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head 头

hair 头发

face 脸

cheek 脸颊

ear 耳

eye 眼

lid 眼睑

nose 鼻子

mouth 嘴

lip 嘴唇

throat 咽喉

tonsil 扁桃腺

tooth 牙齿

denture 假齿

gum 牙龈

tongue 舌头

neck 脖子

skull 颅骨,头盖骨brain 脑

chin 下巴forehead 额头temple 太阳穴mustache 小胡子beard 山羊胡whisker 络腮胡sidebums 鬓角

bald head 秃头wrinkle 皱纹

mole 胎块

naevus 痣

freckle 雀斑

dimple 酒涡

pimple 粉刺

nipple 乳头

chest 胸部

navel 肚脐abdomen 腹部shoulder 肩

back 背

waist 腰

hip 臀部

buttock 屁股collarbone 锁骨

rib 肋骨

backbone 脊骨, 脊柱breastbone 胸骨joint 关节

pelvis 骨盆

sinew 腱

muscle 肌肉

bone 骨

skeleton 骨骼

blood vessel 血管vein 静脉

artery 动脉capillary 毛细血管nerve 神经

spinal marrow 脊髓kidney 肾脏windpipe 气管

lung 肺

heart 心脏diaphragm 隔膜organ 器官

gullet 食道stomach 胃

liver 肝脏

gall 胆囊

bladder 膀胱pancreas 胰腺spleen 脾duodenum 十二指肠small intestine 小肠large intestine 大肠appendix 盲肠rectum 直肠

anus 肛门

urine 尿道

ovary 卵巢

womb 子宫

vagina 阴道

thumb 大拇指forefinger 食指middle finger 中指third finger 无名指little finger 小指palm 手掌

nail 指甲

fist 拳头

knuckle 指关节

the back of hand 手背

wrist 手腕

elbow 肘

armpit 腋下

thigh 大腿

kneecap 膝盖骨

thigh 大腿

knee 膝盖

shank 小腿

calf 小腿肚

foot 脚

instep 脚背

toe 脚趾

ankle 踝

heel 脚后跟

sole 脚底

arch 脚掌心.

An eye for eye, a tooth for tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。


get cold feet 胆怯;例如:

A: What happened to Jim? I thought he would go skydiving with us.

B: He got cold feet.

有人会因为脚浸入海水觉得冷而放弃游泳,“get cold feet”由“脚变凉“而转到“胆怯”之意,十分形象。

I need that like I need a hole in my head.完全不需要。例如:

A: I’m having a hard time deciding what car to get.

B: Look at this one. Why not buy it?

A: I need that like I need a hole in my head.


It’s as plain as the nose on your face.很明白,很清楚。例如:

A: Do you think Nancy is going to q uit? She hasn’t said anything.

B: It’s as plain as the nose on your face.


Let’s not split hairs.不要拘泥于细节。例如:

A: Well, I don’t agree. I should get $5.02 and you should get $4.48.

B: Let’s not split hairs, OK?


The blind leading the blind.盲人指路。例如:

A: Kate asked Henry to help her start a business.

B: The blind leading the blind.

A: Yeah, Henry doesn’t know anything about business.

其实这句话是“If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”的省略形式,源自《圣经》。常常指没有实力的领导者进行领导是不会有什么好结果的。

He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。)

She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家好几天了。)

Her head is pounding. (她头痛。)

His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. (他的症状包括没食欲、体重减轻、乏力、发烧、发冷。)

He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. (他经常感到乏力。)

He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他觉得昏昏欲睡、头晕目眩、恶心。)

He feels as though everything around him is spinning. (他觉得天旋地转。)

He has noticed some loss of hearing. (他觉得自己的听力变差了。)

She has some pains and itching around her eyes. (她眼睛四周又痛又痒。)

He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. (他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。)

His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing. (他眼睛发痒,而且一直打喷嚏。)

He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. (他发烧、浑身酸痛,并伴有干咳。)

He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. (他伤风感冒,还伴有剧烈的干咳。)

He has a persistent cough. (他不停地咳嗽。)

He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. (他一阵阵咳嗽,控制不住。)

He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. (他嗓子疼,鼻子不通。)

His breathing is harsh and wheezy. (他呼吸声很重,还呼哧呼哧的。)

He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat. (他打喷嚏、流鼻涕,喉咙沙哑。)

He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心、想吐。)

He is under the weather. (他不大舒服。)

1. be fed up to the back teeth

extremely irritated and fed up with something or someone 烦透了某人或某事

例如:I'm fed up to the back teeth with my job. 我烦透了现在的工作。

2. turn one's back on sb.

从字面上解释,意思是"把自己的背对着某人"。实际上这是指"不理会某人,或不肯给那个有困难的人任何帮助"。例如:I won't ever forgive my older brother--he turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job. 我永远也不会原谅我哥哥。当我失去工作的时候,他根本不肯帮忙,一点钱都不愿意借给我。

3. get one's hands full


例如:Sorry I can't help you. I've got my hands full at the moment. 抱歉,我帮不了你。我现在忙得要命。

4. have one's heart in the right place 心肠好;善良

例如:Tom looks very rough but his heart is in the right place.(汤姆看起来凶巴巴的,但是心肠很好。)

5. can't make head or tail of
