of America' s literaryA. realistsB. n aturalistsC. roma ntistsD. modernists 22. In Frost ' s poems, images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from ___________________A. the simple country lifeB. the urba n lifeC. the life on the seaD. the adve ntures and trips23. Scott Fitzgerald never spared an intimate touch in his fiction to deal with the bankruptcy of the24. Eugene O ' Neill is regarded as the founder of American _____________________ .A. poetryB. dramaC. ficti onD. literature25. _________________ is Hemingway ' s masterpiece, which tellsa story about the tragic love of a woundecAmerican soldier with a British nurse.C. For Whom the Bell Tolls 26. William Faulk ner was born ina family of a ______________________ .A. mercha ntB. colonelC. man agerD. doctor27. In his essays, ______ p ut forward his philosophy of the over soul, the importa nt of the In dividual and Nature.A. Natha niel HawthorneB. Washi ngton IrvingC. Mark Twai nD. Ralph Waldo Emers on28. The chief spokesma n of New En gla nd Transcenden talism is _______A. Natha niel HawthorneB. Ralph Waldo Emers onC. Henry David ThoreauD. Wash ington Irvi ng29. _____ l iterary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much to do with his black” vision of life and human beings.A. Herma n Melville'sB. Washi ngton Irvi ng'sC. Nathaniel Hawthorne'sD. Walt Whitman s30. Most of the poems in ____ sing of the en-masse and the self as well.A. Leaves of GrassB. Drum TapsC. North of Bost onD. The Can tos31. In ____ , Whitma n airs his sorrow at Preside nt Lin colnsdeath.A. Cavalry Crossing a FordB. A Pact ”C. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom 'dD. There was a Child Went Forth ”A. America n DreamB. ruli ng classes B. America n Capitalists D.America n bourgeoisieA. A Farewell to ArmsB. The Sun Also RisesD. In Our Time32.In ___ , Whitman's own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young growingAmerica.A. “A Pact”B. “Song of Myself ”C. “There was a Child Went Forth”D. “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”33.In _____ , Hawthorne sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.A. “The Custom-House”B. “Young Goodman Brown”C. “Rappaccini's Daughter”D. “The Birthmark"34. _____ is called by Hemingway the one from which“all modern American literature c omes”.A. The adventures of Huckleberry FinnB. The Adventures of Tom aSwyerC. The Gilded AgeD. Life on the Mississippi35. Theodore Dreiser's forgiving treatment of the career of his heroine in ____ also draws heavily upon thenaturalistic understanding of sexuality.A McTeague B. An American Tragedy C. Sister Carri e D. The Genius36. _____ is a great giant of American, whom H.L.Mencken considers “the true father of our nationalliterature.”A. Henry JamesB. Washington IrvingC. Mark TwainD. Theodore Dreiser37. _____ is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Innocents AbroadD. Life on the Mississippi38. _____ is described by Mark Twain as a boy with“a sound heart and a deformed conscienc”e.A. Tom SawyerB. Huckleberry FinnC. JimD.Tony39. _______ is considered to be Theodore Dreise'sr greatest work.A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. The FinancierD. The Titan40. The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the most successful in all hisexperiments, is ______A. Arthur MillerB. Tennessee WilliamC. George Bernard ShawD. Eugene O'Neil41. The well- known soliloquy by Hamlet “ T o be , or not to be ' shows hisA. hatred for his uncleB. love for lifeC. resolution of revengeD. inner- strife42. _______ is a play that concerns the problem of modern ma'sn identity.A. The Hairy ApeB. Long Day's Journey Into NightC. The Iceman ComethD. The Emperor Jones43.In a tragic sense, ______ is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable forces in whichonly a partial victory is possible.A. For Whom the Bell TollsB. In Our TimeC. The Old Man and the SeaD. A Farewell to Arms44. Faulkner once said that _________ is a story of “ lost innocence,'which proves itself to be andintensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.A. The Sound and the FuryB. Light in AugustC. Go Down, MosesD. Absalom, Absalom! 45.In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner makes best use of the __________________________ devices in narration.A. RomanticB. RealisticC. GothicD. Modernist46. _____ is Hemingway's first true novel in which he depictsa vivid portrait of “The lost Generation.”A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimeD. For Whom the Bell Tolls47. The only dramatist ever to win a Nobel Prize was _________ .A. Bernard ShawB. Eugene O'NeilC. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. William Shakespeare48. __________________________ By means of “free verse,” believes that he has turned the poem into anopen field, an area of vitalpossibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.A. Emily DickinsonB. Walt WhitmanC. Robert FrostD. Ezra Pound49. An eccentric woman who refuses to accept the passageoftime, or the inevitable change and loss thataccompanies it may probably refer to ______ .A. Irene in The Man of PropertyB. Emily in A Rose for EmilyC. Catherine in Wuthering HeightsD. the widow Douglas in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn50. One source of evil that Nathaniel Hawthorne is concerned most is overreaching intellect. Which of the following stories is one of this kind?A. Rappaccini's DaughterB. Young Goodman BrownC. The Minister's Black VeilD. The Birthmark51. “In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel. ”This is the last sentence of __________ .A. Sister CarrieB. An American TragedyC. The GeniusD. Jane Eyre 52.In Walt Whitman's “There was a Child Went Forth”, the child refers to _________________________________________ .A. the poet himself as a childB. any American childC. the young AmericaD. one of the poet's neighbor53. The ______ techniques are used in some of Eugene O'Neil 's plays to highlight the theatrical effect of therupture between the two sides of an individual human being, the private and the public.A. naturalisticB. expressionisticC. stream-of-consciousnessD. metaphysical54. Which of the following is true as far as Emily Dickinson 's poetry is concerned? A. She seldom uses dashes.B. All her poems are about death or immorality.C. Her poems are very personal and meditativeD. Her poems usually have well-chosen titles. 55.In his poems, Whitman tends to use ___________________ .A. oral EnglishB. the King 's EnglishC. American EnglishD. old English56. As far as Nathaniel Hawthorne's art is concerned, which of the following statement is true? A. His The Scarlet Letter tells a love story.B. His art is deeply influenced by Puritanism because he was a puritan himself.C. Young Goodman Brownis a story about superstition.D. Ambiguity is one of the salient characteristics of his art.57. “I like to see it lap the Miles—And lick the Valleys up —And stop to feed itself at Tanks—And the n ---- ” (Emily Dick inson, “like to see it lap the Miles—)Here “it” refers to _____ .A. loveB. deathC. a flyD. the train58. Which of the following statements concerning Theodore Dreise'rs style is correct?A. Dreiser'sCowperwood trilogy includes The Financier, The Titan and The GeniusB. His novels have little detail descriptions of characters and events.C. His novels are written in refined language.D. His style is not polished but very serious.59. ____ has long been well known as a poet who can hardly be classified with the old or the new.A. Ezra PoundB. Robert Lee FrostC. T. S. EliotD. Emily Dickinson60. F. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully employs the device of having events observe by ___________ to his greatadvantage.。

Network Education College, BLCU 《英美文学选读》模拟试卷一注意:1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。
I. Multiple Choice. (1 point for each, altogether 30 points)Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of_______.[A] Piers Plowman [B] Sir Gawain and the Green Knight[C] Confessio Amantis [D] The Canterbury Tales2. In "After Apple- Picking," Robert Frost wrote: "For I have had too much / Of apple -picking: I am overtired/ Of the great harvest I myself desired." From these lines we can conclude that the speaker is_______.[A] happy about the harvest[B] still very much interested in apple-picking[C] expecting a greater harvest[D] indifferent to what he once desired3.With Howells, James, and Mark Twain active on the literary scene, _______became the major trend in American literature in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century.[A] Sentimentalism [B] romanticism [C] realism [D] naturalism4. Of the following American poets in the twentieth century, the one who has the best knowledge of Chinese culture is _______.[A] Robert Frost [B] Allen Ginsberg [C] Ezra Pound [D] Cummings5. _______is the first important governess novel in the English literary history.[A] Jane Eyre [B] Emma[C] Wuthering Heights [D] Middlemarch6. The Hemingway Code heroes are best remembered for their_______.[A] indestructible spirit [B] pessimistic view of life[C] war experiences [D] masculinity7. Which of the following is taken from John Keats’Ode to a Nightingale? _______[A] "Beauty is truth, truth beauty."[B] "Earth has not anything to show more fair."[C] "They are both gone up to the church to pray."[D] "was it a vision, or a waking dream?"8. Emily Dickinson wrote many short poems on various aspects of life. Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of her poetic expression? _______[A] Religion and immortality [B] Life and death[C] Love and marriage [D] War and peace9. Henry David Thoreau’s work_______, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of New England Transcendentalism.[A] Walden [B] The Pioneers[C] Nature [D] Song of Myself10. George Bernard Shaw’s play _______ established his position as the leading play-wright of his time.[A] Widowers’ Houses [B] Too True to Be Good[C] Mrs. Warren’s Profession[D] Candida11. Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of _______ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period.[A] Christian [B] knightly[C] Greek [D] primitive12. For Melville, as well as for the reader and _______ , the narrator, Moby Dick is still a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe. .[A] Ahab [B] Ishmael[C] Stubb [D] Starbuck13. Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate the rising of the Renaissance Movement? _______[A] The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture[B] The new discoveries in geography and astrology[C] The Glorious revolution[D] The religious reformation and the economic expansion14. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18?[A] The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature[B] The speaker satirizes human vanity[C] The speaker praises the power of artistic creation[D] The speaker meditates on man's salvation15. ―And we will sit upon the rocks,/Seein g the shepherds feed their flocks,/By shallow rivers to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals.‖ The above lines are probably taken from _______.[A] Spenser's The Faerie Queene[B] John Donne's ―The Sun Rising‖[C] Shakespeare's ―Sonnet 18‖[D] Marlow e's ―The Passionate Shepherd to His Love‖16. ―Bassanio: Antonio, I am married to a wife which is as dear to me as life itself; But life itself, My wife, and all the world. Are not with me esteem'd above thy life;I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, Here to the devil, to deliver you. Portia: Your wife would give you little thanks for that, If she were by to hear you make the offer.‖ The above is a quotation taken from Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice. The quoted part can be regarded as a good example to illustrate _______.[A] dramatic irony [B] personification[C] allegory [D] symbolism17. The true subject of John Donne's poem, ―The Sun Rising,‖ is to _______.[A] attack the sun as an unruly servant[B] give compliments to the mistress and her power of beauty[C] criticize the sun's intrusion into the lover's private life[D] lecture the sun on where true royalty and riches lie18. Of all the 18thcentury novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to wri te specifically a ―_______ in prose,‖ the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.[A] tragic epic [B] comic epic[C] romance [D] lyric epic19. The Houyhnhnms depicted by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver's Travels are _______.[A] horses that are endowed with reason[B] pigmies that are endowed with admirable qualities[C] giants that are superior in wisdom[D] hairy, wild, low and despicable creatures, who resemble human beings not only in appearance but also in some other ways.20. Here are four lines from a literary work: ―Others for language all their care express, /And value books, as women men, for dress.‖ The work is _______.[A] Thomas Gray's ―Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard‖[B] John Milton's Paradise Lost[C] Alexander Pope's Essay on Criticism[D] Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream21. The phrase ―to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils‖ may well sum up the implied meaning of _______.[A] Gulliver's Travels [B] The Rape of the Lock[C] Robinson Crusoe [D] The pilgrim's Progress22. William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT _______.[A] the use of everyday language spoken by the common people[B] the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings[C] the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter[D] the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech23. Which of the following is taken from John Keats’ ―Ode on a Grecian Urn‖? _______[A] ―I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!‖[B] ―They are both gone up to the church to pray‖[C] ―Earth has not anything to show more fair‖[D] ―Beauty is truth, truth beauty‖24.―If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind!‖ is an epigr ammatic line by _______.[A] J.Keats [B] W.Blake[C] W.Wordsworth [D] P.B.Shelley25. ―Ode o na Grecian Urn‖shows the contrast between the _______ of art and the _______ of human passion.[A] glory …ugliness[B] permanence…transience[C] transience…sordid ness [D] glory…permanence26. In the statement―—oh, God! would you like to live with your soul in the grave?‖ the term ―soul‖ apparently refers to _______.[A] Heathcliff himself [B] Catherine[C] one's spiritual life [D] one's ghost27. The typical feature of Robert Browning's poetry is the _______.[A] bitter satire [B] larger-than-life caricature[C] Latinized diction [D] dramatic monologue28. The Victorian Age was largely an age of _______, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray.[A] poetry [B] drama[C] prose [D] epic prose29. _______is the first important governess novel in the English literary history.[A] Jane Eyre [B] Emma[C] Wuthering Heights [D] Middlemarch30. The major concern of ______ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.[A] wrence's [B] J.Galsworthy's[C] W.Thackeray’s[D] T.Hardy’sII. Match the writer with his/her works and Write your answers on the answer sheet. (2point for each, altogether 20points)31. Henry Fielding A. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love32. James Joyce B. Composed upon Westminster Bridge33. Daniel Defoe C. The Moll on the Floss34. Alfred Tennyson D. Break, Break, Break.35. John Keats E. A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man36. George Eliot F. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling37. William Bulter Yeats G. A Journal of the Plague Year38. William Wordsworth H. Ode on a Grecian Urn39. Walt Whitman I. The Lake Isle of Innisfree40. Christopher Marlowe J. There Was a Child Went ForthIII. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets. (2 point for each, altogether10 points)()41.The preface to the Lyrical Ballads is best read as a statement of Keats’s principles of poetry.()42.Besides novel writing, Hawthorne is also a very good writer of short stories.()43.Robert Frost’s poems are New England in their setting, and are characterized by the familiar speaking voice.()44.George Hurstwood is a friend of Drouet’s who steals a great deal of money from his employer and actually kidnaps Carrie to Canada.()45.Renaissance had its beginning in Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century. IV. Define the literary terms listed below and write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 point for each, altogether 10 points)46. Romanticism47. Stream of ConsciousnessV. Give brief answers to the following questions. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 point for each, altogether 15 points)48. How do you understand the character of Robinson Crusoe?49. In the novel To the Lighthouse, is Lily lonely while completing her picture? Please justify your ideas.50. What is the implication of the description of roses beside the prison door in the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter?Ⅵ. Write no less than 150 words on the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (15 point for each, altogether 15 points) 51.William Shakespeare is one of the most remarkable playwrights the world has ever known.( 1) Name his four greatest tragedies.(2) What are the characteristics of the four tragedies in common?(3) Briefly summarize each hero' s weakness of nature.《英美文学选读》模拟试卷一答案II. Multiple Choice. (1 point for each, altogether 30 points)题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15答案 D D C C A A D D A D B B C C D题号16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30答案 A B B A C D D D D B B D C A AII. Match the writer with his/her works and write your answers in the brackets. (2point for each, altogether 20points)题号31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40答案 F E G D H C I B J AIII. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets. (2 point for each, altogether10 points)题号41 42 43 44 45答案 F T T T FIV.Define the literary terms listed below and write your answers in the brackets. (10%) 46.复习范围或考核目标:课件Course 03 William Wordsworth47.复习范围或考核目标:课件Course06 Virginia WoolfV. Give brief answers to the following questions. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (15%)48.复习范围或考核目标:课件Course 02 Daniel Defoe49.复习范围或考核目标:课件Course06 Virginia Woolf50.复习范围或考核目标:课件course07 Nathaniel HawthorneⅥ. Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (15%)51.复习范围或考核目标:课件course01 William ShakespeareNetwork Education College, BLCU《英美文学选读》模拟试卷二注意:1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。

英美文学选读自考题-1(总分100, 做题时间90分钟)Ⅰ.Multiple ChoiceSelect from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement.1.In Renaissance, the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to do the following EXCEPT ______.A. getting rid of those old feudalist-ideasB. getting control of the parliament and governmentC. introducing new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisieD. recovering the purity of the early church, from the corruption of the Roman Catholic ChurchSSS_SIMPLE_SINA B C D分值: 1答案:B主要考查的知识点为对文艺复兴的描述。
2.______ was the first to start the attack on middle-class privileges and power in his novel Lucky Jim.A. JohnBraine B. Kingsley AmisC. AlanSillitoe D. John WainSSS_SIMPLE_SINA B C D分值: 1答案:B3.For his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel, ______ has been regarded as "Father of the English Novel. "A. DanielDefoe B. Jonathan SwiftC. Henry FieldingD. Oliver GoldsmithSSS_SIMPLE_SINA B C D分值: 1答案:C主要考查的知识点为英国小说之父。

《英美文学》练习测试题库及答案本科I Of the four alternative answer, choose the one that would best plete the statement:1.Benjamin Franklin was born in the family of a small _____________.A. LandlordB. merchantC. lawyerD. clergyman2.Ralph Waldo Emerson’s leading reputation began with the publication of_____________.A. EssaysB. NatureC. OversoulD. Self-Relience3.Ellen Poe was both a poet and a _____________________.A. dramatistB. essayist C actor D. fiction writer.4.Nathaniel Hawthorne’s view of man and human history originates in __________________.A. PuritanismB. SocialismC. TranscendentalismD. naturalism5.Walt Whitman was born and brought up in a family of a ______________.A. PeasantB. carpenterC. captainD. printer6.Mark Twain’s first successful literary work is _____________________________.A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of CalaverasCountyB. Life on the MississippiC. The Adventure of Tom SawyerD. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn7.Closely related to Emily Dickinson’s religious poetry are her poems concerning _______________.A. ChildhoodB.youth and happinessC. lonelinessD. death and immortality8.Among the works of Dreiser, the bet known to the Chinese readers is _________________.A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. Th FinancierD. The Titan9.Robert Frost’s works mainly focus on the landscape and people in _________________.A. the WestB. American SouthC. New EnglandD. Mississippi10.Most of the plays Eugene O’Neill wrote are _______________________.A. ediesB. . romancesC. historical plays D tragedies11.Scott Fitzgerald is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the ______________________.A. modern timeB. young AmericansC. Jazz AgeD. Guilded Age12._______________________________ is Hemingway’s masterpiece, which is about the old fishermanSantiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin.A. Farewell to ArmsB.For whom the Bell TollsC.The Sun Also RisesD. The Old Man and The Sea13. As a great fiction writer, William Faulker devotes most of his works to the description of the life and the people in the __________________________.A. American WestB. New England in AmericaC. American SouthD. American North14.When he was young, Benjamin Franklin became an apprentice in a __________________.A. printing houseB. storeC. Tailor’s shopD. factory15.Ralph Emerson was born in a family of a _____________________.A. merchantB. businessmanC. clergymanD. writer16.Ellen Poe began his literary career by writing ___________________;A. short storiesB. playsC. essaysD. poems17.According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is _________ in every hearer, which may remain latent, perhaps,through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.A. evilB. virtueC. kindnessD. tragedy18.Whitman is radically innovative in term of form of his poetry. What he prefers for his new subjects and newfeelings is _____________.A. blank verseB. free verseC. heroic coupletD. sonnet19.Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a bination of serious literature and _______.A. American folk humorB. English folkloreC. American traditional valuesD. funny jokes20.Altogether, Emily Dickinson wrote ______ poems, of which only severn had appeared during her lifetime.A. 1145B. 1775C. 897D. 78521.Theodore Dreiser is generally acknowledged as one of America’s literary ________________.A. realistsB. naturalistsC. romantistsD. modernists22.In Frost’s poems, images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from _________________.A. the simple country lifeB. the urban lifeC. the life on the seaD. the adventures and trips23.Scott Fitzgerald never spared an intimate touch in his fiction to deal with the bankruptcy of the_______________________________.A. American DreamB. ruling classesB. American Capitalists D.American bourgeoisie24.Eugene O’Neill is regarded as the founder of American _____________________.A. poetryB. dramaC. fictionD. literature25.___________________ is Hemingway’s masterpiece, which tells a story about the tragic love of a woundedAmerican soldier with a British nurse.A. A Farewell to ArmsB.The Sun Also RisesC. For Whom the Bell TollsD. In Our Time26.William Faulkner was born in a family of a _______________________.A. merchantB. colonelC. managerD. doctor27. In his essays, ______ put forward his philosophy of the over soul, the important of the Individual and Nature.A. Nathaniel HawthorneB. WashingtonIrvingC. Mark TwainD. Ralph Waldo Emerson28.The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism is __________A. Nathaniel HawthorneB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Henry David ThoreauD. WashingtonIrving29.______ literary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much todo with his “black” vision of life and human beings.A. Herman Melville’sB. Washington Irving’sC. Nathaniel Hawthorne’sD. Walt Whitman’s30.Most of the poems in _____ sing of the “en-masse” and the self as well.A. Leaves of GrassB. Drum TapsC. North of BostonD. The Cantos31.In _____, Whitman airs his sorrow at President Lincoln’s death.A. “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”B. “A Pact”C. When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’dD. There was a Child Went Forth”32.In _____, Whitman’s own early experience may well be identified with the childhood of a young growingAmerica.A. “A Pact”B. “Song of Myself”C. “There was a Child Went Forth”D. “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”33.In ______, Hawthorne sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.A. “The Custom-House”B. “Young Goodman Brown”C. “Rappaccini’s Daughter”D. “The Birthmark"34.______ is called by Hemingway the one from which “all modern American literature es.”A. The adventures of Huckleberry Fin nB. The Adventures of Tom S awyerC. The Gilded AgeD. Life on the Mississippi35.Theodore Dreiser’s forgiving treatment of the career of his heroine in ______ also draws heavily upon thenaturalistic understanding of sexuality.A McTeague B. An American Tragedy C. Sister Carri e D. The Genius36._______ is a great giant of American, whom H.L.Mencken considers “the true father of our nationalliterature.”A. Henry JamesB. WashingtonIrvingC. Mark TwainD. Theodore Dreiser37._______ is usually regarded as a classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys.A. The Adventures of Tom SawyerB. The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnC. Innocents AbroadD. Life on the Mississippi38._______ is described by Mark Twain as a boy with “a sound heart and a deformed conscience.”A. Tom SawyerB. Huckleberry FinnC. JimD.Tony39._________ is considered to be Theodore Dreiser’s greatest work.A. An American TragedyB. Sister CarrieC. The FinancierD. The Titan40.The leading playwright of the modern period in American literature, if not the most successful in all hisexperiments, is _______A. Arthur MillerB. Tennessee WilliamC. George Bernard ShawD. Eugene O’Neil41.The well-known soliloquy by Hamlet “To be , or not to be’ shows hisA.hatred for his uncleB.love for lifeC. resolution of revengeD. inner- strife42.________ is a play that concerns the problem of modern man’s identity.A. The Hairy ApeB. Long Day’s Journey Into NightC. The Iceman ethD. The Emperor Jones43.In a tragic sense, _______ is a representation of life as a struggle against unconquerable forces in which onlya partial victory is possible.A. For Whom the Bell TollsB. In Our TimeC. The Old Man and the SeaD. A Farewell to Arms44.Faulkner once said that ________ is a story of “ lost innocence,’ which proves itself to be and intensificationof the theme of imprisonment in the past.A. The Sound and the FuryB. Light in AugustC. Go Down, MosesD. Absalom, Absalom!45.In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner makes best use of the _______ devices in narration.A. RomanticB. RealisticC. GothicD. Modernist46._______ is Hemingway’s first true novel in which he depicts a vivid portrait of “The lost Generation.”A. The Sun Also RisesB. A Farewell to ArmsC. In Our TimeD. For Whom the Bell Tolls47.The only dramatist ever to win a Nobel Prize was ___________.A. Bernard ShawB. Eugene O’NeilC. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. William Shakespeare48.By means of “free verse,” _______ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vitalpossibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.A. Emily DickinsonB. Walt WhitmanC. Robert FrostD. Ezra Pound49.An eccentric woman who refuses to accept the passage of time, or the inevitable change and loss thatacpanies it may probably refer to _______.A. Irene in The Man of PropertyB. Emily in A Rose for EmilyC. Catherine in WutheringHeightsD. the widow Douglas in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn50.One source of evil that Nathaniel Hawthorne is concerned most is overreaching intellect. Which of thefollowing stories is one of this kind?A. Rappaccini’s DaughterB. Young Goodman BrownC. The Minister’s Black VeilD. The Birthmark51. “ In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.” This is the last sentence of _______ .A. Sister CarrieB. An American TragedyC. The GeniusD. Jane Eyre52.In Walt Whitman’s “There was a Child Went Forth,”the child refers to ________.A. the poet himself as a childB. any American childC. the young AmericaD. one of the poet’s neighbor53.The _______ techniques are used in some of Eugene O’Neil’s plays to highlight the theatrical effect of therupture between the two sides of an individual human being, the private and the public.A. naturalisticB. expressionisticC. stream-of-consciousnessD. metaphysical54.Which of the following is true as far as Emily Dickinson’s poetry is concerned?A. She seldom uses dashes.B. All her poems are about death or immorality.C. Her poems are very personal and meditativeD. Her poems usually have well-chosen titles.55.In his poems, Whitman tends to use ______.A. oral EnglishB. the King’s EnglishC. American EnglishD. old English56.As far as Nathaniel Hawthorne’s art is concerned, which of the following statement is true?A. His The Scarlet Letter tells a love story.B. His art is deeply influenced by Puritanism because he was a puritan himself.C. Young Goodman Brown is a story about superstition.D. Ambiguity is one of the salient characteristics of his art.57.“I like to see it lap the Miles—And lick the Valleys up —And stop to feed itself at Tanks—And then —…”(Emily Dickinson, “I like to see it lap the Miles—“)Here “it” refers to ______ .A. loveB. deathC. a flyD. the train58.Which of the following statements concerning Theodore Dreiser’s style is correct?A. Dreiser’s Cowperwood trilogy includes The Financier, The Titan and The GeniusB. His novels have little detail descriptions of characters and events.C. His novels are written in refined language.D. His style is not polished but very serious.59.______ has long been well known as a poet who can hardly be classified with the old or the new.A. Ezra PoundB. Robert Lee FrostC. T. S. EliotD. Emily Dickinson60.F. Scott Fitzgerald skillfully employs the device of having events observe by _______ to his great advantage.A. a “central consciousness”B. his double visionC. more than one witnessD. the protagonists61.Shakespeare wrote ___________sonnets.A. 125B. 154C. 245D. 13862.Francis Bacon is not only a great ____________, but also the founder of modern science.A. poetB. essayistC. dramatistD. novelist63.John Milton became blind mainly because of_______________.A. readingB. diseaseC. hard workD. accident64.Paradise lost is a great __________ consisting of 12 books.A.epicB.storyC.lyric poemD.narrative poem65.The most important representative work by Jonathan Swift is “___________________”.A.A Tale of a TubB.The Battle of the BooksC.A Modest ProposalD.Gulliver’s Travels66.The first edy Sheridan wrote is __________________.A.The School for ScandalB.The CriticC.A Trip to ScarboroughD.The Rivals67.”____________________” is the cooperative work of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge.A.Tintern AbbeyB.The Rime of the Ancient MarinerC.Lyrical BalladsD.Prelude68.“The Isles of Greece” is a part of Byron’s masterpiece “___________________”A.Don JuanB.Childe Harold’s PrigrimageC.Oriental TalesD.Manfred69.Percy Shelly’s greatest achievement is his four- act poetic drama “_____________”.A.Men of EnglandB.Prometheus UnboundC.Ode to the West WindD.The Revolt of Islam70.At the age of fifteen, Keats became an apprentice to a ______________.ndlordB.apothecaryC.stable keeperD.doctor71.Jane Austen was the daughter of a ____________________.ndlordB.merchantwyerD.rector72.The novel Pride and prejudice by Austen mainly centres round the relationship between __________.A. Mr.Bennet and Mrs.BennetB. Darcy and ElizabethC. Bingley and JaneD. Sir William and Luccas73.Bronte Sisters are all outstanding ________________.A.essayistsB. playwrightsC.poetsD.novelists74.Most of Hardy’s later works show his ___________ view of life.A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.practicalD.ironical75.Structurally and thematically Bernad Shaw followed the great traditions of _________A. realismB. romanticism.C. modernismD.classicism76.Shakespeare is one of the greatest playwrights and _________________________ the world has ever known.A.poetsB.novelistsC.essayistsD.critics77.The greatest plays Shakespeare creates are________________.A. historiesB. ediesC. tragediesD.tragiedies78. Bacon is not only a essayist and philosopher, but also a _________________.A. lawyerB. scientistC.historianD.dramatist79.John Milton is a great poet in the _____________________PeoriD.A.RenaissanceB. NeoclassicalC.RomanticD. Realist80.The story of Paradise lost is taken from __________________.A. a legendB. BibleC. an epicD. a folklore81.In 1689 Jonathan Swift became the __________________of Sir William.A.House-keeperB.servantC.private secretaryD.steward82. The representative play Sheridan wrote is “ __________________”.A.The School for ScandalB.The CriticC.A Trip to ScarboroughD.The Rivals83. Lyrical Ballads is the cooperative work of William Wordsworth and _________________.A. Samuel ColeridgeB.Robert SoutheyC.John KeatsD. Percy Bysshe Shelley84. The Isles of Greece of Byron is taken from “_______________________”.A. Hours of IdlenessB. Don JuanC. Childe Harold PilgrimageD. Cain85. The first long serious work of Shelly is ________________________.A. The Necessity of AtheismB. Queen MabC.The Spirit of SolitudeD. Ode to the West Wind86. Keats’ father was a ______________.A. landlordB. apothecaryC. stable keeperD. doctor87. Jane Austen was the daughter of a ____________________.ndlordB.merchantC. lawyerD.rector88. As a novelist,Emily Bronte was also good at writing________________.A.essaysB. playsC. poemsD.stories89.The first novel written by Thomas Hardy is “__________________”.A. Desperate RemediesB. Under the Greenwoodc.The Return of the Native D. The Mayor of Casterbridge90.Shakespeare was the son of a _________________________.A. clerkndlordC.traderwyer91.”_______________” is NOT one of the four great tragedies of Shakespeare.A.OthelloB.King LearC.Romeo and JulietD.Macbeth92.The total number of the essays published by Bacon is_________________.A.10B.26C.45D. 5893.John Milton became blind at the age of 48,mainly because of_______________.A.readingB.deseaseC.hard workD.accident94.Paradise lost is a great epic consisting _____________ books.A. 8B. 10C. 12D. 1495.In 1689 Jonathan Swift became the __________________of Sir William.A.House-keeperB.servantC.private secretaryD.steward96. The first edy Sheridan wrote is “ __________________”.A.The School for ScandalB.The CriticC.A Trip to ScarboroughD.The Rivals97.”____________________” is the cooperative work of William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge.A. Tintern AbbeyB. The Rime of the Ancient MarinerC. Lyrical BalladsD. Prelude98. The first volume of poems of Byron is “_______________________”.A. Hours of IdlenessB. Don JuanC. Childe Harold PilgrimageD. Cain99. Percy Shelly was expelled from OxfordUniversity because he wrote a pamphlet “On the Necessity of_____________”.A. AtheismB. AestheticsC. AthleticsD. Ethics100. Keats was born in the family of a ______________.A. landlordB. apothecaryC. stable keeperD. doctor选择:1—5 B. B. D. A. B. 6—10 A. D. B. C. D 11—15 C.D. C. A C 16—20 D A B A B21—25 B A A B. A 26—30 A D. B. C. A. 31—35 C. C. B. A. C. 36—40 C. A.B. A. D.41—45 D A. C. A. C.46—50 A. B. B. B. A. 51—55 A. C. B. C.A. 56—60 D.D. D. B. A.61—65 B B C A D 66—70 D C A B B 71—75 D B D B A 76—80 A C B A B81—85 C A A B B 86—90 B D C A C 91—95 C D C C C 96—100 D C A A C判断:1—10 T F T T F F F F T F 11—20F F T T F F T T F F 21—30 F F T T F T F T F T 31—40 F F F T T F F F T F Ⅱ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets.( ) 1. Leaves of Grass established Walt Whitman as the most popular American poet of the 19th century. ( ) 2. The poem “Song of Myself” got this title from the first edition.( ) 3. Puritanism and Calvinistic doctrine have great effects on Hawthorne’s writing.( ) 4. According to Emerson, man is divine in nature and therefore forever perfectible.( ) 5. Walt Whitman is granted the honor of being “the American Goldsmith” for his literary craftsmanship. ( ) 6. Emersonian Transcendentalism inspired a whole generation of famous authors like Whitman, Dickinson and Mark Twain.( ) 7. As a Puritan, Hawthorne embraced the Puritanical doctrines and expresses them in his novels. ( ) 8. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne intends to tell a love story and a story of sin.( ) 9. Hawthorne is a master of symbolism, which he took from the Puritan tradition and bequeathed to American literature in a revivified form.( ) 10. Walt Whitman follows only one theme in his Leaves of Grass, that is, the burgeoning life in cities. ( ) 11. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass are written in heroic couplet.( ) 12. Life on the Mississippi tells a story of Henry James’s boyhood ambition to bee a riverboat pilot up and down the Mississippi.( ) 13. Emily Dickinson’s poems are usually based on her own experiences, her sorrows and joys. ( ) 14. Theodore Dreiser is greatly influenced by Darwinism and it is not surprising to find in his fiction a world of jungle, where “kill or to be killed” is the law.( ) 15. In “This is my letter to the World”Dickinson expressed her reluctance to municate with the outside world.( ) 16. Each of Emily Dickinson’s poems has a well-chosen title.( ) 17. Emily Dickinson’s poetry is unique and unconventional in its own way, covering love, death and nature.( ) 18. In Robert Lee Frost’s poems, profound ideas are delivered under the disguise of the plain language and the simple form.( ) 19. Robert Lee Frost has long been well known as a poet who belongs to the new.( ) 20. Robert Frost wrote most of his poems in free verse.( ) 21. Eugene O’Neil, Arthur Miller and Tennessee Williams are together called “founders of the American drama.”( ) 22. Fitzgerald shows an interest both in the upper-class society and in the lower-class society. ( ) 23. Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain.( ) 24. In his novels, William Faulkner exploits the modern steam-of –consciousness technique to emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator.( ) 25. Benjamin Franklin is a early feminist, because he thinks that women should receive education.( ) 26. Emerson’s lasting reputation was established by his masterpiece Essays.( ) 27. Ellen Poe wrote many poems, so he has a very important position as poet; he wrote about 70 short stories and is regarded as a pioneer of the detective fiction and the horror fiction in the west.( ) 28. In style, her poems are characterized by their brevity, directness and plainness( ) 29. Philosophically, the naturalists believe that the real and true is always pletely hidden from the understanding of the individual or beyond his control.( ) 30. The defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation. ( ) 31.English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of drama.( ) 32.The greatest English playwright of the 18th century was Goldsmith, whose best play is "The School for Scandal".( ) 33. In 1805, Southey pleted a long autobiographical poem entiled "The Prelude".( ) 34. The Romantic Age began in 1789 when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their joint work "The Lyrical Ballads".( ) 35. Paradise Lost is Milton's masterpiece; the story is taken from the Old Testament: Satan and other angels rebel against God.( ) 36. George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Scotland.( ) 37. Byron's masterpiece is Tom Jones.( ) 38. Novel writing made a big advance in the 18th century. the main characters in the novels were no longer mon people, but the kings and nobles.( ) 39. Shakespeare'a prime creating period lies in his third period when his greatest tragedies were written. ( ) 40. Tess is arrested and hanged because she murders her seducer Clare.III. Paraphrase the following quotations:1.The Eyes around—had wrung them dry—And Breaths were gathering firmFor that last Onset—when the KingBe witnessed—in the Room—( Dickinson: I heard a fly buzz—when I died )答案:My relatives and friends had cried so that there were no tears any more. I hold my breath and got ready for the last attack of Death when he appeared in the room.2.To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitarywhilst I read and write, though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars.The rays that e from those heavenly worlds, will separate between him and vulgar things.( Emerson: Nature )答案:To be solitary, a man should also leave his room.When I am reading or writing, I amnot alone. When a man looks at the stars, his mind can be purified and above the dirty things.3. I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence;Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one I less traveled by,And that has made all the differenceRobert Frost: The Road Not Taken答案:In the future I shall tell this with some regret: facing the two roads, I chose a road few people had traveled by, and that has decided my whole life.4.Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?( Hamlet )答案:We are facing two choices: to endure suffering in our life patiently or to take up arms and fight. Which is nobler?5.Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgement and disposition of business.( Of Studies )答案:To get pleasure of reading, you should be alone; to show your elequence, you should talk with others; to improve your ability, you should use the bookish knowledge in the judgement and arrangement of business.6.Must we but weep o’er days more blest ?Must we but blush ?— Our father bled.(The Isles of Greece )答案:Must we only weep for the past happy time ?Must we only feel ashamed , our fathers fought and died.So we must take up arms and fight.7. When old age this generation waste,Thou shall remain, in midst of other woeThan ours, a fiend to man, to whom thou say’st;“Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”– that is allYe know on earth, and all ye need to know.( Ode on a Grecian Urn )答案:When the old generation die, you shall live in the sorrows of another generation. You tell the people that truth and beauty are one, and that is all you know and need to know.8.The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.Emerson: Nature答案:The sun only lights up the adult superficially, but it lights up both the eye and the depth of the soul of the child .This means the child is purer than the adult.9.It is when the feet weary and hope seems vain that the heartaches and the longings arise. Know then, thatfor you is neither surfeit nor content. In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone.In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie答案:When you are tired and hopeless, desire will appear in your heart. When you sit in your arm-chair by the window, you are dreaming of the happiness, but you can never get it.10. A wafer of moon was shining over Gatsby’s house, making the night fine as before, and surviving the laughter and the sound of his glowing garden. A sudden emptiness seemed to flow now from the windows andthe great doors, endowing with plete isolatio the fighre of the host who stood othe porch, his hand up in as formal gesture of farewell.(Scott Fitzgerald: Great Gatsby)答案:After the guests left, the laughter and the music faded, but the moon was still thining and the night was still fine. An emptiness overwhelmed the whole place, the figure of Gatsby became very lonely and isolated.11. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them,…( Of Studies)答案:Men with experience look down upon reading, ignorant people admire reading, wise people make use of the knowledge from books.12.And every fair from fair sometimes declines.By chance or nature’s changing course untrimmedBut thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st.(Sonnet 18)答案:Every beautiful thing and person can not keep its or his beauty for ever, because of the accidents or natural law.13Place me on Sunium’s marbled steep,Where nothing, save the wave and I,May hear our mutual murmurs sweep;There, swan-like, let me sing and die;A land of slaves shall ne’er be mine…( Isles of Greece )答案:Let me stand on the cliff by the sea alone and murmur to the waves. I would die as a swan after I sing my last song, because I would not live as a slave in my country.14. “So much the worse for me, that I am strong. Do I want to live?What kind of living will it be when you – oh, God! Would you like to live with your soul in the grave?”(Wuthering Hights)答案:I am strong, but this is even worse, because after you die, my life will be torture.15.“I love my murderer---but not yours!”(Wuthering Hights)答案:Even if you kill me, I still love you; But you kill yourself. I can never forgive you for that.Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly:1.Why did Benjamin Franklin sit up late in his room?Answer: Because he had to finish reading the books he borrowed from the apprentices of the booksellers, so he could return the books in the morning.2.What is Emerson’s great contribution to American philosophy and literature?。

《英美文学选读》模拟试题(三)一、单项选择题1.“All is not lost: the unconquerable will, and the study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what is else not to be overcome?”A. Dr. FaustusB. Paradise LostC. Paradise RegainedD. Tamburlaine2.Who, disregarding grammar and punctuation, always used “i” instead of “I” to refer to himself as a protest against self importance?A. CummingsB. Wallance StevensC. F. Scott. FitzgeraldD. Ernest Hemingway3.Which of the following best descri bes the speaker of T.S Eliot’s “the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”?A. He is a man of an action.B. He is a man of apathy.C. He is a man of inactivity.D. All the above are not true.4.William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from .A. formB. thoughtsC. artistic devicesD. emotion5.“My Last Duchess” is a poem that best exemplifies RobberBrowning’s.A. sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languageB. excellent choice of wordsC. mastering of the metrical devicesD. use of the dramatic monologue6.“Man shall find grace.” But he must lay hold of it by an act of free will. The freedom of the will is the keystone of ____’s creed.A. MiltonB. Jonathan SwiftC. Henry FieldingD. Samuel Johnson7.In Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” the mariner suffers the horror of death, because _____.A. he experiences a shipwreckB. he is tortured with starvationC. he undergoes much sufferingD. he kills an albatross8.Henry Jame’s fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with _____.A. international themeB. national themeC. European themeD. regional theme9.In Hardy’s “Wessex” novels, there is an apparent _____ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life.A. nostalgicB. humorousC. romanticD. sarcastic10.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between _____ and_____ centuries.A. 14th-mid--17thB. 16th-mid--17thC. 14th-mid--18thD. 16th-mid--19th11.Of the following poems by T.S.Eliot, which is hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th century English poetry?A. Poems 1909----1925B. The Hollow MenC. Prufrock and Other ObservationsD. The Waste Land12.“It is not so expressed, But what of that? Twere good you do so much for charity.” “What of that” in the above sentence means _____.A. this is very importantB. this is not importantC. this is trueD. this is not true13.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English Poetry?A. “Lyrical Ballads and Samuel Taylor Coleridge” by Will iam Wordsworth.B. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William WordsworthC. “Remorse” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.D. “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman.14.Which of the following writings is praised by Hemingway as a book from which “all modern American li terature comes”?A. Tom Sawyer.B. Huckleberry Finn.C. The Gilded Age.D. Life on the Mississippi.15.In which of the following works, Hemingway presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bull-fight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy?A. The Green Hills of Africa.B. The Snows of Kilimanjaro.C. To have and Have Not.D. Death in the Afternoon.16.The protagonist of the poem “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is a kind of tragic figure caught in a sense of deafted idealism and tortured by satisfied desires. Of the following descriptions of him, which isn’t suitable for him?A. He is neurotic.B. He is self-important.C. He is illogical.D. He is a man of an action.17.“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? /Thou art more l ovely and more temperate: /Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, /And summer’s lease hath all too short a date”, the above beautiful sonnets was written by _____.A. John DonneB. John MiltonC. William ShakespeareD. Francis Bacon18.Here is a s entence from an essay, “Read not to contradict and confuse, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider”. The essay must be _____.A. Of Studies by Francis BaconB. The Advancement of Learning by Francis BaconC. Novum Organum by Francis BaconD. Essays by Francis Bacon19.Which of the following is considered to be a better-structured novel?A. Women in LoveB. Sons and LoversC. The RainbowD. Lady Chatterley’s lover20.With so many poems such as “The Sparrow’s Nest,” “To a Skylark,” “To the Cuckoo” and “To a Butterfly”, William Wordsworth is regarded as a “____”.A. poet of geniusB. royal poetC. worshipper of natureD. conservative poet21.In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver told his experience in _____.A. LilliputB. BrobdingnagC. HouyhnhnmD. England22.“To be, or not to be----that is the question; whethertis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?” Who said these words?A. King LearB. RomeoC. AntonioD. Hamlet23.“to be so distinguished is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive or in what terms to acknowledge.”A. ironicB. jealousC. delightfulD. humorous24.In the theatrical world of the neoclassical period, was the leading figure among the host of playwrights.A. William BlakeB. Richard Brinsley SheridanC. Ben JohnsonD. George Bernard Shaw25.Among the works by John Milton, which is indeed the only generally acknowledge epic in English literature since Beowulf?A. Paradise RegainedB. Samson AgonistsC. AreopagiticaD. Paradise Lost26.Which writing is a typical example of Shakespe are’s pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years?A. The TempestB. King LearC. HamletD. Othello27.Who, one of the most important poets in his time, is a leading spokesman of the “imagist movement”?A. J. D. SalingerB. Ezra PoundC. Richard WrightD. Ralph Emerson28._____ lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking and fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge.A. Francis baconB. Thomas hardyC. Charles dickensD. William Blake29.Alexander pope strongly advocated , emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.A. idealismB. neoclassicismC. romanticismD. sentimentalism30.Dickens’s works are characterized by a mingling of and pathos.A. metaphorB. passionC. satireD. humor31.“self-conceited”, “cruel” and “tyrannical” are most likely the names of the characters in .A. Robert Browning’s My Last DuchessB. Christopher Marlowe’s Dr. FaustusC. Shakespeare’s love’s Labour’s lostD. Sheridan’s the School for Scandal32.Who is the author of the writing “Moby Dick”?A. S. T .ColeridgeB. John KeatsC. Henry FieldingD. Herman Melville33.The sentences “studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability”, and “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested;...” are quoted fromA. Novum OrganumB. Of Studies By BaconC. The Advancement Of LearningD. Essays34.The advancement of learning is a great tract on .A. historyB. literatureC. policyD. education35.Most of the poems in Whitman’s leaves of grass sing of the “en-mass” and the as well.A. natureB. lifeC. selfD. self reliance36.Which of the following is not true according to James Joyce?A. Ulysses has become a prime example of modernism in literature.B. Joyce is regarded as the most prominent stream of consciousness novelistC. Joyce is a realistic writer in English literature history.D. His novel “a portrait of the artist as a young man” is a naturalistic account of the hero’s bitter experiences and his final artistic and spiritual liberation.37.The following titles are all related to the subject that escapes from the society and returns to nature except .A. Dreiser’s Sister CarrieB. Copper’s Leather Stocking TalesC. Thoreau’s WaldenD. D Mark Twain’s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn38.“Wild spirit, which art moving everywhere; destroyer and preserver; hear, Ohear!”The two lines are found in .A. Young Goodman Brown By HawthorneB. Ode To The West Wind By ShelleyC. Leaves Of Grass By Walt WhitmanD. Ulysses By Joyce39.“Even t hen he stood there, hidden wholly in that kindness which is night, while the uprising fumes filled the room. When the odor reached his nostrils, he quit his attitude and fumbled for the bed.‘What’s the use?’ he said, weakly, as he stretched himself to rest.”The passage is taken from .A. Sons And Lovers By LawrenceB. Jane Eyre By Charlotte BronteC. Sister Carrie By Thoedore DreiserD. Wuthering Heights By Emily Bronte40.Most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the 20th century American literature, or we may say, the second American renaissance, isthe movement.A. leftistB. transcendentalC. expressionisticD. expatriate二、综合题1.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hillsWhen all at once I saw a crowdA host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Flutteri ng and dancing in the breeze.”Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet.B. In several sentences, interpret the meaning of this stanza.C. From the characteristics of this stanza, we can deduce which period it belongs to.2.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“I shall be telling this with a signSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ---I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.”Question:A. Who is the author of the poem?B. Identify the title of the short poem from which this part is taken?C. In one or two sentences, interpret the implied meaning of the last two lines.3.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“That was the cause, but yet per accidents,For when we hear one rack the name of god,Abjure the scriptures and his Savoiour Christ,We fly in hope to get his glorious soul.”Question:A. Tell the title of the poem.B. What does “rock” mean?C. What is the play based on and give a brief introduction of it.4.Give brief answers to the question in English.In American literature what is the significance of “adventures of huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain?5.Give brief answer to the question in English.What are the similarities and differences between the three literary giants? Howells, Mark Twain, Henry James, in terms of their literary orientation?6.Give brief answer to the question in English.What are gothic novels?7.Give brief answer to the question in English.How are naturalism and criticism reflected in Hardy’s novels?8.Write no less than 150 words on the topic in English.Try to discuss the theme of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s works.9.Write no less than 150 words on the topic in English.Enlightenment movement.10.Read the quoted part carefully and answer the questions in English.“The isles of Greece, isles of Greece!Where burning Sappho loved and sung,Where grew the arts of war and peace,Where Delos rose, and Phoebus sprung!Eternal summer gilds them yet,But all, except their sun, is set.”Question:A. Which writing is the stanza taken from? Who is the author?B. What does the “Sappho”mean?C. Try to explain the setting of the stanza.答案部分一、单项选择题1.【正确答案】 B2.【正确答案】 A3.【正确答案】 C4.【正确答案】 D5.【正确答案】 D6.【正确答案】 A7.【正确答案】 D8.【正确答案】 A9.【正确答案】 A10.【正确答案】 A11.【正确答案】 D12.【正确答案】 B13.【正确答案】 A14.【正确答案】 B15.【正确答案】 D16.【正确答案】 D17.【正确答案】 C18.【正确答案】 A 19.【正确答案】 A 20.【正确答案】 C 21.【正确答案】 A 22.【正确答案】 D 23.【正确答案】 A 24.【正确答案】 B 25.【正确答案】 D 26.【正确答案】 A 27.【正确答案】 A 28.【正确答案】 A 29.【正确答案】 B 30.【正确答案】 D 31.【正确答案】 A 32.【正确答案】 D 33.【正确答案】 B 34.【正确答案】 D 35.【正确答案】 C 36.【正确答案】 C 37.【正确答案】 A 38.【正确答案】 B 39.【正确答案】 C 40.【正确答案】 D二、综合题1.【正确答案】 A. “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud” By William Wordsworth.B. Like a cloud flying over valleys and mountains, I was traveling. Suddenly to my surprise, I saw a grove of daffodils at the side of the lake, how beautiful they were, fluttering and dancing in the wind. This poem typically depicts the author respect for natureC. The Romantic Period2.【正确答案】 A. Robert lee FrostB. The Road Not TakenC. confronted dilemma, one should be decisive and “took the one less traveled”.3.【正确答案】 A. Dr. FaustusB. TormentC. It is based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the devil.4.【正确答案】The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and, especially, its sequence Adventures of Huckleberry Finn proved themselves to be the milestone in American literature, and thus firmly established Twain’s position in the literary world.The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the pre-Civil War Mississippi valley and it has moved millions of people of different ages and conditions all over the world.Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn marks the climax of Twain’s literary creativity. Hemingway once described the novel the one book forms which “a modern American literature comes.”5.【正确答案】 A. Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the “life” of the Americans; Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “inner world” of man.B. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived, while Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories. This particular concern about the local character of a region about as “local colorist,” a unique variation of American literary realism.6.【正确答案】 A type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century, was one phase of the Romantic Movement. Its principal elements are violence, horror, and the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion, with its descriptions of the dark, irrational side of human nature. The gothic form has exerted a great influence over the writers of the romantic period.7.【正确答案】In his works, man is shown inevitably bound by his own inherent natureand hereditary traits which prompt him to go and search for some specific happiness or success and set him in conflict with the environment.The outside nature—the natural environment or nature herself- is shown as some mysterious supernatural force, it likes to play practical jokes upon human beings by producing a series of mistimed actions and unfortunate coincidences.This pessimistic view of life predominates most of Hardy’s later works and earns him a reputation as a naturalistic writer.8.【正确答案】 A. In “Young Goodman Brown”, he sets out to prove that everyone possesses some evil secret.B. According to Hawthorne, “There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it toa ctivity.”C. In dealing with the theme of guilt and sin, Hawthorne exemplifies the “power of blackness”.9.【正确答案】 A. It was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe at the time. It was a furtherance of the renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries.B. To enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas.10.【正确答案】 A. George Gordon Byron, Don Juan.B. An ancient Greek poetess known for her passionate love poems.C. The stanza was finished at the romantic period when Greece was under the rule of Turk. By contrasting the freedom of ancient Greece and the present enslavement the poet appealed to people to struggle for liberty.。

英美文学选读考试题一.9 authors, 20 works. (20)William Shakespearean: The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.Venus and Adonis, Rape of Lucrece.Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders. Captain SingletonRobert Burns: My heart’s in the Highlands, A Red Red Rose. Auld Lang Syne.William Wordsworth:“The Solitary Reaper”. “We are S even”, “Lucy”, “Michael”, “Simon Lee””Lucy”I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, The Solitary Reaper.John Keats: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer, On a Grecian Urn, To Psyche, TO a Nightingale. “Ode to Autumn”, “Ode on Melancholy”, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”and “Ode to a Nightingale”. All were written in 1819 with the praise of beauty as their general theme.Jane Austen: Novels: Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, EmmaCharles Dickens: long novel: Pickwick Papers Novels: Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, Barnaby Rudge, Great Expectations, OurMutual FriendsCharlotte Bronte: The Professor, Jane Eyre.Thomas Hardy: The Return of the Native, The Mayer of Casterbridge, Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure 二,对错(10)1. Act three is the best known and most important of Hamlet’s soliloqui es among all the soliloquies in the play. In this soliloquy, Hamlet reveals his innermost thoughts and emotions, his hesitation in particular, before taking decisive action.2. Robinson Crusoe retells, in the first person singular, a sailor’s adventure on an inhabitated island.3. Defoe traces the development of Robison Crusoe from a innocent and artless youth into a clever and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life.4. Burn s’s poetry was written in the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects. A large number of his poems deal with themes of love, friendship, Scottish life and nature.5. A second edition 1800 contained more poems and a preface by Wordsworth. The preface to Lyrical Ballads best read as a statement of his principle of poems.6. According to Wordsworth, he believed that “All goodpoetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” Thus he located many of his poems in “common life” and his poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language.7. There he lives a life of poverty and misery, and makes friends with the lively and penniless Mr. Micawder.8. Jane Eyre maintains that women should have equal rights with men, thus this novel has drawn the feminists’ attention in t he twentieth century.三,选择(10)According to Wordsworth, he believed that “All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”He located many of his poems in “common life” and his poetry is distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language.四,读选文,回答问题(两诗歌,三小说)作者名字(5个40分)1.Sonnet18: Shakespearian.What is the theme of this sonnet? -- Runs in iambic pentameter, rhymed ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.2.The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Shakespearian.What dos e the “to or not to be” soliloquy tell us about Hamlet’s state of mind?―The soliloquy opens with a question,and there two other extended questions in the passage, all of which suggests that Hamlet is undecided, and either unable or unwilling to make up his mind, contemplating suicide, and disenchanted with the suffering of human life. He is cynical, but comforts himself with reflection, even though he is clearly suffering greatly and aware of his own sins and weakness.Why Hamlet hesitates before taking decisive action? -- Hamlet is often indecisive and hesitant, but at other times prone to rash and impulsive acts. Even at the end of this whole narrative of Hamlet's, he still doesn't decide on anything. He's just speaking his thoughts; he's not committing to anything. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud: William Wordsworth.3. I wandered lonely as a cloud: William Wordsworth.What does “daffodil” stand for? ---Daffodil stand for nature in this poem, but the poet does not depict it simply as part of nature. As for Wordsworth, he dose not just want to depict the natural landscape, moreover, he pays much attention to the interaction between mature and human nature. He perceives nature as a stone of truths about human nature.Analyze the form of this poem by taking the first two lines as example. ---This poem consists of four stanzas and in eachstanza there are six lines. In each line there are four feet with a weak- strong sound pattern. The rime scheme in each stanza is a b a b c c.I wandered lonely as a cloud aThat floats on high o’er vales and hills, bWhen all at once I saw a crowd, aA host of golden daffodils; bBeside the lake, beneath the trees cFluttering and dancing in the breeze. C4.To Autumn: John Keats.What are the images used in this poem? Are they carefully arranged? --- Visual image, olfactory image, gustatory image, tactile image, auditory image. Through a series of images, make readers announcement of its scene, feeling rich concrete images.In the poem of To Autumn, he used visual image, auditory image, tactile image, gustatory image, kinaesthetic image and abstractimage to make the abstract impression of autumn specific, appreciable and more colorful. The pursuit to beauty is the way that Keats loves life, nature and also is the way he observes and enjoys life and nature. The pursuit to beau ty is his critique to the darkness of life and society. It also tells how he wanted beautifula nd ideal life in his short life.5.Pride and Prejudice: Jane Austen.Do you agree with the opening statement of the novel? What has the sentence to do with tone of the whole novel? --- Opening statement of the novel set the tone for whole novel. Writer is very serious in stating a universal truth, but what follows, however, is a very common topic of everyday life―marriage. Thus a humorous and ironic effect is achieved. Two key words appear in the statement: marriage and money, which in effect ate subject matter of the whole novel, the focus here is on the link between money and marriage.Based on your reading of the first two chapters of the novels, can you summarize the characteristics of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet? ―Mr. Bennet: he behaved sarcastically humorous, witty and capricious, and insightful in the process of showing his disrespect and dislike of Mrs. Bennet. Her mind was less difficult to develop. She was woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discounted, she fancied herself nervous, the business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.What is your understanding of the relationship betweenmoney and marriage? --- A happy and strong marriage takes time to build and must be based on mutual feeling, understanding, and respect. Marriage can not built on the basis of money. If there is no real love between the couple, their marriage will become a tragedy eventually. Even though money can give people the comfortable house and the luxurious life, it can not buy a beautiful marriage6.David Copperfield: Charles Dickens.Dose David enjoys his life described in this chapter? How do you know? ---- David works very hard in the factory, but he could simply pay for his living. The real difficulty is that he feels very lonely, because from Monday morning until Saturday night, he has no advice, no encouragements, and no assistance of any kind. Luckily, his stay with the Micawber family in his leisure time turns out to be quite pleasant. They form a very precious friendship.Why dose the novel use the first point of view? --- It helps the author to select details. Only the events and details that David could have seen and experienced can logically be introduced into the story. The narrator’s limited view may create the effect o f suspense. 7.Jane Eyre: Charlotte BronteGive common: 性格特点:Jane Eyre is Straightforward andfeminism. Showed her concerns for the position of women particularly in English society.五,回答问题(20)William Shakespearean154 sonnets. Long poems: Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece. 38 plays.Daniel Defoe1. What are the characteristics of Crusoe from the selected reading?--- Self-reliance; patient; cheerful; clarity, courage and persistence in overcoming difficulties he start a new life in the desolate island, which demands a lot of courage and daring.Robert Burns―ScotlandA Red, Red Rose: wrote in 1794, published in 1796.1. An outstanding feature of this poem is the skillful use simile at the beginning of the poem. Draw on specific lines to explain its effect.---Simile means a comparison between two unlike items that includes like or as. For example, the first line of this poem: “Oh, my love is like a red, red rose"; al so, in this poem, "My love is like the melody". By comparing the speaker' s love to a red, red rose and a melody, readers canclearly sense the speaker's appreciation and deep love to his lover.2. This short poem is actually composed of a series of overstatements. What is the function of them? Give examples to illustrate your point. --- Overstatement is intentional exaggeration, which is, saying more that is actually meant. In this poem, when the speaker says that he will love his lady until all the seas go dry, he is using overstatement. By using this, the poet can attract readers’ attention and the sentence will leave a deep impression on the reader’s mind.William Wordsworth“The break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th century”. A second edition in 1800 contained more poems and a preface by Wordsworth. The preface to lyrical Ballads is best read as a statement or his principles of poetry.John KeatsJane AustenThe Plot Pride and Prejudice---Major characters: Elizabeth Bennet(the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet); Jane Bennet(first); Lydia Bennet(fifth); Mr. Bingley: a rich, single. Mr. Darcy (Mr. Bingley’sfriend who is a rich and proud young man)Theme: money and marriage.Writing style: Clarity, economy, skillful use of dialogue and tight plotting are the main features of Jane Austen’s style.Subject: Houses, money, estates run.Charles Dickens:David Copperfield:theme: the hero of the novel. The novel depicts David’s life experiences from an innocent boy to a famous wr iter. Style: Of Dickens’s fictional art, the most distinguishing feature is his successful characterization, especially male characters. Dickens was also a great story-teller. His plots were always very large, varied and complicated. However, the plots of his novels changed dramatically as he got older. In his later years, plots primarily became the vehicles for his characterization of thematic concerns, as readers may find in this novel.Charlotte Bronte-Jane Eyre four girls except Ann weres send to Charity School,三个姐妹中最大的,Unhappy life in charity school, with Emily go to Charlotte study. 性格特点:Straightforward直白的人feminism女权主义Romantic浪漫主义Thoughtful1.Give t hree instances in which Jane Eyre draws fromCharlotte Bronte’s background 1). Jane’s life in Lo wood is depicted based on the author’s own experiences in charity school where she spent some unhappy years of her childhood. 2) In Thornfield, Jane falls in love with Mr. Rochester, a rich squire who turns out to have had a mad wife. This is by and large Charlotte’s experience in Brussels where she falls in a married professor. 3) In Thronfield, Jane works as governess, and Charlotte herself worked as teachers and governess during 1837 to 1840.2.Discuss the symbolic use of names in this novel.1)“Eyre”, the surname of Jane, has the same pronunciation as “air”, which may symbolize Jane’s pursuit of freedom. 2) “Blanche”, the given name of Miss. Ingram, has its Fre nch origin, which actually means “white” in English. And it may symbolize the shallowness of Miss. Ingram.3.How does Mr. Rochester treat Jane in this chapter? What Jane’s character attract him ?To start with, Mr. Rochester shows some cruelty in his courtship of Jane so as to make Jane jealous. On hearing this, Jane could not help telling him her true feelings that she longs for equality and does not want to depart with him.?When Mr. Rochester confesses his real intention, Jane feels hurt and refuses his courtship at first.?Then she realizes his intention and accepts his love.?Her self-respect, her desire for independence, her courage, her moral strength, her passion and her personal loyalty and devotion, all these work together to make Mr.Rochester greatly attracted by her.Thomas Hardy:Hardy was a poet before he was a novelist. It was because his early verses could not be accepted that he turned to novel writing.Plot of the novel: Tess of the d’Unbervilles, Hardy’s most famous novel, has a subtitle, which is, A Pure Woman Faithfully Portrayed. It tells a tragic life story of a beautiful,naive country girl, Tess Durbeyfield.General features and comments: The whole story is filled with a feeling of dismal foreboding and doom. Father circumstances and tragic coincidences abound in the book. 12春《英美文学选读》作业1一、单选题1. How many periods are divided into in the creation years of Shakespeare? Three2. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe created the image of anenterprising Englishman, typical of the English bourgeoisie in the 18th century.3. In English poetry the _ iamb _is regarded as the most common foot.4. The excerpt The Other Side of the Island was chosen from Chapter_Ⅸ__ in Robinson Crusoe.5. "Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little,I am soulless and heartless?。

Part One:English Poetry1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18•Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer’s day? And who could `thee` be?Because summer’s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love.•What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May.•How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?Thee is more beautiful than summer.•What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.•What figures of speech are used in this poem?Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .•What is the theme of the poem?Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.2. Thomas Nashe Spring•Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images.There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people’s relationship.•Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning•What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die?Why does the speaker forbid mourning?No, it is about the lover s’separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife’s love is sacred, he didn’t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.In the first verse, the poet used virtuous men’s death metaphor for lovers’separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers’ separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses’two legs metaphor for poet himself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he will separate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they away from each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one’s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.4.William Blake The Tiger•What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime, or vision itself. The list is almost infinite. The point is, the Tiger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities.Here are two major symbolisms:The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.•What paradox can you find in the poem?"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings.5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose•How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to a rose and the second comparing his love to a melody.In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line of the stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.•Why is this poem so touching to the readers?Because this poem professes the poet’s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud•What does the poet see?He sees some daffodils.•What is the poet’s mood before he sees the daffodils?Vacant and pensive.•What is the poet’s mood after he sees the daffodils?He is very pleasant.•How does the magical change occur?Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has been deeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.•What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature’s beauty uplifts the human spirit, and the harmony between human and nature.7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess• 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.•What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.•And what became of her in the end?She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.• 2. What sort of person is the Duke?He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!•Q:Walt Whitman’s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?A: Ship’s implied meaning is America; M y captain’ implied meaning is Abraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then;our fearful trip’s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincoln was assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Linco ln’ contribution and expressed his sorrow for Lincoln’ death.9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)•According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet’s view that “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne’er succeed”?The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person who fails•What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire.Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dying man understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)•How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.•Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun. It reminds usof childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of the beginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.•What is the poet’s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?The poet’s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural part of the endless cycle of nature, it’s only the beginning ;to die is to go on another journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening•Why did the speaker stop?Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the long travel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village' stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem representsa moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almostaesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.•Why did he later decide to go?As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life, and he has his own obligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on his trip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to have the real life.Though the real life is so hard,he must back to it,and reach his goal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.•What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?“The promise” could be an obligation or a go al. One cannot die before fulfilling one’s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us to finish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping on reaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals. 11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the MetroPart Two: English Fiction12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels●In this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians. What doest his “smallness” imply in the author’s satire of the aristocratic bourgeois society of the time?Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …●What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput and theneighb ouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author’s satire? (1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled party accordingto the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable;Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs . (2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledged that a singleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What is the relationship between money and marriage?Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.(2) First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from the material conditions of life. However, the amount of money can’t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that what is good enough for her is good enough for her children.14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic ending of thelove between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to find a way out?Key: Novel’s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducted a series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they’ll be happiness.2.Is Heathcliff’s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton families justifiable? Whatis the author’s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of the revenge?Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it’s wrong in law. It’s love, but Heathcliff’s love is crazy.15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour•What kind of character is Louise Mallard?Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.•What are the themes of this short story?Key: It’s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.•What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes(2) the open window symbolizes16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants•1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?(1) Key:a: a property requiring much care and expense and yielding littleprofitb : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to othersc : something of little or no value(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of the body ofthe women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.• 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting.How risky is it physically and emotionally?(1) evidence:1.'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said. 'It's not really anoperation at all.'2. 'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let theair in.'3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'(2) Key:1. Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened and be reducedimmunity in the aspect of physical.2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to that she cannot be quiet in the aspect of emotion.• 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comes a stop suddenly at the end. So we can’t make sure whether Jig has made up her mind to do the operation.• 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig?What is the real conflict between the couple?Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the man likes thewomen from the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.• 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compels his loverto have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make an accurateconclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.• 6. What is Hemingway’s style?Key: Hemingway’s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in thatWhen writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily• 1. What is the meaning of the title?Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It’s author’s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.• 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.• 3. How did the townspeople think of her?Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings—she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.• 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?Key: Emily’s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.• 5. What is special about the narration of this story?Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related events skillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.Part Three: English Drama18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark• 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death means the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can’t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can’t realize his will. Sleep can’t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can’t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened bythe possible suffering in the long “dream”. He can’t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.• 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?Key: 1. As it goes that ‘Adversity makes growth’, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us to face the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, butthat the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don’t know.”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.Romeo and Juliet•What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impression ofGwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell’s character? (1) Key: Here is a pun. It’s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person.(3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin’s “The Thinker” in the play.What does it have to do with the play’s motif and tone? What are the major images and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn’t find the answer. In O'Neill’s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life inEight Scenes”?Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class”is even more terribly dehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. Besides, man’s desire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank’s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.。

华中师范大学网络教育学院《英美文学史》测试题答案1. Write the names of the authors of the following literary works.1. Samuel Richardson2. Henry Fielding3. Richard Brinsley Sheridan4. Samuel Johnson5.Thomas Gray6.William Blake7.Robert Burns8.William Wordsworth9.Samuel Taylor Coleridge10.Robert Southey11.Walter Scott12.William Makepeace Thackeray13.Charlotte Bronte14.Emily Bronte15.George Eliot16.Robert Louis Stevenson17.Oscar Wilde18.John Galsworthy19.Thomas Hardy20.Bernard Shaw21.William Butler Yeats22.David Herbert Lawrence23.Virginia Woolf24.Charles Dickens25.Percy Shelley26.Christopher Marlow27.Jonathan Swift28.Jane Austen29.Henry Fielding30.Thomas Hardy31.William Shakespeare32.George Gordon Byron33.Samuel Taylor Coleridge34.r Edmund Spenser35.Alexander Pope36.Richard Brinsley Sheridan37.George Eliot38.James Joyce39.Poesy John Drydenurence Sterne41.Percy Shelley42)Thomas Jefferson43) Fenimore Cooper44) Washington Irving45) Emerson46) Henry David Thoreau47) Nathaniel Hawthorne48)Herman Melville49)Edgar Allan Poe50) Walt Whitman51)Walt Whitman52)Emily Dickinson53) Robert Frost54) Edgar Allan Poe55) Harriet Beecher Stowe56) William Dean Howells57) Henry James58) Mark Twain59) O. Henry60) Jack London61) Stephen Crane62) Frank Norris63) Theodore Dreiser64) Ezra Pound65) Ezra Pound66) Wallace Stevens67) Carl Sandburg68)T. S. Eliot69) John Steinbeck70) Fitzgerald71) William Faulkner72) Ernest Hemingway73) Eugene O’Neill74) Arthur Miller75) William Faulkner76) T. S. Eliot77) Longfellow78) John Steinbeck79) Mark Twain80)John Doss Passos2. Choose the right answer. 1Answer: D2Answer: B3 Answer: D4. Answer: C6. Answer: B7. Answer: D8. Answer: B9. Answer: B10. Answer: A11. Answer: C12. Answer: C13. Answer: B14. Answer: B15. Answer: B16. Answer: B17. Answer: C18. Answer: B19. Answer: D20. Answer: C21. Answer: B22. Answer: C23. Answer: B24. Answer: B25. Answer: A26. Answer: D27. Answer: A28. Answer: D29. Answer: A30. Answer: B31. Answer: C32. Answer: D33. Answer: B34. Answer: C35. Answer: D36. Answer: C37. Answer: D38. Answer: B39. Answer: A40. Answer: B41. Answer: A42. Answer: A43. Answer: B44. Answer: C45. Answer: B46. Answer: D47. Answer: C48. Answer: A50. Answer: A51. Answer: B52. Answer: A53. Answer: D54. Answer: A55. Answer: D56. Answer: D57Answer: D58. Answer: A59. Answer: A60. Answer: A61. Answer: D62. Answer: C63. Answer: A64. Answer: B65. Answer: A66. Answer: A67. Answer: B68. Answer: C69. Answer: B70. Answer: A71. Answer: D72. Answer: B73. answer: D74. Answer: A75. Answer: B76. Answer: A77. Answer: D78. Answer: D79. Answer: C80 Answer: A3. Answer the following questions briefly.1)What is Chaucer's contribution to English language?Chaucer's language is vivid and exact. His verse is smooth. His words are easy to understand. He introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which was later called the "heroic couplet." Though drawing influence from French, Italian and Latin models, he is the first important poet to write in the current English language. Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English language.2)What was the English Renaissance?The English Renaissance was an intellectual movement or rebirth of letters. There were two striking features. The first was the revived interest in classical literature. People were thirsty for works of Greek and Latin. Another feature washumanism. People began to see themselves as important beings, not only living for God and a future world. Interest in beauty and achievement rose. This was the outlook of the new bourgeois class. They believed in their strength. They expected the promising world opening to them. They believed that they could make the world according to their desires.3)What are the themes of "Robinson Crusoe"?1) The novel sings high praises of self-reliance. It demonstrates that man can remake the world with his own power. He can rely on himself in difficult situations.2) This novel is also an exhibition of man's capacity. Man has boundless energy. Together with his persistence and strong will power, he can do anything that may seem impossible previously.3) This novel also glorifies human labor. It is labor that saves Robinson Crusoe from despair, and labor is also a source of pride and happiness.In short, Robinson Crusoe is representative of the English bourgeoisie at the early stage of its development.4) This novel also touches upon the theme of colonization. Crusoe makes Friday his servant, and he himself master of the island and Friday. This plot is in accordance with the exploitation of the English bourgeois class out of Britain.4)Summarize Shelley's significance in the English literature.Shelley is one of the leading Romantic poets, an intense and original lyrical poet in the English language. Like Blake, he has a reputation as a difficult poet: erudite, imagistically complex, full of classical and mythological allusions. His style abounds in personification and metaphor and other figures of speech which describe vividly what we see and feel, or express what passionately moves us.5) What are the periods of Shakespeare’s dramatic composition? And what are their respective features?Three periods: 1. Period of historical plays and comedies. This period is characterized by happiness and optimism. This period can be further put into two phases: the phase of apprenticeship and the phase of maturation. 2. Period of tragedies. This period is characterized by gloom. 3. Period of romances or tragic-comedies. This period is characterized by reconciliation.6) What are the principles of classicists? Tell three representative classicists in the English literature and their representative works.1) The classicists modeled themselves on Greek and Latin authors, and tried to control literary creation by some fixed laws and rules drawn from Greek and Latin works. Rimed couplet instead of blank verse, the three unities of time, place and action, regularity in construction, and the presentation of types rather than individuals—these were some of the standards the classicists required of drama. Poetry, following the ancient divisions, should be lyric, epic, didactic, satiric or dramatic, and each class should be guided by some peculiar principles. Prose should be precise, direct and flexible. The English classicists followed these standards in thei r writing. 2) Addison and Steele, “The Tatler,” and “The Spectator.” Alexander Pope, “Essay on Criticism,” and “The Rape of the Lock.”7)Summarize Eliot's influence briefly.The novels of George Eliot mark the beginning of a new stage in the development of English critical realism following that of Dickens and Thackeray. In one respect her work had an advantage over her predecessors. Her characters were not grotesque types, but real, common men and women, whose psychology Eliot revealed very skillfully to the reader. But in other respects her work marks a retrogression. She shifted the center of gravity in the novel from the social problems to the problems of religion and morality. Though aware of the evils of bourgeois society, she did not attack the social system. She believed in the sentimental "religion of humanity", and cherished the illusion that humanity and love could do away with the evils of capitalism.8)Why is Hamlet a representative of humanism?Hamlet is a humanist, a man who is free from medieval prejudices and superstition. He has an unbounded love for the world instead of the heaven. Such love for nature and man is characteristic of the humanists of the Renaissance. Hamlet is also a man of strong moral standards. He loves good and hates evil. He treats everybody as equal. This democratic tendency is based on his humanist thought. His intellectual genius is outstanding. He is a close observer of men and manners. He easily sees through people, so he is always unmasking the world. His image reflects the versatility of the men of the Renaissance.9) What are the characteristics of the American writings in the Romantic Period?Most of the American writings in the Romantic Period share the following characteristics: 1) there was a new emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature, which include a liking for the picturesque, the exotic, the sensuous, the sensational, and the supernatural. 2) The Americans also placed an increasing emphasis upon the free expression of emotions and displayed an increasing attention to the psychic states of their characters. Heroes and heroines exhibited extremes of sensitivity and excitement. 3) The strong tendency to exalt the individual and the common man was almost a national religion in American. 4) The more colorful aspects of the past are used in the literary works. 5) American Romanticism is derivative and typically American.10) How does “Rip Van Winkle” reveal Washington Irving’s conservative attitude?1) Washington Irving was a conservative and always exalted a disappearing past, which is obvious in “Rip Van Winkle”. Rip went to sleep before the War of Independence and woke up after it. The change that had occurred in the twenty years he slept was to him not always for the better. Instead of feeling happy about the country finally independent from the yoke of British colonial rule, Rip was pleased with his new life chiefly because “he had got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony”.2) The story might be taken as an illustratio n of Irving’s argument that change—and revolution—upset the natural order of things, and of the fact that Irving preferred the past to the present, a dreamlike world to the real one, and never seemed to accept a modern democratic America.11) What is Hawth orne’s writing style?1) As a man of literary craftsmanship, Hawthorne is extraordinary in that the structure and the form of his writing are always carefully worked out to cater of the thematic concern. 2) With his special interest in the psychological aspect of human beings, he is good at exploring the complexity of human psychology. 3) Hawthorne is a great allegorist and almost every story can be read allegorically. 4) Hawthorne is a master of symbolism, which he took from the Puritan tradition and bequeathed to American literature in a revivified form.12) Comment on the language of Whitman’s poems1) Contrary to the rhetoric of traditional poetry, Whitman’s language is relatively simple and even rather crude. 2) An often-used method in Whitman’s poem s if to make colors and images fleet past the mind’s eye of the reader. 3) Another characteristic in Whitman’s language is his strong tendency to use oral English.13) What is Dreiser’s writing style?Dreiser’s contribution to the American literary hist ory is great.1) He broke away from the genteel tradition of literature and dramatized the life in a very realistic way. His style is not polished but very serious and well calculated to achieve the thematic ends he sought. 2) However, his writings appear more inclusive and less selective, and the readers are sometimes burdened with massive detailed descriptions of characters and events. 3) He has been accused of being awkward in sentence structure, inept and occasionally flatly wrong in word selection and meaning, and mixed and disorganized in voice and tone.14) What is the Imagist Movement?1) Flourished from 1909 to 1917 and involved quite a number of British and American writers and poets, Imagist Movement is a movement that advanced modernism in arts which concentrated on reforming the medium of poetry as opposed to Romanticism, especially Tennyson’s worldliness and high-flown language in poetry.2) The Imagist Movement15) What is the basic concern of The Hairy Ape?1)Sister Carrie The play concerns the problem of modern man’s identity. 2) Yank’s sense of belonging nowhere, hence homelessness and rootless, is typical of the mood of isolation and alienation in the early twentieth century in the United States and the whole world as well.16) What is the theme of The Old Man and the Sea?1) A short novel by Hemingway which brought him the Nobel Prize, The Old Man and the Sea is about an old Cuban fisherman Santiago and his losing battle with a giant marlin. 2) In a tragic sense, it is a representation of life and as a struggle against unconquerable natural forces in which only a partial victory is possible. Nevertheless, there is a feeling of great respect for the struggle of mankind.17) Sea adventures are Melville’s favorite subject; "Moby-Dick" is a great novel in the theme, which is also noted for its symbolism, please analyze it in detail.1) About the sea adventure: it symbols the voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe; a spirit exploration into man’s deep re ality and psychology;2) About the boat; it symbols the society, and the crew symbol all kinds of peoplewith different social and ethnic ideas;3) About the white whale: To the author, it symbols nature, it is a complex, unfathomable and beautiful; To the captain Ahab, it is evilness, is a wall. So he will lead all his crew to cut through the wall to dig out all the unknown, mysterious things behind it. To the narrator, Ishmael, it is a mystery.18) Why Modernism is different from Realism?In many aspects, Modernism acts against Realism; 1) Modernism rejects rationalism, while Realism stresses it; 2) Modernism includes internal, subjective, psychological world, while Realism stresses external, objective, and material world;3) Modernism advocates new forms and new techniques, and it casts away all the traditional elements such as: story, character, etc. while Realism stresses it. 4) Modernism works are called anti-novel, anti-poetry, anti-drama etc.4. Answer the following questions in detail.1)What are the general features of Shakespeare's plays?1. Realism & Humanism. Shakespeare is regarded as one of the founders of realism in world literature. His theory of drama is "to hold, as it were, the mirror to nature; to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure." This is in agreement with Engels' definition of realism: "Realism implies the truthful reproduction of typical characters under typical circumstances."Humanism is also keynote of Shakespeare's drama. Many of his characters are representatives of Shakespeare's humanistic thoughts. The women characters are such examples. Women in Shakespeare's plays are usually braver and more capable than men characters. They are no longer restrained by the feudal fetters. Falstaff, in "Henry IV," also shows Shakespeare's humanistic belief. Falstaff is fat, old, ugly, gross and guilty of many sins. He is boastful and greedy. He takes bribes. These are included in The Seven Deadly Sins. However, Shakespeare didn't create him as a bad example. On the contrary, his characterization of Falstaff is comic, not criticizing. In fact, it is said that this character was so amusing that Queen Elizabeth asked Shakespeare to write another play imply devoting to Falstaff. From the creation of Falstaff, we can see that Shakespeare is free from the religious constraints. This is an important feature of humanism.Shakespeare's histories also demonstrate hi belief in unity of the country and an ideal king, for example, "Henry IV" and "Henry V." This is also what the English people was expecting after many years' war in the Middle Ages.2. Shakespeare used a lot of adoptions. He borrowed his source materials from a variety of sources: Greek legends, Roman history, Italian stories and English historical records. However, he was always able to put a new meaning on the old stories, thus reflecting the reality of England of his time.3. Shakespeare is a master of drama. He broke the classical rules of three unities, thus caused English drama to flourish.4. Shakespeare is skillful in many poetic forms. He is especially good at sonnets and blank verse.5. Shakespeare is a master of the English language. He used about 16,000 words.Many of his coined words have remained in the English language. Shakespeare and the King James Bible are the two great treasuries of the English language.2)Summarize Byron's chief contribution and significance in the Englishliterature.As a leading Romanticist, Byron's chief contribution is his creation of the "Byronic hero," a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immense superiority in his passions and powers, this Byronic hero would carry on his shoulders the burden of righting all the wrongs in a corrupt society, and would rise single-handedly against any kind of tyrannical rules either in government, in religion, or in moral principles with unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies. The conflict is usually one of rebellious individuals against outworn social systems and conventions. The image of this hero is to some extent modeled on the life and personality of Byron himself, and makes Byron famous both at home and abroad. Byron's poetry was immensely popular at home and also abroad, where it exerted great influence on the Romantic movement. This popularity owes to the author's persistent attacks on "cant political, religious, and moral," to the novelty of his oriental scenery, to the romantic character of the Byronic hero, and to the easy, fluent and natural beauty of his verse. Byron's diction on the whole has a freedom, copiousness and vigor. His descriptions are simple and fresh, and often bring vivid objects before the reader. The glowing imagination also adds to the charm of his poetry.Byron uses Ottva Rima (Octave Stanza) as the form of his poetry.Byron's poetry has great influence on the literature of the whole world. Across Europe, patriots and painters and musicians are all inspired by him. Poets and novelists are profoundly influenced by his work.3) What are the three periods of Yeats’s literary career? Enumerate some representative works at each period.Yeats' literary career can be divided into three periods. During the early years of his literary career, he wrote romantic poetry under the influence of Spenser, Shelley and the Pre-Raphaelites. He also made an intensive study of William Blake whose symbolism and mysticism attracted him very much. His early poems were full of dreams and fairies. The major themes are usually Celtic legends, local folktales, or stories of the heroic age in Irish history. Many of these poems have a dreamy quality with melancholy, passive and self-indulgent feelings. Famous poems composed in this period include "The Lake Isle of Innisfree." Collections of his early poems are: "Crossways" (1899), "The Rose" (1893), and "The Wind Among the Reeds" (1899). The first two decades of the 20th century were Yeats' period of transition, during which he departed from the romanticism of his early period and developed into modernism, influenced by the poetry and criticism of T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound. He also studied the works of John Donne, the 17th century metaphysical poet. By finding a new force, a new dimension, and a new reality to his verse, Yeats began to write with realistic and concrete themes on a variety of subjects, exploring the profound and complicated human problems, such as life, love, politics and religion. With the combination of his appreciation of beauty and a sense of tragedy in life, Yeats gave asignificance to the ordinary events of life in his poetry. The new vigor of his verse is reflected in the precise and concrete imagery, the strong passion and the active verb forms. Through vivid images, rich symbols and controlled rhythms, the meaning of his poems was pressed disturbing home. His style is both simple and rich, colloquial and formal, with a quality of metaphysical wit and symbolic vision, which indicates that Yeats has already been on his way to modernist poetry. His famous poems composed in this period include: "No Second Troy," "September 1913," "Easter 1916" and "The Second Coming."The years 1919-1939 were Yeats' final period of maturity, in which he published many volumes of his representative poems, which include "The Wild Swans at Coole" (1919), "The Tower" (1828), "Sailing to Byzantium." In his late works he deals with the rise and fall of civilization, with eternal beauty in the world of art, with contrast between youth and old age, and with love. He created an elaborate system of symbols of his own in his poems.4) What are the characteristics of Romanticism in English literature? Give examples to illustrate them.English Romantic literature has the following characteristics: 1) sensibility; 2) primitivism; 3) love of nature; 4) mysticism; 5) individualism; 6) sympathetic interest in the past, especially the medieval; 7) against whatever characterized classicism.We can easily find examples of romantic writers whose works have the above features. Generally speaking, all romantic writers focus on the sensibility, especially the natural flow of feelings, rather than the outside world. Many romantic writers sing high praises of nature. Wordsworth is a good example. It’s said that his poetry about nature is his best poetry. A strong interest in nature naturally causes some poets to take a liking to primitive life, to idealize rural life and even to show sympathy for animal life. Goldsmith and Cowper are two examples. Mysticism, and even Gothicism, is another feature. Poets like Keats include mysterious stories in their poems. Some other poets like Percy have a strong interest in the medieval literature, while others like Burns find sources from folk songs or ballads. Individualism is an important feature of romantic literature. Lord Byron’s Don Juan is a remarkable poem in high praise of individualism. On the whole, romanticists are against whatever classicists support. They abandon the heroic couplet in favor of blank verse, the sonnet, the Spenserian stanza and many experimental verse forms. They drop the conventional poetic fiction in favor of fresher language and bolder figures. Typical literary forms of the romantic writers include the lyric, especially the love lyric, the reflective lyric, the nature lyric and the lyric of morbid melancholy and sentimental novel.5) Comment on the similarities and differences of the three dominant figures—William Dean Howells, Henry James and Mark Twain of the Realistic period.The three dominant figures of the Realistic period are William Dean Howells, Henry James and Mark Twain.a. Their similarities:Together they brought to fulfillment native trends in the realistic portrayal of the landscape and social surfaces,brought to perfection the vernacular style, and explored and exploited the literary possibilities of the interior life. They recorded and made permanent the essential life of the eastern third of the continent as it was lived in the last half of the nineteenth century on the vanishing frontier, in the village, the small town, or the turbulent metropolis. They established the literary identity of distinctively American protagonists, specially the vernacular hero and the “American Girl”, the baffled and strained middle-class family, the businessman, and the psychologically complicated citizens of a new international culture. Together, in short, they set the example and charted the future of course for the subjects, themes, techniques and styles of fiction we still call modern.b. Their differencesThough the three prominent writers wrote more or less at the same time, they differed in their understanding of “truth”. While Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the “life” of the Americans, Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “inner world” of man. He came to believe that the literary artist should not simply hold a mirror to the surface of social life in particular times and spaces. In addition, the writers should use language to probe the deepest reaches of the psychological and moral nature of human beings. He is a realist of the inner life. Though Mark Twain and Howells both shared the same concern in presenting the truth of the American society, they had each of them different emphasis. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived, while Mark Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories. This particular concern about the local character of a region came about as “local colorism”, a unique variation of American literary realism.6) The background of American Modernism1)Social backgroundThe 20th century began with a strong sense of social breakdown. A series of wars fought on the international scene during the first part of the century were to affect the life of Americans and their literary writings. With all these wars the world had undergone a dramatic social change, a transformation from order to disorder. So had the United States. Despite its booming industry and material prosperity, there was a sense of unease and restlessness and underneath.2) Along with the changes in the material landscape came the changes in the non- material system of belief and behavior. The First World War had made a big impact on the life of Americans. In a word, there was a decline in moral standard and the first few decades of the twentieth century was best described as a spiritual wasteland. The First World War brought feelings of fear, loss, disorientation and disillusionment to the Americans.3) Between the mid-19th century and the first decade of the 20th century, there had been a big flush of new theories and new ideas in both social and natural sciences, as well as in the field of are in Europe, which played an indispensable role in bringing about modernism and the modernistic writings in the United States. The implicationsof modern European arts to modern American writings can also be strongly felt in the American literature between the wars, even thereafter.7) What is Hawthorne’s “black” vision of life and human beings?1) Hawthorne’s liter ary world is very disturbed, tormented and problematical because of his “black” vision of life and human beings. He rejected what he saw as the Transcendentalists’ transparent optimism about the potentialities of human nature. Instead he looked more deeply and perhaps more honestly into life, finding it much suffering and conflict but also finding the redeeming power of love. 2) According to him, “There is evil in every human heart”, and a piece of literary work should “show how we are all wronged and wrong ers, and avenge one another”. So in almost every book he wrote, Hawthorne discusses sin and evil. One source of evil Hawthorne is concerned most is over-reaching intellect, which usually refers to someone who is too proud, too sure of himself. The tension between the head and the heart constitutes one of the dramatic moments when the evil of over-reaching intellect would be fully revealed. 3) Hawthorne’s intellectuals are usually villains, dreadful because they are devoid of warmth and feeling. What’s more, they tend to go beyond and violate the natural order by doing something impossible and reaching the ultimate truth, without a sober mind about their own limitations as human beings. Chillingworth, Dr. Rappaccini in “Rappaccini’s daughter” are but a few specimens of Hawthorne’s chilling, cold-blooded human animals.8) Analyze the theory of Theodore Dreiser’naturalism with example.1) His naturalism emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters that were presented in special and detailed circumstances. At bottom, life was shown to be ironic, even tragic.2) The characters in his books are often subject to the control of the natural forces, especially those of environment and heredity. For example, th e hero Hurstwood’s tragic death showed the theory.3) The effect of Darwinist idea of "survival of the fittest" was shattering. It is not surprising to find in Dreiser’s fiction a world of jungle, where "kill or to be killed" was the law.4) He criticizes materialistic to the core, living in such a society with such a value system, the human individual is obsessed with a never-ending, yet meaningless search for satisfaction of his/her desires. One of the desires is for money which was a motivating purpose of life in the United States in the late 19th century. For example in his masterpiece "Sister Carrie" he traces the material rise of Carrie Meeber, which indicates the critical attitude of the author.5) Sexual beauty symbolizes the acquisition of some social status of great magnitude.9) Take examples to analyze the style and theme of Mark Twain.Mark Twain is a great literary of America, H. L. Mencken considered him "the true father of our national literature".1) Twain’s works like "Adventure of Huckleberry Finn" and "Life on the Mississippi" shaped the views of America and combined American folk humor and serious literature together;。

英美文学考试试题一、选择题1、以下哪部作品是威廉·莎士比亚的悲剧代表作?()A 《仲夏夜之梦》B 《威尼斯商人》C 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》D 《第十二夜》2、简·奥斯汀的小说《傲慢与偏见》中,女主人公伊丽莎白最终与谁结为夫妻?()A 达西先生B 威克姆先生C 宾利先生D 柯林斯先生3、以下哪位诗人是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物?()A 华兹华斯B 雪莱C 拜伦D 以上都是4、美国作家海明威的小说《老人与海》中,老渔夫最终捕到的鱼是什么?()A 金枪鱼B 马林鱼C 鳕鱼D 鲸鱼5、英国作家狄更斯的小说《双城记》,其“双城”指的是哪两座城市?()A 伦敦和巴黎B 纽约和波士顿C 柏林和慕尼黑D 莫斯科和圣彼得堡二、填空题1、《哈姆雷特》中的经典台词“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”反映了主人公_____的内心挣扎。
“垮掉的一代”是 20 世纪 50 年代在美国出现的一个文学流派。
英美文学选读 习题1

答案:survival|fittest|fate|mysterious |supernatural|force|impotent|Fate
[3]1.“When the stars threw down their spears,
And water’d heaven with their tears,
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee ?”
A. Who’s the poet of the quoted stanza?
B. Whom does the“he”refer to?
C. What does the“Lamb”symbolize?
[2]Why is Hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in English literature? Discuss in relation to his novels you know.
DD. A Farewell to Arms
“‘Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? So you think I am an automoton?—a machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?—You think wrong!—I have as much as you and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, or even of mortal flesh:—it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal—as we are!’”

英美文学选读模拟题一A. Each of the statements below is following by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (20x1 points)()1. In Spenser's "The Faerie Queene", _______ is the play role in each of the 12 major adventures.A. ArthurB. RedcrosseC. UnaD. Archimago()2. In Milton's works, H" is the greatest, indeed the only generally acknowledged epic inEnglish literature since "Beowulf".A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Lycidas()3. _______ was regarded as "Father of the English Novel", for his contribution to theestablishment of the form of the modern novel.A. Daniel DefoeB. Jonathan SwiftC. Jane AustenD. Henry Fielding()4. _______ compiled the "The Die廿onary of the English Language" which became the foundationof all the subsequent English dictionaries.A. Ben JohnsonB. Samuel JohnsonC. Alexander PopeD. John Dryden()5. The "Byronic hero** first appears in Byron's works, n__________ ”.A. Childe Harold's PilgrimageB. Don JuanC. Oriented TalesD. Manfred()6. _______ made criticism on Elizabethan drama, which renewed interest in Shakespeare and ledto the discovery of his contemporaries.A. ColeridgeB. ByronC. WordsworthD. Keats()7. _______ is the most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens* works.A. Language*s Forsyte novels are masterpieces of critical realism in theB. Character - PortrayalC. HumorD. Plot()8 In 1847, the Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels except ” ___________ ”.A. Jane EyreB. ShirleyC. Wuthering HeightsD. The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall()9. In _______ 's hands, "drama 廿c monologue" reaches its maturity and perfection.A. Alfred TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. William ShakespeareD. George Eliot()10.As a woman of exceptional intelligence and life experience, George Eliot shows a particular concern for ______________ .A. the feminismB. the education for womenC. the des 廿ny of womenD. the low status of women()11. Symbolism appeared in the late 19th century in ______________ .A. FranceB. GermanyC. EnglandD. Italy ()12. The three trilogies of early 20th century.A. John GalswortryB. Arnold BennettC. Jame JoyceD. H. G. Wells()13. In the following statements, ____________ is Bernard Shaw's political point of view.A. He regarded the establishment of socialism by the emancipation of land and industrial capital from individual and class ownership as the final goal.B. He was for the means of violent revolution of armed struggle in achieving the goal of socialism.C. He had a trust of the uneducated working class in fighting against capitalists.D. He held that both those superior intellects and those industrial workers could have the ability to shoulder the task of fighting against the capitalism.()14. The New England transcendentalism was from the very beginning a local phenomenon restricted only to those people living in new England, who carried out the movement as a reaction against the cold, rigid rationalism of______________________ in Boston.A. PuritanismB. CalvinismC. ClassicismD. Unitarianism()15. In the following statements, __________ is not true as to Washington lrving*s famous story ”Rip Van Winkle".A. The story is a tale remembered mostly for Rip's 20 - year sleep, set against the background of the inevitably changing America.B. In the story Irving skillfully presents to us paralleled juxtapositions of two totally different worlds before and after Rip's 20 years' sleep.C. Irving describes Rip's response and reaction in dramatic way, so that we see clearly both the narrator and Irving agree on the preferability of the present to the past, and the preferability of the real world to a dream - like one.D. The social conservatism and literary preference for the past is revealed, to some extent, in the story.()16. _______ is not among the artistic features of Whitman's writing.A. The use of the poetic "l MB. Free verseC. Musicality or rhythmD. Allegory()17. Henry James's fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with _____________ .A. the love and marriage themeB. the theme of humor and satire on lifeC. the theme of revealing the miserable life of the poor and criticizing the capitalismD. the international theme()18. In the following statements, __________ is not true as to the backgrounds for the American literature between the two world wars.A. The United states had become the most powerful industrialized nation in the world.B. The technological revolution had brought about great changes in the life of the American people.C. The Crash marked the beginning of "The Great Economic Depression" in the 1920s.D. Despite its booming industry and material prosperity, there was a sense of unease and restlessness underneath.()19. Ezra Pound's "The Cantos" is ________ .A. lyricsB. epic poemC. odeD. pastoral()20. _______ is acknowledged by many as the most original poet of the Victorian period.A. Robert BrowningB. Alfred TennysonC. George EliotD. John KeatsB. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (20x1 points)1. _____ i s the essence of the Renaissance.2. In "The Faerie Queene", the Redcrosse knight in Book I stands for St. George, and Sir Guyon in Book II Represents Temperance. Such kind of writing style is called _____________ .3. "H amlet”,"Othello”,"King Lear" and " ______ " are generally regarded as Shakespeare's four great tragedies.4. As a represents廿ve of the enlightenment, Pope was one of the first to introduce _____________ to England.5. _____ *s novels are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower - class people.6. The literary form of neo - classicism is of the strict symmetry. The prevailing genre ofneoclassical literature is ________ w hich consists of two riming lines of iambic pentameter, and the second line completes the thoughts expressed by the couplet.7. _____ i s central to Blake's concern in the "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience".8. The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge and Wordsworth lived nearby and the three men became known as the ”_________ ”.9. Jane AusteiYs masterpiece is " _____________10. ________ is Robert Browning's masterpiece.11. The realistic novels of the 1920s and 1930s were more or less touched by a pessimistic mood, preoccupied with the theme of ___________ , and shaped in different forms.12 In the mid - 1950s and early 1960s, there appeared a group or young novelists and playwrights with lower - middle - class background, who were known as ”___________________ ”.13. Melville is best known as the author of one book named ______________ , which is, critics have agreed, one of the world's greatest masterpieces.14. The particular concern about the local character of a region came about as ”_________ ", a unique variation of American literary realism.15. By the turn of the century, with the publics廿on of "The Man That Corrupted Hadleybury** (1900) and "The Mysterious Stranger" (1916), the change in Mark Twain from an optimist to an almost despairing pessimist could be fell and his cynicism and disillusionment with what Twain referred to regularly as the " _______________________ " became obvious.16. As a sequel to "Tom Sawyer", " __________ ” marks the climax of Twain*s literary creativity.17. One of James's literary techniques innovated to cater for the psychological emphasis is his narrative ” ________ H.18. The postwar poet Robert Lowell is the leading figure of _____________ poetry.19. In Fitzgerald's great fiction, there's always full of the main theme of the bankruptcy of the" _____ ”, especially in "The Great Gatsby" (1925).20. Most of Faulkner's works are set in the American South about people from a small region in Northern Messissippi, ____________ County.C. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets. (10x1 points)( )1. In his poetry, Donne frequently applies conceits, i. e. extended metaphors involvingdrama廿c contrasts.( )2. "The Pilgrim's Progress** is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.()3. The 19th century produced the first English novelists, who fall into two groups the sen廿mentalist novelists and the realist novelists.()4. The most important contribution Byron has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature.()5. Generally speaking, Jane Austen was a writer of the 18th - century, though she lived mainly in the nineteenth century.()6. In the Victorian period, the novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought.()7. "The Waste Land", Eliofs most important single poem, has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th - century English poetry, comparable to Wordsworth's "Lyrical Ballads".()8. While Mark Twain and Henry James seemed to have paid more ail ention to the "life" of the Americans, Howells had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the "inner world" of man.()9. Dickinson's poetry is unique and unconventional in its own way. Her poems have no titles hence are always quoted by their first lines. In her poetry there is a particular stress pattern, in which dashes are used as a musical device to create cadence and capital letters as a means of emphasis.()10. Most of Faulkner's works are set in the American North, with his emphasis on the Northern subjects and consciousness.D. Name the author of the following literary works. (5x1 points)1. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love: Marloew2. Composed upon Westminster Bridge: Wordsworth3. The Moll on the Floss4. Break, Break, Break. :Tennyson5. A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man: JoyceE. Define the literary terms listed below. (2x4 points)1. The Heroic Couplet2. Stream of ConsciousnessF. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it. (2x4 points)1. "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the les,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me."2. "Round the cape of a sudden came the sea,And the sun looked over the mountains rim:And straight was a path of gold for him,And the need of a world of men for me."G. Give brief answers to the following questions. (3x5 points)1. Make a comment on the image of Robinson Crusoe.2. What are the features of Charles Dickens's novels?3. What's Nathaniel Hawthorne's "black" vision of life and human beings?H. Short essay questions. (2x7 points)I. How is the fatalism revealed in Hardy's works?(Naturalist)2. Analyse the artistic features of Earnest Hemingway*s novels.附:答案全国高等教育自学考试模拟试卷(一)英美文学选读参考答案A.1. A2. A3. D4. B5. A6. A7. B8. B9. B10. C11. A12. A13. A14. D15. C16. D17. D18. C19. B20. AB.1. Humanism2. allegory3. Macbeth4. ra廿onalism5. Daniel Defoe6. heroic couplet7. Childhood8. Lake poets9. Pride and Prejudice10. The Ring and the Book11. man's loneliness12. the Angry Young Men13. Moby - Dick14. local colorism15. damned human race16. Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn17. point of view18. Confessional19. American Dream20. YoknapatawphaC.1. T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. T10. FD.1. Christopher Marlowe2. William Wordsworth3. George Eliot4. Alfred Tennyson5. James JoyceE.1. The heroic couplet refers to iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines. During the Restoration and the 18th century Alexander Pope perfected the closed couplet, which means only a couplet xan express a compete idea, and developed it to the heroic couplet. A good example in " The Rape of the Lock" is: but when to mischiet mortals bend their will, how soon they find fit instruments of ill!2. In Joyce's opinion, the artist, who wants to reach the highest stage and to gain the insights necessary for the crea廿on of dramatic art, should rise to the position of a godlike objectivity; he should have the complete conscious control over the creative process and depersonalize his own emotion in the artistic creation. He should appear as an omniscient author and present unspoken materials directly from the psyche of the characters, of making the characters tell their own inner thoughts in monologues. This literary approach to the presentation of psychological aspects of characters is usually termed as "stream of consciousness**.1. The 廿tie of the literary work is "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'*, and its author is Thomas Gray.译文如下:晚钟响起来一阵阵向白昼告别,牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落,耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。

练习题英国文学部分1.Anglo—Saxon conquest happened in the _15th_ century。
2.Angles, Saxons and _jutes_ usually known as Anglo—Saxons are the first Englishman.3._Beowulf_ is the most important specimen of Old English literature and also the oldestsurviving epic in the English language。
4.The first known religious poet in England is _Caedmon_。
5.Today Chaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry”, but alsoas “the father of English fiction”. His masterpiece is _The Cabterbury Tales__.6.The Canterbury Tales contains in fact a general prologue and only __24_ tales, ofwhich two are left unfinished。
7.The _General Prologue_ provides a framework for the tales in The Canterbury Tales,and it comprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures。
8.The Canterbury Tales is Chaucer’s greatest work and the greater part of it was writtenin _heroic__ couplet.9.The pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales are on the way to the shrine of St. Thomas aBecket at a place named __Cabterbury__.10.Chaucer’s learning was wide in scope. He obtained a good knowledge of _Italin__,_Latin__, and __French____.11.____Troilus and Criseyde__ is Chaucer’s longest complete poem and his greatestartistic achievement.12.Chaucer’s earliest work of any length is his Romaunt_of the Rose__, a freetranslation of French poem names Roman de la Rose。

Exercises for American LiteraturePartⅠⅠ. Multiple choice:1._____ reports of exploration in Jamestown have been described as the first distinctly American literature to be written in English.A. John Smith’sB. Washington Irving’sC. Franklin’sD. Jefferson’s2. Which statement is NOT true about the 17th century American literary life?A. The first writings that we call American were the narratives and journals of the early settlements.B. The writers of the Southern and Middle Colonies who followed John Smithmade their greatest contribution to American literature.C. There were more urban audience for books and newspapers.D. Literature developed slowly especially in the South.3. _____ was the first American writer.A. John SmithB. Benjamin FranklinC. Philip FreneauD. Anne Bradstreet4. John Smith’s _____ (1624) contains his most famous tale of how the Indian Princess Pocahontas saved him from the wrath of her father Powhatan.A. The General History of VirginiaB. The history of New EnglandC. A Map of VirginiaD. The history of Plymouth Plantation5. Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the _____ values that dominated much of the earliest American writing.A. PuritanicB. TranscendentalC. romanticD. realistic6. _____ , the Puritan clergyman who wrote more than 450 works in his life, was an example of the Puritan ideal of hard work.A. John SmithB. Cotton MatherC. Anne BradstreetD. John Cotton7. The Puritans wished to restore simplicity to church services and the authority of _____ to theology.A. the BibleB. the governmentC. the Church of EnglandD. God 8.The first major intellectual spokesman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony was _____ , sometimes called “the Patriarch of New England”.A. John CottonB. John SmithC. Philip FreneauD. Cotton Mather 9.The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America is the first published collection of poems of _____ .A. Edward TaylorB. Anne BradstreetC. Walt WhitmanD. PhilipFreneau10.The first major center of thought in America was _____ .A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. Now YorkD. the State of VirginiaⅡ. Define the literary terms listed below:1. Theocracy2. The Puritan MovementⅠ. Multiple choice:1.American Enlightenment can be described as the following except that _____ .A.it dealt a decisive blow to the puritan traditionsB.it brought to life secular education and literatureC.its representatives took the task of disseminating knowledge among thepeopleD.it exerted little influence on the War of Independence2.The following statements are true to Benjamin Franklin except _____ .A. a priestB. a scientistC. a diplomatD. a humanist3.Benjamin Franklin shaped his writing after _____ .A. the Spectator PaperB. French writersC. John MiltonD. Walt Scott4.Poor Richard’s Almanac written by Benjamin Franklin is _____ .A. a novelB. a collection of short storiesC. a collection of poemsD. an annual collection of proverbs5.“His shadow lies heavier than any other man’s on this young nation” refers to_____ .A. Benjamin FranklinB. Thomas JeffersonC. Thomas PaineD. Noah Webster6.Thomas Paine boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence” in his famouspamphlet _____ .A. Common SenseB. The Case of the Officers of the ExciseC. The American CrisisD. Rights of Man7.Thomas Paine’s chief contribution was a series of sixteen pamphlets entitled_____ .A. Common SenseB. The Case of the Officers of the ExciseC. Rights of ManD. The American Crisis8.Which of the following is true about Thomas Jefferson? _____ .A.He contributed a lot to the foundation of University of Virginia.B.He served for two terms as president.C.He drafted the Declaration of Independence.D.All of the above.9._____ has been called the “Father of American Poetry”.A. Anne BradstreetB. Philip FreneauC. Thomas PaineD. EdwardTaylor10.As a poet and political journalist, Philip Freneau is _____ .A. a satirist and a sentimentalistB. a humanitarianC. a poet of reason and a deistic optimistD. All of the aboveⅡ. Define the literary terms listed below:1. the Age of Reason2. the EnlightenmentI. Multiple choice:1. A new Romanticism, appeared in England in the last years of the 18th century,came to America in _____ .A. the early 19th centuryB. the mid 19th centuryC. the last years of 19th centuryD. the last years of the 18th century2._____ became the first work by an American writer to win financial success onboth sides of the Atlantic.A. Washington Irving’s Sketch Book.B. Washin gton Irving’s A Tour on the PrairiesC. James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking TalesD. Henry Thoreau’s Walden3.Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the general characteristics shared byromantics? _____ .A.Moral enthusiasmB.Faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perceptionC.The practice of a hard and disciplined lifeD.The presumption that man’s society was a source of corruption4.Transcendentalists took some of their ideas from _____ .A. German idealistic philosophyB. the Romantic literatures of EuropeC. neo-Platonism and Oriental mysticismD. All of the above.5.The first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literatureappeared in Washington Irving’s _____ .A. The sketch BookB. A History of New YorkC. Tales of a TravelerD. Alhambra6._____ was the first important American novelist who began his literary career ona dare.A. James Fenimore CooperB. Washington IrvingC. Edgar Allan PoeD. Nathaniel Hawthorne7._____ is one of James Fenimore Cooper’s best sea romances.A. The SpyB. The PilotC. The DeerslayerD. The Pioneers8.Cooper launched two kinds of great popular stories, the sea adventure tale and_____ .A. the frontier sagaB. the detective storiesC. the love storiesD. gothicnovels9.Which of the following novels does NOT belong to Leatherstocking Tales?_____ .A. The DeerslayerB. The PathfinderC. The PilotD. The Pioneers10.The last of the Mohicans in The last of the Mohicans refers to _____ .A. UncasB. ChingachgookC. HawkeyeD. Natty Bumppo11.In 1817, _____ written by William Cullen Bryant introduced the best poet inAmerica up to that time.A. “To a Waterfowl”B. “Thanatopsis”C. “The Raven”D. “To Helen”12.Which poem by Will iam Cullen Bryant expressed both the poet’s grateful viewand his sense of a divine power guiding and protecting everything in nature?_____ .A. “To a Waterfowl”B. “Thanatopsis”C. “The Raven”D. “To Helen”13.Edgar Allan Poe deserved the following except _____ .A. a playwrightB. a poet and an editorC. a literary criticD. a writer offiction14.Thy Naiad airs have brought me homeTo the glory that was Greece’And the grandeau that was Rome.The above lines are selected from Edgar Allan Poe’s famous poem _____ .A. “The Raven”B. “To Helen”C. “Ligia”D. “Annabel Lee”15.The American Scholar and The Divinity School Address are two speeches thatmade _____ famous.A. Walt WhitmanB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Henry David ThoreauD. Herman Melville16.Thoreau once wrote the reason that he went to live in a hut at Walden is that_____ .A.he wanted to live the life of a hermitB.he didn’t want to be arrested for failure to pay the taxesC.he wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of lifeD.he didn’t like the people around him17.The story of The Scarlet Letter is set in _____ in the days of the MassachusettsColony.A. the ancient EuropeB. the 19th century EuropeC. the Puritan BostonD. the 19th century Boston18.Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote all of the following except _____ .A. TypeeB. The House of Seven GablesC. The Marble FaunD. Young Goodman Brown19.When Herman Melville’s Moby Dick first appeared, which of the following isNOT true about what happened to this great work? _____ .A.It seemed to be a complete failure at the time.B.Critics in general also failed to see the qualities of this book.C.Hawthorne was one of the few who recognized it as a work of genius.D.It was a great hit at that time and was welcomed by the readers.20.Which of the following works established Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poeticreputation? _____ .A. Voices of the NightB. Poems on SlaveryC. Song of HiawathaD. Ballads and Other PoemsⅡ. Define the literary terms listed below:1. Romanticism2. Transcendentalism3. SymbolismTopics for discussion:1.Benjamin Franklin and the American Dream2.Moby Dick3.The Scarlet Letter4.“The Wild Honey Suckle”5.“To a Waterfowl”6.“To Helen”。

英美英国⽂学第⼀章到第三章练习⽂艺复兴时期练习及答案Exercises of the First Part of the British LiteratureSection One: Multiple-choice questions1. “Upon a great adventure he was bond, / That greatest Gloriana to him gave.” These two lines are taken from[A] Milton's Samson Agonistes [B] Spenser's The Faerie Queene[C] Beowulf [D] Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard2. "O prince, O chief of many throned powers,That led th' embattled Seraphim to warUnder thy conduct, and in dreadful deedsFearless, endangered Heaven's perpetual King. "In the first line of the above passage quoted from Milton's Paradise Lost, the phrase "O prince, O chief of many throned powers” refers to________.[A] Satan [B] God [C] Adam [D] Eve3. Shakespeare claims through the mouth of Hamlet that the "end" of the dramatic creation is to give ________ of the social realities of the time.[A] faithful reflection[B] instructive representation[C] imaginative narration [D] allegorical description4. Humanists of the Renaissance turned to the spirit of ________ culture for inspiration.[A] Anglo-Saxon [B] Italian and French[C] Greeek and Roman [D] medieval5. Paradise Lost is composed in blank verse, which permits the ________ Milton needed for his subject.[A] epic grandeur [B] narrative sweep[C] descriptive subtlety [D] intellectual grasp6. Donne’s famous analogy of parting lovers to a drawing compass affords a prime example of________[A] dramatic style [B] exaggeration[C] paradox [D] conceit7. ________ is a study of the lust for wealth, which centers on Barabas, the Jew, a terrible old money lender.[A] The Jew of Malta [B] The Merchant of V enice[C] Tamburlaine the Great [D] The Tempest8. In his conception of tragedy, Marlowe perceived that tragic action must issue from, and be reflected in, ________.[A] the Renaissance hero [B] endless aspiration for knowledge[C] the individual [D] human dignity and capacity9. In The Faerie Queene, the Red Cross Knight, who stands for true religion of ________ , sets out on the orders of Queen of Faerie, who represents ________.[A] the Anglican Church, Queen Elizabeth[B] the Roman Catholic Church, Pope[C] Christianity, Christ [D] humanism, divine truth10. What figure of speech is used in the lines: "Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, / And summer's lease too short a date"?[A] Simile [B] Metonymy[C] Personification [D] Hyperbole11. The underlined part in "My deeds upon my head! I crave the law, / The penalty and forfeit of my bond. " (from TF, chant of V enice) means ________.[A] What is done can't be undone [B] Let me responsible for what I do[C] I would give anything for fulfilling my bond [D] I deserve what I demand12. The line "When we have shuffled off this mortal coil" be, or not to be" soliloquy means________.[A] when we have got rid of this coil that is doomed to die[B] when we have unloaded this heavy burden like a coil[C] when we have taken off this coat made of coils[D] when we are relived from the trouble of mortal life wound around us like coils13. What does the word "humour" mean in the following quotation from "Of Studies": "to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of “a scholar”?[A] funniness [B] Wit[C]character[D] A sudden whim14. The Spenserian stanza is a group of eight lines of iambic pentameter followed by a six-stress line, with a rhyme scheme ababbcbcc.[A] trochaic [B] iambic[C] anapestic [D] dactylic15. In Satan’s speech: …if he, whom mutual league, / United : thoughts and .counsels, equal hope / And hazard in the glorious enterprise, /.joined with me once . . . " What does "the glorious enterprise refer to?[A] The former scheme to overthrow God.[B] stealing the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil[C] Finding means of evil out of good.[D] corrupting Adam and Eve.16. What is the tone in the following lines: " Saucy pedantic .go wretch, go chide / Late school-boys, and sour prentices"?[A] Ironic [B] Sarcastic [C]Humorous [D] Understated17. In the best metaphysical poetry, feeling and ________ fuse in an image that is always ingenious and appropriate, though it may be disconcerted at first in the shock of bringing incongruities together.[A] imagery [B] conceit [C] thought [D] colloquialism18. The sonnet "Death Be Not Proud" is written in the strict______ pattern. It reveals the poet's belief that _________.[A] Shakespearean, death is only a sleep, after which we live eternally[B] Petrarchan, death is but momentary while hal v death is eternal[C] Elizabethan, death is not as strong as people think he is[D] Portuguese, death is like a long sleep that offer, for the soul19. In the line "And every fair from fair sometime decline Shakespeare's Sonnet 18), what does the first and second “fair”mean?[A] Light complexion; beauty. [B] Loveliness; beautiful women.[C] The beautiful person or thing; beauty. [D] Sound reason; justice.20. In the court scene of The Merchant of V enice, when says to Shylock: "We all expect a gentle answer, Jew. punning on the word "gentle". He means a merciful but also means ______.[A] an amiable and tender answer [B] a noble answer[C] a Gentile's as opposed to a Jew's answer [D] a generous answer21. In his "To be, or not to be" soliloquy, Hamlet gives the why he wants to commit suicide. Apart from his personal revenge, that he________ is another reason.[A] is unable to restore his earlier idealized image of his mother[B] thinks the next world is far better than this one[C] is mentally tormented by his father's words[D] cannot bear the social injustice and grievances22. By advancing the theory of_____, Bacon shows the empirical attitudes toward truth about nature and bravely challenges the medieval scholasticists.[A] inductive reasoning [B] deductive reasoning[C] education [D] scientific experimentation23. The central figure of Tamburlaine, the Great represents for infinite _________.[A] knowledge and happiness [B] power and authority[C] ambition and conquest [D] success and adventure24. The shepherd's Calender set the ________ fashion in English literature, and inaugurated the great 16th century.[A] rustic [B] ornate [C] rustic [D] pastoral25. In King Leur, Shakespeare has shown to us the two-fold exerted by the feudalisi corruption and__________ gradually corroded the ordered society.[A] Anarchy and rebellion [B] supernatural forces[C] super natural forces [D] tyranny[B] power and authority success and adventure fashion in English lyrical poetry of the lastSection T wo(Reading comprehension)1.So pure and innocent, as that same lambe,She was in life and every vertuous lore,And by descent from royall lynage cameOf ancient Kings and Queenes, that had of yoreTheir scepters stretcht from east to westerne shore,And all the world in their subjection held;Till that infernall feend with foule uproreForwasted all their land, and them expeld;Whom to avenge, she had this knight from far compeld. "Questions:A. Identify the poet and the poem.Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene.B. What does "this knight" refer to?The Red Cross Knight.C. What idea does the quotation express?It is a description of V irgin Una, who stands for the divine truth and accompanies the Red Cross Knight on his adventures. She is as pure and innocent in life and all moral knowledge as the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ ). She descended of a royal line, which in old days governed the landfrom east to west and made the whole world subject to the rule (which suggests she derives her lineage from the Church Universal, not from the Papacy), until the dragon ( which represents the powers of Spain and Rome) with wicked tumult devastated all their land and drove them out. So she has summoned the Knight from a remote place to avenge her imprisoned parents.2. "Within this circle is Jehovah's nameForward and backward anagrammatized,The breviated names of holy saints,Figures of every adjunct to the heavensAnd characters of signs and erring stars,By which the spirits are enforced to rise. "Questions:A. Identify the author and the work.B. Who does "Jehovah" refer to?C. What idea does the quotation express?2."Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought;And enterprises of great pith and moment,With this regard, their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action. "Questions:A. Identify the author and the work.B. Who is the speaker of the quoted passage?C. What idea does the quotation express?4."Some men there are love not a gaping pig,Some that are mad if they behold a cat,And others, when bagpipe sings i' th' nose,Cannot contain their urine for affection,Mistress of passion, sways it to the moodOf what it likes or loathes. "Questions:A. the author and the work.B. Who is the speaker of the quoted passage?C. What idea does the quotation express?5. “If her eyes have not blinded thine,Look, and tomorrow late, tell me,Whether both the Indias of spice and mineBe where thou left'st them, or lie here with me.Ask for those kings whom thou saw'st yesterday,And thou shalt hear, all here in one bed lay. "Questions:A. Identify the poet and the poem.B. What does the word "thou" in the last line of the quotation refer to?C. What idea does the quotation express?Section T wo Questions and answers1. Make a brief analysis of the "quality of mercy" speech by Portia,.Merchant of V enice, and try to explain why it is regarded most famous speech in the play.2. Make a brief comment on the theme of Paradise Lost.3. Make a brief summary of the historical and cultural background to English Renaissance.4. Make a brief analysis of "Death, Be Not Proud".5. What is Francis Bacon's contribution to English literature?Section Four (Topic discussion)1. Comment on Hamlet's inaction.2. What are the main characteristics of metaphysical poetry?英美⽂学第⼆阶段(新古典主义时期)综合练习II. ExercisesA. Multiple-choice questions :(Each of the statements below by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets . )1. In field of literature, the Enlightenment brought about a(n) _________the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism.A. revived interest inB. antagonism againstC. rebellion againstD. rational scrutiny of2. John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress is a ( n ) _________.A. allegoryB. romanceC. comedy of mannersD. realistic novel3. As a literary figure, Belinda appears in Alexander Pope's _________.A. An Essay on CriticismB. The DunciadC. The Rape of the LockD. "Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot"4. In lines "With gold jewels cover every part, /And hide with ornaments their want of art", Pope rejects _________.A. the "Follow Nature" fallacyB. artificialityC. aesthetic orderD. good taste5.Which of the following is NOT a typical aspect of________ Defoe's language?A. Vernacular.B. Colloquial.C. Elegant.D. Smooth.6. "He has a servant called Friday". "He" in the quoted sentence is a character in ________.A. Gulliver's TravelsB. Tom JonesC. Robinson CrusoeD. The Rape of the Lock7. Which of the following is a typical feature of Swift's writings?A. Great wit.B. Bitter satire.C. Rich mythic allusions.D. Complicated sentence structures8. In which of the following works can you find the proper names "Lilliput","Brobdingnag", "Houyhnhnm" and "Yahoo"?A. The Pilgrim's ProgressB. The Fairie QueeneC. Gulliver's travelsD. The School for scandel9. "Of all the 18th-century novelists, he was the first to set out, both in theoryand practice, to write specifically a `comic epic in prose' , the first to give the modern novelists " structure and style. In the above sentence, "he"refers to ________.A. Jonathan SwiftB. Daniel DefoeC. Samuel RichardsonD. Henry Fielding10. "The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero's origin. " Thisnovel is most probably________.A. David CopperfieldB. The History of Tom Jones, a FoundlingC. Wuthering HeightsD. The Vicar of the Wakefield11. "To be so distinguished, is an honor, which, being very little accustomed to favors from the great, I know not well how to receive, or in what terms to acknowledge." T he above sentence is presented in a ( n ) ________ tone.A. ironicB. indifferentC. delightfulD. jealousy12. The ________ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A. RomanticismB. HumanismC. EnlightenmentD. Sentimentalism13. Who was the greatest dramatist in the 18th century?A. Oliver GoldsmithB. Richard B. SheridanC. Laurence SterneD. Henry Fielding14. "As shades more sweetly recommend the light, So modest plainness sets off sprightly wit; For works may have more wit than does ’em good As bodies perish through excess of blood. " In the above lines, Pope tries to say that ________.A. more wit will make better poetryB. plainness is more important than wit in poetryC. too much wit will destroy good poetryD. plainness will make wit dull15. Fielding's method of presentation, namely________, enables him to write inthe fullest, freest, clearest and most straight-forward manner and also makes it possible for him to add explanations in places when necessary.A. telling the story through a series of lettersB. telling the story through the mouth of the principal characterC. the author acting as the narratorD. revealing the story through a framework16. The Rape of the Lock by Alexander Pope is written in the form of a mock________ , which describes the triviality of high society in a grand style.A. epicB. elegyC. sonnetD. ode17. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe created the image of an enterprising Englishman,typical of the English bourgeoisie in the________ century.A. 17thB. 19thC. 18thD. 20th18. In The Pilgrim's Progress , John Bunyan describes The Vanity Fair in a________ tone.A. delightfulB. solemnC. sentimentalD. satirical19. Alexander Pope strongly advocated neoclassicism, emphasizing that literaryworks should be judged by ________ rules of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.A. classicalB. romanticC. sentimentalD. allegorical20. Of all the 18th-century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out, bothin theory and practice, to write specifically a "_______ in prose", the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.A. tragi-comicB. comic epicC. romanceD. romantic epic21. Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Samuel Johnson's language style?A. His sentences are long and well structured.B. His sentences are interwoven with parallel phrases.C. He tends to use informal and colloquial words.D. His sentences are complicated, but his thoughts are clearly expressed. .22. The School for Scandal, one of the great classics in English drama, is a________ on the moral degeneracy of the aristocratic-bourgeois society in the 18th-century England.A. high praiseB. sharp satireC. great ironyD. bitter lament23. In "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" , Thomas Gray comparesthe common folk with the great ones, wondering what the commonscould have achieved if they had had the________.A. loveB. chanceC. moneyD. material wealth24. In his works, Defoe gave his praise to the hard-working, sturdy________ and showed his sympathy for the downtrodden, unfortunate poor.A. middle-class peopleB. working peopleC. Irish farmersD. aristocrats25. "The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave, Awaits alike the inevitable hour. The paths of glory lead but to the grave. "In the above quoted passage, Thomas Gray intends to say that great family, power,beauty and wealth ________.A. will never make people lead to the same destina tion-paths of gloryB. will inevitably make people realize their glorious dreamsC. are the very best things to lead people to their gloriesD. will never prevent people from reaching their final destination-graveB. Blank-filling: (Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or phrase. )1. The Neoclassical Period is also known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Ageof ________.2. Modern English novel is a natural product of the Industrial Revolution and asymbol of the growing importance of the English ________ class.3. Joseph Andrews was first intended as a burlesque of the dubious morality andfalse sentimentality of Richardson's ________.4. As a lexicographer, Johnson distinguished himself as the author of the firstEnglish________.5. ________ was the only important English dramatist of the eighteenthcentury. His plays, especially The Rivals and The School for Scandal , are generally regarded as important links between the masterpieces of Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw.6. Jonathan Swift's ________ is generally regarded as a model of the best satirenot only in this time but also in the whole English literary history.7. The Pilgrim's Progress, which describes a Christian's journey to the CelestialCity, is a well-known religious ________.8. Henry Fielding was the first 18th century writer to try to realize, both intheory and practice, “________ the modern novel its structure and style. 9. In "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard", Gray reflects on - with a touchof his personal melancholy.10. Bunyan's style was modeled after that of the English -, with concrete andliving language and carefully observed and vividly presented details.C. T-F statements: (Decide whether the following statements are true or falseand write your answers in the brackets. )( ) 1. Samuel Richardson is regarded as the first writer of the English novel of character.( ) 2.The Pilgrim's Progress is one of the most popular pieces of Christian writing produced during the Romantic Age. ( ) 3. The Enlightenment was a progressive working-class movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century. ( ) 4. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim's Progress, is a typical example of allegory.( ) 5. Alexander Pope strongly advocated Romanticism, emphasizing the special qualities of each individual's mind. ( ) 6.Jonathon Swift was the most remarkable satirist in the 18th century who criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic society of his age without mercy.( ) 7.In contrast to his contemporary writers, Thomas Gray' literary output was small.( ) 8. In The Pilgrim's Progress, the Celestial City stands for Heaven or the kingdom of God.( ) 9.In The Rape of the Lock Pope bemoans the fate of the lords and ladies in the aristocratic bourgeois society.( ) 10. Unlike Pope, Samuel Johnson is seldom didactic and never tries to moralize in his writings.D. Works-author pairing-up.l. The Castle of Otranto A. John Bunyan2. The Mysteries of UdUdolpho B. Alexander Pope3. The Pilgrim's Progress C. Jonathan Swift4. The Rape of the Lock D. Henry Fielding5. Robinson Crusoe E. Horace Walpole6. Gulliver's Travels F. Richard B. Sheridan7. The History of Tom Jones, G. Ann Radcliffea Foundling H. Thomas Gray8. The Lives of Poets I. Daniel Defoe9. The School for Scandal J. Samuel Johnson10. "Elegy Written in a countryChurchyard"E. Define the literary terms listed below:1. The Enlightenment2. The Gothic Novel3. Neoclassicism4. The Heroic CoupletF. Reading comprehe nsion:( For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it . )1. "Here is the Britain Row, the French Row, the Italian Row, the Spanish Row, the German Row, where several sorts of vanities are to be sold. But, as in other fairs, some one commodity is as the chief of all the fair, so the ware of Rome and her merchandise is greatly promoted in this fair: only our English nation, with some others, have taken a dislike thereat. "2. "True wit is Nature to advantage dressed,What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed;Something whose truth convinced at sight we find,That gives us back the image of our mind. "3. "`Is not a patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help?"'G. Questions: (For each of the following questions you are asked to give abrief answer, explaining what you know about it. You should write no more than 100 words for each answer, and, therefore, concen trate on those essential points. )1. What are the artistic features of Thomas Gray's poetry?2. What is the theme of Sheridan's The School for Scandal ?3. What are the features of Swift's prose?H. Essay questions: ( In this part you are asked to write a short essay on eachof the giv en topics. You should write no more than 150 words on each one.Therefore, you should concentrate on those most important Points. try your best to be logical in your essay, and keep your writing clear and tidy. )1. Comment on the features of "comic epic in prose" in the selected reading ofTom Jones.2. Comment on the rope-dances and the leaping and creeping games described inGulliver’s Trave ls.3. Comment on the theme and images of "Elegy Written in a CountryChurchyard".E. Define the literary terms listed below:1. The Enlightenment2. The Gothic Novel3. Neoclassicism4. The Heroic Couplet浪漫主义时期⽂学Exercises IIII. Multiple-choice questions1. The two major English novelists produced in the Romantic Age are_______.[A] Byron and Shelley [B] Wordsworth and Coleridge[C] Scott and Austen [D] Lamb and Hazlitt2. "And because I am happy and dance and sing, / They think they havedone me no injury, /And are gone to praise God and his priest and king, / Who make up a heaven of our misery. The above four lines are taken from_______.[A] Song of Experience [B] Song of Innocence[C] Poetical Sketches [D] Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard3. _______ is central to Blake's concern in his Songs of Innocence andSongs of Experience .[A] Politics [B] Religion[C] Childhood [D] Manhood4. Which of the following statements about Wordsworth is NOT true?[A] He is regarded as a "worshipper of nature".[B] He thinks that common life is the only subject of literary interest.[C] His deliberate simplicity and refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure and profound poetry.[D] He changes the course of English poetry by using allusive speech of thelanguage.5. Coleridge's actual achievement as a poet can be divided into tworemarkably diverse groups: the demonic and the conversational. Which one of the following poems belongs to the conversational group? [A] The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. [B] Christabel.[C] Kubla Khan. [D] Frost at Midnight.6. Which of the following words is NOT appropriate to describe thecharacteristic features of the "Byronic hero"?[A] Proud. [B] Mysterious.[C] Rebellious. [D] Pious.7. In the conversation with Mrs. Bennet in Chapter One of Pride andPrejudice, Mr. Bennet uses a teasing tone and_______ humor.[A] ironic [B] joyous[C] black [D] sarcastic8. Which of the following works i s NOT a poetic drama written by Byron?[A] The Prisoner of Chillon [B] Manfred[C] Childe Harold's Pilgrimage[D] Don Juan9. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of agood fortune must be in want of a wife. " This sentence is presented in a(n) _______tone.[A] ironic [B] indifferent[C] delightful [D] Jealousy10. Which of the following works is an elegy written by Shelley?[A] Adonais[B] Lycidas[C] Isabella [D] Queen Mab11. In the poem "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways" ending lines golike this: "But she is in her grave, and, Oh. The difference to me!" The word "me" in the quoted line probably refer to _______.[A] the poet [B ] the reader[C] her lover [D] her father12. In the early 19th-century England, the heavily exploited workersexpressed themselves in the popular outbreaks of machine-breaking known as the ______ riots.[A] Chartist [B] Peterloo[C] Enclosure [D] Luddite13. "Those ungrateful drones who would/Drain your sweat—nay, drink yourblood?" The word "drones" in the above two 1ines written by Shelley is used as a(n) ______. .[A] irony [B] metaphor[C] metonymy [D] synecdoche14. In his poem, "Ode to the West Wind", Shelley intends to present hiswind as a central______ around which the poet weaves various cycles of death and rebirth.[A] synecdoche [B] symbol[C] simile [ D] metonymy15. Byron's "Song for the Luddites" contains three five-lined stanzas of______ movement. The rimes in each stanza are abba .[A] iambic [B] anapestic[C] trochee [D] dactylic16. Byron's masterwork, Don Juan , is based on the _______.[A] Bible [B] Greek myth[C] Roman myth [D] Spanish legend17.. "The Isles of Greece" is among Byron's most effective poeticalutterances on national freedom and consists of sixteen six-lined stanzas of_______ tetrameter, with a rime scheme of ababcc. All the 16 stanzas are supposed to have been sung by a Greek singer at the wedding feast of Don Juan and Haidee.[A] iambic [B] anapestic[C] trochee [D] dactylic18. In Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790), the word "marriage" , to Blake,means the _______. .[A] subordination of the one to the other[B] co-existence of the conflicting parts[C1 fighting of the conflicting parts[D] reconciliation of the contraries19. Wordsworth defines poetry as " the spontaneous overflow of powerfulfeelings, which originates in emotion recollected in_______.[A ] memory [B] observation[C] tranquility [D1 nature20. The stanza Shelley invents for this Ode to the West Wind is a highlycomplicated fusion of the sonnet and of _______ rima, with no division into octave and sestet. Shelley's rhyme scheme :or his stanzas may be. represented as aba bcb cdc ded ee.[A] free [B] end[C] internal [D] terza21. The poetic view of _______ can be best understood from his remarkabout poetry: " all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. "[A] Samuel Taylor Coleridge [B] John Keats[C] William Wordsworth [D] Percy Bysshe Shelley.22. By contrasting the freedom of the ancient Greece ard the enslavement ofthe present Greece in "The Isles of Greece appealed to the Greek people to fight for _______.。
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English Literature Test(1)1.Of the four alternative answers, choose the one that would best complete thestatement.1.Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of ___ adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period.a. Christianb. knightlyc. Greekd. primitive2. Among the great Middle English poets, Geoffrey Chaucer is known for his production of ___.a.Piers Plowmanb.Sir Gawain and the Green Knightc.Confessio Amantisd.The Canterbury Tale3 Spenser is regarded as one of the greatest poets in the English Renaissance. His masterpiece is _______________.a.Utopiab. The Song of Beowulfc. The Faerie Queened. The Canterbury Tales4 Which of the followi ng is not Malowe’s play?a.Tamlurlaine the Greatb. The Jew of Maltac. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustusd. Cymbeline5. “Hamlet” “Othello” “King Lear” and “_________” are regarded as Shakespeare’sfour great tragedies.a. Macbethb. Rom eo and Julietc. The Winter’s Taled. Tempest6. Of the following plays by Shakespeare, which is not a comedy?a. Midsummer Night Dreamb. The Merchant of Venicec. Twelfth Nightd. Romeo and Juliet7. Which of the following is not a historical play by Shakespeare?a. Henry VIb. Henry IVc. Richard III D. Charles I8. From the following choose the one which is not Francis Bacon’s work.a. The Advancement of Learningb. The New Instrumentc. Essaysd. Venus and Adonis9. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” This is the beginning line of one ofShakespeare’s ___________________.a. songsb. playsc. comediesd. sonnets10. English Renaissance Period was an age of __________.a. prose and novelb. poetry and dramac. essays and journalsd. ballads and songs11. Of the following _______was the important metaphysical poet.a. John Donneb. Ben Johnsonc. John Miltond. George Peele12. Of the foll owing “________” was not written by Milton.a. Paradise Lostb. Paradise regainedc. Samson Agonistesd. Volpone13. “Dr. Faustus” is a play based on the _______legend of a magician aspiring forknowledge and finally meeting his tragic end.a. Englishb. Frenchc. German D. Irish14. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his_______plays. 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.a. 47b. 38c. 27d. 5215. The principle of Shakespeare’s hi storical play is that the national ______under amighty and jut sovereign is a necessity.a. peaceb. prosperityc. unityd. progress16. Francis Bacon lays the foundation for ______with his insistence on scientific wayof thinking and fresh observation as a basis for obtaining knowledge.a. English novelsb. poetic artc. modern scienced. modern literature17. The work that presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensiverealistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely______.A. William Langland’s Piers PlowmanB. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury TalesC. John Gower’s Confession AmantisD. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight18. Which of the following historical events does not directly help to stimulate therising of the Renaissance Movement?A.The rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture.B.The new discoveries in geography and astrology.C.The Glorious revolution.D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion19. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare'sSonnet 18?A.The speaker eulogizes the power of Nature.B.The speaker satirizes human vanity.C.The speaker praises the power of artistic creation.D.The speaker meditates on man's salvation.20.“And we will sit upon the rocks,/Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,/Byshallow rivers to whose falls/Melodious birds sing madrigals.” The above lines are probably taken from __.A. Spenser’s The Faerie QueeneB.Jorn Donne's “The Sun Rising”C.Shakespeare's “Sonnet 18”D.Marlowe's “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”II .Define the literary terms listed below.1. Epic2. Alliteration3.ConceitII. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then brieflyinterpret it.1.And every fair from fair sometimes declines.By chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed:But they eternal summer shall not fade.Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st.2.some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to bechewed and digested; that is some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read ,but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.3.And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,And poppy or charms can make us sleep as wellAnd better than thy stroke; why swell’st thou then?One short sleep past, we wake eternallyAnd death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die4.Nine times the space that measures day and nightTo mortal men, he with his horrid crew,Lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf,Confounded though immortal.III. Give brief answers to the following questions:1.What is the theme of “The Merchant of Venice”?2.What is the character of the prince Hamlet?3.Make a brief introduction to Paradise lost。