牛津少儿英语let27go3 unit3

3. What is he making? He’s making a paper dog.
Do you have any…? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he/she have any…? Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she doesn’t. Do they have any…? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
What does he/she have? He/ she has some…
What do they have? They have…
Does he/she have any…? Yes, he/she does. No, he/ she doesn’t.
Do they have any…? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
1. 学习单词:paper, chalk, tape, ribbon, glue, paint, string, scissors
2. 学习词组:make a flower, blow up 2. 学习句型:What do you have?/ I have some… /Do you have
They are making a _______.
1、Copy the words, phrases and sentences;
I have some… I don’t have any…
He/She has some… He/She doesn’t any…
Let's go3 Unit 6-1,牛津少儿英语3

Where are you going? We’re going to _____.
Where’s she going?
Where’s he going?
Where’s she going?
Where’s he going? He’s going to…
How’s he going there? He’s…
Where’s he/ she going? He’s/ She’s going to…
How’s he/ she going there? He’s/ She’s… Where are they going? They’re going to… How are they going there? They’re… Is he/ she going to…?
1. 抄写单词: park, hospital, supermarket, department store, post office, bus stop, restaurant, train station, library 。
2. 听录音,朗读课文第46页至49页和52页。
3. 听录音,念语音:fr-, fl-。
Is he going to…? Yes, he is.
Is he going to…? No, he isn’t.
Is she going to…? Yes, she is.
Is she going to…? No, she isn’t.
Are they going to…? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.
1. 学习单词:park, hospital, supermarket, department store, post office, bus stop, restaurant, train station, library 2. 学习句型:Where are you going? I’m/ We’re going to…
牛津Let's go 3应会单词

牛津少儿英语Let’s go! 3 应会单词1.where 在哪里2.across from 在…对面3.next to 在…旁边4.in 在…里5.on 在…. 上6.under 在…下7.in front of 在…前面8.behind 在…后面9.between 在…和…之间10.l unchroom 午餐厅11.l ibrary 图书馆12.b oys’ room 男生洗手间13.g irls’ room 女生洗手间14.m usic room 音乐室15.c lassroom 教室16.o ffice 办公室17.g ym 体育馆18.c lock 钟表19.c lean 干净的20.g lass 玻璃杯21.g lue 胶水22.g love 手套23.o ne 一24.t wo 二25.t hree 三26.f our 四27.f ive 五28.s ix 六29.s even 七30.e ight 八31.n ine 九32.t en 十33.e leven 十一34.t welve 十二35.t hirteen 十三36.f ourteen 十四37.f ifteen 十五38.s ixteen 十六39.s eventeen 十七40.e ighteen 十八41.n ineteen 十九42.t wenty 二十43.t hirty 三十44.f orty 四十45.f ifty 五十46.s ixty 六十47.s eventy 七十48.e ighty 八十49.n inety 九十50.o ne hundred 一百51.h ave 有52.h as 有(单三)53.s ome 一些(用于肯定句)54.a ny 一些(否定和疑问)55.p aper 纸56.c halk 粉笔57.t ape 胶带58.r ibbon 彩带59.g lue 胶水60.p aint 颜料61.s tring 线62.s cissors 剪刀(复数)63.s quare 正方形64.t riangle 三角形65.r ectangle 长方形66.c ircle 圆形67.c orner 角68.p lay 玩69.p late 盘子70.a irplane 飞机71.b lack 黑色72.b lue 蓝色73.b low 吹74.M onday 星期一75.T uesday 星期二76.W ednesday 星期三77.T hursday 星期四78.F riday 星期五79.S aturday 星期六80.S unday 星期日81.a rt class 美术课82.E nglish class 英语课83.p iano class 钢琴课84.m ath class 数学课85.s wimming class 游泳课86.c omputer class 计算机课87.k arate class 空手道课88.d o homework 做作业89.s tudy English 学英语90.s ing at school 在校唱歌91.p ractice the piano练习钢琴92.p lay soccer 踢足球93.p lay tennis 打网球94.p lay basketball 打篮球95.w atch TV 看电视96.t ake a nap 小睡一下97.p lay outside 去外面玩98.g o to the bookstore去书店99.p lay video games 打电子游戏100.watch a video 看录像101.stay at home 呆在家里102.present 礼物103.prince 王子104.princess 公主105.brother 兄弟106.brown 棕色107.brush 刷子108.when 什么时候109.what time 几点110.early 早te 晚ually 通常113.always 总是,一直114.sometimes 有时115.never 从不116.train 火车117.tree 树118.truck 卡车119.draw 画120.dress 连衣裙121.drum 鼓122.which 哪一个123.red 红色的124.yellow 黄色的125.long 长的126.short 短的,矮的127.striped 条纹的128.polka-dot 圆点花样129.old 老的,旧的130.new 新的131.thick 厚的132.thin 薄的,瘦的rge 大的134.small 小的135.dress 连衣裙136.shorts 短裤137.shirt 衬衫138.coat 外衣139.blouse (女)衬衫140.skirt 短裙141.shoes 鞋142.T-shirt T恤衫143.jeans 牛仔裤144.socks 袜子145.slippers 拖鞋146.boots 靴子147.sweater 毛衣148.pajamas 睡衣149.hat 帽子150.mitten 连指手套151.jacket 夹克152.pants 裤子153.rain 雨,下雨154.snow 雪,下雪155.shine 照耀156.blow 吹157.wear 穿着158.crane 鹤159.crocodile 鳄鱼160.creek 小溪161.grape 葡萄162.grass 草163.green 绿色164.park 公园165.hospital 医院166.supermarket 超市167.department store 百货公司168.post office 邮局169.bus stop 公共汽车车站170.restaurant 饭馆,餐馆171.train station 火车站172.is/am/are going to准备,打算173.go home 回家174.walk 走路175.take a bus 坐公共汽车176.drive a car 开车177.ride a bicycle骑自行车178.take a taxi 乘出租车179.take a train 坐火车180.wake up 醒来181.friend 朋友182.frog 青蛙183.fruit 水果184.flag 旗185.fly 飞186.flower 花187.beach 海滩188.museum 博物馆189.playground 操场190.zoo 动物园191.swimming pool 游泳池192.amusement park游乐场193.yesterday 昨天194.was am,is的过去式195.were are 的过去式196.swing 秋千197.slide 滑梯198.seesaw 跷跷板199.jungle gym 攀玩架200.now 现在201.chalk 粉笔202.chair 椅子203.teacher 老师204.ship 轮船205.shopkeeper 店主206.shop 商店207.wallet 钱包208.find-found 找到209.do,does-did 做210.drink-drank 喝211.eat-ate 吃212.go-went 去213.see-saw 看见214.circus 马戏215.tiger 老虎216.elephant 大象217.monkey 猴子218.bear 熊219.ice cream 冰淇淋220.popcorn 爆米花221.soda pop 汽水222.water 水223.lemonade 柠檬水224.French fries 炸薯条225.cotton candy 棉花糖226.hot dog 热狗227.rocket 火箭228.airplane 飞机229.roller coaster 过山车230.seashell 贝壳231.mouth 嘴232.teeth 牙齿233.mother 妈妈234.father 爸爸235.that 那,那个。

牛津少儿英语L E T-U S-G O3对不起:Excuse me 在。
对面across from 跟我来:come with me 午餐厅Lunchroom音乐厅 music room 图书馆: library体育馆:gym 女卫生间: girl”s room 在。
旁:Next to 弹钢琴: play the piano在教室里: in the classroom 看碟: watch a video洗澡;Take a bath 骑小马:ride a pany放风筝: fly a kite 通电话:talk on the telephone. 刷他的牙齿;Brush his teeth 看电视:watch tv梳她的头发:comb her hair 六十; sixty 七十seventy 八十:Eighty 水杯:glass 胶水:glove打扫干净:clean 纸张:paper 粉笔: chalk胶带:tape 丝带、彩带:ribbon 胶水:Glue颜料: paint 线: string 剪刀:scissors正方形: square 三角形:triangle 长方形; rectangle 圆形:Circle 角:corner 黑色: black盘子:plate 飞机: airplane 吹:blow美术课:art class 英语课:English class钢琴课: piano class 数学课:math class计算机课: computer class 星期一: Monday星期二: Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday星期四 Thursday 星期五:Friday星期六: Saturday 小睡一会: Take a nap出去玩: play outside 去书店:go to the bookstore玩电子游戏 play video games 练习钢琴 practice the piano 礼物: present 兄弟 brother 王子prince棕色brown 公主Princess 去睡觉go to sleep起床 get up 吃午饭eat lunch 去学校 go to school吃披萨Eat pizza 做家庭作业 do homework有时候 sometimes 经常usually 一直 always从不Never 明天 tomorrow 晚了late现在now 篮球basketball 空手道karate呆着stay 每天Every day 然后then足球soccer 网球 tennis 练习practice很早 early 家庭Family 裙子 dress卡车 truck 鼓drum 忙碌busy明天见see you tomorrow 踢足球 play soccer Sunday长的long 短的 short 条纹的Striped圆点花样 polka-dot 旧的old 新的 new厚的 thick 瘦的thin 大的large 小的 small短裤Shorts 又、再again 上衣 coat 女式衬衫 blouse 短裙skirt 鞋子 shoes T恤衬衫t-shirt牛仔裤Jeans 袜子 socks 拖鞋 slippers靴子 boots 毛衣 sweater 睡衣 pajamas仙鹤Crane 葡萄grapes 鳄鱼crocodile 草grass 徐小河creek 绿色的 green 帮助 help 图书馆Library 公园park 医院hospital 超市 supermarket火车站 train station 百货商店Department store饭店 restaurant 公交车站 buse stop 邮局post office乘坐公交车Take a bus 开小汽车drive a car骑自行车 ride a bicycle 乘坐出租车 take a taxi乘坐火车Take a train 火车站 train station加拿大Canada 法国 france 新加坡singapore巴西 brazll 在早晨in the morning 起来Wake up 朋友friend 旗flag 青蛙 frog 水果 fruit 花flower沙滩Beach 博物馆museum 操场 playground动物园 zoo 游泳馆 swimming pool游乐场Amusement part 昨天yesterday 秋千swing 滑梯slide seesaw 攀爬架Jungle gym 粉笔chalk 轮船ship 椅子 chair 店主shopkeeper 老师Teacher 商店shop 柠檬水 lemonade 爆米花 popcorn熊bear 苏打水 soda pop 棉花Contton 马戏团circus 野餐spicnic 去野餐have a picnic 上次的 last关于:about 关于After 下午afternoon 全部 all 袋子bag 气球 balloon 以前Before 自行车bike 哇哇哭boo hoo 男生洗手间 boy”s room 花苞buds毛毛虫Caterpillar 擦干净clean 钱币 coin来吧come on 角corner 棉花糖 cotton candy数数Count 好吃的delicious 画 draw傍晚 evening 致歉Excuse 错误的 false最喜欢的favorite 感觉feeling 发现 find跳骚 flea 折叠 fold 空间自由Free 有趣fun 手套glove 再见 good-bye 好极了great给你here you are 热狗Hot dog 饿 hungry冰激凌ice cream 主意 idea 空手道课karate class最后last 小睡nap 数字Number 办公室office 一百one hundred 花瓣petals 图片picture紫色 purple 水坑puddle 十五分钟后quarter餐厅restaurant 正right 石头 rock云霄飞机 roller coaster 雪球Snowballs 一些 some 商店store 学生 student 学习 study 蝌蚪tadpole捉人游戏Tag 告诉tell 今天today 正确的true 十二twelve 二十 twenty 雨伞 umbrella在。

房地产评估一般应依照以下程序进行:明 确评估基本事项(1.明确评估目的。 2.了解评估对象。3.确定评估时点。4. 签订评估合同。 ),制定工作计划,实 地勘察与收集资料,测算被估房地产的 价格,确定评估结果和撰写评估报告。
(一)一般因素 1.经济因素。 (1)经济发展因素。 (2)财政金融因素。 (3)产业结构因素。
sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
seventy [‘sev(ə)nti]
和拍卖三种方式。土地使用权出让最高年限按 下列用途确定:(1)居住用地70年;(2)工业用 地50年;(3)教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育用 地50年;(4)商业、旅游、娱乐用地40年;(5) 综合或者其他用地50年。
土地使用权转让是指土地使用者将土地使用权再 转移的行为,包括出售、交换和赠与。土地使 用权转让时,土地使用权出让合同和登记文件 中所载明的权利、义务随之转移。土地使用权 转让时,其地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权随 之转让。土地使用者通过转让方式取得的土地 使用权,其使用年限为土地使用权出让合同规 定的使用年限减去原土地使用者已使用年限后 的剩余年限。
(1)人口因素。表现为人口数量、人口密 度和人口素质三个方面。
(2)家庭规模因素。家庭规模是指社会或 某一地区家庭平均人口数。

第一、二人称 I/you 第三人称单数 he/she
do have does has
What do you have? I have some _____.
What does she have? She has some _____.
第一、二人称 I/you 第三人称单数 he/she
do have does has
The mother doesn’t have a good son.
page 12
1.重点句型抄3遍; 2.听15分钟光盘。
5.He has a table.
He doesn’t have a table.
6.Tony has a dog.
Tony doesn’t have a dog.
7.Linda has a cat.
Linda doesn’t have a cat.
8.The mother has a good son.
What does he have? He has some _____.
What does she have? She has some _____.
I have a book.
You have an English book.
We have pens.
They have pencils.
牛津少儿英语 3
Unit 2
Period 2
Money can’t buy time
What do you haDvoey?ou have any _____? I have some __Y_e_s,_I.do.

牛津少儿英语L E T-U S-G O-3句子第一课对不起,打扰了,食堂在哪里? Excuse me ,Where is the lunchroom ? 它在体育馆的对面,请跟我来。
It is across from the gym .Come with me .我的名字叫艾米,你要什么名字?My name is Amy .What is your name ?我是戴维德。
I am David .这些是我的朋友,本和文迪。
These are my friends, Ben and Wendy .This is David.图书馆怎么走?(图书馆在哪里)它紧挨着办公室。
Where is the library?It is next to the office.艾米在音乐教室里,她正在弹钢琴。
Amy is in the music room .She is playing the piano .戴维德和文迪在教室里,他们正在看一个录音带。
David and Wendy are in the classroom .They are watching a video.他在哪里?他在男洗手间。
Where is he ? He is in the boys“ room .他们在哪里?他们在体育馆。
Where are they ? They are in the gym. 他正在做什么?他正在骑一匹小马。
What is he doing ? He is riding a pony .她正在做什么?她正在洗澡。
What is she doing? She is taking a bath. 请把教室里的钟表擦干净。
Please clean the clock in the classroom.有个胶水粘在了杯子上和手套上。
There is glue on this glass and this glove .第二课你想要一些绿色的纸吗?不,我不需要。

Let's go牛津少儿英语三级单词表26个字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq RrSs Tt Uu Vv WwXx Yy Zz5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu语音单词:ax 斧子frog青蛙go 走ant 蚂蚁stop 停止home 家sad 伤心的ox 公牛use 使用hand手fox 狐狸cold 冷的cat猫shop 商店can罐头not 不是hat帽子top陀螺cap帽子log 圆木man男人doll 洋娃娃mum母亲sand沙子bus 巴士fan电扇cup 茶杯gas 汽油fun 乐趣ham火腿sun 太阳camp野营run 跑tank 鱼缸but 但是nap 打盹jump跳van 货车duck 鸭子bag 书包lunch午餐egg 鸡蛋much 多的red 红色的luck 运气pet 宠物name名字help 帮助same 相同的bed 床cake 蛋糕peg 夹子we 我们yes是he 他pen 钢笔she 她ten 十kite 风筝hen 母鸡white 白色的wet 潮湿的write 写neck 脖子Mike迈克on在。
上面ride 骑box盒子bike自行车dog狗no 不Let's go 3 --------------Unit 1I 我do做eighty八十me 我read读ninety九十it 它talk谈话hundred一百the 这/那phone 电话clock钟my 我的have 有clean清洁am 是bath 洗澡glass 玻璃杯are 是sleep 睡觉glue胶水and 和brush 刷glove 手套hi 嗨his 他的please 请gym 健身馆teeth 牙齿there那里from 来自comb 梳now 现在what 什么her 她的who 谁your 你的hair 头发Roy 雷this 这个one 一Kim金姆with 和-。

Let's go牛津少儿英语三级单词表26个字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh IiJj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq RrSs Tt Uu Vv WwXx Yy Zz5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu语音单词:ax 斧子 frog青蛙 go 走ant 蚂蚁 stop 停止 home 家sad 伤心的 ox 公牛 use 使用hand手 fox 狐狸 cold 冷的cat猫 shop 商店can罐头 not 不是hat帽子 top陀螺cap帽子 log 圆木man男人 doll 洋娃娃mum母亲sand沙子 bus 巴士fan电扇 cup 茶杯gas 汽油 fun 乐趣ham火腿 sun 太阳camp野营 run 跑tank 鱼缸 but 但是nap 打盹 jump跳van 货车 duck 鸭子bag 书包 lunch午餐egg 鸡蛋 much 多的red 红色的 luck 运气pet 宠物 name名字help 帮助 same 一样的bed 床 cake 蛋糕peg 夹子 we 我们yes是 he 他pen 钢笔 she 她ten 十 kite 风筝hen 母鸡 white 白色的wet 潮湿的 write 写neck 脖子 Mike迈克on在。
上面 ride 骑box盒子 bike自行车dog狗 no 不Let's go 3 --------------Unit 1I 我 do做 eighty八十me 我 read读 ninety九十it 它 talk谈话 hundred一百the 这/那 phone clock钟my 我的 have 有 clean清洁am 是 bath 洗澡 glass 玻璃杯are 是 sleep 睡觉 glue胶水and 和 brush 刷 glove 手套hi 嗨 his 他的 please 请gym 健身馆 teeth 牙齿 there那里from 来自 comb 梳 now 现在what 什么 her 她的 who 谁your 你的 hair 头发 Roy 雷this 这个 one 一 Kim金姆with 和-。
牛津英语Let’s go 3 (U7-U8)

牛津英语Let’s go 3 (U7-U8)班级:姓名:一、补全单词(15分)1.手表w _tch2.博物馆m_seum3.秋千sw_ _g4.滑梯sl _de5.跷跷板se_saw6.寻找f_ _d7.钱包wall_t8.青蛙fr_ g9.老师tea_ _er 10.海滩b_ _ch 11.种子s_ _d 12.轮船sh_ p 13.商店_ _op 14. 操场pl_ygr_und 15.昨天y_ st_rday二、选出不同类的一项(7分)( )1. A. those B. this C. these D. great( )2.A.school B.zoo C.twenty D.swimming pool( )3.A.grape B.banana C.picture D.watermelon( )4. A. were B. slide C. watch D. comic book( )5. A. elephant B.lion C. new D. bear( )6.A.popcorn B. lemon C. did D.lemonade( )7.A.morning B. moon C. noon D.evening三、单项选择(12分)( )1.What did he see? He _______ a girl in the bedroom.A. seesB. seeC.saw( )2.Did they find a ball? Yes , they_______.A.do B. did C.does( )3.This is a frog, It was a ________.A.tadpoleB. caterpillarC. flower( )4.Pat and Tim at the swimming pool yeaterday.A. areB. wasC. were( )5.—where is she now? -- __________.A.she was on the slide.B. she is on the jungle gym.C.No,she isn’t. She is Sue.( )6.The sun is high______ the sky ______ the evening.A. in,inB. in,atC. on,at四、写出下列动词的过去式(12分)1. do --2.eat--3. drink --4. watch--5. have --6. like --7. are--8. go --9. see-- 10.play -- 11.1ook-- 12.dance --五、用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)A. greatB. eatC. drinkD.goE. SeeDan and Pam ______ to the zoo yeaterday. They _______ monkeys and tigers.They _______ Franch fries and cotton candy. They________ soda pop.It was _____ !六、按照要求完成句子。
牛津少儿英语Let's go 3 Unit 3

Unit 3一. Find the different sound in the underlined parts.(选出发音不同的单词)1. A.present B.prince C.brown( )2. A.blue B.black C .plane( )3. A.play B. plate C.princess( )4.A.brush B.wash C.watch( )5.A.do B.to C.go三Fill in the blanks as required.(写出下面动词的单数第三人称形式)1. have do go play ride study sing take watch wash practice2. 动词的ing形式swim_______ ride_______ take______ run________do__________ play______ watch_____ wash______四Fill in blanks with the proper form of the given words.(用下列括号内所给词的适当形式填空)1. What does she have? She______(have)some chalk.2. Does he take a nap after school? Yes,he______ (do)3. What______(do)he do after school? He_______(watch) TV.4. What do you _______(do)after school? I _______(take)a nap.5. Do you go to school on Sunday? No,I_________(do)6. Can you play with us tomorrow? No,I________(can)7. It’s_________(Andy) watch.8. How’s the weather? It’s _________(sunny)9. _______(who) dogs are those? They are her dogs. 10. Please look at _________(he)五Choose the best answers.(选择)( )1.She’s my mother?s mother.She is my____.A.sisterB.auntC. grandmother( ) 2.Here ___some string for you. A.am B.is C.are ( ) 3.lily can play___piano. A.the B.a C./( ) 4.Betty is a girl.____hair is yellow. A.His B.Her C.She ( ) 5.Please ___sit down,the chair is dirty.A.beB.don’tC.doesn’t( ) 6.___English teacher is Miss Wang.----Tom’s.A. WhoseB. Who’sC.Who( ) 7.Do they watch TV after school?Yes,______.A.they don’tB. they doC.they doesn’t ( ) 8.What do they do after school?_______?A. They play outside.B. They plays outside.C.They don?t. ( ) 9.What ___he do after school? No,he____.A .do doesn’tB does doesn’tC does don’t( )10.Does she play video games after school? No,___.A.he doesn’tB.she doesC. she doesn’t六Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求写句子)1.Can you play with us now?肯定回答Yes, ____ _____.2.He is watching TV now. _______ _______he doing?3.I have some chalk 改为一般疑问句.____ _____ ______ ______chalk?4.Are there some apples on the tree?No,___ ____?。
牛津少儿英语LET US GO 3英文名

Excuse me across from come with meLunchroom music room library gym girl”s roomNext to play the piano in the classroom watch a video Take a bath ride a pany fly a kite talk on the telephone. Brush his teeth watch tv comb her hair sixty seventy Eighty glass glove clean paper chalk tape ribbon Glue paint string scissors square triangle rectangle Circle corner black plate airplane blow art class English class piano class math class computer classTake a nap play outside go to the bookstore play video games practice the piano present brother prince brown Princess go to sleep get up eat lunch go to schoolEat pizza do homework sometimes usually always Never tomorrow late now basketball karate stay Every day then soccer tennis practice Sunday early Family dress truck drum busy see you tomorrow Tuesday Thursday play soccer Sunday long short Striped polka-dot old new thick thin large small Shorts again a coat a blouse a skirt shoes a t-shirt Jeans socks slippers boots a sweater pajamasCrane grapes crocodile grass creek green help Library park hospital supermarket train stationDepartment store restaurant buse stop post officeTake a bus drive a car ride a bicycle take a taxiTake a train hospital train station post officeCanada france singapore brazll in the morning Wake up play outside friend flag frog fruit flower Beach museum playground zoo swimming pool Amusement part yesterday swing slide seesaw Jungle gym chalk ship chair shopkeeper Teacher shop lemonade popcorn bear soda pop Contton circus spicnic have a picnic blast about After afternoon again airplane all bag balloon Before bike boo hoo boy”s room buds bus stop Caterpillar clean coin come on corner cotton candy Count delicious department store。
牛津少儿英语let27go3 unit3

I have some… I don’t have any…
He/She has some… He/She doesn’t any…
They have some… They don’t have any…
3. Fold this corner. This is an ear, too.
4. Fold this corner. This insosae ______.
5. Draw two c_i_r_c__l_e_s. They are eyes.
6. What is it? Itd’osg a _____.
1. 学习单词:paper, chalk, tape, ribbon, glue, paint, string, scissors
2. 学习词组:make a flower, blow up 2. 学习句型:What do you have?/ I have some… /Do you
have any …?/ Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. /Do you want some?/ Yes, please./ No, thanks./ What (does she) have? (She has) some (glue). /(She doesn’t) have any (tape). / They have some (tape)./ They don’t have any (paper)./(Do they) have any (glue)?/ Yes, (they do)./ No, (they don’t).
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牛津少儿英语L E T-U S-G O-3句子第一课对不起,打扰了,食堂在哪里? Excuse me ,Where is the lunchroom ? 它在体育馆的对面,请跟我来。
It is across from the gym .Come with me .我的名字叫艾米,你要什么名字?My name is Amy .What is your name ?我是戴维德。
I am David .这些是我的朋友,本和文迪。
These are my friends, Ben and Wendy .This is David.图书馆怎么走?(图书馆在哪里)它紧挨着办公室。
Where is the library?It is next to the office.艾米在音乐教室里,她正在弹钢琴。
Amy is in the music room .She is playing the piano .戴维德和文迪在教室里,他们正在看一个录音带。
David and Wendy are in the classroom .They are watching a video.他在哪里?他在男洗手间。
Where is he ? He is in the boys“ room .他们在哪里?他们在体育馆。
Where are they ? They are in the gym. 他正在做什么?他正在骑一匹小马。
What is he doing ? He is riding a pony .她正在做什么?她正在洗澡。
What is she doing? She is taking a bath. 请把教室里的钟表擦干净。
Please clean the clock in the classroom.有个胶水粘在了杯子上和手套上。
There is glue on this glass and this glove .第二课你想要一些绿色的纸吗?不,我不需要。
Do you have any green paper ? No, I don”t . Sorry .我有一些绿色的纸,你想要一些吗?是的,我要。
I have some green paper .Do you want some ? Yes ,please.给你,谢谢。
Here you are . Thank you.你正在做什么?我正在做一个花。
What are you making ? I “m making a flower.你有什么?我有一些胶带。
What do you have? I have some tape.你想要一些纸吗?是的,我要。
Do you have any paper ? Yes,I do .本有一些颜料。
Ben has some paint,He doesn”t have any string.艾米和文迪有一些毛线。
Amy and Wendy have some string .but they don”t have any paint.我们有一些毛线。
We have some string .and you have some paint .Let”s share!他有什么?他有一些粉笔。
What does he have ? He has some chalk . 他们有什么?他们有一些胶水。
What do they have ? They have some glue .他有一些剪刀吗?是的,他有,不,他没有。
Does he have any scissors ?Yes ,he does . No,he doesn”t.把纸折成一个三角形。
Fold the paper and make a triangle .折这个角,这是耳朵。
Fold this corner ,This is an ear.画两个圆圈。
这些是眼睛Draw two circles ,These are eyes.它是什么,它是一只狗。
What”s it? It”s a dog .他正在做什么?他正在做一只纸狗。
What is he making .He is making a paper dog .玩这个飞机,不要玩盘子。
Play with the airplane ,Don”t play with the plate .把黑色的气球和蓝色的气球吹起来。
Blow up the black balloon and the blue balloon.我的学校有二十个老师。
My school has twenty teachers.在体育馆有十五个学生。
There are fifteen students in the gym.图书馆在音乐教室的旁边。
The library is next to the music room.第三课明天你能和我们玩吗?对不起,我不能。
Can you play with us tomorrow.Sorry ,I can”t. I’m busy every Saturday.你去干什么?我去我的姥姥家What do you do? I go to my grandmother”s house.偶,星期天怎么样?你忙吗?星期天可以,我很自由。
Oh,What about Sunday? Are you busy? Sunday”sOk .I”m free.Great !See you on Sunday!星期一你做什么?我去上美术课。
What do you do on Monday? I go to art class.你在星期三去学校吗?Do you go to school on Tuesday ?你在星期五做作业吗?Do you do homework on Friday?他在星期三看电视吗?Does he watch TV on Wednesday?放学以后,戴维德写作业。
After school David does his homework. Then he studies English.每天艾米在学校唱歌。
Every day Amy sings at school .After school she practices the piano.放学后,本和文迪去踢足球。
After school Ben and Wendy play soccer .On Saturday they play tennis.他放学后做什么?他到外边玩。
t does he do after school? He plays outside. He goes to the bookstore.他们放学后做什么?What do they do after school? 他们玩电子游戏。
They play video games . 他们看电视。
They watch TV.她在放学后小睡一会吗?是的,她是。
Does she take a nap after school? Yes ,she does.他们在放学后玩吗?是的,他们玩,不,他们不玩。
Do they play after school? Yes ,they do .No ,they don”t.公主正在给王子一个礼物。
The princess is giving a present to the prince.我的哥哥正在梳他的棕色的头发。
My brother is brushing his brown hair.旦在星期四做什么?What does Dan do on the Thursday?她喜欢的一天是星期六。
Her favorite day is Saturday . She plays basketball with her father.他和她的姐姐去上空手道课。
He goes to Karate class with his sister. 他呆在家里和他的小狗看电视。
He stays home and watches TV with his dog.星期一你忙吗?是的,我忙。
Are you busy Monday ? Yes ,I am.每个星期五我都很忙。
Friday is a busy day.第四课我饿了,我也是。
I'm hungry . Me too. When do you eat dinner?在5:30. At 5:30.现在几点了?现在5:45.What time is it now? It”s 5:45.偶,不,我晚了,再见。
明天见Oh,no ! I'm late.Bye ! See you tomorrow.对不起,我晚了。
I'm sorry, I'm late , That’s Ok.几点了?现在三点十五。
What time is it? It”s three fifteen. It”s three thirty . It”s three forty-five. It”s four o”clock.他什么时候起床。
When does he get up? He gets up at 6:30.他们什么时候上学?他们八点十五上学。
When do they go to school ? They go to school at 8:15.你什么时候吃完饭。
When do you eat dinner ?本总是骑着他的自行车上学。
Ben always rides his bike to school.文迪经常骑着她的自行车上学。
Wendy usually rides her bike to school. 艾米有时候骑着她的自行车上学。
Amy sometimes rides her bike to school戴维德从不骑着他的自行车上学,他总是走步David never rides his bike to school, He always walks.他曾经吃过披萨吗?是的,他总是吃披萨。
Does he ever eat pizza? Yes ,he always eats pizza. No,he never eats pizza. 他们曾经看过电视吗?是的,他们经常看电视,不,他们从不看电视。