急救方法的英语作文英文回答:First Aid Techniques.First aid refers to the initial assistance provided to a person who is injured or sick until professional medical help arrives. It involves providing immediate and appropriate care to minimize the severity or prevent further harm to the victim.Types of First Aid.There are various types of first aid, including:Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Restores breathing and circulation to a person who has stopped breathing or has no heartbeat.First Aid for Wounds: Cleans, bandages, and controlsbleeding from cuts, scrapes, and other injuries.First Aid for Burns: Treats burns by cooling the affected area, applying dressings, and preventing infection.First Aid for Fractures and Sprains: Immobilizesbroken bones or sprained joints to prevent further damage.First Aid for Shock: Maintains blood flow and keepsthe victim calm and resting.First Aid for Poisoning: Dilutes or neutralizes toxins and prevents further absorption.First Aid for Allergic Reactions: Administers antihistamines or epinephrine to reduce swelling and breathing difficulties.First Aid for Seizures: Protects the victim frominjury and monitors breathing.First Aid for Heat-Related Illnesses: Cools the victim,provides fluids, and monitors vital signs.First Aid for Cold-Related Injuries: Warms the victim, prevents hypothermia, and treats frostbite.Essential First Aid Equipment.A basic first aid kit should include essential items such as:Antibacterial wipes.Bandages in various sizes.Gauze pads.Adhesive tape.Antiseptic wipes.Pain relievers.CPR mask.Oxygen tank (if available)。
英语阅读急救知识点总结First aid is the immediate care given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available. It is important to have a basic knowledge of first aid as it can help save lives in emergency situations. Here are some important first aid knowledge points to keep in mind:1. Assess the SituationThe first step in providing first aid is to assess the situation. Check for any potential dangers to yourself and the injured person before approaching them. If the scene is safe, proceed to the next steps.2. Check for ResponsivenessBefore providing any first aid, check if the person is responsive by tapping their shoulder and asking if they are okay. If there is no response, shout for help and dial emergency services immediately.3. ABCs of First AidThe ABCs of first aid stand for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. These are the three vital functions to check for in an injured person. Ensure that the person's airway is clear, check for breathing, and assess their circulation.4. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)If the person is not breathing or their pulse is absent, CPR may be necessary. Perform chest compressions and rescue breaths to help circulate oxygenated blood to vital organs.5. BlistersIf a person has a blister, it is important not to pop it as it can lead to infection. Instead, cover the blister with a sterile bandage and avoid putting pressure on it.6. BurnsFor minor burns, run cool water over the affected area for at least 10 minutes. Do not use ice or butter on the burn as it can cause more damage.7. ChokingIf a person is choking and unable to speak or breathe, perform the Heimlich maneuver by standing behind them and applying abdominal thrusts. Alternatively, perform back blows and chest thrusts for infants.8. FracturesIf you suspect a person has a fracture, do not move them unless it is absolutely necessary. Immobilize the injured area with a splint and seek medical help.9. Head InjuriesIf a person has a head injury, monitor them for signs of concussion such as dizziness, nausea, or confusion. Keep them still and seek medical attention.10. NosebleedsIf a person has a nosebleed, have them sit down and lean forward. Pinch their nostrils together for 10-15 minutes and apply a cold compress to the bridge of their nose.11. SeizuresDuring a seizure, move any nearby objects away from the person to prevent injury. Place them on their side and do not restrain their movements. After the seizure, stay with the person until they are fully conscious.12. ShockIf a person is in shock, lay them down and elevate their legs. Keep them warm and calm while waiting for medical assistance.13. SunburnIf a person has sunburn, have them stay out of the sun and apply cool compresses to the affected areas. Use aloe vera or moisturizing lotion to soothe the skin.14. UnconsciousnessIf a person is unconscious, check for breathing and pulse. If they are not breathing, perform CPR. If they are breathing, place them in the recovery position and monitor their condition.15. WoundsFor minor wounds, clean the area with mild soap and water, then cover with a sterile bandage. For deep or severe wounds, apply pressure to control bleeding and seek medical help.These are just a few key first aid knowledge points to remember in emergency situations. It is important to take a certified first aid course to learn how to properly administer first aid and be prepared for any unforeseen incidents. By having a basic understanding of first aid, you can help save lives and provide immediate care to those in need.。
8紧急救护First Aid
(吹气时间为2秒钟)吹气量700-1100 毫升,吹气频率为12次/分钟(每5秒钟 吹一次).正常成人呼吸频率为16-20次 /分钟
8.胸外心脏按压.(胸骨下1/2处;按压 次数15次,双臂绷直,压放时间相等,深 4-5厘米,频率80-100次/分钟.
4. 提前款有关资料到社会保险经办机构 办理补 偿事宜。
1.背部叩击法(将婴儿身体至于一側前臂上, 使之头低脚高,一手掌固定颈部; 另一手固 定双側下颌角,使婴儿头部轻度后仰,打开气 道; 两手及前臂将婴儿固定,翻转为俯卧位; 用掌根向内上方叩击婴儿两肩胛骨之间4-6 次. 2.胸部冲击法(两手及前臂将婴儿固定,翻转 为仰卧位; 在两乳头连线下方一横指处,快 速冲击4-6次.
3.救护员另一側下肢屈曲,一手抓膝部, 一手扶肩部翻转成側卧姿势. 4.手掌向下置于面颊下,使.气道异物梗塞时伤病员的特殊表现
1.气道不完全梗塞(剧烈咳咳.面色 青) 2.气道完全梗塞(面色灰暗.不能说 话)
(空心拳置于脐上二横指处, 另一手紧握此拳, 快有力向上冲击6-10次, 反复至异物排出.)
5. 因工外出期间,由于工作原因受到伤害或发 生事故下落不明的; 6. 在上下班途中,受到机动车事故伤害的; 7. 法律、行政法规规定应当认定为工伤的其他 情形。
1. 在工作时间和工作岗位,突发疾病死亡或者 在48小时之内经抢救无效死亡的; 2. 在抢险救灾等维护国家利益、公共利益活动 中受到伤害的;
• 定义:
〔1〕当呼吸终止及心跳停顿时,合并使用人工呼吸及心外按压来进行急救的一种技术。 〔2〕最新的按压与人工呼吸的比例为:30:2〔单人〕。 〔3〕心肺复苏 = 〔清理呼吸道〕 + 人工呼吸 + 胸外按压 + 后续的专业用药。 〔4〕CAB: pressions〔按压〕、Airway〔翻开气道〕、Breathing〔人工呼吸〕。
1 •6
• 操作步骤:
〔1〕判断意识:用双手轻拍病人,问:“喂,你怎么了?〞。假设无反响,则立呼救并拨打120。 〔2〕检查呼吸和心跳:手指放在颈动脉上 确认是否有脉搏跳动,脸颊靠近鼻孔,确认是否有微风 拂面感觉。 〔3〕胸外按压:对病人进行胸外按压,按压的相关事项如下:
- 按压的位置:两肋骨交叉点向上两手指〔食指与中 指〕宽度与中间肋骨交叉点。或两乳头连线与中间肋骨 交叉点;
〔1〕包扎时,动作要轻巧、准确、包的严密牢固、松紧适宜; 〔2〕包扎时一般必须使用绷带。 绷带通常分硬绷带和软绷带两大类; 〔3〕应用绷带包扎,应注意如下几项使用原则:
1〕必须先在创面覆盖消毒纱布,然后使用绷带; 2〕包扎时应由伤口低处向上,通常是由左向右,从下到上进行缠绕; 3〕包扎绷带不宜过紧,以免引起局部肿胀也不宜太松,以免滑脱; 4〕为了保持肢体的功能位置,一般包扎手臂时要弯着绑,包扎腿部时,要直着绑。
处理方法: 〔1〕立即得到医疗救助; 〔2〕保持休息或安抚: 〔3〕保持安静,防止不需要的移动; 〔4〕不能给任何事物或饮料; 〔5〕控制任何外在流血; 〔6〕监测:
1〕脉搏,呼气和颜色; 2〕皮肤-湿冷; 3〕抬高腿除非头部受伤; 〔7〕准备治疗休克。
包扎伤口可以止血、保护伤口、防止污染、固定辅料,有利于 伤口尽早愈合。
First Aid
Company Logo
5.If you haven't been trained in CPR, continue chest compressions until there are signs of movement or until emergency medical personnel take over. If you have been trained in CPR, go on to checking the airway and rescue breathing.
2.Check for normal breathing, taking no more than five or 10 seconds. Look for chest motion, listen for normal breath sounds, and feel for the person's breath on your cheek and ear. Gasping is not considered to be normal breathing. If the person isn't breathing normally and you are trained in CPR, begin mouth-to-mouth breathing. If you believe the person is unconscious from a heart attack and you haven't been trained in emergency procedures, skip mouth-to-mouth breathing and continue chest compressions.
first aid 急救
-健康安全环保部- 单击此处编辑副标题 2009.09.01
这个急救培训事为了让大家知道基 本的急救知识和技能,使参加急救 的具备基本的急救技能和使用心肺 复苏术(,简称CPR )
• 急救?
在得到专业的救护之前,对伤员或急性 疾病人进行的最初治疗和处理。
• 挽救生命 • 防止情况进一步恶化
Is the airway open? Is the airway clear?
Look Listen & Feel Let me check !!
Is he breathing?
Listen and feel for breathing Observe & watch the chest rise and fall
- Management
Seek Medical Assistance
- Classification
Source :
• ARTERIAL BLEEDING - Spurts under pressure • VENOUS BLEEDING - Flow from wound
• CAPILLARY BLEEDING - Oozes fBiblioteka om the wound判断
颜色:脸色苍白,红 润
Pale, blue ( cyanosis ), red, nail bed refill
Blood Volume in adult : 7% of Body weight • 1 pump of cardiac output= 70 ml and heart can circulate about 4.5 to 5 liter in a minute • A severe blood loss can cause death!!!!
第五章紧急救护(First Aid)【目标】1.理解现代救护的概念。
【学时】理论3 实验3第一节救护新概念过去,人们将抢救院外危重急症、意外伤害病人的希望完全寄托于医护人员身上,这种传统的观念,往往使病人丧失了最佳的抢救时间。
在院外现有的条件下,“第一目击者”对伤病人实施有效紧急的救护措施,以挽救生命,减轻伤残和痛苦,然后在医疗救护下或运用现代救援医疗服务系统(Emergency Medical Service System,EMSS)。
一、现代救护概念1.什么是现代救护?现代救护是立足于现场的抢救,在医院外的环境下,“第一目击者”(第一反应人 first responder)应对伤病员实施有效的初步紧急救护,以挽救生命,减轻伤残和痛苦。
Page 48
去伪存真 全面分析
危及 生命
判 断
Page 49
Dying (die) 正在发生的死亡
C1:Cardiopalmus 心 悸或者C2 :Coma 昏迷
高度异常,当出现这个检验结果时,患者可能已 处于生命危险的边缘,临床医生如不及时处理, 有可能危及患者安全甚至生命,故危急值也成为 紧急值或警告值。
Page 12
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
最常用的徒手开放气道方 法
一手掌压前额,另只手中 示食指向上向前抬高
头后仰程度为:下颌、耳 廓的联线与地面垂直
Page 29
双手在患者头部两侧、 握紧下颌角 双肘支撑在患者平躺平 面 用力向上托下颌、拇指 分开口唇 不伴头颈后仰、专业人 员必掌握
立即:启动急救服务系统 (EMSS)
A1、张开患者口腔,察看 异物进入的深度,咽以 上异物可用指清除法, 并给予人工呼吸;
A2、如不能清除时应立即 应用Heimlich冲击手法
Page 59
急救的单词单词:first aid1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:对受伤或突然生病的人进行的紧急救助和治疗。
1.3英文解释:Emergency treatment or care given to an injured or suddenly ill person.1.4相关词汇:emergency treatment(近义词)、medical aid(近义词)、rescue(派生词:rescue可作为动词表示救援,与急救概念相关)。
---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“first”表示最初的、第一的,“aid”表示帮助、援助。
2.2趣闻:在战争时期,很多士兵因为没有得到及时的first aid而伤亡惨重,这也促使各国重视对first aid知识的普及和相关急救人员的培训。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) first - aid kit:急救包例句:You should always keep a first - aid kit in your car in case of emergencies.翻译:你应该总是在车里放一个急救包以防紧急情况。
(2) first - aid station:急救站例句:The injured athlete was quickly sent to the first - aid station.翻译:受伤的运动员很快被送到了急救站。
(3) first - aid training:急救培训例句:Manypanies now offer first - aid training to their employees.翻译:现在很多公司给员工提供急救培训。
---4. 实用片段(1). "Oh my god, he just cut his finger really badly while chopping vegetables! Do we have any first - aid supplies?" Mary shouted in panic. Her roommate replied, "Yes, there's a first - aid kit in the bathroom cabinet. Let's get it quickly."翻译:“哦,我的天呐,他切菜的时候手指切得很严重!我们有急救用品吗?”玛丽惊慌地喊道。
KBR HSE Training
The following course will provide specific information from The American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) on basic first aid procedures.At the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of basic first aid requirements.This course is only a survey and is not intended to replace the actual first aid certification course.
每5秒钟一次, 每分钟12次人工呼吸
1 breath every 5 seconds - 12 per minute.
Compressions : ventilations = 15:2
The routine use of appropriate barrier precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids of any individual may occur or is anticipated.
unless you suspect a spinal
injury or broken bones.
急救技术 英文作文
急救技术英文作文Title: Basic First Aid Techniques。
First aid is a crucial skill that everyone should possess. It involves providing initial care for an illness or injury before professional medical help arrives. Basic first aid techniques can save lives, prevent conditions from worsening, and promote recovery. In this essay, wewill explore some essential first aid techniques that everyone should know.Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):CPR is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when someone's heartbeat or breathing has stopped. It involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep blood and oxygen flowing throughout the body until medical help arrives.1. Check for Responsiveness: Tap the person and shout,"Are you okay?" If there is no response, the person may be unconscious and in need of CPR.2. Call for Help: Instruct someone to call emergency services immediately.3. Open the Airway: Tilt the person's head back gently and lift the chin to open the airway.4. Check for Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for breathing. If the person is not breathing normally, begin CPR.5. Perform Chest Compressions: Place the heel of one hand on the center of the person's chest and the other hand on top. Press down firmly and quickly at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.6. Give Rescue Breaths: Pinch the person's nose shut, cover their mouth with yours, and give two rescue breaths. Each breath should last about one second and make the person's chest rise.Repeat cycles of chest compressions and rescue breaths until help arrives or the person shows signs of life.Choking:Choking occurs when a foreign object becomes lodged in the throat, blocking the flow of air. It can be a life-threatening emergency, especially if the person is unable to breathe or speak.1. Recognize the Signs: Signs of choking include clutching the throat, inability to speak, and difficulty breathing.2. Encourage Coughing: If the person is coughing forcefully, encourage them to continue coughing to try to dislodge the object.3. Perform Abdominal Thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver): Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. Make a fist with one hand and place it above the person'snavel. Grasp the fist with your other hand and press into the abdomen with a quick, upward thrust.4. Repeat: Continue performing abdominal thrusts until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious.If the person becomes unconscious, lower them to the ground and begin CPR.Bleeding:Managing bleeding is an essential first aid skill to prevent excessive blood loss and promote healing.1. Apply Pressure: Use a clean cloth or bandage to apply direct pressure to the wound. Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops.2. Elevate the Wound: If possible, elevate the injured area above the level of the heart to reduce blood flow.3. Apply a Bandage: Once the bleeding has stopped,cover the wound with a sterile bandage or clean cloth and secure it in place with tape or a bandage.If bleeding is severe and cannot be controlled with direct pressure, seek immediate medical attention.Conclusion:Basic first aid techniques are invaluable in emergencies and can make a significant difference in outcomes. By learning and practicing these skills, individuals can be prepared to respond effectively to medical emergencies and potentially save lives. Remember, quick action and calmness are key when providing first aid assistance.。
Emergency First Aid and CPRKBR HSE TrainingCOURSE OVERVIEWThe following course will provide specific information from The American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI) on basic first aid procedures. At the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of basic first aid requirements. This course is only a survey and is not intended to replace the actual first aid certification course.COURSE OUTLINEThis course will cover the following topics:❑Bleeding流血❑Care for Shock电击❑Treating Sprains & Strains扭伤和拉伤❑Care for dislocations & fractures脱臼和折断❑Poisoning中毒❑CPR心肺复苏术❑Rescue Breathing休克EMERGENCY FIRST AIDIf you are the first on the scene ofaccident that results in an injury orserious illness, you may be the only linkbetween a victim and emergency medicalcare. Your role is to take action,whether by providing first aid, seekingmedical help or calling 911. Your actionsmay improve the victims chance ofrecovery.如果你是第一个到达事故现场的人,那么你很有可能是唯一联系受害者和医疗机构的人。
first aid的英语作文初二
first aid的英语作文初二英语回答:First aid is the initial care given to a sick orinjured person before professional medical help is available. It involves providing basic and immediate assistance to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery. First aid skills are crucial for everyone, as accidents and emergencies can occur anytime, anywhere.The principles of first aid include:Check for safety: Ensure the scene is safe for boththe victim and the first aider.Assess the victim: Determine the nature and severityof the injury or illness.Control bleeding: Apply pressure to stop excessive bleeding.Treat shock: Raise the victim's legs and keep them warm.Immobilze injuries: Support and stabilize broken bones or sprains.Manage wounds: Clean and dress wounds to prevent infection.CPR and AED: Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) if necessary.First aid training is essential to develop the skills and confidence to respond effectively to emergencies. Courses are typically offered by organizations such as the Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, and local emergency services. The training covers essential first aid techniques, as well as legal and ethical considerations.Understanding basic first aid can make a significantdifference in saving lives. By knowing how to respond appropriately to emergencies, individuals can minimize harm, promote healing, and potentially prevent permanent disabilities.中文回答:什么是急救?急救是指在专业医疗救助到达之前,对患病或受伤人员进行的初步护理。
急救小知识八年级下册的英语作文First Aid Tips for Eighth Grade StudentsAccidents can happen anywhere at any time, and having basic first aid knowledge is essential for everyone, especially young students. In the eighth grade first aid curriculum, students will learn how to respond to emergencies and provide immediate care until professional help arrives. Here are some important first aid tips for eighth-grade students to keep in mind:1. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): CPR is a life-saving skill that can help maintain blood flow and oxygen to vital organs until medical help arrives. In the eighth grade, students will learn the basics of CPR, including chest compressions and rescue breaths. Remember to call 911 before starting CPR and continue until help arrives.2. Choking: Choking is a common emergency that can happen when someone's airway is blocked by a foreign object. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the object and clear the airway. Remember to ask the person if they are choking before performing the maneuver.3. Burns: Burns can happen from heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to respond to burns by cooling the affected area with water, covering it with a clean cloth, and seeking medical attention if necessary. Remember not to apply ice or butter to a burn as it can worsen the injury.4. Wounds: Wounds can range from minor cuts and scrapes to deep puncture wounds. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to clean and dress wounds to prevent infection. Remember to wash your hands before and after treating a wound, apply pressure to stop bleeding, and cover it with a sterile bandage.5. Fractures: A fracture is a broken bone that requires immediate medical attention. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to recognize the signs of a fracture, such as swelling, deformity, and inability to move the affected limb. Remember not to move the person with a suspected fracture and to call 911 for help.6. Poisoning: Poisoning can occur from ingesting, inhaling, or touching harmful substances. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to respond to poisoning by calling the PoisonControl Center or 911 for help. Remember not to induce vomiting unless instructed by a medical professional.7. Seizures: Seizures are sudden, uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain that can cause a person to collapse, shake, or stare blankly. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to respond to seizures by protecting the person from injury, clearing the area of hazards, and staying with them until the seizure stops. Remember not to restrain the person or put anything in their mouth during a seizure.8. Psychological First Aid: In addition to physical injuries, students will also learn how to provide psychological first aid to someone experiencing emotional distress or trauma. In the eighth grade, students will learn how to listen, support, and connect the person with resources for further help. Remember to be calm, empathetic, and non-judgmental when assisting someone in crisis.Overall, the eighth-grade first aid curriculum aims to empower students with the knowledge and skills to respond confidently and effectively in emergencies. By practicing these first aid tips, students can make a difference in saving lives and promoting a safer and healthier community. Remember that first aid is not just a skill, but a responsibility to help those in need.。
关于急救方法的作文英语Title: First Aid Methods。
Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. In such cases, knowing the right first aid methods can make a significant difference. First aid is the initial care provided to a sick or injured person before professional medical help arrives. It aims to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. Here, we will discuss some common first aid methods that everyone should know.Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):CPR is a life-saving technique used in emergencies such as cardiac arrest or drowning, where a person's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. To perform CPR, follow these steps:1. Check the person's responsiveness by tapping theirshoulder and asking loudly, "Are you okay?"2. If there is no response, call for emergency medical help immediately.3. Place the person on their back on a firm surface and kneel beside them.4. Place the heel of one hand on the center of the person's chest, then place the other hand on top and interlock your fingers.5. Perform chest compressions by pushing down hard and fast, aiming for a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.6. After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths by tilting the person's head back slightly, lifting the chin, and pinching the nose shut while giving mouth-to-mouth breaths.7. Continue CPR until help arrives or the person shows signs of life.Choking:Choking occurs when a foreign object becomes lodged in the throat, blocking the airway. To help a choking person, follow these steps:1. Encourage the person to cough to try to dislodge the object.2. If the person cannot cough, perform abdominalthrusts (Heimlich maneuver) as follows:Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist.Make a fist with one hand and place it slightly above the person's navel.Grasp the fist with your other hand and press into the abdomen with a quick, upward thrust.Repeat until the object is dislodged or the person becomes unconscious.Burns:Burns can occur due to heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. To provide first aid for burns, follow these steps:1. Remove the person from the source of the burn and stop the burning process (e.g., by running cool water over the burn for at least 10 minutes).2. Remove any clothing or jewelry near the burn (unless it is stuck to the skin).3. Cover the burn with a sterile, non-adhesive dressing or a clean cloth.4. Do not apply ice, butter, or ointments to the burn, as these can make it worse.5. Seek medical help for severe burns or burns that cover a large area of the body.Fractures:A fracture is a break in a bone that requires prompt medical attention. To provide first aid for a suspected fracture, follow these steps:1. Keep the person still and calm.2. Immobilize the injured area using a splint or sling to prevent movement.3. Apply ice packs to reduce swelling and pain.4. Elevate the injured limb if possible.5. Seek medical help as soon as possible.Conclusion:Knowing these first aid methods can help you respond effectively in emergencies and potentially save lives. However, it is essential to remember that first aid is not a substitute for professional medical care. Always seek medical help if the situation is serious or if you are unsure how to proceed. With proper training and knowledge, anyone can be prepared to handle unexpected emergencies.。
关于急救方法的作文英语First Aid Methods。
Accidents happen unexpectedly and can cause injuries or even death. This is why it is important to know how to perform first aid to help save lives. In this essay, wewill discuss the different types of first aid methods that one can use in emergency situations.The first type of first aid method is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR is a life-saving technique used in emergencies when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. It involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to help circulate oxygenated blood throughout the body. CPR should only be performed by individuals who have been trained and certified in the technique.The second type of first aid method is the Heimlich maneuver. This technique is used to dislodge an object that is blocking the airway. It involves standing behind theperson and applying pressure to the abdomen to force the object out. The Heimlich maneuver should only be performed on someone who is conscious and choking.The third type of first aid method is the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). This device is used to restore the heart's normal rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest. The AED delivers an electric shock to the heart to help it start beating again. AEDs are commonly found in public places such as airports, shopping malls, and schools.The fourth type of first aid method is the applicationof a tourniquet. A tourniquet is a device used to stop severe bleeding in an extremity. It involves wrapping aband around the limb and tightening it until the bleeding stops. Tourniquets should only be used in life-threatening situations and should be removed as soon as possible to prevent further damage.The fifth type of first aid method is the use of a splint. A splint is used to immobilize a broken or injured limb to prevent further damage. It involves wrapping arigid object such as a board or stick to the injured limb to keep it in place. Splints should only be used in cases of fractures or dislocations.In conclusion, first aid methods are essential in emergency situations. Knowing how to perform CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, using an AED, applying a tourniquet, and using a splint can help save lives. It is important to remember that these methods should only be used by individuals who have been trained and certified in their use. By being prepared and knowledgeable, we can help prevent further injury and save lives.。
英语作文急救知识介绍First Aid Knowledge Introduction。
First aid is the initial assistance or treatment given to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor, or other qualified person. It is important for everyone to have basic first aid knowledge as it can make a big difference in saving someone's life. In this article, I will introduce some essential first aid knowledge that everyone should know.Firstly, it is important to know how to assess the situation. When coming across an emergency, the first step is to assess the situation and ensure that it is safe for you to approach the injured person. If it is safe, you should then check for any potential dangers and assess the person's condition. This will help you to determine the best course of action to take.Secondly, it is important to know how to provide CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation). CPR is a life-saving technique that is used in emergencies such as heart attacks or drowning. It involves chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep the person's blood circulating until professional help arrives. Learning how to perform CPR can greatly increase the chances of survival for someone in cardiac arrest.Another important first aid skill is knowing how to control bleeding. In the event of a severe injury, it is crucial to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible. This can be done by applying direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage. Elevating the injured area and applying a pressure bandage can also help to control bleeding.In addition, it is important to know how to treat burns and scalds. Burns can be caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation, and it is important to know how to provide the appropriate first aid treatment for each type of burn. This may include cooling the burn with running water, covering it with a clean, non-fluffymaterial, and seeking medical help if the burn is severe.Furthermore, it is important to know how to treat fractures and sprains. In the event of a broken bone or a sprained joint, it is important to immobilize the injured area to prevent further damage. This can be done by using a splint or a sling to support the injured limb. It is also important to seek medical help as soon as possible to ensure that the injury is properly treated.Lastly, it is important to know how to provide first aid for someone who is choking. Choking occurs when a person's airway is blocked, and it is important to act quickly to dislodge the obstruction. This can be done by performing the Heimlich maneuver, which involves applying abdominal thrusts to force the object out of the person's airway.In conclusion, having basic first aid knowledge is essential for everyone. By knowing how to assess a situation, provide CPR, control bleeding, treat burns and scalds, immobilize fractures and sprains, and help someonewho is choking, you can make a big difference in saving someone's life. I encourage everyone to take a first aid course to learn these essential skills and be prepared to help in an emergency. Remember, knowing first aid can make a big difference in saving someone's life.。
急救英语作文Title: Basic First Aid Procedures。
Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and being equipped with basic first aid knowledge can make a significant difference in providing immediate assistance to those in need. In this essay, we'll discuss essential first aid procedures that everyone should know.1. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)。
CPR is a life-saving technique used in emergencies such as cardiac arrest or drowning when a person's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Here's how to perform CPR:Check for responsiveness: Tap the person and shout, "Are you okay?"Call for help: Instruct someone to call emergency services.Open the airway: Tilt the head back and lift the chin.Check breathing: Look, listen, and feel for breathing for no more than 10 seconds.Perform chest compressions: Place the heel of one hand on the center of the person's chest and interlock the other hand on top. Push down at least 2 inches at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.Give rescue breaths: Pinch the person's nose and give two breaths into their mouth, making sure their chest rises with each breath.2. Choking。
急救英语作文英文回答:First Aid。
First aid is the immediate and temporary care given to a sick or injured person until more advanced medical treatment can be provided. The primary goal of first aid is to stabilize the condition of the victim and preventfurther injury or complications.Basic First Aid Skills。
There are a number of basic first aid skills that everyone should know, including:How to check for responsiveness: Tap the person's shoulder and shout their name. If they don't respond, call for emergency medical services.How to perform CPR: This is a life-saving technique that can help to circulate oxygenated blood to the brain and other vital organs.How to stop bleeding: Apply direct pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, you may need to use a tourniquet.How to treat burns: Cool the burn with water and cover it with a sterile bandage.How to treat sprains and strains: Apply ice to the injured area and wrap it with an elastic bandage.How to treat fractures: Immobilize the fracture by splinting it.When to Seek Medical Help。
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Know how to get help Let us help you
When to Call 8911
• Any life threatening or injury situation • If you are light headed and think you may
• Taking medications? - keep a list in your pocket
• Let us know any special needs for your condition
• Update information and the emergency contact info in Human Resources 2 times per year
Time is critical -
do what you can before the unexpected happens
• Complete a Med card so First Aiders know your condition ahead of time and can prepare (See HR for the Med card)
Help your Posted First Aiders
• If a posted First Aider asks for your help listen, and do what is asked
• Call 8911 - it is OK to call more than once • If you aren’t needed - stay out of the way • Keep others away - keep area clear • Help direct emergency personnel • Respect the privacy of others
• Any time someone is feeling ill or needs to use the First Aid room
• If you notice any type of irregular behavior in your coworker
• If any non Trane employee changes behavior dramatically
location of emergency • Call Operator - ‘0’ • Yell - “Help”
Know who your
Posted First Aiders are
• Anastasia Adorable • Jay Behnken • Chad Bjorklund • Angie Blaser • Clare Deming • Terry Dragich • Steve Gonzalez • Doug Jost • Brad Klatt • Bob La Casse
• Are you allergic to certain things / been stung by a bee before?
How t• We are trained to help • Pick up the nearest phone • Dial 960 - company wide page • Red Sticker below phone display states
• Tony Lee • Mark Martin • Bill McNaughton • Sue Rasmusson • Tracy Scobba • Gray Seever • Dane Taival • Bonnie Tenner • Carl Wittkowske • Jim Wroblewski
Get help as quickly as possible Be aware of your own condition
• Are you dizzy ? • Light headed? • Chilled and sweating? • Shortness of breath ? • Pain in center of chest spreading to neck, shoulder or arms? • Something gets caught in your throat • Sudden weakness/numbness of the face • Loss of speech / trouble talking or understanding speech • Sudden severe headache • Are you diabetic? eating or checking you blood sugar?
lose consciousness • Alone in the facility and seriously injured • When someone is injured
When to call a Posted First Aider
• Any time there is an injury or when someone may need First Aid or CPR